Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Spiritual low level is the reason for the disintegration....
A considerable spiritual decline is noticeable, for people pay little attention to events which happen on the spiritual level.... They just observe worldly events and the effects of these on their physical life, they merely entertain earthly thoughts and have no contact whatsoever with the spiritual world. Rarely, if ever, are their thoughts directed towards the kingdom that is not of this world.... They only believe what they can see and doubt all spiritual happenings. They don't believe in Me or they would try to make contact with Me, their God and Creator of eternity.... They consider everything spiritual as unreal and thus don't investigate it, and if they get drawn into conversations about Me by their fellow human beings they don't want to know and even frankly admit their disbelief. They have no spiritual links because they are held captive by earthly matter and thus by My adversary, to whom they belong and from whom they do not intend to dissociate either. __Hence the considerably low spiritual level, which is the reason for the end of the old earth, the end of a period of Salvation, which requires the disintegration of the earthly creation. For the earth shall be a place of education for the soul which lives on earth embodied as a human being. But the spirit within the human being is no longer taken notice of, the human being considers his earthly life an end in itself and no longer does justice to his actual task, he does not comply with his task on earth. He ignores the spiritual development of his soul.... He lives in complete ignorance of his earthly task and will never gain any knowledge of it either since he refuses to be informed of it. He rejects every explanation or instruction given to him by faithful people and cannot be forced into realisation because this contradicts My love and wisdom.... __And therefore I will use other methods before the end in order to motivate the few, who are not entirely enslaved by My adversary, to make them think.... These methods will, in fact, be very painful because people have to be severely affected by fate in order to come to their senses and take the path to Me. For they will get into serious difficulties in which they can no longer expect earthly help.... And then it will be possible that they will remember the Power Which had created them.... Then it will be possible that they will call to this Power from the bottom of their heart.... And then I will truly hear their call and also answer their prayer, and I will reveal Myself to them through obvious help, through saving them from their adversity. Yet I will take no notice of words merely voiced by the lips.... However, a heartfelt prayer, a prayer in spirit and in truth will be granted by Me, because I still want to gain every soul before the end so that it will not go astray again for an infinitely long time.... __People's spiritual decline is the cause for considerable and harsh strokes of fate which still have to befall humanity in order to change their thoughts, as far as this is at all possible. The fleeting nature of earthly possession will still bring many a person to his senses and prompt him to seriously consider the state of his soul. Yet their will shall always remain free, and they have to take the path to Me entirely uninfluenced.... But their deliverance is guaranteed if they take this path, for it only concerns their soul's salvation and not their physical well-being.... __It only concerns their acknowledgement of Me, that they believe in Me, which they should demonstrate by their appeal to Me in spirit and in truth.... And they will be saved from ruin, they will be seized by My loving Fatherly hand and wrested from My adversary's clutches, who has no authority over people's free will and shall lose his claim on this soul. And every human being will truly be blessed who still professes Me before the end.... who takes refuge with Me in his adversity and then allows himself to be seized by My love. For I will not let him fall, and he will thank Me eternally that I have fought for his soul until the end, that My love left no stone unturned in order to win it forever.... __Amen
A forthcoming natural event....
In the foreseeable future you will experience the truth of My Word, for I will express Myself through the forces of nature, as I have constantly forewarned.... And you will not be able to ignore My voice, for it will resound powerfully and throw the world into chaos.... Although the region of the event will indeed be limited it will still be of such enormous proportions that everyone will be alarmed once he is informed of it.... For, at first, all communications to the affected areas will be cut off.... An eerie silence will engulf the disaster zone because all contact is lost until the first horror has passed. And then the world will be informed of what has happened, before it receives the news of the disastrous details. __However, people have to be sharply spoken to by Me because they refuse to listen to My gentle voice, because they don't believe My Word which is sent from above and conveyed to them by My messengers. Hence, I have to express Myself such that My voice cannot be ignored.... And I have to send a judgment on humanity to which many people will fall victim but who may nevertheless receive My love and grace due to their untimely death. And thus you shall recognise the truth of My Word and activate your will, for even after the disaster you can still make a free decision since I force no one to turn to Me.... Yet the appalling natural event can contribute towards people finding their way to Me, because the adversity is extreme and there is no obvious rescue from any side. But what appears to be impossible is possible to Me.... And if a person remembers this and calls upon Me in spirit and in truth he may also experience miraculous help.... I will so manifestly reveal Myself to him, that he will recognise the might and also the love of his God and Creator and then turn to Me in profound faith and humble submission. __Anything that can still bring souls back to Me will be done by Me, but I also know how difficult it is to win them over and therefore extraordinary means of deliverance have to be used, which seem cruel to you humans and yet are only an activity of love on My part in order to save the very souls whose state is known to Me. I don't want to let them fall into My adversary's hands, who will provide them with a far worse fate than the greatest earthly suffering could ever manage.... Believe Me, no matter what happens, no matter what is permitted by Me, I Am only ever motivated by My love.... I watch over every person's fate, no one is too unimportant or too immature for Me, I care for all of you who are presently living on earth as human beings, because I want to help you reach final perfection on earth, because I want to protect you from the fate of a new banishment and only ever want you to turn your thoughts to Me, so that you will escape the final downfall.... to be placed once more into the creations of the new earth. __And irrespective of how disastrous My intervention is for the people of the affected regions.... it is justified by My love for you, for from a spiritual point of view it is just a rescue mission and not an act of condemnation.... Your earthly loss is irrelevant compared to the gain which your souls can achieve.... And if you have to lose your life then you may also depend on My mercy, which provides you with the opportunity in the kingdom of the beyond to become enlightened and to ascend.... For on earth you would, with certainty, have fallen prey to My adversary, and from this I want to protect those of you whom I recognise as still being capable of change. For there is only a short time left before the end, and this end will come soon afterwards. Yet, prior to this I still want to give you a sign, a final admonition and warning which, although it will painfully intervene in untold people's lives, shall strengthen the faith in My Word, so that they can prepare themselves for the end, which will not take long to follow.... __Amen
Requested clarification regarding food....
I want to enlighten your spirit if you ask Me for it: The soul's actual task during its life on earth is to attain full maturity, for at the beginning of its earthly existence its substances are still more or less immature. It still has to tackle many instincts which it brought along from its previous embodiments and will always have the opportunity during its earthly life to master them, providing its will is good and directed towards Me. Nevertheless, it is passing through the satanic realm, which means that it has to wage a constant battle which lasts as long as it lives on earth. Time and again it will come into contact with spiritually immature substances, which it also consumes in the form of food in order to keep the body fit, and these substances must be spiritualised by the soul too, that is, it has to try to bring everything into the right order. Hence these spiritual substances will join the body; they serve the growth and preservation of that which was given to the soul as an external cover, in which the soul itself should attain full maturity. The spirits, the substances contained in food, are therefore of service and thereby slowly ascend as well.... irrespective of whether they come from the plant or animal kingdom.... The nourishment needed by the body as sustenance is spiritual substance in the process of maturity too, which has achieved various degrees of development.... The body can also consume something unhealthy, that is, nourishment which still contains too many immature spiritual substances.... which then might not only bother the body but also the soul.... and manifest itself in the form of diseases.... However, a strong soul is able to put these immature substances in order but it must already have achieved a high degree of spiritual maturity to be able to exert a redeeming influence on the still immature spiritual substance. The correct preparation of food can therefore promote faster maturing by eliminating virulent spiritual substances before it comes into contact with the human body. For all spiritual substances still constrained in creation have a low degree of maturity but they can be redeemed faster if they willingly serve the human being. Then their path can be shortened, which is the case when the body submits to the soul's will, when the body does not prevent a soul's conscious striving towards attaining perfection and when these spiritual substances also support the soul by subordinating themselves to the body and thus let themselves become spiritualised too.... But this only happens if the food the body consumes is pure, healthy and beneficial for the body's continuation. For once the soul succeeds in making the body compliant by submitting itself to the soul's will, the body's spiritualisation will soon take place, providing the soul has united itself with the spirit within itself.... thus consciously strives towards spiritual perfection.... . __If, however, the soul has no bond at all with its spirit then it will allow itself to be determined by its body.... i.e., all unspiritual substances of its external cover will strongly predominate and control the soul; in that case its thoughts and intentions will only aim to increase its physical well-being and then a high intake of food and drink will also prevent its spiritual development.... The body will consume an excess of unspiritual substances which pull body and soul down, for then everything of a satanic nature will push itself into the forefront and find no resistance.... thus endangering higher development if not preventing it altogether. And once again it follows that the prayer for blessing of all nourishment is the best means to avoid this danger.... I can and will transform everything that is detrimental for your soul if only you always think of Me before you eat your food, which will always contain more or less immature spiritual substances, because everything passing through the works of creation is still earth-bound whatever degree of development it may have achieved. Your will to attain perfection on earth is valued by Me, and a prayer for blessing everything you consume always proves your will to Me and I shall always comply with it. However, that which serves the maintenance and growth of the body fulfils its actual task.... it is of service.... And in this way you must always look at the consumption of food.... The fact that a certain moderation has to be observed, that you must not merely satisfy your physical cravings, speaks for itself, for then you will avoid the danger of your body being harassed by harmful spiritual substances.... You don't need any special clarification as to which foods are useful and which are detrimental to you, for your will to live in My eternal order will also give you the right feeling in the choice of your meals.... and each one can be of use to you, just as each one can harm you if you don't keep to the right amount or if base cravings incite you into satisfying them.... For you must know that only your free will determines to what extent you resist the temptations of the adversary, of your soul's enemy. And he will always make use of everything that can become a danger to you. He will arouse cravings in you, he will use the body to influence your soul and put it under pressure wherever it is possible for him. __He himself is incapable of forcing you, just as he has no direct influence on the spiritual substance which is still bound in matter; but he can incline your will towards him if you accept the thoughts he transmits to you through cravings and you comply with them yourselves.... by either satisfying these craving or by being careless in the choice as well as the amount of your food or even consciously sin against My order which you, however, know full well and can also observe with good will. Hence in a sense you contribute towards the redemption of immature substances within matter by consuming the right amount of food and drink, because the maturing process of these small spiritual particles involves their being of service, and as soon as you enable them to `serve' you are helping them to mature. I Myself assigned this serving function or duty of service to every work of creation, and if the human being himself lives within divine order he will never prevent the spirits' higher development, in whatever form they are still bound.... For I also created the human being with all his needs, and it is up to him to always observe moderation and to make use of that which I assigned to him in love and wisdom. And anyone who does not consciously want to sin will also make use of all creations I designated for him, on whatever spiritual level they may be, according to My intended order.... And in unity with Me he will always appeal for My blessing and then also contribute towards the fact that his body's still immature spiritual substances as well as those the body consumes for its upkeep will be guided into the right order.... that they will mature during earthly life according to My will.... __Amen
Incarnated beings of light.... The working of the spirit ...
Even the incarnated beings of light on earth in the last days are only working according to My will as soon as they live their earthly life in heartfelt contact with Me and thus offer no resistance to Me.... that is, that they consciously submit to My will which also necessitates their voluntarily established bond with Me. Hence no being of light having embodied itself on earth as a human being for the purpose of a mission was forced into this mission by Me, but it has to be prompted by love to dedicate itself to Me, then the human being will also truly accomplish his mission in keeping with My will. And you humans can believe it that they then will also work for your benefit.... but always as a human being without knowing his origin, for such knowledge would neither be a blessing for the being of light.... the human being.... nor for the people it wants to help. They are certainly in close contact with Me and fulfil their earthly task with dedication and joy, but I don't use the people working on My behalf on earth as involuntary shells having to bear witness of Me.... but such a human being.... the embodied being of light.... will completely voluntarily let My spirit work in him, and he will proclaim the truth, since his spiritual spark unites itself with the eternal Father-Spirit and thus he will speak according to My instructions, i.e. he will inform people of the spiritual knowledge which he is constantly receiving from Me. __But don't let yourselves be misled by false prophets, for My adversary will also present himself as a representative of Christ.... in order to lead people astray, especially in the end time. However, he will hide himself behind a mask and not shy away from using divine Words either, which he knows and then tries to interpret in his spirit.... Don't let false Christs and prophets deceive you, for My adversary conceals himself under a cover in order to gain access to people who follow Me and genuinely strive towards Me.... and he is frequently very successful.... And he often uses My name because people's own will allows for it, which accepts everything as truth what gullible people with mediumistic tendencies claim they allegedly have received from Me. Make a distinction between `the working of the spirit in the human being' and `channeled communications'.... in which a person's own will is excluded and My adversary is offered the opportunity to work, which he is truly using well.... __However, anyone who has already kindled the light of realisation within himself will also see through his disgraceful activity and not allow himself to be bothered, for I will impart the truth to anyone who wants to know it, and I will also give him the power of judgment to recognise that the Word I convey to earth is originating from Me, and he will not believe My adversary no matter how cleverly he proceeds to deceive people. For the human being's thinking will be guided correctly and he will receive enlightenment just as soon as he seriously desires to know the truth.... __Amen
Christ's Forerunner....
My Own will recognise him, the voice in the wilderness, who will announce My appearance as I predicted.... For his light will radiate brightly and his speech will be powerful.... And he will not shy away from strongly criticising the authorities in his speeches, because I will send him to earth in order to fulfil his final mission by preaching about the end of this earth and announcing My coming on the day of Judgment.... Those who belong to Me will be strongly affected by the strength of his words, and they will realise that it won't be long before I Myself arrive in order to deliver them from their adversity. But before that you humans will time and again come to the wrong conclusion and assume to recognise him in many people.... However, I say to you `You won't need to ask but will know that it is he whom I have sent ahead of Me....' For when he appears My adversary will already be at work embodied in a ruler who proceeds against all spiritual aspirations, against faith, and through his accomplices will also badly pester My Own to desert Me and acknowledge him instead.... __Then you will be able to see the beginning of the battle of faith already and therefore receive incredible comfort through My forerunner, for then you will also know that the end is not far away.... For his mission on earth will not last long, just as the Antichrist will be easily recognisable, who will not be granted a long lifespan either.... The forerunner will come and reinforce your faith, he will testify to Me and announce My coming with such powerful words that My Own will draw strength from his words and thus endure until the end, for I Myself will help them in their distress which this last battle of faith entails.... The voice in the wilderness will not let himself be restrained and will quite openly condemn the people who treat My Own with hostility.... He will denounce their actions as detestable and always enjoy My protection when they attack him, until his hour also comes, for once again he will pay for his mission with his death, and that, too, shall not frighten you who are My Own, but only strengthen your belief that you know the truth, that you can expect everything to happen as I have told you through My spirit. __A period of time nears its completion which was given to you humans for your release from the form, yet I will help you until the last day to find the right faith in Me, and the `forerunner', too, will be sent so as to strengthen your faith.... Anyone who wants to recognise him will recognise him.... Anyone who rejects his word is plainly My adversary's follower and will also reject Me. Yet the light from above which will shine so very brightly cannot be overlooked, his powerful word cannot be ignored, and his life and activity on earth during the last days will be so evidently recognisable as `divine' activity, that everyone will be able to recognise him and no longer needs to question whether it is him. And My adversary will want to work in the same manner again by trying to cause confusion and suggest to his followers that he can be seen here and there, and thus it requires a close bond with Me in order to distinguish properly and to think correctly.... This is why I repeatedly let you know that he will only make his appearance when My adversary has also prepared the right external form for himself, in which he will then work to the horror of the believers, for he has great power at his disposal and will employ it to wage a relentless battle of faith.... __And then the one who is sent by Me will make his appearance, and he will publicly denounce the former and not be afraid of him, and thereby you will recognise him, for he will use the strength at his disposal in My name, he will also heal the sick and perform miracles and thus be even more fiercely attacked by the authorities who try to kill him and achieve his violent death.... Yet the light he distributes amongst My Own will give them extraordinary strength, and they will await My coming with confidence and wait until the end.... for they know that My Word fulfils itself and that everything will come to pass as I let it be proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Revelations are God's help towards ascent....
My loving care has applied to you for eternity, for you have been distant from Me for eternity already and therefore unhappy. During your earthly life you are oblivious to the infinitely long time before your embodiment as a human being because it lies behind you and thus it has been surmounted.... And now you are taking the path across earth as a human being, unaware of the fate you are approaching.... unaware, until you voluntarily take the path to Me.... Only then will the danger have passed of descending again and having to cover this infinitely long path once more. And since all My love applies to you I constantly exert My influence in order to motivate you to hand yourselves over to the Power which brought you into being. For it only requires your free will during your earthly progress.... It can lead you back to supreme happiness but it can also result in your renewed downfall, for only your free will decides your fate in eternity.... __As long as this will was constrained, as long as your soul had to go through the creations of earth in a state of compulsion there was no risk of a descent, for My adversary had lost all authority over you and My love constantly pulled you higher.... But now.... as a human being.... you are free, and My adversary therefore also has the right to influence you again, and thus you voluntarily have to resist him, you voluntarily have to take the path to Me, and then you will have passed your final test of earthly life and can be liberated from every external shell. Since My love called you into being, and since this love has never diminished nor will it ever diminish, I will also always help you, I will fight for your will just like My adversary does.... And I shall let all happenings approach you such that your thoughts will be directed towards Me, for as soon as I achieve that you recognise Me as a Being of supreme perfection Which loves you and only wants your happiness I will also have won you over for Myself.... __Thus I also have to reveal Myself to you, I must try to achieve that you are informed of a Power Which gave you life, and I have to enlighten you about the nature of this Power.... I have to provide you with the information about this Being's reign and activity and your relationship with It. Since you are blessed with intelligence, with the faculty of thought, I also constantly stimulate you to think, and I enter your thoughts Myself.... I direct your earthly fate in such a way that you will be able to think of Me.... Hence I try to influence your will in every way so that it will turn to Me and hand itself over to Me.... For I Am motivated to do so by My great love for you which would like to unite itself with you again and this requires your free will.... After your long development before your embodiment as a human being you are now in a state of maturity which only requires you to make use of the blessings of being human in order to achieve your goal.... For every day will also offer you the opportunities to attain knowledge about your God and Creator, since every day will give you the opportunity to practise love, when you are able to carry out deeds of love, which will also guarantee you correct thinking and grant you the recognition that you have to fulfil a task on earth.... And considerable information about the reason for your earthly existence can be made accessible to you, and through this knowledge you can also be pushed towards Me, Who is imparting the information to you Himself, because you must learn to recognise Me in order to then also strive consciously towards Me. __My love will do anything so that you will bring the course of development to fruition, which shall return you to Me for good.... But one thing even My infinite love cannot do: it cannot force you to return to Me against your will.... You have to take the path of earthly life in absolute freedom, but you will be and remain infinitely happy if your will makes a free decision for Me. You will no longer need to fear regression; for once I have won you for Myself I will hold on to you and never ever leave you to My adversary.... But in earthly life he is likewise struggling for your souls, and you should know this so that you can make a conscious choice, so that you will offer him resistance and take your path to Me in order to help you.... so that you will lay claim to the blessings of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation, in Whom I Myself came to earth in order to pay the purchase price for your souls.... For you belonged to My adversary as well, since you had followed him of your own free will.... And you should know that it is possible to be released from his control if you take the path to the cross and thereby show that your will has freely chosen Me.... And for that reason I constantly reveal Myself to humanity and inform them of the reason for their earthly progress and the opportunity to find final deliverance through Jesus Christ, in Whom I Myself brought you redemption from sin and death.... __Amen
Re-incarnation or possession?....
You should not consider a case of possession as a soul's re-incarnation, as a return from the kingdom of the beyond for the purpose of a repeated life on earth as a human being. Immature spirits, that is, souls which had already lived in the flesh and departed in profound darkness, still remain in the proximity of earth.... The kingdom of light is closed to them, and thus they rage in the realm of the lowest spirits, which is wherever these spirits are congregating. They are unable to detach themselves from their places of activity on earth and influence people in every possible way but predominantly by trying to transfer their thoughts, their evil instincts and passions onto people whose character resembles their own nature. And these are easily influenced and willingly comply with their wishes by implementing what these spirits urge them to do.... This influence can often be noticed if people do not consciously free themselves and fight against their instincts by appealing to Me for help.... But if they are unbelievers they are easy game for these spiritual forces.... And they will rage consistently more and impel people into God-opposing actions.... which will become particularly noticeable in the last days.... __However, these are only ever mental influences; they are not cases of possession.... Yet these, too, will quite openly manifest themselves during the end time.... that people will become so totally controlled and perform such acts of malice and all kinds of criminal activity that it will utterly confound their fellow human beings.... These people are unable to generate the necessary inner strength to resist, their will is completely weakened, and then evil spirits will succeed in taking complete possession of the body and rage in it, transferring all evil qualities on it and perform acts which they had done in their life as human beings. They succeed in pushing the person's soul aside and impose their own will.... The evil spirit takes unlawful possession of a human body but it can also be expelled from it again at any time, if the soul itself or someone close to it is able to completely hand itself over to Me and appeal for My help.... Then I can and will command the demon to leave the physical shell.... Yet people's unbelief and heartlessness often prevent My intervention, and I also allow such possession-taking for the purpose of purifying the affected soul as well as its environment, just as it is possible that the evil spirit, once it has finished raging, will have a change of heart when it realises the devastating consequences of its ill will.... __For occasionally the human being will be held to account for his evil actions and has to take a long path of suffering, giving the demon no further possibility to incite the person into actions it would have done itself if it would still live on earth as a human being.... Then it will leave the body of ist own accord and the actual soul will then readily accept its state of suffering even though it is entirely innocent, yet it will carry its punishment for the sake of its purification and can thereby mature faster than if it had lived a half-hearted life without any particular guilt. You always ought to understand the difference, that cases of possession are not re-incarnations of dark souls.... You ought to know that hell releases everything in the last days and that the prince of darkness incites his followers into extreme activity.... You ought to know that even these evil spirits can still save themselves from the fate of a new banishment if they want, for the day of reckoning will arrive soon, and every being will be held to account how it has used the time it was granted for its deliverance from the control of My adversary.... __Amen
Contact with the world of light or the world of immature ...
Again and again I have to point out that the spiritual world is in constant contact with people on this earth, that it is every light being's task to guide the people on earth towards the light and that they faithfully implement this task because they work according to My will and that they are only able to fulfil My will if they are enlightened themselves, hence, if they are permeated by My light. All redeemed spiritual beings participate in the redemption of the unredeemed, be they people on earth or the still unredeemed souls in the beyond.... For since they themselves are blissfully happy their love also wants to help the wretched to attain beatitude. And this motivates them to make contact with people on earth by influencing them mentally and by trying to guide them on the right path which leads back to the Father's house, to Me, from Whom they once voluntarily distanced themselves. However, the beings of light will not implement anything of their own accord which would not be according to My will, and thus their activity relating to people presupposes people's bond with Me, because only this testifies to the will that the human being will be positively minded and thus can receive help.... Once this heartfelt bond has been established with Me, no person need be afraid of falling prey to deceitful spirits, for his bond with Me protects him from this.... Then the beings of light will guide and advise him and also allow earthly events to approach him such that they will benefit his soul, for then they will always be active on My behalf according to My will. And people should indeed be satisfied with the fact that they are being guided and cared for by the spiritual world of light.... If, however, they try to establish a direct connection with these messengers of light in order to receive spiritual clarification, in order to increase their spiritual knowledge, they will always be advised by them to enter into closest contact with Me and to consciously appeal for and accept My Words.... Only if they united with Me and appealed for the transmission of truth will they be allowed to receive and also accept information from these said messengers of light, who are then working on My instructions again. __But then they will be addressed through My spirit.... hence they will not be able to hear the teachings or messages from the kingdom of light with their physical ears, but the eternal Father-Spirit will communicate with the spiritual spark in the human being, irrespective of whether it happens directly or through the messengers of light, which are merely My spiritual organs through which I work so as to be able to make them happy. …Then the spiritual ear will be able to hear and.... if it is My will.... these messages can be recorded.... The fact that this simple process of the 'working of My spirit in the human being' is no longer understood properly.... the fact that it is imitated and that people to this end avail themselves of the spirit world which is still in an unredeemed state in the kingdom of the beyond , is My adversary's activity who wants to prevent everything which might lead to the realisation of a God and Creator but which is essential in order to return to Me, in order to love Me and to submit to My will.... Contacts with this immature world of spirits can never lead to the light, nothing good can come from it, for they will only add to the error in the world, and therefore you humans must time and again be cautioned to hand yourselves over to these forces who misuse you and your will. Don't take detours but turn directly to Me, the Eternal Truth Itself, then you will not run the risk of being mislead. For you are unable to judge which spiritual beings approach you, but you can only be protected from their influence if you completely hand yourselves over to Me to lead and guide you, and then you will truly be well protected.... But don't deliberately hand yourselves over to spiritual forces which always surround you and which try to influence you in every way but which are of service to My adversary. It requires profound sincerity, a humble heart and a genuine desire for truth in order to be chosen for transmissions from the spiritual kingdom which originate from Me.... But then you can be certain that purest truth will be imparted to you, and then you can also pass it on again according to My will.... __Amen
Announcement of the end and signs of the time....
The announcements of a near end seem unbelievable to people, consequently they reject them and also doubt the truth of the spiritual messages I convey to Earth.... And yet it will not take long for these announcements to fulfil themselves, for My Word is truth.... And precisely the fact that people don't have much time left to change their nature into love causes Me to repeatedly draw their attention to the end and to seriously admonish them to listen to My Word and to live their life accordingly. However, people don't want to believe and I cannot forcibly affect their thoughts and intentions, I can only ever inform them of that which is about to happen to them and leave it up to their free will as to how they assess and make use of such proclamations. And since the process of the end has never taken place before, since people have no knowledge of this, it is also difficult for them to believe it, even though from the beginning of this earthly period I have indicated this end time and again. Yet they should also take notice of the signs which I foretold as well.... They will notice that the signs are increasing and that, purely from a worldly point of view, a change must come about, for everything is intensifying to an abnormal degree, people find themselves on a level which should make them stop and think.... There is no more love, instead, people outdo each other with heartlessness, living next to each other in harmony no longer exists, people are hostile towards each other and allow free reign to their low instincts and passions, they chase after material goods and do not strive towards any spiritual contact whatsoever.... Like it was at the time of the great Flood, people are only searching for worldly pleasure and even obtain it by unlawful means due to the fact that love has grown cold.… Anyone looking around with open eyes should already recognise the signs of the last days and know that one day restitution will have to come, that one day God's power and righteousness must come to the fore, if a God is believed in at all. If this faith is completely missing, people will truly have reached a low spiritual level which will also draw in the end of this earth.... Yet from My side nothing else can be done but to repeatedly point out the end, to constantly keep addressing people through the mouths of prophets and seers and to enlighten them about the cause and effect of people's lives.... but always leaving it up to their freedom of will to grant credence to the proclaimers of My Word or to reject it. Nevertheless, every person's destiny will proceed faster than you think; all of you will have to experience this time if you are not blessed by being recalled before. My plan of Salvation was established an infinitely long time ago and will certainly be implemented because the time the spiritual beings were granted for releasing themselves from the physical form in this period of salvation has come to an end.... And even the exceedingly short time you have left until the end could still be enough for your final release if only you make your serious will known to fulfil your purpose of life on earth, consciously strive towards Me and appeal for My support to achieve perfection.... For I will truly comply with this serious plea, I will help you in every spiritual adversity and with profound mercy draw you to Me, so that you will not go astray again for an infinitely long time when the end of this earth has come.... __Amen
Introduction to spiritual knowledge....
I want to give people an easily comprehensible instruction; I want to enlighten them in the simplest possible way if they are still entirely without knowledge but willing to accept a correct explanation: You humans can imagine that I did not create you as you are, for you can detect many shortcomings in people, and if you spend some thought on it, it will seem doubtful to you that the most perfect Being, Which you call `God', should have created such an imperfect human race.... But since you, as well as all visible works of creation surrounding you, could not have been able to create yourselves there must have been a Power at work, in Which you are expected to believe.... A God has to exist, a Creator of everything you can perceive, including yourselves.... Thus this Creator is supremely perfect, and you can procure numerous evidence of this in earthly life.... He created you humans too, but not in the state you find yourselves in at present, rather, you emerged from Him in a supremely perfect state, you are products of the absolutely perfect Creative Power, Which is an intelligent Entity.... just like you but of highest perfection.... therefore you were perfectly created but did not remain perfect because you possessed free will which was able to evolve in any direction and therefore was also able to relinquish all perfection and change into the opposite.... And this is what you have done.... __You left the Father's house, you distanced yourselves from your God and Creator, you rejected His Fatherly love and became unhappy creatures, because it requires God's unlimited love in order to be happy. My love, however, is infinite and also follows you into the abyss, to which you aspired of your own free will.... My love wants to achieve your return to Me one day and therefore won't leave you in your wretched state but will help you to ascend from the abyss again, it will help you to return from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of light again and regain your former state of bliss, because love always wants to please, and so My love will not lessen until you have completed the path of return to Me. And your existence as human beings on this earth is a very short stage on the path of return to Me.... You have the gift of reason, you possess free will and intellect, you are able to think, feel and want and therefore can also conduct yourselves accordingly.... And if you think and want correctly then your thoughts and intentions will always be based on love, love will determine your thinking and wanting because a correctly directed will allows itself to be determined by Me Myself into activities of love and because the activity of love is the same as approaching Me, Who is Eternal Love Itself.... because it is the same as transforming your imperfect nature into the original being which had once came forth from Me in utter perfection.... Thus you humans on earth only have the one task of living a life of love.... In doing so you fulfil the purpose of your earthly life which connects you with the Eternal Love again and thereby enables the Eternal Love to make you abundantly happy and you will become blissful again as you were in the beginning.... __This is the only goal you should endeavour towards reaching on earth, and in order for you to do so you will be taught by Me Myself through the voice of conscience, through the voice of the spirit, the spark which glows within every human heart and only needs to be kindled through kind-hearted activity in order to tell you humans what you should or should not do.... and which will stimulate you into more and more loving actions.... Love is the fundamental substance of your nature, and if you want to be and remain perfect you also have to be completely permeated by love.... If, however, you neglect love you will remain imperfect beings, and then you will belong to the generation which you can presently recognise all over the world: heartless, selfish people who only ever think of themselves and never take care of their neighbour who is suffering in adversity next to them.... But a lack of love also means a lack of happiness, it means spiritual darkness, ignorance, weaknesses and a lack of freedom, for then the human being will not recognise his God and Creator either, and he will not take the path to Him.... Yet only through a union with Me can the being regain beatitude.... And for the sake of this union with Me you are living on earth. You ought to achieve your perfection again which you once renounced of your own free will, you ought to change yourselves into love again which had been your fundamental substance, and with this change you will also establish unification with Me.... You will be allowed to give love and receive unlimited love yourselves, you will be able to enter into a true life which lasts forever, and you will be perfect and therefore also infinitely happy.... __Amen
The soul's realisation what it once had been....
I only ever want you to think about the fact that you are of divine origin.... and that you therefore should regard yourselves as sparks which were emanated by Me Myself, which will eternally remain that which they had been.... divine living creations of the same fundamental substance as I Am, even if they changed their own nature and turned into beings who deprived themselves of all divine characteristics. However, this state will not go on forever but will also change again, so that their fundamental nature will surface.... so that they will create and work like Me in all perfection again, so that they will develop into My image again and remain that way forever. If you consider the fact that I Myself Am your origin.... that the highest and most perfect Being created you through its love, then you should tremble and have no other desire but to become again what you were in the beginning.... And your subsequently recognised imperfection and weakness should make you feel profoundly humble and motivate you into sincerely praying to Me for help to become the same again so that you will be able to join Me.... And truly, you will receive an abundance of blessings, for this resolve will open your heart to Me and I will be able to permeate it with My strength of love, which will enable you to change yourselves and to adopt your fundamental nature once more. You should only ever remember that you came forth from Me Myself.... that you are and will remain My Own, because I never relinquish that which belongs to Me.... Even if it voluntarily turned away from Me and remains opposed to Me.... you are and remain My strength of love which once flowed forth from Me and which will irrevocably flow back to Me again one day, because this is the law of eternity.... Nevertheless, your own realisation of your origin would shorten your path of return, for once you recognise yourselves as divine living creations you will have taken the first step of coming back to Me, for in the past you did not want to acknowledge Me as your God and Creator, and that was your downfall. __It was pride which made you assume that you can do without My flow of strength and which therefore caused your state of unhappiness.... If, in earthly life, you are aware of your divine origin then you will also know that only in association with Me can you receive strength and light again, that you can only regain your divine characteristics through being illuminated by My light of love and that it is not impossible to re-enter your original state, that you can truly become as gods, as you were intended to be in the very beginning. If, however, you only look upon yourselves as people living on earth without a purpose and goal, as creatures which, like other creations, populate the world and are transient, then you are spiritually utterly unenlightened and the path of your final return to your starting point, to your God and Father of eternity, will still be infinitely long, then you will not recognise any meaning or purpose of earthly life, you will only be earthly-minded and you manifest this completely wrong nature yourselves through your wrong attitude towards Me, your God and Creator. Recognise only yourselves and ask yourselves every so often what might form the basis of your human existence.... Think about what you are and where you came from.... Don't consider yourselves so inferior that you will vanish again into nothingness when your body dies.... For then you will even deem yourselves less than an animal which is unable to think, since you don't use the intellect given to you. And your free will and your intellect alone should be proof to you of a Power Which created you and Whose creations testify to supreme wisdom.... And this Power will truly not externalise from Itself something that is imperfect but beings of utmost perfection; yet you humans are not aware of the fact that you are these beings which fell away from Me, and therefore I keep informing you of this apostasy and My loving care to encourage your voluntary return.... And therefore I only try to stimulate you to think about yourselves, as to what you are and why you live on earth. You should consider what a wonderful work of creation you are, how intricately your body is structured and how supremely wisely its functions are arranged; by this alone you would have to recognise that you are of divine origin, that your Creator must be a supremely perfect Being Who externalised living beings from within Himself with the ability to think and want and which therefore must be destined to be something else than to just live as a human being on earth and to comply with earthly demands only to cease to exist again afterwards.... And if only it made you realise that your life on earth must have meaning and purpose, then you would make an effort to discover it, so therefore your ascent would also be assured, for then you would live responsibly and one divine characteristic after another would emerge in you again, because your fundamental substance is divine strength which strives to manifest itself.... In that case you will also look for unity with Me and thus offer Me the opportunity to illuminate you with My strength of love once more, and then you will be that again which you were in the beginning.... __Amen
New banishment inevitable for the adversary's followers....
My eyes rest full of pity on the degenerated human race which is controlled by My adversary and unwilling to pull itself away from him. It has willingly surrendered to him and thereby denies Me the right to intervene effectively, for I will not proceed against My adversary's will, since you want to belong to him yourselves. Yet he keeps drawing you ever further down, he is preparing your downfall, for you will fall back to the depths from which you had started your process of development across earth and had to pass through all creations in order to one day finally exist as a human being. And now the same fate will be granted to you, since this is what you want and you do nothing to escape from his power. And even though this information is presented to you, you don't want to believe it, and there is almost no other way left to change your thinking unless the tremendous affliction, which will befall the entire earth before the end, can still achieve it. As long as you are able to think there is still the possibility that you will spend some thought on yourselves, that you will consider the death of your body and wonder what will happen afterwards.... Yet by and large you will dismiss such thoughts, you don't believe in anything at all and assume that you will cease to exist when your body dies. __But you are hugely mistaken and will have to pay heavily for this mistake, however, you refuse to accept a truthful explanation and cannot be forcibly influenced either. And faced by a serious crisis you just revolt against the power which inflicts this on you, for as soon as you are in serious trouble you gladly blame someone else for it, even if you yourselves deny a God and Creator.... Yet you cannot stop misfortunes and have no option but to acknowledge a power which is stronger than you are.... Consequently, such strokes of fate and extraordinarily severe adversity are the only means left which could still change your way of thinking, and I have to use them in view of the end and considering the fate, which I would like to avert from you.... Don't feel sorry for people who suddenly have to depart from this life, for they will still be able to find some light in the beyond, if they are not already completely enslaved by My adversary and then also sink into the abyss in order to be banished into matter yet again.... But woe to those who will experience the end without having changed their conduct of life, their thinking and their unbelief.... They cannot be saved anymore, and even the greatest mercy on My part, My infinite love for all My living creations, will be unable to avert the fate of a new banishment from them, because it is the only option for the soul to attain perfection one day when, after an infinitely long time, it lives on earth as a human being again and consciously travels the path to Me in order to become liberated from every form. __And this new banishment amounts to a deed of love on My part, because I will seize this soul from My adversary's power and subordinate it to My will again. And as a human being it will only be able to release itself from him if it consciously calls upon Jesus Christ to be redeemed.... And since people on earth no longer believe in Him and appeal to him for help, they cannot be released from his control either, and he invariably will pull them down into his domain.... Yet you humans have free will and thus are just as able to direct it towards the divine Redeemer as to him.... and you would be saved for time and eternity.... Since you don't do so you will consequently also have to accept the results of your opposing will towards Me. __But time and again I will impart the relevant information to you, I will speak to every one of you through the voice of conscience, and I will make him realise the fleeting nature of all worldly pleasures and commodities, I will let him personally experience suffering and adversity.... And finally I will speak to him through the elements of nature.... Yet I will not force his will, and therefore he only has to blame himself for the fate he is approaching.... I would like to bestow him with unlimited happiness.... He himself, however, chooses the state of wretchedness, the state of utter torment and of being constrained. And thus he will receive what he desires, for his inclination for earthly matter will result in his own banishment into hardest matter again. For although I have every power at My disposal, I will not forcibly influence the will of a self-aware being or I would be in breach of My law of order, which will never be possible.... Yet I will speak to people until the end, and anyone who pays attention to My Words will be saved from the fate of a new banishment, and he will thank Me eternally that My love has pursued him until he changed himself.... __Amen
The adversary's activity behind a mask....
The adversary will fight using all means during the last days before the end.... And neither will he shy away from availing himself of My Words and portraying himself as an angel of light which intends to bring salvation to people. And in their spiritually unenlightened state people will not recognise who approaches them and takes possession of their thoughts.... They will believe blindly as long as they hear pious words which, however, can be voiced by every spirit, because they are mere words which it does not believe in itself but which it uses in order to deceive people and to lead them astray. These dark forces don't shy away from any lie and often introduce themselves to people as elevated and supreme beings of light in order to deceive them and to stifle their doubts regarding the truthfulness of their statements. And you will be surprised in which way My adversary will continue to influence people through his accomplices during the last days.... For he wants to imitate Me.... Just as I Myself convey the pure truth to earth he, too, will try to impel people to listen to him by disguising himself as an angel of light. And people's obsession with making contact with supernatural spheres, with receiving extraordinary information and thus with entering a realm which is outside of this earth often provides My adversary with the opportunity to push himself forward and to be of service to people in order to confuse their thoughts, so that they are no longer able to recognise the pure truth if it is offered to them, because they, too, want to push themselves forward and regard themselves as recipients of the truth. The adversary plays an unscrupulous game but people themselves support him, for usually it is mere curiosity rather than a genuine desire for truth which motivates them into establishing contact with this spiritual world, which emanates blatant error in order to undermine the pure truth and which does not provide people with enlightenment. Only deceptive lights keep flashing up which so dazzle the eye that it cannot recognise the pure truth anymore. However, I Myself Am unable to do anything else but to repeatedly point out his cunning and trickery to you, for you yourselves give him the reason which makes his activity possible. For as soon as you strive towards Me with profound sincerity and desire the purest truth from Me I would truly not let you fall into his hands, and you would realise brightly and clearly that you are only being deceived by evil spirits, and time and again I have revealed the attributes to you by which you can recognise them.... __Just test them concerning My 'human manifestation in Jesus Christ', ask them to explain this mystery to you and you will realise that they will fail because they are still unenlightened themselves, that they don't know anything about Him and His act of Salvation and that they only avail themselves of His name in order to deceive you, yet they don't mean the name of their God and Creator of eternity, which they cannot voice in awareness of what it signifies.... They certainly make use of Jesus' human name, because they only ever speak of a human being but not of God Himself.... And you will truly not meet many people who, as bearers of light, will be able to enlighten you about this, because they received this clarification from Me Myself. But then you will also be able to make a judgment and accept the light from them without having to fear that you will be wrongly instructed.... And you can believe that a person will not know the truth as long as this problem of My human manifestation in Jesus is still unresolved.... Anyone who does not recognise or has not recognised Him as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world in Whom I manifested Myself in order to be able to be a visible God for My created beings will never.... be it on earth or from the beyond.... be able to inform you humans truthfully, for he himself does not yet have the truth, the correct realisation, and therefore he is not a right leader and teacher for people on earth either.... However, you humans are easily inclined to accept everything you receive from the spiritual kingdom as truth, because the desire to hear something extraordinary dominates you, thus it is stronger than the desire for the pure truth.... Yet in order to entrust you with an extraordinary task, which consists of receiving the truth from Me directly and of passing it on to your fellow human beings, you still lack too many prerequisites which facilitate a transmission of the pure truth.... requirements which I cannot exclude as not to endanger the pure truth. For you still move within a world of spirits yourselves which you attract through your desire for something extraordinary and, as a result, you are not guarded against influences from My adversary's sphere.... Neither do you free yourselves from this influence: instead you place yourselves at the disposal of these forces time and again which you, however, would definitely repel through heartfelt devotion to Me in Jesus Christ, through devotion to your Father and Redeemer, Who is your refuge and protection against everything that is unspiritual and that wants to encroach upon you.... __Amen
All circumstances of life offer opportunities to mature....
How your earthly life turns out is entirely determined by My will, because I have known from the very beginning which direction your will is going to take during the time of your earthly life as a human being. And according to this will all events will happen to you such that they can influence you to direct your will correctly. So even if you apparently shape your own circumstances of life you will nevertheless be affected by the same measure of suffering and adversities, by destined experiences, regardless of what kind of living conditions you have. And therefore you can go through life with a certain composure since I will, after all, always provide you with the greatest possibility to reach your goal of attaining perfection on earth. Consequently, it is entirely irrelevant for your soul's development as to whether you are poor or rich, whether you are nicely shaped or have physical defects, for all advantages as well as your disadvantages can contribute towards your eager work of improving your soul, just as they can equally be the reason for you to neglect this psychological work.... For it always depends on yourselves, on your will, as to what extent you allow yourselves to be influenced by everything that approaches you externally in the form of experiences, strokes of fate, illnesses and all kinds of adversities but also of wealth, fame, honour and earthly power.... Everything can be detrimental and everything can be beneficial to you.... It depends entirely on what kind of attitude towards Me you find in earthly life.... It depends entirely on whether you allow yourselves to be spiritually influenced, whether you are able to look upon your earthly life as a test of your will, as a means to an end, as a gift of grace by the One Who brought you to life.... It depends entirely on whether you not only place importance on your body or are seriously concerned about your soul.... If the latter is the case then everything will be a blessing for you, no matter what comes upon you, and you will climb the ladder which leads to ascent step by step which helps you to reach higher spheres until you reach the goal when your soul will leave the earthly body.... This is why you should unperturbedly accept everything, always in the knowledge that I thereby intend to attract those of you to Me who are still distant from Me and yet need to find the right attitude towards Me in order to subsequently live your life on earth according to My will, which lets you achieve perfection.... __And when there is a risk of people being entirely distant from Me, then I must indeed use means which are described as an unusually severe destiny of life, yet they are always based on the fact that an unusual resistance towards Me still exists, which I cannot forcibly break but which can recede in view of the immense earthly adversity, which can subsequently push the human being onto the right path to Me and thus show a correctly inclined will, which signifies everything for the person, for then I Myself will be able to take evident charge of his earthly life, and the human being will be truly relieved from all responsibility if he completely hands himself over to Me and lets Me think and act on his behalf.... So everything that can contribute towards a change of will is good, even if it appears to be distressing and unbearable, yet it is not distressing for the soul but fortunate and a blessing, for it matures and reaches that goal which, on its own.... without My indirect help.... it would hardly be able to attain. For I know every individual person's will. And thus I also know to whom I can bestow exceptional gifts of grace, who will use these correctly and derive the most blessings from them.... In that case, I will win this soul over to Me with less severe means, because the resistance, which in the beginning of the embodiment as a human being still firmly controls the soul, will have already considerably lessened.... In that case My means of help need no longer be so painful, slight impulses will suffice that the person will take the right paths, that he will recognise his purpose of earthly life and makes an effort to do justice to it.... And the suffering or adversities which are still imposed on him will be easy to endure, for then the person will already have established the connection with Me and through this connection he constantly receives strength from Me, which makes his ascent considerably easier.... Thus, a person's external circumstances of life are irrelevant for the shaping of his soul.... In fact, difficult situations in life often have more favourable effects on his soul than an easier and worldly-blessed life on earth, which is more likely to be a danger to its maturing.... However, no destiny is so severe that it could not be endured by a person who believes in a Power Which is love, wisdom and might in Itself, for if he believes he will turn to this Power for help, and he will indeed receive it.... For then he will already have the right attitude towards Me and that will certainly guarantee his full maturing on earth.... __Amen
God's human manifestation....
The greatest mystery, My human manifestation in Jesus for the purpose of redeeming all once fallen spirits, for the purpose of redeeming the beings' immense original sin of apostasy, will remain a secret to people as long as they are not truthfully instructed and desire to know the truth about it.... You humans do not want to believe that you live in utmost darkness.... exactly because of this original sin which first of all has to be redeemed before you can become enlightened, but then you will understand everything once and for all and have no more doubts. However, you can only receive the pure truth from the Eternal Truth Itself Which also wants to educate you because It is the Light of eternity Itself and wants Its living creations to live in the light too.... Yet it is up to your free will to accept the truth; and you are certainly able to decide whether you are instructed truthfully.... __There is only one condition: that you live within love.... Because love is the fire which is emanated by the light of wisdom.... A spark of love has been placed into you, as a divine element, which is connected to Me, the eternal love. As soon as you voluntarily ignite this spark within you it will strive towards the fundamental fire and this, in turn, will return its light in the form of most profound wisdom.... You will become knowledgeable, the light of understanding will illuminate you and your thinking will be correct, it will be true.... And it is this truth which I want to convey to you so that you may recognise your task on earth and fulfil it.... Hence, you shall know about your original sin and My plan of Salvation since eternity.... Most importantly, you shall learn about the salvation through Jesus Christ, about My human manifestation in Him and, above all, you shall be taught that you should not sidestep Jesus Christ if you ever want to achieve eternal life.... He came to earth to preach the Gospel of love to people, to exemplify the right way of living, to show them the right path which leads to eternal life.... But people, encumbered by the original sin, could still not have reached their goal as long as they were not released from this original sin.... And this was achieved by Jesus' act of Salvation, by His death on the cross, because He accomplished the act of atonement for this immense guilt and could only do so as a human being because I Myself was in Him, since love is My fundamental substance.... Love is not merely a quality of My Being but I Am love Itself.... __You will be unable to grasp this as long as you live on earth but only this clarification can make you better understand My human manifestation in Jesus so that the unification (`Unification') is no longer questionable to you either.... My essence cannot be personified, but in Jesus My all-encompassing spirit shaped Itself into something conceivable to you....But Jesus' complete unification with Me did not occur until after the act of Salvation was achieved, which explains why Jesus, during His earthly life, also occasionally spoke of the Father as being external to Himself.... but at the same time He always referred to the unification too.... At the time of His life on earth people were in a state of darkness, and light.... i.e. clear awareness about the act of Salvation.... could only shine for those few who deliberately placed themselves below the cross, who wanted to be redeemed and thus voluntarily gave themselves to Jesus and pleaded for forgiveness of their sins and guilt.... Consequently, humanity continued in a state of spiritual darkness, and this act of Salvation.... Divine Love's greatest act of mercy.... will continue to be ignored, Jesus will merely be known as a human being and any divine mission by Him will be denied.... For this reason humanity also remains burdened by the original sin, it continues in spiritual darkness and does not perceive the light either.... when it is occasionally emanated, for they close their eyes to avoid seeing it.... __But the light from above cannot be extinguished anymore because, time and again, there will be people who ignite the spiritual spark within themselves and are then able to receive direct instructions from their eternal Father-Spirit. And one day this light will shine brightly, it will entirely dispel the darkness when My will deems the time to be right for it.... Because you humans are approaching the end of a salvation period, and a new one will begin, but this will be of bright light because he, who has brought darkness into the world, will be banished for a long time, and because during this approaching time people will let (have let?) themselves be redeemed by Jesus Christ, thus they are released from their original sin.... The knowledge of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, of My human manifestation in Him, is of such incredible significance that I will, indeed, do everything to convey it to people, but it has to be left to their free will as to whether they accept it and then follow the path to the cross.... whether they surrender the guilt of their sins to the only One Who, when He is implored to do so, can and will liberate them. Because He died on the cross for humanity's guilt of sin, He made amends for the immense guilt, and God's justice was served by this.... Because the love of God had mercy on those who had formerly deserted Him.... Love Itself made the sacrifice.... God in Jesus delivered humanity from sin and opened the path into the kingdom of light and bliss again.... __Amen
God's instruction to educate fellow human beings about Je...
Wherever the opportunity of mentioning the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ presents itself to you, you should speak of Him and emphasise His great significance for every single person.... Where possible, you should motivate people to remember Him, for everyone knows Him, everyone has heard of Him, yet only a few have a living faith in Him, and only they can partake in the blessings of the act of Salvation.... But they are precisely the ones who should try to invigorate their fellow human beings' faith in Him, Who alone can save them from spiritual adversity, which will only be perceptively felt after their body dies. You should not fail to make use of every avenue in order to steer the conversation towards Jesus Christ, even if the other person feels uncomfortable about it.... you should simply ask him what Jesus means to him, whether he has already thought about the doctrines regarding Him and what conclusion he has come to.... Even if they only want accept Him as a human being, Who advocated His own philosophies of life and sacrificed His life for these opinions, you can nevertheless explain to them that He was certainly a man who lived among people, but that He had to fulfil a spiritual mission and that every person can derive benefit from that mission if he wants.... Indeed, most people only regard their life on earth as an end in itself and don't believe in their souls' continuation of life.... Nevertheless, you should also try to unsettle these opinions and truly, I will place the right Words into your mouth if all you endeavour to do is kindle a small light for these blind people, if you want to help them fulfil their purpose of earthly life. If you are imbued by the knowledge which corresponds to the truth, you will time and again feel impelled to convey this knowledge to people and then opportunities will arise where it is possible for you, and I truly bless everyone who tries to persuade his fellow human beings to believe in Jesus, because Jesus must not be by-passed if the soul wants to attain bliss one day when it enters the spiritual realm after physical death. This faith in the soul's continuation of life is likewise lacking in most people, consequently, it is difficult to educate them, yet no stone shall be left unturned, for the misery such souls are approaching is indescribable and if you can help them spare such wretchedness they will be eternally grateful to you, for one day every soul will gain realisation, even if it still takes eternities.... __Everything relating to Jesus, His life on earth, His crucifixion and His ascension, is a myth for people which they certainly know, but cannot believe that these events, which are hugely significant for each individual still unenlightened soul, to be true. However, you humans live on this earth to attain the goal of releasing yourselves from every form and entering the kingdom of the beyond in a spiritualised state. But to do so it is crucial that you find redemption through Jesus Christ, that He helps you attain freedom, because only He can loosen the chains which still tie you to God's adversary. He alone can help you attain eternal life, and thus you must acknowledge Him and hand yourselves over to Him so that He will take your immense guilt upon Himself and so that He might have given His blood for you as well, which He shed on the cross for all people, past, present and future. If you accept Him and appeal to Him to take the immense guilt from you, you will also suddenly be able to think differently.... many things you previously were unable to understand will become comprehensible to you. For this reason you should at least accept information about Him when it is conveyed to you, for no-one shall go astray, but it is up to the human being himself whether he wants to let himself be saved.... Let yourselves be educated about Jesus and His act of Salvation, about the spiritual reason for it and about your past original sin, which you cannot atone for yourselves but can only be released from through the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... And don't walk past Him in earthly life, try to muster the understanding for the kind of mission He had to fulfil on earth and believe that every person must take the path to the cross.... believe that every human being must carry his guilt of sin under the cross, which means, that he must acknowledge Jesus Christ as Son of God and Redeemer of the world, in Whom God Himself became human in order to redeem humanity from sin and death.... __Amen
The audible Word requires a high degree of maturity....
A person's greatest spiritual achievement during his life on earth is to hear God's voice within himself, for it is evidence that the divine order has been restored, the state the original being was in when it was created and in direct contact with its God and Creator, so that the being was able to hear His voice within itself.... However, as long as this being is still living on earth as a human being it should also improve its degree of perfection such that it will be able to audibly hear this divine voice within itself, for this requires a high degree of maturity which only few people reach on earth. Even so, the mental transmission of God's Word is proof of a person's diligent striving for maturity of soul, that he has established the bond with his God and Creator and thereby is capable of hearing the divine address.... The being's original state was a state of perfection which the being itself reversed into the opposite.... Hence the being lost the ability to hear God's voice by which the Supreme Being communicated with His living creation in the beginning.... And for as long as the being heard God's voice it was also abundantly happy.... because it was illuminated, it was aware of everything, it recognised itself as the living creation of a supremely perfect Being, and it was blissfully happy in this realisation.... When it lost the ability to hear His voice it also lost all realisation, it distanced itself ever further from God and lost all knowledge of itself, because it lost its self-awareness when, for the purpose of returning back to God, it was disintegrated and reshaped into manifold creations. All this is not known to the human being when he enters the earth as the last stage of his path of return to God.... But the knowledge can be conveyed to him, and this happens through inner communication, through his spirit, which, as part of God, is in contact with the eternal Father-Spirit, and which can inform the person from within as to what he originally was, what he is now and what he is supposed to become again.... And this inner instruction comes to him in the shape of thoughts as long as he hasn't attained the maturity of soul which is required to hear the divine Word. __However, the fact that he is allowed to gain this realisation at all, that it is conveyed to him through the working of the spirit within the human being, is such a tremendous gift of grace from God which should spur him to attain ever higher maturity and will also enable him to receive messages directly from God. The human being can mentally be introduced to the truth, to the correct realisation of all that which otherwise would remain hidden to him.... His thoughts can be guided such that they will come close to the truth and that the person will also be convinced that his thinking is correct.... But he can also be directly addressed by God if he has to fulfil a mission again: to convey the true information to his fellow human beings who lack spiritual knowledge.... Then the Word will sound audibly in him once more as it was in the beginning, he will be able to communicate with his God and Creator, he will be able to ask him questions and he will receive a reply and he, as well as his fellow human beings, will no longer live in darkness, a bright light will be kindled in them which will brightly illuminate the night in which all once fallen spiritual beings still live if they have not yet established an intimate contact with the eternal Source of light.... You all ought to know that you were once able to communicate directly with your God and Creator, you ought to know that you will always be able to restore the state to ask Him and receive an answer, but that it depends on you as to whether you shape yourselves such that you become worthy of direct communication from God, for you must enter the law of eternal order again which you once voluntarily left.... you must let the principle of love become dominant in you and through love you will unite with the One Who is Eternal Love Itself.... Once you are united with Him you will also hear Him, for His love is so profound that He constantly wants to please His living creations with His communication.... But then the return to Him will be assured, for the human being's desire to return to the Father's house which he once left of his own volition will become increasingly stronger, and His Word will be so powerful that the person or his soul will be unable to evade its influence.... And it will attain ever greater perfection until it has regained its fundamental nature again, until it becomes that which it once was in the beginning.... an abundantly blissful being which will praise and extol God for all eternity.... __Amen
The outpouring of the spirit.... Whitsun....
Only after My crucifixion was it possible for Me to pour out My spirit, for prior to this no human being would have been capable of sheltering anything divine within himself, since humanity was still burdened by the original sin of the antagonism against God. My spirit, however, is the emanation of Myself, and no human being burdened by guilt could ever have been a recipient of this emanation, for the gulf which existed between what had become guilty and Myself was too deep. __But I, in the human being Jesus, have made amends for this guilt, and everyone who accepts My act of Salvation is now also able to prepare himself such that he can receive My illumination of love again, and that means that I Myself can take abode in the person and as evidence of My presence can also permeate him with My spirit.... Then his thoughts and intentions will be determined by the strength of the spirit, he cannot think and want something wrong as long as My spirit works in him.... For he completely consciously allows Me to work in him, he opens himself by intimately uniting with Me and thus enables Me to lower the light ray of My love into his heart which illuminates everything.... giving him the most bright and clear knowledge, so that the human being will emerge from his present darkness and be guided into every truth by My spirit, as I have promised. __This act of the outpouring of spirit, which took place in My disciples in full view of all people, had to be preceded by My crucifixion, My adversary had to be defeated first so that he would no longer be able to forcibly keep people in darkness but had to release those who turned to Me, who allowed themselves to be redeemed by Me, that is, who consciously acknowledged My great act of mercy and wanted to partake of it.... Thus death.... the immense spiritual darkness.... had been conquered for them, they were able to prepare themselves as vessels for the outpouring of My spirit.... Now they no longer experienced wrong thoughts, they recognised the truth and also fully consciously aspired to it, they emerged from the state of complete ignorance, they became enlightened.... My spirit permeated them, and now they also came closer to Me again, that tiny spark of spirit, which as part of Myself had rested dormant within themselves, aspired towards the eternal Father-Spirit to which it was inseparably connected. Very simply put.... the connection with Me.... having once been voluntarily discontinued by the beings, was restored again, and a being that was once more in contact with Me, the Eternal Light, had to be permeated by My light too, and its every thought can then only be right. He has to recognise the truth, and then the human being also has to uphold this truth, because he is urged by My spirit to proclaim the truth to all of his fellow human beings.... And this, too, was My first disciples' mission, whom the outpouring of My spirit enabled to go out into the world and proclaim the Gospel to all nations. They had to possess the truth themselves in order to pass it on, and even though during My years of teaching they had been instructed in the truth by Me, the outpouring of My spirit nevertheless had to take place first so that they then would brightly and clearly recognise their task and no longer be burdened by ignorance, for they were instructed through the spirit by Myself, Who stayed with them as I had promised. __And thus, time and again I will pour out My spirit upon people who want to serve Me, who prepare themselves as vessels into which My spirit can flow and who, like My first disciples, want to bring the truth to people in the knowledge that only the pure truth can help people in their immense spiritual adversity.... And My spirit will be effective in them so that the darkness will be dispersed and the people desiring to serve Me by assisting in the redemption of errant souls will think correctly again. No person can give what he does not have.... __However, to you, My servants, I want to give abundantly, so that you can impart it again to your fellow human beings who urgently require your support, since they will not establish the relationship with Me on their own.... Yet you, who know all correlations, can enlighten them and even now persuade them to their change their will. And you will always be able to receive spiritual knowledge in abundance, and at all times.... when you ask questions, they will be answered such that you will also be able to recognise the Provider, which you then should pass on.... for many people and countless souls in the kingdom of the beyond will ask questions and desire truthful answers.... they will be able to receive them from you, for I know all thoughts arising from the heart and will give to every person according to his task (comprehension). __And this is My working in you.... the working of My spirit, which the first disciples were allowed to experience for themselves after My ascension. They, too, had to be assisted by My love time and again, for in order to implement the task given to them by Me they required extensive knowledge, and without My obvious support they would never have been able to accomplish this task, for I constantly instructed them through the spirit. Thus they did not have to be afraid to be incapable of working as teachers or of spreading incorrect spiritual knowledge and were able to administer their office well.... they were able to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with My will.... __And today, too, I give My last disciples on this earth the same task of taking the truth to people, which can only come forth from Me directly. For the earth is engulfed by profound darkness, errors and lies are so widespread that people have to muster an utterly sincere will in order to find the truth and then also to recognise it as such. But only through truth can they become blessed, because they can only learn to recognise and love Me when the pure truth about Me and My nature is imparted to them. And this knowledge, the pure truth, can only be imparted to them through My spirit, but it will also be clarified for you, because I love you and you only need to establish a heartfelt bond with Me through equal love in order to induce the spiritual spark in you, which is inseparably connected to the eternal Father-Spirit, to express itself.... Then I can speak to you Myself and place you into a state of cognition, and then you will also know what you have to do in order to achieve your goal.... the unification with Me.... while you are still on earth. For when I instruct you Myself you truly will be taught correctly, and then you will accomplish your task on earth for sure and change yourselves into love, you will adopt your fundamental nature again and be blissfully happy, as you were in the beginning.... __Amen
Spiritualisation of soul and body.... What is the physica...
I will answer your every question in a way that it is comprehensible to you, even if you are as yet incapable of understanding the most profound correlations because of your low maturity of soul. Nevertheless you will not be left in the dark about problems which occupy you and you are unable to solve yourselves. And you shall be enlightened as soon as you desire light: The reconstruction of the human soul happened in the same way as the disintegration of the being took place after its apostasy from Me, after the solidification of its substance.... The individual tiny particles, having gone through the works of creation for the purpose of maturing, were gathered again, the mineral, plant and animal world released all particles belonging to a fallen being again and these united in the end and now constitute the human soul.... Hence this soul is the once fallen original spirit which shall return to Me, to its origin, when it passes the final test of will in earthly life, which necessitates its free will.... This soul embodies itself in a cover of flesh, in a material body, and this consists again of countless spiritual substances which are still at the beginning of their higher development.... For all matter is spiritual substance at the start of its development, which already shelters more mature spirits within which must be of service and thereby mature fully.... Matter itself has a far longer path ahead of itself until it, too, can embody itself as a 'soul'.... Yet the time every spiritual substance takes to travel the path can differ considerably.... Spiritual substance within matter can mature faster, but matter itself can also be dissolved quicker if it complies with its serving function without resistance.... if the resistance of the bound spirit within matter subsides quickly and it is helpful.... This is the case if it is in surroundings where there is a recognisable and conscious striving towards Me, which has a beneficial effect on all spiritual substance and also shortens its path of development because it is often permitted to be of service. __Understand it like this: Where an inclination for matter still exists, where no spiritual striving is noticeable, that is where matter is being hoarded, it is given little opportunity to serve and this extends the state of constraint in this material item.... just as it can be considerably shortened if the human being does not strive to increase his earthly possessions and thus constantly gives the few material possessions he owns the opportunity to be of service.... Then the human being himself, through his attitude towards Me and matter, contributes towards a faster dissolution of the latter and the bound spiritual substance therein will be able to change its external form far more often and faster and also reach the stage when all particles have come together again sooner and the embodiment as a human soul can take place. Even the soul's earthly-physical cover is still consolidated matter whose substance belongs to a once-fallen original spirit.... which likewise shall pass the final test of will as a soul on earth one day.... If, during earthly life, a person succeeds in spiritualising his body of flesh simultaneously with his soul.... which, admittedly, only happens rarely but is nevertheless possible.... then its spiritual substances will join the soul and attain a certain state of spiritual maturity, so that the beings of light, which take care of the fallen spirits, will also influence the spiritual substance bound within the form such that it will quickly reach full maturity, because a soul which achieves such a spiritualisation together with the body, emanates extraordinary strength on all substances of a soul which still has to go through the process of development.... Thus the soul takes its spiritual body along into the spiritual kingdom and emanates these spiritualised substances again as strength to the original being they belong to, and this being will travel its process of development in a far shorter time, because the fully mature spirit will also prevent a relapse when the soul lives on earth as a human being.... For the body's substances have been redeemed by its indwelling soul and can never experience a relapse again.... Instead, they will also exert influence on the soul in the form of strength and drive the latter into increased spiritual striving.... this is why the human being should consider it a very great task to spiritualise his body as well.... why the human being should do everything in order to achieve this spiritualisation by not only helping his own soul but also the soul whose substances served him as a material cover during his life on earth.... __Earthly matter will fade away when the hour of death has come.... A spiritualised body, however, joins the soul and flows again as strength to that original spirit to which it belongs, so that the latter will noticeably feel the help and, while in the human stage, can never fall back into the abyss because the already spiritualised substances prevent it from doing so.... Through physical suffering and pain you can still help many of its still immature substances to mature fully.... You can still make small sacrifices of atonement for these spiritual beings if you, in a conscious state, humbly bear the suffering which is indeed caused by the body's immature substances but which, through your love for everything that is still unredeemed and your willingness to help, contributes towards the body's spiritualisation. Then you will not only attain your own soul's maturity but you will also help another original spirit to mature faster if you redeem everything unspiritual in you, which still belongs to My adversary, through your love and your will to help wherever it is possible.... If this redemption does not take place the body will go its natural course by dissolving and decaying and serving the untold number of tiniest living organisms again to grow and then its path will be much longer, but even these substances will gather again one day and the final embodiment in a form on this earth will take place. Always remember that matter is spiritual substance at the beginning of its development which already shelters more matured spirit within itself, in order to enable the latter to be of service, by means of which everything spiritual ascends. __You must differentiate between body and soul, and then it will be easier for you to understand the purpose and reason of physical suffering and pain and why Jesus' path to the cross is presented to you humans, Whom you should follow.... For He carried the sins for you humans, His soul was entirely without sin and yet He suffered indescribably.... And if you suffer, then consider that you, too, should be willing to make a sacrifice for that spiritual substance which serves you as an external form so that you will attain perfection.... You can also considerably shorten its path of suffering, and your love should induce you to provide redeeming help for everything that has become sinful.... __Amen
Painful means can lead to faith....
If only people would believe in a God of love Who wants to make them happy. Yet in view of the immensely harsh conditions which strike people time and time again, in view of the harsh strokes of fate and all kinds of disasters, people cannot muster the belief that every adversity is also a work of love by Me, because I know by what means a person can still be saved and achieve beatitude.... Less painful means have no effect on you.... and if I speak to you with gentle Words you won't listen to Me, and yet you have to be persuaded to turn to Me, and when all painless means are in vain I have to use painful means so that you will think of Me, ask for My help and then receive it, so that you will then be able to recognise a God of love. You all could truly hear My loving Fatherly Words which merely inform you of My will, and as soon as you fulfil this will your life can then proceed calmly and yet successfully.... But if you ignore My gentle Words I have to speak more clearly to you, because My love will not abandon you, because I will try everything to win you for Myself in order to awaken you to a life which will last forever. For you belong to Me, you merely stay away from Me yourselves, but I want you to return to Me of your own free will, and whatever you encounter in form of suffering and harsh strokes of fate are only ever means which I recognise as successful and which I use because I love you and will never let go of you, no matter how long you oppose My love. __Therefore don't be surprised that hardship and sorrow will increase, for you are approaching the end and I still want to save souls from the fate of a new banishment, which is only possible if you acknowledge Me as God and Creator, if you call upon Me in desperation believing that a Power exists Which can help you, from Which you had originated.... And you should believe that your distress will truly diminish, that you will clearly feel My help. And then you will also be able to recognise Me as a God of love, for your bond with Me will inwardly enlighten you about Me. __But many disasters will still happen on earth in the forthcoming time, and only those who have already found Me will recognise therein helpful means intended to lead people out of spiritual adversity, the others, however, will doubt or completely deny a God of love, for they are so attached to the world that they have no contact whatsoever with the spiritual kingdom, with the kingdom that is not of this world. They are purely worldly minded, and they scornfully reject every reference to God.... until they themselves experience adversity and can't see their way out.... Then I will come very close to them again, I will let the thought of a God Who is able to help arise in them, and then the great danger can encourage them to turn to this God.... Thus all sorrowful events, all disasters and other fateful blows will become explicable to you, for they are no coincidence but destined by Me or My permission, so that souls will still have means of help granted to them which should let them find Me.... But if their hearts remain hardened then only a natural event of immense proportion can make people stop and think, but even this will not compel them to believe, for totally obstinate people will not want to recognise and acknowledge a higher Power even then, but in that case they are completely subject to My adversary and their soul's fate of a new banishment is certain. However, as long as the earth still exists in its present form I will try to persuade people to change their will, and I shall still use many means which you will not find compatible with the love of a God. But I know what benefits every single person, I know the state of his soul, and accordingly I will affect him. __But you humans are fortunate if you are convinced of a loving God and Father.... Then you will calmly accept everything, whatever comes your way.... no matter how severely it affects you.... and only ever take refuge with Me, and I will truly not disappoint you. For a devout person will always receive My help, because his faith enables unusual influences. But true faith arises from love, and love also strives towards Me, the Eternal Love.... The human being establishes a solid bond with Me, and he will never distance himself from Me either. He has passed the last test of will on earth; he has voluntarily chosen Me and separated himself from My adversary for good.... And this is all I try to achieve as long as the human being still lives on earth. For I want him to be able to enter his true home again, to be able to enter the kingdom of happiness and beatitude, where all suffering has come to an end and where he then will find everlasting life.... __Amen
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