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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Guardian spirit.... Spiritual guides....
A loyal spiritual guide accompanies you throughout your earthly life wherever you might go.... You are never without spiritual protection, and if this guide, as well as the beings of light surrounding you, were permitted to work unrestrictedly, your full maturing on this earth would be guaranteed, since their love for you leads them to do whatever will help you to ascend. But they are not allowed to affect you unreservedly because your will itself is imposing restrictions on them.... They, too, are only able to influence you according to this will, and you humans often prevent the activity of the beings which guide you due to your opposing will. Nevertheless, your guides will not abandon you and will keep trying to exert their influence until you die. Hence you are constantly surrounded by guardian spirits, and you can always turn to them for help, yet they are only permitted to help if you have established the bond with Me first, for it is the law that the beings of light only ever implement My will, that they only ever act in accordance with My will. __Thus a God-loving-person can live a truly carefree earthly life.... because he will always be granted much loving support if he, after heartfelt prayer to Me, hands himself over to My helpers and also asks for their protection and support. These guardian spirits and guides are permeated by light and strength; consequently it is easily possible for them to shape your earthly existence such that it will be bearable for you.... They are able to resolve adversities which confront you on an earthly level or which arise through the influence of evil forces.... __These spiritual guardians are instructed by Me to take care of you as soon as you have established your bond with Me through your will, through your attitude, through labours of love and through prayer. Thus a person devoted to Me can always rest assured that he is protected by Me directly, and My heavenly servants merely implement My will.... And My will always has your well-being at heart, since you have already given yourselves to Me and desire My protection. __And thus you know that you are never alone, regardless of how lonely or abandoned by the world you believe yourselves to be.... You are surrounded by a host of helpful spiritual beings which, instructed by your spiritual guardian, take care of you and protect you from physical and spiritual harm. __But it would be wrong if you only made contact with these beings due to a certain sense of superstition, if you saw in them anything else but My servants who are only allowed to help you once you have established the connection with Me.... For as soon as you call upon spiritual beings for help without faith in Me and without love for Me you will call upon adverse forces and place yourselves under their control.... For these adverse forces, too, are in your vicinity and only waiting for the opportunity to take possession of you, and this opportunity always presents itself when I Am excluded from your thoughts, when you live and act without Me on this earth.... In that case even your spiritual guide will be unable to take precedence, since your will does not allow for it. __And then the adverse forces will be especially busy, which you are just as able to feel around you as the good beings which work on My behalf. But you will invariably fall prey to these evil forces since they are very powerful and they will use this power because your will is giving them the right to do so.... However, you need never fear these evil forces if your will only ever applies to Me and you commend yourselves to My protection. In that case I have numerous helpers at My side wanting to be of service to you. And then the path of your earthly life will always be under the protection of your spiritual guide, whom I placed by your side Myself from the time of your birth until your death.... __Amen
What I proclaim to you humans through seers and prophets must be taken seriously.... Such is My will, and if you want to comply with My will then you should not half-heartedly and indifferently accept what My love gives to you. But you are indifferent if you indeed listen to My Word yet fail to arrange your life in line with My predictions, if you do not seriously strive for a change in your character and fulfil My commandment of love. With My announcements I want to warn you not to waste your life, I want to admonish you to still make use of the time remaining to you until the end, I want to stimulate your spiritual aspiration and guide all your thoughts so that you fully mature while you still live on earth. But if you do not take My Word, My prophesies, seriously, you will let all these instructions pass your ears by unheeded and My admonitions and cautions will have been futile. And when the hour comes that you are called away you will only be able to claim a poor testimony, for you will have failed on earth by not taking hold of My loving Fatherly hand when it was offered to you. If you have a spiritual guardian you must also unconditionally entrust yourselves to him for he will surely guide you in the right direction. But now, during the time of the end, I Myself want to be your Leader and Guardian, and if you only grant Me a little trust you truly need no longer take care of yourselves, neither bodily nor spiritually, for I Myself will take care of you, you only have to make sure that you constantly accept strength from Me which guarantees you the path towards ascent. And you can only receive this strength in the form of My Word. So if I give you the knowledge about the forthcoming event it is a very great blessing for you, for then you will have the opportunity to gain My affection with your right way of life, to such an extent that I will never leave you again, that I will take hold of you and pull you up to the pinnacle. __However, I now make it a matter of specific urgency, because you don't have much more time left to change your souls. And this is why I come close to and call you with every revelation, with every proclamation, and if you recognise the Father's voice you will also respond to it, like little lost sheep you will pay attention to the voice of the good shepherd, you will follow His call and it will be to your greatest advantage. But anyone who does not take notice of My voice will hardly find contact with Me, and once the hour of the end has come he will be weak and not turn his eyes heavenwards because he will still be far too earthbound. And this is what I want to avert from you, I want to help you and therefore repeatedly send to you My Word from above and with it also the reason for My Word, so that you take it ever more seriously, so that you listen to and read it whenever the opportunity presents itself. Believe My Word, believe that you won't have much time left until the end, so that you very seriously start your psychological task, so that you still receive many blessings from it, for the time is gravely serious and it is urgently necessary for you to try to imagine that the end will take you by surprise and you will not have time anymore for your actual earthly task. Listen to Me and believe My Word and it will always and forever fill you with strength, I Myself will be able to take care of you as soon as you look for Me in thought. And you will be able to master all difficulties because it is My will that much strength shall be sent to those who keep their faith in My might and love, and I will help them to progress spiritually.... __Amen
God's care for the vineyard labourers....
Those of you who offer to work in My vineyard are being led and guided by Me.... Nevertheless, you must consider it a priority, for you receive and distribute everlasting spiritual possessions.... whereas all secular work merely provides you with transient goods.... And do you know how long your existence on earth will last?.... Hence, you can work and work and yet derive no benefit from what you acquire through earthly exertion.... The work for Me and My kingdom, however, is followed by many spiritual blessings which will be permanent and will also provide earthly benefits, for you will truly not need to live in want as long as you, as My servants, fulfil the will of your Guardian, as long as you are of service to Me during the last days before the end when I will particularly require your assistance. You can indeed believe that your earthly worries will diminish as long as you consider your work for Me more important, for I said 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God.... and all these things shall be added unto you....' Even so, as long as worldly needs are taken into account first, the work for Me will fade into the background and then you will find it increasingly more difficult to commit yourselves to Me and My kingdom.... Your thoughts will be far more inclined towards the world; My kingdom, however, is not of this world and the human being must fight if he wants to make heartfelt contact with Me again.... But I urgently need you as fellow workers, because I don't force anyone to place himself at My disposal since only a free act of cooperation will result in the blessing that the redemptive work will be successful, regardless of which work you accomplish for Me.... As soon as you are permeated by love for Me and your neighbour you are suitable assistants for Me and this love will always impart upon you the strength to work for Me. Therefore, don't allow yourselves to become depressed by worldly worries which I can easily avert and will indeed do so once you predominantly commit yourselves to the spiritual profit you will achieve through your keen cooperation.... both for yourselves as well as for the souls needing redeeming and, not least of all, for Me as well, once I have regained these souls for Me through your activity for Me and My kingdom. You should always bear in mind that every person's life can come to an end tomorrow and that no amount of earthly gain will be of use to you anymore, but that you may take the spiritually acquired rich treasure with you into the kingdom of the beyond and that your activity in this kingdom will then be a blessed one, because then you may distribute and receive again without limit. And if those of you who want to serve Me as faithful servants always bear a near end in mind, irrespective of whether it concerns the whole of the human race or just yourselves.... then you will recognise the futility of earthly labour and will surely give priority to spiritual work, and you will certainly also be sustained by Me Myself. You will not need to suffer hardship, because I Myself, as your Guardian, will look after your physical needs as well so that you will be able to accomplish your task.... You should believe that I will always find means and ways, that nothing is impossible for Me, that you only need to fulfil My will to be certain of My help at all times.... However, I will often also put you to the test as to whether you are willing to resist the world's onslaught, and you need to pass such tests of faith because precisely your faith must be particularly strong if you want to withstand My adversary's temptations, as he will confront you time and again in order to prevent you from working for Me and My kingdom.... But then you should know that My power is stronger and that I will certainly protect you from him if only you are willing to be of service to Me.... __Amen
Beings of light are people's spiritual guardians....
The beings which are surrounded by light in the spiritual kingdom are in closest contact with Me and therefore also share the same will, and they have a tremendous amount of strength at their disposal to implement their will. And thus they are effectively the executives of My will, they are My servants, My authorised representatives, whose actions comply with My plan of Salvation since eternity. They take care of countless beings on earth as well as in the beyond.... Everything that is alive, thus having a certain degree of maturity, also has to be cared for such that it achieves its goal, because without help it would never take the right path; it has to be constantly guided, and this guidance and care is the responsibility of all beings who are permeated by light and strength, whose love for Me and for the unredeemed is so profound that they will always do that which complies with My will.... to release the imperfect spirit. Countless beings of light are close to Me and tirelessly active.... thus countless people on earth are also able to enjoy their care, and every single fate, every event can be directed for the human being in such a way that he can fully mature, as is his destiny. __But even these beings of light will not infringe on the freedom of will, so that, in spite of greatest and utmost loving care, a descent into darkness is not impossible if the being itself resists the will and care of the light beings, thus when it does not acknowledge Me Myself and does not desire strength or light.... In that case the care of the spiritual beings of light will also cease until the person turns to Me himself and thereby also gives the beings of light the freedom to influence him. __But no human being on earth needs to do without the light beings' help and love, no human being will be poorly considered or neglected by Me, but every person's fate corresponds to his own will and this determines the amount of help and strength for his salvation. And since the beings of light are the executives of My will their guidance and care is the same as Mine. Consequently, one can only ever speak of My work and My help, because the beings of light belong to Me as part of Myself, even though they experience the happiness of My permeating them with strength and light and the bliss of constant activity for Me as individual beings. This activity, however, consists purely of executing what My love and wisdom deems to be good and beneficial for the individual souls. Thus the entire universe can be full of souls in need of help, not one soul will have to do without divine care because the kingdom of light is infinite and the bliss of the souls therein consists of accepting tasks from Me and surpassing each other in fulfilling them. __The soul that has become My Own through shaping itself into love is also in direct contact with Me, and My will, My strength and My wisdom permeate this loving being so that it will not part from Me again for all eternity. It then lovingly devotes itself to the souls which cannot share this bliss due to their imperfection, and which the being of light feels impelled to release. It feels the same love for the unredeemed as I Myself, from Whose strength of love everything emerged. Thus it will also look after My living creations, take care of them and direct their state of affairs, so that every human being on earth has a spiritual guardian who, in turn, being completely connected to Me, cannot want and think other than I Myself. I stand above everything surrounded by a host of blissful spirits, but even the smallest and most insignificant being enjoys My care, My protection, and will not be forgotten by Me, even if this is incomprehensible to people because their knowledge and strength is limited and they assume that I have the same restrictions too, as long as they are imperfect themselves and have no idea about the power and light of the Perfect.... __Amen
The light beings' intervention in destiny....
Everything has to be called divine providence, for everything, even the smallest happening, has been predetermined since the start. It is God's will that you should fully mature on earth. And therefore everything has been arranged very prudently so that time and again you will have the opportunity to develop further. Your will is also decisive for the shaping of your earthly life, for God foresaw your will an eternity ago and accordingly laid out every individual person's course of life. The inhabitants of the spiritual kingdom of light are God's spiritual assistants and take care of people in accordance with their degree of maturity, and thus they are God's representatives and serve every individual person as spiritual guardians according to God's will. They intervene in earthly life with their teaching methods, they give to and deny people as is most beneficial to them. Thus they have authority from God to please people with gifts just as they might lead people to maturity through failures. Although this, too, always happens according to God's will they are nevertheless allowed freedom of activity as soon as the human being trustingly appeals to them for help. They are able to grant this request or deny it, and their great love for people will always get it right, since they are as one with divine will. Nevertheless, calling upon the beings of light is an assured means of help, for the beings of light are exceedingly tolerant in their love for people, they rarely deny people a request if the aim of their request is not obvious wrong-doing. And God will give His approval, regardless of how the beings of light decide, for they always share the same will with God. However, if it endangers the human soul the light beings will be adamant, for the danger to the soul must first be over before they can become receptive to a person's request and intervene helpfully. But then the light beings' activity will be evident, then the human being will be able to undertake anything, he need not fear any failure and earthly life will become easy and bearable for him, because his guardian angels grant him support and he can entrust himself to them in every way but without ever excluding God, instead, heartfelt dialogue with Him should precede every appeal to the beings of light, so that the will of the latter is always God's will and the help is always recognisable.... __Amen
Redeeming help for souls in the beyond through people....
Untold souls in the beyond struggle to ascend, and these souls suffer utmost hardship, for their lack of strength makes their ascent impossible, and their realisation of weakness is immensely agonising for them since they don't know how to remedy their situation. This very lack of knowledge is their calamity, since due to the law of eternity they may only be given what they want, and they receive in accordance with their will. If they want light, then they will receive it, yet without having experienced the benefit of light they have no desire for it either. Their agony rests in the fact that they are in a constant state of suffering and no longer able to muster the will to change it, if they don't use their will to revolt against God and their fate and cruelly rampage through their environment. These souls are already in a state of hell, because they are constantly goaded by the forces of hell and their change and endeavour to ascend still requires an incredibly long time. Even the souls which have lapsed into lethargy could equally have to endure their painful fate for an extremely long time unless they receive help from one side, since due to their weak will they are unable to help themselves. __And this help can only be given to them by beings whose love wants to release them from the darkness.... by people on earth or by beings in the beyond who are either already enlightened or just possess a slightly higher degree of knowledge which enables them to help. Thus countless souls experience this hardship and people should take pity on them.... but especially people will rarely help those souls, because people no longer believe in the soul's continuation of life after death.... People could have a vast sphere of activity on the spiritual level if they supported the suffering souls in the beyond and helped them to ascend from the abyss, and helping these souls in the beyond would in turn have an effect on people again when they suffer physical and psychological distress.... Yet people very rarely take part in this redeeming work, they even leave their loved ones in the beyond in great suffering, who should be particularly taken care of by them.... This is why it is welcomed with great joy when people gather on earth who have the will to do redeeming work and want to kindle a light for many souls in darkness. __For this reason beings of light also play a redeeming part in as much as they likewise appear where unhappy souls in the beyond are remembered with loving thoughts, and their help is evident because they protectively surround the people on earth when the crowd of dark spiritual beings threatens to endanger the work of redemption. The souls in the beyond as well as the people on earth have their guardian angels who, depending on the will of the former, will intervene when danger is imminent. And the enemy will always lurk where people want to do redeeming work and try to confuse those who should offer enlightenment to the souls in darkness. Yet he will not be able to prevent the rays of light, which emerge from the redeeming love, from touching the souls of darkness, who feel their benefit and appear wherever people gather with the will to help them, and this work will be blessed.... For once a soul has been touched by a ray of light and love, it will never descend again, it will look for the light and also find it, because every soul will receive what it desires.... __Amen
The light beings' methods of rescue....
People's activity on earth is visible in the spiritual world, and it increases the light beings' eagerness to help because they, too, know of the approaching end and the fate of those who will fail. Merciful love constantly impels them to help but people's will frequently resists them, and they are not allowed to act in opposition to people's will. But since they recognise people's spiritual state they also know effective remedies, and in complete compliance with God's will use these methods in order to influence earthly events. __Hence joyful as well as unfortunate events can be due to these light beings' influence who want to save or lead their protégés to God.... For God Himself has joined them to people as spiritual guides, and therefore the well-being of their protégés' souls is particularly dear to their heart. They, too, know the blessings of suffering for all people and thus suffering is often unavoidable, even though the beings of light are full of love for people. __But to have saved a soul is gladdening for every being of light; after all, they know the infinitely long-lasting state of torment the spirit will have to endure if it gets constrained into matter again. Compared to this state of torment even the worst suffering on earth can be called trivial, and therefore it is used by the helpers such that they will destroy earthly happiness and thereby so painfully intervene in a person's life that a loving motive is barely recognisable.... nevertheless, it is only due to love and concern for the human being's soul which is in utmost danger. For as long as it still lives on earth it will not be abandoned by its spiritual friends and guides. And since you humans have increasingly less time until the end these painful interventions will also become ever more frequent, for they act on God's instruction, they are merely His co-workers who act in accordance with His will. __People collect ever more earthly possessions, they pay consistently more homage to the world and its pleasures, and thus their earthly happiness often has to be destroyed, they have to experience the destruction of earthly goods and learn to recognise the staleness of worldly joys. And all this is only possible if they don't get their own way, if misfortunes prevent their unbridled enjoyment of whatever they are striving for.... Then it will be possible to turn their thoughts in a different direction, and in that case the earthly loss would be a huge spiritual gain.... Then the beings of light will have been victorious and helped the souls to gain life, for which the souls will be eternally grateful to them. __The darkness in which people live on earth is obvious to all beings of light, and they also know that the world is to blame.... Hence they only ever endeavour to turn people's thoughts away from the world and try to achieve this by using apparently harsh and heartless methods which, however, are always based on love, because they are as one with God and therefore also full of love for all wretched beings on earth. __There is only little time left until the end but this time will indeed be very difficult, because all souls which do not voluntarily renounce the world and turn to God will have to be affected.... And thus every difficult experience, every harsh stroke of fate should be considered methods of rescue, which with divine approval still have to be used on people who are at risk of descending into the abyss.... For every soul has its helper and guardian in the beyond, nevertheless, they always have to respect its will or no human being would in fact go astray but instead find his way back to God before the end.... __Amen
Loving help for fellow human beings in distress....
You shall help and comfort those who suffer earthly or spiritual hardship. Then you will truly exercise neighbourly love and also awaken love in your fellow human being. The last days cannot pass people by without sorrow and adversity for they are the last means used by Me to win them over for Myself. I want to speak to every human heart by way of such adversity, and if they hear Me, if they recognise My voice in their distress and then turn their heart and ear to Me they will have taken a step forward, they will have entered the path which leads to ascent. But there are still untold people who keep their heart and ear closed to Me.... And you should speak to these and direct them in their adversity to Me, where they will find true comfort and help.... __You are already helping them by not ignoring their distress, and this help will be gratefully received.... You should believe that only love is the correct remedy, that love heals wounds, that love soothes pain and that no human being is immune to a deed of love. And thus, every deed of love will awaken reciprocated love in another person, and only in this way can souls be won. Souls only mature through love, and if a soul is capable of love, then suffering, too, will result in great blessings, for then the soul will purge itself of all impurities and let every ray of love take effect on it.... Therefore you should talk to all people whom you know to be in difficult situations, who endure much suffering and are without hope and despondent. Comfort them and refer them to Me.... Don't leave them to their pain, so that they won't feel lonely and despair.... Every kind word is soothing to them, and compassion lets them feel their pain less intensely.... Provide them with earthly and spiritual comfort, so that all suffering will have a beneficial effect on their souls.... For you all still have to face much adversity and misery, you will all still experience situations when you will be grateful for comforting advice, for all kinds of assistance. __In the coming time one person will have to depend on the other, and where people don't support each other the hardship will appear almost unbearable unless they turn to Me, Who will never leave a person if he calls to Me. And that is all I want to achieve, that people establish such a heartfelt bond with Me that they will never feel lonely and abandoned but always know that their Guardian and Helper is next to them, and that they then will no longer feel their adversity as harshly and as bitterly as the person who is still distant from Me. Every adversity is endurable for a person who takes refuge with Me, but you, who want to serve Me, can work as mediators between Myself and them.... you can show them the way to eliminate their distress, and if you do it with love you will also be successful. __Don't let your hearts harden, don't ignore your fellow human beings hardship, look around yourselves and you will see much adversity, and your help will always be comforting to others. But you all can help, for the right kind of help consists of kind-hearted thoughts, kind-hearted words and of actions that your love asks you to do.... True, compassionate love for your fellow human being in distress will always let you find ways and means to ease their hardship, and spiritual guidance is frequently of greater value than earthly assistance, for you thereby open the door to their hearts for Me, and once I can enter them Myself they will also be comforted and gladly carry their cross for their soul's sake. And then their adversity will have been a blessing, for then they will have found their way home to the Father, I will have won them for eternity.... __Amen
Informing the soul about earthly life....
As soon as you ask Me a question I will answer and instruct you, so that you understand correctly and all ambiguity is lifted: The earthly progress of a human being's embodied soul.... of the once fallen original spirit.... is a difficult test of its will which is as free as it was when the original spirit came forth from Me. For it is fought over by two sides and it alone will determine the outcome of this battle. Spiritual guardians will always stand by its side but they may not interfere with its free will.... And at the same time countless adverse forces endeavour to cause the human being's fall once more.... However, it is possible for him to master the latter by unwaveringly turning his will towards Me and thereby constantly receiving strength to resist and pass his test of will. __But since the original spirit is still completely without knowledge at the onset of its incarnation as a human being; since, due to its apostasy, due to its rejection of My light of love, it has deprived itself of its light, knowledge and awareness, it has to be instructed, and this takes place from outside and from within.... through My spiritual spark inside of him which ceaselessly urges it into doing kind deeds, and then also imparts an inner light to the human being. In addition, I will always direct a human being's circumstances such that he will be able to learn from them, because time and again spiritual guardians will influence his thoughts to take the right direction, to muster the will to turn to Me, and then I will be able to work exceptionally in him Myself. Thus I take every care that the original spirit will be able to reach its objective as a human being during its earthly existence once it has expressed its will to undertake this final test of will as a human being. But no soul.... no original spirit.... having passed through the creation in the state of compulsion.... will be forced into this final incarnation.... The state of compulsion comes to an end the moment all small particles of an original spirit have congregated again, and from this moment on this original spirit will be free once again, it will not be subjected to coercion, neither from My nor from My adversary's side.... It will be able to determine its own fate. During the time of its higher development from the abyss its resistance to Me will have diminished to a point that it will then be fully mature in order to live on earth as a human being, yet it will have to accept this gift of grace voluntarily.... And therefore it will also be informed of its earthly destiny.... As a result of My permission the original spirit realises that it is not yet at home where glories await it, and it wants them.... But it also realises that only the development as a human being will lead it back into its lost home.... It also knows that it will have to occupy a form again, and this knowledge can still delay its life as a human being.... But as a rule it will readily accept the embodiment as a human being and feel strong enough to pass its final test of will. __But it should make its own free decision and therefore it is shown its earthly progress by observing itself in various situations and, believing itself able to overcome them with ease, is thus also willing to travel the final path in the form.... However, I know every single original spirit's degree of maturity, and I Am able to let it visualize its earthly progress like a vision, I also know how this dream-like occurrence affects the individual soul and Am able to induce its embodiment into the human form accordingly, which only becomes a living being when the original spirit has taken possession of it. __You humans should believe that everything is possible with Me, that I Am even able to touch a completely blind spirit with a spark of light to enable its vision for a few moments.... and that these moments suffice to activate its will, which the original spirit is able to use again once all its substances have reunited.... You should also know and believe that I do not require any length of time and yet My will brings forth what I consider necessary.... And this expression of will by an original spirit to accept the human form is necessary, for it has left its constrained state and should now also freely decide to accept its earthly progress as a human being. But the human being's physical body only becomes viable when the original spirit has occupied it as a `soul'. Only then will the person be guided by his guardian angels, he will be gradually familiarised with knowledge, and will then have to mature as a human being first before his free will and intellect can rationally express themselves.... It is the last process of development on this earth which can give complete deliverance to the original spirit providing it takes notice of the small voice within, of the inner urge which is the manifestation of the divine spark placed by Me into the person.... __But during earthly life My adversary has the same claim on him, and he will also try to assert it.... The human being is at all times subject to influences from above and below, however, he himself has to decide who will gain power over him. And this is his final test of will, that he consciously strives towards Me as his God and Father, and no-one can make this free decision for him, nevertheless, he is granted assistance in every way because I, too, long for his return and, like a truly good Father, will guide My child by the hand if only it will reach out for it and allow itself to be drawn by Me.... For I want all My living creations to become blissfully happy, and I have truly taken all possibilities into account in order to achieve this very goal of Mine.... __Amen

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