Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Spiritual low level.... Lovelessness.... Selfish love....
The greatest evidence of humanity's spiritual low level is lovelessness, which is evident amongst people everywhere. Selfish love has steadily increased and hardly anyone is practicing neighbourly love anymore, hence there also has to be a profane state on earth, a state of activity by evil forces, where God's adversary always has the upper hand and people are his willing subjects. The spiritual darkness is getting increasingly worse, rays of light are only seldom recognisable and even frequently feigned by deceptive lights without strength of radiance.... Judging by people's degree of love the time of the end has clearly arrived.... __An obvious decline can be detected, people are firmly attached to matter, they only value their body and its comfort, earthly success and an increase of earthly commodities. They do not believe the fact that their souls are suffering extreme hardship since they do not believe in the soul's life after death, indeed, they frequently even deny having a soul. They cannot be forced into a different mode of thinking, their free will has to be respected, but accordingly they also prepare their own fate after their death. __And anyone who observes what is happening in the world, in his immediate neighbourhood, also knows that this state cannot continue forever because it is getting worse from day to day, because people's greed for matter continues to grow, because no spiritual aspiration can be noticed and because every situation will eventually come to an end if it does not correspond to divine order. __People no longer serve each other, everyone wants to rule instead and be served at the same time, everyone wants from the other what he enjoys but no-one is willing to do the same in return.... There is no love, people's hearts are hardened, and there are only ever a few people willing to help in times of need.... And this is the small flock, for once the will to love becomes active it will establish the bond with Eternal Love. And This will not leave a person again, who voluntarily performs labours of love. __You humans do not know the blessings of loving deeds.... you do not know how much easier you could travel your earthly path if only you would practice love and thereby receive consistently more for your soul, but also receive what you need for earthly life. But heartless humanity lacks this knowledge, everyone just looks after himself, and everyone tries to get whatever he can out of life and forgets that his hour of death is unknown to him, that he can pass away at any time and take nothing he owns into the beyond, but that he will arrive bare and miserable on the other side. For he has nothing to show for his soul which he had starved in earthly life but which is all he has left now and which enters the spiritual kingdom in desperate poverty. And this heartless state of people cannot result in the slightest spiritual progress. However, since the soul only lives on earth as a human being for the purpose of maturing, but this purpose is not fulfilled, a powerful intervention by God has to take place, a sharp reprimand and reminder, so that a few people will reconsider the purpose of their earthly life and change themselves before the earth's last stage begins which will not last long until the end. __People take no notice of God's gentle voice through strokes of fate, disasters and all kinds of accidents, through the Word of God from above, and thus they have to be spoken to with a louder voice, and blessed, who wants to hear God's voice and takes it to heart, for even then there will be many people who don't want to recognise Him when he speaks to them through the elements of nature with tremendous strength.... They, too, will not be forced but able to make a decision of free will, nevertheless they will be spared the worst, the recurrent banishment into hard matter, if they still find and take the path to God, if they still acknowledge Him and call upon Him for mercy.... __But then the end will have come, for the earth will no longer fulfil its purpose, it will no longer be used by the souls as a place to mature, it will merely be utilized for the body, and everyone will elevate himself to a ruler of the world and cause the greatest destructions himself in the belief to control all laws of nature and thus also to experiment with impunity, which then will lead to the final destruction of earth. __But this is what people themselves want, and thus it will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture: a new heaven and a new earth will arise and divine order will be re-established, so that the return of the souls to God can continue, as it is intended in His eternal plan of Salvation.... __Amen
I want to guide you ever deeper into truth so that you will bear up against all challenges by My adversary who leaves no stone unturned in order to prevent your work for Me and My kingdom. And the more knowledge you possess, the more you penetrate the truth which can only be imparted to you by Me, the more firmly will you stand your ground, for you will realise that all objections and contradictory statements are pointless and unfounded, they will only ever be empty words without deeper meaning and significance. But it is My will that the light in you shall become brighter, that in your ever more enlightened state you will learn to recognise all correlations and will therefore not be unsettled by objections anymore. And I also want you to correct errors when you are confronted by them.... I want you to be sincere fighters for Me, I want you to fight with the sword of your tongue where you are opposed by error, for you have been chosen by Me as bearers of light to convey the truth to wherever there is the will to know the truth.... And in particular the end of this earth will often be a controversial subject because hardly anyone wants to believe in it.... and precisely because the process of final destruction will be such a momentous event it does not seem credible to people.... for they have no comparison to such an event, no matter how far back they can think. __And yet, it will happen and take everyone by surprise apart from the small group of those whose life of love granted them inner enlightenment and who therefore also consciously expect the end of this earth. But wherever even the slightest worldliness prevails, where people have still not entirely detached themselves from the longing for worldly possessions, there will only be weak belief or none at all at the end of this earth, and they will reject all proclamations of this kind as false prophesies and time and again try to contradict them. And extensive explanations will not suffice either, because they simply lack the will to believe in such prophesies, their love for the world is stronger than their love for their neighbour or they would be spiritually awake and incapable of doubting in the slightest what I Myself proclaim through the working of the spirit to people time and again, so that they will prepare themselves for a near end. __However, you, My bearers of light, shall ever more strongly believe in everything I say to you, you shall experience My love and My constant presence, you shall lovingly and gratefully accept the immense gift of grace I give to you because you are faithful to Me and fight for Me and My name because you love Me and your neighbour. And for that reason I want to give you a proclamation which again will only be accepted by the profoundly devout person but which soon will also be able to convince the doubters, for not much time will pass until the first signs of a great cosmic change become apparent.... which cannot be explained by any scientist or even the sharpest of intellects and which will give rise to serious concerns.... And you will have no possibility of protecting yourselves from the looming disaster; you will only be able to wait and thus become greatly agitated, for the said cosmic phenomena will be the onset of the immense natural disaster, for the universe will revolt against all unspiritual beings within the vicinity of earth and which at present exert an extraordinary influence on the spiritual beings striving towards ascent.... __A tremendous battle has erupted between the spirits of light and of darkness, for these spirits know that a turning point is approaching and both sides will use the last days to an extraordinary extent.... And these spiritual battles for people's souls on earth affect the various stars in the universe which in some respects are in spiritual contact with Earth.... And with My approval the inhabitants of these stars also participate in the final battle on this earth, and they express themselves by way of massive eruptions which can be observed from earth and cause acute anxiety in people who are able to monitor the course of the stars and their changes of movements, which in all probability will not bypass Earth without a trace.... Humanity can only be woken up by science now, for they do not listen to spiritual notions but cannot deny scientific observations and by thinking about it they can still find the right path with good will. __For the greatest prophets may arise on earth and yet people will not believe them.... And neither can I speak to people in a compelling way in order to make them aware of being in danger due to the approaching end.... But I can let unusual things happen in My creation by apparently revoking the order and yet this, too, is part of My law insofar as that it is included in My plan of eternity for the sake of a specific purpose. And again there will be people who won't even allow themselves to be impressed by this, who will continue to live their sinful life and head towards the abyss without letting anything get into their way.... But there will also be a few who will start to wonder and then listen to the explanations given to them by My messengers of light.... And the faith of those who want to remain loyal to Me will be strengthened again, for they recognise the truth of My Word and therefore firmly hold on to My promise that I will remember all of them and fetch those home on the day of Judgment who believe in My Words and remain faithful to Me until the end.... __Amen
Renewed reference to the end....
How often has the near end been pointed out to you already, how often have you been admonished not to live your life on earth complacently and to eagerly work at improving your soul, yet you do nothing in order to avoid the dreadful fate of a renewed banishment.... You don't believe these references until one day it will come upon you with force and then you will no longer be able to change your thinking and intentions. For the time I determined for it will be adhered to and the last day will come like a thief in the night.... Yet beforehand you will still be seriously shaken out of your sleep.... for all great events cast their shadows before them.... And this, too, will seem inconceivable to you, for the elements of nature will so violently manifest themselves that it will take many people's lives and cause great lamentation.... And yet, this natural event will only result in the fact that people will acknowledge it as the reign of a higher Power less then ever, that it will only add to their doubt in this Power because a God of love cannot be recognised in an event where countless people will have to sacrifice themselves.... But how shall I give you a sign of My power and might? You, who are unable to believe in this Power although you are at Its mercy? If I speak quietly to you, you don't listen to Me, for you close your ears and eyes and are unable to see the gentle light shining for you.... And since you don't pay attention to My quiet voice I must speak louder.... so loud that no-one can deny this voice anymore. Yet you will all make up excuses so as not to have to admit that you are being addressed by God for your own good. But those who recognise this wake-up call, who recognise Me Myself in the raging of the natural elements and take refuge in Me will indeed be saved, for even if they lose their earthly life they will nevertheless enter into eternity with the realisation of a God and will be able to continue their ascent. __But the end will come soon after this intervention.... no matter how implausible it seems to you.... This end has been planned from the start and nothing will persuade Me to stop it, for I do not only consider the human being who fails his last test of will but all creations are close to My heart whose development is still below the human stage but which are also My beings to whom I grant My mercy and whom I want to lead to ascent. And for this purpose the earth will have to renew itself, the earth's surface must go through a total transformation, and the day is firmly predetermined. And you humans have to be told that you should pay attention to the sign of the times.... that I said to you `it will be just like it was at the time of the Flood....' People will enjoy life to the fullest, they will not be able to stop sinning anymore because they will only love themselves, and this wrong love will allow them to do whatever they like.... And this will result in confused thinking, for no-one will pay attention to the divine Word any longer which clearly points His will out to them.... And then only the short time of the battle of faith lies ahead of you, which is the last phase before the destruction, it is the time when My Own will have to prove themselves, when they must profess Me as their Lord and God, as their Redeemer.... in order to then be able to enter the paradise of the new earth.... The hour of Judgment is very near and, yet, people refuse to listen, they continue to live their life on earth with indifference and unscrupulousness, and regardless of how many people mention it, they are lacking faith and without faith they won't change their way of life.... But the day will come like a thief in the night, and blessed are those who give credence to My Words and live in such a way that this day cannot frighten them.... who will therefore also prevail until the end.... __Amen
God is aware of the human will.... Natural disaster.... P...
Everything is included in the plan of creation, and thus it follows that I know every person's will which, so to speak, provides Me with the reason to shape his destiny of life such that it can only benefit him, providing the person strives for the latter. And you can rest assured that I indeed know the inclination of every individual person's will but I cannot change it or make it inclined towards Me. Nevertheless, I can still let a human being take many paths in order to attain a change of will. This is what I intend to achieve through My intervention which will certainly claim countless people's lives but for whom the gates into the kingdom of the beyond will still be open so that they can still reach maturity there.... Yet the remaining survivors will be granted the tremendous grace of being able to accomplish this change of will while they are still on earth, in order to then be saved for eternity. Time and again I refer you humans to this event, but I do not find any credence.... Only very few people spend serious thought on the forthcoming event, yet even they are incapable of imagining the magnitude of the catastrophe, because it will surpass everything that ever has happened on this earth. And neither can the individual person form an impression of it, because people will be cut off from all communications, the connections between the affected places as well as the countries will no longer exist. Some swathes will seem entirely deserted where only a few will find each other in order to continue their life. Anyone who does not hold on to Me and entirely puts his trust in Me will be horror-struck. And then his will can decide.... Every individual person can still find Me and he will be very safely guided through the chaos.... But he can equally curse the Being Which allowed this to happen and the curse will fall back on him. And especially because I Am aware of people's will during the last days, it shall be My last attempt to spare people the dreadful fate of a renewed banishment. And again you will ask why I allow such destruction to come upon humanity, which will only be surpassed by the final disaster.... because you all lack faith in an eternal God, in a Creator of Heaven and Earth, in the One Who also created you.... The number of people who still possess faith and have not lost it as yet is constantly declining, and these will not cease to believe or they will be recalled beforehand so that they will not have to endure this suffering. And neither need you pity anyone who departed prior to it, for the opportunity to mature fully still exists for him in the beyond. But once this day has come it will be futile to escape for My hand reaches all places, and thus I also keep My protective hand over everyone who belongs to Me.... And I will manifestly be with them, for they will be in utmost adversity and I will come to help them in their need. __And then it will be clear what strength of faith can achieve.... For anyone who merely seeks My proximity will receive the evidence of My presence and his faith will constantly grow stronger. The time of the event will not keep you waiting long, even if a thousand years are like a day before Me. However, I have told you that you will live to see it.... And that means that a large proportion of those who accept My Word will experience it themselves.... that I will still make great demands on them, for then the time of activity will have come when you shall still be diligent labourers for Me and then I will not remove you from earth until you have fulfilled your task.... This applies to all of you who work for Me and My kingdom. For time and again I keep telling you that I don't have many labourers in My vineyard and that I will therefore protect everyone who places himself at My disposal. From this alone you can conclude that it won't be long until this disaster, which will be inconceivable for you, both its magnitude as well as the suffering and misery it will signify for the survivors. Consequently I must equip those people with much strength so that they will be My supporters during this time of sorrow. And I will also give you strength, since you are very weak by nature, because I will need you during this time and will use every conceivable means in order to increase the number of My Own, in order to grant them firm faith as to influence those who still lack faith in a God and Creator, to Whom all power is given in Heaven and on Earth and Who thus can also extend the life of those who want to help them gain faith.... And remember that the end of a period of salvation has come, that this time need only be exceptionally used and that I will therefore also use exceptional means in order to merely fan a tiny spark of faith in a person before he has to relinquish his life. For once he has this small spark it will also ensure his ascent in the spiritual kingdom. But to depart entirely without faith from earth is a hopeless state and will end with renewed banishment, because the gates of the beyond will close the moment the old earth is dissolved. For this reason I will leave no stone unturned at the end in order to persuade people to change their will, and because My gentle voice within is ignored by them I will speak louder, so loud that they must hear this voice.... But whether they will recognise Me Myself by that is still left up to them, nevertheless, it seals their future fate. Even so, you, who are of service to Me, are assured of My protection and blessing in spiritual and earthly adversity, for I Am in need of you.... So even if you approach difficult times you are nevertheless looked after by Me and need not fear anything.... __Amen
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