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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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(Continuation of nos. 8500 and 8501) Distribution....
And wherever the opportunity presents itself to inform your fellow human beings about the forthcoming end and all preceding events you should speak up, so that no-one can use the excuse not to have heard anything about it. For I really still want to do whatever it takes to give people a small light, and thus I will also bring you into contact with those where there is still a small glimmer of hope that they will react by thinking about it and then observing for themselves what is happening around them. I try to direct all people's thought such that they, for once, would like know what they can still expect, if not in this life then in another, to which their thoughts will therefore be directed. The life which people presently live with purely earthly directed thoughts is by no means healthy for their souls, for the soul is meant to rise above all matter during its earthly life. But if the human being ties himself to matter it will signify for the soul a state of hardship, a state of hunger and of hopelessness of attaining its goal.... And this is why people's attention shall be drawn to the transience of all worldly things and, with good will, they can still utilise the short time by acquiring something of permanence for themselves even if the earthly body will cease to exist.... all I aim to achieve by constantly announcing the forthcoming end is that they will give account to themselves about the state of their souls, if they at all believe in a continuation of life after death.... Yet this very faith is missing, which is the reason for the enormous spiritual adversity during these last days. But don't let it put you off informing your fellow human beings again and again of what you were allowed to hear from Me.... You shall talk about the working of the spirit within yourselves as well as the contents of what is conveyed to you as My Word.... . __Tell them that they are in great danger of going astray for an infinitely long time if they don't diligently use the short time until the end in order to change their nature into love which, during the last days, does not show much love at all.... Tell them that they still have to take the path to Jesus before their death, that they have to carry their guilt under His cross and appeal to Him for forgiveness.... And you have to teach them the most important commandments: the commandments of love for God and one's neighbour.... their state of soul on earth and later in the spiritual kingdom depends on their fulfilment.... You must pass on everything you hear from Me directly, always in relation to your fellow human beings' state of soul, so that they learn to understand it and also direct their thoughts to Me, Who will always help them if they pray for help. I convey this knowledge to earth so that people will have an explanation, even for what still lies ahead of them and what I constantly announce, so that they will not be taken by surprise by the events, which will come without fail as I have always and forever proclaimed. For I still want to give everyone the opportunity to prepare themselves in order to then await the end without fear, which only needs to be dreaded by those who, as completely obstinate followers of My adversary, will be banished once more into the creations of the new earth. __Detach yourselves from earthly matter so that it will not become your shell again from which you no longer can free yourselves without help.... Believe that the end will come in not too long a time, for the low level has been reached, no spiritual change is possible on this earth anymore.... Only a total transformation of the earth can achieve a spiritual change, and in order for you to be permitted to experience this change on the new earth you must strive for a heartfelt bond with Me, so that I can count you to be one of My Own who will remain faithful to Me even in the harshest battle of faith which is yet to be waged against you by My adversary.... so that you will receive strength from Me and persevere to the end.... And you will be able to enter a realm of peace and beatitude.... You will be allowed to populate the new earth where you will receive the reward for you steadfastness when you have to confess Me before the world.... Then you will have prevailed over this world and you will never need to fear My adversary again, for he, together with his followers, will be bound for a long time again.... __Amen
Various schools of thought.... Pretended worship....
It is just like the time when Christ descended to earth.... People's thoughts are just as confused, they advocate the same misguided teachings, they believe to possess the sole truth and yet they are living right in the midst of falsehood.... Now, as then, they uphold their hollow creeds even though all vary from each other, each creed endorses its own point of view and each one is convinced that it can lay claim to the truthfulness of its teachings. And the number of schools of thought has grown considerably, there are not just a few opposing each other but a great variety of opinions has created a great variety of faith communities which all endeavour to win supporters and fanatically insist on the doctrines they endorse.... Hence it is essential that people receive the truth, that they at last learn what God expects from people.... It is essential that God's will is revealed to them so that they learn to recognise that the fulfilment of His will is the meaning and purpose of life on earth.... However, every church or spiritual movement teaches that it proclaims God's will and still the various creeds differ. At the time of Christ's descent to earth people prided themselves just like today on practicing various customs, the divine service was fanatically performed and lacked spirit so that people did not establish any heartfelt contact with their God and Creator.... __And the same happens nowadays: a formal religious service giving due consideration to all rites and customs, demonstrating to the world the union with God whilst the heart of the individual is far removed from this heartfelt bond with Him.... It is just pretence and deception, there is no longer any truthfulness in people's way of life.... They solely belong to the physical world, and even if they want to give the impression of a relationship with God they only perform lifeless formalities which do not touch their souls. And you, who receive the truth from God, shall challenge this pretence of worship and remember that even Jesus during His life on earth did not support those who upheld wrong doctrines and tried to justify their pretence of worship as the only one pleasing to God and who condemned everything that contradicted their teachings. Nowadays people will not want to part with the doctrines handed down to them by people either and will therefore always remain in error, because they refuse to accept the pure truth which can only be granted to them from above.... from the Eternal Truth. Yet such a gift of grace requires free voluntary acceptance.... The truth cannot be forcibly conveyed to people who are unwilling to accept it. And therefore it is difficult to root out misguided teachings even if these are substantiated and amended to them as being wrong. There will only ever be a few who will be open-minded to what God Himself conveys to people, because they don't want to acknowledge such evident working of God.... because they have no knowledge of the fact that God pours out His spirit over those who willingly open up their hearts to Him for the receipt of His pure truth.... __Prior to Jesus' descent to earth, before His crucifixion, the pouring out of the spirit upon a human being was not possible, and therefore the world was full of error.... However, after His death on the cross truth could find access to mankind and it became possible to fully enlighten people as to whether and when their thinking was erroneous, it was possible to instruct them through the spirit and they could rid themselves of all error. Yet there was never any coercion and this is why time and again error could creep in and be advocated as truth and passed on with such tenacity that it is difficult to convince people of their wrong thinking, and thus they will always resist accepting the pure truth from God and giving up their misconceptions. And still, for the sake of truth itself everything has to be tried to make people change their points of view.... everything has to be tried to motivate them to think, everything has to be done to impart the pure truth to them, for they can only reach the final goal on the path of truth.... As long as they remain in their wrong thinking they will not be able to partake in the bliss of the kingdom of the beyond, which can only ever guarantee enlightenment.... __Only truth grants light, therefore truth alone leads to beatitude, for countless beings can be made happy with it again and happiness in the spiritual kingdom consists of the giving of light. This is why you humans must not fall victim to wrong thinking, this is why the truth is offered to you time and again, this is why everything will be done on the part of God to turn your thinking in the right direction, yet you yourselves need only have the will to live in truth.... For it is not as important on earth as it is in the kingdom of the beyond that you know the truth, because you cannot be happy there without truth, and even if you ignore your dark state on earth.... it will nevertheless torment you in the beyond, because only light is beatitude and light is only ever emanated by the Truth, by God Himself, Who is the eternal Essence of light.... __Amen
Effect of misguided teachings in the beyond....
Many more errors will still have to be corrected by Me if human beings are to live in truth. People's thoughts are thoroughly lead astray, one misguided teaching leads to many other misguided teachings, and people cannot escape from them, they are representing a truth which was given to them by people who did not have the truth themselves because their spirit was unenlightened. And countless many souls enter the spiritual kingdom in this lightless state. Even then they still defend their doctrines and cannot be convinced that their reasoning was wrong, and will remain wrong as long as they do not accept a light which shines for them in the beyond too but which they have to accept of their own free will. The battle between light and darkness even rages in the kingdom of the beyond, for time and again the beings of light try to kindle a light for those of dark spirit, but their endeavour is frequently in vain since the souls hold on to their misconceptions. And yet, the latter cannot understand why they do not experience beatitude although they believe to have done everything on earth in order to gain it. __And as long as they do not understand that My will is in fact different from what they were told on earth.... as long as they do not realise the irrelevance of what had been demanded of them.... as long as they do not recognise that I make other demands on people than to comply with ecclesiastical customs and external appearances, that I only expect love from people and only assess a person in accordance with his degree of love and that his beatitude will depend on his degree of love.... the souls will not experience an enviable fate, even if they are not languishing in deepest darkness. __But they argue and do not comprehend the state of their wretchedness, indeed, they frequently reproach themselves for not having sufficiently fulfilled the ceremonies and humanly decreed commandments, and as a result are not yet admitted into beatitude. It could be theirs in a very short time if only they would accept the light beings' teachings or get a small light where the ray of light is transmitted to earth, where purest truth is distributed and avidly accepted by all famished souls.... But they are just as stubborn in the kingdom of the beyond as they were on earth and reject everything which disagrees with their opinion, and the adversary still has immense power over these fanatics.... __For even in the kingdom of the beyond they fail to help each other which would increase their degree of love and decrease their rejection of light.... They cannot make any progress in the spiritual kingdom because love is the strength that helps the soul to ascend in the spiritual kingdom too. But love is also the light, and even in the kingdom of the beyond they can love each other, for in a state devoid of bliss there is still hardship and misery, and one soul will always be able to help another.... Then the souls' thoughts will become ever more enlightened, they will question each other and will certainly receive an answer.... But love always comes first, and those souls' big spiritual misconception rests in the fact that they superseded love by what human folly had elevated into a `divine doctrine'.... that they always complied with human demands first and ignored divine demands.... And their condition will eternally not change unless they put love first and, due to their loving will to help other souls, begin to recognise the pure truth, which will then give them unlimited beatitude.... __It is for this reason that every human being, whose thoughts had been misguided on earth but whose will to love and to take action had reached a high degree, will suddenly realise the truth in the kingdom of the beyond and will readily let go of misconceptions. He will endeavour to pass his knowledge on to other souls because he recognises the immense harm caused by error and because his love urges him to help alleviate spiritual blindness. His influence can be extraordinary beneficial because he had held the same thoughts on earth which he now can justify to be wrong, and therefore be successful with souls who just listen to him. Error is the worst poison for human souls and the fight of light against darkness will therefore continue relentlessly, and one day the light will surely win.... The human being, however, is free to choose between light and darkness, he will not be forced and can make a free decision.... but everything will be done to make him aware of the truth while he is still on earth. But the beings of light do not cease their efforts even in the beyond, for only the soul who knows the truth can become blessed.... __Amen
Addition to Yogi - message....
It is inconceivable to you that a being of light embodied on earth might not be able to fulfil the mission for which it lived on earth.... Every being has its own free will which I do not compel by any means. And thus, the being of light will also be able to study the doctrines of its religion even if they vastly contradict the truth, which it receives through its own illumination although it is by no means forced to accept these insights.... The being of light came to earth as a human being, and as a human being it has to struggle with existing misguided teachings too, which it could certainly recognise as such, but its free will has to be respected if it refuses to do so. For precisely because these humans are highly educated, because they even know the mysteries of creation but believe that they had acquired their knowledge themselves, they feel entitled to indisputable acknowledgment by those who want to be instructed by them.... __However, since they represent a completely different school of thought which rejects the belief in Jesus Christ, it is not unusual for these beings of light to fail on this specific point.... they can indeed initiate their students into everything they accept themselves but they do not fulfil the task of proclaiming Jesus Christ's act of Salvation.... apart from a few who completely detached themselves from their school of thought and through inner experiences then received the grace to become completely convinced of Jesus' Divinity. The earthly progress of those beings of light did not result in ultimate perfection, nevertheless, a being of light cannot fall again but it can offer to repeat the earthly path time and again. In addition, incarnated beings of light on earth are without past memory.... thus they believe to be on earth for the first time, or they accept a repeated embodiment as consequence of their religion, which may well be justified.... but they adamantly reject the thought of salvation, they believe in self-redemption through their own will and own strength. This attitude prevents them from speaking on behalf of Jesus Christ and My human manifestation in Him. However, their will is free and with it the spiritual knowledge they pass on and.... since it encourages the human being's own effort as well as his self-denial, his struggle against himself.... it can also be beneficial, but it ignores the most important problem.... the redemption through Jesus Christ. __Nevertheless, there is a danger that people with knowledge of Jesus Christ adopt their ideas.... that they sacrifice their own knowledge in favour of mentors from other countries.... that they forfeit what they owned, that they even allow themselves to be instructed by `spirit guides' who passed over into the beyond in ignorance. For even in the beyond their will remains free as long as they inwardly reject the thought that Jesus occupied a special position, that He sheltered Me Myself within Himself.... But this happens very seldom, since the beings of light rather quickly gain the true knowledge.... __However, anyone who makes himself known as an `ascended master' is merely using this name to deceive you, because I will only instruct you through the spirit which conveys purest truth to you. Teachers who instruct you on My behalf are not authorised by Me to impart their names to you, the others, however, only pass on their knowledge to people in a state without willpower, in a state of mediumship, which does not offer any guarantee that you are controlled by good spirits.... Time and again your attention is drawn to the fact that only My spirit teaches the truth and that it will not let you go astray, and the evidence for this is Jesus' act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Him. Only that is your guarantee for truth.... __Therefore I caution you against accepting information from those who undeniably have utmost intellectual knowledge and can enlighten you about mysteries of creation, if they do not have knowledge about Jesus and His act of Salvation. Then you, who had knowledge and surrendered it on their account, will regress. They are too absorbed in their religion but their will is free and I do not force them either, although they descended to earth for a purpose of a mission: to spread the truth.... However, they will discover this truth as soon as they pass away from this earth and then they will also be able to convey it from above.... __Amen
God's address to souls in the beyond....
I want to speak to all those who want to hear Me, be it on earth or in the beyond, who should know that the Saviour came to earth for all people in order to redeem them. For none of you can become blissfully happy if you don't appeal to Me for forgiveness of your sin, and therefore you will first have to acknowledge Me as the Son of God, in Whom God Himself became a human being in order to accomplish this act of Salvation. You need to receive this knowledge while you are still on earth so that the gates to the kingdom of light can be opened for you.... If you enter the realm of the beyond still burdened by your guilt then you will need to learn over there why you should acknowledge Me in Jesus Christ, for without Him you will wander about in spiritual darkness, without Him you will be unable to see any light, without Him the gates to beatitude will remain closed for you. Compared to eternity your existence on earth is but short, and yet this time fully suffices for you to attain the light of realisation, nevertheless, you have to believe and the belief, in turn, depends on love, then you will easily gain the knowledge of why you must acknowledge Jesus Christ, you will learn to understand the reason and significance of His act of Salvation and then enter the kingdom of the beyond brightly enlightened.... Yet you humans lack love as well as faith with the result that only ever a few are able to enter the kingdom of light, whereas the gate remains closed to the others until they have recognised and accepted Him, until they turn to Him for the forgiveness of their sin, which is weighing them down and prevents them from ascending. Listen to Me, I Am bringing you the joyful good news that not one of you is lost as yet, but I must demand your faith in Me and My act of Salvation if you ever want to attain the feat of beholding the vision of God.... Listen to Me when I tell you that you once were created beings which fell away from Me but which shall return to Me again as long as you don't resist it, in which case My adversary will have no more power over you.... I came to earth in order to break his power.... and to pay the purchase price for your souls, since you once followed him of your own free will. My greater than great love defeated the adversary, and all of you shall derive the benefit from My act of Salvation.... But you yourselves must want to belong to those for whom I sacrificed My life on the cross, for I cannot redeem you against your will from his slavery, since he has the same right to you because you once followed him voluntarily. __However, you are able to release yourselves, and time and again I try to inform you of how very significant My act of Salvation is for all of you, that you have to believe in it and that you can release yourselves from the darkness in which you humans on earth as well as you souls in the beyond find yourselves in.... And you will become enlightened; just spend some time thinking about the greatest benefactor the earth has ever carried.... Consider Him and don't reject Him, for He alone can bring you deliverance, He alone takes your guilt of sin upon Himself if you appeal to Him for it.... Yet without Him you will never ever find redemption.... For even if My love for you never changes, it nevertheless cannot accept you in the kingdom of light and bliss if you are burdened by sin, because righteousness likewise belongs to perfection and this must first be satisfied in order to establish the law of eternal order again, in which every being has to exist if it wants to unite itself with Me again for eternity.... Therefore, ponder all these thought in your heart and let yourselves be taught and enlightened.... Don't walk past a source from which you can draw a refreshing drink.... Listen to what I want to say to all those who are not unwilling to pay attention, and desire more information.... and every question that moves you will be answered. Only do not reject Me, Who alone can bring you salvation, Who can change your present state into an exceedingly happy one if only you acknowledge Me Myself as the Redeemer of the world Who died for your sins too.... For I do not want you to remain wretched, it is not My will that you should suffer, I want to give you eternal life which you can never ever lose again.... However, I cannot revoke My law of eternal order, which requires you to acknowledge Me Myself in Jesus, because your past sin consisted of the fact that you denied Me this acknowledgment, and that you must therefore completely voluntarily profess Me again, Who became a visible God for you in the human being Jesus.... and Who will remain so for all eternity.... __Amen
Explanation about the 'existence as a human being'....
You have already been on earth for an infinitely long time, which you can truly call eternities.... albeit not as a self-aware original spirit, instead you cover this long path as minutely tiny particles so that you can regain the original state which was yours in the beginning. If you consider that you travelled through all creations.... since everything you see around yourselves, everything that is to be regarded as a work of creation, must be a spark of strength from Me, otherwise you would be unable to exist.... then you will also learn to look upon these creations as My once emanated spiritual beings which deliberately abandoned contact with Me but which.... since they are everlasting.... must also establish this connection with Me again one day, because it is and remains the law that My emanated strength will return to Me again. Only then will you judge the human stage correctly, in which you should establish this conscious connection with Me. And all creations around you will remind you to strive towards this final goal if you don't want to travel the path through the creations again, which you have now escaped with My help. And the fact that this is true must be believed by you, for it is conveyed to you by My spirit but cannot be proven.... yet only in this way can the whole of creation be explained to you, and I do so in view of the near end, in order to give you humans an explanation as to what you and the whole of creation basically are.... For the few who are open-minded recognise the only explanation therein, they recognise My infinite love, unsurpassed wisdom and infinite power.... And they don't doubt that it is true.... Yet far more people live in spiritual darkness and making the immense responsibility of earthly life clear to them will be a difficult task and will usually also be unsuccessful. But they will have to be prepared for a repeated process through the creations of the new earth if I don't recall them from earth before. __However, if people would for once only seriously ponder the question as to what they are, where they come from and what their actual task on earth is.... countless souls of light would answer this question for them, for these questions would result in one bright thought after another.... and the darkness would vanish. But as long as a small light is not kindled for you, so that you realise your life on earth is the final stage of a process of development after an infinitely long path of preliminary development, you will not live your life on earth conscientiously and.... if you don't live a life of love.... there is great danger that your earthly life will be a waste of time. On the other hand, if you live a life of love you need not know about your previous existence and will still reach your goal, for only love is needed in order to become fully mature on earth. But since love has grown cold during the last days before the end I try to address your intellect by informing you of your long earthly progress and explain to you the slow development of all creations in a purely intellectual way in order to make you to think about what your God and Creator intends to achieve by this. I only try to encourage you to reflect on this, because then beings of light will be able to intervene and mentally answer your questions. But if there is no more love among people and if they also refuse to spend serious thought on the matter, then there is no more hope for their deliverance, then the law will inevitably come into force which determines your renewed banishment into matter again. Yet My struggle for the souls will not slow down until the end.... And I will send My flow of grace wherever the possibility for a change of will still exists in order to increase the number of those who recognise themselves as having originated from Me, who want to return to Me again, who will enter the kingdom of light and have attained their purpose in life.... who are and will remain My Own forever.... __Amen
The doctrine of the soul's sleep....
The fact that you are willing to support My Word, which is sent to you from above, gives Me reason to inform you of an error you have advocated up to now. It concerns the doctrine of the sleep of the soul, which gives you a completely wrong idea about the soul and its state when it enters the spiritual kingdom. This doctrine is substantiated by the assertion that there is no mention of an immortal soul anywhere in the Scriptures.... which, however, can be refuted with the Words `Whosoever believes in Me will have eternal life....' And sleep is a brother of death.... thus someone asleep will not be alive but dead, in the darkness of night he will fall into the state of death, consequently a life in eternity is out of the question. Those of you who depart from earth with this idea will be in dire straits, for you really lack all knowledge and will take a long time to gain a glimmer of understanding. In fact, you will depart from this earth in complete blindness and will receive only little light in the beyond, if you lived a life of love on earth. __But until you let go of this misguided teaching you will not know that you have died either, since you are still in the state of self-awareness, which is your consciousness of continued life. You merely believe that you were transported into different surroundings but will never be able to find rest.... the kind of rest you associate with the state of sleep. And so you will still live but not in a state of beatitude, rather, you will live in the confusion of thought which corresponds to the teachings you advocated on earth. __Everything that emerges from Me remains immortal for all eternity, but it can enter the kingdom of the beyond in a state of death. And all of you who spread this misguided teaching choose this state of death. You do not strive for the life that should be your destiny when you enter the spiritual kingdom. Because only this is the beginning of your life, providing you live a life of love and are able to let go of this misguided teaching. If you believe in a `resurrection on the day of Judgment', when all who rest in their graves will be awakened, then it will also be your fate not to come to life until you realise the foolishness of this teaching. And your existence in the beyond will be the same, you will linger in an eternal state of inactivity, in a state of sleep, or you will find yourselves in a world you believe to be earth, which you left a long time ago. __Particularly you humans who advocate this misguided teaching, have no idea what anti-spirit you have accepted, and you will have to muster an enormous amount of love in order to suddenly recognise the reality of things. Consider yourselves fortunate if you leave someone behind on earth who will pray on your behalf, who will help you gain the right insight. However, your degree of love is always the decisive factor as to whether or not you recognise the truth in a flash when you pass away from earth. But since you do not believe in the `immortality of soul' you do not believe in communications from the spiritual kingdom either, which would provide you with knowledge. And that is your disadvantage, because it would inform you of the constant ascent of souls who enter the spiritual kingdom, and you would reject this misguided teaching as satanic and only intended to prevent you from ascending in the beyond, which would soon result in the true life you are all meant to reach one day.... __Amen
Long before the first human beings lived on earth, who were equipped by God with free will and intellect, human-like living creations whose task it was to make the earth habitable for the succeeding human race already existed. They did their work instinctively, i.e. driven by natural law.... in order to sustain themselves, they gathered fruit, harvested field products and built dwellings for themselves.... they did everything which instinctively was of benefit to them. __Yet they could not be held accountable for their actions, for they were not yet embodied by a soul which contained all the minute particles of a fallen original spirit. These beings were already very much like human beings, they had the same bodily form, yet they were neither self-aware nor able to communicate with each other, only their desire for self-preservation was strong and they often lived to a great age. In a manner of speaking they were of service to creation by contributing towards changing the earth's surface which became ever better prepared as a suitable abode for the needs of human beings. However, these beings were not yet given a task, they merely served the still imperfect original spirits as a final opportunity to mature, which they then were to continue as a human being with free will and intellect. __Hence these prehistoric people.... the Pre-Adamites.... could not be considered real `human beings', for their nature, their appearance and their every activity was more in line with an animal, which is still far behind in its development, only the form was similar to a human being. This is why later people named these living creations prehistoric-man, but which could not be compared to the human being in possession of free will and awareness, which he was also meant to use intellectually in the right manner. __Nor can it be said that the human being evolved from this Pre-Adamite, since the human being was a new creation which God only externalised after many of the first original spirits awaited their embodiment. The prehistoric being was one of many creations which all had to serve their purpose of preparing an abode for the later appearing human being that would guarantee him a carefree earthly life. The Pre-Adamites were those human-like beings which could not be held responsible because they lived instinctively, like animals.... who lived on earth long before human beings.... who were not self-aware and could only live in groups.... who thus could only be found where human beings would later settle, for whom they prepared the specific area with their consistent activity. This was the beings' innate characteristic and expressed itself by cultivating large areas of fields, by systematically sowing essential substances and by harvesting such stretches of land.... They did this entirely unconsciously, resulting from a natural instinct of self-preservation.... They fought each other and the stronger won. And thus they also contributed to the fact that constantly new spiritual beings incarnated themselves, if only for a brief period of time, to prove their strength, when more or less strong impulses asserted themselves which gradually weakened the longer they lived and then also slowly attained the maturity which enabled them to enter their final embodiment as a human being. __Thus human-like beings had already existed long before the first human beings, but they cannot in any way be related to the real human beings. They were comparable to them in their external shape but they existed like animals.... in their instincts as well as in their manner of procreation, which evolved in line with their soul-substances, and were one of the many works of creations which disappeared again after they had completed their earthly task, thus the beings no longer required such creations, and they subsequently became extinct like so many creations which earth had sheltered for a while in order to make place for new creations.... __But it cannot be said that the modern human being evolved from these prehistoric creations, rather, he was and is a new creation, endowed with free will and intellect, which then had to prove itself, thus he also received his self-awareness again. To what degree the Pre-Adamites could also use a certain amount of intelligence merely depended on the degree of maturity of their embodied soul-particles which, however, were unable to think and only expressed their intelligence through their active work, thus unconsciously.... This activity nevertheless produced the greatest works of wonder, as can often be seen in nature that paths were created for these beings to reach one another, that they created gorges and underground passages and thus created the first prerequisites for the human race so that the latter could then live the right kind of life when the time had come for the first original spirits to embody themselves as human beings.... The more people spread, (original spirits awaited embodiment), the more the prehistoric beings began to disappear which, however, only ever happened in stages, until the human race began to populate the earth and their probationary period began, when every once fallen original spirit had to prove itself, and therefore the human being has to be equipped with self-awareness, intellect and free will in order to travel the path across earth which will lead him again to the Father from Whom he once originated. __Amen
Land of peace.... Gabriel....
We want to fulfil your prayers and instruct you in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Accept everything you are given in your heart and live accordingly. You will greatly benefit if you ceaselessly work to record it.... The time of receiving this grace won't be long, and in order to be able to work for our Lord and Saviour, you must have attained a high degree of faith and knowledge.... It depends solely on you as to whether this short time will be used well. Therefore, do not let any opportunity pass you by unused. The spiritual beings will always choose the form of their manner of speaking such that you will soon recognise who is imparting His teachings to you.... However, today you receive a proclamation which is intended to explain much and shall introduce you to an area which is still unfamiliar to you. So listen: Many souls of the deceased, straight after their death, enter a specifically designated land where no worry and trouble exist. An angel named Gabriel presides over this land, and he provides a peaceful and quiet existence for everyone. That is where many a tired soul gets to know silent solitude in contemplative reflection for the first time and, in a manner of speaking, is compensated for its laboriously spent days on earth until, after having rested, it considers its purpose in the eternal kingdom.... The glimmer of the sunrise sends a gentle light across the entire valley, the eye constantly revels in the strands of outstanding beauty.... no shadow clouds this vision and no discord disturbs the passive observer in the midst of this splendour.... only singing and ringing surrounds him… And this rest strengthens the soul until it awakens from its reverie and feels the urge to become lovingly active.... Anyone having reached a degree on earth which enables him to enter this valley of peace, will be lovingly approached by the Lord and chosen for a wonderful task in the beyond. Oh, if only you all followed your hearts.... recognise the task you are meant to fulfil on earth in order to enter this valley.... just a glance into this land would let you endure anything on earth.... So pay heed: Every loyal follower of the Saviour who gives His heart to Him is promised life by the Lord.... yet what does life mean if you may not enjoy it in His presence?.... However, this land is merely a sample of the life close to the Saviour.... it is merely a transition from the bleak existence on earth to the illuminated realms of beatitude.... Words cannot describe the magnificence emanating from the Saviour's presence, and in order to be able to endure this brilliance the soul needs a period of transition amid indescribably beautiful pastures, which a human heart cannot imagine. My dear child, we would gladly let you have an insight into this land, but the Lord does not deem the time to be right for you as yet.... therefore, with diligence and faithfulness and love for the Saviour you should devote yourself ever more to spiritual matters, so that we may instruct you ever more comprehensively in order to ease your path on earth and to keep your eyes looking heavenwards.... You are being granted an immeasurable grace through these proclamations.... Accept each one with devotion and remain grateful to the heavenly Father now and forever. __Amen
Evil forces.... Earthly possessions.... Treasures for the...
Behold, we all hear your supplications which give us great hope that we will be able to work in agreement with the Highest Being. You are constantly approached by forces intending to cause your downfall and trying to divert your path.... all thoughts affecting you unpleasantly are whisperings of these forces which you must always only counteract with prayer. Spiritual obstacles are being placed in your way to prevent you from making contact with the above, but remember.... time and again you will receive help from our side in order to help you advance on this path. We experience the battle of these forces in eternity.... it is an unremitting struggle against them, yet anyone who is protected by God will emerge victoriously from all dangers. And now we comply with your desire: The most impoverished person on earth is able to wrestle upwards towards God.... since realisation will often come to him through his suffering on earth far easier than to someone in possession of material wealth. You all harbour the desire for earthly goods.... each person regards them as the fulfilment of his wishes.... the goal of his endeavour on earth is to acquire possessions.... and yet, it is so foolish! You cannot make any use of these in eternity, everything stays behind and only the spiritual possessions you acquired will be regarded by the Lord. And woe to you if you leave your life on earth in spiritual poverty!.... You will have to struggle for a very long time in the beyond in order to climb higher step by step, your struggle will be the most laborious work.... And woe to you if you had not gathered treasures for yourselves in earthly life through works of love, which result in the grace of receiving love again, giving you the strength to work at improving yourselves. Here, in earthly life, you often lack realisation.... yet you are offered extensive means to acquire it and for richly blessed activity on earth. But on the other side in the beyond you will lack these.... since you have come to the realisation there.... and you will have to struggle far harder in the beyond. Never rely on later on.... life on earth is only short and to enter the gate of death unprepared is bitter for every person.... During every hour of adversity the Saviour knocks at your door in order that you may grant Him admission.... don't let this voice pass you by unheeded.... always remember that every day could be your last one.... and to live in a way that this thought cannot scare you is what the Lord and Saviour time and again proclaims to you through His emissaries. Therefore listen to your heart and remain in God's grace. __Amen
Beings in the beyond.... Appeal for help....
We salute you in the name of the Father and inform you according to His will.... All beings wishing to be in contact with you are gathered around you.... and thus the Lord in His kindness has decided to grant their desire as it is the Feast of Love.... The following beings are permitted to avail themselves of your strength and to speak through you. An old father, his spirit has already been with you for a long time.... appeals to you not to forget his son, who stayed in your vicinity but had to conclude his earthly course of life. He frequently comes to visit you and follows your striving.... and yet he cannot understand why he is unable to contact you.... During his time on earth he refused to be taught and never thought of the hour of death, so although he was recalled by the Lord, his spirit still constantly remains in the proximity of earth, he has still not gained any realisation about his task in the beyond. His father is concerned for him and appeals to you to pray for him. Grant him this wish.... And now someone comes to you who wanted to speak to you before and did not give you his name.... so many beings are present here, they are called to you on account of your thoughts; however, try to hand yourself over to us and only accept what we give you.... Keep this in mind.... The latter takes an active interest in your work and would like to assure you again that you can help many people with it. He turns to you and always remains close to you, so that you will suddenly feel when he pushes himself into your thoughts. He has no problems with your environment, for all the beings are dear to him.... He would like to make his presence known to you all and yet is sorry that he cannot make himself understood. However, when your thoughts are with him, he will try to make himself noticeable to you if the Father gives him the strength to do so.... Today he just wants to greet you and request your prayer.... But someone wants to speak to you himself and we are happy to let him do so.... 'Dear friend, your efforts are a comfort to us and give us hope, for we need the love of people on earth because we failed to make contact with the Lord during our lifetime on earth. Oh, how wrong was our life on Earth.... Now we have a difficult battle and we are so grateful to you because your kind thoughts, your prayers, help us so much.... We depend on your love, for this reason we constantly gather around you, for the Father grants us the grace of being allowed to take part in your work.... 'Thanks be to the heavenly Father, for through your work we now recognise our task and eagerly devote ourselves to it.... spurred on by your spiritual work, your struggle and activity and strengthened by your prayer in which you remember us. It is a blessing for all of us who are surrounding you, for we have thereby also gained an insight into the working of higher spiritual beings which approach us with so much love, and we are permitted to be present with you at every contact in order to learn ourselves how we should accomplish our work in the beyond in order to ascend ever higher.' Now you shall still hear something that will please you: All beings in the beyond are instructed to support you, consequently, we, being capable of helping you, will not leave your soul in distress and you will always be surrounded by a group of people who were close to you on earth and even today still gladly stay with you when it involves protecting you against all dangers threatening your soul. Therefore always remember all your loved ones who passed over before you with affection.... they are now always around you and beg God that He may bless you in order to be forever united with you. Grant them your prayer too, for one shall always take care of the other with love. __Amen
God's messengers and their work....
The willingness of an earthly child to receive God's Word has the effect that God's messengers agree to help at all times; thus all who are willing to serve God unite within a short time.... The work on the other side as well as on earth is solely intended for those souls who are still misguided and walk the wrong way.... The Lord prepares every admission and gives to the children according to their spiritual ability.... Everyone with the interest of earthly human beings at heart takes part in this association between the earth and the beyond.... They all have loved-ones left behind on earth or have a bond with them by virtue of God's will and are now constantly striving to guide them onto the right path. This is a very difficult undertaking as long as the human being believes that he can walk alone. Every misguided soul's desire for help will be granted gladly and willingly.... every soul's pleading prayer will be heard and every struggling soul will be given assistance. God's messengers are capable of doing much because God's will is working through them.... And thus you, too, shall receive all the help you desire because all the beings surrounding you endeavour the same.... to work for the Lord and Saviour.... to lead souls to Him and to save countless souls from hardship and anguish. Wherever your work serves the same purpose you will be supported whenever you pray.... with every proclamation one more message from above has been passed on to you.... every single message will have a beneficial effect on earth.... and its contents will always serve to awaken hearts and bring light into the spiritual darkness.... There are many such straying souls on earth, all are invited by the Lord.... and all will be given the information about the eternal Deity but only few desire the light. These few should be approached with as much love as possible so that they may find the right path and remain willing to continue on it as long as they live on earth. Every moment is light that guides your thoughts to the Deity.... And every path is right when you take it with the will to reach God. The will alone is sufficient for God to send His messengers to meet you.... then, always following the voice of your heart, you can no longer go astray. You don't know how much easier earthly life will become when you have found God.... and how little you fear death afterwards.... because there will be no more death for you.... you will indeed live in eternity when you live and die within the Lord.... then death will only be a transition into eternal glory where you may see God face-to-face.... __Amen
Sun systems.... Fire-spewing mountain.... Eruptions....
The whole of the solar system is also in accord with the great work of Creation. Were you to envision all the sun systems, your intellect would truly be unable to cope, for these dimensions would surpass the human being's thinking ability. You deem the measurements of Earth alone considerably more extensive than you can rationally take in. Yet the Earth can be called tiny compared to the size of the smallest sun systems. But countless such sun systems exist in the infinite space which differ in their dimension, composition and kind from each other, yet in their final purpose they all serve the same objective.... of furthering the steady higher development of the beings which, having emerged from God, separated themselves from God and shall return to God again. Every solar body is an infinitely enlarged similar work of creation as Earth.... Only a few people can understand that the sun can be compared to a fire-spewing mountain.... However, this comparison will only be understandable if one considers the fact that the Creator very wisely also designed the interior of such a mountain so that it can be the abode of countless beings.... and that the activity of these beings consists of producing endless eruptions through which the whole composition of the mountain undergoes constant changes again.... so that a proportion of beings can shed their cover again and open up their path to other regions on and above the earth. Consequently, such eruptions happen with the Creator's full approval, and the activity of anyone who loses his earthly life due to such occurrences is limited and they will move on to a different opportunity for development. The solar worlds are likewise creations which the Lord has placed into space for the purpose of constantly new arising heavenly bodies. Every sun is continually active. In its interior rage unimaginable forces whose elementary power continuously throws parts of their interior into space, these are seized again by spiritual beings and shaped into entirely independently active heavenly bodies which are equipped with everything that is required by the living creations which are intended to live there again. However, each of such heavenly bodies will always be in a certain connection with the sun from which it had emerged. Just as the mass thrown out by a fire-spewing mountain always falls back to the earth's surface again due to gravity.... so will the released matter from the sun always remain within the vicinity of this sun due to this sun's gravitational pull.... and will also be constantly nourished by this very sun with light and warmth, without which no heavenly body in the universe would be able to survive. Merely the purpose of each world will vary, insofar as constantly different living conditions will also result in constantly different achievements, and such an abode is precisely what is required by those spiritual beings which, in a certain sense, need to continue their development.... which are sent there by the Creator of Heaven and Earth in realisation of what they are lacking. The universe is endless.... countless spiritual beings exist.... and thus time and again the opportunity must be offered to all of them to attain their set goal.... Space is infinite.... infinite is the power of God.... and infinite is His love for His living creations.... For this reason everything has been created out of God's love and power.... __Amen
Jesus' transfiguration.... 'My Father and I are One....'
The right solution to the problem of Jesus' transfiguration after His crucifixion also explains Jesus' Words 'The Father and I are One....' at the same time. God sacrificed Himself through a human being Who overcame every human aspect for love of God and Who therefore shaped His soul such that God was able to take abode in Him in all fullness. His external form, His body, totally complied with the soul's will and was likewise only disposed towards the Divine; thus every substance was God-inclined spirit, so that it no longer needed the process of development on earth and was therefore able to enter the spiritual realm in all perfection after the body's death. All perfected spiritual beings unite with the Elementary Power and, through a most heartfelt fusion, become as one with It. The process of development of the spiritual beings which had once fallen away from God lasts for an infinitely long time and, through countless levels, will also lead to ascent in the beyond but the external form, the less developed spiritual substance, always remains on earth and releases the soul which, as a spiritual being, will subsequently seek to join beings of equal maturity in the beyond. The external form dissolves and the individual spiritual substances affiliate with similar ones in order to continue their process of development.... However, Jesus' body, on account of its purity and actions of love, had already attained spiritual perfection and the inconceivable suffering on the cross had been the final process of purification for the body's spiritual substance so that, in this utterly cleansed state, it was able to join the perfect soul and no longer needed to stay on earth, and therefore the spirit of God, the soul and the body united, thus became one. __Jesus, the man, was the mediator between God and people.... but now God and Jesus Christ are One.... they should not be thought of as two beings next to each other but it is only one Being Which absorbs everything that is perfect. Jesus' divinity cannot be imagined in any other way than the eternal Deity Itself, Which merely affiliated Itself with the external shape of Jesus, the man, i.e. His spiritual substances were allowed to merge with the elementary Power, because at Jesus' death they had already reached a degree of perfection which is the prerequisite for the closest unity with God.... By despising earthly pleasures and, as a result of strict self-discipline, Jesus' body had overcome all matter and therefore no longer required a further process of development. All spiritual substances in the physical form were able to join the soul and leave the earthly valley together with it in order to enter the heights of light. From this moment on this soul was surrounded by the most brightly shining light, consequently Jesus' body and soul had to leave the earth in a transfigured state, for a being that is completely merged with God also had to receive light and strength from Him and thus emanate it in the same way as the eternal Deity Himself, because it was One with God, therefore also light and strength in abundance. This process of light emanation usually remains concealed from people, yet God's infinite love for people allowed the transfiguration of Jesus to occur visibly in order to give them a sign of His power and glory, to strengthen the faith of those who were to proclaim His power and glory to the world and in order to provide people with the evidence that Jesus had conquered death.... that from now on death no longer exists for people who follow Him and make an effort to take the same path on earth. Jesus' transfiguration has been a much disputed subject for humanity and was usually rejected as a myth, because people lack all spiritual understanding for the ultimate goal of every being.... for the final union with God.... for becoming one with Him.... However, Jesus says 'The Father and I are One....' For the union had taken place in Him already, His soul was shaped such that it was able to accept God and thus had already become a recipient of light and strength from God, thus He was able to teach all wisdom and work through divine strength. He was as perfect as His Father in Heaven and able to create and shape like Him.... His nature was love, His Words were love, and thus He worked by virtue of His great love for people. For everything in existence and everything that happens can only be accomplished by love.... His life on earth was a constant succession of works of miracles without pomp and splendour, but He concluded it in radiant light.... by transfiguring Himself before the eyes of His Own and ascended to Heaven, to eternal glory.... __Amen
Childship to God.... Severe trials....
Earth, as a place for further spiritual education, has been chosen to shape people into the purest beings of light, into children of God, who can attain the highest degree of happiness and the beholding of God. The achievement of this degree is only possible on this earth. Although other works of creation are equally destined for the maturing of spiritual beings which are not perfect as yet, and their degree of maturity can still constantly be increased, the degree of childship to God can nevertheless only be attained by the soul on earth, on account of which people are also confronted by the full gravity of earthly life, and this is even harder the closer the soul is to its goal. The soul must be able to leave the earth in a totally purified state, spiritually reborn and in most heartfelt union with God. It must experience every trial, it must work and create with profound love for God and its fellow human beings, it must have surmounted all worldliness in order to enter the spiritual kingdom free and unburdened. Only a few people depart from this earth as perfected beings of light, and only a few people can behold God straight after their life on earth, for only a few become victorious over matter, because earthly life always and forever makes its demands on people and this is one of the most powerful temptations which approaches a person. Time and again people must try to liberate themselves; time and again spiritual life must come to the fore, and every thought must be directed upwards. In order to attain the childship to God, God's grace must be able to be especially effective on people, a person must make constant use of the grace flowing to him without measure; he must accept everything that contributes towards purifying the soul, he must experience all suffering as grace and be grateful to God that His love has destined him for higher spheres and wants to draw him to Himself. Not many people can achieve such a high degree of maturity that God can send them even the harshest suffering without becoming disheartened.... These few, however, are blessed, even if their earthly life seems most difficult to bear for them.... Their marriage with God is the most beautiful reward awaiting such souls at their death, and for the sake of this the soul will patiently wait until its earthly end comes. All burdens and troubles, all suffering and sorrow seem small once it is released from its earthly cover, once it is able to behold God and has become the most blissfully happy being in the spiritual kingdom.... once it comes into its inheritance of the Father as God's child and works with Him in His will. __Amen
Needy souls.... Remorse.... Loving help....
When you humans have concluded your earthly life and entered the spiritual realm, the time of your earthly life will appear like a mere moment as soon as the memory of the infinitely long time before your embodiment as a human being is returned to you. And then you will also understand that the last stage of your soul's development has been an great mercy, and anyone who has used it and achieved admission into the spiritual realm, anyone who need not reproach himself for having allowed the graces of earthly life pass him by, is blessed. The remorse in the beyond is all the more painful when the soul realises that it is no longer able to put right what it had avoided or neglected on earth, when the soul becomes aware of the inconceivable suffering of the infinitely long earthly path and how easy the short life as a human being had been in comparison, which it did not value correctly.... The soul's regret of a wrongly lived earthly life is so agonising and depressing that this in itself causes the soul to do penance and worsens its painful situation; yet physical life with its many opportunities to mature is over now and the soul has to accept the consequences of its earthly way of life. It has to continue its process of development in the beyond but with far more difficulties than on earth as long as it is not allowed to enter the realm of light. __You humans do not know the distress of such a soul in darkness and the merciful love it requires to receive help. You all should have compassion on such souls, you should think of them with love or they can never be redeemed because they are too weak without help, because only love will give them strength and the souls hope and ask for this love from people.... since the spirits of light can only help these souls when they are willing to help other souls. But in order to awaken this willingness to help their will has to be strengthened, and only the strength given to them by people's love on earth can achieve that. Lost souls, i.e. those who have not used their earthly life correctly or who lived entirely without spiritual aspiration on earth are in greatest need because they have no strength whatsoever and entirely depleted willpower. To help these souls is one of the greatest works of love which the human being can perform. He should constantly pray for such souls, he should mentally inform them that they ought to act with kindness even in the beyond, time and again he should urge them to love, he should mentally communicate with them and with his love give them strength, which is comforting to the soul as it alleviates its state of suffering. And the souls will be eternally grateful to people whose loving help will release them from their agonising situation as soon as they can take part in the redemption work themselves, as soon as they can reduce the suffering of other souls by bringing them spiritual knowledge which, however, they first have to acquire themselves. __Due to their will to help their greatest need is remedied and their remorse will lessen at the same rate as their willingness to help grows. For then the soul understands that it is needed in the spiritual realm and in its enthusiasm forgets its own suffering.... It strives to gather spiritual values in order to share them again; it has created for itself a new sphere of activity and tries to make up for what it had neglected to do on earth.... to give love.... And now it can continue its process of development in the spiritual realm, thanks to the help of people's loving thoughts on earth for which it will be eternally grateful.... __Amen
Calling.... Preparation.... Renunciation....
The task you have to accomplish will require all your strength, therefore you will be led through trials which are intended to strengthen you for this task; for only when you have overcome yourselves completely, when you have detached yourselves from everything dear to you on earth, will you become absorbed in your work for the kingdom of God. And you are assigned to accomplish this work. Consequently, do not let yourselves be misled or distracted by worldly events, work diligently and hand all your earthly worries over to the Father in Heaven, Who will remove them from you as soon as you work for Him. God expects a lot from you but He also gives you infinitely much.... He expects you to renounce everything that delights your senses, but He will give you what makes your soul happy.... He takes earthly possessions away from you and bestows upon you spiritual wealth, which makes up for all worldly possessions. And you must thank Him for every gift, because it is offered to you by His love. Yet even earthly suffering is a gift of love from God as soon as it matures your soul. For the task you are to accomplish requires undivided dedication, because it is spiritual work which does not tolerate earthly hindrances. But then it is delectable, it delights the giver as well as the recipient.... The point in time when a general breakdown will occur is drawing ever closer, and good for the one who releases himself from earthly goods before they are forcibly taken from him, for his spirit can freely develop and occupy itself with things of eternal value. His life on earth will not last forever, yet what he takes over into the spiritual kingdom can be permanent and subsequently make him infinitely happy. But he will only attain it on earth if he relinquishes what belongs on earth. For this reason God will take the latter away from you, if He has called you to work for Him. You must feel your calling within yourselves as soon as you hear His voice, as soon as you receive His Word and are deemed worthy of the great grace of being instructed by Him directly. The conveyance of spiritual gifts should be your proof that God has chosen you to work for Him. And if you realise this, then you must humbly accept everything from His hand, for everything that comes upon you is necessary and determined by His wisdom. Then you will also feel yourselves called, you will feel yourselves as His servants and receive the instructions of your Lord.... Let Him reign alone, for His way will benefit your souls, and don't resist Him if He draws you to Himself, but follow His call instead.... Work for His kingdom and don't worry how you will survive on earth.... God will always find ways and means if you humans need something.... but you cannot protect yourselves from earthly worries if God Himself deems them necessary for you. If He needs you as servants, as labourers for His kingdom, He must first make you capable of it, and for this He uses different means. And the fact that you are meant to work for Him is proven to you every day as His gift of grace flows to you, which teaches you to become His fighters, because He needs you during the last days.... Therefore wait patiently and don't fail, be tirelessly active and trustingly hand yourselves over to divine guidance, and you will accomplish your task on earth, you will be valiant fighters in the final battle, as it is His will.... __Amen
Time of grace.... Speaker - Forerunner of the Lord....
Listen to the message of God's spirit.... A time of grace has commenced, and if you are willing to strive for the kingdom of God you can feel its blessing. The beings of light are obviously and perpetually at work to impart gifts of grace from the spiritual kingdom to the human beings on earth; beings of light are embodied on earth to serve people as spiritual guides during the last days; the thoughts of people who strive towards God will be enlightened and thereby closer to the truth; God's love will express itself in times of earthly hardship by bringing help wherever it is requested.... Devout people will accomplish extraordinary things and the power of faith will become evident.... And thus many blessings will manifest themselves, because the opposition will also use every means to cause spiritual distress to people and God wants to visibly help them. __And during this time of grace a man will appear whose spirit is from above, whose soul is totally united with the spirit within himself and who therefore speaks what the spirit reveals to him.... absolute truth in all clarity.... God Himself will speak through him, he will remind people to persevere or caution them not to abandon Him. And this speaker is the forerunner of the Lord. When he appears the coming of the Lord is close at hand. This man will considerably increase the extent of grace as he will be immensely supportive to the believers and offer unbelievers an opportunity to believe.... for he is alive with strength and might and will have considerable influence on people who listen to him. His words will ignite and spread like wildfire through the country where he will work. He will speak without fear and hesitation, he will inform people and draw their attention to the coming of the Lord in the clouds and to the Last Judgment. Yet not many people will believe him because most people no longer want to know God and the spirit, and thus their thinking is completely adverse. In short, they neither understand nor make use of the extraordinary gift of grace, consequently the end is inevitable, for the abyss will open and devour everything that does not recognise God and rejects His Word. __God is forever giving, and whatever He gives is an undeserved gift of grace designed to help people to mature even during these times of suffering.... Whether He gives sorrow or joy, it always helps the person to lift his soul to God, it is always pointing to Him, it is always a coaxing and guiding him onto the right path.... it is always grace.... And when this man arrives the amount of grace for people will also increase, because he is surrounded by and emanates light which flows to him from the spiritual kingdom.... He passes on knowledge, his word is utter wisdom and strength and can be easily accepted, because it is offered convincingly and can be understood by people if they listen to him carefully. God's love makes it easy for people to believe by sending them His messengers with unusual strength by which alone they can be known as messengers from heaven. But he will be attacked from all sides.... and only few understand his mission and stay with him, only few draw strength from his words; but they will receive strength and grace in abundance and be able to resist the world's confrontations, the hostilities which now take place openly.... __The last days will be extraordinary difficult but also extraordinary merciful, for God will reveal Himself wherever a heart in distress opens itself to receive His grace. And thus it will certainly be possible to be victorious in the final battle on this earth.... that the soul can emerge from it unharmed, that it gains eternal life if it prematurely passes away from earth or, if it perseveres on earth until the end, that it will be physically removed from it by the Lord to begin a new life on the new earth.... __Amen
The Ascension of Christ.... Transfiguration....
My life on earth was a path of love which I concluded with My death on the cross.... My body was on earth, that is, it was subject to all natural laws, My soul was with God, it lived a spiritual life and thereby became powerful enough to conquer the body, to likewise make it strive towards God which subsequently spiritualised soul and body, so that the external form sheltering God, the eternal Father in all fullness, was no longer an obstacle for His working. The external form could therefore no longer succumb to physical death, because only matter sheltering immature spiritual substances is mortal, i.e. changeable within itself, but not completely spiritualised substance. Hence soul and body were able to enter the spiritual kingdom in a perfect state, they were translucent and, being permeated by light and strength, were able to leave Earth, which was a process My disciples were allowed to witness as it occurred before their eyes, so that they were able to behold God's glory in order to receive strength for their mission on earth which subsequently commenced for the sake of humanity's redemption. Their task was to inform people of My act of Salvation, of My way of life, My teaching, of My excruciating suffering and death on the cross and of My resurrection and ascension.... And for this mission they had to be prepared, they had to live a life of love themselves, they had to be profoundly faithful, having recognised in Me the Father of eternity, they had to accept My teaching wholeheartedly within themselves in order to be able to pass it on; they had to be guided into truth in order to comprehend My sacrificial death, and thus they had to be living followers and able to preach with innermost conviction. And for this reason they were also allowed to witness My ascension on earth, the last sign of My glory, My divinity, I was able to give to them as a human being, which completed My life on earth but which must remain alive for My Own for as long as the world exists. For My transfiguration, as the fulfilment of My teaching, was indeed comprehensible to My disciples yet only understandable to people if they followed Me, lived a life of selfless love and thereby became able to grasp the truth and accept profoundly divine wisdom. When they know that the purpose of earthly life is the spiritualisation of soul and body and the result of it is brightest permeation by light they will also find My ascension credible. For this reason My only purpose of earthly life was the preaching of love, for this reason the Word became flesh, in order to show people the right way, to exemplify a life of love and to encourage them to follow Me.... Only love achieves a spiritualisation, and only love delivers the human race from death and awakens it to eternal life.... __Amen
Willpower.... Strength and might....
I Am the Lord of heaven and earth, and everything has to submit to My will. Everyone who opposes Me rejects strength of his own accord, i.e. he refuses to accept My strength and is therefore imperfect. But everyone who voluntarily submits himself to My will shall receive My strength without limitation and will be able to work like Me in perfection. Hence the spiritual being's measure of strength depends on My will and its fulfilment, and the human being on earth will therefore be extremely mighty and strong and use his strength to accomplish exceptional feats if he completely adapts himself to My will, thus totally subordinates his will to Mine. Then his every action will correspond to My eternal will, then his share on earth will neither be disorder nor lack of strength, but he will stand in the midst of My emanation of strength and will be able to work without limitation in every direction but only as far as it corresponds to My will. My strength is not at his disposal for dishonourable activity, as it will instantly leave the person who steps outside of My will. However, once the human being has entered into My eternal order, once he has adopted My will as his own, it will not be possible for him to relapse into an erroneous desire again, because once the strength flows through him it will release him from the power which opposes My will and tries to draw every soul to itself. Then it is no longer be possible to utilise the strength for actions which oppose My will, because My strength will be holding on to him and he will be permanently connected to Me, he will have reached his earthly as well as his eternal goal. Heaven and earth are subject to My will.... And nothing can change against My will..... but for the duration of his life on earth I shall allow the human will complete freedom, I shall not force it to subordinate itself to Me. But once it has entered into My eternal order then will have happened entirely voluntarily, uninfluenced and without any compulsion. __And therefore I will, with much love, seize the spirit which subordinated itself to Me and not let it descend into the restraints of bondage again, into the state of disorder, even if My adversary is incessantly active to regain the spirit which had returned to Me. He cannot compel the human being's will, and every other influence will fail due to the strength which the person then calls his own, because then he is working in unison with Me, and the adversary will not be able to repel Me. But the human being does not practise the strength of his will enough.... He could achieve phenomenal results but his faith is not strong enough in order to activate his will, and his weakness of faith does not allow the person's inherent strength to take effect.... Having subordinated his will to Mine he has My strength at his disposal and makes too little use of this strength. He himself does not know or believe how powerful he can be in unity with Me. Because he is still earthly in as much as his thinking adapts itself to earthly natural law, so that he only carries out what naturally appears to be feasible to him.... He does not cross the boundaries which are set for the imperfect human being, precisely because of his imperfection, which he, however, can ignore. Due to his will's subordination, due to My influx of strength, he has placed himself into a state of perfection which allows him to work outside the framework of natural law but which nevertheless remains natural because it is the result of a certain maturity of soul which the human being can already achieve on earth. As a result of his inadequate belief he is setting his own limitations, which God has not set for him.... Thus the human being can have utmost strength at his disposal and yet not use it enough, because his human earthly thinking holds him back when he should simply let his spirit speak. Because it will instruct him and try to fortify the profound faith in him, on account of which he then can achieve whatever he wants by using My strength. Then he will also work for the benefit of his fellow human beings, only then will the strength of faith reveal itself, because people will then also acknowledge the source of strength (the strength of the source) which the believer draws from, and they themselves will desire to drink from it too.... __Amen
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