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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Irrevocable end.... Divine order and infringement....
The time for the end has definitely arrived, and anyone can see that if he so wants. I do not keep My living creations in ignorance, I inform them of this Myself, but anyone who lacks belief in Me and My Word, anyone who does not reflect on the cause of the total decline and is unable to associate it with the spiritual low level, cannot receive additional information either. Nor can the credibility of My Word be proven to him since he rejects all evidence. The time of the end is making itself noticeably felt, however, anything that is earthly recognisable can also be explained by people in an earthly, i.e. natural, way. And yet there is a spiritual cause for everything which has to be observed first; people have to try to resolve the spiritual cause if the consequences are to be averted. But people do not make this attempt, and thus the time is irrevocably approaching the end, i.e. the earth is experiencing its last days in its present form. I speak to people clearly but they cover their ears, they cannot muster the will nor the strength to accept information which would enable them to discover an orderliness even in the decline, in the immense misery and all events.... they don't want to know about it and don't want to be truthfully instructed either. And time and again I send them My servants and messenger to guide them into the right way of thinking.... __But My plan of eternity is predetermined, My wisdom recognises the necessity of changing the existing state, and My love and My will carry out what is unavoidably needed in order to still save the few which want to be saved. Because humanity's activity has to stay within limits, and once these are exceeded the time of the end will also have arrived. And the fact that people are behaving in opposition to divine order can be easily seen by everyone. Thus, what would be more logical than to restore the order again in accordance with My will? Nevertheless, it cannot happen in a humanly aspired way but has to take place in keeping with My law of eternity.... A humanly devised change on this earth would not result in any spiritual change, it would not result in any spiritual progress, but this is the only purpose for My living creations' life on earth, and this has to take place; hence the necessary conditions have to be available for it too and consist of entirely new creations for the spiritual substances which still remain opposed to Me. __Thus the old earth will pass away in as much as all creations on it will be destroyed, in order to be inhabited again by completely new creations according to My will, which signifies the start of a new earth period, the start of a new era of redemption in a spiritual sense. It is easy to understand that a change on earth in opposition to My order also has to result in complete disintegration; but anyone who does not acknowledge an eternal Lawmaker will also refuse to acknowledge a violation of My order, since he is not living within My order himself in as far as he values earthly matter more than the spiritual kingdom which, however, should be the purpose and goal of his earthly life. A person who does not stay within My order through actions of love and conscious contact with Me will not have orderly thoughts either, and his knowledge is deceptive knowledge without lasting value. But anyone who opens his eyes and ears will recognise the spiritual decline and also know that the end is near. He will strive to stay within My eternal order and thus not fear the end because it is the beginning of a new life for him, a life of eternal bliss.... __Amen
Immortality of soul.... Wrong doctrine....
You need truthful explanations because misguided teachings darken your spirit and portray My creative will and creative spirit wrongly to you. They show neither My love nor My wisdom and thus prevent you from igniting the flame of love in your hearts which would bring you closer to Me. Wrong doctrines can lead to non-belief, wrong doctrines can destroy all faith if they are not corrected, and therefore I want to enlighten you time and again for your own sakes, since you can, after all, only become blessed through faith and love. __What is the use of any teaching which questions the immortality of the soul? The soul is something spiritual, whereas the body is physical.... The body can certainly die, that is, pass away and disintegrate in its substance, but the soul, the spiritual essence, is immortal. It has to continue, it will merely leave the body as soon as the body has served its task as a cover for the soul on earth. It will leave the physical external form in order to continue its process of development in spiritual spheres, to steadily increase its maturity if it has reached a certain degree of maturity on earth or, if its course of life was unsuccessful, to either remain in the same state of total immaturity or to descend into darkness, depending on its will, but always in spheres which should be understood as being outside the earthly-material world. __Thus, the soul will in fact experience a state of death, but this should not be understood as obliteration, it is merely a state of complete lack of light and strength, a state of helplessness, yet it will always be conscious of its existence. The soul will never lose its awareness of existence, it can merely mean either the epitome of beatitude or inexpressible agony for the soul, which is always consistent with the way of life the person had lived on earth. Hence the soul's life corresponds to its life in the flesh on this earth. Consequently, the deeds of the flesh determine the soul's fate and the place of residence after its death, and the day of death is the human being's Judgment Day, after which it will arise into a life of light or darkness.... __The soul is something spiritual which can never ever cease to exist, it cannot be temporarily extinguished either but it will live eternally, with the exception that an existence in darkness cannot be called life but is spiritual death, yet neither can it be called a state of rest. A rest until Judgment Day is a wrong concept, because inactive souls experience this as personal torment, whereas a soul's true life is activity which, however, necessitates a certain degree of maturity, which a soul can easily attain on earth if it is of good will. The souls stay in the spiritual kingdom and can nevertheless always be in the vicinity of earth. They are merely outside of the physical world, thus they are no longer tied to a material form but are free spiritual beings if they are enlightened, otherwise they will be in a state of darkness, because complete lack of strength signifies constraint for them. But the soul can never die; it will merely escape its body, which thus will have completed its earthly life.... __Amen
Retribution - Atonement.... Eternal Order.... Forgiveness...
Retribution exists on this earth for all deeds, both good and bad, you cannot sin with impunity, just as you can't do something good without being rewarded, yet neither fear of punishment nor the expectation of reward should determine whether you perform an evil deed or a good one. Pure love for your neighbour should prevent you from harming him, instead you should help him, hence be willing to be of service to him, you should do good for the sake of it and abhor evil because it is evil. Thus is My will and corresponds to My eternal order; it is the law of the spiritual and therefore also the earthly kingdom to live in My eternal order so as to be happy, and anyone who revokes this law of order is in a wretched state and will be judged accordingly, that is, he will join those spiritual beings which oppose My will, thus likewise disregard My order. The being will be able to realise its wrong there, if it wants to, and likewise have the opportunity to make up for it. Yet this requires an extraordinarily strong will as soon as the being has departed from earth, whereas on earth it can much more easily realise as well as make amends for its wrong doing.... Nevertheless, according to divine justice every wrong doing must be atoned for, and you humans should consider this as long as you live on earth. This is why love is constantly preached to you, this is why the Gospel, the teaching of Christ, is made accessible to you, so that you will reconsider, recognise your wrong doing and make an effort to make amends through good deeds, so that you make an effort to live a life of love, which is and forever remains the law of My eternal order. There is retribution, and you can consider yourselves fortunate if you are already allowed to make amends on earth, for it is extremely difficult in the beyond to dispose of your guilt, so difficult, that you will need an incomprehensibly long time for it, while on earth you may take refuge in the One Who died on behalf of your guilt of sin.... Yet this always requires the realisation of your guilt and the will to dispose of it through a righteous atonement or through the help of Jesus Christ, Whom you must call upon for forgiveness of your guilt, but this necessitates that you despise it yourselves and have the firm will to become better and to enter My law of eternal order.... to live a life of love according to My will.... __Amen
Embodied beings of light.... Lack of past memory.... Fore...
Those who want to be of service to Me ought to know the following: the spiritual state of people who live in the last days requires special help by the beings of light which work on My instructions in the spiritual realm as well as on earth, where a large number of them are embodied as human beings in order to fulfil a redeeming mission. How the beings of light work and help them is clearly evident to people who accept the spiritual information given to them, because they know that people's spiritual hardship can only be remedied through the gift of My Word from above. In view of the wide-ranging spiritual decline it would be completely impossible for My Word to gain acceptance amongst humanity, because it would neither establish the connection with the spiritual world, nor would it want to or be able to accept proclamations from this world. Therefore the world of light has to take mediating actions, the beings of light must look for suitable vessels on earth into which they can pour the emanations of My spirit and thus.... where necessary.... beings of light descend to earth as human beings in order to become a link between people and the spiritual world.... in order to be mediators between Myself and people. Hence a large number of beings of light are embodied during the last days before the end, in which you humans live at present, in order to help you, given that you are deluded and ignorant, live a wrong way of life and are therefore in serious trouble. __You yourselves are unaware of the low spiritual level and its consequences, and if the knowledge is given to you, you won't believe it. Yet the world of light shelters inhabitants who look upon the activities in the darkness on earth with horror and want to rush to your aid in order to still help those who don't offer resistance and entrust themselves to their guidance. However, they are nevertheless human beings who thus want to help and inform you. This is why you don't recognise them, just as they don't recognise themselves as beings from above even though they, as human beings, sincerely strive to ascend.... They are human beings like yourselves and yet their will is directed towards Me, who cannot be harmed by My adversary anymore because they have already become My Own before they came to earth for the sake of the needy human race. They want to bring you the light they constantly receive from Me and which simultaneously is the strength to ascend. Yet neither are they aware of the fact that they voluntarily came to earth, for their efforts to ascend have to be clearly observable by their fellow human beings in order to encourage them to do the same. Were a being of light recognisable as such to people it would not be able to serve them as an example, for then people who are afflicted by all weaknesses and flaws would feel incapable of ever attaining this example. Only very special, elevated spiritual beings know of their mission and origin and also inform people of it, although they will find no credence. __But such elevated beings of light will be recognisable to anyone who wants to recognise them, for their mission always involves public and not private activity, for then not just individual people but all people shall be informed of supernatural activity, of the strength and might and glory of the One, Who is Lord over life and death and the whole of creation, Who does not want His living creations to descend into darkness and therefore sends an exceedingly bright radiating light from above.... And one such light will bear witness to Me and become a talking point. And once it shines you will know that the end is not far away, that humanity has been granted just a short reprieve, for if he is not listened to and his warning call remains unsuccessful then nothing can save the unspiritual world anymore.... then the end will have come without fail as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Light beings embodied as human beings.... Disciples of th...
The will to serve Me links the human being to My flock of disciples who I instructed to proclaim the Gospel. Every person wanting to work as a labourer in the vineyard of the Lord is welcome by Me, because many reapers are needed during the time of the end. I only value free will and assign to everyone work they are capable of doing. Hence, I do not reject anyone because I need all of them. The work first of all consists of spreading My teaching of love, and this mission is extremely important because during the last days people will thoughtlessly spend their lives entirely without love. Understandably, someone who is to spread the truth must live a life of love himself, otherwise his words would have no effect on his fellow human beings. Hence I can only use people as labourers in My vineyard if they observe the commandment of love for God and other people themselves, because only those people are capable of accepting My instructions, but in fact, only those people voluntarily offer to be of service to Me. The first condition to be a suitable worker in My vineyard therefore consists of activity of unselfish neighbourly love, and I also grant My special love to such a person who lives a life of love himself.... I regard him as My child, for it has recognised Me as its Father and wants to serve Me obediently.... For this reason, every person can regard himself as My child who places himself at My disposal for spiritual cooperation, while the others are indeed My living creations which I love and never want to lose but which must prove themselves as My children first by fulfilling My will. Consequently, I send My children to their brothers and sisters who have not recognised their Father as yet and let them be taught by the former.... which is a mission of such importance that I will always work together with My children in order to save souls from their eternal downfall. Children who have already found Me shall also show the path to the others, so that these, too, can experience the bliss of My presence, which equally turns them into My children. During the time of the end even light beings must descend to earth in order to help people, because they are extremely strongly influenced by the opposite side and people are too weak to offer resistance. These light beings embodied as human beings possess strong souls which strive towards Me, even though they lack the past awareness of their origin. They will always strive upwards and will never let themselves be influenced by low forces; nevertheless, as human beings on earth they wage a battle with them but will emerge victoriously. Powerful psychological strength often suggests a soul from above, yet the soul is not aware of this, otherwise its mission would become less important, which must always be and remain a free decision of will. The soul might well suspect it as a result of increased knowledge, yet for the soul's own sake this fact will remain hidden from it until the time of complete spiritualisation, shortly before its demise, when, during a spiritual vision, it will recognise its origin and will long to return, full of yearning, to where it will be blissfully united with Me again. Such an incarnated being of light can be of great benefit on earth due to its spiritual strength and its love for its fellow human beings, however, as long as it lives on earth it is just a human being who, like any other human being, has to go through a process of development in order to be able to increase its spiritual powers, for he shall be an example for his fellow human beings who can attain the same powers as him, if they are willing to do so. A person on earth can even muster these light beings' greater willpower by availing themselves of the blessings of the act of Salvation, on account of which precisely this teaching is diligently endorsed by those who are to proclaim the Gospel. Jesus Christ as the divine Redeemer and His teaching of love shall be proclaimed to people, and for this I need My servants on earth, so that all people will find the strength to strive towards ascent and release themselves from their tormentor who wants to plunge them into ruin if they are not being helped. For that reason I will bless every person who wants to help these souls, who serves Me as a servant in My vineyard, who, as a spiritual assistant, spreads light in the darkness of night in which people walk without reaching the right goal. And spreading light means instructing people in the truth, which I Myself impart upon those who thus want to be of service to Me.... __Amen
I need you.... The Custodian's concern for His servants....
I need you.... The adversity on earth is huge and can only be solved with your assistance, because I cannot influence people's souls with My omnipotence, instead, their free will must be stimulated and you should assist with that. There is immense adversity and I only have a few fellow workers on earth who want to steer this spiritual hardship. But these few are under My guardianship, they are cared for by My Fatherly love and will never be without protection. If you knew how I value your spiritual work you would no longer have the slightest doubt about My paternal care for you, you would not worry for a moment but, with complete confidence, always expect help in earthly adversity. Since you should constantly do your spiritual work I will also make sure that you can accomplish it, since the help for many souls depends on this work of yours, which cannot be taken to them by any other means. This work for Me and My kingdom is very carelessly carried out on earth, for only rarely is the full extent of the spiritual adversity recognised. Only a few people possess realisation, only a few people know the meaning and purpose of life on earth and the meaning and purpose of Creation, only a few people are therefore capable of instructing their fellow human beings of this information and thus only a few people can be true proclaimers of the Gospel, because it is absolutely vital for this mission that the proclaimer possesses the knowledge himself. You can therefore assume that I exceedingly carefully watch over those who are suitable for this proclaiming ministry, because they have received this knowledge from Me Myself. Teachings which are already spoilt are not entirely effective as a means of rescue for the misguided souls, they can only profit from the pure truth, only the pure truth is the means to remedy spiritual hardship. And once a person has become a bearer of truth through his will and his love for Me, he will be a faithful fellow worker whom I truly don't want to lose, because I would not like to lose the many still misguided souls either but want to regain them before it is too late.... I need you, My fellow workers on earth, and I keep telling you time and again that I educate My bearers of light on earth Myself, because they are to restore the kingdom of God among people on My behalf, but that these bearers of light are in My service and, thus, will also be looked after by their Lord in every way. Consequently, anyone who works for Me need not fear any earthly worries, anyone who works for Me should also hand himself over to Me with complete faith, he should look up to the Father like a child and always be certain that he will also be guarded like a child by the Father. And the strength of his faith will give him peace, even in every earthly adversity, which I will solve when the time is right.... __Amen
The souls' redemption from the abyss through Jesus Christ...
The cross of Christ is the sign of hope for all who have fallen, who are unhappy in their situation, be it on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond. The cross of Christ will show them that there is still salvation, a way out, which only has to be taken in order to surface from the abyss, from the kingdom of darkness, into the dawning morning. The cross of Christ points to the path of ascent which will never lead astray. For the One Who died on the cross due to His love for sinful humanity initiated this path, He paid the purchase price for the existing souls in the abyss, and every soul can utilise this privilege, the path of ascent is now open to every soul providing it has chosen Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, as its goal, providing it wants to leave the abyss in order to reach Him. Then it will be entitled to redemption, then the divine Redeemer Himself will lift it from the abyss, then its sins will be washed away by His blood, the guilt of sin will be cancelled and the act of Salvation will not have been made in vain for this soul. Jesus Christ died for all human beings, for people past, present and future.... __He descended into hell.... He also made the blessings of the act of Salvation available to the souls in the abyss, and there is salvation for the souls even in the kingdom of the beyond, yet never without Him, for only the blood He had shed for the sins can pay for the sins of a soul, and His forgiveness has to be consciously requested, He also has to be acknowledged as the `Redeemer of sin' in the spiritual realm, or a deliverance from darkness will be impossible. An inconceivable act of love was accomplished by the man Jesus on earth, and this act of love is also effective in the beyond, His mercy even follows the souls who had passed away from earth without redemption. Yet, like on earth, the soul must willingly want to find salvation through Jesus Christ in the beyond too, that He should have mercy upon its suffering, that His love should seize it and raise it from the abyss. For this reason, the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation as well as the belief in both is vitally important and has to be conveyed to the souls, if they have not gained it on earth already. But this work is far more difficult than on earth, for the souls of darkness have little knowledge and power of perception and are therefore not easily taught. __Nevertheless, their state is not hopeless when they are in distress and appeal for help to be delivered from their present situation. Then they will not be completely obstinate, and knowledge can be conveyed to them through intercession and loving mental instructions which will enable them to direct their thoughts towards Jesus Christ, the divine Saviour, and call upon Him themselves.... And every call in faith and confidence in His help will be heard.... Then the path of ascent will have begun and will be travelled step by step with His help. There is salvation from the abyss, but never without Jesus Christ.... This is what the souls in the beyond also need to know, otherwise they would never turn their thoughts towards Him, Who alone can save them from their hardship, Who, with love and mercy, is constantly willing to alleviate suffering and change an agonising state of affairs into a state of beatitude.... Nevertheless, it always requires the being's will, and to change this correctly requires a lot of intercession on the part of people with faith and love, who are therefore also able to help those who are still unredeemed.... __Amen
The state of souls in the beyond.... Misguided belief - u...
Many people find it inconceivable that they could have direct contact with Me, which is proven by My direct communication, by hearing My Word in the form of thoughts. This is indicative of their distance from Me as well as their lifeless belief, a belief which was in fact traditionally adopted but which is not alive.... It is academically accepted knowledge which only seldom is contemplated so that a person forms his own opinion. People could deduct from such adopted knowledge that the eternal Deity has to and will reveal Himself, but faith in an eternal Deity is weak and thus religious doctrines are not taken seriously enough to achieve spiritual progress, which would result in a person trying to establish contact with Me. First I have to be sincerely acknowledged by a person before I can reveal Myself to him.... __And this assured faith in Me is missing in a great many people, which is the reason why they live in spiritual darkness and will enter the spiritual kingdom in this darkness. __What they failed to do on earth they will have to make up for in the beyond without fail.... they have to think.... and due to their own fault are frequently too weak to do so. If labours of love follow them into eternity they will not be entirely without strength regardless of their unbelief. Their strength rests in the fact that they will not completely lose their recollection of the knowledge they dismissed on earth and are able to think about it. Whereas unbelieving souls without deeds of love following them will find themselves in dire distress, for they are unable to think clearly and cannot come to terms with their thoughts. Nevertheless, even these souls can be educated in the spiritual kingdom by other souls who are able to intelligibly present to them what they need to know....if they are willing to accept their teaching. __To render intercession for these souls is a labour of utmost love and compassion, so that they may receive strength of will and find access to circles where enlightenment can be given to them. Deeds of love can make good every deficiency and give the soul faith, but the spiritual darkness will only disappear when they have acknowledged Jesus Christ, for only He can redeem their guilt which resulted from their unbelief on earth. Misguided thoughts can soon be corrected where love and faith existed on earth, but unbelieving people first have to be introduced to knowledge, because they did not want to accept it on earth themselves, even if they upheld it before their fellow human beings. __I cannot give souls instant enlightenment if they do not acknowledge Me and if their love was not intended for Me or their fellow human beings.... I can only give them the opportunity to acquire knowledge, providing their will no longer opposes Me.... In that case My merciful love is also willing to give them light when they ask for it. Then the Gospel is brought to them again, which they can then accept or reject of their own free will. And depending on their will for good and their desire for instructions My teaching will enlighten them and the ascent will continue. But it will suffer great torment in darkness until an unbelieving departed soul from earth is touched by a ray of light and follows it, but as soon as it has experienced the benefit of light it will also be willing to change its nature, and it will always desire more light until it receives it.... The darkness only rarely releases souls, but I know when I can open the gates and set the souls free. I know when they are receptive to a ray of light and I will help them to find the way that finally leads to Me and to eternal joy.... __Amen
God's Word, an inconceivable grace in the last days....
You humans are truly offered an immense grace if My Word from above is passed on to you, for this Word is an inconceivably valuable means of help during the spiritual adversity of the last days, because it gives you the pure truth from Me through which you can attain beatitude if you accept it in your heart and live your life accordingly. My Word will always have an exceptional effect if it is consciously desired and received, yet even if it is made available to people who did not directly request it they will instinctively feel the strength of My Word by just paying a little attention and thereby opening their heart. My Word will affect them like a speech from another world to which they pay attention because they suspect something extraordinary and don't want to close their mind to it. They could gain infinitely much from it; they could receive a measure of grace which would result in their spiritual maturity within a short period of time. Yet generally they will be distracted by the world again and then carelessly bypass a gift of grace without having gained any benefit for their soul. __Oh, if only you humans would believe that I have spoken to you Myself if My Word was passed on to you, that you would listen to My Words and then make use of the little time you have left to live on this earth.... that you would still seriously consider the life of your soul after the death of the body! I cannot help you in your adversity other than through an obvious gift of grace, you yourselves have to accept this gift and utilise it to the best of your ability. Then you will also be able to work for your fellow human beings' benefit, then you will be able to impart to them the same things you have received through My love, Who speaks to you through My messengers, you will be able to enlighten them just as I have enlightened you, and you will be able to give them the same instructions and make them aware of the working of My spirit.... You yourselves will derive rich benefits from this because My blessings, and those of your fellow human beings who found the truth through you, will follow you. During the chaos of the last days many people will still be grateful to you if you instruct them in My name.... And for this teaching ministry I Am now preparing you, My chosen few.... For you believe My Words, yet you, too, will be seized by doubt as you follow world events and wonder why I remain silent while the world continues to sin without inhibition and is not prevented from above. I will manifest Myself without fail and call people to order with a voice of thunder.... __And precisely for this reason I will still offer you humans an abundance of blessings in advance, which could provide you with a degree of maturity that would enable you to safely expect and survive the end. Yet you barely take notice of My gift of grace, and only few recognise it for what it is, a final call of loving admonition to the children of this earth who are facing their last decision.... I will constantly send My Word to earth so that you, who are My Own, will recognise that I Am not withdrawing but watching over all of you. And I will always come to you in Word and Scripture and on the Last Day in My full glory, when My Own will require comfort and strength and help which only I Myself can bring to them. Then everything I had announced before so that you shall become strong in faith, will be fulfilled, and those who will remain faithful to Me until the end, who believed My Words and used My gift of grace correctly, will be admitted into the kingdom of peace. For the end will mean the beginning of a new life for them, a life in peace and bliss in the paradise of the new earth, which I had promised to all who believe in Me, who love Me and who keep My commandments.... The last day on this earth will be the first day in beatitude, for I will come Myself to fetch My Own when their life is in danger on this earth.... __Amen
Descriptions of the beyond only illustrative and comparat...
Everything above and beyond your earthly life will remain a mystery to you, even if it is revealed to you by your Heavenly Father's love and kindness, for it can only ever be explained to you such that you can understand it while you are living on earth. Despite explanations you can only form an impression as far as it correspond to your intellectual capacity and knowledge, and you also try to apply this knowledge to the sphere which is still closed to you.... Yet you fail to consider that your knowledge is indescribably limited and that even the earth you inhabit is incredibly small and poor compared to the splendours of many other creations in God's kingdom. You don't consider that you are lacking all means of comparison in order to give you humans full understanding for this supernatural world.... Thus it is also impossible to give you an explanation which totally corresponds to the truth.... You can only receive comparative descriptions from which you can see that, just like on earth, laws have to be complied with, that the divine order in the spiritual kingdom must categorically be observed if the higher development is to continue in the beyond. Furthermore, it is impossible to convey spiritual impressions to people on earth or even approximately explain them.... No words can describe to you humans the state of the beings in the beyond and how they feel.... __These emotions are the effect of what they experience, what they behold and how they feel in view of the indescribable creations, irrespective of whether these are of a blessed or wretched kind.... Trying to explain this to you humans is only possible by using analogies, thus earthly concepts are given to you which indeed allow you to recognise the meaning and purpose but which are not the reality. The death of the body is not the end; the soul continues to live in spheres which it has created for itself as a result of its earthly life. Its fate can be a happy or a wretched one.... but be it as it may.... it can only ever be figuratively brought home to you humans, and every such explanation, every description, is only ever a faint attempt to solve a problem with concepts that are known to you.... in order to increase your sense of responsibility towards the soul, whose fate in the beyond is shaped by you humans on earth.... __The knowledge of otherworldly things is withheld from humanity, and neither will it ever be able to penetrate an area which may only be entered when a human being's spiritual development has reached the degree which enables his spiritual vision.... But even then it will still not be possible for him to intelligibly describe his impressions and emotions to his fellow human beings, because the earthly kingdom and the spiritual kingdom are two entirely separate regions where one is no longer responsible for the other.... thus where the applicable laws in one world are completely revoked in the other.... Even so, the spiritual kingdom is a reality, and everyone will be able to realise it himself when he discards his earthly shell and enters this kingdom, and then he will understand that the people on this earth could not have received an explanation which totally complies with the truth.... __Amen
The blood of Christ.... Guilt of sin....
For you, My children on earth, I shed My blood; for you I took the most difficult path because I wanted to help you ascend from the abyss which you could never have left by yourselves.... for you I died on the cross.... The sacrifice I had wanted to offer God-Father was accepted, it was offered for you.... Thus you humans on earth shall gain from it; what I had begged from God and for which I made the sacrifice should benefit you earthly children, because in the state you were at the time I descended to earth you urgently needed help. But I also knew that not just the people during My life time on earth were in need; I knew that, as long as the earth exists, human beings could not fulfil their earthly task because they were too weak and I took pity on the whole of humanity, even those of the past and in the future, and I included all human beings in My act of Salvation, I gained unlimited blessings for all people, which they now can use in order to reach their goal on earth. Sacrificing My life was an act of utmost compassion, I had accepted a state of suffering entirely consciously and voluntarily, which I would have been unable to bear without the divine strength of love, but I took pity on humanity's awful distress and was willing to endure anything in order to help. __Although I knew that this act of Salvation would culminate in My Being's complete deification it was not the reason for My action. I was purely moved by My love for the suffering spirit which had deserted God, which was so very distant from God and therefore unhappy. Love filled Me with such might that I was able to find the strength therein for the act of mercy, that I suffered and died for humanity in excruciating physical pain. I sacrificed My life on the cross for My unhappy brothers who, like Me, had formerly come forth from God but who had left the path of their destiny. I knew the bliss of God's nearness and had mercy with the fallen wretched spirit.... But I also knew of God's love for all His living creations and wanted to bring back to Him what had voluntarily distanced itself from Him.... My love for God, as well as the love for everything which had emerged from Him, was overwhelming. Only because of this love had God accepted My sacrifice.... And My love asked God for forgiveness of the guilt which clung to the fallen and could not be redeemed in any other way, since it consisted of heartlessness. __Hence only love could make this sacrifice, and therefore it was not the death on the cross as such but the love for humanity which was proven by this death which was accepted by God as atonement.... I shed My blood for you humans and thus made amends for your actions, I took your sin upon Myself and suffered for it.... But you also have to do your part, you have to be willing to become redeemed by My crucifixion. You have to want that this act of grace was also achieved for you, you have to make use of the blessings by acknowledging Me and My act of Salvation and willingly join those for whom I have died on the cross. Without this acknowledgment and your will, you are and remain blemished by this guilt of sin and chained to him who has caused your fall. I have indeed accomplished the act of Salvation for all of you but only your own will can bring it into effect for you because you cannot be redeemed against your will from a sin which you voluntarily committed. You have to step beneath the cross of Christ, you have to acknowledge Me and call to Me, you have to confess your guilt to Me and request that I carry it on your behalf and remove it with My blood.... And all your guilt will be forgiven for the sake of My love.... __Amen
Desire for light in the beyond.... Spiritual conversation...
The desire for light in the beyond is very strong in those who have recognised that the degree of bliss depends on a certain extent of awareness which they, however, are lacking. These are beings which cannot be denied having possessed some integrity on earth, which had made an effort to do what is right and fair yet did not believe in a higher Power, in the continuation of the soul's life, in a spiritual kingdom. This unbelief also made them unreceptive for spiritual knowledge on earth, they lacked the will to believe. As a result they considered everything of a spiritual nature that was presented to them by believers as unreal and untrue. They lacked the will to learn something about it because of their unbelief, but also because earthly life appeared so extraordinarily important to them that they only worked and achieved for it.... In the kingdom of the beyond, however, they gradually begin to realise the reality of the spiritual realm and yet they are unable to clearly recognise their own existence and situation. __They don't know what is real and what is unreal, they see vague images which they don't understand, they are stimulated to think and yet cannot cope on their own.... And they long for light, for clarification and are grateful if it is given to them.... But their lack of faith makes it more difficult for the teachers in the spiritual kingdom to be believed, because everything seems unacceptable to them due to the attitude they had on earth. Nevertheless, they constantly strive for clarification, they want to know the truth and therefore it will also be conveyed to them. Thus they concede that the kingdom of the beyond is real, because the knowledge of earthly life had not been entirely taken away from them. They are already convinced of a life after death and this conviction impels them to untiringly look for what they are missing.... for light.... and they linger wherever the information can be given to them.... And yet they can only be given light once they are stimulated by love to work with it.... The reason why so many a soul is without light, without knowledge, for an indescribably long time despite its desire for it is due to the fact that it has no sympathy for equally suffering souls.... because it only wants light for selfish reasons and therefore it cannot be provided with it as yet. __But people who had endeavoured to be of service to their fellow human beings on earth, be it through inventions, advice or instructions will also want to do the same in the kingdom of the beyond and therefore can often be very quickly informed of the right knowledge, because then they will also want to be of service and be able to work for the benefit of uninformed souls. Yet knowledge will not be forcibly imparted to any being, it has to be sincerely desired and keenly sought after.... Then it will still be up to the soul to form its own opinion about the imparted light; but this will not fail to have the desired effect if the soul has the sincere will to use it correctly.... The teachings of people on earth can therefore result in great blessings if they always remember that numerous souls are present and take part during every spiritual conversation, that the instructions should therefore also be conducted in the spirit of love which affects these souls as well and removes all wilful rejection from them.... Anyone in possession of true spiritual knowledge shall also pass it on to all who are in need of it.... and often consider the souls in the beyond which are sometimes more willing to accept it than people on earth, who, in their illusive life, still would like to reject everything that relates to a life in the beyond. Good and bad conversations are echoed in the kingdom of the beyond.... Always remember this and constantly try to think and speak such that the souls in the beyond will be able to learn, that they will gladly listen to you and always derive a benefit for themselves, and you will always be surrounded by souls who also want to be of service to you, their strength permitting.... You can spread light in every way, and you will always find grateful students in the light-hungry souls of the beyond, and your work for the kingdom of God will be blessed.... __Amen
Let there be light....
Let there be light.... Light came into the world because it was dark on earth and people could no longer find the path out of their spiritual darkness. There came the light from above to illuminate all those of good will.... God sent His Son to earth so that He could also bring them salvation with the light. And thus He entered into a world of hatred and unkindness and the people did not recognise Him as Light and Saviour. But His love for the wretched human race was so great that He wanted to deliver them from the darkness, that He wanted to release them from Satan's chains, who had caused the darkness through sin and pulled all beings into the abyss with him, where there was neither light nor freedom. The Son of God came as Redeemer for the enslaved human race.... The infant Jesus was born.... a soul from the kingdom of light had chosen a human form for Itself and came as an innocent baby into the world in order to start His earthly life, which ended with the greatest act of love and compassion in order to redeem the sinful human race. The adversity on earth was huge; the path to God was even obstructed to the righteous, because the sin of the spirits' past apostasy from God, which encumbered every human being, made the return to God impossible, since God's righteousness required an appropriate atonement for this sin which no person was able to render in earthly life. God's adversary triumphed, for all souls living on earth as human beings belonged to him.... He had pulled them into the abyss with him and would no longer release them.... And the righteous cried to God for help.... __They called for a Saviour. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, redeemed the world from his power, He paid for the sin of guilt with His death on the cross.... Yet even this act of Salvation had to be accomplished in free will, the atonement had to be carried out voluntarily, just as the sin against God was once voluntarily committed.... And therefore the being of light was unable to bring redemption to people, instead only a human being sacrificing himself voluntarily for love on behalf of his fellow men was able to accomplish this atonement, and therefore it had to be born on this earth as a human being and grow up with all human characteristics amongst his earthly brothers.... because the human will alone was decisive for this act of love, since a light being's love would have redeemed humanity long ago, were this to correspond to the law of eternal order. Thus, the being of light set aside Its Divinity, It became a human child with all human weaknesses and characteristics which He then consciously had to fight against in order to strengthen His will, so that He then sacrificed Himself without coercion as Redeemer of the human race in order to achieve the atonement for its sins.... And all angels in heaven hailed this infant and bowed down to Him.... The soul took abode in His body and spread a bright light.... The light came into the world.... God sent a Redeemer from above to people, the Saviour Jesus Christ came to earth in order to redeem the human race.... __Amen
God's Word is felt as a flow of strength by the souls in ...
Through contact with the spiritual kingdom a steady flow of strength is set into motion, and this flow of strength is effective wherever the same striving towards ascent is noticeable; but the effect of the strength is also recognisable where the human being is not striving consciously but is not offering any resistance either, for he begins to open himself, he takes notice and observes everything that might relate to the spiritual kingdom in order to form his own opinion. You, My servants on earth, should believe that you do not go past your fellow human beings without being noticed.... believe, that your actions and work find attention and that this is already the effect of the emission of strength generated by you, only that this effect, having a spiritual cause, can only be spiritually observed. It will express itself in your fellow human beings' thoughts, which are not obvious to you but can cause a person's inner change. And if people on earth won't derive a benefit from the flow of strength, then the souls in the beyond will, since no thought is hidden from them as soon as they want to learn from you, who follow the path in accordance with My will. __Every influx of strength through prayer or loving actions, through conveying My Word on earth or through reading this Word aloud, is visible to these souls as a ray of light and experienced by them as a blessing if they are willing to accept it. And therefore you are always surrounded by souls which want to draw strength from you. Indeed, your fellow human beings would also be able to derive an abundance of strength from you if they would listen to you and partake of My Word's grace of strength, yet their will is not altogether interested in obtaining spiritual wealth because they are still paying too much attention to the world; whereas only what you offer to the souls in the beyond is felt by them as strength, as blissful relief, since the flow of strength conveyed to them by the beings of light will only be recognised as strength when they have gained their first realisation.... when they, due to your help, have found the gate from the realm of darkness or twilight into the light. They are still too near to earth and thus can be easier educated from earth than by the beings of light. __These are already behind them as helpers and make it easy for them to understand what they are offered by you. But they are at all times within the cycle of My divine strength, they are always affected by the strength of My love and feel its effect, I Am just not able to influence them directly as long as they are still in opposition to Me, as long as they are still in the area of darkness from where you, however, can release them through loving instructions, through intercession and mental influence. All kind thoughts have the effect of strength, on earth as well as in the spiritual kingdom. And therefore you should only send your fellow human beings good thoughts, and you will also give them the strength that can help them to change their attitude.... for all good thoughts, intentions and actions have a redeeming effect, since it is strength, which will never remain ineffective.... __Amen
Creation of the human being.... The fall of man....
The fallen spiritual substance needed an endless time for its higher development, and an endless time was also required for My individual creations, which more or less had to evolve in line with the indwelling constrained spiritual substances in order to hold ever more mature spiritual substances. Time and again new forms were created, and time and again these forms were assigned a task.... Hence, earthly creation did not arise in an instant but infinitely long periods of time passed until the spiritual substance of all degrees of maturity found the appropriate external form, since the constantly increasing maturity also necessitated constantly new creations which could accommodate it. But as long as the spirits were subject to the law of compulsion My creative activity meant: Creation of earth as a place to mature for the lowest fallen spirits, which had to acquire the level of maturity that would return free will to the constrained spirits again, which they had abused in the past.... But now an external form had to be created for this fully matured spiritual essence, so that it could test its free will again in this form.... __This work of creation was the human being, who differed from all previously arisen creations such that he, apart from free will, was also endowed with intelligence and reason.... with a faculty of thought, with self-awareness and with the ability to interact with his fellow human beings through language, because coexistence provided the necessary conditions for the test of will. The human being's external form already existed in its last stages in the state of compulsion and was destined to receive countless fully matured substances of soul, but these living beings still acted in a compulsive state as required by natural law, and therefore they were not responsible for their actions.... They only had very limited ability of thought but as receptacles for the spiritual essence, which was fully matured after an endless time of development, they were also works of creation formed by My wisdom and love for this spiritual essence. But only the living beings who possessed free will, intelligence and self-awareness were human beings.... and only then started the plan of spiritualising the latter.... This required that the living creations.... the human beings.... were educated by Me.... that they should use their ability of thought, their intelligence and their free will in accordance with My instructions and by virtue of their free will could then live and work on earth.... that they could shape themselves into Gods but also act in opposition to My advice and My will and regress to the abyss from where they had ascended.... I created the human being.... __Having attained a specific degree of maturity I gave the spiritual essence an external form in accordance with My love and wisdom, and the task the human being subsequently had to carry out.... The external form only became a living being after the spiritual essence had entered it.... the composition of innumerable minute particles which, as `soul', gave life to the form. For the spiritual essence is a constantly effective strength and was in fact constrained and incapable of unrestrained activity during the preliminary stages, during the endless process of development. However, in its ultimate external form, in the human being, it can be active again. It can unfold its inherent strength and through unity with Me increase it without limitation.... The first human beings had My strength at their unrestricted disposal, they were extraordinarily well equipped in view of the fact that their test of life on earth should have resulted in their leaving their earthly form completely spiritualised in order to return as true children into their Father's house again.... But the test of will, which I demand of every created being, was required of them. The first human beings' passing of this test would have enabled all subsequent generations to reach the final goal with ease. __By creating the first human beings I had created beings for Myself who, in spite of their inadequacy.... i.e. their lack of perfection as a result of the apostasy from Me.... could nevertheless have attained realisation of Me Myself since they recognised themselves as living creations.... Thus, due to their ability of thought and their free will, they were able to recognise My will and act in accordance with it.... I had created beings for Myself with whom I could communicate despite their distance from Me, who could hear My Word and let it take effect on them, which was impossible in the earlier state of constrained will.... Thus the human being was the first earthly work of creation which carried a fallen original spirit in himself, and he was then meant to help this original spirit to return to its original state in order to work and create in eternal unity with Me as a free spirit again.... This was the task of the first created human being, and it will remain the task of all people until the end, until the final spiritualisation of all fallen spirits.... __The test of will the first human being had to pass was not too difficult.... Yet for the sake of this test My adversary also had to be allowed to exert his influence on him.... And the human being succumbed to this influence.... He deserted Me for the second time, and this was the first fall into sin on this earth.... the original sin which is known to humanity, even if it does not know of the apostasy of the spirits from Me.... But only the latter explains everything.... For the first human being could not have fallen had he been the first created being externalised by Me, as he would have been in full possession of strength and light since only perfection can emerge from Me. In that case he could not have been influenced by an opposing force. __But the reason for his fall is to be found in the apostasy of the spirits and thus in the still immature human soul which could indeed have passed the test but was not obliged to pass it.... __Nevertheless, the human being was in possession of intelligence and free will and therefore also had to accept responsibility for his soul.... And thus the human being has to do penance for his guilt.... My adversary kept his authority over the spirit embodied in the human being, and that means a laborious path of struggle and suffering during every human being's earthly life with the goal of freeing himself from his control.... The human being is able to achieve this goal because Jesus Christ came to help humanity which was weakened by Adam's fall into sin, and therefore salvation is assured to everyone who recognises Him as Son of God and Redeemer of the world and follows Him willingly.... The first human being would have been able to build the bridge on which all his descendants could have reached Me.... but since he fell, humanity had to remain in Satan's bondage for a long time until the arrival of the Saviour, until Jesus Christ descended to earth in order to build a bridge into the spiritual kingdom by way of His suffering and death.... by way of His crucifixion.... __The decision of will demanded of My first created being.... of Lucifer.... was by no means to be regarded as a commandment; rather, it was entirely left to the being's choice to direct its will either way, and the direction of its will was totally based on its yearning for power and dictatorship. It was certainly aware that it had originated from Me but believed that it could also rule on its own because it could not see Me.... It recognised Me as its source but it did not want to acknowledge Me.... And this will was not placed into the being by Me but the being itself had changed the free will I bestowed on it.... This was the difference between the first fall of Lucifer and the first human being's fall into sin.... because the wrong will was still in the human being and therefore I gave him a commandment which he should not transgress.... a commandment he could easily have kept had the opposing spirit not influenced him. The opposing spirit's influence on the human being was so strong because the human being was still part of him.... since he had not yet regained perfection, which would have made a fall impossible. __A perfectly created human being could not have fallen, that is, he would not have been able to violate this commandment, because the perfect spirit in the human being would have prevented him from every God-opposing action.... But the creation of the human being was only the consequence of Lucifer's fall and his followers, or it truly would not have been necessary for Me to give the spirits, who had been brought into life by Me, an external form as a cover. The human form, however, contained the fallen spirit, and therefore the human being Adam was already burdened by the past sin which he nevertheless could have pushed away had he kept My commandment.... It would have been possible for him to redeem the inherited sin.... his fall delayed the fallen spirits' return to Me for an infinitely long period of time again. Yet is has become possible through the act of Salvation by the man Jesus Who did, without any commandment on My part, what the human being Adam should have done.... to completely accept My will and through a life of love unite with Me again on earth and achieve full possession of strength and light.... __Amen
Change of the true Gospel.... Followers?....
You are being taught the pure Gospel and are learning to recognise the difference between My pure Gospel and that which is now taught on earth as My Word.... You are learning to recognise that My Word has been changed to the extent that it is interpreted and consequently observed differently.... that far too little attention is given to what is essential whilst the unessential is emphasised, and thus little spiritual progress will be achieved. I have shown people on earth the only feasible path by teaching and exemplifying My teaching Myself, by walking the path which all people should walk in order to reach Me.... It is the path of love, only by taking it will the human being be guaranteed the kingdom of heaven, that is, after his physical death he will be able to enter the spheres of light where the soul will blissfully exist close to Me.... My teaching has become a deviation.... it can only still be found hidden in a structure of human additions, wrong interpretations and the observance of unimportant commandments, which were never given by Me to people but which present the great danger that the only essential commandment will be disregarded and thus not acted upon. __It is of no use to you humans when you castigate yourselves, when you perform duty bound actions or confess Me with your mouth if you do not recognise the commandment of love first and foremost and act accordingly.... You believe that you worship Me with your countless ceremonies, and yet you can only worship Me by doing what I ask of you.... And I ask of you to love Me and your fellow human being.... As long as you find that you lack love when you honestly look at yourselves, you are not yet on the right path, even if you go down on your knees daily and hourly and beat your chest.... This is demanded by people and only serves people too, whom you want to convince of your piety.... __Yet you are still far removed from true piety as long as you do not accept your fellow human beings with love, which also demonstrates your love for Me.... as long as you let your fellow human beings next to you live in utmost hardship and distress, as long as you do not attempt to help them first before you flatter yourselves with outward gestures.... before you pay homage to the world through mundane pomp, through everything that you call `in honour of Me'. I do not want to be worshipped this way while there is still hardship crying out for Me, which you humans could certainly ease if you etched My commandments of love into your hearts.... As long as I lived on earth I cared for the needy, the poor, the sick and the oppressed.... You, who claim to be My followers on earth.... what are you doing for these needy, poor, sick and oppressed people? As long as you can help but won't, you are not My true followers even if you call yourselves such. __I only value the fulfilment of My commandments of love, since everything else.... profound faith, recognition of pure truth, unification with Me and, finally, eternal bliss.... are the results of love and can never be gained without love. It is already evident from this as to why there is such great spiritual hardship on earth, why people are without faith and live in error.... My pure teaching is the teaching of love, which I taught on earth. The moment this is taught as well as practised you humans will live in truth and will have started on the path which follows Jesus.... However, if you ignore these commandments you could outdo each other with external deeds.... you will not achieve any progress for your soul.... you will continue to live in error and take this into the spiritual kingdom, since I only value the degree of love attained by your soul until the time of your death.... __Amen
Separation of the planets....
Vast distances separate the creations which you behold as stars in the firmament.... distances, which you humans cannot estimate and therefore not conquer either, because every single star is a world in its own right and these worlds are hermetically sealed in so far as that they have entirely different atmospheres which are always appropriate to the consistency of the planet itself as well as to their inhabitants. You humans should not believe that My creative spirit could not create and design versatile enough.... You should not believe that you will find the same living conditions as on the earth you inhabit on other celestial bodies again.... and you should even less believe that these celestial bodies could offer you the same living facilities that are necessary for your survival.... if you ever reach the vicinity of such a star.... Yet it would be a futile venture, you will never even succeed in establishing contact with other celestial bodies unless it happens on a spiritual level via thought transmissions from these worlds which will always only serve your spiritual progress but never concern humanly intended worldly research.... __You humans can indeed develop considerable abilities, you can productively create and design on earth, you can ascertain the forces of nature and utilise them in every conceivable way; by virtue of your intellect you can deeply penetrate the laws of nature and then become prominent with all your knowledge.... Yet your sphere of activity is and always will remain the earth, and if you then try to utilise your intellectual findings for the benefit of your fellow human beings My blessing will also support your work, your activity, for then My law of eternal order will be upheld.... But you also have to stay within this order, you have to observe the laws I Myself have decreed and which are distinctly recognisable in all works of creation.... And this also includes the cosmic distance of celestial bodies from your earth; it includes the isolation of every single star from the other which is characterised by a vacuum, by the stratosphere, which makes it impossible to support human life in this space and therefore should also make it distinctly obvious to you that I have isolated you Myself.... __For even if you believe that you can overcome such `obstacles'.... these attempts will fail, you will perish if you dare to enter regions which were closed to you by Me.... Thereby you only prove that you are spiritually very arrogant in believing that you can render divine natural laws ineffective, you prove that you neither acknowledge these laws nor the Lawmaker, and you prove that you humans are ready for the total transformation of this earth because you lack the most important realisation: that Someone is above you Who has the last Word.... that you do not recognise this One or you would not undertake something that you, as inhabitants of this earth, are not entitled to do: to make other worlds the goal of your research, which are and will always remain totally inaccessible to you, because every star serves to mature the spiritual beings whose degrees of maturity are so different that they all need different creations.... Creations, in which you humans cannot survive, and therefore there can never be contact between two worlds.... My creative spirit and My creative will has truly done nothing without wisdom, but you humans will never be able to ascertain what exists outside your earthly sphere other than that the existence of countless celestial bodies and planets will be established by you with certainty, because this evidence is not harmful to your souls.... but any further knowledge can only be spiritually disclosed to you.... __Amen
Descent into hell.... Lucifer's opposition....
It is true that I descended into hell after My death on the cross and that I also brought redemption to those who had not yet entered the gate to eternal bliss, because this gate first had to be opened by My death on the cross.... Countless souls had awaited the hour of their salvation and I appeared to them as the human being Jesus, and I described to them My suffering and death because they too had to voluntarily acknowledge Me as Son of God and Saviour of the world. But I was also accepted by those who had lived a good life on earth; I was not rejected by all, nevertheless, countless souls resisted Me and rejected the gift of grace, My Salvation.... My adversary's influence on these souls was so strong that they only saw Me as the human being who had revolted against earthly rulers and hence was sentenced to death.... The freedom of will had to be upheld for all these souls. Therefore I could not appear in power and glory.... I had to come amongst them just as I had walked amongst the people on earth.... as a human being Who only by means of the Word tried to convince them of His mission and the accomplished act of Salvation. __But My adversary did not want to let go of the souls, nevertheless, for the first time he realised the consequence of My act of Salvation.... he could not hold on to the souls who acknowledged Me, who voluntarily wanted to follow Me through the gate which had been opened by Me for them.... They were released from his power, they burst the chains with the strength they received from Me, because I Myself had loosened their chains.... Hence My adversary raged even more amongst his followers, and now the battle of light against darkness (the battle of darkness against light) began in earnest and has never ceased, and thus rages on earth and in the spiritual kingdom.... I had descended into hell to bring salvation to all those whose earthly life had ended before I came to earth.... to all those who, in spite of a right way of life, were still subject to My adversary who even fought against Me Myself and against whom I fought on earth for every soul he was keeping in chains.... And he lost a large proportion of his followers.... __I had died for all those souls and all could have liberated themselves from him. But his fury was never-ending when he saw himself deprived of his followers.... when he had to realise that I had gained a victory, but which was entirely achieved by love. He too could have submitted himself to love, yet his power, his ownership, was still too large and he resisted the strength of My love, and hence it could not take effect on him either. But the moment had come when he had to realise that his power was defeated.... He had to accept that he had found his master in the human being Jesus, Whose love had achieved the unification with Me.... And thus his hate grew ever stronger because the divine Saviour Jesus Christ had now become a serious opponent Who could take his followers away by virtue of His love. But My adversary still found a helpful solution in the fact that this depends on every being's free will and constantly tries to influence his victim's will, be it on earth or even in the spiritual kingdom. But I descended into hell after My death on the cross, and I continue to descend into hell to bring salvation to all those who want to liberate themselves from him, and he will not be able to stop Me, he will never be able to forcibly retain the souls who want to follow My call.... His power has been defeated by My death on the cross, but even this crucifixion could not break his resistance, his hatred and his will are unyielding, his actions are evil, and his essence is entirely without love.... __For this reason he lacks the strength to give life to the dead. His remaining strength will only ever be used for negative actions, and thus positive strength has to weaken his activity ever more.... love has to attract and draw to itself everything which is lifeless and then revive it again.... With My descent into hell the return of the once fallen beings to Me had started, the awakening of the dead into life had commenced, for love has proven that it is stronger than hate, love has made amends on the cross for the guilt which had resulted in the death of the beings. And thus life has been bought for them, he who had put the beings into the state of death had been defeated.... __Amen
God reveals Himself in the Word....
In My love and mercy I draw near to you in My Word so that you will learn to recognise and love Me. The connection between Me and you can only be proven to you if you listen to My speech which is intended to convince you of a Being Which you indeed are unable to behold but Which nevertheless can be present to you if you yourselves allow It to be present. If I Myself address you, you will no longer be able to deny Me.... But if you don't want to hear My Words then it will not be proof of Me either even if you hear them anyway. Yet first of all I consider those who listen to Me voluntarily and who let My Words penetrate their hearts.... Hence I want to draw close to them in order to win their love, and therefore I must also inform them of My nature, My will and My love.... I must reveal Myself to them, for this revelation can also kindle the love in them, which is the purpose and goal of conveying My Word to earth when I Myself speak through the mouth of a person. Every person who considers that such communication is possible, who opens his ears and heart when he hears My Word, can already be counted among My Own, for by listening to Me he proves that he has relinquished his opposition to Me. In My Word I Myself come to people on this earth, I instruct them, I admonish and warn them, I explain to them the consequences of their way of life and I bring them the good news of the salvation from sin and death.... This, however, can only be conveyed to you by the One Who is the eternal Word Himself, Whose knowledge, light and truth is supreme and Who alone can also enlighten you about His nature. The `Word of God' is the greatest gift of love, for it must have come forth from Me directly, it must give evidence of Me Myself.... And once I have addressed you, you will no longer be able to deny Me.... And yet, innumerable people walk past the most delectable offer they will receive in earthly life because they don't want to be addressed by a God. __I cannot reveal Myself to someone who does not recognise anything above himself, who does not want to know anything about Me, who rejects all knowledge because his nature rebels against the thought of having to be subject to a Power Which has created him. He is still so filled by the satanic spirit that it is impossible to reveal Myself to him.... He will never believe that a `God' will manifest Himself to people.... And yet the Word sounds from above and enters the human hearts which open themselves.... For only through My Word can I influence those who shall take their test of free will.... My Word does not compel, it does, however, impart great strength to a willing person, My Word can turn the will in the right direction without compulsion, and My Word can kindle love for Me.... because it is My direct emanation of love. Since I Myself Am therefore the Word of eternity I can also descend to people, talk to them and time and again try to turn their thoughts to Me.... I can constantly nourish those who have recognised Me, who love Me, with My Word, which is the right food for the soul with the most obvious effect of strength.... And thus I will talk to people time and again for as long as the earth exists, and over and over they will hear the same Word.... time after time the Gospel will be proclaimed to them which I preached to people when I lived on earth. People will repeatedly be offered this Gospel in its purest form, so that My Word will come to pass: Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my Words shall not pass away.... For I Myself will never ever change, the truth will always and forever remain unchanged, and My Word is the outpouring of Myself and therefore always and forever has to be the same. And in order to remain pure it must come forth from Me Myself, and that also necessitates that I continue to speak to people on earth directly, that I Myself must come to people in the Word and bring to them what they need in order to find their path back to Me.... I must reveal Myself in order to be recognised and loved by My living creations.... __Amen
Tradition.... Sacraments.... Sacramental effect....
It is surely not to your credit if you humans allow your thoughts, actions and will to be determined solely by traditionally accepted views, if you do not seriously form your own opinion whether and to what extent such views are justified and to what extent they must only be regarded as the result of human thoughts. People are expected to attain perfection on earth.... and this is such a serious matter that everyone should earnestly investigate it. In that case, however, he will also have misgivings as to whether the demands made upon him are justified, and he will begin to question whether those traditions actually originated in Me, whether they are based on pure truth or on a truth that became spoilt in due course. Because a serious will to attain perfection on earth will certainly to raise such doubts.... especially when it relates to very spoilt doctrines, for then I would place such doubts into a person's heart Myself in order to guide him from a state of darkness into the light.... It cannot be denied that so-called 'traditions' contain much spoilt information, since so many customs and bad habits, as well as wrong doctrines, have been derived from My doctrine, which I Myself preached on earth, so that the pure Gospel of love.... the essence of My doctrine.... has been pushed into the background whilst human additions are claiming foremost attention. __And people allow themselves to be captivated by it, they make every effort to comply with the demands and dare not change old traditions and customs which are, however, of no benefit whatsoever for the development of their souls. Nevertheless, they cannot be excused since every human being is able to think and thus also has the duty to reflect on the doctrines which determine his fate in eternity. He should take his life on earth more seriously and not believe that I will be content with completely worthless performances.... which also include the `receiving of sacraments', which are no sacraments at all....because only what a faith awakened by love may receive from Me directly can have a sanctifying effect, thus when a union with Me has been established through love. Then a person will be so abundantly blessed by Me that he will be able to reach perfection on this earth.... Then all sacramental blessings will manifest themselves in the person..... He will receive the baptism of the spirit.... in turn he will be a teacher and messenger to his fellow human beings; he will always be allowed to partake of the bread from heaven, of My flesh and My b1ood.... Closely united with Me he will be alive with wisdom and love since he will no longer be burdened by the guilt of sin which was forgiven him for the sake of Jesus Christ, Whom his loving heart recognised and now acknowledges before the world. He will be filled with My spirit.... because he has come alive through his love and his faith. However, he cannot receive these blessings by performing traditional duties. __It is certainly good to guide the thoughts of a child towards the purpose of its life on earth and its task.... but it should never be taught to perform lifeless rites, instead it should always be taught to love. And a person's spiritual development entirely depends on his attitude to this doctrine of love.... He can only attain perfection through a life of love and only this will yield the sacramental blessings. Because every human being has to strive for his perfection entirely voluntarily, but he will be prevented to do so by demands and commandments which are supposedly My will. Since he should attain life.... he also has to be alive in his thinking, his will and actions. Every kind of formality, however, will destroy this life and something purely external cannot achieve an inner change. But every person is responsible for his soul himself, and he will have no excuse in the future that he had been wrongly informed, for every person who earnestly strives for perfection will also be given the opportunity to receive the pure truth from Me, providing he has the desire to gain Me and My kingdom and always wants to live in accordance with My will.... __Amen
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