Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Ascension of Christ....
The time of My visual existence for people on earth came to an end when I ascended to heaven.... For I had fulfilled the mission as a human being and finally gave My disciples and those who believed in Me as the Son of God a last sign which should strengthen their faith.... I showed Myself to them once more and demonstrated to them My Divinity by way of visibly ascending to heaven.... which they were only allowed to observe due to their strength of faith and which, in turn, should provide them with great strength for their further mission: to proclaim Me and My Gospel throughout the world.... No evidence can be provided for My ascension either, and yet it took place before the eyes of those who were completely devoted to Me. For My ascension no longer compelled them into believing, they had recognised Me and no longer doubted anything, but they had also been initiated into the most profound knowledge by Me and therefore I was able to ascend before their eyes as a last sign of My might and glory, which occurred and could occur visibly because I gave My Own exceptional strength for this experience. However, it was only a process which will be experienced by every soul that perfects itself on earth once it leaves its body and then enters spiritual realms in radiant light which, however, will remain concealed from the human eye. But it glides up into the kingdom which is its true home. Evidence of this should also be given to people even though it will not be acknowledged by still immature people who have not achieved any kind of spiritualization. __The ascension of Jesus will remain a myth to people as long as they have not penetrated spiritual knowledge, because something unusual had taken place which in fact only My followers were allowed to experience. However, it will no longer be doubted as soon as the human being's soul has acquired a certain degree of maturity where nothing will be disbelieved anymore due to the realisation that nothing is impossible to God.... With Jesus' ascension the act of Salvation was concluded. I had descended to earth and returned to My kingdom again which I nevertheless had never left, for I was and Am everywhere, but I had taken abode in a human form so as to be visible to you humans, and therefore I also ascended visibly again in order to then always and forever remain visible to everything I created for the sake of its beatitude.... __My Own stayed behind and felt lonely and abandoned as I disappeared from their sight, yet they were imbued by My spirit and clearly recognised their mission now, and they felt impelled by the spirit to carry out the task with which I sent them to all nations on earth. For this reason I let them experience the extraordinary event which was the final miracle on earth that completed My earthly progress.... For they needed much strengthening of faith since their contact with Me had, after all, resulted in a certain amount of dependence which they still had to overcome, and thus every one of My disciples time and again was able to recollect the final events in order to then do My will with wholehearted enthusiasm.... Yet I remained with them in spirit, and throughout their activity for Me they were frequently allowed to hear My Words which revealed My presence to them, so that their love for Me grew ever deeper and thus their knowledge increased to the same extent, and with it their ability to work for Me.... __I had redeemed people's immense guilt of sin through My act of Salvation, and humanity had to be informed of this which could only happen again through human beings who themselves had experienced Me and My crucifixion.... Now they could proclaim the purest truth about this great act of compassion, and thus especially My first disciples were unusually strengthened and equipped for their mission, I had personally been able to teach and prepare them for their task in advance and I had extraordinarily strengthened their faith, although they kept their freedom of will. However, their love for Me and their way of life permitted My additional gift for their office, for the whole of humankind should be informed of this occurrence which had originated from the divine sphere for the sake of people and thus I required appropriate servants and messengers to spread this information. And these had to be able to support with full conviction what they were teaching.... Their love had enabled them to cope with unusual experiences and to eagerly bear witness of everything to their fellow human beings as well. But this knowledge of My act of Salvation will always necessitate a certain degree of love in order to be accepted and believed.... Yet a loving person will be infused by My spirit and guided into every truth, as I Myself have proclaimed.... __Amen
'God sent His Son to Earth....'
Time and again it is explained to you that Jesus' soul came from the world of light to earth in order to embody itself in the man Jesus for the sake of a mission which required a pure soul, for God Himself wanted to take abode in this soul, and He was only able to do that in a pure soul without sin.... He sent His Son to earth.... Can there be a clearer word to confirm this? It was a non-fallen soul, as opposed to the human souls which have to take the long process of development through the creations and start their human embodiment in a very imperfect state.... But that does not rule out that Jesus' soul had to struggle and fight incredibly hard against everything unspiritual which besieged it from outside.... for His body was immature matter and, due to the adversary's influence, the soul was badly besieged by these unredeemed substances.... All earthly passions clung to the body and its instincts, which still adhered to the body as part of the very immature substances, demanded gratification. Jesus' soul came to earth in a completely pure state, yet untold immature beings clung to it which the soul was not permitted to shake off; instead, it needed to pacify and mature them. Jesus, the man, was also inundated by external immature substances, his environment so affected His soul that it had to endure the same inner battles a fallen soul has to endure, and therefore it is untrue that because of His perfect soul it had been easier for the man Jesus to accomplish this act of Salvation.... On the contrary.... because it was pure and without sin.... His soul suffered far more in the immature environment, His pure soul reacted exceedingly sensitively towards sin, towards everything that due to the adversary's influence inundated Him on part of his fellow human beings.... The darkness which the soul of light had to stay in caused it indescribable pain and yet, it was filled by burning love for this sinful human race and wanted to redeem it from sin and death. So although everything of a satanic nature crowded Jesus soul, it nevertheless did not succeed in making Jesus Himself fall into sin. He withstood all temptations, He fought against His adversary as well as against everything unspiritual pestering Him.... His love for His brothers in need did not diminish and He also succeeded in spiritualising his body's unspiritual substances through love, which constantly increased, and so filled the man Jesus that the Eternal Love Itself took possession of Him, Which would never have been able to manifest itself in a sinful soul without causing it to perish.... Why won't you humans accept these Words 'He sent His Son to earth....'? That which comes from Him is perfect and thus it is said 'He came down to earth' and not 'He ascended from the abyss....' Although Jesus' soul was surrounded by satanic elements to a great extent, they approached His soul from outside and His soul nevertheless resisted them and did not allow itself to fall as God's adversary had intended.... Regardless of whether He was pestered by His body's immature substances.... or whether unredeemed beings were trying to cling to Him as Satan's emissaries.... His pure soul resisted and fended off everything of a satanic nature, whereas it matured its body's immature spiritual substances so that it was able to join the soul in a spiritualised state when Jesus had accomplished His act of love. As soon the soul entered the realm of darkness it was subjected to satanic forces yet it did not succumb to them, it resisted them instead because it was full of love and this love provided it with the strength to persevere until the end. __However, the soul brought love along from above, it did not sacrifice love, instead, it united itself increasingly more with the Eternal Love and thus the unification took place, which should be every person's ultimate goal on earth. Jesus, the human being, deified Himself on earth through His great love and His extreme suffering and agonising death.... Yet He, too, had to struggle in order to attain this deification, it did not come any easier to Him than any other person, for people also possess the divine spark of love and can constantly nourish and fan it into a bright flame.... They can appeal to Jesus for help, whereas Jesus only ever drew strength from love.... but this love sheltering within Him was God Himself. And then again, God was only able to shelter in a being without sin, He would never have been able to enter a fallen soul which had travelled the path of ascent through the creations.... a soul which had once fallen away from Him and rejected His love.... After all, this had been the original sin which burdened all fallen beings, and this original sin would have had to be redeemed first before a union with God was possible again.... Therefore, had the soul of the man Jesus been a 'fallen' soul, it would not have been redeemed prior to the crucifixion and God would never have been able to take abode in it.... However, He did shelter in Jesus for He was the Love.... God Himself had become human. God's human manifestation would never have been possible in any other way.... but this is and will remain the greatest mystery of all.... A pure being had to accomplish the act of atonement for humanity's original sin, for a fallen being was still subject to God's adversary's rule and would never have been able to muster the strength of detaching itself from the adversary, its prison guard.... Now it is possible for a person, because Jesus Christ died on the cross for it.... A soul of light had to take up the battle against the adversary and Jesus won this battle because His strength was love, because He waged this battle in unity with God Himself, the Eternal Love, and thus God Himself redeemed the human race from sin and death.... You humans need to be given the relevant information, for mistaken opinions will also lead to mistaken conclusions. Lucifer would not have had to fight against Jesus had he been in command of Him.... And every fallen soul is still subject to the adversary's control.... until it is redeemed by Jesus Christ.... No fallen soul would ever have succeeded in defeating the adversary.... The act of Salvation had not been accomplished as yet, therefore Jesus' battle would have been unsuccessful, for a fallen being which had once resisted God's strength of love had indeed received a tiny spark of love from God, but it would never have fanned it into a bright flame because the adversary would have stopped it and because the being itself was too weak.... You humans should understand that you lose yourselves in wrong thoughts if you don't let go of this opinion that Jesus' soul is Satan's share, thus once a fallen away spiritual being.... With this point of view you would only make the problem of God's human manifestation even more incomprehensible and questionable.... And therefore the pure truth must be repeatedly presented to you, for only the truth will enlighten you correctly and the truth will only ever come forth from God Himself.... __Amen
What did Jesus' body consist of?.... I.
Nothing is impossible to Me, your God and Creator.... Everything I want, happens, and what I want to create instantly appears in front of Me as an accomplished thought.... I have no limitations, neither concerning ideas nor executed actions, be they of spiritual or material substance. For basically everythingMy will, experience a state of weakness or incorporate characteristics which adhere to all other bodies if it serves a specific purpose.... Everything is within My will and within My power.... But through contact with the world, with matter.... which is impure spiritual substance.... everything of a pure, divine nature will always be influenced by the latter and experience problems, and since Jesus' act of Salvation involved an extraordinarily important mission, impure adverse forces made a special effort to exert influence on the purely Divine, Jesus' external form. For this divine-spiritual emanation of strength, which His body has to be regarded as, did not take effect by destroying or preventing everything of an adverse nature.... instead, it was sufficient to render the same resistance, like any other external form should, by pacifying the encroaching spiritual substances and thus waging the same battle against all temptations, for as a human being Jesus wanted to exemplify the kind of life which all fellow human beings should live in order to release themselves from the forces of darkness. __However, the fact that Jesus' body consisted of earthly matter cannot be denied: nevertheless, this earthly matter was a product of My love, wisdom and might, its substance was not taken from a fallen spirit but My emanated strength which My will compressed into shape.... Even so, the demands it imposed on Jesus were by no means less arduous, for as soon as strength from Me comes to earth.... hence, as soon as perfect spirit enters My adversary's realm, it will be besieged by unspiritual substances and all substances which clung to Jesus' soul and more or less took possession of the body were meant to be redeemed. Thus He had to fight so as not to succumb to them but without using His strength beyond human means since He was meant to serve people as an example and, therefore, Jesus the man was not granted any privilege due to extraordinary strength.... As a human He had to be like all other people, and even the fact that His body was a product of My strength did not give Him any advantages in His striving for deification.... It was nothing more than a shackle which continuously tormented His soul, because it was used to freedom and the brightest of light and had to take above in darkness.... And this darkness also inundated the body, causing it much pain which was felt by the soul and yet it could not be spared for the body. For as a result of His love Jesus recognised all correlations and was resigned to His fate, which He exactly foresaw and through which alone He already endured indescribable pain. Nevertheless, complete deification could only be achieved by extraordinary suffering and an abundance of love.... And the fact alone that a pure body without sin and a soul from the kingdom of light had to reside in the realm of the prince of darkness contributed towards that, because they constantly had to defend themselves against him and his forces, which made every effort to tempt the body into becoming sinful in order to cause the downfall of Jesus, the human being, albeit he did not succeed. However, it was a hard fight, and yet, Jesus the man prevailed and thus provided all people with proof that through love they also acquire the strength in order to resist all temptations by the adversary. Besides, through His crucifixion He also acquired the grace of greater willpower for you humans, so that it is possible for all people to release themselves from the shackle of their prison warden, so that they will not be at the adversary's mercy but find help in Jesus Christ in Whom they can confide and Who nevertheless understands them as human beings and will truly snatch them from the adversary's control if they appeal to Him, for He knows how much he torments your body in order to prevent your soul from maturing.... He is aware that the battle in earthly life is hard because the body still belongs to the adversary, who does not want to release it, but Jesus made the sacrifice on the cross for you so that you can become free, He redeemed you through His blood so that you will be released from all sin.... __Amen
Jesus as a human being knew of His mission....
The earthly path of the human being Jesus was exceedingly sorrowful.... His pure soul found itself in an impure and dark environment and experienced this environment as torment, on account of which the child Jesus was never able to be cheerful, although He was not yet conscious of the mission the soul itself had offered Me to carry out.... From time to time the light of His soul's true nature burst through indeed, then My spirit expressed itself through Him, so that he already performed miracles as a child, which only could be accomplished by a purest being of light in possession of abundant strength and light..... Yet this only happened now and then in order that the people in His neighbourhood should believe in His mission.... __And even these remarkable expressions of strength troubled the boy Jesus as soon as He had regained His natural human frame of mind but impelled Him into ever more heartfelt contact with Me, His eternal God and Father, Whom He loved with all His heart, which therefore joined Him ever more to Me so that My love, too, permeated Him ever more until the moment came when He, in brightest light of love, recognised His task.... until He realised that He was meant to deliver His fallen brothers, until He became aware of the complete act of Salvation and He saw before Him the arduous path to the cross He should take if He so wanted.... His path of suffering was shown to Him in every detail, the knowledge of which darkened His soul and filled it with fear from which only His burning love for the wretched living creations helped Him escape again.... Yet He had to struggle with the decision to voluntarily take the path to the cross, He had to be willing to shoulder humanity's every gilt of sin and render such an agonising act of atonement for it that it surpassed all human imagination. For Jesus had not been destined by My will to make this sacrifice on the cross, rather, His soul had voluntarily offered itself to bring the lost children back to Me. For this purpose it lived life on earth as a human being and then had to struggle to make this decision again as a human being, because free will was decisive again too, for I would never have destined a human being to make such a sacrifice of atonement against his will, because only a sacrifice made by love was able to redeem the original sin of the fallen beings. And the sacrifice not only involved the act of crucifixion, the days of most bitter physical suffering and humiliation inflicted on the human being Jesus by My adversary's vassals, but His whole earthly life was a path to the cross, because His soul suffered indescribably, having descended from the kingdom of light into the kingdom of darkness. __And Jesus very soon knew the cause and purpose of his descent to earth and this knowledge burdened the `human being Jesus' beyond all measure, so that He undeniably travelled the path across earth as a human being yet the pleasures of earthly life were denied to Him, which every human being enjoying his earthly life was usually allowed to take pleasure in with impunity.... For His life was constantly overshadowed by the events ahead of Him which.... since He was merely human.... constantly frightened Him and never let Him be cheerful.... Only in his refuge with Me did He find peace and strength and then, due to his ever-increasing love, His will to make the sacrifice grew constantly stronger too, and He carried the heavy burden of earthly life consciously and only ever endeavoured to do My will and help His fellow human beings.... And this also steadily increased His strength enabling Him to work miracles and thereby helping his fellow human beings who needed His help. Yet His mission before the actual act of Salvation consisted of preaching the Gospel to people, to proclaim My will to them and to admonish and encourage them into leading a loving and righteous way of life.... He brought people the truth which had no longer been recognised for a long time already and which had to be imparted to people in all purity again in order to induce them into a right way of living, so that His act of Salvation would then also be correctly understood and accepted by people who made the effort to live a life of love. __He led the way which all should follow who wanted to return to the kingdom of light, to Me, and who would be able to do so after Jesus had redeemed the original sin through His death on the cross. This act of mercy by Jesus had such enormous consequences that you cannot receive enough clarification about it. Time and again the knowledge of it will be truthfully conveyed to you again, for you should not just see in Jesus the human being Whose life was prematurely terminated by other people, but you should recognise His great mission, for Jesus' act of Salvation is of such immense significance for you humans that it is imperative for you to accept it if you ever want to escape the kingdom of darkness and be admitted into the kingdom of light. And you will only accept it if you are instructed of it absolutely truthfully, which always happens through My spirit which alone guides you into every truth.... __Amen
Following Jesus: Bearing the cross....
You will always cross the bridge to the spiritual kingdom if you follow Jesus, the divine Redeemer, Who established this bridge for you humans and walked the path before you. He Himself bridged this broad gulf between the earth and the spiritual kingdom through His act of Salvation, He walked the most arduous and painful path to the cross and thereby built the bridge into the kingdom of light.... which can be crossed by every human being and will always lead to the right goal.... __The path of following Jesus has to be taken, that is, just as He had accepted all suffering out of love for the wretched human race so the human being, too, has to take the path of love and suffering, he has to endeavour to follow Him in order to purge his soul.... even though the human being Jesus had taken all guilt of His fallen brothers upon Himself and thus the immense original sin is redeemed through the crucifixion, through the act of Salvation.... His soul can only get cleansed and purified through love and suffering, and it has to accomplish this purging while still on earth if it wants to achieve the degree of light which guarantees its happiness. For the human being lives on earth in order to free his soul from all impurities, from all vices and longings, weaknesses and bad habits, which still cling to you as a result of your past apostasy, which it should and will be able to shed if it patiently travels the earthly path in suffering and makes an effort to live a life of love. For love is the most assured means of purification, love dissolves all impurities and layers which still burden a soul. And suffering.... humbly endured.... is likewise suitable to crystallise the soul, which then has become receptive to light and translucent when it enters the realm of the beyond. __For this reason Jesus spoke the Words `Whosoever will come after Me, let him take up his cross....' No human being will be entirely spared suffering, even if the weight of burden varies with each person. Yet earthly life is not the ultimate fulfilment, it is only ever a preparatory stage for the true life in the spiritual kingdom.... And any load the soul is still burdened with on earth can only raise its beatitude in the beyond, providing it is humbly endured as God's will. Thus the human being shall take the path of following Jesus of his own free will.... He himself has to want that his soul should attain greater maturity on earth, he consciously has to decide to follow Jesus, he also has to acknowledge His act of Salvation and make use of it for himself. For no earthly existence, no matter how sorrowful, will ever help the soul to perfection if the human being does not acknowledge Jesus, if he does not make use of His act of Salvation and its blessings, if he does not believe in Him and the fact that it was God Himself Who accomplished the act of Salvation in the man Jesus. Then his earthly path can be as wretched as anything, he will not derive any benefit from it for his soul, for then he did not voluntarily `follow Jesus'.... __However, the more you humans are filled with love the less you will be weighed down by suffering, for love is the best means of release, the fire of love will dissolve the soul's every layer, it will melt away everything that is unclean and hardened, love will achieve the soul's purification within a short time, and the extent of suffering can be reduced where love is already dealing with the soul's purification process.... __And therefore the human being will have to be of service to a large extent in order to express his love thereby, for love impels people to be active, and as soon as it thus unselfishly applies to another person the human being will constantly perform labours of love, and then he will travel the path of following Jesus, Who time and again was likewise impelled by love to accomplish helpful acts, Who aimed to alleviate his fellow human being's suffering and distress and used remarkable strength in order to help his fellow human beings. __And thus a constant willingness to help will be a path of following Jesus, because it demonstrates love, which can only ever have a beneficial effect, both for the provider as well as for the one who accepts the help.... For love is the most Powerful, the Divine, which has to lead to the soul's perfection without fail, which has to purge a soul and make it receptive to light.... love is the final objective on earth, because it leads to unification with the Eternal Love, because it restores the original state of the created being and therefore also has to guarantee supreme bliss, which the being then finds in closest unity with its God and Father of eternity, from Whose love it once had emerged.... __Amen
Various schools of thought.... Pretended worship....
It is just like the time when Christ descended to earth.... People's thoughts are just as confused, they advocate the same misguided teachings, they believe to possess the sole truth and yet they are living right in the midst of falsehood.... Now, as then, they uphold their hollow creeds even though all vary from each other, each creed endorses its own point of view and each one is convinced that it can lay claim to the truthfulness of its teachings. And the number of schools of thought has grown considerably, there are not just a few opposing each other but a great variety of opinions has created a great variety of faith communities which all endeavour to win supporters and fanatically insist on the doctrines they endorse.... Hence it is essential that people receive the truth, that they at last learn what God expects from people.... It is essential that God's will is revealed to them so that they learn to recognise that the fulfilment of His will is the meaning and purpose of life on earth.... However, every church or spiritual movement teaches that it proclaims God's will and still the various creeds differ. At the time of Christ's descent to earth people prided themselves just like today on practicing various customs, the divine service was fanatically performed and lacked spirit so that people did not establish any heartfelt contact with their God and Creator.... __And the same happens nowadays: a formal religious service giving due consideration to all rites and customs, demonstrating to the world the union with God whilst the heart of the individual is far removed from this heartfelt bond with Him.... It is just pretence and deception, there is no longer any truthfulness in people's way of life.... They solely belong to the physical world, and even if they want to give the impression of a relationship with God they only perform lifeless formalities which do not touch their souls. And you, who receive the truth from God, shall challenge this pretence of worship and remember that even Jesus during His life on earth did not support those who upheld wrong doctrines and tried to justify their pretence of worship as the only one pleasing to God and who condemned everything that contradicted their teachings. Nowadays people will not want to part with the doctrines handed down to them by people either and will therefore always remain in error, because they refuse to accept the pure truth which can only be granted to them from above.... from the Eternal Truth. Yet such a gift of grace requires free voluntary acceptance.... The truth cannot be forcibly conveyed to people who are unwilling to accept it. And therefore it is difficult to root out misguided teachings even if these are substantiated and amended to them as being wrong. There will only ever be a few who will be open-minded to what God Himself conveys to people, because they don't want to acknowledge such evident working of God.... because they have no knowledge of the fact that God pours out His spirit over those who willingly open up their hearts to Him for the receipt of His pure truth.... __Prior to Jesus' descent to earth, before His crucifixion, the pouring out of the spirit upon a human being was not possible, and therefore the world was full of error.... However, after His death on the cross truth could find access to mankind and it became possible to fully enlighten people as to whether and when their thinking was erroneous, it was possible to instruct them through the spirit and they could rid themselves of all error. Yet there was never any coercion and this is why time and again error could creep in and be advocated as truth and passed on with such tenacity that it is difficult to convince people of their wrong thinking, and thus they will always resist accepting the pure truth from God and giving up their misconceptions. And still, for the sake of truth itself everything has to be tried to make people change their points of view.... everything has to be tried to motivate them to think, everything has to be done to impart the pure truth to them, for they can only reach the final goal on the path of truth.... As long as they remain in their wrong thinking they will not be able to partake in the bliss of the kingdom of the beyond, which can only ever guarantee enlightenment.... __Only truth grants light, therefore truth alone leads to beatitude, for countless beings can be made happy with it again and happiness in the spiritual kingdom consists of the giving of light. This is why you humans must not fall victim to wrong thinking, this is why the truth is offered to you time and again, this is why everything will be done on the part of God to turn your thinking in the right direction, yet you yourselves need only have the will to live in truth.... For it is not as important on earth as it is in the kingdom of the beyond that you know the truth, because you cannot be happy there without truth, and even if you ignore your dark state on earth.... it will nevertheless torment you in the beyond, because only light is beatitude and light is only ever emanated by the Truth, by God Himself, Who is the eternal Essence of light.... __Amen
Attribute of divine teaching: human manifestation problem...
I repeatedly emphasize that it is necessary for you to be informed about My human manifestation in Jesus Christ.... For your maturing, too, solely depends on the fact that you are truthfully instructed about the significance of Jesus and His act of Salvation for you humans. For although he lived on earth as a human being and as a human being concluded His life with His crucifixion, He was nevertheless only the outer shell of the Eternal Divine Spirit, He only served Me Myself as a shell, because I wanted to make Myself visible in Him, since no being was able to behold Me in My full abundance of strength and light without ceasing to exist. __And this great secret of My human manifestation can only be revealed to you by Me Myself, albeit you humans will never be able to comprehend it completely as long as you are not yet perfect. If, however, you are truthfully instructed about this very problem of My human manifestation in Jesus you will no longer be in danger of taking a wrong path, for once you have this knowledge you have already attained a certain degree of maturity, and then you will only ever turn to Me Myself, Whom you have recognised in Jesus. Yet this is what My adversary wants to stop or prevent, and therefore he will lead people into misconceptions and above all try to prevent a truthful explanation about `God's manifestation in Jesus'.... By means of constant new formulation and wrong portrayal he will not generate clarity in people, and then he will have succeeded that neither I nor the human being Jesus will be clearly recognised, for he will always want to create two concepts of God and Jesus, although only one God exists, Who is at all times approachable in Jesus. __Anyone who knows the truth will not allow himself to be worried by this, and he will also identify every different teaching as error. And yet, the adversary will have many followers with his portrayal of Jesus, Who has achieved a high degree of maturity as a human being but Who will always be explained to people as `existing outside of God'.... when he disguises himself as a spirit of light before those who do not completely reject Jesus.... And you can at all times particularly apply this criterion for truth when God's human manifestation in Jesus is emphasized to be true. This will always be an assured attribute of a divine instruction. For only I Myself can reveal this secret of My human manifestation to you, and you may justifiably discard everything which contradicts My instructions. Every single school of thought endorses its spiritual knowledge as truth, yet as long as they still differ from each other great care has to be taken and, above all, a serious desire for truth is required in order to be able to recognise it as such. Nevertheless, it is up to each person whether he sincerely desires the truth, he alone has to make the decision, and thus he also determines the teacher who will instruct him. He cannot be offered any misguided spiritual knowledge if he sincerely entrusts himself to Me and appeals to Me for truth.... This sincere appeal is required by Me but it will surely be granted. __But anyone who knows My directly transmitted Word to earth and does not use it as a criterion has not yet opened his heart to the truth either, otherwise he would feel that no other spiritual knowledge can be likened to it if it contains other concepts and notions which contradict the truth from Me. Consequently, if a person does not recognise the pure truth his degree of maturity is still so low that My adversary is able to use him as a vessel in order to deceive countless people through him again and lure them into error.... Truth always and forever remains the same, it does not change and cannot be offered to one person like this and to another like that.... as far as its fundamental essence is concerned.... __You humans will always have to be vigilant if you want to possess the pure truth, that you will not get ensnared by the adversary who is always keen to work in the same manner, and he will be successful too if the person is indifferent or purely expects sensations, which he anticipates from the contact with the supernatural world. What I offer people will always take place within the framework of natural law and only the contents will provide a genuine seeker with the certainty that I Am the source Myself, and he will gladly accept the spiritual information, he will increase his knowledge, his inner light, and then no error will be able to confuse him any longer for he will identify and resist it.... __Yet My adversary's activity will not lessen, and people themselves give him the right to it. If they only ever would desire the pure truth he would be unable to interfere, in that case only My messengers of light would be at work fending off everything impure, unspiritual, and protecting the human being from its influence. And your criterion for truth can always be applied by how Jesus and His act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Him is portrayed to you. Only virtuous, illuminated spiritual beings exist in utmost truth and also pass it on to people on My instructions. __As soon as the Deity and Jesus are portrayed to you as two beings you are not truthfully taught, for I and He are one.... I Myself, the highest and most perfect spirit in eternity, have manifested Myself in the human being Jesus, in His human shell, in order to become a visible God for you, My created beings, Whom you are able to love with all your heart and Who also wants to be loved by you.... And thus you should only believe the spirit which teaches this to you.... __Amen
The true description of the act of Salvation....
I only ever just want you to know that you can only return to Me on the path of truth, and therefore you also have to accept it from Me, because I Am eternal truth.... But then you will steadily follow the path which will be shown to you because you will clearly understand why you are living on earth and where your true home is. When you are taught the truth you will also learn about your origin and all previous events in the spiritual kingdom which will then make your earthly life explicable, you will recognise its meaning and goal and then try to achieve it. But if you are given erroneous information everything will be incomprehensible to you and give rise to all kinds of questions which will then be answered wrongly again.... And then your earthly life will be mostly lived in vain since My adversary will keep you in the dark and will always prevent you from searching for truth or from sincerely requesting it. __The essence of what you should know is and remains Jesus Christ's act of Salvation. If you are truthfully informed, your perfection, your return to Me, is guaranteed because then you will make use of the blessings which the human being Jesus acquired through His crucifixion. All weakness of will shall vanish, you will seriously strive for perfection and be relieved of the original sin's burden which had pushed you to the ground so much that you could not get up by yourselves. And I will always endeavour to convey to you the truth about the act of Salvation because you need to know of it if it is to be of benefit to you, if Christ is to have shed His blood for you too, which compensated for your great sin of guilt.... Because you consciously have to claim the blessings, you consciously have to accept Him as the divine Redeemer, surrender your guilt to Him and ask Him for forgiveness, because He and I are One. Once you rebelled against Me.... once you refused to acknowledge Me and now you have to acknowledge Me Myself in Jesus as your God and Father and long for unification with Me again. __There is no other way to return to Me than the path to the cross, and only this pure truth will lead you there, only truth can give you the knowledge of how significant Jesus Christ's act of Salvation is for you and why you have to pay heed to it. And if, due to My adversary's influence, this truth is mixed with inaccurate spiritual knowledge, Jesus Christ's act of Salvation will also be described wrongly, it will be devalued precisely because it is understood wrongly, which is My adversary's objective. He will always strive to keep people in spiritual darkness, and thus he makes sure that the truth will be infiltrated by error in order to prevent people from becoming enlightened, from recognising and walking the right path in this light. __It is his intention to render the act of Salvation entirely ineffective, to take all relevant knowledge from people, to portray Jesus as a rebellious human being in a secular sense who therefore had to suffer death on the cross.... It is his intention to argue every spiritual motive and thus destroy people's faith in a mission by Jesus so that they will not take the path to Him under His cross and instead deny Him as a Saviour of humanity sent by God. And thus humanity suffers an unimaginable disadvantage, for only He can help their great spiritual need.... __By excluding Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation people will live their earthly life in vain, they will stay in spiritual darkness and therefore also part of him who is My adversary and My enemy. But where he works I Am always active too, and where he corrupts truth I will constantly send it down to earth. And pure truth will always find its way to where it is desired. The adversary will not be able to prevent this since the desire for truth applies to Me and thus the human being has already passed his final test of will, he has chosen Me and will therefore also receive from Me.... And what I give will always be of utmost value and therefore also help the human being reach his goal. __But you humans should not forget that only the truth can have beneficial consequences because wrong spiritual knowledge can never result in salvation for the human being's soul. Hence you only ever have to desire the truth, you should not be satisfied with spiritual knowledge the end result of which is unknown to you, and therefore you always have to ask Me Myself for enabling you to recognise the lawful and true and to protect you from misguided spiritual knowledge. And truly.... I will always fulfil this request, after all, I want you to return to Me and therefore I will also show you the right path to walk.... And then you will also reach your goal safely.... __Amen
Jesus' body was also solidified substance in accordance w...
Accept My instructions and ask Me whatever you would like to know, because I want to explain the truth to you so that you can pass it on to those who ask you. Although you can only receive appropriate clarification in accordance with your comprehension I will also give your intellect the ability to recognise spiritual knowledge, and thus you will be able to stand up to the rational person where necessary. Reconciling the physical consistency of the man Jesus with the supreme spirit of light, Who descended to earth in order to serve Me as a cover for My human manifestation, is difficult for you to understand.... Fallen as well as non-fallen original spirits live on earth in a physical external frame which consists of impure substances of another original spirit, thus they are still at the beginning of their development.... __Hence the soul is meant to perfect itself during its life on earth, it should remove everything unspiritual within itself, it should resist all temptation, discard all impure waste, fight against impure instincts and desires, change all vices into virtues.... thus it should change its whole being into love.... And it is constantly harassed by the immature substance which wants to pull the soul down again and which is constantly driven to do so by My adversary. Consequently, human life on earth is the last process of purification within the physical external form, and it can result in complete success, in the soul's total spiritualization.... At the same time the soul can redeem and spiritualise the body, too, if it tries to influence this immature substance with much love.... if it stifles all worldly lust and increasingly tries to persuade the body to completely detach itself from the world.... if, therefore, soul and body jointly follow the spirit within and enter into an innermost connection with Me.... __Every human being will have to fight these conflicts with himself, because every physical external frame is an immature spiritual substance which still belongs to the adversary, it merely cannot be controlled by him directly during the period of constraint, whereas the soul is exposed to the temptations of the adversary during its earthly life and needs to resist them firmly.... and the body, due to its immaturity, will always aggravate the soul's aspirations, because the undeveloped spiritual substance is still more aligned with darker realms. However, it can receive light if it carries out deeds of love, and then the body will always participate in everything the soul wants to do. __Although Jesus' soul certainly had a physical body there was, nevertheless, a difference, because His body, His physical cover, did not belong to a once-fallen original spirit, in spite of being physical, i.e. in accordance with My will solidified spiritual substance, which could not actually be influenced by My adversary because it did not belong to him since he had no authority over any spirit which had not fallen. But Jesus had to fulfil a mission.... to achieve His own spiritualization on earth through love and the agonizing death at the cross.... through the act of Salvation. When His soul had descended to earth and entered into a physical cover it was besieged and held by numerous immature substances which had been attracted by the light, but which experienced the light as torment and tried to extinguish it. The soul of light had entered the kingdom of darkness and had to pass through this area and disperse and redeem everything entering its sphere with its light.... It had to suffer with love and try to help all unspiritual substances which had joined it, because His immense love caused Jesus to descend to earth and the soul did not surrender this love but used it as strength for the weak wretched substance which clung to it and which it could not remove forcefully, since His love did not allow it. __And thus the body was harassed by the said immature spiritual substance which wanted to transfer all instincts that are inherent in every human to the body. And externally, from other people, the soul was equally troubled by many different temptations which stimulated the natural instincts in Jesus' body, because His body was created no different than that of other people albeit it did not contain any satanically attached substances, since due to My will it was begotten without sin and thus a pure vessel for My human manifestation within it. But for the purpose of its act of Salvation the body responded to all assaults by My adversary, to all temptation from outside, to all human seduction just like any other body and Jesus had to overcome all these instincts within Himself, because He had to exemplify to people the right kind of life. And thus He had to overcome every human instinct, all desire for the world, all lust, He had to offer resistance, fend off all temptation without violating love.... thus He had to spiritualise His body just as every other human being, and He succeeded in doing so, having been given the strength by love which also finally accomplished the act of Salvation.... And yet again the man Jesus had to know and overcome all human weaknesses, because He was intended to become a shining example to all of humanity, because all human beings shall and can achieve this goal.... __This work of spiritualization was by no means easy for Him, since the temptations had been particularly powerful to Him, because the adversary himself had fought against Him as not to lose his followers.... On the other hand, however, the human external frame which was to shelter Me had to be pure and without sin, I could not have manifested Myself in a body whose substances belonged to an original spirit who had once deserted Me.... You have to clearly understand that. Because precisely this external shape should be and remain visible for eternity. __The unification of Myself, a most supreme Being of light.... My `only begotten Son'.... and part of a fallen spirit would never ever have been possible. (The unification of Me, My `only begotten Son'.... the most supreme Being of light....) But since the salvation through Jesus every fallen being can accomplish this unification with Me.... However, before Jesus' crucifixion the salvation had not yet taken place, thus the physical external shape could not have been saved either if it had been necessary, and hence I Myself could not have worked on earth through the man Jesus which, however, was the case, because My spirit was in Him and expressed itself with deeds of miracles and through My Word.... So don't be mislead if you are given knowledge which does not correspond to this.... but believe that you receive the pure truth from Me Myself because I know how misguided the thoughts of many people still are, and I will correct every error as soon as you ask Me for it.... __Amen
No beatitude without Salvation through Jesus Christ....
You humans should bear in mind that I want to help you attain the degree of maturity in earthly life which enables you to enter the kingdom of light after you pass away from this earth.... Indeed, sooner or later you will all enter this kingdom, yet the time it will take until then can still cause you inconceivable pain if you enter the realm of the beyond in an entirely unspiritual state and the gates into the realm of light are still closed to you. Although My mercy and grace apply to every single soul even if they lived a sinful life on earth, I cannot provide it with anything else than that which My justice permits, consequently, in the spiritual realm it can only ever take possession of spheres which correspond to its way of life and will still have to endure inconceivable suffering and agony in order to redeem its guilt of sin. And if it fails to find Jesus Christ in the beyond, its suffering will be endless; it will continue to descend further and will finally have to accept the fate of renewed banishment, because there is no other atonement for the original sin than through Jesus Christ. None of you realise the full significance of the act of Salvation.... And precisely this accounts for your immense spiritual hardship.... I want to help My living creations to find the path to the cross while they still live on earth, for this will guarantee the soul an entirely different fate.... For to attain forgiveness of the sin of guilt before the human being's death is the most worthwhile goal to strive for.... as it opens the gate into the kingdom of light and the soul will be able to enjoy beatitudes in abundance.... However, the human race is not aware of the immense significance the act of Salvation holds and My adversary makes a diligent effort to keep you ignorant.... And even if people believe that the man Jesus had lived on earth in the past, exemplifying to people the most perfect way of life and calling upon them to emulate Him, they still don't want to believe that an exalted mission had been the reason for Jesus' life on earth.... They don't want to believe that it concerned an act of greatest mercy, that Jesus, through His crucifixion, wanted to redeem and indeed redeemed an immense sin, which could not be expiated by any other means than through an act of greater than great love and an inordinate measure of physical suffering.... which thus bridged the vast gulf between the kingdom of light and the realm of darkness. From then on everyone was able to cross this bridge providing he believes in Jesus Christ's act of Salvation as well as My human manifestation in Him. This human manifestation is another enigma which can only be understood by a spiritually awakened person, because people's state of sinfulness rules out all understanding for it, thus a person must first have an affirmative attitude towards Jesus' act of Salvation, appeal for forgiveness of his sin and in heartfelt contact with Him be taught by the spirit within, which can only express itself after the forgiveness of the original sin has taken place.... In that case My human manifestation in Jesus will be understandable to him, for he can be guided by the spirit into all truth and informed of all spiritual correlations.... Hence he can attain the realisation again which he once lost through his rebellion against Me. He will only gain the knowledge of all these correlations through his spirit. This knowledge can nevertheless be presented to a person, and if he received a truthful account about Jesus Christ, His act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Him, then the truth can also convince a person and make him take the same path, the path to the cross.... And he will better understand what he previously was merely told by an enlightened fellow human being. This is why I consider the spreading of the pure truth so important. It is, after all, My will that this truth shall also reach people who live a good way of life but who do not believe as yet, who will subsequently feel addressed by the truth and affected by the strength of truth and thus can also attain faith. __If you humans realised how much you could improve your fate on entering the kingdom of the beyond if you were redeemed from you guilt of sin by Jesus Christ, you would also grasp why I keep highlighting this problem, why I repeatedly explain the spiritual correlations and try to stimulate your intellect to think about it; for merely the slightest will to fulfil your purpose of life on earth is already sufficient for Me to guide you and create every opportunity for you to gain realisation.... And the final knowledge, especially, can only be granted to you through the working of My spirit, for under My adversary's influence people will always want to negate the most important thing: the Salvation from all guilt through Jesus Christ.... They certainly make concessions by admitting to His existence and also portray Him as a human being who attained highest perfection in His earthly life. Yet they do not want to believe that it concerns an entirely different problem.... that without Him the human race would forever remain separated from its God and Creator and that the souls' development in the beyond could not progress, instead they will remain in a sorry state as long as they are burdened by the original sin. Therefore they lead a wretched and pitiful existence until they find the divine Redeemer on the other side, until they comply with the light beings' efforts and without resistance allow themselves to be guided to Him, Who will lift them up from the abyss and forgive their guilt of sin as soon as they appeal to Him for it.... Thus they must first believe that Jesus Christ redeemed the human race through His act of mercy, through His death on the cross. Only this substantiates Jesus' mission on earth, but not purely His way of life.... which certainly is part of it, since no person can become blessed without love, and the teaching of love was the essence of every one of the instructions He gave to people, who He wanted to save from spiritual darkness, from the shackles of the prince of night. __People lived in profound ignorance, they did not recognise themselves as living creations of a supremely perfect Being, they did not notice their imperfection and only loved their own Self, and their selfish love impelled them into sinfulness, into sins they might well have been able to atone for in the beyond, even if it had meant an infinitely long time of suffering.... Yet these sins were not the reason for My descent to earth in the human being Jesus.... instead, it concerned the immense original sin of the past apostasy from Me, which no human being would have been able to atone for, even if he spent eternities in a wretched state.... This sin was the reason why I Myself came down to earth and accomplished the act of Salvation in Jesus, the man.... For Love Itself redeemed the guilt, and the Love was in the man Jesus.... Time and again I will inform you humans of this through My spirit, time and again I will try to explain to you the greatest mystery of all, and I will send out My disciples during the last days in order to proclaim the truth about Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, Who sheltered Me Myself within Him and He and I are, and will remain, as One for all eternity.... __Amen
Believe Me that I will not let you live in error if only you are willing to accept the pure truth. This is of utmost importance, especially at this time, because almost no-one thinks correctly anymore, because everything diverts from the truth no matter what people are teaching. And even if you can only impart My spiritual knowledge to a few.... it will shine like a light in a dark night, and people who are addressed by Me directly or through messengers will feel happy in its radiance. And thus few people live in this pure truth and they will also believe you. They will know that it could only have been received through the working of the spirit, that a direct connection exists from Me to you and that they can fully endorse the results. But contacts also exist to the spiritual world which you should regard with caution.... The human being's resolve to investigate supernatural things can easily put people at risk of receiving information from this supernatural world which will no longer enable them to make a distinction between truth and error. __And time and again I say to you: if you are not educated by My spirit, which will guide you into truth, then don't believe every spirit who speaks to you.... I indicated to you in the Book of Books that I will reveal Myself to you.... I told you that you all have to be educated by God, Who will then guarantee you the purest truth! But where is it written that I will choose different paths in order to convey the pure truth to you? Even if I let you take the path via spiritual beings who are meant to convince you of the immortality of your soul, they, too, will time and again refer you to the working of My spirit in the human being and first try to motivate you into establishing a heartfelt bond with Me, so that your God and Father Himself will be able to teach you.... And He will guide you into truth.... As to whether this will subsequently happen directly or through His messengers of light does not affect the knowledge which I impart to you Myself. And there is always a danger if instructions from the world of the beyond are given to you which are impossible for you to confirm, for this world is still governed by My adversary who tries to spread error to the same extent, wherever it is possible for him.... And you cannot apply any other guideline but the attitude demonstrated by this spirit towards Jesus Christ. You can give credence to those who profess Him as Redeemer of the world, in Whom I embodied Myself, in which case you are being addressed by one of My appointed servants from the kingdom of the beyond whom I will then send to you if you are still unaware of the 'working of My spirit within the human being'.... But he will undeniably inform you of it, so that you can enter into contact with Me with an awakened spirit in order to be further instructed by Me. __If such a circle has therefore come together with the sincere desire for truth, then people will also be taught by guides from the beyond, yet first of all they will be presented with Jesus Christ's act of Salvation, He Himself will be described as 'God of eternity' and then you will also recognise this spirit as a bearer of truth and comply with its instruction to consciously establish contact with Me. I would definitely not place an aversion against these 'spiritual guides' into the heart of those of you.... who want to be My Own.... if they worked in accordance with My will too, if they did not spread error. There is such intense counter activity apparent, but it will only ever affect those who do not harbour the strong desire for truth in them, who are content with a communication from the spiritual world but who do not think of the One Who accomplished the salvation sacrifice on your behalf and they therefore can also be misled. If only all of you would believe in Him, in His crucifixion and My human manifestation in Him, then your thinking would be enlightened and nothing wrong would be able to come to you from the beyond. But, instead, people content themselves with wrong reports which are of no value to them. __What I ask of people consists of just a few words: Love for Me and for their neighbour.... For then they will awaken their spirit to life, then they will sincerely unite with Me, and then I will also be able to guide them into more profound knowledge.... into the knowledge of their origin and apostasy from Me, into the knowledge of My plan of return. And then the realisation they had lost due to their sin of apostasy will be revealed to them.... They will discover the great error which is prevalent in the world and its correction which, however, can only be received if I Am able to express Myself through the spirit.... Hence you should first strive to awaken the life of the spirit, and it will guide you into truth.... rivers of living water will flow out of your belly.... you will all be taught by God and all the promises will fulfil themselves, which will remain incomprehensible to you as long as you are spiritually still unawakened.... __Amen
How long did Christ's doctrine remain pure?....
I draw those of you close to Me who want to be addressed by Me, who have questions bothering you which only I can answer for you. Many a time one question has been asked: how long did Christ's doctrine remain pure and what caused it to become contaminated? And I have always taught you such that it remained pure for as long as a direct working of My spirit was possible.... however, when people of unawakened spirit took the lead.... people who could not be taught by Me directly, in whom My spirit simply could not work any longer, then, understandably, it had to change.... The first disciples, as well as their successors, were still in close contact with Me, they were still influenced by My crucifixion, for although quite some time had passed afterwards it was nevertheless a powerful event to which My first disciples testified, so that they found numerous followers who adopted the divine doctrine of love and also endeavoured to live a life of love.... who thereby accepted the faith in the divine Redeemer and also attained the awakening of their spirit.... While this was the case My doctrine remained pure, their faith was alive and My first disciples were able to keep educating apostles and sending them out into the world with the task of proclaiming the Gospel of love. And every messenger was under My direct influence, he only ever passed on what the voice of the spirit within him told him, what he had to say because he was filled with the 'spirit of God'. The dilution of My teaching did not suddenly take place either, one thing followed another as someone or other was unsuited for a ministry but appointed himself to fill it or was elected by those who were also spiritually unawakened. In due course, the initially small communities grew into larger organizations which, in turn, were answerable to someone more powerful who elevated himself to this position because he possessed knowledge which other brothers lacked, but which could not be called spiritual knowledge. Thus a structure began to appear which, in the beginning, was still managed by good people but which took on ever worldlier forms, who certainly saw their task in spreading the Gospel but simultaneously also pursued earthly objectives, for they no longer possessed the characteristic of My church.... inner enlightenment through the spirit.... so that they eventually only observed the dead letter but were no longer able to demonstrate a living faith. __The church which I Myself founded on earth has not changed, even today it is still made up of those who believe in Me with a living faith and in whom My spirit can be active.... whom I can therefore guide in their thoughts so that their thinking is always right and they have a living bond with Me. This church has weathered all times, it survived in the midst of large organizations because its members were from all confessions and they were alive in their thoughts, determination and actions. Therefore, no time can be specified as to how long it remained pure.... For time and again I say to you that I only consider those people to be members of My church who know themselves to be close to Me, who live in constant union with Me, who believe in Me and with whom I can therefore speak through the spirit.... And everywhere, in all denominations, there have been people who were very close to Me, I was able to reveal Myself far and wide and guide them into profound knowledge.... Yet whether they were acknowledged as true vessels for divine revelations depended upon the spiritual state of those who considered themselves leaders and who were already considerably distant from the truth. The number of My true disciples has also shrunk considerably, and even today I send them out to preach the Gospel to the nations, the Gospel of love, because only through love can people prove that they belong to Me, to My church, because then My spirit will be able to be active within them, which is the surest sign of it. But only they will acquire the kingdom of heaven, only to them can I convey the truth and reveal My plan of eternity.... For far more important things are at stake than just the observance of church traditions and performances which are of no value whatsoever for the progress of the human soul.... It concerns the life of the soul which it can only achieve through loving actions and a living faith.... To make this known to their fellow human beings was the only task I gave to My first disciples. And I accepted everyone into My church who observed these commandments, and even today the same commandment is still valid: 'Love God above all else and your neighbour as yourself....' __Amen
Spiritual knowledge must concur with the transmitted Word...
It is not easy for someone knowing the truth to pass it on to people who are so convinced of the truth of their own advocated spiritual knowledge that they reject everything else. And yet, this attempt must be made, for that which comes forth from Me directly is so powerful that it will convince every seeker of truth.... And time and again it concerns the fact that beings of various degrees of light express themselves, making it difficult for a person to recognise the truth because they believe every expression from the spiritual kingdom which nevertheless should be scrutinised.... Only if the content corresponds to My Word from above can you accept it as the activity of flawless spirits of light.... __For this reason you must always pay attention to My directly conveyed Word and should not believe all messages from the spiritual realm which are given to you psychically, for these mediums may well have the gift of receiving communications from the spiritual kingdom but whether they also have the necessary maturity, which is the prerequisite I demand for receiving messages from this kingdom, is the only decisive factor for the degree of truth of the conveyed proclamations. You humans have too little knowledge of the spiritual kingdom and don't know how often you are affected by the adversary in order to deceive you.... and I cannot stop him because you lack the desire for truth which is the guarantee for receiving the truth in the first place, but then it will also concur with My Word from above. I certainly use every means to make sure that a light will shine for people, that they receive the information about life after their physical death.... I make sure that they will also receive the evidence, even though it will only be accepted again by that person who would like to know this as a result of his desire for truth. Yet even then the risk still exists that beings other than those having been called upon will express themselves in line with their degree of maturity. This is why every spirit of light will warn you humans against psychic communications which are given to you in a state of trance; instead, they will always encourage your conscious reception of spiritual messages, which will indeed only be achieved by a few people but it always offers the certainty of being taught by My spirit directly, in which case you need not be afraid of receiving something wrong. Admittedly, not every communication given in this passive state can be described as wrong or deceptive, but which one of you can verify this? Which one of you is aware of the fact that this opportunity.... of a person depriving himself of his will.... is not used by many an evil spirit? And that the absolute truth cannot be guaranteed if you only rely on messages which may well come from the kingdom of the beyond but which are nevertheless unverifiable? __Only that which is conveyed to you by the 'spirit of God' is pure truth, but it will provide you with an explanation about all subjects, which you can never receive from those beings. This is why everyspirit of light will encourage you to prepare yourselves such that you can become a vessel into which 'My spirit can flow'.... And only then will you be sure of possessing the pure truth.... Only then will it be possible to convey far more profound knowledge to you.... the knowledge of all correlations, of the reasons for your human existence, of your past apostasy from Me and the immense significance of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation.... For only I Myself can instruct you of this even if I send this knowledge to earth by way of elevated messengers of light which are illuminated by Me directly and thus they voice My Word, which can be valued in the same way as if I had addressed you directly.... This knowledge includes everything; it includes the work of returning the once fallen spirits to Me just as it highlights the counter activity of the one who caused your fall into the abyss. And this counter activity does not just happen on earth, it also covers the kingdom of the beyond, where all self-aware beings are still in possession of free will, and to make these inclined to turn towards him is and always will remain his intention. Hence you must also take his influence into account, the most important of which is to raise doubts about Jesus Christ's act of Salvation. And therefore you all must recognise that those announcements which deny salvation through Jesus' crucifixion are his activity.... Then you will know that he is at work, that he tries to dissuade people from what is of greatest significance: that Jesus died on the cross for you and your sins. If you are wrongly instructed of this he will have won you over, he will have succeeded in portraying the 'Salvation through Jesus Christ' as wrong and thereby it will be impossible for you to enter the kingdom of light. For My direct revelations from above provide you with a different explanation, and your future bliss solely depends on whether you have found redemption from your past guilt of sin.... the original sin, which is unredeemable by you yourselves. As long as this vital question remains unanswered you will not have been instructed of the absolute truth and will have no other option but to turn to the highest Authority so that It may teach you directly, and then you can be taught in all truthfulness, as I Myself have promised that I 'will guide you into all truth'.... __Amen
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