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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Last judgment.... Prior wake-up call....
I will always warn humanity of an impending judgment, to offer people the opportunity to prepare themselves.... The judgment nevertheless comes suddenly and unexpectedly.... Suddenly, because I will never announce the time, and so it comes suddenly and unexpected even for the faithful, because people always relegate a judgment to the future and never expect a speedy fulfilment of the predictions. For everything conveyed to people from the spiritual kingdom requires utter faith which, however, is rarely mustered by people. Only few will not doubt when I announce a forthcoming judgment through seers and prophets, but these few are unable to convince their fellow human beings and will therefore always be few and far between until the event has occurred. The signs and predictions of a colossal judgment will accumulate during the last days. It will be announced again through seers and prophets on My behalf, various signs will make a final Judgment credible, contacts will be established from heaven to earth for the purpose of alerting people, for I do not want them to rush headlong into disaster.... Yet people will not believe Me.... And thus they do nothing to improve the state of their soul, they do not live taking the end and their physical death into account but reject everything that could remind them of it. And yet the Judgment will come.... __The day will come without fail when Judgment will take place of the living and the dead, of the believers and of the unbelievers, who are spiritually completely dead and therefore cannot expect to go on living. I speak often and clearly enough to people, but I always have to do so through a human mouth, through natural events or other natural signs, so as not to render people's faith, will and actions unfree.... It would certainly be easy for Me to speak to them from above, to instil fear and terror in them, in order to effect their change.... Yet it would not benefit their progress, I would achieve nothing else but an enforced faith in Me and My might which, however, would not result in love but in fear of Me and could never enable you humans to become perfect. And yet I constantly speak to you and remind you of the impending time, of the end of this earth and the Last Judgment. Anyone who believes it and lives accordingly is blessed, and he can expect the last day without fear.... But woe to those who do not believe.... who turn a deaf ear to My admonitions and warnings, who do not want to hear because they love earthly life and therefore will lose it for an endless time.... My final wake-up call before the end will reach everywhere.... Do not close your ears to this last warning, for then there will not be much time left.... for what I have proclaimed through seers and prophets will fulfil itself, and everything will come to pass as you were told through Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Last Judgment.... Act of love and righteousness....
It is not just My righteousness alone which demands a recompense and therefore imposes the last Judgment upon the human race.... it is far more determined by My love which foresees its inevitable descent into the abyss and wants to put a stop to it. For even if the earth remained in its old form, even if I delayed the Judgment.... it would only damage people's souls which would not benefit thereby but enter into a darkness that would be impenetrable for an infinitely long time. The last Judgment on this earth is an act of love by Me too.... in My eyes this act is people's only salvation if I don't want to leave them entirely at the mercy of their destiny, i.e., to My adversary. It is, in the true sense of the word, a rescue mission which one day you will certainly understand but at your present low spiritual level do not appreciate. The last Judgment and the disintegration of this earth are, in fact, far more determined by My love than by My righteousness.... although this also will have to emerge so as to establish order again, since this is totally disrespected and has to lead to greatest chaos. The individual person can certainly still restore his own order again; he can still become aware of his task and his purpose and strive to live accordingly.... and the last Judgment will not affect him so much that he would have to dread it; for him, too, the last Judgment will only be a demonstration of love because he will be transferred into another life.... be it on earth or in the spiritual kingdom.... a life which will make him happy. And in order to still achieve this with individual people I make it known time and again what the earth and its inhabitants will have to expect.... and good for him who takes these indications seriously and rearranges his life; good for him who will make the effort to live in divine order.... For he will also understand My last rescue operation and regard it as an act of love, since as a result of his life he will also gain the understanding for all events which will take place due to My will and My might. __Only I know the result of an utterly godless way of life, and this is why I must intervene, because My love wants to rescue everyone or provide them with the possibility to free themselves from Satan's control, which can only happen if I bind him Myself.... by putting an end to his activity.... The fact that innumerable people will lose their lives when the last Judgment on earth occurs may well seem cruel to you humans; but it is only an enforced interruption of that which will inevitably lead to death.... so that the souls will at least have the possibility to come back to life again one day.... while it is Satan's goal to keep you forever in his possession. My love, therefore, is the reason for the end of this earth and the destruction of all created beings thereon, and My righteousness will then place the spiritual substances into external forms which correspond to their conduct on earth.... I will put everything right again.... in accordance with My eternal order and will give all spiritual beings the external form they deserve. Only when you humans know the meaning and purpose of earthly life and your task will you find My reign and activity comprehensible, for there is more at stake than your physical life, it concerns the whole of eternity, it concerns the life of the soul for which spiritual death is the most appalling state. And I want to protect it from this death and therefore have to use means which make you doubt My love and yet are only based on My love. I cannot force you into another way of life, I can only admonish and warn you through My Word, which comes as a direct address to earth, and thus all people are being addressed by Me through the mouth of a servant devoted to Me.... I can only draw your attention to the consequences of a wrong way of life and with Words of love try to entice you to enter the right path.... If, however, all these reproaches are in vain, My sentencing Fatherly hand will have to intervene in order to protect you from the worst.... For order must be restored again on earth, so that it will become a place of education for the spiritual beings once more, so that the souls can fully mature according to their destination.... __Amen
Last Judgment is an act of divine love....
The Last Judgment also has to be considered an expression of God's love, for this, too, is based on the continued development of souls which had failed their last test of earthly life and which have to be placed into a new developing process in order to reach the final goal one day. Hence the Last Judgment is, in a manner of speaking, a finalising rearrangement of what had become disorderly.... it is for judging and integrating it into the various forms which correspond to the soul's degree of maturity.... it is the conclusion of one developmental period and the beginning of a new one in line with My plan of eternity which is based on profound wisdom and love. Even a judging God remains a God of love, because My justice is only able to take effect as My love deems beneficial for the soul and yet compensates the wrong thoughts and conduct of people who become subject to this judgment. Even the greatest sin will somehow have to be atoned if it hasn't been handed over to the One Who offered Himself as a sacrifice of atonement.... A balance has to be created in order to diminish this great guilt, and precisely this balance is guaranteed by the Judgment.... by placing the soul, having become sinful, into a situation where it has to reduce this guilt, since it had not voluntarily accepted the gift of atonement.... __The Last Judgment is by no means an act of divine wrath but just an act of love which also expresses My justice.... since this cannot be excluded from a supremely perfect Being. I could certainly let each person feel My righteousness separately, I could more or less punish every sinner immediately.... but this would not correspond to My wisdom, and in that case My love would hardly be recognisable. For I Am exceptionally long-suffering and patient and postpone a judgment, like the one at the end of a developmental period, for as long as possible, in order to still gain people for Myself beforehand.... And I place My protective hand over the unrighteous and wicked, because I wish to defeat them with My love and not be feared by them as a punishing God.... But once the point in time has arrived when I restore order, because there is no further hope of a voluntary return to Me, My love seemingly has to withdraw and yet, it alone is the driving force.... __My love brings a satanic situation to an end and prevents further destructive activity by My adversary.... I rescue souls from falling into the deepest abyss.... I constrain them within solid matter again and thus place them into the developmental process once more.... a judgment which yet again only intends Salvation and not everlasting death.... and which therefore indeed even more demonstrates My love for everything I have created.... for everything that is dead and shall attain eternal life.... __Amen
Sooner or later all of you will have to give account of yourselves before My judgment seat and remember every hour you wasted and lost for eternity. Sooner or later all of you will have to confess your sins because they become apparent and cannot be kept secret any longer, for nothing remains hidden before My eyes. And thus I demand an account for all your thoughts, words and actions. And you should remember this Day of Judgment if you think that you can sin with impunity, this day, when all of you will have to be answerable about your way of life on earth. It will come without fail and take all of you by surprise because you don't expect it quite so soon. Yet it will come like a thief in the night, without warning and in silence, it will come when no-one expects it. And yet not unannounced, for long before I will have drawn people's attention to it, to the Day of Judgment, the day of the end and the destruction of this earth. The fact that you humans do not want to believe it will not change My plan of eternity, for this day has been predetermined according to My will and human will shall be unable to postpone it but must submit to My will. The reason why I speak to people time and again through servants on earth and in the kingdom of light is due to the fact that a day like that, which concludes an unimaginably long period of development, shall not come unannounced to humankind. The Day of Judgment is the conclusion of an earthly period which was granted to people for their salvation. During this developmental period people received a special privilege.... the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ Himself came to earth in order to help those people who wanted to fail in their process of development. __And thus people were able to redeem themselves if only they wanted to. If, however, their will fails then it will be their own fault, and as long as people live on earth I warn them time and again about this fault. Their fault only consists of the fact that they don't want to accept help but are too weak on their own. What they can do they don't want to do, hence they will also have to take responsibility for what they don't want to do. This is why everyone will be held to account on the last day, for they all had a measure of blessings at their disposal which could have helped them to ascend with ease. And the indications of the end through seers and prophets are part of theses blessings. But anyone who does not listen to them, who does not give credence to them, does nothing for his own redemption either. I always admonished and warned people through seers and prophets, and the often enough announced end of the old earth also explains the emergence of prophets in My name, because I won't leave people without warning and they are living in the last days, because the end is so near that all of you would be shocked if you knew the day and the hour. Time and again I draw your attention to it yet no-one shall be forced to believe it, but woe to those who listened to My Word and refused to believe it.... who recognised it as My Word and yet do not believe in the end and the Judgment and therefore do not prepare themselves for the end. Woe to them.... for the hour will take them by surprise when the last Judgment arrives.... __Amen
Last Judgment.... Spiritualisation of earth....
A strict judgment will be held at the end of times, that is, there will come a time when the composition of earth can no longer be called earthly matter, but when all material substances will have spiritualised themselves, so that even the earth will have become a spiritual creation like many others in the universe, each of which, however, lays claim to be a place of education for the spirit. And earth will remain such a place of education for the spirit, only that its creations as well as its inhabitants can be called spiritualised, that the living beings' life will proceed under different conditions and even their task cannot be compared to their present one. Earth, too, will have to go through such an era after an endlessly long period of time, and it is this era Jesus spoke about to His listeners on earth. __Every material creation has to take this path of development, that is, it is only condemned matter in the beginning and, after an infinitely long time, after eternities which people will never be able to assess, it elevates itself to a completely different level; it increasingly spiritualises itself and can finally only be referred to as a spiritual creation. Yet these are immeasurably long periods of time, because all banished spirits first have to take this earthly material path so that matter will then have been completely overcome. Consequently, an endlessly long time will still have to pass until the complete spiritualisation of earth has occurred. And this duration of time is comprised of individual phases of development again; each one on its own will be regarded as an eternity by as yet unenlightened people, because many generations will have to accomplish their full maturity during one such phase in order to attain a specific degree of maturity which then is comparable to the spiritualisation on earth. Every stage begins with spiritually highly mature people and ends with people whose inclination to the abyss is so strong that it will be fulfilled, that they will be banished again into the creations of the succeeding new earth. These phases of development are in fact by human standards also infinitely long but they will always come to an end one day, and time and again an era of development will start anew. Yet at the end of times the spiritualisation of the once material creation will proceed ever faster, and the tests of will, which happen in every period, can become increasingly less, because all living creations will then feel the same.... they will all desire to behold the countenance of God and therefore strive ever more sincerely towards God, or they have already been too far removed from God by the adverse power as to be able to return to God. And this is why they later, in spiritual creations, have to stay as spirits in places to which they are drawn and this is the harshest punishment which can come upon God opposing spirits since it is, after all, a state of complete blindness, a state of servitude, where helping only takes place against the servant's will, yet the person is unable to take any other path but to be of constant service until he surrenders his resistance. __This, too, is a divine law, that every occurrence takes place on a small scale and then repeats itself in infinitely diverse variations.... Jesus foresaw the end of this time, but you humans are only able to look forward to times which allow for humanly possible events.... All of you only take one Judgment Day into account.... But this will keep repeating itself as long as periods of Salvation find their conclusion in accordance with divine will.... Every judgment will end with the condemnation of the adversary's adherents and an admission into the spheres of light of those who remained faithful to God even in utmost adversity. And thus the Last Judgment will also result in the total destruction of all matter, but a completely spiritual new earth will arise, if only after such an endlessly long time that it need not be mentioned so as not to give people a false sense of security by proclaiming a new period of development in which they, in their opinion, would be able to make up for their neglect. __The judgment which separates one period of Salvation from the succeeding one will come irrevocably soon.... This shall be proclaimed by seers and prophets who are called by God and whom He informs Himself through His spirit, for it is necessary for the whole of humanity to face up to the approaching end, to change their way of life and to improve their souls, for the time left to humanity as a final gift of grace will pass quickly.... Soon the final hour will arrive and with it the Judgment which will carry out a complete separation of the pure from the impure.... __Amen
Listen to Me when I speak to you humans through the mouth of a servant: An inevitable judgment is about to happen to you. Nothing can avert this judgment from you anymore, for the time is fulfilled, a period of Salvation has expired and a new one shall start again, so that higher development of the spirits will be able to continue, since it has considerably slowed down due the human being's free will, who is no longer aware of his real purpose and therefore does nothing to further his complete maturation on earth, who even frequently prevents the progress of the spiritual substance bound within matter because he is spiritually utterly unenlightened. You humans, pay attention to the call from above: The last Judgment is about to happen.... Your lack of belief will not halt it, for it was planned by My love and wisdom from the start, firstly, in order to help the still bound spiritual substance to achieve freedom one day, and for another, in order to place the more liberated spirit, the human being, into a state he has created for himself through his will.... Freedom or renewed banishment, blissful activity in the spiritual kingdom or languishing in the matter he himself desired during his life on earth. You humans, listen to Me and believe Me, you are approaching the end.... I already announced the end to you long in advance so that you could prepare yourselves. But now the time has come when My announcements will be fulfilled, now the day comes ever closer which will be the last day on this earth for all of you.... the day, when the external shape of the old earth will be completely changed, which means destruction and annihilation of every work of creation on it. __You humans know of this, because the prophesies about the end of the world did not remain concealed from you, yet you never want to associate this with your time, you never believe yourselves to be affected by it, until the day takes you by surprise. But I don't want you to be taken unawares and experience this day entirely unprepared.... And thus I keep giving you the information from above time and again, I inform you through a human being's spirit what is about to happen to you. I would tell you far more, but if you don't believe this then more knowledge will not benefit you either, because you would only misuse it for worldly gain and this would not help your soul. Nevertheless, you should at least know that you can avert the worst from yourselves if you appeal to Me for help. Even if you call upon Me at the last minute you will still receive help, although in a different way than you expect. I will send My angels to fetch those who speak My name with complete confidence that they will be helped, yet I will not thwart My eternal plan of Salvation.... it will proceed as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... The last Judgment will be the end of this earth, the goats will be separated from the sheep, the realm of the earth will receive all that pertains to Satan and I, as good shepherd, will gather My sheep and lead them to green pastures, the earth will be desolate and bare, without any life whatsoever.... it will wait for the working of My love and then new creations will emerge again which will reshape it into the paradise of Eden once more.... a new earth will arise which will be inhabited by a happy human generation, and all hardship will have ceased for those people who proved their love and loyalty to Me in the last days before the end.... __Amen
Hour of reckoning - Judgment.... Retribution....
Whether high, whether low.... whether poor, whether rich, young or old.... one day you all will have to give account for your way of life on earth when your last day has come. No-one will be able to avoid this accountability, for one day the hour of reckoning will come, the hour of judgment which will then decide the state of your soul and your subsequent fate.... Although you humans doubt the soul's life after death, although you deem your life to be concluded after your body's death.... you will not escape this last Judgment either.... and to your horror you will have to realise that you thought wrongly and that your life was a waste of time, for only a few of those who denied life after death will have lived a life of love.... And these few will begin to understand and have the desire to put right what they did wrong. And they will soon find helpers to assist them in their spiritual hardship.... Yet where all faith is lacking and little love present the hour of judgment will be bitter, for the fate awaiting them will be in line with their state of maturity.... lacking strength and light.... they will helplessly vegetate in agonising darkness.... No soul can escape this fate, even if it held the most reputable position of distinction on earth, for all those who had not created a spiritual garment for themselves on earth will arrive naked and poor in the beyond.... who only took care of the body but not of the soul, whose intentions and thoughts only concerned earthly possessions and who had no belief whatsoever in retribution, in a life after death. To create a spiritual garment for itself in the kingdom of the beyond, which signifies an improvement, is incredibly difficult for the soul.... but not impossible.... However, it often takes a long time before such souls can muster the will for it. And since the soul has to tackle the transformation itself, it can often take eternities until it decides to do so. People on earth do not consider their end and the responsibility they are approaching, consequently, they do not prepare themselves for it; and if, after their death, they only faintly realise their situation they will no longer be able to change it, because they will lack the strength which they had at their disposal on earth in abundance. For just as only loving activity helps the soul attain perfection on earth, so it also does in the kingdom of the beyond.... but loving activity means: wanting to give, to help and to please.... The souls, however, arrive in a very poor state and possess nothing they would be able to give; they have no strength in order to be able to help, they are wretched themselves and therefore cannot bestow happiness.... they are poor and miserable and need help themselves. People don't realise that one day they will reap what they sowed on earth.... Yet, according to divine justice, everything needs to be compensated, and everyone will receive according to merit. Every soul will have to accept the fate it acquired through its life on earth.... And the hour will come for everyone when he has to justify himself.... the hour of judgment comes for every soul on its last day.... __Amen
Signs of the last days.... Battle of faith.... Chaos....
To specify (know?) the moment of spiritual change would not benefit humanity since the precise knowledge is an interference with free will, because at the approach of the predicted time the human being would feel obliged to change his way of life. But it is not God's will that people shall receive knowledge of the day and hour when He sits in judgment over them, they shall only know that the end is near and by the signs of the time become aware of this end. However, if devout human beings ask Him for clarification He will answer them in a manner that is helpful for the salvation of their soul.... __The Last Judgment is preceded by the last days, which last just a few months and are characterized by an exceptionally rigorous battle of faith. As soon as this battle of faith is carried out quite openly, as soon as all secrecy is ignored and all spiritual aspirations are bluntly and recklessly attacked, as soon as laws and decrees are endorsed which prohibit people's spiritual pursuits, as soon as all divine commandments are no longer observed, as soon as all believers are persecuted and have no more rights, the last days have entered into their final phase and the Last Judgment can be expected daily and hourly.... However, before this battle of faith flares up, humanity will find itself in a spiritual and worldly chaos; there will be noticeable regression in every respect. And this regression will be initiated by people who are dominated by Satan. He will show himself in earthly devastation and destruction, in heartless laws, in a God- opposing way of life, in civil disobedience and rebellion against the governing powers and in brutal oppression by the latter, in restriction of freedom and in evasion of law and justice. __These conditions will ensue after a huge earthly tremor, which takes place in accordance with God's will in order to terminate a conflict between nations that human will fails to end. For the people who are affected by this earthly tremor it will denote a change of their accustomed way of life, it will be a time of greatest deprivation and most difficult living conditions, and although this time will be favourable for the spreading of the divine Word it will not signify a revival of a worldly-clerical power. People will indeed eagerly strive to improve their earthly living conditions but these efforts will not be compatible with spiritual aspirations, with the belief in an Authority Which holds them to account and with the divine commandments that require love. And that is why everything that interferes with the return to the former good living standard comes under attack. Thus the battle of faith will start soon after the divine intervention which turns global affairs into a different direction. The events will follow each other quickly as they are hastened by people's low spirit, and this spiritual low shows itself in people's heartless actions, in their thinking, which shows extreme depravity and which prepares deeds that can only be called satanic. And thereby you can identify the moment in time when God's intervention can be anticipated. The global affairs themselves shall be a timetable to you, by the actions people are capable of doing you can see that they have totally distanced themselves from God and this clearly contradicts the opinion that this human race can still expect a spiritual renaissance. __The people who faithfully remain with God will indeed intensify their intimate relationship with Him, they will be in truth His Church which will stand firm amid misery and affliction, but it is just a small group. The world, however, denies God, it is hostile towards all who support God, and this spiritual need signifies that the end is near.... Therefore pay attention to the signs of the time, pay attention to humanity's conduct, to their desertion of God and their preference of the world, when people are evidently influenced by Satan, when they are enslaved by him and do everything to disobey the divine commandments, when nothing is sacred to them any longer, neither the life of their fellow human beings nor their possessions; when lies triumph and the truth is treated with hostility you know that the end is not far. Then you can watch the events unfold as they are revealed to you, because it will all take place during the lifetime of a man who, in a manner of speaking, hastens the disintegration, who pays homage to the destructive principle, who is not constructively but destructively active. And this man's end is also the end of the world, i.e. the end of the world in its present form and the end of those people who presently inhabit the earth, which are separate from those who belong to God. And now you know that there is not much time, that you are not given a long period of time and that the end is upon you shortly. And for this reason you have to prepare yourselves, you have to live as if every day is your last because you don't know when you will be called back and whether you will live to see the end of the earth. If, however, you are needed as defenders of God during the time of battle before the end, God will also guide your thoughts correctly and you will know when the time has come.... the time of the divine intervention by means of unleashing the forces of nature, the time of the battle of faith and the time of the Last Judgment.... It is God's will that you make people aware, thus He will also enlighten your spirit and guide your thoughts in a manner that you understand correctly and only voice and reveal to your fellow human beings what you have understood properly.... __Amen
'I will send you the Comforter....' (Explanation of appa...
My spirit will guide you into truth, as I have promised: I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, which will guide you into all truth and will remind you of everything I have said to you.... Thus anyone allowing this spirit of Mine to become effective in him will also know the truth and can accept everything conveyed to him by My spirit. Think very seriously about this for once and you will know what originates from Me and can be believed by you. As soon as you recollect My Words which I spoke on earth to My disciples as well as to all other people, you will not be able to dismiss the fact that you can receive the pure truth in the way I told you with the Words: I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth.... And prior to My Words I said that I will take abode in those Who prepare their heart for Me, that I will not abandon them, that I will reveal Myself to those who love Me and keep My commandments.... __It therefore follows that My revelations must come from within, that I, once I have taken abode in a person's heart, will also manifest Myself therein with the result that the person will hear My voice through the inner Word.... And this is proof again that you may unhesitatingly trust this voice, for it is the expression of My love for My Own, who are counted as My Own because they accepted Me Myself in their hearts, because I was able to take abode in them. Hence you possess My Word, the announcement of My will, the truth in its purest form. Therefore you need not be taught from outside if you acknowledge Me as your Teacher and entrust yourselves directly to Me. Direct communication between you and Me is therefore possible, and in order to be truthfully educated you must acknowledge this first. Then you will strive to receive the truth from the original source and will also be able to believe with conviction what is imparted to you. For this knowledge comes to you in a fully conscious state; I speak to you and you hear Me. __But I speak to you through your heart and your heart hears My voice, not your physical ear, which can only hear externally spoken words. If you inwardly hear My Word then you will know that I Am expressing Myself; alternatively, if you hear the Word from outside then you need to ascertain its origin, for anything can be offered to you from outside, My adversary also approaches you from outside, and then you should seriously examine it, and if you examine it seriously then you also have the will to find the source of what you are offered in Me. If you therefore want to hear Me speak I will certainly grant your wish, in which case every Word you receive will be true if it is imparted to you through My devoted servants. Let this be a sure sign to you: that I will answer your every question if you present it to Me. __You are all always taught in a way that matches your maturity; you can only grasp profound wisdom once you have reached a specific degree of maturity, when the explanation from the spiritual kingdom can be given to you unveiled, which will be understandable to you if you compare it with My activity on earth, where I always spoke to people in parables, in metaphorical language, in order to explain it to them. These veiled teachings are intended to stimulate a person's thinking, so that he penetrates spiritual knowledge and does not just superficially accept it with his physical ears. If I impart My Word unveiled, as I do now, then the degree of maturity which guarantees the correct understanding is a prerequisite. Words to that effect will not differ as soon as both the veiled and the direct Word from above come in unveiled form from the same source, as soon as every teaching has originated from Me. __But first you must examine this and you need only appeal for My help in order to pass the right judgment. Bear in mind that the adversary works as well, and especially when people try to escape from him, when they strive for truth in order to learn to recognise and love Me. Then he will always try to extinguish or obscure the light and be very active where the opportunity presents itself. __In order to help you humans and to undermine the activity of this said power I provide you with information through bearers of light where impure influences have led your thinking astray. That which comes from above is truth, and that which comes from below are errors and lies.... Where direct inner spiritual activity can be recognised it can only be the working of forces from above which receive and forward My illumination. However, where forces avail themselves of a human form in an unconscious state, caution is advised, for a passive form can also be used by a dark force, if only for a short time, yet fellow human beings themselves often determine the statements made through this form with their own thoughts and wishes, which are instantly picked up by these forces which will then audibly express themselves through this form. For, as soon as some of the listeners have strong willpower their thoughts will also exert a strong influence and, depending on their truth, they will be seized by either forces of light or of darkness and audibly expressed. For this reason the human being should always let go of his own knowledge when he receives spiritual knowledge, he should humbly and like a small child without knowledge allow himself to be taught, then purest truth will flow to him, because no resistance exists to prevent it.... __Many will take exception to the fact that a seeming contradiction comes to light, yet My spirit has always revealed the same to people, it was simply not understood by everyone in the same way, and even those who received My Word were not free of their own thoughts as soon as they turned their eyes towards the world and associated world events with the spiritual information. Besides, My eternal plan of Salvation was unknown to people at the time I lived on earth, and the explanations I gave to people about future times were presented such that only someone who had completely shaped himself into love would have been able to form a correct idea about the last days, about the last Judgment and the end. The others lacked realisation and a clear portrayal would not have been beneficial for them, since the especially announced judgment was still ahead of them, the destruction of Jerusalem, which likewise signified the chapter of an era for these people and was nearer to them than the end. So people were certainly informed of a renewal, of a spiritual change, but with an additional remark which related more to the change of people than the transformation of Earth, because the knowledge of the latter would have been detrimental to their spiritual state.... __But now I approach those people who will live through the final chapter on this earth.... I approach those who have attained a certain degree of maturity and therefore also the understanding for the coming events. To these I provide complete clarification and instruct them to inform their fellow human beings of it. However, they will only be believed by those who become discerning and spiritually enlightened through genuine striving for perfection, who know My plan of Salvation and realise that there is no other option but a total transformation of the earth, for the sake of the souls which have fallen to the lowest point and yet shall be redeemed one day. Right now I speak to the people of the last days, but even in the past My Words were not contradictory.... As Jesus, the man, I said what I saw and was prevented from seeing how the end would happen.... I saw the converted human race but not the transformed earth because it was God's wish to keep people uninformed at that time.... __The fact that Earth must remain a place of education for the spiritual substances and for how long, that it therefore must continue to exist, was certainly meant to be explained to people, however, the transformation of the earth's surface affects the higher development of the spiritual substances bound in matter and the renewed banishment of a soul which, embodied as a human being, has not passed the test of faith and will.... Neither was comprehensible to humanity, it only differentiated between an earthly world, as it existed, and a purely spiritual world, and it was merely explained to people that the earth, as a world of matter, cannot be excluded as yet and that the development on this earth must still continue for an infinitely long time. For Earth as a planet will not cease to exist after the last Judgment, it will merely fulfil its mission in a completely new formation and thus a new developmental period will start with a paradise-like state.... with those people who are lifted up to heaven before that, because they will prove their loyalty to Me during the last battle of faith, because they will persevere until the end and therefore become blessed in heartfelt unity with Me and the spiritual kingdom of light.... __Amen
God will implement His act of Salvation....
Nothing will prevent Me from implementing My eternal plan of Salvation, for My love and wisdom have realised from the start when it is necessary to manifest My Power, to restructure My work of creation called Earth by virtue of My might, and this time will be adhered to, for that which I realise to be necessary will also be carried out by Me. For people's low spiritual level necessitates this change, since it almost cannot be surpassed anymore, and thus the day which was designated for eternity is not far away anymore.... All that needs to be done now is to provide people with the greatest possible help so that those who accept it will still be saved. Yet no-one should think that he can persuade Me to abandon My eternal plan of Salvation.... although I will always grant heartfelt prayers, as I have promised. But you should not pray for the prevention of the last Judgment on this earth, because this act is purely an act of love on My part and you should never prevent Me in My activity of love.... For I know that a complete transformation is necessary, both for you humans as well as all the spiritual substances which are still bound in the creations and which should strive to ascend. And if you pray for prevention then you are only motivated by selfish love because you neither want to forgo your earthly life nor your earthly possessions.... If, however, your love aims in the right direction so that it belongs to Me and your neighbour then your spirit will also be sufficiently enlightened so that you will be able to realise that the last Judgment is an act of love on My part.... Then you will recognise the low spiritual level yourselves and you will know that I must give rise to a change in order to save what can still be saved.... I have indeed always referred to this last end yet never mentioned a time to you, and even now I will not inform you of the precise time but you can be assured that My proclamations will soon fulfil themselves, that you will not have much time left until the end of the earth.... that you are very close to it.... And when you pray then only pray that many people may still become enlightened, that they may take the path to the cross, so that the hour of the end will not mean their downfall but beatitude for them.... Try to explain the commandments of love to all people, try to motivate them into changing their love into unselfish love for their neighbour, and you will truly pray correctly when you pray for help for the people close to you which have not yet gained realisation themselves.... __But do not think that prayer campaigns will be able to determine Me and My will not to accomplish My plan of Salvation, for it really would not be an act of grace, instead My adversary would merely increase the number of his adherents, and even My Own would be at risk of being plunged into ruin by him.... Believe that My love and wisdom only ever want what is best for My living creations, that even this last Judgment is not an act of punishment on My part but only a judgment of that which has completely left My order.... I want to restore the order which was revoked through human will, through My adversary's influence, so that even My living creations' process of return is at risk.... My plan of Salvation only ever intends to return the fallen beings to Me.... However, you humans lack the overall view, the correct realisation, and neither do you know to what depth the human race has sunk already and that therefore the point in time has come that its fall will have to be stopped, that the souls will have to be wrest from My adversary again and banned anew, so that one day they will have the opportunity once more to start on the return path to Me, which they forfeited in this life on earth, which they failed to make use of and are therefore lost again due to their own fault. But My adversary will not keep them in his control, and that is a plus for the fallen soul already, which has to pass through the creations of the new earth in a dissolved state again. You humans are unaware that I Am only ever determined by love because one day you shall become My Own again.... and only see the punishing God in Me.... Yet you have created this `punishment' yourselves, through your inclination towards matter, which has become your downfall, you have aspired towards this fate yourselves.... For matter belongs to My adversary, thus you voluntarily handed yourselves over to his authority, and he will hold on to you until I Myself wrest you away again from him, which will happen through a banishment into hard matter.... but which, at the same time, will be the start of your ascent from the abyss to the pinnacle again.... All this will be said to you time and time again, and therefore prepare yourselves for an end of this earth and do whatever it takes to detach yourselves from the one who wants to ruin you.... Come to Me and, truly, I will help you to resist him.... Then you need not fear the end, which will irrevocably come as I have proclaimed to you.... __Amen
Stormy times before the Last Judgment.... Paradise....
The Last Judgment will put an end to all abominations and peace will be on Earth for a long time. There will be a state of divine order on earth where only peace will reign, where love will unite all people, where the individual person's love will also guarantee God's working through His spirit, where everyone will be able to hear God's voice and be exceedingly happy to know God is so close to him.... where God will also visibly dwell amongst His Own in an as yet inconceivable way for present-day people.... People on the new earth will live in paradise again, in harmony of soul, in yearning for God and His love and in constant fulfilment of their longing. And all evil will be banished for a long time.... Yet before this state can come to pass on Earth a storm must sweep across it with a purifying and devastating effect, a storm which only people with profound faith and loyalty to God will stand up to. They will suffer great distress yet their later time on the new earth will amply compensate them for all previous adversities and afflictions. For as soon as evil has lost its power they will no longer be harassed and most blissful peace on Earth will be their fate.... This is why the final stormy time should not be dreaded by the believers, for God's will is above all happenings, God's love will work amongst His Own and His power will overcome Satan's power at the right time. And regardless of what will threaten the believers, worldly power, human hatred and unkindness will be unable to prevent the coming bliss on Earth or in the kingdom of the beyond for those who will remain loyal to God..... __They cannot kill the soul although they want to kill the body. Yet God will even prevent this because He wants His Own to inhabit the paradise of the new earth.... because they are intended to form the root of the new generation and because they shall be compensated for their previous time of distress as a sign of God's greater than great love which wants to provide His Own with a blissful fate on Earth. Therefore they will also be endowed by God with extraordinary strength with which they will be able to overcome all evil and which will enable them to stand up to the worst hostility. For the bulwark of their faith will be most violently shaken.... And only in those who have overcome their desire for the earthly world will the strength arise to offer resistance. But anyone who will still allow himself to be captivated by the appeal of the world will relinquish all resistance, he does not belong to the flock of those faithful to God, he will sell his soul for ill-reward, for whatever he believes himself to have gained will crumble on the Day of Judgment.... And all atrocities will come to an end on this day.... all God-opposing spirits will be banished and a state of calm will ensue in the whole of the universe, a state of peaceful activity which is incomparable to the peace of death. The latter is the fate of the banished spirits which will be bound in utter weakness within solid matter and for an infinitely long time be unable to become active.... And this is the time you humans are approaching, and you don't have much time left. If you want to be successful during the last days before the day of Judgment you must still diligently work at improving yourselves, you must contact God increasingly more sincerely, you must draw strength for yourselves daily and hourly and constantly remain in prayer in order to always receive strength as soon as you open your heart and desire God's grace and strength. And He will be and remain with His Own until the end, He will dwell with them in the paradise of the new earth and stay inextricably united with them for all eternity.... __Amen
World clock.... Final hours....
I want to inform those of you who believe in Me and have personally experienced My working that the world clock will soon run out, that the last hour will strike almost immediately and that My coming is imminent. People do not give credence to My relevant proclamations and only a few attach importance to them. Nevertheless, I keep telling you time and time again: The Day of Judgment is near and every person's life is at risk. However, I do not refer to your mortal life, instead, your spiritual life is at risk, for if you are unprepared when the day comes upon you, you will succumb to spiritual death and this is far worse than mortal death which only affects the body. You are only minutes away from the Day of Judgment and although I use a different measurement of time.... the time will pass by at a frightening rate and the end will arrive alarmingly soon. My faithful followers will feel it and, with increasing eloquence, draw their fellow human beings' attention to the Day of Judgment, but they will still not find any credence even when it becomes obvious that Satan is raging with all his might.... when the signs of the end are unmistakable and constantly increase.... The human race will cling to the world and refuse to believe that it will come to an end; even My voice from above will be ignored by them and that will be their downfall. Nevertheless you should speak to them and inform them of My admonitions and warnings even if they don't want to accept anything. They shall be warned so that no-one can say that they did not know anything.... because I Myself still want to draw every individual person's attention to it through personal indications, signs and events which affect him directly. Everyone shall be addressed by Me, even the greatest sinner and scorner of an eternal God.... They shall all still receive My grace beforehand so that they will not go astray if only they listen and make use of My gift of grace. And everyone will find the confirmation of My servants' Words, everyone will be forced to think about it.... but the result will be determined by his own will. But then the last Judgment will come without fail.... so that what I let seers and prophets proclaim to this day will come to pass. Yet woe to those who ignore My every admonition and warning.... Woe to those who have rejected My gifts of grace from above and live an irresponsible life on earth. My Word is truth and must come true, and thus you humans can expect this day with certainty, regardless of whether or not you are prepared.... Once the world clock has run out everything on earth will come to an end and I will only fetch My Own into My kingdom, My Own, who believe in Me as the Creator and Father of eternity and also courageously profess this faith before the world. The secular world, however, is a part of the one who will be bound again and, with him, everything that still adheres to him.... they will be judged on the last day and their fate will be profound darkness.... __Amen
'Judging' the souls at the end....
The hour of reckoning will come, the hour when every person will have to justify himself before his Judge.... For order will have to be restored again sooner or later and everyone who has transgressed this eternal order will have to be answerable.... The sentence will be passed in accordance with justice.... Every soul will experience the fate it has prepared for itself; the spiritual essence, which has taken the path through the creations, will be moved to where it belongs in relation to its degree of maturity.... the old creation will be dissolved, i.e. all forms will be reshaped into different kinds of works of creation, and the unredeemed spiritual substance will be placed into these forms either to re-start or to continue the path of salvation, depending on its degree of maturity. At present you humans still do as you want and please, and you are not prevented from doing so, irrespective of how God-opposing your actions are.... But the end will come soon, and you will no longer be able to do as you want, because the time will have passed when you were able to work for your soul's salvation. For you will not have used the time in accordance with God's will but strengthened your soul's cover even more and thereby will have prepared your own fate by becoming increasingly enslaved by matter, and thus you will become matter again yourselves, which you had already long overcome. Yet the law of eternal order will have to be fulfilled again one day. Every spiritual essence, which lived on earth as a human being, will have to receive new forms, since higher development has to continue where it was interrupted.... And the spiritual essence which had failed in its embodiment as a human being has to be given a new opportunity to integrate itself in the process of return.... This could indeed be called an extremely harsh judgement but it only ever corresponds to the human being's own free will, which he had misused on earth.... with the result that his soul will gain banishment into matter, it will be dissolved again and will have to take the infinitely long path through the creations until it once again enters the stage of a human being.... __One day it will achieve the final goal and leave every external shape behind, but it extends or shortens its own time until it can finally enter the kingdom of light in a redeemed state. And although God is inconceivably merciful and patient and in His love constantly tries to encourage people to make the right decision of will.... one day the time will come to an end and then His righteousness will come to the fore, and He will re-establish the old order which, however, will also signify a 'judgement of the soul'.... a transfer into the external form which corresponds to its state of maturity.... And, at the same time, this 'judgment' is the end of an earth- or salvation-period.... It will necessitate a destruction of all works of creation on earth which shelter unredeemed spiritual substance that travels along its process of development in a state of compulsion, as well as people who did not use their earthly existence to progress in their development. They, too, will be 'judged'.... that is, according to their spiritual maturity they will be placed into hard matter again.... You humans are now facing the end of this old earth, whether this seems credible to you or not.... Time and again your attention will be drawn to this fact in order to improve yourselves before the event and to enter the law of eternal order, which only requires a life of love, for love is a divine principle which you, too, as His living creations, will have to acquire if divine order is to be observed. __You are constantly admonished by seers and prophets, who proclaim this near end to you, to consider your real purpose of earthly life, so that the end will not catch you unawares and you will have to step before God's judgment seat laden with sin if you have done nothing to fully mature in the final form.... as a human being, even if you are not yet released from your original sin by having taken this guilt under the cross and prayed to Jesus Christ for redemption from it.... Only he can take all guilt from you, and then you can step before God's judgment seat free of guilt, and you will not have to fear the Last Judgment, then you will be able to exchange your stay on earth with the spiritual kingdom, which is your true home.... You will be able to enter the kingdom of the blissful spirits and neither have to fear the end of the old earth nor new banishment, for the eternal God is not a strict but a righteous Judge, Who will give to you all in accordance with your own will.... __Amen
Explanation about the coming of the Lord....
I want to give you an important spiritual explanation which is intended to benefit your soul: I want to open up an area for you which you would never be able to enter without the working of My spirit, for I want to introduce you to a world which is only comprehensible to the spiritually awakened person, since it already requires a certain amount of knowledge of things which otherwise are completely unfamiliar to the human being. I have promised you that I will return to earth when the day of the end has come.... This promise, however, has given rise to the most diverse notions in you humans, yet the true explanation has evaded you, precisely because the process of My second coming has been presented in so many different ways and.... just as the process of My Own's rapture.... at different times, thus resulting in wrong claims which I want to correct: __My second coming to earth will not take place physically.... such that My feet will touch this earth, instead I will appear with an entourage of the most elevated beings of light and will be visible to all who are My Own, for no human being having devoted himself to My adversary will ever be able to behold Me in all My glory, for the darkness cannot see the light since people would completely cease to exist, being unable to endure the radiance coming forth from Me. Hence I will come to earth and also to My Own still concealed in the clouds, yet they will be able to bear an abundance of light and thus they will highly delightedly rejoice when they see Me with the great host of angels.... For I will open their eyes to see.... Hence it is wrong to say that everyone will see Me when I come to judge the living and the dead, for the `Judgment' will not happen such that every individual person has to be answerable to Me. For I know every individual soul, I know to whom it belongs, and since the last Judgment on this earth is a matter of transforming the entire earth and dissolving its separate creations so that all spiritual substances are released to be placed into new forms, this dissolution also denotes the death of people who had failed their last test of earthly life and had handed themselves over to My adversary.... Hence these will be faced by death and unable to escape, which will generate intense panic amongst people.... Yet prior to this final work of destruction My Own will be lifted away.... __I will come to fetch them Myself, they will be allowed to behold Me as I descend to them from above, rejoicing elatedly and with burning love for Me they will longingly stretch out their hands to Me, and I will draw them to Me, I will take them away, I will lift them up, and thus they will experience a process which completely contradicts natural law.... And this jubilation by My Own will be heard by other people who are at first unable to understand it since they won't see anything themselves. Consequently they will merely be seized by a certain apprehension, which will turn into extreme fear and horror when they see My Own suddenly disappear, when they can't understand why they are no longer able to reach the people they had pursued with their hatred.... why they are no longer amongst them and cannot be found.... __There will certainly be radiating brightness, but the pursuers will find it intolerable. Yet they will not have much time to think about it because the end will follow soon.... And the radiant brightness will give way to an almost impenetrable darkness that will drive people to despair. This will be followed by eruptions, outbreaks of fires, splits will occur in the earth so that no person can save himself and everything will be devoured by the earth.... __Not much time will pass between the My Own's rapture and this final destruction, for the rapture would force the remaining people to believe and this would be entirely worthless as it would exclude a free decision. People will have had adequate time before and will have been constantly admonished and forewarned, and anyone still coming to his senses before will also still be accepted and called away before the breakdown of earth, so that he can be helped to progress in the beyond. This act of the rapture is a completely unnatural process, but then I will be able to waive the laws of nature because it will no longer disadvantage anyone's soul.... But even My coming in the clouds will no longer compel people to believe because those who will see Me will have already attained maturity of soul so that they will merely experience the fulfilment of what they firmly believed and therefore anticipated My arrival on a daily basis. __People rarely accept a correct explanation especially about these last events because they have already formed their own concepts about it and don't want to let go of their ideas.... The rapture cannot possibly take place a longer time in advance because such unlawful occurrences would force people to change their mind.... And the end of this earth in any case means the end of everyone who is still alive, for even My Own will experience it, only they will be in a state devoid of all suffering, even though they will be able to follow the process, because this is My will.... Since they will then be completely devout they shall also experience My might and glory, and thus they will also be able to behold My great host of angels surrounding Me, and then they will also be suitable ancestral parents to populate the new earth, which indeed will also be the work of an instant for Me when I want to give the liberated spiritual essence a new external shape for further maturing.... __But the people themselves will have lost all awareness of time until they are returned to the new earth again.... Nevertheless, they will still possess their old body of flesh albeit it will be quite spiritualised already.... This, too, has to be said in order to refute the misguided opinion that the new earth will be populated by completely spiritualised beings.... For the new earth is intended to become a place for higher development again and the old laws will be applicable to the new earth too.... The process of the fallen spirits through the creations up to the human being will take place and the person as such will have to pass the last test of will again.... which in the beginning will certainly lead to success because there will be no temptations by the adversary, who is bound for a long time.... and because people are full of love they will establish a direct contact with Me and therefore attain full maturity very quickly.... You should not let wrong descriptions tempt you into neglecting or postponing your psychological work, for I will abide by the day when I will come in the clouds and with this day will also come the Last Judgment on this earth.... __Amen
Has the infinitely long path of development been in vain?...
You have travelled an infinitely long path and only a very short stretch of the way is ahead of you, then the time of grace will be over for you, an endlessly long period of Salvation will have found its conclusion and its success will reveal itself on the last day, on the day of Judgment. This day is approaching all of you, the day of which it is written, which countless seers and prophets have proclaimed would come when the time is fulfilled. You humans have so often been reminded of the last Judgment, when everyone will be punished or rewarded according to merit. How often have I offered Myself as a Leader on the final earthly path, when you as human beings need guidance, how often did I send help to you from above when you were at risk of failing; how often were you given guiding principles so that you would take the right path, so that your soul would mature fully and thus higher development would be promoted. I tried with love and with firmness to push you onto the right path, time and again I spoke to you in My Word, as a good shepherd I constantly protected you from the wolves, from the intruders into My flock of sheep; I sent messengers to cross your path who repeatedly proclaimed My will to you; I endured your weaknesses and faults with much love and patience and revealed Myself time and again to you humans in order to attain your love; I Myself descended to you in the Word to advise you in My direct speech that you urgently ought to change for the better.... I tried everything and yet achieved so little.... for people are not concerned about attaining Me and My affection. They live their lives for themselves and no longer acknowledge Me.... And the time flies towards the end.... __The infinitely long path of development before the embodiment as a human being, which you all had to cover, will have been travelled in vain by many people, for the human being has not achieved the culmination of his earthly life. The final stage of development has not been travelled, and at the end of this period of Salvation a last decision will be demanded, because a new era for the purpose of salvation will start again and every spiritual being capable of development will be bound again into the external form which befits its state of maturity, but hard matter will serve as an abode for the spiritual being which failed as a human being. And this decision will still have to be taken before the conclusion of the epoch.... Humanity is at risk of being banished into hardest matter again.... You humans cannot imagine what that means, yet it is the fair compensation for spurning a blessing which could be used by all of you humans and which you disregarded. There is an awful lot at stake for you humans, and all My admonitions and warnings are to no avail, for you don't believe in an end, nor do you believe in a righteous Creator, Who one day will call you to account for your way of life, for your spiritual attitude and your neglected earthly life, which truly could result in your complete release from the form if you would comply with My Words and change for the better. You spurn My grace and thereby create an appalling fate for yourselves.... And even if I speak to you through the mouth of an awakened servant.... you don't believe.... that the end is near and with it the last Judgment.... And thus you will have to accept the consequences, for My love and mercy can indeed give to you, but not force upon you, what you spurn of your own free will.... light and strength and realisation of your hardship.... __Amen
You cannot truly imagine in what way the Last Judgment will proceed; suffice it to know, that it is only a short action where everything will fall prey to its huge power of destruction, and that you will then have no more time to change your thoughts and intentions, because everything will happen rapidly and leave you no time to think.... You will be judged at a moment's notice, i.e. whether you will enter into life or death within a very short time.... Those of you who remain loyal to Me until the end will be carried away, the others will be devoured by the earth, which denotes their souls' new banishment into hard matter. Only people who still have a small glimmer of faith in God will have the strength to call upon Me in the last moment and still be saved by being spared the fate of a new banishment, albeit they will not belong to the flock of the raptured. Nevertheless, their share will be an easier fate, since they will be granted another embodiment as human being in which they should and will be able to prove themselves because the time on the new earth will be free from the adversary's temptations, who will be constrained for a long time, as it is written.... __And that is an exceptional act of grace which, however, will only be taken up by a few, for humanity is completely subject to My adversary at the end, and a person will only seldom detach himself from his restraints in view of the Last Judgment.... which will be dreadful. For all human beings face an appalling physical death, yet before they can spend much thought on it, it has already happened.... And My Own will witness this event, because I want them to get to know My might and glory, My righteousness and My wrath towards the sinners and testify to it as long as they live. For they will become the root of the human race on the new earth.... The event of the rapture is equally unimaginable because it happens in a way that defies all laws, and never before has it been experienced on earth that human beings were lifted up and taken away in their living bodies.... that I move them unharmed into a divinely beautiful region, from where they will then be brought back to the new earth, as soon as it is created in accordance with My Will. __I will not require time for this, because all spiritual substances are just waiting to be placed into works of creation which correspond to their degree of maturity in order to continue their path of development.... Human eyes do not see the act of creating the new earth, therefore it is not necessary to observe a specific duration of time for the sake of people.... And the people who are raptured lack all sense of time, so that they are unable to ascertain what time it takes to create the new earth.... Yet My might is unlimited and will reveal itself in the formation of the new earth, for this will show new creations which you humans cannot imagine but which will highly delight you, who may experience this earth.... It is truly a paradise on earth.... For My Own remained loyal to Me during the battle of faith and shall receive their reward for their loyalty.... All human beings could experience this happiness if only you would use the short time until the end well. But you do not believe and don't do anything to improve your soul's maturity, and therefore everyone will receive the reward he deserves.... a blissfully happy life in the paradise of the new earth or new banishment in the creations therein, so that after an infinitely long time you may once again live as a human being on earth for the purpose of a final test.... __Amen
The last Judgment will suddenly and unexpectedly come upon people. And it will slay every creature on earth, for the earth will change in itself. Everything that can be called alive will be destroyed by a blistering firestorm which will change the appearance of Earth beyond recognition to people who presently inhabit it. Yet it shall be proclaimed to them since a few will be amongst them who will live on the old as well as on the new earth, and they shall testify to the miracles God performed on them. For they will experience the destruction of the old earth in the flesh and yet not be affected by it, for the Lord will approach them, and He will lift them away from the earth. These few are strong in faith and devoted to God in love, they live according to God's will and are placed under tremendous pressure by those people who lack all faith. And thus they are in utmost danger and will be rescued by the Lord Who will come and fetch them Himself. And a separation will happen; good will be separated from evil, the faithful from the unbelievers.... God will seize Satan's power over the spiritual substance by banishing it into the solid form again.... And thus the earth will be shaped anew.... __Nothing will remain in its old form because the time has come to an end which God gave to the spiritual beings for liberation from the form.... It will be a new era in the period of salvation which will be realised with surprise by the people who will be returned to this newly shaped earth in order to become the root of a new generation. They will know about the old earth and will now live on the newly shaped earth.... They will recognise the greatness of God, His wisdom and omnipotence and His infinite love, for their eyes will be presented with a scene which they will absorb with amazement and reverence. It is a realm of peace, delightful and graceful to behold with a most manifold array of exceedingly charming creations, yet completely divergent from those of the old earth. And people will cheer and rejoice elatedly for having been granted the great blessing of inhabiting the new earth. And the horrors of experiencing the last Judgment will fade from their minds, even though it had not affected them. For God will let the event that brings destruction to everything living on earth happen before their eyes, yet they will emerge from it unscathed because God will move them in the flesh to a place of peace until He has accomplished the work of reshaping and then He will return them to Earth again. Then love, peace and harmony will unite the people who were allowed to experience this process of transformation; they will praise God, give thanks to Him and worship Him with profound reverence, they will live according to His will and God will bless them and let a new generation come forth from them which cannot be oppressed by the adversary for a long time, because all power has been taken away from him. And this will be a time of peace and of union with God, for God will stay in their midst because love dwells within these people.... __Amen
Blessings of the last days.... Death before the event.......
God will be merciful to those who still recognise their wrongdoing in time and distance themselves from it, but He will inflict severe punishment without mercy on those who are unyieldingly cruel, who have no compassion even for their fellow human beings and thus pass judgment on themselves through their unkindness. And the approaching time will testify of people's depravity, the most unimaginable means intended for destruction will be devised; and people will not hesitate to use these means to accomplish their plans, and humanity's despair will increase. The leaders, as well as their followers who agreed and supported their plans, will be held responsible for everything. For God is just and He passes judgment according to thoughts, words and deeds.... Nothing is hidden from Him; He looks into the human heart and every genuine emotion determines the amount of mercy at its disposal, that it is granted to him when the end has come.... For the end will come without fail.... It will be accelerated by people's behaviour and thus an era will come to an end that would not result in a better human generation even if God extended His patience and offered humanity many more opportunities to change themselves. But they no longer make use of them and thus God will put an end to earthly life.... __This period of development was particularly gracious for humanity and could have sufficed completely for its salvation. Although God will support people until the end with remarkable gifts of grace they will be mostly ignored, just as everything in relation to God or the benefit of their own souls will generally not be taken notice of. Thus a longer stay on this earth would be inappropriate, that is, it will only benefit the body but not the immortal soul. Therefore the soul's earthly opportunity will be taken away, but it still has the assurance for further development in the beyond if it does not reject God's Word in the beyond too, and only if it loses its physical life before the Last Judgment, before the end of this earth, and is accepted into the realm of the beyond. Death before this event is even an exceptional mercy for the human being if he has not made his decision on earth. Afterwards in the beyond he will still find ample opportunity to be helpful and serve with love and in so doing continue his interrupted development, indeed he can even start it if he does not refuse to listen to helpful souls. In that case he can regress even further and return into most solid matter, after which he has to repeat the long earthly path before he can embody himself as a human being again. Thus God still has many blessings available before He destroys the old earth but He will not force people's will, and depending on how they accept His mercy they will derive benefit for their souls.... they will remain empty and incapable on earth as well as in the beyond if they ignore and reject all blessings, or they will rapidly achieve higher development by readily allowing every gift of grace to take effect on themselves and thereby receive much more strength. For God is exceedingly gracious and merciful but also just, and He will give to people according to their will.... __Amen
God's love and justice....
You need never fear Me as a heartless Judge Who mercilessly condemns you even if you deserved it. Although My justice must manifest itself with every judgment, My love will nevertheless have a mitigating say and never pitilessly condemn you because it cannot help itself but to forgive, to rectify and to place a healing hand on wounds a person has inflicted upon himself through his sins. For the soul has caused all calamities, all pain, all hardship and suffering itself, and it is not that I have judged it because of that, but it has condemned itself of its own free will, it has created the state itself it now finds itself in. And My justice prohibits Me from lifting it out of this self-created appalling situation if it does not desire it for the sake of Jesus Christ.... It is certainly condemned but it has chosen its own condemnation.... It should always be recognised that I Am not a 'punishing' God Who thus imposes such punishments upon the sinner as atonement for his sins, but that this state of punishment was voluntarily striven for and entered into by the sinner and that I, on account of My justice, cannot give him a better fate than the one he has chosen for himself of his own free will. I take pity on the hardship such sinful souls find themselves in and My love would truly like to create a better fate for them, yet once again it is a matter of free will, which neither My love nor My justice will infringe upon.... The soul itself must want to escape its hardship and it must.... because it is too weak on its own to accomplish its will.... call upon Jesus Christ for strength and help.... This is the only path the soul can be shown, then My mercy will manifest itself and, for the sake of Jesus Christ, all sins will be forgiven. If, therefore, a last 'Judgment' is spoken of, it should not be understood as an act of punishment by Me, which might question My mercy or make My infinite love appear doubtful.... Rather, it should be understood as establishing the order, as straightening-out the wrongly directed state in which humanity in particular but also all bound spirits find themselves in during the last days, when people, through My adversary's influence, run riot and live in a completely God-opposing way.... Then My merciful love will intervene again and put everything right.... but it cannot provide the soul, which has failed as a human being, with a different fate from the one that it has voluntarily aspired to. This is indeed a judgment but not one based on My wrath, instead I banish the spirits back into a physical shell with profound compassion, because justice prevents Me from providing these spirits with a blissful fate.... Yet one day this fate will be theirs too, one day free will shall also make these spiritual beings inclined towards Me, and then I will be able to seize them and permeate them with My love without it being rejected.... For although My love is infinite.... justice is also part of My Nature, and this will come to the fore when the time is fulfilled.... __Amen
Directive to take action.... Final admonitions before the...
You must be ready to work for Me at any time if you feel My directive for it in your heart. And you will very clearly feel what you should do and won't inwardly resist it because it will be your own inner urge to comply with My will. Although everything you are confronted with seems like a matter of course to you, it is nevertheless I Who is guiding you and instilling in you the feeling for your thoughts and actions, providing you are willing to serve Me and thus subordinate your will to Mine. Time flies by tremendously fast yet it will no longer result in a change of will; humanity keeps its face turned away from Me and towards material things, it continues to distance itself from Me increasingly more, it is seized by the opposing power and only a few can be stopped on the downward path, only a few will listen to the warning voice in the wilderness of their life.... For I will not leave people without warning so close to the end, I very often send people across their path who warn and admonish them, who point out the near end and beseech them to stop chasing after earthly possessions, who attempt to make them look up and announce the Judgment to them.... But who listens to them? Who still believes in a God to Whom they must answer, who still knows the actual purpose of earthly life, and who still believes in life after death?.... Their God is money, their purpose of life is material possession, and they think of death as a frightening, inevitable end of all life. And if they don't listen to My messengers, their wasted life and utterly wrong will cannot be portrayed to them either, making a change of thinking impossible. However, the only other available means than the proclamation of My Gospel consists of extreme adversity.... but an adversity which will be announced to them in advance by My messengers, so that they will learn to believe if they are willing. And for that purpose I require you, My servants on earth, now and especially in the forthcoming time, because the great adversity will soon be followed by the end; because you are to inform people that they can expect the last Judgment, even if they don't believe it.... Time and again they shall hear it until they pay attention to the signs of the time and take a near end into consideration, although they are not convinced of it. This is the task for which I have appointed you, so that you will speak wherever the opportunity presents itself, so that you will convey your knowledge to your fellow human beings, so that those of you who are informed of My plan of Salvation will attempt to announce to people the end of this earth period and explain to them that it is based on the spiritual low level. You must explain that to people since the time given to people for their redemption has come to an end, My love wants to start a new rescue mission.... and the soul of anyone who listens to you and takes your words to heart will emerge unharmed from all upheavals, it will be saved from the downfall on Judgment Day, because it will still grasp My lovingly extended hand just in time.... __Amen
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