Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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BD 0182-1000

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BD 7001-8000

BD 8001-9030

Dudde Books


ThemeBooklet 066

Jesus' Promises:
‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive’

A Selection of Divine Revelations,
received through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde


Responsibility, Sense of Justice, and Consequences

BD 5212 God is good and righteous ....
BD 5547 True Christianity ....
BD 5548 True Christianity .... Following Jesus ....
Living in love
BD 0343 Danger of selfishness .... Love for God and one’s neighbour ....
BD 0671 Worthlessness and transience of earthly possessions ....
BD 3918 Selfless service in every walk of life .... Poverty .... Willingness to give ....
BD 4868 Neighbourly love ....
BD 6017 Compassion ....
BD 7249 ‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive ....’
Consequences of heartlessness
BD 0665 Abuse of power ....
BD 2810 Hatred and its consequences ....
BD 3300 Destruction of works of creation and its consequences ....
BD 3625 The end is determined by people themselves .... Low level ....
Sense of justice
BD 7482 God’s love and justice ....
BD 0548 Admonition to unite .... Peacefulness... Love ....
BD 1869 Sense of justice .... Judging one’s fellow human being ....
BD 3227a Law - Justice - Races .... Nations ....
BD 3227b Law - Justice - Races .... Nations ....
BD 3906 Justice towards fellow human beings .... God’s order ....
BD 5432 Thinking and acting righteously .... Love your enemy ....
BD 1029 ‘Vengeance is Mine ....’ Revenge ....
BD 1753 ‘Vengeance is Mine ....’
BD 4837 Retribution - Atonement .... Eternal Order .... Forgiveness through Christ ....
BD 6103 Hour of reckoning - Judgment .... Retribution ....
Responsibility before God
BD 5950 God does not condemn, people condemn themselves ....
BD 6236 Accountability before God’s judgment seat ....
BD 6952 Accountability towards God .... Doing one’s duty is not enough ....
BD 7095 The office of Judge .... Responsibility ....
BD 8219 ‘Judging’ the souls at the end ....
Reward and consequences in the beyond
BD 4574 Assessment of duties according to degree of love ....
BD 4890 The reward of a life of love, blissful fate in the beyond ....
BD 5322 Consequences of unkindness in the beyond ....
BD 5670 The works of the flesh will be revealed .... Beyond ....
BD 6242 Punishment for sin? Self-inflicted fate ....
BD 7422 Just retribution in the beyond ....
BD 7638 ‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive ....’
Love awakens love in return
BD 4131 Justice .... Equal rights .... Mutual love ....
BD 4986 Love .... Pleasure of giving .... Reciprocated love .... Belief in Christ’s act of Salvation ....
BD 5019 Gratitude ....
BD 5635 All willingness to help is blessed by God ....
BD 3744 Christ’s promises .... Conditions - Fulfilment ....
BD 6325 Life on earth is but a passageway back home ....
BD 5905 ‘The measure you give ....’
  Who was Bertha Dudde?
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