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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Unleashed elements of nature....
I will always and forever care for you, who are still very distant from Me and refuse to take the path back to Me, and full of compassion I look upon humanity which makes no attempt to turn to Me and to renounce My adversary for good. The end of this earth comes constantly closer, which decides all its inhabitants' future fates.... I let My admonishing voice sound ever more urgently, and an extent of suffering and adversity goes across earth which could truly suffice to change people's minds, yet most of them remain indifferent as long as they are not affected themselves, and their selfish love grows ever stronger so that they reward themselves with worldly pleasures and barely consider their unfortunate neighbours.... And although more and more accidents and disasters will happen, they even increase the adversities and suffering with their own machinations and thereby drive people into serious difficulties, sin gets out of hand and irresponsible are the actions of the individual person towards his fellow man.... They are so distant from Me that My voice can barely reach them, and thus it will prompt Me to resound loudly from above.... so that they will also experience extreme adversity through the elements of nature, so that they will no longer be able to hold their fellow human beings accountable for that which afflicts them but that they will have to acknowledge that a Power is manifesting Itself Which they themselves cannot oppose. I have to use this last means of force, although even this will not compel them to believe, because people will give themselves all kinds of explanations apart from the one that their God and Creator wants to express Himself in order to be heard by them.... The presence of faith in a God is extremely weak, and even this weak faith will be relinquished by many people in view of the work of destruction caused by the unleashed elements of nature.... And yet I will use this last means because individual people will still find Me when they, in extreme danger, take the path to Me and send a prayer in spirit and in truth to Me.... They will receive help in miraculous ways and then will never want to leave Me again, because they have received My obvious help, but this can only be given to those who call upon Me in spirit and in truth.... __Countless people will lose their lives and will have to replace the earth with the kingdom of the beyond, but they will still have the opportunity to ascend, for the gates to the spiritual kingdom are not closed as yet and for many people it is still a blessing to be recalled from earth. And I truly know the state of their souls, to which extent they are still capable of being taught in the kingdom of the beyond.... However, the survivors on earth will be faced by a time of need which will only be endurable by making use of My strength and help.... For there will be incalculable chaos which you humans will be unable to master on your own, and then it will be shown that My Own will be led through all tribulation because My help for them will be evident.... And they will be able to offer comfort and strength to their fellow human beings too by also referring them to Me, Who alone can improve their situation but Who also wants to be called upon from the bottom of their hearts. This last intervention of Mine before the end will be a greater than great blessing as well, although most people will doubt My love, indeed, even openly deny a God Who lets such a disaster befall humanity. Yet there is not much time left until the end.... Hence everything must be done in advance to spare people the fate of a renewed banishment in the creations of the new earth, because this fate is so appalling that you humans can't possibly imagine it.... And if I want to protect you from this I will therefore continue to use those means prior to it which still promise a little success, even if you doubt them to be the work of a living God Who is love within Himself.... My only concern is that people will remember Me in their distress, that they will take the path to Me, that they will acknowledge Me in their heart and then not go astray if they are being recalled, for then their ascent in the kingdom of the beyond will also be assured to them. And if they survive the huge natural event they will not relinquish Me anymore, and everyone will still be granted a time of grace until the end during which they can make a decision if they are still undecided. The time is approaching the end, and humanity still has to face many difficulties.... Yet those who believe in Me can calmly await even this time, for they will always receive My help, and this adversity, too, will pass by once it has served its purpose.... For soon I Myself will come and fetch My Own from this earth when the last day has arrived, as it is intended in My plan of eternity.... __Amen
God is aware of the human will.... Natural disaster.... P...
Everything is included in the plan of creation, and thus it follows that I know every person's will which, so to speak, provides Me with the reason to shape his destiny of life such that it can only benefit him, providing the person strives for the latter. And you can rest assured that I indeed know the inclination of every individual person's will but I cannot change it or make it inclined towards Me. Nevertheless, I can still let a human being take many paths in order to attain a change of will. This is what I intend to achieve through My intervention which will certainly claim countless people's lives but for whom the gates into the kingdom of the beyond will still be open so that they can still reach maturity there.... Yet the remaining survivors will be granted the tremendous grace of being able to accomplish this change of will while they are still on earth, in order to then be saved for eternity. Time and again I refer you humans to this event, but I do not find any credence.... Only very few people spend serious thought on the forthcoming event, yet even they are incapable of imagining the magnitude of the catastrophe, because it will surpass everything that ever has happened on this earth. And neither can the individual person form an impression of it, because people will be cut off from all communications, the connections between the affected places as well as the countries will no longer exist. Some swathes will seem entirely deserted where only a few will find each other in order to continue their life. Anyone who does not hold on to Me and entirely puts his trust in Me will be horror-struck. And then his will can decide.... Every individual person can still find Me and he will be very safely guided through the chaos.... But he can equally curse the Being Which allowed this to happen and the curse will fall back on him. And especially because I Am aware of people's will during the last days, it shall be My last attempt to spare people the dreadful fate of a renewed banishment. And again you will ask why I allow such destruction to come upon humanity, which will only be surpassed by the final disaster.... because you all lack faith in an eternal God, in a Creator of Heaven and Earth, in the One Who also created you.... The number of people who still possess faith and have not lost it as yet is constantly declining, and these will not cease to believe or they will be recalled beforehand so that they will not have to endure this suffering. And neither need you pity anyone who departed prior to it, for the opportunity to mature fully still exists for him in the beyond. But once this day has come it will be futile to escape for My hand reaches all places, and thus I also keep My protective hand over everyone who belongs to Me.... And I will manifestly be with them, for they will be in utmost adversity and I will come to help them in their need. __And then it will be clear what strength of faith can achieve.... For anyone who merely seeks My proximity will receive the evidence of My presence and his faith will constantly grow stronger. The time of the event will not keep you waiting long, even if a thousand years are like a day before Me. However, I have told you that you will live to see it.... And that means that a large proportion of those who accept My Word will experience it themselves.... that I will still make great demands on them, for then the time of activity will have come when you shall still be diligent labourers for Me and then I will not remove you from earth until you have fulfilled your task.... This applies to all of you who work for Me and My kingdom. For time and again I keep telling you that I don't have many labourers in My vineyard and that I will therefore protect everyone who places himself at My disposal. From this alone you can conclude that it won't be long until this disaster, which will be inconceivable for you, both its magnitude as well as the suffering and misery it will signify for the survivors. Consequently I must equip those people with much strength so that they will be My supporters during this time of sorrow. And I will also give you strength, since you are very weak by nature, because I will need you during this time and will use every conceivable means in order to increase the number of My Own, in order to grant them firm faith as to influence those who still lack faith in a God and Creator, to Whom all power is given in Heaven and on Earth and Who thus can also extend the life of those who want to help them gain faith.... And remember that the end of a period of salvation has come, that this time need only be exceptionally used and that I will therefore also use exceptional means in order to merely fan a tiny spark of faith in a person before he has to relinquish his life. For once he has this small spark it will also ensure his ascent in the spiritual kingdom. But to depart entirely without faith from earth is a hopeless state and will end with renewed banishment, because the gates of the beyond will close the moment the old earth is dissolved. For this reason I will leave no stone unturned at the end in order to persuade people to change their will, and because My gentle voice within is ignored by them I will speak louder, so loud that they must hear this voice.... But whether they will recognise Me Myself by that is still left up to them, nevertheless, it seals their future fate. Even so, you, who are of service to Me, are assured of My protection and blessing in spiritual and earthly adversity, for I Am in need of you.... So even if you approach difficult times you are nevertheless looked after by Me and need not fear anything.... __Amen
Antichrist.... End....
The spirit of the Antichrist has been in the world since Jesus Christ accomplished of His act of Salvation. He has constantly attempted to undermine His act, he has always and forever fought Jesus' followers, he has always and forever driven people into heartlessness, thus he has actively opposed Christ's will and teaching on earth, partly by means of spiritually confusing people's thoughts and partly, in human appearance, clothed in a gown of knowledge and intelligence. The teaching of Jesus Christ was opposed by a human teaching at all times which aimed to weaken it, thus it was antichristian, and this has always been Satan's work, the work of forces from below which intended to cause people's desertion from God or to obstruct their way to Him. And this antichristian activity is steadily on the increase and will be blatantly self-evident before the end.... Satan himself will be active on earth in human form, the Antichrist in person, whose activity will be extremely ominous for the whole of the human race. For he will initiate laws which aim to eradicate spiritually-minded thoughts, which will prevent all spiritual endeavour and intend to entirely secularize people. And this will be the last work of the one who fights against God, for he will be transgressing the limit of his authority, which is relentlessly punished by God.... The change of worldly events will be rapid, extensive worldly changes will occur in short succession and a ruling power will come to the fore by wanting to direct the state of affairs of all nations and, instead of order, will cause utter disorder. For his regulations will first and foremost apply to the suppression of all faith. He will find many supporters on earth, and that will be the sign for the End. For people won't resist it but will almost unanimously profess and celebrate him as a hero and victor whose goal they acknowledge and consequently also support. __And this will be the start of the most difficult time for believers. It will seem incomprehensible to them what is going on in the world, it will seem incomprehensible to them that God's love and patience allow His most sacred name to be slandered and ridiculed and Jesus Christ's followers to be ostracized and pursued in a most brutal way. Yet they penetrate the truth of the divine Word ever more, which has predicted all this, and thus they also faithfully commit themselves to God's guidance. The Antichrist rages in a most frightening way, he dazzles people by the actions he implements with support of strength from below.... Satan himself works through him as the opposing spirit of the One Who works in the living creations of love and faith, in people, who love God above all else and firmly believe in Him and thus have to suffer great adversities due to God's opponent. People will pay homage to him, they will erect altars, they will proclaim him as the Messiah bringing salvation to them, for he will achieve feats which will impress people, yet they will not be works of love but mere activities of arrogance and craving for power. He will work as a human being, try to explain his strength as human strength and oppose and deny everything that is divine, that points to and testifies of God. And his willpower will be rock hard.... He will give orders, and anyone resisting his command will be destroyed by him.... He will seek to prohibit all teachings of Christ, all knowledge of Him and His act of Salvation, he will try to drag everything through the mud and regally reward those who assist him in his quest against Christ, just as he, full of hatred, will also take actions against His followers.... __The Antichrist's stature will be recognisable by its external good looks, by his physical strength.... for Satan conceals himself so as not to be recognised for who he is. And his extraordinary abilities will draw humanity's attention to him, there will be no end of admiration. He will reside on earth in external splendour and grandeur, in contrast to Jesus Christ Who lived inconspicuously amongst his brothers, devoid of all earthly possessions with a love-filled heart for his fellow human beings. But the Antichrist's heart will be callous and unemotional towards all worldly hardship and yet humanity will jubilantly applaud him, blinded by his external brilliance and strength. He will appear suddenly and unexpected at a time of utmost earthly adversity and, with strong hands, promise relief, seize power and authority without meeting any resistance, because people only pay attention to the harsh conditions on earth and ignore this hero's spirit, who will want to distinguish himself and, with the help of like-minded people, elevate himself as a ruler. And then the end will be near.... For the resulting battle of faith will be the prelude to the entire work of destruction of earth.... It will only last a short time but with such intensity that it will require an extremely strong faith as not to succumb. __Yet once again God Himself will confront His adversary.... For He is in spirit amongst those who fight on His behalf, and the Antichrist runs in vain against the bastion of faith.... And he will fall from his throne into the mire of damnation.... His government will not last long but will cause unspeakable misery amongst the whole of humanity which will predominantly support him and abandon all faith in God, which will believe his earthly implementations and will thus finally also share the damnation, for it will be subject to God's adversary and therefore also share his fate. And this will be the End.... Jesus Christ will remain victorious and His church will continue to exist for all eternity.... __Amen
Sooner or later all of you will have to give account of yourselves before My judgment seat and remember every hour you wasted and lost for eternity. Sooner or later all of you will have to confess your sins because they become apparent and cannot be kept secret any longer, for nothing remains hidden before My eyes. And thus I demand an account for all your thoughts, words and actions. And you should remember this Day of Judgment if you think that you can sin with impunity, this day, when all of you will have to be answerable about your way of life on earth. It will come without fail and take all of you by surprise because you don't expect it quite so soon. Yet it will come like a thief in the night, without warning and in silence, it will come when no-one expects it. And yet not unannounced, for long before I will have drawn people's attention to it, to the Day of Judgment, the day of the end and the destruction of this earth. The fact that you humans do not want to believe it will not change My plan of eternity, for this day has been predetermined according to My will and human will shall be unable to postpone it but must submit to My will. The reason why I speak to people time and again through servants on earth and in the kingdom of light is due to the fact that a day like that, which concludes an unimaginably long period of development, shall not come unannounced to humankind. The Day of Judgment is the conclusion of an earthly period which was granted to people for their salvation. During this developmental period people received a special privilege.... the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ Himself came to earth in order to help those people who wanted to fail in their process of development. __And thus people were able to redeem themselves if only they wanted to. If, however, their will fails then it will be their own fault, and as long as people live on earth I warn them time and again about this fault. Their fault only consists of the fact that they don't want to accept help but are too weak on their own. What they can do they don't want to do, hence they will also have to take responsibility for what they don't want to do. This is why everyone will be held to account on the last day, for they all had a measure of blessings at their disposal which could have helped them to ascend with ease. And the indications of the end through seers and prophets are part of theses blessings. But anyone who does not listen to them, who does not give credence to them, does nothing for his own redemption either. I always admonished and warned people through seers and prophets, and the often enough announced end of the old earth also explains the emergence of prophets in My name, because I won't leave people without warning and they are living in the last days, because the end is so near that all of you would be shocked if you knew the day and the hour. Time and again I draw your attention to it yet no-one shall be forced to believe it, but woe to those who listened to My Word and refused to believe it.... who recognised it as My Word and yet do not believe in the end and the Judgment and therefore do not prepare themselves for the end. Woe to them.... for the hour will take them by surprise when the last Judgment arrives.... __Amen
Spiritual low level.... Lovelessness.... Selfish love....
The greatest evidence of humanity's spiritual low level is lovelessness, which is evident amongst people everywhere. Selfish love has steadily increased and hardly anyone is practicing neighbourly love anymore, hence there also has to be a profane state on earth, a state of activity by evil forces, where God's adversary always has the upper hand and people are his willing subjects. The spiritual darkness is getting increasingly worse, rays of light are only seldom recognisable and even frequently feigned by deceptive lights without strength of radiance.... Judging by people's degree of love the time of the end has clearly arrived.... __An obvious decline can be detected, people are firmly attached to matter, they only value their body and its comfort, earthly success and an increase of earthly commodities. They do not believe the fact that their souls are suffering extreme hardship since they do not believe in the soul's life after death, indeed, they frequently even deny having a soul. They cannot be forced into a different mode of thinking, their free will has to be respected, but accordingly they also prepare their own fate after their death. __And anyone who observes what is happening in the world, in his immediate neighbourhood, also knows that this state cannot continue forever because it is getting worse from day to day, because people's greed for matter continues to grow, because no spiritual aspiration can be noticed and because every situation will eventually come to an end if it does not correspond to divine order. __People no longer serve each other, everyone wants to rule instead and be served at the same time, everyone wants from the other what he enjoys but no-one is willing to do the same in return.... There is no love, people's hearts are hardened, and there are only ever a few people willing to help in times of need.... And this is the small flock, for once the will to love becomes active it will establish the bond with Eternal Love. And This will not leave a person again, who voluntarily performs labours of love. __You humans do not know the blessings of loving deeds.... you do not know how much easier you could travel your earthly path if only you would practice love and thereby receive consistently more for your soul, but also receive what you need for earthly life. But heartless humanity lacks this knowledge, everyone just looks after himself, and everyone tries to get whatever he can out of life and forgets that his hour of death is unknown to him, that he can pass away at any time and take nothing he owns into the beyond, but that he will arrive bare and miserable on the other side. For he has nothing to show for his soul which he had starved in earthly life but which is all he has left now and which enters the spiritual kingdom in desperate poverty. And this heartless state of people cannot result in the slightest spiritual progress. However, since the soul only lives on earth as a human being for the purpose of maturing, but this purpose is not fulfilled, a powerful intervention by God has to take place, a sharp reprimand and reminder, so that a few people will reconsider the purpose of their earthly life and change themselves before the earth's last stage begins which will not last long until the end. __People take no notice of God's gentle voice through strokes of fate, disasters and all kinds of accidents, through the Word of God from above, and thus they have to be spoken to with a louder voice, and blessed, who wants to hear God's voice and takes it to heart, for even then there will be many people who don't want to recognise Him when he speaks to them through the elements of nature with tremendous strength.... They, too, will not be forced but able to make a decision of free will, nevertheless they will be spared the worst, the recurrent banishment into hard matter, if they still find and take the path to God, if they still acknowledge Him and call upon Him for mercy.... __But then the end will have come, for the earth will no longer fulfil its purpose, it will no longer be used by the souls as a place to mature, it will merely be utilized for the body, and everyone will elevate himself to a ruler of the world and cause the greatest destructions himself in the belief to control all laws of nature and thus also to experiment with impunity, which then will lead to the final destruction of earth. __But this is what people themselves want, and thus it will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture: a new heaven and a new earth will arise and divine order will be re-established, so that the return of the souls to God can continue, as it is intended in His eternal plan of Salvation.... __Amen
Blessings of the last days.... Death before the event.......
God will be merciful to those who still recognise their wrongdoing in time and distance themselves from it, but He will inflict severe punishment without mercy on those who are unyieldingly cruel, who have no compassion even for their fellow human beings and thus pass judgment on themselves through their unkindness. And the approaching time will testify of people's depravity, the most unimaginable means intended for destruction will be devised; and people will not hesitate to use these means to accomplish their plans, and humanity's despair will increase. The leaders, as well as their followers who agreed and supported their plans, will be held responsible for everything. For God is just and He passes judgment according to thoughts, words and deeds.... Nothing is hidden from Him; He looks into the human heart and every genuine emotion determines the amount of mercy at its disposal, that it is granted to him when the end has come.... For the end will come without fail.... It will be accelerated by people's behaviour and thus an era will come to an end that would not result in a better human generation even if God extended His patience and offered humanity many more opportunities to change themselves. But they no longer make use of them and thus God will put an end to earthly life.... __This period of development was particularly gracious for humanity and could have sufficed completely for its salvation. Although God will support people until the end with remarkable gifts of grace they will be mostly ignored, just as everything in relation to God or the benefit of their own souls will generally not be taken notice of. Thus a longer stay on this earth would be inappropriate, that is, it will only benefit the body but not the immortal soul. Therefore the soul's earthly opportunity will be taken away, but it still has the assurance for further development in the beyond if it does not reject God's Word in the beyond too, and only if it loses its physical life before the Last Judgment, before the end of this earth, and is accepted into the realm of the beyond. Death before this event is even an exceptional mercy for the human being if he has not made his decision on earth. Afterwards in the beyond he will still find ample opportunity to be helpful and serve with love and in so doing continue his interrupted development, indeed he can even start it if he does not refuse to listen to helpful souls. In that case he can regress even further and return into most solid matter, after which he has to repeat the long earthly path before he can embody himself as a human being again. Thus God still has many blessings available before He destroys the old earth but He will not force people's will, and depending on how they accept His mercy they will derive benefit for their souls.... they will remain empty and incapable on earth as well as in the beyond if they ignore and reject all blessings, or they will rapidly achieve higher development by readily allowing every gift of grace to take effect on themselves and thereby receive much more strength. For God is exceedingly gracious and merciful but also just, and He will give to people according to their will.... __Amen
King of kings....
The King of kings governs His kingdom in wisdom and love and all rulers of the world must fear His power if they do not respect His will, if they are not subject to Him with humility and acknowledge Him as their Lord. For His power directs all destinies according to His judgment, including the destinies of every nation and their rulers, since He governs with wisdom and His activity is determined by profound love. Even if He allows people free will and thereby allows these rulers to act and govern according to their will, He will nevertheless appear as King of kings when the time comes, when the spiritual and earthly adversity on earth requires Him to resolve it by using His power. The time does not seem to have come for the world, because the princes and kings of this world strive for a peaceful solution, nevertheless, they will not succeed. It will fail because the one who is Satan's servant on earth will resist it. Spiritually, however, the time has come which necessitates a radical change, for humanity no longer acknowledges the greatest Ruler and for that reason they shall find out the hard way.... And once Satan's activity consists of instigating strife instead of supporting peace, the time will also have come on earth for the King of kings to appear and oppose the will of the earthly ruling powers with His will.... Then there will certainly be peace among humanity but neither happiness nor prosperity.... Then a different kind of adversity will start and this, too, must be endured by people in order to prepare themselves for the near end. For a brief period of time the earthly power will be broken, yet it will rise again worse than ever and initiate the final work of destruction.... it will declare war against everything that chooses the King of kings.... it will not accept Him, it wants all people to turn away from Him and profess the authority which is governed by Satan and thus openly fights against God. And then the end will come.... He will only reign for a short time in order to relinquish his dominion for an infinitely long time, for he will be apprehended and deprived of every opportunity to reign.... And only One will govern and this One governs in love and wisdom for the benefit of everyone who lives on earth.... These will acknowledge the King of kings for they became His subjects of their own free will, they have proven this by courageously professing Him and His name before the world, before His adversary, and thus they will be rewarded on the new Earth with a blissful life in paradise.... __Amen
New banishment of the spirits.... Salvation in one era....
The most severe punishment for any spiritual being that has already lived embodied as a human being on earth, is to be placed into hardest matter. Countless creations are proof that untold beings have to start their process of development again. As long as there are spirits in need of development, material creations will also exist to serve as carriers for the spiritual substance and, due to their usefulness and different external forms, depending on their shape and more or less hard substance, will enable it to develop. As long as these creations do not cease to exist the spirit is not yet released either. __It is possible for the spirit to evolve from hardest matter to a human being in the course of one period of Salvation. This opportunity is available.... But it requires the surrender of resistance within a specific length of time, which is just as possible but very often fails due to the spiritual substances' obstinacy which is so God-opposing at first, that an eternity can pass until its resistance is broken or has lessened. And this resistance is demonstrated by creations which, to the human eye, appear to remain unchanged, often throughout an infinitely long time.... creations, which effectively form the earth's crust, which have to be forcefully dissolved through divine will if the spirits are to be provided with an opportunity for higher development. Consequently, one period of Salvation does not suffice for this spiritual substance. __Nevertheless, at the end of this era it can sense the turmoil in the universe and then will surge towards a new transformation of its own accord. The resistance to God will decrease because it senses God's enormous strength and might, and God will take its needs into account and at the end of an era will dissolve all creations. This signifies a turning point for the spiritual substances which had been bound in inactivity within the earth through an eternity. The spiritual substance will now be willing to be of service and will subsequently be placed into an external form which, at first, will only permit minimal activity. Thus the process of development above earth begins and will, with certainty, also lead to the embodiment as a human being, albeit only after a long period of time. __This is an additional explanation about the forthcoming final destruction of earth which is part of the eternal plan of Salvation, and even though many people's lives will fall victim to it, it will nevertheless be a release for the spiritual substance which ardently awaits its new transformation.... __Amen
The gift of grace from above is strength from heaven; it comes from the spiritual kingdom of light, from heaven, in contrast to the expressions of strength from below, which originate from hell. Beings from the kingdom of light thus become unusually active as soon as the pure Word of God can be conveyed to people by way of God-serving and helpful people's will on earth who are receptive to the transmission from the spiritual kingdom and who accept the spiritual gifts.... The powers of heaven are moving.... they will be exceptionally active during the last days before the end. This explanation must first be given concerning Jesus' Words about the signs of the end and His second coming. He made a powerful statement, for He announced changes which, according to His Words, signify a reversal of natural laws.... His Words always had a spiritual meaning, yet in the last days a second meaning will come to light apart from the spiritual meaning, for inconceivable natural phenomena will also take place, which the human being will be unable to explain by virtue of his intellect. They will run counter to divine natural law but are in principle only humanly unknown natural laws again, and these events are described by the Words 'The stars shall fall from heaven.... The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light....' Scientists and the like will be unable to provide an explanation for this, they will be unable to throw light on the matter because their knowledge fails them where divine strength is at work. No-one will be able to fathom these natural laws because they only come into force at the end of a period of Salvation and the disintegration of physical external forms has become necessary. They are unnatural phenomena and yet intended in God's eternal plan, consequently part of His eternal natural law, which is completely incomprehensible to people who are as yet spiritually unenlightened. __Nothing is impossible to God.... hence He will always be able to be active and achieve everything, even outside of natural law; or else His omnipotence would be limited. Nevertheless, His activity always moves within divine order, for it is impossible for the human being as such to judge this; it would, however, be presumptuous to doubt it, because this would also doubt God's wisdom. And since God is Eternal Love Himself He will always implement His will such as it is necessary and good for His living creations, which He wants to gain for Himself. Things will happen before the end which you humans cannot possibly imagine as yet. And this can only be vaguely indicated to people with Words which announce unusual, indeed, almost incredible events. Even so, the Word of God is purest truth and will come to pass when the time is right. Then the strangest changes will occur in the cosmos, yet this present human race will only be able to observe them in the beginning; the end will not be experienced by them apart from a few who will be taken away and be able to watch the process of destruction of this earth and their inhabitants.... The old form and composition of earth will have ceased to exist, but the new earth will only shelter spiritually awakened people who will know the reasons for all events at the end of the earth, however, they will also know about God's power and glory, His greater than great love but also about His righteousness.... __Amen
No one will enter the kingdom of heaven who pays homage t...
To pay tribute to the world is to forfeit the kingdom of heaven, since the human being cannot gain both at the same time. And anyone who pays homage to the world will not endeavour to attain the heavenly kingdom either, for he will only recognise the earthly world and its attraction and not believe in a kingdom beyond this world. And yet the path to the kingdom of heaven has to be taken through this earthly world, it cannot be avoided, for the human being lives in this world, he has to cover the last stage of his development on earth, in midst of the realm which belongs to God's adversary. But he can overcome this kingdom, he can pass through the earthly world without allowing himself to be extraordinarily impressed by it, without coveting it with his senses.... he can experience it and yet be its master.... __And it is your task to overcome the world, for it was given to you as a means for your soul to become fully mature therein, to detach itself voluntarily from everything pertaining to the world, because this separation is at the same time also a separation from the one who is lord of this world, and a turning-towards the spiritual kingdom and its Lord. __Hence it is understandable that anyone enslaving himself to the world will never be able to take possession of the spiritual kingdom, neither in earthly life nor after the human being's death.... it is understandable that the lord of the world will keep him tied up because the human being gives him the right to do so himself, for the separation from his power, the separation from the material world, has to be endeavoured and accomplished by the individual himself. __He has to wage battle against himself; he has to be able to go without in order to gain something valuable, he has to resist all temptations during his short lifetime on earth in order to then take possession of the spiritual kingdom with all its glories, which will compensate him thousand fold for his renunciation on earth.... And he will only do so if he recognises the irrelevance and impermanence of what he deems desirable on earth. Only this realisation will give him the strength to change his will correctly, and he can gain this realisation by merely contemplating the material world.... For he cannot be forced to change his will.... he can only be prompted by experiences into inner contemplation, at which point the result is up to him. And God can only help him by time and again demonstrating the fleeing nature of things, that He allows the destruction of what the human being loves on earth, that He intervenes by affecting him painfully, taking from him what his heart is set on.... just to point out to him how worthless the goals of his endeavours are. __But those who learn from such experiences can consider themselves fortunate, for they will gradually change the direction of their will and relinquish the world in order to occupy the spiritual kingdom one day.... But no one should believe that he can make compromises, no one should believe that he can pay homage to the world with impunity.... All striving will have an effect after his death, and if it related to the world then it will result in spiritual death, then he will have relinquished the spiritual kingdom for the sake of earthly gain and the world will have brought him death.... Then he will have handed himself over again to the power of the one in the abyss, and the path of ascent will yet again take an infinitely long period of time.... __Amen
The light beings' methods of rescue....
People's activity on earth is visible in the spiritual world, and it increases the light beings' eagerness to help because they, too, know of the approaching end and the fate of those who will fail. Merciful love constantly impels them to help but people's will frequently resists them, and they are not allowed to act in opposition to people's will. But since they recognise people's spiritual state they also know effective remedies, and in complete compliance with God's will use these methods in order to influence earthly events. __Hence joyful as well as unfortunate events can be due to these light beings' influence who want to save or lead their protégés to God.... For God Himself has joined them to people as spiritual guides, and therefore the well-being of their protégés' souls is particularly dear to their heart. They, too, know the blessings of suffering for all people and thus suffering is often unavoidable, even though the beings of light are full of love for people. __But to have saved a soul is gladdening for every being of light; after all, they know the infinitely long-lasting state of torment the spirit will have to endure if it gets constrained into matter again. Compared to this state of torment even the worst suffering on earth can be called trivial, and therefore it is used by the helpers such that they will destroy earthly happiness and thereby so painfully intervene in a person's life that a loving motive is barely recognisable.... nevertheless, it is only due to love and concern for the human being's soul which is in utmost danger. For as long as it still lives on earth it will not be abandoned by its spiritual friends and guides. And since you humans have increasingly less time until the end these painful interventions will also become ever more frequent, for they act on God's instruction, they are merely His co-workers who act in accordance with His will. __People collect ever more earthly possessions, they pay consistently more homage to the world and its pleasures, and thus their earthly happiness often has to be destroyed, they have to experience the destruction of earthly goods and learn to recognise the staleness of worldly joys. And all this is only possible if they don't get their own way, if misfortunes prevent their unbridled enjoyment of whatever they are striving for.... Then it will be possible to turn their thoughts in a different direction, and in that case the earthly loss would be a huge spiritual gain.... Then the beings of light will have been victorious and helped the souls to gain life, for which the souls will be eternally grateful to them. __The darkness in which people live on earth is obvious to all beings of light, and they also know that the world is to blame.... Hence they only ever endeavour to turn people's thoughts away from the world and try to achieve this by using apparently harsh and heartless methods which, however, are always based on love, because they are as one with God and therefore also full of love for all wretched beings on earth. __There is only little time left until the end but this time will indeed be very difficult, because all souls which do not voluntarily renounce the world and turn to God will have to be affected.... And thus every difficult experience, every harsh stroke of fate should be considered methods of rescue, which with divine approval still have to be used on people who are at risk of descending into the abyss.... For every soul has its helper and guardian in the beyond, nevertheless, they always have to respect its will or no human being would in fact go astray but instead find his way back to God before the end.... __Amen
Which forces trigger natural disasters?....
With every spiritual gift you receive the evidence of My love, for you shall not remain in darkness, you shall increase in light and strength, in realisation and strong will and live and work on earth accordingly. For every activity in blindness of spirit, in wrong thinking, is worthless for the soul, and since it is My will that your soul shall mature on earth your activity must have a purpose, which only the light of realisation can achieve. And thus time and again I will enlighten you where it is still dark in you. I will instruct you truthfully and repeatedly pour out My spirit over you as soon as you present Me the opened vessel so that I can fill it when your heart longs for My Words. You very often still shelter misguided thoughts, especially when you cannot let go of knowledge, of concepts, which did not come to you by way of the spirit, which cannot be called the 'working of the spirit' but which were intellectually acquired and possibly even combined with spiritual findings, on account of which you don't question its truth. But it is not pure truth and therefore you cannot attain complete clarification until you let go of this mental knowledge, until you are willing to abandon it, because only then will there be brightness in you which will illuminate every corner of your heart. Only someone who is in constant contact with Me will be able to understand that, he will therefore also instantly recognise when he is approached by error.... because this realisation is the result of his heartfelt contact with Me. And so every one of you, too, can become released from error through this heartfelt bond with Me. For I do not allow you to entertain erroneous thoughts and one way or another will convey the truth to you: __The creative process requires strength.... this will be obvious to all of you. Strength is My emanation of love which is accepted without resistance. Consequently, only a being which voluntarily opens itself to receive strength and therefore does not resist Me in any way which would render My every illumination of love ineffective, can be creatively active.... From this follows that the flow of My strength of love can only permeate beings which have joined Me already, which can no longer be counted amongst My adversary's followers, for they are still opposed to Me, otherwise they would no longer be his adherents. Hence these beings can neither participate in creating nor destroy creations because they lack all strength to do so.... precisely because they repel this strength of Mine through their opposition. However, I always speak of beings.... of self-aware spiritual beings, I speak of the once fallen original spirits which started their fall into the abyss as individual beings and which also have to return to Me again as individual beings. But the once fallen original spirits only became self-aware again in the human stage.... whereas prior to that.... as dissolved spiritual substances.... they were not self-aware. Only in a state of self-awareness can the being accept My strength of love of its own free will or even reject it again, and only in this state can it be creatively or destructively active. But now you humans can also observe destructions which cause you to make wrong assumptions.... These destructions or influences are accomplished by natural forces, by elemental forces, and are not, as you believe, a manifestation of the forces of darkness. First you need to be instructed as to what these natural forces basically are, to whose will and whose power they are subject.... You should know that I allow all spiritual substances a certain amount of freedom once they have made some progress in a state of compulsion and thus they can temporarily remain unconstrained, that is, if they had to leave their shell prematurely< and have not yet entered a new form. In that case people will have intervened contrary to My lawful order and thereby so incensed the released spirits about the unlawfully interrupted process of development that they went on a rampage. And they are, in fact, entitled to do so, because premature liberation is no real freedom for the spiritual substance, in fact it is so painful that it wants to take revenge on the human race for having caused this pain. This becomes particularly apparent when the normal growth of botanical creations is shortened due to greed, to avarice, when human will destroys creations of nature which, according to My plan of Creation and Salvation, also serve their purpose and are therefore unlawfully prevented from fulfilling their intended purpose. The same also applies when useful earthly creations.... i.e. fashioned by human hand.... are wilfully destroyed, so that the bound spiritual substances therein are prematurely released.... Hence I do not prevent these spiritual substances from united elemental activity.... but I only allow it for a certain length of time in order to constrain them again for the purpose of further development.... __However, huge manifestations of strength, as recognisable in natural disasters, need to be explained and assessed differently.... The degree of opposition of all spirits is known to Me, and therefore I also know when it lessens, when the restraint of the bound substance in hard matter can be eased. These spiritual entities test their strength by joining forces in order to burst their chains. Since the opposition to the strength of love.... which hitherto encased it in form of matter.... has already become weaker the spirits' strength has become stronger to the same extent, and I do not stop these spirits from forcefully creating their next form for development themselves.... Consequently, I allow the still completely immature spiritual substance to release itself from its present state earlier, which happens in the form of more or less violent natural disasters, in eruptions, earthquakes, thus in such natural catastrophes which originate inside the earth and should therefore be regarded as manifestations of strength by the bound spiritual substances there. But this 'destructive' urge is by no means a sign of increased opposition towards Me and therefore My opposing spirit's activity or influence, instead it is merely the urge for another, easier form; admittedly, it is an unconscious urge but, as a result of reduced opposition, one which naturally arises in the spirits, which I do not prevent because these spirits will be bound again anyway for further development in order to come yet another step closer to Me. Even if it seems to you humans that My adversary's forces are at work.... he can neither change nor destroy My works of creation, so all such events must be assigned to My will and My might but they all have a spiritual purpose at the same time.... even if countless human lives fall prey to them. For even the spiritual substances which are still bound in the creations of earth are given the opportunity to continue their path of development. Terminating a person's life on earth also happens for a reason, My love and wisdom will truly not harm anything, so that whatever happens is beneficial for the soul of the individual person affected by it. What the human being regards as a misfortune need not be a disaster.... unless he loses faith and totally hands himself over to My opposing spirit's control. In that case, however, he had already been his follower and even then he can still change his will, precisely because it is free. But any natural activity resulting in devastation or destruction can only be caused by the spiritual substance which is either still banished in solid matter and tries to release itself or which was unlawfully released from softer forms and thus rages because its process of development was cut short.... However, spiritual beings working on My adversary's instruction will never be able to manifest themselves in such a destructive way, because these beings are self-aware and have no strength at their disposal for such activity. Earthly creations are certainly My adversary's domain because his followers are banished in them.... yet they are solely governed by My will and everything in a bound state is subject to My law.... __Amen
Signs of the last days....
You can rest assured that everything I have announced through seers and prophets will fulfil itself, for the end moves ever closer and by the signs of the times you will recognise the hour you live in. Time and again the objection is raised that the end was always dreaded during bad times and yet the earth continued to exist.... that even My disciples had counted on My early return and that they, too, had been mistaken.... And likewise they don't want to listen and believe in My present proclamations. And I repeatedly emphasize the fact that one day the future will become the presence and that you humans have now arrived at the lowest spiritual point which necessitates an end of this earth which, however, should only be understood as a total transformation of the earth's surface and not the destruction of the earth as a work of creation. For this earth will continue to fulfil its task in the universe, it will continue to shelter people for the purpose of maturing their souls.... Yet first it has to be made suitable for this again. __My Word is truth, and if I send you My Word from above, if I explain My plan of Salvation to you so that you will also know all correlations, then I actually only intend you to faithfully accept My warnings and admonitions and change your attitude towards Me accordingly.... For you should think further than just your daily life, you should think of what lies ahead of you since you know for certain that you will have to die and cannot prolong your life for even one day, that you therefore depend on the Power which had called you into being.... You should seriously deliberate these thoughts, and it will not be to your disadvantage, for then I will also help you to think clearly and to consider the idea of an end, and what this end means for each one of you. If you believe in a God and Creator Whose love called you into being then you will not be so worried when you are made aware of a near end, for then you will know that this God and Creator also holds your destiny in His hands, that you only need to commend yourselves to His love and grace in order to be safely lead through the approaching time.... And the references relating to it won't frighten you, instead you will merely join your God and Creator more closely, Whom you recognise as your eternal Father. __Yet the unbelievers will be badly affected, and to those apply My constant prophesies of a near end, for they can still change themselves during the short time they have left. Just pay attention to the signs of the time, for I have already announced those to My first disciples.... But by now you are at the start of the time of affliction, you hear about wars, about earthquakes.... accidents and disasters are increasing.... you can observe changes in the universe, and you also see how people behave who have degenerated and believe that they can interfere in My creation, who let themselves be driven to God-opposing experiments which will not end well.... __Notice the frame of mind of people who indulge in worldly pleasures, who are harsh and unloving and don't consider their neighbour's hardship.... Pay attention to the lack of faith, to their attitude towards Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, and you will know that you are already living in the midst of time which precedes the end. The battle of faith, too, will flare up with such cruelty you would not think possible. And this spiritual low level will draw the end closer and has already reached the degree which would justify My intervention, but I will not divert from the day that has been determined in My plan of Salvation since eternity.... But neither will I postpone this day, for in My wisdom I also realised when the time is right for the work of transformation to take place.... __And therefore I will let My voice be heard until the end announcing the approaching end, and happy is he who listens to this voice and prepares himself.... happy is he who wants to belong to My Own and remains loyal to Me until the end.... For I will provide him with exceptional strength, he will stand firm and need not fear the day of the end.... __Amen
Renewed reference to the end....
How often has the near end been pointed out to you already, how often have you been admonished not to live your life on earth complacently and to eagerly work at improving your soul, yet you do nothing in order to avoid the dreadful fate of a renewed banishment.... You don't believe these references until one day it will come upon you with force and then you will no longer be able to change your thinking and intentions. For the time I determined for it will be adhered to and the last day will come like a thief in the night.... Yet beforehand you will still be seriously shaken out of your sleep.... for all great events cast their shadows before them.... And this, too, will seem inconceivable to you, for the elements of nature will so violently manifest themselves that it will take many people's lives and cause great lamentation.... And yet, this natural event will only result in the fact that people will acknowledge it as the reign of a higher Power less then ever, that it will only add to their doubt in this Power because a God of love cannot be recognised in an event where countless people will have to sacrifice themselves.... But how shall I give you a sign of My power and might? You, who are unable to believe in this Power although you are at Its mercy? If I speak quietly to you, you don't listen to Me, for you close your ears and eyes and are unable to see the gentle light shining for you.... And since you don't pay attention to My quiet voice I must speak louder.... so loud that no-one can deny this voice anymore. Yet you will all make up excuses so as not to have to admit that you are being addressed by God for your own good. But those who recognise this wake-up call, who recognise Me Myself in the raging of the natural elements and take refuge in Me will indeed be saved, for even if they lose their earthly life they will nevertheless enter into eternity with the realisation of a God and will be able to continue their ascent. __But the end will come soon after this intervention.... no matter how implausible it seems to you.... This end has been planned from the start and nothing will persuade Me to stop it, for I do not only consider the human being who fails his last test of will but all creations are close to My heart whose development is still below the human stage but which are also My beings to whom I grant My mercy and whom I want to lead to ascent. And for this purpose the earth will have to renew itself, the earth's surface must go through a total transformation, and the day is firmly predetermined. And you humans have to be told that you should pay attention to the sign of the times.... that I said to you `it will be just like it was at the time of the Flood....' People will enjoy life to the fullest, they will not be able to stop sinning anymore because they will only love themselves, and this wrong love will allow them to do whatever they like.... And this will result in confused thinking, for no-one will pay attention to the divine Word any longer which clearly points His will out to them.... And then only the short time of the battle of faith lies ahead of you, which is the last phase before the destruction, it is the time when My Own will have to prove themselves, when they must profess Me as their Lord and God, as their Redeemer.... in order to then be able to enter the paradise of the new earth.... The hour of Judgment is very near and, yet, people refuse to listen, they continue to live their life on earth with indifference and unscrupulousness, and regardless of how many people mention it, they are lacking faith and without faith they won't change their way of life.... But the day will come like a thief in the night, and blessed are those who give credence to My Words and live in such a way that this day cannot frighten them.... who will therefore also prevail until the end.... __Amen
Deposing the earthly power....
The spirit of anyone giving the world reason to live under constant threat does not demonstrate the love he should harbour within himself. Rather, it is the tribute of evil paid by the person spreading discord and controversy amongst humanity. People are supposed to cultivate love and peace and all should be like brothers to each other.... In its place bitter enmity is taken into homes which ought to shelter peaceful people; and a whole nation will be unworthy if the citizen of a country lives in spiritual bondage.... Enslaving those who should be treated like brothers is not sanctioned according to God's will. __Those who arrogantly dare to put laws into place which restrict personal freedom.... and this purely to push through a preconceived idea, will soon discover that they went to too far and that destiny will reverse itself for those who believe themselves to be in charge of it. Admittedly, at first it will appear as if the worldly power is successful but not for long, for all signs of the time point towards the end of the period when force comes before mercy. And even so, if it remains unfeasible that the weak gain respect on earth, then it is permitted by God's wisdom so that God's righteousness, His love and His Omnipotence will clearly manifest itself one day.... for He will intervene when the time is right.... You must let Him rule alone and He will arrange everyone's fate such that it will be bearable for the individual and with God's blessing and help bring his life to the right conclusion. __And now get ready to receive a revelation, the meaning of which you will not be able to understand today, and yet it shall be explained to you: Hence the Lord will have to forcibly intervene in the spiritual chaos, and the world will already anxiously evaluate the scale of the eternal Deity's intervention. And therefore it is it is permissible that a troubled nation's ruler will first have to taste the miseries himself before he gets severely affected by world events. As yet he will still enjoy the height of his fame, as humanity continues to cheer him on, but once he has fallen no one will speak to him or on his behalf, for in times of hardship and most bitter adversity humanity forgets that it also owes him certain advantages, and thus it will come to pass that in the forthcoming time of hardship on earth a general uprising will be planned and implemented against the authorities, which will cause many a person's downfall, who saw himself in a leading position.... And the soul will make a decision.... it will let itself be guided by its sense of righteousness, it will recognise the mistakes and shortcomings but also the intention of those who long for an improvement of the whole situation and will content itself with less power in order to protect humanity from further calamities.... For the incredibly embittered people will demand their rights and request the removal of the one who brought such indescribable misery over humanity. __And the hour will come when rich and poor, young and old, high and low will recognise how much power this ruler had exercised and how level-minded those had been who had not let themselves be deceived by appearances.... And once this change of direction has taken place the earth will only remain as it is for a little longer, in order to then receive a completely new appearance as a result of a huge disaster, admittedly not everywhere but noticeably in all countries which were united by the world conflagration and which contemplate mutual destruction. And this will be a dreadful day followed by a dreadful night, for the Lord waits with utmost patience, but if it is ignored events will take place on earth and affect everyone.... according to merit.... For God's justice will not leave anyone on a throne who does not warrant his status.... and likewise elevate those who have always been faithful to Him, not for the sake of earthly reward but for love of the divine Creator.... Everyone's fate has been determined since eternity, and the Lord is merely implementing what is proclaimed in Word and Scripture, so that humanity may recognise the truth of these predictions and take them to heart.... __Amen
Coming in the clouds.... Rapture....
An unusual roar will fill the air as the Day of Judgment arrives. And this will be the last sign for people, yet it will only be recognised as such by the believers, which will cause them great joy. For then they will be anticipating the coming of the Lord.... It requires a strong faith to expect God to be coming in the clouds, for this is such an extraordinary process that godless people just ridicule and make fun of it when it is mentioned to them. They will indeed hear the sound, too, yet they won't see the Lord in the clouds and thus take little notice of the unusual noise in the air and won't let themselves be distracted from their lives.... exuberantly and without scruples they will continue to enjoy themselves. The faithful, however, will get together and, with a happy heart, prepare themselves to receive the Lord. They will have reached the limit of their physical endurance and know that their time of suffering has come to an end, and in the final hour they will unanimously profess their faith in God although it will mean the loss of their earthly life, because they will be mercilessly attacked by the world. Yet the appearance of the Lord will thwart the plans of their godless pursuers.... For suddenly they will see the believers being lifted off the ground and rising into the air.... At the same time there will be a sound of dreadful thunder and people will realise with dismay that something dreadful is going to happen. Paralysed by the unusual process of the rapture they will be unable to think, they will try to flee and see the same everywhere.... flames of fire bursting through the earth from which there is no escape. And their life will end in a most dreadful way, for the people who rage on earth like devils and are rife with sin cannot be saved. __But the flock of the faithful will witness the end of the old earth; the divine work of destruction will take place before their eyes, while they will have escaped and will be safe and secure in a place of peace, as promised by God. This will be the end of one period of Salvation and the start of a new one as soon as the old earth is shaped anew through God's will. Then the faithful will continue to live as the root of the new human race and the new period of Salvation will begin. The process of rapture is only understandable and therefore credible to a knowing and profoundly enlightened person, yet it will be the culmination of an anxious time of hardship and suffering, it will be the conclusion and the evidence of God's glory, Who will also prepare a fate for His Own which testifies of His glory.... It will be an act of profoundly divine love for His living creations who will recognise in Him their Father of eternity, who will have returned to Him and become as one with Him through love.... with whom He will then be able to stay because divine love meets with no obstacle once the human being has become love himself.... __Amen
Different schools of thought.... Christ's teaching....
The absolute truth cannot be represented by any school of thought as long as it cannot show that the origin of its dogma is based on the Word from above, although not everything taught by each spiritual movement can be called an error. Their followers will always be sincere people if they abandon ecclesiastical organisations and turn to such a school of thought. And therefore they are repeatedly offered the opportunity to come closer to the truth, because once they have recognised it as such they will hold on to it and hence be more faithful members of spiritual groups than the followers of the church which is officially made out to be My institution, but who are for the most part mere supporters or formal believers, never desiring to delve deeper into eternal truth, into My teaching of love, which I describe as the core of the church founded by Me. Only the Word from above is pure truth and this Word was received and spread by Jesus on earth, consequently His is the only true teaching and will remain so for all eternity. Hence the person who preaches Christ's teaching is My representative on earth and will be able to inform every school of thought to what extent they have the truth and which opinions are misguided. However, during the last days the real advocates of My teaching need not concern themselves with other denominations or religious groups because they will all be fought against by earthly authorities and will lose their supporters with certainty, too. My servants shall merely gather the deserters and try to win them over for Me and My kingdom; they shall impart the pure truth to them and take every opportunity to enlighten misguided people.... __And I will provide them with the opportunity to do so, I will send them to those who can still be won over, who are still undecided and only need the truth in order to take the right path. The truth speaks for itself and no one will be able to undermine it, but where misguided teachings have occurred people can always be expected to leave when they are confronted by hardship, which they can avoid through devotion of faith. Because in the last days great hardship will only be suffered by those believers who want to remain faithful to Me and will thus be treated with hostility by the world. The world will demand the complete rejection of faith in a God and Creator of eternity Who governs the fate of every human being, and the hardship of anyone relinquishing his faith will be resolved. People who endure will have to suffer in remarkable ways. But anyone who has true faith, who lives within the truth he has received from Me Myself, will also stay faithful to Me because he will know that such hardship won't last forever and will then give way to a joyful state of bliss. He will know that the earth is experiencing its end and so will the people who relinquish their faith for the sake of worldliness. The truth received from Me has given him the knowledge of things to come and this knowledge will give him the strength to endure to the end. __Only truth gives strength, only the person who lives within truth will endure, and for this reason it is so urgently necessary to impart the truth to people because this alone will enable them to understand everything that will happen. Anyone who does not know the absolute truth will become unsure, he will doubt everything and prefer the world and its pleasures to his doubtful knowledge. But I want to give people the pure truth in order to help them survive the final end by firmly believing in Me, in My wisdom and love which wants to prepare a paradise for My Own after the destruction of this earth.... Anyone instructed by My Word of My eternal plan of Salvation will understand everything, always keeping his eyes on Me he will be able to glance into the spiritual realm and receive strength and grace to endure until the end.... __Amen
A tough test will be imposed on you in the last days before the end. Something will happen that you don't believe possible: every faith will come under attack with the result that people will mutually renounce each other, that no-one will admit their conviction anymore and that each person will be the other person's enemy. And then I will require of you, My representatives on earth, an open confession, for this is the time of which it is written: Anyone who confesses Me before the world, him I shall also confess before My Father.... For this confession can still strengthen many others, so that they will not hide and fear their earthly enemies. It will be a difficult time and yet, you need not fear it as long as you mentally unite yourselves with Me, for then I Myself will be with you and guide your steps, your words and your thoughts. Don't fear those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul.... As soon as it relates to your faith you will also know that the time I proclaimed has come and that the final end is not far away. The battle of faith beforehand is the last phase on this earth, and with the same certainty as this will erupt so, too, will the end come, which you, My servants and loyal followers on earth, can only yearn for, since it will deliver you from all adversity. Yet the time prior to that needs to happen in order to provide people with the opportunity to make a decision. Only then will the decision be made who belongs to Me and who belongs to My adversary, who loves the world more than Me and who therefore has handed himself over to him, for he is the one who will deny Me, and the most shameful actions against My Own testifies to My adversary's activity, who will embody himself in the Antichrist and take action against My Own and thus against Me Myself. Your strength, however, your courage of conviction and your will to love will increase, and I shall support you so obviously that you will recognise Me and profess My name before the world ever more loudly. Yet for the sake of My chosen few I will shorten the days.... the end will come very quickly, for I Myself will come to help My Own and will take them away, so that they will be spared the work of destruction of earth, so that they will find peace after this difficult time of trial. Yet all others will be met by the Judgment, for it will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Reason for the destruction and new creation.... Hell - ba...
I take pity on the lowest fallen spirit, and time and again will provide a rescue anchor enabling its ascent, and every soul holding on to it will be raised up, for it is demonstrating its will to escape the abyss and thus it will also be allowed to experience its eternal Father's mercy. But there is also a degree of resistance to Me in the region of the lowest fallen spirits which no longer allows for a rescue, where the will has not changed in the slightest and where the spiritual essence has become almost solid and there is no other possible help but to banish this spiritual essence into matter again.... __This new banishment is also an act of mercy on My part, for without it the soul would never be able to reach the point again where it has to pass its last test of will by which it can attain eternal life. The path of development in the spiritual kingdom has to take place within My divine order, no phase can be left out, and in the stage of self-awareness.... either on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond.... the being's will is at all times decisive.... Consequently, if this is utterly abused I have to constrain the soul again and make it take the path through the creations of this earth in the state of compulsion once more, because I don't want it to remain in an extremely agonising and wretched state forever. Ever new arising creations, the continuous growth and decay in nature, is equivalent to the perpetual change of external forms by the progressing spiritual substance which steadily approaches its final form as a human being on this earth.... But the spiritual essence which had descended back into the deepest abyss or which has already been there for an infinitely long time will have to be placed into the hardest matter at the start of its higher development. It cannot be placed into already existing creations which serve already more mature spiritual substances as an abode.... The first phase of the banishment cannot be skipped, instead the path of development has to start in the external form which corresponds to the unbroken opposition to Me.... in hardest matter, because this in turn is required by My law of order. __For this reason new creations have to arise again and again after long periods of time to accept these spiritual substances, just as creations having existed for incredibly long periods of time.... hard matter.... need to be disintegrated one day in order to release the spiritual substance therein to continue its path of development in less compact forms.... The periods of time which pass after such outright destructions and redevelopment of earthly creations occur are very long, and as a rule the length of time cannot be demonstrably established by people either. Furthermore, they lack the knowledge of the spirits' process of development, of the true purpose of matter and of the appallingly agonizing conditions in the spiritual kingdom, even though the word `hell' is known to all people.... __But they don't know what is meant by it in reality, otherwise the total transformation of earth and its creations would be more credible to them. Yet it will always remain unverifiable to people.... However, a loving and merciful God aims to save His living creations, He will not leave them in darkness forever, and My love and mercy is My fundamental nature which will not ever change. My love and mercy will forever apply to My living creations which have descended into the abyss, and time and again will find ways and means to rescue them from there. Yet before a new banishment happens again, every effort will be made by Me and My spiritual co-workers so that the souls will take the path of ascent in the spiritual realm in order to spare them the agonising fate of a new banishment. Yet the will of the being makes its own decision, and its fate depends on its will. But My plan of Salvation will be implemented and not be without success.... One day I will reach the goal, and one day the darkness will also have surrendered everything, because My love will never end and no being will be able to resist it forever.... __Amen
The end will come unexpectedly....
And unusual intervention by God will take place when the time is right.... This has been announced to you over and over again, yet you doubt it, because the time I still grant to you as a reprieve seems too long for you; however, you fail to consider that I regard time differently, that a short extension of time is irrelevant in view of the magnitude of My intervention, in view of the overwhelming act of destruction which this intervention as well as the forthcoming end will mean to humanity. You forget the fact that you were nevertheless only granted a short time of grace but that even the longest period of time will one day come to an end and that you should, therefore, expect every day that My announcements will fulfil themselves. And this is how you should also look at your life, always thinking that every day could be the last day for you. One day, when you no longer live on earth in the flesh, you will realise how short your whole lifetime on earth has been. And then you will also understand the urgency of My admonitions and warnings, for only then will you realise that your concept of time on earth is different from that in the spiritual realm. However, you should already recognise this while you are living on earth and therefore accept My admonitions and warnings, you should not doubt even if you think it takes a long time until My intervention will take place. It will nevertheless come unexpectedly and cause tremendous adversity to those people who are not yet so united with Me that, in their distress, they simply take refuge with Me. __The day will come unexpectedly, like all big natural disasters of a similar kind, which you humans are unable to prevent or evaluate in advance.... Even so, it will come without fail.... I will repeat this time and again with all urgency, because it is necessary for you to prepare yourselves for it, for you to believe and always live your life in view of this natural event. For no human being will know whether he will belong to the survivors, no-one will know where the event will take place and which countries will be affected by it. You all should count on it and be thankful to Me if it passes you by. For in that case you will still have to fulfil the task of carrying out labours of love for those affected unfortunate people and of showing them the path to Me, so that I can comfort and uplift them and lead them out of all adversity. For truly, nothing is impossible for Me, and an intimate prayer can avert much suffering and hardship, wherever it may be. This is why I repeatedly come in the Word to you, so that you can draw strength from it in advance and calmly face whatever will affect you. And time and again I say to you: take care that you belong to My Own, who will find refuge and protection with Me, whom I will strengthen over and over again and to whom I will impart extraordinary strength to work for Me and My name. And then the end will not be far away anymore. And you should all prepare yourselves for this end and learn to believe ever more firmly what is proclaimed to you through My Word.... For everything will come to pass when the time is right.... __Amen
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