Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 3 transcriptions | ID of collection 1383795
Human contention that God's Word is completed....
It is a serious mistake to assume that God's Word is completed and to reject every divine revelation as fabrication of evil forces. Good and evil forces try to influence the human being. All good influences fulfil God's will, evil forces act in opposition to divine will. Ignorant forces cannot and would not want to transmit good thoughts, due to their state of darkness they are still subject to God's adversary and therefore more susceptible to his influence than to the influence of the beings of light. However, as soon as they become aware they will give themselves into the care of the beings of light and submit to divine will, they recognise their lack of knowledge and now confer the information they receive from the beings of light to others. This has to be clarified first to disprove the erroneous assumption that forces of the beyond arbitrarily express themselves where such revelations are bestowed on humanity. The Lord Himself has taught on earth and made His Word accessible to people. It was His will that this Word should be recorded for future generations. With His Word He has announced to the people the working of His spirit. At the same time He has given the assurance that He will stay with them in His Word eternally.... `I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth....' __However, there is no saying of the Lord which indicates that His Word must be considered to be complete.... It was supposed to remain unchanged and therefore not one Word should be added or taken away from the Gospel which might change the meaning of the divine Word that the Lord had given to the people. But human wisdom attempted to change and to improve.... The will to render God's Word more comprehensible often distorted or obscured its meaning with the result that even His announced working of the spirit can no longer be understood properly and hence it is not acknowledged either. Humanity has completely lost the knowledge that God speaks and wants to speak to human beings time and again, that the audible Word of God in direct union with Him is, after all, what the human being should aspire to on earth. Instead human beings are deterred by the expression of divine will in this manner. God Himself approaches them in His Word yet they no longer know Him.... The Word is no longer alive in people, they are reading the dead Word but cannot grasp its meaning. A spiritual drought has set in, the well of living water is on the verge of becoming dry. And once again God brings forth a flow of living water from the rock in the wilderness.... He allows streams of living water to flow from the innermost being of those who, in longing for the deliciously refreshing drink, open their hearts and ears to receive His divine Word. And thus the Holy Scriptures are fulfilled.... Indeed, the Lord's Words during His life on earth would be invalid if God would no longer reveal Himself and not be with people in His Word. The human being has no authority to ascertain that His Work is finished; by taking this authority he only proves his ignorance and lack of comprehension of the written Word. He would thereby invalidate the numerous references to the working of the spirit and not understand the meaning of the divine Word himself. Consequently he belongs to those who are themselves misguided and who want to convey their misconception to other people, whilst not recognising the pure truth and therefore withholding it from their fellow human beings. God's love is limitless and never expends itself.... This love will always and forever express itself through giving, and anyone living within love and requesting divine love may receive it at all times. God is love, God is the Word.... Whoever desires God's love receives His Word and may receive it eternally.... __Amen
Decline of vegetation.... Storms - Tempests....
It is by no means by chance that the earth's surface vegetation has changed as far as it involves stretches of land where human will and activity played a determining part. This particularly applies to forests or tree plantations which have fallen prey to human destructive will, which will not remain without influence on the climate as well as the condition of the soil. __Such deforestation represents a great danger to humanity if it takes place before its time, that is, before the spiritual substances in the plant creations have sufficiently matured to animate the next form. For these prematurely released spiritual substances don't leave the place of their interrupted stay without claiming appropriate compensation by pestering the spiritual substances in their vicinity and, in their unconstrained state, frequently express themselves undesirably, from which they are not prevented by God either. Thus people in those areas will have to suffer extraordinary storms and devastations which will also severely impair the growth of the entire plant world. But where there is very little vegetation other disorders also manifest themselves. The water conditions leave much to be desired, that is, the absence of a constant supply of water turns the earth's soil into sand. And thus such stretches of land can become barren and desolate, and although people believe they have no influence over it they are nevertheless the actual cause of whole stretches of land becoming barren and excessively dry. __The danger is now that this will not be recognised and that people will thoughtlessly sacrifice constantly more areas of land to their greed for profit, for this is usually the reason why whole areas waste away. If the human being destroys creations for the sake of earthly gain it is a deliberate acknowledgment of the evil power. For the sake of money and monetary value he interferes with the divine plan of creation which gave everything its function and not least of all the whole world of plants on the earth's surface. But such interference also has to have an appropriate effect, albeit these consequences are not so immediately recognisable but require a certain length of time. __Storms and tempests will alarmingly increase, floods will make plant cultivation difficult, and this will result in a decline of vegetation and simultaneously restrict the spiritual opportunities of development for the substances which want to take abode in the plant world corresponding to their degree of maturity and are thus prevented from doing so, which will result in constantly new storms and tempests.... __Amen
Instincts of preliminary stages determine character.... H...
The human being's course of life corresponds to his nature, i.e. faults and imperfections adhere to his soul from which it should free itself during its earthly life. These faults and imperfections are not the same in every person because every substance of soul has previously lived in a different external form in which certain good or bad peculiarities had developed to a greater or lesser degree. Consequently people's nature will be quite different too and likewise require different methods of teaching to promote what is good in them and to overcome what can be regarded as inadequate or bad. It would now be completely wrong to assume that all souls are formed alike at the moment of their embodiment on earth. There are in fact many differences and the human being assigns these differences between the beings to `heredity'. Outwardly it may indeed appear as if the children would have to accept a certain burden during the course of their life, namely peculiarities of their being which can either be helpful or a hindrance to their spiritual development but for which they could not be held responsible, because they reason that their `genetic make-up' is not their own fault and that it therefore requires more strength to combat and to overcome these inborn defects. __The human being has to combat all his defects and improve himself to acquire maturity of soul. And if specific instincts are predominant in him he should understand that human nature is not determined by parental disposition but that the human being had allowed precisely those weaknesses and imperfections to become part of his nature during the infinitely many embodiments before the human stage, during which the being felt comfortable and did nothing to liberate itself from such faults and flaws. And now on earth it may well have the will to do so but it has a certain weakness. It considers its deficiency as its just right because it regards them as its inheritance without fault of its own. And yet it was its own volition to join people whose nature resembles its own during the time of its earthly life. __Precisely this similarity of nature had attracted the soul seeking incarnation, consequently one generally speaks of heredity even though the physical parents had no share in the nature of the souls in their care during the time on earth. Hence every soul has to deal with the task of higher development itself. This task can never be done by another human being, not even by the physical parents. Likewise, the parents are not responsible for the disposition of their children even though it may appear as if the children have to endure parental heredity. Every being is responsible for itself, although the human being as such should be educated to improve himself as long as he is still in the care of his physical parents, because every person has to accomplish the work on his soul himself otherwise he will not be able to liberate himself from his past guilt of sins.... __Amen
Suicide.... Fate in the beyond....
The path of the flesh has to be taken until the end, that is, every being also has to experience the embodiment as a human being. The earthly path prior to this cannot be deliberately shortened or interrupted. However, in the stage of free will the human being is able to use his free will and therefore also end his earthly life as a human being arbitrarily without being prevented. But the consequences of such interference in divine will are awful. A person like that is still immature, that is, he is without recognition or he would not take this step which deprives him of a great blessing.... to be able to improve his character until God Himself ends his life. Nevertheless, he will become aware of his wretched action in the beyond and his remorse will be beyond description. __If it is God's will to end a life, irrespective of whether the person is still young and not ready for eternity, then God recognises the necessity of it and terminating the earthly life is an act of grace, either to avert peril from the soul or to offer this soul an opportunity in the beyond that will raise its state of maturity within a short period of time. The forcible termination of life is, however, spiritually a great step backwards, for the being is suddenly without strength to improve itself and depends on the mercy of the beings of light or people, that is to say, if they don't help it will forever remain on the same level of imperfection. The soul first has to come to realise this in the beyond which will trigger an indescribable state of remorse. But if the soul is willing it will use every opportunity to be helpful, yet its struggle will be too difficult for words. In a manner of speaking, it has to carry on bearing the earthly suffering in the beyond, which it had wanted to escape; the same things it had thrown away are still clinging to it and torment it dreadfully. __Yet God is not without mercy even towards a soul which had disregarded His will, providing the soul is not entirely obstinate. After some time, which to the soul seems to last forever, it will also be given tasks in the beyond which will ease its situation. And then it will have to use its will again. If it agrees to help suffering souls in the beyond it will soon notice an obvious improvement in its circumstances. But this may well be after the time God had designated for its actual earthly life, thus it will not have arbitrarily shortened its earthly path after all and will still have to linger in the state of suffering in the beyond, that it thought unbearable on earth, until God takes pity on the soul. __Hence its intervention in divine will was entirely pointless; it deprived it of the grace to mature fully on earth but by no means ended the ordeal of earthly existence. Consequently, such souls are pitiable, for it will take a long time until they are redeemed and the awareness to have thrown God's blessing away is so agonising for the soul that it is in a sorry state in the beyond. Such souls are especially in need of people's prayers. Only people's love on earth can relieve their torments and impart the strength to improve their fate by using their will, in as much as the soul in the beyond is prepared to be of service and thereby, after an apparently endless time, will be able to change its lightless abode which, understandably, is its share (fate?) until it is saved by God's love and mercy.... __Amen
Catastrophe.... Fulfilment of the Scriptures.... God's lo...
Only a few people turn their attention to the signs of the time, yet these few know that the time has come which Jesus revealed, for it is coming to pass as it is written, and they realise that every period of time has been preordained for eternity.... There is no doubt that that a terrible catastrophe is about to befall earth.... God's love is infinite and so is His mercy, and whatever will come upon earth is only based on His love. For without this happening humanity would be doomed. God knows of the many misguided people, of their wrong will, of their heartlessness; He knows that humankind is in a state far removed from God, and He takes pity on their spiritual hardship. He has no other objective but to change this pitiable state of humanity, to remedy it, to save people from utmost distress. And He foresaw humanity's adversity and, during the time He lived on earth, announced what His love and mercy would bestow upon people in order to save them. Yet humanity cannot and does not want to believe, for it no longer recognises God, it laughs and scoffs instead of taking stock of itself and continues on the path which is leading to disaster. And the hour will come when the extent of adversity will be immense, when the elements of nature will rage such that people will be incapable of thinking and taking actions, yet there is no other possibility for people to recognise their weakness; there is no way which could persuade humankind to turn to God without such suffering, and if it is not to go entirely astray it must accept this event which has been predetermined for eternity and will come to pass as the Lord proclaimed.... __Amen
The approaching bad weather catastrophe is of crucial importance for all people insofar as that it will also change world events, and that people will then be facing other responsibilities and happenings whose effects are no less difficult and distressing. The survivors will have to go through worrying times at first, for they won't know if and when this natural disaster will repeat itself. Also, many people won't know the whereabouts of their loved ones, many will stay behind all alone and forsaken, and sorrow and grief will be everywhere, there will hardly be a house without unhappy people, and in the country where God's voice has spoken there will be no town without ruins. And then love will have to prove itself, and one will have to help bear the suffering of the other if people want to live a life which is at least endurable and not despair altogether. The suffering on earth has taken on different shapes but people cannot be entirely alleviated of it as long as they haven't converted to God and tried to fulfil their spiritual task. And this is why even those who so far have remained untouched by world events will have to be affected. And thus the world conflagration will be followed by an incredibly difficult time which is felt wherever heartlessness is prevalent. __People cannot imagine that a natural disaster of this magnitude is about to happen on earth, and at first its extent will not be recognised either, for it will take a long time before the news of it will have travelled around the world, and this uncertainty worsens the suffering and worry, since all outside contact will have been cut off and will be difficult to re-establish. And the ruling authority will put pressure on people and bring them in to carry out work which will almost go beyond their strength, and they will be unable to defend themselves and live a wretched life without any prospect of improvement. And yet, such suffering is necessary if people are to be lead to their real purpose, that is, to establish contact with God and to appeal to Him for advice and help. And then the Word of God shall be made accessible to them, then they shall be informed of God's activity, of His will and His divine teaching of love, then they shall be referred to life after death, to the transience of all worldly things, to the meaning and purpose of earthly life and their task, which consists of shaping their souls and of living a way of life on earth which corresponds to God's will.... __The hour will soon arrive when God will speak to humanity such that it will turn the whole world into turmoil. For one night will bring unspeakable misery to those people whose countries will be affected by this disaster, and the dawning day will be dreadful, for it will present the survivors with a sight of devastation which exceeds all fears and all imagination. Yet God's will is irrevocable, for He knows that human thinking needs to be shaken up, he know the souls' adversity, and in order to help them in their adversity everything will come to pass as it has been predestined since eternity.... __Amen
Hour of death....
The soul's separation from the body is usually a painful experience for the body because a certain degree of maturity is necessary for a painless separation, which is rarely achieved by the person. The human being's hour of death will always make him aware that he no longer will be able to strive, that he no longer will be able to achieve anything by himself when he has left the human shell. And depending on the state of his soul the hour of death will then become more or less difficult for him. As long as the human being is on earth he still has the choice to purify himself, and the soul in the beyond will thank its Creator for having been given this opportunity before its departure that it will not have to suffer as much in the beyond. Since God is righteous the soul has to accept its fate in the beyond and needs far greater suffering to attain the degree of maturity. Nevertheless it is not possible to enter the spheres of light without it, consequently this higher degree of maturity has to be achieved through suffering and pain and thus a long struggle before death should always be viewed as an ascent. It is true that people only see the state of suffering, which contributes towards their fear of death since the hour of death seems unbearable to them, and yet it is only bestowed upon the human being by the greatest love to provide for him a brighter light in the beyond. __And this love is the foundation of everything.... God only sends suffering and pain to earth for the purpose of removing a person's physical desires, that he then will pay more attention to his soul and attempt to perfect it. Every suffering which results in this is blessed by God.... Time on earth passes quickly and with good will can be used to abandon everything worldly, then the soul shapes itself in accordance to God's will and at the end of its earthly life requires no further exceptional suffering to enter the kingdom of light. However, suffering always contributes towards higher maturity and is therefore a blessing for the human being who otherwise would have to dispose of his errors and failings in the beyond which would also be rather wretched.... thus his suffering cannot be prevented even though the hour of death apparently proceeds silently and without pain. God knows every human being's state of soul and his willingness to fight all impurities; hence He complies with the human being by offering him the opportunity to accomplish his goal.... by allowing the hour of death to be his last opportunity for arriving in eternity purged and purified.... __Amen
False Christs.... Signs and miracles....
False Christs will arise and perform signs and miracles in My name.... This is what I announced to you ahead of time and My Words are true. Yet you try to explain these Words wrongly if you assume that the same power dwells within an evil force, an emissary of Satan, which made Me work signs and miracles during My life on earth. Heaven and Earth are at all times subject to My will, they are governed by My will, and this will of Mine upholds every creation, because a will that is contrary to Mine would signify the decline of everything I let arise if I granted him power over it. And yet, signs and miracles will be performed, but they only ever appear as such to those people who are his followers, for they are spiritually blind, they don't know the true correlation of all things, and they will consider everything as signs and miracles which seems extraordinary to them but which every human being would be able to accomplish by mustering all his willpower. You are all in possession of abilities which you need only develop in order to accomplish many things. Yet your weakness of will prevents you from developing your abilities, and therefore something seems to you a miracle which, however, is within the scope of possibility for every single person.... And thus all signs and miracles, which I mentioned to you, will be understandable to every enlightened person, yet those who still live in spiritual darkness will conclude that it is supernatural strength. And they will grant divine strength to those who are My opponents yet appear in My name in order to deceive humanity. The darker the spiritual night is which enshrouds people, the easier it will be to make them believe in miracles, they will accept every extraordinary activity by evil forces as such, yet the extraordinary working of light.... of people whose will is inclined towards God.... will not be acknowledged by them, and this alone is already a sign that people are under the spell of the one who seeks to fight against God. And yet they will make use of My name.... that is, they will proclaim themselves as Messiah, they will promise people deliverance from every adversity through them and their teachings, for they will only try to win them over by describing themselves as representatives of the One Who has all power over Heaven and Earth. And everyone is a false Christ who preaches a wrong teaching in My name.... and who tries to confirm this teaching through extraordinary working which, however, can never be looked upon as a miracle.... __Amen
Lack of understanding for the prophecies.... Necessity....
Only a few people realise the seriousness of the time, and therefore the coming events can only be made plausible to a few. As long as they merely strive for the well-being of their body they will only pay attention to happenings which are related to it and cannot and will not understand a change of world events caused by spiritual urgency. For spiritual experiences are unfamiliar to them and all such references are deemed insignificant and unimportant, if not entirely wrong, by them. To announce the coming happenings to them at present will have little success and yet, they, too, shall be warned so that no-one will live to see the day in complete ignorance. For what they do not want to believe as yet can suddenly appear credible to them and motivate them to direct their mind towards God and call upon Him in distress. Spiritual thoughts are often inconvenient to a person since they only undermine his earthly life; as a result, he discards them when they surface and thus he cannot come to realisation either. As soon as a fellow human being wants to inform him and convey spiritual gifts to him he declines or ignores the gift. And thus he will not use the time which still separates him from the great natural event, so it will take him by surprise and completely bewilder him. And yet he cannot be helped in any other way but by mentioning the momentous change even though he is not fully capable or willing to take it in. For even the certainty that the prophesy will fulfil itself can already lead the person to sudden realisation. __God's love comes to meet every person, and He sends his admonitions and warnings to everyone, for He knows people's weaknesses and wants to help them when they are in trouble. But most of the time people won't let themselves be helped because they don't think they need it. And yet they suffer immense hardship for they have no inner contact with God, they have distanced themselves from Him and therefore won't listen to His voice which is speaking to them through a human mouth. They do not recognise it as God's voice and thus it will not affect them because they close themselves to its effect. Every day they live on earth in ignorance of spiritual life is a lost day and there are not many more, for the great earthly adversity has not yet come to an end and humanity is facing a bigger one still, which is inevitable for the sake of people's spiritual development. It will cost many people's lives and bring their opportunity for development on earth to an end. God wants to help them while there is still time and He sends His servants and representatives to them so that they will speak in His name and remind them to consider their souls and strive for higher spiritual development. And if they listen to them they can more easily endure what will come to pass, because they will realise that nothing that happens on earth is without meaning and purpose and that spiritual development is the ultimate purpose of earthly life.... __Amen
Incarnation.... Instincts.... Preliminary stages....
The incarnation of a soul can take place when all substances, which have taken the earthly path within the many diverse creations and are thus developed, have joined together. The soul substance of every work of creation has to be present in order to incarnate.... i.e. the human body becomes the cover for a soul which contains all works of creation in miniature within itself. The previous infinitely long earthly progress has resulted in the unification of all these substances who then await their last embodiment. They will be assimilated as soul into the human outer shell to experience the last stage of development. This incarnation is of varied duration due to the different substances' state of maturity, which have had a certain amount of freedom during their preliminary stages already albeit they had acted under compulsion in accordance with God's will. However, in the last stages before embodiment as human being this compulsory condition was gradually eased so that certain instincts could be lessened or even increased. This subsequently resulted in a higher or lower degree of maturity which, in turn, determines the duration of the last embodiment as human being. As soon as all soul substances have united as a human soul they strive for the last embodiment on earth, because they know that the human shell is their last physical cover and that they can be free from all earthly restrictions afterwards. For that reason the soul will only spend time where it is offered an opportunity to incarnate. Understandably it will incarnate where people's nature adapts to its own degree of maturity, i.e. where people have the same instincts and attributes that match its own nature. __However, this does not exclude that a differently inclined soul would not try to incarnate with unfamiliar natured people in order to hasten its embodiment. But then it often has to struggle with added difficulties during its earthly life as its nature is not taken into account and it is unable to fulfil the expected requirements. Nevertheless, since the soul knows the path of its earthly life in advance it is not stopped if it makes this choice itself, since it has the resources at its disposal to achieve its final maturity in every embodiment. Due to its earlier many diverse shapes it has every aptitude within itself at various degrees and can increase or reduce them at will. Thus it is not incapable and the strength to do so is likewise given in accordance with its will. However, if it strives half-heartedly it will remain in the same state of maturity prior to its incarnation as a human being, in that case the incarnation has not resulted in higher development. Although at the time of death it will shed its physical cover but its desires and instincts, which it was meant to overcome during its earthly life, still connect it to the material world. Therefore it has not taken full advantage of its earthly incarnation, and when it realises that it has wasted the right to become a child of God and can no longer achieve it either, it experiences an indescribable state of remorse; even though it still has infinitely many opportunities in the beyond to arrive at the contemplation of God. Yet one day an incarnated soul has to give account before God how it has used earth's opportunities and what spiritual progress it has achieved at the time of death, because the embodiment as human being is a mercy that cannot be valued highly enough; it is a gift which the human being should cherish appropriately by doing whatever advances his development because he cannot return to earth again once he has left it.... __Amen
The will to live.... Fear of death
The human will to live is very strongly developed as long as his soul's maturity is still very low, which is quite understandable since the world still captivates him and pretends to fulfil his wishes. The human being finds it extremely difficult to give up his earthly life as long as he lacks faith in life after death, because the latter makes him look at all life on earth differently. A profoundly devout person merely looks at earthly life as in intermediate place, as a school which he has to attend in order to be admitted into the kingdom where real life begins. And this faith will also give him the strength to overcome all obstacles and difficulties of earthly life, whereas the unbeliever often breaks down and discards his life assuming that he is able to permanently end it himself. Anyone with profound faith will gladly give up his life if it is demanded of him because he directs his attention towards the life after the death of his body and his longing towards the union with God, since he feels that this is primarily the true life. As long as the human being only pays attention to the earth and its goods he inhibits his aspirations to ascend, he desires the world with every fibre of his being and the thought that he will have to leave this world one day is intolerable and depressing to him. __And this reveals his state of mind because his love for the world diminishes his love for God and other people, and thus the person is still spiritually immature, i.e. his soul has not yet united with the spirit within himself, he is not yet aware and knows nothing better than his earthly life. In that case he finds every thought of death appalling, he wants to live to enjoy, he desires worldly goods and disregards spiritual values. And this spiritual low level cannot be criticized enough since the human being is now in great danger to lose his earthly as well as his spiritual life. If he does not use his earthly life to find a connection to God he will live in vain and it is better that he should suffer the loss of his earthly life than to fall into deepest love with matter, which amounts to spiritual death. Earthly life is a mercy given to the human being for higher development and for rising above matter in order to enter the spiritual kingdom.... However, if the human being's real task on earth is disregarded he chains himself to matter and forcibly has to be pulled away by the termination of his earthly life. As long as the thought of physical death is intolerable to a person he is not paying any attention to his real earthly task. The will to live is so strong in him that he will do anything to protect and lengthen it in the belief that his life is in his own hands, and yet again he feels fearful of having to lose it prematurely. Only in view of the beyond, in the belief of the soul's life after death, the terror of death begins to subside and then the human being understands that his earthly life is a mere preliminary stage for the real life which will last eternally.... __Amen
Language of nature - Creation and Creator....
Let nature speak to you.... it illustrates indescribable works of wonder and constantly reveals My love and omnipotence to you.... Listen and behold.... Look at each creature and become aware of My creative will and My strength.... and of Myself in all My works of creation. See, how uniquely delightful and varied these creations are and how meaningful each one fulfils its intended purpose and how the purpose of every work of creation is the preservation of all creation.... Let Me speak to you Myself through nature and listen to My voice, then you will recognise My omnipotence, love and wisdom and bow before it, then you will know that you are the greatest work of creation on earth made by My hand and understand how infinitely much I care that you remain within Me.... Since each work of creation only came into being because of you, it is a mere preliminary stage from which you evolved into what you are now, into free, independent creations which can become infinitely more than they are now. __Observe nature and see its development, its progression, which can be recognised in all creations of nature. The tiniest being is My work, the tiniest blade of grass is My thought which took on shape. And every creature obeys My will, it does what I have assigned it to do and serves the human being again by ensuring his existence. Nothing is without purpose and aim, nothing happens without My will, everything is based on My wisdom and love. Should My wisdom not be evident to you because you don't know of the relationship between all works of creation then recognise My love, which consistently expresses itself in the wonders of nature. __See how everything around you grows and flourishes, how it matures and bears fruit, see, how the same process repeats itself over and over again.... for you.... to protect you human beings and to preserve everything that is alive on earth.... I shaped innumerable creations of most diverse proportions, of most diverse forms and purposes, and if you open your eyes and ears nothing escapes you and My infinite love and wisdom has to become evident to you.... Because I give so that you can receive, I create so that you can benefit from it, I maintain and care for the creation so that your heart can rejoice in it and you recognise Me.... Me, Who I Am since eternity and Whose existence you doubt.... Whose will and being you want to exclude and Whose creations you regard as having evolved by themselves. __You blindly pass by all wonders of creation and don't understand the language of nature, you see the creation but not the Creator within; indeed, you see the effect but not the cause, the will, which is the foundation of every creation. You believe yourselves to be full of wisdom and able to discover the origin of all things yet your knowledge is patchwork as long as you don't acknowledge Me as the primary origin of creation. I move close to you in every work of nature, it is the expression of Myself, it is a thought that took shape in accordance to My will; every natural creation is proof of My existence because nothing would exist without Me, because My will alone called into being what you see and what surrounds you. And nothing can be or become without My will, nothing can exist if My will and My wisdom do not approve. But My will, My love, My wisdom and My power must also teach you to believe in an Entity, they must make you realise that they belong to a Being which also wants to speak to you through the wonders of nature, which wants to be closely united with you because you, also being His work of creation, are the sole reason for the origin of all creation.... __I want you to become aware but then you have to listen to the language of creation, to the voice which expresses itself in nature, you have to communicate with Me, the intrinsic Creator of all things, and I will answer your questions and give to you according to your will to seek the truth, providing you acknowledge Me as the provider of truth. I Am near to you at all times, as soon as you desire to hear Me, as soon as you send just one thought upwards to Me. And therefore you shall find Me wherever you are, but more likely if you look for Me in solitude, where everything around you reminds you of the Creator, Whose will created heaven and earth, because His love decided to give the essence, which formerly had separated from Him, the opportunity to come closer to Him once again. And the knowledge of this shall be given to you human beings, the knowledge of this you shall desire yourselves, and therefore you should listen to the language of nature because through it I speak to those of you who want to hear Me.... __Amen
Knowledge of the spirit's work in a person.... Exceptiona...
God can only reveal Himself in the Word to a few people, because most people have lost the knowledge of the spirit's work in the human being and thus are not preparing themselves to hear the divine Word within themselves. This is a process which first requires belief in the working of the spirit, but this belief is lacking in people and they can only arrive at this knowledge through love. Because this will guide their thoughts in the right direction, and the person can also mentally be introduced to this knowledge. But he will never recognise this knowledge as the working of the spirit and not be fully convinced of it himself. However, God's spirit wants to express itself clearly and precisely.... God wants to reveal Himself to people, hence He will speak to them.... He will convey His Word to them.... as soon as they believe in Him, in His love, His wisdom and His omnipotence. Because then they will also want to enter into contact with God, they will start a dialogue with Him and in response hear His voice within themselves. The strength of the spirit will communicate itself to them, and a lucid understanding of the most diverse subjects will be the result. The information of the working of the spirit in a person should be passed on to people but it will rarely be believed, and yet, without belief it cannot be experienced. Only a person's profound love will result in this belief, since then the spirit of God will work in him and give him the idea to listen inwardly. This is the beginning of a person's actual instruction and thus an introduction to the most profound knowledge. God can only express Himself when a deeply devoted heart turns to Him, but then he will impart His wisdom without limitation.... __Consequently, the working of the spirit is of utmost importance because it is the only means to find the truth and to penetrate into divine wisdom's deepest profundity. Hence it is the only means of receiving information which could never be acquired rationally, which will provide the person with remarkable insight and knowledge relating to God and the human being, to creation and the spiritual kingdom.... Profound understanding is only possible where the spirit of God is able to work, and yet, the working of the spirit solely depends on a person's will, because this has to become active first, it has to accomplish the human being's inner change, which is a prerequisite for the working of the spirit in a person. The human being's will has to decide to improve his soul, it has to impel actions of love, it has to establish the innermost contact with God, and inwardly it has to listen attentively in order to hear His Word, which is then given to him by the voice of the spirit. But most people fail to listen inwardly, even if they comply with all other conditions, because they lack the information that God Himself is working in the devout human being. This knowledge was lost, and it is difficult to persuade them to put the rule to the test.... to comply with all conditions and then to listen carefully.... __For this reason the divine Word is hardly ever transmitted to earth in the most natural way, by God speaking to people, by submitting all wisdom to them Himself and by instructing them like a teacher instructs his students. But as soon as a human being is doing everything to perceive the working of the spirit, as soon as he makes himself available for reception by consciously listening within himself, profound knowledge will be made accessible to him. Because this knowledge is intended for the benefit of his fellow human beings, he is meant to pass it on, he is supposed to support it, he is meant to become the mediator between God and the people, who cannot be addressed by Him Himself because they are unable to hear Him.... He should become the distributor of truth on earth, he should let his light shine everywhere and make God's love known to people, which is ascending to earth in the Word and offering the truth, because the lies, which are endangering souls, shall be removed. He is to bear witness to His wisdom by describing to people God's reign and action in creation and the spiritual kingdom, and he should proclaim His omnipotence, which achieves whatever is determined by God's will.... He should present God to people as the most perfect Being in order to arouse their love for Him and to spurn their will to subordinate themselves to this Being, to love and be of service to It for all eternity.... __Amen
Destiny.... Free will - God's will....
The human being can derive a spiritual benefit from every situation if he tries to associate it with God's will and considers it to be in line with his development. No matter what happens to a person, God has known this person's will from the start, and thus he shapes his life according to His will, but He also always uses the person's own will as the basis of his destiny.... thus human will is in accordance with divine will insofar as God determines and directs the destiny of life such that the human will nevertheless comes into its own, or, in other words.... God gives His approval to anything the human being wants, yet the consequence of what human will accomplishes corresponds to His plan of eternity and serves the person as an opportunity for maturing, since the consequence of every thought, word and action cannot be enforced by the human being's will. Thus a person can apply his will at all times, he can want to shape his life's destiny according to this will but he can never predetermine the outcome with certainty, for then so-called destiny will come into force.... everything takes place according to God's wise and predetermined plan of eternity.... Nevertheless, free will cannot be disputed, the human being will always remain an independently thinking and wanting being which also has the vital energy at its disposal to put his thoughts and intentions into action. Whereas the direction of his entire earthly life, which God reserves for Himself, only relates to the creation of opportunities for the maturing of the soul. For since the human being's meaning and purpose on earth concerns the transformation of his will, of his inner being, since earthly life was given to him for his soul to attain maturity, God, in His love, will also always show him the means and ways to achieve it, and He will place him into life so that he can always and from every event derive a benefit for his soul. However, if life on earth entirely corresponded to the person's will his soul would never mature, especially if he were materialistically minded and only looked to benefit the body. __Consequently, God has to reduce or redirect the effect of what the person deliberately strives for and puts into practise in order to launch a constant battle for the person, for the human being only matures through struggle. Even so, divine will adapts itself to the human being's will, He allows him to carry it out and does not curtail his independent thinking and activity, yet He helps where human will intends to accomplish something detrimental for his soul, so that this accomplishment will not result in the desired worldly success but that he, by his failures, should learn to recognise the will of a higher Power, because recognition of This is already an advantage for the soul. However, in a spiritual respect God does not impose limitations on the human being's free will.... in a spiritual respect his will shall remain sacrosanct and the effect, too, will be accordingly. For the effect is already the maturity of soul, which is never raised or reduced through divine will but entirely depends on the human being's free will. Every earthly situation can be used by the human being to mature spiritually if only his will strives to gain an advantage for his soul. And then God will always grant him.... blessings upon blessings.... for if free will has turned to Him by striving to improve the shape of his soul first then God will only arouse this will increasingly more and also give him the strength to remain strong in the face of opposition. Thus, in a spiritual respect, human will is entirely free, but even in an earthly respect free will can be spoken of, even if destiny is shaped according to divine will, since God has known the human being's direction of will for eternity and, accordingly, how the course of his life will proceed. Wanting and accomplishing and effect must be distinguished.... the human being can want and accomplish according to his will, yet the effect is God's privilege, on account of which the human being subsequently believes himself to be constrained and subject to his destiny or he refuses to acknowledge a Controller of his destiny.... Yet all happenings in Heaven and on Earth are subject to the Guidance of the One Who upholds everything, Who is in charge of everything in His supreme wisdom.... __Amen
Working for the kingdom of God.... Mission....
People who are permeated by the spirit of truth are chosen to spread this truth, and this is a responsible mission on earth, for receiving the truth is also a commitment to pass it on. Constant activity is expected of them, activity for the kingdom of God which conveys the truth to earth through these people. Yet the hearts of those chosen to do so are able to love, otherwise the spirit of God would be unable to take effect in them. And this ability to love lets the work of spreading the divine truth become a joyful task which they gladly and readily comply with. As soon as a person is imbued by divine truth he also loses the sense for the pleasures and goods of the world; he only derives joy from spiritual knowledge and therefore the spiritual work becomes his purpose in life. And yet it is a responsible task if he bears in mind that he has the opportunity to lead untold souls onto the right path, onto the path of realisation, and that he must make the most of this opportunity in every way.... As a representative of God he is placed into a field of activity where he can work exceedingly successfully; however, it requires a firm will, great love, patience and perseverance, it requires the keen activity of body and soul, both have to yield to the urging of the spirit, which constantly spurs them to do this work. Thus the human being must place himself entirely at God's disposal Who informs the human being through His spirit about what his work consists of. As long as the soul is still in two minds it cannot hear the voice of the spirit clearly enough and must try to banish this state by unreservedly handing itself over to God and appealing to Him for his correct guidance in every way.... It must not anxiously speculate and think but must completely and trustingly hand itself over to the spirit's guidance and it will always take the right path.... Then all events in life will approach a person so that he can accomplish his spiritual work, so that he can work for the kingdom of God. __This work is not obvious at first, for the time has not yet come for the working of the labourer's of the Lord.... As yet His labourers are prepared in silence, and their activity, too, is limited; however, they shall even be active in silence until the time comes when great activity will start for the salvation of the souls which will suffer great adversity. But the spirit in the human being will guide him to where his work is needed. For time and again souls will be prepared who will likewise be responsible for working for the kingdom of God, for many labourers will be required in the vineyard of the Lord. Prior to this the divine truth will be conveyed to them, so that they will become competent labourers and be able to work for God in the coming time. For they will be needed by countless souls who still linger in spiritual darkness and will not be able to find the path to the light.... but where divine truth exists that is where light is shining, and if the light is given to people in the right way, if the truth is offered to them with love, many a heart will open up and allow itself to become enlightened. Being able to save souls for eternity is a happiness-inducing mission, it is a mission which is constantly accompanied by God's blessing, and every labourer in the vineyard of the Lord can be assured of divine help by merely eagerly striving to speak on behalf of the kingdom of God on earth, for then he will always be supported by spiritual forces and his work will be blessed.... __Amen
At the hour of severest distress many people will call upon God but not every call will come from the heart because the danger they are in takes away all their ability to think and thus they will merely address God with their lips and their prayer will go unheard. Only those who are capable to send their thoughts to Him, even though just for moments, God will stand by them either to save them from the trouble of their bodies or else, prior to the end, to still offer mercy to their soul. It is not always death to be considered the greatest evil, for if a person facing death still has found one's way to God it thus has been an effective means towards one's salvation, which is worth more than the preservation of the physical life in spiritual darkness. And that's why countless people will loose their life within a short time, partly as a warning to the fellow man, partly for the sake of their own spiritual need. __But just ones, too, whose course of life is finished according to God's will, are called from this earth to their Maker. For wherever God Himself is recognizable at the revolting of the forces of nature that are subject to God's will, there His will is also decisive as to who becomes a victim of these happenings. Mature and immature ones will have to leave this earth, yet, if prior to one's death a soul has gotten to know God, the one's spiritual development in the beyond is guaranteed and the finished earthly life is nothing but a blessing for the one. And the earthly distress will be severe and will offer the possibility to everybody yet to find one's way back to God; for the natural event will announce itself beforehand. Unusual signs will indicate an unusual event so that every person can still reflect on oneself, and one will also by means of one's neighbors be directed to the highest power, the director of heaven and earth, to the point where the one has time and the opportunity to combine with Him by means of intimate prayer. __But by now the remoteness of mankind from God shows, for just a few accept Him, just a few turn to Him for protection and help in their fear and affliction. Most of them turn Him away, intentionally and unintentionally, they watch the spectacle of nature, continuously hoping for a soon termination and the hour of distress therefore hits them the more severely because they feel completely left abandoned, since they lack any faith altogether. Yet of these distant-from-God people many remain alive to whom God still gives the opportunity to see the light afterwards. Good and bad people will loose their life and good and bad people will keep their life, for this catastrophe of nature is not yet a separation of the spirits but only a last reminder prior to the final judgment, the former of which all people ought to draw for their mental use. Yet, it is up to them as to how they want to utilize this last reminder. They can get to see the light prior to or after the disastrous night, but they can also stick to their old way of thinking and the great happening might as well be without impression upon their souls. __And, afterwards, too, there will be people at work hostile to God; out to destroy any faith in God and they will put emphasis to this natural event as to be their strongest proof of His non-existence; they will emerge as greatest deniers of God from a happening meant to lead them back to faith. And that's why it's obvious the struggle will flare up between those who were made strong and faithful by the happenings and those who have survived it in spite of their unbelief. And after mankind has been granted yet a short time of grace afterwards until the last judgment, thus everything will be approaching the end.... __Amen
Life on earth is just a moment in eternity.... Suffering ...
Earthly life is only of short duration, even if the human being reaches old age, for it is a phase of eternity which can be compared to an instant. And every pleasure and suffering the human being has to live through passes by like a fleeting moment leaving nothing behind but a memory. Yet every moment can affect the whole of eternity.... Every human being's fate, however, has been wisely considered by God and shaped by His love. Consequently, nothing will be without meaning and purpose, regardless of what the human being has to endure, it will be beneficial for the soul as soon as he completely entrusts himself to divine guidance and accepts his fate without grumbling. God wants to achieve the human being's total submission, since only then will He be able to fully work in him; He demands total dedication to Him in order to permeate the human being's soul with His love.... And therefore his heart has to abandon all longings which do not relate to Him.... __Earthly life is short and has to be made the most of, it has to be used to achieve complete union with God, and every day is lost if earthly goals preoccupy the human heart. This is why God frequently takes from people what they refuse to give up by themselves, in order to then offer Himself as a substitute for what they had to relinquish. And then it will truly not be to the person's disadvantage, for he will exchange something worthless for something precious, and one day he will be very happy when he realises how loving God's guidance had been which wanted to help him reach eternal beatitude. For He demonstrates His love and grace by the fact that He rules with wisdom because He knows what benefits the human soul and what might damage it forever. He keeps His protective hand over His children who strive towards Him and are at risk of separating from Him because they are approached by the world with all its temptations.... Nevertheless, the human being should entrust himself completely to divine guidance, he should know that his life on earth has been determined by His love and that he will be grateful to Him one day when his short time on earth is over, which is just a moment in eternity.... __Amen
Time of trials.... Jesus, the bearer of the cross....
If God puts you to the test, humbly accept His trials and faithfully wait for His help.... For the suffering and trials will not end until the last day has come. It is still necessary to purify and to reform souls until their physical death or to gain souls which still stand apart from God's love. And the time left until the end of the old earth is only short. Hence, it needs to be used in every way. Only adversity and afflictions of the body will still bring the soul's transformation about. And these adversities will also affect those people who strive towards God. Yet they, too, can gain the greatest blessings from these adversities if they are recognised as means used by God's love in order to reduce the distance between Himself and people within a short time, so as to enable the soul to receive God's illumination of love directly, which signifies eternal life for the soul. Endure your destiny without complaining, for it is determined by God's love for your soul's speedier maturing. And know that He will never leave you without the strength to pass the tests; know that He will always help you carry your cross if you, in faith of the divine Redeemer, appeal to Him for it. Know that all adversity will come to an end when you leave the earthly valley in order to enter the spiritual kingdom. It is only a short time of trial, nevertheless it is a blessing for you if you recognise divine will therein and don't grumble and complain. That which has been destined for you since eternity serves you, who believe, to benefit your soul, or to transform those of you who are still distant from God. Therefore bow down to divine will and carry your small cross, and if you deem it to be heavy let yourselves be helped by Jesus, the bearer of the cross, Who took the crucifixion upon Himself for the sake of your adversity and Who suffered on your behalf out of greater than great love. Call upon Him and His help will be assured to you. His love is always on hand for you, and your earthly adversity will be endurable, you will overcome the trials and stand firm in faith. The whole of humanity needs the adversities and sufferings, and therefore God pours them upon the earth in order to gain its inhabitants for the spiritual kingdom. And even if His Own must suffer too, they nevertheless still attain even greater perfection, and they will be eternally thankful to their Creator and Provider, their Father of eternity, Who, in His love, uses the right means to shape their souls into bearers of light while they are still on earth. And therefore don't despair and don't let yourselves be disheartened by the adversities of the time.... The end is near and with it the time of your deliverance and your entry into the spiritual kingdom, where all suffering comes to an end.... __Amen
The spiritual and material world oppose each other....
The material world and the spiritual kingdom oppose each other, consequently their demands on the human being are also of a conflicting nature, and no human being can ever do justice to both but unconditionally has to meet the requirements of one world. Understandably, the spiritual kingdom can only give spiritual wealth and this under conditions which disagree with worldly longings, while the world offers human beings earthly wealth which meets their needs. However, worldly longing is in opposition to the demands of the spiritual kingdom insofar as it puts physical pleasures and physical well-being into the forefront and aggravates or makes it entirely impossible for the soul to strive for the spiritual kingdom.... because the soul has to fulfil the demands of the spiritual kingdom and persuade the body to share the same desire which, however, necessitates the surrender of earthly longings. Thus two worlds are facing each other and the human being has to decide which world to choose. And at all times one world will demand the rejection of the other world, at all times either the body or the soul has to speak, to be precise, the soul has to decide whether its own development is more important than the body's well-being during its life on earth as a human being. The spiritual kingdom bestows the most delightful gifts upon the soul and although as human being it cannot understand their true value they are nevertheless eternal and denote a wealth which the soul will be able to use in the spiritual kingdom for its own happiness. __The world also offers treasures for the body but these are short-lived and cannot be taken across into the spiritual kingdom. They will disintegrate like the body disintegrates when the soul moves from the physical world into the spiritual kingdom. And since the soul on earth can only receive from one kingdom it will be poor in the spiritual kingdom if it has only paid homage to the world. Voluntary surrender of earthly goods inevitably results in the possession of spiritual wealth because the soul only abandons the former due to love, or the desire for earthly goods will be predominant. And where love has awakened, the soul will unconsciously strive towards the spiritual kingdom and disregards earthly wealth. And thus the human soul has to decide during its life on earth whether to make the earthly world or the spiritual kingdom the goal of its aspiration. And its fate in the spiritual kingdom, to where it will proceed after its time of earthly trial has come to an end, will depend on this decision.... Prosperity or poverty, bliss or a pitiful state.... but bliss will necessitate the surrender of everything that is earthly and thus temporary.... __Amen
Consciously listening within.... The voice of the spirit....
To consciously listen within oneself furthers spiritual development to a great extent, for this enables the direct acceptance of strength from the spiritual kingdom. It demonstrates the will to make contact with the spiritual sphere, that is, with God, and where this will exists there is also the guarantee that God will draw close to a person, that He will reveal Himself, mentally or through the voice of the spirit which, however, can only be heard by a person who has prepared himself for receiving spiritual gifts. But he will be greatly blessed.... A source will be opened up to him from which he can constantly draw a delectably refreshing drink, God Himself will offer him a gift which is bound to advance his higher development because it originates from God and acts as a means to totally unite the person with God. An incredible wealth of grace will be made accessible to him, everlasting treasures which come from the spiritual kingdom and which the person will be able to take across into the spiritual kingdom in order to work with them there for his own happiness and for the salvation of innumerable souls in need. The spiritual wealth accepted by a person through the inner voice is often so extensive that he is unable to fully understand and use it, nevertheless, he will be inconceivably happy in the spiritual kingdom, for the extent of his wealth also determines his activity and the degree of his bliss. He accepted the divine gift of his own free will, he has voluntarily worked at shaping himself into a receiving terminal for the strength of the spirit, and this will is blessed by God.... He lets His spirit take effect in the person, He imbues him with strength and grace, He grants him unlimited knowledge and guides him into eternal truth.... But He can never ever offer this delectable gift to a human being who does nothing in order to make himself receptive, who neglects to work at improving himself or who refrains from consciously listening within.... For imparting spiritual wealth to him would signify compulsory faith and the soul's maturing against his will, but this would contradict the divine law of order. __To someone who remains in private communication with God, who asks Him and waits for the answer and thus also consciously listens within, He will speak mentally, He will steer the person's train of thought in the right direction, He will instruct him according to his faith and his spiritual maturity. For every connection with God through prayer or thoughts inclined towards Him opens the heart to the influx of strength from the spiritual kingdom, and the person can always be endowed with strength and grace, he becomes a receiving vessel for the divine spirit as soon as he believes in the working of the spirit, in God's working within the human being. This faith is the prerequisite in order to become receptive; otherwise, the human being will not consciously listen to that which the voice of the spirit proclaims. And this faith is only rarely to be found, consequently, the working of the spirit manifests itself only rarely too. This is also the reason for humanity's spiritual hardship, because it ignores the source of life from which it would always be able to refresh and fortify itself. The human being cannot mature without a spiritual flow of strength, he cannot advance but instead remains at the same stage of development. However, spiritual strength can only be conveyed to earth from the spiritual kingdom and therefore requires a connection between the spiritual kingdom and earth, which needs to be voluntarily established. Where this will is absent humanity is weak, the souls suffer spiritual hardship and cannot receive help.... For this reason God avails Himself of a human being who fully consciously makes himself available as a mediator between the spiritual kingdom and Earth.... who, with profound faith in God's working through the spirit, attunes himself as a receiving terminal, who prepares himself as a receiving vessel for the divine spirit due to his will to help his fellow human beings and to be of service to God. And thus divine gifts of grace flow to him without measure.... the spring of divine wisdom pours into this vessel for the benefit of all who drink from it, who do not bypass the source of eternal life but refresh and strengthen themselves on their journey through life. Their path of ascent will be an easy one, they will travel it by holding on to God's hand and thus safely reach the goal, for His gift is delectable and guarantees spiritual success for everyone who accepts it from His hand.... __Amen
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