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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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True disciples.... Working of the spirit.... `Why' misgui...
My disciples were enlightened by My spirit and therefore taught correctly. When they preached for Me and My kingdom they could not utter anything but the words I put into their mouths, the words that My spirit revealed to them. And they taught the same as I Myself had preached to people on earth; they instructed them in My name, they spoke on My behalf, and thus they proclaimed to people the true Gospel in accordance with My will. And their true followers will always be those who are likewise enlightened by My spirit, for only they will speak the truth, only they will be My true representatives on earth. However, anyone who is not enlightened by My spirit yet preaches all the same will not uphold the pure truth, because a person in whom My spirit cannot express itself will distort the truth, he will interpret My previously spoken Word incorrectly, he will teach errors even though he has acquired knowledge through study and deems himself capable of instructing other people as a teacher. __The simplest explanation for it is this: Where My spirit cannot work My adversary's spirit is at work, and he works in a truly truth-destroying manner.... This explains the ease with which My pure teaching can be spoilt and then be offered to people in the form of a distorted representation. To understand the spiritual meaning of My spoken Word as I want it understood requires the working of My spirit within the person, it requires enlightenment of thought, and this in turn requires a way of life in accordance with My will. Nevertheless, the latter does not consist of fulfilling commandments decreed by a church but solely of fulfilling My commandments, the commandments of love for God and other people. A life of love results in the person becoming a vessel for My spirit, and only such a person is enabled to instruct other people, only he knows the spiritual meaning of My every Word.... And this knowledge is absolutely essential in order to recognise the blatant error into which people have turned My Word. This knowledge, which My spirit gives to a person who wants to serve Me, entitles him to teach, and after that every instruction is again aided by My spirit.... Anyone working for Me will not utter anything but My will, because I want people to be told the truth.... __But the spirit of falsehood dominates people because My spirit, the mediator of truth, can no longer express itself in those who believe themselves to be My disciples' successors, those who are holding the ministry but who have no contact with the giver of truth themselves. Although they interpret My Word they do not know the spiritual meaning of My Word at all, they teach what they were taught by the fathers. They thoughtlessly accepted these teachings and unreservedly passed them on, without thinking that sooner or later they will have to answer for every word. Being spiritually blind themselves they are blind leaders of their fellow human beings, instead of guiding them into truth they turn them away from it. I have never preached on earth what they claim to be Christ's teaching, because they only observe the letter and do not understand the true meaning, since My spirit cannot enlighten them. Believing to possess it, they do not search for truth, thus they do not seek Me and therefore I cannot guide them into truth. For if they sought Me they would live within love and then recognise Me, because I reveal Myself to everyone who believes in Me and keeps My commandments. Anyone who wants to be My disciple has to follow Me as My apostles did, he has to live a life of selfless love for his neighbour, awakening his spirit within him so that he unites with Me through love and subsequently can be taught by Me Myself, as it is written `You all shall be taught by God....' My spirit will guide him into truth and only then can he be My representative on earth.... __Amen
Spiritual turning point is not a reversal but renewed ban...
Development for the better is no longer possible on this earth, people will not even remain on the same level but descend constantly, they live beyond all bounds and distance themselves from Me to such an extent that they live their earthly life entirely without strength, hence it is totally pointless. And therefore a substantial change is intended to put an end to humanity's spiritual decline and to pave a new path which will lead to an ascent again. You humans are unaware of My plan of Salvation apart from the few to whom I reveal Myself. But you would be able to take notice of it were you at all interested in the issue as to what forms the basis of all events around you. Yet your questions are different, the questions you are concerned with only relate to earthly advantages, to ways and means of procuring a wealth of earthly goods. You only increase your knowledge in this field and ignore all spiritual matters. But therefore you will also be taken by surprise by the forthcoming events and will be unable to find an explanation if you intellectually search for it. However, the knowledge of My plan of Salvation would explain everything to you, the knowledge of My eternal plan of Salvation would let you look at everything from a different perspective, and it would awaken your sense of responsibility because your soul's fate after death is determined by your way of life. Then a small improvement could still be achieved, although only a few will take the explanation seriously which is offered to them by knowledgeable people. And therefore I will bring one period of development to a conclusion and let a new one begin. __This should certainly be looked upon as a spiritual turning point yet not as a reversal or a sudden advancement of the souls' development, instead it is far more a total failure on the one hand and the creation of new possibilities for development on the other. For that which failed during the old period of development will start its process of development again in the deepest abyss; hence it will not continue an interrupted process of purification. This is why the time before the end of this epoch is so extremely significant since it will, after all, shape the fate of countless souls as to whether they live or die. A continued existence of this earth would by no means benefit these souls, because they severed the bond with Me long ago, thus they are entirely without faith and in this state will not make use of the blessings either which could ensure their spiritual progress. Until the end every effort will still be made to save the individual souls, that is, to draw their attention to their purpose, yet they cannot be supported against their will and this will only strives to descend, it only applies to matter which shelters the lowest developed spiritual substances. And I always take the soul's will into account, it shall receive what it desires.... and therefore hard matter will become the external cover of that which had already reached the last stage of development on earth.... the souls of the furthest distanced living creations will be banished again in the creations of the new earth. And time and again this dreadful fate shall be presented to people, time and again they shall be given the information of My eternal plan of Salvation, because it is the time of the end when every person should become aware of the great responsibility he bears for his soul, because he can still use the last days for the salvation of his soul if he has the will to do so. He should know that an end will come and what this end means for his soul, he should know that there will be no postponement but that it will come true what seers and prophets have announced since the beginning of this epoch of Salvation, that the end will come without fail and with it the last Judgment, which will decide over life and death, over light and darkness, over reward and punishment.... over hell and damnation and paradise and beatitude.... __Amen
Great affliction before the end....
People everywhere will experience immense affliction when the final adversity before the end starts. Every nation will go through suffering and distress, partly caused through human will, partly through the influences of nature or fateful events, and people everywhere will have the opportunity to place themselves at the service of neighbourly love, for wherever there is adversity it can be alleviated by people who are able and willing to love. All people will be affected apart from those who receive their strength from below, that is, whose hearts are so hardened that they are enslaved by God's adversary who will provide for them to an exceptional extent. The contrast between good and evil will strongly emerge everywhere, and thus a spiritual battle for people's souls will also be waged before the end. Spiritual influence will therefore trigger all instincts in the human being during the end time, both good as well as evil will visibly manifest themselves and, therefore, a separation will also be noticeable, for good people will keep away from evil ones and yet will constantly be pursued with hatred, on account of which good, and therefore God-inclined, people will suffer progressively more distress. There will be an extraordinary scale of adversity.... The words of the seers and prophets who have proclaimed this immense affliction for the time of the end can be applied in all instances; it is merely the cause of affliction which will not be the same everywhere. But a separation of the spirits will happen in all places and thus the time of end can be recognised. The earth and the spiritual realm will be the goal of people's efforts, and anyone aiming for the earth with its possessions will be lost for the spiritual kingdom, he will pay homage to the world and therefore to the one who governs the world. And the majority of people will focus on the world, whereas the spiritual kingdom will only have a few followers; only a small flock compared to the whole of humanity will consciously or unconsciously strive towards God with a will for good and abhorring evil. For this reason there will always be just a small number of spiritual aspirants present among people, at first they will be laughed at and ridiculed by their fellow human beings until people's evil nature breaks through and expresses itself in hostile actions against all those who abide by God and remain steadfast in faith. __This will be the start of an affliction the world has never before experienced.... Evil will prevail everywhere and suppress good, evil will indulge itself in all places and good will suffer adversity. Until, finally, even the life of God's faithful followers will be in danger, they will have no more protection because people will reverse the laws, that which is right will no longer be acknowledged and only the power of the stronger will count. And this will be with those whose attitude committed them to Satan. They will be favoured by him throughout their temporal lives, for they will have sold their souls to him in return and will have elevated themselves as masters over the weak, treating them vindictively and denying them all earthly necessities. The extent of distress will be such that the believers will require, and indeed receive, an extraordinary supply of strength so that they will not give up during the final battle, which will only last for a short time and will be shortened for the sake of the chosen, so that they will not weaken in view of the hardship within their own ranks and the affluence in the ranks of the adversary. Then salvation will come to them from above, as it is proclaimed. The Lord Himself will come in the clouds and deliver all those who remain true to Him. The affliction will come to an end and a new life will begin on earth, and God's faithful followers will receive their reward.... just as Satan's children will be punished, because God's justice demands their atonement. It will come to pass as it is written.... The Lord will fetch His Own and place them into a realm of peace, He will pass strict Judgment on all sinners and they, too, will receive what they deserve, and the hardship on earth will be over.... __Amen
'Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will buil...
I certainly established a church on earth but I did not want an organisation.... I say this to all those who interpret My Word 'Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will build My church' such that I Myself Am the founder of worldly organisations which call themselves the true church of Christ. Like all My Words these, too, were intended to be understood spiritually, in fact, they are very easy to comprehend if the faith of My disciple Peter is understood as a rock, which everyone must possess in order to belong to My true church. My church is a purely spiritual foundation; it is to be understood as a community with a faith as rock-hard as Peter's, but never the amalgamation of people in a purely secular organisation, which has to be called secular because everything that proves the affiliation to this organisation must be outwardly recognisable and because further regulations or laws were decreed which inhibit a person's thinking and actions, which entirely contradicts My will. It is My will that people wanting to belong to My church should strive towards Me of their own free will, which necessitates faith in Me as well as love.... Neither can be enforced nor achieved through regulations; love for Me does not awaken as a matter of duty but through faith in My perfection, and although this faith can be taught, it cannot be demanded. The human being must bring himself to believe after he has received knowledge of Me, of his Creator and Father of eternity. A human being only becomes a member of My church through this self-attained faith, therefore My church cannot be an organisation with a mass of members who lack living, self-attained faith. For although faith and love are being preached, the listeners must nevertheless first activate their will in order to acquire the right of belonging to the church which was founded by Me. __And therefore I repeatedly emphasise that people could not have formed this church by establishing an organisation in which, like in any worldly organisation, leaders of various ranks work, to whom I have never appointed such a ministry, whose functions are more of a ruling than a serving nature and who are often not members of the church I founded themselves because they, too, only believe blindly what they were taught and as yet have neither acquired a convinced faith through deliberation nor a living faith through activity of love. Hence these believe themselves to be My representatives on earth, and yet they are unable to convey truthful knowledge to people because they don't possess it themselves. They feel that they are Peter's successors but they are not because their faith lacks the strength of a rock as soon as it is tested. The church founded by Me will prove itself.... not even the gates of hell will defeat it. But once the walls of the former are shaken, which is intended by My will, it will not survive and only blindly believing fanatics will remain steadfast but not on account of conviction but because of fanaticism which is not valued by Me as faithfulness. For I want people to think about everything they encounter, and it is My will that they shall acquire vision and don't remain blind due to their own fault. I also want them to think about My Words: Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.... I want people to reflect on how these Words of Mine are to be understood: It is My will that they should be truthfully interpreted and you humans also recognise when human interpretation does not correspond to the spiritual meaning which I have placed into My Words. And you will be able to recognise it if you dwell on it with willingness for the pure truth when you are taught by those who call themselves My representatives on earth. My true representatives are certainly informed of the truth and can therefore also provide their fellow human beings with a correct explanation regarding My Word and its deeper spiritual meaning. However, My representatives also belong to the church founded by Me, even though they are not members of an earthly organisation. My true representatives will also announce in My name to all spiritual organisations the end of their existence, because everything that has distanced itself from the real truth will fade away, even if people are convinced that that church will be invincible. Only the church which I Myself have founded on earth will be invincible, which is a spiritual community of those with a faith like Peter's and who, through this faith, shape themselves into My image, who can indeed have a living faith because they are instructed in the truth, who allow My spirit to be effective in them, which always is and will remain a sign of affiliation to the church I have founded.... __Amen
It concerns eternal life....
It concerns eternal life.... the soul's life in the spiritual kingdom after the human being's death on earth.... it concerns eternity. Do you humans understand the implications of this? Consider the immense responsibility you have in earthly life, where you create your own fate in eternity, where all means are at your disposal in order to become blessed and which you ignore at enormous expense to your soul. Consider that you will be held accountable for your thoughts, will and actions on earth, and that you will not be able to undo anything, neither will you be able to catch up on what you neglected to do.... but that you will find utterly appropriate justice in accordance with your earthly life. Every thought, every action will automatically either divert the human being from the goal or lead him to it. And therefore he should always endeavour to gain God's pleasure in order to be able to stand before His Judgment seat one day. __It concerns your soul's salvation, and during your earthly life you only take notice of your body and its requirements but ignore your soul. God's love, however, does not want to let go of you, it does not want you to become eternally lost but wants you to have eternal life.... God's love will pursue you for as long as you live on earth. God will bear your faults and weaknesses with infinite patience, and His mercy will know no bounds. As long as you live on earth His love is yours and longs for union with you. And this union with the ultimate love will result in a state of happiness which He wants to bestow on you because you all are His children. It is a very difficult start to guide you into happiness as long as you do not have the will for it yourselves. __And yet, this will cannot be forced; you have to change yourselves in utmost freedom into your fundamental nature again, which you once possessed when you came forth from God, your Creator and Father since eternity. Then you will be God-like beings again who will be able to enter into unity with Him without ceasing to exist in His light. And this change of nature is your earthly task, your goal and your destiny. It is not difficult if you only want God, but it will be a hard fight if you adhere to the world. This is why the world is your enemy, your danger and your downfall. Consequently, you should avoid it, you should not fall under its spell, you should rise above it and only strive for the divine kingdom, which will truly offer you far more delectable possessions; you should ask for God, Who can and wants to give you everything that will make you blissfully happy.... __Amen
School of the spirit....
You all have to complete the school of the spirit if you want to attain the eternal right to dwell in the spiritual kingdom as blissful spiritual beings permeated by light, who are able to create with might and strength in harmony with My will. __This school of the spirit is your earthly existence, which frequently is an unbearably heavy burden for you indeed, but which then can also result in greater success if you only strive with good will towards your spiritual perfection and do not allow the tribulations of life to depress you, if you do not regard earthly life as an end in itself but as a means to an end. You always have to remember that the period of time you live on earth as self-aware beings is but short, but that this short phase is decisive for eternity. __Bear in mind that you are expected to make the free decision of will during this short time on earth, and that you are only able to make this decision if you are influenced by two sides and one side becomes victorious over you.... This, understandably, will require a struggle which you yourselves have to settle as human beings. Thus, your spiritual perfection is entirely in your own hands but it will be supported by Me in every way, even if it is not obvious to you. After all, I want to win you over and not lose you.... Hence, you also have to be convinced that I will shape every human being's fate such that he will be able to reach his goal, his spiritual perfection on earth, if his will makes the right choice. And therefore I also know the dangers he could succumb to and will avert them from him as far as possible which, however, does not exclude the possibility that he can nevertheless succumb to them by virtue of his free will. __But his destiny is always appropriate to further his highest possible perfection.... Earthly life is but a short episode, and even if it entails a most arduous destiny his suffering will not offset the beatitude which he can create for himself with correct use of his will. I do not deliberately abandon any of My living creations to their fate, I will always and forever look after each one, for I want the school of the spirit to be successful.... And if the person is always (consciously) mindful that nothing happens or is permitted without My will, which always aims to achieve spiritual success, then he will also always have the opportunity to enter into mental contact with Me to favourably dispose My will towards him, since I Am a Father to all My living creations, Who lovingly tends to His children if only a silent call reaches His ear, an appeal for help in spiritual or even earthly hardship.... __You are truly not alone.... Someone Who loves you is with you and only wants what is best for you.... Why do you not call on Him and confide your problems to Him? Do not allow earthly adversity to deter you from Me but allow it to push you towards Me, then it will truly no longer burden you so much, for I will help you carry the cross that destiny has placed upon you in accordance with My wise decision and in awareness of what serves your spiritual perfection.... __Then the silent submission to My will is already your correctly undertaken decision of will, then you will no longer be opposing Me but you will have relinquished your resistance to Me and acknowledged Me.... Then you will have completed the school of the spirit with utmost success and your end on earth will be an easy one.... __Amen
Pillars of the church.... Vineyard work.... Labourers - i...
I have drawn you close to Me due to sheer love.... I have known for eternity who has surrendered his opposition to Me and whom I can therefore use to serve Me as an instrument in the last days before the end. As yet you don't know the hour of the end, I still spread a veil across the final things happening on this earth. Yet you, My loyal followers, shall be informed of My plan of Salvation; I will also let you know the time if necessary, so that you use the knowledge for the benefit of your fellow human beings without informing them of it, because the knowledge of the day and the hour would cause them harm, and thus I can only notify My most privy and loyal labourers and only in a way which will not restrict their faith and will. This is why I test My servants' hearts in advance, but I also give them the strength to pass every test, and thus the few will emerge who, in the end, will have to render a great service for Me and shall also be capable of doing so. I know your hearts, I know your will and I Myself come to bring you what you desire.... light and strength. And thus you will become strong pillars of My church on earth which no earthly and spiritual power will be able to pull down because you will firmly resist those who want to attack its foundations. I will need strong-minded and staunchly faithful people at the end of this earth.... __And I know such people everywhere and prepare them for the final battle that will be waged against Me and everything of a spiritual nature. However, the preparation will take place by introducing them to My eternal plan of Salvation, in order to explain My reign and activity as well as all events to them for the first time and in order to thereby strengthen their faith in Me, which will afterwards enable them to work diligently and successfully in My vineyard. In addition I will convey light and strength to them, i.e., extensive knowledge which will qualify their work as teachers and also give them strength and inner conviction to prevail against all hostilities from the side of darkness. I will educate an army of strong fighters for Myself, but whom I will also sustain and support until it has completely fulfilled its task.... until it has gained victory over the enemy in the last battle on this earth. I know you and your will and bless you that you have submitted yourselves to Me, I take possession of you and will never ever let you go again.... I need you during these last days because I want to influence your fellow human beings through you, whom I will send to you so that you can carry out your vineyard work on them.... And because I need you I will also take care of you until you have fulfilled your mission, until the end has come, which is imminent for all of you. I want to pour out My spirit over all of you so that you realise which time you are living in and My spirit will let you know when the day will come which is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Development is a matter of free will and not God's arbitr...
The divine spark in the human being is his signpost on this earth, for it impels the human being to do what is good and cautions him against evil actions and thoughts.... yet only gently so that it can, but need not be, heard and felt because it does not push itself into the forefront, instead, it expects a person to listen within in order to be perceived. Therefore it first requires the person's will again in order to become aware of the gentle voice within. Therefore the will comes first and all other blessings take effect accordingly, which also includes the manifestation of the divine spark in the human being. The will, however, is free, it is not forcibly influenced neither from above nor from below.... neither God nor His adversary determine the resolve of a person, yet according to his free will they exert their influence. This needs to be particularly mentioned because it entirely changes the eternal Deity's image, Which is love in Itself, when it is taught that the direction of will is determined by God, when it is taught that the human being cannot use his will freely but that the direction of this will depends on God's grace and mercy. The fact that the human being is offered the opportunity to test his will and to prove his God-inclined will at all is definitely an act of divine grace and mercy, yet of what use would the human being's life on earth be if his will were curtailed and his development on earth were entirely God's work, that is, if its success or failure were determined by Him.... A teaching like that gives rise to doubt in God's wisdom and love and therefore can never correspond to truth. The human being undeniably always carries the admonisher within, God's mercy is always recognisable, for this gentle voice is a gift of grace too, a helpful means to impel the human being to where he should land according to God's will.... yet it is left entirely up to him how he uses the gift of grace, otherwise the admonisher within the heart would sound so loudly and perceptibly that it would have to be heard and the person would subsequently forcibly act as is demanded of him. __The human being has free will.... that is of greatest significance for his spiritual development and can never be denied; nevertheless, words can be misunderstood or misinterpreted if the necessary understanding is lacking regarding the human being's actual task on earth and which goal he ought to attain. Anyone who knows this also instantly recognises the error of a doctrine, even if it is advocated as being of divine origin. God's love and wisdom must always be emphasised, everything must demonstrate God's love and wisdom, and where this can be doubted the divine origin is missing from a teaching, for God, Who wants to be loved, does not present Himself such that He must be feared.... A God, Who courts His living creations' love in order to make them eternally happy with His love, will not present Himself as a God of wrath and tyranny and nip all love for Him in the bud. Try to find the right meaning and don't judge according to the letter, for the letter kills but the spirit gives life. But where the spirit of God is at work all veils are lifted and every person filled by God's spirit will also understand His Word.... __Amen
Characteristic of the church of Christ: The working of th...
The church of Christ is not an organisation, it is the unification of all spiritually striving people from all denominations who believe in Jesus Christ and live a life of love, for not the creed provides the evidence of their belonging to the said church but the spirit which speaks through the people who are its members. Surely you will understand that it can never ever be enough for God that a person joins this or that school of thought, either because of its name or also due to being impressed by the customs and traditions which every organisation and denomination exhibit, but that God only evaluates a person's attitude which can vary in every denomination, i.e., more or less corresponding to God's will, more or less heeding the divine commandments. And yet, the only decisive factor as to who may count himself a member of the church of Christ is whether a life of love has awakened God's spirit within the human being.... The church of Christ is a purely spiritual organisation which makes no concessions to the world whatsoever; it is only based on a human being's spiritual life, on the conscious will to attain the spiritual goal which is the human being's task on earth. The church of Christ unites all believing, that is, inwardly convinced followers of Jesus who accept the divine teaching of love as their law of life, who acknowledge Christ's act of Salvation and through conscious unity with Him know no other endeavour but to develop the strength of the spirit.... who thus are enlightened by the divine spirit, which will always be the evidence of belonging to His church. __The church of Christ needs no other external characteristic in order to be recognised as His true church, which He Himself founded on earth, apart from the spiritual rebirth, which is verified by the expression of the divine spirit in the human being. And this, in turn, is recognisable through enlightened thinking, through the realisation of truth, through realising the purpose of the human being's life, through strong faith and its resulting extraordinary working, be it by healing the sick, by averting great earthly adversity, by the influx of the divine Word or the commanding of the elements for the benefit of other people. A power, which is of divine origin, will always emerge once the human being has achieved spiritual rebirth, and he will belong to the church of Christ, which is outside of every ecclesiastical organisation but which can number people from every denomination as its members. It is a spiritual community of profoundly devout people whose leader is Jesus Christ Himself, with whom every member must enter into heartfelt contact in order to be admitted to His church. For His church is something that is alive, it is not a dead structure which exists in the world by name yet lacks all spirit. His church is based on living faith which was brought alive through love.... This is why love and faith are the first condition in order to belong to His church, why people from all denominations belong to His church, whose living faith arose from their love for God and their neighbour. All these people are being united by Jesus Christ in the church He established on earth, and He also bestows them with the gifts of the spirit depending on their maturity, ability and purpose of activity on earth for His kingdom. Wherever God's spirit is working there stands a pillar of His church which is and will remain insurmountable for all eternity.... __Amen
Redeeming help for souls in the beyond through people....
Untold souls in the beyond struggle to ascend, and these souls suffer utmost hardship, for their lack of strength makes their ascent impossible, and their realisation of weakness is immensely agonising for them since they don't know how to remedy their situation. This very lack of knowledge is their calamity, since due to the law of eternity they may only be given what they want, and they receive in accordance with their will. If they want light, then they will receive it, yet without having experienced the benefit of light they have no desire for it either. Their agony rests in the fact that they are in a constant state of suffering and no longer able to muster the will to change it, if they don't use their will to revolt against God and their fate and cruelly rampage through their environment. These souls are already in a state of hell, because they are constantly goaded by the forces of hell and their change and endeavour to ascend still requires an incredibly long time. Even the souls which have lapsed into lethargy could equally have to endure their painful fate for an extremely long time unless they receive help from one side, since due to their weak will they are unable to help themselves. __And this help can only be given to them by beings whose love wants to release them from the darkness.... by people on earth or by beings in the beyond who are either already enlightened or just possess a slightly higher degree of knowledge which enables them to help. Thus countless souls experience this hardship and people should take pity on them.... but especially people will rarely help those souls, because people no longer believe in the soul's continuation of life after death.... People could have a vast sphere of activity on the spiritual level if they supported the suffering souls in the beyond and helped them to ascend from the abyss, and helping these souls in the beyond would in turn have an effect on people again when they suffer physical and psychological distress.... Yet people very rarely take part in this redeeming work, they even leave their loved ones in the beyond in great suffering, who should be particularly taken care of by them.... This is why it is welcomed with great joy when people gather on earth who have the will to do redeeming work and want to kindle a light for many souls in darkness. __For this reason beings of light also play a redeeming part in as much as they likewise appear where unhappy souls in the beyond are remembered with loving thoughts, and their help is evident because they protectively surround the people on earth when the crowd of dark spiritual beings threatens to endanger the work of redemption. The souls in the beyond as well as the people on earth have their guardian angels who, depending on the will of the former, will intervene when danger is imminent. And the enemy will always lurk where people want to do redeeming work and try to confuse those who should offer enlightenment to the souls in darkness. Yet he will not be able to prevent the rays of light, which emerge from the redeeming love, from touching the souls of darkness, who feel their benefit and appear wherever people gather with the will to help them, and this work will be blessed.... For once a soul has been touched by a ray of light and love, it will never descend again, it will look for the light and also find it, because every soul will receive what it desires.... __Amen
Help for poor souls.... Love redeems....
Everything that helps the souls to ascend will be appreciated in the spiritual kingdom. The love given to the still immature spirit is the only means of redemption as long as it is unable to lift itself up, i.e. as long as it is still unable to be lovingly active itself, since it is without strength. Everything that will strengthen these beings has My blessing because it complies with the principle of love. The love people demonstrate to immature souls somehow or other has to have a redeeming effect, be it on earth or in the beyond, for no spark of love is without strength, and thus all deeds of love always result in a supply of strength. You humans on earth can therefore help greatly if you are motivated by love to consider the poor souls in the beyond who are completely without strength and therefore dependent on help. And everything you do to strengthen them, everything you do to release them, will be pleasing to Me and never be in vain. __So little love can be found amongst people on earth already, and they consider the souls in the beyond even less, since they do not believe in life after death. And this unbelief also has bitter repercussions on the souls in the beyond, who languish unredeemed and without strength in dark surroundings and are unable to help themselves. Every kind thought, every loving wish for their well-being alleviates their torment and will be gratefully felt by them. Yet especially the souls who languish in darkness are rarely thought of kindly and lovingly, and thus they remain in utmost hardship. Thus you can understand that people who want to help them are surrounded by untold souls who all would like to make their presence known in order to be helped. All you humans are surrounded by such souls, yet only few of you will listen to them, only few of you have the willingness to help and the faith that you can help through prayer and loving thoughts.... Yet countless souls cannot find anyone to pray for them on earth and therefore also try to approach circles where currents of strength manifest themselves. These souls, too, appeal for your help.... Grant their request, do everything that love inspires you to do and know that My blessing rests upon you as long as you are only motivated by love to help them. __You should only want to help, then you can loosen many chains, then you can free the tormented souls by initially giving them strength, which they will then use themselves by following your example, so that they too will want to help as you have helped them. Never forget that they depend on your help, even if My grace and mercy will not condemn any being forever; but first their hardened hearts have to be touched by a ray of love before they seize My gifts of grace.... And I Myself will guide these souls to you, who just need an incentive to start their path of development in the beyond. Yet without loving help they will continue to languish in the same state for an infinitely long time and cannot find the path of ascent. Pray for them and don't forget them, for their suffering as a result of their unbelief and unkindness is immeasurable; but if you want to help them I will always be willing to lift them with My grace and mercy from the night of death into life, for then I will not be able to resist the love you give to those unhappy souls in the beyond and I will forgive their guilt for the sake of your love.... __Amen
Fighters for truth.... Misguided teachings....
You task is to teach.... to spread the truth amongst people, to disperse the darkness which engulfs and prevents them from feeling the benefit of the light. As long as his spirit is still in the dark the human being is taking the wrong path, for the right path is called truth.... Truth only comes forth from Me and leads back to Me again. You humans should understand that I cannot make any concessions concerning your beatitude.... Understand that I, the Eternal Truth, cannot be tolerant of lies or errors.... Understand that I transmit the truth to earth because you need to know it, because every day lived without truth is lost to you. Only truth portrays Me as I Am, and only a true representation of Me enables you to love Me and thereby attain beatitude. Every wrong teaching is My adversary's attempt to distort My image and lessen your love for Me. Every wrong teaching is a good foundation for new misguided teachings, and soon you are faced by an inextricable thicket which no longer lets the light shine through to illuminate your spirit. __And therefore I prepare bearers of light for Myself who are to bring the truth to you humans, thus I first guide them into the truth and instruct them to bring illumination wherever it may be. I frequently confront misguided teachings with the truth so that they can oppose each other, because I want to raise doubts in people's hearts, because only a doubter will start to think and look for truth. The teaching I gave to people on earth has been so infiltrated by error from the human side that it no longer has a healing effect on people.... And therefore I want to purify it; therefore I give it to you in its purest form again and make sure that this teaching is conveyed to people of good will. Anyone who wants to accept it will gain utmost blessing, anyone who rejects it also has to accept the consequences.... __Nevertheless, I need messengers to spread My pure truth on earth, I need disciples to whom I can say once again: go and teach all nations.... Thus I need apostles who speak in My name on earth and proclaim My Word to people. And these should courageously confront the representatives of misguided teachings, because the office to which I have called them is to unhesitatingly confront error with truth, to freely explain what damage is caused to the soul as long as it is wrongly educated, as long as it is not living in truth which alone leads to Me. Although you humans can certainly strive to attain Me in spite of misguided teachings it is, however, a futile effort, for you need to understand that error and lie are not Mine but My adversary's doing and that every ascent is therefore prevented (made impossible). Furthermore, My adversary's works can never result in progress, only truth will help you to ascend. __I cannot make concessions and assess the error the same as the truth, I can only acknowledge good will and bless it by making the truth available to you, but then you will also have to be receptive, you should not close your eyes to the truth or your will is going to fail.... You have to long for Me and thus for truth, and then you will surely receive it. But do not assume that I agree with you if you want to hold on to your misconceptions. Anyone who receives the truth from Me is also able to examine and recognise it as truth, for I do not demand the impossible from you. But anyone who receives it from Me should also support it and not shy away from upholding it, he should not fear to appear too harsh since error cannot be emphasized harshly enough since it is My adversary's work who is manifestly turning against Me.... __Error and lies cause hopeless confusion and strip a person of all realisation; they are not light but come forth from intense darkness. Therefore you should proceed boldly against error and untruth, because you have a weapon in truth which will assure your victory. I have chosen you as My fighters, and you should fight with the sword of your tongue, you should not be afraid to remove your fellow human being's childish faith.... as it will not help a person to attain perfection as long as it is wrong. But you can replace it with something good, pure and extremely effective, the truth, which you have received from Me Myself. You will be able to give them more than you take away, you will seize their soul from My adversary's power and lead it back to Me.... __Amen
End of the period of Salvation.... God's plan of Salvatio...
I have set a goal for you and granted you humans a period of time in which you certainly could have reached this goal. And even now it is still possible for you to attain this goal if you genuinely wanted to do so. Yet the limit given to you has passed, only a short time separates you from the end, and anyone who hasn't reached the goal by then will have squandered his spiritual life, he will have forfeited it because he didn't want to live, and his fate will be death.... One period of Salvation comes to an end and a new one begins; yet the spiritual essence which is presently embodied on earth as a human being has definitely reached the end, and if it fails it must start the cycle of evolution once again, so that My law of eternal order shall be fulfilled. The deadline has expired, you are just minutes away from the hour when the old earth will be destroyed, when its creations will be disintegrated in order to arise anew, in order to provide again new opportunities for the development of the still immature spiritual beings. And although I repeatedly inform you of this hour.... it bypasses your ears without leaving any impression, you don't believe it.... Yet your unbelief will not deter My eternal plan, it just induces Me to send you ever more distinct signs to make a near end seem credible to you. __Your unbelief causes Me to inflict extremely painful wounds on you in order to make you consider what your life is about and how you have used it. You cannot be spared hours of adversity and misery since they can, after all, still contribute towards leading you to the goal, which you really can still reach if you have the serious will to do so. I will noticeably help you and give you strength, yet your heart must appeal to Me for help to demonstrate your will. I can and will do anything to make you happy yet I cannot change My eternal plan of Salvation, it has to be carried out in accordance with the law of eternal order and within the preordained time, which is now coming to an end. Humanity's spiritual state had already reached its lowest point some time ago which necessitated the end of the earth, yet I still wait for the sake of the few who are weak and undecided, as I can still win them over before the end of the deadline. But then all options will have been exhausted, then everyone will have to accept the consequences of their attitude towards Me, and Judgment will categorically take place, and everyone will receive the fate he deserves.... eternal bliss or damnation.... life in paradise on the new earth or renewed banishment into the creations for an infinitely long time again.... __Amen
Our Father....
Children of My love, I will never let go of you.... even if an infinitely long time passes by before you become aware of Me, My love nevertheless remains unchanging and will not rest until it has won you over. This is why I descended to earth, this is why I allowed Myself to be nailed to the cross as a human being, this is why I come to you in the Word time and again and try to make you understand what you are and what you should become. Everything came into being for your sake, every work of creation is a means through which I want to win you over for good, and everything that happens on earth and in the whole of the universe was decided from the start for the sake of your former bliss.... For those of you humans who are not yet consciously My children I Am merely the distant God, providing of course, that you believe in a God at all. However, only when I have become the Father for you will the goal have been reached so that I can draw you to My heart as My children. But it often takes a long time before you recognise God as Father. And therefore I came into the world as an infant in order to kindle your love for Me; given that you don't grant Me the love of a child for its Father I wanted to be loved by you as an infant, in order to first kindle love in you, the blissful feeling that lets you become like Me, if you increase the degree through your will. __As an infant I came close to you, I wanted to be recognised and thus also be loved as a divine infant, and as an infant I wanted to gain your hearts forever. The love you show for the infant Jesus is already a step towards realisation, it is the degree of a child's love for Me, since it can be fanned into brightest radiance if you follow this infant's life on earth which ended with the most bitter suffering and death on the cross.... This love for the infant Jesus is bound to increase if you know of His mission, of the act of Salvation for the whole human race which was the reason for His coming to earth. Anyone who is able to love the babe in the manger is also capable of the right love of a child towards Me, for love does not stand still, love is a fire which consumes everything within its reach and therefore takes on gigantic proportions. And thus love, once it has been aroused in a human heart, will constantly try to find more food, and heightened love will indeed find Me as the eternal Love.... For love will always strive towards love, the child will surely recognise its Father and give Him its heart completely.... And My love is waiting for it and draws it entirely to itself.... for love has merged, it has united the child with the Father and made it indescribably happy.... __Amen
Battle of faith.... Time of adversity.... Strength of fai...
You must prove yourselves in the time ahead. Those of you who believe in Me will survive the time of adversity, for you will turn to Me for help; however, without assistance you will find it difficult to cope with life unless you receive strength from below, from My adversary, who will support anyone who is a servant to him and the world. Yet someone who finds the path to Me, who joins Me and prays for My assistance will have surprising strength in order to endure even the most difficult event if it also affects him for the sake of his unbelieving fellow human beings. But he will also remain visibly protected and unharmed, if this is My will because the person's relationship with Me is that of a child and faithfully expects My assistance. It will be a tough struggle, both in an earthly as well as a spiritual sense, for the earthly adversities will distress the spiritual aspirant as well, yet only until he has established heartfelt contact with Me and the strength of My spirit can permeate him. Then he will boldly confront every adversity and danger since he will feel My presence and nothing can frighten or depress him anymore. The end is drawing ever closer, the signs and indications are becoming ever more frequent, the battle between light and darkness is getting increasingly more obvious, the labourers in My vineyard work increasingly more diligently and the danger posed by the Antichrist, to whom the believers are exposed, becomes constantly more threatening. For Satan knows that there is not much time left and his activity will be evident in the time ahead. Yet time after time I draw your attention to it, so that your faith will not waver when it is demanded of you to renounce Me in exchange for assured worldly prosperity.... Don't let yourselves be tempted, for this exchange would be disastrous for you.... Don't forget that the end is near and that nothing of the world and its possessions and pleasures will remain.… But if you have sold your soul to My adversary for these possessions, you will have nothing else at the end but eternal ruin.... a time of infinite torment and hardest captivity.... Relinquish gladly and voluntarily everything that is taken away from you but remain faithful to Me until the end.... your loyalty will be regally rewarded and you will be assured of My assistance during the forthcoming time of need, so that you will be able to endure all difficulties. Besides, this time will not last long.... for I will shorten the days for the sake of My Own.... Everything that is proclaimed in Word and Scripture will happen in quick succession.... Admittedly, the adversity will become worse once you are demanded to make a decision for or against Me but then you may anticipate My arrival any day, then the earth will be approaching its end and your hardship will also soon be over, then the time will have come when My adversary and his followers will be bound, when the creations on the old earth will be disintegrated and a new earth will arise, then I will come in the clouds and fetch you home into the paradise on the new earth.... Then all adversity will be over and your life will be a peaceful and happy one.... __Amen
The souls' hardship in the beyond.... Intercession.... Ch...
The hardship of needy souls in the beyond is immense, for their situation is frequently insufferable because they are surrounded by dense darkness from which they cannot escape. However, the more a soul suffers the sooner it might analyse itself, reflect on its guilt and look for help, on account of which it will then pursue even the smallest ray of light in the hope of deliverance. Only when it tries to get away from the darkness can it be guided into the light. Prior to this it would be unable to understand the instructions, but also still too stubborn to accept the latter, so that every loving effort would be in vain. Every soul's will can be recognised by the beings of light, and accordingly they will guide those poor souls to the light who desire it, for these souls are then in a state when they can be given help, since they are willing to accept it and also request to be helped.... Then the act of Salvation can take effect on these souls, even on those from the abyss. Then Jesus' love and mercy has also affected individual souls in the abyss, and to bring release to them is an extremely rewarding task, to which you humans can contribute greatly with conscious intercession and mental instructions of those who approach you for help. __The souls in the beyond know that people on earth still have energy of life, which they lack completely, and therefore gather around people in order to receive strength from them. Admittedly, they don't know how the strength flows to them, nevertheless they ask people for what they are lacking, for what they don't have but are able to discern in people. __Their severe hardship keeps impelling them toward people on earth, even though they often have but a faint memory of the knowledge they had on earth. Consequently, instructing these souls is not easy, since their poor intellectual capacity has to be taken into account and, in view of their guilt, their state of maturity lacks all awareness. Nevertheless, they hunger for explanations and are patient listeners when they are given to them. __There is immense hardship in the kingdom of the beyond which, however, can be eased by you humans if you are willing to help them, if you take pity on these souls and your willingness to help gets motivated. For your loving thoughts are already experienced by them as a perceptible influx of strength, and therefore they will never leave a person who helps them with loving thoughts and an appeal to Jesus Christ to help these poor souls. The divine Redeemer is always ready to raise the souls from the abyss, yet the law of love cannot be avoided, and if the soul itself is still unable to love, He will be satisfied with loving intercession and accept it as if it were offered by the soul itself.... And they will find salvation through His love and mercy.... People could contribute vastly to rescue souls from the darkness.... They all are appealing to you, as soon as they enter your thoughts you will know that they can be helped, that they are already in a state when they want help and that people's loving efforts will not be in vain.... Help them, save them from their plight, and thereby contribute towards the souls' salvation who neglected to work for their perfection on earth, and who are therefore in utmost distress in the beyond, which only people's love can help to alleviate.... __Amen
Justice.... Recompense in the beyond....
There is justice, there is recompense, if not on earth then in the spiritual kingdom, where the soul will reap what it has sown.... You humans should consider that no-one can take anything that does not belong to him, that he will have to give account down to the last cent, and that he has to pay for what he acquired unlawfully.... Bear in mind that I cannot remit anything because I Am a just God, and that you therefore burden yourselves with considerable guilt if you believe that you can commit sins with impunity. Sooner or later the day of retribution will come for everyone who lives on earth without scruples because he does not believe in Me as a just God and hence accumulates one sin after another. __Earthly life soon comes to an end for everyone, only spiritual treasures will remain, and woe to him who has none to show.... He will arrive on the other side naked and poor and wander around in utmost misery and darkness.... which is the recompense for an earthly life if it was not lived in accordance with My will and the commandment of love for Me and other people, if the person only thought of himself and lived to please My adversary, if he indulged in worldly pleasures giving free rein to his passions and instincts.... Anyone who only thought of himself on earth will be on his own on the other side and no-one will offer him love, just as he ignored those who needed his help on earth. He will have to pay every cent, for no-one can pay his debt for him except Jesus Christ in Whom, however, the soul completely devoid of love does not believe.... You humans, consider your earthly life from this point of view and understand that you should not live thoughtlessly, for sooner or later your physical life will be over and the soul will have to remove the guilt it was burdened with.... and that every tribute you paid to the world has been taken away from the soul, and its poverty in the spiritual kingdom will be the result thereof. __You should know that there is recompense for every hour you applaud My adversary, for every hour you pay homage to the pleasures of the world and completely forget about Me.... for earthly life was given to you for the perfection of your soul. But what are you doing? You only take care of your body, you satisfy its every desire, you intoxicate yourselves with worldly pleasures, you only too willingly fall into the traps laid by the enemy of your souls.... You take from your soul and give to your body.... and you will have to pay for it a thousand-fold. For you will suffer grave hardship when you enter the spiritual kingdom where only the soul's everlasting possessions will be of value.... It will suffer acute poverty, and no-one will help the soul if it does not approach Jesus Christ Who, however, is unknown to the soul in its darkness. Only He can help the soul, yet eternities can pass before the soul becomes aware of this and turns to Him. It can carry its burden for an infinitely long time because My justice cannot unburden it as long as it does not request Me to do so itself.... __Amen
`My kingdom is not of this world....'
My kingdom is not of this world.... Therefore pay only little regard to the earthly world, only let it affect you as far as your earthly task in life requires, but constantly strive for My kingdom which can be found beyond the material world. My kingdom is the kingdom which lasts forever, whereas the earthly world vanishes with the death of your body; but you can already possess My kingdom on earth if you turn away from the pleasures and commodities of the world and raise your thoughts to Me, if you send them into infinity, questioning Me and opening yourselves up for My reply. Then you already enter the spiritual kingdom which will be your abode one day, then the spiritual kingdom will be of greater value to you than the earthly world, and then you will also receive the wealth which belongs to this kingdom but which cannot be physically received by you. My kingdom is not of this world.... Understand that I want to call you into this world with these Words, which is your true home and which also wants to admit you again after the death of your body. My kingdom is the realm of light, which you will only be able to enter if you have become receptive to light, if you aspired on earth for My kingdom and thus became aspirants for the kingdom which belongs to Me and wherein you may behold Me one day. __These Words of Mine clearly allow you to understand that you should not ardently desire the earthly kingdom, but that you must rise above it if you want to be admitted into My kingdom.... I want to explain the difference to you, I want to tell you that this world does not belong to Me but that My adversary is its master and that I thus place My kingdom in opposition to the earthly world.... I want to entice you over into My kingdom because I want to give you what the material world does not offer.... an eternal life in bliss. __Earth is the valley of suffering and tests; it is the place where imperfect human beings are meant to become perfect. Nevertheless, the earth is not a permanent abode; it is just a stage of development of extremely short duration compared to eternity. And the human being himself, his earthly material cover, is transient; it only serves the soul, which ought to achieve higher development, as a temporary abode. Only then will the soul enter the spiritual kingdom which is everlasting but which can still be My adversary's realm if the soul has not achieved spiritual progress on earth, and thus will enter the kingdom of darkness.... __Yet you shall strive for My kingdom, the spiritual kingdom in which I Am King and Ruler, where only light and happiness exist, where I Myself give in order to delight all who have entered My kingdom.... Therefore pay only little regard to the earthly world, strive for the kingdom which reveals to you splendours which you humans could not dream of, the kingdom whose splendours I have promised you with the Words `Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, the things which I have prepared for those who love Me....' __Amen
Reunion in the beyond in the kingdom of light....
It is an incomparably happy moment when the soul passes away from earth and enters the kingdom of light, the spheres where impurity no longer exists, where the soul is embraced by a flow of joy-inducing light, where it is approached by exceedingly beautiful beings who show the soul an extent of love which almost overwhelms it. The emanations of light correspond to the soul's state of maturity, thus always to a degree that they will indeed cause inconceivable bliss but not consume the soul, which could indeed be caused by an excess of light if a soul is not yet receptive to it.... In infinite expanse it sees the most marvellous creations, for now its spiritual eye is able to behold spiritual creations which no longer consist of matter and yet arise just as real and are by no means self-deception. __And amid the beauty it sees it will find its loved ones who had passed over before in the degree of maturity suitable to the kingdom of light.... People cannot imagine the bliss of such reunion, yet in the spiritual kingdom the soul is able to take in profound impressions without fading away and can consciously experience the bliss it receives from God. In its heart it will sing His praises and give thanks, just as it will, if the kingdom of light has become its home, always come aglow with love for the Father, Who has prepared all these blessings for the soul.... __Its co-operation with souls who have the same degree of maturity increases its strength and willingness to be active, and it applies this to far less mature souls to help them attain the same bliss. In merciful love it takes care of those it knew well on earth, who still dwell in lower spheres, who neglected their spiritual development on earth due to their unbelief and unkindness, and who are therefore still wretched in darkness or twilight.... It certainly can identify these souls and also approach them and offer its help, yet it will not be recognised in turn, and thus its help is frequently rejected.... __Yet a light-soul's love and patience will constantly approach these souls and sooner or later gain influence. The bliss it receives through God's perpetual emission of love, the incomparable creations of the kingdom of light and its co-operation with beings to whom it is attached with joyful love provide it with the constant desire for redeeming activity. It finds its own happiness in giving what it receives itself; its longing for God finds constant fulfilment and it cannot but want to make others equally happy. __It is impossible to describe the splendours of the kingdom of light to people on earth, because only a fully matured soul can endure the abundance of light and therefore also understand the beatitude, which the as yet imperfect person does not appreciate. However, he can and should believe that there will be a reunion in the kingdom of the beyond, that death is not the end of the soul's actual life, and that these souls will recognise each other when they have attained a certain degree of maturity which, however, many souls still do not possess. And therefore it can take a long time for many a soul until it will experience the happiness of a reunion with its loved ones, yet the desire for this is frequently the reason to strive for ascent. The souls' strength of love is constantly at work to release the souls from the abyss and to help them achieve beatitude, to help them enter the kingdom where they are surrounded by radiating light, where they can behold God and every hardship has come to an end.... __Amen
Your well-ordered life will only last a little while longer in order to then be plunged into a chaos which you cannot escape with your own strength. For then the earth will enter its final phase, it will be approaching its end.... This prediction has to be taken very seriously, since it is intended to make you aware that your time, too, is coming to an end, that you don't have a long lifespan left and many will even have to brace themselves to be suddenly recalled before. Every day you are still alive is a gift you should value, for every good deed you do in one day will increase your strength, which you will sorely need to make use of in the coming time. However, anyone who thoughtlessly lives without love and faith will be completely without strength or hand himself over to the one who will certainly provide him with strength but will not protect him from the end, from the last Judgment, from the renewed banishment in solid matter. Don't sell your soul for a price which will truly not make up for the hardship the soul has yet to go through when its earthly life comes to an end.... I cannot admonish you often and seriously enough about this, because I want to prepare a blissful fate for you. Yet you humans don't believe what I repeatedly let seers and prophets proclaim to you.... you don't believe it and I cannot force you to believe. You are truly worldly-minded and incredibly distant from being spiritual, you are completely immersed in matter and this matter will overwhelm you, it will completely imprison you again because you don't want to let go of it as long as you have the strength to hold on. __Try to imagine just for once imprisonment in hardest matter and being unable to free yourselves from it. The thought would give you tremendous strength to avoid this fate, yet you lack belief in it and I cannot give you this belief, you will have to acquire it for yourselves through a life of love.... Then the whole context will become clear to you and also the significance of your earthly life as a human being.... And you would be alarmed as to how much you deviate from the task given to you for the time of your existence on earth.... Do good works, force yourselves to do so, learn to do without for the sake of your fellow human being, alleviate suffering and hardship, comfort and refresh those who are sick and weak, lend a merciful hand wherever you see misery.... you won't just do it for others but also for yourselves, for your soul will come alive and every good deed will gain you spiritual enlightenment.... you will attain spiritual vision and recognise My great love where you still see today the merciless reign of a power which only wants to torture you on earth.... Listen to My repeated call of warning and admonition and don't let it bypass your ears unheeded, let go of your desire for material things, only consider the salvation of your soul and don't worry, for I will also take care of you in an earthly sense if only you seriously take care of your soul, which is in utmost danger because the end is near.... __Amen
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