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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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And time and again I say to you: You will experience the end.... It is an urgent wake-up call which I send to people who presently inhabit the earth, it is a call which I will still intensify because you need to let go of your conviction that you still have much time left, because you need to spend thought on a sudden end and try to come close to Me. You have only little time left and very soon will be startled out of your calm, fear will enter your hearts which you can only banish by calling upon Me, by faithful prayer, which will provide you with strength and composure. The time is fulfilled, and even if you resist this thought.... you must prepare yourselves for whatever the end entails. It is you who will experience the last battle, who ought to win it; it is you who will experience the last Judgment, who will either see My coming in the clouds and the homecoming of the righteous or the final act of destruction take place, depending on your attitude towards Me, depending on your will and your love. It is you who must make a decision since you will not be able to enter the kingdom of the beyond after your death if you side with the adversary, but you will have to repeat the process through the creation of the new earth according to My eternal counsel. Do not expect the end in the future, get used to the idea that the present time will lead to the end, that you will be affected and that everything will come upon you as seers and prophets predicted according to My will. I can only ever draw your attention to it and as confirmation of My Word speak to you from above, and I will implement it shortly because there is not much time until the end. __I will inform you, whose will to serve Me made you My Own, once again of this just before the end, so that you will not experience the day unprepared, for even though you believe that My Word is truth you are still not taking My prediction seriously enough, you are still counting on a reprieve and not on My speedy arrival which, however, is about to happen to you. Yet you will yearn for My arrival when the time of the battle of faith comes and you enter the last stage of this earthly period. Then you will have learned to despise the world, you will have no further desire for earthly possessions, you will only yearn for My Word, and I will also always be with you in the Word and comfort you until the day when I will appear in the clouds, when your adversity has reached huge proportions and help can only come from Me. You must take it for granted that you will experience this time if I won't recall this or that servant of Mine prematurely, according to wise judgment. You will all be surprised as to how quickly events will unfold, which I predicted long in advance through the voice of the spirit. And once I appear the end will come upon you with giant strides. Anyone who is profoundly faithful will inwardly rejoice despite hardship and suffering, for he will know that he will be compensated one day, that sooner or later all adversity will have an end and that a new era will start again with the paradise, as I have promised.... __Amen
You are all returning to the condition of the most primitive lifestyle, for only by that it is possible to get you to serve in love for the neighbor, which alone can redeem you. To all people is now given the opportunity to work in love but the free will is decisive as to how far the opportunity is utilized. And thus mankind is out to again create improved life conditions and just according to the will of the individual with just or unjust means at that, for there will be just a few serving but most of them letting themselves be served and at the expense of the neighbors to again attain prosperity, even though for a short time only, for very soon the end will follow. __But the preceding to the end is set from eternity. A partial destruction of inconceivable extent affecting vast areas of land and demanding countless human lives. So, for these people then the end has come, however, as a result of that their souls will enter the beyond yet. The last hour for this world has not yet come where also the portals to the spiritual kingdom will be shut. But to the survivors is yet granted a last reprieve, an exceedingly hard earthly life that may still be called a time of grace though, that yields an increased maturity to many who are still of good will. __The great happenings [actually] should get all people thinking and have them seek contact with God but there are just a few who draw an advantage for their soul from that by entrusting themselves to their Creator and Father from eternity and asking Him for mercy and help. And to all those help shall be granted. For the misery will be big and so general that help from the outside cannot be expected. Only mutually people can help each other and in this love for the neighbor they will be strongly supported from above; they will be able to manage jobs that are actually beyond their strength. Yet the will to help will bring them extraordinary supply of strength, the will to help will have a blessed effect also on themselves so that the helpful person receives spiritually and physically what he/she is willing to pass on, and thus one's own need is removed by that as well. The power of faith and love will visibly appear and every person can ease one's lot by readily remembering one's neighbor and not just one's own need. It's for the sake of reviving love this great need comes upon you because only love can redeem you, and it continuously keeps cooling off the closer it is to the end . And whoever is still capable and willing to love won't be crushed down by the need but they will overcome it by virtue of one's love for the neighbor. __Still, there will be great sorrow everywhere. People will get torn apart, they won't have contact with each other anymore and everyone is now offered the opportunity to devote all one's energies for the ease of the surrounding plight. And man can accomplish a lot if just calling upon God for support and having a desire of help for others. But whoever makes use of one's neighbor and tries to take advantage of his need for one's own self will, at the end, be counted to the ones to be swallowed up by the earth at the last day. He will be counted to the ones to be damned because they turned into true devils and will have to share his [satan's] wages, who will be put in bondage and be again banned in the new earth for an endless long time. __Amen
Preventing the Judgment through prayer?....
You humans would certainly be able to prevent the forthcoming Judgment, you would be able to stop an act of destruction of this earth if you sincerely appealed to Me for it, yet with a prayer which is not merely voiced by the mouth but is deeply felt within your heart instead. However, such a prayer presupposes faith in Me and you lack this faith, although most people would have to admit this unbelief if they seriously gave account of their thoughts to themselves. Many people certainly still mention My name with their mouths but their hearts have had no knowledge of it for a long time already. For this reason you are incapable of a prayer that could persuade Me to stop the announced Judgment. Moreover, people don't believe in it either, and thus they do not use the grace of such a true prayer which alone would be able to change My will. And if I announce the forthcoming event so definitely then that is only because I Am aware of people's state of faith and have known their will from the start. I cannot forcibly change their will, but it turns to My adversary and totally away from Me. Up to a certain limit I allow free reign to people's will, yet as soon as this limit is exceeded I will intervene and deny people any further opportunity to descend infinitely deeper. I know when I must put a stop to it, when I must break My opponent's power.... Consequently, I also know how to remove people from his power and influence, and I know that banishment into hardest matter is far more advantageous and promising for the apostatised spirits than allowing people in this low state of mind to keep the old earth and thus also their life where they become complete devils through his influence. Furthermore, I have already approached every individual person in order to win him over for Myself.... Every single person had enough opportunities to turn to Me in order to get to know Me and to experience My Fatherly love if he so wanted.... Countless means were used by Me, I coaxed them with Words of love, I admonished and warned them through suffering and adversities, I came close to them in joy and pain, I spoke to them through a human mouth, I steered their thoughts to spiritual spheres.... My adversary, however, won them over for himself through the world and its matter and they paid no attention to Me apart from a few who recognised and loved Me and who therefore need not fear the end either.... But these people also know humanity's adversity during this time and they recognise the fact that and why I will bring an end to an epoch which can only result in a lower spiritual state and never in a change for the better, in faith and in spiritual advancement. Through profound faith and heartfelt prayer you could certainly achieve a lot, yet you only desire the world and its possessions, and therefore you will perish because the time has come.... __Amen
Earthly task: Volition.... Wrong endeavour....
You had to walk a difficult path before you reached the point when you were able to make the last test of will.... Your soul, which had previously been dissolved into countless sparks of soul in order to endure a process of maturing in a constrained state, has assembled itself again.... Once again you have attained your self-awareness and as individual beings you are about to make a free choice: to choose the Lord to whom you want to belong.... This decision is the purpose and goal of your earthly life, and this decision has to be made of your own free will. It cannot be made by someone on your behalf nor can it be delayed, it has to be made without fail by the end of your life, because this decision will determine your fate for eternity. Your attitude towards this task during your earthly life is therefore immensely serious.... it can result in light and bliss but also in death and destruction, and you alone determine this through your will. But you are hardly bothered by it, even when you are informed of the reason for your earthly life, even when your eternal fate is described to you as either glorious or dreadful. Because you don't believe that sooner or later you will have to be accountable for your will. However, you cannot be forced to believe it, consequently the belief is rarely found amongst humanity and people only rarely accomplish their goal of deciding for the right Lord. Yet disbelief has its price.... __People increasingly forget their task in life, their every consideration merely concerns the world regardless of the fact that they will soon have to leave it. They face again what they leave behind. The memory of their past course of suffering through the material forms was taken from them because they will have to make their decision with freedom of will and may not choose the right Lord out of fear.... Hence there is an imminent danger that their decision will be detrimental to them, that they will devote all their senses to matter and by doing so also choose the lord of this world, to whom they will fall victim once more and whom they will also have to thank for being banished into hard matter again due to their wrong decision. Because they should turn their eyes towards heaven, they should strive to ascend and turn away from the world. Then the right choice was made, then the course through the whole of creation was successful, then earthly life will result in the being's culmination, then the soul has found the right Lord and will hasten to meet Him.... Then the person has passed the test of will on earth and can discard the heavy earthly body and enter eternity as a pure spirit, then the former long earthly progress on earth has not been in vain.... The being has found its way back to its source, it has recognised the Father and surrendered itself to Him for all eternity. __Amen
Final rescue work.... Callers and admonishers....
I want to accept all those of you who want to serve Me. Much work is yet to be done until the end, and precisely for this work I need faithful and enthusiastic servants who are aware of their task and so devoted to Me that they will only ever undertake what they recognise as My will.... but who also recognise people's spiritual low level and their frightening end if they don't change. The end will come without fail because it will be caused by humanity itself, and even if a few people strive towards ascent.... they will be unable to delay the end because these few cannot achieve a complete spiritual change and the whole of humanity would persistently strive towards the abyss.... thus, a change for the better is entirely out of the question precisely because of people's utter decline of spirituality. The end of this Earth will certainly also signify a Judgment.... compensation for the profane way of life, a separation of good and evil.... But far more than that, it will be an act of mercy for the wretched souls in the abyss.... which intends to put a stop to its constant downward striving and therefore it will be deprived of its freedom of will again.... just as it will signify an act of love for the still bound spiritual substance which is still on the path of higher development. Consequently, the end can no longer be prevented.... And yet, prior to this, much can still be done for these downwards striving souls, for people who blindly rush headlong into disaster. Everyone who is being warned can come to a halt, take stock of himself and take a path which leads to a different goal.... every human being can be stopped in his fall into the abyss.... Although anyone who confronts these constantly downwards striving people and cautions them to stop.... who describes to them the horrors and torments awaiting them at the end of their way, who draws their attention to or leads them to the right path, will not prevent the end anymore but he will save individual people from the pit, for as long as a path of ascent still exists it will not be too late for them to look for and to enter it.... As long as the end has not arrived, every individual person can still avert the horrors of the end from himself. For I Am a God of love and not of wrath, I Am a God of life and not of death and destruction.... My plan has certainly been definite ever since the beginning and no-one will be able to overturn it, no-one can intervene in My law of eternal order, but everyone can integrate in this order before it is too late, and it is only too late when the day of the end has come.... For this reason I bless all those who place themselves at My disposal as callers and admonishers, who advise and help, warn and admonish; I bless all those who - taking the right path themselves - also try to entice their fellow human beings to enter it; I bless every act of love that is done with the aim of rescuing people before the end. As long as the Earth still exists it is a time of grace, since every individual can still turn back, come to his senses and change.... For as yet the human being is still capable of thinking and of praying.... However when the last day has come, it will be too late for those who neglected to look upwards.... Therefore you should all use the time which is still left to you and work diligently for Me, because those of you who are knowledgeable shall carry your knowledge amongst the people, and even if only a few seeds fall on good ground and take root.... it is an incredibly urgent and much needed rescue work which requires all your will.... But don't grow tired and complacent, for there is not much time left.... Therefore take action and work while you still have the light of day, for the night will come when you will no longer be able to work.... __Amen
Strength of faith.... Healing the sick.... Miracles....
You will be able to work with inconceivable strength if you call upon Me for help with profound faith. You must be motivated by love to request this strength of Mine, your faith must be so strong that you will not hesitate for a second when you think of helping a person in need. Then you shall work in My name and you will be impelled by My spirit to do so.... Therefore, do not believe that you take the right to do something that does not correspond to My will, but do without qualms whatever you feel impelled to do and you will succeed. For I have guaranteed you My strength if you are of strong faith. And it is My will that your fellow human beings shall be persuaded of the strength of faith in the last days before the end, hence I will not let you be harmed if you want to serve Me and at the same time your fellow human beings. But I will never give My blessings for actions of self-interest, destruction or heartlessness.... Understand that love has to be the driving force and motivate you to request My strength, never hatred or an urge for revenge, for only love moves My spirit into action. And only through love can you unite with Me so that you then can also partake of My strength. And this love lets your faith come so alive that you no longer doubt the success of what you want to achieve. This also explains the many healings of the sick which are accomplished in My name. __Then I Myself Am called upon for help, My promise is being appealed to `Ask, and it shall be given to you; knock, and it shall be opened to you....' and with complete faith in the truth of My Word anyone who is lovingly taken care of by the healer will be healed, for the latter will have handed himself over to Me and I will truly be with him in My strength.... he can cure him because he can make unlimited use of My strength. Profoundly faithful people can therefore work on earth for the benefit of their fellow human beings, for they are permitted to do so as soon as they associate it with a living testimony of My name, as soon as My name is thereby glorified.... as soon as it happens in order to help people who strive towards Me gain a firm and indisputable faith.... and not in order to force disbelievers into believing.... Complete unbelief is an obstacle for the working of My spirit.... And the confessor of My name will either be restrained by My spirit from working miracles while watched by a non-believer or the latter will substantiate any healing with natural explanations.... Yet in the last days the weak shall still be won over by overcoming their resistance through the strength of faith of My Own.... And therefore many a miracle will be accomplished in My name in the last days, so that those of weak faith shall be strengthened in order to then be able to believe with conviction and to stand firm in the last battle on this earth.... __Amen
Beings from other worlds?....
There is spiritual contact between the earth and other worlds as long as it concerns beings of light which influence you on My behalf into taking the right path that leads to Me. The world of light constantly endeavours to influence you in a helpful sense.... But the forces of darkness, too, use every opportunity to mislead you, to keep you from the path of truth in order to confuse your thoughts. And much will happen, especially during the last days before the end, which you humans will not be able to explain.... Yet always remember that people have to take the path to Me without force, that My side will never use phenomena to compel people into believing, even when people experience utmost spiritual distress. Always remember that the world of light works on My instruction, thus it would never do anything of its own accord which does not comply with My will and My wisdom. __Therefore, if `beings of light' consider helping you they will never choose an appearance which will cause doubt, confusion and questionable results in human beings, but they will always express themselves to people in all clarity.... and always such that they can be recognised as sources of light. And then they will always express themselves to those who want to establish spiritual contact for the purpose of spiritual ascent.... But they will never exert a disturbing influence by using inexplicable means, for they want to drive out ambiguity, they want to give light and not increase the darkness which is spread by every unnatural phenomenon.... Countless beings of light are concerned for your spiritual wellbeing.... Countless spiritual beings want to help you to still find the light before the end.... For the end will come without fail.... because My love and wisdom also considers the spiritual substances bound in hard matter which one day shall also be released from the solid form.... You humans willingly interfere with My natural laws and will thus cause the final work of destruction on this earth yourselves.... Nor would the presentation of those who know dissuade you from your intention, even if the angels from heaven came down to warn you.... otherwise I would not constantly have referred to the end through seers and prophets if I had detected even the slightest change of will.... __Thus, your intention can no longer be prevented, the end will come without fail.... And therefore the concern of the spiritual world only ever applies to your soul.... And this is attempted by good as well as by evil forces, only in completely different ways.... The world of light only ever appeals to your spirit, whereas the world of darkness appeals to your senses.... The world of light reveals itself to you in various ways but always through mediators who, due to their spiritual maturity, are in contact with the beings of light, so that they are then able to pass these revelations on to their fellow human beings.... In contrast, the world of darkness expresses itself directly.... It addresses people at random, it finds belief with its own followers and causes confusion with others, and no positive results will come to light.... No definite divine manifestation of strength will be recognisable but constant questioning, constant ambiguity can be observed wherever evil powers are at work.... But whatever comes from above, whatever originates from Me or the world of light on My orders will always spread light.... And only by the light will you humans be able to recognise the working of the light, but then you will no longer question but know.... __Amen
World event.... Chaos.... Antichrist....
There will be indescribable chaos after I have spoken through the forces of nature, since for as long as the earth has existed nothing of this kind has ever been experienced by humanity. Fear and terror will render people incapable of thinking and doing anything, for their fear that this happening will repeat itself will leave them unable to give a hand in order to help and to rescue where it is still possible to help. Only a few will realise what has happened because it will have been revealed to them before and the truth of My Words will be evident to them.... Hence they will also enlighten their fellow human beings with complete conviction but, once again, only be listened to by a few, because people will accept anything but not that a divine plan of Salvation would be carried out in this way. Nevertheless, this time must be used well and at the same time people should also be informed of the forthcoming end.... That which has taken place cosmically cannot be denied by them and the fact that it had been announced in advance may still make individual people thoughtful. However, the will to live, the personal instinct for preservation, will nevertheless prevail, and people will do whatever it takes to get the earthly adversity, which was triggered by the natural disaster, under control. And again, the degree of love will be the crucial factor, people's willingness to help their neighbour, whether or how their own circumstances will improve, for I will help all those who care for their fellow human beings' hardship too.... Yet many will have to struggle hard if they trust in their own strength.... or they will clearly be helped from below if they rigorously proceed at the expense of their fellow human beings. Earthly hardship will be as immense as the chaos that was caused by inconceivable destruction..... __Then countless people will forfeit their faith in a God and Creator because they were sorely affected.... But their faith was a mere formality, it did not stand firm to a serious test.... However, I proclaim this event in advance so that you humans persevere, so that you know that it is My plan, that I Am also Lord over natural forces and that it therefore will also be an easy matter for Me to help those people again who appeal to Me for help.... I wouldn't have to announce anything to you in advance, I could suddenly intervene and surprise all people. Yet then no-one would want to believe in Me either. But I want you to recognise Me, and you will be able to recognise Me if everything comes to pass such as it has been proclaimed. Then you will know that nothing can happen on this earth without My will, and then you will be able to incline My will towards you by handing yourselves over to Me with complete faith and pray to Me for protection.... Hence this is why I transmit to you the information of what is to come, this is why I initiate you into My plan of Salvation, and this is why I constantly ask you, My servants, to pass your knowledge on to your fellow human beings as well, for your bond with Me will be your most assured protection, regardless of what happens.... __And then the one will become evident who will be My opponent in the last days, who will seize the reins because the immense hardship will make it easy for him and he will subsequently also issue instructions which will clearly prove that he belongs to Satan. And he will find many followers and give unscrupulous orders, he will also want to snatch those of little faith from Me, yet he will meet with resistance from My side too, for I furnish My Own with great strength and the worse the adversity will seem to get the stronger will be My Own, because they will feel Me and My presence and thus will fearlessly communicate what My spirit instructs them to say.... However, all this will have to precede the end, just as it has been proclaimed, because every single soul will still have to be fought for and the great adversity will still push those people towards Me who still call upon Me at the last moment and thereby escape the fate of a renewed banishment.... __Amen
Resurrection of the dead into life....
Humanity was held in bondage.... and it would never have been released had I not sacrificed Myself to redeem the souls from the one who held them captive. My overwhelming love motivated Me to make this sacrifice, to pay the purchase price which gave me the right to seize the souls from My adversary, providing they themselves wanted to leave him and follow Me. But the sacrifice I made by My crucifixion was intended for all once fallen spirits, it applied to all people past, present and future. It was made for the spiritual essence which has taken, and has yet to take, the path across earth as a human being. __I bought freedom and paid with My blood for every entity that once was pulled into the abyss by My adversary and is kept there in bondage, and no being needs to stay in the abyss any longer against its own will. But it has to yearn to leave the abyss, it has to want to ascend, it has to want to return to Me from Whom it once turned away voluntarily. Hence its former rejection of Me was the cause of its death, because the abyss amounted to complete lack of light and strength for the beings, the state of death.... So that it should rise from death into life, so that the being could rise from its grave and step into new life again, I purchased a life for the dead with My death, and no being need be subject to death forever, every being is able to rise from the dead just as I Myself came back to life on the third day.... __But My adversary will want to prevent the beings from escaping his domain and therefore they have to be helped, since they are unable to rise by themselves and My adversary keeps the grave, which engulfs the beings of darkness, tightly locked. But one cry to Me will penetrate even the most impenetrable tombs, one cry to Me in Jesus Christ and I Myself will hasten to help the weak and tormented soul, and My adversary truly cannot stand firm against Me Myself, he has to leave because I paid the ransom and thus he has no further claim on the soul who wants to leave the grave of darkness, the grave of sin and destruction.... __Do you now understand the significance of My act of Salvation, of My sacrifice on the cross, which was achieved for the release of the once fallen beings? Do you understand why only your own will can lead to this salvation, why you yourselves have to want to leave the grave before I can roll away the gravestone? __My adversary lays claim to you as long as you grant him this right, as long as you don't resist the restraint he had put on you, as long as you don't call for the only One Who can remove this restraint. You only need your will and you will be free.... because you will receive the strength to free yourselves as soon as you acknowledge Me in Jesus Christ, as soon as you desire to be redeemed by Him and request His help. But then My adversary cannot hold on to you any longer, he has to release you, then he has to accept that I roll away the gravestone and help you to rise, for I acquired the right to do so through My death on the cross.... I paid the ransom on your behalf, and therefore it is not irrelevant whether or not you humans on earth acknowledge the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... because you are wretched as long as you stay in the grave.... And thus the day of resurrection will sooner or later come for every soul, just as I was resurrected on the third day, and you will live and eternally not lose your life again.... __Amen
End time prophesies and admonitions....
As yet the period of Salvation is not concluded, a short period of time is still separating you humans from the final work of destruction on this earth.... And all of you could still become blessed if only you would recognise and acknowledge Me Myself in Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, the spiritual state you are in when the end of this earth, or even the end of your earthly life, comes upon you depends on this..... For the end you are granted will come suddenly and unexpectedly. And yet, no human being need be unprepared, for every person will still be told often enough what is in store for all of you, he just will not want to believe it. What is about to happen to you will ring in every person's ears again and again, for all coming worldly events are also indications and signs of a near end. And likewise all people will also hear My voice resound from above, for this event will not remain hidden from any person and can still be a last warning for everyone that the end can happen just as suddenly to them as it will happen to those who fall prey to the natural disaster. It will only be a little while longer, yet it will soon pass by.... But then the end will come without fail along with the Judgment which will decide the fate of every single soul. If only you humans would just acquaint yourselves with this idea that you create your own future fate, and if only you would believe Me that you can still attain your goal with ease providing you still make use of the short time, providing you entrust yourselves to Me and appeal for My guidance.... But you don't listen to My warnings and admonitions, you remain indifferent, and you allow the disaster to confront you without protecting yourselves from it or averting it.... For you do not believe.... You don't believe My Words and I Am unable to inform you of the coming events in any other way than through My Word, in view of the fact that you must find the path to Me of your own volition and therefore you may not be given more obvious proof.... __And the wheel of time keeps turning relentlessly.... Countless people will still be recalled by Me and this, too, should arouse people from their sluggish, routine life that is like a sleep from which they will be rudely awakened one day but then have no more time to prepare themselves for the end. The sleepers don't want to forgo their rest and slowly slip into a sleep of death, for their souls can only look forward to death because they don't appreciate life enough in order to acquire eternal life for themselves. People distance themselves ever further from Me Whom they should, after all, strive towards, and they think of their divine Redeemer even less, His act of Salvation is totally ignored, and thus My adversary, who can only be overcome by the One in Whom I embodied Myself for the sake of sinful humankind, is in control of people.... But without Him the end will also be terrible for people, for they will be hopelessly at the mercy of their destiny, they will be unable to find redemption because they reject the Redeemer Himself.... because they don't take the path to Me Who alone can help them. Again and again I approach people in Jesus Christ, again and again will people be told about His Gospel, they will repeatedly be invited to profess Jesus Christ and to adopt His divine teaching of love, and the approaching end will also be repeatedly mentioned. But it will be left to them to profess Him and to accept His blessings. But without Jesus Christ they will be unable to survive this end and neither can they be admitted to the kingdom of light if they are recalled earlier without having found Him.... All the same, the end will come without fail. However, it would not have to be feared, it would not have to be dreadful if faith in My Word impelled people to diligently work at improving their soul, for then a person would establish the connection with Me in Jesus Christ and the blessings of the act of Salvation would be utilised and assuredly also lead to maturity, so that he would not have to fear the end and the Judgment.... __Amen
Since eternity celestial bodies circle the universe on paths specified by the divine Creator and which will also be upheld in the plan of creation according to His will. And it is an impossible beginning wanting to alter the specified course of a celestial body, to divert a star from its course trying to guide it onto a different one than was destined by the divine Creator. And it is equally impossible to stop the course of a star, to limit the duration of its course, thus to prevent it in some form or other from travelling its path.... This has to be said to all those who believe that they, with their own inventions, will be able to establish a different order in God's work of creation.... who believe that they will be able to fit human products into the divine work of creation, who assume that such experiments can be sent into the universe without harmful consequences.... __I Am still the Lord of the cosmos.... and I will also reply appropriately to every intention of infiltrating My work. Another attempt will be made, and more will follow as long as people are not stopped.... And I will allow it to happen, but I will answer when the time is right. For not much damage can be done anymore by people's advance into space.... because the time has run out which humanity may still reckon with. And all the experiences they still want to gain will no longer be of any use for I will put a stop to it Myself.... __But I will respond in the same way, for this reply will also come from space which they try to enter, and all their inventions will be unable to repel or redirect the star which will put them into extreme danger themselves. And thus it is up to Me how long I will tolerate humanity's activity, but I will only tolerate it up to a point, I cannot profess to approve of experiments which have no spiritual purpose and only boost people's belief even more to be or to become master of the universe. __But the end is at hand, and during these last days people will still try many things which only demonstrate their godlessness, their spiritual arrogance and their spiritual poverty. Various experiments will still be conducted which will contribute considerably towards the disintegration of the earth, the final work of destruction and thus the end of one period of salvation which has to make place for a new one, if My living creations shall not completely be lost. __But you humans, who voluntarily belong to Me, don't allow yourselves to be impressed by it all no matter what happens.... Always remember that the Creator of heaven and earth will not let Himself be displaced and that He will clearly show His might without people being able to prevent Him from doing so.... I watch and wait.... until the day has come which is predetermined since eternity.... For the time is limited which My adversary uses such that people.... because they belong to him.... will do everything he wants.... but which they will nevertheless not succeed to achieve.... __Amen
Indications of disasters....
Soon it will become obvious to you how transient everything is that belongs to the world, because you will hear more and more often about destruction by the forces of nature, about all kinds of accidents and disasters and the unexpected deaths of many people.... And no-one knows whether and when they might have to suffer the same fate, no-one knows when their last hour will come. Yet each person knows that they cannot take anything along into eternity.... Therefore they should let-up in their earthly striving, in their chasing after all sorts of earthly possessions, for when the hour of death arrives they must leave everything behind.... Time and again you will be reminded of this through unforeseen instances when belongings have become worthless through sudden cases of death and all kinds of misfortune. But these are all signs of the Eternal Deity's mercy which are to remind you to remember your own death as well.... All these are signs of His love, which only ever wants to advance your soul's salvation and which would like to help you take stock of yourselves and change your way of life. For everything you do for the world, everything you only do for your earthly life, merely provides you with transient goods; but the spiritual goods you offer your soul will gain you spiritual possessions again which will follow you into eternity, even if you are suddenly and unexpectedly recalled from your earthly life. For spiritual possessions are everlasting, they cannot be taken away from you and will make you very happy in the kingdom of the beyond one day.... Nevertheless, regardless of how often the transience of all earthly things is pointed out to you, you never ever try to mentally assign such destinies to yourselves but go on living as before, and time progressively moves towards the end; a limit has been set, both for the individual person as well as for all people, which no-one can ever determine but which might be the next day for him, because every individual person is in God's hand. People should always remember this and live as they would were they to know the day. Every day they should be willing to leave the earth; they should constantly increase their spiritual wealth and always defer their earthly desires, they should live in awareness of eternity and not just for the moment, since plans for the future can never be made with certainty, thus they should rather count on an early death and prepare themselves for eternity than spend every day merely striving and craving for earthly possessions, for these are and will remain transient and won't gain the soul any advantage. However, only the soul will survive, it cannot perish, and to make sure that its fate will be good, the human being should provide the soul with that which will help it progress towards happiness:.... The human being should only ever accomplish works of love, in that case he would truly take better care of his soul than he is able to do for his body. For the latter will be preserved as soon as the human being considers his soul first, but soul and body need not fear death, which otherwise will always be dreaded by a person and scare him as long as the human being on earth does not bear his actual purpose in mind. Yet anyone who takes care of his soul first is no longer afraid of death, to a certain extent he is prepared every day and death will not take him by surprise, instead he will merely consider it a much welcome change of location.... __Amen
Renewed reference to the natural event....
Once again I want to inform you through the voice of the spirit that you are approaching an event with inconceivable consequences.... that humanity will experience something the extent of which has never before happened since the beginning of this period of Salvation.... For I want to shake people out of their dream state; I want them to take stock of themselves and this is only possible through a natural event of such enormous proportions that no-one will be able to remain unaffected by the great tragedy which this event will mean for humanity. The whole world will sympathise with it and people everywhere will fear that the same event might happen to them, for no previous signs existed to anticipate an event such as this, and therefore there will be great unrest amongst humankind. And it will also be very obvious to all people that this event was not caused by human will.... they will know that it was caused by a power they cannot fight; they will realise that natural elements had burst through, to which people are hopelessly exposed. And that is My intention, for as long as people always hold other people to account for that which happens in the world, nobody will take a look at himself.... But it is My will that they shall find the path to Me, and since people's low spiritual level has already sunk to the point that they also deny My existence.... since belief in Me has fallen to a minimum, I must use the last means in order to give evidence of Myself, although even then every individual person can still make up his own mind according to his will. For he will not be forced to believe, he can also give himself any other explanation, and that is to be expected. Once again only a few will understand Me and My voice and be receptive to it, they will call upon Me in greatest adversity and, truly, I will miraculously rush to their aid because I want to win them over to testify to Me, they shall be living advocates of Me when the time has come. I must use quite unusual methods because people are already so insensitive that even the most appalling occurrences mean almost nothing to them anymore.... they receive such news with their ears only to forget about them again in a short time because it hasn't happened to them personally. And thus an event will have to occur which will frighten all people because they won't know whether it will repeat itself, whether there will have been only partial destruction or whether the whole earth will finally have been affected.... They must be placed into this state of fear for people are only interested in their own destiny, and therefore they shall be anxious.... __And then there will be a possibility that people will find and take the path to Me, and every single person can consider himself fortunate if he had already established contact with Me or is establishing it.... who prays to Me in spirit and in truth. Time and again I say to you that you will be saved from ruin, from a renewed banishment into matter, if you have found Me, even if your degree of maturity is still very low. You will be able to enter the kingdom of light, you can keep ascending in the beyond and no longer need to fear darkness.... For as soon as you find Me you will also have recognised Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and use the blessings of the act of Salvation: you appeal to Him for forgiveness of your guilt and thus enter the kingdom of the beyond in a redeemed state.... or you accept the help of the guides in the beyond without opposition, who will escort you to the divine Redeemer.... But this always means that you must acknowledge Me Myself during your life on earth, that you accept Me of your own free will, which is proven by every heartfelt prayer to Me. This is why overwhelming adversity will befall the human race, so that this call, which decides your fate in eternity, can come through to Me. You must believe in Me as your God and Creator Who wants to be your Father, hence you must also call upon Me like children to their father. But then you really need not be afraid anymore regardless of what happens to you, for then you will experience My very obvious protection, for the time afterwards will be the final short reprieve during which everyone will be able to work for Me. Then he must be able to stand up for Me with conviction and that is what he will do, because he was allowed to experience Me so evidently that he will remain loyally devoted to Me until the end.... __Amen
Instruction to work for spiritual possessions.... Realisa...
Greetings to you from all of us, and under our protection further teachings from the Saviour shall flow to you. By no means do we want to withhold anything from you and your fellow siblings which can only be a blessing for you all, and therefore the Saviour has granted your prayer and allows you to hear His Words afresh time and again, for in receiving these your strength and your faith will grow. And when your knowledge increases, when you constantly remain in His grace, the high value of your work will also be recognised.... It is self-evident that only a person will partake of this grace if he constantly works at improving himself and only ever tries to lovingly provide for his earthly siblings. And yet, everyone has the right to be instructed in the Word of God, and by merely showing a little desire the Father will take pity upon him by granting his wish and instructing him.... For as yet you don't understand that the Father's love is seeking you.... that everything only happens in order to show you the right path, for there is no salvation where you are aiming to, there is only destruction.... Consider this before it is too late. At the end of your days you will find it difficult when you will have to justify yourselves as to how you have used your life. Of what use will your actions then be which merely gained you earthly reward.... Of what use will your earthly possessions be?.... And how much will you regret not having gathered deeds of love which enable you to ascend in the beyond.... and what pain will this regret cause.... when you have realised that you had precious time at your disposal and had lived it fruitlessly for eternity.... Oh, such realisation is bitter! The Lord therefore admonishes you to turn to Him while there is still time, for within a short time you can, if you are of good will, create inconceivable possessions for eternity.... if you unite with the Lord in thought and in heartfelt prayer appeal to Him for His grace.... Everything you request from the Father for your soul will so gladly be granted to you. Don't be satisfied on earth with illusive possessions which are not permanent.... the Lord has prepared such indescribable happiness in His kingdom for you.... this alone should be worth your desire. Let yourselves be instructed and if you gratefully accept these teachings in your heart it will be a blessing for you for eternity. Now, my dear child, follow our advice: It is not always good to let oneself be guided by one's feelings.... You will learn to understand these words.... that this gift of God you received is something special.... Over many decades the human being does not divert from his point of view, and yet, a moment often brings him close to the great, holiest.... recognition of the Divinity, and then he is no longer able to find his way through the confusions of life. He feels he understands and can no longer reconcile this understanding with everything before.... This is the time when often everything seems to crumble in the person which until then had seemed rock-solid, and if then the grace of God did not visibly protect such people, the adversary would have an easy time.... Yet everyone follows the path he is destined to take, and his sincere inclination towards God will guide him across all obstacles. And if you now turn to the Saviour for enlightenment, the Lord advises you to leave everything to Him.... He will correctly guide and instruct anyone who places his trust in Him, and if you feel that your desire for the Lord is being granted, that your heart turns to Him increasingly more, then you will also receive increasingly more profound teachings and the bread of heaven will be given to you.... Praise the Lord, for He instructs you and changes everything for your own good. __Amen
Perfect spiritual order.... Disorder....
All imperfect spirit causes some disorder in the world because all order is perfected spirit, it behaves in accordance with divine will, and God's will is order and perfection. The disorderly condition can never be something divine, therefore, the beings who are in God's ordained state.... that is, who are within divine order, must carry the divine will within themselves, that is, they have to live in accordance with God's will first if they want to come closer to God. Immaturity, however, aspires towards God's opposite goal, it conforms to the will of the one who wants to destroy all divine order. However, this disorder can only be evoked when the imperfect spirit is in possession of free will, that is, when it is embodied in a human being, since prior to that divine will determines every activity of the being and therefore this activity has to be orderly too.... which is expressed throughout the entire work of creation which exists in God's ordained order and cannot arbitrarily be transformed by a God-opposing will. Earthly life, however, is at the mercy of the human being.... And thus the human being creates his own state of order or disorder, all depending on the attitude of his free will. A life in closeness to God with the surrender of one's own will must understandably proceed orderly, it must completely correspond to divine will. The human being obviously cannot violate God's will as long as he subordinates himself to it. Consequently his conduct also has to be in line with God's ordained order, he can't help himself but aspire to what God wants.... __Hence, whatever is directed against this order has to collapse as a result, as it signifies disorder. All order incorporates within itself the guarantee of continuation whilst it is in the greatest interest of the representative of disorder, the adversary, to destroy everything, and for that reason he provokes an enormous disorder. It is now also understandable that human thought becomes completely chaotic when it expresses itself in some destructive form or another during earthly life. The impulse of preservation will always be divine, the impulse of destruction always satanic. Whoever complies with the inner urge to destroy, consciously submits his will to God's adversary who wants to annihilate God's work of creation and who uses the immature spirit to triumph against God. He besets the spirit, he tries to weaken the human being's will to act in a God-opposing manner, i.e. to disregard and attempt to destroy what God in His wisdom has created. And this is contrary to divine order. Everything in existence serves to mature the imperfect spirit. Every desire to destroy any kind of creation interferes with God's will, Who gave all spirit a certain length of time and will only release it from its form when the spirit within the form has matured, i.e. when it has become capable to live through the next stage of embodiment within God's ordained order. __A being which is prematurely disturbed in the process of higher development wants to escape its form or take its abode in an external form that is unsuitable for its state of mind and this, since it lacks the necessary maturity, would be the start of an unimaginable disorder which would have horrifying consequences on earth as well in the entire universe. Because everything would be at the mercy of the immature, God-opposing spirit. There would be an open contest against God which would rage against all divine wisdom if God didn't prevent it. For that reason, i.e. to maintain divine order, the will of the immature being prior to incarnation as a human being is constrained, whereas the danger in earthly life is that the opposing will results in an unparalleled chaos, a confusion of human thought which can cause the most incredible disorder. __And all virtuous spirits fight this disorder because God Himself uses no coercive measure as hindrance and allows the immature spirit complete freedom of will, nevertheless, it will always be a sin to oppose God's will. The being violates divine law.... which in itself is order.... when it enjoys changing this order into disorder. Because it then subordinates itself to the will of the adversary who longs to destroy everything that God has created.... He will not succeed, nevertheless merely the determination to do so is the greatest offence against God's love, wisdom and omnipotence, it is rebellion against God and therefore results in the most dire consequences. The spirit who rages against Him cannot enjoy freedom as long as it defies divine will and divine order. As long as it refuses to fit into God's ordained order it is not free.... __Amen
People live with the believe, to serve a good purpose when advocating a complete downfall of a nation, which in their opinion adds damage to the other nations. This particular point does without the view of individual reasoning and goes against all justice. People only see what they want to see, and prior to judging, they refrain from reasoning and seriously reviewing, as to how far the public opinion corresponds with the truth. __It is an incredibly cruel principle wanting to destroy, what no longer suites them, and therefore direct all measures serving the annihilation against fellow men, against beings, that likewise were created by God to live through the embodiment on account of their spiritual development on earth. And beings, that should serve one another in love, draw together to annihilate each other. This is so terrible and quite marks the spiritual low of humanity, which does not realize the great injustice, and only thrives on unleashing the greatest barbarism against fellow human beings. People lack a sense of justice, and logical thought has deviated far from true justice. Justice, they claim, is something that serves ones earthly well being, that enlarges power and property and every powerful one believes he owns the right over the weak ones. __Every just thought has been fully lost by mankind; they are no longer capable of forming their own judgment, where the source of wrong is to be found, as to how guilty people themselves are of the disasters they are faced with… Only their hatred and lovelessness speaks, they want to practice retaliation and indulge in revenge for the sake of works, which goes against all human senses. People rage against each other, they outdo each other in cruelties and mutual extermination. __And yet the aggressor is to be condemned far more than the attacked, that must defend himself and therefore uses the same means. It is a work of destruction, which is led by Satan himself, because he drives hate and lovelessness to a frightening pinnacle, it is a rage against each other, which kills any human feelings.... people no longer fight against people, but a specific kind of deeply fallen spirit beings, and thousand upon thousands of people have to suffer and end their lives in ferocity. __But God takes revenge on peoples iniquity… He will condemn the rage against one another, He condemns this kind of militancy and His judgment is indeed just. It will hit the guilty one when the time comes. He will let the world know, who instigated the terrible evil, and He will brand them, that the world recognizes the abhorrent behavior of the one, so that the people think justly, and regard all fellow men as equally created beings of God, that they abhor their wrong behavior, reconcile and make an effort to do good for their sinfulness.... __Amen
Demonic activity.... Necessity of divine intervention....
Just a little while longer and you will remember the Words I spoke on earth that the world will become chaotic in every respect. Soon you will realise where heartlessness between people will lead to. If you still harbour a spark of love within yourselves you will recognise the opponent's power, who incites everyone to conflict with each other. His activity is demonic, and as a result people also behave demonically in their unkindness. And thus I will intervene and by means of apparent disorder nevertheless restore order again, so that humanity's real purpose is made clear to them. When people in their delusion destroy everything, such an act of destruction from above is absolutely necessary so that the injustice will be clearly revealed and humanity will recognise it as such. __And there will be acute distress, and in this distress people's pleading prayers will rise up to the Father in heaven, which is the purpose of My intervention, so that people will look for Me, so that they will remember Me again and take refuge in Me. __For there is no other way left to achieve this, only the harshest adversity will make them take the path to Me, and only the harshest adversity will yet be capable of changing humanity. But My spirit will be with all those who are loyal to Me. They will recognise Me in everything that is happening and faithfully await My help.... And they will speak on My behalf and try to explain to their fellow human beings the error of their lives and refer them to Me. And then, depending on their attitude towards Me, I will also take care of their hearts, and wherever a devout thought rises up to Me I will send comfort and help. I will bestow My love upon all those who recognise their wrong and thus call to Me appealingly. For I love My living creations and only want to save them from greatest danger.... from a danger which will far exceed the earthly suffering they will encounter. And I will permeate all those with My spirit who are willing to be of service to Me, so that they will be able to comply with their task and not waver in their faith when the time of affliction arrives.... __Amen
Endless times have passed by already and endless times will still pass by until the spiritualisation of that which is the fundamental substance of Creation will be completed. This process is so inconceivably laborious and requires such an infinitely long time because the initial resistance of the spiritual substance cannot be forcibly broken, but it has to decide to surrender it voluntarily, and therefore it cannot be interfered with to speed up the process. Only the exertion of exceptionally hard pressure can weaken the spiritual substance's will of resistance, hence the consistency of the visible creations appear to be almost indestructible in their initial stages and their disintegration is only possible again through violent events. Such violent disintegrations only take place through God's will when the spiritual substance has become so compliant that it no longer requires the insufferable state of constraint. Then God will loosen its restraints, and the previously hard form will disintegrate and reshape itself into new external forms, but they no longer signify such a painful state for the spiritual substance. Every violent breakdown of a formerly solid form is an act of liberation for the bound spirit within, at the same time, however, creations which shelter more mature spiritual substances will also become subject to change. For the forcible disintegration of a hard substance is a process which is felt by all spiritual beings far and wide. It is not a gradual decay but an elemental eruption of the spiritual substance which is momentarily granted freedom by God and which it uses in order to burst that which keeps it bound. Such eruptions entail momentous changes for those creations which are affected by the destruction. __All spiritual substances, including those already further developed, dispose of their old form in this way, unite with other released spiritual substances and take abode again in a new external form, depending whether these spirits are willing to fit in with a serving task. And thus through such violent disintegration the spiritual substance is induced to carry out a serving activity again, which signifies a relaxation from its previous constraint for the spiritual substance. This is why every forceful breakdown involves liberation, i.e. further development for the spiritual substance bound in the form, and is joyfully welcomed by it. It is only a sorrowful event for the spirit during the last stage of development, for it deprives this spirit of any further prospect of development on earth and therefore triggers dread and horror if it didn't make use of its last abode in the form while it had the opportunity. Yet such eruptions are necessary for the sake of the immature spiritual substance which cannot be released from its solid form by any other means. For as soon as it decides to be of service after an infinitely long time of resistance to God, it will also be granted the opportunity to do so by God.... __Amen
Forthcoming event.... God's intervention.... Time of adve...
The nations will rage against each other without mercy and inflict the greatest possible damage on themselves. People will be gravely affected by this and suffering and grief will be their constant companions. People's heartlessness is immense and will even keep growing, and thus they will draw divine intervention ever closer to themselves. There is not much time left before it comes to pass what God has revealed to people through his spirit, and yet, people will be taken by surprise, for in their unbelief they don't believe that they will be affected by it themselves. They don't believe that their spiritual hardship is such that it will necessitate this intervention and that the time for it has come. For they don't try to understand each other, everyone just wants to achieve his own advantage and harm his fellow human being. And this is the beginning of an unimaginably meagre time.... Ideals will be lost which can never be replaced again.... The time has come of which the Lord has spoken on earth, and the said intervention will result in such appalling suffering that people will believe they are incapable of enduring this forthcoming time. __And yet, no-one will be able to escape but, in fear of their life, everyone will hear Gods voice speaking loudly and clearly to humanity. The extent of the destruction will make many people equally poor, great demands will be made on people's love, for only active neighbourly love will be able to handle this misery while raising the spiritual low at the same time. For a loving person will not leave his fellow human being without help and this activity of love will lead to spiritual growth. Every day until then shall be valued, and there will not be many more of them.... The day will come surprisingly soon which will signify a major change in many ways.... And despite their inner upheaval only devout people will remain calm and recognise the real state of affairs. And in their awareness of humanity's spiritual hardship they will try to also lead their fellow human beings to have faith. For the event will happen for the sake of their souls, and if a person then cares for his soul God's intervention will also have borne fruit. Yet again, there will only be a few, for their spiritual blindness will prevent people from realising....
Notice of an event.... Spiritual transformation.... (Rome?)
Those of you who are not yet living in truth will have to surrender much of your spiritual wealth because the time will come when you shall witness the collapse of much that you had deemed indestructible. You will realise that human work will not last even if it had managed to survive for a long time. You will find it inconceivable that divine providence will initiate a work of destruction which simultaneously will denote a major spiritual change and strongly disturb the thoughts of people who believe themselves to live in truth. And you won't be able to find any other explanation than God's unmistakable demonstration that you are misguided. This mistake is already too deep-rooted in you that you could liberate yourselves from it and therefore God wants to help you.... He wants to show you that everything has to yield to His will, including that which has survived for thousands of years. God gave human beings free will, subsequently He had to withdraw His will where human will opposed it. Thus he did not prevent the structure of an establishment which did not correspond to His will. However, His will was secretly respected and observed, unnoticed by the world and therefore little known, yet resisting hostile interference. But humanity was pleased with this structural work which asserted itself with much pomp and splendour and which found many followers. But one day even this work will come to an end and this end will happen in full view of all people.... __A building deemed indestructible will tremble and result in an event which will claim many victims in every sense. __God's intervention will shock people's thoughts. But God wants to prove to people that all human creations deteriorate and that everything which comes from God directly will continue. He wants to inform people that they are misguided, He wants to make them receptive for the pure truth. And in view of the disastrous change many people will stop and think, they will question the credibility of their previous teachings because the breakdown has robbed them of all faith. And this event is not far away, the whole world will be involved and, if they are faithful, recognise an obvious sign sent by God to the people on earth for the salvation of their souls.... __Amen
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