Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 2 transcriptions | ID of collection 1383795
Explanation about the 'existence as a human being'....
You have already been on earth for an infinitely long time, which you can truly call eternities.... albeit not as a self-aware original spirit, instead you cover this long path as minutely tiny particles so that you can regain the original state which was yours in the beginning. If you consider that you travelled through all creations.... since everything you see around yourselves, everything that is to be regarded as a work of creation, must be a spark of strength from Me, otherwise you would be unable to exist.... then you will also learn to look upon these creations as My once emanated spiritual beings which deliberately abandoned contact with Me but which.... since they are everlasting.... must also establish this connection with Me again one day, because it is and remains the law that My emanated strength will return to Me again. Only then will you judge the human stage correctly, in which you should establish this conscious connection with Me. And all creations around you will remind you to strive towards this final goal if you don't want to travel the path through the creations again, which you have now escaped with My help. And the fact that this is true must be believed by you, for it is conveyed to you by My spirit but cannot be proven.... yet only in this way can the whole of creation be explained to you, and I do so in view of the near end, in order to give you humans an explanation as to what you and the whole of creation basically are.... For the few who are open-minded recognise the only explanation therein, they recognise My infinite love, unsurpassed wisdom and infinite power.... And they don't doubt that it is true.... Yet far more people live in spiritual darkness and making the immense responsibility of earthly life clear to them will be a difficult task and will usually also be unsuccessful. But they will have to be prepared for a repeated process through the creations of the new earth if I don't recall them from earth before. __However, if people would for once only seriously ponder the question as to what they are, where they come from and what their actual task on earth is.... countless souls of light would answer this question for them, for these questions would result in one bright thought after another.... and the darkness would vanish. But as long as a small light is not kindled for you, so that you realise your life on earth is the final stage of a process of development after an infinitely long path of preliminary development, you will not live your life on earth conscientiously and.... if you don't live a life of love.... there is great danger that your earthly life will be a waste of time. On the other hand, if you live a life of love you need not know about your previous existence and will still reach your goal, for only love is needed in order to become fully mature on earth. But since love has grown cold during the last days before the end I try to address your intellect by informing you of your long earthly progress and explain to you the slow development of all creations in a purely intellectual way in order to make you to think about what your God and Creator intends to achieve by this. I only try to encourage you to reflect on this, because then beings of light will be able to intervene and mentally answer your questions. But if there is no more love among people and if they also refuse to spend serious thought on the matter, then there is no more hope for their deliverance, then the law will inevitably come into force which determines your renewed banishment into matter again. Yet My struggle for the souls will not slow down until the end.... And I will send My flow of grace wherever the possibility for a change of will still exists in order to increase the number of those who recognise themselves as having originated from Me, who want to return to Me again, who will enter the kingdom of light and have attained their purpose in life.... who are and will remain My Own forever.... __Amen
Appeals for a gift of strength for the souls of the decea...
Whenever you can't help but think of a departed person you should know it is always an appeal for help which you should provide since no one else is taking care of them. And when they see your light they, too, would like to gather around you and draw strength from this light, for they often don't know the meaning of this light, especially if they were caught up in error until now. Then it will suffice to send just one thought to the soul inviting it to join you and accept a lesson. For especially the souls which are not followed by loving intercession suffer much hardship and they, too, shall be helped to come into the possession of truth. Just one conscious invitation to take part in your instructions is already enough to attract the souls permanently, with the result that they will not leave you anymore, that they will join the large group of those whom I will then be able to address Myself. And you will be constantly surrounded by souls wanting to increase their knowledge in order to pass it on to those who are less knowledgeable and whom they want to help as well. And then it will be essential that you will inform them of My act of Salvation, for only when they have found Him and deliverance from their guilt will they accept profound knowledge. This first necessitates their activity of love, as they will only be able to understand it if they employ their will to love again in order to help souls which are suffering the same hardship. Only then will they themselves penetrate the truth ever more, and they will find it easy to hand themselves over to the divine Redeemer and appeal to Him for forgiveness of their guilt. Then, however, will the divine Word constantly flow to them and they will also accept it, irrespective of where and how it is offered to them. Yet especially the first step is very difficult for the soul until it has experienced the strength of intercession, which will express itself as a change of will and thus it is easier to influence, so that the soul will also comply when it receives its calling. __Therefore pay attention to every such request and offer assistance to the souls which desire help, which indeed remind many people on earth of themselves yet will only find intercession with those who are able to help them spiritually because they are in conscious contact with Me and I Am able to reveal Myself to them. And the fact that the strength of My Word is tremendously effective may be experienced by every soul once it has joined you, for its progress will be guaranteed.... __Once I Am offered the opportunity to reveal Myself to a person through the working of My spirit, this person will stand amid a gleam of light which attracts many souls willing to accept the same what you are offered, and due to you also all souls which you include in your intercession, which then will no longer be able to go astray. For then you will only be motivated by love for these souls, and for the sake for this love I will also give strength to those on whose behalf you pray. I also have to apply the laws in the beyond and these first and foremost include the being's free will which may not be infringed upon, neither by Myself nor by My adversary. __Therefore it matters that you.... who also have to respect free will, just lovingly remember the souls which are still weak-willed but unable to resist the strength of intercession and whose will you are therefore able to influence. Since it was beneficially affected by the strength of love it will no longer resist and be irresistibly drawn to you so that you then will also be able to convey the Gospel of love to them. __If only you knew how ardently your adherents (the souls) accept My Word, how they constantly feel that they are progressing, and how grateful they are to you that you, due to your intercession, helped them to participate in your instructions, you would not stop praying for such souls and even be pleased with their progress, for they, too, will protect you whenever possible, to prevent the receiving the Word being interrupted.... you will also purify your surroundings, so that no one will become subject to the adversary's temptations as soon as they surround you. Precisely this makes your activity so important, since it enables you to contribute towards the redemption of many souls by offering them bread and wine, thus the delectable elixir of life and the most effective nourishment, and one day you will feel the inner joy of having been able to contribute towards the ascent of those who, without your help, would still have languished in darkness for a very long time.... __Therefore take notice of every thought which reminds you of a deceased, consider it a call for help which you must not reject, and then consciously call him close to you and the first step up will have been taken, for as soon as a person intercedes on behalf of such a soul, I will also be able to grant strength to the soul for the sake of this person.... which otherwise would not be possible for Me since it contradicts the law of eternity, as only free will can request strength, but which I now recognise in the loving intercession and thus grant My mercy to this soul and then will also be able to provide it with the grace of My Word through you. __People would be able to redeem all souls through loving intercession, but how few are aware of this and how great is therefore My adversary's power who will try anything to disrupt such contacts from the spiritual world to earth, but who will be unable to take effect if a human being hands himself over to Me with love and thus I will also protect him.... especially if I want to speak through him to the souls in the beyond, which My adversary will never be able to prevent Me from doing.... For where the will for redemption exists people will be delivered from the one who had held them captive long enough and whose only weapon is love which will defeat him and from which he takes flight.... because it is and will remain My share for eternity.... __Amen
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