Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 2 transcriptions | ID of collection 1382487
You should all prepare yourselves for the end, so that you will at least be able to enter the kingdom of the beyond with a small glimmer of realisation. Only a short time will pass but this fully suffices if you have the good will to achieve your transformation into love. You will have ample opportunity for this as soon as My intervention has taken place.... as soon as you are afflicted by a natural disaster which dwarfs all previous events. You cannot possibly imagine what will happen and yet, you should believe that My voice will resound most powerfully with which I shall speak to you humans just once more before the final end arrives. It will mean a terrible experience for all of you.... only My Own will not be affected as much because their faith is so strong that they entrust themselves to Me completely and therefore will also always receive the help they expect. And then every person will have the opportunity to practise unselfish love in order to still achieve full maturity, for there will be very much hardship and everyone will be able to help, if only with comforting words of encouragement which refer people to a God of love Who only requires a trusting prayer to Him in order to be able to visibly demonstrate His help to them. For whatever you can still give to a person in a spiritual sense will help his soul and save him from the dreadful fate of a new banishment. But you will also be able to help them in an earthly way, for the resolve to help will also place you into a state of being able to help, for where human will is unable to help I still have countless helpers at My disposal who will look after you in remarkable ways. I only require firm faith from you, and you will have this when you realise that everything I predicted is coming to pass and when you therefore hand yourselves over body and soul and only want to work for Me and My kingdom. __And this time should be used well by you, you should constantly practise love which again and again will give you strength, you should only ever think of your souls, because you don't know for how long you will still be allowed to live on earth, since the time left to you can only be limited, especially if you cannot attain the strength of faith which enables you to endure until the end. In that case My mercy will be greater if I call you away from this world ahead of time.... if you can still enter the kingdom of the beyond where it will yet be possible for you to progress but where you will not be at risk of descending into the abyss again in the end.... for I fight for every soul and know its will, and thus I also know where there is still a possibility of salvation, and I will certainly make use of this.... only one thing I cannot do, I cannot forcibly release you from My adversary's hands.... For he has the same right over you because you once followed him of your own free will. And thus I can only ever just help those of you who want to release yourselves from his control. And I will truly do so by every means, for alone the fact that you are being informed of the approaching immense adversity.... that you can increase your strength through prayer if you believe in it.... is a very significant help. For you all are capable of uniting yourselves with Me in prayer, of appealing to your Father that He should grant you the mercy of not becoming quite as badly affected by this natural event, which is at all times in My power. And every such prayer sent to Me in spirit and in truth will be granted by Me, this is why not all people will be equally affected, and My will shall visibly express itself and also strengthen the faith of those who were still doubtful.... Yet even those who don't believe will begin to wonder, their hatred towards the believers will increase and subsequently degenerate into hostility, which My Own will also have to suffer. Nevertheless, they have My guaranteed protection, because as long as they work for Me and My kingdom I will also know how to guide their steps so that they will not remain unsuccessful, and the souls which received help from them in their spiritual and earthly adversity will be very thankful to them.... __Amen
Jesus' forerunner....
The fact that so many people believe that they are an incarnation of the voice in the wilderness is also a sign of spiritual confusion, for it is certain that he will be a great speaker but until his appearance he will not know what task was assigned to him and that he will speak with a powerful voice in order to announce Me and My imminent arrival at the end of the days.... Once again he will precede Me and be met with hostility by all those who don't want to hear anything about the end, who will ridicule and mock him because the things he proclaims seem incredible to them, and thus he will be regarded as a fantasist. And he will come at the same time as the Antichrist incites the eruption of the battle of faith. Then he will fiercely criticise him and My Own will turn to him for strength and comfort, for he will only be active for a short time on earth. Yet he will make good use of this time in order to convey My Word to all who accept it, and My opponents will trail him intending to call him to account, but time and again he will evade them until his hour has come when he will sacrifice his life for Me again.... __And you were told several times already that he himself has no idea about his mission and that it will dawn on him so suddenly that he can be recognised by everyone.... And then he will know why he was granted such a powerful voice, why he must announce Me, for then he will know that the end has come when I will appear in the clouds in order to fetch My Own.... Then the Antichrist will try everything in order to capture him, for he particularly condemns the Antichrist and discloses his every misdeed, denouncing him publicly without hesitation, and thus he will be persecuted by the Antichrist's followers.... __Yet he will comfort those who have to suffer under his rule. He will draw their attention to My coming and everyone will believe him because My Word makes them feel as if I have spoken to them Myself.... His words will have a soothing effect on you, who fearfully and anxiously await the things to come.... you will draw fresh strength from his words and time and again feel invigorated by them because he demonstrates that your Father has spoken to you Himself and that you thus can believe My Words which refer you to My imminent coming in the clouds. And thus you will also observe all warnings and admonitions from him, for he will also be in spirit with those whom I make known to him as belonging to Me.... He will have the ability to be close to you even if his body is elsewhere, for I will pass on your heartfelt call to Me for help, and he will be willing to help. That is why I say: You will recognise him when he begins his mission, but don't expect him quite yet, for My intervention has to take place before his appearance.... But then time will fly, because for the sake of My Own I will shorten the days so that My adversary will not succeed in making them fall, for there will be severe adversity and thus I will also send you powerful spirits of light to protect you in every earthly and spiritual crisis. Yet when this voice of Mine in the wilderness has to sacrifice his life you can expect My coming every day, then I will come and take you into a kingdom of peace and all tribulation will have come to an end.... __Amen
The human being's true home....
Do not be offended if My Word is also rejected as incorrect, because pure truth can only emanate from Me Myself. And that you are taught by Me Myself can be easily established as soon as people of good will have scrutinised the spiritual information they received from you. Although it is not possible to provide any evidence because people are completely unfamiliar with the spiritual information which, for reasons of religious liberty, cannot be reinforced by proof but everyone of goodwill can feel the certainty within himself to be on the right path. Thus he is also able to believe without proof, and yet he will know that what he believes is right.... However, this world and the spiritual kingdom are two entirely different realms which are only connected to each other through faith. Nevertheless, when you receive the kind of knowledge from the spiritual kingdom which cannot be gained intellectually, you humans can accept it without hesitation as a sign of the reality of this realm, because regions are made accessible to you which only I Myself can truthfully explain to you.... __Hence it is not a sign of a keen intellect if a person wants to deny this kingdom just because he himself does not know anything about it. But every human being could acquire this evidence of a spiritual world if he would ask Me for it, although he is usually prevented from doing so by his intellect which only wants to know what can be verified. And therefore he cannot go beyond the boundaries of his intellect, he creates his own limitations, namely by his unbelief which prevents him to think about anything beyond the earthly realm, to seriously think about problems which cannot be solved, in order to then ask the Creator Himself for an explanation. However, because he has to believe in a Creator in order to do this, only the devout person will be able to establish contact with Him, and the unbeliever will remain content with the world he can see and which is the real world to him. Yet consider the results a person could gain were he, apart from his keen intellect, also deeply devout, who would turn to Me with every question which I would duly answer.... But there are only a few of them, most people shun such contact with the spiritual kingdom since their fellow human beings would then regard them as supernatural people who do not fit into the structure of the earthly world. __And yet, if only you knew how beneficial the work of such people can be, how important the knowledge is which they receive from above, you would do anything to benefit from their knowledge since it is the path that leads you humans from the earthly into the spiritual kingdom.... which is every person's true home and which one day will receive you all, irrespective of whether you are fully mature or not. I Myself offer you an incredible blessing by speaking to you in order to unite these two realms, in order to give all people the opportunity to take the step from the earthly into the spiritual kingdom, and you reject this blessing because your intellect opposes it, because you do not want to let your heart speak.... However, your heart cannot speak to you because you lack love.... For this reason you are constantly reminded to love, because only your love for Me and your fellow human being can soften your heart and you become more willing to listen to Me. I only ever just ask for your love in order to then give you knowledge which would surpass your intellect, which would make you truly happy. Because taking a glimpse into spheres which are otherwise closed to mortals will please every person and provide him with the tranquil joy of a knower who no longer walks in darkness but to whom everything has become light and clear.... __And especially the fact that people are able to elevate their thoughts into previously unknown spheres should convince you of the truth of such knowledge. Hence you should acquire this knowledge for yourselves, always remembering that you yourselves will inhabit this kingdom one day, that you are merely temporarily living on earth and sooner or later will enter your true home. Then you will establish the relationship with Me again, Who followed you into the abyss, Who waited until you, as human beings, were able to consciously unite with Me again, in order to then make you happy once more by giving you the knowledge which previously used to belong to you in great measure.... But then you will not be far from your final homecoming, you will return into your Father's house which you once left voluntarily.... __Amen
Pre-historic people?....
And if you think that I let you believe something that is wrong you must always consider that you harbour intellectual misconceptions, since the intellect can easily interfere if your contact with Me is not firmly established.... but also consider that I always endeavour to clarify even seemingly apparent discrepancies, for you shall be instructed according to truth. The slow development towards ascent often led people to believe that it was to be understood as a purely physical development.... hence relating to the external form.... however, only the spiritual development was meant by it, the ascent of the substances of soul within every individual work of creation. __And thus My work of creation included countless external forms, which in groups can certainly be referred to as the same creations but which, even then, still consisted of infinitely many groups where one differed again from the other but always continued as the same species.... thus there can be no question of higher development as such. However, as the substances of soul continued to mature, new external forms also arose time and again which only were concluded when the work of creation `Man' came into being, who then had to fulfil the last task on earth: to spiritualise himself, to change himself into the living creation he had been in the beginning.... in order to then be able to end his earthly path and return to Me from where he had originated.... __The fact that all these pre-historic creations had to contribute towards this change was an exceedingly happy process for Me which sooner or later had to lead to success. Yet to inform a human being of this, who only has a limited intellectual capacity, is only possible to some degree, albeit in the state of light he can instantly comprehend all correlations and the purpose of every external form. But for earthly life it is enough if he receives sufficient light in order to roughly grasp the process of return so that he can also give his fellow human beings a faint idea about the meaning and purpose of creation. And then it depends on every individual person as to what extent he will delve into My eternal plan of Salvation, which only ever aims to achieve My living creations' happiness.... __Amen
World conflagration.... Natural disaster.... Decision....
Nothing will remain hidden from you, who have offered to be of service to Me, for the final events will be so huge that you cannot be left in the dark about them, and especially if I want to speak through you to all people.... Hence you also ought to know that it will only require a modest impact to trigger a catastrophe which at first can be seen from a purely worldly point of view, but which is the signal for the subsequent natural disaster, although it is certainly not started by human will it is nevertheless the consequence of human will in as much as it will start a world conflagration that cannot be stopped by anything other than My will. And since humankind always only pays attention to world events something has to happen which is inexplicable to them.... the gaze of worldly people has to be visibly directed towards My intervention, and all human intentions must take second place in view of the discovery that something is taking place in the universe which could ultimately affect every human being.... __Thus, people must learn to fear God and not their human enemies.... And although it is up to every individual to believe in a God or not, the said cosmic event is nevertheless greater and more life-threatening than the world conflagration which then will recede into the background. For then people's spiritual attitude towards the Creator and Provider of all things will decide whether and how the natural disaster will take effect.... Whether you believe it or not, this event is approaching you with giant strides, and only a short period of time is separating you from it. And you who know this should make every one of you fellow human beings aware of what lies ahead of him, even if you will find no credence, but the events will confirm it.... __For the end, too, is coming ever closer.... This natural disaster is just a last sign of it, but who will still allow himself to be influenced by it? People will only just see it as a natural disaster and not be able to recognise any connection with humanity's spiritual state.... apart from the few who are spiritually awake but unable to get through and thus warn people in vain of the final end which they are inevitably approaching. Don't let the signs of the times pass you by unnoticed for they are cautioning all of you that you are living in the last days, and remember that you only have little time left in which you will have to decide whether you want to take the path to Me, Who can and will save you in all adversity.... or whether you want to strive towards the adversary again who wants to ruin you again for endless times. __For the sake of your freedom of will you cannot be informed of the day and the hour, but I can always just tell you with certainty that there is not much time left to you. Yet worldly events will affect you all, and thus you take little notice of what I say to you.... And it will befall you with tremendous force so that you won't know how to protect yourselves.... But let Me tell you that only I Myself will be able to offer you protection, that you have to take refuge in Me in order to be led through all dangers to body and soul. And if you humans would only just learn that a higher Authority is at work and that you have to call upon this higher Authority otherwise you will be hopelessly lost, for My adversary will use all his power just once more in order to get his hands on you. And anyone who does not decide in favour of Me anymore in the short time until the end will then also be bound in matter, and he will have to take an infinitely long path through the creations of the new earth once more.... __Amen
Total dedication and complete submission of will....
You shoulder great responsibility during your earthly progress, the burden of which, however, you can place upon Me if you decide to hand yourselves over to Me with all your strength and soul. In that case you will be free from every responsibility in the knowledge that I will guide you, for I will direct your every step such that you will inevitably end up with Me, that you therefore quite freely subordinate your will to Mine and have thereby passed the test of will, which is the sole purpose and goal of your earthly life. Completely entering into My will relieves you from all responsibility, for then you will only be able to live according to My will, your actions will be good and righteous, you will voluntarily fulfil the commandments of love for Me and your neighbour, the adversary will no longer be able to harm you and your earthly path will proceed entirely according to My will so that there will be no danger that you can travel it unsuccessfully. Just place yourselves totally into My hands and through your dedication you will become My Own completely, then you will no longer have to fear the world, earthly matter will leave you unaffected, you will only use it according to My will by causing it to be of service to you and at the same time providing it with the opportunity of advancement.... You should all take this simple path, the path of devotion to Me, for then I will always be prepared to release the chains, for as soon as you hand yourselves over to Me with complete faith and love Jesus Christ's act of Salvation will be understandable to you and you will take the path to Him, thereby recognising Me Myself as your God and Creator, as the Redeemer from all bondage. You need never fear becoming subject to My adversary again, for his control over you will be broken from the moment of your total dedication to Me, your decision will have been in My favour, you will turn away from him and quite deliberately strive towards Me. __From this time on the adversary will no longer be able to deprive Me of My entitlement to you, all your love will belong to Me, and this and My love will never ever be parted again. If you take this path on earth to Me, if you know that you call upon your God and Father in Jesus, Who sacrificed Himself for you on the cross in order to redeem your past sin.... and if you are subsequently released from the adversary, then you have taken the right decision, you have accepted the emanation of love again without which blissful happiness cannot exist. And your fate will be far more glorious than before, when you indeed emerged from Me in supreme perfection but nevertheless were My creations, whereas now you have matured into My children, which I was unable to create, I was merely able to give you all the abilities to achieve this of your own accord.... And I would like to make it easy for you and merely need your total dedication to Me, then I will even out your every step so that you no longer need to bear responsibility, so that you only ever need to think and act as I make you feel in your heart, and then you will be happy because I Myself guide you and direct your thoughts. In that case you certainly act of your own free will but this will very clearly subordinates itself to Me and thus you can only want and act correctly. For the second time you will have come forth from My hand but in a way that you wanted yourselves and your free will helped to become that which could not emerge from Me in the beginning. Bliss on both your part and mine will constantly increase, for you will be offered splendours in My kingdom which you would never have dreamt of, for 'eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which I have prepared for them that love Me....' __Amen
Only truth leads to the goal....
You can travel a long path on earth and still not reach the goal if this path leads you astray. For this reason, I constantly send messengers of light to cross your path, even though you can reject them and ignore their advice when they show you the right path.... And I always do this because My love does not want you to be misled.... If only you paid attention to the fact that you will never go anywhere without warning, that one side will always advise you to act virtuously and with kindness, then you would always receive light, you would realise that you are living in error, and then the risk of unnecessarily prolonging your path of ascent would be over.... Then I would always be able to give you strength for constantly new loving activity, and you would soon be brightly enlightened so that you would be able to cover your earthly path without worry in order to reach the right goal. Erroneous belief is the only stumbling block for your assured progress, because error is My adversary's activity, who will do whatever he can in order to fight the pure truth.... And as long as you are subject to his rule you will resist the truth. However, I gave you common sense which you should use in the right way by pondering what reason your imperfection.... which you should be able to recognise.... could possibly have. And as soon as you seriously think about it you will also receive a satisfactory response, and although you will only believe it to be the result of your thinking you will nevertheless not be able to refute it with such compelling substantiations to the contrary that you will be fully convinced by these. For a silent admonisher was given to you which.... if you are honest with yourselves.... can be recognised as My voice.... __Everything will be easy for you if you only recognise a God and Creator above yourselves and willingly submit yourselves to Him. Then I Myself will guide you, and truly on a path which will not appear laborious to you, for I Myself Am the support for you which you should hold on to, which you will not lose again, for I will guide you until you have reached your goal. I only expect this belief of you, otherwise you will walk lonely and forsaken through earthly life and become a plaything for the one who wants to lead you toward the abyss. You only need to be offered the pure truth, which shines like a bright light and will make you very happy.... For truth comes forth from Me, and sooner or later it will be offered to every person, yet it has to be voluntarily accepted because it cannot be imparted by force.... Not even My adversary can force you to reject the truth.... your attitude towards the truth and thus also towards Me is entirely up to you. But one day you will be triumphant over the one who wanted to lead you into error when you are able to confront him with the truth. And then you will be illuminated again as you were in the beginning, when you possessed brightest realisation and were blissfully happy. Therefore, take notice of My messengers who stand by the wayside and still want to kindle a small light for everyone, and listen to them without objection, even if you can't instantly agree with the contents of their message you should nevertheless think about it and let Me, your God and Creator, be part of it.... and I will truly guide your thoughts right and also always draw your attention to any error, so that you won't accept it without checking it. Thereby you already testify to wanting to know the truth, and this will be taken into account. For the greatest evil is the fact that the earthly world is only based on error, since it shelters the spirits which once fell away from Me and which My adversary plunged into wrong thinking.... so that they will not be released from it until the pure truth prevails, but which the human being has to do himself by using his own free will. For this reason there is only a little light amongst people but everyone can attain light if he has the serious will and hands himself over to Me with complete trust so that I can guide him into truth.... so that he then will also receive it according to his will.... __Amen
Yet all of you again and again stumble at the form, as to how My Word out of the height reaches you… This can be explained very simply, in that I make use of the marvellous (spiritual) grasp a person has, but must not be confused with general education, for I rarely find a person who is able to receive dictation of My Word, because with it comes the ability, thoughts that touch him, to grasp them lightning fast and to step by step write the dictation down… this however is not to be confused with the birth of once own thoughts… This could lead to the erroneous acceptance that it would be once own body of thought, what the individual received and now seeks to place as being spiritual. The persons mind at that moment does not work, but he rather hears it internally, what the Spirit out of God speaks to him.... It never will be incomprehensible for you, what you receive as My Word, if you read it with the necessary open-mindedness, which stipulates an understanding… And an alteration is in this respect not in place, because you people also change constantly in your form of expression, therefore one should leave My Word, how it was received. For the content attest to the divine exit, and after his ability to capture things the receiver hears My Word, also if a light spirit radiates it to the earth, for this cannot radiate unlike My Word.... __The dictation comes all the more clearly into being, the more intimate a person establishes the connection with Me, but he will never be incorrect, for where a mistake slips in by interference, there the recipient will soon be referred to, so that he himself can correct it. (Aug.23,1965) For just therein lies the danger that My Word is very easily exposed to such variations, because men according to his "state of development" wants to give it form, which is however absolutely inappropriate, for I know, how I can address each person in order to be understood by him. And the sense of My address is always understood, when only through the Love a certain degree of maturity has been reached, which is though not to be replaced by else kind of intelligible formulation. And the one thing you should always consider that in view of the near end My Word to you people is truly offered in such a manner, that you can without doubt accept it as truth, because I know, that only the truth alone means rescue for you people and that I do everything, in order to bring you the truth, however I would always warn you before hand, to undertake changes for yourself, even when this takes place with the best intentions... __Amen
 l « l ... 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 [84]  

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