Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Prehistoric people?....
You only need to turn to Me with an appeal to grant you an explanation and I will not hesitate to answer. You don't realise that the act of creation has taken infinitely long periods of time, for you judge by your present concepts to time, whereas the act of creation necessitated eternities, which is rationally impossible for you to understand. Hence you are right in your assumption that the pre-Adamites lived long before the human being.... who was recognized as the true human being due to his self-awareness, intellect and free will. Yet this does not exclude the fact that these human beings had no knowledge of pre-historic people, they knew of their existence but described them as having lived long before themselves. But this only happened after the fall into sin, when I sent beings of light from above amongst people which enlightened them as to their past process through all creations.... Prior to this they had no knowledge of it at all, and thus no idea about these human-like beings because.... wherever people were created.... these beings had become extinct. However, since the growth of human population advanced only slowly.... in keeping with the matured original spirits.... the process of creation continued over a very long time, and thus the earth was not inhabited by people everywhere at once, whereas the pre-Adamites only became extinct when the creation work `Man' began to appear. __Pre-historic people therefore have never lived with human beings together at the same time, but the human being was created at different times since the conditions on earth, too, varied quite considerably and needed this diversity, because even the original spirits developed differently, which is not quite understandable to you humans yet. It is not as if people were instantly created on earth, instead, everything took place such that one can speak of periodic creation, and every period brought forth such beings until the human being with self-awareness, intellect and free will appeared as the last work of creation. If I now use the term `at the same time', then I mean the same period of creation which, however, was so long that it cannot be expressed with numbers.... but that these pre-historic beings preceded the real human being because no concept of time exists for Me and to Me a thousand years are like a day. And the whole act of creation took so long that people can no longer determine the length of time, only the fact that everything developed, from matter to the mineral and plant world.... through the animal kingdom up to the human being, but that I also always created a new external shape for the tiny particles of soul as they developed further. __Hence, the expression `they developed into the next being' only relates to spiritual development, yet every external shape was a new creation which always vanished again once it had completely fulfilled its purpose, on account of which so many beings disappeared again once human beings came into existence who were able to create and shape according to their will.... Thus people did not live alongside pre-historic beings, but that does not rule out that they didn't inhabit the earth at the same time, they just lived so far apart that they had no knowledge of them, because the time had not yet come for the human being to find the right living conditions he needed in order to survive there. Just one thing has to be clarified, that the earth was not populated at the same time with fully responsible people, they came much later, whereas the pre-historic people still existed wherever the earth was not yet sufficiently developed. It is difficult to give you humans an idea as to how the whole work of creation took place, for you are neither able to imagine the length of time in which this work was completed nor the immense space that had to be populated by the small particles of soul of the fallen original spirits. __This required great diversity which was entirely achieved by My thoughts, so that I saw everything as a minute work of creation before Me and it simultaneously arose as finished work.... so that the creation took on ever larger forms wherein the soul particles were to mature, and it was teeming with creations of the most varied kinds.... so that I placed every work of creation where possibilities to mature were given. And thus the pre-historic beings were a creation which I placed wherever the future human race was sooner or later expected to take possession of the earth in order to bring its developing process to an end. But that the earth should exhibit the same conditions everywhere was not intended by My versatile creative will, and even today there are vast stretches of land where no human being can exist because he lacks the conditions to survive, for which I have My reasons. Yet it is certain that the human being's external shape was a work of My love, that I created Man after My image and that his soul, too, shall one day become My image again which, however, was not the case with pre-historic people, they were unable to develop into the human being as he is at present, irrespective of whether he attains spiritual maturity or not.... __Amen
Life on earth for improvement.... Sorrow of spiritual fri...
Dear child, listen to our teachings and confidently hand yourself over to our announcements: The Lord speaks to His Own patiently and without tiring, and allows them to take an insight in God's given laws, to which all reign and work is subject to in the beyond.... in the whole universe. Earthly life with its battles is reserved for those who, in the care of the heavenly Father, want to improve their soul and have appealed to the Lord for the grace of embodiment for the purpose of attaining perfection. In this stage it is possible for the soul to reach a higher degree of perfection, yet during earthly life the soul often diverts from its actual purpose and either remains at a certain standstill or, in its mental delusion, turns towards the forces of darkness.... The soul enters a state in which, unaware of its actual purpose, it should profess the Father of its own accord.... however, in this stage of embodiment the soul is taken care of by many lovingly concerned spiritual beings which want to influence the earthly child's thinking and would like to guide it to the heavenly Father in eternity.... And thus many a thought transferred by these spiritual beings to a person points to the eternal Deity, and were the human being fully conscious of his great responsibility as to what consequences his life on earth entails, he would pursue his goal more determinedly.... But would the purpose of life truly be fulfilled therein?.... The human being should have faith.... turn to the Saviour with complete trust.... assimilate everything of a divine nature, always with faith in the Lord.... that is his task for which his life on earth was granted to him.... If you look at the immense number of earthly children who live a completely pointless way of life.... then you will understand why their fate saddens us so much, since in the realisation of divine truth we must watch how much grace was granted to them and how carelessly they bypass it in ignorance of their task in life.... and that is our sorrow.... because wanting to be lovingly active for others, and being rejected, is incredibly sad for us who are responsible for the care of these souls. __The signs admonish everyone.... they all hear the voice of the Lord, but whether they allow it to take effect in them depends entirely on their will.... And the Lord's mercy always finds ways and means again to convey the knowledge of His will and His love to people.... However, in his ignorance, the human being values himself so highly that he imagines himself to live his life just as safely without the blessings from the Father's hand.... With this attitude he erects such an inconceivably large obstacle for himself that he has trouble overcoming it and as a result of his delusion does not make use of the divine means of grace which would make life on earth much easier and more beneficial for him. Nevertheless, the divine Father's mercy and love are infinite.... Great is His wisdom and His kindness, for with new evidence of His working He constantly penetrates humanity's hearts time and again.... He makes miracles happen to instruct His children.... He constantly pours out His grace upon those earthly children who are inclined towards Him and through these tries to gain those again who, in ignorance, have fallen prey to misguided teachings. The blessing of the Saviour is with all those who work for Him and thus the undertaking of every person defending the Lord will be blessed as well....And so the Lord also gives to those who are entrusted with the earthly children's souls.... He lets helpers arise for them and if loving interaction takes place it will also result in the blessing that every good deed produces its fruit.... This is pleasing to the Lord, it enriches the earthly human child's eternal life.... it has an effect both on earth as well as in the beyond, for not the body but the spirit shall be considered on earth.... the human soul, which came forth from God and travels through life on earth only to come closer to the Lord. At a time like this, the battle for spiritual improvement is twice as necessary.... no being remains at a standstill, there is a far greater risk that it will descend if it does not make an effort by itself to find the path towards ascent.... And in order to put an end to the hostile forces, in order to lead the souls to the path of realisation, you, His servants, must do everything in your power.... for the Lord dwells amongst those of you who fulfil your task with love for the Saviour and are faithfully of service to Him. __Amen
Suffering.... Participation in the Redemption work.... So...
'If you accept My Words, you will remain in My love....' Engrave these Words deep into your heart and resist all thoughts provoked in you by the tempter.... Behold, in times of humiliations you are repeatedly recognising the grace of Heaven if you only ever regard these as concerned references to the eternity. In those times you must wrestle with yourself, then you will accomplish the task you were given on earth. Silently and imperceptibly something grows stronger inside of you, and soon such humiliations can no longer deprive you of your inner peace if you recognise the Father's guiding hand and willingly give in to it. The Lord's path on earth leads across stones and thorns.... Let yourselves be refreshed by His grace and you will understand how infinitely beneficial it is that the Lord constantly grants it to you.... Therefore, always try to gain possession of divine grace and it will become obvious to you that you are constantly surrounded by His love, not one day will then be a lost one for you, because you will fulfil your purpose on earth, and this with ever greater ease the more divine grace flows to you.... The Saviour's heart suffered for you humans on earth.... you bear every suffering on this earth together with the Lord and Saviour if you think of His suffering and, in realisation of this, are willing to sacrifice your suffering to Him.... Every one of you should try to dispose of the opinion that you would be able to enter the eternal kingdom without having to endure suffering.... This is only granted to the person who, through his suffering, has participated in Christ's act of Salvation.... who has also contributed his share in reducing the suffering on earth on behalf of humanity, for what he bears for the sake of the Saviour is accepted by the Lord with grace, and once again a part of the immense guilt of sin has been reduced for the salvation of the human race.... You must have complete trust in the Lord, then you will be guided through all suffering on earth, and, without any risk of harm to the soul as a result of this suffering, you will, in fact, accrue unsuspected benefits if, in view of Jesus Christ's suffering and death on the cross, you desire to receive the blessings thereby acquired.... The Lord has always helped the earthly child in extreme adversity if it turns to Him in prayer, for this reason every suffering will always come to an end if you sacrifice it to the Lord in heartfelt prayer and beg for consolation in every distress.... In this life nothing lasts forever.... neither suffering nor joy last long.... because all earthly things are transient after all, and are only imposed or granted to the human being to make him aware of the fact that he should always draw the benefit for eternity from suffering as well as from joy. Both will only be a blessing for the human being if he accepts them with faith and love for the Creator and willingly submits to it, no matter how it is granted to him by the Lord.... Only then will the human being pass the test and need not fear anything in this world, for his suffering will constantly bring him closer to eternity, where one day it will be converted into bliss for him. __Amen
Abuse of power....
Anyone who is given authority on Earth shall administer his office wisely, for My will gave him the power which he should now use according to My will. People often place great value on exercising the latter with as much pomp as possible and forget in the process that the plenitude of power by no means rests in this and that they can be relieved of it at any time. Acting in opposition to My will is always a dissent against the One Who appointed them to this office of judge. And if whole circles unite to commit adverse deeds, the guilt of the ruling powers grows exponentially and every pressure exerted by them will result in enormous responsibility. Let Me tell you: The days of anyone who rules in the world to humanity's horror are counted, and whoever believes himself to have sole right of existence on Earth is very much mistaken. It is not you but I Who have placed people into this world so that every soul shall mature during the course of its life, and that which is your share you should also allow the other person; don't let countless people fall prey to great misery but prove yourselves with them. I Myself put right where it is needed, and My judging hand is just. You should never consider yourselves entitled to throw the whole world into turmoil.... you should by no means exert your authority with pressure but act as wise and charitable judges, so that one day your actions will be rewarded leniently and wisely, because.... judge not, so that you will not be judged. __Your actions on earth have such appalling effects in the beyond that you, if you knew the fate that awaits you, would be so horrified that you would be incapable of living. Do not forget My love and mercy which gives itself to all beings on earth.... I alone have the power on Earth and in Heaven, I will know how to punish those who so exceed My laws that fear, misery and horror are the consequences of their orders. The Last Judgment will affect everyone, regardless of where they come from, and then it will show who walked his earthly path righteously and who refused to recognise and follow My will. For all power is given to Me in Heaven and on Earth.... The human race will be seized by terror and those who disregarded My will shall then be stricken, and I will severely punish those who so opposed Me and in heartlessness and injustice do as they please on earth. Try to reform people, then you will exercise the judicial office according to My meaning, and not that you impose inhumanly cruel punishments on them which will never be a blessing for you, neither in this nor in the other world. For your action is merely revenge and retribution but not a just exercise of your power. You incessantly only consider how you can increase your authority and don't shy away from using means which dishonour you, and thus you will never be able to find mercy before My eyes, for your activity is sinful and detestable. You certainly appear to benefit humanity's physical well-being, yet your soul will perish in profound darkness if the driving force of your conduct is not love and compassion, and thus the misery of people you oppress will fall back on you a thousand fold, for I indeed gave you the power but not the right to abuse it for acts of violence which are far beyond My will.... __Amen
Redeeming the souls.... Bearers of light.... Knowledge - ...
Once the human being has chosen God, he has already fulfilled his earthly task, since from that moment onwards he has the will to serve God and to keep His commandments, even if this will is frequently still weak and the person often still transgresses. Nevertheless, with his desire to comply with divine will his past resistance to God has become null and void, he has recognised his origin and desires to return to it and his free decision has been made. From now on he is supported by forces who strengthen his will and increase his knowledge, and since these forces are already as one with God, he is consequently seized by God Himself and can no longer descend into his past guilt of sin, the sin of rebellion against God.... He has voluntarily handed himself over to God and will forever remain loyal to Him. Regression will be impossible, for the human being now strives consciously towards the goal of final unity. And then every hour on earth is merely a matter of maturing.... an increase of light, of knowledge, and this manifests itself in greater activity of love, in redeeming love.... Once the human being has released himself from the enemy´s will, he proceeds with the active work of redeeming his fellow human beings, all other earthly work seems pointless and meaningless to him and all his thoughts and intentions relate to the work of helping his fellow human being´s soul. And only then will he accomplish the most valuable work.... he will join the activity of the light beings of the beyond and will work in a redeeming way.... But anyone who already takes part in the act of redemption on earth works with God for Him..... His will as well as his work will be blessed. Although it then requires immense grace it will nevertheless be conveyed to the person so that he will subsequently be able to cope with every task posed to him. Redeeming the soul signifies that the person´s hitherto dark state changes into light.... Spiritual darkness is ignorance, light, however, is knowledge.... __Consequently, the unredeemed souls must be offered knowledge in order to place them into this state of light. This task can therefore not be fulfilled by someone who has not yet become a bearer of light himself, even if he has great earthly knowledge at his disposal. The degree of worldly knowledge of a person wanting to do redeeming work on earth is therefore entirely unimportant.... The knowledge he wants to pass on has nothing in common with worldly knowledge. He is expected to convey divine wisdom to his fellow human beings but this can only be received by a person who had first shaped himself in a way that he can accept light and strength from God. Then he will be a labourer in the vineyard of the Lord in truth, for he will try to turn a fallow field into fertile soil. He will try to make the souls likewise receptive for the strength from God, he will try to impart spiritual knowledge to them and thus change the state of darkness among humanity into bright light. And since this is the ultimate goal of embodiment on earth, everything that contributes towards spreading light among people must understandably be good and right. This is why the resolve to accomplish this great task will be blessed.... It will be strengthened and invigorated so that the person can achieve the task he had set himself. The beings of light in the beyond are likewise instructed to grant their help where it is needed.... by imparting strength to the person on earth and always directing his thoughts to this great assignment, so that the earthly light bearer won´t tire in his work. For the redemption of the spirit is the reason and purpose of life on earth. And God, in His wisdom, knows every person´s spiritual state, He will truly furnish someone wanting to do redemptive work with His strength and shower him with grace, for his will to be united with God enables him to do the kind of work on earth which corresponds to divine will. His spirit will be flowing through him and, furnished with light and strength.... with knowledge and power.... he will cope with his final earthly task and bring souls to the Lord, thus he will work in truth as a labourer in the vineyard of the Lord.... __Amen
Heavenly bliss....
Any comparison intended to illustrate the beatitudes of Heaven to people would be inappropriate, for nothing on earth can even roughly describe these joys, nothing can be likened to them should an attempt be made to reveal a picture of them to people. The souls' infinite happiness in eternity is not caused by something tangible, this is why a person cannot imagine anything either, instead, he must content himself with the Lord's promise 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which I have prepared for those who love Me....' The knowledge of the delights of eternal life would, in fact, be extremely disadvantageous for the souls' maturing, because the human being shall become prefect and thus he must be good of his own inner accord and not for the sake of reward. What a perfect being can expect in eternity will make it so incomparably happy, that the human being would do anything as well as suffer anything were he to know the degree of bliss; were he to know what this bliss consists of. He can only be informed of the fact that the feeling of love is decisive in the beyond, that no happiness is thinkable without it, that love connects everything and that this creates a state of bliss which is inconceivable for people on earth. For there is vanishingly little love on earth, compared to the light beings' degree of love in the beyond; consequently, the human being cannot imagine that love is the epitome of bliss, even though love on earth, that is, the kind-hearted activity and the feeling of love, is already experienced and desired as something delightful on earth, once it is known to the human being, for only divine love causes happiness, the love which is giving, hence unselfish. Desiring love only brings happiness if the object of the desire is God and His love.... because this desiring love simultaneously results in fulfilment, since divine love flows to every person desiring it. If love for God already causes happiness on earth, how much happier will the being be in eternity if God, in His infinite love, comes close to it and satisfies its burning desire.... The delights of this fulfilled longing are indescribable and cannot be expressed in words since it is a purely spiritual process providing the being finds union with God and receives His emanation of love. Consequently, no human being can imagine what eternal bliss is like as long as he still lives on earth, for God keeps this knowledge concealed from him until he has gained the spiritual maturity in order to gain an insight into the spiritual kingdom which will reveal the eternal glory to him if it is God's will.... __Amen
Abilities.... Task.... Regression.... New earth....
The human being is the highest evolved living being on earth and therefore is also given a task which matches his degree of maturity. He is able to fulfil this task if he wants to, and precisely this will is tested (is supposed to prove itself), is meant to make the decision. For only the will determines whether the human being completes the task, whether he uses his abilities and lives expediently during his final embodiment. He is by no means forced to do so and therefore earthly life will give him countless tasks to carry out. Thus the actual task is not particularly emphasized, instead he should carry it out as part of his earthly activities.... to shape himself into highest possible maturity on earth.... If he ignores this task he nevertheless goes on living his earthly life, but his soul's imperfect degree of maturity remains. And for this he has to justify himself before God, because he was only given his earthly life to perfect his soul. Hence he misused it if he merely performed his earthly activities for his own advantage, or he disregarded it and thus disrespected God's mercy. The earth was his home and he was allowed to incarnate as a highly developed being; he was already in a state of maturity with many abilities of his own yet he lived his life no more consciously than the pre-historic human being. He only used his intellect and volition for an earthly activity of no lasting value, and he used God's strength to do so.... he merely used it for worldly ends, to increase his own comfort such that it only increased other people's desire to do the same. And thereby the earth became unsuitable for the soul's higher development, i.e. the world predominates and keeps such hold of the human being that he completely forgets his soul. Hence the time has come which necessitates a change if human beings should get to know their true task and live correctly again. The earth has to change again, it has to become again what it once had been and should be.... a place of education for the spirit where the world does not predominate but is purely the means to an end.... The world has to be created again, it has to be restructured, it has to shelter human beings who consciously strive towards their final maturity, who use all their God-given abilities purely for the attainment of their souls' maturity because they realise that this is the true purpose of their embodiment on earth.... __Amen
Phase of development unique during a period of salvation....
Each phase of the soul's development occurs only once during a period of salvation even if it neglects to utilise the state of free will. In that case the phase of development passes without effect for the soul and it has to accept the consequences of this in the spiritual realm. But the completely God-opposing spirit, whose resistance could not be broken during its infinitely long earthly progress, is given the opportunity again in a new period of creation; where it can, embodied within a solid form, live through a new phase of development in a newly beginning earthly period. And then the spiritual substances which, in a compulsory state, have to develop into a human soul again, are permitted to occupy a human body once more for its final test of will. This re-incarnation can indeed take place but the process has such enormous implications that it should be explained to people as something extremely frightening, albeit it is also an act of God's mercy for the release of the spirit after its endless time of captivity. __However, the idea that the soul re-incarnates onto the same earth again for the purpose of finishing its development is misguided.... If God returns a soul from the spiritual realm of light to earth it is merely an act of kindness because this soul has to fulfil a task of liberating the constrained spirit on earth.... Hence an already fully matured being of light incarnates on earth to spiritually help others while it apparently has to advance on the path of spiritual development like any other human being. A return to earth for the purpose of achieving complete maturity, to make up for the neglect of a past earthly life, does not correspond to God's wisdom because it would interrupt the progressive development; a return from the spiritual into the physical state would be a regression and thus a sign of the soul's intention to distance itself from God, thus it does not indicate spiritual aspiration. Those who strive towards God truly have enough opportunities in the spiritual realm, where the spirit can prove itself and thus mature and develop further. __On the other hand, highly developed spiritual beings who have not yet reached the degree of childship to God, can become a child of God by incarnating on earth for the purpose of a mission, which is always linked to extremely difficult living conditions and requires a previously achieved specific degree of maturity in the beyond. The teaching of re-incarnation is a humanly devised teaching which corresponds to their wishes and therefore is defended time and again because many people are no longer able to correctly understand the truth from above and thus change it to fit in with their wishes. Because their longing for this earthly world is still too strong and the thought of being permitted to return to earth is reassuring and comforting. But this teaching is an obstacle to the human being's spiritual development and therefore will have to be challenged time and again by those who shall spread the pure truth.... __Amen
Spiritual creations.... Beatitude.... `Eye hath not seen....
Everything that is visible to you testifies of My might and strength and love. Yet My strength of love also produced invisible creations which will delight you in the spiritual kingdom, but only when you have achieved the degree of maturity which allows for spiritual vision. Then you will indeed marvel at My love's works of wonder, they will enchant your eye, nevertheless they will also be comprehensible to you, for then you will recognise Me Myself as strength and love, then you will already be so pervaded by it that you will be able to understand that it is the primary cause of every creation, and then you will forever glorify the One Who employs His will for constant works of love. __The spiritual creations are inconceivable to people on earth, they are the epitome of proportion, perfection, beauty and versatility, they are exceptionally magnificent formations and their ever changing appearance makes them increasingly more wonderful to behold and they will never tire or oversaturate the onlooker's eye but forever cause immense happiness and gratitude towards Me, the Creator of heaven and earth. Indeed, earthly creations occasionally also appear lovely to a person and let his heart beat faster in the realisation that he is facing the eternal Creator, Who is almighty and full of love. However, the most beautiful creations on earth are but a pale reflection of the spiritual creations which are incomparable, since it is not possible for My love be so evidently visible on earth because people have not yet changed themselves into love. __But I can bestow the abundance of My love to souls which have become love, My creative love can reveal itself to them and I can show them and bestow on them what I have promised `Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him....' And the more profoundly a being is able to love the more glorious will the creations become.... Profound love gives them an insight into My reign and activity in the spiritual kingdom, they are no longer opposite Me as imperfect beings, but have become what I Am Myself.... love.... they are full of might and strength themselves, and in highest perfection are able to create and shape in harmony with My will through My strength. __No comparison can be given to people on earth about their activity in the spiritual kingdom since it is subject to completely different laws and spiritual activity has nothing in common with physical activity, with work on earth. Yet it is a blissful activity, an activity which signifies supreme happiness for the being which has become love, which can think, feel and want, which is able to see and hear, which feels like an individual being and yet is extremely happy in unity with other beings because it thereby increases its strength and love and intensifies its ability to be active. The inhabitants of the spiritual world exist in a state of utterly blissful harmony, a state which is constantly aspired to as soon as the soul has attained realisation on earth or in the spiritual kingdom. __I would like to place all beings into this state because I love them and would like them to behold the glories of My kingdom. For the activity of My love constantly applies to My living creations' happiness, My love is infinite and wants to give and delight, and thus I want to make My living creations worthy of being allowed to stay in spiritual creations; yet they themselves have to want it, they must shape themselves into love of their own free will so that they can be made indescribably happy in the spiritual kingdom for all eternity.... __Amen
I will fetch My Own from all directions, from all countries on Earth at the end of days.... For wherever people dwell My Own are represented, who love Me and their neighbour with all their heart and due to this love recognise the true God, the Father of eternity, Who is love, wisdom and strength in Itself. And wherever people dwell My Own know that the time of the end has arrived, because anyone who lives in love is spiritually awake and therefore enlightened by Me as to what is about to happen. My Word can be heard everywhere, and it is offered to people from the kingdom of light and they receive it according to their ability.... they hear it as a spoken Word in their heart, they receive it mentally, they hear it through mediation by My enlightened servants on earth. And they will always recognise it as truth since they desire it and through their way of life, a way which corresponds to My commandment of love, make themselves worthy of being taught by Me. And thus the Gospel is proclaimed throughout the world, as I promised, for I Myself take care of My Own, I Myself provide them with that which is most needed and the most delectable that can be offered to them on earth. __Yet not one of them can be spared the battle of faith before the end, although it will happen in different ways.... they will have to profess Me to those who are without faith. They may not hide their activity of love, if it is required of them. They will be subject to tribulations for the sake of their faith before the end arrives. And all those who are awakened will be able to work within their circle, for unbelievers everywhere will confront My Own and trying to pull them over to their side shall be the endeavour of those who received the truth from Me, who became My Own through love.... And when hardship and tribulation appear to get intolerable I will come Myself and fetch My Own into My kingdom.... I will lift them in the flesh from this earth, which will require a complete transformation, and return them to the new earth again once the work of transformation has been accomplished. And people of all nations will praise My power and glory, for I will extend My hand to wherever people dwell to save those who are in utmost danger and reward them for their steadfastness of faith and their faithfulness towards Me.... And then the external shape of the earth will be destroyed before the eyes of all who oppose Me. And a new Earth will arise as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Gathering spiritual treasures on earth.... Regret in the ...
Anyone who has not gathered spiritual treasures for himself on earth and thus enters the gates of the beyond empty handed is one of the poorest in the spiritual kingdom. I would like to spare you this fate because you will experience bitter regret when you look back and see the many missed opportunities. Poverty in the spiritual kingdom is so depressing and hopeless that it will torment you and completely paralyse your will, as a result you will hardly be able to deliver yourselves from this painful state. And yet it is so easy to acquire spiritual possessions on earth if only you thought of Me and desired to speak to Me. Merely this desire guarantees receipt of My Word in different ways.... You will always be shown where you can receive My Word if you do not accept it from Me in your thoughts, that is, if you cannot recognise My voice in your thoughts. __However, it is certain that you will feel the inner motivation to do kind deeds as soon as you contact Me in thought and thus intend to get in touch with Me. I announce Myself by prompting you to love because only then can I enter into complete union with you. Thus, first of all I inspire you to actions of love, and this directly through the inner voice or through external advice and reminders by the deliverers of My Word who only preach love. If you listen to them and follow the Word then you will also gather spiritual possessions and acquire riches which will remain with you eternally, which cannot be taken from you on earth or in the beyond and which will increase in the same way, even when you constantly share them. To enter the kingdom on the other side blessed with such possessions is truly most desirable as it assures your eternal life in the spiritual kingdom, a life of activity which can only be called enjoyable and will be felt by you as a great blessing. __But those who enter completely empty handed will find it very difficult to acquire spiritual wealth even though it is not entirely hopeless. Even there the gospel will be taught to the soul but, like on earth, it is not forced to accept it; like on earth, acceptance depends on its will which, however, is extraordinarily weakened and cannot make the right decision without the help of additional strength. And this input of strength in turn depends on the will of the soul to use it for deeds of love.... or on the loving intercession of a human being. For that reason you cannot have enough compassion for these poor souls who urgently require your help because they neglected to gather spiritual treasures on earth to make their state in the beyond a happy one. Their poverty is great but people do not listen to My Word, they do not believe and therefore enter the kingdom on the other side poor and with darkened spirit.... __Amen
The human being's imperfect state corresponds to his will...
The fact that I gave you your earthly life does not justify the assumption that I placed you in the imperfect state which is causing you problems on earth. Every one of you is shaped according to his will, that is, not according to your will on earth as a human being but according to the characteristic of your will prior to your embodiment as a human being. Despite the fact that your will was not striving towards higher spheres I have given you the opportunity to nevertheless attain a certain degree of higher development by constraining your will, so that you were able to be actively of service in the state of compulsion which thereby reduced the vast distance from Me. Afterwards I released your will, which is shaped differently in every individual person, depending on his inner opposition to Me. And you humans are shaped according to this will of yours on earth, equipped with different physical abilities, traits and feelings, so that you have the greatest possible opportunity to mature fully during your life on earth, for the option of entering the spiritual kingdom at the end of this physical life is open to everyone. Thus I did not give you flaws and weaknesses, but you yourselves brought them along in misguided love, otherwise you would be able to discard them instantly were your love not wrongly directed. None of you sufficiently consider the fact that you possess free will and that this free will is the cause of your embodiment on earth. In the past the spiritual beings sinned of their own free will, and of their own free will they must recognise their sins and make amends for them by consciously striving towards Me, against Whom they had transgressed. You humans on earth have almost reached the goal, for you are already considerably closer to the state which once was your fate before your apostasy from Me. However, your will decides the final achievement.... You must try to master all faults and weaknesses, vices and cravings yourselves, for you do not lack the means for help, the grace and strength from above. Yet if you love yourselves the way you are, you will never reach the final goal. Know yourselves and try to change.... for one day you will have to give account as to how you have used your short lifetime on earth. My love offers you every opportunity to mature full but it always respects your freedom of will.... __Amen
`Behold, I make all things new....'
I make all things new.... Those of you humans who are as yet unenlightened, who have not yet awakened the spirit within you, do not know the meaning of My Words, for you do not believe in a transformation of this earth, you do not believe in the Last Judgment, in the end of one period of development and the beginning of a new one.... You do not know anything about My eternal plan of Salvation and therefore do not understand My Words either: Behold, I make all things new.... Each of My Words has several meanings which are not even known to My enlightened Own, for this understanding is still too profound for the people of this earth, yet they are aware of the simple meaning, that I will renew what has left My eternal order.... __I want to make a change, since the people of this earth are no longer striving for one and therefore miss the purpose of their earthly life. They have failed by not using their lives for eternity. Nevertheless, I will not let them get lost and therefore will give them the opportunity to cover the neglected process of development again, yet not as a repeat but in a completely different way.... For another process of development is an increased bestowal of grace and has to be acquired through increased effort, the opportunity of which is offered by completely new creations. Thus, first I will renew the school for the spirit, My earth, which shall support the development up to that of the human being. __I will provide it with entirely new creations of such diverse kind and shape that extremely large numbers of spiritual substances will have the opportunity to prove themselves therein. And I will let a new human generation arise, which will emerge from people who are blessed by Me, who will have completed their spiritual development with love and loyalty to Me, who will have attained a degree of maturity which permits exalted spiritual care, so that the new human generation will have every guarantee to achieve the highest possible spiritual perfection and the bound spirits, too, will be able to achieve maturity quickly, due to the exceptionally good influence exerted by people on all nearby creations.... I make all things new; I will also ease the conditions to release the spiritual substances yet without deviating from My law of eternal order, only caring for what is still living in constraint with profound love and mercy. Everything depressing will leave people, they will strive to ascend with full strength, because I alone will be the most Desirable for them and they will not be able to be pulled into the abyss by My adversary, who will be bound for a long time.... __I shall make a new heaven and a new earth.... that is, spiritually and earthly I will give happiness to the people who then will belong to Me and who shall also smooth the way for those who will follow them.... Which one of you humans can comprehend this? And which one of you humans believes firmly and without doubt that the old things will cease to be? That even people who are still distant from Me will cease to exist, that only the small flock which faithfully follows Me as their shepherd will not lose its life, because I have blessed this small flock and destined it for a continued life in the paradise of the new earth.... that a new period of Redemption will begin in accordance with My eternal plan of Salvation, which My love and wisdom have determined in order to ensure eternal life for the spirits? Behold, I make all things new.... Those of you who believe in Me remember these Words, consider them in your hearts and know, that the time has come when My Word will fulfil itself.... Believe firmly in it and be hopeful, and endure all difficulties you will still encounter until the end with patience and submission to My will. For the day will come very soon when I will fetch My Own to reveal the paradise to them of which it is written: `I will make a new heaven and a new earth....' and I Myself will dwell amongst My Own and will guide and teach them, as I have promised.... __Amen
Will to help and work of the beings of light....
Untold opportunities have been created to help the souls, on earth and in the beyond, who are still dark in spirit and therefore wretched. The light beings' activity includes helping imperfect souls on earth or those who had entered the spiritual kingdom in an imperfect state. Their every effort is dedicated to the redemption of the spiritual essence, to transmitting light into the darkness, be it on earth or in the spiritual kingdom. And since the acceptance of light cannot be forcefully achieved, the souls have to be confronted by events which stimulate their will to become active in some form or other. Hence they are, so to speak, providentially urged to express their will. They are approached by beings from the spiritual kingdom or by people on earth who inspire them to become mentally active, and every influence can lead to the soul's favourable change of will resulting in spiritual maturity. Therefore, everything that confronts the human being on earth can be suitable in achieving this. With the right attitude his whole life on earth can serve a human being's spiritual progress, and individual events can activate this said right attitude towards God, and then the person's earthly life will have resulted in his redemption. __But, likewise, the soul can also expect to be influenced in the spiritual world by the beings of light, who continue the task they did not succeed in doing on earth. The soul will also be mentally influenced in the spiritual kingdom since, irrespective of its environment, everything the soul encounters is for the sole purpose of stimulating its thoughts, so that it may become aware of itself and its wrong attitude and try to change. Thoughts are always kept active so that the being learns to recognise its own state and endeavours to change. Hints of that nature are also given by the beings of light who continue their work of salvation on the souls, because they are moved by their love to release them from their miserable state. Consequently, no person and no being in the spiritual kingdom is without support, only their efforts are not recognised as long as the soul is not aware of spiritual matters. __Very little is known about the relationship between the spiritual world and people, most people deny all contact and therefore do not utilise the knowledge gained through such contacts. And until then they will not believe that all events taking place in human existence are premeditated and can but need not lead to spiritual maturity, because it is up to every person himself to derive a benefit for his spiritual development from every experience. The souls in the beyond are likewise helped to ascend by the beings of light, yet always taking account of free will, because there, too, free choice for God or His adversary is the decisive factor for the soul's higher development.... But no soul will be abandoned if it decides wrongly.... It will always and forever be fought for until it makes the right choice of will one day, until it voluntarily confesses to be with and for God, Whom it has to, and indeed will, find one day in order to be blissfully happy.... __Amen
Opportunities for attaining the childship to God....
You will truly be compensated for all adversity you have to endure on earth and you will joyfully realise what you have gained by your state of suffering on earth which My love recognised as being beneficial for your soul and which therefore was only inflicted on you because of love. You humans should believe that you all still need opportunities to achieve maturity, that a person's soul on earth is very rarely so crystallised on leaving its body that it can pass into the spiritual kingdom as My child.... believe, that only few people would achieve the degree of childship to God which grants them the Father's inheritance if I did not create opportunities for them through a state of illness or suffering which can completely purify the soul and at the same time signify the removal of all guilt still on earth. But I know every person's ability and willingness to love and thus also his degree of maturity.... I really also know best who is already so close to Me that I can accept him as My child.... Yet according to the law of eternity the soul has to be completely free of impurities, because the highest degree of beatitude, the childship to God, can only be reached on earth, because it is no longer possible for the soul in the spiritual kingdom to reach perfection, an ascent towards childship to God.... This is why the soul will still be offered the opportunity on earth to perfect itself, which a sorrowful and difficult earthly existence can achieve. Love and suffering lead the soul to perfection, love and suffering let it mature, love and suffering enable it to partake of the highest pleasures and the sweetest togetherness with Me.... the child unites with the Father and eternally remains joined to Him.... Earthly life, however, is limited, it is but a fleeting moment compared to eternity, and no matter how sorrowful it is, the beatitudes at the Father's heart make up the suffering a thousand fold, and the soul looks back with gratitude and realises the overwhelming love of the Father, Who wanted to grant it this infinite happiness and therefore let it suffer on earth.... __Amen
Bliss in the kingdom of light.... Pleasures and delights....
A blissfully happy life awaits My Own in the spiritual kingdom when they depart from this earth, when they have concluded their course of life and are able to shed the earthly form for good. Everything that had weighed them down will fall away from them, they will feel free and light and be received into the kingdom of light whose occupants will come to meet them in order to guide them into their own sphere.... It is impossible to describe to you humans the delights they will experience and how the kingdom they now inhabit is designed.... It entails extrasensory shapes and concepts, it is an entirely different sphere for which nothing on earth could be used as a comparison and yet the souls quickly find their way around, they know that it is their true home, for the soul will have received its past awareness again and will be abundantly happy because it will recognise the infinite love and grace with which I had guided it from beginning until it has reached the goal. A person on earth cannot feel these beatitudes which await him there, being still earthbound he only has limited feelings and he would die were the soul able to behold these glories while it is still on earth, but now he can enjoy them ceaselessly without fading away. However, through love for Me and his fellow human being the human being on earth makes himself more or less receptive for the emanations of light, in which he then can constantly move in the spiritual realm and experience immense happiness. It is the happiness of reciprocated love which, however, always impels loving activity as well, because the soul now wants to give as it receives, because it cannot help itself but to provide happiness to those who are still unhappy.... A person's will on earth guarantees the souls ascent, nevertheless, it must be serious, it must turn to Me deep within the heart, it must not merely express itself with empty words which I always recognise as empty, which are not spoken in spirit and in truth and which are not felt either if the mouth does not voice them. But anyone who has a serious intention will reach his goal. And the promised beatitudes awaiting him shall also make him humbly bear the suffering, for this only raises the degree of beatitude in the spiritual kingdom, otherwise the soul will still have to go through dark spheres and will require a long time before it can enter the kingdom of light. And no being which longs for Me and My love need truly do without Me.... I will illuminate it and place it in a state of supreme bliss, I will change all suffering and misery into pleasure and delight, I will recompense a thousand fold what a person takes upon himself because He loves Me, and I will royally reward those who fight for Me and My kingdom on this earth.... I have prepared a fate for them in the house of the Father which will make them eternally happy.... __Amen
Purpose for creation.... Process of evolution....
The world, with all its creations that are visible to you, only serves one purpose: the return of the spirit, which had once fallen away from God and which is bound in countless individual substances or tiny sparks of spiritual essence within these creations, in order to gradually evolve again by means of constant change of location, by means of constant transformation of its outer appearance, until it reaches a certain degree of maturity. This then enables this spirit to incarnate as the soul within the human being, from which the final return to God should now take place of its own volition.... The spirit has indeed walked an infinitely long way before its incarnation as human being, it is a journey which began with the immense torture of confinement and stayed in confinement for an endless long time until the bond began to loosen and eventually eased more and more but always being a state of bondage for the spiritual substance from which, however, the human being can release himself it he so wants.... __Hence your human soul has passed through all these creations which are visible to you and you have now arrived at the last stage of your evolution on earth. You only have to accomplish your last task on this earth and then you can, free of all earthly restrictions, once again live in the realm which you once had left of your own free will because of your rebellion against God.... And your last task on earth is.... to totally submit yourselves of your own free will to the eternal God because a long time ago you revolted against God.... to serve with love because in the past you wanted to rule with cruelty.... to become perfect again through love because you deprive yourselves of all divine qualities when you sin against God.... You shall become full of light and strong again, as you were in the beginning.... Because you came forth from God as perfect beings but who have no awareness of themselves because they are without love, because they had distanced themselves from God and therefore could no longer be enlightened by His love, since every resistance to God also renders His love ineffective although God's love for His living creations won't end eternally.... __The process of development from below to above takes place with everything and through everything you see. Thus the meaning and purpose of creation as well as the meaning and purpose of your life on earth has been briefly explained to you. You may and must know of this so that you can consciously strive towards the last goal on earth, just as you must know of Him Who is God and Creator to all of you. It is He Who wants to be recognised and loved by you as Father to give you the measure of love that enables you to return to your original state once more, so that you end your life on earth as His children and return home to Him to create and work with Him and in accordance with His will, as is your destiny since time immemorial.... __In order to give you human beings this knowledge, this awareness, He speaks to you Himself, He lets you hear His Word and teaches you by means of His Word, He informs you of His will, the compliance to which must inevitably result in that degree of maturity again which you had given away of your own free will. All He asks of you is to transform yourselves to love.... If you comply with His will then your upward development is also ensured, then you accomplish your task on earth, then the way from the deepest depth towards the height has successfully been travelled with the result that you are united again with God, from Whom you once separated and with Whom you now stay united forever.... __Amen
Earth - School for the spirit.... Means to an end.... An ...
Consider the earth merely as a school for the spirit, as a place for your soul to mature, which still has to pass through a school before it can enter the spiritual kingdom. You cannot be forcefully shaped in a way that makes you suitable for the spiritual kingdom; you have to transform yourselves.... And for that reason life on earth was given to you.... But you humans don't recognise the purpose and goal of earthly life.... you misinterpret it, you only strive to benefit your body without thinking of your soul.... you look at the earth as an end in itself, whereas it is only the means to an end.... the means for the spirit to attain final maturity. __The real task is to pass the test of volition which you should accomplish during your life on earth and which must be taken in complete freedom. For that reason you will only receive enlightenment about the meaning and purpose of earthly life when you consider this question seriously yourselves. However, God gave you intelligence which allows you to pose the question as to why and for what reason you are on earth.... There are enough incentives around you which can cause you to ask this question but it has to come entirely and freely from within yourselves in order to be answered correctly as well. Even the worldly human being should occupy himself with this question, even he should occasionally think about the cause and purpose of earthly existence, providing he takes the time to occupy himself with such thoughts.... __He certainly should not see the purpose of his life in the satisfaction of his body's wishes and desires, but if he does then the thought of death will always frighten or unsettle him too.... or he will reject all thoughts of that nature by believing that he will cease to exist after death. Only someone who doesn't think much could have this opinion because he would find enough proof during his earthly life to teach him to think otherwise, if only he seriously investigated the problem of life after death. The human being was given intellect.... but if he does not use it he will exist from day to day like an animal because the correct use of intelligence will enable him to think and behave differently.... it will enable him to live consciously. However, the worldly human being who believes earthly life to be an end in itself has not used his intelligence correctly yet. He has only activated it into one direction, he has not yet thought about a spiritual world which also can be accepted to exist outside the physical world.... otherwise the human being would have the unrestricted right of determination over the whole of creation, therefore over the natural processes and his own destiny too.... __For as long as the human being himself is dependent on a higher power, on a higher will, which is proved to him by the course of his earthly life, he also has to acknowledge a world or a region where this higher power presides. Since he knows that he is at the mercy of this power, that this power determines the course of his life, he also has to ask himself why and for what purpose his earthly life happens as it does.... and whether he is achieving this purpose, which cannot be merely a physical life of pleasure but is more likely to be a spiritual development.... The human being can come to this mental conclusion as soon as he has the will to receive enlightenment about whether earthly life is an end in itself or only the means to an end.... The gift of intelligence should and must be considered because one day he will be held responsible for his will to oppose everything that God gave to him to attain his goal on earth.... __Amen
Satan bound.... The new earth....
The power of evil will be broken for a long time, Satan will be put into chains.... a period of peace will replace the time of battle in the universe, no being of darkness will be able to oppress the people on earth; Satan himself and his followers will be bound for a long time, and people on the new earth will not loosen his restraints because they are closely united with God and no longer strive for anything else but Him, Who will then taking loving care of them, both spiritually and physically. This period of peace on earth will make up for the time of indescribable adversity during the last days on this earth, which is granted to those people who are and want to remain faithful to God. It will truly be a time of battle for them since they will be spiritually and physically persecuted and barely able to defend themselves against their pursuers, who will even threaten their lives if they refuse to submit to them. But time and again these people have been promised through seers and prophets a time of peace, a time when no one will be in danger anymore from any side, when body and soul may enjoy the wonderful works of divine love, when a blissful peace will fill their hears through the presence of the One Whom they love and for Whom they have suffered. __Everything will be peaceful, creations and living beings alike will live in perfect harmony, and even the bound spiritual substance will progress and quickly surrender its resistance because it will sense the nearness of the One to Whom it shall surrender again, and because people's spiritual emanations will soothingly affect the bound spirits within the creations. People had already passed their test of will, therefore a decision will no longer be necessary on the new earth, since people belong to God with body and soul and cannot be separated from Him anymore. But everything pertaining to Satan will languish in darkness; it is banished again into hardest matter and unable to influence the souls striving towards the light, it has to submit to God's will and is deprived of its power for an infinitely long time. Satan himself is weak since everything which had supported him and his power is bound and thus withdrawn from his influence. __In the midst of his world he is without strength, until people's wrong will shall once again provide him with power, but this will only happen after a long period of time, after the first generations of earth, the inhabitant of paradise, their children and children's children, have long since entered the spiritual kingdom.... when a rift occurs again in the direction of the emerging generations' will.... Then people will once again let themselves become captivated by material things and through their desire will then also loosen the chains of the one who is lord of this unredeemed world. Then the state of paradise will also come to an end, the time of peace will once again be superseded by a time of battle between light and darkness, for then the struggle for people's souls will start again until another developmental period expires, yet with the result that innumerable beings will have achieved their spiritualisation and Satan's power will get increasingly less until he, too, will have to surrender one day which, however, will still take an inconceivably long time and countless periods of Salvation.... __Amen
The coming of the Lord.... Rapture....
You will see Me coming in the clouds.... the spiritual kingdom will come down to you; because those of you who remain true to Me until the end can already be counted as the inhabitants of the spiritual kingdom, although you are still in the flesh.... since you will have attained the maturity which allows you to behold Me face to face.... However, I will come to meet you enshrouded in clouds.... for you will as yet be unable to endure My abundance of light even though you will be able to see Me without fading away. Only My faithful followers can understand the process of the rapture and My return to earth and it is therefore also credible to them. And even if I repeatedly try to substantiate and explain these final events.... the people on this earth will not accept anything unusual and unnatural because they lack the understanding for spiritual things and thus nothing of a spiritual nature can reveal itself to them.... Consequently, they will not be able to behold Me either although you, My faithful follower, will jubilantly and longingly stretch out your hands to Me.... They will not see anything.... Yet the process of the rapture will not remain hidden from them and will fill them with incredible horror.... For it is also unnatural that you will float towards Me, that I will draw you to Myself and thus your bodies will leave earth alive towards higher spheres, towards the light. However, the unbelievers will not see the light, because the light will not enter where it still meets with resistance. For the process of the rapture could still convert those people who had been informed of it even though they had not accepted it.... a brief thought at the last moment could still prompt a person to call to Me, and he would be saved from the devastation.... This is why I allow the rapture to proceed visibly in order to truly make use of every possibility for salvation. Nevertheless, people's hearts are already too hardened as to be able to recognise My love.... You, however, shall see Me.... and all suffering will be forgotten, for then you will no longer be inhabitants of this earth but of My kingdom instead, because the place of peace which will admit you will no longer remind you of the old world.... My coming has been announced to you humans since My Ascension to Heaven.... and time and again I have been expected by My Own.... But My coming is also the end of this earth and I Am only to be expected at the end of a period of salvation, because 'My Coming' signifies the end and 'the Rapture' the beginning of a new era.... and all preconditions which necessitate the disintegration of earthly creations must be recognisable first.... For neither My return to earth nor the rapture of My Own can take place until the final day of Judgment has come for people.... precisely because both phenomena would denote an enforced faith for people who are still alive and because I do not let anything unusual happen in order to make people believe in Me.... Only the final end on this earth is intended for that, and only the final end necessitates a separation of the spirits.... Then I Myself will come to My Own and take them away, so that they will be freed from the immense adversity and receive their reward for their faithfulness.... and rejoice and praise the One Whom they will then behold in all His glory.... __Amen
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