Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Embodied beings of light.... Lack of past memory.... Fore...
Those who want to be of service to Me ought to know the following: the spiritual state of people who live in the last days requires special help by the beings of light which work on My instructions in the spiritual realm as well as on earth, where a large number of them are embodied as human beings in order to fulfil a redeeming mission. How the beings of light work and help them is clearly evident to people who accept the spiritual information given to them, because they know that people's spiritual hardship can only be remedied through the gift of My Word from above. In view of the wide-ranging spiritual decline it would be completely impossible for My Word to gain acceptance amongst humanity, because it would neither establish the connection with the spiritual world, nor would it want to or be able to accept proclamations from this world. Therefore the world of light has to take mediating actions, the beings of light must look for suitable vessels on earth into which they can pour the emanations of My spirit and thus.... where necessary.... beings of light descend to earth as human beings in order to become a link between people and the spiritual world.... in order to be mediators between Myself and people. Hence a large number of beings of light are embodied during the last days before the end, in which you humans live at present, in order to help you, given that you are deluded and ignorant, live a wrong way of life and are therefore in serious trouble. __You yourselves are unaware of the low spiritual level and its consequences, and if the knowledge is given to you, you won't believe it. Yet the world of light shelters inhabitants who look upon the activities in the darkness on earth with horror and want to rush to your aid in order to still help those who don't offer resistance and entrust themselves to their guidance. However, they are nevertheless human beings who thus want to help and inform you. This is why you don't recognise them, just as they don't recognise themselves as beings from above even though they, as human beings, sincerely strive to ascend.... They are human beings like yourselves and yet their will is directed towards Me, who cannot be harmed by My adversary anymore because they have already become My Own before they came to earth for the sake of the needy human race. They want to bring you the light they constantly receive from Me and which simultaneously is the strength to ascend. Yet neither are they aware of the fact that they voluntarily came to earth, for their efforts to ascend have to be clearly observable by their fellow human beings in order to encourage them to do the same. Were a being of light recognisable as such to people it would not be able to serve them as an example, for then people who are afflicted by all weaknesses and flaws would feel incapable of ever attaining this example. Only very special, elevated spiritual beings know of their mission and origin and also inform people of it, although they will find no credence. __But such elevated beings of light will be recognisable to anyone who wants to recognise them, for their mission always involves public and not private activity, for then not just individual people but all people shall be informed of supernatural activity, of the strength and might and glory of the One, Who is Lord over life and death and the whole of creation, Who does not want His living creations to descend into darkness and therefore sends an exceedingly bright radiating light from above.... And one such light will bear witness to Me and become a talking point. And once it shines you will know that the end is not far away, that humanity has been granted just a short reprieve, for if he is not listened to and his warning call remains unsuccessful then nothing can save the unspiritual world anymore.... then the end will have come without fail as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Spiritual action....
A significant spiritual course of action will occur which will make people reflect on issues relating to the approaching end, since something will take place that was predicted by seers and prophets a long time ago. These prophesies are quite evidently fulfilling themselves and people are starting to take notice. For then they will pay heed to all the signs because they will begin to believe that the end is near. The spiritual action will have an earthly effect, albeit one originating from the spiritual kingdom, hence beings of light are engaged to bring humanity to its senses. The purely worldly minded person will see nothing but a natural event which by chance has affected people who are the focal point of spiritual activity. __But anyone who considers that nothing ever happens by chance will hesitate and recognise a sign which points to the approaching end. For God's reign and work is clearly visible; it is not people who manifest their will by implementing God-opposing actions but, instead, a distinct power can be identified which wants to emphatically express itself. This fact, and the way it manifests itself, will make people think, and depending on their spiritual maturity and attitude they will be more or less impressed by the event. The predictions of seers and prophets are fulfilling themselves.... And the powers of heaven shall move.... All spiritual beings are participating and decisively intervening in world events, because the time has come of which it is written: the sun will lose its shine, i.e. the glory will fade which wrongly shone long enough because ignorant people allowed themselves to be dazzled without objection. __But then a light will shine from above, and everything wrong cannot endure its radiance, but the light will emerge from the shadow of death.... that is, it will only come ablaze with light after a sick and decaying body has expired. Then something new will arise from the old, and many people will become enlightened, they will pay attention to the signs of the time and regard everything that happens on earth as God's will or permission. Heaven and earth will unite for the purpose of bringing light to people who live in darkness. And even if it is people's own fault that they live in darkness they will nevertheless be noticeably helped, so that they will be able to recognise God's might if they are observant and look for the light.... __Amen
The Lord's return.... Present time.... Witnesses of the n...
You all shall be witnesses of My power and glory, you shall live to see My return, partly in spirit and partly in the flesh, for the time is coming to an end and it will come to pass as I have always and constantly proclaimed. You shall experience My return and bear witness of it in the paradise of the new earth.... For I will move those who remain faithful to Me onto the new earth, where they shall also proclaim My Word as they do now on My instruction.... I know who is suitable to do so and know full well how to protect My servants from the destruction, I will endow My disciples of the last days with extraordinary strength to enable them to successfully attend to their office, so that they will courageously fight all those who are hostile to Me and who also extend their hatred to My Own. And not one of them will pass away from earth until his mission has been accomplished. The last on this earth, however, shall be the first on the new earth, where their task will be the same.... To proclaim My Word, albeit in a different manner, for it will be gladly and longingly accepted, it will be recognised for what it is.... as the Father's evidence of love, Who wants to give pleasure to His children. __They will all recognise My voice when I speak through you to people. For they will have all passed their ordeal on this earth and remained faithful to Me. Hence their reward will also be substantial and pleasing, a harmonious life in the paradise of the new earth, which no person can yet imagine but which is granted to them so that My might and glory will manifest itself. And I Myself will be in the midst of them.... I will come in the clouds to bring them home and stay with them, because due to their demonstrated loyalty during the last battle of faith they will have become My children. For they will fearlessly confess Me, they will testify of Me without having seen Me. For this reason they will also be allowed to see Me in full glory before the very end. And what I proclaim will fulfil itself.... I will return, and you will live to see it.... __You do not yet believe that the time is so close at hand, that you will have to experience the horrors of the last days, and that this earth will be destroyed with My permission. You do not yet believe that the proclamations by seers and prophets concern the present time and that you humans of this time will experience significant things which no person can imagine, for this earth has never yet exhibited such. But humanity will soon watch the events with horror and bewilderment which will make an early disintegration of earth believable, and then it will rapidly progress towards the ultimate end. Yet My chosen people will survive the time because it is My will, and because even this time shall have its witnesses who will be selected to speak of it, so that My might and glory will become evident amongst the human generation's descendants on the new earth. For it will have to be preserved as tradition for the descendants, because even then a time will come again when sin will be prevalent and I will be ignored. Then their testimony shall warn and remind people what fate will await those who completely forget about Me.... Then they shall be told about the downfall of the old earth and the Last Judgment which decided over life and death, over happiness and damnation.... __Amen
School of the spirit....
You all have to complete the school of the spirit if you want to attain the eternal right to dwell in the spiritual kingdom as blissful spiritual beings permeated by light, who are able to create with might and strength in harmony with My will. __This school of the spirit is your earthly existence, which frequently is an unbearably heavy burden for you indeed, but which then can also result in greater success if you only strive with good will towards your spiritual perfection and do not allow the tribulations of life to depress you, if you do not regard earthly life as an end in itself but as a means to an end. You always have to remember that the period of time you live on earth as self-aware beings is but short, but that this short phase is decisive for eternity. __Bear in mind that you are expected to make the free decision of will during this short time on earth, and that you are only able to make this decision if you are influenced by two sides and one side becomes victorious over you.... This, understandably, will require a struggle which you yourselves have to settle as human beings. Thus, your spiritual perfection is entirely in your own hands but it will be supported by Me in every way, even if it is not obvious to you. After all, I want to win you over and not lose you.... Hence, you also have to be convinced that I will shape every human being's fate such that he will be able to reach his goal, his spiritual perfection on earth, if his will makes the right choice. And therefore I also know the dangers he could succumb to and will avert them from him as far as possible which, however, does not exclude the possibility that he can nevertheless succumb to them by virtue of his free will. __But his destiny is always appropriate to further his highest possible perfection.... Earthly life is but a short episode, and even if it entails a most arduous destiny his suffering will not offset the beatitude which he can create for himself with correct use of his will. I do not deliberately abandon any of My living creations to their fate, I will always and forever look after each one, for I want the school of the spirit to be successful.... And if the person is always (consciously) mindful that nothing happens or is permitted without My will, which always aims to achieve spiritual success, then he will also always have the opportunity to enter into mental contact with Me to favourably dispose My will towards him, since I Am a Father to all My living creations, Who lovingly tends to His children if only a silent call reaches His ear, an appeal for help in spiritual or even earthly hardship.... __You are truly not alone.... Someone Who loves you is with you and only wants what is best for you.... Why do you not call on Him and confide your problems to Him? Do not allow earthly adversity to deter you from Me but allow it to push you towards Me, then it will truly no longer burden you so much, for I will help you carry the cross that destiny has placed upon you in accordance with My wise decision and in awareness of what serves your spiritual perfection.... __Then the silent submission to My will is already your correctly undertaken decision of will, then you will no longer be opposing Me but you will have relinquished your resistance to Me and acknowledged Me.... Then you will have completed the school of the spirit with utmost success and your end on earth will be an easy one.... __Amen
Serious admonition to consider the life after death....
Once again I admonish you humans on earth: Consider your souls and your state after death.... For the forthcoming extremely difficult turn of events in your earthly life is merely intended to make you consider your physical death and what will follow afterwards. I want to draw your attention to it and lovingly inform you of the hard times which will befall you, so that you then will believe it if you are as yet unable to believe, if you still discard as a fantasy what is solemn truth. You are in great danger, for you live earthly life so light-heartedly as if it would last forever and yet, the time left to you is so short that you would be horrified if you knew of it. You gamble your life away, you are moved by trivial worries, and yet it is only important that you consider your soul, so that it will be able to calmly endure every adversity in order to start the true life in light and strength in the spiritual kingdom. Yet it is up to you humans yourselves in which state your soul will enter the spiritual kingdom. __I ever more urgently admonish you to change your attitude, although it doesn't have to be bad it is nevertheless too earthly minded to be suitable for the spiritual kingdom. Like a loving Father I call to My children on earth: Be concerned about your soul, consider your real purpose of life and hurry, for there is not much time left until the end.... Change your attitude before it is too late.... bear in mind what fate will await you when your earthly life is over, and believe that the soul's life will not end with the body's death but that it will live on, yet in the state you have created for it in earthly life. You are responsible for its fate in eternity, that is, you have to accept the consequences of your earthly life yourselves, which will be a fate in darkness if you have used your life wrongly. __And you live wrongly if you live without faith and without love.... if you do not acknowledge Me as your God and Father and therefore do not observe My commandments either, if you only live for the world but not for the spiritual kingdom, which is your true home and which you inevitably will have to enter, albeit its spheres are so different that it can mean both supreme happiness as well as most bitter agony for the soul, depending on its state of maturity. And you humans are responsible for this state of maturity.... __This is what I call to you from above again, so that you will turn inwards and change, so that you will pay less attention to earthly life in favour of advancing your soul's spiritual life.... Listen to My call from above, take stock of yourselves, turn around before it is too late, for the day will come without fail which I have always and forever announced to you.... You don't have much time left, therefore make use of it and take care of your soul, so that it will not have to fear the end which is soon about to happen to you.... __Amen
Reply to unpleasant messages from Bietigheim....
I want light to be brought to humanity and therefore I have prepared bearers of light for Myself who shall contribute to enlightening people's spirit with their abundance of light, with knowledge they received supernaturally and which completely corresponds to the truth, since I Myself Am the Provider of this knowledge.... I Myself transmit this knowledge to earth so that you humans can find your way out of spiritual darkness and enter into the bright light. I Am a God of love and mercy.... I know your weakness and sinfulness, I want to help you and with much forbearance and patience try to make you understand and change yourselves. Nevertheless, one day the time will have passed which you were granted for your transformation. And therefore I will constantly inform you humans as to what you should do, how you should live and what fate will await you if you act in opposition to My will.... I tell you all this by sending you My messengers, who thus proclaim Me and My will on My behalf.... __I Am a God of love, but also a God of justice, and I will keep My Word.... Do you humans know what that means?.... That everything I have promised you if you live in accordance with My will shall come to pass, but that everything that I announced as a consequence of your resistance to Me will also infallibly fulfil itself.... Eternal order has to be upheld, and the law of eternal order also includes the fact that a specific cause will bring about a specific effect.... Everything takes its time, but once time has run out the law will unfailingly fulfil itself.... __You humans do not have much time left, thus you would do well to get used to the thought that you might suddenly get called away or, if you are exceptionally blessed, that you will experience the end. Whatever arguments you use against it.... they are misguided and will not change the eternal plan of Salvation, which is known to everyone who seriously endeavours to grasp My Word and understand it. What I proclaim through My messengers to you humans is nothing new, references and warnings about the end have constantly been given to seers and prophets since the beginning of this period of Salvation, which must and will sound ever more urgent the closer you get to the end. It is not due to lack of love on My part when My Word fulfils itself, for even this final event has its foundation in My infinite love.... to enable and support higher development of those who failed of their own free will. I would not be a just God if I did not create a balance in a world which is more and more governed by the prince of darkness although it is destined to be a school for the spirit.... and must become it again in accordance with My eternal plan of Salvation.... __Amen
I will take all of you who are willing into My service, for I require many co-workers during the last days before the end who shall do redeeming work. If you declare your willingness to Me then your destiny will also proceed according to your will, that is, you will always have the opportunity to work for Me and My kingdom according to My will. You will feel My instruction in your heart and, once you have offered your service to Me, will sensitively represent Me to your fellow human beings, you will feel inwardly impelled to speak on behalf of Me and My name and proclaim My teaching to all those who cross your path, with whom you will be able to have spiritual discussions and who require your help, or I would not send them on your way. The work for Me and My kingdom need not be externally recognisable as missionary work, it can be carried out in everyday life, unobtrusively and yet beneficially, for precisely those people shall be won over who have no religious connections whatsoever, who are not affiliated to any church organisations or still belong to them as a mere formality. My Gospel shall especially be made accessible to these people, and this is far more effective during an exchange of ideas where everyone can express their own point of view. __Once people are stimulated to think about it success is more likely to be expected, this is why My representatives, My labourers on earth who want to serve Me, must be convinced of Me and My teaching themselves, so that they will also be able to speak with conviction to their fellow human beings. Anyone who has accepted the truth himself is also permeated by it, and he is a suitable co-worker in the last days before the end, for he will always and forever feel urged to offer the truth where it is missing. This is why you won't need any particular instructions from Me, because I will tell you through your heart what you ought to do and this heartfelt expression will be felt as your own will, as an inner urge.... Therefore act according to your inner impulse once you have informed Me that you want to work for Me and My kingdom. I accept all of you and give you My blessing for this work, because the immense spiritual hardship necessitates much help and this has to be brought through a human mouth if fellow human beings are to keep their free will but nevertheless be shown a way which leads out of the great hardship. I bless every good will which applies to your fellow human beings' souls and help you to accomplish it.... __Amen
Last judgment.... Prior wake-up call....
I will always warn humanity of an impending judgment, to offer people the opportunity to prepare themselves.... The judgment nevertheless comes suddenly and unexpectedly.... Suddenly, because I will never announce the time, and so it comes suddenly and unexpected even for the faithful, because people always relegate a judgment to the future and never expect a speedy fulfilment of the predictions. For everything conveyed to people from the spiritual kingdom requires utter faith which, however, is rarely mustered by people. Only few will not doubt when I announce a forthcoming judgment through seers and prophets, but these few are unable to convince their fellow human beings and will therefore always be few and far between until the event has occurred. The signs and predictions of a colossal judgment will accumulate during the last days. It will be announced again through seers and prophets on My behalf, various signs will make a final Judgment credible, contacts will be established from heaven to earth for the purpose of alerting people, for I do not want them to rush headlong into disaster.... Yet people will not believe Me.... And thus they do nothing to improve the state of their soul, they do not live taking the end and their physical death into account but reject everything that could remind them of it. And yet the Judgment will come.... __The day will come without fail when Judgment will take place of the living and the dead, of the believers and of the unbelievers, who are spiritually completely dead and therefore cannot expect to go on living. I speak often and clearly enough to people, but I always have to do so through a human mouth, through natural events or other natural signs, so as not to render people's faith, will and actions unfree.... It would certainly be easy for Me to speak to them from above, to instil fear and terror in them, in order to effect their change.... Yet it would not benefit their progress, I would achieve nothing else but an enforced faith in Me and My might which, however, would not result in love but in fear of Me and could never enable you humans to become perfect. And yet I constantly speak to you and remind you of the impending time, of the end of this earth and the Last Judgment. Anyone who believes it and lives accordingly is blessed, and he can expect the last day without fear.... But woe to those who do not believe.... who turn a deaf ear to My admonitions and warnings, who do not want to hear because they love earthly life and therefore will lose it for an endless time.... My final wake-up call before the end will reach everywhere.... Do not close your ears to this last warning, for then there will not be much time left.... for what I have proclaimed through seers and prophets will fulfil itself, and everything will come to pass as you were told through Word and Scripture.... __Amen
God's Word, an inconceivable grace in the last days....
You humans are truly offered an immense grace if My Word from above is passed on to you, for this Word is an inconceivably valuable means of help during the spiritual adversity of the last days, because it gives you the pure truth from Me through which you can attain beatitude if you accept it in your heart and live your life accordingly. My Word will always have an exceptional effect if it is consciously desired and received, yet even if it is made available to people who did not directly request it they will instinctively feel the strength of My Word by just paying a little attention and thereby opening their heart. My Word will affect them like a speech from another world to which they pay attention because they suspect something extraordinary and don't want to close their mind to it. They could gain infinitely much from it; they could receive a measure of grace which would result in their spiritual maturity within a short period of time. Yet generally they will be distracted by the world again and then carelessly bypass a gift of grace without having gained any benefit for their soul. __Oh, if only you humans would believe that I have spoken to you Myself if My Word was passed on to you, that you would listen to My Words and then make use of the little time you have left to live on this earth.... that you would still seriously consider the life of your soul after the death of the body! I cannot help you in your adversity other than through an obvious gift of grace, you yourselves have to accept this gift and utilise it to the best of your ability. Then you will also be able to work for your fellow human beings' benefit, then you will be able to impart to them the same things you have received through My love, Who speaks to you through My messengers, you will be able to enlighten them just as I have enlightened you, and you will be able to give them the same instructions and make them aware of the working of My spirit.... You yourselves will derive rich benefits from this because My blessings, and those of your fellow human beings who found the truth through you, will follow you. During the chaos of the last days many people will still be grateful to you if you instruct them in My name.... And for this teaching ministry I Am now preparing you, My chosen few.... For you believe My Words, yet you, too, will be seized by doubt as you follow world events and wonder why I remain silent while the world continues to sin without inhibition and is not prevented from above. I will manifest Myself without fail and call people to order with a voice of thunder.... __And precisely for this reason I will still offer you humans an abundance of blessings in advance, which could provide you with a degree of maturity that would enable you to safely expect and survive the end. Yet you barely take notice of My gift of grace, and only few recognise it for what it is, a final call of loving admonition to the children of this earth who are facing their last decision.... I will constantly send My Word to earth so that you, who are My Own, will recognise that I Am not withdrawing but watching over all of you. And I will always come to you in Word and Scripture and on the Last Day in My full glory, when My Own will require comfort and strength and help which only I Myself can bring to them. Then everything I had announced before so that you shall become strong in faith, will be fulfilled, and those who will remain faithful to Me until the end, who believed My Words and used My gift of grace correctly, will be admitted into the kingdom of peace. For the end will mean the beginning of a new life for them, a life in peace and bliss in the paradise of the new earth, which I had promised to all who believe in Me, who love Me and who keep My commandments.... The last day on this earth will be the first day in beatitude, for I will come Myself to fetch My Own when their life is in danger on this earth.... __Amen
Serious wake-up call....
You don't have much time left.... Time and again I have to say this to you for you don't take My Words seriously, you are living in the midst of the world and cannot believe that everything around you will cease to exist one day and that only that will remain which is everlasting.... your soul. Time and again I want to admonish you to seriously envisage what kind of state your soul will then be in. Time and again I want to warn you against focussing your every thought and intention on acquiring earthly goods, on improving your earthly situation.... it is a futile effort, for you will not keep anything when your time has come, the time when you will either be recalled or when everything around you disintegrates. You really should believe that you are wasting your energy, that you work for nothing, that it is merely temporary prosperity which might still provide you with a few comfortable days of life but which is unfavourable for the soul if you don't consider it first and diligently aim to gain spiritual possessions. You may certainly enjoy a good living standard if you use your earthly possessions correctly, if you share them with those suffering poverty and hardship, if you manage your possessions beneficially, if you regard them as having been received from Me and show your gratitude by practicing active neighbourly love, by alleviating hardship in an earthly and spiritual way and thereby live an exemplary life for your fellow human beings and motivate them to also live a life of love.... Then earthly prosperity will have positive consequences, then your soul will not have to starve, then you are considering your soul first and need not be afraid of the forthcoming events.... But woe to those who only pay attention to their physical life.... it will be taken from them and the poverty they suffer in the spiritual kingdom will be a dreadful burden to them.... . __Believe that you are facing immense events, believe that you are only granted a little time longer, make every effort to attain spiritual possessions before it is too late.... Everything you acquire of an earthly nature will be lost to you; take care that you will possess spiritual goods; I seriously admonish you so that you cannot say that you were not informed of that which is irrevocably granted to you.... Don't turn a deaf ear to My advice and warning, they are My loving calls which come to you through a human mouth and intend to protect you from a dreadful fate and which I will repeat in a different way for those earthly children who are unwilling to listen and believe.... My admonishing wake-up call will very soon resound so forcefully that it will make you tremble. I want to speak to you once more through the forces of nature and call to you from above: Wake up, you sleepers.... pluck up courage and stop being feeble.... don't look for worldly pleasures and everything of a transient nature; try to gain My kingdom and consider your true Self.... consider your soul, whose fate in eternity is prepared by yourselves.... Once again I Am telling you: Shortly after this final wake-up call the last Judgment will follow and the disintegration of Earth and the end of everything that lives on it will take place.... That is why you humans are in such great danger, because you don't want to recognise and believe that your end has come or you would yet prepare yourselves and pay no further attention to the world and its commodities.... The time I have granted to you is over and until the very end I will still try to save souls, hence My love constantly calls to people to take stock of themselves, to do penance and to turn back, for I don't want them to go astray.... I only want them to become blissfully happy.... __Amen
Wave of awakenings during the last days....
A large wave of spiritual awakenings is moving across the earth, for the end is near and during the last days many souls shall still be won for the spiritual kingdom. The love of God is infinite and helps wherever people are without strength because they live without love. God's outpouring of grace flows constantly to people, and where a heart merely opens to receive this flow of grace God's strength becomes evident and the human being testifies to Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Redeemer of the world.... For that reason God's Word is proclaimed everywhere, but it can only take effect on people if it is preached by someone filled by the spirit of God, who will give life to the Words and therefore also affect the listeners. And during the last days such preachers filled by the spirit of God will arise ever more, and thus they will have been awakened.... The Lord of Heaven and Earth reveals Himself in every way, he speaks through the mouths of many people, yet only if a spiritual awakening has preceded. But then the spirit within the person will impel him to be eagerly active on behalf of God and His kingdom.... But God's adversary also works to the same extent, and his endeavour is the same: to let people speak on his behalf so that darkness will be spread and that God shall lose his power. The human race lives in confused thinking, it no longer has the gift of discernment, it accepts and rejects entirely arbitrarily, for it is incapable of recognising truth as truth and error as error. And this inability is used by God's opponent by trying to intersperse the truth with errors.... Where divine revelations are conveyed to earth, where the spirit of God can work in a person, that is where the pure truth exists, and this will also be protected by the One Who wants to reveal Himself through it. The adversary can only exert his influence where the desire for truth is not predominant, where therefore God, the eternal Truth Himself, does not assume first place or where still earthbound thoughts emerge, so that the spirit of God has no unrestricted reign in the person.... Then it recedes and the hostile power gains influence over a person's thoughts although he believes himself to be instructed by the spirit of God. In that case, however, one cannot speak of a spiritual awakening either, the will might have been present yet he failed to do what is necessary in order to give life to the spirit within himself.... Many people want to hear God speaking and God is also lovingly inclined towards those who desire to hear His Word. Yet whether they will be able to hear His voice depends on the shape of the soul, which is the spiritual ear for God's voice. But the will to hear God's Word can also inspire the intellect to form divine Words, which is not to be condemned since the human will does not think anything anti-divine.... Nevertheless, it is not God's Word which is delivered by the human intellect.... On the other hand, however, a person can deeply desire God's Word and, filled by this desire, hear Him without being aware that it is God Himself Who speaks through Him.... In that case, he is unconsciously of service to the Lord as someone who is spiritually awakened.... and he speaks the truth, because his desire for it is, at the same time, also a desire for God, which He always grants.... __The awakenings during the last days before the end will particularly emerge where the proclamation of the Gospel is felt as an inner need. That is where the spirit in the person is already working, and then it will clearly express itself insofar as that an unusual talent will come to light, yet only during his service for God and His kingdom. Then a person without any special oratory gift will be able to make good speeches, a person without any special previous knowledge will be able to offer informative clarifications; he will have fluent answers to questions about spiritual things.... The spirit of God will visibly take effect, the person will belong to those who are awakened, who vividly stand up for the Word of God because they will be inwardly impelled by the spirit which continually strives towards the Father-Spirit, which always reveals the divine will to the person and urges him to implement it. This kind of awakening will particularly emerge in congregations where the desire to hear God's Word predominates, and where God therefore speaks to the congregation through a person.... And the congregation will listen to this person, because the working of God in him will be obvious. But he will speak in his own words, nothing abnormal will come to light, even though he will show talents which he otherwise does not possess. Yet he will not speak in a psychic state, he will not speak automatically, hence he will not be forced to speak such that his mouth forms words uninfluenced by his intellect.... Such proclaiming can also take place but it is not to be regarded as an awakening of the spirit, it is more likely the taking possession of the human will by a being which wants to express itself. In the right kind of awakening the spirit illuminates the human being's intellect at the same time, it corrects his thinking, thereby enabling the person to speak spiritedly to his listeners, not like an automaton, which brings forth one word after another and betrays a strange power speaking through him.... If this power is evil it can cause tremendous damage; if it is good, the spiritual results can also be good yet they must never be judged to be the same as the working of God's spirit in a person, which is such a bright illumination of divine strength of love that it is recognisable through increased knowledge and great diligence for God and His kingdom. Hence this applies to the proclamation of the divine Gospel in the congregation, which needs to be paid special attention to during the time of the end. But the spirit of God can also express itself in solitude, it can educate an individual person and impart knowledge to him for a purpose.... Then the spirit of God within a person has equally been awakened through the person himself. And this kind of awakening is also associated with a mission.... the knowledge which is subsequently received by the person shall be passed on, for the Gospel shall be spread in all purity with divine support.... God Himself takes care of people who received the Gospel in a spoilt form and who therefore no longer have the right kind of faith; he will, however, give it back to them by imparting the pure truth to them. To these spiritually enlightened people is God speaking directly, they hear His speech within themselves like clear mental Words, they receive impressive instructions with the purpose of passing them on to people.... Thus God speaks through these people, yet again not in a way that the human being serves God in the form of a speaker but that he, after having received the divine Word, has to activate his own will to pass the divine Word on. This working of the spirit is insofar significant as that it establishes a foundation again, so that people can be introduced to the fundamental truth, so that God Himself can instruct the human race and thereby every doubt can be refuted, every error exposed and every wrong interpretation corrected.... so that the pure Gospel can therefore be proclaimed by God Himself, received through a person in whom His spirit can be active, and recorded by his will to be of service to God and to people. Spiritually awakened people will always serve God with enthusiasm and conviction, and that in different ways.... Thus the spirit of God is always active in them, which guides their thinking and intentions correctly, which provides them with unusual strength to seriously work for the kingdom of God.... And such awakenings will happen frequently during the last days, yet where this is possible the spirit of God manifests itself unusually, because His love and wisdom recognise what is beneficial for the salvation of the human race. He knows His servants and assigns to them the work they are capable of doing. He works in public like in solitude; according to His wise Judgment He appoints positions to those who are capable of administering them well.... And thus the tasks he gives to His servants are different; yet they all work for His kingdom and are of service to Him, and the work of every individual person will be blessed.... __Amen
Every day is a gift....
Every day is still a gift for you which you should use wisely, for you will never be able again to catch up on that which you neglect to do on earth, even if it is still possible for you to continue your higher development in the spiritual kingdom. However, you can achieve far more on earth because you have strength at your disposal which you will lack in the spiritual realm if you have failed on earth. It will be a completely different situation for your soul once it has left the body if it has no spiritual strength to take along, which it is certainly able to acquire here on earth and which will signify an incredible wealth for the soul in the spiritual kingdom. Here on earth it can be active and gather spiritual possessions every hour and every day.... but in the beyond it requires support from loving beings in order to receive just a small gift of strength, and ruefully it will remember the time it wasted on earth the moment it realises what it had neglected to do. Every day you still live on earth is a gift from God, where you can be freely active and able to acquire much for yourselves, yet you will only gain spiritual possessions by using this time in keeping with God's will, hence you are always admonished accordingly, because every day will be irrevocably lost if you don't live with eternity in mind, if you only use it to meet worldly requirements, since you only attain earthly possessions which are transient. __The end will come to each one of you before long, only a few will live to see the final end, but the majority will already be recalled before they descend into the abyss. For the last days will make great demands on a person's free will who should work for his soul but only takes cares of and works for the body. Only few people will avail themselves of the last days as is necessary to be able to enter the realm of light, however, most people fail to consider their soul, they don't listen to the admonitions and warnings which God's love and mercy still sends to them, they do not believe.... and that will be their downfall.... And God's mercy will prematurely remove those from earth where the possibility still exists that they will be able to ascend on the other side, if only under far more difficult conditions than on earth. Yet where this prospect is no longer given people will keep their physical life until the end in order to then approach a dreadful fate due to their total failure.... to be engendered into material creations again for the purpose of advancing again from the abyss to the pinnacle.... Every day is still a gift for you humans which you should use to the best of your ability.... Live life according to God's will and only be active and work for the life of your soul, for the earth will disappear and with it everything that exists on it.... __Amen
Serious admonition and warning of transience....
You should become aware of the fact that everything is temporary and that you, too, have a transient body, that you will have to leave everything behind when the hour of your passing from this earth has come, that only your soul will continue to exist, and namely in the state that you yourselves have prepared for it on earth. You should become aware of the fact that it will take your human attitude concerning the world along into the spiritual kingdom, that it will still cling to or despise matter in the same way as you have done on earth. But it will experience a tremendously painful state if matter had been its sole endeavour, which it will then have to leave behind and thus arrive in a poor and miserable state in the realm of the beyond instead of happily soaring upwards with ease and in freedom, if it is not burdened by its ties to earth, if its endeavours on earth were already aimed towards the spirit.... __You humans should consider that the world can only give you illusive possessions which will not last, which will enslave you if you do not rise above them and recognise them for what they are. Greed for matter, for earthly possessions, is the soul's greatest danger, and this greed is extreme in people of this earth and will steadily increase as the end is approaching. People have become entirely blind in spirit, their thoughts are confused, they plan and work only for the world and ignore their soul by letting it starve, and yet only the soul will continue to exist after everything else has passed away. And thus people are constantly reminded of their futile beginnings and what fate their soul can expect after death. Their attention is drawn to it, yet they can only ever be reminded and warned but not forced to change their will and thoughts. However, they ignore these reminders and warnings and also remain indifferent to the proclamation of the approaching end because they do not believe it. __This is why God manifests Himself from time to time so obviously by taking away what people refuse to give up themselves. It is indeed a divine revelation but only few people recognise it as such. It is a revelation which distinctly shows God's actions to people because there is nothing they can do about it, since they are unable to defend themselves, since they have to admit their complete helplessness and for this reason could certainly recognise that a higher power is active in accordance with Its will. But they refuse to acknowledge this power, indeed they would rather deny It and cannot be stopped since they have free will. God speaks everywhere and His voice can be heard by everyone, and yet most will remain unaffected by it and only have eyes for the world and its goods. The craving for matter will not grow silent in their hearts; accordingly, they would like to retrieve everything lost very quickly but continue to let their soul starve. Even so, God will not cease in His endeavour to release people from matter. To this end, many things will still happen before the last days and good for those who recognise the meaning and purpose of destruction and devastation and the One Who commands creation. Good for those who recognise God within everything that takes place and call on Him for protection and help in the face of adversity.... They will receive help on earth as well as in the spiritual kingdom; they will live although they have died.... __Amen
Satan's nature.... Fall and redemption....
The extremely vast distance from Me by the one who once rebelled against Me, the all enlivening strength, has also tremendously reduced the effect of strength, and thus the spiritual substance, which was once full of life and strength, deprived itself of strength and finally turned into the hardest substance, because even spiritual substance hardens if it is so infinitely far away from Me that it is no longer affected by My strength of love. The process of hardening of spiritual substance is synonymous with the emergence of earthly matter which, due to My will, took on shape. Thus all of creation is fundamentally such hardened substance, My once emanated spiritual strength which nevertheless originated from Me as something supremely perfected in essence.... This perfect spiritual substance was constantly permeated by My strength of love and thereby able to create and work without limitation like Me. __I Am the original source of strength and everything in existence depends on this source of strength. Nothing apart from Me exists with independent strength at its disposal, and thus a detachment from Me and My strength also means complete disintegration, since it would not be possible to receive a flow of strength from anywhere else. However, a separation from Me is not possible either, because My strength cannot cease for eternity and is eternally indivisible too; but what emerged from My strength is able to distance itself infinitely far away, and distance means that the strength loses its effect, thus the far-removed substance remains motionless and compacts into solid substance, into matter, which thus is hardened spiritual substance without the ability to be active because it has left the emanation field of My strength of love. __This, therefore, is the fate of the fallen spiritual substance which is furthest away from Me and yet will eternally not cease to exist.... Fundamentally, however, it is nevertheless something of substance which once was intelligent to the highest degree, possessed awareness and free will and yet, due to its fall, lost all evidence of its divinity. Through My will these spiritual beings dissolved into countless minute particles in order to gradually come together again after they have achieved a certain degree of maturity or purification by means of a healing process which I recognised as successful.... Thus I bound the once free spirits which had been created by My first-created being and the use of My strength.... But what has become of this first-created being? __Since its fall this being has been wandering about to and fro as a spark of strength trying to use its remaining strength to illuminate everything My will has taken away from it.... not to enliven it but to increase its own strength in order to surpass Me Myself, that is, My strength.... The spiritual substance constrained by My will does not react to this illumination simply because it is not giving it life.... But as soon as it becomes the entity again after the infinitely long path through creation, when the individual minute particles have gathered again and as a unit embodies itself in the human form and thereby regains its self-awareness, it will respond again to the endeavours of the first-created being, My opposing spirit. It allows itself to be blinded by the spark, for this spark does not illuminate, it is just a deceptive light that dazzles the eye in order to obscure its view completely.... just as his strength became ineffective due to the apostasy, due to the infinitely vast distance from Me. But his essence remains, he has not lost his self-awareness, and therefore he is still able to influence equally self-aware beings, thus his essence can thoroughly permeate the human being without, however, thereby being limited to just one human being. __Hence he is able to exercise his influence wherever people intentionally turn to him due to their disposition and who thus increase his strength through unison with him.... He only uses his remaining strength to work against Me, he constantly tries to elevate himself with the help of people who submit themselves to him. Thus, this opposing spirit is indeed quite obviously active, he is also able to quite obviously dominate a person, yet only as long as the person is to take his test of will on earth.... __If he has achieved his aim to win people over for himself then he nevertheless has merely aided the hardening of spiritual substance again and forfeited his strength, so that he himself will also be completely lifeless as soon as he is no longer able to cling to people who provide him with their energy of life.... And this is the case when a period of Salvation approaches its end, when he has drawn the majority of people into the abyss and the others are completely devoted to Me. Then he himself will be completely deprived of his strength, then he, too, will be in a constrained state, he will be chained.... until he is able to tempt people in the same manner once more, until people themselves get to the state again that they increase his strength, until they more or less loosen his chains themselves all over again as a result of their wrong will for matter, which submits to My adversary's will and thus raises his position of power once more, which becomes ever more evident in every period of Salvation the closer it gets to the end. For this reason every period of Salvation will start in peaceful harmony as a true paradise on earth and end with satanic activity until even the last spiritual being has been taken away from My adversary, until he himself is so weak that he will ask for strength from Me.... until he himself will return to Me into his Father's house.... which he once had left of his own free will. __Amen
Forerunner.... Proclaiming Jesus....
Humbly strive to become My true children but don't aspire to extraordinary knowledge which is of little use for the perfection of your soul. For the least and the smallest in My kingdom is greater than he who deems himself superior, humility is of extremely great value in My kingdom, and there is no space for arrogance. However, you must make a distinction between truly great and arrogance.... you must make a distinction between what is great and what seems great. For whatever is great before Me will be appointed by Me as ruler over whole worlds and their inhabitants, it will govern infinite creations and countless living beings with Me and within My will.... and yet it will not be arrogantly spirited.... But even he who deems himself great believes himself to be entitled to govern, yet he will never ever scale the height which would guarantee him a position as ruler, for I know every being's innermost attitude, I know where true humility exists and where My will alone fills a being. __And thus I say: There is no being on earth with such an abundance of humility that I could inaugurate it as a ruler over the worlds in the kingdom of the beyond.... For this humility is spiritual and a being like that is so closely united with Me that it would be unable to live on earth. For everything in its environment would radiate in brightest light. These beings had already taken the path across earth which resulted in their total spiritualisation on earth.... They will never ever return to earth but constantly influence the earthly inhabitants.... they send rays of light to earth because they are permeated by a greater than great will to love and their will to help lets them be constantly active in a redeeming sense. And thus every individual person can be extremely strongly influenced by such a being of light.... but that doesn't mean that the soul of this person is a soul of light having descended from above.... Understand this correctly.... many souls of light embody themselves on this earth for the sake of a mission.... Yet they are still approaching their final perfection as a child of God, which they can certainly attain by fulfilling such a mission.... Perfected children of God, however, only affect people from above but strongly influence certain people if the conditions to do so are given.... i.e., in order to be able to be active in the redeeming sense on earth.... __Even so, one spirit of light will be allowed to descend to earth.... My forerunner, who wants to announce Me Myself before the end.... He will proclaim Me. He will once again prepare the way for Me, for this has been My will for eternity, because he has been devoted to Me from the start, because he has been a fighter for His Lord from the beginning.... It is he whom I have chosen to be My vassal, to be My herald, who always announced Me by exclaiming it to the world when I approached people, who preceded Me as the voice which told humanity to pay heed to Me.... He fought on My behalf and he will always speak up for the name of his Lord.... Thus he is the ray, the light which I will send down to earth ahead of Me, and he knows of My coming, of the end and of his task on earth, for he will recognise himself for who he is.... And he is so profoundly devoted to Me that his mouth only speaks My name, that every breath of air only glorifies My name, that every beat of his heart only beats for Me, Whom he will overzealously proclaim on earth and for Whom he will also give up his life when his mission is finished.... Hence he is the one who will live on earth shortly before My second coming, and due to his modesty people will not recognise him until he starts to speak in order to announce the One who will follow him. Then My Own will suddenly realise who he is, yet My adversary will not recognise him.... However, he will speak up irrespective of his own danger; he will proclaim the imminent end to people, he will tell them to repent, to seek God and the salvation of their souls and to despise the mammon.... He will announce Jesus Christ to them again with a voice of thunder, and everything that will help to glorify Jesus' name will be done and said by him.... He will be My forerunner in the truest sense of the word.... he will be the one who will open paradise again to all who believe his words, who faithfully wait for Me to deliver them from utmost adversity.... __Amen
False Christs and false prophets....
And I keep telling you: The signs and miracles from My adversary's as well as from My servants' side on earth will increase, for many false Christs and prophets will arise on behalf of the prince of darkness in order to refute the teachings of My rightful servants.... in order to cast doubt on their miracles and prophesies and to plunge people into ever greater darkness.... Yet the false prophets' miracles will only aim to increase earthly power and wealth, they will not perform deeds of love. Works will develop which are claimed to have been accomplished with supernatural strength, although they can only be described as an accumulation of material goods, thus they also betray the one who is lord over matter.... True miracles, however, are works of compassion for suffering and frail humanity.... True miracles are obvious effects of strength from above.... And true miracles can only be performed by those who work as rightful messengers of My Word on earth, who profess Me and My name before the world and try to awaken and revive the belief in Me.... Those who proclaim to people in My name what is about to happen to them are indeed true prophets. And I have chosen them because they combine the proclamation of the Word with evidence of the strength of faith in order to make people aware which strength and which spirit works through My representatives.... For many false prophets will arise in the end and try to confuse people by performing miracles.... My adversary will use the same methods, and he will find it easy to mislead people because he does not announce a decline but only ever promises earthly good living standards and earthly progress. __And his miracles will consist of emphasising this earthly progress, since his miracles will be humanly fascinating material developments and because his prophesy will be of a future of affluence, honour and earthly success, a world of economic development and earthly perfection. Every such prophesy receives attention, thereby diverting humanity's attention ever further from what is genuine and true, which is proclaimed to them by My representatives on earth.... that people are approaching the end, that no amount of material possessions can save them from the downfall they will indisputably approach if they do not believe My Words but rather believe those who are influenced by the prince of darkness.... who indeed also perform miracles with his strength.... who are powerful on earth because they have subjected themselves to him, but whose works can always be recognised.... For they do not express love, no help for needy fellow human beings can be recognised therein, even though they also use My Words, even though they hide behind My name in order to be accepted as true prophets.... Where love does not prevail My spirit cannot be found, and neither will there be miracles performed nor prophetic Words spoken, but My adversary's activity will be clearly noticeable who, in the last days, will try anything to disperse My small flock and gain it for himself.... The time of the end has come, therefore take notice of everything I tell you so that you will learn to differentiate between genuine and false, between light and works of deception, between truth and untruth.... so that you will not fall into the hands of the one who wants to corrupt you.... __Amen
Success at the end of an earth-period.... Scientists....
The end of a developmental period will always have come when people have left the divine order, in as much as they feel themselves entitled to intervene in God's plan of Creation because they don't believe in God as a creative power and deem themselves capable of controlling everything in existence themselves.... people certainly received the creative spirit as a birthright from God and can considerably increase this inheritance, with divine assistance they can also achieve the seemingly impossible and still remain within the divine order.... as long as they receive the strength for their creativity from God.... But they will instantly step out of this order if all their plans are purely worldly orientated....if they set themselves apart from God as the creative power and thus conduct their experiments purely rationally.... if they use the divine creation itself as test objects and thereby turn themselves into henchmen of God's adversary whose objective it is to destroy divine creations. At the end of an earth period the world is always full of earthly wisdom.... __Science believes to have found the key to all fields and the spiritual path will only rarely have been taken, which God has indicated in order to attain the right knowledge.... Without Him, however, all paths are dangerous, without Him the results are doubtful and people more or less enter danger zones, because they are guided by the one who does not want progress but destruction.... who lets people believe that they are constructively active while they are digging their own graves.... and contribute towards the ruin of the old earth. For the apparently scientific progress is his work, the work of God's adversary, he impels people into extreme intellectual activity without divine support. They will harness natural forces yet in a different way than is intended by God's will.... They will leave the divine order and the consequences of this will reveal themselves.... __God, however, has foreseen humanity's will and activity since the beginning and therefore keeps referring to what will come to pass time and again, for He knows when and where the consequences of human thought and activity will express themselves.... He informs people about their wrong thinking and wants to persuade them to entrust themselves to that power which stands above everything.... He wants to warn them of His adversary's influence.... He wants to advise them to remain within the divine order.... He considers those who acknowledge Him as God and Creator of eternity and enlightens them about Himself and His opposing power.... __Amen
Patiently bearing the cross....
Every person receives the cross he needs to help him attain full maturity of soul.... But it is truly not My will that you should be burdened too much, nevertheless, its weight corresponds to your free will. You can make it more difficult for yourselves if you oppose My will or easier as soon as you follow it. As soon as you carry your cross patiently, its weight will begin to seem less; if, however, you rebel against it, it will seem even more of a burden to you. Taking the path of the cross on earth is necessary for your soul until it's willingness to love no longer lets it feel suffering.... until it is even grateful for the small cross I have imposed on it and which it recognises as a Godsend and thus carries it patiently and without complaining.... Keep in mind that I Am aware of everything that burdens you, hence I also know what is appropriate for your soul's maturing.... And humbly accept that which is yet to come upon you and which must come upon you because the end is approaching and only little time remains left for your soul's perfection.... Bear your cross humbly, for it is an assured path towards ascent, and you can ease your own burden if you entrust yourselves to Jesus, the bearer of the cross, and appeal to Him for support.... Whatever I impose upon you is not so heavy that you will break down under it.... For I do not burden anyone with more than he can carry, but whether he wants to endure it determines how heavy he deems his cross to be.... The end is near, and that means that every human being's life comes to an end when the last day has come. But many are still far behind in their maturity of soul, and yet they can still reach perfection in a short time if only they seriously want it.... Their souls can still be purified through suffering and hardship, and everyone is offered this opportunity where there is the slightest prospect that it will be successful.... And I take their destiny into My hand and through suffering and sorrow lead them to the goal as long as they merely allow themselves to be led.... as long as they don't offer resistance, thus rebelling against their fate and distancing themselves from Me even further.... Bear your cross with patience, all of you, for it is simply the means used by My love in order to help you, in order to protect you from death, in order to be able to bestow life upon you.... Gratefully accept everything as coming from My hand, for nothing happens without My will, without My permission, and everything that is imposed upon you shall merely lead you to the One Who can help you.... Everything shall lead you to Me, I Am your Father of eternity and thus will also help My children as a Father in every adversity.... __Amen
Development of earth and human being....
You can come to Me with complete truth and ask My any question that moves you, for I will always answer it such that it will help you. However, you can only grasp a limited amount of knowledge.... yet what I impart to you is sufficient in order to grant you an insight into My eternal plan of Salvation.... it is also sufficient for you in order to explain it to and teach other people.... and in order to reveal to you My love, wisdom and omnipotence. And I will add to this knowledge the more you progress yourselves, the more receptive you become to My light and strength.... for it is My aim that you shall become as perfect as you were in the very beginning, and this also involves profound realisation.... the comprehensive knowledge about My reign and activity, about My Nature and your goal.... __It took an infinitely long time for you humans to advance from the abyss to the point which permits human existence.... This infinitely long time until the development up to the human being had occurred was necessary because everything can only develop in lawful order.... no phases of development can be left out at will, hence these phases of development had to take place in accordance with My eternal plan of Salvation and thus appropriate creations were also required for this development.... which as `pre-historic' has become a concept to you. Although the human need for research certainly attempts to calculate the duration of this pre-historic time yet only with very limited success, for the slow advancement of the spiritual substances.... as well as the emergence of creation.... which you are now able to behold as human beings, has taken eternities; they were infinitely long periods of time for which the word `eternities' is certainly the right word.... The concept of time, however, only began when the living creation `Man' was called into being by Me, for prior to that the living beings were not rational enough as to enable them to think and reason independently, as to enable them to live consciously and to grasp the concepts of `past - present and future'. __Only the being endowed with common sense and free will can be called `a human being', which was sufficiently capable of thinking in order to acquire a certain amount of realisation and live accordingly.... Hence from this time onwards one can speak of the conscious development towards ascent, where the once fallen spirits were given the opportunity to return to Me for good.... The creation of the first human being was the beginning of a period of Salvation where free will became the crucial factor and not My will, as was the case in pre-historic times, where everything took place under the law of compulsion which irrevocably had to result in higher development.... And now you wonder how long the `human being' has populated the earth already.... whereby you only ever mean the rational human being who is capable of making his own free decisions and as whose descendants you regard yourselves.... __The first human being capable of accepting responsibility for his actions and thoughts was Adam.... even though human-like beings already existed before Adam in all parts of the world who instinctively carried out much of which is assumed was human thinking but who nevertheless were impelled by spiritual intelligences, who thus served ascending spiritual substances as a shell and in the law of compulsion carried out what was needed for the development of the creation of Earth.... to become a dwelling place for future human beings. They were human species whose instincts and compulsive impulses broke through incredibly strongly but who nevertheless could not be held responsible because they, too, contributed towards the fact that spiritual substances were constantly released and able to embody themselves anew.... because everything just served to prepare an area for the human being which was suitable to pass their last test of will.... These human-like beings were therefore physically already very akin to the form I had prepared for the human being Adam when the time for the fallen original spirits had come to have their free will returned in order to then be able to liberate themselves from the form altogether. Time and again pre-historic creations released spiritual substances, and the development of what to a certain extent had advanced the whole emergence of earth in its bound state continued to progress.... and thus the time eventually came for this spiritual substance to make a free decision.... __And this was the beginning of the epoch of Salvation which is of significance for you because it enabled the being to use its free will and intellect and thus live a conscious life.... However, the beginning of this epoch is so infinitely far in the past that you humans are unable to make any relevant calculations.... yet due to My will the most important periods and their events remain known to you, and although you also divide them into well ordered time-spans.... it is entirely irrelevant for your own development. Yet the endless number of fallen spirits necessitates an infinitely long time of higher development.... therefore you are no longer capable of estimating the duration of the pre-historic time.... just as the embodiment as a human being will have to take place on such a large scale that it will take eternities.... It will not be possible for you humans to determine the beginning of this epoch scientifically, yet you will always believe otherwise, because it is in the human being's nature while he is still imperfect that he mentally limits everything that is in the past.... but never wants to acknowledge that there is a limit for the time ahead of him.... consequently he does not reject a beginning.... but an end seems impossible to him. The former, however, is irrelevant whereas the latter is so extremely important that the human being should direct his whole attention only to what lies ahead of him.... that one period of Salvation will come to an end, as did so many before.... but that My eternal plan of Salvation will remain.... that there will never be an end as far as the act of Salvation is concerned.... that an endless number of fallen spirits also require an infinitely long time for their return and that time and again I will give these spirits the opportunity to ascend from the deepest abyss to the light.... to Me, from Whom they once came.... __Amen
Means of grace.... Walking with God....
As yet it is still a time of grace.... I still try to persuade you humans by various means to turn around or to lead you into perfection.... only your will must not be entirely in opposition to Mine. If you humans rebel against Me, against your destiny and everything that is still intended to benefit your soul, then My means of grace will be ineffective, and then your life will also be at risk.... the life of the soul.... for then it will succumb to spiritual death. You humans ought to fit in with My will, you ought to realise that you are powerless by yourselves and passively surrender to the One Who rules over heaven and earth.... Only through such passive devotion will you improve your earthly life.... and then also allow the means of grace take effect and achieve progress for your soul.... It is the time of the end and therefore a time of great adversity because I still want to help people turn around or achieve perfection.... It truly would not be love on My part were I to leave you to your destiny and thus provide you with an unrestrained, carefree earthly life without misery and tribulation, for then your souls would definitely go astray, since the inner drive for ascent is only present in very few people.... I must support you because I love you, but I can only grant My support in a way which I regard as a blessing for your soul.... by being strict with you in order to bring you to your senses, since you are close to the end and haste is essential.... __Yet every person can improve his earthly fate himself by walking his earthly path in unison with Me, by joining Me more closely and thereby making every downfall impossible.... And then I will also guide him such that his earthly life will be more bearable.... For then he will no longer need harsh means of help because I will have won him over for Myself.... Yet as long as the human being still resists Me he only feels the burden and not My help.... However, My love also applies to him and tries to win him over, only it uses different means which are nevertheless means of grace, because they only intend to achieve My living creations' return to Me.... But how insignificant are these sufferings and adversities compared to the torments of a renewed banishment into solid matter.... which, however, will irrevocably happen to you humans if you don't bow down to My will in these last days before the end.... Through suffering and adversities I want to achieve nothing other than your return to Me, Who can and will help you at all times.... __You labour and are heavily laden.... Yet you know One Who calls you to Himself.... Follow His call `Come unto Me, all ye that labour, and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest....' And there is nothing I will not give you if only it benefits your soul. Join the group of My children, don't keep apart in wilfulness or defiance but come to Me as well, you who are still distant from Me, and relinquish your resistance. For travelling the path with Me is truly easier and more pleasant since I will guide you such that you will effortlessly reach your goal.... but My path leads away from the world.... For My kingdom is not of this world.... yet it is your true home which will receive you when you have to leave the earth one day.... Only a short stretch of the path is still ahead of you but it is enough for you to reach the right goal.... But if you hand yourselves over to Me and My guidance without resistance you will not regret that you followed the One Who is the Father of all of you, Who wants to guide His children to eternal beatitude.... __Amen
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Home – The Word of God

Handwriting: Prologue 1

Handwriting: Prologue 2




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