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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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End and Rapture.... Paradise of the new earth....
A blissful fate in the paradise of the new earth is awaiting those of you who will stand firm during the last battle of faith, who will remain faithful to Me until the end. It will certainly still be a difficult time for you but you will be able to prevail, for you will receive an exceptional flow of strength from Me, you will be so evidently taken care of by Me and My love that you will patiently accept all difficulties and profess Me and My name before the world. You and your strength of faith will also lift those of your fellow human beings' who are still of weak faith. They will recognise My might and strength if only a person has living faith in Me. But you should not stay with Me for the sake of reward, instead your love for Me should motivate you to resist all hostilities by the adversary. And you will indeed possess this love in view of the distinct help, the love, which I Myself will prove to you.... Then burning love for Me will arise in you and nothing will be able to frighten you anymore, nothing will be able to separate you from Me, Who is and wants to remain your Father, Who wants to transfer you as His children into the paradise of the new earth.... and Who therefore will help you until the very end. And I will shorten the days for the sake of My Own.... This promise shall be your comfort when you look at the chaos around you, when you are subjected to persecutions which originate from My adversary and affect all those who believe in Me. Don't let yourselves be misled by the promises of those who don't want to acknowledge Me.... don't let yourselves be deceived by their apparent good living standard and don't desire it yourselves, for My adversary and his followers will not be able to enjoy it for long.... Everything will cease to exist on the Day of Judgment, and only you will survive this day and be allowed to enter the kingdom of peace when I will carry you away before their very eyes. __And so that you will remain strong in your resistance, so that you will remain loyal to Me until the end, I will fortify you in every adversity of body and soul.... And I will also visibly come to you, if your strength of faith and your love allows for it.... I will provide you with such remarkable strength and comfort that you will be firm enough to resist and that you will also live through the short time without incurring the slightest damage to your body and soul.... For My power is truly great enough to protect you in every adversity and danger. Therefore, if you are unusually put under pressure for the sake of your belief you can count daily on My coming.... Then you will know that the Day of Judgment is not far away anymore, and then wait in love and patience, for I have promised My help to you and I will rescue you from all distress. You don't know how close you are to the end and the day and hour will remain a secret to you as well; but pay attention to the signs which proclaim the end to you.... and you will realise that you are living in the twelfth hour and that time flies. This is why you should make use of it to the best of your ability and always remain in contact with Me so that you will constantly receive strength and increase your strength of faith and your love for Me.... I will truly save you from destruction if only you have the will to belong to Me, therefore I will also give you the strength to prevail until the end or I will recall you before, so that you will not fall prey to My adversary in your weakness.... For as soon as your will applies to Me I shall no longer leave you to My adversary but take hold of you and draw you up to Me.... Yet blessed is he who experiences the end, who will remain loyal to Me and profess Me before the world.... I want to endow him with the delights of paradise, I want to transfer him onto the new earth when the Day of Judgment has come.... and all adversity and suffering will be over for him, he will live in peace and beatitude and I Myself will be with My Own, as I have promised.... __Amen
Natural phenomena.... Temperature.... Star.... Prediction...
Time flies and people don't change their mind; untold souls will perish, unless the Lord still offers them His love in the last hour, when He will bring the horrific destruction of all worldly things home to them.... And therefore pay heed to days which will significantly differ from the usual time of the year. The lower the sun stands the brighter will be its shine and extraordinary heat will astonish people.... This will give rise to all kinds of assumptions.... People will look forward to the approaching time partly with cheerful confidence and partly with anxious reservations, and the human being will be inclined to acknowledge supernatural activity. __Yet only few consider their relationship to God.... They don't realise that God Himself wants to direct their thoughts to Him, they don't even try to look for a connection between Him and the extraordinary natural phenomena.... Indeed, they very quickly get used to it and don't derive the slightest benefit for their soul. For if only they would pay attention they would understand the call from above. But if they do not consider their relationship with the Creator, they remain earthly minded and don't accept any spiritual gift. And all these extraordinary natural phenomena are expressions of spiritual activity by powers which are subject to God and willing to serve Him. More spiritual currents will emerge and make themselves known to people in various ways, and yet people will not spend much thought on them, for the power of darkness has tremendous influence and fights against all spiritual recognition.... it tries to weaken the Divine, consequently humanity will only ever pay attention to earthly events and remain indifferent to God's activity in nature, even though people clearly will be beneficially affected by them. Just a small number see God's hand reaching out to people and try to enlighten their fellow human beings, but they only acknowledge physically perceptible benefits and not an instruction from above that intends to cause a change of human thought. And in this time of well-being, caused by the sun's extraordinary effect at an unusual time, an event will take place which should even make spiritually blind people think.... __A star will separate itself from the firmament and change its path.... This star's radiance will far exceed all others, it will shine brightly at night and approach earth so that this appearance, too, is unusual for people and yet at the same time demonstrates that the Creator of heaven and earth is in full control and thus also dictates the movement of stars according to His will. Once this star becomes visible, humanity will be getting ever closer to the spiritual turning point.... It is offered so much spiritual assistance that it really only needs willpower to accept this help, yet it grows ever more obstinate, its thinking becomes ever more deluded.... And the time is not far away of which the Lord said on earth that the world will be turned upside down if the human being closes his heart to all spiritual issues. __The light will also shine where it is avoided, for the light's radiance will be so bright that it penetrates everything, and even the spiritually deluded person won't be able to avoid seeing, but he wants to reject it anyway, and thus in the end he will be consumed by the light.... For everything bright, light and clear banishes darkness.... And the light will defeat the darkness in so far as darkness has to retreat once the light of truth breaks through. And lies and illusions will crumble but truth will last for all eternity.... __Amen
The spirit of heartlessness.... Divine intervention....
The spirit of heartlessness rules the earth and its inhabitants, and the opponent has become victorious over countless beings whose lives are devoid of all love. And countless people are thus driven into the chaos he has caused and which became feasible precisely because of this heartlessness, which aroused inconceivable hatred and discord amongst people. People have lost all common sense for they are guided by the spirit of darkness, and this also keeps people's thinking enslaved or distorts it such that they no longer know what they are doing. Humanity has indeed rarely subordinated itself to the opponent's will so thoroughly as is the case now, and therefore the countermeasure will have to be exceptionally harsh too, if a higher spiritual state is to develop and people's present-day spiritual delusion remedied again. And so this spiritual hardship requires divine intervention, and divine love and wisdom are aimed at using an event for the sake of removing this hardship which, admittedly, makes humanity doubt divine love and wisdom but which is nevertheless the only option left to save people from certain ruin. __People remain irredeemable; they cannot be persuaded in any other way to accept the faith and they comply even less with the commandment of love for God and their neighbour.... And then again, the human being has to acquire the right way of thinking if he is to be spared the adversity of the approaching time and his earthly life left to him. For the divine intervention will befall people with elemental force, no one will be prepared for it who has not united himself with God beforehand. And there will be a panic which only God Himself can avert again if He is sincerely called upon to do so. Yet people will lack the faith in God. For even those who live with faith and love will be stricken by anxious doubts since they, too, will very clearly hear God's voice. Their spirit will certainly take refuge in God, yet their soul will fearfully and with dismay await the events which are yet to come. They will barely be able to comfort their fellow human beings and will have to struggle for faith themselves, yet God will support them so that they shall not waver in their faith. But those who don't recognise God will look for rescue on earth and find no help. __They have to change their thinking or become victims of the elements which are instructed by God, the Lord Himself, to serve Him. There will be indescribable confusion, since only the most extreme adversity can still bring about a change in hardened sinners.... only the fear of losing their earthly life will make people soft and submissive and willing to pray. However, without prayer no gift of help can come from above, for only prayer provides the certain guarantee that God Himself will take care of His earthly children and release them from all anguish. And the hour will seem awfully long to people who see everything they found desirable up to now fall prey to destruction. And yet, people cannot be spared this hour since all of God's love and kindness has been rejected and there is no other possible way out of the spiritual adversity. Again and again God's forbearance has postponed this event, but finally His prophesy shall be fulfilled.... For the time has come when extreme weakness of will and unbelief can only provoke this catastrophe. The time is near which the Lord has announced through His Word when He lived on earth and referred people to this time of apostasy from God. For His Word is eternal truth and will come to pass, down to the very last letter.... __Amen
Indications of natural event.... Jesus' reference on eart...
It is not coincidence that increased indications in nature suggest an eruption of the elements, for God sends these signs in advance in order to prepare people for an exceptional natural event which will suddenly and unexpectedly take people by surprise and result in inconceivable misery. People are meant to associate these indications with His Word, for Jesus Christ already mentioned this time when He lived on earth, because He wanted to point out to people the eventual consequences of their way of life. This time is now approaching; people should heed the signs which announce the event.... They should not ignore anything that deviates from the framework of natural law. God announces Himself, that is, His intervention in the existing world order, it is not His will that people should experience anything unprepared which should and can advance them spiritually if the correlation of all happenings is explained to them. For this reason God constantly refers to the forthcoming time and informs people that the time has come which necessitates divine intervention. Then it is left up to every individual person himself what he makes of this warning.... If he believes, he will adjust his life accordingly, he will make contact with God and humbly entrust his destiny to Him.... They will not be in as much danger as those people who lack all faith in an intervention. The latter will not prepare themselves either, instead, all references and admonitions will bypass their ears unheeded. And the natural event will be dreadful for them. __For profound faith gives a person the confidence that they are protected by God in every danger; yet an unbeliever will have nothing to hold on to if he does not recognise a Lord above Himself at the last minute and commends himself to His mercy. God sends His messengers long before the event already in order to stimulate humanity's thinking, and these indications can be recognised by everyone who wants to recognise them. They will give rise to thought because they don't just occur once but repeat themselves often and at regular intervals, so that they will have to be noticed by everyone. But every person usually devises his own explanation and this depending on his attitude towards God. As soon as he associates these phenomena with God's will, he pays attention to them and thereby benefits, since he prepares himself for the time ahead, which is of great advantage for his soul. What God has proclaimed in Word and Scripture will irrevocably come to pass, only the point in time is unknown to people.... For this reason they should pay attention to the signs which God had mentioned. And thus they will know that the earth will be facing severe tremors which will cause incredible suffering to the human race.... Then it is up to every person to shape himself such that he can brace himself for the coming time.... He should persevere and appeal for strong faith so as not to weaken in view of the work of destruction which is in store for humanity. And God will take care of every person who pays attention to His Word and consciously expects the divine intervention.... __Amen
The cause of hard living conditions....
You cannot expect changes for the better in your living conditions as long as you don't change your will as well as your conduct in life yourselves. Your perception of the purpose of your earthly life is completely wrong and you would never even think about it if you were given a carefree life of peaceful monotony or worldly pleasure. But you have to become aware of your true task on earth, and therefore you will be motivated by difficult conditions in life to think about it because only then can the knowing beings, who are responsible for your spiritual care, mentally suggest an answer to you. And these difficult conditions shall worsen if they don't succeed in stimulating your thinking because in that case you won't live consciously, i.e. you won't strive for spiritual development, which is the purpose and aim of your earthly life. And therefore you shall have to endure worldly hard times and should not expect improvements as long as you don't improve yourselves, i.e. as long as you don't accept divine will as your guiding principle of conduct. Because God can only educate you such that your will becomes active by itself and you would only need a small amount of suffering if you thought of your own accord and shaped your life in accordance with its purpose. And you continue to be burdened by very hard conditions because you are not making any preparations for change. __The earth will see much suffering; hopelessness and anguish shall tire and exhaust the people, and yet they could provide themselves with an easier earthly life if they only recognised their suffering as a caution from God, who warns them in that manner to change their lives for their own sake. Because soul and body shall die on the path they are walking. God wants to save the soul and therefore puts the body under pressure, He wants to show you the right way if only you were willing to listen to Him, when you, because of a harder life, turn your thoughts to Him, when you question yourselves about the meaning and purpose of your existence and wish for a mental response.... __And if you listen to Him, if you heed His warnings and live accordingly, then He shall relieve you of your difficult living conditions.... He shall save you from all evil, spiritually as well as earthly, because He only asks you to consider Him and carry out your true purpose in life.... to strive for progress and not just concern yourselves with earthly life.... Then He shall take your worries from you where it benefits your soul, because God does not want you to suffer if you consider your spiritual well-being first. He must save you from eternal destruction by all means which, however, you shall suffer if you live a carefree earthly life and achieve worldly fulfilment.... then your soul will be lost and you won't achieve your goal on earth, you won't strive upwards and therefore will have lived your life in vain.... __Amen
'The gates of hell....' Church of Christ....
The quintessence of Christ's teaching is the commandment of love for God and one's neighbour. Hence, wherever this is taught and practiced, there is true Christianity, there is the church of Christ, which has its foundation in its firm faith in Him and which therefore will continue when all else comes to an end. His church comprises believers who live according to His commandment of love and who are therefore permeated by His spirit which manifests itself openly or in secret, depending on what is best for the individual soul. And Jesus Christ guaranteed that this church will last forever with the Words 'The gates of hell shall not prevail against it....' At the same time His Words indicated that it will be attacked by the forces of hell.... And His Word is truth and will come to pass at the end of the time granted by God for the souls' redemption. Then the church of Christ will be assailed by forces which are hostile to God, yet it will remain victorious and be recognised as everlasting by its followers, by the community of believers who practise true Christianity, abide by the teachings of Christ and live a life of love. __However, this church of Christ will be small, only a small group will belong to it and yet, it will be represented all over the world.... truly lovingly active people and therefore true Christians will live all over the world. Their love will gain them wisdom, and thus they will also be profoundly devout and acknowledge the God of love Who embodied Himself on earth in Jesus Christ and consciously strive towards Him. They were all promised by God that He would remain with them until the end, He promised them His spirit because they belong in truth to His church which He Himself founded. And thus He will protect them until the end from spiritual and earthly ruin, because they live according to Christ's teaching.... with love for God and their neighbour.... and belong to those who will be shielded from death, who will be taken by God into the kingdom of peace before the immense destruction takes place.... The small group constituting His church will be the foundation again on the new earth, Christ's teaching will be proclaimed once more, love will be cultivated and the people of the new earth will live in deep faith, for God's love had revealed itself to them, He Himself will stay in their midst because they fulfil His commandment of love for God and their neighbour.... And thus God's church will continue, it will survive all times because it will always be followed by people whose faith in the Redeemer of the world fills them with love and whose activity consists of a constant service in love.... because nothing can cease to exist which originates in God, which accepts love as its basic principle and therefore is divine.... __Amen
None of My predictions will be unfulfilled because the urgency of the time that is far more severe spiritually than physically calls for it. And in observing the behavior of mankind, in taking a closer look at the thinking and endeavoring of people you, too, will see the urgency of a change of all the conditions of life, because only by such it is possible to change people. And that's why you can count on a soon change, for the time has elapsed. The need up till now has been without progress and thus yet a bigger need only can offer a last possibility and this one will irrevocably come by My will. For I will turn Myself into focus and will be recognized by everyone who is of good will. __Whatever human will, human hate and unlovingness has accomplished so far will yet be surpassed by My will: Annihilation and destruction will also take from you what you believe to own in regard to earthly goods. People need to get into a low that causes them to call for help by Me if salvation is to be provided for them prior to end. They need to understand that any earthly directed hope will be in vain, and it is only then when a few will look into spiritual matters and it is for the sake of these few I'm going for a last resort before the arrival of the end. However, the time period that follows My last rescue operation will be hard for everyone, believers and unbelievers alike, except the believers will continuously receive strength in order to keep going. The faith of many people will become shaky if it is not a living faith. And this is My intention that a dead faith be reawakened by that too, because it would otherwise be of no value for the eternity. Those people bare of and those weak in faith I will help by My voice which will sound loud and audible. However, there will be a big falling away from Me, the last storm will shake off many unsuitable fruit. Yet, by that I won't be deterred to let the storm go across the earth. The one who is steadfast will prove to be reliable for eternity. __And so, then, do not doubt My word, await the day that will arrive with certainty and, until then, make use of every day because you can still win many by being active at the work for your soul. Every day of the misery can yield spiritual success to you as long as you think of Me, as long as you keep aware that nothing can happen without My will or My permission. And, relieved, cast all your worries upon Me and I will help you bear what I, for the sake of your souls, impose on you. The time will pass by you in a hurry, yet, no matter how hard it is for you, it is an act of mercy because you can achieve a far greater progress than in a long, calm time which lets you become indifferent and lazy and won't let you get closer to your last destination. Therefore await patiently the coming true of My predictions, do not expect an ending of the misery by My intervention but, rather, just a change of it because your souls are not ready yet for the thorough peace on this earth; you are to fight and gain a strong faith, only then I can take the misery away from you, only then you can experience a time of peace on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond. Yet, always bear in mind again My word is truth and I do not depart by one iota from what I proclaimed a long time ago and you will be your own witnesses, you will experience what I proclaim so that you can take a stand for My word before the world. For My last intervention shall be proof to those who did not believe My word so far, whom I still intend to win for Myself and to whom I obviously make Myself known by means of the natural happenings. So that they will believe in My might and in My working through you. __And thus I again proclaim to you: The day will come suddenly and unexpectedly. It will take the place of a severe earthly misery, yet again, it will bring a new misery in a different form. But if you believe that only love for you directs Me to let you go through suffering it will thus be bearable for you, for once the end will come and the redemption for all who believe in Me and dedicate themselves to Me, for all who profess their faith in Me before the world. __Amen
Certain sign of the end is the small flock of fighters fo...
That the time has now come to an end is demonstrated by the fact that My fighters can only be found here and there, people who are so engrossed in their love for Me, in their love for truth and for good, that they are no longer firmly attached to the world but remain in constant contact with Me, both mentally or through kind-hearted activity.... People who stand up for their faith and feel the need to win their fellow men's souls over for My kingdom and My doctrine.... who therefore fight with the sword of their mouths.... who are constantly imbued by My spirit and in whom I Myself can therefore work. Not many of these will be found and wherever they stay, they walk along unnoticed or are treated with hostility. It is a certain sign of the end that My Own only form a small flock, but I Am a good shepherd Who keeps His lambs together, Who guards them well so that none will lose its way or be lost. Not one of My Own will be left out by Me, they will find each other and form a small community among each other and they will find their greatest satisfaction in the fact that I have accepted them into My service, that I entrust them with the mission of supporting Me during the last days before the end. Those who are good and true are My fighters, for good will and a desire for absolute truth characterises My fighters, who will indeed win the final battle because I will never leave those again who won't leave Me but look upon Me as the loving Father Who will not let His children be harmed, even if they experience earthly adversity as a result of their steadfastness. Those who regard Me as their Father of eternity will also be looked after in a Fatherly way, once this time is over. They will stay in paradise as My true children, they will experience the blissful and peaceful time on the new earth, which will take the place of the final battle on the old earth, as has been intended for eternity. I will gather My Own on the Last Day, the few people who remained faithful to Me during the preceding time of battle, who recognised Me and therefore can never abandon Me again. And I will fetch them to Me, as I proclaimed. Consequently, you humans can expect the near end with certainty when you look around you and find only a few who so deeply carry Me in their heart that they constantly talk about Me, about spiritual subjects, for which their fellow human beings have little sympathy. But where I Am mentioned in conversations I Myself Am present, and I try to attract the souls who are distant from Me in order to slightly increase the number of My Own before the time has come which brings the final end.... the destruction of the old earth and finally the Judgment, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
For the spiritual reversing is more and more clearly recognizable and must be an obvious explanation to you for the earthly troubles, while this trouble is still the only remedy to shake up man in order to change their ways of life and their thinking. For man now only desires earthly goods and let self be dominated by substance, instead striving for the opposite with resulting victory against material matter. __Again and again I bring their foolish behavior before their eyes, by showing them the transience of the earthly material matter. For the smaller events have no meaning, the individual won't change his thinking and is ignoring his sole life, for he figures only on his earth existence and has totally lost faith for the beyond. Further and further man is sinking, and shallower is becoming his faith, as more seldom his connection is with Me, their God and Creator since eternity. And this will be appearing especially clear in a short time. The day of complete change in the way of life is always moving closer, the day, where everything experiences a change, for My Will is becoming active in an apparent way. __Man will not be able to protect anything, unless I protect it for them, and powerless they will stand in opposition to My power and will end up in great distress. But blessed is the distress, if people are affected by it only earthly, if their sole is not in jeopardy....if man have faith.... then man does not need to fear earthly distress, then man can only gain victory despite earthly losses. But for the unbeliever a trying time begins, because for their loss of material goods they will suffer terribly and will have to give up hope to gain back any of it. They will not have any substitute of spiritual goods, since they never desired any when offered to them, but rather reject them. __This sorrow must pass over the earth, it can not be spared, but only be the upbeat to the last events, to the complete destruction of the old earth, which all of you will experience, if I don't call you out of your present life beforehand, as I think it beneficial for your sole. The believer will see and recognize all signs of the end, the unbeliever will pass them by, he only sees the earthly distress and its result on the worldly life and turns away more and more from God. __Thus in coming times, the spiritual striving will be separating each other from the totally worldly/secular people, and it will be so very obvious that the awakened human will recognize the end times. Onwards moving with gigantic steps towards the end, and you will experience the end.... __Amen
The process of Christ's return.... Ascension....
My return, My coming at the end of the world, is being doubted by those people whose faith is not entirely firm. And yet, they would be able to recognise the individual phases of the end time and also perceive My presence simply by being observant. 'I will remain with you always until the end of time....' These Words alone should be sufficient for you to form a correct idea of My return. The fact that I Am not visibly in your midst should therefore allow you to understand the spiritual meaning of My Words. I Am staying with My Own until the end of the world. For, since My ascension to heaven, I have been present to them at all times and everywhere.... For I said: I will remain with you.... Hence I was spiritually always with My Own and will remain with them until the end of time.... However, in those days I informed people of My return, of My coming in the clouds. Consequently, this return should be understood such that people will be able to see Me, just as My disciples saw Me ascend to heaven. Spiritually I Am indeed always with you humans if you prove yourselves worthy of My presence. But I will return bodily, albeit not in My earthly body, yet nevertheless visibly to those to whom I want to return.... But since I announced My return, you humans can also expect it with certainty if you believe My Word and belong to those who will experience the final end. I did not make this promise without reason before My ascension into heaven. I foresaw humanity's spiritual state during the last days, I also saw the tremendous adversity of the believers who want to remain faithful to Me and who will be put under extreme pressure, and I saw their struggle, the most severe battle people will have to fight for the sake of My name.... I saw their will and the great danger of having to stand firm amid devils. For this reason I promised to them My personal help, which I will indeed render when the time has come. I Myself will come to My Own and support them in the last battle. And thus many may be able to behold Me, for I will always be present where the adversity is immense and My Own need Me.... they will see Me as a human being of flesh and blood, yet not born of a woman, instead I will come from above and clothe Myself with a visible form for you, so that you will be able to endure Me.... And everyone beholding Me will be permeated by strength and survive the last battle on earth.... But then I will come in the clouds in order to fetch My Own home into the kingdom of peace. This coming will take place in the same way but in reverse to the order through which My ascension to heaven happened. I will descend to earth in radiant light.... yet enshrouded by clouds in order to be visible to you.... and gather My Own in order to save them from utmost adversity and distress on part of the underworld's demons as well as from the ultimate act of destruction to which everything alive in, on and above the earth will fall prey. However, this coming in the clouds will also only be visible to those who belong to My Own, for My adversary's followers will be unable to see Me. It will be a spiritual return and yet also physically perceptible, but only by those who are spiritually reborn, who have a profound and living faith and therefore also accept both My constant presence until the end of the world as well as My visible return without doubt, because they are taught by their heart, the spiritual spark in the person, and consequently belong to those with whom I will remain until the end of time.... They believe that I will come back and I will not disappoint their faith.... __Amen
The influence of the Antichrist will also hasten the end, for then the hardship of My Own will reach its highest peak and necessitates My coming in order to put an end to this adversity. My adversary's only objective is to dethrone Me and put himself onto the throne, that is, to completely destroy people's faith in a God and Creator of eternity in order to be esteemed higher himself, in order to be venerated and feared like God.... He does not want to own people's love, only their submission, he wants to control everything and thus be supreme ruler. As long as people still have faith, as long as they acknowledge a Power above themselves to Which they will have to give account one day they will not yield to the one who demands something from them that is God-opposing.... And therefore the adversary will proceed against this Power by trying to eradicate the belief in Me, and this by brutal means which will make it difficult for My Own to remain faithful to Me.... Yet the strength to persevere will be provided to them by Me in abundance. I will so visibly reveal Myself to them that their faith will become increasingly stronger, that they will accept all detriment in the realisation that I alone can give and take and will truly repay what is inflicted upon them on earth. __The Antichrist's endeavour is to stamp out the Christian teaching.... to prevent all knowledge about Jesus Christ as Son of God and Redeemer of the world.... He openly declares war on Me.... And that is his end.... My adversary will embody himself in a person who is totally enslaved by him, i.e., he completely owns his soul and at first deceives people with all kinds of proceedings and favours which will guarantee him the support of large crowds.... And his speeches and activities will be a mask which conceals the most evil frame of mind.... He will be a master in knowing how to hide arrogance, lies and greed for profit, yet his lack of love will soon expose him, that is, only in the eyes of My Own, for towards his followers he feigns sympathy for all suffering which he, however, does not try to alleviate but only contributes towards increasing these afflictions. The believer will recognise him, for he badly has to suffer under his rule, yet anyone who complies with him, who openly renounces Me, will be treated by him like a friend and be worldly honoured and respected. And so there will soon emerge two parties.... the majority will follow him and only a small flock will remain faithful to Me in their attitude and actions. And these will constantly be at risk, because My adversary urges people to cause them harm wherever possible. The Antichrist will reward such actions against My Own in order to even make the last believers, who still offer resistance to him, desert Me. __This will be the start of a time of bitter distress for My Own and yet it will be bearable because they will be allowed to receive an exceptional gift of grace.... because I will show Myself where people are in danger of weakening.... I know each individual person's will and attitude towards Me, and I will truly not let My adversary gain the upper hand over his soul. Besides, the end is near and My believers are faithfully devoted to Me in their hearts, therefore I can show Myself to them beyond the law in order to grant them strength. And many people will get to see Me, and then no power on earth will be able to destroy their faith in Me.... Then they will also joyfully give up their life if I require it. But I will put an end to My adversary's cruel game.... When he believes himself to have won I will come in the clouds and judge the living and the dead.... I will fetch My Own before I accomplish the act of destruction of the earth and all its inhabitants. Prior to this the adversity will be immense, yet My love will save you and My might will place into chains the one who opposes Me, because his time is complete.... __Amen
Success at the end of an earth-period.... Scientists....
The end of a developmental period will always have come when people have left the divine order, in as much as they feel themselves entitled to intervene in God's plan of Creation because they don't believe in God as a creative power and deem themselves capable of controlling everything in existence themselves.... people certainly received the creative spirit as a birthright from God and can considerably increase this inheritance, with divine assistance they can also achieve the seemingly impossible and still remain within the divine order.... as long as they receive the strength for their creativity from God.... But they will instantly step out of this order if all their plans are purely worldly orientated....if they set themselves apart from God as the creative power and thus conduct their experiments purely rationally.... if they use the divine creation itself as test objects and thereby turn themselves into henchmen of God's adversary whose objective it is to destroy divine creations. At the end of an earth period the world is always full of earthly wisdom.... __Science believes to have found the key to all fields and the spiritual path will only rarely have been taken, which God has indicated in order to attain the right knowledge.... Without Him, however, all paths are dangerous, without Him the results are doubtful and people more or less enter danger zones, because they are guided by the one who does not want progress but destruction.... who lets people believe that they are constructively active while they are digging their own graves.... and contribute towards the ruin of the old earth. For the apparently scientific progress is his work, the work of God's adversary, he impels people into extreme intellectual activity without divine support. They will harness natural forces yet in a different way than is intended by God's will.... They will leave the divine order and the consequences of this will reveal themselves.... __God, however, has foreseen humanity's will and activity since the beginning and therefore keeps referring to what will come to pass time and again, for He knows when and where the consequences of human thought and activity will express themselves.... He informs people about their wrong thinking and wants to persuade them to entrust themselves to that power which stands above everything.... He wants to warn them of His adversary's influence.... He wants to advise them to remain within the divine order.... He considers those who acknowledge Him as God and Creator of eternity and enlightens them about Himself and His opposing power.... __Amen
True and false prophets....
No matter what is done to displace the truth, it will nevertheless prevail, even though misconceptions will claim countess victims. Yet anyone with serious intentions will find the truth, he will also clearly recognise misconception as such, and it will be of no further danger to him. The fact that people generally fall prey to error is understandable, since error always promises certain advantages to a person, be they of a spiritual or an earthly nature.... And people are always interested in gaining advantages, they do not love truth for the sake of truth, it always has to involve a benefit for them, only then are they willing to accept it. Pure truth, however, presents everything clearly and openly and can also result in a person's disadvantage if the world, his earthly well-being, still means too much to him. For this reason it often meets with little approval, this is why the human being rather accepts error than truth, since he always hopes to gain a certain advantage, because error is more inclined to comply with his wishes. __And thus people don't want to know or hear about a destruction of earth, of an end of all life and creations on earth..... __And what they are now offered under the cover of truth, what is still giving them a small ray of hope that the end is avoidable, will be accepted by them and they rather support this than the pure truth which, after all, would make them feel committed to prepare themselves for a definite end.... There will always be prophets who proclaim the end on behalf of God. There will also be those who speak on behalf of his adversary who, being false prophets, will try to invalidate those proclamations, who make promises to people but do not draw their attention to the certain end and instead try to make out that it can be avoided. And again, these prophets will meet with greater approval because people don't want an end to come, thus they rather accept teachings which promise them an advantage.... __Completely ignorant people will find it difficult to differentiate between lies and truth. But a person who has already been initiated into spiritual knowledge need only question, as a criterion of truth and fallacy, the purpose of a doctrine.... what it aims to achieve.... If it wants to impart more knowledge to a person, if it wants to achieve the improvement of his character, if it helps him to detach himself from matter, then it is of divine origin and has to be valued as truth. If, however, it intends to create a better earthly living standard, which often takes place under the guise of piety, the teaching can be unhesitatingly rejected as misguided and having originated from God's adversary. __But during the last days many false prophets will come forward on his behalf, because neither the adversary nor his followers want to admit to an end. And thus, even people who consider an end will be fooled by him again. He will plunge them into confusion, he will argue the proclamations of true prophets with proclamations of false prophets, since during the last days the darkness will steadily intensify and anyone in possession of light should protect it from getting extinguished, which can be done if his love for truth is strong, if he just holds on to God and His Word. __But anyone who is not content with the soft light of God's love will search for deceptive lights and won't take care of the small light which glows in the darkness of night.... And then it can be easily extinguished by God's adversary, and his deception was successful. He himself appeared as an angel of light and found his victims: The world and the desire for it have triumphed. People rather listen to what he has to say because it casts doubt on an end of the earth, on the end of the old and the beginning of a new era, thus it makes people believe that they are in control of it themselves. They recognise this advantage, and the mere fact that he makes people believe that they can delay or avert the implementation of God's plan of Salvation identifies Satan's activity.... However, this activity is also part of the visible indication of the end, and he will undertake many more attacks against the truth, and he will get especially busy where he finds no resistance due to an absolute desire for truth.... Because that is where the lie is not recognised, and where he has an easy game. But he will not be able to deceive those who work for God and on His behalf, for they are enlightened by His spirit and will always be able to differentiate between truth and error.... __Amen
Disbelief in an end....
There is not much time left until the end.... even if you believe that the announced end will be in the distant future.... you will be surprised how the signs will increase and the point in time you live in will become only too evident. But everything will always proceed within the framework of natural progression, and that will raise your hope time and again that the end is still far away. However, your will shall remain free until the last day, for you cannot reach your goal by force which consists of establishing your bond with Me, of voluntarily raising your hands to Me and thereby acknowledging Me, Whom you did not want to acknowledge until now. Earthly life will therefore make great demands on you, you will have to endure many adversities and always have the opportunity to turn to Me.... But everything will take place entirely naturally, although the awakened person will recognise it as the last signs before the end. __And if I repeatedly proclaim that you are shortly before the end.... that you are only granted a little time longer on this earth, then you should take this declaration very seriously and not always relate it to the future in line with people's point of view.... You ought to understand the words as they are given to you, you ought to take them literally, and you will do well by doing so.... For the time is close at hand when the earth will be cleansed and a new earth will arise again.... But regardless of how urgently I speak to you, you don't want to believe it, and I cannot provide you with any other evidence that My Word is truth than that you will soon be shocked by a natural event and that you then can equally surely count on the end. Yet do you know whether you will survive the former or fall victim to this natural event? __Hence you should likewise consider it an end, for many people will thereby find their demise, and their life will not last much longer anymore. So don't be thoughtless and prepare yourselves, even if earthly life around you shapes itself as if only progress and prosperity exist.... Just one day, and everything will have disappeared and fallen prey to the destruction of natural forces, and the survivors will be presented with dreadful sights, because it is My will that they should come to their senses and still use the remaining time of grace they have left until the end. For everything I announce to you humans through seers and prophets will come to pass word for word, and you will soon experience the truth of My Word, and blessed is he Who accepted My Word and then found his path to Me, for in great adversity he will always find a way out, he will manifestly experience My help which I have promised to all of you who call upon Me.... __For this reason I speak to you, so that you can appeal to Me for strength in advance and then in utmost distress, when you will only have My help to rely on.... you will receive it, for I do not forget My Own.... Therefore take care that you are counted amongst My Own....Call upon Me in times of need, and I will answer your prayer.... __Amen
Eruptions.... Work of Creation.... Researchers....
Hence it is impossible to avert an event which was predetermined from the start and once again only for the purpose of returning countless fallen souls. The innermost structure of the Earth is constantly influenced by the activity of spiritual forces, and so an eruption will occur when it is permitted by the divine Creator, and this permission, in turn, depends on people's own will.... If humanity's state of soul is in grave danger due its own fault, a disaster is intended precisely in order to save it; hence people's will is ultimately the cause of the total destruction or of rescuing the soul from profound adversity. However, that which God decided in His profound wisdom from the very start has been concealed from the world but was proclaimed to those who live in Him and according to His order, as the Lord has always chosen those who, time and again, were supposed to proclaim His will to people. Nevertheless, this knowledge cannot be verified and is therefore rarely accepted as truth. But now worldly researchers also insist on entering a region which is inaccessible to them. They believe themselves capable of ascertaining the divine Creator's plan, i.e., by way of all sorts of calculations they try to determine the effects of natural laws; they even insist that they can numerically determine the date of the alleged end of the world and thereby effectively intend to subject the divine will to their calculations.... The human being is so small compared to the work of Creation and yet deems himself to know so much about things which are completely out of his reach as long as he does not try to attain them by spiritual means..... He fails to recognise the only right path but, on the other hand, is very quickly willing to believe what is scientifically presented to him. The greatest intellect truly does not suffice to ascertain the truth, yet the profound faith of an uneducated person can penetrate the mysteries of Creation and reveal irrefutable knowledge. Therefore, you should always pay attention to what worldly researchers present to people as far as these investigations touch upon God's work of Creation, for this region is inaccessible to them as long as they don't endeavour to gain an insight by spiritual means.... For God Himself offers the eternal truth to His children on earth now and at all times.... __Amen
Most basic way of life in the coming time.... The individ...
The coming time will bring a tremendous change of the existing living conditions and people will be forced to lead a completely different life in the midst of disorder and dreadful chaos, for the forthcoming natural disaster will cause immense destruction and it will take a long time until the former order can be restored again. Every person will have to content himself with a most basic way of life, he will be unable to lay any kind of claim to a comfortable life and be exposed to deprivations and tribulations which seem almost unbearable to him. And yet he will often ask himself the question of why he is subjected to this aggravated life and be unable to give any other answer than that the state of his soul needs this test. And if he comes to this conclusion by himself he will also try to adapt to the aggravated living conditions and as compensation envisage an easier life in the beyond, in which case it will also become more bearable on earth, for he should come to the realisation that everything that befalls people corresponds to God's eternal counsel. And then he will also have a compassionate heart for his fellow human being, he will help wherever it is feasible and those who believe in God and are striving towards Him will mutually ease the adversity. For love dwells within them and this helps to endure and overcome everything because it provides the human being with strength from God, Who is love Itself. The human being's attitude towards their neighbours' hardship will determine how long he has to live in poverty and difficult living conditions on earth himself.... He can improve these by being willing to help his neighbour, for then God will also provide him with the opportunity to put his will into action by giving to him what he needs himself so that he can also share it with those who, like him, live in most wretched conditions and thus lead a tough existence. __The individual person's intelligence will not be decisive since it will not be able to accomplish much because all previous living conditions will have changed and only utmost patience and a willingness to make sacrifices will make life bearable amongst each other. For it depends on this which kind of fate God will bestow upon the individual to endure. God Himself is love, and this love does not want people's suffering but their happiness; except that this happiness cannot be granted to them as long as they themselves do not recognise that God is love. However, in order to learn to recognise Him a heart has to become loving, and love generally awakens through great adversity and distress. And thus God has to send those upon humanity in order to fan the spark of love in every person's heart, and depending how he will then prove himself he will also be considered on the part of the eternal Deity. And so he can very quickly prepare a tolerable life for himself again if he also does everything on his part to ease his fellow human beings' adversity. And he will truly be offered enough opportunity to let his heart speak.... He will be able to be lovingly active in many different ways.... Spiritually as well as earthly demands will be made on him which he only needs to fulfil in order to also reduce his own hardship and make his life more bearable.... __Amen
Signs of the last days.... Battle of faith.... Chaos....
To specify (know?) the moment of spiritual change would not benefit humanity since the precise knowledge is an interference with free will, because at the approach of the predicted time the human being would feel obliged to change his way of life. But it is not God's will that people shall receive knowledge of the day and hour when He sits in judgment over them, they shall only know that the end is near and by the signs of the time become aware of this end. However, if devout human beings ask Him for clarification He will answer them in a manner that is helpful for the salvation of their soul.... __The Last Judgment is preceded by the last days, which last just a few months and are characterized by an exceptionally rigorous battle of faith. As soon as this battle of faith is carried out quite openly, as soon as all secrecy is ignored and all spiritual aspirations are bluntly and recklessly attacked, as soon as laws and decrees are endorsed which prohibit people's spiritual pursuits, as soon as all divine commandments are no longer observed, as soon as all believers are persecuted and have no more rights, the last days have entered into their final phase and the Last Judgment can be expected daily and hourly.... However, before this battle of faith flares up, humanity will find itself in a spiritual and worldly chaos; there will be noticeable regression in every respect. And this regression will be initiated by people who are dominated by Satan. He will show himself in earthly devastation and destruction, in heartless laws, in a God- opposing way of life, in civil disobedience and rebellion against the governing powers and in brutal oppression by the latter, in restriction of freedom and in evasion of law and justice. __These conditions will ensue after a huge earthly tremor, which takes place in accordance with God's will in order to terminate a conflict between nations that human will fails to end. For the people who are affected by this earthly tremor it will denote a change of their accustomed way of life, it will be a time of greatest deprivation and most difficult living conditions, and although this time will be favourable for the spreading of the divine Word it will not signify a revival of a worldly-clerical power. People will indeed eagerly strive to improve their earthly living conditions but these efforts will not be compatible with spiritual aspirations, with the belief in an Authority Which holds them to account and with the divine commandments that require love. And that is why everything that interferes with the return to the former good living standard comes under attack. Thus the battle of faith will start soon after the divine intervention which turns global affairs into a different direction. The events will follow each other quickly as they are hastened by people's low spirit, and this spiritual low shows itself in people's heartless actions, in their thinking, which shows extreme depravity and which prepares deeds that can only be called satanic. And thereby you can identify the moment in time when God's intervention can be anticipated. The global affairs themselves shall be a timetable to you, by the actions people are capable of doing you can see that they have totally distanced themselves from God and this clearly contradicts the opinion that this human race can still expect a spiritual renaissance. __The people who faithfully remain with God will indeed intensify their intimate relationship with Him, they will be in truth His Church which will stand firm amid misery and affliction, but it is just a small group. The world, however, denies God, it is hostile towards all who support God, and this spiritual need signifies that the end is near.... Therefore pay attention to the signs of the time, pay attention to humanity's conduct, to their desertion of God and their preference of the world, when people are evidently influenced by Satan, when they are enslaved by him and do everything to disobey the divine commandments, when nothing is sacred to them any longer, neither the life of their fellow human beings nor their possessions; when lies triumph and the truth is treated with hostility you know that the end is not far. Then you can watch the events unfold as they are revealed to you, because it will all take place during the lifetime of a man who, in a manner of speaking, hastens the disintegration, who pays homage to the destructive principle, who is not constructively but destructively active. And this man's end is also the end of the world, i.e. the end of the world in its present form and the end of those people who presently inhabit the earth, which are separate from those who belong to God. And now you know that there is not much time, that you are not given a long period of time and that the end is upon you shortly. And for this reason you have to prepare yourselves, you have to live as if every day is your last because you don't know when you will be called back and whether you will live to see the end of the earth. If, however, you are needed as defenders of God during the time of battle before the end, God will also guide your thoughts correctly and you will know when the time has come.... the time of the divine intervention by means of unleashing the forces of nature, the time of the battle of faith and the time of the Last Judgment.... It is God's will that you make people aware, thus He will also enlighten your spirit and guide your thoughts in a manner that you understand correctly and only voice and reveal to your fellow human beings what you have understood properly.... __Amen
God's Word provides comfort and strength in greatest need...
During fearful hours, when you believe to be cut off from the world and are only able to communicate with God in prayer, you will discover the strength and grace emanating from the Word which God's love sends to earth.... Then He will speak to you in His love and give you strength, He will care and provide for you and His Word will be ample food and drink until you receive help. No human being can give you the comfort which flows from His Word because you feel that He Himself is close to you in His Word and faithfully entrust yourselves to Him. And when you hear His Word your fear will leave you, His love will speak to you, His Fatherly hand will take hold of you and never let you fall again.... His Word is mild and kind, it gives you hope and you know it is truth, and thus all dread and worry comes to an end because you now have complete faith in Him. __The greater your earthly need the closer God is to you, if only you call upon Him....He will not leave you and conveys this in His Word which you, if you wish, may always hear directly or through mediators. Indeed, God will gladly fulfil this desire, He will not leave you without spiritual nourishment, He will not seal the well of living water.... He will protect it from destruction, He will not allow human will to obscure it, He will not allow the well to run dry which His great merciful love had opened for you who are hungry and thirsty, who suffer distress of body and soul and long for refreshment. And thus God Himself descends to earth in His Word to His Own when people prevent all access to you.... then He will be with you and you may receive precious gifts from His Fatherly hand, you will be strengthened in body and soul, and when you have abandoned all earthly hope and only give yourselves to God, He will take your fate into His hands Himself and deliver you from all danger.... because His love embraces you and all those who seek refuge with Him in prayer.... __Amen
Admonition to work for God.... Catastrophe....
You will clearly and perceptively hear the inner voice which will call you to work for My kingdom when the hour of your action for Me has come. Then you should not hesitate but follow the voice and let Me take you to those whom you are to teach in My name. The immense adversity will be the best spokesman on My behalf, for it will, if only temporarily, open hearts for Me and you will be listened to more readily than ever before. People were left without inner resistance by the previous huge natural event which had deprived them of everything that was dear to them. The task you must diligently comply with in order to first provide spiritual help for your fellow human beings is to explain to them the immense adversity by portraying it as My final means of help in order to prevent their souls' total descent. In an earthly way I will guide your thoughts such that you will be able to ease the physical hardship as well and will give to everyone according to his faith. Therefore, you should try to awaken or strengthen your fellow human beings' faith in Me, in My love and omnipotence, so that they can partake in the blessings of a strong faith and be helped with their earthly hardship. For One can and always will help.... you must just believe in Him.... And where earthly strength fails My strength will set in if this is My will, and with My strength you can cope with all situations in life and with My help will also be led through the forthcoming harsh conditions. And thus you, My servants on earth, must purely concentrate on your teaching ministry, on your spiritual activity, on your fellow human beings' souls which are in urgent need of help. You must try to direct their will towards Me by proclaiming Me as a God of love to Whom they must turn in order to receive the strength of love from Him as well. People will suffer so much adversity that they will take hold of any life line, that they will therefore listen more willingly than ever and be grateful to find an explanation for the work of destruction which is facing the survivors and whose souls I still want to gain for Myself. Therefore, each one of you, My servants, should work within your circle, for you all will have ample opportunity to speak on My behalf and to mention My directly conveyed Word from heaven to earth. Make use of your time of activity, because you will find open hearts which are receptive for what you have to offer impelled by My spirit.... And I Myself will be able to work through you, I will be able to speak to people, and wherever merely the slightest will exists your labour will be successful, the souls will turn to Me which I Myself can then take care of according to their will and their faith. It will not be long until I will noticeably manifest Myself in the repeatedly announced natural disaster.... I will come suddenly and unexpectedly, for even if My Own take it into account every day.... they, too, will be taken by surprise when the first signs become apparent. Nevertheless, regardless of how distressing it will be, I recognise its urgent necessity and will not divert from it under any circumstances. And thus you must all prepare yourselves for it by accepting Me and My Word in your heart wherever and whenever possible so that you will have an abundance of strength when you are surrounded by great adversity and fear, so that you can grant comfort and strength to all who are close to you, who are led to you by My will so that you will proclaim My Word to them for their souls' salvation. Prepare yourselves for this mission, for it will require all your strength and will, yet if you possess firm faith yourselves, you will, fearlessly and without worry, be wise guides and advisors for your fellow human beings and for the benefit of everyone be able to work for Me and My kingdom.... __Amen
Spiritual low level.... The end of a salvation period....
No spiritual progress can ever be expected if humanity's spiritual level is so low that it no longer recognises and acknowledges God. For then it is completely separate from God and thus also without the flow of strength which guarantees its spiritual progress. A short distance to God can easily be remedied, for then the soul will still move within the cycle of the divine flow of love, the strength of which will infallibly impel it to progress. But if the distance has become so great that the spiritual essence is beyond this cycle then it will also be entirely without strength and no longer able to approach God, since the opposing force will then have greater influence and pull it down to itself. But once humanity has reached this degree of development, that is, once it has regressed to this extent, it will also have forfeited its right to exist on earth as human beings, as this is solely for the purpose of higher development and it will have totally disregarded this purpose. Thus the developmental period for this human race will then come to an end. The earth will effectively repel all spiritual essence in the stage of higher development as soon as it no longer lives and acts in line with this stage of development. And this is the end of a period of redemption in accordance with divine will.... And every person can know the moment in time himself as long as he pays attention to the whole of humanity's spiritual development. __Once the lowest spiritual point has been reached when the heartlessness becomes plainly evident, the activity of the opposing force can be recognised by the fact that instead of constant progress there will be destruction everywhere.... once people's lives and activities are totally in opposition to God and thus against all divine order, it is no longer to be expected that humanity will voluntarily integrate with divine order again and then, according to eternal law, a disintegration of everything sheltering spiritual substances will have to take place for the purpose of a completely new banishment, so that after an infinitely long time the goal to live voluntarily in the proximity of God can be reached yet again. __There is no other opportunity of ascent for a degenerated human race once it has reached the lowest point when all love has grown cold, since then the strengthening flow of divine love can no longer be effective and this signifies a total obedience to God's opponent. Yet God, in His great mercy, will seize from His adversary what has become enslaved by him by banishing it into the creations again, which are outside the adversary's influence. Hence, even the return into hardest matter is but a work of divine mercy, since it creates a new opportunity for those spiritual substances furthest away from God to take the path of higher development again, which was no longer possible as a human being. __And one day the hour of salvation will come to him too, if only after an endless time. Yet he will not be treated unjustly by being returned into solid matter, for his will is so hardened towards God that he provides the reason himself for being bound by God for an infinitely long time. For he will not change anymore once the spiritual low level has been reached when people no longer recognise God.... __Amen
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