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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 21 transcriptions | ID of collection 1176686
Scrutiny of spiritual values for divine origin....
You can only receive spiritual food directly from Me, therefore everything offered to you as `spiritual nourishment' has to be scrutinised for its origin. Indeed all presenters of the divine Word claim to offer the pure truth from Me but in that case all presenters would also teach the same, there should be no different schools of thought or denominations all of which, however, differ from each other in their teachings. Consequently it is absolutely necessary to examine which teachings can be traced back to Me as the originator. And that requires thinking about.... which is not to say that thinking alone results into an undisputed judgment because that too might lead to different results of thought.... intelligence alone is therefore not decisive for the judgment of the claim of truth in spiritual values. But at least the desire for truth is a step forward, given that the human being actually thinks about whether he was offered the truth or a misleading notion. __Then the will for truth ensures his correct reasoning during the `investigation' for truth, the person begins to critically review what is offered to him. And such a review is necessary because misguided spiritual values do not have the sanctifying strength to heal the soul so that it can fully mature and feed itself with the food it needs. A misguided doctrine is not the right food for the soul, on the contrary, it can even contribute that the soul remains ailing and weak and yet does nothing to recover.... because the human being simply fails to notice that he is given unsuitable nourishment. Hence spiritual food has to originate from the kingdom to which the soul should return one day because it is only a guest on this earth to become suitable for the spiritual kingdom. Therefore it has to become suitable by way of food and drink, by way of nourishment which helps it to achieve a certain maturity of soul. And this maturity in turn is necessary to enter the realm of light, which is the soul's true home but which requires the soul to be in a state which it must first accomplish on earth. __And now I Am offering the right food, and blessed are those who accept the heavenly bread directly from My hands, blessed are those, who do not look elsewhere for nourishment, blessed are those, who drink from the source and refresh themselves for their pilgrim's journey across the earth. Their souls will mature with certainty and become suitable for the spiritual kingdom.... but not the souls of those who accept misguided values, whose nourishment is impure and can no longer claim to have been given by My hand. They will not derive much healing power from the food they accept and would do well to retrace the river's flow to discover whether it leads to the right source.... whether I Myself Am the provider of what they are offered. And now they much rather take their nourishment from the source. Now the human being is no longer satisfied with a diluted teaching, now he can also judge for himself what is beneficial for the development of his soul because he can sense the truth when he is given strengthening food and stimulating drink, the truth which he previously could barely feel. __The soul which is ailing and wants to get well needs healthy and strengthening nourishment. And no soul walking across the earth is fully mature; each one needs support, it needs food and drink which enlivens and restores it, which returns it to the state it once was but which can only be guaranteed by My hand.... when the human being takes the direct path to Me and now allows himself to accept food and drink from Me. Then the soul will recover, it will approach its perfection because what is given by Me can only be a blessing for the soul.... because My love wants to help the soul to get the life which it will never lose again.... __Amen
God's plan of Salvation is based on the human being's fre...
My work of returning the fallen spirits is based on My eternal plan of Salvation and according to this plan of Salvation everything will run its course over infinitely long periods of time for which you humans lack all concepts. My plan of Salvation has been designed again in love and wisdom and My power implements it, consequently, one day I will reach My goal.... that all fallen spiritual beings will start the path of return to Me into the Father's house. Yet the implementation is not determined by My will alone, but the free will of the beings, which were once created in all perfection despite which they fell away from Me, decides the length of time this said return to Me requires, thus every single being determines for itself how much time its process of development, its return to Me, will take. Therefore, My plan of Salvation is also based on the free will of each individual being.... which is a fact that is inconceivable for you humans but which I deemed to be essential if one day I want I to be surrounded by truly free and totally devoted children to Me, because this is the purpose and goal of My eternal plan of Salvation.... I knew each and every being's will from the beginning, both as original spirits as well human beings later, when the original spirit has had to prove itself and once again can decide of its own free will which path it wants to take.... I knew your direction of will and was able to design My plan of Salvation accordingly, which includes your every thought and expression of will and is based on these accordingly. And truly, it was planned such that every being can cover its process of development with ease, because I will always helpfully stand by its side when it is at risk of making a wrong decision. Time and again it will be able to make a choice but not be forced to make the right decision, yet his destiny will affect a person such that the right decision will always be closer at hand, that inwardly he will be urged to take the right path but that this urging may never be felt as compulsion. __My love applies to every individual being, and whatever I can do to shorten its course of development until the final return to Me will certainly be done by Me. And thus no person will ever be able to say that his situation in life forced him to make an opposing decision.... My wisdom is truly beyond all doubt, and thus I foresaw all opportunities which served a person to make the right decision and based My plan of Salvation on this. Admittedly, I also forever know the direction of every individual's will but during his time on earth as a human being I do not want to know it, and thus the human being can nevertheless make a free decision, for precisely because of his wrong will I let destiny so affect his life that he has every opportunity to change his will, and My side will eagerly support him in this.... for 'there is joy in My kingdom over one sinner that repenteth....' This should be understood as a complete change of will which is indeed intended in My plan of Salvation but does not definitely determine this said plan of Salvation. You are completely free during your life on earth, and even if I know.... you are by no means bound, because originally you were entirely free beings and this freedom will not be taken from you as soon as you live on earth as self-aware beings again or even when you enter the kingdom of the beyond.... No force of any kind is exerted on you, and what or how you are was created by yourselves. But My plan of Salvation also plans an assured and final return into the Father's house.... However, the day will come.... it is just that the time it takes can be brief but also very lengthy, and this is taken into account in My plan of Salvation, always in consideration of your will, which is free and cannot abide any kind of force. But the fact that you will reach your goal one day is certain, and it is equally certain that a thousand years are like a day to Me, that no law of time exists for Me.... You yourselves, however, are still subject to this law, your imperfect state keeps you bound to the law of time, and that is extremely painful for you, for your distance from Me is a painful state which you immeasurably prolong again if you don't unite with Me.... if you have not achieved your return into the Father's house as yet. I would like to protect you from this long state of torment, therefore I will urgently admonish you time and again to use your will correctly, that is, to subordinate yourselves to My will, of which you are repeatedly informed. Receiving My Word and thus the knowledge of My will is part of My plan of Salvation, which will be implemented with love, wisdom and might.... but you will always be at liberty to consider it according to your own will. Consequently, the length of time you require for your return differs considerably but it can already be over for you at the end of your life on earth and can finally have resulted in freedom, light and strength, if you strive for it yourselves and make every effort to desire My help for it.... for this striving is already the correctly directed will which safely lets you reach your goal.... __Amen
Overcoming the gulf in the beyond: Jesus Christ....
A vast gulf still exists in the spiritual world between those who kept their distance from Me during their life on earth and those who had already found Me and were able to enter the spiritual kingdom in a garment of light. They can certainly see the former and ascertain their miserable state, but the former are staying in a realm where they can see nothing else but themselves or like-minded spiritual beings whose constant discord and dispute among each other poisons their existence and prevents them from feeling any kind of happiness. Nor will these souls ever be able to see their loved ones again if these have already departed with a higher degree of maturity; instead, they must first reach a certain degree before a blissful reunion can happen.... Hence, such souls inhabit two worlds, although all souls enter the spiritual kingdom after their body's death.... They are two worlds which are very distant from each other, which is not to be understood spatially but merely relates to the nature of each individual world.... A vast gulf exists, and yet, this gulf must be bridged sooner or later. Time and again beings from the kingdom of light must descent unrecognised and try to do their redemptive work on the souls by attempting to persuade them to detach themselves from their environment and to follow the beings of light, which then will aim to lead them ever closer to their own region.... that is, they must inform the souls in darkness of the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ and His immense act of mercy which was accomplished for these souls should they want My mercy for themselves. Only then will the gulf diminish between them and Me, between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light.... Only then will the souls take the path which leads out of the abyss into higher spheres, and only then will the blessings of the act of Salvation take effect on them and gradually also result in a state of maturity where they themselves can and want to do redemptive work, because they want to repay their gratitude, which impels their willingness to help the wretched beings which still linger in the abyss. __The gulf must be overcome and there is only one bridge: Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer.... Anyone who takes the path to Him also takes it to Me, even though he did not want to acknowledge Me on earth or was still vastly distanced from Me. He can only come back to Me by way of Jesus Christ, and He is therefore the bridge which leads from the dark region into the kingdom of light.... This should be remembered by all people who on earth certainly deem themselves to be in contact with Me and who nevertheless have not yet found the right attitude towards Jesus Christ, who only call themselves Christians by name and in reality have not established a heartfelt bond with Me in Jesus Christ, who therefore have not yet availed themselves of the blessings of the act of Salvation and so cannot speak of a redemption of their original sin either.... They, too, will face a deep gulf when they arrive in the beyond, for they will first have to seek and find Him, the divine Redeemer, so that He will release them from their guilt as well, for they only acknowledged Him with their mouth on Earth without involving their heart. But I look into the heart, and regardless of how loud and how often the mouth voices My name, I will not be deceived and cannot place the soul where it doesn't actually belong.... It will be confronted by a vast gulf when it passes into the spiritual kingdom.... in other words: It will see nothing else but what its earthly-inclined senses want it to believe, and it will only be to its advantage if it can detach itself quickly and does not resist the helpers notions, so that it can quickly be introduced to the divine Redeemer as the only Saviour from its situation.... The connection must be made, the soul must take the path to Me by way of Jesus Christ and it will safely be guided by Him through the gate into the kingdom of light when it has bridged the vast gulf, when its will impels it to Jesus Christ and it desires and finds salvation through Him. Then it will also have taken the path to the Father.... I will receive it into My kingdom of light and blissful happiness.... __Amen
Admonition regarding the end....
In view of the near end you will be admonished time and again to remember your actual task, which concerns your soul's full maturing and not only the fulfilment of your bodily needs. You should always be aware of the fact that every day might be the last one for you, that the next day you might no longer be able to use earthly goods and that you will only keep that which the soul had acquired in earthly life. And how deprived will you then feel if you have no spiritual possessions to show for, how poor you will be despite your great earthly wealth and reputation.... None of it will follow you into eternity; spiritual goods, however, cannot be taken from you, they are your possessions and will make you exceedingly happy when you enter the spiritual realm. And all of you can count on having only a short lifetime left, regardless of how old you are. Thank God for it if the grace of a long life on earth was granted to you already, but also bear in mind that you could die any day, for no-one knows the day and the hour of his passing away from this earth. However, in view of the end many people will lose their life prematurely, and this will always be God's will, Who tries to save what can still be saved.... Not everyone will be able to survive the events which will yet happen on earth before the end, and besides, it can also still be an extraordinary blessing if the human being is allowed to leave the earth sooner in order to still find an opportunity in the spiritual realm for the maturing of his soul, because he is negligent in his psychological task. Were you able to foresee, you would truly not accomplish your earthly work so keenly, you would.... if you are of good will, focus on the work of improving your souls, for you would recognise that all earthly efforts and worries are useless in view of what lies ahead of you. But your way of life may not be enforced upon you, you must choose the right path voluntarily, you must accept the admonitions and warning presented to you by God through His Word and comply with them, and it will only be a blessing for you. And anyone with open eyes and ears can see for himself what is happening in the world and how chaotic everything is, which irrevocably must lead to a catastrophic end. __And if he listens to God's Word, if he listens to His servants' message, it should be easy for him to lead an appropriate way of life.... if he merely believes that he is close to the end and believes the information God conveys to him through his messengers....Not much time is left but it would be sufficient for your soul to still attain the necessary maturity, providing you seriously tackle this work.... of being good, of making an effort to treat your fellow human beings with love, of accomplishing selfless works of neighbourly love, of looking towards God and of opening your heart and ears for Him when He speaks to you.... You should only want to do what is right and appeal to God for strength and grace.... And truly, He will look after you and grant you an abundance of strength and grace, for He will leave no-one alone and without help who turns to Him for help and wants to live a right way of life according to God's will. He will be seized by God's love and guided such that everything approaching him will contribute towards attaining maturity of soul. But he must seriously reflect on his actual purpose of existence and not hesitate, for there is not much time left for any of you.... He should listen to what God's messengers reveal to him and arrange his life accordingly.... And he will surely do the right thing, for the time you were granted for the maturing of your souls is approaching its end.... __Amen
Free will and self-awareness....
During the final period of development as a human being you are able to freely want and usually also act as you wish, because it is intended that you prove yourselves during your existence on this earth. It is not an arbitrary process, just as final success is not dependent on My arbitrary use of power, instead you humans determine the result of your soul's earthly progress yourselves. For the soul's maturing is the decisive factor, because the body is transient and only serves the soul during its short lifetime on earth in order to attain maturity. Hence the human being must be informed of the fact that it is up to him as to whether and how he uses his time on earth to become psychologically mature. And thus he should not rely on being granted a random act of grace on My part without his contribution.... he should know that he can receive unlimited grace but that it always depends on his will as to whether these blessings will take effect in him. For I can show him the heavenly kingdom quite plainly and even extend My hand to him so that he can reach it.... if it is not his own will to attain the heavenly kingdom all My gifts of grace will be futile, for they don't compel his thoughts and actions but make it easier for every person to think and act correctly. First, free will has to become active, and the attitude of this will determines the success of earthly life.... Therefore no human being will be able to say that the direction of his will was predetermined, because this will is free. __The will is the human being's innermost instinct, which was placed into him by Me, which is inherent in every self-aware being. Thus, the once-created spirits in My kingdom were able to enjoy their free will for as long as they were self-aware beings.... However, they lost their self-awareness when they plunged into the abyss of their own doing. For they distanced themselves from Me and this ever increasing distance also signified the hardening of the spiritual substance, which I subsequently shaped into creations of the most varied kinds. All these works of creation are in a state of 'bound' will.... The spiritual substances bound therein are not conscious of themselves as they are only parts of a once fallen original spirit which, by progressing through the various creations, shall return to Me again, which is deprived of its self-awareness until all the tiny particles have come together again and are allowed to embody themselves as a human being on Earth. Then it will also receive its free will back.... and the being will be able to freely want and think again and cannot be prevented from aiming its will in any direction. And no-one will be able to dispute the fact that his thoughts and his will are free, although he is frequently unable to implement both. However, it concerns the will, not always the deed, which can indeed be prevented through My will or My permission, but this will never rules out the actual will which tried to cause an action.... And you should watch your will.... hence every thought should make you question whether it is in harmony with My will. Your will should only ever be inclined towards Me, then it will be good. If it is your will to live in order to please Me you need no longer be afraid of not fulfilling your purpose of earthly life, for then you will always think and want what is right, then your soul will desire to regain its past state, it will subordinate its will to Mine and will have passed the test of earthly life when it may leave the earthly body in order to enter the kingdom of the beyond.... __Amen
Forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ....
All of you can procure My forgiveness of your sins if only you sincerely desire it and take your path to Me in Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross for all your sins. I carried an immense burden of sin to the cross, for I carried the sins of the whole human race, past, present and future.... It consisted of humanity's original sin as well as all sins every individual person has committed on earth.... I shouldered all guilt and walked with it to the cross.... And regardless of how severe a sin is, I took it upon Myself because I wanted to redeem you from your every guilt, I wanted to restore your purity of heart which alone enables you to approach Me again and allows you to behold Me face to face. __I wanted to cleanse you all of your guilt, I wanted to pay penance for all the sins which weighed you down and kept you irrevocably separate from Me, because I cannot unite Myself with sin.... For this reason I redeemed all guilt through My act of Salvation but I require every person's own will to become redeemed. Consequently, every human being must recognise his guilt of sin, which keeps him far removed from Me, and he must appeal to Me for forgiveness of his guilt.... For without his own admission of his guilt and the plea for forgiveness he will not acknowledge the sacrifice on the cross by the man Jesus and his guilt of sin cannot be forgiven. __Hence you must want to become redeemed and with this will come to Me in Jesus Christ and appeal to Me for your deliverance.... Then you will be free from all guilt, from weakness and the bondage in which My adversary has kept you for an infinitely long time.... You will be free from darkness, for the light of Christ will illuminate you, love will be kindled in you and flare up into a bright flame, for the one who lacks all love has no more control over you, and the One Who is Love Itself has come to you and lets His light shine into your hearts because they have become pure, because Jesus Christ has atoned for the sin and your heart has become 'God's temple' as soon as you live in love.... And once you are redeemed from all guilt through Jesus Christ, you will also live a life of love according to His will and I can take abode in your hearts, which you have prepared as a temple for Me through love.... __But first you must inevitably have attained and received the remission of your sins. The sincere desire for it will also guarantee complete forgiveness, for Jesus Christ hears every cry rising to Him from a heart burdened by guilt.... I hear you and gladly comply with your desire, I remove your sin and draw you to My heart, because you now belong to the redeemed for whom I shed My blood on earth. I only require your admission of guilt and that is not difficult, for you all know that you are weak and wretched creatures which still live in slavery and spiritual darkness as long as they don't find salvation through the love of Jesus Christ, in Whom I embodied Myself on earth. __Jesus, the man, so loved his fellow human beings that He wanted to sacrifice Himself for the sins of every human being He wanted to redeem the sins in order to open the path to the Father again, Who dwelled in Him.... His love was so great that He wanted to help every person attain beatitude, which can only be found with the Father.... and His love made Him take upon Himself the bitterest suffering and dying in order to atone for the guilt which had created an insurmountable gulf between Myself and the beings and which had to be bridged first, and this was done by Jesus Christ through the act of Salvation and His immeasurable love. He established the connection between the human race and Myself, He helped them to reach the Father and shed His blood on the cross for all sins so that all people can become blessed.... __Therefore you should sincerely desire to be released from your guilt of sin, recognise and admit your guilt, carry it to the cross and call upon the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ for forgiveness. And you will be able to enter the kingdom of light in a purified state when your life on earth is over.... you will walk the path to Me, to the Father, which Jesus Christ walked ahead of you, which was started by His love and which must be taken by everyone who wants to become blissfully happy.... __Amen
All the angels in Heaven were jubilant and rejoiced when I descended to Earth in order to redeem humanity. They knew that their fallen brothers would forever have been irretrievably lost had I not taken pity upon them, had I not searched for and found a way which enabled them to return to Me.... And the thought of knowing that their fallen brothers were saved again, after an infinitely long time of anguish in bondage by the hostile power, made them very happy. I took pity on the human race which was incapable of releasing itself from this power, which was in dire need of help, which needed a Saviour to make amends for their immense guilt, Who would accomplish the act of atonement for the human race, being powerless to do so themselves.... And I sent My Son to earth.... I Myself descended to earth in order to redeem humanity and had to achieve this in a human form in which I Myself took abode in order to accomplish this act of Salvation because as 'God' I was unable to suffer, thus I would not have been able to remove the guilt which obstructed the path to heaven for people. For this reason the boy child Jesus came into the world, in whom sheltered a soul of light which subsequently prepared for Me the human abode as a place I could dwell in to be able to accomplish the act of Redemption for the human race. __All the angels in Heaven hailed Me when I entered the shell of the small boy child Jesus, when I humbled Myself to deepest lowliness and fully permeated the boy child Jesus with My divine spirit, so that many different miracles happened at the time of His birth. All events in nature and with the infant itself indicated the extraordinary mission which had to be accomplished by this infant, and the people around Him also recognised the light which shone forth from Him; they knew that this light came from above and shone brightly. And they thanked Me on their bended knees that I had sent them the Saviour Who was to release them from utmost adversity.... For those who were devoted to Me with love also felt their spiritual distress in the midst of the heartless world, which was My adversary's realm.... And in the midst of this sinful world I embodied Myself, I encountered sin and heartlessness and had to prove Myself as the human being Jesus in the midst of this world.... I had to stem My abundance of light and adapt My soul to the sphere it lived in.... in a manner of speaking I had to let go of the 'light'.... but I did not let go of the 'love' in Me.... This flared up extremely intensely for the suffering brothers who had fallen so low. And this love gave Me the strength I needed in order to be able to accomplish the act of Salvation as a human being.... Love made Me descend to earth, and love impelled Me to spiritualise My body completely, so that body, soul and spirit became as one and thus were able to completely unite with the divine love Which sheltered within Me, Which had chosen My body as an abode in order to suffer and die as a human being on behalf of the sinful human race; in order to remove its guilt and to open the gate into the kingdom of light again, which was and remained closed for all beings due to their apostasy from Me.... until the day of My crucifixion, of My great act of mercy, which opened the gates again and cleared the path into the Father's house.... to Me and to eternal life.... __Amen
Development of the soul.... Original spirit....
Spiritual substance matures during every developmental period, and one period can in fact suffice for the spiritual substance to progress through the creations to the point that it is able to embody itself as a human being and successfully pass its last test of will.... But several such periods may be needed for this spiritualisation of hardened soul-substances if resistance is so strong that its higher development is too slow and the existence as a human being carries an added risk of the soul descending into the abyss again. For free will, which is tested during the stage as a human being, is decisive. __But prior to this, free will is constrained.... Although the hardened spiritual substance is no longer subject to God's adversary's will due to this process of development through the creations of earth.... the individual substances are nevertheless unable to use free will, instead they are controlled by God's will, that is, their process of development takes place in a state of compulsion, they are subject to God's will, Who assigns a task to all spiritual substances within the works of creation. By accomplishing this task within the law of compulsion they gradually progress, i.e. their resistance lessens; they carry out a helpful function and are able to slowly reach the state when their free will can be returned to them. And this process of development requires constant changes of the external shape.... it is a slow ascent, it is an integration with the laws of nature and therefore a submission to God's will, if only due to a certain amount of coercion which, however, only helps to relieve the being and one day is meant to provide it with the freedom to think, want and act using its own will again. __And this process through the works of creation cannot be avoided if the spiritual being is to return to God again, from Whom it had distanced itself to such an infinite extent as a result of its apostasy that it would never be able to overcome this distance of its own strength, and would never be released by God's adversary to return either if God did not remove the spiritual substance from him for the very purpose of banishing it into matter, into the creations on this earth. God's adversary is entitled to the fallen spirits because they had voluntarily followed him into the abyss.... But God has the same right because the beings emerged from His strength. Hence God is justified in removing them from the adversary's control, but in return the latter was given the right to influence the soul again when it lives on earth in the stage as a human being. And to this end the spiritual substance must have attained a degree of maturity again when it is able to use its will in order to freely decide which lord to choose. __But God cannot place the spiritual substance into this state instantly, it has to cover the process of ascent in the same progressive stages as it had descended, it has to relinquish its resistance slowly, as it cannot forcibly be broken. And this requires innumerable changes of form, through the world of rocks, plants and animals to the human being.... Every change of external shape also lessens its resistance, for the being has been of service in a state of compulsion by which it gains increasingly lighter forms.... But the sin of apostasy from God is so vast that the distance from Him is therefore vast as well, which means that untold changes of shapes are needed to reduce this distance in order to come closer to God again, when only the last free decision of will is required for the last form to fall off.... for the being to return to the Father again from Whom it had originated.... __And this whole process of development within the creations of earth is a continuous battle.... The spiritual substance tries to burst the external shape because it experiences it as a constraint, but each time it also experiences the rupture of the form as a relief irrespective of its level of maturity.... And this is why the struggle, which you humans are able to observe in the animal kingdom, only seems cruel in your eyes, whereas time and again every animal experiences the change of its external shape as a relief. For this reason God permits or even wants the weaker to succumb to the stronger, the stronger to terminate the life of the weaker and, in a manner of speaking, is thereby even able to serve the spiritual substance to continue its development. Therefore, as long as the being is subject to the law of compulsion everything is determined by God, its end as well as its new formation.... However, as soon as the being has reached the stage of a human being and has received its free will again, God withdraws His will.... And then the human being is given laws which he has to observe if his earthly life is to be successful.... On the one hand he is tied to the laws of nature, and on the other hand he is informed of God's will, to which he has to submit if his development is to progress and reach a conclusion, for the goal is to become free of every external shape and to enter the kingdom of light as a free spirit.... to return to the Father's house, to God, from whence the being once originated.... __Amen
False prophets....
Let Me tell you that you will be increasingly more exposed to assaults by My adversary as the end is approaching, because he uses his power in truly satanic ways, and particularly against My Own who want to serve Me and whom he believes he can still win over for himself. But you merely need to be watchful, because you will always recognize his conduct, you will always know who is hiding behind the schemes which disrupt or entirely prevent your spiritual work. Because it will be confirmed that many false prophets appear under My banner, that they will try to belittle My Words and My information concerning the approaching end. It will be confirmed that people are easy prey, that they would rather believe these false prophets than you, because these will always give them the hope that they are approaching a bright future, that they do not have to fear the future, that their worldly efforts will be successful and that an end to this world is thus unthinkable.... __And in that case you will know that you are dealing with false prophets, and then you will have to remain strong in faith and believe what I had proclaimed and continue to proclaim to you, that the time has been fulfilled and that you humans are in great danger if you do not prepare yourselves for the end such that you need not fear it. Anyone who lives righteously and just, who has found Jesus Christ and completely gives himself to Him, anyone who recognizes Me Myself in Him and thus calls on Me in Jesus when he is in distress will survive the dangers of the last days and emerge unscathed. He will live to see the new earth and its paradisiacal life, and his faith will indeed become a blessing to him, because he will not fear the end anymore, he will hold on to Me and thus endure until the end and be blessed, as I have promised.... __But My adversary will rage and try to influence My Own until the end.... You should know this and not allow yourselves to be misled. However, he has his followers, and they will do his bidding and spread misguided teachings amongst people who completely oppose My Word, which is brought to you directly from above, My Gospel, which you may nevertheless believe totally. You should merely examine what is offered to you from elsewhere whether it corresponds to My Word.... since whatever is contrary to it also shows that it has originated from My adversary, and you can unhesitatingly reject those as false prophets who offer you spiritual knowledge which exclude an approaching end, which promise you humans a long existence on this earth yet.... You are on the threshold of the end and should prepare yourselves, and you would do well by doing so since then you would not need to be afraid of it. Because then the time will come which had also been proclaimed to you.... then a happy and blissful life on the new earth will come, but only for My Own who believe in Me and who defend their faith until the end.... Because everyone who perseveres until the end will be blessed.... they will live a wonderful life in the paradise of the new earth.... __Amen
About the UFO convention....
One thing is certain: I will protect My Own in the hollow of My hand when the end has come.... I truly have enough angels to whom I can entrust My Own, whom I instruct to build a protective wall around them. And thus you can all know yourselves protected in My care, come what may. Therefore I want to caution you not to abandon yourselves to and expect help from beings whom you suspect to be outside of My spiritual kingdom.... who thus have not yet reached the perfection of beings of light to implement My instructions.... I want to warn you about looking for contact with inhabitants from other worlds, which you can only establish spiritually but who cannot offer you the guarantee of imparting truth to you. Time and again it has to be said that only `perfect beings' may and are able to carry out tasks which guarantee you protection and assistance.... __Beings who have not yet achieved this perfection will always still reside, for the purpose of their development, on such works of creation to which they are bound by natural law.... Thus you have to distinguish between beings of light who accomplish My will on My behalf and dwell with Me in the kingdom of light, and beings who are still constrained, who have not yet achieved complete spiritual freedom as long as they still live on all kinds of celestial bodies for the purpose of spiritual maturing. You should not rely on mediumistic messages from those worlds which are and remain unreachable for you humans on earth and vice versa. Do not count on help from those worlds when the end of the earth comes in accordance with the eternal plan.... For I Myself will protect and rescue My Own from their adversity, because only I know who belongs to My Own.... Do you believe that you will be rescued by merely mustering sympathy for these dwellers of other stars? __What misconception do you suffer from, you lack all clear understanding of My plan of Salvation, which will certainly be implemented when the time comes. And would I not inform you of it Myself if it were My will that you should entrust yourselves to these beings whom fellow human beings want you to believe in? Since I convey the truth to earth I would not withhold this information from you if it were true.... Yet you rather doubt My Words than the reports which are passed on to you through My adversary's influence. And I want you to know the truth.... I repeatedly want to assure you that My Own will be protected and that innumerable angels will take care of them, because they comply with My will and also have the strength to help you. And therefore it will not require earthly means of help, for My love, might and wisdom will become clearly evident at the end, albeit My working will and can then be contrary to natural law because My Own believe that everything is possible and the unbelievers will be devoured by the earth.... __But I do not require My Own to believe in appearances or reports which come to people by means which do not correspond to My will.... Why don't you contact Me? Why do you call on beings whose degree of maturity you cannot estimate?.... Why do you entrust yourselves to these beings and believe that they will protect you when the last day of the end has come? I only require your faith in Me in Jesus Christ, and anyone who intimately unites with Me Myself in this faith truly will not need visible or invisible helpers, for My angels with an abundance of strength and might will constantly stand by his side and always act in accordance with My will. And he will not want to establish contact with inhabitants of other worlds whose degree of maturity is unknown to him either, for this can only take place by way of mediumship which, due to its great danger, should not be taken by you humans. For you are truly able to hear Me Myself if it is your will and you ask Me for the truth.... And then you will surely be instructed truthfully.... __Amen
Jesus' last words on the cross....
I always want to give to you what you desire. You only need to take notice of your inner voice and it will instruct you truthfully, because I want you to live in truth and gain a clear understanding: My crucifixion has brought salvation to you humans, it has redeemed your past guilt of sin.... As the human being Jesus I took extreme pain upon Myself, and a most bitter death was My fate.... However, since I was unable to suffer as `God' I took abode in a human shell which was capable of suffering and which also mustered the will to suffer on behalf of His fellow human beings in order to satisfy My justice, in order to open up the path to Me for His fallen brothers. Yet His will was free.... He was not impelled by the Deity within Him to accomplish the sacrifice He wanted to make for Me.... although love.... Which was Myself.... was the cause for which He mustered this will.... Yet I Myself never coerce the will of a human being and neither does My love. However, anyone who has love can't help himself but emanate it. And thus, the human being Jesus, too, radiated love and thereby only wanted to please humanity. Hence He only ever wanted what would help people to become blissfully happy. The will of the human being Jesus was free.... yet He had completely subordinated Himself to Me and My will. Consequently, His will could not be different to Mine. For the love in Him was so powerful that it had merged with the Eternal Love, with Myself.... Thus I Myself was in Him, and I Myself achieved in Him the act of Salvation.... __And yet, the human being Jesus had to take the final decision Himself when He undertook the most difficult journey.... the path to the cross. And even though I, the Eternal Love, was in Him, My divine Spirit withdrew, that is, Love.... the spirit.... no longer urged Him into action; it kept quiet and apparently left the human being Jesus to struggle on His own.... And this was the most difficult of all, the fact that the man Jesus felt alone in His suffering and nevertheless walked the path until the end.... He was not alone, for I would never have been able to separate Myself from Him again, Who had become one with Me.... But I no longer expressed Myself, because the atonement of the original sin necessitated an extreme amount of human suffering and torment which the human being Jesus had readily taken upon Himself, and therefore the sacrifice of atonement has been the work of the most merciful love that was ever accomplished on earth. And these pains lasted until His death on the cross and made Him proclaim `My God, my God, why have You forsaken me....' I was in Him but I did not speak, yet it was only the body which suffered until His soul recognised Me again, when He called `It is finished....' and `Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit....' __The body suffered until the end and I had to withdraw Myself during these hours or His already spiritualised soul would have rendered the body insensitive to pain, because My spirit is unable to suffer. And the human being Jesus had already attained the spiritualisation of soul and body as a result of His way of life on earth.... But the purpose and objective of His earthly progress was the redemption of the guilt of sin, which was only possible by way of an excessive extent of suffering and pain.... Hence the `Deity' withdrew and left the `human being' Jesus to His tormentors, who truly carried out the most shameful work on behalf of My adversary, because Jesus Himself wanted it this way.... For His soul had offered of its own accord to descend to earth in order to make the sacrifice of atonement for His fallen brothers; it had offered to take on flesh in order to accept these said immeasurable pains and torments because only a human being was capable of suffering. And I accepted the sacrifice since it was, after all, made by `love'.... which may never be rejected. And `love' stayed in Him until His death, even if It no longer allowed It's strength to take effect.... Thus I Myself must have been in Him too, even if I remained silent at the end so that the act of Salvation could find its culmination: that a human being allowed Himself to be crucified for His fellow human beings.... that He truly made a sacrifice which I accepted as an act of atonement for the whole human race.... No `divine strength' alleviated the sacrifice for Him, for `Love' Itself remained quiet, although it had taken complete possession of the human being Jesus.... __And this, too, is a mystery you humans are as yet unable to grasp.... The man Jesus had to taste the greatest suffering: to feel alone and abandoned. And precisely this suffering redeemed the sin which every being had burdened itself with when it left Me, Who had given them all My love, which they rejected. The human being Jesus had to experience this suffering, and therefore He spoke the words `My God, my God, why have You forsaken me....' Yet you humans will never be able to understand the magnitude of the act of Salvation as long as you live on earth. Nevertheless, one day it will strike you with a sudden, blinding realisation and you will praise and worship Me without end.... For this act of Salvation applied to all of you, you all may participate in the blessings of the act of Salvation, and as a result of the act of Salvation the path was opened for all of you to return to Me.... __Amen
The adversary oversteps his authority....
The adversary's activity will be stopped once the hour has come when I will judge the living and the dead.... One day this Judgment has to take place again, after all, everything has left its order and therefore the spiritual beings' higher development is no longer guaranteed. Humanity no longer resists My adversary's activity, it is completely enslaved by his will, and he abuses his will such that even My followers will find it difficult to remain with Me.... He oversteps his authority by trying to completely displace Me from people's memory and thus he will find many followers who implement his will: to wage open battle against faith. And you humans live on earth in order to choose between two lords, hence you must also know about both lords.... He, however, aims to prevent the knowledge about your God and Creator, he tries to deprive you of all faith and his method of force is to impel the earthly authorities to rigorously fight against faith and thus against My Own who profess My name before the world. And therefore he will not have much time left, for he will be bound on the Day of Judgment. If you humans are thus able to observe this beginning, if you see how the battle against faith will openly erupt then you can also consider with certainty that the last days of the end have come, for then he will overstep his authority and will inevitably be doomed to be judged. For he has great power and he misuses it.... But I will put a stop to him so that not all people will succumb to him, so that My Own will be able to remain faithful to Me until the very end. As yet you can still observe his activity and keep away from those who follow him; you, who want to be My Own, can still come together and strengthen and comfort each other, but once My adversary enters into the last battle on this earth you will have to withdraw, you will no longer be able to speak openly, because then you will be treated with hostility by the world and those who belong to the world.... __But then it will be important that you profess Me openly.... And you need not be frightened either, for My strength will flow to you so that you will be able to remain faithful to Me, so that you will cheerfully profess Me and manifest your strength even more.... I predicted this time to you and it will come to pass as it is proclaimed; you will find that you will encounter ever more opponents, that the hatred against those of you who proclaim My Word will become greater, and then you will be well advised to avoid the enemy, so that you will not deliberately expose yourselves to danger.... Then you should be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.... but you should not betray Me.... But who else but Me would be able to give you strength, who else but Me could protect you and lead you out of all adversities again? My adversary will also be bound by Me when the time is fulfilled, and his activity will come to an end.... And you can rely on the fact that I Myself will take care of you when the time of the end has arrived, when you have to make your decision which lord you want to acknowledge. For he will be unable to topple those who want to be My Own, because I Myself will fight by their side and he is truly no match for My power. And he will be bound for an infinitely long time again along with his followers, so that an era of peace will start again for people who can no longer be harassed by him. However, this time of peace will on be on the new earth, because first order will have to be established again, first the spiritual beings will have to be `judged'.... Only then will higher development continue, only then will there be peace again in heaven and on earth.... __Amen
About the incarnation of light beings....
You should always ask Me for the pure truth and you will not live in error. And once again I refer you to the working of My spirit in you so that you will not run the risk of accepting mental concepts as truth which did not originate from Me Myself. And time and again I also draw your attention to Satan's activity in the last days before the end, who uses every means to fight the truth, who with cunning and trickery intends to capture people who are not closely enough in contact with Me, who already allowed themselves to get entangled in misguided teachings and are unwilling to let go of them. I will send the truth to anyone if only he sincerely desires it.... __When the `incarnation of light beings' in the last days before the end is mentioned, then this always happens in combination with a spiritual mission, because there is great spiritual hardship on earth and these beings had agreed to help people. And truly, there are many enlightened spiritual beings embodied on earth, which live unrecognised by their fellow human beings and fulfil the mission: to bring people spiritual information or to exemplify a life of love to them, to work for the benefit of their fellow human beings, thus to help them find the right path which leads to Me. But as a rule their task consists of working on My behalf in My vineyard, thus to be true `representatives of God'.... teachers who are educated by Me Myself, who thus speak in place of Me, who are My true servants. They themselves have offered in the spiritual kingdom to carry out this redemption work and were in fact accepted by Me, which necessitated an embodiment in the flesh on this earth. __However, they are unaware of their origin; they do not know the task they had voluntarily taken upon themselves but live their life like any other person on earth, only their free will determines their conduct in life and their work in the vineyard. They don't know of their pre-existence either.... And this is how it must be, because absolute free will should be the driving force.... irrespective of what kind of spiritual mission such a person carries out. It would truly not be beneficial for you to know a person's previous incarnation for it would confuse your thinking, because My adversary recognises people's weaknesses and can easily slip in wherever he detects but a spark of pride. Hence, such embodied beings of light received no knowledge about their origin from Me.... __And yet people claim to have knowledge of it and don't question the source of such knowledge.... And `My spirit' will never have revealed such information to them either, rather, `immature spirits' have actively spread misconceptions and portrayed people as embodied beings of light where, in reality, no spiritual mission is recognisable or it would not be founded on lies or misguided assumptions.... The beings of light work in seclusion, or their activity comes so openly to the fore that a mission on My instruction is very clearly evident.... __But they will reject everything which does not correspond to the truth, and they will also recognise and condemn erroneous messages from the spirit realm as lies and deception. For they know the truth and fight for the truth, and not for misguided teachings which come forth from the one who is My adversary. And I can only ever warn you humans about his activity in the last days before the end, for he will do anything in order to invalidate My pure truth, and he will always find approval with those who look for extraordinary things, who are not content with the pure truth they receive from Me.... But I will always grant you clarification again, providing you seriously desire it.... __Amen
Strokes of fate.... Spiritual death....
People who no longer have faith in a God and Creator, in the soul's continuation of life after death, have already succumbed to spiritual death, for they do not believe that they live on earth for a purpose and reason but only regard this life as an end in itself. They only move on an earthly level, their thoughts don't find the path into the spiritual kingdom, for they refuse to accept and follow thoughts which originate from there. They are purely humanly-orientated creatures with such a low degree of maturity that the destiny of a renewed banishment almost certainly awaits them, because their free will, instead of striving upwards, aims downwards again.... They have already attained some life and yet surrender to death again.... And neither can they be stopped because it is their free will, because it concerns the last and entirely free decision of will in earthly life. God, however, wants to give everlasting life to people.... And people must accept it from His hand, they cannot receive it from anywhere else than from their eternal God and Creator, nevertheless, they don't believe in Him and thus they won't ask Him for it either. Consequently, He can only impose upon them a destiny in earthly life which dissuades them from the material world and makes them think.... He can only shatter their earthly happiness and hopes because he wants to save them, because He wants to help them to attain the life which will last forever.... For if the human being's every earthly wish and craving finds fulfilment, he will constantly want more and increasingly turn his thoughts towards earthly things, and then his life will only be an end in itself for him but never become the means to an end. __You should therefore not be surprised that events which, in an earthly sense, have a disastrous effect on those who are affected by them, will increase during the last days.... that accidents and all kinds of disasters will claim countless human lives, that earthly possessions will be destroyed and that people will have to suffer illness and distress.... These are merely the means used by God Himself in order to find access to those people's hearts who refuse access to Him as long as their earthly way of life is good.... Anything He can still do will be done by Him in order to save those people who are approaching death. For spiritual death is far worse than physical death, which need not affect the soul if the person has lived his earthly life appropriately.... the soul cannot die but it must suffer the consequences of the person's thinking and conduct on earth. It will irrevocably have to experience the fate of renewed banishment if it still hasn't found God before the end, if it does not learn to recognise Him before the end and consciously acknowledges Him and appeals to Him for help and mercy in its spiritual adversity. And to make this possible much is yet to happen which you don't think you can reconcile with the love of a God.... But it is love, no matter how cruel it seems to you, for the soul's spiritual death is far more painful than the most horrendous strokes of fate can be on this earth.... For earthly life comes to an end, the soul, however, must spend an infinitely long time in torment and darkness again before it will receive the grace once more to live on earth as a human being with the same task: to voluntarily make a decision in favour of the One from Whom it once originated.... to voluntarily decide in favour of God from Whom it once voluntarily turned away and therefore became wretched. And it can only become blissfully happy again if it has fulfilled the meaning and purpose of its existence as a human being.... Then it will attain life again, it will no longer need to fear death, it will live forever as soon as it returns to God once more, as soon as it has united with Him again, for which its existence as a human being provided it with the opportunity to do and its will made the right decision.... __Amen
Light.... Radiance.... Wisdom....
All those of you who want to work for Me, who want to participate in the redemption of the as yet enslaved souls, all those of you who want to serve Me during the last days before the end, listen to Me: The mission for which you voluntarily placed yourselves at My disposal is very important.... It requires much love and patience for your fellow human beings, it requires effort and perseverance and a helpful heart which recognises people's hardship and would like to improve it.... And it requires great love for Me, because a person wanting to be of service to Me will only enter into My will if he totally hands himself over to Me and thereby also receives the strength to accomplish his mission. The goal is to convey to people the truth which can only come forth from Me and which is absolutely essential if the redemptive work is to be successful.... because the human being can only become aware of his own state when he receives the truth, because only then will he recognise the purpose of his life on earth and only the pure truth will enable him to gain a correct image of Me as his God and Creator, his Father of eternity. Humanity suffers great spiritual adversity, being kept in spiritual blindness by the prince of darkness they spend their earthly life in a lightless state, i.e. they don't know the truth, they come to wrong conclusions and only regard life on earth as an end in itself.... There is such a pressing need for supplying the truth that I will bless every person who offers his service to Me, because I can only convey the truth through you to people who do not shape themselves in a way that they can receive it directly.... I need you to accept the truth from Me Myself and to carry it into the world.... However, only a few are capable of receiving the direct transfer of My Word which can claim to be truthful knowledge.... which provides people with clear understanding, with the knowledge they need in order to live an appropriate way of life that helps them to attain perfection on earth.... However, first they must be encouraged to live a life of love, because without love they will be unable to recognise the truth of subsequent knowledge.... Love comes first, and then love will also guarantee the understanding for all correlations, for My nature and My reign and activity.... This is why only a loving human being can accept this truth from Me.... I can only convey 'truthful knowledge' if the prerequisites have been met for receiving it directly.... But where this can take place, those of you who want to serve Me should congregate and accept the light which you shall then carry into the world.... Understand that it is truly light which is emanated by Me.... that it also contains radiance, that is, it will also be clear and understandable to those to whom you want to pass it on if only they are of good will.... Then I will also speak to these human hearts Myself through the Word you impart upon them and they will recognise it as My Word because it gives evidence of itself.... __Safeguard this Word from all impurities, do not mix it with human thoughts, emphasise it as My direct emanation of love and only ensure that it will be distributed.... For people's spiritual state is such that only My direct address can still have an effect, that only the strength of My Word is still able to affect people's hearts and lead to a change in their nature. After all, people also want to be allowed to use their intellect.... they also want to recognise wisdom when knowledge is presented to them as the divine Word.... They don't want empty phrases but they also want to deal with the subject matter rationally, which is only possible if the pure truth from Me is presented to them.... For this reason I convey this knowledge to you humans, for this reason I inform you of My eternal plan of Salvation, this is why I try to clarify the meaning and purpose of earthly existence and to explain all correlations, so that you will be able to believe if you are of good will.... Hence I kindle a light in you Myself and only instruct you to serve Me as bearers of light by distributing this light and to keep fetching the knowledge from where I Myself send it to earth, where it is received by a tool which I recognised as being suitable for receiving the truth from Me so that it can subsequently emanate the light.... so that it will disperse the darkness the prince of darkness has spread across people. And by its bright and radiant shine you will also be able to infer the source of the light, for that which is emanated by the 'Eternal Light' Itself must also disseminate illumination and be recognisable as divine emanation. It must be profound divine wisdom, a knowledge which testifies to My love, wisdom and power and which comprehensibly informs you about My reign and activity so that you humans can convincingly speak of 'divine truth'. And if you, My servants, want to do redemptive work then you should spread this divine truth, you should pass it on to your fellow human beings, you should impart the light upon others and thereby dispel the night which is no-one's friend.... You should help to improve people's spiritual state, to ensure that they can all be affected by the strength of My Word, which will truly not remain ineffective.... __Amen
Reason for painful strokes of fate....
I will still create many opportunities for you before the end which shall enable you to find the path to Me.... Time and again I will reveal Myself to you, though often in a painful manner, yet you shall always recognise that you are unable to determine your own destiny, you shall always recognise a Power above yourselves Which intervenes in your life, and harshly so if there is no other option, in order to pull you back from the abyss towards which you are blindly striving..... __I want to save you, and all My admonitions and warnings bear no fruit.... this is why every so often I have to treat you harshly and inflict pain on you.... I have to take your most precious possession on earth away from you, I have to inflict death and disease on you, you will have to be struck by all kinds of misfortunes because you don't believe in a Power to Which you owe your life. __And there will be more and more instances when I will tear people apart, when death will come marching, when disasters will abruptly end people's lives.... I will manifestly show Myself, yet only be recognised by the willing person who then will find his way to Me and no longer can go astray.... The end moves ever closer, and thus My love, wisdom and might still will also have to frequently intervene.... Time after time humanity has to be shown the transience of earthly things anew, they have to come to realise the triviality of their aspired goals, and as a result will often have to suffer physically and psychologically, but they shall always also receive help if they turn to Me and appeal for My support in their adversity. And their fellow human beings, too, shall consider that they could suffer the same fate and realise that they don't live on this earth for earthly life's sake.... __Every stroke of fate can result in making other people think and question whether their own way of life corresponds to God's will, if they believe in a God.... Each stroke of fate can help people to believe if they turn to Me and through My obvious help will also be able to recognise Me.... Thus you, who receive My Word, should explain to your fellow human beings My occasionally harsh and cruel appearing interventions in people's lives.... explain to them that I will use all means in order to win people over for Me, and that I will not stop to keep expressing Myself, for every misfortune is an expression of Myself which can happen to anyone yet it only ever intends to turn their thoughts into My direction.... For there is only little time left and you humans merely pay attention to the world but not to the salvation of your soul.... __The world will pass away, that is, you won't be able to take anything belonging to the world across into the kingdom of the beyond.... You only ever chase after dead commodities, and therefore you will be repeatedly made aware of the world's fleeting nature. Again and again you will hear of accidents and all kinds of disasters, again and again you will have to suffer the loss of human lives, and again and again you will ask yourselves why a God of love allows this to happen.... The God of love wants to win you for Himself, he wants to make you blissfully happy, and therefore He wants you to turn your thoughts to Him.... __My love alone is the reason for everything that affects you badly, for you will go astray again for an infinitely long time if you don't remember Me.... And only for this reason I reveal Myself to you and also intervene harshly and painfully if you ignore My loving admonitions and warnings.... For I don't want you to go astray.... I still want to save you before the end and protect you from a far worse fate.... from the new banishment into the creations of earth, which will be inevitable if you don't find Me anymore before the end of the earth.... __Amen
Conclusion of earthly progress only with Jesus Christ....
You have come a long way already but the fact that you are still walking on earth is proof that you have not yet concluded your path of development.... with exception of those who incarnated on earth for the purpose of a spiritual mission and whose souls thus had previously covered this progress of development and had found admission in the realm of light.... But I speak to you humans who are not yet perfect, who once had deserted Me and had to walk this long path of development so that you can now, at the human stage, voluntarily take the last test of will, the passing of which ensures your entry into the realm of light. Hence you are not yet perfect but you have ascended from the deepest depth to the height, if only by law of compulsion.... The depth had to release you because My will had intended this long path for you which pulled you away from the force of My adversary, or your ascent would have been impossible.... But now he is given his rights once again because you are still his property since you formerly had followed him into the depths voluntarily and this free will has not yet made the new decision: for him or against Me, Who longs for your return but will not force you if you willingly want to stay with him. __Thus, at the human stage My adversary once again applies his power by influencing your will but he is unable to force it as you have to decide of your own accord which Lord you choose. However, I cannot stop him using all his persuasions to chain you to himself.... I cannot stop him from using ploys and to tempt you, only to keep your soul or to regain it if he has already lost it.... You now have to face him voluntarily yourselves and fight against him if you want to free yourselves from him. And you really need not fear his strength because you have a strong Helper by your side Whom you only need to ask to win the battle with Him: Jesus Christ, your Redeemer from sin and death.... Even though you, as human being, have already overcome the deepest abyss, even though you, due to My help, have also come considerably closer to Me during the infinitely long period of development.... yet the burden of your original sin due to your desertion from Me constantly pushes you down again and you would never be able to resist the will of My adversary if Jesus Christ would not help you, if He would not give you an intensified will which He Himself had acquired for you by His death on the cross. __My adversary's power over you is too great that you could resist it with your own strength.... But you are guaranteed a supply of strength by just giving yourselves to Jesus Christ and requesting Him to take upon Himself the guilt of which you are not yet released and which therefore inescapably chains you to My adversary.... Jesus Christ, in Whom I manifested Myself, will now take on the guilt because with His death on the cross He has paid the purchase price for all souls to the adversary who now has to release the souls, if they themselves want it.... And with His help you can conclude the path of your earthly life, with His help you can become free of all guilt and enter through the gate into the realm of light, which otherwise is closed to you, but which will be opened by Jesus Christ for all souls who voluntarily have decided to take the way to the cross to liberate themselves from the burden of sin. As human being on earth you only have a short time at your disposal but it is sufficient to completely release yourselves from every form, however, this always depends on the human being's attitude towards the Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... because your former sin consisted of your rejection of Me and in the resistance of My strength of love.... In Jesus Christ, however, you shall know and acknowledge Me Myself, then you will also consciously accept My strength of love again and then nothing stands in the way of your unity with Me.... Then the infinite long walk through the creations of earth and as earthly human being has led to the right goal.... it resulted in your liberation and you are once again candidates for My kingdom which will admit you and offer you blessings as it was in the beginning.... __Amen
Catastrophe.... Antichrist.... Battle of faith.... End....
What will still take place before the end of the earth can only ever be announced as something extremely difficult and sorrowful for humanity, for God's voice will sound everywhere, albeit in entirely different ways.... For where His Words of love are ignored He will manifest Himself more clearly; there will be suffering and adversity in all places, accidents and catastrophes will alternate with natural occurrences, where the elements threaten and destroy life.... And all this is God's working or His permission to disturb people and make them aware of the real purpose for their earthly life. And where people are united with Him the hardship will be easier to bear, since He will not abandon His Own even though they are in the midst of these happenings and unable to avoid the immense adversity during the last days before the end. __And you all only need to take notice of what happens around you and in the world, for they are visible warning signs and for the believer always recognisable as God's intervention or permission, because you were foretold that you will have to endure severe hardship and affliction before the end. All the signs which were predicted for the end are recognisable; yet you humans always want to see it in the distant future, you don't want to believe that the time of the end has come. But you have also been told that the time will be shortened for the sake of those who want to believe and stand firm. And thus everything will happen in very quick succession.... The affliction and hardship, the battle of faith and the Antichrist's fury.... which will emerge only too clearly, and this alone should make the end time credible to you. For the people who are enslaved by him will surpass each other in evilness, hatred, lies and vindictiveness, craving for power and tyrannies will clearly identify his actions, and people will support him because they agree with his will and ruthlessly proceed against their fellow human beings who still believe and want to remain faithful to God. __And these will receive exceptional protection and strength, for God will stay with His Own and lead them through all adversity and difficulties. And blessed is he who recognises the time and entrusts himself to the only One, Who can protect him in every hardship.... blessed is he who believes.... blessed is he who lets Him speak to him and constantly receives strength from Him.... For even this difficult time will come to an end and the fate of those who endure to the end will be a blissful one. Sooner or later the power of God's adversary will be defeated, then he and his followers will be bound and there will be peace again on earth.... But not on this earth anymore because its end has come according to the law of eternity.... But it will emerge anew through God's might, and people who endure to the end will be relocated to the paradise of the new earth, because they believe in their God and Father Who will save them from utmost hardship and affliction.... For the time is fulfilled and the end comes as it is announced in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ....
Your path of earthly life as a human being is the last short phase of your process of development from the deepest abyss into higher spheres.... But whether it will lead to completion is determined by you in your human state where free will has been returned to you, which you must use correctly in order to attain final perfection. Hence you bear great responsibility since you decide your fate for an infinitely long time of constraint again or for life in eternity.... With a correctly inclined will you can become free of every external form when you leave your earthly body; but you can also enter the hardest external form once more if you abuse your freedom of will, if you don't make full use of your life on earth, if you don't accomplish the transformation of your nature which must become love again, as it was in the beginning.... __This transformation of your nature into love is the only purpose for your life on earth as a human being and it is possible for you to achieve this work of transformation because I will truly help you in every way.... For I long for My living creations to return to Me as 'children' and will truly do everything within My power to enable them to reach their goal.... but I will not enslave their will.... They must return to Me of their own free will, just as they once left Me and thereby plunged into the abyss. I take all weaknesses and faults into account, I help where you humans are too weak on your own; I reveal Myself to you so that you will learn to recognise and love Me; I shower you with an unlimited measure of grace which you need only make use of in order to enable you to become victorious in earthly life.... For you must wage battle against My adversary who refuses to let go of you but who likewise cannot determine your free will if it turns away from him.... You must fight against all instincts and cravings which still cling to your soul.... you must firmly want to move forward and to successfully complete your path of earthly life.... You must long for Me and, truly, I will come to meet you and draw you close to Me and never let you go again. For I love you and yearn for your return to Me.... __You need never fear that you will lack the strength for your perfection, because One acquired it for you through His death on the cross.... Jesus Christ, Who redeemed you from sin and death.... And this One wants to bestow the blessings of His act of Salvation upon you and is waiting for you merely to request them, to also want Him to have redeemed your guilt of sin, and for you to appeal to Him to strengthen your will in order to accomplish the transformation work into love on earth.... As soon as you turn to Him you also acknowledge Me again and your return to Me will be assured, your return into your Father's house which you once left voluntarily.... __You can truly reach the final goal during your short life on earth if only you acknowledge Jesus Christ as Redeemer of the world, Who sheltered Me Myself in all abundance.... Through this acknowledgement and the plea for forgiveness of your guilt, your original sin of apostasy from Me will be redeemed.... because the human being Jesus died on the cross in order to atone for the great guilt with His blood for the sake of justice.... __You would never have been able to remove this guilt and make amends for it yourselves, this is why I Myself died in the human being Jesus on the cross, because only love was able to absolve such guilt, which Jesus, the man, mustered for His suffering brothers and which so permeated Him that He took all suffering and pain upon Himself.... But I Myself was this Love.... And therefore the path to Me was cleared for you humans again, so that you can return into your Father's house; I can accept you again as My children because your guilt has been redeemed by Jesus if you acknowledge Him and thus Me in Him, for He and I are one.... Anyone who calls upon Him, calls upon Me, and anyone who may behold Him one day will behold Me face to face.... __Amen
Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly lif...
You must always know that there is reason and purpose for your existence as human beings on earth.... It was not the Creator's whim that placed you into this world but spiritual events which formed the foundation of your creation, events which happened a very long time ago in the spiritual kingdom. The beings, brought into existence by My will's love, began to change.... The law of order, in which all perfect things had to exist, was overturned.... The externalised perfect beings changed themselves into the opposite, they trespassed the law of order and became imperfect.... However, their nature changed of their own free will, i.e. the beings' will rebelled against the existing order, it rebelled against Me Myself as their God and Creator, but Whom they nonetheless recognised because they were enlightened. Consequently, this occurrence in the kingdom of the spirits is the reason for your existence as human beings on this earth.... __For you are the fallen spirits who had parted from Me of your own free will, you are the beings who once came forth from Me in highest perfection and voluntarily changed their nature to the contrary.... you are those fallen spirits.... But eternities had passed between your apostasy from Me and your existence as human beings.... an infinitely long time had passed wherein the fallen being had to go through a process of change, where it was exposed to incredible suffering and torment, where it gradually evolved from the abyss to the pinnacle again, always subject to My guidance because nothing that originates from Me remains eternally separated.... And thus one day you will reach the level of development when you will live as human beings on earth in order to cover the last short distance to the end.... in order to voluntarily achieve your return to your God and Father, from Whom you once had distanced yourselves in wrongly directed will.... If you look at your human existence in this light you will learn to understand how significant it is for you; you will no longer regard earthly life as an end in itself but as a means to an end, and you will live it consciously. __But it is difficult to make you believe that you are not just a whim of your God and Creator.... because you have no proof of what I tell you. However, just for once you should seriously consider that you yourselves and everything around you are works of wonder which could not have originated arbitrarily.... and after serious contemplation recognise a God and Creator and become convinced that there is nothing without purpose, and that your earthly life subsequently has to serve a purpose too.... You should aim to make contact with the acknowledged creative power, which is always possible in thought, in prayer and by doing works of love.... In unity with Me a light will soon shine for you, very soon you will perceive a glimpse of the knowledge which you once possessed in full measure. __And the light within you will shine consistently brighter the more you seek unity with Me and you will achieve the purpose of your life: you will accomplish the transformation of your own free will.... the change of your nature into perfection, which was your condition from the start.... You will kindle the tiny spark of love within you and turn it into a bright fire, which means as much as having entered the law of eternal order once again, where all perfect things have to exist.... You will be able to end an infinitely long process of development with the result that you will have adopted My fundamental nature again.... that you will have shaped yourselves into love and will once more be divine, perfect beings as you were in the beginning.... This is the purpose of your earthly life, which should prompt you to live consciously so that the last stage of the infinitely long process of development will enable the entirely spiritualised being to leave this earth in perfection and enter the kingdom of light and bliss from whence it once originated.... __Amen
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