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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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`Whoever sees Me sees the Father....'
Whoever sees Me sees the Father, because the Father and I are one.... I brought the Word to people but they did not recognise it as God's Word, as the expression of His infinite love for His living creations. They looked at it as human word, given to them by Me from Myself, because they were dark inside and did not know about God's working within the human being.... Hence they could no longer hear God's voice themselves, which could have provided evidence to them of God's presence, of His essence and his close relationship with people. I, however, wanted to return this knowledge to them, I wanted to introduce them to the strength of love and faith, so that they might become noticeably aware of God's presence if they heeded My teaching.... I came to them as a mediator sent by God to proclaim His Word to people of good will in accordance with His instruction. The eternal Father-Spirit took abode in Me to visibly work through Me.... Everything I said and did was His work, His will, His strength and His love..... I was merely the form through which God expressed Himself, or His presence would have been unbearable for the people who were living in profound spiritual darkness.... And the form which veiled the Father-Spirit also belonged to Him, for everything within Me aspired towards the Father-Spirit, albeit it was a mortal shell like any other human being.... But because of the spirit within Itself It became immortal.... __I was Jesus, the man, but only in My external appearance, because everything in and about Me was spiritualised by love, it was united with the eternal love to which I was inseparably connected since eternity. God as a spirit is not visible to human beings, nevertheless He made Himself visible to them in Me as a person, He adopted My physical garment and showed Himself in it to people, identifying Himself as wisdom, love and omnipotence. And to those who believed in Me My work on earth gave evidence of the Deity through miracles, which were only possible to God and which My will could accomplish because God was in Me, and thus His will, wisdom and strength permeated Me.... Hence there was no further separation between God and My mortal body, It had become one with Him, He occupied it completely, He Himself walked on earth in My external form, which in turn was a work of His love in order to make Himself accessible to people.... And I brought His Word to them.... He Himself spoke through Me, He, the eternal Word Himself, had become flesh in order to make Himself heard by people. Because they no longer knew the mystery of eternal love, the eternal Father-Spirit, Whose Word establishes the bond with people.... __They no longer knew about the strength of the Word which draws everything towards Itself when it can become effective in a person.... They did not know that every human being could hear the divine Word Itself in himself if he shaped himself to love in accordance with God's will, in order to receive the divine love Itself.... For this reason God came to earth Himself, and He brought them the knowledge again which should release the people from their darkness.... And people did not recognise Him, they pursued Me, Who sheltered the Divine inside of Me, as a human being.... And I had to allow it to happen in order to safeguard their free will. I brought the Word to them but they did not accept it, and they did not recognise in Me the One Who permeated Me completely.... They saw Me but not God in Me, Who did not conceal Himself from their view but performed signs and miracles in order to make the blind see again.... But to those who believed He revealed Himself in His love, wisdom and omnipotence..... And they saw Him rise to heaven in full glory, they saw His shell spiritualising itself before their eyes and in radiating light ascend to the kingdom which had been its home since eternity.... __Amen
Bond of love.... Unification with God....
An indestructible bond is wound around God and the spiritual being which tries to join Him due to love. It will remain inseparably connected with Him, always coming closer to Him, forever striving towards Him, being seized by Him and in blissful happiness merging with the eternal Love, once the being has become perfect. This bond is the goal of all spiritual beings which once emerged from His strength. God is the eternal centre of Power from Whom everything originates and to Whom everything will return again according to God's eternal order. Only that which has returned to God again is happy, it is perfect, permeated by strength and light and thus able to actively create and shape. This state will never ever be changed again, insofar as that the being's beatitude will diminish, but it will constantly increase because perfection knows no limits, because God, as the supremely perfect Being, will always and ceaselessly be aspired to for all eternity. To be merged with the eternal Deity signifies participation in the shaping of works of creation, it signifies guidance and care for the spiritual beings which are sheltered in these creations; it signifies redemptive activity on the bound spiritual beings, it signifies bliss and harmonious striving for unification with equally mature beings and revelations of undreamt of splendours which immature beings are incapable of beholding. __Eternal life.... is not a state of weakness and darkness anymore but activity in light and an undreamt of abundance of strength. Jesus Christ promised this eternal life to those who believe in Him and keep His commandments, who, by fulfilling and complying with His teaching of love, establish the connection with God on earth already, the bond, which connects the soul with God ever more closely until it has entirely united with the eternal Love. And thus the human being must inevitably attain faith in Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of the world, otherwise the bond with God can never ever be established, for due to the being's imperfection the distance is too vast and cannot be reduced by the being itself, since the distance from God signifies weakness at the same time. Jesus, however, acquired the strength on behalf of people through His death on the cross.... He descended to Earth in order to deliver people from their weakness of will and lack of strength and to show them the path which leads them to God while they are still on earth. However, without faith in Him and His act of Salvation the human being will never be able to overcome his lack of strength and weakness of will, he will never be able to lift himself up because God's adversary keeps him down and wants to prevent his life in eternity. But anyone who believes in Jesus Christ shall be saved, he will live up to His commandments, he will make an effort to live a life of love and thereby receive the strength to establish the connection with God, and God will never let him fall again.... He will wind the bond of love around him and not allow it to slacken, instead it will embrace those who strive towards Him ever more tightly until they are inseparably united with Him.... __Amen
Love - Wisdom.... Selfish love - Error - Darkness....
All darkness will leave you, every veil will fall from your eyes, the love of God will reveal itself brightly and clearly to you if you make the effort to live with love, since out of love comes wisdom, the realisation of pure truth, and you become knowledgeable, depending on your attained degree of love. Yet without love you will stay in spiritual darkness, without love you will never become enlightened, you will never be able to distinguish truth from lie and error, you will never understand the depth of the Deity, and His rule and actions will remain hidden to you. And for this reason Jesus taught love on earth.... __For this reason He could only bring the truth to those people who followed His lessons of love, for this reason He was able to teach His disciples and impart on them profound knowledge, because He recognised the love in them and that is why he chose them to become His disciples. People first have to be encouraged to love, otherwise they cannot find the truth. Love is God, truth is God and therefore, whoever is without love is without God and walks in error. However, to live in love means to be good to other human beings from an innermost urge of heart, to help whenever they need it, when they suffer hardship, yet always without self interest, always at the prompting of the heart, then it is divine love and not selfish love which the human being has to oppose if he wants to please God. Selfish love prevents the human being from acting kindly towards other people, it is therefore the greatest danger to him as it leads him into wrong thinking, into error and into darkness of spirit, because selfishness formerly led to the fall of the spirit.... __The completely enlightened being fell into spiritual darkness due to the wrong kind of love, it could no longer discern the truth and became a subject of the one who fought against the truth, against God. Thus every person who exists without divine love will be a servant to the one who is entirely without love and will be as distant from the truth as he, due to his heartlessness, is distant from God because God, Love and Truth are One. And that is why only the human being who acts kindly himself and who on account of his love is led to wisdom, can live in truth and know God on earth. All veils will fall from him, he will recognise the goal brightly and clearly since God will reveal Himself to him, He will guide him into truth and turn him into a recipient of light and strength, even on earth. This will enable him to work with love for the souls of his fellow human beings and to show them the path which leads to truth and light, so that he can convey to them that only the adherence to Jesus' teachings of love will result in right thinking, in enlightenment of the spirit, in order that the fellow human being can also know the truth and therefore God Himself as the eternal truth.... __Amen
Serious scrutiny and will for truth....
All information must be scrutinised first before a person accepts it as absolute spiritual truth, that is, before it becomes his possession. And the sincere will to possess the truth must form the basis of this scrutiny. Consequently, he must turn to Me, the eternal Truth Itself, and appeal to Me for enlightenment of his spirit, for turning his thoughts in the right direction and providing him with the intellectual capacity to comprehend and form an opinion. And he will truly not be led astray by Me if he desires the truth.... You must remember that it is always and forever My goal to guide My living creations into truth, and that the human being can be certain of receiving the truth providing his will strives for it. I only need his will in order to convey the truth to him. However, where this will is not sincere, where it is merely replaced by words and thus his desire for truth is not recognisable by Me, as I Am even able to look into the furthermost corners of his heart, the human being will hardly be able to carry out a serious examination and therefore not possess the complete truth from Me. All spiritual information is available to him, he does not defend himself against misguided teachings, but neither does he recognise the truth as such; he allows himself to be pushed into a traditional school of thought without actively investigating its value. Nevertheless, one day he will have to justify himself for his thoughts and intentions because he failed to use his gift of intellect and thereby prevented his own spiritual ascent. Nor will he be be able to use his conscientious observance of the rules given to him as an excuse, because the right relationship with the eternal Father makes every person also realise his task on earth, and once the human being has established this right relationship with Me, he will consider Me and My will more important than the laws he was given by those whom he regards as My representatives on earth. And he will give greater credence to My Words, because I influence the thoughts of those who want to be My true children in order to lead them into truth. I only require the human being's sincere will.... If it is inclined towards Me, then the human being will soon feel as My child and will willingly accept every gift from the Father's hand with gratitude, he will rather accept what he receives from Me Myself than from those who call themselves My representatives on earth. For the heart of a true child will always tend towards the Father's heart, it will take the direct path and won't try to attain the Father's love and kindness in a roundabout way. And I will also always cross its path so that it will be able to find Me with ease.... And what better gift could I possibly offer more gladly to My child than the purest truth?.... Those of you who have not yet established direct contact with Me, who still adhere to external formalities too firmly and don't want to relinquish them, should bear in mind that I Am not to be found in the external shell but that I want to be recognised within yourselves in order to then be present for you at all times. Engage your intellect and form a mental opinion about the information you receive from external sources. And call upon Me for assistance.... And I will help you to recognise what is right and true and liberate you from error, for only the pure truth will lead you to Me, only the pure truth will gain you eternal life.... And therefore you should diligently endeavour to know the truth if you want to become blissfully happy.... __Amen
Bearers of light.... God's protection....
The light from the heavens can never be extinguished as long as willing servants can be found to accept it and pass it on in order to penetrate the darkness. These servants are My tools who take care to spread the light in My name and who I therefore will not let become weak, because it is My will that the light of day shall penetrate the dark night of spirit. And every earthly and spiritual power will fight this will in vain. Only a person's will itself can refuse to accept the light, in that case I will not force it.... but then the light will not go out, it will merely be passed on to where it is willingly accepted, where people do not take flight but desire the light. Light in abundance could be everywhere, the night could be dispelled far and wide if people themselves would not prevent it, but that does not imply that I will let My light go out because it shall send its rays to people who hunger for light, whose hunger I want to satisfy. Consequently the bearers of light themselves cannot be touched, even if they are subjected to the worst threats. They will indeed be prevented from spreading My Word, the light from the heavens, but since they are in My service, since they are working on My behalf, the threats of other people will not frighten them.... They will leave the place where they are prevented to work and continue their mission somewhere else. The shining of the light's rays is far reaching, for wherever I know a human heart longing for the light from the heavens I will send its rays.... My Word will also be taught secretly and far more effectively there than in public, where it is barely noticed. And for as long as I sustain My servant's life on earth he will be able to work for Me, he will enjoy his work and conduct it diligently, for every light bearer is inwardly enlightened and feels its benefit, and for this reason he is also eager to provide his fellow human beings with the same benefit. __And in spite the world's attempt to extinguish the light from the heavens it will not succeed, for wherever it is kept in check it will forcibly burst through again and shine more brightly than ever. Because I only lead the bearers of light to where the fire of My love finds nourishment, thus where a willing heart allows itself to be seized and before long begins to shine itself.... Then it will enter into contact with the everlasting light and will never again descend into darkness, and yet again a light bearer has been awakened who will pass on My Word, who will say how he really feels because My spirit encourages him to do so. The light will only be accepted by someone whose heart is harbouring a spark of love, and once I stir this spark of love into a brighter glow with My Word a light will flare up which cannot be extinguished. And thus time and again a new small flame is kindled by My Word, by the light from the heavens, which is nourished by every good deed, by every kind thought, so that it grows and becomes a bright flame which can continue to shine again and penetrate the spiritual night, as it is My will. Hence the bearers of light are blessed by Me and I support their actions on earth, so they need never worry that the light from the heavens could ever go out, because they are accomplishing an important mission, they are in My service, and every lord will protect his labourers and servants when they are in serious danger, so that the work, for which he has hired his servants, shall not be harmed. And thus I, too, will always and forever protect My work as well as My servants on earth, because the battle of light against darkness has to take place.... because the light has to be carried into the night, in order to drive it out.... __Amen
The church of Christ.... Faith - Rock....
The true church of Christ does not include followers of this or that school of thought, of this or that organization, but only the flock of those who have a living faith. Faith alone is God's condition for the human being to be able to deem himself to belong to the church of Christ. Thus, His church can exist everywhere, it extends to wherever there are people who believe in Jesus Christ and because of Him live a life which can be described as a succession of Christ, which corresponds to the will of God, Who walked on earth in Jesus Christ to make His will known to people through His Word and Who lived His life on earth as a living example of His Word. Anyone who is profoundly faithful also keeps God's commandments, he lives with love and shapes himself into a child of God, he is a follower of the church of Christ and therefore an applicant to His kingdom. Profound faith and therefore a life of love results in the working of God's spirit within the human being, and thus the church of Christ constantly and forever will be permeated by His spirit, it will only be able to speak truthfully and right, it will be able to teach wisdom and live in the full strength of faith, i.e. it will also be able to convince other people, providing they are willing, of its value, of its task to proclaim God's kingdom to the world in accordance to His instructions. But only those of good will are able to understand this, its value remains concealed to others because they don't know the attributes of the Church of Christ.... nor can they distinguish right from wrong. __However, secular organisations who claim to be the church of Christ on earth, as mentioned by Jesus Christ, generally just represent the outward appearance and not its essence.... They indeed teach the Word of Christ, nevertheless only living faith gives God's Word the right meaning and the right value to the human soul. And this living faith can exist in every clerical organisation but it can also be absent from it, however, only the human being who calls this living faith his own is a follower of His church. And living faith initially establishes the right relationship with God through deeds of love.... This awakens the spirit within the human being who will teach him, and then the human being can clearly and fully understand the essence of the church of Christ.... he can in fact distinguish between God's will and human will under the guise of Christian faith.... Then he will belong to the church of Christ which requires no other name, which has no external attribute but the effectiveness of the strength of spirit, which can also be outwardly recognised by a way of life in love and wisdom. But when the human being is a follower of that church he is also faithful until the end because anyone who has living faith also has the light which shines eternally.... he lives in truth and will now also be able to help others to understand because he is moved by the spirit within himself to do so. His faith is unwavering and therefore like a rock which defies all storms.... and the gates of hell will not be able to do anything against such faith and will never shake the church of Christ.... as Christ has promised.... His church is invincible and will remain so eternally.... __Amen
Christ's promises.... Conditions - Fulfilment....
Hold on to Christ's promises and you will prevail over every struggle for existence.... He assured you of strength and grace, He promised you spiritual and physical care, He guarantees your attainment of the final goal on earth.... eternal life.... You can believe His Word unreservedly, it will come to pass as long as you meet the conditions which He associated with all His promises. His promises depend on the fact that you try to comply with the will of the One Who gave you your life. Earthly life is not just given to you for its own sake, but for the attainment of a purpose.... for attaining utmost possible perfection on earth. Jesus showed you the path on earth and exemplified the life which will lead you to perfection by giving people explanations in areas where they were still in the dark. He showed them the certain way, as well as its effect, in eternity.... setting conditions and making promises to you.... providing you are truly devoted and meet the conditions in order to shape yourselves into perfection, every promise will take effect. You will live in earthly and spiritual happiness and peace, as well as being constructively active. His conditions, however, consist of uninterrupted actions of love.... __The prerequisite of every promise is loving activity, if it is to come true. If you meet this condition, you can live your earthly life in every way without worry, since then the Father in heaven will physically and spiritually take care of you.... He will not let your soul and body suffer hardship, but will always improve matters in proportion to your will of love.... His Word is truth and will remain so in all eternity. Firm belief in this provides you with inner peace and certainty in regards to everything that happens to you, due to God's will or His permission. And since, in accordance with His Word, nothing can happen to you against His will, you should try to please His will.... love your Father of eternity with all your heart, so that you will gain His love too, and show your love through doing kind deeds to your fellow human beings. God does not expect much from you, but He will not let go of this condition if His promises are to fulfil themselves in you. Each one of His Words teaches you to love, because every one of His promises necessitates love.... a genuine relationship with God and your neighbour, who is your brother, because you are all children of one Father. You can gain countless gifts of grace through unselfish actions of love and.... if you are lacking the strength for it.... gain strength through sincere prayer. `Ask and you will receive....' __First, ask for spiritual values and ignore earthly needs, because God will add these once you strive to fulfil His will and try to shape yourselves into love. Time and again Jesus Christ tries to impress on you in His teachings the importance of striving for the kingdom of God.... He is promising you eternal life and the Father's care for your earthly life, providing you aspire for God's kingdom.... and every Word from His mouth is purest truth, and therefore has to provide you with innermost peace and security, if only you have faith. Every earthly worry is unnecessary as long as you endeavour to live up to divine will, as long as your actions of love will gain you God's love and thus make his will inclined to you. Therefore, do not doubt His Word, do not doubt that His promises will come true, but live in accordance with His sacred Word.... Live in love and in constant connection with the One Who is love Himself.... and then allow yourselves to be guided. Trust in Him, confidently place your destiny into His hands and give yourselves completely to Him, then every hardship will soon be taken from you because you no longer require it if you, in firm faith, purify and shape yourselves through actions of love to enter the kingdom of light after you discard your earthly body. For Jesus did not use His Own Words but God spoke through Him, and His Word is truth and has to fulfil itself, providing the person complies with His Word, providing he strives for God's kingdom.... for eternal life.... __Amen
Urgent admonition to detach from matter....
Recognise the time and adjust your life accordingly.... Anyone who is unable to detach himself from the possessions of the world will find the last days before the end very difficult, for he will lose everything if he does not belong to those who are completely corrupt, who will receive everything so as to completely renounce Me. Then I will have to take that which you are unable to relinquish voluntarily from you by force if I want to save you from entirely falling prey to the one who wants your eternal ruin. For earthly matter belongs to him and must never become the principle of your life, instead you should use it to cover your most essential physical needs so that you can consider your soul the more abundantly.... For this alone is needed in the coming time, because you only have little time left until the end. But if you spend it by just taking care of your physical well-being then your soul will go short and will have to suffer indescribably if I still want to rescue it before the end. Therefore remove whatever your body does not require and give it to your needy fellow human being, for there will be much hardship with My permission. Recognise the last days before the end by the fact that a great tribulation will befall the earth which you will be unable to avert by yourselves and which will be made even worse through My will, through My last intervention before the end. Then you all must realise that I only want you to have very little for your body, that I want to direct your mind more towards the soul, towards the spirit, and humbly submit yourselves to My will. Ignore your body and only take care of your soul, then I will take care of your physical well-being and keep you alive until the end, and you will be able to endure your last stage of life because I will help you. __And thus liberate yourselves from all earthly matter, detach your heart from it, and gladly share whatever you own with your needy neighbour. And you will not have to go short despite your externally most modest living conditions, you will be able to live and work because your soul will receive doubly what your body gives up. I must take your earthly possessions away from you if you don't part from them voluntarily, I must implement a forceful solution if you are too weak to separate yourselves from them. But it is far better if you already detach yourselves from them in your heart before, that you no longer let yourselves be enslaved by matter, but that you leave everything up to Me of your own free will if you sacrifice everything you own to Me.... Then I will return to you what you need and also make your earthly life easier, and you will make proper use of the time until the end for your soul. For if I tell you that you that your life will not last long anymore, why should you still anxiously worry....? You will have to leave all earthly possessions behind when your body dies, your soul, however, will remain chained to it even in the spiritual kingdom if it hasn't detached itself on earth already. And I want to help the soul learn to overcome it on earth and free itself from all longing for it.... Detach yourselves from matter.... I let this call resound more urgently than ever, for the care of your soul is paramount in the forthcoming time.... __Amen
Justice towards fellow human beings.... God's order....
If you demand divine justice, you must also be just in all things yourselves. All your thoughts and actions must correspond to My eternal order, thus they must testify to love for Me and the next person. Whatever you want to happen to you, whatever right you claim for yourselves, you must also grant the next person, you must consider him in the same way as you want to be considered by him, if you are in the same situation; you must be devoid of selfish love if you want to do for and give to your neighbour what you require for yourselves. And you must always bear in mind that I give to you according to your attitude towards your neighbour.... Think and act fairly and you can be assured of My justice, for if you conduct yourselves contrary to My eternal order I must ensure that you recognise the injustice of your thoughts and actions yourselves, that is, you must feel the effects of them yourselves, so that you know that you don't live in My order and will change yourselves. The world is full of injustice, and yet, I cannot forcibly stop its activity or it would never be able to become aware of its injustice and turn away from it. Nevertheless, one day My justice will show itself.... But then it will be a dreadful judgment for those whose lives did not correspond to My order. For everyone will have to atone for his unfair thoughts and behaviour, be it on earth or in the beyond or in agonising renewed banishment in matter, for since I Am supremely perfect I must also be supremely righteous and punish the sinners once they degenerate into devils on earth and are no longer capable of any earthly improvement. __Yet My justice apparently still remains hidden, apparently I still turn My eyes away from the immense injustice which happens in the world on a mental level and through actions of the most blatant unkindness. Apparently I don't see them, yet they are recorded in the Book of eternity.... No wrong-doing will remain unatoned if its forgiveness is not very seriously appealed for by a soul willing to improve itself.... And My justice will reveal itself on the Day of Judgment, when all sins reveal themselves to Me too and no-one will be able to hide their thoughts and actions from Me. Then My Own will praise Me for My righteousness and the sinners, which I call to account for their actions, will be afraid.... And even if the human race goes from bad to worse and adds sin to sin.... know, that the Day of Judgment will demand penance for everything and that the day is not far away.... Yet once again I say to you that the measure first has to be full before My love and mercy steps back and righteousness prevails.... For the time granted to Satan's activity on earth is specified for eternity, but during this time every soul also has the opportunity to find its path to Me and release itself from Satan's control with My support, with My strength.... Every day is a blessing for the imperfect spiritual being, but it also gives the adversary greater opportunity to draw the soul into the abyss for an infinitely long time. However, the Day of Judgment will bring the time of grace to an end and also the time of raging of this power.... And then a righteous judgment will be passed, and there will be howling and gnashing of teeth with the sinners who previously raged with impunity of their own free will and who will therefore be cast into deepest darkness for an infinitely long time.... __Amen
Following Jesus.... A life of love and self-denial....
Anyone who is not as gentle and patient as Me, who does not practise his discipleship by discarding all attributes which conform to My adversary, who does not persistently strive for virtues that are the hallmark of a divine being, will hardly reach the goal of finding unification with the eternal Father Who is pure love Himself and Who can only unite with living creations which, like Him, have become love. My life on earth should serve you as an example, for as a human being I was subject to the same temptations as you because I had to take the only path which could lead a soul into perfection.... __Like you, I had to fight against all longings of the flesh as well as against all attributes of an ungodly being or My life could not have served you as an example if I had been born without all human flaws and able to bypass the test of My will. I had to experience the depths of earthly life, i.e. I had to have the opportunity to voluntarily refrain from the same physical sins and avoid all incentives for them.... I had to fight against carnal longings and thereby strengthen and prepare the soul in Me to unite with the spirit. The sinfulness in My surroundings often sorely tested My love and patience, yet I wanted to remain gentle and whole-heartedly humble without exalting Myself.... And I took pity on My fellow human beings' weakness for not resisting temptations, and My love intensified.... I wanted to help those on the ground unable to get up by themselves.... For being human Myself I knew a person's weakness, and this knowledge increased My kindness and patience. __Being human Myself I was at all times able to put Myself into the situation of a sinful person's soul even though I Myself was without sin, even though I Myself, by virtue of My will, had remained victorious over all temptations of body and soul. Yet I took the strength to do so from love, and every person practising love will also muster the strength and resolve to fight against his faults and weaknesses, and he will also be victorious, for love itself is strength.... And therefore, every actively loving person will also practise all virtues which denote a divine being: he will be gentle and patient, merciful, peaceable, humble and just.... For if he meets a fellow human being with love his thoughts are loving too, and he fights all weaknesses and faults with ease. Follow Me.... live a life of love and self-denial like Me and you will release yourselves from all sinful longings, you will not become subject to sin yourselves, you will bring yourselves into line with the nature of eternal love and already find union with it on earth, and the attainment of your goal will be certain for you. Hence, like Me, you too have to take the cross upon yourselves at all times, and you should not become impatient, for if you sincerely appeal for My help I will help you carry it, and the more willingly the soul carries the cross imposed on it by the Father's love for the sake of its full maturity, the sooner it will deliver itself from earthly longings. __Follow Me and take My life on earth as an example, and you will never become subject to sin again, you will release yourselves by virtue of your determination and love, you will become free and infinitely happy beings, equipped with all divine characteristics, you will be full of light and strength in the spiritual kingdom and live blissfully happy in eternity.... __Amen
Instruction by God Himself.... Audible Word.... Jesus' di...
Your knowledge can be increased in all directions if you entrust yourselves unto Me as a student and want to be instructed by Me. In that case you can ask any question and you will receive an answer. However, you will have to listen within or you will be unable to hear the answer. How this listening has to take place is not known to you because you don't practise it and therefore you don't hear My voice, although it speaks to you. First you have to withdraw into seclusion, that is, you must detach yourselves from the world such that your thoughts can unimpededly consider the problem you want to solve. In addition, you must make contact with Me through heartfelt prayer so that I Am present with you, so that you can therefore communicate with Me and speak to Me like a child to its father, like a brother to a brother or a friend to a friend without any inhibition. And then you will need to think about the problem that bothers you.... And a light will shine within you, you will have thoughts which seem acceptable to you, which you are inwardly convinced are right and which are indeed right because you have entered into union with Me and thereby entitled Me to direct your thoughts onto the right path. __However, you can also hear My voice directly within you, but this process needs to be practised, for it requires patience and complete seclusion from the environment, i.e., your thoughts must be able to completely detach themselves from everything around you. Then you will be able to hear gently spoken Words, mentally or even audibly, depending on your degree of maturity and receptivity. The audible Word puts an end to every doubt, and once you have reached this state of audibly hearing My voice in you, you will be the happiest people on earth, for then no more question will exist for you which would remain unanswered for you, then you will be able to speak to Me and receive the answer no matter where you are, then My voice will be louder than the voice of the world and will always and forever drown it out. And this audible Word was heard by My disciples on earth, and thus I was able to instruct them personally and answer their every question after My ascension to heaven. I was with them in spirit and will also be with you humans in spirit until the end. And therefore you should endeavour to reach a state of maturity of soul on earth, so that you will be able to perceive My voice audibly in you, and you should practise receiving My Word, you should mentally remain in constant contact with Me and leave the answer to all questions to Me, you should listen within and you will receive an answer, the eternal Teacher Himself will instruct you as He has promised, that He will guide you into all truth.... __Amen
Entirely worldly orientated thinking will hardly adapt to the changing situations of life and will only continue to attend to its physical improvement, and this will stop the human being from working at improving his soul. Anyone who allows matter to become his master will never be able to overcome it, and anyone who does not use the loss of material possessions as an aid in overcoming them will strive with increased eagerness to increase them again, and if he is to be helped again it can only happen through renewed loss, so that he will learn to recognise the fleeting nature of matter and derive psychological benefit from it. However, all faith will also fall prey to increased earthly striving, and for this reason alone different camps will develop which are externally recognisable. Faithful people accept their difficult earthly situation as a Godsend and are therefore not interested in increasing their earthly goods, whereas a person striving for possessions has lost faith in a Power that wants to reveal Itself through events which cause him material loss. His desire for the world dominates and thus he does not recognise God nor arrange his life in accordance with His will. __And thus a very busy time of activity will commence when people will want to improve their situation which has become extraordinarily difficult due to God's will. And then a person's way of thinking will become evident.... the loving person will help his fellow human being by making his life bearable, yet the heartless person will only want to rearrange his own life, he will do anything to provide himself with a good living standard again and not shy away from accomplishing it at his neighbour's expense. And it will soon become clearly apparent with whose support he works, who provides him with the energy for earthly activity and has taken possession of his soul in return. The believer, however, will also find help in every adversity, it just will not be externally visible, but God's strength will inundate him, he will also master every situation in life and always remain in contact with God, his faith will deepen, his love for matter diminish, and this means far greater progress than the increased earthly wealth of the former. For anyone who sells his soul for the sake of earthly life only takes the short time on earth into consideration, which can be over for him at any time. And he fails to think of eternity which will be incredibly painful for him because he will be bound by matter in the same way as on earth. And therefore the human being should try to detach himself from all desire for it, he should accept the difficult time in submission to God's will and join God even more closely the more helpless he is in an earthly respect.... For God will help him and reveal Himself to him through often miraculous help.... And the time of affliction will only be short for him, but infinitely long will be his life in the spiritual kingdom where he, liberated from all matter, will be indescribably happy because he had already become a conqueror of matter on earth.... __Amen
Divine revelation is the greatest source of grace....
No person should ignore a divine revelation for it is an invaluable source of grace; where God is expressing Himself He intends to help people advance in their development and wants to guide them onto the right path because they have gone astray; and God only reveals Himself in times of spiritual adversity when people are at risk of falling away from Him or are entertaining the wrong thoughts. In that case He tries to convey the truth to them, and the truth can only be conveyed to earth by God Himself. __Indeed, is there anything more powerful than to be directly taught by God Himself? Is there anything more delectable than to be nourished by Him directly with food for the soul which provides strength in abundance? Can there be, in fact, a substitute which even remotely would have the same effect? Is the Word of God not the most precious gift of grace which a human being on earth can receive? __His Word, the direct emanation of Himself, can be heard by a person and passed on to other people so that they can likewise come into possession of this precious gift of grace. Since God Himself speaks to people they should also have a greater impetus to comply with His Word, it should motivate the will to become active, just as the human being's will should, in fact, be urged by the Word into the right direction. Yet this will only ever be the case if people believe that the Word comes from above, that it is a direct communication of divine truth, for only this belief will encourage the human being to live a way of life which corresponds to the Word. And this belief can be gained by a person if he seriously examines it and appeals to God to enlighten his thinking. Then he will indeed feel in his heart what gift of grace he is receiving.... __Then the possession of the divine Word will make him very happy, then he will never again want to miss it and will always allow himself to be nourished with the bread of heaven by God Himself, with the nourishment which guarantees the soul's life and which therefore is so extremely valuable and delectable. You shall hunger for it, then you will also experience the strength flowing to you by accepting the heavenly manna, and you will never again want to be without it, since such a valuable gift of grace cannot be replaced by anything else on earth. Your desire for it will grow ever stronger and also lead you to God without fail, for God is Truth, and God is the Word of eternity.... __Amen
The church of Christ.... Peter, the rock.... Worldly orga...
Those who belong to My church will find each other and form a close bond, and they will always want to know the truth, to live with love and to be of service to Me for time and eternity. For they carry My spirit within themselves, they have awakened the spiritual spark, which is My share, into life and thereby became a member of My church which I founded Myself. And I will bless them evermore. Anyone who knows the truth, that is, who is educated by My spirit within him, also knows that love and faith are the foundation of My church; he also knows how I want My Word to be understood 'Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church....' He further knows that it is not to be understood as an organisation formed by people but that My church comprises all people who have established the right kind of relationship with Me as a result of their will and their love for Me and their neighbour. I only require people's fulfilment of My commandment of love and strong faith and have promised eternal bliss, eternal life, to those who believe in Me.... but to believe in Me means to accept My teaching as being divine and to live accordingly.... And to them I promised eternal life. Consequently they must also belong to My church, to the community of believers whom I call My church. But does that mean that they require a worldly union which is established by joining an organisation which has a worldly origin? This question is of such great significance that it needs to be considered in-depth. No organisation exists which could boast to have been founded by Me, however, each one can fully and completely affiliate itself to the church founded by Me. Hence, their members would be able to consider themselves as belonging to My church if they shaped themselves into a rock of faith.... The character of My church first must prevail in an organisation, their followers must be imbued by profound faith in Me, then the worldly founded church will include My believers and they, in turn, can regard themselves in every organisation as aspirants of My kingdom, for they belong to My church which I Myself founded on earth. My Words have to be understood purely spiritually, i.e., they only contain the request for unshakeable faith, and on this alone depends the working of the spirit, which is the most certain characteristic of My church, for anyone who has true faith also has love, because true faith is only alive through activity of love. And the sign of life is the expression of My spirit in the human being. Anyone who thus is taught by My spirit, who is permeated by its truth, can rightfully claim to belong to My church, he belongs to My Own, and he will also stand up for My teaching with conviction, for he has absorbed it himself with heart and mind, it has fortified his belief and made him free and happy, and he is driven by love to want to give the same to his fellow human beings.... __However, a worldly-religious organisation is by no means necessary to first shape people into aspirants of the spiritual kingdom, for again, I only look at the person's heart, his will and his thoughts. If they strive towards Me then he will already have found Me.... if they digress from pure spirituality then an ecclesiastical organisation will not achieve a change, for whatever takes place under compulsion is of no value before My eyes. But desire for Me can only be aroused in every person through the announcement of My Word. This is why I don't condemn the worldly-religious organisations but support them insofar as that I support the teachers working in them where feasible, providing their life corresponds to My commandments at the same time. And if one of them belongs to the church founded by Me, so that he therefore firmly and steadfastly believes in My love, might and wisdom, then I will also permeate him with My spirit, enabling him to successfully influence the flock of his small congregation so that they, too, will desire the Word which alone makes it possible for them to mature fully. Nevertheless it is of far greater merit if the person struggles and searches of his own accord, if he pays attention to his inner voice which will always advise him of what is right and encourage him to be lovingly active. If he complies with this voice he will come closer to Me considerably earlier, he will have a living understanding of My Word, he accepts it in his heart and will also live accordingly.... he will belong in truth to the church of Christ, which is insurmountable and will stand firm against even the staunchest onslaughts still waged by infernal forces before the end. For I also gave people the promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, because My church is unchangeable and will continue to exist until the end.... It will also become the basis of all spiritual striving on the new earth. Everyone will belong to My church because only profoundly faithful people who love Me above all else will inhabit this new earth, whereas all others will fall away if they are mere members of worldly-religious organisations who are without inner life.... __Amen
Forerunner of the Lord....
God's grace and evidence of love during the last days can fully compensate people for the distress and suffering of this time, for their rapid ascent will be certain if they make good use of the gifts of grace and strive for the maturing of their soul. It will be the time of which is written, that God will be with His Own in spirit until the end; it will be the time when people will see Him coming in the clouds, when the connection between heaven and earth will become evident, not just in people's imagination, but beings of light will be active on earth and spread light in daily life, and men will be taught from above, when God Himself descends to earth in the Word, handing the bread from heaven to His Own, when people will constantly be able to draw from the source of life, since God Himself will offer them the drink of life to strengthen them.... __During this time someone will become known who is destined to be the last messenger before the coming of the Lord, who, as His forerunner, will announce Him and fearlessly tell people the truth, although he will be in danger of being seized. But he no longer cares about the world and will gladly exchange his mortal life for eternal life. Therefore he will not fear the world, for he knows that the end is near and what is about to happen to people who do not believe it.... His emergence, too, is an exceptional grace, because he will constantly remind people of the approaching end and encourage them to improve their souls, thus directing their attention towards eternity. He will also possess extraordinary strength so that he will be able to heal the sick and help where help is needed even though it appears impossible to people, because he will lead an exemplary life of love and be filled by the spirit of God. God Himself will work through him, and anyone who listens to him will hear God Himself. He will hear God's Word through a human mouth, but just as it has come from Him.... And this time has arrived, the final time of grace, which can bring much success to people who strive for perfection. And even if they have to endure untold earthly suffering they will benefit as long as they make use of the blessings; for then they will know that the end is near, because they will recognise in him the forerunner of the Lord and will joyfully expect the Lord Himself. And He will soon appear to save His Own from utmost hardship and lead them to a land of peace, as He has promised.... __Amen
`He that keepeth My commandments.... to him I will come a...
Let Me speak to you in all places, at all times and in all situations of life, in joy and in suffering, in hardship and worry of body and soul by turning your thoughts to Me and desiring to hear My voice.... And I will speak to you, and everyone who expects My communication shall hear Me. For I have promised you that I will manifest Myself to the one who loves Me and keeps My commandments, who thus strives towards Me and lives a life of love.... Anyone who fulfils My commandment will also recognise My Word, he will accept My revelations and be joyful in the knowledge that I Am talking to him. The awareness of hearing Words of love from Me will make him happy, he will strive towards Me even more sincerely and ever more longingly listen to My Word in silence, he will open his heart to Me and I Myself will enter him, I will take abode in his heart, I will unite with him and remain in constant communication with him. This is the state every person on earth should strive for, to be in constant contact with Me, to mentally establish this bond and, in blissful unity with Me, to relish My flesh and My blood, that is, to accept the strength of My Word. Once you have reached this state on earth you can confidently consider yourselves as My children, you can come with every concern like a child to its father, you may know yourselves loved by Me and need not be afraid or feel abandoned in any earthly adversity for then I will constantly be with you, I will safeguard every step you take, I will guide and protect you and grant every wish you request of Me in spirit and in truth. __I will hear your call, regardless of how secretly it is being sent up to Me.... For I love those of you who have the will to come to Me. And since I Am connected to you by greater than great love I will not allow you to go astray if, faced by a crucial decision, you don't know which way to turn. I will very gently push you towards the right path, I will take you by your hand so that you will not stumble, I will illuminate the path if it gets dark and you are no longer able to recognise it properly. And time and again you may be permitted to hear My voice which intends to give you the assurance that I Myself Am with you. You should only look upon the earth as a stage of transition in order to achieve on it the degree which allows for My presence. However, once you have achieved this you no longer need to fear anything of an earthly nature, for then you will be earmarked as aspirants for the spiritual kingdom and they will infallibly attain their goal. Consequently, don't be afraid of that which will still be imposed upon you in an earthly way, because it is only temporary and will just last a very short period of time, which you will no longer have to go through on your own but in constant company with Me you will also be protected from all harm. The hearts in which I have taken abode belong to Me without fail, and I will never again let go of that which has become My possession, and this assurance should make your life easier to bear, you should believe it and always consider yourselves as My children who will safely return to their Father's house under My guidance.... __Amen
The ability to receive divine wisdom through the heart....
Divine wisdoms have to be sought deep inside the heart, for mere human intellect will neither be able to explain nor understand them if the heart is not involved in it. For this reason divine wisdom can only be received by people who live a profound inner life, who often withdraw into solitude, that is, who stop thinking about the world, about earthly worries and earthly plans, who enter into contemplation and try to fathom the kingdom which is beyond the earthly world. Such people are rewarded by God by granting them insight into the most concealed things, by allowing them to behold His sphere of activity, by informing them of His plan of eternity and by giving them at the same time the comprehension of understanding everything and of grasping the correlations. He tries to reveal to them the greatest mysteries, although the human being's intellectual capacity is insufficient to receive a comprehensive explanation as long as he does not have the degree of maturity that allows him to be permeated by the light of wisdom. Yet with the person's continuing development his intellectual capacity will improve and it is therefore indeed already possible to penetrate profound mysteries on Earth, and thus to take possession of divine wisdom, however, it will only be comprehensible to those who receive it, whereas another person will not know what to make of it because he has no understanding of the correlations between all works of creation with the eternal Creator. __Nevertheless, the more mature person should make an effort to also inform his fellow human being, because the knowledge can encourage another person's spiritual striving and because light shall be brought into the darkness which is spread across humanity, which lives in total ignorance of spiritual truth and no longer recognises its purpose on Earth, just as it is unaware of the individual person's final goal, which should be eagerly aspired to during earthly life. The question `Why do we humans exist?' remains open to most people, they don't even make an effort to answer it or to look for a suitable answer. They often pose this question but they never seriously desire an answer or listen to those who answer them, for they only ever let their intellect speak but never their heart.... that is, they don't take any notice of their feelings which would be a clear answer for them. They drown out the voice of the heart and completely turn towards the world, hence they are incapable of receiving divine wisdom which necessitates a withdrawal from the world. And thus the world will remain dark and without light, since only a few people can receive enlightenment through the inner voice. But these few will be and remain happy, for they will take divine wisdom over into the spiritual kingdom where it originated from, while the others will enter the realm of the beyond in profound spiritual darkness because they failed to look for the light on Earth.... __Amen
Bliss in the spiritual kingdom....
The bliss of those who discard their physical shell and are allowed to enter the kingdom of light, their eternal home, is beyond your grasp. Having left all sorrows behind, they are no longer weighed down by difficulties nor plagued by enemies. Fear and sadness are unknown to them; their eyes only see beauty, exceptionally charming surroundings, magnificent formations of My creative will, and figures of light approaching them in order to introduce them to the kingdom of peace and beatitude. And in this environment they may stay and occupy themselves according to their own will. Their bliss rests in this freedom after a state during which their souls were still constrained and surrounded by earthly matter. Their hearts are able and willing to love and they are so aglow with love that this alone makes them happy already, for they find constant fulfilment. They join souls which resemble themselves, that is, which possess the same degree of maturity, and these associations increase their bliss, because unity out of love also increases the individual being's strength as well as the urge to be active which results in joint kind-hearted activity which makes them exceedingly happy since the activation of strength results in increasingly more strength. The influx of strength, however, is a feeling of utmost delight, for it is the evidence of being close to God.... My living creations feel Me and, depending on their degree of maturity which enables the permeation of light, also get to see Me Myself in a way which is endurable for them. Their inner bliss intensifies, for their longing for Me increases constantly and is always granted.... No-one on earth can understand what that means, because earthly love is just a pale reflection of spiritual love and already the most desirable on earth, in the spiritual realm, however, it surpasses all other glories the soul is offered, because it signifies the constant influx of light and strength and therefore also the constant nearness of God. However, once My living creations have entered the kingdom of light, I Am the epitome of bliss for them and they will never ever abandon Me again. Then everyone will receive the reward for the love he showed Me on earth.... I constantly increase their happiness, I permeate the soul with My love and provide it with constantly new delights.... because 'what no eye has seen and no ear has heard, that is what I have prepared for those who love Me....' __Amen
Astrology.... Destiny in the stars....
Only what is relevant for the redemption of the spiritual substance, hence only what provides more or less detailed knowledge about My plan of Salvation and thereby also testifies to Me and My fundamental nature, should be regarded as given by My spirit. Knowledge outside this framework, which neither awakens in people the belief in My love, wisdom and omnipotence, nor promotes the individual's maturity of soul.... furthermore, knowledge which contradicts Christ's teaching such that it negates the human being's free will, which thus would leave the person at the mercy of his destiny without his own will.... finally, knowledge which believes that it can reveal a future veiled to people by My wisdom.... is not the working of the spirit and therefore not in accordance with My will. Rather, it is My adversary's means to divert people from true knowledge and to mislead them. People will never be able to ascertain or calculate how an individual person's destiny unfolds itself, all such claims are wrong conclusions or conjectures. They could certainly be coincidentally accurate but then never on account of calculations or influences from specific stars; instead a person's destiny always corresponds to My plan of eternity which is based on the human being's free will. __In the great space of creation myriad stars are indeed visible to the people of this earth, but these stars do not exert an influence on people, which can be understood by anyone who considers that countless stars are moving within their designated orbit, that this regularity has been recognised by My wisdom since the beginning of eternity to be good and right, that all stars support living beings for the purpose of higher development and that their destiny is also determined, but it will never be affected by other stars. The inhabitants of earth can only physically sense atmospheric currents which appear in the proximity of certain stars but they have no bearing on the destiny of an individual person. __The conformity to law in the entire universe, the eternal order which can be seen in My creation, is certainly sufficient evidence of a guiding power.... But the same order also takes place in the process of development of the beings, for whom creation as a whole came into existence in the first place.... The fact that these creations have a certain influence on the development of spiritual beings is correct, but only in as much as that they provide the latter with the opportunity for perpetual transformation and therefore gradual ascent. However, in the stage of free will people are confronted by events the way I, in My wisdom, deemed them to be beneficial for the being. The fact that all life on Earth takes place with a certain regularity causes people to come to wrong conclusions.... they interpreted this regularity in line with their own ideas and concluded that they relate to the destiny of the human being. Yet these investigations do not correspond to the truth by any means and are not approved by Me either, for I will always accept the human being's free will, even though I have determined his fate since eternity.... __Amen
Worshipping the mother of God....
All your spiritual questions will be answered, as this will help to provide clarity where truth should be distinguished from error. However, you always have to meet the condition of being interested in the pure truth, for when you are governed by the desire to have an already existent point of view confirmed you are unable to receive pure truth. You have to request it and be willing to accept the right answer.... The mother of My earthly body was destined since eternity to be the childbearer of humanity's Saviour. She possessed a soul of light which incarnated on earth for this sublime mission, thus she was pure and perfect compared to her earthly sisters. Nevertheless, she still had to experience an arduous life in order to attain supreme bliss in the spiritual kingdom, to become a true child of God, to achieve complete union with Me. By fulfilling her mission she had certainly earned the right to be regarded the holiest being in the spiritual kingdom, since due to her path of suffering on earth she had become an image of God. Her love for Me had placed her into a state of suffering which also spiritualised her body. And thus she was a shining example of a mother bearing profound sorrow over her child. However, the divine worship shown to her by people is not in accordance with My will. She certainly had been the mother of My earthly body but in the spiritual kingdom she is a being of light which, full of love and wisdom, wants to help you humans attain light and, as a result, beatitude. __Beatitude in the spiritual kingdom is only possible in unity with Me.... but a soul can only achieve this unity with Me through conscious aspiration and a heartfelt bond with Me. Thus I have to be the only worthwhile thought on the mind of someone who wants to achieve beatitude.... He has to try to find the bond with Me voluntarily, uninfluenced by spiritual powers, because.... were it allowed, every person would feel their influence, since their love for the people they want to help is immense. The soul deserted Me voluntarily, it has to return to Me voluntarily.... Any influence by the beings of light would be a restriction of free will. The act of free will is the will's voluntary inclination to turn to Me, which expresses itself in the conscious association with Me, and this endeavour will be supported by the beings of light in every way. But the worship of any being of light is a wrongly directed will. The beings of light live in love for Me, they constantly honour and praise Me and never want to accept an honour by people for themselves, because they recognise in Me the Being which is most worthy of worship and in their humble love for Me reject any honour for themselves, as they feel that I alone deserve it. Anyone who is aware of the light beings' true relationship with Me, whose love for Me has kindled into brightest fire, will also understand the erroneous thoughts of people who show such worship for the mother of God, as takes place. They will understand that it cannot be in accordance with My will, because people effectively create a second God for themselves, a being to whom they show adoration and honour, which it does not want to accept, since the human being should only ever strive to establish the relationship with Me in order to achieve his goal while he is still on earth.... __Amen
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