Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 2 transcriptions | ID of collection 1382452
Natural disaster before the end....
The end of this earth and of all living creatures upon it is inevitable.... No creations on earth will remain, people and animals will lose their lives apart from the small flock of those who will be raptured in the flesh. This last act of My will has been planned from the beginning, time and again it has been proclaimed to people by seers and prophets, and is now announced to people again with all urgency as being close at hand, because it will be so enormous and no-one shall experience the end without having been informed of it. Yet the proclamations find no credence.... An event is approaching people, the enormity of which cannot possibly be imagined.... and yet it is dismissed as implausible and the admonitions and warnings are futile, for no-one prepares himself for this enormous happening. People don't believe in an end.... And thus I will proceed with My final exhortation.... I will still give the unbelieving human race a last sign in the shape of a natural disaster.... the scale of which will also be huge but it will only affect the earth to a limited extent, so that they will no longer think it impossible and seriously take account of themselves as to whether and how they can be justified before Me at the end. Great events are often foreshadowed.... The natural event, which will be followed by the end shortly afterwards, is intended to be a final admonition, for it will cost many human lives, countless people will fall prey to the elements of nature, or little impression on the hardened hearts can be expected which, however, shall still be saved prior to the destruction.... I have always spoken though the mouths of prophets and even now I keep speaking through My devoted servants.... Yet people do not listen to this language apart from a few who believe My Words and are therefore willing to influence their fellow human beings according to My will.... __But now they shall clearly hear My voice and not be able to close their ears, for humanity's indifference motivates Me to disturb them and shake them out of their tranquillity, their worldly spirit.... so that no one will be able to claim that he received no warning. But even this warning will not result in turning to Me completely, because people don't want to recognise My voice and because I do not use force which impels people to come to Me.... Then the end will sweep everything which remains in opposition to Me away, for every human being still remains in opposition who does not turn to Me in view of the previous immense destruction.... which demonstrates My might.... Everyone still remains in opposition who thinks that an end of this earth is impossible, for he is spiritually unenlightened, which betrays his affiliation to My adversary.... I still try to break this opposition by all possible means without using force. And this final intervention will truly appear to be a cruel method yet I use it for the sake of your salvation, because My Words are not being believed and because the end is near to which they will then inevitably fall prey, and then their spiritual state will be the decisive factor as to what fate awaits them on the day of Judgment. And time and again I say to My servants that they cannot mention the end and the preceding natural event diligently enough, that they should not be afraid to draw people's attention to the fact that they will not have much time left, that they should unhesitatingly speak about My eternal plan and that they therefore should also spread My Gospel, so that people know what I expect of them as not to descend into darkness as a victim of the forthcoming event.... I only ask for a loving heart which is willing to make sacrifices.... Then they will be able to wait for the coming events without fear, then they will belong to those who will emerge unscathed even if everything around them threatens to disappear.... However, dreadful things will be in store for those who do not want to believe.... And then I will have mercy on everyone who calls upon Me in his adversity, for I only want to rescue people and not let them fall prey to ruin.... For the end will come without fail, and then everyone will be judged in accordance with law and justice.... __Amen
Rapture.... And the graves will still release many....
Time and again you will receive clarification through My Word concerning spiritual problems which you are unable to work out by yourselves.... where My spirit has to intervene if your thinking is to be correct, thus correspond to the truth. Only truth has a beneficial effect, the soul cannot derive any advantage from misguided thinking, instead it will even thicken its surrounding layer because misguided thinking does not originate from Me but from My adversary. Yet people are not always capable of accepting the pure truth unveiled, like children they sometimes have to be taught by way of images and parables which, however, nevertheless entirely correspond to the truth. And wherever this is the case My adversary likewise seeks to intrude and distort these images and parables to prevent people from thinking correctly. And thus it necessitates enlightenment through the spirit in order to provide a correct explanation or to enable someone to understand what was offered to people in a veiled form, what seers and prophets predicted on My instructions. Humanity's spiritual state demanded such veiled portrayal, because the unveiled truth would have seemed utterly implausible to those who had not recognised people's spiritual development as their purpose on earth and therefore My written Word.... the Book of the Fathers.... would also have been completely discarded, since the events at the end, had they been portrayed unveiled, would not have found belief and thus given rise to total rejection of My Word. I have always prevented an unveiled description of the final events but always provided explanations if they were needed. But as a result there are also various opinions represented amongst people and everyone endorses his own according to his spiritual state, yet only an 'enlightened spirit' will think correctly and be able to 'unveil' the 'veiled' truth! __The end is near.... and only a few people will be able to observe the developments at the end, because they shall inform the coming human generation on the new earth of My Power and Glory, of the conclusion of the old and the beginning of a new period of Salvation. These few, however, will be lifted away by Me from earth as soon as the end has come. But when this happens much wailing and lamenting will arise on earth, for this 'process of rapture' will be seen by all people on earth and triggers.... because it is beyond natural law.... immense terror, for then the people staying behind will know that they will become victims of destruction. These people will not see My coming in the clouds because I cannot be visible to those who adhere to My adversary.... Only My Own will be able to see Me and, full of joy and praise, stretch out their arms towards Me… And I will lift them up to Me before their fellow human beings' eyes. And just a few will cry out to Me in intense distress, not driven by fear but in sudden realisation and utter remorse.... I know them and address them time and again, they merely need a profound shock in order to surrender their resistance and hand themselves over in their hearts.... And these are the people who will 'arise from their graves' in order to also be taken away from the earth, because I know their hearts, they call upon Jesus Christ with profound faith in Him and His help and thus they will find redemption from sin and death. And the graves will still release many.... Dead people who will arise into life.... People who will be more impressed by the final events on this earth than they care to admit, where only the lid will have to be pushed aside from the grave, which will be achieved by the tremors at the end.... But what will still happens before that can yet contribute towards the awakening of dead souls, for hell will spew out its most evil demons.... And elevated beings will descend from the kingdom of light and the struggle for people's souls will be plain and observable by My Own, who will then experience the exposure of what had previously only been announced to them in a veiled form.... __And the scales will suddenly fall from the eyes of My Own, for then they will understand what hitherto had remained concealed to them but what the spiritually awakened person essentially understood. But since people are particularly strongly attached to matter in the end, the knowledge about My 'plan of Salvation' for redeeming the souls will also be little known.... And this alone is the key to all revelations which were given to people in a veiled form. People are unaware of individual periods of Salvation even if they believe in a justification, a last Judgment, and in an end of the world. And according to this knowledge they try to interpret the revelations which relate to this end. And the more intellectually they do so, the more confused become their results. My spirit, however, reveals to them in most simple terms the signs as well as the happenings at the end.... And the rapture of My Own will be the last process taking place on this earth before its destruction, before the complete change of this earth's external shape, which will wipe out all life on it. It is not as if there will still be a long time afterwards in which people can discuss this happening.... for this would undeniably signify compulsory faith for those left behind, no human being would then be able to close their mind to the realisation of a living God and be forced to believe in Him. Yet I don't use such means in order to gain this faith, consequently the end will come as soon as I fetch My Own from this earth. The horror of this will coincide with the horror of certain death facing those who are left behind, for the earth will open up and flames burst through, people will feel paralysed and incapable of thinking apart from the few which only need a small incentive to recognise Me and call upon Me in utmost need.... But they are known to Me and therefore I will have mercy upon them and their souls will not have to share the agonising fate of the others.... __Whatever will come to pass, it was only possible to give people an illustrative prediction, for they would never have understood it as long as My eternal plan of Salvation could not be explained to them. And people's low spiritual state did not allow for this.... My Word, however, has always been preached to people, and My Word urged them to be lovingly active. Complying with My Word, complying with My commandment of love would have guided you humans into realisation and thus also into the knowledge of My plan of Salvation. In that case they would have understood the symbolic descriptions, which certainly were understood by those whose life of love had resulted in spiritual enlightenment. Yet the nearer it gets to the end the more people's thinking will become confused and the more mysterious are the images which their intellect is now trying to decipher. People should only ever try to keep to what I Myself told them while I lived on earth.... They should accept My Words and live accordingly, and they would be surprised to realise that they are becoming enlightened, that they fully understand everything which so far had been ambiguous to them.... for then My spirit can work in them and kindle a bright light for them. However, anyone who believes himself capable of gaining realisation through eager studies yet neglects to live according to My will, will never attain realisation. He will lose himself in ever more erroneous thinking and no matter what he believes himself to have discovered.... he will have to discard it again and find no illumination within himself. Only My commandments of love and their fulfilment ensure your correct thinking, and in that case every Word, every prediction and every indication about the end will be understandable to you, for then you will be enlightened by My spirit, which never errs and always guides you into truth.... __Amen
The earth will be shaken in its very foundations, because people shall be very clearly reminded of the end just once more, so that the thought of death will arise in them when they see themselves at the mercy of forces over which they have no control. Many people will in fact wonder how these earthly tremors came about but the rapidly succeeding events will not give them time for an answer.... For then detonations of huge proportions in different areas of the world will follow which make people incapable of thought, these will then be accompanied by a raging of the natural elements with inconceivable consequences, the extent of which can only be assessed by the survivors after the event. They will be inclined to believe that people's scientific experiments had been the cause of this incredibly enormous work of destruction. However, they will be mistaken.... It is My voice which will and must resound forcefully, because people no longer listen to My gentle voice, and for their own sake a last rescue mission before the shortly ensuing end is still needed. Countless people will thus lose their lives, good and evil people will fall prey to the work of destruction but it can still be beneficial for the survivors if they learn their lessons from it, if they learn to recognise Me and henceforth walk their path together with Me.... I have long announced this event in advance yet meet with little belief, because people are unable to imagine a natural disaster on such a huge scale and because nothing of the kind has ever been experienced since the start of this earthly period.... Yet it has always been mentioned, and if people only had a shred of belief in My Word they would also expect one day what was announced to them a long time before. In the last days, however, all faith has vanished and even My Own find it difficult to take these proclamations seriously although they are willing and always united with Me by love. __However, suddenly and unexpectedly the first signs will become apparent, cosmic changes will manifest themselves and everything seems to leave its lawful order; strange observations will be made regarding the movements of the stars and for short periods of time alarming eclipses occur, but time and again an apparent period of calm will follow until the elements of nature are so suddenly and dreadfully unleashed that no-one will have time for considerations, and then the only help available will be to mentally call upon Me for protection in greatest peril and danger.... All people who had previously accepted the information.... even if it didn't seem credible to them.... will be greatly blessed because they will know about this only way and need only call upon Me in spirit and in truth. But many of them will be incapable of thought and I can only advise them to turn to Me beforehand already by appealing to Me for protection.... and I will accept this request, because it also demonstrates their faith in Me which I then clearly want to strengthen.... How the event will come to pass need not be explained to you humans since it would not benefit you; but you can believe the fact that it will happen and that it will exceed the hardship and misery which has occurred until now. And you can also inform your fellow human beings of it with inner conviction, for it can only be a blessing to know that everything is predetermined by your God and Creator, however, not in order to cause you harm but only to help your souls which are in extreme danger of going astray. For soon afterwards the end of this earth will occur, however, this will not be precipitated by Me but caused by human will which I nevertheless won't prevent from accomplishing all-destructive experiments, because the time has come for the unspiritual human race when a separation of the spirits will have to take place.... because all that which had left the divine order shall be led into order again, so that the faltered higher development can continue to progress on a new earth, which My love, wisdom and might will let arise again corresponding to My eternal plan of Salvation.... __Amen
Announcement of a star....
What you are given through the spirit can be unreservedly accepted by you.... And thus you shall know that earth's approaching end is already becoming apparent in the universe, that cosmic changes are taking place, because it is God's will that at the conclusion of an earthly period all kinds of signs shall become obvious which cannot be explained by the human being as natural phenomena, which shall prove a Creator's power to him and which thus most clearly point to such a Creator. And these cosmic changes mostly concern the deviations of stars from their normal course, which assume different orbits, and such processes are and will remain inexplicable to people and yet cannot be denied. The closer the end is approaching the more frequently will people detect such phenomena, at first barely perceptible but with rising prominence, so that people can truly say `the powers of the heavens are being shaken....' It won't be related to human will, it shall be entirely an expression of God's will, and therefore all people could believe in God if only they would attentively observe such unusual phenomena. But anyone unwilling to believe cannot be more plainly convinced either that a God and Creator exists Whom all elements in nature have to obey.... However, anyone who pays attention to Him will also know what hour has struck.... __And thus a star will leave its usual orbit and move towards earth. This star takes its course independent of people's will and poses a grave threat to them, yet its path will not be restrained, because earth must endure a tremor for the sake of humanity's detriment as well as its benefit.... For many people will thereby lose their lives, as it was proclaimed long in advance.... And the earth will suffer an impact.... The danger to the entire planet will be inconceivable, yet this natural catastrophe will not result in total destruction but nevertheless be on such an unimaginable scale that it will already be the end for untold people. Yet those who survive will approach the final end soon afterwards.... an act of destruction brought about by human will, which certainly will be permitted by God but is not His will.... whereas the former cosmic catastrophe will still have had a redemptive purpose by even now giving unbelievers a final indication of a Power Which controls everything and that nothing happens by chance. __They shall still be given a means of rescue, a final means of attaining faith so as not to go astray. Through this event God Himself speaks to people who disregard His gentle voice, but His loud voice often resounds painfully and thus will claim many victims, that is, many will find their death, but they nevertheless will still have the opportunity in the kingdom of the beyond to catch up with what they had neglected to do on earth. Yet many will also have the grace of surviving the final short period until the end, and then their will to believe is once again decisive, for the unbelievers will not derive any benefit from their experience.... And in the end they will only reap the fate of a new banishment, from which God in His love would like to protect people. And this is why he admonishes and warns people in advance and draws their attention to all phenomena in the last days.... and blessed is he who believes and lives his life accordingly on earth.... He will be led through all difficulties, and whatever happens to him will be beneficial for his soul and his maturing on this earth.... __Amen
Contact with inhabitants of other worlds.... `In My Fathe...
Countless heavenly bodies circle the universe, and they all have the task of helping immature souls reach maturity..... __So now you can understand the Words: `In My Father's house are many mansions....' And every star receives the souls whose state of maturity is suitable to its conditions; in other words, the potential for maturity differs on every star and the souls are placed accordingly. But the living conditions, too, are always different, because the stars' nature and consistency vary. A detailed description cannot be given to people on earth because much would be incomprehensible to them and requires spiritual knowledge in order to be understood. But for all souls, whatever their degree of maturity, suitable stars exist for maturing, where souls of good will are able to ascend. For even there the spiritual beings' free will is taken into account, even there spiritual constraint is not applied, although the respective living conditions constrain the beings to the extent that they have to accept them or they could not survive in their world. And everywhere the beings will receive a light which reveals the purpose of their existence.... Whether they accept and utilise the light is up to them but it is decisive for their ascent. And all these works of God's creation are `mansions in the Father's house....' __Hence all spiritual essence will one day achieve the degree of maturity which will enable it to exchange physical creations with purely spiritual ones.... which you humans are unable to perceive with your physical eyes. Because everything that is visible to you are creations which shelter beings which are still immature, since perfected beings are active in the kingdom of light and no longer require `visible' creations for their abode. But the distance between all these works of creation is vast and they are not within reach of each other either.... The inhabitants of all these worlds are tied to their planet, to the star on which they live.... They are only able to change their abode after reaching a certain degree of maturity, and not arbitrarily but in line with God's fundamental law.... to which all His creations must submit, including the beings who are allocated to them. It is therefore foolish to assume that the inhabitants of these worlds could arbitrarily depart from them and approach other worlds without fearing their own destruction. Because the living conditions are different on all stars and these cannot be excluded arbitrarily. However, during the last days even such plans are being worked on. __ (17.5.1960) God's opponent takes advantage of people's gullibility by feigning that they can have contact with inhabitants of other worlds and that these, for apparently good reasons, also want to make contact with the inhabitants of earth. He intends to undermine the belief in an end of the old earth and thereby prevent people from preparing themselves for this end.... But people should be informed that earth is a planet on its own which has no connection with other worlds, and that any connection with other worlds can only be spiritually established.... Hence the human being is, in fact, able to make contact with inhabitants of advanced worlds, with the kingdom of light, by way of good and appealing thoughts for help at times of spiritual hardship.... which will then be given to him spiritually.... but that it is not advisable for him to call on beings on other stars whose spiritual degree of maturity and their ability to offer spiritual help is unknown to him. Physical help is definitely out of the question, as God's adversary would like people to believe that these beings could exert their influence on the inhabitants of earth before a final destruction. Only God can provide the right kind of help when the time arrives which is feared by you humans, and if you believe it He will grant this help to everyone who asks for it. __And He truly has enough angels who exclusively comply with and implement His will, and they will also take care of people when the hour comes.... But God's adversary has found fertile ground in people's gullibility onto which he can sow many bad seeds. People would rather accept his misguided instructions than pure truth, which shows the value of his seeds. Because error is always accepted over truth, the human being will always seek to gain advantage from error and reject the truth, which does not promise him any profits. The end is near, and it will come without fail.... Every teaching is wrong which questions an end or provides people with a way out that does not correspond with God's will.... For God Himself will lead everyone out of danger who entrusts himself to Him, who takes refuge with Him, who belongs to His Own who need not fear an end.... __Amen
A redeeming period is ending, for the time is fulfilled....For My plan of salvation is arranged since eternity, and it will be carried out, according to My decision by My love and wisdom. But you human can not estimate the meaning of the ending of a redeeming epoch, for the taking place of a transformation on this earth is unimaginable to you, which will destroy all creature, in which all creation, every life, will be dissolved and wiped out.... __For such a parallel mankind has never lived through, henceforth it is unbelievable to man that earth is heading towards its end. Mankind is standing before unimaginable events, but you won't be able to estimate the proper meaning in all events, because you are not aware of the seriousness in your situation. __You are heading towards the end....What you see around you, what is in existence and what you can watch, that is what will cease to exist.... everything will be destroyed, and you yourself will perish in this destruction, if you do not belong to My Own, which will be guided away through My power and My will, like I proclaimed it.... which I will carry away before the eyes of the fellow man, because they belong to Me and I can and will transplant them upon the new earth, once the transformation has taken place. __For the time is fulfilled....For every redemption period is within a restricted time frame, regardless the endless length, that man no longer knows of the beginning, thus an end you therefore think impossible....That you must experience this end, is only the result of your own will, in the resistance against Me, which you caused and are still causing with your spiritual setting within you, otherwise it could not have gotten lost, meaning you would not had to worry for the captivation into the matter in the creations of the new earth. __Your resistance alone is cause to your fate and your lot after the end of this earth, for as soon as you drop the resistance, you are turning to Me and will belong to My own, which I will save, before the coming end. For you human beings with no spiritual connection what so ever involved with everything that has to do with the "End of the old earth", it is incomprehensible, and you will never believe the time has come, whereby every single person has to make the decision for life or death, you must make the decision, for none of you will be spared of it. __You should not gloat in confidence that there will be no end to this "creation earth"....For faster as you can think; the end will be here....because the time is fulfilled. And I Myself am constant and steadfast in My Being with My action and reign. Henceforth what I have told you I must fulfill, once the time has come, My plan must be carried out. __And that which I have brought your attention to it is here, it is apparent visible in many signs, to which I showed you every time I have mentioned the end of the earth.... For who has ears to hear, he might hear....For who has eyes to see, he shall see....But you human will not hear nor see. Thus neither can I reveal Myself more plainly in order to force faith out of you. __But My indications will have no end, until the day has come. And blessed be the ones that believe My Word, who will live according to their believe and bind themselves to Me in love and trust. For those are the ones that are saved for time and eternity, for those I will take on in any earthly and spiritual need, and nevermore will they have to fear an end, because I will take them up beforehand the hour of horror but not without them being able to watch the scene of destruction, but only, for them to recognize My power and magnificence and for them to testify on the new earth, where there will be an end to every sorrow and where they can experience the happiness of the paradise. The time is fulfilled, and it will come just as foretold, for my word is truth and it will last forever.... __Amen
I expect from you, my servants, a restless commitment for Me an My kingdom, because of the requirement of the spiritual necessity of man. Just a short time is parting all of you of the last end, and what can happen to the saving of soles that should still be done, for the earth again will take in and absorb all, what failed as man, and it is a terrible lot, which I would like to spare any of you humans from. But you yourself will make the last decision with your free will. I for Myself can do nothing further but by continuously addressing you with My warnings, and everyone who gives Me support in this direction, will be blessed by Me. Thus shall be the continuous mentioning of the near end inclusive, that I beforehand will obviously express Myself through a grand nature event.... my last admonition is, once I speak to man who will not hear my words through the elements of nature....But this language can not be overheard, for man will stand horrified before an incomprehensible grand nature event, and no man will be spared in so far as, everywhere man lives the news will penetrate, that every individual personally feels spoken to, because he himself could be hit by the same event in his own home land.... for man will fear a repetition and therefore will have to be ready for a sudden demise (death). __Much sorrow and misery will have to pass over this earth, but yet it is only a remedy, which I apply out of love, to save the soles from destruction, from the horrible lot of captivity anew on this earth. But humans that will be hit by the nature events, those humans being its victims are not mercilessly given up to their fate....because of their premature ending of the life on earth. they will be granted a mercy care in the beyond....They still will have the opportunity to climb in the heights; they have the chance to come to the light in the beyond, which they disregarded on earth....They don't have to fear the captivity anew....unless they are to stubborn, that they are sinking into the depths as true devils, incorrigible and therefore would have not changed for the better while still alive on earth. And also the effect onto the humans from the nature event will be different, then again people will turn to Me in fear and as a result of the experienced rescue, will preserve to Me loyalty, where as the opposite will become obvious in the fall away from Me, because one will not let stand the "God of Love", who let happen such an event of destruction....for their dark spiritual position will not find an other explanation for that event. __But such a clear voice must sound from above, whether it will be recognized as My voice or not, for it is going with gigantic steps towards the end, even though only a few soles in trouble will find My way, it still will be of some gain, hence they are spared the long road through the creation of the earth, but can enter the kingdom beyond, in which they too can reach an ascent, which would have been questionable on the earth....on the other hand it would have led with grate probability towards the depth (or would have strived towards the depth.) __And I have to, lay it all before you, my servants. For you shall be forearmed, and you shall learn to watch the happenings around you from this side, and you shall dedicate yourself totally to Me and as my tools be continuously effective in My will....You should drop all your earthly thoughts, every....even the smallest....worry hand over to must totally absorb yourself in your vineyard work, however always pay attention to My inner instructions. But over eagerness is causing harm, where wisdom promotes all success and wisdom is always carried over to you, if you totally enter in my will, if you are only the executors of My will, and I know, that you, My servants, take your task serious, and that is why you continuously receive these directions, which you will feel in your hearts as My loving speech, to which you therefore will respond to, for the well being of your fellow man. __Oh if man would only know, what is about to happen to them....But they refuse to believe it, while it will be foretold to them, through the mouth of My prophets....And they can not be forced to believe. But the day is continuously moving closer, which will cause a total change to the living standard....and blessed, who will call on Me in extreme distress, for I will hear him and hear his plea, thus he won't be lost for ever.... __Amen
The earth's last hour....
And the last hour of the world's clock comes constantly closer.... These Words don't mean much to you humans for you don't believe that you are so close to the end.... And for your sake I cannot give you compelling evidence of this for your fear would render you incapable of fulfilling your earthly task. And thus you may or may not believe it, and your nature will be in accordance with this unbelief when the hour has come. For My plan has been determined for eternity, and profound love for My living creations made Me decide on this plan in all wisdom and will also determine Me to bring it to fruition because the time is fulfilled. My Nature is forever unchanging, and what I once foresaw as being necessary and successful for the beings which are still separated from Me I will also carry out and not allow people to make Me change My plan, since it was based on humanity's will which I have eternally foreseen as no longer capable of change on this earth. I do not plan and act arbitrarily but immeasurable love and wisdom determine Me in everything that happens. Hence there is no reason why I should refrain from implementing My eternal plan of Salvation, for I can see every situation clearly and therefore know that nothing will be gained by changing or deferring My plan of Salvation. __You humans must bear in mind that you truly have had enough time at your disposal and yet those of you who do not believe in Me have not changed.....Even if you had far more time at your disposal you would still not change, hence a postponement of the end would be completely ineffective and pointless and would even put My Own at risk of falling prey to My adversary as well if I do not constrain him as it is intended.... You really ought to grant Me supreme wisdom and profoundest love, then you will no longer appeal to Me for preventing the end of this earth, then you will expect the coming time with complete trust in My love which shall protect everyone who wants to belong to Me and which will truly also use its might when My Own need help in any adversity. Even if you humans don't want to believe that your time is nearing its end you should at least consider the possibility that you suddenly will be recalled from earth; for you know that you cannot prolong your own life and that you don't know when your last day will come. Just consider that you cannot stop death and think what will happen to your soul, which is immortal, which is your real Self whose fate you decide yourself during your earthly life.... But you do not even believe in your soul's continuing existence, and as a result of your unbelief you are in serious trouble for it will not stop Me from carrying out what is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... For the time is fulfilled and everyday is still a blessing which you can use if only you are of good will. __However, don't put your hope in false prophets who deny an end, who believe that they can change My mind, for they do not speak in My name but are the instruments of the one who wants to keep you in spiritual darkness and who therefore wants people to believe that they have unlimited time.... People would rather believe these false prophets and only ever seek fulfilment by enjoying a good life but fail to consider their souls whose existence they doubt or deny. And it will come to pass as it was foretold.... I Myself will come in the clouds in order to fetch My Own before the work of destruction of the old earth begins.... Not one stone will remain on the other, for the earth will have to be renewed. A new earth will arise, a paradise-like creation which will accept all immature spiritual beings again which were released at the destruction of the old earth and require new forms once more in order to continue to mature fully. And this new earth will be inhabited by those who had remained true to Me until the end.... For they will have reached the degree of maturity which allows them to enter the sphere of light and therefore they will also be allowed to inhabit the paradise which will truly be the same state of beatitude for them as if they had entered My spiritual kingdom without their physical shell. Yet they shall serve Me as the root of the new human race.... __A new period of Salvation can only start with spiritually mature human beings who will also help all still constrained spirits within their environment to speedily achieve maturity, who have such a heartfelt bond with Me that they will also teach love to their children and children's children and bear witness to their God and Creator's glory, and thus the release from the form can progress quickly because I will dwell amongst them in the living Jesus.... Because all people who will then inhabit the new earth will also entrust themselves to their divine Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ and in awareness of the original sin also consciously take the path to Him and therefore all resistance will have been broken, for then every person will consciously take the path of return to Me so that I Myself can be present to him since his great love for Me will allow it. Hence this will be the thousand-year kingdom in which the victory over Satan will be evident, for he cannot and will not oppress anyone anymore since all have entirely freed themselves from him and achieved the return to Me, leaving him unable to enter My kingdom until even this blissful time will gradually change again.... until people once again show an inclination towards matter and thereby release the chains of My adversary.... who is lord over matter.... and his influence markedly manifests itself again.... Yet before this time comes to pass many souls will have entered My kingdom in a completely redeemed state.... I will have been able to reap a good harvest, and then the battle with My adversary for the souls will start again.... Yet I will be victorious and time and again wrest souls from him and reduce his follows who represent his power. And time and again he will contribute towards the fact that the redemption of the fallen spiritual will continue. For I will never surrender what is Mine, even if it takes eternities.... one day it will return to Me and then remain united with Me forever.... __Amen
Creation of the new earth in a moment of time....
It is possible for Me to create all things in a moment of time, for it just takes a thought which My will and My strength externalise as My work.... However, when I work visibly to human eyes.... which is demonstrated by every work of creation surrounding you.... everything takes place within the framework of lawful order, so that you humans will be able to understand the processes of creation and therein recognise My love, wisdom and might.... For I have placed the same ability into you.... if only to a minimal degree.... which also enables you to create and shape and which also requires a certain length of time, because the state of imperfection which you humans still experience on earth also subjects you to the law of time and space, which does not apply to the perfect being, since then limitations of time and space no longer exist.... My reign and activity is always proportionate to the state of maturity of the spiritual being which is affected by it.... but it does not exclude that I have unlimited power at My disposal in order to externalise everything in an instant, because I have no need of time since I exist beyond the law of time and space. __When the emergence of creation took place I already intended with the emergence the purpose of giving the fallen spirits the means to gradually mature, to gradually travel the path from the abyss, to create ever new opportunities for it to be of service in some form or other.... Thus the development plan of every creation was always guided by My will, so that ever larger creations with ever new intended purpose emerged.... so that gradually a higher development occurred.... Consequently, this emergence of creation required a certain length of time, for precisely this very time was intended to achieve the developmental ascent.... For the fall had been infinitely abysmal, and the same distance has to be travelled in order to return, so that everything will move within the lawful order that is requires by everything perfect. __But if, at the end of a period of Salvation, a work of creation is transformed by My will in order to create new opportunities of higher development, then new works of creation can emerge again which are called by Me into being in an instant.... For this, too, is intended in My eternal plan of Salvation without revoking the law of eternal order by doing so.... because spiritual substances of all degrees of maturity on the path of return are already present precisely because of the spirits' earlier infinitely long developmental path on the old earth.... __Everything is present and will only be transformed, be it hard matter or already lighter forms in the plant and animal world.... Everything will be set free by the violent destruction, however, in its state of immaturity it cannot keep its freedom but has to be placed into material forms again which correspond to its present state of maturity.... And time and again even as yet still hardened spiritual substance will be able to start is path of development in the innermost part of the earth, which will also get into complete turmoil and release spiritual substance and in turn provide room for the former spirits.... if one can speak in this case of room at all.... But all works of creation are in effect present to accept the lowest fallen spiritual substance which starts its path of development. It will, after all, require an infinitely long time again until one day it will reach the surface of the earth in order to progress further.... __So, although the work of transformation on this earth is a work of a moment, everything will nevertheless progress in lawful order.... And because such a work of a moment's time cannot take place before people's eyes, because they have not yet achieved the highest degree of perfection and are unable to grasp such expression of My might and strength, the people who remain faithful to Me will be carried away at the end.... They will in fact observe the work of destruction because I will open their eyes to it, but they will not see the emergence of the new earth.... All concept of time has been taken from them until they will be led to the new earth, until they will be allowed to behold the completed new creation in all its glory and take possession of it.... And it is indeed irrelevant how much time it takes for the new earth to emerge, but since I Am revealing My eternal plan of Salvation to you humans I also inform you that I don't require time, for My will is able to externalise every one of My thoughts in an instant as a creation, and My love and wisdom also recognise what is beneficial and suitable for the final return of the spirits which once voluntarily deserted Me.... __Only a small proportion of people will ever be spiritually enlightened and able to comprehend these explanations of Mine, but I want to grant them an insight into the secrets of creation in order to arouse their love for Me ever more ardently, for especially My plan of Salvation is most pleasing for all beings, since it reveals My love, wisdom and might, and anyone who already gains this realisation on earth can truly be called blessed, for he is close to his perfection, he is close to his final return to Me, his God and Creator of eternity, Who has revealed Himself as Father and Whose love is never-ending.... __Amen
The predetermined day of the end will be kept....
The day that My wisdom predetermined in order to cause a transformation on earth, which merely serves a worldly inclined human race as a dwelling place but is no longer used as a spiritual place of education, is not far away.... The day is not far away when My will shall implement an act which will aim to achieve the complete transformation of the external shape of the work of creation called earth, which will signify the destruction of all life in, on and above the earth as well as all existing works of creation.... For My plan of Salvation has been determined for eternity and the time will be kept which I, in My wisdom, recognised to be necessary in order to create new opportunities for maturing for the spiritual beings.... And you humans will not be able to persuade Me to abandon this plan or to grant you more time, for I know and have known for eternity humanity's spiritual state at this point in time, which is precisely the reason why a complete change is needed, a renewed transformation of all spiritual beings which are on the path of return to Me.... Consequently, My predictions that you should not count on a long time ought to be taken literally.... that you should not transfer the announced end to the future, for one day even the future will become the present, and this time has arrived. Moreover, you humans can see for yourselves by all the happenings in the world and around you that people's spiritually low level can almost not be surpassed anymore, and therein you will also have to recognise the reason for a near end, for everything has become disorderly, the development of the spiritual beings has come to a standstill if it is not in fact regressing.... __Hence you are living with false hope if you humans believe that you can win Me over through prayer, even if I keep telling you that prayers have great strength.... But what you pray for is only ever a selfish prayer, because you are not prepared to surrender your earthly life, and therefore you only pray that I should preserve the earth so that you will not have to fall prey to the end as well.... Your prayer should only concern the state of your fellow human beings' souls, you should only take care of your spiritual maturation and pray for each other and not appeal to Me to abandon a final destruction, for this is needed for the spiritual substances which are still bound in the creation which, just like you, are entitled to ascend so that one day they will also be permitted to become a human shell. But people forfeit their own right to be embodied on earth because they no longer take even one step upwards but are more inclined to strive towards the abyss again. A prolonged existence on this earth would be of no benefit whatsoever for these souls, instead they would sink even lower still, and they shall be prevented from doing so.... which will happen through a new banishment.... so that they will be wrested away from My adversary again, who had too much control over them as human beings in earthly life. You humans should only pray on behalf of each other that the souls will still release themselves from his control before the end.... Such a prayer of loving intercession for one of your fellow human beings will also reach My ear and be granted.... yet you will not succeed in trying to persuade Me to change My plan of eternity, after all, I know what is beneficial for all My living creations and what will help them to progress. __Therefore, anyone who wants to work for Me in My vineyard should take into account that the imminent end is a fact and thus be appropriately active on earth by preaching love and by also drawing all people's attention to the proclaimer of this divine teaching of love, to Jesus Christ, so that they will take the path to Him and under His cross become redeemed from sin and death when the end has come.... Then they will either enter the kingdom of light or be placed onto the new earth where they will be assured of a paradisiacal stay, which is already comparable to entering the kingdom of light, because people will have passed their test of earthly life and become free from guilt. And so that many people will still be able to reach this goal I continue to address them time and again through you, My messengers on earth, who receive My Word directly and pass it on to wherever it will be faithfully accepted. And this speech will not cease until the end, for I know who is suited to hear My Word, who allows My ray of love to flow into his heart and also makes correct use of it. And they will testify time and again that the end is not far away, they will never cease to mention My plan of Salvation and constantly refer to Jesus Christ and His act Salvation.... Time after time I will also emphasise His great significance and refer people to Him, Who alone can deliver them from the fall into the deepest abyss. And anyone who is able to believe in an end will not fear it either, for his faith has come alive through love and a person who lives in love will always also have the strength to defy all onslaughts which will still confront him in the last days.... For love itself is strength, because love connects the human being with Me, the Eternal Love, and thus constant strength flows to him from Me. And truly, none of you need to fear the end if only you would make the effort to live a life of love.... Humanity, however, is lacking love and is therefore descending ever deeper and thus causing the end itself.... as I have recognised for eternity and therefore My plan of Salvation will be implemented, as it was proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Explanation about the coming of the Lord....
I want to give you an important spiritual explanation which is intended to benefit your soul: I want to open up an area for you which you would never be able to enter without the working of My spirit, for I want to introduce you to a world which is only comprehensible to the spiritually awakened person, since it already requires a certain amount of knowledge of things which otherwise are completely unfamiliar to the human being. I have promised you that I will return to earth when the day of the end has come.... This promise, however, has given rise to the most diverse notions in you humans, yet the true explanation has evaded you, precisely because the process of My second coming has been presented in so many different ways and.... just as the process of My Own's rapture.... at different times, thus resulting in wrong claims which I want to correct: __My second coming to earth will not take place physically.... such that My feet will touch this earth, instead I will appear with an entourage of the most elevated beings of light and will be visible to all who are My Own, for no human being having devoted himself to My adversary will ever be able to behold Me in all My glory, for the darkness cannot see the light since people would completely cease to exist, being unable to endure the radiance coming forth from Me. Hence I will come to earth and also to My Own still concealed in the clouds, yet they will be able to bear an abundance of light and thus they will highly delightedly rejoice when they see Me with the great host of angels.... For I will open their eyes to see.... Hence it is wrong to say that everyone will see Me when I come to judge the living and the dead, for the `Judgment' will not happen such that every individual person has to be answerable to Me. For I know every individual soul, I know to whom it belongs, and since the last Judgment on this earth is a matter of transforming the entire earth and dissolving its separate creations so that all spiritual substances are released to be placed into new forms, this dissolution also denotes the death of people who had failed their last test of earthly life and had handed themselves over to My adversary.... Hence these will be faced by death and unable to escape, which will generate intense panic amongst people.... Yet prior to this final work of destruction My Own will be lifted away.... __I will come to fetch them Myself, they will be allowed to behold Me as I descend to them from above, rejoicing elatedly and with burning love for Me they will longingly stretch out their hands to Me, and I will draw them to Me, I will take them away, I will lift them up, and thus they will experience a process which completely contradicts natural law.... And this jubilation by My Own will be heard by other people who are at first unable to understand it since they won't see anything themselves. Consequently they will merely be seized by a certain apprehension, which will turn into extreme fear and horror when they see My Own suddenly disappear, when they can't understand why they are no longer able to reach the people they had pursued with their hatred.... why they are no longer amongst them and cannot be found.... __There will certainly be radiating brightness, but the pursuers will find it intolerable. Yet they will not have much time to think about it because the end will follow soon.... And the radiant brightness will give way to an almost impenetrable darkness that will drive people to despair. This will be followed by eruptions, outbreaks of fires, splits will occur in the earth so that no person can save himself and everything will be devoured by the earth.... __Not much time will pass between the My Own's rapture and this final destruction, for the rapture would force the remaining people to believe and this would be entirely worthless as it would exclude a free decision. People will have had adequate time before and will have been constantly admonished and forewarned, and anyone still coming to his senses before will also still be accepted and called away before the breakdown of earth, so that he can be helped to progress in the beyond. This act of the rapture is a completely unnatural process, but then I will be able to waive the laws of nature because it will no longer disadvantage anyone's soul.... But even My coming in the clouds will no longer compel people to believe because those who will see Me will have already attained maturity of soul so that they will merely experience the fulfilment of what they firmly believed and therefore anticipated My arrival on a daily basis. __People rarely accept a correct explanation especially about these last events because they have already formed their own concepts about it and don't want to let go of their ideas.... The rapture cannot possibly take place a longer time in advance because such unlawful occurrences would force people to change their mind.... And the end of this earth in any case means the end of everyone who is still alive, for even My Own will experience it, only they will be in a state devoid of all suffering, even though they will be able to follow the process, because this is My will.... Since they will then be completely devout they shall also experience My might and glory, and thus they will also be able to behold My great host of angels surrounding Me, and then they will also be suitable ancestral parents to populate the new earth, which indeed will also be the work of an instant for Me when I want to give the liberated spiritual essence a new external shape for further maturing.... __But the people themselves will have lost all awareness of time until they are returned to the new earth again.... Nevertheless, they will still possess their old body of flesh albeit it will be quite spiritualised already.... This, too, has to be said in order to refute the misguided opinion that the new earth will be populated by completely spiritualised beings.... For the new earth is intended to become a place for higher development again and the old laws will be applicable to the new earth too.... The process of the fallen spirits through the creations up to the human being will take place and the person as such will have to pass the last test of will again.... which in the beginning will certainly lead to success because there will be no temptations by the adversary, who is bound for a long time.... and because people are full of love they will establish a direct contact with Me and therefore attain full maturity very quickly.... You should not let wrong descriptions tempt you into neglecting or postponing your psychological work, for I will abide by the day when I will come in the clouds and with this day will also come the Last Judgment on this earth.... __Amen
As it was before the great Flood....
The time will come when it will be just as it was before the great Flood.... Once again people will take pleasure in their life on earth with exuberant joy, once again they will strive to reach the highest goals, yet their every thought will purely be materialistically inclined.... Once again sin will become rife and people will be Satan's obvious servants, the truth will be ridiculed and error will be idolised.... God's voice will not be heeded, yet for Satan's voice people's hearts will be receptive and thus they will only ever accomplish what is wrong and constantly infringe against the eternal order, they will be entirely without love but posses excessive selfish love instead and only ever look after and work for themselves and mercilessly bypass their needy fellow human beings. But this time has been predicted to you and will come as certainly as one day follows another, for one day even the future will become the present, and one day all predictions will come true, thus you humans are facing the end and there is not much time left. Therefore, all those of you who have offered to work in the vineyard of the Lord should still be diligent. You should do everything possible in order to enlighten your fellow human beings, and for this purpose spiritual information is conveyed to you from above which is truly suitable to make people take stock of themselves if they seriously consider it. Nevertheless, God can look into all human hearts and also see who can still be saved. For the sake of these few He sends His messengers to bring them the Word which will grant them complete clarification and also informs them of the guidelines for a correct way of life. Accepting this Word of His will already signify salvation from darkness and deliverance from ruin, for anyone who takes possession of God's Word will also receive everything else he needs, so that he will have an abundance of strength and light and will no longer fear any onslaughts by the opposing spirit. Do you still doubt this if you look around in the world, if you pay attention to the worldly children's activity and observe all world events, which truly take on such forms that only a momentous act of destruction by God can still shake people up? Do you really think that the adversary's activity will subside, that he will abandon the dominion again which he managed to achieve over people?.... Do you think that people will fight against their selfish love and helpfully attend to their fellow human beings so that they will kindle love in them and make contact with God?.... __Only very few will succeed in doing so, and they belong to His Own whom He will remove at the end of days, who will occupy the new earth as ancestral parents of the new human race, as it is constantly proclaimed. Yet their number will be very small, and the sole goal of the vineyard labourers is to increase this number and to induce all people capable of changing to implement this change so that the harvest at the end will not be too small.... But the end will come with absolute certainty.... For even if you humans do not know the time and hour, and neither will God ever give you the exact date, it will nevertheless come rapidly closer, because it was predetermined from the start. You will be admonished ever more urgently to prepare yourselves for the end because you still have the opportunity of changing yourselves and of joining your God and Creator Who, as your Father, wants to grant you the happiness of eternal life.... __Nevertheless, precisely because the day and hour of the end is unknown to you, you should continue with your daily work, but you should always take it into account, otherwise the end would not be pointed out to you increasingly more urgently.... Just pay attention to all the signs, for it will be as it was before the great Flood, people's craving for pleasure will find no bounds, and the adversary will constantly incite them to live a rampant life, to commit all manner of sins and crimes, and they will utterly comply with his will because they lack the strength to resist him and because they don't avail themselves of the blessings of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation Who, through His death on the cross, acquired a stronger will for them. Judging by people's satanic state of activity the adversary's power will seem to be greater than God's power, yet it is people's free will which gives rise to this great power.... Even so, God Himself will stop him when he exceeds his power, when he proceeds against God Himself and tries to eradicate the knowledge of Him in Jesus and His act of Salvation.... Then the Light of Eternity Itself will penetrate the darkness, then Jesus Himself will come in the clouds and fetch the flock of believers, who remain faithful to Him until the end. Then He will carry them away in full sight of people governed by Satan, and they will fall prey to certain death, for the earth will split open and receive all those who failed their final test of earthly life and who will therefore be banished anew in the creations of the new earth. As incredible as it may seem to you, you must accept it as truth and should not believe that you will remain on this earth for very much longer.... Sooner than you think the day will come and blessed is he who, prior to that, will still accept the truth when it is offered to him by you, who serve as loyal labourers in the vineyard of the Lord. Blessed is he who lives his life on earth consciously, knowingly turns to God and tries to attain the goal on earth, for he will truly be guided through all temptations and also be able to withstand the onslaughts by God's adversary, for the adversary only has power over a person who grants him this power himself.... But no person whose will belongs to His God and Creator, Whom he has recognised as his Father and solely strives towards Him, can ever be forced to be enslaved by the adversary.... And since humanity itself has enthroned God's adversary it will also share his fate when he is enchained and thrown into the darkness.... __His followers will also be banished into matter and will have to travel the path of higher development once more, and that will necessitate a transformation of the earth's total surface area, a destruction of all works of creation, so that the indwelling spirits can be released and placed into new forms in the creations of the new earth again. For God will never let the process of development come to a standstill, new possibilities will always be created when the soul has failed as a human being, for sooner or later every soul must reach the goal, sooner or later every soul will come alive and never lose this life again.... __Amen
The end will come for certain....
Every large disaster will also be preceded by My announcements, I will warn and admonish people, therefore I need seers and prophets who shall spread these announcements among people.... Therefore it is wrong to reject all prophesies or to portray them as being untrue, even if they do not immediately come to pass, for everything will happen at the right time, and often I have announced the coming event long in advance, but no-one granted these Words any credence. And therefore I also announce and always have announced the end of an earth period in advance, so that even My disciples expected this end during their lifetime on earth. Nevertheless, I have always worded My prophesies such that no specific time was given to people, that they in fact could always expect it, because it has indeed always been My intention to bring their near end home to them.... Yet time does not stand still, and since My Word will inevitably come true this announced end will certainly have to happen one day.... Anyone who knows My eternal plan of Salvation also recognises the necessity for an end of all spiritual substances still bound in creations.... For since he is aware of the spirits' constant progression of development, it is also clear to him that from time to time.... which is infinitely long for you.... a total transformation of the earth's surface must take place so that the spiritual substance bound in hard matter may also have the opportunity to develop further.... If people find such a huge destruction of the earth's surface questionable then they have been left in ignorance by the world of spirits who instructed them.... In that case I must correct such errors, for it is precisely the forthcoming end of the earth in its present form that is extremely significant for the whole of the human race, after all, it is in danger of entirely failing its final test of will and will have to endure a dreadful fate again. __For this reason My servants are instructed to announce this end, but not only to report the fact of the end, instead, I substantiate everything too, so that people shall not only believe blindly and be able to receive as well as to give a correct and truthful explanation for everything. My love belongs to all fallen spirits, not only to the human being.... And the hour of freedom from the hardest constraint must, sooner or later, also come, especially for the spiritual substance still bound in matter, which has already languished for an infinitely long time, in order to be placed into a lighter form in which its being of service will be easier.... And if you humans have knowledge of anything, if the Father Himself instructs you from above, then you truly need not doubt, you can accept everything as purest truth, even if I still prolong the time before this act of destruction of the old earth.... Nevertheless, the day will come without fail.... Sadly, there are far too many people who do not believe in a total transformation of the earth's surface, who grant credence to accounts of people or also spiritual beings who lack all knowledge of My plan of Salvation. Yet I cannot do more than speak to you humans from above and explain what motivates My reign and activity and must leave it up to you as to how you regard My Word. Even so, it is not easy for My servants on earth that people will accept this Word as 'My Word', especially when it concerns the correction of errors, when every person believes that they know the truth and 'My Word' means no more to him than a human word or words from the spirit world.... which is unverifiable until I Myself Am called upon for support so that you will truly only be instructed by beings of light through which the outpouring of My spirit can flow.... In that case, however, all results will correspond; you will feel the truth.... providing you seriously desire the truth.... __Amen
Instruction to work for spiritual possessions.... Realisa...
Greetings to you from all of us, and under our protection further teachings from the Saviour shall flow to you. By no means do we want to withhold anything from you and your fellow siblings which can only be a blessing for you all, and therefore the Saviour has granted your prayer and allows you to hear His Words afresh time and again, for in receiving these your strength and your faith will grow. And when your knowledge increases, when you constantly remain in His grace, the high value of your work will also be recognised.... It is self-evident that only a person will partake of this grace if he constantly works at improving himself and only ever tries to lovingly provide for his earthly siblings. And yet, everyone has the right to be instructed in the Word of God, and by merely showing a little desire the Father will take pity upon him by granting his wish and instructing him.... For as yet you don't understand that the Father's love is seeking you.... that everything only happens in order to show you the right path, for there is no salvation where you are aiming to, there is only destruction.... Consider this before it is too late. At the end of your days you will find it difficult when you will have to justify yourselves as to how you have used your life. Of what use will your actions then be which merely gained you earthly reward.... Of what use will your earthly possessions be?.... And how much will you regret not having gathered deeds of love which enable you to ascend in the beyond.... and what pain will this regret cause.... when you have realised that you had precious time at your disposal and had lived it fruitlessly for eternity.... Oh, such realisation is bitter! The Lord therefore admonishes you to turn to Him while there is still time, for within a short time you can, if you are of good will, create inconceivable possessions for eternity.... if you unite with the Lord in thought and in heartfelt prayer appeal to Him for His grace.... Everything you request from the Father for your soul will so gladly be granted to you. Don't be satisfied on earth with illusive possessions which are not permanent.... the Lord has prepared such indescribable happiness in His kingdom for you.... this alone should be worth your desire. Let yourselves be instructed and if you gratefully accept these teachings in your heart it will be a blessing for you for eternity. Now, my dear child, follow our advice: It is not always good to let oneself be guided by one's feelings.... You will learn to understand these words.... that this gift of God you received is something special.... Over many decades the human being does not divert from his point of view, and yet, a moment often brings him close to the great, holiest.... recognition of the Divinity, and then he is no longer able to find his way through the confusions of life. He feels he understands and can no longer reconcile this understanding with everything before.... This is the time when often everything seems to crumble in the person which until then had seemed rock-solid, and if then the grace of God did not visibly protect such people, the adversary would have an easy time.... Yet everyone follows the path he is destined to take, and his sincere inclination towards God will guide him across all obstacles. And if you now turn to the Saviour for enlightenment, the Lord advises you to leave everything to Him.... He will correctly guide and instruct anyone who places his trust in Him, and if you feel that your desire for the Lord is being granted, that your heart turns to Him increasingly more, then you will also receive increasingly more profound teachings and the bread of heaven will be given to you.... Praise the Lord, for He instructs you and changes everything for your own good. __Amen
Eruptions.... Work of Creation.... Researchers....
Hence it is impossible to avert an event which was predetermined from the start and once again only for the purpose of returning countless fallen souls. The innermost structure of the Earth is constantly influenced by the activity of spiritual forces, and so an eruption will occur when it is permitted by the divine Creator, and this permission, in turn, depends on people's own will.... If humanity's state of soul is in grave danger due its own fault, a disaster is intended precisely in order to save it; hence people's will is ultimately the cause of the total destruction or of rescuing the soul from profound adversity. However, that which God decided in His profound wisdom from the very start has been concealed from the world but was proclaimed to those who live in Him and according to His order, as the Lord has always chosen those who, time and again, were supposed to proclaim His will to people. Nevertheless, this knowledge cannot be verified and is therefore rarely accepted as truth. But now worldly researchers also insist on entering a region which is inaccessible to them. They believe themselves capable of ascertaining the divine Creator's plan, i.e., by way of all sorts of calculations they try to determine the effects of natural laws; they even insist that they can numerically determine the date of the alleged end of the world and thereby effectively intend to subject the divine will to their calculations.... The human being is so small compared to the work of Creation and yet deems himself to know so much about things which are completely out of his reach as long as he does not try to attain them by spiritual means..... He fails to recognise the only right path but, on the other hand, is very quickly willing to believe what is scientifically presented to him. The greatest intellect truly does not suffice to ascertain the truth, yet the profound faith of an uneducated person can penetrate the mysteries of Creation and reveal irrefutable knowledge. Therefore, you should always pay attention to what worldly researchers present to people as far as these investigations touch upon God's work of Creation, for this region is inaccessible to them as long as they don't endeavour to gain an insight by spiritual means.... For God Himself offers the eternal truth to His children on earth now and at all times.... __Amen
Deposing the earthly power....
The spirit of anyone giving the world reason to live under constant threat does not demonstrate the love he should harbour within himself. Rather, it is the tribute of evil paid by the person spreading discord and controversy amongst humanity. People are supposed to cultivate love and peace and all should be like brothers to each other.... In its place bitter enmity is taken into homes which ought to shelter peaceful people; and a whole nation will be unworthy if the citizen of a country lives in spiritual bondage.... Enslaving those who should be treated like brothers is not sanctioned according to God's will. __Those who arrogantly dare to put laws into place which restrict personal freedom.... and this purely to push through a preconceived idea, will soon discover that they went to too far and that destiny will reverse itself for those who believe themselves to be in charge of it. Admittedly, at first it will appear as if the worldly power is successful but not for long, for all signs of the time point towards the end of the period when force comes before mercy. And even so, if it remains unfeasible that the weak gain respect on earth, then it is permitted by God's wisdom so that God's righteousness, His love and His Omnipotence will clearly manifest itself one day.... for He will intervene when the time is right.... You must let Him rule alone and He will arrange everyone's fate such that it will be bearable for the individual and with God's blessing and help bring his life to the right conclusion. __And now get ready to receive a revelation, the meaning of which you will not be able to understand today, and yet it shall be explained to you: Hence the Lord will have to forcibly intervene in the spiritual chaos, and the world will already anxiously evaluate the scale of the eternal Deity's intervention. And therefore it is it is permissible that a troubled nation's ruler will first have to taste the miseries himself before he gets severely affected by world events. As yet he will still enjoy the height of his fame, as humanity continues to cheer him on, but once he has fallen no one will speak to him or on his behalf, for in times of hardship and most bitter adversity humanity forgets that it also owes him certain advantages, and thus it will come to pass that in the forthcoming time of hardship on earth a general uprising will be planned and implemented against the authorities, which will cause many a person's downfall, who saw himself in a leading position.... And the soul will make a decision.... it will let itself be guided by its sense of righteousness, it will recognise the mistakes and shortcomings but also the intention of those who long for an improvement of the whole situation and will content itself with less power in order to protect humanity from further calamities.... For the incredibly embittered people will demand their rights and request the removal of the one who brought such indescribable misery over humanity. __And the hour will come when rich and poor, young and old, high and low will recognise how much power this ruler had exercised and how level-minded those had been who had not let themselves be deceived by appearances.... And once this change of direction has taken place the earth will only remain as it is for a little longer, in order to then receive a completely new appearance as a result of a huge disaster, admittedly not everywhere but noticeably in all countries which were united by the world conflagration and which contemplate mutual destruction. And this will be a dreadful day followed by a dreadful night, for the Lord waits with utmost patience, but if it is ignored events will take place on earth and affect everyone.... according to merit.... For God's justice will not leave anyone on a throne who does not warrant his status.... and likewise elevate those who have always been faithful to Him, not for the sake of earthly reward but for love of the divine Creator.... Everyone's fate has been determined since eternity, and the Lord is merely implementing what is proclaimed in Word and Scripture, so that humanity may recognise the truth of these predictions and take them to heart.... __Amen
Natural phenomena.... Temperature.... Star.... Prediction...
Time flies and people don't change their mind; untold souls will perish, unless the Lord still offers them His love in the last hour, when He will bring the horrific destruction of all worldly things home to them.... And therefore pay heed to days which will significantly differ from the usual time of the year. The lower the sun stands the brighter will be its shine and extraordinary heat will astonish people.... This will give rise to all kinds of assumptions.... People will look forward to the approaching time partly with cheerful confidence and partly with anxious reservations, and the human being will be inclined to acknowledge supernatural activity. __Yet only few consider their relationship to God.... They don't realise that God Himself wants to direct their thoughts to Him, they don't even try to look for a connection between Him and the extraordinary natural phenomena.... Indeed, they very quickly get used to it and don't derive the slightest benefit for their soul. For if only they would pay attention they would understand the call from above. But if they do not consider their relationship with the Creator, they remain earthly minded and don't accept any spiritual gift. And all these extraordinary natural phenomena are expressions of spiritual activity by powers which are subject to God and willing to serve Him. More spiritual currents will emerge and make themselves known to people in various ways, and yet people will not spend much thought on them, for the power of darkness has tremendous influence and fights against all spiritual recognition.... it tries to weaken the Divine, consequently humanity will only ever pay attention to earthly events and remain indifferent to God's activity in nature, even though people clearly will be beneficially affected by them. Just a small number see God's hand reaching out to people and try to enlighten their fellow human beings, but they only acknowledge physically perceptible benefits and not an instruction from above that intends to cause a change of human thought. And in this time of well-being, caused by the sun's extraordinary effect at an unusual time, an event will take place which should even make spiritually blind people think.... __A star will separate itself from the firmament and change its path.... This star's radiance will far exceed all others, it will shine brightly at night and approach earth so that this appearance, too, is unusual for people and yet at the same time demonstrates that the Creator of heaven and earth is in full control and thus also dictates the movement of stars according to His will. Once this star becomes visible, humanity will be getting ever closer to the spiritual turning point.... It is offered so much spiritual assistance that it really only needs willpower to accept this help, yet it grows ever more obstinate, its thinking becomes ever more deluded.... And the time is not far away of which the Lord said on earth that the world will be turned upside down if the human being closes his heart to all spiritual issues. __The light will also shine where it is avoided, for the light's radiance will be so bright that it penetrates everything, and even the spiritually deluded person won't be able to avoid seeing, but he wants to reject it anyway, and thus in the end he will be consumed by the light.... For everything bright, light and clear banishes darkness.... And the light will defeat the darkness in so far as darkness has to retreat once the light of truth breaks through. And lies and illusions will crumble but truth will last for all eternity.... __Amen
The spirit of heartlessness.... Divine intervention....
The spirit of heartlessness rules the earth and its inhabitants, and the opponent has become victorious over countless beings whose lives are devoid of all love. And countless people are thus driven into the chaos he has caused and which became feasible precisely because of this heartlessness, which aroused inconceivable hatred and discord amongst people. People have lost all common sense for they are guided by the spirit of darkness, and this also keeps people's thinking enslaved or distorts it such that they no longer know what they are doing. Humanity has indeed rarely subordinated itself to the opponent's will so thoroughly as is the case now, and therefore the countermeasure will have to be exceptionally harsh too, if a higher spiritual state is to develop and people's present-day spiritual delusion remedied again. And so this spiritual hardship requires divine intervention, and divine love and wisdom are aimed at using an event for the sake of removing this hardship which, admittedly, makes humanity doubt divine love and wisdom but which is nevertheless the only option left to save people from certain ruin. __People remain irredeemable; they cannot be persuaded in any other way to accept the faith and they comply even less with the commandment of love for God and their neighbour.... And then again, the human being has to acquire the right way of thinking if he is to be spared the adversity of the approaching time and his earthly life left to him. For the divine intervention will befall people with elemental force, no one will be prepared for it who has not united himself with God beforehand. And there will be a panic which only God Himself can avert again if He is sincerely called upon to do so. Yet people will lack the faith in God. For even those who live with faith and love will be stricken by anxious doubts since they, too, will very clearly hear God's voice. Their spirit will certainly take refuge in God, yet their soul will fearfully and with dismay await the events which are yet to come. They will barely be able to comfort their fellow human beings and will have to struggle for faith themselves, yet God will support them so that they shall not waver in their faith. But those who don't recognise God will look for rescue on earth and find no help. __They have to change their thinking or become victims of the elements which are instructed by God, the Lord Himself, to serve Him. There will be indescribable confusion, since only the most extreme adversity can still bring about a change in hardened sinners.... only the fear of losing their earthly life will make people soft and submissive and willing to pray. However, without prayer no gift of help can come from above, for only prayer provides the certain guarantee that God Himself will take care of His earthly children and release them from all anguish. And the hour will seem awfully long to people who see everything they found desirable up to now fall prey to destruction. And yet, people cannot be spared this hour since all of God's love and kindness has been rejected and there is no other possible way out of the spiritual adversity. Again and again God's forbearance has postponed this event, but finally His prophesy shall be fulfilled.... For the time has come when extreme weakness of will and unbelief can only provoke this catastrophe. The time is near which the Lord has announced through His Word when He lived on earth and referred people to this time of apostasy from God. For His Word is eternal truth and will come to pass, down to the very last letter.... __Amen
Perfect spiritual order.... Disorder....
All imperfect spirit causes some disorder in the world because all order is perfected spirit, it behaves in accordance with divine will, and God's will is order and perfection. The disorderly condition can never be something divine, therefore, the beings who are in God's ordained state.... that is, who are within divine order, must carry the divine will within themselves, that is, they have to live in accordance with God's will first if they want to come closer to God. Immaturity, however, aspires towards God's opposite goal, it conforms to the will of the one who wants to destroy all divine order. However, this disorder can only be evoked when the imperfect spirit is in possession of free will, that is, when it is embodied in a human being, since prior to that divine will determines every activity of the being and therefore this activity has to be orderly too.... which is expressed throughout the entire work of creation which exists in God's ordained order and cannot arbitrarily be transformed by a God-opposing will. Earthly life, however, is at the mercy of the human being.... And thus the human being creates his own state of order or disorder, all depending on the attitude of his free will. A life in closeness to God with the surrender of one's own will must understandably proceed orderly, it must completely correspond to divine will. The human being obviously cannot violate God's will as long as he subordinates himself to it. Consequently his conduct also has to be in line with God's ordained order, he can't help himself but aspire to what God wants.... __Hence, whatever is directed against this order has to collapse as a result, as it signifies disorder. All order incorporates within itself the guarantee of continuation whilst it is in the greatest interest of the representative of disorder, the adversary, to destroy everything, and for that reason he provokes an enormous disorder. It is now also understandable that human thought becomes completely chaotic when it expresses itself in some destructive form or another during earthly life. The impulse of preservation will always be divine, the impulse of destruction always satanic. Whoever complies with the inner urge to destroy, consciously submits his will to God's adversary who wants to annihilate God's work of creation and who uses the immature spirit to triumph against God. He besets the spirit, he tries to weaken the human being's will to act in a God-opposing manner, i.e. to disregard and attempt to destroy what God in His wisdom has created. And this is contrary to divine order. Everything in existence serves to mature the imperfect spirit. Every desire to destroy any kind of creation interferes with God's will, Who gave all spirit a certain length of time and will only release it from its form when the spirit within the form has matured, i.e. when it has become capable to live through the next stage of embodiment within God's ordained order. __A being which is prematurely disturbed in the process of higher development wants to escape its form or take its abode in an external form that is unsuitable for its state of mind and this, since it lacks the necessary maturity, would be the start of an unimaginable disorder which would have horrifying consequences on earth as well in the entire universe. Because everything would be at the mercy of the immature, God-opposing spirit. There would be an open contest against God which would rage against all divine wisdom if God didn't prevent it. For that reason, i.e. to maintain divine order, the will of the immature being prior to incarnation as a human being is constrained, whereas the danger in earthly life is that the opposing will results in an unparalleled chaos, a confusion of human thought which can cause the most incredible disorder. __And all virtuous spirits fight this disorder because God Himself uses no coercive measure as hindrance and allows the immature spirit complete freedom of will, nevertheless, it will always be a sin to oppose God's will. The being violates divine law.... which in itself is order.... when it enjoys changing this order into disorder. Because it then subordinates itself to the will of the adversary who longs to destroy everything that God has created.... He will not succeed, nevertheless merely the determination to do so is the greatest offence against God's love, wisdom and omnipotence, it is rebellion against God and therefore results in the most dire consequences. The spirit who rages against Him cannot enjoy freedom as long as it defies divine will and divine order. As long as it refuses to fit into God's ordained order it is not free.... __Amen
People live with the believe, to serve a good purpose when advocating a complete downfall of a nation, which in their opinion adds damage to the other nations. This particular point does without the view of individual reasoning and goes against all justice. People only see what they want to see, and prior to judging, they refrain from reasoning and seriously reviewing, as to how far the public opinion corresponds with the truth. __It is an incredibly cruel principle wanting to destroy, what no longer suites them, and therefore direct all measures serving the annihilation against fellow men, against beings, that likewise were created by God to live through the embodiment on account of their spiritual development on earth. And beings, that should serve one another in love, draw together to annihilate each other. This is so terrible and quite marks the spiritual low of humanity, which does not realize the great injustice, and only thrives on unleashing the greatest barbarism against fellow human beings. People lack a sense of justice, and logical thought has deviated far from true justice. Justice, they claim, is something that serves ones earthly well being, that enlarges power and property and every powerful one believes he owns the right over the weak ones. __Every just thought has been fully lost by mankind; they are no longer capable of forming their own judgment, where the source of wrong is to be found, as to how guilty people themselves are of the disasters they are faced with… Only their hatred and lovelessness speaks, they want to practice retaliation and indulge in revenge for the sake of works, which goes against all human senses. People rage against each other, they outdo each other in cruelties and mutual extermination. __And yet the aggressor is to be condemned far more than the attacked, that must defend himself and therefore uses the same means. It is a work of destruction, which is led by Satan himself, because he drives hate and lovelessness to a frightening pinnacle, it is a rage against each other, which kills any human feelings.... people no longer fight against people, but a specific kind of deeply fallen spirit beings, and thousand upon thousands of people have to suffer and end their lives in ferocity. __But God takes revenge on peoples iniquity… He will condemn the rage against one another, He condemns this kind of militancy and His judgment is indeed just. It will hit the guilty one when the time comes. He will let the world know, who instigated the terrible evil, and He will brand them, that the world recognizes the abhorrent behavior of the one, so that the people think justly, and regard all fellow men as equally created beings of God, that they abhor their wrong behavior, reconcile and make an effort to do good for their sinfulness.... __Amen
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