Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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BD 2365 11.6.1942

Time of Decision ....
Fight of Faith and Suffering ....

An unusually hard time will push you towards the decision insofar as the path to God remains open to you, Whom you can approach for help in adversity, but on the other hand faith in God will be forcibly eradicated and you will now be required to decide for or against faith, i.e. for or against God. You will indeed speak God's name, i.e. acknowledge Him as the Creator of all things, but otherwise you will deny everything God requires you to believe .... that He is full of love, wisdom and omnipotence and that the human being's meaning and purpose on earth is different from what people think, and that the human being's life does not end with physical death. ....

True faith requires a different earthly life from the human being, and because such a life does not appeal to people they want to eliminate all faith from the world. But this means spiritual decay for humanity which God wants to prevent or save from what wants to be saved. He wants to bring them into situations where they would absolutely have to establish the connection with God if only a small amount of faith is present in people in order to make clear to them the weakness of what people teach. He wants to manifest Himself to them so that their weak faith will be strengthened again, and earthly adversity is therefore inevitable because it is the only possibility to awaken the thought of God in people or to strengthen their faith.

If they establish contact with Him in their adversity God will also reveal Himself, for then the human being's free will will have decided in favour of Him and he will have escaped the greatest danger of completely losing faith. The coming time will bring so much suffering that people without faith will be close to despair if they are not already completely distant from God and make their lives bearable through exploitation of their fellow human beings or unjust actions which are the result of their complete lack of love. They will make a mockery of all faith and make life extraordinarily difficult for the few believers, for they are the willing organs of the one who strives for people's spiritual downfall and therefore also carry out what the God-opposing power demands of them .... who take physical action against the few people who still have faith.

This battle of the demon against faith will be so obvious that people will have to recognise the truthfulness of what is proclaimed to them beforehand. And this alone should determine them to resist the demands of the God-opposing power. Then the suffering that comes over the earth has had a beneficial influence and urged people to make the right decision.

But woe to those who listen to the ideas of the adversary and give away their faith. They will be less hard pressed earthly, but they have sold their soul. For the sake of the short time on earth, which brings them fulfilment of their physical desire, they will have to live through an unspeakably agonising time in eternity. .... God's love, however, still tries to avert this agonising state through exceptionally severe earthly suffering which is far easier to bear than the suffering in eternity ....



* Translated with



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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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