Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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`No one comes to the Father....'
No one comes to the Father except through Me.... The extreme importance of these words also explains the necessity of leading to the faith in Jesus Christ those people who are not yet believers, or to advocate a living faith where the knowledge of Jesus Christ is already present. For no one can come to Me who does not recognise Me Myself in Jesus Christ.... Because there are people who indeed say that they believe in `God', since He gives evidence of Himself in everything which surrounds the human being, but who do not want to accept Jesus Christ as Son of God and Saviour of the world although they do not consider themselves unbelievers. But these people are still very distant from their God and Creator, they have not yet come into closer contact with Me and hence their thoughts cannot become enlightened. __They are still burdened with the sin of the former apostasy from Me, and this sin ties them to My adversary, they will not get away from him without Jesus Christ. But not many people know about this sin of the past apostasy from Me, consequently they are not aware of the significance of Jesus and His act of Salvation either. Providing people know the teachings of the Gospel, providing they know the words spoken by Jesus on earth, they could also reflect on the words `No one comes to the Father except through Me....' And if only they would seriously want more information about this, they would certainly receive it, and the thought of these words would certainly never leave them again.... __The only way to Me is through Jesus Christ, since the redemption of the guilt of sin has to come first in order to be accepted by Me.... No being who had voluntarily become sinful can approach Me before salvation through Jesus Christ. This is a law which even My infinite love cannot reverse. And no human being will really feel completely confident in his heart about God either, Whom he may well acknowledge with words or superficial thoughts, because on serious reflection he would know that he does not have the right relationship with his eternal God and Creator.... __He will never confide in Me like a child to his father, he will only believe that God exists but not establish a close connection with Me, which requires love.... Because love also enlightens his spirit, love would improve his spiritual vision.... Love would make him question but not make an erroneous statement. Every person will feel slightly uneasy when he contemplates spiritual thoughts and has not yet made contact with Jesus Christ.... The course of suffering and crucifixion will not remain unknown to him, time and again he will enter into conversations with other people or be reminded by them of Jesus Christ because I constantly guide his thought to the human being Jesus, Who lived on earth and experienced a painful end.... Even if he does not yet acknowledge Him he does know of Jesus' earthly life, and I Myself will remind him of Me in Jesus Christ. __And corresponding to the human being's degree of love will be his acceptance or rejection.... Wherever there is love I take hold of the person Myself, and his resistance will steadily lessen, until he finally will see the human being Jesus in an entirely different light than at the beginning, when He was still defensively opposed to Him. However, if he does not want to learn, if his will is still hostile at the hour of his death, he cannot expect blissfulness in the spiritual kingdom, in spite of a right way of life he can only be accepted into the realm where all deniers of Christ dwell, because he refused to be redeemed on earth, and he enters the spiritual kingdom in a constrained state.... But even there he can still find his divine Saviour and Redeemer.... __And again, it is a great mercy on My part that I will meet all those in the spiritual kingdom who so far had rejected Me, that I will hear every appeal sent to Me as the Redeemer, and that I will then take hold of the caller's hand and lead him from that realm into My divine region.... Because I still retrieve the souls from the abyss providing I Am acknowledged.... providing a soul has found the way to Jesus Christ, Whom it had rejected on earth but without Whom it cannot reach its goal. The kingdom of light is closed to every soul as long as Jesus Christ does not open the gate for it, but this necessitates that He is acknowledged as Son of God and Redeemer of the world. For this reason the human being Jesus said the words `No one comes to the Father except through Me.' __Because I Myself spoke through the human being Jesus, I Myself wanted to be acknowledged in Him, Who merely served as a cover for Me during the earthly life.... but which I kept even in the spiritual kingdom so that I could be a visible God to all My living creations, since I was an eternal spirit after all.... and as such could not be seen by the created beings. I chose a form for Myself in order to become a visible God for you humans, and in this form I accomplished the act of Salvation. Consequently, you also have to acknowledge the form in which I had dwelled, and then you have already taken the right path to Me, your Father of eternity.... However, without Jesus Christ you will not ever be able to come to Me, because without Jesus Christ My adversary will not release you, since you still belong to him as a result of your will.... __Amen
Logical reasons for world events....
It is difficult for worldly people to believe what you, My servants on earth, proclaim to them on My instruction.... It seems so unreal to them that they would much rather portray you as fantasists than to take your words to heart and to count on their likelihood. For what you are telling them does not fit into the plans they make for themselves in their earthly life.... The belief of it requires a complete change of thinking from one area to another.... and they don't see the need for it. They live and want to enjoy their life. And therefore they first fulfil their selfish love and a dark spiritual state is the result. They grow increasingly darker within themselves and My kingdom moves ever further away from them instead of being taken by them as their possession. __And yet, I cannot leave them to their fate, time and again I approach them and also inform them increasingly more often through seers and prophets what will await them.... And thus their calls of admonition and forewarning are even heard in the midst of the world in order to direct people's attention to an area which they would otherwise not enter. Nothing else can be done for their deliverance but to address them Myself through My servants, since this is the most natural way of revealing Myself as it will not compel them to believe and yet it is occasionally successful. __The indications of the end and the natural catastrophe preceding the end will be repeatedly made known to people in various ways, both in relation to proclaiming My Gospel as well as to the world events which should make those people think who avoid the messengers of My Gospel but who shall also be addressed. Where My Word is still heard the connection with Me still exists or is not yet broken, and it is easier to make the coming events believable to them, because My Word has always indicated an end of this earth and referred to the signs which announce such an end.... __But it is difficult to approach people who have disassociated themselves from religious organisations and let the world or earthly success become their only purpose in life. I would also like to address those, and where I Am unsuccessful through My instruments on earth I can only let worldly events speak to them: accidents, disasters and natural destructions can still influence their thoughts, and then it is possible that they will also try to relate such thoughts to the announcements of a near end, which they will also hear about even if they are servants to the world. And in the forthcoming time there will be no shortage of voices who intend to arouse people from their sleep on My behalf. I also still want to win those who completely stand apart but who are not interested in religious doctrines.... yet nevertheless willingly listen to a clear explanation about the meaning and purpose of creation as well as the human being's task in life.... and who therefore have to be given a logical reason if they are to be lead to believe in a higher Power Which rules the universe with wisdom and love.... __My means and ways are manifold, and thus I also need servants on earth with various dispositions who therefore can be called upon to carry out various tasks in My vineyard. And I truly place all labourers in the right place where they can work successfully.... But they all just have the one purpose: to inform people of the approaching end, for believers and unbelievers alike shall know that they live in the last days of grace, which they should and could use well so that they need not fear the end. And they all shall also be informed of what I want to achieve through various worldly events, through exceptionally sorrowful happenings, through illness and adversities.... For it is only My love which allows this to happen to people so that they will still mature fully or find Me before the end.... __Amen
'God breathed a living soul into him.…'
My eternal plan of Salvation intends to bring about the deification of your souls, which indeed had once been divine and perfect beings yet they forfeited this perfection of their own free will.... You humans should know that I did not externalise you from Me as imperfectly as you are now, that I undeniably created the human form, but the soul, which animates this human form, had already spent an infinitely long time of changing its voluntarily fashioned, completely wrong state to such an extent that it was able to dwell in the human form in order to attain complete deification again. You must know that I did not create you imperfectly to then demand of you as human beings to perfect yourselves.... because nothing imperfect can emerge from Me.... Once you are in possession of this knowledge you will also consider your earthly existence from a different point of view.... You will realise that it is not an end in itself but the means to an end.... However, as long as you are lacking this knowledge you justifiably believe that you may use your earthly life purely for the sake of improving your physical well-being.... You believe that you may use your energy of life purely physically, even if you aspire to the goal that every individual person should improve himself ethically in order to achieve a better human race.... But you don't understand the spiritual task of the individual yet.... The human being himself is not the final goal, the existence as a human being is merely the final opportunity on this earth to reach the highest goal. And the teaching that I 'created man so that he should love Me, be of service to Me, in order to thereby enter Heaven' is only justified if the human existence is looked upon as a limited stage for the soul which once became imperfect, otherwise this teaching will lead to wrong ideas, such as the one that something 'imperfect'.... the soul.... was joined to the human being at birth, that thus something imperfect was brought to life by Me.... This not only confuses the image of My nature, which is supremely perfect, but also people's train of thought, who do not grasp their actual task on earth and will therefore be increasingly more worldly orientated because a wrong concept is being developed in them. __Although through love for Me and selfless service the human being could indeed be able to attain the right realisation and subsequently beatitude.... it will nevertheless prevent love being kindled towards a Being which uses its creative strength for the emergence of imperfect creations; and even selfless service lacks the right motivation if people are unaware of the perfect spirits' former apostasy from Me, which consisted of the fact that they wanted to rule with arrogance.... hence they discarded the principle of love.... Their imperfection was caused by the beings themselves.... However, the fact that you are imperfect as a human being cannot be doubted, and therefore you must first try to ascertain the reason for your imperfection and not be satisfied with the explanation that I created you the way you are on earth now.... But the latter is endorsed by all those who portray the act of creation of the human being such that a 'soul' is 'created' at the same time for this human being.... which they deem they can justify on account of the Words 'God breathed a living soul into him.…' The fact that this living soul is a formerly fallen original spirit is not known to them.... but this knowledge could be discovered by every individual person if only he seriously questioned the meaning and purpose of earthly life and his task on earth. And even a misguided teaching could make a person question, if only he wanted to gain clarification.... And especially the teachers who guide people should first attain clarification themselves, which they can receive at any time by merely turning to Me Myself if slight doubts, which everyone can feel arise within himself during deliberation, would make them turn to the right source, where purest trust will refresh anyone who desires it. The reason why there is so much darkness amongst people that misguided teachings were able to spread is due to people's indifference towards the truth, for it is available and within reach for everyone who seriously desires the truth. Yet only a few try to penetrate My eternal plan of Salvation.... but for them everything is obvious and they are brightly enlightened because the Light of eternity Itself kindles it in all those who want to escape the darkness.... __Amen
Attaining freedom by the time of the end.... Jesus Christ...
The shackles of captivity can still constrain you for an eternity but you can also discard them very quickly, for you truly have all means at your disposal through the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ Who died for you on the cross. Consider that you will still have to languish for an infinitely long time if you don't make use of the blessings of his act of Salvation, if you don't take refuge in Him Who alone can remove your shackles.... And consider that you are being informed in earthly life of which path you need to follow in order to attain your complete freedom. As long as you live without the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation you cannot call upon Him for help. But this knowledge will be conveyed to all people, although in different ways, and the few who do not receive it, because their souls' maturity has not yet reached the degree which can lead to perfection on earth, will still attain the knowledge of Him in the kingdom of the beyond and can also be released from their shackles if they are of good will. However, the knowledge of Jesus Christ will not remain hidden from people on earth, and where it cannot be given to them from the outside it will be conveyed to them through My spirit, which guides people into truth as I have promised.... In order to become aware of the great significance of your transformation on this earth you must know that there is a way in order to completely liberate yourselves and to be able to enter the kingdom of light as a blissful being.... that you are all informed of this path but that you must also take it. You must all take the path to the cross, you must all hand yourselves over to Jesus Christ in order to be able to enter through the gates into beatitude. But no-one will be able to attain bliss without Jesus Christ; instead, he will have to remain shackled until he decides to take this path to Him, the path to the cross. However, you humans don't have much time left.... consider that you will still be able to attain freedom in this short time until the end, but that you will also forfeit it again for an infinitely long time if you exclude Jesus Christ, if you.... although you are informed of Him and know about His act of Salvation, you reject Him or remain indifferent towards Him and don't turn to Him for help on the path towards perfection.... You don't realise what gift of grace is available to you, through which you can find deliverance from an eternally lasting confinement, but time and again you are informed of it without meeting your credence. Only through Jesus Christ can you be redeemed from your guilt of sin, from My adversary's control, you don't have to stay under His rule for long anymore, you can release yourselves from him and discard all shackles, for there is One who will help you if only you turn to Him and appeal for His help. And for this you only have a short time at your disposal. If you neglect doing so, you will remain in his control for an infinitely long time to come before you are offered the opportunity again to call upon Him for mercy. Don't extend your time in captivity yourselves, gladly accept the good news of your salvation through Jesus Christ and appeal to Him so that He might help you achieve deliverance too, so that He might have shed His blood for you as well.... Do not bypass Him, you who know Him. Believe that only He can save you from sin and death and take the last steps of your process of development on this earth by taking the path to the cross of Golgotha.... And in blissful freedom you will be able to lift yourselves into the kingdom of light, where no night will ever exist.... __Amen
Beneficial effect of God's Word.... Awakening - Life....
My Words are spirit and life for you.... You cannot remain in a dead state when you permit My Words to enter your heart, you must feel the strength of My Word and with this strength become active, hence alive.... When the Word touches your hearts then you have come into contact with Me because of My Words, or you would not hear My voice even though you hear the words. For that reason I ask that you allow My Word to enter your heart, don't let the ear just hear so that the Word won't merely pass you by without meaning. You must hear Me talk to you Myself and you can only do that when you give yourselves to Him, Who speaks to you.... when you open your hearts, when you consciously and attentively listen to what your God and Father wants to tell you. Then you truly receive strength in abundance and you find life. What you now receive because of My love will give you life because I feel sorry for you as long as you are still dead in spirit. For you are not in a perfect condition even if you believe that you are in full possession of strength on earth.... The life I want to give you is not comparable to earthly life.... You are supposed to achieve the life of the soul and this life is a gift that you all can receive if you desire it. But it can only be given to you by Him Who is life Himself.... The flow of life only comes from Me but it eternally flows to human beings by means of My Word which is the emission of My strength of love and therefore has to be revitalising as soon as it touches the dead. And you either consent to this touch or repel it.... Thus you yourselves decide over life and death of your soul. __Consequently you should understand that I, Who since eternity Am the Word Myself, only aim to give life to the hitherto dead by sending My Word to earth and that the acceptance of My Word thus has to be of the greatest significance for you.... because it saves you with certainty from a degrading and wretched condition. Because no divine gift remains ineffective if only you humans would allow it to take effect. Thus My Word must also have an extremely beneficial effect on you in as much as you can feel its influence on yourselves, you must irrevocably feel urged to live in accordance to My Word, that is, to carry out My will which is made known to you by means of My Word.... But you should not resist it, you must hear it willingly and allow yourselves to be guided by it in order to live your life accordingly.... Then you will accomplish the greatest spiritual achievements, you will acquire the necessary maturity of soul and enter the realm of light after the death of your bodies. Thus you have a definite means, a means of undeniably beneficial effect for your soul.... Yet only few people make use of this beneficial means.... And My divine flow of strength cannot touch their souls who walk their earthly path ailing and miserable and depart from this world without success. As a result the most effective means is not or only rarely heeded and unusual spiritual experiences, which would be more noticed, cannot always be applied since they would compel to believe and therefore the success for the soul would scarcely be worth mentioning unless they internalise the person and make him receptive for My Word.... My wisdom perceives this in advance and therefore it may appear at times as if a human being was bestowed by Me with unusual gifts of grace which guarantee him an easier ascent.... I know the degree of a soul's maturity, I also know when the resistance of a soul has become so weak that it only requires a slight spiritual experience to break down this resistance.... And in that case the acceptance for My Word is present too, and now every soul has to perform the same work: to voluntarily live in accordance to My Word.... only then the unusual gift of grace has been utilised and subsequently My Word will have the same effect on him, because it is strength in itself and now raises the dead. __When I speak to a human being it has to have a healing effect on a fatally ill soul because it comes into direct contact with the energy of life.... but the same success cannot be expected where My Word is opposed because this opposition does not allow a favourable effect.... it is, after all, a repeated sin against My love and a sin never results in a positive effect.... But you humans could easily receive life and therefore strength too. Every human being has the opportunity to hear My Word, to read it or to speak to Me in thought himself. Even if he is fully in the world.... it would be possible for everyone to disassociate themselves from the world for a short period of time and to offer nourishment to the soul: to get engrossed with My Word and thus voluntarily make the connection with Him, Who has to be acknowledged as God and Creator. And I would truly bless his will, I would meet him and talk to him in such a way that he would time and again request to hear Me and My Word.... But the world replaces every thought of Me, My Word is carelessly ignored, the opportunities to hear My Word are even considered intrusive and the rejection of My gift of love comes so evidently to the forefront that it is not surprising that humanity is ever more overcome by weakness.... that the lowest spiritual level becomes ever more noticeable and that My opponent is winning authority over the human beings who themselves prevent every supply of strength. They would not even benefit from unusual gifts of grace as these would be ineffective because the people don't want to see the light brought forth to them. Thus humanity causes the end of this earth themselves because a significant ascent can no longer be made, human life on this earth is not being utilised and therefore has become without purpose.... First an order has to be established that makes a progressive development possible again.... And I certainly will put this order in place as soon as the hour has arrived, as it is decided since eternity.... because human beings shall attain life and not remain in a dead state eternally.... __Amen
Disputed question about God's human manifestation....
Many objections will still be raised and the truth of that which was imparted to you from above through My spirit will often still be denied or doubted. And it is always adverse influence which slips in if it is not rejected, if the human being is not careful and regularly undergoes an honest self-inspection. All you humans can err where it concerns your intellectual thinking; you can come to false conclusions and pass faulty judgments, for as long as you live on earth you are not perfect and constantly subject to My adversary's temptations. And this is why no person shall place himself above another, for everyone is running the same risk and everyone shall keep an eye on himself.... Nevertheless, an irrefutable truth exists.... but whether you recognise it as such depends on your maturity of soul and not your sharpness of intelligence.... And this irrefutable truth originates from Me and can only be doubted again if it has been changed by human will, if the human being's intellect has become active again in order to then modify this pure truth from Me and thus, through his own words, through his own thinking threatens the purity of My Word.... This should suffice you humans and caution you against combining My directly imparted Word with human additions.... And every objection can be refuted again because, wherever I Am at work, I also provide total clarity. For I want to enlighten you humans, I want to illuminate your thinking and not plunge you into renewed darkness. __I also want to answer questions which are repeatedly asked.... be it on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond, because the belief is often at risk of faltering due to questions whose answers were unsatisfactory to you so far.... And one such burning question relates to 'God's human manifestation in Jesus Christ'.... Anyone who is aware of the fact that I have made it My goal to 'deify' everything that has been 'created' by Me, who knows what this deification consists of, also understands that the spiritual beings which remained faithful to Me can only attain this deification if they not only prove themselves in beatitude but also in the abyss, because their free will has to be tested, and the passing of this test changes the 'living creation' into a 'child' of God.... otherwise these angel-beings would forever only be the bearers of My will, certainly in immeasurable bliss, but always just as the executors of My will and would not reach completely free independence. This is why so many of these angel-spirits have taken the path across earth already, and many more will take it still in order to reach their final perfection.... And soul of the man Jesus also took this path, which resulted in the highest goal, the deification, the complete 'union with God'.... Whatever took place in the kingdom of the spirits can only be illustratively portrayed to you humans, for you humans lack the appropriate concepts for the magnitude of the process of creation and the motives for the spiritual beings' apostasy from Me. Nevertheless My revelations correspond to the truth and your thinking will not be misguided if you adopt these revelations. Yet the one thing you ought to know is that you cannot personify Me Myself, that you cannot apply the same restrictions to Me to which you are still subject, because you are not perfect yet.... that therefore My human manifestation did not consist of the fact that a 'finite being' merely surrounded Itself with a shell of flesh.... but that My all-encompassing spirit, which knows no boundaries, completely filled a human being Who, like every other human being, established such close unity with Me, that this 'deification' therefore had taken place, that He became one with Me, Who totally filled Him with My fundamental substance.... For My fundamental substance is Love; Love filled the man Jesus, Love had descended to Earth, Love accomplished the act of Salvation, Love cancelled the guilt.... And Love Itself became in the Saviour Jesus Christ the visible deity; My whole-of- infinity-permeating spirit manifested itself in the man Jesus. God became a human being.... The human being Jesus was God, for the Father and the Son had become as one.... The essence of light and the elementary power of eternity had given Itself a form in order to make all beings having emerged from It infinitely happy.... __Amen
`Whoever remains in love....' Strange gods....
Whatever causes you to form a bond with Me is a blessing for you humans, because the goal of your earthly life is to revoke your separation from Me which you once voluntarily endeavoured towards yourselves.... thus uniting with Me again of your own free will. And whatever helps you to do so is therefore good.... Hence the will to reach Me is decisive for achieving your goal on earth, and this determination also includes that you live a way of life that is pleasing to Me, for being of sincere will you will never want to sadden Me again, you will never delight in sin if your will and your love are intended for Me. __But the connection with Me can only be achieved by practising love, because where love exists I Am present Myself. `Whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him....' Without love there can be no bond with Me, no matter how loudly and eagerly the mouth would like to affirm its will for Me. Only love is the evidence of this, for love and I are the same, and acknowledging Me and fulfilling My will is the same as working with love.... __You humans should know that no-one can and will approach Me if he lives without love.... Only love connects us, and love demonstrates the rejection of My adversary and return to Me.... With your fall into the abyss you turned away from Me and rejected My love, thus you also became completely heartless. Your change of will on earth therefore has to consist of your desire to be illuminated by Me again and of igniting love in yourselves again which will unite you with Me once more. __The more sincere your determination, the more you will think of Me, of your God and Creator of eternity, Who wants to be recognised and loved by you as a Father. And soon your thoughts will be engrossed in Me, for then I will not leave you again, I will not release you anymore, I will constantly court your love because love is the most solid bond between us which cannot be undone again by any hostile power. __I want to own all your love.... you shall not have any other gods beside Me.... you should not strive for anything else with the same love, for whatever you endeavour or love in your innermost being that is your God.... irrespective of whether it concerns honour and fame, earthly possessions or even the people you love.... You must not value anything more than Me, I want to be to you the highest and most desirable Being in heaven and on earth. I want your whole heart, and as long as you still share it, the bond with Me is not yet established, for whatever fills your heart stands between Me and you.... __Every person's will is free, he can turn wherever he wants, but the goal on earth will only have been accomplished when he turns to Me. But there is great danger in the fact that the human being considers many things desirable and that My adversary places everything before his eyes to prevent him from forming this heartfelt bond with Me.... and that he also brings additional gods close to the person just to divert his thoughts from Me, for they are all strange gods permeating a person's thoughts if I Myself Am not the essence of his innermost thoughts.... __Therefore you humans should seriously scrutinise who or what moves you most, you should ask yourselves whether you are as close to Me as a child is to its father, whether the connection with Me is your first and only goal.... and you should push everything from your thoughts which stands between Me and you, you should give Me first place in your heart and make no concessions whatsoever. For your return to Me can only take place through the unification with Me, and you have to seek and find this of your own free will, because no-one else can establish it on your behalf.... __Amen
Thoughts are emanations from the spiritual realm....
No-one knows his own destiny and no-one is able to determine it.... but everyone knows that he won't stay on earth forever and that he can be called away even on the next day, that he can also be surprised by strokes of destiny which he is unable to avert. But only a few people make use of this certain knowledge by working towards the life which follows afterwards.... towards life in the spiritual kingdom which lasts forever. And the rest don't make use of it because they are not convinced of life after death.... It is, however, also impossible to provide them with proof of this because it would render the whole of earthly life useless, as its purpose concerns a completely free decision of will.... but proof would already result in a coercion of will. For this reason people are left to a certain extent to their own devices, they walk through earthly life without precisely knowing its meaning and purpose, nevertheless they are able to reach a clear understanding if they strive for it. For people are able to think.... For the duration of their earthly life they received a gift, the capacity to think, thus also the intellect to process thoughts and to verify their truth.... for people can have right as well as incorrect thoughts. This is proof of the fact that they receive thoughts from two sides but that the choice of thoughts is left up to them.... Thus, thought itself is not a product generated by the person himself and emanated outward but it first flows to him as strength from the spiritual kingdom. However, you ought to know that thinking will not stop with your body's death but that this demonstrates to the self-aware soul its bond with God.... insofar as that, in the state of perfection, it will receive His spiritual illumination in the form of thoughts.... In contrast, in the imperfect state God's adversary gains influence over the self-aware being, regardless of whether it still lives on earth or it is in the realm of the beyond. Hence thinking does not stop, it can merely be confused or entirely wrong if the soul's degree of maturity is low and therefore God's adversary has a greater influence than God Himself, Who will never forcibly impose Himself but wait until the being submits itself to Him.... Thoughts are thus something spiritual, more or less corresponding to truth but always contributions from the spiritual realm, which can therefore also be classed as forces.... once again, with good or evil consequences, depending on their origin. Anyone who does not believe in the continuation of life is satisfied with the explanation that thought originates in the human being himself. But then death would extinguish all reasoning power, then it would not be easy to explain the concept of 'soul', which, in contrast to the body.... the earthly-material external shell.... is the human being's inner life, his thoughts, feelings and intentions.... __The soul is everlasting, thus it will continue to be able to think, feel and want, if it is to continue living after death.... Something that is alive, self-aware, has to be able to show these characteristics that it can think, feel and want. As long as these abilities do not exist, the being is still in a state of constraint in which it cannot be held fully responsible for its actions. But the being is given a task during its lifetime on earth, consequently, it must also be able to think and want and to act accordingly.... Hence, the point is that it should voluntarily adapt itself to the divine order which it revoked when turned away from God. Since its apostasy from God resulted in its decent into darkness, i.e. into complete lack of realisation, it must now, in order to make a free decision of will, be introduced again to knowledge which flows to it from the spiritual kingdom and which can be accepted but also rejected again by the human being. People's thoughts are therefore such influxes, but they can come both from the kingdom of light as well as from the realm of darkness. The human being himself is equipped with the gift of intellect in order to be able deal with the thoughts flowing to him. But sharpness of intellect is not so crucial as a heart willing to love in order to be receptive to thought waves from the kingdom of light.... Consequently, the degree of realisation will match accordingly and a person who lives a life of love will find it easy to make the right decision.... whereas a heartless person is sent thoughts from the realm of darkness and is more willing to accept these and thereby becomes increasingly more enslaved by God's adversary. The human being certainly believes that the thoughts are his own spiritual product, that he, by virtue of his intellect and his externally received education, generates them himself.... in that case, however, his soul would be entirely empty at the moment of death, but it is, in fact, the human being's actual Self and can therefore not stop thinking, feeling and wanting.... it therefore remains within the area of thought waves but it created or can still create the sphere which it now occupies. Although its thinking will be weak and confused in the dark spheres, nevertheless, it can think.... and also clarify this thinking if it wants to. Thought is spiritual strength which cannot disappear, for that reason every thought will also have some kind of result, negative.... if it flows from the kingdom of darkness and is accepted, or positive.... if it originates in the kingdom of light and finds acceptance in human hearts. Thus, the human being himself need only prove his willingness of acceptance by desiring contact with the kingdom of light. This is why no person will ever allow good thoughts to arise in himself if he is totally captivated by the adversary, because he does not produce the thoughts himself but they flow to him like waves, he must allow them to surround him if they are to have a beneficial effect on him.... if they are to impart the knowledge to him which helps him to make the right decision. For this is every individual person's only goal in life, on account of which he was allowed to embody himself on Earth.... __Amen
The souls' fate in the beyond....
As yet you still wear the earthly garment; as yet your soul is still enclosed by a cover preventing its carefree flight into the spiritual realm, you are still bound to this earth.... But the time will come when the soul will leave its fleshy cover, when earth will no longer be able to hold it and it will lift itself up to heaven, if it has acquired sufficient strength to raise itself from the earthly sphere into a world without obstacles, where it will be able to zoom through time and space and enjoy blissful happiness in radiant heights. But this flight of ascent requires strength.... the kind of strength which should not be confused with the vitality of life but by which it is permeated when it has entered into heartfelt union again with the eternal source of strength, with its God and Father.... when it has returned to its Father's house, where no hardship or suffering but only happiness and eternal life exist. __However, it is also possible that the hour of death will not denote a great change for the soul.... It will indeed also be able to leave the physical body and yet not be free, if it is weak and unable to elevate itself from earthly spheres because matter had dominated its mind, because it completely allowed itself to be ruled by it and never accepted the divine strength of love. Then it will indeed also occupy spiritual spheres, that is, it will exist beyond this earthly world, yet it will lack vitality and be condemned to inactivity. And this is a state of torment for the soul, a state of helplessness and darkness, and yet it is aware of itself. __Death is the conclusion of a developmental chapter; the soul will change its abode in any case.... but the sphere the soul will then occupy may well be rather different.... And the human being himself creates on earth his soul's fate after death. And therefore he should value every day as an immeasurable gift of grace, he should be prudent with every hour and use it for the salvation of his soul.... he should not content himself with earthly joys and pleasures since the beatitudes in the spiritual kingdom will outweigh them a thousand fold. __The human being should always remember that he has to take it into his own hands to acquire an abundance of bliss, and so he then also has to be willing during the short lifetime on earth to renounce what gives the body a sense of well-being but is detrimental to the soul. For the soul is enclosed by a layer from which it should free itself in earthly life. The impurities still adhering to the soul obstruct God's light ray of love from entering.... They first have to be dissolved so that the light of love can fully permeate the soul, and this also means that after death the soul will be able to raise itself entirely unburdened and enter the spheres of the blessed. And heartfelt prayer to God, deeds of love and even various forms of physical suffering will cause the dissolution of this layer.... __Love and suffering are the most effective means of purification, love and suffering internalize the human being, love and suffering distance him from the world and its pleasures.... The path of love and of suffering is the path Jesus took. He called upon people to become His followers, and He has promised life to those who follow Him. For His path will lead to the goal for sure. It leads out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, and He will also help anyone who loves Him and wants to follow Him carry the small cross, when it seems too heavy to the human being and he turns for help to Him, to the divine bearer of the cross.... But once the physical cover is shed the soul will rejoice and jubilantly enter through the gate to eternity. Then it will have fulfilled its purpose of earthly life, it will have returned to its true home of eternal life and eternal beatitude.... __Amen
Accountability towards God.... Doing one's duty is not en...
The possibility exists for every human being to attain perfection during his life on earth. This is why he is accountable to God as to how he uses his time on earth. Thus he cannot sin 'with impunity'.... i.e., it will not be without consequences if he does not live a correct way of life, if he lives it in a way that the soul does not derive any benefit from it. And these consequences have to be accepted by him, which he subsequently indeed views as 'punishment' but which are merely the result of his wrong way of life.... Thus he has to blame himself for his apparent state of punishment, he caused it of his own free will, for he could just as well have lived correctly, because it was possible for him. But people very rarely think of their future responsibility towards God, Who cannot judge any differently than earthly life demands. They don't think about it because they don't believe, because they don't want to believe, that they have to fulfil a purpose during their earthly life. People's lack of responsibility keeps steadily growing the more faith dwindles amongst them. The actual earthly purpose of life is not considered and the time after the body's death is not thought of either, because all faith in it is lacking. That is why the soul will be horrified when it becomes conscious of its existence as well as of its miserable state and when it realises that it caused this state itself.... On the other hand, however, the human being on earth can only ever be admonished to live a responsible way of life, he can only be informed of a God's judicial authority but he cannot be forced to believe by means of evidence. And people also believe that it is sufficient to do their duty and not to commit any obvious offence.... But thereby they do not reach perfection and a life like that is not the purpose of their earthly existence. The grace of embodiment as a human being must be utilised, because it is a gift for the being which had disfigured itself and which should, and is able to, attain its former perfection again. It is a gift, because the being turned away from God of its own free will, thus it had spurned His divine strength of love. But God offers the being His strength of love once more, and He does this when the soul travels the earthly path as a human being. This incredible gift of grace should be respected by a person, he should not treat it carelessly, he should accept what God's love offers to him.... Therefore he will have to justify himself before God as to how he used this gift of grace. He must do everything in his power in order to make himself worthy of God's love, he must gratefully accept what is offered to him in order to attain his past high level again; but he should not live his earthly life irresponsibly, for this grace is only given to him once. And although God will not let go of him, he will nevertheless never be able to catch up with what he had neglected to do during his earthly life because of his own fault.... And his remorse will be immense once he recognises in the beyond the significance of the gift of grace he had left unused on earth.... __Amen
Calm before the storm.... Illusion of peace....
And even if it seems to you as if you are approaching a period of peace, you should not let yourselves be deceived.... it is only the calm before the storm and sooner than you think there will be changes in the face of those who speak of peace but start to throw the torch amongst the nations of this earth. The lull is dangerous for you because you get drowsy and in this state only value your earthly existence.... Therefore, I will continue to disturb people from their tranquillity in order to keep them awake. And thus much more will happen still, time and again people's attention will be drawn to accidents and disasters of all kinds. In addition to the apparent progress and earthly prosperity people will also have to take part in such events where human strength does not suffice to avoid them. They should learn to realise that no-one is safe from such blows of fate, no matter how secure his earthly life appears to be. __Do not be fooled by the world situation which seems to calm down, for they are all deceptive machinations, and you might get a rude awakening if you trust this calm and ignore every caution that points to the end. The change will come suddenly, and then you all should be prepared and thus believe that the turning point will come. You will be able to observe many signs of the last days, but at the same time My adversary will throw sand into your eyes too.... For he does not want you to believe in an end, to take serious stock of yourselves and change. For this reason he also influences his servants to make people believe that they are approaching a new, glorious future in peace and joy. And he succeeds, for people will always rather believe what they can observe themselves than what is proclaimed to them from the spiritual kingdom. In any case, they rather want to believe in a beautiful and happy future for themselves in an earthly sense than in an end of this earth. __But I will not stop warning and cautioning you, for it does not merely concern the few years of your earthly life but it concerns eternity.... And My admonitions will become increasingly more urgent the more an evident `calm' spreads across the earth.... the more people accept a seemingly peaceful existence and forget their good intentions, which they might perhaps have already taken due to the constant references to the approaching end. By using the world My adversary will once more extend his tentacles to people, and it requires a strong faith not to fall prey to his power. __For this reason I will draw your attention time and again to what still awaits you.... Don't let yourselves be deceived.... My Word is truth and will come to pass, and My Word tells you of an approaching end, which is preceded by a distinct intervention by Me, a natural disaster on an huge scale.... And this catastrophe will surprise the believers of peace, and even then they could still turn around and take the short path until the end in constant striving for perfection.... __But this catastrophe will cost untold human lives.... And how do you know whether you are not amongst them? Whether it is not already too late for you, who live indifferently and with future hope and allowed yourselves to be dazzled by the prince of this world? Therefore you should always remember My Word when you hear about people's sudden death, about misfortunes and all kinds of human suffering. I thereby want to remind you all of a sudden end, I want to turn your attention to the Power Which can destroy everything you fabricate, and Which can ruin all your plans.... Unite yourselves more with this Power.... find the path to Me, entrust yourselves to Me and appeal to Me for right guidance, for protection and mercy, and believe that there is only peace in unity with Me.... that you will be deceived when earthly peace is promised to you. For humanity no longer lives such that it can have a peaceful earthly existence, it no longer strives for spiritual development and therefore has also lost the right to live on this earth.... __Amen
Freedom of will excludes evidence of faith....
No-one can be forced to believe; consequently it is impossible for divine revelations to be given in such a way that they cannot be doubted. But they can be recognised as divine revelations by someone with a serious will to understand, who therefore has an entirely open-minded attitude and seriously examines them. However, were people to be given irrefutable proof that they are addressed by God Himself, their thoughts and intentions would be determined by this proof.... thus it would exclude a free decision of will which, however, is the purpose and goal of life on earth. It truly would be easy for God to speak to people such that they no longer were able to doubt His existence, but in that case the purpose of earthly life would be missed, for the being's deification is an act of free will, hence free will must remain inviolable, and this excludes all absolute proof. However, it is nevertheless possible for every person to procure his own inner conviction, for as soon as his will has chosen God by consciously wanting to approach Him, God Himself will give him the evidence of His love, wisdom and omnipotence.... He will manifest Himself to him in a way that he can no longer doubt and is happy about this gained realisation. But the grace of God's manifestation is granted to every person.... Yet not every person evaluates it and attains realisation. Creation itself is already a manifestation of God, and it alone could serve the human being as living proof already, it could convince him of the eternal Creative Spirit Which manifests Itself through this creation. But even creation may not be faith-compelling evidence.... This is why the human being can also try to substantiate the emergence of creation in a different way.... which he surely will do by virtue of his free will if he isolates himself from God due to his opposing will and anti-divine nature. This person cannot believe because he does not want to. And to give such a person irrefutable proof would merely compel his will and the faith gained thereby would be totally worthless. __Different opinions will always exist in the world, that is, amongst the people of this earth, because not all people have the same will and not all of them evaluate the blessing flowing to them in the same way. But every individual sooner or later has the opportunity to spend some serious thought on a Power with Which he is connected through a life-preserving influx of strength.... He has the opportunity to draw a comparison between himself and the things He created.... and between himself and the One Who created him. He can come to the conclusion that 'a God' Who has created everything cannot be denied and that his own existence substantiates this God. Then he will be able to build upon this inner conviction and also consider God's revelations possible and subsequently live his life according to these revelations, which will always result in his increasingly brighter realisation and therefore in indisputable faith even without< proof. Human will may not be infringed upon if his progress on earth is to be successful, so that he will deify himself and be able to depart from this earth as a free being full of strength and light. However, the will should be stimulated in order to be deployed in the right direction.... And this happens through blessings.... through fateful events, through particular experiences, through bringing people with different directions of thought together.... and from time to time also through conveying divine revelations. And if the human being does not openly resist these blessings they can have positive effects, and there is a possibility for a change of will in the human being, that he will not reject everything which previously seemed incredible to him, that he will think about it and.... if he is of good will.... that his thoughts can be guided correctly without coercion. The human being need only realise that he is weak and small and unable to fathom everything with his intellect alone. The feeling of his own weakness and lack of knowledge can impel him towards the Power he can no longer deny to be above him. But anyone who deems himself knowledgeable, who overestimates his intellect, will never attain truth and wisdom, for he does not open himself to the Power Which would like to permeate him because he isolates himself from It. The human being must subject himself to this Power of his own free will, only then will he realise the relationship he has with this Power and he will know what he is, what he had been and what he shall become again.... __Amen
The agonies of the human being without the awareness of s...
You have been created for the eternity. Hence you cannot stop existing for eternities even though you did have a beginning. But you were able to change your being, and you did just that and thus have robbed yourselves of the awareness of self. You still continued to exist but you were not aware of your own self anymore. Nevertheless, this condition was no bliss, it was no blissful drifting into a void but, rather, it was a condition of agony because it meant restriction for the once created free spiritual being, which also experienced this restriction as an agony. __Now, since you will exist forever you should be able to enjoy your existence; you should be able to live in a blissful condition, to work for your own joy in power and light, that is. This is your aim, the aim of all that once created by Me, to live and be active in My will, to be in bliss like Me, full of light and power and, for one's own happiness, to be active in work and creation. Yet, countless beings radiated by Me in light and freedom have, by their own doing, lost their awareness of self. They gave up the freedom, the light and the power and chose a dreadful lot for themselves. But they could not destroy themselves and will also forever not be able to do so. __Now, if this voluntarily chosen condition without awareness of one's self were free of any agony, no being then would strive for a life in blissfulness; it then would have perished, so to speak, just recognized as a being by Myself. For the agony of a bound being is unimaginable and the threat of rebanishment to you humans ought not leave you untouched, for even if you are lacking the awareness of self, you will still be exposed to pain which, when looking back, you will be recognizing once having entered the [real] life. It is the spiritual man who suffers, not the carnal man whom you imagine having passed away. __And the spiritual [in man] could certainly have turned solid within but it is not wiped out, it is not without sensation and it suffers the greatest pain, even in its most minute substance. That's also why the whole creation, i.e. the spiritual bound in matter opposed to the kingdom of light and its inhabitants, is unsaved and non-blissful, that is pain struck, and in its pain it yearns for redemption. The pain which the spiritual experiences is incomprehensible to you humans, because that which is given to your soul as a cover, your earthly body, is only able to experience and bear pain up to a certain degree but which is in no comparison to the agonies the soul must endure in an unredeemed state and which the still bound spiritual experiences in its outer cover as well. __But because it is not until the state of a soul, now being aware of itself, it's only in the state of a human being it then can consciously strive for a change of its being, i.e. a transformation to its former original being. The realization that it can never cease to exist, that it will actually exist forever, will then certainly induce it to arrange for a sincere striving of its own happy eternity; to strive for a "life in bliss" and to again attain power and light, to be able to be active according to the law of divine order. But as long as it is lacking this knowledge, man lives uselessly on this earth and the soul remains bound and it also leaves its body still bound.... And thus the agonizing condition emerges again which it did not feel so much on earth. It [the soul] is dead even though it exists; on earth it did not acquire the blissful life, the condition of banishment also does now threaten it again if it does not in the kingdom of the beyond manage to come to the realization of not having ceased to exist, nor will it cease to do so either, even though it does not live on earth any longer.... Only this realization makes it possible for it in the kingdom of the beyond to still strive for the "life" yet and it will actually receive help in doing so. __But dreadful it is for an already self-aware soul when it again experiences the fate of re-banishment.... when the self-awareness is taken away from it and it will have to take up the walk through the creation in countless particles and will have to re-endure the endless agonies, which represents any outer form of the spiritual. For only by means of pain can the spiritual be purified to the extent of again to mature to a self-aware being, once to live and to never again lose its life. __Amen
Illness and suffering are necessary to purify the soul....
Bear your cross with patience and don't waver in faith.... and remember that your Father in heaven knows about everything, that you are not alone in your adversity, that I walk next to you every step of the way as long as you remain mentally in contact with Me through prayer and kind-hearted activity, then you can confidently consider yourselves as one of My Own upon whom I keep My protective hands even if you are apparently helpless. However, you must trust Me and never doubt My love which only wants to shape you for an eternal life in beatitude. It concerns the salvation of your soul, the nature of which depends on the degree of light with which you enter the beyond after your physical death. Even if you only take thin layers across they will lessen the ray of light which can permeate your souls. If, however, you had discarded all layers then the unimpeded emanations of light will enable you to enjoy supreme pleasure.... __You will be incredibly happy in return for having endured just a very short painful earthly life.... Consider this and trust that I know this and also what you are capable of putting up with. However, in view of the near end My might will occasionally manifest itself as well, but only after a goal has been reached, after the soul's process of purification has been successful and the soul has recovered so that the body can be healed too, so that it can still be of service to Me in the last days. For it concerns the redemption of the souls, and every person who has not yet entirely handed himself over to Me suffers psychological hardship.... His soul is still ailing and in need of the right medicine which it shall receive from you, My servants of the last days. Soon the opportunities will have passed which at present can still help people to redeem their souls.... soon the end will have come for every person when he can no longer take care of his soul, when there is impenetrable darkness unless the soul has become receptive to light and its tribulation is over.... __But as long as the earth still exists and as long as a human being is still allowed to live on this earth he should make sure to cast off his thick layer so that his soul attains the light before nightfall. For the end is about to happen to you humans without fail, the night will take you by surprise without fail if you don't listen to Me or don't believe My Words. By no means need you be afraid because you can always rely on My love and mercy, but you must also request it.... You must also do something so that I can give you My love and mercy.... You must make an effort to dissolve the impurities surrounding your soul.... And because you often fail to do so I intervene and send adversities and diseases upon you which can achieve what you don't do of your own accord: to improve your soul so that it can enter the kingdom of the beyond in a light-receptive state. For even a low degree of light will make the soul happy.... But you can still raise this degree of light on earth if you humbly take everything upon yourselves.... if you bear your cross patiently and meekly and thereby participate in Jesus' path to the cross, if you follow him.... in love and in suffering.... Then your soul can spiritualise itself on earth already and be granted a fate in the kingdom of light which will make it inconceivably happy. And yet even the most arduous suffering shall not make you despondent, for I know when the cross becomes too heavy for you and will take it off you and carry it on your behalf.... You will truly find strong support in Me, since everything is possible for Me at all times.... But you must also appeal to Me for it with complete trust in My love, My wisdom and My might.... For they want to express themselves to My children, to those who are and want to remain My Own for all eternity.... __Amen
Man's conscious work of improving his soul....
Nothing should prevent you from carrying out the work of improving your soul, for this alone determines your fate in eternity. And no-one can relieve you of this work; no-one can do it for you. And therefore every day your soul hasn't made any progress is lost, even if you just carry out a single deed of love.... it helps your soul to mature. Every day that has only satisfied your selfish love, that has only benefited your body, is a lost day, for as soon as the soul had to starve the day was lived in vain. And yet you could easily progress, for you are offered many opportunities where you can prove yourselves, where you can carry out this said psychological work.... opportunities, where you have to defeat yourselves, where you have to fight against longings or all kinds of bad habits, where you can please with kind deeds, friendly words or helpful acts, which always result in spiritual advantages for your soul.... __Time and again opportunities will arise when you can enter into heartfelt communication with your God and Father in order to derive a blessing for your soul.... And time and again you can listen to the Word of God or read it and thereby provide your soul with very special help by providing it with nourishment which enables it to mature. And no matter how lucrative your days will be for you in regards to earthly profit, a good deed, no matter how small, is deemed far more valuable, for it results in profit for the soul which it can never lose again. But it cannot keep what the body receives; they are just borrowed goods which can be taken away again at any time. And therefore you can also cause daily damage to your soul if you burden it with sin.... if you lead a bad way of life and add many additional sins to the existing original sin, which only your soul will be answerable for one day, because it is immortal. Hence you should not spend your days thoughtlessly, you should thoroughly consider what you are doing, and you should try to take more care of your soul than of your body, for the soul is your real Self which has to travel the path across earth in order to mature fully, in order to attain perfection, which it can only achieve on earth. But this also necessitates your will with which you consciously have to fight against weaknesses and all kinds of faults.... __Consequently, if the human being wants to become perfect he will also have to request the strength to live in accordance with God's will, that is, to accomplish deeds of love.... which then will surely be granted to him. He has to live life consciously, always aiming to perfect his still imperfect nature, and make every effort to do so. Then he will be impelled from within to act with love.... he can't help himself but do kind deeds, and thus he will also be able to progress spiritually every day.... And then he will not let himself be held back by worldly enticements either.... For once he is serious about accomplishing his goal of achieving perfection he will always put his work of improving his soul first, and then he will also always receive help from the spiritual beings guarding his earthly life.... who time and again try to influence his thoughts such that he thinks, speaks and acts in accordance with God's will.... For the only purpose of earthly life is the maturing of his soul which, however, is rarely recognised, and therefore the soul's fate is often an unfortunate one, albeit due to its own fault, for the human being is time and again informed why he lives on earth.... if he doesn't want to believe it, his soul will have to pay for it one day by taking the darkness across into the kingdom of the beyond, with which it had come to earth as a human being.... __Amen
Suffering as means of purifying the soul or love....
Whatever contributes towards the soul's maturity will often be experienced by you as a burden or hardship, for it is frequently the means of assisting the purification of the soul in order to make it wholesome and receptive to light. Nevertheless, an exceedingly effective means exists which is less painful for you humans: Acts of selfless neighbourly love.... Then the soul will mature very quickly, it will constantly acquire more strength and will reform and change its nature through love. However, for the most part you humans lack love, you still harbour much selfish love, you have not yet become completely unselfish in your thinking and actions, and therefore the soul's purification needs to proceed by other means, such as suffering and illness, worries and adversities, which will then burden you and demand all your faith in order for you to free yourselves of them again. For in profound faith you would be able to entrust all your problems and sufferings to Me, you would be able to hand them over to Me and subsequently also be certain that I will take them from you. But this profound faith is, again, only the result of love.... And thus it will always remain a matter of greatest priority, love cannot be excluded; love is the correct and most certain means of freeing yourselves from illness and suffering, from all kinds of worries.... Yet, on the other hand, you don't realise what blessings arise for the soul if you humans also patiently take all burdens upon yourselves, if you humbly endure everything for the sake of your soul's maturing.... For no soul is already so mature that it, on passing away, will be of such crystal clarity that My light of love would be able to permeate it without obstruction.... __Blemishes more or less still cling to every soul, and the more of them it can discard on earth the happier it will be on entering the kingdom of the beyond and thank Me, its God and Father, for the time of trial on earth, regardless of how difficult it had been. And every day in earthly life is, after all, only an opportunity for testing, every day is a possibility for the soul to gather spiritual riches, and every day passes by and the length of time until its passing away from earth is getting ever shorter.... It won't last forever, but the state of the soul, if it is imperfect, can last eternally.... And if you humans would only ever consider the suffering you have to endure as a means for purification, as the condition for a cleansing of your soul from all weaknesses and flaws still adhering to it, you would truly bless the suffering and be glad of it, because it will result in your spiritual progress and one day you will also realise why it was necessary during your earthly existence. You should learn to look at every day as a step on the ladder to perfection.... but you will also have to climb it in order to reach the goal. One day you will realise how useless those days were when you didn't have to endure anything.... unless you spent them by being lovingly active.... Then the measure of suffering will also diminish, and there would truly not be so much hardship and misery in the world if people practised love, if they made an effort to carry out selfless works of love and thereby improved the maturity of soul in the most natural way. But if you have to suffer then be grateful for it and, despite everything, strive to shape your nature into love, for your life on earth is only short yet it is decisive for the whole of eternity. __Amen
Remorse in the beyond.... Ascent....
Sooner or later you will bitterly regret the time you had lost in your earthly life when you will realise in the beyond what you had forfeited in your earthly life. And lost time during your earthly life is every day which was purely spent in an earthly way, when you gave no room to any spiritual thoughts.... which thus did not correspond to the actual purpose that is the reason for your embodiment as a human being. As long as you live on earth you don't take this knowledge seriously, even if you have it. Yet in the kingdom of the beyond it will burden you like a heavy stone which you will be unable to shift. You will remember these days time after time, and you will regret every pointless deed, just as you will bitterly regret every missed opportunity which you could have utilized for the benefit of your soul. __And still you can be called favoured if you come to this realisation in the spiritual realm, if you don't belong to those who are utterly immersed in darkness and don't even feel remorse, because they simply don't realise what they had inflicted on themselves.... who will still have to struggle for a long time in order to ever get to the state when they can see a small glimmer of light and only then realise how futile their earthly life has been.... For once this glimmer of light exists the soul can still be motivated by bitter remorse to turn inwards and change its thoughts and will.... And then it can be given enough strength to enable it to actively help suffering souls, and after that it will certainly progress, even if the conditions are far more difficult than it would have been possible in earthly life. __Hence remorse first has to precede progress, for only a soul which begins to understand will try to change its situation, and any realisation will also reveal to the soul the futile path of earthly life, which will always result in bitter regret but also signify a turning point of its wretched state. But for this reason it is also for the human being of greatest significance that he will still arrive at some, if only minimal, knowledge while he is still living on earth, that he begins to recognise the purpose of earthly life and still tries to improve himself before he will pass away from this world. For to be able to pass over with even the smallest amount of knowledge will always signify a glimmer of light for this soul.... it will not be moved into total darkness after its physical death, it will be able to find its way about in the twilight, and in a flash it will understand and then also do everything in order to acquire light for itself. __It will also recognise that much work is waiting for it in the spiritual kingdom if only it is willing to work, and the small glimmer of light will guide it onto the right path, which it indeed will take with a feeling of remorse for not having used its earthly life correctly yet also in constant hope for help, which it surely will be granted as soon as it recognises Jesus Christ and appeals to Him for help. Then it will not be hopelessly lost, it will be able to ascend; it just will never be able to achieve the degree which results in unlimited beatitude at the Father's heart.... the childship to God, which is the fate of those who on earth endeavour to fulfil the task they were given.... who already on earth looked for and found unification with their Father of eternity.... __Amen
Unusual phenomena.... (UFO's)
You can always rely on being correctly instructed when you turn to Me Myself for an explanation. You will also sense it mentally, that is, your reasoning will already move within the truth because this is what you are looking for.... Thus feelingwise you will already be on the right path even if you are still occupied with apparently-unsolved problems. __For the prerogative of those who unite with Me, the Eternal Truth, consists of the fact that they feel an inner resistance as soon as they are affected by misguided thoughts.... You have to expect many unusual phenomena during the last days, and then can decide for yourselves whether to ascribe them to Me or to My adversary, who will conduct himself equally extraordinary to gain his victims. And you will also have to learn to differentiate. You should not forget that the world is his domain and therefore he will also show himself in the world and by means of worldly machinations. But you should know, too, that there is no power which could prevent My working and thus change My eternal plan of Salvation, which includes an end of this earth period.... For I pursue a goal which only serves to release the fallen spiritual substances from the abyss.... And I truly know when the right time has come. __One thing is certain: My adversary's plans do not agree with Mine, he does not pursue the same goal.... i.e. to help the fallen spirits.... instead, he only ever intends to render My plans ineffective, to put a stop to them and at the same time defeat Me Myself, which he will never achieve. On the one hand, he now urges people to experiment in various ways in order to destroy creations, because he believes that he thereby can release the captive spiritual substance and gain it for himself.... and on the other had he makes people believe that they need not fear the danger of an end in order to stop them from consciously working on improving their soul which, in view of the end, is nevertheless pursued by those who follow the signs of the time and therefore also know how late it is. For that reason he works with much cunning and causes confusion, which will also affect those who do not want to belong to him. __He tries to make people believe in apparently real things which will retain their appearance until suitably minded people have sighted them.... people who, due to their attitude and thoughts, are susceptible to God's adversary's influence.... who do not even want to think about an end of this earth, who would also rather believe in the most incredible actions or provisions to prevent such an end than to accept the truth, which is proclaimed to them time and again. Their attitude provides My adversary with a good response.... they believe to be within the range of good forces and yet have become subject to My adversary, for he uses them to spread misguided teachings and satanic work. __My adversary is entitled to immense power at the end. It is the countermeasure for My unusual, merciful work on people whom I still want to help to find Me. I work in unusual ways indeed but I do not affect people's senses unnaturally; I work inwardly and want to gain influence on people's hearts.... My adversary, however, makes an impression on people's senses, people's intellect, and he only strengthens the desire for an indestructibility of earth and a prevented end at the last minute. My adversary counteracts Me and My proclamations and that alone should expose him, it should demonstrate who is at work when people's minds are troubled by inexplicable events by which My predicted end of the earth becomes questionable.... My Word is truth, and thus My adversary cannot refute these proclamations, irrespective of how cunning and crafty he intends to proceed. And people themselves could recognise who tries to influence them if only they would always take the path to Me, Who truly will not withhold the truth from them. __Amen
Suffering purifies the soul....
You will be given far more than is taken away from you, for you will receive spiritual possessions in exchange for relinquishing earthly goods. Thus you will feel apparently neglected, you will think yourselves weighed down, you will feel earthly under duress and depressed, but just as certainly you will `receive' spiritually.... even if you just receive ever greater purification of your soul as a gift in return for these earthly limitations or all kinds of oppositions. You can only mature through opposition. If, however, your earthly life proceeds smoothly there will be few or no opportunities for maturing and your soul's development will lag behind. But as soon as you feel encumbered turn to Jesus Christ and he will help you carry the weight or take it from you. And be in no doubt whatsoever that he will hear you.... He knows why you have to struggle on this earth, and therefore He always stands beside you just waiting for your call which offers Him the opportunity to place Himself between you and the enemy.... This request has to come from yourselves but then it will certainly be successful. However, your weakness of faith or the smallest doubt will time and again give God's adversary the right to encroach on you and to steadily weaken you.... And then you will have to defend yourselves by handing yourselves over to Jesus Christ, by calling upon His help to displace him and to protect you from him. And truly, no appeal will be in vain.... For His love does not leave you but it requires your love and request for Him in order to take effect. __But every successful test provides your soul significant advancement and one day you will realise how much these inner struggles contributed towards the soul's purification, which yearns for its perfection and still has to assert itself until the end of its life. Therefore bless every hour of your suffering on earth, physically or psychologically, and know that you are nevertheless advantaged compared to those who go through earthly life cheerfully and unburdened and don't experience this purification process of the soul because they don't seriously aspire towards it and are therefore still offered many attractions in earthly life to take pleasure in. They don't surrender anything and therefore cannot receive anything either.... They get out of the world whatever they can and their souls' condition is of no interest to them, on account of which the soul does not suffer, yet it will have to suffer twice as much at a later time when it realises its imperfection and has to admit that it had done nothing to purify itself on earth. Every suffering human being on earth is advantaged compared to those who live an easy and carefree earthly life.... Nevertheless, a true Christian can also be cheerful in confidence of the fact that he only ever needs to encumber Jesus Christ with his worries and burden and that life will also always become bearable. For his trust will not be disappointed, and the certainty of always having a helper by his side will also result in this cheerful joy which should grace every good Christian. Therefore, once again: Bless the suffering as long as it impels you towards Jesus Christ, to Him Who will help you carry your cross providing you appeal to Him for it.... __Amen
Love is the key to wisdom....
You will continue to think incorrectly as long as you ignore the commandments of love for God and your neighbour.... No matter how much you study and ponder, it will be of no use to you. Without a life of love of your own, the success of your research will only ever be a false success, i.e., it will not correspond to the truth. But if you put it to the test you would be surprised at how your thinking changes. Everyone can change himself to love, because the ability to love has been placed in his heart and it is mostly only due to his will if he does not use this ability, if he is not lovingly active. For this reason only a few people will go through this test, but by doing so they could so easily get the evidence which would make them infinitely happy, because their hearts would suddenly become enlightened. But the fact that wisdom, the light of realisation, is only the result of a life of love, is not accepted by people as truth, for they cannot associate an impulse of heart with the activity of their intellect, they don't want to link their emotional life with lucid intellectual thinking. And yet, love is the key to wisdom, and no-one who ignores the commandments of love for God and his neighbour will know the truth. However, the explanation that God is Truth as well as Love Itself is so simple. __One is unthinkable without the other, just as fire emanates light by natural law, so must the fire of love emanate the light of wisdom. The intellect is not enough in order to ascertain the truth, but intellect united with love will explore the most profound depths of divine wisdom.... Even if this statement seems presumptuous to you humans.... you would be able to prove it yourselves if only you seriously wanted to know the truth. This is why all efforts will be futile when you want to ascertain spiritual secrets, things, which cannot be proven by earthly means and yet are meaningful to a truth loving person. But the thoughts of a person who changed his nature, which at the start of his embodiment as a human being mainly knows selfish love, into unselfish neighbourly love, will indeed correspond to truth or be far closer to it than that of a rationalist who is devoid of love. You humans should believe this and transform your nature to love, then you will have accomplished your task on earth and the bright light of realisation will be your reward on earth and even more so in the kingdom of the beyond, which all of you will enter again after your life on this earth because it is your true home, which you once dwelled in and left of your own free will when you threw yourselves into darkness by extinguishing the light of love in you. On earth, you are not aware of the spiritual correlations, but the factor of lack of love also played a part in causing your spiritual darkness, and you can only become enlightened again if you transform your selfish love into unselfish love and thereby approach the Deity once more, Who is Love in Itself and wants to win you back.... And so, in order to clarify your thinking and to learn to understand the correlations which are associated with your earthly task, you must rekindle love in yourselves, you must, quite simply, return to God and unite with Him, Who is Love Itself.... Then light and strength and freedom will be yours again, as it was in the beginning, and once brightly enlightened you will realise everything, you will be blissfully happy because the Eternal Love permeates you once more as before.... __Amen
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