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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Hour of death.... Explanation of suffering....
You never know how your end will happen, and therefore you should call upon God's mercy every day that you might receive it in the hour of your death. Even if you live in accordance with God's will your end can be difficult if it is to serve you to completely purify and liberate yourselves forever. God's wisdom and love is yours until your last hour on this earth, and as long as your souls are still able to change you will be given the opportunity even at the hour of death. __For this reason devoted people often have to suffer in the flesh and cannot find an explanation for it because they are unable to detect God's love therein. And yet, divine love causes this suffering because it is the best means for the soul to acquire a degree of maturity within a short period of time which allows the light to permeate the soul in the beyond, and the soul will thank its Creator once it is free and recognises God's great love and mercy. Thus all suffering has to be seen as evidence of God's love, and even the end is blessed if it is accompanied by suffering, although it does not appear to the human being that way. The soul indeed separates itself from the body with pain, but immediately lifts itself into the kingdom of the blessed spirits. It not only leaves earth physically but also spiritually and also takes the body's fully matured substances along, because every degree of suffering dissolves the cover which still encloses the soul. __And the person who is still able to free himself completely from immature substances on earth will be blessed.... he will have used his earthly life for his deliverance and will no longer revolt against God's will either. In the hour of death he will certainly struggle for the peace of his soul but he will never consider his physical suffering to be unjustified, for his soul will know that the end is near, that his physical suffering will also come to an end and that the soul will derive benefit from it even if it is no longer able to convey this realisation to the body. The body, however, will separate itself from the soul as soon as it senses its perfection, because then it will have fulfilled its task of having served as an abode for this soul. The hour of death can be difficult for all of you but it can also be a blissful falling asleep in order to awaken in the kingdom of light if the soul needs no further suffering, if it has already found the union with God on earth and He then brings it home into His kingdom, into your Father's house, in order to make you blissfully happy. But you do not know how your end will happen, and therefore pray to God for mercy, ask Him for His grace and strength if God still needs to afflict you, and you will also endure the hour of death. The body will suffer but the soul will joyfully leave the body and lift itself into the spheres of light.... __Amen
Last days.... Future - Present....
God has foretold people what will happen to earth in accordance with His eternal plan of Salvation.... He does not want them to experience the last day unprepared, He does not want to surprise them suddenly in their imperfection but give them ample opportunity beforehand to achieve perfection. He wants to urge them to become spiritual, He wants to warn them of the consequences if they ignore His reminders, and He wants to inform His Own of all events which shall come to pass during the last days in order to strengthen their faith and to give them hope and trust for their deliverance. He will not allow anything to happen to earth without informing people first, so that they should recognise Him in all forthcoming events. But He will never divert from His eternal plan of Salvation which He has wisely considered in knowledge of its effectiveness. The end may well take its time but it will irrevocably arrive, and for that reason all prophecies concerning earth and the signs of the last days should be taken literally. And thus the human being can expect the end at any hour, he should always anticipate that the end could occur in the present time, and therefore attach great importance of improving himself, his soul, so that it can emerge unharmed and stand before God on judgment day. As soon as the human being believes the end to be in the future he becomes indifferent and slow in the work on himself. __However, if he anticipates that God's prophecies could fulfil themselves in the present time he takes the transformation of his nature seriously, and this is God's intention from the start, and He urges people to change their nature. But yet one day His proclamations will become the present and shall fulfil themselves word for word. And just prior to the events people will least believe the prophecies and this itself will demonstrate that the last days have arrived. When no-one anticipates the transformation of earth any longer, when people reject all relevant information, when they look at all events from an entirely earthly and material point of view and ignore the divine Creator, i.e. when they negate every connection between humanity's fate and divine will.... then the hour is not far, because then humanity has reached the degree of maturity which causes the end. And then God's proclamations shall fulfil themselves literally, to the horror of those who do not believe and hence are completely unprepared, and to the joy and comfort of the few who are waiting for the last hour as the hour of deliverance from greatest earthly distress. Because one day even the future will become the present, and although God's love is infinitely great, one day God's justice will take its place and end a condition which is disastrous for the still imperfect spiritual substances in the universe. And for that reason people should be repeatedly reminded of the end, they should be informed of the Word of God Who uses His prophets to warn and remind people and hence speaks to them through mediators.... The end is close at hand and blessed is he who believes the prophecies and prepares himself. The day will come unexpectedly and take all living beings from earth to lead them either into eternal life or into death, as God has proclaimed in Word and scripture.... __Amen
Serious reference to the end....
Your days are numbered.... You won't live on this earth for long anymore, your lives will be shortened because the time I granted humanity for its salvation has come to an end, and you, who are presently alive, belong to those who will live to see the end.... I will certainly still recall many beforehand whose souls would not survive the last battle for Me and My kingdom, and many will die far and wide, and the various reasons will not make you humans aware of the fact that the last action has already started, that it is already an act of mercy, because I give those souls the opportunity to continue their process of development in the kingdom of the beyond, which will no longer be possible once the last day has come.... You all have not much time left yet none of you know if he will not be snatched from the midst of life earlier, no-one knows when his hour has come.... Don't mourn those who go before you, for they are recalled by My love; but often remember them in your prayer so that they will make use of the blessings which will also be granted to them in the afterlife. I seriously admonish you all to prepare yourselves for your last hour, for you don't have much time left. I urgently warn you through the events in the world, and if only you kept your eyes open you would recognise the gravity of the hour, for I clearly speak to you through the signs of the time. __However, you humans only have eyes for the world, you give the world your every attention but fail to think of Me, and irritably you shrug everything off what could draw your attention to Me and the end.... You don't want to believe and therefore remain untouched by all happenings which only too clearly demonstrate the truth of My Word to you. It is high time.... yet not in a worldly sense but for penance, for a change of will, for turning back and for reflection.... Don't remain indifferent when I admonish you for whatever it may be.... Ask yourselves in what state you are in when you are being called to leave the earth and to enter through the gate of death into eternity.... Ask yourselves as whether you will be able to stand before My eyes and believe that the hour will soon arrive when your earthly life comes to an end.... Therefore, only take care of your souls and turn your eyes away from the world, for it will perish, the soul, however, is everlasting and its fate in eternity will be according to your way of life on Earth.... __Amen
Sudden end even for the believers....
The hour of the end will come unexpectedly for many of those who know of it, for they, too, still deem it far away, because the commotion in the world does not yet reveal any decline, because the signs of the end are not yet obvious enough, even if they certainly consider it possible that they are living in the end time. And even My believers are as yet unable to seriously get used to the idea that they will live to see the end, for they are still firmly down to earth themselves, they see their fellow human beings constantly bustling with activity and the spiritual knowledge seems almost unreal to them in view of worldly people's aspirations, in view of the earthly progress and people's future hopes and expectations. Hence they, too, will be taken by surprise and realise that the apparently unreal is becoming reality and that people's hopes will be shattered. The end will come like a thief in the night.... yet it announces itself in advance, it casts its shadows, prior to it something will happen on a smaller scale, a natural disaster of immense proportions will announce itself and this will be the last admonition, the final indication of the end.... And although you humans doubt or refuse to believe it.... My plan of eternity is definite, and everything in the universe happens according to this plan. The end will arrive suddenly, because My admonitions and warnings are being ignored, which are truly constantly sent to humanity so that they will not experience the end unprepared. And the only reason for My announcements is to make sure that people will prepare themselves for it, that they consider the end and start the work of improving their soul, that they will live according to their short physical life which can nevertheless lead to the soul's maturity. __It is My will that all My admonitions and warnings shall be distributed, I want people to be informed of it, just as it is My will that the day of Judgment and the fate of those who have deserted Me shall be bluntly presented to them, for people can achieve their own deliverance, the end need not signify the hour of terror for them, they can also calmly look forward to the end if they comply with what is lovingly recommended to them, if they prepare themselves, that is, if they still live on earth according to My will until the last hour has come. Although they are indeed unable to postpone this hour they can nevertheless await it consciously because it signifies the end of suffering for those who have found Me and will only harshly affect people who have renounced Me and therefore are no longer entitled to inhabit the earth which is only intended to help the soul attain maturity.... The end will come as certain as night will follow the day.... the day was determined an eternity ago yet you don't know when it will come.... However, you should believe that everything I announced and continue to announce through seers and prophets will come true, that the day is close at hand for you, that it will take all of you by surprise and that you therefore should consider every day as the last one in order to live consciously and to work at improving yourselves. Then you will never again need to fear the end but look forward to it with complete trust in My coming, which will deliver those of you who believe from greatest adversity.... __Amen
Conscious psychological work....
No-one should reckon to have much time left for the work of improving his soul, for no-one knows when his last hour will come. The human being should live as if every day were the last he was given. He should busily work for the benefit of his soul.... He should not let any day go by without having performed a kind deed, he should support his neighbour with advice and help, he should think of his God and Creator and establish with Him the relationship of a child with its Father.... he should pray to his Father every day and commend himself to Him and His grace. He should entrust himself to Him and appeal to Him for His protection and guidance, he should make mental contact with the world of light.... he should only ever want to do what is good, and then he will, in fact, only do that which complies with God's will. A person can greatly contribute towards his soul's speedy maturing on earth if only he consciously works at improving his soul, i.e., by always keeping in mind why he inhabits this earth and then living according to God's will by fulfilling the commandments of love for God and his neighbour. And he can implement this every day if he is interested in moving forwards in his development, that is, if he lives his earthly life appropriately. But he should not defer this work because he does not know how long he will live on earth.... This knowledge is withheld from him, and for good reason, or he would not be free in his will.... But he also easily runs the risk of carelessly deferring the work of improving his soul, always counting on the fact that there will still be plenty of time to seriously consider his soul.... __No-one knows when his hour will come, it can suddenly take you by surprise, and then you will feel bitter remorse when you realise in the spiritual kingdom what you neglected to do on earth. Many people enter the kingdom of the beyond totally unprepared, they made no spiritual progress at all, they neglected to do everything that might have resulted in this progress, they only lived on earth for their body but never considered the soul, which alone continues to live after the earthly body's death. And therefore, it must suffer the consequences alone, either to linger in agony and darkness or to stray in utter bleakness through infinite spaces, poor and miserable and in severe distress. You are still living on earth and can spare your soul this dreadful fate, nevertheless, you must make use of your life and work daily and hourly at improving your soul, which can already consist of a spiritually directed thought, because then the beings of light will help you and time and again try to draw you into spiritual spheres, which they will also succeed in doing if you are of good will. You should often consider the hour of your death and you will increasingly overcome your fear of dying, for the more you work at improving your soul the less you will fear the hour of death, for then you will be prepared for it, you will live consciously and therefore fearless and aware you will approach the end, which is time and again proclaimed to you. But woe to those who live irresponsibly from day to day, for the day which ends their life will take them by surprise.... Woe to those who have never considered their soul and only ever attended to their body.... Regardless of whether they die before or live to see the day of the end.... their end will be a dreadful one, for their soul will have to bear the fate which the human being has prepared for it on earth.... __Amen
The Coming of the Lord (to be understood literally)....
The hour of My return comes ever closer, for the end of the earth is near, and once the last day has come, I, too, will come in the clouds in order to fetch My Own before the earth's destruction ensues.... However, this is not to say that Earth will cease to exist as a planet, instead, only its surface will go through a complete transformation which for you humans is nevertheless the same as a complete destruction, since nothing alive will escape this destruction because all creatures will be affected. This is why I can come to Earth Myself in order to save My Own from this final work of destruction, for apart from My believers there will be no-one else who survives the final work of destruction and thus might be able to describe it afterwards. I Myself will come when My Own can no longer see a way out, when on account of their faith My adversary will openly proceed against them. They will experience serious difficulties until the end, and only their firm faith will keep them going and able to resist, for they will await My coming and I will not disappoint their faith. I will appear in brightly radiating light and yet soften My brilliance so that My Own will be able to endure it.... Nevertheless, that which will trigger great joy and jubilation in My Own will cause panic in the others and be their judgment.... For although they will be unable to see Me, they will nevertheless notice the unusual occurrence that the people they had pursued will disappear upwards before their eyes.... And this experience will become their judgment, for suddenly they become aware of their wickedness and also convinced that they are facing the certain end, which they cannot escape. Were they able to behold Me in this hour, they would certainly all stretch out their hands to Me.... Yet this handing-themselves-over to Me would be utterly pointless, because it would be an enforced faith caused by the supernatural phenomena of Me Myself.... Yet even the rapture of My Own could still let their belief in Me arise at the last minute, I would truly be merciful to them before the very end.... However, they will already be too ensnared by the adversary and will no longer be able to release themselves, hence they will descend into the earth and a renewed banishment in solid matter will be their self-inflicted fate.... Almost all people will doubt My Coming on the day of Judgment.... And yet, My promise will come true.... I will come to you and you will be able to behold Me in splendour and magnificence. For My Own truly have earned their deliverance from profound adversity and because nothing seems supernatural to them anymore which relates to the end they recognised as certain. The end will come, and I Myself will descend to earth just as I once ascended to Heaven.... in all glory and visible again to those who believe in Me, who are My disciples in the last days before the end. These are not metaphorical Words, not parables for future events.... they are the events themselves and it will literally happen as I have promised you, and you can await it every day when you are extraordinarily besieged by those who are enslaved by My adversary.... As soon as the battle of faith begins you will know that the last hour has come, for this will be his final act, it will be the last battle on Earth which will end with his ultimate defeat.... Then a time of peace will commence on the new earth, for with My coming to Earth and your rapture this period on Earth will end and a new one will start.... The Earth will be transformed and changed into a totally new one and you, whom I will fetch, shall be the new inhabitants of this paradise-like world.... a time of peace and heavenly bliss shall be your fate in the paradise of the new Earth.... __Amen
The earth's last hour....
And the last hour of the world's clock comes constantly closer.... These Words don't mean much to you humans for you don't believe that you are so close to the end.... And for your sake I cannot give you compelling evidence of this for your fear would render you incapable of fulfilling your earthly task. And thus you may or may not believe it, and your nature will be in accordance with this unbelief when the hour has come. For My plan has been determined for eternity, and profound love for My living creations made Me decide on this plan in all wisdom and will also determine Me to bring it to fruition because the time is fulfilled. My Nature is forever unchanging, and what I once foresaw as being necessary and successful for the beings which are still separated from Me I will also carry out and not allow people to make Me change My plan, since it was based on humanity's will which I have eternally foreseen as no longer capable of change on this earth. I do not plan and act arbitrarily but immeasurable love and wisdom determine Me in everything that happens. Hence there is no reason why I should refrain from implementing My eternal plan of Salvation, for I can see every situation clearly and therefore know that nothing will be gained by changing or deferring My plan of Salvation. __You humans must bear in mind that you truly have had enough time at your disposal and yet those of you who do not believe in Me have not changed.....Even if you had far more time at your disposal you would still not change, hence a postponement of the end would be completely ineffective and pointless and would even put My Own at risk of falling prey to My adversary as well if I do not constrain him as it is intended.... You really ought to grant Me supreme wisdom and profoundest love, then you will no longer appeal to Me for preventing the end of this earth, then you will expect the coming time with complete trust in My love which shall protect everyone who wants to belong to Me and which will truly also use its might when My Own need help in any adversity. Even if you humans don't want to believe that your time is nearing its end you should at least consider the possibility that you suddenly will be recalled from earth; for you know that you cannot prolong your own life and that you don't know when your last day will come. Just consider that you cannot stop death and think what will happen to your soul, which is immortal, which is your real Self whose fate you decide yourself during your earthly life.... But you do not even believe in your soul's continuing existence, and as a result of your unbelief you are in serious trouble for it will not stop Me from carrying out what is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... For the time is fulfilled and everyday is still a blessing which you can use if only you are of good will. __However, don't put your hope in false prophets who deny an end, who believe that they can change My mind, for they do not speak in My name but are the instruments of the one who wants to keep you in spiritual darkness and who therefore wants people to believe that they have unlimited time.... People would rather believe these false prophets and only ever seek fulfilment by enjoying a good life but fail to consider their souls whose existence they doubt or deny. And it will come to pass as it was foretold.... I Myself will come in the clouds in order to fetch My Own before the work of destruction of the old earth begins.... Not one stone will remain on the other, for the earth will have to be renewed. A new earth will arise, a paradise-like creation which will accept all immature spiritual beings again which were released at the destruction of the old earth and require new forms once more in order to continue to mature fully. And this new earth will be inhabited by those who had remained true to Me until the end.... For they will have reached the degree of maturity which allows them to enter the sphere of light and therefore they will also be allowed to inhabit the paradise which will truly be the same state of beatitude for them as if they had entered My spiritual kingdom without their physical shell. Yet they shall serve Me as the root of the new human race.... __A new period of Salvation can only start with spiritually mature human beings who will also help all still constrained spirits within their environment to speedily achieve maturity, who have such a heartfelt bond with Me that they will also teach love to their children and children's children and bear witness to their God and Creator's glory, and thus the release from the form can progress quickly because I will dwell amongst them in the living Jesus.... Because all people who will then inhabit the new earth will also entrust themselves to their divine Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ and in awareness of the original sin also consciously take the path to Him and therefore all resistance will have been broken, for then every person will consciously take the path of return to Me so that I Myself can be present to him since his great love for Me will allow it. Hence this will be the thousand-year kingdom in which the victory over Satan will be evident, for he cannot and will not oppress anyone anymore since all have entirely freed themselves from him and achieved the return to Me, leaving him unable to enter My kingdom until even this blissful time will gradually change again.... until people once again show an inclination towards matter and thereby release the chains of My adversary.... who is lord over matter.... and his influence markedly manifests itself again.... Yet before this time comes to pass many souls will have entered My kingdom in a completely redeemed state.... I will have been able to reap a good harvest, and then the battle with My adversary for the souls will start again.... Yet I will be victorious and time and again wrest souls from him and reduce his follows who represent his power. And time and again he will contribute towards the fact that the redemption of the fallen spiritual will continue. For I will never surrender what is Mine, even if it takes eternities.... one day it will return to Me and then remain united with Me forever.... __Amen
People carelessly pay no attention to the signs of the time, nothing seems unusual to them, and they accept every happening without realising its significance. And they do not believe the proclamations about the impending natural disaster either, for they think that the time which is mentioned in the Scriptures has not yet come.... They do not accept any kind of explanation because the thought that people of the present time should be the victims is inconvenient to them. Therefore the forthcoming event cannot be made plausible to them either and they will be taken by surprise and be unprepared when the day arrives. And these are the people to whom the Lord says 'I will come like a thief in the night....' They will be fast asleep and will have made no preparations, and their souls will suffer serious hardship when they are recalled from earth. They will not be able to call upon God anymore because the magnitude of the disaster will deprive them of every thought.... God's love will not let anything happen to humanity without informing them first.... And He warns them a long time in advance yet He will not force people to believe these warnings. __However, anyone who pays attention to the signs will not find it difficult to believe. And anyone who is in contact with God will also feel God's admonition in his heart. He will become aware of the signs of the time himself and he will try to attain God's grace, that is, he will appeal for it and commend himself to God's mercy.... Only a short time separates you humans from this event, and you should use this time so that you can expect it with composure.... You should not entertain the thought that you are perfect and have no need of mercy, you should humbly entrust yourselves to God's love and always believe that your last hour has come.... you should listen to the admonitions of those who, as representatives of God, bring you His Word; you should know that the hour is not far away and always be ready. And God's love and mercy will help you during the hours of adversity. He will remember you as you remember Him.... He will spare your life if it is helpful for you, or He will remove you from the earth and grant you a better life in the beyond if you are worthy of it.... But woe to those who approach this hour unprepared and lose their life.... Their fate in the beyond will truly not be an easy one. And God wants to protect people from this by announcing the forthcoming events to them and admonishing them to turn around if their way of life does not correspond to His will. And thereby He will demonstrate the Words of the Holy Scriptures 'I will come like a thief in the night, therefore watch and pray....' __Amen
You should prepare yourselves for the coming time.... What My seers and prophets have proclaimed will come to pass, for time has expired and according to eternal law humanity is facing a radical change, which has to be understood in a spiritual as well as a material sense. It is the time of the end, the earth is changing and for the inhabitants of earth an era comes to an end and a new one begins. Yet only a few of the people who are presently alive will experience this new era, for preconditions have to be complied with which only those few will carry out. For this reason the earth will come to an end and countless people will die as a result because they cannot experience the new era anymore. I Am indeed lenient with those who will still come to Me in the last hour, who will call upon Me for mercy, yet only a few will suddenly change and realise their sinfulness and therefore still be accepted by Me in the last hour. But it is My will that the small flock of My Own shall reach the final goal, that they will survive the ending of this era and enter the new era where I will need them to uphold My law of order. And therefore I say to you: __Prepare yourselves for the coming time, for it will make extraordinary demands on you, on your will, your faith and your loyalty to Me. The approaching time enables you to achieve exceptionally high maturity but it will also lay claim to all your strength. For the closer it gets to the end the more that which is actually reality will appear unreal to you, the more your faith will be attacked and My name dragged through the mud. But if you seriously prepare yourselves you will be above it all, for as soon as you belong to those who know, your faith can no longer be shaken. Knowledge, however, is the consequence of love.... therefore you should make an effort to live a busy life of love for then you will prepare yourselves well for the end.... This is My advice which you should not ignore.... Cultivate love.... and an abundance of strength and light will flow to you which will enable you to resist everything that will be inflicted on you in the last days and nothing will be able to incapacitate you in the final battle. Prepare yourselves and don't hesitate, for the time is approaching the end, this period of Salvation will be terminated because it corresponds to the eternal order that a change will have to take place as soon as no further progress can be achieved in the spiritual development.... No spiritual impetus can be found amongst people, only a few are striving towards the light and for these few I have a new task in mind which will only start after the change that takes place at the end. Hence they, My small flock, will once again be admonished to eagerly work at improving their souls, for the last great onslaught will happen soon, the last battle begins which shall find forearmed fighters who will enter the battle with Me and therefore will also win.... who will triumph in the end over the opponent and his followers.... __Amen
`The powers of heaven shall be shaken....'
I also foretold that by the signs of the time you will recognise the end is near.... And these signs will be so obvious that you will no longer need to doubt and know the hour you live in.... For the powers of heaven shall be shaken, you will be able to detect cosmic changes, natural phenomena which should make you think; they will be observable and even the lawful order of nature will seem to have been revoked.... and yet this, too, is governed by divine law, for everything that will happen and take place is based on My will. Yet only the truth of what was proclaimed by seers and prophets and what I foretold you Myself about the end shall be revealed to you humans. For everything will become disorderly during the last days so as to make you humans take notice.... Since you no longer accept any faith in a God and Creator, since you think that My works of creation are subject to your influence, since you consider yourselves powerful and extraordinarily knowledgeable, you will also have to be given evidence to the contrary, you will have to recognise your powerlessness in view of phenomena which cannot be stopped or changed by you at will.... Furthermore, you must recognise that such predictions, which you cannot deny, have already existed for a long time and that the time has finally come when what is written and what is repeatedly proclaimed to people through My Word will be fulfilled.... Yet people will even regard the cosmic changes to be the consequences of their own activities and consider themselves as masters with the ability to cause such cosmic changes, and thus they will deny God with absolute conviction. For My adversary's activity in the last days are intended to dethrone Me and therefore he will be bound again.... __But there will also always be people who are aware of the time and speak on behalf of Me and My kingdom to the world, to those who are entirely without faith.... For they know that the last hour will soon strike, they also consider the cosmic changes as evidence because I predicted them Myself when I lived on earth. `The powers of heaven shall be shaken....' this Word, too, has a spiritual meaning which you humans are as yet unable to grasp.... Everything that comes forth from Me, that is based on My will, is alive, and since My strength, which always generates life, will express itself every rigid form will be brought to life.... In the last days before the end My strength will flow out abundantly, everything will become less dense everywhere, that is, the sun of My spirit will penetrate the darkness of night which enshrouds the whole of the earth.... The sun of My spirit will flare brightly and its radiance will give life to everything, it will awaken what is sleeping and give life to the hitherto dead as it is struck by this beam.... Thus the powers of heaven, which you humans are incapable of stopping, will express themselves.... But in the end My power will also express itself in a purely natural sense which no-one will be able to explain, for I predicted unusual signs before the end, and these will happen in such a way that humankind will be able to observe the events in nature with horror since they cannot prevent them with their own countermeasures.... Instead they will even contribute by releasing forces whose effects have not been ascertained as yet and which therefore result in all-destroying consequences and accelerate the final end which, admittedly, is intended in My eternal plan of Salvation because I have always known people's will and therefore based My plan of Salvation on it.... but which nevertheless will be carried out by people themselves who believe themselves able to surpass Me and who are visibly under the adversary's influence whose devastating effect will then become apparent.... __It will happen as it is proclaimed, and anyone who pays attention can already recognise the signs of the time.... anyone who pays attention also realises that My Word is truth, which is conveyed from above to people as a greater than great gift of grace for anyone who wants to accept this gift.... For at no time have I ever left humanity without forewarning when it was faced by events for which I had to send over people as soon as they were at risk of utterly losing themselves to My adversary.... My judgments have always been preceded by warnings and admonitions, for I always wanted to offer people the opportunity to come to their senses and make use of the short time they had left so that their souls' could emerge unscathed from all such judgments. Yet these admonitions and warnings were never allowed to compel belief, and this is why My present proclamations will also find little credence no matter how clearly the signs can be observed.... People try to explain everything in a way that is more to their liking, and this is why the end will take them by surprise, for the time is fulfilled, the end is near.... __Amen
Battle of faith.... The coming of the Lord....
Anyone professing the church of Christ will be treated by the world with hostility and his fate on earth will be difficult, albeit only for a short time, for as soon as the adversity seems beyond endurance, God will rescue His Own and all adversity will end. And God always points out the end to the believers, so that they will bear up against the external onslaught, so that they will faithfully persevere until God delivers them. He will inform them long in advance how Satan will rage and He will promise His Own His protection, so that they recognise the truth of His Word and remain firm in their resistance. If the believers therefore recognise the truth of the divine Word by the progression of world events, by the progression of the battle of faith and the earthly ruling powers' brutal disposition, they will defend His Word even more eagerly, because it will deepen their faith to such an extent that human measures will no longer be able to shake it. And they will receive strength from God, according to their will and their faith, and thus endure the difficult time, for God will not let those down who want to remain faithful to Him unless He still recalls someone into His realm before the end of this earth, if his physical end has come in accordance with divine purpose. However, He needs staunch representatives of the church of Christ during the last days, so that the separation of the spirits can take place. He requires people who proclaim His Word and preach Christ's doctrine of love to the unbelievers, and this without fear and inhibition, so that the unbelievers shall recognise the strength of faith and be shaken up from their spiritual lethargy once more, so that they will still be able to change their mind in the last hour and take the path to Christ, Who alone can bring them salvation, Who alone can redeem them by strengthening their will to liberate themselves from evil and to strive towards God. The fact that the strength of faith is visibly pointed out to the unbelievers are the final means of grace; even so, very little use is made of them because humanity is entangled in Satan's web of lies, because it pays excessive homage to the world and sees its goal of life in exuberant pleasure. And therefore the end will soon happen to you.... and you can recognise this by the fact that faith is being fought against in a way which can truly be called satanic. Then the followers of Christ should unite and together wait for the Lord's help and His coming, for every day and every hour could be the last one, because earthly adversity will become so severe that it will necessitate God's immediate appearance, so that the promises will come true which God gave to people through His Word.... that He will deliver His Own from utmost adversity.... __Amen
Luminous appearance in the sky.... The cross of Jesus Chr...
Pay heed to the occurrences of the last days. And thus you will soon become aware of changes in nature; you will be able to observe a peculiar power-play, a phenomenon which will make you think, if you regard it with the right attitude towards Me, the Creator, Who also causes these appearances to take place in order to turn all people's attention to Himself. And you will notice that only few people have the right attitude towards Me, that most try to explain everything in a worldly sense and are not especially impressed by extraordinary manifestations. This luminous sign will show itself during the day, it will be visible in the sky without prior warning and will not permit any other interpretation than a reference to Christ's act of Salvation, because it is in the shape of a cross with the unmistakable face of the Redeemer. And this luminous phenomenon will give rise to much debate, and now My servants should prepare themselves since this manifestation will be the beginning, it is more or less intended for all people, because it can be seen by all. But how differently it will be regarded and how little it will be understood.... __I will cause a visible sign to appear in the sky and yet find very little attention; I will place the work of Salvation before their eyes that they may believe in Jesus Christ and become blessed, but their faith in Him will be as good as gone and will no longer be found or strengthened either, in spite of this luminous appearance. Because humanity has become too worldly minded and does not want to believe, because they would like to evade all responsibility which they could not do if they had faith in Christ. And thus, this luminous appearance will again be a sign from heaven, a sign of the last days, for only a few people. Although many will indeed be seized by inner unrest it will soon give way to tense attention which, however, is only due to the appearance as such. They will not believe that it is related to the forthcoming end and will merely mock the believers, who will proclaim these predictions to their fellow human beings so that they can prepare themselves for the end. They will find little belief and yet may not slow down in their work for My kingdom, because such opportunities are a special grace for people on earth to reflect and consider the thought of possible intercession by supernatural forces through extraordinary natural phenomena, that the appearance will have been planned by Me to remind people of the end. Science will provide an explanation which will also be accepted, but anyone with spiritual aspiration will recognise Me therein and will cheer and rejoice in view of the imminent end. Because the world will have nothing more to offer him yet his heart will be full of hope for life after death, and he will long for the last hour which will release him from earthly hardship, as I promised, that I will come in the clouds to take My Own home into My kingdom. He will know that the hour has arrived when earthly tribulations increase and no more worldly help can be expected. Then I will shorten the days so that My Own will remain faithful and endure to the end.... __Amen
God's love.... Last days....
You all ought to make use of My love, you ought to know that you have a loving Father Who takes care of you and also grants you joys if they help you to become perfect. My love for My children is never-ending, and all of you who strive towards Me are My children, if you want Me to be your Father. And My love will never stop giving itself away, it will give you everything you need in an earthly as well as a spiritual way. And thus it is up to yourselves to make use of My Fatherly love, you need only open yourselves and allow yourselves to be spoken to by Me and surely, you will not remain empty-handed. For I still have much to say to you, because time is coming to an end and because everything will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture. And you shall inform your fellow human beings of this.... although you will not often find receptive hearts which want to listen to you and believe you. __Nevertheless, the adversity of the time demands mentioning what will shortly come to pass.... And anyone who believes shall be saved, anyone who does not believe and does not prepare himself for the end will perish, i.e., he will meet his judgment when I establish My eternal order again.... when the end of this earth has come. And you humans approach this time with giant strides. And even My love cannot delay the end, because My love includes all spiritual substances, even those spirits which are still bound and shall start or continue their evolutionary process. The fact that people generally fail and make no use of their earthly life in order to mature their souls is their own fault, their free will, and consequently the reason why I cannot divert from My plan of Salvation and leave the still unredeemed spirits in pain. But I will truly still do everything possible to help people find a way out of their spiritual adversity.... I will keep talking to people through you and refer them to the time which lies ahead of them.... I will come to them openly as well as secretly and allow them to recognise Me so that they cannot say that they have not been warned. __And anyone who thus professes Me, who tries to fulfil My will, can also rest assured that he belongs to My Own, that I grant him My love, that I will protect and take care of him until the end of the world.... until the battle has come to an end which is still to come to you humans: the battle of faith, which will be provoked by My adversary because he will rage amongst My Own until the end in order to make them desert Me again. His goal is to destroy the remaining faith which still exists amongst humanity. But this faith is by and large rather weak, and that is why I want to strengthen it by means of My direct communication, so that the faith will become firm and persevere unwaveringly when My name is confessed before the world. Whomever I can address Myself to.... be it directly or through My messengers, will gain a living faith and no threats will frighten him, because he has recognised his Father and cannot let go of Him anymore. __But anyone without a living faith will surrender it for the sake of earthly things, and he will even lose his life to My adversary.... he will be like a reed waving in the wind and blessed is he if he can still lift himself up with your help, if he allows himself to be taught by you and still finds his way back to Me in the last hour. For I will accept anyone who still comes to Me in the last hour, because I don't want you to go astray, because I want to grant eternal life to all of you. This is why My Word shall still be eagerly spread, this is why I want to address you time and again, I want to speak through you to people Myself who usually open their hearts to Me voluntarily. But you can knock at their heart's door on My behalf, and if I then come Myself and they open their door to Me I will also speak to them Myself and they will be very happy. For My love will never stop, and anyone who gives his love to Me will receive gifts in abundance from Me, I will make him very happy in a spiritual and earthly way, for then his soul cannot be harmed anymore, then it will be devoted to Me and will never be able to detach itself from Me either.... For its love applies to Me and is warmly reciprocated by Me, and it will be and remain blissfully happy forever.... __Amen
Doubting God's existence in the end time....
It requires an exceptionally keen intellect to scientifically prove that God's existence can be doubted or denied. And the attempt will be made to solve this biggest problem by scientific means.... the question: Does God exist?.... That humanity is deliberating this most important question is also a sign of the end time, but far more in a negative sense, since people are willing to partake in this controversial issue and its line of argument because their faith, if it exists at all, is very weak and the slightest reason suffices to shake it.... __Does God exist?.... __No question is more important, and providing it is asked seriously by seeking people I Am prepared to enlighten them so that the seeker will be truly satisfied with the knowledge he receives and which he now also confidently upholds. However, if the question is not raised by seekers but by people who think they know better, who only accept the answer which suits them, and who do not want to prove that I Am but that I Am not, they will never arrive at a truthful result, in spite of sound evidence. They already belong to the opposing power which wants to take over the reign itself and push Me aside.... And this is the beginning of the end, because according to the law of eternity I will strip My adversary of his power as soon as he oversteps his legitimate limit, which will be the case when he attempts to displace Me entirely from people's thoughts.... __The battle for Me will be harsh, impressive words intend to convince My Own that they are chasing after a figment of imagination, all religious dogmas and doctrines will be pulled to pieces and not entirely steadfast people will gradually suffer defeat, because the adversary knows how to use his words effectively. And since the majority of people lack knowledge, since they are spiritually blind themselves, they cannot detect the adversary's inaccuracy, but they cannot look for and find the truth within themselves either. And they will falter and fall if they do not join Me in the last hour, if they do not (in the last hour) ask Me for clarification which I very gladly grant to anyone who asks, providing he is of good will and wants what is right and truthful. But anyone who trusts in himself, who wants to solve this most important problem intellectually as well, will get lost in the darkness because he is chasing a deceptive light, he believes the convincing words of worldly scholars and admires their keen intellect and conclusions, and he will abandon Me.... and condemn himself.... __And because I know of this conflict since eternity, because I want to help the weak as well as those who are looking for Me, I Am bringing them the truth in advance. And anyone who applies this truth, who becomes worthy to receive it and voluntarily aspires for it will outshine the keen intellect of worldly scholars, he will become knowledgeable, he will receive the ability to reason, his spirit will become enlightened, and nothing will be able to take away his faith, his conviction, because he is taught by Me Myself and has the evidence that I Am and that I want to win all My living creations for eternity.... And he will remain loyal to Me until the end.... __Amen
Indication of natural events....
I send My Word everywhere, and I also know the right ways and means so that willing people will gain possession of spiritual knowledge which originates from Me. For I know who is willing to listen to Me and truly, everything is possible for Me, even that I address them Myself in a way that is beneficial for them. But I also consider those who are completely devoid, who have not yet felt the desire for My Word, who go along without thinking of Me, who only see the world and its commodities.... I convey My Word to them as well, they, too, are addressed by Me time and again, yet so unobtrusively that they indeed can but do not have to hear Me.... First their will has to be aroused to hear something from different spheres than their own; but time and again such incentives occur through conversations, books, world events or personal adversity and misfortunes. Then the human being will be able to turn his thoughts into the right direction, into infinity, towards Me, into spiritual spheres.... and depending on his will he shall also be nourished.... __Thus do not believe that I will deny My loving help to anyone, do not believe that any human being will have to survive without My gift of grace. I take care of everyone, yet the result is the affair of the human being's own free will. But My Word will be heard all over the world, since I only ever need a willing earthly child with an open heart which can receive the truth directly from Me.... And then it will also pass this truth on, because I know which people are receptive and will bring My earthly children together wherever a small improvement can be expected. And messengers of light will always distribute the truth wherever they are.... And they will all proclaim the same truth because they are My missionaries who will appear everywhere and in all nations during the last days. No famished soul will have to remain without strength and no longing heart will need to stay empty.... And I direct everything, I govern heaven and earth after My will, and I take care of every single living creation and provide it with every possibility to become happy.... I awaken true preachers everywhere to whom My spirit imparts what to say and who are so sincerely devoted to Me that I Am also able to work through My spirit.... Success can be noted everywhere but there will also be people everywhere who will deny every access to their hearts, who will indeed also hear My Words but reject them completely and will therefore be unable to experience any effect. __Yet they, too, have been addressed and will continue to be addressed until the end of their life, because I will try until their hour of death that their souls shall still find Me during their earthly life. Indeed, countless people are still distant from Me and won't try to reduce this distance either, yet I love and care for them to the same extent, because I want to regain all My living creations and thus won't give up on any of them until their last hour has come.... Yet I will not infringe upon their freedom of will.... Nevertheless, what My gentle efforts cannot achieve, what My Word is unable to accomplish, can still be possible through unusual natural events, where people will have no other option but to give themselves up or to take refuge in a Power which is so great that it can help.... The acknowledgement of this Power is already a step forward, and the call of a person in need will be heard by Me and he will be saved from eternal ruin.... My voice rings out everywhere, it can be heard gently and aloud, and everyone can feel himself addressed by Me, everyone can receive blessings and awaken to life by just being willing and taking notice of My voice.... For My love wants to redeem, it wants to give itself away and bestow life on all who are still subject to death.... __Amen
Heartfelt contact with God.... Inner voice....
You should listen to your inner voice after a heartfelt prayer to Me, then you can also be certain that you are on the right path, for then it is My voice which will be speaking to you, advising and guiding you as is right for you. Someone who contacts Me more frequently, who won't do anything without having commended himself to Me, who always enters into dialogue with Me and asks for My blessing, will also do what is right, because I then will guide him Myself and always convey the right thoughts to him, so that his way of life consequently complies with My will too. __Yet this is questionable when you exclude Me from your thoughts, when you deem yourselves able to do everything yourselves, when you live your life without God.... then I often have to let you fail, so that you will take the path to Me again because you realise your weakness.... Irrespective of how powerful you seem to be, how abundantly you are endowed with earthly abilities, it will not influence your earthly life, instead it will take place according to My wise judgment, and therefore you will often find yourselves in situations where your own abilities will not get you anywhere, where you have to take refuge with Me in order to overcome them..... Although even then you can still refuse but you would do well to take the path to Me..... For I Myself thereby entice you to contact Me, Whom you would otherwise forget.... __And thus there will still be many difficulties in store for you, and you all should ask yourselves why your God and Creator allows this to happen to people.... You should not believe that only people's actions alone create conditions which appear almost unbearable.... You should also think of the One Who is Lord over heaven and earth.... and Who allows this to happen. And you should ask yourselves why I allow such things to come over you.... I could divert at any time what is caused by human will, or by virtue of My might reverse its effect.... I could and also will do so where I Am called upon with sincere faith for help in this adversity.... But I nevertheless allow people to experience great hardship because they should take the path to Me, which they haven't walked for a long time already.... Without Me they will lapse into utter weakness, but with Me they will be able to overcome even the most difficult situation, and this is what people should experience.... My Own as well as those who make the attempt to appeal to Me in utmost distress. For they will be helped, often miraculously.... __But the former, too, will realise that they are completely without strength because they rely on themselves and don't believe they need Me.... I want to reveal Myself to people, for their benefit but also for their downfall.... For anyone who even then doesn't want to recognise Me will be lost for an infinite time.... Don't rely on your own strength, it will not suffice for what will come your way; turn to Me beforehand already and appeal to Me to give you strength.... I will not deny it to anyone who thinks of Me in the hour of need. But blessed are those who always carry Me in their heart.... They will not need to fear the approaching time of hardship, for I will protectively keep My hands over them, and no matter where they go, they will be escorted by guides guarding them and smoothing their every path.... __But there will be a storm.... which will devastate everything, it will awaken many sleepers and fearfully make them wonder whether they will be able to escape it. Yet whatever happens.... it is My will or My permission in order to give those on the wrong path a last opportunity of return.... They all can still turn to Me in the last hour, and they will truly never need to regret it.... For I accept everyone who tries to approach Me. I will extend My hands to him which he only needs to grasp for Me to be able to draw him to My Fatherly heart.... For you cannot become blessed without Me.... That is why you should take the path to Me, Who wants to provide you with everlasting beatitude.... __Amen
Three years test of faith.... Christianity....
Every task involves a certain commitment and the earthly child should always vigorously strive to meet this and not allow mediocrity to creep in since a work such as this demands great dedication and is too vast to be likened to daily routine work. And thus you are advised to give all your will and devotion to this work that it should not suffer any loss on account of trivialities. And now begin: __It will take three complete years for Christianity as a whole to pass its test of faith, to either become strong within itself or to completely abandon its faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world.... And during these three years a clear separation will be distinctly noticeable because the world and its followers endeavour to achieve a total separation from faith, whilst the others unite ever more firmly and devote themselves ever more deeply to their Saviour and Redeemer. The latter flock will be much smaller indeed and for this reason great hardship must still afflict the world to save what is not yet completely bound by Satan. The large community of those who deny the Lord are approaching a dreadful time. The Lord is without mercy when His Words and advice are no longer heeded and are ridiculed and laughed at. It is of vital importance to realise that time after time the Lord seeks to approach the human being with love and kindness and that He meets ever more hardened hearts.... that His intention always concerns the return of His fallen children and is not understood, thus leaving only one way to soften their hearts, and all clemency and mercy would be in vain, as these are ignored. Human beings can only return to their Creator by way of much grief and distress, even then it has to come from the heart because the Lord takes no notice of empty prayers, and after that there will be another separation which can yet deceive the ignorant in the final hour. A heartfelt sigh towards the Father of infinity suffices to deliver a child from gravest peril.... But those who are not praying in spirit and in truth will call in vain as their call cannot be heard; and thus there will not be many who acknowledge their relationship with the Father in the last hour, but for the few it will truly be a blessing.... __Amen
Indications of disasters....
Soon it will become obvious to you how transient everything is that belongs to the world, because you will hear more and more often about destruction by the forces of nature, about all kinds of accidents and disasters and the unexpected deaths of many people.... And no-one knows whether and when they might have to suffer the same fate, no-one knows when their last hour will come. Yet each person knows that they cannot take anything along into eternity.... Therefore they should let-up in their earthly striving, in their chasing after all sorts of earthly possessions, for when the hour of death arrives they must leave everything behind.... Time and again you will be reminded of this through unforeseen instances when belongings have become worthless through sudden cases of death and all kinds of misfortune. But these are all signs of the Eternal Deity's mercy which are to remind you to remember your own death as well.... All these are signs of His love, which only ever wants to advance your soul's salvation and which would like to help you take stock of yourselves and change your way of life. For everything you do for the world, everything you only do for your earthly life, merely provides you with transient goods; but the spiritual goods you offer your soul will gain you spiritual possessions again which will follow you into eternity, even if you are suddenly and unexpectedly recalled from your earthly life. For spiritual possessions are everlasting, they cannot be taken away from you and will make you very happy in the kingdom of the beyond one day.... Nevertheless, regardless of how often the transience of all earthly things is pointed out to you, you never ever try to mentally assign such destinies to yourselves but go on living as before, and time progressively moves towards the end; a limit has been set, both for the individual person as well as for all people, which no-one can ever determine but which might be the next day for him, because every individual person is in God's hand. People should always remember this and live as they would were they to know the day. Every day they should be willing to leave the earth; they should constantly increase their spiritual wealth and always defer their earthly desires, they should live in awareness of eternity and not just for the moment, since plans for the future can never be made with certainty, thus they should rather count on an early death and prepare themselves for eternity than spend every day merely striving and craving for earthly possessions, for these are and will remain transient and won't gain the soul any advantage. However, only the soul will survive, it cannot perish, and to make sure that its fate will be good, the human being should provide the soul with that which will help it progress towards happiness:.... The human being should only ever accomplish works of love, in that case he would truly take better care of his soul than he is able to do for his body. For the latter will be preserved as soon as the human being considers his soul first, but soul and body need not fear death, which otherwise will always be dreaded by a person and scare him as long as the human being on earth does not bear his actual purpose in mind. Yet anyone who takes care of his soul first is no longer afraid of death, to a certain extent he is prepared every day and death will not take him by surprise, instead he will merely consider it a much welcome change of location.... __Amen
Prediction of a swiftly approaching end.... Weak faith th...
You know that you cannot expect a long life on earth anymore and that every day is a grace enabling you to mature fully if you make correct use of the time. You know this from My Word but your faith is not yet profound enough to be spurred into utmost striving, you doubt the truth of My Word as far as it relates to the approaching end. Nevertheless, you should eagerly work at improving yourselves, for the end is at hand.... Time and again I approach you with this admonition and warn you of half-hearted thoughtless living; time and again I call to you: Pay attention to My Word, engross yourselves in it and live accordingly. __You won't know when your last hour has come, you don't know how much time you have left until the end, hence you should live as if every day is your last. I always send you My obedient spirits to convey illuminating thoughts to you, to direct your mind to the spiritual kingdom, I send you My messengers on earth to inform you of the approaching end, to draw your attention to the signs of the last days and to awaken firm faith in you by imparting My Word to you which was transmitted directly to earth. And thus I constantly try to explain to you the gravity of the situation in order to enable you a blissful end, yet none of you take My Words seriously enough, your faith is still too weak to live appropriately even though your will is turned to My direction. And therefore I admonish you time after time:.... Engross yourselves in My Word, let the thought of a near end come alive in you, prepare yourselves for it, and place less importance on earthly things in view of the end, in view of the immense spiritual hardship which will even increase the closer it is to the end. __Use all available strength in order to grow spiritually, and fully entrust the care of your body to Me. Make use of the short time until the end, be constantly active with love, always draw strength from My Word, admonish and teach your fellow human beings to do the same and thus help each other to reach the goal on earth which I had given you, help each other to become perfect, for there is only little time left until the end.... __Amen
You are all returning to the condition of the most primitive lifestyle, for only by that it is possible to get you to serve in love for the neighbor, which alone can redeem you. To all people is now given the opportunity to work in love but the free will is decisive as to how far the opportunity is utilized. And thus mankind is out to again create improved life conditions and just according to the will of the individual with just or unjust means at that, for there will be just a few serving but most of them letting themselves be served and at the expense of the neighbors to again attain prosperity, even though for a short time only, for very soon the end will follow. __But the preceding to the end is set from eternity. A partial destruction of inconceivable extent affecting vast areas of land and demanding countless human lives. So, for these people then the end has come, however, as a result of that their souls will enter the beyond yet. The last hour for this world has not yet come where also the portals to the spiritual kingdom will be shut. But to the survivors is yet granted a last reprieve, an exceedingly hard earthly life that may still be called a time of grace though, that yields an increased maturity to many who are still of good will. __The great happenings [actually] should get all people thinking and have them seek contact with God but there are just a few who draw an advantage for their soul from that by entrusting themselves to their Creator and Father from eternity and asking Him for mercy and help. And to all those help shall be granted. For the misery will be big and so general that help from the outside cannot be expected. Only mutually people can help each other and in this love for the neighbor they will be strongly supported from above; they will be able to manage jobs that are actually beyond their strength. Yet the will to help will bring them extraordinary supply of strength, the will to help will have a blessed effect also on themselves so that the helpful person receives spiritually and physically what he/she is willing to pass on, and thus one's own need is removed by that as well. The power of faith and love will visibly appear and every person can ease one's lot by readily remembering one's neighbor and not just one's own need. It's for the sake of reviving love this great need comes upon you because only love can redeem you, and it continuously keeps cooling off the closer it is to the end . And whoever is still capable and willing to love won't be crushed down by the need but they will overcome it by virtue of one's love for the neighbor. __Still, there will be great sorrow everywhere. People will get torn apart, they won't have contact with each other anymore and everyone is now offered the opportunity to devote all one's energies for the ease of the surrounding plight. And man can accomplish a lot if just calling upon God for support and having a desire of help for others. But whoever makes use of one's neighbor and tries to take advantage of his need for one's own self will, at the end, be counted to the ones to be swallowed up by the earth at the last day. He will be counted to the ones to be damned because they turned into true devils and will have to share his [satan's] wages, who will be put in bondage and be again banned in the new earth for an endless long time. __Amen
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