Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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There will be no spiritual change during this period of Salvation anymore. People have lost faith in Me, and even if My Gospel is spread throughout the world there will only ever be a few who accept it; yet increasingly more will fall way whose belief was just a conventional faith and who only need an incentive in order to cast it completely away when a decision of faith is demanded of them. Only a small flock of people have a living faith, who establish the contact with Me in their hearts.... only a few people associate with Me like children associate with their father, who therefore also always experience My evident help when they encounter difficulties and who thus will also passionately endorse Me because they are inwardly convinced, thus have a living faith. And this number will not get much larger.... __The battle of faith, however, which will be waged everywhere and the beginnings of which are already noticeable everywhere, will merely reduce the number of the faithful, for then everyone will be willing to surrender Me for the sake of earthly gain, and they won't muster the courage to fight for Me because they are lacking living faith. And thus the earth will ultimately no longer fulfil its purpose of serving the souls to attain spiritual maturity.... Most people's earthly progress is in vain because it does not lead to the souls' maturity, which is the reason why they live on earth.... Nevertheless, the spiritual beings' development has to continue.... And therefore the earth will have to be restructured so that it will be able to be and remain a place of education for the spirits, as it is intended to be.... __Consequently, this period of Salvation will come to an end and a new era will start. New creations will shelter the spiritual substances whose development was prevented.... which necessitates a dissolution of these creations so that the bound spiritual substances can be set free and placed into new forms again.... And so people, too, ought to take an impending end into account and those who failed on earth will have to be banished into creation again, into the hard matter on the new earth. And if people cherish the illusion that humanity's spiritual attitude might still change on this earth, that they will come to believe in Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and in this belief live a different way of life with spiritually orientated intentions and aspirations, then it will remain the wishful thinking of a few people which will never materialise. For My adversary is in authority which people themselves had granted him; and his activity will so get out of control that he will have to be bound.... and for that reason alone an end will have to come, so that his activity will be stopped or no-one would be able to become blessed anymore.... And this time has been referred to ever since the beginning of this period of Salvation; and no matter how far away these announcements seem to you humans.... one day even the future will become the present, and that has to be said to you time and again. This is why a spiritual change must come, however, not on this earth anymore but in a world of peace and happiness.... A new developmental era will start with spiritually highly evolved human beings, whom I will remove from this earth due to their loyalty of faith and lead back to the new earth again.... And then a spiritual change will have taken place and people will live in peace and harmony again.... in constant contact with Me, their God and Creator, and the blessed beings in My kingdom. For then love will reign again on Earth, My adversary will no longer be capable of influencing the people on the new earth, for he will be bound for an infinitely long time.... until people themselves loosen his chains and enable him to exert his influences once more. But prior to that there will be a long time of peace and happiness.... __Amen
Low spiritual level....
A substantial spiritual decline is noticeable amongst humanity. And this will manifest itself ever more distinctly the closer it gets to the end. For people consider their God and Creator increasingly less, the concept of faith is becoming ever more unreal to them, they are reflecting ever less often about the meaning and purpose of their earthly life and are therefore also increasingly less willing to acknowledge a spiritual kingdom, because they only live for this earthly kingdom and content themselves with what the world has to offer. Hence, they live on earth completely without purpose; they don't use this last short time of their existence on this earth for their spiritual development and so they make the whole path of preliminary development pointless too, because they will descend into the deepest abyss again when the end of this earth has come, because even in the kingdom of the beyond they would hardly achieve progress since they are and will remain thoroughly unenlightened. And since the majority of people are in this spiritual state, no change is to be expected on this earth and God will have to implement a change so that the path of higher development can be continued by the spiritual substances which are still bound in the works of creation on earth, which have not reached the stage of human beings yet. For their further development will also be at risk once the human race has become totally unspiritual and, in its ignorance, will often even take the opportunity to progress away from these spirits. Consequently, this state amongst humanity provides the reason for a total spiritual and earthly change, which you humans are facing. Were you to live according to lawful order, then spiritual progress would be guaranteed for all spiritual beings, which, partly constrained, partly in freedom, live on earth. But then there would not be such a low spiritual level that people would walk about completely without faith and do nothing at all for their soul which, in the state of a human being, should mature fully in order to enter the spiritual kingdom as a free being in light and strength.... __People have handed themselves over to God's adversary, they are enslaved and only comply with his will, and that means that they exist entirely without love, that they are spiritually unenlightened and don't use their earthly life to spiritualise their soul. And therefore this state has to be brought to an end, order has to be restored once more so that the earth will become a school for the spiritual being again which, embodied as a human being, goes through the last stage of its development. And the adversary's activity will have to be brought to an end by God.... This is therefore the reason why you humans are approaching the end of this earth, and it will be pointed out to you time after time so that you will still change after all and become aware of your actual purpose of life. Without God you will go astray and will have to languish for an endless length of time once again at this distance from God, which only signifies profound wretchedness for the spiritual being which once originated from God.... You ought to still look for God as long as you have the opportunity on earth, and He will certainly allow Himself to be found by you. And you need only once seriously dwell on yourselves; you only need the will not to have lived your earthly life in vain.... And thoughts will surely arise in you which will provide you with a small light. Yet you cannot attain beatitude against your will, against your will you cannot become enlightened.... And if your hearts are hardened then you cannot be spared the renewed banishment, which is the fate of all of those who do not believe in a God and Creator, to Whom they owe their earthly life and to Whom all power is given in Heaven and on Earth.... Then they will approach their downfall with certainty, for the time will quickly come to an end, the earth will soon be shaped anew so that it will fulfil its purpose again: to help the spiritual beings attain full maturity, as is their destiny.... __Amen
Cycle.... Concluding a period of Salvation....
The circle is completed.... It is the end of a period of Salvation which began a long time ago and can be spoken of as a very significant phase of Salvation because I Myself descended to Earth in order to accomplish the act of Salvation on behalf of all fallen spiritual beings. And after this act of Salvation the first fallen spirits were able to return, they acknowledged Me and will remain with Me forever because they voluntarily shaped themselves back into love.... But now a new period of Salvation will begin.... And this first necessitates the dissolution of all material creations on, in and above the earth and a total transformation of the earth's surface. And once again a judgment of spiritual beings in every degree of maturity will take place, new creations will arise which will receive the spiritual substances according to their degree of maturity and will help them to develop further; and a new human generation will come forth from those people who remained faithful to Me, who will survive the final battle of faith on this earth and thus pass the last great test of will.... And these people will form the root of the new human generation which will occupy the new earth.... whereas everything that is still utterly opposed to Me will be banished in solid matter to start its higher development again.... __An earthly period comes to an end, and that means that one cycle has been completed again.... that many souls will have left their external cover for good and finally have returned into the spiritual kingdom again.... that they thus found complete redemption through Jesus Christ and then comply with their purpose in the spiritual kingdom, that they continue to ascend ever higher because there is no limit in the kingdom of light and because all My children will eternally strive towards Me, since it increases their happiness to always find fulfilment of their love and never to lessen their desire for My love.... And likewise the process of returning the spirits on earth will continue.... For an infinitely long time and countless periods of development will still have to pass by until all spiritual beings are redeemed.... I say this to you, My servants on Earth, because I can only initiate a few people into My plan of Salvation, for only a few can grasp this reign and activity of Mine in order to guide the fallen spiritual beings back to bliss.... __The connections from Earth to Me are established ever less often, a living faith in Me is ever more infrequently to be found which is the requirement to convey this knowledge to people. However, wherever possible I will constantly influence people through the mouth of those who offer their active service to Me. They find little credence with their fellow human beings and yet I reveal My plan of Salvation through My messengers to all people who want to accept My revelations. And I inform them of the fact that once again one phase of Salvation is coming to conclusion and a new one will begin. And this will be an extremely painful process for those who do not believe, who have handed themselves over to My adversary, who did not find redemption during this period of Salvation and who therefore will have to go through the process of development once more.... I would like to protect everyone from this, I would like to lead them back and let them enter the spheres of the blissful spirits but I cannot let My love work contrary to law.... __People must enter the eternal order during the final stage of their development, only then will I be able to accept them again in My kingdom, which they once left of their own free will. This period of development, during which I Myself lived on earth in the human being Jesus, has been extremely beneficial.... All people would have been able to release themselves from My adversary by merely availing themselves of the blessings of My act of Salvation, for My act of Salvation was accomplished for all people past, present and future. And My spirit will also convey this knowledge again to the people on the new earth.... For My immeasurable love wants to help all fallen beings to ascend, and as soon as a person allows himself to be guided by Me, as soon as he merely surrenders his opposition and acknowledges Me Myself in Jesus Christ he will also have started on the path of return to Me, which the man Jesus walked as a good example to him.... And then he will also enter the law of eternal order and the process across the earth will one day be over for him as well, he will step out of his physical cover and pass into My kingdom of light and beatitude.... __Amen
Every soul is an original spirit.... I
You should pay attention to My voice when it speaks to you.... for My spirit will guide you into truth. If you want to be instructed of the truth then you can only receive it from Me Myself, the Eternal Truth Itself: When I once externalised the beings of My love, every being was a self-aware spirit which had a most intimate relationship with Me and was constantly permeated by My love. The permeation of love placed the being into a state of brightest realisation.... it was illuminated, it recognised Me Myself and everything that surrounded it.... Every being was an immeasurably happy God-like spirit. And yet, for reasons which have been explained to you many times already, countless beings fell away from Me while many others remained with Me.... The former lost their light, whereas the latter kept their immense abundance of light and did not follow My adversary.... the first fallen original spirit.... into the abyss. And with these remaining original spirits I create and work in infinity.... But you humans are also aware of the fact that I set Myself the goal for the deification of all created spiritual beings and that this deification has to be accomplished by the being's own free will....You know why the beings had once fallen, and you also received the information of My eternal plan of Salvation which pursues the return of all fallen spirits and which will certainly be achieved one day. You are aware of the fact that childship to God is the highest goal and that, according to My plan of eternity, all beings, which live on earth as humans, are able to achieve childship to God.... if their free will seriously strives for it.... Then every once fallen being will have attained the highest degree of bliss, it will have become My image, it will be able to create and work entirely of its own free will and, yet, it will be completely the same as My will, it will no longer be determined by Me yet My child will have completely acquired My will and will therefore be inconceivably happy.... And this exceedingly high degree of bliss is also desired by My remaining spiritual beings, for although they are in direct contact with Me, although they are constantly permeated by My strength of love they are still created beings according to My will which cannot but think and act according to My will, which are more or less only ever implementers of My will. Making this difference clear to you humans requires a high degree of maturity which you do not possess as yet, so in view of your limited thinking I can only explain to you such things which your intellect is able to grasp, precisely because you lost this profound realisation about all correlations in the spiritual kingdom as a result of your fall into the abyss and have not yet attained the final realisation on earth. Nevertheless, it suffices you to know that the beings which remained with Me will also take the path across Earth one day in order to attain childship to God, which will immeasurably augment their beatitude. __This path across earth therefore requires a life in the flesh, the existence as a human being, just like the once fallenspiritual beings must do in order to pass their test of will. Consequently, a spirit of light wishing to embody itself on earth will also choose an earthly body for its abode whose spiritual substances have already attained a certain degree of maturity so that a spirit of light can occupy it, that it will animate the dead external form.... the human body.... and start its path across Earth in it. This spirit of light is therefore the spiritual strength which has to flow into a human body, which is born into the world as a human being and which can only 'live' when this spiritual strength.... the soul.... the divine breath.... is breathed into this external form by My all embracing Fatherly love, Which has set Itself the goal of deifying all Its created beings into children. So this angel-spirit animates the human being as a soul, and since the body's substances, although more clarified than those of most people, are still immature, since they, in My adversary's world, are also exposed to his influences.... and since the angel-spirit has to fulfil a spiritual task on earth as well and is also usually unaware of its origin.... the soul.... its real Self.... must resist all temptations which confront it from outside. It must fight against all instincts which still adhere to the body, because the latter had passed through all works of creation, and as a human must often travel an extremely difficult path of life during which his free will must not fail, where he will always have to take refuge in Me as his Father so as not to lose the strength he needs on earth. For as an angel-spirit he had voluntarily given up his abundance of light and strength when he started the process across earth. Nevertheless, the bond with Me is very strong because such a person is permeated by unusually ardent love which is the most reliable guarantee that he will reach his goal on earth, that he will return to Me as 'My child' because this was his greatest desire while he was in My kingdom.... Hence every spirit of light will always go through the same process, it will always, as a 'soul', enter an earthly material form which will exert a more or less strong influence due to its multifarious composition and which will present many tasks to the soul, for this external form will always have passed through earthly matter.... unless, due to previous unusual influences having clarified its substances already, it can very quickly follow the requirements of My divine spiritual spark which, in the embodied beings of light glows especially brightly and can achieve a complete spiritualisation of all substances faster.... __And so the soul of Jesus was also a most elevated spirit of light.... He, too, entered an earthly material external form and gave life to this form when He, as a soul, took possession of the external cover, when He was born on earth. The vessel which gave birth to Him was pure and immaculate, His conception was not a low act of the senses.... even so, his body was the same as every other human body because He was meant to accomplish the work of spiritualisation as an example which should and can be emulated by all people. His soul, even though it came from above, was also harassed by immature spirits which He was not allowed to shake off but which, by virtue of His love, He had to spiritualise as well, which required tremendous work on Himself and such work must likewise be carried out by every angel-spirit in earthly life, because the process through the 'abyss' also means the conquering of everything that belongs to the abyss and afflicts these people.... Their great love, however, accomplishes this work with perseverance and patience. And usually they succeed in spiritualising body and soul.... that is, to also redeem the still unspiritual substances which join the soul, to establish complete order in themselves while at the same time fulfilling an exalted mission they voluntarily offered to do.... __Amen
Reason for deformed births....
And everyone shall be blessed who hands himself over to Me and appeals for My support. I will not close Myself to any plea which applies to the salvation of your souls. And whatever you desire to know you shall learn: You humans have to go through the school of the spirit for which I designated the creation work Earth, and every human being will be able to fully mature on it, for it offers opportunities for all levels of development. The souls, however.... the once fallen original spirits.... developed so differently during their earthly progress in the state of compulsion, that they also require different situations in life. Admittedly, they must have attained a certain degree of maturity in order to be allowed to embody themselves as a human being, yet the closer they came to this last incarnation the more flexible became the constraints of their external shells, and the spiritual substances bound in the forms were able make use of this relaxation but also to ignore it.... __And accordingly is the soul's nature at the start of its path as a human being. These different states of soul also require different earthly paths which can result in total freedom from the form. Even still heavily burdened souls are still able to do this successfully if they voluntarily accept a particularly difficult earthly life. And the soul can decide for itself whether it wants to take this path, since it is shown to the soul before its embodiment.... __This is one explanation why people suffer physical afflictions, whose arduous fate often makes you question the reason for their condition.... But there are also incarnated souls who voluntarily accept an especially difficult earthly progress even though they don't need it themselves, who want to go to earth from the beyond and ask for My permission in order to thereby help other souls. Hence they don't have to fulfil a mission but they are merely the burden themselves, who offer their fellow human beings the opportunity to practise love, patience, compassion, gentleness, peacefulness and righteousness.... who thereby heighten their own state of maturity but have already reached a certain state of maturity in the kingdom of the beyond that allows a new incarnation on earth because their request is motivated by a strong will of love and helpfulness.... But then you cannot say that these human beings are in a state of atonement, for immature souls will not be allowed to incarnate again in order to improve their maturity. And you should never forget that no soul is forced to live on earth but voluntarily accepts a fate which it knows in advance. The `atonement' of a sin on earth is in so far a misguided opinion because only Jesus Christ is able to redeem this guilt and thus the human being finds forgiveness solely through Him, for all of humanity's sins have been `atoned' by Him.... And this forgiveness by Jesus Christ must first take place before a soul will be able to voluntarily incarnate itself on earth again for the sake of a mission or in order to render help.... For an enlightened soul is aware of people's heartless state on earth, especially in the last days, and it is also willing to actively help so that people will ignite love within themselves, that they will exercise compassion, that they will be able to develop all virtues when they live in the vicinity of a deformed or unhappy person. For I repeatedly emphasise that return incarnations to earth certainly happen but that they all have their specific reasons, yet a still immature soul will never return to earth as a result of My will in order to make up for what it had neglected to do on earth.... __Only voluntary sacrifices of atonement can persuade Me to give My permission, but these always have to be preceded by their own salvation through Jesus Christ. The fact that such a soul will also have the opportunity to attain a high degree of maturity on this earth is understandable, because every voluntary sacrifice will be acknowledged and blessed by Me.... __Amen
The day of the end is decided for eternity....
Even if you inwardly resist the thought that everything around you shall perish, as it is constantly proclaimed to you, it will nevertheless come to pass with certainty, for My Word is truth and the end of this world in its present form has been decided for eternity.... My plan of Salvation will proceed, for once I make a decision it will not change, because profound wisdom has recognised what serves My intention from the start.... the return of all fallen spirits.... and therefore I will implement what has been decided. The fact that the precise date will never be given to you humans is explained by your freedom of will, which would be at risk were you to know the exact day and hour. But the human race will never remain without warning, I will always announce what is to come, so that they can prepare themselves and the end need not be an end to be scared of for people. And thus I reiterate over and over again that the length of time the souls were granted for this salvation or earth period has expired.... that the total transformation of the work of creation called Earth is also necessary because everything has become disorderly, because nothing which furthers the soul's development is utilised anymore and because the earth shall fulfil its purpose again: to help the souls attain maturity, which, however, makes a total transformation of its surface unavoidable. And even if you are still granted a reprieve, you should not believe that the end has been revoked.... The day will be upheld which has been preordained for eternity.... You should merely know that you have already reached the lowest point which entails an end, thus, according to the state of you souls the prerequisites for a disintegration of earth would exist already.... However, My decision is irrevocable, and thus you may regard your remaining time as a gift of grace, for you can still change, since it is never too late for that.... And therefore I call to you time and again: Believe that you are shortly facing the end. For even if a short time still passes by, it is nevertheless but a moment compared to the immense happening which will subsequently take place, which will conclude one period, the beginning of which you are incapable of ascertaining because the beginning and end of an earth period are so far apart that you cannot produce any clear evidence, nevertheless, you can be convinced that they are infinitely long periods of time. __Although the individual human being is apparently unimportant and tiny in the great events of the world, he is nevertheless a once originally created spirit whose return means a lot to Me and whom I would therefore like to save before this end, so that he will not have to spend infinitely long times in agony and wretchedness again, which he can avert from himself by merely paying attention to My admonitions and warnings which he will still receive during the last days. The remaining time of grace is only short, and every day should be regarded by you as a gift which can manage to achieve your inner change, it can mean turning back on the path you are walking.... providing you believe in an end of this earth and therefore also in an end of all living beings on earth, as it is constantly proclaimed to you. You don't believe because one day goes by like another and nothing unusual happens, and yet I give you so many wake-up calls.... you are constantly faced by different natural disasters, time and again different commotions bother you, which are intended to arouse you from the state of sleep you find so comfortable.... But you don't want to accept anything as a sign from above.... You continue with your thoughtless way of life, you smother every sense of responsibility.... You live on earth and yet do not acquire eternal life but approach death instead. Nevertheless, you have reached the end of an earth period, and if you don't believe this you will be taken by surprise and will find no way out, but prior to this you can still find it if you take the path to Me, if you hand yourselves over to your God and Creator and appeal for My shelter and protection from all difficulties of the impending time.... if only you acknowledge Me as your God Who wants to be your Father.... Then you truly no longer need fear the end, for then your return to Me will have been accomplished and I will be able to accept you in the spiritual kingdom where you can still continue to ascend if you leave this earth in a low degree of maturity. Nevertheless, you will have found Me and accomplished your return to Me in the last minute, you will have escaped My adversary and, while still on the old earth, have come to the correct realisation that you can only find salvation and beatitude in Me, and then you won't need to fear the end anymore either.... __Amen
Racial questions.... Doctrine of re-incarnation....
These questions are not so easily answered, because you regard everything from the point of view that you humans only advance in earthly life. You are repeatedly told that this earthly life is the only path to attain childship to God.... that you are thus able to achieve it with good will.... Yet only very few people will be able to achieve it, especially during the last days when love has grown completely cold. However, you don't consider that the development continues in the kingdom of the beyond, that I have `many schoolhouses' where.... once again with good will.... the soul can continue what it had neglected to do on earth, although the goal of achieving childship to God can no longer be attained.... but where the being can also descend into the abyss again and then My merciful love, requested by your prayer of intercession, will come to its aid. You always have to take infinitely long periods of time into account if the redemption through Jesus Christ was not possible to take place.... But to Me a thousand years are like a day.... And if you now raise the question whether a possibility for recompense exists for those who due to My will were incarnated as a Negro I will counter with another question: __Do you know whether a white human being will not abuse his incarnation for God-opposing actions? Of what use is it to him that his knowledge is far above the former if he spends his life entirely without faith and love, whereas the former can be kind natured and thus be far above the other. Unbelief is the greatest evil that can adhere to a person, for then he will still be severely shackled by the one who pulls him down. And such people cannot be saved in one earth period either; yet they will not return to earth as a human being, instead they will be banished into matter just like the souls in the beyond who have descended into the abyss because the work of redemption was unsuccessful with them. In that case one period of Salvation will not suffice.... just as the so-called `indigenous' races of people experience their first incarnation on this earth which.... if they do not strive towards further development in the beyond.... will likewise descend and be banished again. This banishment, therefore, will always take place at the disintegration of earth for the purpose of establishing Divine Order again.... However, it is not a re-incarnation as you humans imagine it, that you can arbitrarily wish for it and then have your wish fulfilled.... You imagine everything as being limited, both regarding the time as well as the location to where you will be placed.... __You fail to take the concepts of eternity into account, which have such serious consequences for you humans.... And you are facing one such concept of eternity when the transformation work of earth takes place.... Then all human beings will have to start the process of development from the beginning again, but not as you would wish by returning to earth yet again to complete your perfection. It is possible to become perfect on this earth but it requires all your will and utter commitment.... The fact that this is no longer endeavoured is explained by people themselves, for they are heartless and completely without all faith. However, where Jesus Christ is still sincerely called upon in spirit and in truth.... where He is still recognised and acknowledged as Redeemer, there is also love, and this also guarantees that the human being will `become perfect as his Father in heaven is perfect'. When a still immature soul departs it will be joined by countless helpers in the beyond and safely guided to ascent.... If, however, it is unwilling then it will descend but even then it can still find redemption.... and if all efforts by the world of light fail then it will be banished again in the end.... If you thus know that the degree of love determines the degree of the soul's realisation when it departs from this world, then you will also understand that all schools of thought which endeavour to develop love will also result in recognising Jesus Christ before or after its passing away. And they, too, will find redemption as soon as they recognise Him.... Hence it would not be necessary for them to incarnate on earth again in order to find faith in Him. __However, one thing to be considered is the fact that these schools of thought already know about the divine Redeemer and that it is up to them to appeal to Me for help in giving them the correct explanations.... For this demand of Mine is justified that people must approach Me Myself in regards to problems which only I can explain.... and that I also instruct those who have the sincere will to know the truth. And as long as they don't fail to do so they will also be aspirants of the childship to God, for they will.... where possible.... also spread their knowledge. Hence there is no need for a another incarnation on this earth in any case, whereas the beings in the world of light appeal for another incarnation for the purpose of a mission, which can only be fulfilled by a being of light on this earth, but by which the being can also gain childship to God, although it is without knowledge and only suspects it due to the mission with which it was instructed.... __Amen
Stars.... Natural law.... Research to no avail....
Dear child.... it is a fundamentally wise law that, according to the Lord's will, the heavenly bodies in the universe always orbit the sun at the same distance and in eternally repetitive regularity. Every creation in the universe depends on the solar system.... Not a single star can exist without the luminosity of the sun, for the purpose of each heavenly body consists of being the abode for countless more living beings.... and yet the composition of each one differs. If you want to ascertain this you must take hitherto unknown laws into account.... The Earth is a completely independent star.... that is, from other heavenly bodies, with its own specifically designed natural laws, and therefore you can only explain the stars you see in the firmament according to these natural laws.... yet you do not come close to the truth in this way.... the laws of earth apply to all inhabitants of earth.... nevertheless, they deviate from the laws of other stars.... consequently, it will never be possible for you to establish principles and rules about them, for you are not in control of the laws of the universe. It is roughly the same as if you tried to explain to the creatures in the animal kingdom that every individual person thinks differently.... just as every spirit shapes its own life and that these lives can be totally different.... and the animal would be unable to understand the spiritual sphere in which the human being exists, although man lives on the same earth as the animal.... so all stars differ from one another, despite the fact that they all move within the universe and are subject to the same will.... Hence the final answer will remain unknown to you, it is therefore entirely pointless to establish scientific research about areas and questions mankind will never be able to solve, for even if you have found an answer.... who wants to prove that this answer is right?.... Your calculations and conclusions will only ever be in accordance with the applicable laws for earth, yet the universe hides such great secrets that researching them during your earthly existence will be a futile effort.... Who gives you the guarantee that the Lord's creation has taken place in the same way on all stars.... who on earth will say things, the proof of which he is powerless to ascertain?.... Just as planets are worlds apart from each other, so is every star's purpose different for its assigned beings, and the laws these heavenly bodies are subject to were given by the Creator of the Universe according to His wise judgment, yet they are utterly incomprehensible for the inhabitants of Earth and not inexplicable for the human intellect.... All beings shall recognise the Lord's greatness by His work of Creation, and if the human being only once considers the fact that he merely knows a very tiny part of Creation and that he cannot even thoroughly explore this part.... the Earth.... in its whole composition, then a slight sense of the infinity of the universe has to come to him.... of the inconceivable magnitude of the Creator.... and he must begin to realise that everything has been created according to a wisely devised divine plan and that the human being, as a part of this work of creation, was placed into it in order to likewise fulfil a task which has to be the purpose of his life on earth. And the result of a person's contemplation about trying to investigate the Earth and its surrounding heavenly bodies should be the wish to serve the Lord of the world. For vast is the universe and tiny is the human being. __Amen
Free will.... Knowledge of good and evil.... The new eart...
The human being has free will.... But the use of this free will necessitates a clear understanding of what it should as well as what it can strive for, since the will must be able to choose either direction in order to make a decision.... Hence it must be possible for the human being to distinguish between good and evil otherwise the freedom of his will would be futile or could be questioned. And for that reason God gave the human being intelligence.... Therefore, not to use intellect means to ignore the gift of free will, thus the human being has the duty to apply his intelligence or else he will be held responsible. And this results in the necessity to reflect on the meaning and purpose of life, because it also gives rise to all other questions which have to be considered in order to make a free decision. __In order to achieve spiritual growth it is absolutely essential for the human being to clarify his inner attitude towards God, towards righteousness, for him to learn to understand that a sincere relationship with God is the purpose of earthly life.... that his free will consciously strives towards God and affirms what is good. Hence he also has to know of the power of evil, he has to get to know it so that he can despise it and choose between one and the other. For this reason evil cannot be expelled from the world or the human being could never make a free decision of will. Evil has to be given some room to vent its fury.... And this is God's adversary's influence on human beings which is not denied to him because he can, at the same time, release the powers of good, i.e. the human will is prompted to aspire for good or for bad. Consequently even evil forces are of service to God because they inadvertently help the soul to ascend if it uses its free will correctly. __However, they frequently use their influence beyond what is allowed.... in that they, whose actions are not refused by God, try to prevent good actions.... by making it impossible for people to freely choose between good and evil.... by withholding the knowledge of good, of God, and thus try to compel the human will. And for that reason God puts an end to their activities for a long time.... He confines the forces, who had a limited amount of freedom, for a long time, but at the same time also prevents people, who have not yet clearly decided or whose decision gave evil forces power over them, from using their free will. Only those who have chosen God of their own accord and in spite of the greatest temptations will stay alive because they need no further test of will since they have endured the most difficult trial. __In the coming period only people who have undertaken this test of will can live on earth, who knew the effects of the opposing forces, who were exposed to them and yet escaped them by virtue of their free will, because only they have attained the degree of maturity which allows them to live on earth without being influenced by God's adversary; while those who have failed must endure the long process of development again until they get at the stage once more when they can use their freedom of will.... Human beings always have to encounter good and evil and therefore the earth will remain a battlefield for both powers as long as immature spirits are embodied on it.... In the beginning the new earth will only accommodate beings of light, i.e. mature human beings shall live on the new earth and keep in constant contact with the beings of light in the spiritual kingdom, and God's might and power will prevent evil from approaching the people. But the first people of the new earth don't need further trials and therefore negative forces need not be close to earth either, which manifests itself in the fact that earth is in a state of profound peace, in a condition of mutual understanding and with societies of people living in perfect harmony, because love rules and no God-opposing entity can exist in the presence of love. __But this condition will not last forever because later generations will once again give power to God's adversary over themselves, they will gladly give in to his temptations and distance themselves to the same extent from God, Who wanted to create a paradise for them on the new earth.... And thus the battle between light and darkness will start anew, and this shall again continue until the end of a redemption period, in order that human beings can decide of their own free will which Lord they acknowledge; and they will be judged in eternity in accordance with their free will.... they will have to suffer in darkness or approach eternal light until they are united with the primal light.... __Amen
Stormy times before the Last Judgment.... Paradise....
The Last Judgment will put an end to all abominations and peace will be on Earth for a long time. There will be a state of divine order on earth where only peace will reign, where love will unite all people, where the individual person's love will also guarantee God's working through His spirit, where everyone will be able to hear God's voice and be exceedingly happy to know God is so close to him.... where God will also visibly dwell amongst His Own in an as yet inconceivable way for present-day people.... People on the new earth will live in paradise again, in harmony of soul, in yearning for God and His love and in constant fulfilment of their longing. And all evil will be banished for a long time.... Yet before this state can come to pass on Earth a storm must sweep across it with a purifying and devastating effect, a storm which only people with profound faith and loyalty to God will stand up to. They will suffer great distress yet their later time on the new earth will amply compensate them for all previous adversities and afflictions. For as soon as evil has lost its power they will no longer be harassed and most blissful peace on Earth will be their fate.... This is why the final stormy time should not be dreaded by the believers, for God's will is above all happenings, God's love will work amongst His Own and His power will overcome Satan's power at the right time. And regardless of what will threaten the believers, worldly power, human hatred and unkindness will be unable to prevent the coming bliss on Earth or in the kingdom of the beyond for those who will remain loyal to God..... __They cannot kill the soul although they want to kill the body. Yet God will even prevent this because He wants His Own to inhabit the paradise of the new earth.... because they are intended to form the root of the new generation and because they shall be compensated for their previous time of distress as a sign of God's greater than great love which wants to provide His Own with a blissful fate on Earth. Therefore they will also be endowed by God with extraordinary strength with which they will be able to overcome all evil and which will enable them to stand up to the worst hostility. For the bulwark of their faith will be most violently shaken.... And only in those who have overcome their desire for the earthly world will the strength arise to offer resistance. But anyone who will still allow himself to be captivated by the appeal of the world will relinquish all resistance, he does not belong to the flock of those faithful to God, he will sell his soul for ill-reward, for whatever he believes himself to have gained will crumble on the Day of Judgment.... And all atrocities will come to an end on this day.... all God-opposing spirits will be banished and a state of calm will ensue in the whole of the universe, a state of peaceful activity which is incomparable to the peace of death. The latter is the fate of the banished spirits which will be bound in utter weakness within solid matter and for an infinitely long time be unable to become active.... And this is the time you humans are approaching, and you don't have much time left. If you want to be successful during the last days before the day of Judgment you must still diligently work at improving yourselves, you must contact God increasingly more sincerely, you must draw strength for yourselves daily and hourly and constantly remain in prayer in order to always receive strength as soon as you open your heart and desire God's grace and strength. And He will be and remain with His Own until the end, He will dwell with them in the paradise of the new earth and stay inextricably united with them for all eternity.... __Amen
Blissful spiritual beings require process of development ...
Even My perfectly created spiritual beings which loyally remained with Me must go through a process of development on earth as freely existing beings if they want to attain the highest degree of perfection, the childship, which elevates them to a complete likeness of God and which I therefore cannot give to them, instead they must acquire it for themselves. These spiritual beings are certainly already extremely happy in the state I created them in and in which they remained of their own free will even though they had the option to also distance themselves from Me and to descend like the other beings I had called into existence. They are most brightly enlightened, they have complete realisation and continuously only comply with My will, which also corresponds to their will. Nevertheless, they are perfect beings created by Me which must first shape themselves into My children, into beings which must first be subjected to every influence, both good and evil, and completely and freely choose the good influence in order to strive towards Me as self-determining spiritual beings and unite with Me. Only after this test of will, which must be taken on this earth, will the being I created have attained the highest degree of perfection.... As My child it will have united itself with the Father forever and attained a supreme abundance of light, strength and power, its love and wisdom will be profound.... it will have become like Me, My image, which is made infinitely happy by My Fatherly love and also fills My heart with delight because the love for these children of Mine is incomparable.... When a spiritual being, having remained faithful to Me, embodies itself on this earth, its earthly task simultaneously involves a mission that intends to save erring souls from profound spiritual adversity. The earthly paths of these souls are particularly hard to pass through; however, the soul begins its earthly trial in full awareness and accepts any fate once it is willing to thereby attain the degree of childship to God. __Nevertheless, taking the test on earth is not determined by God, instead, even this desire must arise of its own free will and impel the light being revelling in absolute beatitude to exchange this bliss with a short but, on account of its mission unaware soul, incredibly arduous earthly existence.... Although it is granted every conceivable help on earth by the beings of light, they must also observe its freedom of will or it will be impossible for the soul to advance. Such an earthly test requires immense willpower, for worldly temptations will influence this soul especially strongly and it will have to fight many a battle in order to prevail over matter, yet a complete descent into the control by matter need not be feared, because its longing for the kingdom it had left is stronger than the longing for matter, even though on earth it is not aware of its true home. For this reason beings of light can support it constantly and grant it every help to attain its goal on earth. During the last days before the end many beings of light are embodied on earth, after all, this time is particularly advantageous for their higher development, for taking their test of earthly life, because people require spiritual leaders and they are mainly entrusted with this ministry as their mission. These spiritual beings must absolve a strict school of life, as due to their psychological abilities they carry far more responsibility for their souls, they must equally struggle and fight against all kinds of cravings and their life is full of renunciations and sacrifices. Nevertheless, they do not experience them as painfully once their aspiration for ascent comes to the fore, which can already commence at a very early age but can also only start at an advanced age; for freedom of will determines their path of life until their physical death, which for many active beings of light during the last days on earth coincides with the final end.... __Amen
For a considerable period of time already the earth has been rotating around its own axis with extraordinary speed. Admittedly, the constant rotations are by no means noticeable to the human being, but only because he is on earth and they can only be observed from outside the earth. Nevertheless, changes in the cosmos are perceptible which are caused by this phenomenon. It is like a regular trembling which can be felt more or less faintly when the body is in a resting position and susceptible to the slightest movement. This phenomenon will lead to the total dissolution of Earth after an incredibly long period of time but will be hastened through human intervention on account of which the conclusion of this epoch can be traced back to human influence, even though it has been included from the start in the divine plan. The earth would actually have an inconceivably long lifespan, i.e. its existence would be guaranteed for an infinitely long time, yet God's will allows itself to be determined by human will, God allows people to accomplish what will cause them even the greatest harm. In His plan of eternity all changes in the cosmos are established according to His wisdom and love. But the scientifically educated human race does not want to know anything about a change with inconceivable consequences, and yet it constantly takes place. __This change.... an excessively fast rotation of Earth.... will also trigger the natural disaster which has been proclaimed by seers and prophets since the beginning of the period of Salvation and which is now revealed again through the spirit of God. This process is humanly not easily explainable, however, simply said, the rotations will increase and stop for seconds, which will manifest itself as earthly tremors of such tremendous effect that people will believe that the end of the earth has come. No equivalent to it can be found on earth, for it is an expression of power which comes from the universe and is unknown to earthly science. The consistency of the stars activates such forces, and the interior of the earth will be affected by them and to a certain extent therefore be moved beyond the law, which always manifests itself in a destructive manner, yet is sporadically allowed by God for the purpose of dissolving even the hardest matter in order to release the constrained spiritual substances within. And this act is approaching soon but will only be the spectacle of a few seconds, yet with preceding signs which by themselves can already be called catastrophic because they generate indescribable panic amongst people and therefore will have to be considered as being within the timeframe of the catastrophe. Nevertheless, everything is eternally predetermined and God's plan will come to pass, as it is written.... __Amen
The doctrine of re-incarnation.... (Tantra-message)
Whatever you would like to know, ask Me, and I will answer your questions as soon as you put them to Me.... It is of utmost significance for all people that they aim to achieve full maturity of soul during their earthly life and that they firmly believe that one day they will have to give account to a God of justice of how they had used their earthly life. This belief encourages people to be spiritually very active. Thus, it is understandable that a belief in frequent opportunities for higher development through repeated incarnations on earth will make the human being indifferent to his psychological task. This belief is dangerous, because it effectively lessens the endeavour for highest possible maturity of soul while, at the same time, it questions My justice. How should I call this or that person to account, unless I allow every human being to re-incarnate on earth? How should people, who transform themselves into love in accordance with My will during their earthly life be rewarded if I give others, who failed to do so, the opportunity to incarnate themselves again once or several more times for the purpose of achieving higher development? In that case, every person would eventually have achieved the same degree of perfection.... __The degree of light determines the degree of bliss in the spiritual kingdom. Hence, the strength of light, which the person has achieved on earth in free will, determines the sphere of activity allocated to him in the spiritual kingdom, where he can consistently increase in wisdom and strength, and also in happiness. In turn, his activity consists of transmitting light and strength to beings who are in darkness and without strength, who require help on earth as well as in the spiritual kingdom. This activity is tremendously gladdening, so that you cannot compare it to any activity on earth. It follows, that every being capable of distributing light and strength to needy souls wants to be fully active, because it thereby makes itself extremely happy, seeing that it receives the strength from Me and is thus effectively a relay station for My emanation of strength. Every being seeks to implement this happiness-inducing process as soon as it has but a shimmer of knowledge, thus no longer moving in deepest spiritual darkness. Then, it will never again voluntarily exchange its abode in the spiritual realm with that on earth, it will never again desire the physical body, since the opportunities of ascent in the spiritual kingdom are equally available when the will to love has awakened in those with but a flicker of knowledge. __The soul can certainly embody itself if it has the will to do so and its cause for incarnation is a noble motive.... such as wanting to help its fellow human beings, or to atone a considerable guilt which prevented the soul from achieving a higher degree of maturity. Then the re-incarnation is not due to My will but the will of the soul itself is the decisive factor. However, since every soul knows that its past memory will be taken away, such incarnation is of utmost danger for the soul since it can just as well fail in free will. It has to walk the path of development like any other human being and its carnal instincts will be particularly strong when it is faced with the same temptation that had caused its guilt in the first place. If a soul compares this with its activity in the spiritual kingdom, which slowly but surely also results in the degree of maturity, while the spiritual benefit of a repeated incarnation is doubtful, it much rather prefers its fate in the spiritual kingdom. Nevertheless, it remains in contact with earth in as much as it takes care of the souls' destiny on earth, always helping where it had failed itself, but the assumption that the same soul has embodied itself on earth as a human being again, is wrong. __It must always be contended that people on earth will be offered every opportunity to progress, that the flow of grace is unlimited. Due to the act of Salvation, a person's will can receive enough strength to make failure impossible, and that it is therefore entirely up to him to achieve the high degree of light. Such privileges may not be wilfully rejected in order to then request them anew. The human being has free will. One day he will have to give account of how he has used it and accept the consequences, which consist of a variable fate in the beyond, which he then cannot simply avoid with a repeated embodiment. The success of this is questionable again due to the fact that his past memory will be taken away from him. Admittedly, his will makes the choice, thus he will be incarnated if he so wants, but this will is rare and therefore one cannot speak of frequent incarnations. Besides, this doctrine is a danger to people, in as much as they do not take their earthly life seriously enough in view of a repetition which, however, fails to happen.... __Amen
The human being's task on earth.... Childship to God....
You humans are given a task on earth but you do not consider this and do not feel accountable as to whether you make correct use of your life on earth, that is, whether you live according to God's will. But you only have a short time and once you have finished your life on earth, you will have no opportunity anymore to accomplish your set task. With immense effort you can certainly still ascend in the kingdom of the beyond, yet you will never be able to attain what you could easily have attained on earth.... the childship to God, which makes you the most blissfully happy being in the spiritual kingdom. You can receive an excessive abundance of light on earth and, after physical death, enter the spiritual kingdom as beings of light; for God offers you such an extent of grace that you can lose all weakness and work full of strength, providing it is your will. Attaining the degree of light is not impossible for anyone, and the fact that it need not be difficult is Jesus Christ's gift of grace, Who acquired it for the human race on the cross. Thus anyone can request strength from Him, and every person calling upon Jesus Christ will irrevocably reach the goal. But which one of you humans lends his ear to the messengers of God when you are informed of this; which one of you humans strives consciously towards attaining childship to God on this earth? It only requires you to shape yourselves into love, for which the strength will be conveyed to you humans if you seriously want it and appeal to Jesus Christ for His support. Very little is expected of you humans but an incredible amount is offered to you and, yet, only a few strive for this degree which results in a life of supreme beatitude. You should become children of God, desire the Father with all your love, you should adapt yourselves to His fundamental nature, that is, become love as well. However, your nature is still governed by too much selfish love, and this only considers earthly life but not life after death. You don't ask yourselves why you live on earth, you don't try to ascertain the reason, instead, you look at life as an end in itself when, in fact, it is merely the means to an end. For this reason you let your time on earth pass by unused, you use your vitality wrongly, i.e. you only use it to attain earthly possessions which are transient. But you do not think of your life after death, of the soul's intransience and one day will have to pay a bitter price when you realise that you have irretrievably lost something that you could easily have won.... However, God respects your will, He neither determines nor forces you, but He always warns and admonishes you. Through His servants on earth He constantly informs you of the purpose for your existence, He sends messengers to cross your path who shall proclaim His will, He confronts you Himself in the form of suffering and adversities and shows you the fleeting nature of earthly things.... He leaves no stone unturned in order to lead you into realisation, yet He allows you to keep your freedom of choice.... And precisely because of this you will have to justify yourselves to Him, for you would be able to reach your goal were you to use your will correctly.... __Amen
Every day is a gift....
Every day is still a gift for you which you should use wisely, for you will never be able again to catch up on that which you neglect to do on earth, even if it is still possible for you to continue your higher development in the spiritual kingdom. However, you can achieve far more on earth because you have strength at your disposal which you will lack in the spiritual realm if you have failed on earth. It will be a completely different situation for your soul once it has left the body if it has no spiritual strength to take along, which it is certainly able to acquire here on earth and which will signify an incredible wealth for the soul in the spiritual kingdom. Here on earth it can be active and gather spiritual possessions every hour and every day.... but in the beyond it requires support from loving beings in order to receive just a small gift of strength, and ruefully it will remember the time it wasted on earth the moment it realises what it had neglected to do. Every day you still live on earth is a gift from God, where you can be freely active and able to acquire much for yourselves, yet you will only gain spiritual possessions by using this time in keeping with God's will, hence you are always admonished accordingly, because every day will be irrevocably lost if you don't live with eternity in mind, if you only use it to meet worldly requirements, since you only attain earthly possessions which are transient. __The end will come to each one of you before long, only a few will live to see the final end, but the majority will already be recalled before they descend into the abyss. For the last days will make great demands on a person's free will who should work for his soul but only takes cares of and works for the body. Only few people will avail themselves of the last days as is necessary to be able to enter the realm of light, however, most people fail to consider their soul, they don't listen to the admonitions and warnings which God's love and mercy still sends to them, they do not believe.... and that will be their downfall.... And God's mercy will prematurely remove those from earth where the possibility still exists that they will be able to ascend on the other side, if only under far more difficult conditions than on earth. Yet where this prospect is no longer given people will keep their physical life until the end in order to then approach a dreadful fate due to their total failure.... to be engendered into material creations again for the purpose of advancing again from the abyss to the pinnacle.... Every day is still a gift for you humans which you should use to the best of your ability.... Live life according to God's will and only be active and work for the life of your soul, for the earth will disappear and with it everything that exists on it.... __Amen
Voluntarily being of service.... Selfish love....
Anyone who knows the spirits' process of development, who is informed of Creation's meaning and purpose, also knows that the human being as the most perfect work of creation forms the closing stage of an infinitely long process of development which has taken place on this earth. He knows that this will irrevocably be followed by his stay in the kingdom of the beyond where material creations no longer exist, where development can certainly continue under incredibly difficult conditions yet in an entirely different way than in the material world.... if the process of development on earth has not been completed to a point that the soul will be able to enter the kingdom of light. But only the least people on earth realise this, for it first requires the will to know this in order to be able to understand and believe it and this is only rarely present in people. In contrast, people's will is extremely strongly inclined to utilise the works of creation such that they will benefit their physical life.... Admittedly, by doing so people unconsciously help the bound spiritual substances in the creations to progress, because it is of service to them, although in the law of compulsion.... A great deal of matter is being dissolved through human will, it is reshaped into constantly new creations all of which are assigned useful functions, which necessarily results in the spirits' progress.... Yet the human being himself can thereby also come to a standstill or even regress in his development if he is not helpful himself at the same time, since he is no longer subject to the law of compulsion and therefore has to push his own higher development forward.... As soon as he does everything consciously, always with the intention of helping his fellow human being, his earthly work can derive inconceivable blessings for his soul.... even if he has no idea about the spirits' process of development, even if he is without all knowledge about the meaning and purpose of earthly life and the creations of this Earth.... He does not need to know it if only he voluntarily helps with love.... Yet usually he is indeed impelled by love to work but only by the love for himself.... In that case his activity can also have a detrimental effect on his fellow human beings, for the less he considers his fellow human being the more his selfish love will be satisfied.... But selfish love also has an unfavourable effect on the works of creations which were assigned to the person's field of activity, insofar as that the spirit's development in such works of creation will often be prematurely interrupted for the sake of his own advantage, because selfish love contradicts divine order and thus the person's conduct is also totally contradictory to divine order.... Even if such people knew the meaning and purpose of the creation and of earthly life they would not stop their wrong way of life and their actions against the divine order, because they are utterly controlled by selfish love and completely unapproachable by other ideas. And these humans enter the spiritual kingdom in an absolutely dreadful state, for they can no longer satisfy their selfish love like on earth, and the path to the right love, to love for their neighbour, is infinitely far away and often cannot be found at all.... __Hence, a person who only loves himself takes his love for matter along into the other world, and release from it is extremely difficult, for things he desired with all his senses constantly appear before his eyes which are acutely tempting to him only to instantly disappear when he wants to satisfy his cravings.... inciting his cravings even more, and these are dreadful torments which the soul has to suffer until it starts to fight its craving with the result that the temptations gradually weaken. People have no idea of the benefits they create for themselves in the beyond if they try to overcome matter while they are still on earth, if they become its master and not its slave.... The human being can make use of everything on earth for his advantage, for the purpose of all creations is to serve the human being as well as every creature.... because being of service signifies redemption for the bound spirits within.... Consequently, the human being himself contributes a lot towards this if he offers matter the opportunity to help, if he creates things for himself which fulfil a useful purpose, in which he can certainly take pleasure again as a gift from God, yet he should always remember the spiritual purpose of material things and not tie himself to it such that all his thoughts and intentions apply to the gain of material goods in order to create a comfortable life for himself and to descend increasingly lower than things which are far less developed than him.... which signifies spiritual regression for him.... The development must always be a progressive one, and the human being's goal in earthly life is the complete release from the material shell, the rise above the latter, for then the soul will be able to leave the physical body as a free and unburdened being and soar into higher spheres.... Then it will not be held back by matter and forced to remain in earthly spheres although it no longer lives on earth.... You humans don't know how grateful a soul is which can detach itself from these spheres, but take it for granted that that which you strive for on earth with all your senses is your biggest enemy..... For your bliss rests in freedom, but you remain enslaved for as long as matter still holds you captive, and it will hold you captive for as long as you are still governed by selfish love, as long as you don't liberate yourselves through helpful love.... Only the one who is of service will be liberated.... And your existence as a human being constantly provides you with the opportunity to be of loving service.... __However, you have free will and, unlike in your preliminary stage of development, are not forced to be of service. Love must impel you to do so, and helpful love will only be practiced by a person who suppresses his selfish love, who does not want to take but to give. He will indeed learn to despise matter; he will detach himself from it and liberate himself completely.... His process of development on earth will be successfully concluded with the complete spiritualisation of his soul, which subsequently will be able to be active in the spiritual kingdom with an abundance of light and strength and in helpful love take care of those souls which still linger in slavery and darkness and require help in order to finally be able to also let go of their chains.... __Amen
Life on earth is but a passageway back home....
Just consider yourselves as passers-by on this earth, who merely live here temporarily but never permanently because your true home is the spiritual realm, which you can only reach in freedom by way of crossing this earth. That way you also experience your earthly life with different thoughts because when you are sure of a specific destination, you should also aspire to reach it. Consequently, everything you find on earth shall neither burden you nor tie you down, just think of everything on earth as transient, as if it was merely on loan to you or as if it only momentarily obstructed your way.... you should always remember that one day the hour will arrive when you have passed through this earthly vale and you must leave.... that now the return to your true home will take place.... __Now make sure that you return to that realm fully laden with treasures which you can use again. Then you won't enter your home poor and miserable but radiant with light and richly blessed with spiritual possessions.... Because you can acquire all these things during your earthly life. No matter how and where you walk on earth you can always increase your spiritual wealth with deeds of love if you don't allow yourselves to be tied to worldly possessions and always keep in mind that they are transient and that you cannot take them with you into the realm on the other side. But you can acquire many spiritual possessions during your time on earth because people are in great need and you can always ease their suffering, spiritually as well as materially.... What you give in earthly life you will regain as spiritual wealth.... and therefore you should give, help wherever your help is asked for.... And you should also ease suffering without being asked and where it is evident and you will be richly blessed after your physical death because `as you give you will receive again....' __However, anyone who believes himself to be master of the earth, who believes to be entitled to the possessions of this earth and who is sure of his ownership without considering the poverty of his fellow human beings, will appear at the threshold of death completely destitute; he will enter a realm where he will experience bitter poverty because he has to leave everything he owns behind and has no spiritual values to offer, as he did not consider himself a passer-by but a permanent master on this earth. He didn't consider his true home and therefore will find it in very poor condition.... __Amen
The spiritual low level has been reached....
People on earth will not change anymore for they are devoted to the world with body and soul and therefore also to the one who is master of this world.... All warnings are useless; a few will indeed still detach themselves from the crowd and recognise their true destiny, yet most remain unimpressed by it. And whatever happens, they will only ever look at it through the eyes of the world, a spiritual cause will never be seen or assumed, and thus people will not change, neither in their thoughts nor in their actions.... Their stay on earth has become completely meaningless and has to be brought to an end. People have become prematurely ready for the downfall, for the day of the end is determined since eternity and will be upheld, although the spiritual low has already been reached before this time. Nevertheless, everything will still be done for the sake of the few who will still choose God just before the end, and for their sake the day of the end has been set for a later time. __For the struggle to gain these last souls is extremely difficult and requires perseverance but it is not hopeless, as God already foresaw since eternity. However, every soul is precious to Him and thus he will do everything to gain it before the end. This is why His servants on earth should be diligent; every servant should remember that each soul he tries to gain could be one of the last few whose deliverance had caused God to delay the end until the work of redemption is accomplished. Hence they should not tire in their vineyard work, they should know that God has the interest of every soul at heart and His love for same motivates Him to be patient and longsuffering. The last days will bring the godlessness ever more to the fore, and at times it will appear as if the earth was only populated by devils so that the work for the kingdom of God appears like a performance by feeble-minded people.... __Nevertheless it shall be done diligently for it will not be without benefit. Even people who are called away from earth before the end will be able to reach the light sooner in the beyond due to the work of the Lord's servants on earth, and in turn help their loved ones on earth to a change of heart.... Only very few people can still be gained and yet the end will be delayed for their sake.... And this is why the activity of God's adversary will become quite openly visible, for he will not find resistance in people anymore, they all belong to him, they allow themselves to be held captive by the world which is his kingdom.... He is truly reaping a great harvest yet it will not be beneficial for him because he will lose everyone he believes to have gained when the earth will arise anew.... because they all will be snatched from his power and banished again, which will weaken his power considerably, and he himself will also be bound for a long time. __He is still on top and celebrates his triumph over the people he has dragged into the abyss, yet he will not be victorious at the end of the earth for there is One Who is stronger than he is, Who will indeed let him have his time and not stop his activity until the hour has come as it is written.... but which will then confine him and with him all God-resisting souls.... And then the end of the earth and its inhabitants has come.... and a new era will begin in peace and happiness for people who remain faithful to God until the end.... __Amen
Beatitude or renewed banishment depends on free will....
Whatever you may desire on earth, your wishes shall be granted.... For you will receive whatever you desire once your life on earth is over. If you desired spiritual possessions, the spiritual kingdom will provide them to you in abundance, if earthly commodities had been your wish then the earth will accommodate you again.... the matter you aspired to will become your cover once more as it had been an incredibly long time ago.... But you will always have created the fate yourselves which is granted to you after your passing away.... If, however, the grace is bestowed upon you to be recalled before the end of this earth, then a short time will still be granted to you during which you can still discard earthly desires, during which spiritual wealth is offered to you once again which you need only seize in order take possession of it for the sake of your salvation. Yet once again it depends on your free will whether you still make use of these final blessings or let them pass you by unused in order to then be embodied into earthly creations once more because you asked for it. But you can only be blissfully happy in possession of spiritual wealth.... This is My constant admonition and call for caution which applies to all people as long as they still live on earth.... You will all have to bear the consequences of your earthly life, for it is the law of divine order which cannot be revoked by My love and I cannot, for the sake of `grace', bestow beatitudes upon those who live their lives on earth contrary to My will, contrary to My eternal order.... who are merely the servants of the world and therefore deprive themselves of the expectation of a blissful spiritual kingdom.... As long as this earth continues to exist My flow of divine grace is still open both on earth as well as in the beyond, and all wrongly thinking and living souls will be offered blessings but they shall all keep their free will.... . __However, as yet there is still the possibility of a change of will, all those who are misguided.... be it on earth or in the beyond.... still receive kind-hearted advice to consider their actual task; as yet the spiritual world eagerly endeavours to gain access to people's thoughts on earth, just as beings of light approach the souls on the other side, and they all only strive to direct their thoughts correctly, to turn their eyes towards Me and to awaken a desire for light in them, so that they will not walk past the fountain of grace where it opens itself, from which they can draw to benefit their souls. But even this time of grace will come to an end and then the day will come without fail when every soul receives what it desires.... And anyone who never paid attention to spiritual wealth will be left empty-handed and will have to accept a dreadful fate.... Then the period of Salvation will have come to an end, then an infinitely long night will start for the souls whose will was wrongly directed.... But inconceivable bliss will be granted to those who made an effort to reach Me and learned to despise earthly commodities.... The kingdom of the beyond, however, will likewise be only a kingdom of bliss, for all wretched souls will have to go through the excruciatingly painful process of development again, but only in order to one day attain the freedom again which they had misused in this earthly life. Sooner or later all beings will be able to make a free decision again and it will depend on them whether they prolong their time of agony or enter into beatitude again within a short time.... But all will receive help to reach the goal, for I pour out My blessings without limitation, and anyone who makes use of the blessing will be relieved from all adversity and pain.... __Amen
You humans are not aware of the immense spiritual hardship you suffer because your senses are still captivated by the world and thus you cannot even assess the darkness surrounding your thinking. Every day can be the last one for you on this earth.... No-one knows the hour of his death, and no-one can extend his life for an hour.... And you do not consider this.... or you would prepare yourselves for what will come afterwards since you know, after all, that you cannot take anything with you when you have to pass away from earth. But what is your soul like? Do you ever seriously contemplate what your fate will be afterwards? You resist such thoughts, you push them far away from you once they emerge, and yet your soul can be in a state of distress because it has to leave the body without light when the hour of passing away has struck.... when it finds itself in profound darkness in the spiritual kingdom wandering about deprived and unhappy because it doesn't know where to turn to in this darkness. It is you, it is your actual Self which cannot vanish even if the soul had to leave the body.... But don't think that you will no longer exist, that your existence will have come to an end with the death of your body.... Your existence will be just as real as on earth, and you will experience suffering and torment just as much and even more intensely because you suddenly realise that you lack all strength to change your situation.... a fact which is extremely agonising to you because you have to endure it due to your own fault. For if only you lived a little more consciously on earth the soul would not enter into the beyond in such a wretched state, because a small glimmer of light would show the path it has to take in the beyond in order to ascend. For every soul has the possibility to continue what it had failed to do on earth, if only it has the will to do so. But whether it makes use of this possibility is up to itself but first it requires a small glimmer of realisation without which it will remain helplessly and miserably in the same state. __And if only the human being on earth would actively endeavour to gain faith in life after death, to live a life after God's will, if only he would try to discard his faults and weaknesses and be lovingly active towards his fellow human being, he would leave the profound darkness and step into a faint twilight, and if he enters the kingdom of the beyond with such a faint light his soul would get on better, it would recognise its further task and try to fulfil it.... For it will not be entirely blind and spared the worst suffering. Yet how many people don't even consider their soul's salvation just once a day, all their thoughts and intentions only relate to the material world and to the attainment of purely earthly advantages.... The immense spiritual hardship consists of the fact that people are entirely unaware of why they are on earth, that they only ever think of 'life itself' as important and never ask why they were given this life. And in this darkened state they are approaching the end of the earth which will suddenly and unexpectedly come upon them and finish innumerable people's lives prematurely who don't even consider pondering thoughts of death because they believe that they have plenty of time left. All these people are so earthbound that they will also remain within the sphere of Earth when the end has come.... so that an ascent in the beyond will be impossible for these souls because they will not be able to detach themselves from the material world for a long time.... And many of them will have to take abode in matter again because they are not yet mature enough for a spiritual sphere. And this is the beginning of the state of torment again which they had long overcome already.... But people do not believe it if they are being admonished to make use of the short time on earth for the salvation of their soul; the do not believe it and cannot be forced to adopt another way of life either. Only the love of knowledgeable fellow human beings can try to influence them, and occasionally love will indeed be able to achieve something, even though every human being will keep his freedom of will. Yet the struggle for such a soul shall be continued until the end, the battle of light against the darkness shall be waged until the end, because precisely the forces of darkness are fighting especially fiercely and the forces of light must therefore not abandon the battle on their part. And just a small ray of light can ignite and penetrate the darkness, which always signifies the salvation of a soul which will be infinitely grateful for it, even if at first it is only surrounded by some twilight. Yet to have escaped the most profound darkness also means a detachment from the prince of darkness and to walk towards the light.... __Amen
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