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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Significance of Jesus' crucifixion and consequences of re...
Jesus Christ died on the cross for the whole of humanity and humanity wants to describe this crucifixion as a minor point, as a sentence of execution for a national activist or even as an entirely unlikely myth.... Therefore people deprive themselves of every entitlement to God's mercy since they do not acknowledge this greatest work of mercy, hence God's mercy cannot express itself in them either. As a result their will remains feeble, God's adversary aims to subdue human will in his favour, i.e. the individual does not have the strength to resist this influence if he does not accept Christ's act of Salvation. Jesus' sacrifice on behalf of humanity can never be lessened by it. However, people who attempt to devalue or to completely invalidate Christ's act of Salvation resemble the people during Jesus' time on earth in spirit, thus they also have to accept the same consequences, they have to prepare themselves for much destruction as was the fate of those who were hostile towards Jesus Christ on earth, who refused to acknowledge Him as Son of God and Saviour of the world. Since those people were followers of Satan they allowed themselves to become so influenced by him that they opposed all evidence of Jesus Christ in order to belittle Him and to suppress His spiritual accomplishment. __And now humanity is striving to destroy what still testifies of Jesus' time on earth and, in comparison, this resembles the same chaos as took place in those days. Spiritually and physically this chaos will express itself in complete destruction which human will can no longer evade.... Christ's crucifixion was the only means to transform human thought on earth, i.e. Jesus Christ's sacrifice on behalf of humanity strengthened the fragile willpower of the human being, enabling him to resist the opponent's demands with conviction without becoming overwhelmed by him. Thus the acknowledgment of God in Jesus Christ is at the same time the most reliable guarantee for the human being to detach himself from the adversary. Jesus Christ's crucifixion has gained people a stronger will. The human being cannot apply this will in any other way since without Jesus Christ he would still be subject to the power of God's opponent and would lack sufficient willpower to liberate himself. Thus the intention of the world to deny Jesus Christ is extremely significant as it lessens the strength of resistance and constantly increases the influence of God's adversary. Humanity's conduct therefore reveals ever more heartlessness as a result of this influence which can only be offset and neutralised by Christ's crucifixion. The souls of human beings are in utmost danger because they will fail when they are expected to confess Jesus Christ before the world. Only the belief in Christ's crucifixion enables people to do so because only then is their will strong enough to overcome every resistance. And Jesus Christ paid for this strength of will for human beings with His death on the cross.... He has released them from the adversary's captivity if they believe in Him.... __Amen
The crucifixion started a period of Salvation....
My crucifixion concluded a period of redemption in a spiritual sense.... A hitherto hopeless state had come to an end, for until My crucifixion entering the kingdom of light had been impossible and even with the best of will people only attained a degree of purification; yet eternities would not have sufficed in order to completely remove the sin of the past rebellion against Me.... Thus, the weight of this guilt of sin forced them to stay under My adversary's control, so that the tormented souls in realising their adversity cried for a Saviour. However, from the moment I gave up My life for humanity's immense sin My adversary's power was broken, and thus a new time began.... The first entirely redeemed souls were able to leave their place of abode and enter through the gates to bliss, which I had opened.... This possibility remains as time and again souls will be able to release themselves from His power, time and again souls will liberate themselves from all shackles. The period of 'salvation' therefore began when I gave up my life, although the development through the creations and life on earth have been necessary for complete salvation and were only ever brought about to create the prerequisites which would then result in the complete return. And therefore one can indeed speak of a new time since the accomplishment of My act of Salvation, for only from then onwards was it possible to grant the souls the eternal happiness in which they were once permitted to live in light and strength.... Nevertheless, people are not aware of the fact that they are able to attain the most beautiful state, precisely because I Myself died on the cross for them in order to build a bridge from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of light.... They are not aware of the fact that they voluntarily hand themselves over to My adversary's control again if they don't acknowledge My act of Salvation.... that they cannot expect any other fate than that which was granted to the souls of people before My crucifixion: bondage and darkness, weakness and torments, which are the share of the unredeemed over which My adversary still has power. __The Saviour came from above and was only recognised by a few.... But the act of Salvation has been accomplished.... the gate into the kingdom of light was opened, and for this reason a new period of Salvation began with My crucifixion, even though Earth as such did not show any particular manifestations.... For it was only possible to change the hopeless state at the time through the acknowledgment of Jesus Christ and the act of Salvation, through a conscious inclination towards Him, through the acceptance of the sacrifice of love and thereby the redemption of the guilt of sin.... And once again people were granted a period of time during which, with good will, they were able to achieve complete redemption.... But this time has now expired, the incredible grace people were granted is not and will no longer be utilised.... People remain bound to the adversary's world because they make no attempt to release themselves and because their own free will must strive for this liberation. And thus a limit has to be set again; a new period needs to start, where the act of Salvation is highly valued again, where redemption can take place on a large scale, because the effect of the act of Salvation remains unchanged if only the will of people allows for this effect. However, those who are unwilling must once again feel the shackle of their captivity severely, so that even in these beings the desire for freedom, for blissful happiness awakens one day.... And My adversary must be deprived of this power over these beings which he keeps in such darkness that they can't see the light of the cross either.... And again, a new period will begin, for higher development of the spirits continues to progress constantly, and new souls will keep coming into this world, which are granted the opportunity to allow themselves to be liberated by Jesus Christ.... Time and again I pour the blessings of My act of Salvation upon these souls, and time and again such souls will also return to Me as My children.... For the act of Salvation has been accomplished for all once fallen spirits, and it did and will take effect on all people, past, present and future, until the day redemption has been completely achieved.... __Amen
Descent to hell....
The more you think about the price I paid in order to purchase eternal life for you, the more you must question what happened to the souls which lived and died before My crucifixion and whose souls were still dead in the true sense of the Word, precisely because I was as yet unable to grant them life. Their souls still belonged to the adversary; they had not been bought back from him as long as I had not accomplished the act of Salvation.... Depending on their way of life these souls were also in a realm of the dead where they.... aware of their existence.... lived in a way which could not be described as 'bliss'. But the sphere where they stayed could not be called 'hell' either, where those whose conduct during their life on earth had thoroughly proven them to be Satan's followers. It was a vestibule of hell, not a place of peace and beatitude but neither a place of profound darkness and torment. Their consciousness also occasionally experienced bright moments when they were able to communicate with each other, when they remembered images from their earthly life and they also became aware of the fact that they would not stay in this sphere forever but that one day they would be saved by the Messiah, Who had already been announced to them by prophets on earth.... And the souls which, as a result of their way of life, had also recognised and faithfully served God, waited for this Saviour.... Thus I descended to them after My crucifixion.... They, too, received the knowledge of My love's act of grace and mercy, for My blood was also shed for them and I wanted to buy their souls back from their present master as well.... However, they had to voluntarily give their consent for this, consequently, I did not come to them as a radiant spirit of light Whom they had to follow on account of the compelling light, instead, I came to them as the suffering Christ with all the signs of My crucifixion, nevertheless as a human being Who had allowed himself to be nailed to the cross out of love for His fellow human beings.... They, too, first had to believe without compulsion that I was the promised Messiah; they had to follow Me just as voluntarily as My disciples did at the time of My life on earth.... They were all certainly able to suspect Who I was but complete certainty was denied to them which, however, would have determined their decision had I descended into this realm after My resurrection shrouded in light and glory, had I clothed Myself in the exceedingly radiant spiritual garment whose light no being was able to resist. I descended to hell.... All those in the vestibule of hell followed Me, for they only needed a tiny light which I gave to them through all My signs of the bitter crucifixion.... But I also descended into the deepest pits in order to also get there as a human being full of love Who had sacrificed His life for His brothers.... However, I found little credence and only a few left the tangle of depravity.... For they all were still firmly held captive by the enemy's claws who, inflamed with rage, had to recognise My victory over him and thus did everything in his power in order to keep his followers in the abyss.... because then he knew that I was stronger than him and that I had succeeded in loosening the chains of those who wanted to follow Me. He was no longer able to stop them and he will never ever have power over those souls again who want to release themselves from him for the sake of Jesus Christ. But he will lose more and more followers.... because I died for all people, and one day all people will also be redeemed from him.... For one day even he will surrender to the strength of My love, one day he will also desire My love.... Admittedly, eternities will still pass by, yet to Me a thousand years are like a day.... __Amen
Jesus Christ opened the gate into the kingdom of light....
The gate into the kingdom of light and beatitude was opened for you again when the human being Jesus gave His life on the Calvary cross as redemption for humanity's guilt of sin.... The gulf between Me and you was bridged by His crucifixion, the path which lead into the Father's house was clear for you again.... This act of compassion, accomplished by a human being Who had received the fullness of Myself in Himself and who therefore also had abundant strength, was unique, and will never have to be repeated again, because it was accomplished for all people past, present and future.... __The death of the man Jesus had been so agonising, His physical and psychological suffering so immeasurably great, that I let it suffice Me as atonement for the immense original sin of the spiritual beings' past apostasy from Me.... that My justice, too, was thereby satisfied and that My love was therefore able to accept you again without violating the law, which even the most perfect Being has to obey otherwise its perfection would suffer a loss.... I accepted the sacrifice of Jesus, the man, and the path was open for you, My living creations, to return into your Father's house, to Me, Whom you once had voluntarily left.... __If you humans would consider the magnitude of your past guilt, if you would consider the immense suffering and torments of the human being Jesus, and if you would try to imagine the splendours in My kingdom, then you would also be able to understand how tremendously significant Jesus' act of Salvation is for you humans, and that you therefore also have to profess Him otherwise you will have to stay in darkness, since otherwise the kingdom of light and bliss remains closed to you until you acknowledge Him and consciously take His side. Only when it is explained to you that you had become sinful and what your great sin consisted of, will you be able to understand Jesus Christ's act of Salvation.... Yet you must know about it or your earthly life will have been in vain if you cross over into the kingdom of the beyond in the same darkness, if you are still burdened by the original sin which caused the deep gulf between you and Me.... __The bridge to Me was established by the human being Jesus for all of you, and you all are able to enter it.... you are able to return to Me again, yet only with Him, with Jesus, the divine Redeemer.... if you make use of the great act of mercy, if you acknowledge Him and Me Myself in Him, Who descended to earth in order to take abode in Jesus, in order to accomplish the act of Salvation Myself in Him, so that the gate to the kingdom of light would be opened for you again and you are now able to return to your Father's house..... __Your past sin of guilt has been redeemed through Jesus' crucifixion.... Yet every individual person also has to form an opinion about Him and His act of Salvation.... The bridge has been established, yet every individual person has to enter it himself and take the path to Me, Who is waiting for you on the other side of the gulf and happily wants to re-admit you into My kingdom.... Your guilt of sin is redeemed but you have to carry it under the cross yourselves, you yourselves have to want to belong to those for whom the blood of Jesus, the man, was shed.... Only then will you acknowledge Him and His act of Salvation, and only then will you consciously confess your guilt and appeal for forgiveness.... Then the divine Redeemer will have accomplished the act of mercy for you too, then His blood will have been shed for you as well and has cleansed your soul from all guilt. __And therefore you humans will time and again receive clarification as to the significance of Jesus' crucifixion for the whole of humankind; time and again you will be made aware of your immense guilt, which was immeasurable, because you once knowingly separated yourselves from Me despite brightest enlightenment and utmost perfection.... You had burdened yourselves with guilt the magnitude of which you are unable to assess, and it truly required an immeasurably great and difficult sacrifice of atonement.... The human being Jesus offered it to Me, and for the sake of His excessive love for His fellow human beings I accepted this sacrifice and let it suffice as an expiation of guilt. __And now you will have to make use of His supreme act of love yourselves, so that your guilt of sin shall be redeemed, so that you won't stand in front of a closed door when, after your death, you enter into the kingdom of the beyond.... Due to His crucifixion the gates were opened again, His death on the cross has brought salvation to you humans, with His blood He has bought your souls back from My adversary.... And thus He has truly become your Redeemer from all adversity, for He returned your life to you.... He has liberated you from sin and death.... He took all your sins upon Himself and walked with them the path to the cross. __The fullness of love in Him accomplished this act, and I Myself was this love.... Your Father of eternity, He Himself has built the bridge in order to fetch you home into His kingdom.... and you all will have to enter this bridge if you want to become blessed.... __Amen
Christ's path to the cross....
Anyone who wants to follow Me will walk a lonely path, misunderstood by his fellow human beings as was My share, too, despite the love I gave to fellow people. Anyone who wants to follow Me will have to accept his cross just as I did, although My eternal love will not let anyone's cross become as heavy as that of the man Jesus.... He will have to carry it, yet he can ease his burden at any time if he calls upon Me for help. Then I will place the cross on My shoulders and carry it for him, and with Me everything gets easier, with Me he no longer walks on his own, I will empathise and share his suffering and joy at all times; he can always follow his earthly path in silent togetherness with Me, and therefore he will find his cross bearable and humbly submit to his destiny.... I took all of humanity's suffering on My shoulders as I walked along facing crucifixion and endured unspeakable physical pain. I walked the arduous path that ended with death on the cross for everyone who wanted to follow Me one day. I suffered indescribably as a human being so that people's suffering would be lessened. I participated in all of humanity's suffering and carried the cross on its behalf. And anyone who loved Me followed Me.... There were only a few, compared to the whole human race on whose behalf I died, only a few shared My pain, they suffered with Me and for Me. They, too, carried their cross because they followed Me, since their love for Me made them feel all their suffering twice as much. Yet their love was like balm on My wounds which were inflicted on Me by pitiless people; their love increased My will to suffer on behalf of humanity and to bring help to them through My crucifixion. Many followed Me on the way to the place of execution yet only few sympathized with My pain.... Many people live on earth but only few are My disciples.... I died for all people on the cross but only few accept My sacrifice and make use of the attained blessings. Only few people follow Me and yet, only by following Me can they become blessed. Everyone should take his cross upon himself and remember My sacrificial walk to Golgatha, which was almost too difficult for a human being to bear and made Me fall.... But the love of a person came to My aid when I had almost failed as a human being and I made the sacrifice, I emptied the cup of suffering completely.... __And if you humans have to suffer remember My Words `Whoever wants to follow Me let him take up his cross....' You should know that all suffering you humbly endure in My will is taken into account as a path to the cross which signifies redemption and liberation from all guilt for you.... You should know that you are living on earth in order to release yourselves from guilt, the magnitude of which cannot be estimated by you as human beings, for which I have indeed died in order to lessen it but which every one of you also has to remove, as far as it is within your power, if you want to take part in the act of Salvation which was started by My love with My crucifixion. You humans were only given a small cross to carry because I have taken the heaviest weight from you, but you cannot remain entirely without suffering in order to keep going towards the One Who wants to help you at all times, Whom you should follow so that you will become eternally blessed.... __Amen
Belief in Jesus Christ.... Christ's suffering....
No person on earth is able to judge Christ's suffering as Jesus experienced it, because the physical pain was accompanied by indescribable spiritual torment, for which a person has no understanding as long he himself has not been spiritualised. No person will therefore be able to claim of having suffered the same agonies, because the agonies of soul far surpassed the physical pain.... since Jesus carried humanity's entire burden of sin and was the centre of the battle against evil forces which He had challenged Himself. This darkness made his soul of light tremble and His soul suffered far greater torment than His body.... And this appalling agony is inconceivable for you humans, even though you know of it, hence you will only realise the magnitude of His act of Salvation in the spiritual kingdom, when your soul is enlightened and it is shown the inconceivable act of compassion.... As long as you live on earth you should simply believe in Him, you should envisage the love of Jesus, the human being, Who took upon Himself an exceedingly painful death merely to help His fellow human beings in their spiritual adversity.... You should envisage that He suffered innocently, that He Himself was the purest and kindest Being on earth and that He, on account of His boundless love, was also full of strength and power.... and yet He forfeited His strength in order to suffer on your behalf.... You should.... whether you can empathise with the depth of His suffering or not.... place yourselves consciously by His side, you should not keep a distance, for through His crucifixion He calls you to Himself.... He only wants you to acknowledge Him as Son of God and Redeemer of the world.... that you believe in His mission, that you believe that God Himself was in the human being Jesus and that His suffering and death on the cross was only permitted by God so that humanity would be redeemed, that the atonement was offered to God for a transgression which could not remain unexpiated according to divine justice and which people would never have been able to absolve themselves of.... You humans should believe that the mission of the man Jesus consisted of bringing God's love and His righteousness into harmony again and so to re-establish the order which had been revoked through the past sin of rebellion against God.... You should only believe that every human being requires salvation through Jesus Christ, that Jesus' crucifixion was not merely a historical event but had a spiritual reason.... You should believe that Love descended to Earth in order to redeem you humans. And you should believe that Jesus, the human being, so abundantly loved God and His fellow human beings, that the Eternal Love was able to manifest Itself in Him and that all miracles and Jesus' wisdom can only be explained in this way.... You should simply believe that Jesus' crucifixion was more than a historic event.... and draw your own consequences from it, i.e. by placing yourselves under the cross of Christ and know that you, too, belong to those for whom Jesus accomplished the act of Salvation. You should acknowledge Him as Son of God and Redeemer of the world.... Then your faith will result in your soul's redemption, for it will detach itself from the opposing power, it will feel itself looked after by the Saviour Jesus Christ, for it will learn to love Him and only want to live to please Him.... it will avoid sin and do good works, it will give itself to the One Who has set it free.... and it will profess His name before the whole world.... __Amen
Resurrection on the third day....
To what extent you humans acknowledge My act of Salvation determines whether you believe in life after death, in a resurrection from the grave into the kingdom of the beyond. Because the act of Salvation, My suffering and crucifixion, found its culmination in the resurrection on the third day, which was meant to verify all My earlier teachings. It was meant to provide people with the evidence that life is not over when the body dies but that spiritual life begins once a person lives in accordance with My teaching. Admittedly, My resurrection is doubted and only taken notice of as a myth.... And neither can it be proven, such teachings can only be believed or rejected. This belief is also a result of My act of Salvation or an indication that the person is redeemed by Jesus Christ.... because he believes in Him as the divine Redeemer and therefore also utilises the blessings of the act of Salvation. However, the fact that My body visibly vanished from the grave does not mean that `the flesh' had risen from the dead, instead My physical shell had completely spiritualised itself due to My suffering and crucifixion. It was the spiritual garment the soul had put on, which I only made visible to people in order to show them that death had finally lost its fear because I had conquered it. __My life on earth intended to show people the path that leads from the abyss to the pinnacle.... __To every one of My teachings I attached the promise that eternal life would await them.... But I required faith in Me in Jesus Christ.... Yet I found little of it, and even My disciples had little faith, and they were frightened to death when I handed Myself over to My enemies.... Their faith was not yet strong enough to believe that I was also Lord over death, consequently they did not remember My Words that `I will rebuild this temple in three days....' Every one of My closest followers was seized by great sadness, something had fallen apart for them when they had to witness My death on the cross.... I wanted to help them, I wanted to strengthen their faith again and at the same time provide them with the evidence that I Am Lord over life and death.... __For this reason I made something visibly take place which, however, is granted to all souls.... that they cannot die but wake up in another kingdom, which is in accordance to their life on earth. The soul leaves the body but this, still being immature, stays behind. Therefore a person has no proof of a resurrection after death and neither can it be given to him, on account of his freedom of will. But I was able to resurrect My body simultaneously because its substances had spiritualised themselves, and thus My resurrection on the third day need not be doubted. However, not all people were able to see Me, I only appeared to My Own because I had announced My resurrection on the third day to them, and because their degree of maturity allowed for it.... But those who found My tomb empty looked for many other reasons to explain the disappearance of My body, and therefore they were not compelled to believe. I had risen from the dead.... People had only been able to kill My body, and even this was no longer subject to natural law after My crucifixion, for it was liberated from all constraints.... __But a human being on earth only rarely achieves the degree of maturity which enables the body's substances to align themselves with the soul after the earthly death of the body, and therefore the belief in a resurrection is extremely fragile or associated with wrong concepts. Therefore it has to be preceded by the redemption through Jesus Christ, because someone who is still burdened by the guilt of sin is still completely under control of My adversary.... And he will suppress every thought of a possible resurrection, he will only ever influence the human being in a negative sense and thus also portray My act of Salvation and My resurrection as implausible to them. The fact that the resurrection on the third day took place all the same will hardly be doubted by anyone who whole-heartedly professes Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, since My spirit will tell him so. And thus his thoughts will be guided correctly by Me, since I can work through My spirit in every person who has found his way back to Me in Jesus Christ. He will not taste death anymore either, because he will enter into the life which Jesus Christ promised him.... He escaped death because he escaped the one who brought death into the world. And he escaped from him because he fled to Me in Jesus Christ. From the moment of his surrender to Jesus Christ he has risen from the dead, only now has he come alive, and he will eternally not lose his life again. __But even the disbeliever will not cease to exist, he, too, will only lose his earthly body and not his soul's existence, it will merely enter the kingdom of the beyond in a state which is similar to death.... The grave will keep it locked in, and if Jesus Christ Himself does not roll away the heavy tombstone, it will stay there. But the divine Redeemer died for everyone on the cross, and one day the hour of resurrection will come for every soul, because one day it will call for Me in Jesus Christ, and I will not let its call go unheeded.... Then it will rise from the grave and awaken to life, then the darkness of the grave will recede and it may behold the light.... Because I died for all human beings, and even those who rest in their graves will take notice of the fact that I arose from the dead and that I will give life to anyone who desires to live.... __Amen
Jesus' act of Salvation was the beginning of a new phase ...
When the human being Jesus died on the cross a new phase in the work of My living creations' return began, for until then all people were still living in the spiritual darkness that My adversary had spread across all fallen spirits.... All human beings were still afflicted by the original sin and no one was able to approach Me since My justice did not allow it until the original sin had been redeemed. However, countless people had already walked across earth and amongst them were also a few of good will but without enough strength of their own to release themselves from My adversary, since they all had been unable to establish the right kind of contact with Me due to their lack of love.... __They were controlled by selfish love as a sign of their affiliation with My adversary.... And neither did they know the cause for their earthly existence, their apostasy from Me.... they were spiritually utterly ignorant yet in a worldly sense extremely busy, and therefore they forever endeavoured to gain advantages at other people's expense.... They lacked selfless love through which they could have attained a higher state of maturity. Although the few exceptions in fact sensed their spiritual hardship and also acknowledged a God and Creator above themselves they did not recognise Me as a God of love, but only as a God of vengeance and wrath. People would never have been able to progress in their spiritual development; they would always and forever have stayed the same selfish generation which was unable to attain higher awareness as long as the burden of the original sin pushed it down.... My adversary would always have kept people on the ground if a Saviour had not arrived for the sake of the few who felt wretched and in their distress had called for a Saviour. __And a possibility to establish a connection with Me was indeed meant to be created again one day which, however, should now apply to the Father.... People should be able to call like children to the Father, whereas before they had only recognised in their God and Creator a Power they refused to bow down to, because they still harboured this opposition against Me as result of their past original sin.... A relationship of love should become possible again between the living creations and Myself which, however, had to be established by people themselves through their willingness to love. But prior to Jesus' crucifixion a human being was only very rarely willing to love and then he was excessively tortured by My adversary.... so that he almost despaired of My existence. But knowing his will I helped him and took him from earth.... __Jesus Christ's act of Salvation brought an era of people's greatest distance from Me to an end.... His crucifixion atoned the original sin of all fallen beings, and now, in the stage of human beings, they are able to establish the right kind of relationship with Me again if, with the help of Jesus Christ, they live a life of love, if they release themselves from the adversary's shackles through the blood He had shed on the cross and thus see in Me the Father and are urged towards Me by love.... towards the relationship they once voluntarily severed and thereby became wretched. Jesus' death on the cross brought humanity's hopeless state to an end.... A new era began where the human being only needed to take the path to Jesus in order to be guided out of My adversary's dark domain.... where the gate into the kingdom of light was opened again too.... It was now for the human being possible again that he could change himself, that he could shape his nature into love, that he could become again what he had been before his apostasy from Me.... __The first redeemed souls returned to Me, I was able to admit them into My kingdom of light and bliss, which would never have been possible if Jesus had not redeemed the original sin through His death on the cross.... For I Am.... as supremely perfect.... also righteous and therefore could not cancel an unredeemed guilt. Much time had passed when people almost broke down under the burden of sin yet did not recognise their guilt and therefore repeatedly revolted against Me, Whom they could not deny as a `Power' but to Whom they did not surrender with love. For they once had rejected love, and all they had left was mere selfish love.... the wrongly directed love transferred to them by My opponent. Hence, in their nature they still belonged to him entirely.... And this nature first had to change, which was only possible after Jesus' crucifixion, Who acquired for them the will and the strength to rise and relinquish their selfish love.... All these were purely spiritual processes, for in an earthly-human sense they certainly had an enjoyable and good life, yet no one had any consideration for his fellow human being, instead everyone just thought of himself, and the strong person oppressed the weak who was unable to defend himself, because My adversary delighted in seeing the wretched state of the souls he had plunged into the abyss, for he himself was completely without love but full of hatred and animosity.... And his nature also reflected itself in people's nature.... Anyone who was strong likewise oppressed other people and knew no mercy for he had no love, just like his lord.... the lord of darkness.... was without love. __Jesus, however, tried to guide people onto the right path through love. Jesus lived and taught love and demonstrated to them that love was a strength which even defeated the adversary, and that people can only release themselves from him through love. __Thus the human being Jesus had exemplified a life of love for the first time for people, until He then accomplished the greatest work of love and mercy by sacrificing Himself on the cross on behalf of humanity's sins, so that they would be set free and through a right kind of life attain strength and light again in order to then travel the last path into their true home, which Jesus had preceded through His death on the cross.... Whom they now only need to follow in order to enter My kingdom in a liberated state, returning to Me into the Father's house, to the Father from Whose love they had emerged and in Whose love they will now stay forever.... __Amen
Did Jesus Christ redeem all people, or are all people red...
People read the Word but they do not understand its meaning, and thus misguided teachings due to false interpretations are given by those who want to serve Me, if they do not sincerely unite with Me and first ask for an explanation and, when they receive it, accept it without resistance. People single-mindedly adhere to My Word that I have delivered mankind from sin by My crucifixion.... But they do not comprehend the essence of the Word, they do not comprehend the significance of the act of Salvation. Consequently they do not understand what the human being has to do himself in order to join the flock of those who have been delivered from their guilt of sin by My blood. __I have died for all human beings.... providing they want to accept My act of Salvation.... I have not imposed any restrictions, but people set limitations when they do not acknowledge My act of Salvation. And these people exclude themselves from the circle of those for whom I have died on the cross. Consequently, only the sins of those can be forgiven who allow themselves to be saved through their faith in Me and My death on the cross, whereas the sins of those who reject Me and My act of Salvation are not forgiven, because they do not allow themselves to be purified by My blood, and because they do not want to belong to those for whom I have died. Once again human free will is decisive, and I abide by this free will. If people's guilt of sin were forgiven without faith in Me and My act of love, then the human being would be placed into a state of freedom against his own will.... But this is in opposition to My order because it counteracts My justice as well as My love, since the person will not use this state to bond with Me nor will he ever regret his sin.... __My Word is truth, and no untruth can ever be found in the fact that I have died for all human beings, that I have redeemed all people from their sins.... But their free will has to decide whether they want to be redeemed, whether they want to accept My work of love, because I do not determine the will.... Therefore all of humanity could be free of sin if it believed in My act of Salvation, just as it is and will remain in deepest darkness and subject to their sins if it rejects Me as Redeemer of humanity. And for this reason most of humanity now lives in sin, it is without forgiveness because it no longer acknowledges Me, and thus My act of Salvation has become ineffective for humanity. __Hence the `forgiveness of sin' should not be misunderstood, it is not applicable to those who are completely apart from Me; not that I Am pushing them away, instead they are distancing themselves from Me, they are fleeing from Me, Who is approaching them and constantly asks for their souls. I provide them with a gift of grace which liberates them from their sin and their guilt, but if they reject this it has no effect on them because they belong to those who are fighting on behalf of My adversary and who are therefore still controlled by him until they allow themselves to be saved by Me.... And thus it is wrong to describe My act of Salvation in a way which suggests that all people are beneficiaries of that which their free will could certainly acquire; but which free will can also throw away by rejecting it and by being totally without faith. Only the person who accepts My gift of grace will also become free of his sins, because I have carried his guilt for him, I have suffered for him and accepted the crucifixion. __Although I have died for everyone, not everyone accepts Me.... I took everyone's guilt upon My shoulders, but not everyone feels guilty and therefore does not place their burden upon Me. And thus they will also be unable to purge their guilt, since it is too immense to do so themselves, because now they are also adding the guilt of rejecting My love.... But how can they hope for the forgiveness of their sins? How can people believe that they can become free of all guilt without their own contribution, without their own will?.... __My love's sacrifice for you, the purification of all sin through My blood is an incomprehensibly significant blessing for you humans. But you must also want to receive My love, you should not reject it, otherwise it cannot take effect on you, otherwise I cannot redeem the guilt of sin, otherwise your sins will stay with you until you change your mind and acknowledge Me as your divine Saviour, Who died on the cross to redeem you.... __Amen
Significance of the act of Salvation....
And remember the One Who redeemed you from all sins.... His act of Salvation is of such momentous significance that you cannot be exhorted strongly enough to cast your mind back to it. You must always bear in mind that you would be lost for an infinitely long time had Jesus Christ not taken your guilt of sin upon Himself through his crucifixion in order to redeem you. However, you will have to profess Him yourselves if you want to partake of the blessings He acquired for you through His death. You have to believe in Him and consciously place yourselves underneath His cross, you must live with and for Jesus Christ, i.e., in memory of Him accomplish your every action, be helpful and thus comply with His teaching of love, in order to makes yourselves worthy of His gift of grace, to make yourselves worthy of His love, which wanted to protect you from an infinitely long time of torment and suffering in the beyond. The divine Redeemer has mercy upon all sinners.... He carried their guilt and suffered and died for it, He sacrificed Himself as atonement, because He loved people and wanted to lessen their immense spiritual hardship. __And thus He offered people a gift, the magnitude of which they cannot to judge on earth, and He only asks for their acknowledgement of His act of love, their acknowledgment of Himself and their conscious avowal of His crucifixion.... He asks them to keep Him in mind at all times.... People should not forget this, they should always remember that without Him they would be lost for an infinitely long time.... Hence He approaches people time and again by reminding them of Him.... time and again He tries to direct their eyes to Him, time and again the person, as a bearer of the cross himself, is admonished to remember Him, and every suffering is intended to draw his attention to the One, Who took all sins upon Himself and constantly helps people to carry their suffering as well if they, in profound faith in the divine Redeemer, burden Him with it and appeal to Him for grace and love.... People don't carry their suffering without merit, Jesus Christ, however, was entirely without sin and took humanity's guilt of sin upon Himself, He therefore carried a far heavier burden upon His shoulders, a cross which was so immensely heavy that He almost broke down under it, nevertheless, He accomplished the act of Salvation since His love for humanity was great and gave Him the strength until the end.... __Amen
Confessing Jesus and the act of Salvation....
There is a great risk that people will abandon their faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, and yet people have to be subjected to this last test of faith, because it is decisive for eternity.... I Myself incarnated on this earth in Jesus Christ, I Myself accepted the crucifixion as a human being in order to open the gate into eternity for humanity.... But people lock this gate themselves, they do not accept My act of Salvation, they do not benefit from it. And therefore the gate will remain closed to them for eternity, a person who does not acknowledge Me cannot be acknowledged by Me to belong to Me either. He is not part of Me as long as he is still subject to My adversary's influence, which remains in tact with those who do not acknowledge Me and My act of Salvation. Hence they separate themselves from Me and aspire towards the one whose will enslaved them and deprived them of all awareness. The end is near and with it the Last Judgment.... And once again I approach humanity as the Redeemer, I try to bring spiritual freedom, light and enlightenment to people and only want to be acknowledged in order to distribute the blessings of My act of Salvation to the souls, so that they will not perish when Judgment Day comes. I want to redeem them but they have to let themselves be redeemed of their own free will.... Thus they have to confess Me before the world as the One Whose strength and grace enables them to become blessed.... They have to believe that the Deity was in the man Jesus in all fullness, that His greater than great love motivated Him to suffer and die on behalf of His fellow human beings in order to avert eternal death from them, which is the irrevocable fate of everyone who does not believe in Him, who does not acknowledge His act of Salvation and does not claim the blessings He acquired through the crucifixion. __And people will have to confess this faith before the world, they will have to openly bear witness to the love of the God-man Jesus, because by making this testimony they stand by Me completely.... they will show the world that they are My children in truth who, raised by the love of the Father, also fulfil the Father's will.... Thus this decision of faith has to be made, and it will be a difficult time for people who belong to Me and have to publicly acknowledge Me. But whoever has the will to do so also has the strength, which will be given to him in abundance, as I promised.... For I Myself Am with My Own, and My Own are those who strive towards Me, who aim to reach Me, Who call for Me in spirit and in truth, who live with love and endeavour to fulfil My will. And therefore they should not worry about the approaching battle of faith. It has to happen to people so that they seriously make up their mind about a problem which has found little attention so far.... They have to decide for or against Me, since anyone who acknowledges the Son also acknowledges the Father, and anyone who rejects the Son also rejects the Father. I, however, Am the One Who sacrificed Himself on behalf of humanity.... For I was in the human being Jesus in all fullness, I Myself descended to earth in order to redeem humanity from the sin of guilt and its consequences. Therefore, anyone who believes in Me cannot reject Jesus Christ, for He and I are One, and anyone who bears witness to Him bears witness to Me.... __Amen
True Christianity....
A faithful Christian must also live according to his belief, that is, he must follow Jesus Christ, Who exemplified to people the right kind of life on earth and thus requires faith in His act of Salvation in order to be acknowledged by Him as a Christian. The Christian doctrine must be followed from the heart, for Christ requires love from people, a love which lacks self-interest and has therefore a redeeming effect, a love which is willing to make sacrifices, a love which Jesus demonstrated through His death on the cross. Thus, to be a true Christian means to shape one's inner nature into love in the belief in Jesus Christ, for the human being is incapable of this change of character without faith in Him. He can indeed believe in Him and yet not live in love.... In that case, however, it is merely a conventional faith, an intellectual faith, which may well give credence to the existence of Jesus, the man, and perhaps even His crucifixion, but which has no idea about the significance of the sacrifice the made by the man Jesus on behalf of fellow human beings. For the understanding of this only comes to him when he practices love, because only then will his spirit give him the right understanding through his heart.... This is why 'being a Christian' first means to live a life of love, then the human being will also testify to Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of the world. However, a person lacking unselfish love will never be a Christian, even if he declares himself as such before the world.... For the concept of Christianity is not a question of believing that Jesus existed, the point is that the person lives as Jesus Christ had lived on earth in order to be able to rightfully call himself a Christian. This is why there is no true Christianity in this world anymore, despite churches and doctrines, for the spirit of Christ is missing. People are unredeemed because Jesus Christ can no longer be effective where love does not exist.... And love has completely grown cold among people.... Whether poor or rich, whether high or low, they all lack love, the most important aspect of Christianity.... __People no longer make use of Jesus' act of Salvation; they stand outside the circle of those who died on behalf of Jesus Christ. They certainly see the cross because they cannot deny Jesus Christ, the man, and His crucifixion, but it has become utterly irrelevant to them, they merely speak words without meaning and strength, because only love reveals the understanding in the first place but love has died away. For such people Jesus Christ died in vain on the cross and yet they call themselves Christians.... Not one of them realises the significance, not one of them makes the effort to be a true Christian, and many people contemptuously look down on those who, in their eyes, are heathens or unbelievers because they are not part of an official church or community.... And all these will one day have a dreadful awakening if they depart from earth in an unredeemed state and are required to give account of their way of live, if their degree of love is so low that it emits no ray of light on entry into the kingdom of the beyond.... Then they will have to look for the Redeemer of humankind first and will hardly find Him, because they will have lacked the right faith in Him and yet, without it they will never be able to become happy.... Oh, if only you humans knew what you are giving away on this earth because of your half-hearted attitude towards the most important things.... if only you knew how bitterly you will regret it one day.... You will never be able to become blissfully happy without love.... You must travel your path on earth as true Christians, you must follow Him, that is, keep His commandments, only then will your faith in Him be a living one, only then will you profess Jesus Christ before the world.... You will stand up for Him and, having been redeemed by Him, also be able to provide your fellow human being with the right explanation as to the fact that and why He has to be acknowledged, as to fact that and why eternal life is not possible without the redemption through Jesus Christ and that only the right way of life in the spirit of Jesus will be valued before God and not the outwardly displayed Christianity which, in truth, is no Christianity at all.... __Amen
'Be glad and rejoice for He has risen from the dead....' These were the words of My Own and they believed in Me that I was Jesus Christ, the Anointed of the Lord, that I was really and truly God and had redeemed the world through My crucifixion. I had risen from the dead.... Thereby I had given them the evidence of the truth of My Words: 'Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up....' I had broken the power of death.... However, My resurrection was only meant to be the evidence for people that life does not end with the death of the body.... They should learn to believe in life after death, and therefore I allowed people to witness what every single soul will have to expect after its earthly demise. For everyone lacked this faith, even the priests and scribes referred to the prophets' death as evidence that even the most pious people will ultimately fall prey to death.... For they had no idea about the consequences of people's conduct, they doubted the resurrection of the soul, and therefore the teachings of the man Jesus were incomprehensible and inconvenient for them. And I wanted to clearly show people the spiritual consequences of following My teachings.... __I was Lord over life and death.... During My life on earth I raised the dead and yet, people didn't believe that I had power over life and death.... And so I proved it to them, using Myself, that I was also Lord over death.... that life cannot be taken from that person who has already gained it spiritually, even if his earthly life is taken away from him.... __But I also raised the physical body as a sign that nothing earthly adhered to it anymore, that it was also spiritualised and thereby had the inherent strength to arise in spiritual form.... Nothing earthly clung to My body anymore, as it had purged itself completely through appalling pain, because everything of an earthly nature had changed itself into spirit and this spirit was subsequently able to arise fully alive.... For this reason the body was able to emerge from the grave, for nothing kept it on earth.... __The whole of humanity was intended to be informed of this process that, as well as why, it was possible to come back to life after physical death, for on this information.... on this faith in My resurrection.... also depends the faith in My divinity, the faith in My mission on earth as the Son of God, and, as a result of fulfilling this mission, they would attain complete union with God.... __I have really and truly arisen from the dead and visibly showed Myself to My Own.... and thereby I proved to people that I had conquered death as a human being, that the one who had brought death into the world did not have the power to keep My body on earth, which, through the act of Salvation, was already clothed in a spiritual garment.... And this act of Salvation was made for the whole of humanity.... Consequently, no soul can be kept back by My adversary which - having been redeemed by My crucifixion - has escaped his power.... It need not fear death; it will arise to eternal life and can be jubilant and rejoice, for it knows that its Redeemer is alive and that He will give life to everyone who believes in Him and His resurrection.... __Amen
'Descent into hell....'
When humanity's hour of salvation struck, the previously departed spiritual beings.... the souls of people before the birth of Christ.... dwelled in an intermediate realm, neither on earth nor in the kingdom of light and bliss, and waited for their hour of salvation.... This is only comprehensible for you humans if you know about the original sin and the reason for the act of Salvation, if you know about the infinitely wide chasm between the once fallen spirits and God.... The human being's earthly life was unable to bridge this gulf, even if it was lived according to divine will, for the original sin had not been redeemed as yet and the human being would never have been able to redeem it during one life on earth.... the redemption through Jesus Christ, however, applied to all spiritual beings, the act of Salvation was accomplished for all people, past, present and future.... For Jesus' crucifixion opened the gate into the kingdom of light, so the souls in the intermediate realm were also able to enter as soon as they acknowledged the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... __This plan of Salvation through Jesus Christ regarding the return of the spirits to God was decided from the start, and from the time of the first forefathers the coming of the Redeemer was repeatedly announced through seers and prophets.... And all people who professed God, who made an effort to live according to His will, were told about the Messiah Who was meant to bring salvation to people.... Yet not all lived to see Him, many generations before Him were called back from earth, and their souls would now have to linger for their Saviour. __This is why Jesus descended to hell after His death.... He wanted to bring them deliverance from Satan's shackles as well, since the latter was still able to keep them enslaved because the guilt of sin had not been fully redeemed as yet. For God's adversary would never ever have released these souls to which he was entitled in view of the fact that they had followed him voluntarily into the abyss. However, in hell, too, existed many obstinate souls which only regarded the divine Redeemer, like everyone else, as a human being akin to themselves and did not believe in the redemption through Him from sin and death.... Their free will to decide also had to be respected, therefore Jesus did not enter this realm of spirits in His radiant state but as Jesus, the man, Who had died on the cross.... __Yet many knew that He was the Messiah Who was repeatedly announced to them.... All souls could have found this faith in Him, because God's messengers of light had constantly informed them of the events taking place on earth.... and because the forefathers devoted to God in that realm did not stop informing them of the prospect of the divine Redeemer's coming.... For they acted on the Lord's instruction, so that His descent into hell would be expected and He was thus able to bring redemption to countless souls and open the gate to beatitude for them as well.... __The descent into hell resulted in the return of the first fallen spirits to God, for whom the human being Jesus had paid the purchase price through His crucifixion, and thus, from then on the actual process of return began; the first spirits having been bound by Lucifer found their freedom for good, even though their previous life had already prepared the path for these souls up to the gate, which was still closed but which Jesus had opened and thereby cleared the path into the Father's house for every soul which wants to walk with Jesus Christ.... __Amen
Descent into hell....
On your own you will never succeed in transforming your nature, for you lack the strength to do so. However, there is One who has acquired this strength for you.... The human being Jesus managed to achieve something on your behalf to remedy your state of weakness which was the consequence of your past rebellion against God.... Thus He took the consequences of this guilt of yours upon Himself, He paid for your guilt with His death on the cross and thereby made it possible for you to receive strength again.... He has acquired the strength for you and dispenses it as a gift of grace.... providing you avail yourselves of the blessings, for which your acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as Son of God and Redeemer of the world is a prerequisite, which also includes the acknowledgement of Jesus' divinity. But what previously was impossible, that a person could change himself again into the being of light he had originally been, became possible through Jesus' crucifixion, and so the return to God will with certainty have taken place if only the human being abides by Jesus Christ, if he appeals to Him for help on the path to perfection. The strength he subsequently receives is sufficient to liberate himself from the control of the one who had pulled him into the abyss and mercilessly kept him captive there, because without the help of Jesus Christ the being has no strength of its own to resist. Jesus Christ, therefore, also descended to hell to bring help to those who had already lost their earthly life before the act of Salvation and were still controlled by God's adversary. They did not succeed in liberating themselves during their earthly life, for they were very weak willed and thus succumbed to the former and remained enslaved by him until the Saviour Jesus Christ arrived Whom they were allowed to follow unhindered, because He had also paid the purchase price with His blood for their souls. Yet even these souls' free will had to be observed.... but which was subsequently strengthened if the soul was not entirely hostile.... __However, the descent into hell is not being understood properly if only the willing souls are being mentioned.... Jesus, the Crucified, also showed himself in the slough of total depravity, He dared to venture into His adversary's, His fallen brother's, realm.... He stood before Him with His wounds and showed Him what love was able to achieve.... He faced him like a brother, but even this immense sacrifice was unable to soften the latter's heart of stone.... Scornfully the prince of hell turned away and with him a large crowd of most evil spirits.... Love did not find the way to their hearts for their hatred was greater and their will was free. God certainly knew that this would not be successful; nevertheless, the inhabitants of hell were offered the treasure of grace too, for love does not stop, not even for the most abject creature, but it does not compel its surrender.... Yet the act of love by Jesus, the man, could not overcome the hatred and opposition, nevertheless, it was offered to the beings of darkness as well, for Jesus' love applied to all living creations and the descent into hell was a final attempt to persuade God's adversary to turn around, to give him the final opportunity to change and to shorten the time of redemption for the fallen beings.... But even this greatest act of love, which God Himself accomplished in Jesus, the man, did not succeed in changing Lucifer's arrogance and heartlessness, in fact, the latter regarded Jesus' crucifixion as a triumph of his power and strength.... He considered himself the winner who had succeeded in delivering a divine being to his servants.... who certainly recognised in the Being that had descended to hell the One Who had 'died' but not the One Who was 'resurrected'.... Lucifer did not surrender, which the Deity had foreseen from the start.... and thus was able to base on this the work of guiding the fallen beings back which, however, will also return this prodigal son into the Father's house one day when he recognises his weakness, but this will still take eternities until all those having been seduced by him have been completely redeemed.... __Amen
'Jesus, my Redeemer lives....'
The spiritual world is rejoicing and glad about My act of Salvation, for that which had taken place on earth is repeatedly revealed anew to all beings of light and they praise and glorify Me as their Saviour from sin and death Who opened the gate into the kingdom of light for them.... They realise the spiritual significance of My suffering and dying, of the crucifixion and the resurrection on the third day.... They know that a 'resurrection' is assured to the human race as a result of this greatest act of mercy, that it is not doomed to eternal death and that one day the hour of redemption will strike for all people after an infinitely long time of harshest captivity. And so their gratitude, their jubilation and their love for Me is immeasurable and increases as soon as they participate in the act of Salvation, which they may repeatedly experience again as happening now because in the kingdom of light no time limit exists, and thus they also experience all past and future events as happening in the present. And if people on earth would likewise try to associate with the process of the crucifixion and resurrection, they, too, would derive the greatest blessing from it, and joy and profound gratitude would enter their hearts in view of the fact that I Myself in Jesus Christ delivered you humans from sin and death. For this was a unique process, no human being has ever taken such immense suffering upon himself, and no human being has ever travelled in complete innocence the most bitter path to the cross which ended with His death on the cross, even though people very often come into situations in which the cruelty of fellow human beings presents them with a seemingly unbearable fate. Yet the spiritual processes which also played a part in Jesus Christ's act of mercy intensified His physical suffering many times over, because the soul was profoundly enlightened and therefore able to understand everything.... both the spiritual adversity, which all people had fallen prey to, as well as the spiritual state of those who tormented Him and carried out this abominable work on Him, who abused his pure body for their appalling cravings and evil instincts, and who He experienced as emissaries from hell. However, He persevered until His death.... And on the third day He arose again in all glory from the grave which was unable to keep Him imprisoned.... And so His resurrection was the culmination of His act of Salvation, for all those who want to let themselves be redeemed through Jesus Christ can rest assured that they, too, will arise from the dead to eternal life.... Although prior to this people's lives had not come to an end with their physical death either, because the soul cannot die, it exists forever. But whether the state of the soul will then be a state of life or of death entirely depends on the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... Only He can give life to the soul, and only He is the gate to life in beatitude.... Therefore, a soul can also enter the kingdom of the beyond in a state of death and will indeed remain in this state until it calls upon Jesus Christ, appealing to Him for life.... 'And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die …' The hour of physical death can already be the hour of resurrection for every person, no-one needs to fear his hour of death, because One has conquered death and this One promises life to every person who believes in Him.... And so, even people on earth would be able to rejoice and be glad were they to grasp the whole significance of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation and take part in it.... Then death would have lost its sting for all people.... and all people could join the light beings' song of praise 'He has truly risen.... Jesus, my Redeemer lives....' __Amen
Even if you take notice of My act of Salvation, of the act of mercy I accomplished on your behalf.... you will be incapable of grasping its full depth and significance, since on account of your imperfection your spirit is still unenlightened and only allows for occasional rays of light to flash up, which enable you to exchange the darkness with a dim light if you empathise with this greatest act of mercy.... if you deeply and inwardly look at the individual stages of My path to the cross and My suffering and dying of the crucifixion and accompany Me on this path with profoundly heartfelt love.... This will enable you to somewhat sense, if only momentarily, My immeasurable love for you which made Me make this sacrifice and you will, as it were, participate in it if your soul puts itself in this position and tries to understand what is incomprehensible to you as a mere human being. I shed My blood for you.... These Words are casually recited and truly not grasped in their profundity.... I bought back the life you lost to My adversary with My blood, with My life, and I truly paid the highest purchase price a human being is capable of paying, for the fullness of love within Me until the hour of death gave Me the strength to patiently suffer all pain and accept the most bitter affliction in order to give you humans the life you had lost back again. I died for you.... For you had deserved this death yourselves due to your past sin of apostasy from God.... that is, you stood in the midst of death, you lacked the life for which you were created.... Therefore you also lacked the bliss, for only 'life' is bliss. And I wanted to return this bliss to you and thus had to purchase your life with the greatest sacrifices only a loving human being was capable of making. However, even I found this sacrifice inconceivably difficult, for My human body was no differently natured than that of any other human being, but the burden of the cross was so heavy that I was only able to carry it with tremendous effort and love and indeed have carried it for you, My fallen brothers.... But words alone cannot describe this burden, and neither can the human being's intellect grasp the magnitude of the sacrifice; only a heart with an abundance of love is able to put itself in this position, and this heart will suffer vicariously and take the path to the cross with Me and make Me immensely happy, because a heart like that is a redeemed victim from My adversary and belongs to Me forever and because it is truly a greater than great joy for Me to know that the sacrifice on the cross was not made in vain for such souls who love Me and endeavour to follow Me. They will indeed be enlightened by a small light, they will have stepped out of the spiritual darkness and passed through the first degree of realisation, even though they will only realise the whole significance of My act of Salvation in the spiritual kingdom, but its rays of light already shine and blessed is he who can already live in its radiation while he still exists on Earth.... blessed is he who thus belongs to the redeemed and has become My child through My crucifixion.... __Amen
And you all can rejoice, for the Lord has risen from the dead.... Thus it rang out in the kingdom of the spirits as well as with My Own to whom I appeared on the third day when I had left the tomb and showed Myself to My disciples.... Deep sadness had entered their hearts for they had lost what had been their sole purpose in life throughout the time they had spent with Me on earth. __They believed that they had lost Me to death forever, since they did not and could not believe that I would rise from the dead, even though I had informed them of it before. The disciples were still earthly bound in that way and the reality of the earthly world was sobering to them, they were seized by so much fear and lamentation that I wanted to comfort and strengthen them and thus appeared to them after My resurrection.... I had given them the task of going out into the world and proclaiming Me, that is, spreading My divine teaching of love and informing people of the act of Salvation which I had accomplished for all humankind.... But in order to carry out this mission they had to be completely convinced of the truthfulness of their proclamations.... __And the act of Salvation also included My resurrection which ultimately was the crowning glory of the work of Salvation, for the people should be informed that I had defeated death, that death need never ever be experienced again by anyone who follows Me, who wants to receive the blessing of My act of Salvation and who thus leads the kind of life that I had lived on earth. Hence he will not need to fear death anymore because I had defeated death and thus also the one who had brought it into the world. And that is why My resurrection was visibly witnessed by people, that is, only by those whose degree of maturity permitted spiritual vision since My body was spiritual, it was no longer a body of flesh and therefore only visible to those who already possessed the ability to see spiritually and to whom I therefore also had announced My resurrection. __The fact that My tomb was empty certainly also surprised the other people, yet they all looked for other explanations than that I had risen from the dead.... And this teaching will simply always require a `belief' which, however, can be acquired by all people who voluntarily step under My cross, if they want to belong to those for whom I died the most bitter death on the cross. The belief in Me and My act of Salvation simultaneously includes the belief in My resurrection, because a soul having been redeemed by My blood already has the inner certainty of an indestructible life.... __The disciples were not yet permeated by My spirit, they were still in the dark after My crucifixion, for their fear did not allow any light. And thus I helped them by means of My visible appearance but which then convinced them so overwhelmingly and made them so joyful and happy that they now thought they could easily carry out their mission and with increased strength wanted to apply themselves to the proclamation of My teaching and My crucifixion as well as My resurrection. In the days after My resurrection I was able to convey instant strength to My disciples, for the salvation of their souls had progressed and they were already able to free themselves from their previous lord, and then they unhesitatingly proceeded with their preaching ministry because they knew that they could no longer die, or that only their body could die but that they would continue to live in My kingdom, and thus death had now lost its sting for them too.... __Hence the act of resurrection was more or less first an aid for My Own, whom I had left behind in utmost psychological distress because their faith had still not reached the necessary steadfastness for their task of spreading My Word throughout the world.... But they were meant to speak on My behalf, and therefore they had to also have this convinced faith which only required their complete redemption, but then all My disciples irrefutably possessed this faith so that they were able to be truly devoted proclaimers of My teaching once their mission began.... __Amen
Jesus Christ's act of Salvation....
The return to Me was guaranteed as a result of My act of Salvation.... One day all souls will be able to stay with Me again, one day all beings which once had originated from Me will be permeated by My love again, as it was in the beginning, for with My sacrificial death on the cross I established a bridge from the abyss to the pinnacle, from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light and beatitude.... My death on the cross paid for the extreme guilt which separated all beings from Me when they followed My adversary into the abyss.... __Until My arrival on earth an unbridgeable gulf existed between people and Myself which they had caused themselves but which they were no longer able to bridge by themselves since they were too weak, since the burden of sin pushed them to the ground and My adversary, too, prevented their every attempt to bridge this gulf. And thus I built a bridge by descending to earth Myself and only then made amends for the immense guilt.... by taking the burden of sin from people and shouldering it Myself I walked the path to the cross with it.... __What was impossible before has now become feasible: that people who are of good will shall follow Me and take the path of the cross, that they only abide by Me and never exclude Me again, that they want to belong to those for whom I died on the cross, and that they then find complete forgiveness of their guilt which enables their return to Me again into the kingdom of light.... I did not forsake people in their adversity, I came to help them, I took abode in a human being's shell and accomplished in this human being Jesus the act of Salvation, for I wanted to start a path leading from the abyss to the pinnacle again.... __And My life on earth was a life of love until My death, for people lacked love and therefore I set an example to them, for only love is redeeming, because love is the law of eternal order and because.... anyone who returns to Me.... has to change his nature into love in order to unite with Me again, since I Am love Myself.... And thus the kingdom of light and earth were bridged when I descended to earth Myself. And you all have to cross this bridge in order to reach Me again, Who was unattainable to you because of your guilt. __But My love is greater than your guilt, and My love sought a way out, it tried to re-establish the connection between you and Me which was broken by you.... And thus I found a way: My love Itself made amends for the guilt and opened the path of return to Me. By then a connection had been established from the kingdom of light to earth, because a soul of light had descended to earth in which I was able to embody Myself; for this soul took on flesh.... the human being Jesus was born, Who then travelled the path on which all human beings can follow Him, which enables you to enter the kingdom of light and concludes your return to Me.... My love built this bridge for you, for My love took abode in this shell and walked the path of the cross for you, that is, it compensated for the immense guilt of your apostasy from Me which had created the unbridgeable gulf between the kingdom of light and darkness.... My love for you is infinite and wants to win you back again, My living creations. Yet My justice did not permit Me to accept you again without the redemption of your guilt. And thus My love has also made amends for the guilt on your behalf.... a human being made the sacrifice of atonement on your behalf, and I Myself was within this human being.... __What was impossible before My crucifixion became achievable through the crucifixion: that you were allowed to approach Me again, that you would be able to return to your true home again, into the kingdom of light, where you can be active again in light and strength and freedom as in the beginning. The path to Me was open, you could leave your guilt behind under the cross, you could hand yourselves over to the love and mercy of Jesus, your Redeemer, and He would then open the gate to beatitude for you, to the kingdom of light. But even this, your `deliverance', is a matter of your free will, otherwise every soul would instantly return to the kingdom of light, but in that case My goal to prepare you as My children would not be achieved.... You have to take the path to the cross of your own free will, in free will you have to ask for forgiveness of sins, and in free will you have to desire your salvation and approach Me in Jesus Christ. And it will be given to you.... you will return to Me and be joyfully received by your Father, Who descended to earth Himself in order to set you free.... __Amen
Redemption only through Jesus Christ.... Self-Redemption ...
You have been redeemed through the death of Jesus Christ, and not a single being in the entire universe is excluded from this redemption, for He has accomplished His act for all once fallen spirits, He has accomplished it for all people past, present and future.... But the being itself has to acknowledge it, it consciously has to lay claim on the blessings of the act of Salvation.... God's opponent is entitled to the spiritual being which had voluntarily followed him into the abyss.... It turned to him and away from God of its own free will.... of its own free will it has to turn away from him again and desire to return to God. However, it would never find the strength to separate itself from him, because its will had been totally weakened by the adversary.... It would stay separated from God forever if the human being Jesus, in Whom God had manifested Himself, had not achieved the act of Salvation by means of his crucifixion, through which he acquired the blessings of a stronger will, which can now increase the fallen spirit's will and then also enable it to rise up against the adversary and strive towards God..... __The act of Salvation will not force any being to return, but its return is made possible for it, which otherwise could never have taken place. Yet it always requires free will, otherwise all fallen spirits would have been instantly redeemed and every work of creation would already be spiritualised.... But the redemption depends on the human being's free will who, as a once fallen being, is travelling the path across earth for the purpose of becoming free, if he takes advantage of Jesus' act of Salvation and His acquired blessings.... Then his redemption will be certain, then he will return to his origin as a child of God.... then Jesus Christ will not have died for him in vain.... he can still perfect himself in earthly life or ascend in the spiritual kingdom and be active in light and strength and freedom for his own happiness. It only requires your will to be redeemed, for Jesus atoned the guilt on his behalf, Jesus cleared the way for him to the Father, Jesus opened the gate to the kingdom of light.... But the human being himself has to want that the act of Salvation has been achieved for him, he has to consciously place himself underneath the cross of Christ, he has to acknowledge Him as Son of God and Redeemer of the world, in Whom God had manifested Himself in order to be able to become a `visible' God for all His living beings.... Yet in that case one cannot ever speak about `Self-Redemption', even if one's own free will is the first condition to attain the blessing of the act of Salvation.... The human being can never free himself from his great guilt of sin without the help of Jesus Christ, in his weakness of will he will never be able to lift himself up and detach himself from God's adversary..... __The redemption of all souls is only possible through Jesus Christ, and this is why the man Jesus Christ has suffered the crucifixion for all fallen spiritual beings and acquired the blessing of a strengthened will, which every being can lay claim to as soon as it has reached the stage of free will as a human being again. And this exceedingly joyful knowledge is conveyed to you humans. For now you are informed that you are not hopelessly lost, that there is a path of ascent for you, back to your Father's house.... the path to the cross of Christ, which has to be taken without fail but which also assures you complete deliverance. If, however, you don't take this path then you will not find redemption either, you will not be released from your adversary and that means, that you will never be able to enter into the kingdom of light because your guilt of sin will prevent your entry. You yourselves are unable to free yourselves from this sin, but you can carry it under the cross, to Jesus Christ, Who shed His blood for your guilt and thereby also bought you back from God's adversary. Only, your will has to make conscious use of this blessing, and then your guilt will also be redeemed.... you will be free beings again as you were in the beginning, and need only perfect yourselves in earthly life, that is, through loving activity shape your nature into love again.... you need only seek closest unity with God, your Father of eternity, and your soul will mature and then, as His children, be able to enter the kingdom of light and bliss.... __Amen
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