Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Blissful condition of mature souls and the state of imper...
Blissful conditions have been prepared for you in My Father's house. There you will find everything that gives you joy when your soul has become free from all earthly desires and ready for the spiritual kingdom. But you can only understand these blissful conditions, the joys for your pure, spiritualised soul, when you already strive for spiritual values on earth, when the earth and its possessions cannot attract you anymore. They are spiritual pleasures which give the soul unspeakable delight. They are pleasures which touch the feelings of the soul like earthly pleasures touch the body, bringing the soul great happiness because it no longer has any earthly desires. Like on earth, the soul will also experience beauty in the beyond and, like on earth, it will also experience feelings of happiness but far more profoundly. It will consistently long to increase its spiritual riches and this longing will indeed be granted. It can see and hear indescribable creations and will continually draw wisdom and strength from it.... It will move in the most delightful surroundings for which there is no earthly comparison because earthly creations are poor and barren in contrast, and therefore the human being lacks the imagination for the wonders of divine love which the Father allows His children to see. And since every being is in contact with like-minded souls the bliss will increase considerably and the light will become steadily brighter. __On the other hand, the state of the imperfect beings in the beyond can be described because it does not differ much from that on earth so that the souls still believe that they are living on earth, and this for a long time. Just as people on earth live for material things and cannot understand how spiritually aspiring human beings can withdraw from the world and still be happy, they also live in the spiritual world with the same desire for material things which will be granted to them but in a way that the achievement of their wishes cannot make them happy until, after a long time, they have become aware of the worthlessness of material things and begin to detach themselves from them. But the spiritual kingdom of light with its inhabitants will be closed to these beings.... It is another world of which they will have no understanding as yet nor could they exist there because the abundance of light would consume them. But disguised beings of light are always amongst them, who try to teach them and attempt to direct their will to liberate themselves from earthly lusts and to help them strive for something higher so that they also can enter, often after a long time, the kingdom of light. Souls with the same degree of imperfection can enter the beyond yet will need different lengths of time to mature fully.... it all depends on their hearts' ability to love, which, sometimes will change faster in the spiritual kingdom than on earth, but they can also take a very long time to overcome their errors and bad habits. However, these immature souls are always faced with known concepts, while in the kingdom of light the soul will meet completely unfamiliar conditions where seeing and hearing result in blissful happiness and the wonders never end. Herein is the promise of Jesus fulfilled: `Eye has not seen and ear has not heard what He has prepared for those that love Him'.... __Amen
Matter is judged spiritual substance which, in turn, shelters spiritual substance within itself that travels the path of development according to God's eternal plan of Salvation. This spiritual substance, which is detained by the material external form, always joins up with similar substances on its path of development and can be described as particles of soul which animate the individual works of creation again. Every work of creation, be it solid matter or the plant and animal world, contains such particles of soul which seek to unite with others as a whole in a new external form which more and more resembles the form of a human being. An infinitely long period of time goes by until, after passing through the course of the entire creation, all particles of soul have found each other again in order to then enter an external form as a human soul, which is given a specific task in order to gain complete freedom from any kind of outer cover. Thus, the human body is the soul's surrounding outer cover whose task it is to help its indwelling soul reach maturity. The maturing process takes place in a way that the human being of his own free will, which is the sign of his divine origin, endeavours to guide all soul substances into God's right order.... i.e., by creating a God-pleasing basis for all characteristics of the untold tiny souls, hence by directing all instincts towards God. All cravings which are adverse to God must be changed into God-inclined emotions, which is the conscious work of improving the soul expected to be carried out by the human being during his earthly life. __In practice, this means that everything which still adheres to the soul from former embodiments has to be discarded, hence, animal instincts have to be overcome, just as the desire for matter has to be stifled, because all instincts came from the preliminary development and still cling to the soul as traits of the earlier stages of development. All inclinations from past embodiments must be discarded if higher development is to be successful, and everything that points to progressive development should be endeavoured towards.... spiritually-divine attributes such as humility, meekness, patience and compassion, peacefulness and righteousness.... For all these qualities originate from love, which should be developed into highest perfection during earthly life. Thereby a very clear guideline was given for the human being's task on earth, God's will is revealed to people through His Word.... The soul is, to a certain extent, still disordered spiritual essence which should be guided into back into order, however, it can make its own decision because it lives in the state of free will. It certainly is ableto return to order but is not forced to do so. But as soon as it has put itself in order the spirit of God will have access, which cannot penetrate a chaos of instincts and disorderly substances, or rather, it may not interfere by bringing order if the will is missing. Order will be established when the most prominent individual attributes, which characterise a prior embodiment, are reversed into the opposite, since all souls are imperfect at the start of their development and becoming-perfect is the purpose and goal of their embodiment. Thus, recognisable characteristics from past embodiments can never be in harmony with divine order, but they must be changed into the opposite.... until only love, kindness, humility, meekness, righteousness and compassion are the human being's nature and indicate his aspired perfection, until the divine order is recognisable and the human being's soul has reached its goal and can leave its outer shell in order to strive as a spiritual being towards ascent in possession of light and strength, which further its progress in the beyond surprisingly fast.... __My spirit is constantly at work in order to guide you into truth, but you must also allow yourselves to be guided without resistance, that is, you should not use your already acquired knowledge as a foundation which My revelations should fit in with, but you must hear My revelations first and then compare them with your knowledge. If they concur then they will also complement each other, then this prior knowledge of yours will have flowed to you from a spiritual source and serves the same purpose of guiding you into truth.... And so continue: The higher development of individual souls in the kingdom of the beyond differs. Every soul effectively has other tendencies, other abilities at its disposal tending either upwards or downwards, which have to be developed or fought against and this is always the result of realisation, because as long as the soul does not recognise its state it will be unable to muster the will for change. For this reason it must already have been touched by a small ray of light so as to reach this realisation.... on account of which intercession for souls in the beyond is so tremendously important so that they will receive a ray of realisation, only then will they actively strive to ascend. A soul which already achieved a degree of realisation on earth, which thus tackles its work of improving itself on earth already, is surrounded by so many beings of light in the spiritual kingdom that it will always find help and quickly attain higher maturity. Hence it is particularly important that a soul gains realisation on earth, thus knows its earthly task and its own still inadequate state. For realisation is a big step towards perfection and allows it to rapidly move through the regions of the spiritual kingdom, whereas a soul lacking realisation often remains an incredibly long time below, because it is imperative that it must have the basic knowledge which it will reject for a long time before it is willing to be taught. __And this state of ignorance is extremely painful and can only be remedied by loving intercession. Even these souls are supported by beings of light, yet they remain close to them in disguise and cannot successfully influence them because the soul's free will has to be maintained. However, despite realising its own inadequacies, despite knowing its faults, weaknesses and cravings, the soul is unable to advance without help. And this help is Jesus Christ, on earth as well as in the spiritual kingdom.... If He is called upon with the serious will to ascend, success can be expected with certainty.... He helps where personal strength does not suffice, He not only forgives the sins of the person who appeals to Him for forgiveness, He is also the Provider of strength in the battle as a conqueror.... No being is able to lift itself out of the abyss without His strength, for an imperfect being is and will remain weak precisely because of its imperfection. Only the bond with Jesus Christ imparts it with strength and makes its struggle for perfection easier and also successful. Anyone who does not come to Jesus Christ on earth must rush to Him in the beyond, or he will forever remain below.... And, again, this has to be understood such that every soul must come to love.... For Jesus Christ is the embodied love. Thus love is the redeeming strength, love also acknowledges Jesus Christ, love has to be practised on earth in order to ensure a flight of ascent in the beyond. But it also has to be the driving force in the beyond, otherwise the soul would never be able to achieve a higher degree of maturity. And therefore love is the only means to discard all weaknesses and faults, for anyone who has love recognises himself and consciously strives towards perfection, because he longs for the One Who is love Itself, and this One will always help him, because love strives towards love and the union in love is eternal bliss.... __Amen
Earthly knowledge in the beyond?....
All earthly attained knowledge will be of no use to you, for it will only adhere to you for as long as you live on earth. When you enter the kingdom of the beyond, you will lose all memory of it if you have not spiritually acquired a degree of maturity which makes you suitable for the kingdom of light, where you are brightly and clearly aware of everything and, in an urgent situation, will also be able to make use of the earthly knowledge you retained. Yet an unbelieving soul departing from earth is in a pitiful position, for the more earthly knowledge it possessed the more aware of its wretched state of lacking all knowledge it will then become, of remembering little or nothing at all and of being unable to show off in any way. Such souls also frequently lack the recollection of their living conditions on earth and only regain their memory if they make an effort to ascend, to reach the light. But then such a soul will also be extremely grateful for every illumination and thereby realise its state, its omission on earth and also often its guilt. You are repeatedly informed of the fact that you create your own fate in eternity on earth.... that you should beware of striving for earthly wealth, fame and honour and excessive earthly knowledge on earth, because all this is transient.... Earthly knowledge will not protect you from spiritual darkness; on the contrary, earthly knowledge can greatly contribute towards darkening your spirit, this should always be a warning to you, for it will be difficult to gather knowledge in the spiritual realm for a soul which had previously never been receptive for that which the spiritual kingdom wanted to offer it, because it had made itself incapable for receiving spiritual knowledge. __Yet a soul in possession of spiritual and earthly light can work with it exceedingly effectively in the spiritual kingdom.... For it will also be able to help people on earth with advice in their earthly difficulties and make use of its earthly knowledge where it is needed. The souls of darkness are also often influenced by forces from below to express themselves and to come to the fore with their apparent knowledge, yet in that case it is not the soul itself but the dark forces expressing themselves through the soul which are deliberately trying to spread error amongst people in order to confuse their thinking in favour of the dark power. This is the reason why connections from earth to the spiritual realm are detrimental if the spiritual conditions are not present so that spiritually striving people consciously contact the world of light if they want to be instructed and through prayer for protection from error and evil beings don't give dark forces any opportunity to express themselves.... Only beings which are enlightened themselves are able to distribute light, and these beings should be consciously called upon.... And they will gladly share their knowledge and give it to those people who want to receive spiritual wealth, because this alone is valuable and everlasting and because this is all the soul can take with it into the spiritual kingdom.... __Amen
The bridge into the spiritual kingdom.... Jesus....
The bridge into the spiritual kingdom was built by Me when I descended to earth in order to redeem humanity. You all may cross this bridge if you want to follow Me.... And thus understand this right: Anyone who follows Me, who has chosen Me as his leader will be able and shall travel the same path as I have taken Myself, and he need not fear to go wrong. And thus even as a human being I maintained contact with the kingdom whence I had come. Admittedly, at first My origin was also hidden to Me, the human being Jesus, I lived on earth and knew no more than other people, yet My soul persistently searched for God, My soul constantly returned again to My true home.... to the kingdom of the most blessed spirits.... __And My yearning of love for God was so great that He came to Me and soon also informed Me of My mission on earth. Hence I already recognised at an early age that I and all other people were only guests on this earth, but that in the hour of death the spiritual kingdom was opened again for everyone, only its spheres were very different. I had this knowledge as a human being on earth and was often able to look into these spheres. I saw the abundant bliss as well as the extreme agony of the spiritual beings, and My soul yearned but it was also appalled. I beheld the spiritual world due to the degree of maturity My soul had already attained on earth, and therefore My soul was no longer endangered by entering the different spheres in the spiritual kingdom. I Myself had already established the bridge by changing My nature into love and was therefore able to safely cross the bridge into the spiritual kingdom. __And thus I want to explain to you that the love within you humans is always able and will establish a bridge into the spiritual kingdom, then not you yourselves but the spirit of God awakened through love will guide you across, because it wants to introduce you to the kingdom which is your true home and which offers you incomparable treasures, that you may receive in this kingdom.... Then you can also safely and without worry take a glance into the realm of darkness, for then your love will want to help all those who need this help. The bridge leading from earth into the spiritual kingdom has to be understood literally as well as figuratively.... I have prepared the path for you which will lead to God, which you shall take by following Jesus. However, through My resurrection on the third day I also demonstrated to you that I have overcome death, that there are no limits for the living, the immortal part in you, that your soul at all times may and shall stay in the spiritual kingdom and that My spirit, if you awakened it, will guide you into areas which otherwise are inscrutable for you. Yet it is different when such contacts to the spiritual kingdom are established without faith in Me, without spiritual aspiration and without love.... Then people enter a bridge without permission, hence they unlawfully take possession of it in order to glance into the kingdom, which is hidden from them. People like these do not acknowledge Me, consequently they cannot be on the bridge which I have established through My crucifixion.... Yet they also see a bridge leading into the spiritual kingdom, an illusion, which My adversary makes them believe because he wants to entice them to him, which he easily succeeds in doing.... by plunging you into ever deeper darkness, because no light can be found in darkness. __But anyone who desires light will be met by the beings of light, and they will provide him with an abundance of light, with the pure truth, which can only ever come from God's kingdom, from the kingdom of eternal truth. From the kingdom of darkness comes nothing but harm, from the kingdom of light only blessings; you shall close yourselves to the kingdom of darkness but open yourselves to the kingdom of light, for I Myself call to you from this kingdom: Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. And if I call you to Me then you must also enter the bridge which I Myself have established from earth into the spiritual kingdom in order to smooth the path for you which leads you to ascent, to Me, but which can only ever be found through love.... __Amen
The spirit of God works where He wants....
The spirit of God works where He wants.... Only God knows where His spirit can express itself without resistance, only God knows where His revelations are accepted and obediently made use of, and only God knows whose inclinations allow the working of His spirit.... It is His will that truth shall find its way to people, and that erroneous beliefs and lies are brought to light so that the human being can identify them as such. It is His will that human beings find their way to happiness, which is always the way of the truth. And thus He is forever concerned to bring the truth to people because He has only one goal: the happiness of his living creations. On earth, which is ruled by His adversary, the truth will constantly be disputed and polluted by his influence; it will constantly be infiltrated by lies and errors, because it is God's adversary's aim to withhold the truth from people in order to prevent their realisation and aspiration towards God.... And thus the pure truth repeatedly has to be sent to earth from above, which can only happen by the working of the spirit.... by the outpouring of the spirit into a human being. And this person is chosen by God Himself.... __His spirit works where He wants.... The working of the spirit can only happen in a state of free will, God will never choose a human being and compel him to receive the pure truth.... It is entirely a matter of free will, and a will thus devoted to God is well known to Him.... hence such a will opens the human heart to receive the flow of God's spirit. But then it also guarantees an unblemished flow of spirit into the human being, since the fulfilment of God's requirements to send the pure truth to someone also raises a spiritual shield against impure, lightless influences; because a human being who has completely surrendered his will to God is now inside of God's sphere of light which may not be entered by the beings of darkness. It is God's will that the truth shall be sent to earth, and therefore it is reasonable that this can only happen through someone whose will has completely merged with God's will because it prevents the adversary slipping in.... because God Himself can now provide a guard, to which the person himself gives Him the right as a result of his devoted will. Because the working of His spirit results in the manifestation of a bright light within the human heart from which all beings of darkness take flight.... God's constant transmission of truth to earth is due to His love for His living creations whom He wants to guide towards happiness; and there should be no doubt that He now puts His will into action.... Hence He chooses people for Himself who are suitable to receive the truth from above, and for the sake of truth He will also protect them from accepting misleading notions, otherwise it would be impossible to impart the pure truth to humanity.... __But it has to be emphasized that only the transmission of spiritual values can be called an outpouring of the spirit.... that the transmission of the pure truth through the working of the spirit only relates to the knowledge of spiritual issues.... to divine-spiritual knowledge.... God can and will also instruct people mentally about earthly matters although the accuracy of their thoughts once again depends on the person's state of mind.... but the process of the outpouring of the spirit cannot be associated with earthly knowledge.... For this reason earthly and spiritual knowledge always have to be separated. They cannot both be included in the concept of `transmission of divine truth' although the thoughts of a human being who makes an effort to live within the divine order can also be enlightened by the spirit and thus be truthful.... But verbal revelations intended to transmit the truth to earth have to be considered differently.... __As soon as you exclude all worldliness and make the spiritual kingdom the only goal of your desire, as soon as you intend to broaden your spiritual knowledge, as soon as you aim to improve the state of your soul by only accepting what helps your soul, in other words, as soon as you only focus on matters which ensure its eternal life and disregard the life of your body on this earth will you be striving towards the spirit. Then you will truly be guided by the spirit within you, it will communicate with you and instruct you from within to further the higher development of your soul. And then you can also receive divine revelations according to your soul's maturity, but they will only ever cast a light on the spiritual kingdom, on spiritual correlations, on the spiritual origin and objective of creation.... on everything your intellect could not work out by itself and which cannot be proven to you either for as long as you live on earth. However, you can solve worldly problems by virtue of your intellect - even though a truthful result is in fact also the result of enlightened thinking - when the human being's right and God-pleasing way of life strives to achieve this. __But the difference should be observed that the substance of divine revelations concerns the life of the soul, the spiritual development of the human being and the knowledge of origin and final goal, the knowledge of God's plan of Salvation since eternity.... The closer the human being is connected to God the more he will feel His influence, the more enlightened he becomes in his thinking, and the more assuredly he can also answer earthly questions, because he permits the working of the spirit within himself which directs and guides him even in his earthly life.... __Human beings are intended to receive divine-spiritual knowledge which can only arise by way of direct transmission from God to the human being, consequently the requirements have to be met to permit such a direct transmission. It is a divine plan, and the means to accomplishing it can only be known by God, and He chooses a useful instrument for Himself when it is necessary to transmit the pure truth in order to encourage and enable humanity to strive for higher development. Only God knows the human hearts, hence only God knows which earthly child meets the requirements to receive divine-spiritual knowledge. __And this is whom He chooses.... The spirit of God moves where He wants.... His spirit certainly flows into an appropriate vessel because it concerns an extremely significant rescue mission.... to penetrate the spiritual darkness with rays of light which emanate from God Himself.... This is a process which can still save many people from spiritual death.... it shows a path which leads away from the world of matter into the kingdom of light.... it offers people of good will the option to return by taking hold of the Fathers extended hand, Who does not want His children to get lost for an infinitely long time.... And for this reason every recipient of divine revelations enjoys God's special protection to complete His work.... so that the light of truth can enlighten the earth at a time of deepest spiritual darkness, to make the best of the short time left to the people until the end.... __Amen
Hour of reckoning - Judgment.... Retribution....
Whether high, whether low.... whether poor, whether rich, young or old.... one day you all will have to give account for your way of life on earth when your last day has come. No-one will be able to avoid this accountability, for one day the hour of reckoning will come, the hour of judgment which will then decide the state of your soul and your subsequent fate.... Although you humans doubt the soul's life after death, although you deem your life to be concluded after your body's death.... you will not escape this last Judgment either.... and to your horror you will have to realise that you thought wrongly and that your life was a waste of time, for only a few of those who denied life after death will have lived a life of love.... And these few will begin to understand and have the desire to put right what they did wrong. And they will soon find helpers to assist them in their spiritual hardship.... Yet where all faith is lacking and little love present the hour of judgment will be bitter, for the fate awaiting them will be in line with their state of maturity.... lacking strength and light.... they will helplessly vegetate in agonising darkness.... No soul can escape this fate, even if it held the most reputable position of distinction on earth, for all those who had not created a spiritual garment for themselves on earth will arrive naked and poor in the beyond.... who only took care of the body but not of the soul, whose intentions and thoughts only concerned earthly possessions and who had no belief whatsoever in retribution, in a life after death. To create a spiritual garment for itself in the kingdom of the beyond, which signifies an improvement, is incredibly difficult for the soul.... but not impossible.... However, it often takes a long time before such souls can muster the will for it. And since the soul has to tackle the transformation itself, it can often take eternities until it decides to do so. People on earth do not consider their end and the responsibility they are approaching, consequently, they do not prepare themselves for it; and if, after their death, they only faintly realise their situation they will no longer be able to change it, because they will lack the strength which they had at their disposal on earth in abundance. For just as only loving activity helps the soul attain perfection on earth, so it also does in the kingdom of the beyond.... but loving activity means: wanting to give, to help and to please.... The souls, however, arrive in a very poor state and possess nothing they would be able to give; they have no strength in order to be able to help, they are wretched themselves and therefore cannot bestow happiness.... they are poor and miserable and need help themselves. People don't realise that one day they will reap what they sowed on earth.... Yet, according to divine justice, everything needs to be compensated, and everyone will receive according to merit. Every soul will have to accept the fate it acquired through its life on earth.... And the hour will come for everyone when he has to justify himself.... the hour of judgment comes for every soul on its last day.... __Amen
Reason for Christ's birth.... Act of mercy....
Full of mercy I looked down to earth upon the enslaved human race.... I saw their immense adversity, nevertheless, even though it was self-inflicted I also saw people's great weakness whose burden had put such pressure on them that they were no longer able to get up by themselves.... And My love became so powerful that it wanted to bring help to the suffering human race.... My love was so great that I Myself descended to Earth in order to liberate people from their burden of sin and to open the path to Me again for them. My coming down to Earth was an act of love and mercy by your Creator and Father of eternity.... I wanted to bring peace to people, Salvation.... I wanted to enable them to enjoy light and strength again which they had lost due to the sin of their past rebellion against Me.... Humanity was so steeped in darkness that it was no longer capable of finding its way out since it was also totally powerless.... It was in a state of utter wretchedness, for they were held captive by a lord who exerted control over them, who had no intention of ever setting them free again.... But I was also entitled to you because you once emerged from My strength of love.... And I will not give up My entitlement.... I was ready to fight for you against My adversary and I came to Earth not because the Deity but love wanted to wage this battle which subsequently embodied itself in a human being.... thus, to a certain extent, a human being took up the battle against the adversary, Who only used love as a weapon.... hence love waged the battle.... Love motivated Me to descend to Earth in order to take abode in Jesus, the man.... Whose soul was utterly devoted to Me, Who aspired towards union with Me with all His heart and mind, Who sheltered the soul of light in Himself which wanted to help its fallen brothers to return to the Father, to higher spheres again in order to be happy.... That which had remained perfect wanted to help those who had become imperfect attain perfection again.... Love Itself wanted to use Itself in order to bring freedom to the enslaved people.... For this reason I Myself came down to Earth, this is why I no longer closed My ears to the calls of distress which raised up to Me from Earth, I came as the Saviour and Redeemer in order to bring peace to everyone of good will.... For the time had come when humanity had sunk so low that it had to be helped were it not to completely fall prey to ruin. And thus came to pass what had long been announced before.... The light came to Earth and shone into the darkness.... But the darkness did not comprehend it and there were only a few who recognised it as the Saviour Who was sent from above in order to redeem humanity and to bring peace to all people of good will.... __Amen
Reunion in the beyond....
There will be a reunion in the spiritual world, you humans can be certain of that.... But whether a reunion with your loved ones can be granted right after your departure from this earth depends on your soul's degree of maturity as well as on your loved ones souls; if this maturity is not yet sufficiently developed to enable spiritual vision it has to be acquired first, which could take a long time. Not until the soul has achieved a certain degree of maturity can it assimilate spiritual impressions. Hence the soul has to be enlightened to see who is approaching and although a less mature soul also knows itself to be surrounded by beings, it cannot recognise them as long as it lacks spiritual vision. After all, the beings' happiness consists of their ability to communicate with those who were close to them on earth.... The souls which are already enlightened as a result of their maturity will therefore always approach their loved ones, either to interact with equally mature spiritual beings or to assist the weaker souls to achieve maturity too.... __Consequently, the more mature souls have the ability to recognise the weaker souls but not vice versa.... because weaker souls should be inspired to strive and not be compelled on account of proof.... since it would always be proof if they were approached by a soul of light which it recognises as one with whom it had been linked on earth.... And thus the joy of reunion once again is a gift of mercy and the share of the mature spirit, who feels unspeakably happy as a result and in turn does everything to help the immature souls to the same happiness.... They support them in the most loving way and never tire to encourage them.... yet always unknown by them because they approach them in the same cover, in the same garment. The longing for the souls who were near to them on earth draws them closer indeed and can be an enormous advance, and when the moment of recognition comes the souls are infinitely grateful and happy.... And only then do they realize the care which had been given to them and in turn attend in the same manner to the souls which still languish in darkness.... they now help them to ascend because every soul longs for those who were once close to them on earth. __There will be a reunion, but the time when this is possible is up to you.... If you have already gained this certain knowledge on earth you will do whatever it takes to at least achieve the degree of maturity on earth which allows you to enter the realms of light where you will be welcomed by those you love and who can instantly recognise you; or where you can, without being known, begin your work of deliverance on these souls.... Just take care that you don't pass to the other side without knowledge.... take care, that you have already found God in Jesus Christ so that you.... redeemed by Him.... can enter the spiritual realm.... Then this entry will give you much happiness because of the joy of reunion.... However, if you have not attained maturity on earth you may have to wait a long time.... because everything can only take place in accordance with law, your freedom of will has to be observed even in the spiritual realm so that you too may be greatly blessed one day.... __Amen
Changes in the constellations....
You will experience a series of events at short intervals which will greatly disturb you since you will be unable to explain them, and hence you will fear powers against which you cannot defend yourselves. Nor will you be able to find a correct explanation because it is My will that each one of you shall take all eventualities into account and adopt an appropriate attitude.... because I want each one of you to still derive a benefit for yourselves, that is, for your soul.... Where faith is entirely absent people will be particularly apprehensive, whereas the believers will more or less abide by Me and know that they are protected in My care. __Nevertheless, the cosmically generated phenomena will lead to much public debate so that every person will spend some thought on them himself and also discuss it with other people. At times worldly interests will be less important, yet once these appearances have passed worldly people will enjoy the pleasures of the world even more eagerly and only a few will retain impressions which will result in reflection and even to a change of attitude.... until the same cosmic events repeat themselves and trigger new anxiety.... For the scientific community fears a serious threat to planet earth.... since the mysterious changes in the galaxy have never been observed before and may pose a considerable risk to earth. And people's opinion regarding the assessment of effects will vary considerably....People will carelessly brush it aside and, without a second thought, enjoy their lives; others will take entirely futile precautions, while others still will withdraw within themselves and mentally come to terms with their God and Creator.... And I allow everyone his free will, I only ever try to encourage people to think correctly, to pay attention to the human being's true purpose.... so that they will find peace in Me and then can be led by Me for the salvation of their souls.... __But what will happen?.... The zodiac will change.... Stars will be moved into other orbits with new positions in relation to earth.... and thereby stars never observed before will become visible, one of which will emerge as a direct threat to earth as a crossing with the earth's orbit will be feared.... No-one will want to believe that this will happen, and no-one will believe that natural laws can change, but you humans are facing the end.... You yourselves are preparing something that will have even worse effects, for what you undertake will endanger the whole earth.... __What happens due to My will is, however, just a sign of the end, it is a serious warning for you and I only grant you such obvious signs of a higher Power's existence so that you can turn to it and thereby also avert a real danger if you, that is your soul, make correct use of it. But what follows afterwards will affect the whole earth and everything living on it.... __And this is why I will manifest Myself in advance in an unusual way yet without forcing you to acknowledge Me as the Initiator of what will have a huge outcome, yet will not affect the whole earth. For I know all natural laws and their effects, I also know how to avert any happening or lessen its effect.... But what I allow to happen will always serve your deliverance, it is intended to drive you to Me, it is intended to let you humans recognise a `God' in Whom you should take refuge because He is your Father.... It is the last sign before the end.... It is the final attempt by My love and mercy to save what can still be saved.... __Amen
Concerning end time revelations....
I will never give people the precise time of the end as it would not benefit a human being's spiritual progress.... Because they should ascend entirely of their own free will, they should further the maturity of their souls of their own accord and not because of fear, which would be the case if the exact hour of the end would be announced. In this respect I will never give you humans complete clarity, but that does not exclude that the end will eventually come to pass. And that it will happen one day has been revealed to you from the start of this redemption period even if only a fraction of this revelation is known to you. Because the periods of redemption, which were established in My eternal plan of Salvation, always consist of a limited time span, the duration of which has been calculated by My knowledge of humanity's process of development. Every human being, who can believe in Me as God and Creator, can believe this with good will. __However, most people will doubt that they themselves could live at the time when every prediction will become a present-day event.... Because to imagine the end of the earth is for people something extremely shocking, it is something which can only be believed by a few people, if they do not already possess such profound spiritual knowledge that they can also recognise a cause and purpose in the disintegration of earthly creations and the emergence of a new earth.... But there will only ever be a few of these.... __Therefore you humans cannot completely disavow the end of this earth.... you can only never want to belong to those who will experience this end, to whom a potential future will become the present-day.... And for the sake of their soul's maturity they may well keep those doubts, but they should also reflect on such thoughts, and it will not be to their disadvantage. However, every enforced faith would be detrimental and will therefore never be exerted by Me, hence I will only ever announce the signs but never the `day of the end'.... __And yet I will say it time and again: You are on the verge of it.... You cannot judge humanity's state of mind.... you cannot see the profound darkness which is spread across the earth.... you do not know of the battle between light and darkness which rages so extremely violently.... you do not know that the work of darkness expresses itself in the dissemination of falsehood, of misguided teachings and blatant lie, because you cannot see the extremely low level of inaccuracies which occupies people's thoughts either.... Only the pure truth is light.... But where do you humans look for and find the truth? You may well believe that you have the truth, but then you would recognise people's state of mind with dismay and would also understand that this situation has to come to an end.... And wherever you humans presume to be light the lord of darkness has merely erected a deceptive light for you, which weakens your judgment even more until you are no longer able to distinguish anything. For he certainly knows how to stop people from the work on their souls, he knows how to turn their eyes towards tempting goals, but which you humans will never achieve, because My plan has been determined since eternity.... __ (23.2.1956) That I allow you an insight into this plan of Salvation should not force you to believe, I only want to give you humans the opportunity to be able to believe, because the motives which prompt Me to end a redemption period are explained to you, because the expediency of such an end is also explained to you, because with this knowledge you yourselves can follow every event and then also realise that an intervention on My part has become necessary. __People who are merely told of an end without further explanations cannot be blamed if they don't believe it, although even they should reflect on the possibility of the prediction coming true.... But those who are willing yet think that they cannot believe will also be introduced to My plan of Salvation; they will be given the knowledge of My reign and actions, and they will not be able to ignore the reasons, since My love and wisdom is clearly evident, which only ever plans and accomplishes what is best for the souls. If you humans only look at an end of this earth as an act of punishment you will resent such teachings.... However, if you look at it as a rescue operation, which not only applies to the worsening spirit in the human being but also to the still constrained spirit in the creations which one day shall also ascend from the abyss, then you can also recognise a God of love and of wisdom, and then the end of the earth will appear to be feasible to you. __Only I can judge humanity's present level of development on earth, although you yourselves could also see the spiritual low level. However, I know since eternity when My order has to be established.... when I have to curb My adversary's activities, and what is required for the earth to serve as a place for the maturing of the imperfect spirit again.... I alone know when the low level has been reached and when the point in time has come that My adversary's activities have to be stopped.... And because I know this, I instruct My servants to mention the forthcoming end, even though not many will believe them. But I will never specify the day and hour.... which, however, should not encourage you to assign My proclamation to the distant future.... __You do not know how soon it will happen, yet you all should make great haste, you all should eagerly work on your souls, because every day is a grace for you, because you can achieve a lot with good will. Just do not expect to have plenty of time.... The end comes sooner than you think, and everyone who believes My Words will also prepare himself, he will deem his spiritual welfare more important than his physical wellbeing and truly gain much for eternity.... __Amen
Right assessment of life on earth....
You cannot comprehend the bliss the spiritual kingdom will give you if you transform your being during your life on earth in such a way that you can take possession of the realm of light. Nor can it be illustrated to you, because you would then live your life on earth to some extend with an attitude of coercion and thus the purpose of your life would be completely lost. And although it is presented to you as truth there is no proof because it would endanger your freedom of will. But this much can be said, that the most difficult life on earth in hardship and distress, in sickness and despair, will be compensated a thousand times by this state of happiness, and in retrospect you can't understand the difficulties you experienced when you had to make sacrifices. Because then the time on earth appears to you like a fleeting moment and the whole eternity of bliss is ahead of you.... __You humans place too much importance on your earthly life, in a worldly sense.... Spiritually it is indeed significant for you because a rightly lived earthly existence can result in said eternity of happiness. But what this earthly life gives you in a worldly sense it entirely useless and merely offers a temporary sense of well-being compared to eternity. You should always consider that one day you won't understand how you could have enjoyed things that were of no spiritual value.... and you will be grateful to every soul who showed you the worthlessness of such things and guided your vision towards other goals. But as long as you humans live on earth you don't appreciate such advice and therefore Jesus said `the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and only the violent take it for themselves....' __If you would try to imagine the endless long time that your soul has already walked on this earth and that eternity is ahead of you then you could better evaluate the short lifetime on earth. You would know that it is really just a moment and gladly give up the pleasures of this moment in view of the blissful happiness which you acquire by making an effort. This is exactly your test of will: that you don't strive after the share of God's opponent but that you strive towards God as your goal.... And when you humans receive such evident help by being given the knowledge about the purpose of your earthly life, when your eyes are being opened to enable you to see what the blind person doesn't see, then the goal should entice you too because earthly life won't last forever and for the individual it can even end tomorrow.... __Your earthly existence is questionable because you cannot be certain to enjoy it for long.... however, every one of you can be certain of the spiritual life, it just can turn out very differently. And that is something you determine yourselves with your attitude in earthly life. Yet you nevertheless have the right and the duty to take the place that was assigned to you in your earthly life. Consequently, the pleasures of life are not denied to you and God does not expect you to become hermits, no complete retreat from the world.... But you should not let the world dominate you, you should be master of the world, you should make the world serve you, as it is God's will.... but remember that the meaning and purpose of existence in this world is always spiritual development, which you can indeed achieve during your earthly life.... `The world' should not completely occupy the human being's thoughts but spiritual thoughts should dominate, then the world is no longer a danger even though the human being is completely in the world. And the human being should always be aware that earthly life is not an end in itself but only the means to an end.... __Whoever accepts these thoughts for himself will not be satisfied with the offerings of the world.... He searches and strives for higher goals and the world is no longer a danger to him, he will no longer find fulfilment in the world because he has recognized its real worth, or worthlessness. More over, God gave the human being with his creation many gifts which the human being may safely enjoy, just as He leaves it to the human being to take rightful pleasure in all things as long as only God Himself is and remains the most important goal for the human being.... __Amen
The right physician and the right medicine....
Time and again you humans will receive what helps your soul's recovery, but it will only ever be offered to you, you will not be forced to accept it. And therefore many souls will remain ill and weak because they ignore what I constantly offer them in My Love: My Word, which is the best medicine for the critically ill soul. Your soul is already ailing when it begins its earthly life and shall take the path across earth in order to achieve complete recovery. But it can also leave earth again in the same state of weakness, in that case, however, it will still have to struggle for an infinitely long time until it achieves what it could easily have achieved on earth.... complete well-being, a state immersed in light and abundant strength, which makes it indescribably happy. __I Myself lived on earth as a human being in order to give you an example as to how to live a correct way of life on earth.... I knew all the weaknesses and shortcomings of a human being and have shown you how you can reach your goal despite your weakness and imperfection.... I instructed you, hence I spoke to you Myself, I offered you on earth the medicine by which you can be healed. Admittedly, I returned again into My kingdom but time after time My Word is made accessible to you, for I Myself speak through the mouth of My servants, My disciples, who speak on My instructions.... I Myself descend to you humans in My Word, I Am present with you in My Word, because I took pity on you when I saw your ailing and weak souls, because I know that you need a physician Who can heal you because He knows your condition and keeps the right medicine ready. Yet only rarely do you turn to this physician and thus remain in your weakness and cannot recover. And even if I speak to you, you don't listen and the short time of your life on earth is passing by without having made any spiritual progress. __And so I have to speak louder.... As a conscientious physician I must also undertake painful interventions in order to save your souls from certain death.... Remember this when you experience things which appear cruel to you, which you are unable to reconcile with the `love of a God'.... Remember that I do not force you to listen to Me but, if you refuse, I will speak to you such that you will have to hear Me.... Remember that even the most painful intervention is only based on My love for you. But if you give Me the opportunity to speak to you just once by thinking about the One, the Almighty, Who controls everyone's fate, then great danger will already have been averted from you. Then you will have entrusted yourselves to the Physician and Helper to some extent, and then He can also administer the right medicine by speaking to you and giving you instructions which, if you follow them, will surely save you from death. __I only want that you spend thoughts on Me, for only then will I be able to gain access to you, because then you will voluntarily open the door of your heart to Me through which I can enter and give you what you urgently need. And because I don't use any coercion I use other means which can direct your thoughts to Me. All distressing events, all kinds of misfortunes and even natural disasters are such means used for My living creations who hardly ever think of Me and their actual task during their earthly life, I pity them, for their ailing souls will still have much sorrow to bear if they do not strive for recovery while they are still living on earth. For I Am a God of love Who wants to see all His living creations be happy but Who also always respects His creatures' free will and thus leaves the shaping of its future fate to the soul itself.... __Amen
Reunion and associations in the beyond....
When souls which had been united in love on earth meet again in the spiritual kingdom they can unite and work together if they have the same degree of maturity.... otherwise one partner has to strive for the same degree which, however, will be eagerly supported by the other. And then both souls will be supremely happy to be able to create and work together, although their sphere of activity is now entirely different than on earth. The spiritual bond delights the soul far more than the earthly one, they are remarkably helpful and of service to the still unhappy beings, which are now recognised and loved as brothers by the more mature souls, and therefore everything is done to deliver them from their wretched situation. And for this reason they care especially lovingly for souls which had been close to them on earth and entered the kingdom of the beyond in a still immature state.... The already mature soul can indeed recognise its lifetime partner in the beyond, but he will be unable to see the former and often wanders about in desperate search for his loved ones.... __Especially the desire to see their loved ones again is a significant factor for attaining maturity of soul, for the desire draws the loved beings close to the soul, which then will tirelessly endeavour to bring it to the degree of maturity which will at last result in a reunion, even if it is just for a short period of time. Then it will strive ever more eagerly to reach perfection. It is, however, lamentable, if two souls, having been closely united by love on earth, enter the spiritual realm in a state of darkness.... if they so disbelief in a continuation of life that it would not occur to them wanting to see the other one again. __Such souls will not meet each other and thus wander about feeling incredibly lonely. And even if they think of the one they had loved on earth, he nevertheless cannot make himself noticeable because he is wandering about like a shadow himself, unable to see or recognise other souls. Yet the souls of light are also taking care of these.... But they hardly can get through to them due to their unbelief.... They don't accept any advice to improve their state, they are completely lethargic, and only the thought of people they once loved is keeping them alive. Yet the love which thus united two people on earth is also a blessing for them in the beyond.... because a soul of light is capable of awakening in the soul a beneficial wish for the other, and this loving thought in itself can already ignite, irrespective to which level this wish relates, but it can be unselfish and therefore provide strength. And this strength subsequently expresses itself such that the soul will listen to the light beings' instructions, whose advice promises to be beneficial for the soul which is loved. __Immature souls still remain in the vicinity of earth, hence they merely feel separated but not as having passed away from earth, hence they try to overcome the apparently spatial separation and as a result also accept the advice of spiritual friends. And it is a great blessing if such souls are also granted intercession by people, as it will have a comforting influence on them and the gift of strength will result in a transmission of light, so that their thinking begins to become clear and realisation will gradually dawn on them. But they will never be able to experience the happiness of a reunion as long as they have not found Jesus Christ.... All efforts by the beings of light are leading towards motivating them to turn to Jesus Christ for help.... For the state of darkness is the state of the unredeemed, the state of those who have entered the kingdom of the beyond without Jesus Christ and who therefore have to find Him there first of all. Love can also prompt a soul to appeal to Jesus Christ that He might take care of its adversity; and if such an appeal on behalf of the other soul is rising up to Him, He will truly consider this love with kindness.... then these souls will be approached by loyal helpers on His instruction.... And even these souls will be allowed to experience a reunion on day, and they will praise and thank the One Who had delivered them from their hardship.... __Amen
Final separation.... The coming of the Lord....
There have always been people who handed themselves over to My adversary's influence as well as those who seriously endeavoured to reach Me and fulfilled their purpose of earthly life.... And there will always be people on earth who strive in either direction as long as earth serves as a place to mature for the spirits. But during the time shortly before the end of a period of salvation the number of those who surrender to My adversary will always predominate, and a far lesser number of people will strive towards Me.... just as, at the start of a new period of development, it will be the other way round.... in fact, at the beginning of such an epoch the earth will only serve as an abode for people who have completely entered into My will and cannot be influenced by My adversary anymore.... And so it is not surprising that My adversary's raging will also become increasingly more noticeable during the last days before the end, in a manner of speaking, spiritual substances are embodied on earth whose opposition to Me has barely diminished despite the fact that they have taken the infinite long path through the creations. Nevertheless, they have attained a certain degree of maturity which allowed for their human embodiment and therefore the possibility also exists that they can pass their test of will on earth, because, despite My adversary's greater activity, I Myself also provide exceptional help and take care of the weakened human race. However, in most cases their opposing will shall emerge anew and the adversary's task to regain them again will be an easy one. But the fact that especially devout people will exist during the last days who will very eagerly strive to attain My kingdom will be proof that it is possible, despite My adversary's intensified influence, for the people presently embodied on earth have opposed Me for a very long time already, otherwise they would have been permitted to embody themselves before this time.... apart from the individual souls which came to earth for the purpose of a mission in order to help the human race, which is suffering acute spiritual hardship. And therefore it concerns a final separation, the chaff will be separated from the wheat, and prior to this everything will be done to assure a good harvest; all souls will receive help to liberate themselves from the one to whom they have been enchained for eternities already. __However, the final decision is up to them. All people can find out for themselves that the world is governed by a truly satanic spirit, that people are far more taken in by him and willingly comply with his demands. The world is full of devils and the closer it gets to the end, the more it will manifest itself. For wherever a person's will is weak he slips in and strengthens it, but in a negative sense, so that deeds will be done in this world which can only stem from Satan. And since the number of those enslaved by him will predominate, the battle against the small flock of My Own who aim towards Me and My kingdom, who want to remain faithful to Me and are therefore subjected to these attacks, will also rage extremely severely. And these few will know that the time is coming to an end, that My return can be expected, because the adversity, from which I want to save them as I have promised, will become almost unbearable. People only rarely stand by these promises as well as the prophecies concerning the end. They are no longer able to believe, because they live in a completely different time and everything of a spiritual nature seems unreal to them.... But they would only for once need to seriously think about the events which everyone can experience or observe happening around them, then they would also have to remember the prophecies which indicated this time as well as the consequences.... However, My adversary will have great power in the end.... This, too, has been foretold, and all people can easily recognise that humanity is influenced by Satan, regardless of whether they accept him or call him by another name, but his activity is unmistakable. Yet My activity should also be observed and testify to Me Myself, a Power Which is stronger than the former.... For I, too, reveal Myself to those who distance themselves from the opposing spirit, who are devoted to Me and appeal to Me for strength and help. And I will visibly manifest Myself to them when the day has come that I will separate the goats from the sheep and take them away from this earth in the flesh in order to let them experience My power and glory in accordance with My promise.... __Amen
The Christ-Problem.... Trinity....
All the angels bowed down to the Lord Who descended to earth.... For they knew that it was the beginning of an act of Salvation for the fallen spiritual beings, because God's infinite love Itself came to help His living creations which were staying in the abyss. The spiritual beings which had remained with God in the world of light were full of love for those who had fallen and were equally devoted to God in profound love, and this love became ever more glowing the more they realised the significance of the act of compassion which was to be accomplished for the fallen beings.... For they were aware of the deep gulf that had to be bridged in order that these fallen beings could reach the pinnacle again. And thus a soul, an originally created angel-spirit, offered to build this bridge, It offered God, the Eternal Love, to make amends on behalf of Its fallen brother for their past offence against Him. This soul's love for God and for Its fallen brothers in the abyss was such that It aimed to unite both again, and the Love which animated It was God Himself.... And therefore, when the soul of light embodied Itself on earth in the infant Jesus the eternal Love Itself descended to earth and thus 'God' became a 'human being'.... And the human shell in turn had to spiritualise itself through its life on earth, in the midst of dark surroundings it had to let the light within itself shine, through living a life of love it had to let itself be permeated completely by the Eternal Love.... And this accomplished the deification, so that everything about the man Jesus became love.... and thus Jesus became 'God'.... God's human manifestation in Jesus cannot be explained in any other way than the fact that the Eternal Deity.... Love.... manifested Itself in Jesus because He, as a soul of light having descended to earth, so shaped His human shell that it enabled God to take abode in it.... which would have been impossible in a heartless, sinful person.... And the unification of Jesus with God can equally only be understood as the complete deification of the man Jesus through love.... God sent His Son to Earth.... __These Words have to be evidence to you that the soul of the man Jesus came from above, that a most elevated spirit of light offered Himself for a mission on earth but which God Himself, the Eternal Love, carried out, for Love accomplished the act of Salvation, Love redeemed the guilt of sin, Love brought the fallen being deliverance from sin and death. However, the concept of 'love' is still incomprehensible to you humans because you have not shaped yourselves into love yourselves.... And until then you will be unable to grasp God's human manifestation and no Words will enlighten you about it as long as love has not been kindled in you to illuminate your spirit. But you must not think of 'God' and 'Jesus Christ' as two Beings, you must not speak of the 'Father' and the 'Son' in combination with the 'holy Spirit' in the same way as you hitherto imagined the 'Trinity of God' to be.... God and Jesus are One, and the strength of the spirit emanates from this Oneness because, again, it is an inseparable part of its nature, because God is love, wisdom and strength.... something spiritual which no-one is able to behold. But the eternal Deity manifested Itself in the man Jesus and became a visible God to His created beings.... And all the angels in Heaven praise and glorify Him, Who descended to earth for the love of His living creations which desired to see Him.... And He opened the gate to eternal bliss for all of them.... __Amen
The sacrifice on the cross was offered for time and etern...
I accomplished the act of Salvation for all times.... As long as the return of the fallen spirit is not yet complete, the time will come one day when this spirit will live as a human being on earth, and during this time it will need My help, which will be guaranteed by Jesus Christ's act of Salvation. The blessings gained on the cross have to be claimed during this time if the human being finally wants to be liberated from his shackle which had caused his fall into the abyss, and which My adversary had put on him and was able to put on him because the beings had followed him voluntarily. Hence time and again a brief period of time will come for the once fallen spirit when it merely has to turn to the divine Saviour Jesus Christ, and thereby also acknowledge Me Myself again in Jesus Christ.... __And this brief period of time is the life of a human being on earth, when the being receives its free will back and has to make a decision yet again.... Without help he could never make this decision because My adversary still keeps him in captivity. But due to My act of Salvation it is possible for the human being to make this decision, he only needs to make use of the blessings acquired for him to enable him to resist and to liberate himself from the opposing control. And for as long as the earth serves as a place for the spirit to mature, for as long as people live on this earth, Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross will be humanity's only guarantee of releasing itself from all bondage. Because it was offered for time and eternity, it will never solely belong to the past, and it will never solely be effective at the present time.... All future periods of redemption on this earth will only be successful in the sign of the cross for the souls who are embodied as human beings on earth. __And even in the kingdom of the beyond Jesus' redeeming strength can still be used, the Divine Redeemer has to be called upon in the beyond too, because then My sacrifice on the cross, and thus I Myself, will still be acknowledged and only this will lead to the separation from My adversary, which has to happen sooner or later if the being wants to attain blissfulness.... __I accomplished the act of Salvation as a human being on this earth.... and this was a particularly blessed earthly period during which many of the once fallen spirits could have started on the path of return to Me. But their will was not and can never be compelled; consequently, countless more creations will still have to emerge, or infinitely many periods of creation will still have to follow. But they will all be governed by the act of Salvation, because there cannot be redemption without Jesus Christ, although My merciful love will consistently convey the knowledge of the sacrifice on the cross and the acquired treasure of blessings to humanity. __Time and again My spirit will be able to teach enlightened people, and time and again they will be able to understand all correlations and thus will also be able to truthfully explain the meaning of Jesus' act of Salvation to others, the act of My human manifestation on earth, and the deification of the man Jesus. And this knowledge will be taken along from one earthly period into the next and will never ever be lost.... since the act of mercy was accomplished for all human beings, for all people past, present and future.... And no once fallen being can return to Me if it does not voluntarily allow itself to be redeemed by Jesus Christ.... __Amen
Help from the universe....
You, My earthly children, are chosen to achieve the highest degree of beatitude. You, who live on this earth, had to pass through the deepest abyss, because as originally created spirits you had thrown yourselves into the depth, but you were not banished there by Me. Now, that you have worked your way up again from utmost darkness.... albeit with My help.... now, that you have to travel the final journey on earth as a human being, your real self only needs to take the last test of will which determines your fate in eternity. But this test of will requires, especially from the being that had to pass through the abyss, a substantial change of its former thinking and endeavour for which, however, it will be exceptionally highly credited.... what you can better understand when you learn that My other schoolhouses are places of residence for the spiritual beings who had not sunk so infinitely low and who therefore do not have to struggle as much in order to return to the spheres of light again. __Thus you humans were exceptionally burdened as a result of your former apostasy from Me, therefore your self.... that is, the once-fallen spirit.... had to struggle considerably, and although the gradual development proceeded in the law of compulsion the final test of free will is still extraordinarily difficult.... but not impossible, since the blessings of the act of Salvation are at the disposal of every once-fallen being.... Besides, countless beings of light stand by you all who.... due to their abundance of love.... will do everything in order to help you make the right decision. Consequently, although the terms on this earth are hard they can nevertheless be met, and the most glorious reward beckons those who will meet them.... Yet all this takes place within the framework of My lawful order.... Help cannot be arbitrarily given if it is not requested or rejected.... Thus beings of light cannot help arbitrarily either; instead they will always work in harmony with My will, because My will is their will as soon as they are enlightened. __Hence My will either prompts or prevents them from working for the benefit of souls embodied on earth. You have to know that I govern and that My will is respected by all spiritual beings who serve Me and thus inhabit My kingdom of light. And now you can understand that the beings of light will also refrain from exerting a compelling influence because this does not comply with My will. For I want a voluntary decision of will.... And just as I do not force people to accept My Word, which is given to them as greatest evidence of love and grace to assist their free decision, I do not consent that My messengers of light should provide people with compelling evidence of their work either. Nor will they ever do so because they clearly recognise My plan of love and Salvation and also know that coercion or proof cannot result in success. __But it would be proof of extraterrestrial activity if beings from the universe would approach your earth.... who are allegedly supposed to assist you on My instructions. Only I can bring help to you in earthly difficulties, and spiritual help does not happen in a faith-compelling way. Assistance in earthly difficulties, whatever they may be, can certainly also be carried out by My beings of light, but they will never visibly materialise themselves to you when they help. The beings of light don't need such materialisations and also know that people may not be influenced such that they are compelled to believe in supernatural beings and supernatural might. Consequently, as soon as you humans hope for help it can indeed be given to you, yet always providing that you acknowledge and thus also allow spiritual activity.... it will, however, never visibly take place. And if you then believe that the earth as such also needs the protection and help of the spiritual world.... if you believe that the destructive influence through human will can be prevented or cancelled by these beings of light, then this belief will also guarantee you their help, but never in a way that inhabitants of other worlds will assist you, that they will be sent to you as the instruments of My will. __Consider how small you make your God and Father appear that He should need inhabitants of other stars to grant you protection.... And consider who these inhabitants of other stars are.... that they, too, are spiritual beings in the process of higher development who, as My living creations, will in fact also achieve beatitude one day, whose deep desire for closeness to God makes them strive constantly, but who will always remain within the area of the star on which My love and wisdom have placed them. All virtuous beings can indeed send their thought emanations to other struggling, unhappy beings in the universe.... and such mental transmissions can, in turn, affect these beings as strength.... Yet these beings are unable to leave their sphere and neither do they need to because an infinite number of angels and beings of light are at my disposal who truly take the best of care of every single star. And every single star has an inexhaustible influx of strength: My Word, which sounds everywhere and which, as an emission of My love, also has the strength to facilitate the return of every individual being, of every once-fallen original spirit. But if My Word is not utilised, if it is ignored, then the being still shows its resistance which will never be forcibly broken either. Not even angels would be able to break it even if they would descend to earth.... unless they expressed themselves so obviously as My messengers that people would be compelled to believe.... which nevertheless is not My will and will never meet My approval.... __If you humans believe that you can make contact with inhabitants of other worlds then you thus intend to find the evidence that these worlds are inhabited. But if your spirit is awakened you will know this even without proof. And if you are still unenlightened.... if you are completely devoid of spiritual endeavour and ignorant of the destined purpose of creation.... then such evidence would not lead you onto the spiritual path either, but you would merely engage in earthly research and achieve no spiritual progress. For this very reason alone beings of light would never reveal themselves to you and give you information through `messages' which are not in harmony with My eternal plan of Salvation.... since the achieved purpose is by no means inconsequential. And all enlightened spirits working on My behalf in the last days in order to help you humans will only ever aim for spiritual advancement, that people turn to Me, their God and Father since eternity, that they detach themselves from the world which belongs to My adversary.... that they achieve the highest goal on earth and entirely voluntarily take their final test in order to regain their original state which will bring them unimaginable beatitude in light and strength and freedom.... __Amen
Announcing the forerunner of Jesus Christ....
None of you humans would know the truth anymore if this were not proclaimed to you through My spirit time and time again.... The pure truth preached to people during My life on earth did not remain pure, for as soon as human consideration began to use My teaching for the purposes of whole nations, everything was intermingled with human supplements, for My pure doctrine did not sufficiently correspond to people's selfishness, and so the individual communities sought to shape this doctrine more or less expediently. And thus the church which I once founded Myself, the so-called early church, soon became a mere distortion of what it originally had been. And My pure teaching had to undergo countless changes. And what still exists today can no longer claim to be pure truth. In order to keep the truth pure, clean vessels are needed into which My spirit can constantly pour. The divine spirit must forever be able to flow, and so the teaching I gave to people must equally be proclaimed by those who are permeated by the spirit or the words will already be subject to a change in the mouth of the proclaimer and take on a different meaning.... __It must always be taken into account that something pure and divine will lose its purity in ungodly surroundings because I do not compel the will of a human being. What the individual person makes of the truth conveyed to him is up to him, and My holy Word was already being distorted even during My life on earth where it suited people's own ends. I can certainly keep transmitting My pure Word to earth through My spirit, but I will not deprive people of their freedom by forcing the truth upon them. Yet as long as people voluntarily place themselves at My disposal, who prepare themselves as vessels for My spirit, it is always possible to correct all existing errors, to answer any question that needs clarification and to give people pure light which comes forth from Me, the eternal Essence of light. But people, in turn, hold on with tenacity to the distorted doctrines, at the bottom of which is My adversary who will always fight against the light of truth. And thus an almost impenetrable night has spread across the human race, since error and falsehood are identical to darkness. And it is made extremely difficult for My bearers of light to penetrate this darkness, because people are already so deluded that they can no longer recognise a true light.... __And thus an almighty light will begin to shine, and this light will testify to Me and My return in the clouds.... It will bear witness to the Judgment and the rapture of My Own on the day of Judgment.... A radiantly bright light will arise and once again proclaim My pure Word, a voice in the spiritual wilderness will appear and try to awaken people from their sleep of death.... He will come to the aid of those who testify to Me and My working in them, He will confirm the truth of what was imparted to humanity through the working of My spirit.... He will make mighty speeches and spare no-one taking dark ways.... nor will he fear those in power but tear the mask off their face, expose them and reveal their true intentions.... He will fight with the sword of the tongue, for the high and the low will bear him ill will, because no-one wants to hear the pure truth which, however, does not deviate from the doctrine I once preached on earth. Thus he will be My messenger through whose mouth I Myself will speak and who will merely fulfil his last mission on this earth: to announce Me and My coming once more, as it is written. However, once this light begins to shine then you will know that My coming is near and so is the Judgment.... __And then extraordinary things will happen through him as well, but it will no longer harm people's freedom of will, for he will find little belief and only the awakened will recognise him and his mission.... Yet he will extraordinarily fortify those who are weak, for his Words are full of strength.... But then the last phase of this earth will have come, for at the same time this proclaimer will be the most fervent opponent to the one whom people will choose as their worldly ruler and in whom My adversary will incarnate himself in order to perform this last infamous act against Me.... For then the battle of faith will erupt and My Own will find great support in the light which I Myself send to earth, they will receive much strength in order to stand firm in the time of greatest distress, which precedes My coming to earth. For I will not leave you, My faithful Own, without help, and in order that you will remain strong I announce this light, this voice, in advance, and then you will know that I will soon arrive in order to fetch you, in order to put an end to My adversary's activity, in order to help truth achieve its final victory.... __Amen
Embodied beings of light.... Jesus' disciples during His ...
You, too, belong to those who, as My true disciples, shall proclaim the Gospel of love in the last days, who gathered around Me while I lived on earth and to whom I gave the promise that they will be permitted to serve Me at the time of My return. Only when you hear these Words will you understand the importance of the mission I assign to you.... I can only use people who are enthusiastically committed to their work in their willingness to be of service and love for Me. Such conscientiousness can no longer be found among people of this earth.... thus I had to send you to earth but I could not let you keep the recollection of your past activity. You must travel the earthly path like all other people, in awareness of your human weaknesses and struggling for a strong faith.... However, My spirit can work through you.... __You are able to receive the truth from above and understand it.... and therefore you can also spread it throughout the world, as was your task in the past. I Am giving you this hint of your origin because you shall realise from this that you will only administer that office for a short time which you also administer in the spiritual kingdom, and that this office is an extremely significant one, for what I previously started.... to pave the path back into the Father's house.... you shall once again firmly impress upon people and also show them the way before the end arrives, before a period of a completely new order follows. You have always been willing to inform people of Me and My act of Salvation on My behalf. But during the last days before the end it is particularly necessary for people to remember Me, for I alone Am their salvation, I alone can pull them back from the abyss that they are approaching in their blindness.... However, they must acknowledge Me, just as they did when I lived on earth they must call to Me 'Lord, help Me....' But people walk along without knowledge, for whatever they know about Me and My act of Salvation is merely a myth for them.... For this reason you must proclaim Me in the world with utter conviction. And since you, as human beings, are no different, even though you have come from the kingdom of light, you must first receive through My spirit the true knowledge about Me and My act of Salvation so that you will be able to stand up for Me with conviction.... __Your soul allows for the working of the spirit in you.... a process which is only rarely demonstrated by present-day people and who therefore also find it difficult to believe in. And because your task is so important I have educated you again as in the past.... i.e. your human nature had to accept heavenly wisdom first in order to be subsequently able to preach among humanity again, as you did in the past. In those days the number of My disciples was large and many offered themselves to take this path across earth in the last days before the end in view of the immense spiritual adversity which urgently requires help.... But every light soul on earth also had to voluntarily acquire the degree of love again which allows for the 'working of the spirit'.... This person's struggle is no less strenuous than that of any other person, it is just that the soul will always have the will and the connection with Me and therefore live a life of love, which then will also guarantee the working of the spirit. This makes it possible to convey My Word to earth again, I Myself will once again be able to preach the Gospel of love to everyone who will not close his ears and heart.... You have become My forerunners again, you only carry My Gospel throughout the world, you do not speak your own words but allow Me Myself to speak through you, just as it was your mission after My ascension when you became receiving vessels for Me Myself which enabled Me Myself to be with you in spirit. And so I will always be present to people until the end of the world.... For without Me no-one will attain beatitude, without Me the path into the Father's house cannot be found, without Me humanity will live in guilt and sin and you will take the downward path. Yet My Own will eagerly participate in the redemptive work, My Own will place themselves at My disposal wherever I will need them.... And all those of you who want to serve Me belong to My Own and will indeed be able to accomplish your work successfully, for you will only ever work on My behalf.... and if the Lord assigns an office to you, He will also give you the strength to administer it.... He Himself will be with you with His strength and His blessing and, once your mission is over, will fetch you again into His kingdom.... __Amen
Original sin and significance of the act of Salvation....
And thus you will be constantly reminded that I died for you on the cross.... I will always remind you humans on earth and all souls in the beyond who are still unredeemed, or I will bring the knowledge to you if you are not yet aware of it, because you should not be without knowledge if ever you want to achieve beatitude. Of what use is it to humanity to know about `Jesus the man', Who ended His earthly life by being crucified, if you do not know about the spiritual significance of His crucifixion, about the mission the human being Jesus had accomplished for the sake of humanity's sins? Even if you are told `He redeemed humanity from sin....' you will not be able to find any connection, and thus they remain mere words whose meaning you do not understand. As long as you do not know the reason for your human existence on this earth you will not be able to understand why humanity is called sinful, either.... albeit none of you are without sin. But Jesus Christ's act of Salvation only becomes significant when you know of the original sin, which is the cause of your earthly existence per se.... The magnitude of this sin cannot be compared to the sinfulness of human beings, even if the latter is only the consequence of the former. But all sins a person commits on earth could eventually be compensated by him on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond, no matter how much time it might take to do so.... __However, it is not possible for you humans to make amends for the original sin, neither during your earthly existence nor in the kingdom of the beyond, because this original sin did not consist of an offence by an already imperfect being. It was committed by superlatively perfect beings who suffered no lack of enlightenment, who merely allowed themselves to be controlled by the sensation that they could surpass Me.... who became arrogant, due to their abundance of light and strength.... A being cannot make amends for this sin because its magnitude is beyond measure and eternity would not suffice to be released from this guilt.... Due to this sin the beings fell into the deepest abyss, i.e. they lost light and strength and changed into the opposite, so to speak: they lost all divine qualities and, instead, accepted all evil qualities and instincts, they became My opponents.... until their spiritual substance hardened completely and they lost awareness of themselves.... And now I banished this hardened spiritual substance into the form, i.e. I dissolved it into countless spiritual particles and placed these into countless works of creation, which My love, power and wisdom had created purely for the purpose of guiding this fallen spiritual substance back to Me again, since it had been destined to become blissfully happy and can only find bliss with Me. Although this passing through the creation is also an act of atonement of this immense guilt, it takes place in a compulsory state, in a constrained will, and can therefore not be considered as compensation for this guilt.... __Hence the being eventually has to get into a position once again where it has the desire to liberate itself from its guilt voluntarily, when it can be given sufficient knowledge that it had offended and that there is nevertheless a way to be liberated from this tremendous guilt.... It needs to know that this is the path to the cross, that liberation from the original sin is only possible by acknowledging the Divine Saviour and His act of Salvation and that this has to be done during earthly life in order to be readmitted after the death of the body in the kingdom of light, which is the true home of every person on earth. But even in the beyond My merciful love still cares for the souls who languish in the abyss. They are informed of My act of Salvation even in the beyond and there, too, they can follow the path to Me in Jesus Christ. However, they are no longer able to achieve the elevated degree of perfection, which they could have achieved on earth by acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God and Saviour the world, in Whom I had embodied Myself in order to receive the recognition they had previously denied Me. You humans have to know about the great significance of the act of Salvation, you should not merely mention the name of Jesus as the name of a human being, Who had once lived on earth with exalted ethical aims.... He lived on earth for the purpose of an important mission and you should try to understand this as long as you are still confounded by it, because it depends on your understanding and good will whether your earthly progress will be successful, whether the kingdom, which is your true home, will admit you again.... __Amen
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