Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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God and Jesus are one.... Human manifestation of God....
That the human spiritual state is growing increasingly darker is revealed by fact that people are no longer able to understand God's `becoming One' with Jesus properly.... and that they therefore also lack the right comprehension for God's `human manifestation'.... Owing to the misguided teaching of the three-person Deity they began to think wrongly. Yet, time and again, it has to be said that the eternal Deity cannot be personified.... thus It cannot be conceived as anything other than power permeating the whole of eternity.... This power cannot be limited nor can it be thought of as a `form'.... but it can permeate a form completely.... And this process of complete permeation by divine strength occurred in the man Jesus.... __He was full of love and love is the fundamental substance of the eternal Deity.... ceaselessly emanated into infinity, which creates and maintains everything.... And this divine strength of love permeated the human form of Jesus and thus manifested itself in Him. God's fundamental nature took abode in the man Jesus and thus God became `human'.... and since Jesus was completely filled with the fundamental substance of God, He became `God'.... Because even His completely spiritualised human form was able to wholly unify with God after His crucifixion so that Jesus then became the comprehensible Deity.... that the human being cannot imagine God other than in Jesus.... but that it cannot ever be a question of `two people'.... The human being Jesus had achieved the goal on earth, the complete deification, which all created beings should achieve.... Because God wanted to create images of Himself whose final perfection, however, had to be achieved by the free will of the being itself. Jesus the man achieved this deification not only on account of a life of love, but with the act of Salvation He also redeemed humanity's guilt of sin.... for He used God's strength of love or He would have been unable to bear the terrible suffering and crucifixion. This strength of love was God's fundamental nature, thus God Himself was within the man Jesus in all fullness and accomplished the act of Salvation.... __However, it is a misleading concept when you humans speak of a three-person God because the eternal Deity cannot be personified since It is pure love, and this love manifested Itself in Jesus, and thus the eternal spirit God was working in Jesus, and to all beings He can only be comprehensible in Jesus.... Since God's former created beings had abandoned Him because they could not see Him, He became a visible God to them in Jesus.... But Jesus is not a second being that could be thought of as existing next to God.... He is God because God is strength of love, Which permeates a fully spiritualised form, thus it consists entirely of divine fundamental substance and is therefore only visible to those beings who have also become spiritualised in order to see spiritually. __It is certainly correct to describe God's nature as Father, Son and Holy Spirit if the Father is acknowledged as love, the Son as wisdom and the Holy Spirit as the will or power of God.... Because God's nature is love, wisdom and power.... But the goal God had set for Himself when He created the beings, the voluntary deification of these beings, also explains.... when it is achieved.... God's manifestation in Jesus.... the visible Deity in Jesus, while the three-person Deity does not allow for a correct, i.e. truthful explanation. People have created their own concepts which obstruct their spiritual maturing process, because only one God can be called upon; three different Gods may not be prayed to but God Himself wants to be acknowledged in Jesus, and hence He can only be worshipped in Jesus.... And He demands this acknowledgment of all human beings, because this acknowledgment had been denied to Him in the past, and because the act of Salvation has to be accepted at the same time.... Because no person can find forgiveness of his original sin without Jesus Christ, and therefore the human being has to declare his belief in Him.... he has to believe that God Himself has shown compassion for humanity and accomplished the act of Salvation in Jesus.... __Amen
Spiritual state before the crucifixion.... Book of Books....
You humans often wonder why My eternal plan of Salvation is not clearly and distinctly mentioned in the Book of Books so that all people would be able to know what forms the basis of their human existence.... Consequently, you doubt the revelations which inform you of this in depth.... However, you should bear in mind that people's spiritual state before My birth would not allow for such knowledge, that people would have been unable to understand it, because prior to My crucifixion My adversary still ruled supreme and he would never have allowed any light, instead the darkness constantly increased since only a few people kindled a light within them as a result of their life of love. Although they knew of a God Who had created them they lacked all deeper realisation and therefore also the knowledge of their relationship with their God and Creator. They certainly knew that I expected them to abide by My commandments which had been imparted to them through enlightened people.... whom I had sent to earth for the purpose of instruction. And had they lived their life according to My commandments they would indeed have gained a small degree of realisation. But the knowledge about everything that was still hidden from them could never have been academically taught, for their intellect would have been unable to grasp it and their souls, due to their still unredeemed original sin, were not highly mature either. For this reason even the prophets were generally reluctantly listened to, because people, had they cared to heed them, would have had to limit their pleasure in life. There were only ever a few exceptions with the desire to be obedient to their God and Creator and to be of service to Him. And in individual cases they were indeed granted knowledge which they recorded but which did not remain preserved when My adversary's influence on people became increasingly stronger so that their spiritual state, shortly before My birth, was exceptionally low.... and therefore no longer receptive to such knowledge.... Then I Myself came to earth and brought a light into this extraordinary darkness.... But even then My light was only able to shine where My adversary was unable to assert himself, where the desire to live according to divine order motivated people to live a life of love.... I was able to grant a small light to them already and enlighten them about their relationship with their God and Creator. __Nevertheless, even these instructions only took place from person to person, because I knew every individual's degree of maturity and prevented that these, too, would be turned into academic knowledge, which indeed could have been passed on through tradition but which would have remained incomprehensible to anyone who had not yet ignited a light within himself through love.... Through My act of Salvation the original sin had been redeemed and My spirit was able to work within a human being whose kind-hearted activity allowed for it.... For even then I taught that love is the most important.... Anyone who lived up to this commandment was also instructed by My spirit and attained the knowledge he needed in order to fulfil his purpose of earthly life.... And this is what you need to fully mature in your soul.... The psychological work is paramount and everything that induces you to do carry it out will be sent to you by My spirit. And the wishes of anyone with a deep desire to penetrate more profound wisdom will indeed be granted. But since only a few people awaken their spirit to life, a traditionally-imparted knowledge would only confuse them as long as they are still spiritually unenlightened. For this reason, no such knowledge has been recorded on My instructions either, for anyone would be able to attain it if he seriously wanted to penetrate My plan of Salvation. Yet for the majority of people who live indifferently and who are satisfied with the spiritual knowledge they receive by educational means it would never be a blessing if all correlations were clearly explained, for they consist of such profound spiritual reasons which the intellect cannot grasp but presuppose an awakened spirit in order to be comprehended. __No-one who seriously strives for it is denied the right realisation, but this also necessitates compliance with My will, which is revealed to all people and which all people know because they are also told by the inner voice.... by the voice of conscience.... what they should or should not do. And since My adversary's only intention is to spread darkness and to fight against all light he will also always influence people such that they themselves will prevent all inner enlightenment, and he will also try to present the truth in such a distorted way to people that they will lack all understanding for knowledge which deeply penetrates My plan of Creation and which requires precisely this awakened spirit.... That which is contained within the Book of Books is completely sufficient for the complete maturing of the human soul provided everything is being heeded.... Yet even this content is beyond most people's understanding for the letters will remain dead as long as they are not read with an awakened spirit.... And this applies to all knowledge which time and again is transmitted to earth through revelations and is pure truth.... This, too, will only be correctly understood and utilised by someone who is willing to love and who is spiritually awakened, and he will then be able to penetrate the deepest secrets and understand My eternal plan of Salvation.... __Amen
The outpouring of the spirit.... Whitsun....
Only after My crucifixion was it possible for Me to pour out My spirit, for prior to this no human being would have been capable of sheltering anything divine within himself, since humanity was still burdened by the original sin of the antagonism against God. My spirit, however, is the emanation of Myself, and no human being burdened by guilt could ever have been a recipient of this emanation, for the gulf which existed between what had become guilty and Myself was too deep. __But I, in the human being Jesus, have made amends for this guilt, and everyone who accepts My act of Salvation is now also able to prepare himself such that he can receive My illumination of love again, and that means that I Myself can take abode in the person and as evidence of My presence can also permeate him with My spirit.... Then his thoughts and intentions will be determined by the strength of the spirit, he cannot think and want something wrong as long as My spirit works in him.... For he completely consciously allows Me to work in him, he opens himself by intimately uniting with Me and thus enables Me to lower the light ray of My love into his heart which illuminates everything.... giving him the most bright and clear knowledge, so that the human being will emerge from his present darkness and be guided into every truth by My spirit, as I have promised. __This act of the outpouring of spirit, which took place in My disciples in full view of all people, had to be preceded by My crucifixion, My adversary had to be defeated first so that he would no longer be able to forcibly keep people in darkness but had to release those who turned to Me, who allowed themselves to be redeemed by Me, that is, who consciously acknowledged My great act of mercy and wanted to partake of it.... Thus death.... the immense spiritual darkness.... had been conquered for them, they were able to prepare themselves as vessels for the outpouring of My spirit.... Now they no longer experienced wrong thoughts, they recognised the truth and also fully consciously aspired to it, they emerged from the state of complete ignorance, they became enlightened.... My spirit permeated them, and now they also came closer to Me again, that tiny spark of spirit, which as part of Myself had rested dormant within themselves, aspired towards the eternal Father-Spirit to which it was inseparably connected. Very simply put.... the connection with Me.... having once been voluntarily discontinued by the beings, was restored again, and a being that was once more in contact with Me, the Eternal Light, had to be permeated by My light too, and its every thought can then only be right. He has to recognise the truth, and then the human being also has to uphold this truth, because he is urged by My spirit to proclaim the truth to all of his fellow human beings.... And this, too, was My first disciples' mission, whom the outpouring of My spirit enabled to go out into the world and proclaim the Gospel to all nations. They had to possess the truth themselves in order to pass it on, and even though during My years of teaching they had been instructed in the truth by Me, the outpouring of My spirit nevertheless had to take place first so that they then would brightly and clearly recognise their task and no longer be burdened by ignorance, for they were instructed through the spirit by Myself, Who stayed with them as I had promised. __And thus, time and again I will pour out My spirit upon people who want to serve Me, who prepare themselves as vessels into which My spirit can flow and who, like My first disciples, want to bring the truth to people in the knowledge that only the pure truth can help people in their immense spiritual adversity.... And My spirit will be effective in them so that the darkness will be dispersed and the people desiring to serve Me by assisting in the redemption of errant souls will think correctly again. No person can give what he does not have.... __However, to you, My servants, I want to give abundantly, so that you can impart it again to your fellow human beings who urgently require your support, since they will not establish the relationship with Me on their own.... Yet you, who know all correlations, can enlighten them and even now persuade them to their change their will. And you will always be able to receive spiritual knowledge in abundance, and at all times.... when you ask questions, they will be answered such that you will also be able to recognise the Provider, which you then should pass on.... for many people and countless souls in the kingdom of the beyond will ask questions and desire truthful answers.... they will be able to receive them from you, for I know all thoughts arising from the heart and will give to every person according to his task (comprehension). __And this is My working in you.... the working of My spirit, which the first disciples were allowed to experience for themselves after My ascension. They, too, had to be assisted by My love time and again, for in order to implement the task given to them by Me they required extensive knowledge, and without My obvious support they would never have been able to accomplish this task, for I constantly instructed them through the spirit. Thus they did not have to be afraid to be incapable of working as teachers or of spreading incorrect spiritual knowledge and were able to administer their office well.... they were able to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with My will.... __And today, too, I give My last disciples on this earth the same task of taking the truth to people, which can only come forth from Me directly. For the earth is engulfed by profound darkness, errors and lies are so widespread that people have to muster an utterly sincere will in order to find the truth and then also to recognise it as such. But only through truth can they become blessed, because they can only learn to recognise and love Me when the pure truth about Me and My nature is imparted to them. And this knowledge, the pure truth, can only be imparted to them through My spirit, but it will also be clarified for you, because I love you and you only need to establish a heartfelt bond with Me through equal love in order to induce the spiritual spark in you, which is inseparably connected to the eternal Father-Spirit, to express itself.... Then I can speak to you Myself and place you into a state of cognition, and then you will also know what you have to do in order to achieve your goal.... the unification with Me.... while you are still on earth. For when I instruct you Myself you truly will be taught correctly, and then you will accomplish your task on earth for sure and change yourselves into love, you will adopt your fundamental nature again and be blissfully happy, as you were in the beginning.... __Amen
Historic evidence of Jesus and His act of Salvation does ...
People generally regard Jesus' death on the cross as a purely worldly event, providing they believe in His existence in the first place. They regard His death as the execution of a judgment against a troublemaker; they present Him as a court case based on an offence against the authorities by the man Jesus. And these people cannot find redemption through His crucifixion either, because they don't believe that He died in atonement for a grave sin which burdens every person, and from which everyone who believes in Him and His act of Salvation can be released. Therefore, as long as people have no knowledge of the reasons for the act of Salvation, as long as they are unaware of the immense original sin on account of which people live on earth, as long as they don't know the spiritual correlations which explain this said act of Salvation by Jesus, they will not avail themselves of the blessings of this act of Salvation either. They will only ever regard Him as a person who supposedly had a mission, for they have no time at all for this mission. And yet it is of vital importance for a person's life on earth that he professes Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, that he tries to release himself from His immense original sin which cannot be redeemed without Jesus Christ, and thus also requires the acknowledgment of Jesus Christ in order to become free of it. And precisely the importance of it.... the great significance of acknowledging Jesus as Son of God and Redeemer of the world.... should make you understand why I keep enlightening you about it. This alone should explain My remarkable activity of conveying the truth from above to earth, for no historical evidence can be produced for the sequence of the crucifixion as well as for all accompanying circumstances.... for Jesus' way of life on earth and His countless miracles, which any person will deny who has no knowledge of the power of the spirit, of the power of love. __People believe mere traditions which were passed on from generation to generation, which cannot be reinforced through evidence and which therefore might just as well be consigned to the realm of fantasy. But time and again people must be informed of the fact that Jesus Christ is their only salvation if they want to enter the realm of blissful happiness after their body's death.... They must be informed of the fact that they do not cease to exist when their body dies and that their state afterwards depends on their attitude towards Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation. Faith in Him is so important that everything needs to be done to make it easy for people to gain this faith. And the quickest possible way is through a truthful portrayal of His life on earth, through clarification about His mission which was not based on earthly but instead on spiritual reasons. This also requires the truthful passing on of knowledge which explains everything that preceded Jesus' act of Salvation.... Anyone who can be introduced to this knowledge on account of his own willingness to know the truth, will no longer doubt the extremely important mission of Jesus, the human being, and acknowledge Him and His act of Salvation as well as profess Him to his fellowmen. Admittedly, none of this knowledge can be proven to him in an earthly way, but if he accepts the teachings through the spirit he will not doubt them, he will believe them with conviction, even without evidence, and advocate the truth of it himself. Every person's life on earth is in vain if he does not find Jesus Christ and take the path to the cross. And although it is still possible to accept Him in the kingdom of the beyond, he will nevertheless lose many blessings which he could have used on earth in order to attain the childship to God, which is only possible for him on earth. In the afterlife it is often difficult to receive a little light if the soul is as stubborn as it was on earth and refuses to accept the instructions it is offered by the beings of light. For this reason everything will still be done before the end to bestow upon people the correct understanding of Jesus Christ, wherein you can also recognise the reason for My revelations, for people cannot provide you with the true explanation. However, I will always make sure that the knowledge about Jesus and His act of Salvation is preserved, and I will always correct errors, for only truth is the right light and you will also be able to accept the truth without qualms if you desire it and appeal to Me to give it to you.... __Amen
Good Friday....
The sin I had taken upon My shoulders was an inconceivably heavy burden and could only be redeemed through an equally immense sacrifice of atonement, as the path to the cross and the extremely painful suffering and dying on the cross was for Me. For this had been excruciatingly painful.... You humans are incapable of even remotely imagining that measure of suffering, for I felt abandoned by the strength of God, I.... Who had always been united with the Father.... had to walk the path alone, which seemed to last forever but which I nevertheless took upon Myself in infinite love because I pitied the human race and knew that only this sacrifice of Mine could bring salvation to humanity.... Time and again I had to experience the brutalities of the executioner's servants, and the whole world of hell participated. __Yet I was not allowed to defend Myself by using My indwelling divine strength, for this act of Salvation had to be an act of free will, on account of which I covered this path of suffering as a 'mere human being', always praying that I would be able to complete it, that I would not fail before the end, that I was also permitted to endure the death of the cross, which concluded the act of Salvation in the first place. You will only be able to assess the whole extent of torments and humiliations I had to endure when you enter the kingdom of the beyond, where you will be able to behold My crucifixion. Yet during your human existence you lack all concept of My torments, since a lesser measure would have killed you already, however, My will to redeem you was so strong that it gave Me the strength to taste all suffering to the extreme.... that I also endured the death on the cross consciously and still was able to pray for My tormentors 'Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do'.... __They did not know that by nailing Me to the cross they nailed the Father Himself to the cross, Who wanted to redeem all people from every sin.... I knew that He had merely withdrawn Himself from Me so as not to exert force on Me as a human being, for only the human being Jesus was able to suffer and this suffering reconciled the Father. For this reason I spoke the Word 'It is finished....' in order to state that an eternally predetermined act had been accomplished. __However, its results encompassed the past, present and future.... And thus all beings which once had fallen away from God are redeemed.... One day in the beyond you will always be able to witness the crucifixion of Jesus, the human being, but no person will ever be able to assess the appalling torments as long as he still lives on earth.... for he will lack the understanding. His immense suffering, the immense suffering of the man Jesus, not only involved the physical pain inflicted on Him, instead, the suffering of His pure soul, having descended to earth from the kingdom of light for the sake of this act of Salvation, was far greater.... Only a soul which already dwells in the kingdom of light is able to comprehend what it means for a pure soul to be in the slough of sin.... what it means for a perfect soul to stay in the midst of imperfect creatures.... but then it is also able to understand the depth of love which motivated Jesus to provide help for His sinful brothers, and then they will tremble with awe and give thanks and sing their praises to the One Who has redeemed the world from all sin.... __Amen
Jesus descended into the abyss after His crucifixion....
When I lived on earth My constant thought was to save people from descending into utmost darkness so that they would be unable to enter the vestibule of hell, (which even denied their entrance to the vestibule of hell), on account of which I continuously proclaimed the teaching of love to make it easier for them to believe in My act of Salvation, and thereby the work of redemption was already achieved in these human beings. Yet people were still too occupied with the earthly world, only a few believed in life after death and they were receptive for My teaching of love, and they recognised Me Myself with ease since I was also able to instruct them and they accepted everything as truth. Thus a large proportion of those who experienced Me Myself were able to enter My kingdom in a `redeemed' state, yet far more rejected My teaching, they remained heartless and had to endure their fate in the beyond.... __After My crucifixion I also descended into this kingdom and was able to release all those who stayed in the vestibule of hell.... all the people who had lead a God-pleasing life but for whom the kingdom of light was still locked because they were still burdened by the original sin, since My act of Salvation had yet to be accomplished.... I approached them as the `human being Jesus' for they, too, should not be compelled to believe, I joined them in My figure of suffering which made many ask the question: If You are the Messiah Who was promised to us, why did Your power not prevent this.... why did You have to suffer this appalling death on the cross? For they had been waiting for Me, for the One Who was promised to them as Saviour. They, too, had to follow Me entirely of their own free will, and it was not difficult to convince them that I was this promised Messiah.... __Then, however, followed My descent into hell.... into the region where I also wanted to bring salvation from the original sin.... There I was less successful in convincing the souls, precisely because I appeared in the same figure and was visible to them as the `beaten Jesus' to Whom they denied all power and thus they did not want to acknowledge Him either. Nevertheless, anyone who wanted to was allowed to follow Me and I released him from his bondage. And time and again I descend into the abyss to ignite a small light for everyone, so that they momentarily will remember the One Who once came to them and gradually lessen their resistance, so that they, who previously had been stubborn and only had words of hatred and scorn for Him, will also let themselves be redeemed by His love. Yet My love will not hold anything against them, My love is constantly concerned that everyone should be rescued, that no-one will return again into the bondage of the one who had owned them for so long, and that My act of Salvation for these, too, has not been made in vain. But I cannot prevent it if their resistance to Me is so strong that all endeavours on My part are in vain, for I will never force anyone to acknowledge Me, I will only offer everyone the best possible opportunities to find their way out into the light. __And thus you humans render Me a great service by praying for these souls, for there will always be a few who will let go, who will be touched by the power of prayer and then can be guided into the light. And in sincere gratitude these souls will do the same and entice other souls out of the abyss.... since they know each other and they understand and try to disperse the objections which still dominate them. __Once it is possible that they at least take notice of My greatest act of mercy then they will also reflect on it and try to make contact with Me.... And then the forgiveness of their immense sin is ensured, then the gate into the kingdom of light will be opened for them and a long state of torment will have finished. Yet those who are unwilling will be subject to a new banishment at the end, for one day they will have to regain their self-awareness as a human being and decide once more.... And thus the process across earth can indeed happen more than once, and sooner or later even these beings' will shall surely turn to Me as well, one day the hour of salvation will also come for them.... __Amen
Spiritual knowledge must concur with the Word conveyed fr...
Only that which I Myself convey to you from above can be regarded as pure truth.... Therefore everything that claims to be true must concur with it. There is only one truth and this comes forth from Me Myself and will give pleasure to all those who want to think correctly. However, anything that contradicts My directly received Word cannot be advocated as 'truth', for the guidelines are always the same and can be used as a yardstick as to whether a person knows the truth. So if you humans have reason to doubt the information you receive you must always first ask yourselves the question: What is the attitude of people, who advocate this knowledge, towards Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation? What the act of Salvation means for the whole of humanity has been clearly explained to you from above, hence you must evaluate all other knowledge in relation to that, for as soon as it contains no information about this at all, it cannot demand to be regarded as pure truth. And in order to understand the reasons and significance of the act of Salvation you must also receive the knowledge about the original fall of the spirits, because you yourselves are these fallen spirits.... Wanting to convince people of life after death is all very well, but if you don't inform people about the reason for their human existence, the knowledge about life after death is not sufficient in order to let them attain beatitude one day.... For without the redemption through Jesus Christ the kingdom of light cannot be opened for you and you will wander about in the beyond for eternities if the souls of light over there were not to take pity on you and provide you with the knowledge you had rejected on earth because you were thinking wrongly. And thus it follows that every person has to shape himself into a vessel for the divine flow of spirit, which he can only achieve through love, which will subsequently brightly enlighten him from within and give him the right knowledge. But since this is almost impossible at a time of heartlessness, people should gather around a vessel from which the bright and clear water of life flows forth, they shall stoop down and refresh themselves in order to be at least able to receive what is most important.... the knowledge about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation. __This knowledge is necessary and cannot be replaced by anything else, since only One exists Who can bring people forgiveness for their original sin, but Who will then also remove all guilt the person had incurred during his life on earth. For the fact that Jesus, the man, sacrificed Himself and paid for the guilt through His crucifixion was a unique mission. Time and again you humans must be informed of this, you cannot describe Jesus life on earth merely as a life of supreme perfection, which it undoubtedly was, but nevertheless not know about the profound spiritual reason for His crucifixion, which was unique and accomplished for all human beings past, present and future. Only the acknowledgment of His act of Salvation as an act of supreme mercy for the spiritual beings and the appeal for forgiveness are the key to the gate into the kingdom of light, which you will never be able to unlock without Him.... for He atoned for the sin, which consisted of rejecting the divine strength of love, out of love for God and His fallen brothers.... And this sin cannot be forgiven in any other way than through acknowledging Jesus as the Redeemer of the world, this is why a life of love as preached by Him will produce the prerequisite of acknowledging Him, but the blessings of His act of Salvation must be knowingly accepted in order to be released from the original sin. The knowledge of this must be repeatedly imparted to you humans, time and again you must be informed of the fact that it is not enough to adopt His doctrine, instead, you must consciously desire to be redeemed from your original sin, for which a life lived in love will indeed help you, since the success of a life of love rests in the fact that the light of realisation will shine in you.... However, in that case you will no longer deny the redemption through Jesus Christ, you will know that you have found a Saviour in Him, Who has relieved you of the immense burden of the original sin and Who will also open the gate into the kingdom of light and bliss for you again.... __Amen
Human manifestation....
My dear child.... The Father's great goodness wants to reveal a big secret to you.... the secret of His human manifestation. Without the Lord's love you humans would never have been able to release yourselves from the guilt of sin and would have fallen increasingly deeper had the Father not taken mercy upon humanity and, in greater than great love, sent His holiest child to earth in order to bring salvation to people from utmost adversity. No greater evidence of His divine love could the Lord ever have given to people than the fact that He sacrificed Himself.... that He took everyone's guilt upon Himself and, through suffering and crucifixion, acquired the grace for people to enter the kingdom of God again.... Far worse than the suffering on the cross was the guilt of sin which burdened His pure, divine head, and in unspeakable pain for the earthly children He offered the heavenly Father the greatest sacrifice.... He gave Himself for the suffering of earth.... The Father had sent His son to earth.... the holiest, highest, purest being Which was as one with the heavenly Father, accomplished this act out of most heartfelt love for humanity.... Everything in the universe must remain motionless in realisation of this most sacrosanct sacrifice ever made for the human race. The magnitude of His love must let everything fall silent in utter reverence.... And all those having been redeemed from deepest sin by the Lord must eternally sing His praises.... To descend into the valley of earth from the close presence of the divine Father's all-encompassing radiance.... from the splendour and magnificence of eternal life.... into the midst of sorrow and depth of sin.... The Saviour's love for the earthly children and the horrendous sacrifice of living in His purity in the midst of sin and vice is beyond words.... The Son of God fulfilled the act of Salvation on earth in holiest compassion.... No being before or afterwards ever endured such suffering as the Son of God.... On earth the Saviour participated in all suffering.... in boundless love His divinity revealed itself and thus, for the salvation of humanity, He made an offering of Himself. Become like little children, then you will be able to empathise with the Lord's agony.... His spirit.... great and glorious and radiant.... dwelled in eternal light.... in order to now live embodied on earth, burdened by humanity's guilt of sin.... with a crown of thorns upon His head He experienced the most bitter humiliation with a pure heart.... He took all suffering on earth upon Himself in order to lessen the earthly children's pain and, in order to prepare the Father's kingdom for them, He allowed Himself to be nailed to the cross.... God's love was so infinite that He gave His Son, yet the love of Jesus Christ returned to the Father what would have been forever lost without the Saviour's love. Without this love no being would be able to behold the face of God.... for the sake of the human race the Lord offered Himself as a sacrifice and thus redeemed the world from eternal death. Blessed is he who, in partaking of this sacrifice, lives in the love of the Lord so that he, too, will be redeemed through Jesus Christ, our Lord! __Amen
Jesus' transfiguration.... 'My Father and I are One....'
The right solution to the problem of Jesus' transfiguration after His crucifixion also explains Jesus' Words 'The Father and I are One....' at the same time. God sacrificed Himself through a human being Who overcame every human aspect for love of God and Who therefore shaped His soul such that God was able to take abode in Him in all fullness. His external form, His body, totally complied with the soul's will and was likewise only disposed towards the Divine; thus every substance was God-inclined spirit, so that it no longer needed the process of development on earth and was therefore able to enter the spiritual realm in all perfection after the body's death. All perfected spiritual beings unite with the Elementary Power and, through a most heartfelt fusion, become as one with It. The process of development of the spiritual beings which had once fallen away from God lasts for an infinitely long time and, through countless levels, will also lead to ascent in the beyond but the external form, the less developed spiritual substance, always remains on earth and releases the soul which, as a spiritual being, will subsequently seek to join beings of equal maturity in the beyond. The external form dissolves and the individual spiritual substances affiliate with similar ones in order to continue their process of development.... However, Jesus' body, on account of its purity and actions of love, had already attained spiritual perfection and the inconceivable suffering on the cross had been the final process of purification for the body's spiritual substance so that, in this utterly cleansed state, it was able to join the perfect soul and no longer needed to stay on earth, and therefore the spirit of God, the soul and the body united, thus became one. __Jesus, the man, was the mediator between God and people.... but now God and Jesus Christ are One.... they should not be thought of as two beings next to each other but it is only one Being Which absorbs everything that is perfect. Jesus' divinity cannot be imagined in any other way than the eternal Deity Itself, Which merely affiliated Itself with the external shape of Jesus, the man, i.e. His spiritual substances were allowed to merge with the elementary Power, because at Jesus' death they had already reached a degree of perfection which is the prerequisite for the closest unity with God.... By despising earthly pleasures and, as a result of strict self-discipline, Jesus' body had overcome all matter and therefore no longer required a further process of development. All spiritual substances in the physical form were able to join the soul and leave the earthly valley together with it in order to enter the heights of light. From this moment on this soul was surrounded by the most brightly shining light, consequently Jesus' body and soul had to leave the earth in a transfigured state, for a being that is completely merged with God also had to receive light and strength from Him and thus emanate it in the same way as the eternal Deity Himself, because it was One with God, therefore also light and strength in abundance. This process of light emanation usually remains concealed from people, yet God's infinite love for people allowed the transfiguration of Jesus to occur visibly in order to give them a sign of His power and glory, to strengthen the faith of those who were to proclaim His power and glory to the world and in order to provide people with the evidence that Jesus had conquered death.... that from now on death no longer exists for people who follow Him and make an effort to take the same path on earth. Jesus' transfiguration has been a much disputed subject for humanity and was usually rejected as a myth, because people lack all spiritual understanding for the ultimate goal of every being.... for the final union with God.... for becoming one with Him.... However, Jesus says 'The Father and I are One....' For the union had taken place in Him already, His soul was shaped such that it was able to accept God and thus had already become a recipient of light and strength from God, thus He was able to teach all wisdom and work through divine strength. He was as perfect as His Father in Heaven and able to create and shape like Him.... His nature was love, His Words were love, and thus He worked by virtue of His great love for people. For everything in existence and everything that happens can only be accomplished by love.... His life on earth was a constant succession of works of miracles without pomp and splendour, but He concluded it in radiant light.... by transfiguring Himself before the eyes of His Own and ascended to Heaven, to eternal glory.... __Amen
Time of trials.... Jesus, the bearer of the cross....
If God puts you to the test, humbly accept His trials and faithfully wait for His help.... For the suffering and trials will not end until the last day has come. It is still necessary to purify and to reform souls until their physical death or to gain souls which still stand apart from God's love. And the time left until the end of the old earth is only short. Hence, it needs to be used in every way. Only adversity and afflictions of the body will still bring the soul's transformation about. And these adversities will also affect those people who strive towards God. Yet they, too, can gain the greatest blessings from these adversities if they are recognised as means used by God's love in order to reduce the distance between Himself and people within a short time, so as to enable the soul to receive God's illumination of love directly, which signifies eternal life for the soul. Endure your destiny without complaining, for it is determined by God's love for your soul's speedier maturing. And know that He will never leave you without the strength to pass the tests; know that He will always help you carry your cross if you, in faith of the divine Redeemer, appeal to Him for it. Know that all adversity will come to an end when you leave the earthly valley in order to enter the spiritual kingdom. It is only a short time of trial, nevertheless it is a blessing for you if you recognise divine will therein and don't grumble and complain. That which has been destined for you since eternity serves you, who believe, to benefit your soul, or to transform those of you who are still distant from God. Therefore bow down to divine will and carry your small cross, and if you deem it to be heavy let yourselves be helped by Jesus, the bearer of the cross, Who took the crucifixion upon Himself for the sake of your adversity and Who suffered on your behalf out of greater than great love. Call upon Him and His help will be assured to you. His love is always on hand for you, and your earthly adversity will be endurable, you will overcome the trials and stand firm in faith. The whole of humanity needs the adversities and sufferings, and therefore God pours them upon the earth in order to gain its inhabitants for the spiritual kingdom. And even if His Own must suffer too, they nevertheless still attain even greater perfection, and they will be eternally thankful to their Creator and Provider, their Father of eternity, Who, in His love, uses the right means to shape their souls into bearers of light while they are still on earth. And therefore don't despair and don't let yourselves be disheartened by the adversities of the time.... The end is near and with it the time of your deliverance and your entry into the spiritual kingdom, where all suffering comes to an end.... __Amen
Continuation of the act of Salvation.... Mission....
My mission on earth has to be continued by constantly proclaiming My teaching of love to people of good will, so that they can all partake in the blessings of the act of Salvation, so that they, through their actions of love, learn to understand what the redemption consists of, so that they can be taught by My spirit from within about the meaning and purpose of earthly life and their associated spiritual task. At the time of My life on earth humanity lived in deepest darkness of night, and this was their own fault because they ignored love.... I showed them the path to light and, by My crucifixion, acquired for them the same ability, the willpower, to walk this path.... I taught them to fulfil the commandments of love and thereby guided them to wisdom.... to the knowledge about every single person's goal and destiny and the means to reach this goal. And the door of heaven opened for those who followed Me, they were liberated from the pressure which had burdened their souls for an infinitely long time. They realised what it means to possess eternal life.... they were delivered from bondage, delivered from lack of knowledge, from weakness.... They came close to Me and could receive My strength of love, which signified abundance of light and strength for the human soul.... __But My act of Salvation was accomplished for all times.... Because the earth will always be inhabited by immature spiritual substance which still languishes in My adversary's bondage, which is still tied to the ground until it removes this restraint of its own free will. However, it needs to be told of its spiritual state, of Satan's bondage, of its original state and the opportunity to regain it.... the immature spirit has to be shown the path, it has to be informed of the act of Salvation, which was accomplished by the immense love of a human being on behalf of all humanity to deliver it from adverse forces. This knowledge has to be conveyed to people.... That is the mission for which I need servants on earth, so that My act of Salvation will be continued as long as the earth exists.... Time and again I will awaken servants and prophets, i.e. people who are devoted to Me, who are willing to do the kind of work I require of them. They shall spread My teaching of love and caution people to always act with love.... Only then can the process of redemption begin, only then can the human being become knowledgeable and make a conscious effort, otherwise he will lack all knowledge, which is characteristic of his bondage, characteristic of the spiritual night humanity is living in. Light shall be brought into the darkness and bearers of light shall work by spreading My Word on My behalf so that people will be motivated into following Me, so that they believe in Me and My act of Salvation and through this faith utilise the grace of My act of Salvation, so that their will becomes stronger and enables them to travel the path of ascent with My help, with My strength, which is available to everyone who desires it and through actions of love makes himself worthy of the same.... And death will be conquered, the human being will neither feel nor taste death, he will live in eternity as I have promised.... __Amen
Satan's bondage....
You are enslaved by Satan as long as you do not resist and fight him yourselves which, however, you are able to do successfully as long as you are willing to free yourselves from his bondage. He is My adversary, he tries to gain what emerged from My strength, what has belonged to Me since eternity. I also fight for this spiritual essence but I leave it to the soul itself whom it wants to acknowledge. I do not prevent the soul from striving towards My adversary, I only ever confront it with My love in order to arouse its desire to turn to Me of its own accord. But whatever wants to be free from him, whatever strives towards Me, will infallibly be seized by and drawn to Me.... And therefore, every fight against My adversary, every will to separate from him will be successful, for now I will fight with the person at the same time, I will stand by his side and the adversary will be defeated, because the person's will has chosen Me. But prior to this the human being is held captive, his soul is oppressed, it complies with Satan's will because he is the lord to whom it willingly succumbs. __Satan's every ambition is contrary to My eternal order. Hence, the human being enslaved by him cannot live in order either unless he establishes a worldly order to ensure his worldly well-being with help of the strength from below, while his soul lives in darkest disorder, entirely without love and therefore entirely without strength from Me. For as long as the human being still lives on earth Satan will try to tempt him with earthly possessions and also grant him fulfilment as soon as the person complies with his will, as soon as his heartlessness proves his affiliation with Satan. And yet he is a servant of the one who seemingly provides him with earthly favours, for he will pull him into utmost darkness as soon as he leaves his physical cover, and his soul will suffer most bitter distress.... Nevertheless, it is not treated unjustly, given that its very own will on earth could also have made its decision for Me, for time and again I approach the soul warning and reminding it, and try to draw it towards Me. The will, however, is the decisive factor and if it is inclined towards Me I shall give the soul the strength to liberate itself from this force, for My power is great but it requires the human being's will. __And every human being is able to want Me to seize him, every human being is able to use his will in the right way since My adversary cannot compel the will, because I defeated this power through My crucifixion. Consequently, the human being has to acknowledge Me as Redeemer of the world and appeal for My reinforcement of will for the sake of Jesus.... and My adversary has lost his power over Him.... But anyone who rejects Me completely will continue to live in acute bondage and will find releasing himself from it extremely difficult. However, I will also fight for these souls. Time and again I approach them in the Word and refer them to My act of Salvation, because I want to regain them and will also achieve this one day, albeit it can take an infinite time until the being's will turns to Me of its own accord. However, deliverance from Satan's bondage cannot take place outside of My eternal order, and therefore the human being's will has to desire it of its own accord and choose Me, but then he will receive every assistance.... and he will become free.... __Amen
Retribution.... Sin and atonement....
The God of righteousness will redress everything, and thus the conduct of humankind will indeed find its atonement, but not always in the way you humans consider right. God's wisdom recognises people's weaknesses, their moral degree of maturity and the souls' imperfect state, and thus He sometimes makes use of means which can also result in the opposite, because the human being himself is striving towards the abyss as long as he still expects advantage from it.... Consequently, he must first try to release himself from earthly cravings, otherwise the injustice will keep growing and God will have to balance things increasingly more, which signifies immensely difficult times on earth and an often unbearable fate in the beyond. For every injustice must be atoned for, unless the divine Saviour and Redeemer takes the guilt upon Himself and redeems it through His crucifixion which, however, presupposes total devotion to Him and the will to live a way of life according to His commandments. In that case, the human being will have already attained a level of improvement which assures him forgiveness of his sins. But anyone who does not believe in Christ's act of Salvation must inevitably make amends for the guilt himself on earth or in the beyond. The world, however, is inconceivably entrenched in sin, consequently, the earthly adversity is likewise inconceivably immense and brings forth one iniquity after another. Someone who recognises and abhors it is no longer part of it yet he will suffer because of it, because every light-desiring person will experience darkness as pain. Yet the hour of Judgment is not far away anymore, retribution is inevitable, and therefore you humans should not doubt God's justice.... Human will as well as Satan's activity must be allowed free rein so that people will show their true instincts, so that a decision of will is made, which can be good or evil, and good and evil must therefore be seen in order to affirm or to abhor it. But don't think that retribution will fail to materialise.... For sooner or later the day will come when every individual person will have to justify himself for his thoughts, intentions and actions.... and the closer it is to the end the more evident becomes the raging of the dark forces and thus also the onslaught against the righteous, who shrink back from the devils in human form and call upon God's justice.... Retribution, however, will not fail to materialise.... __Amen
The Antichrist's scourge will be wielded harshly over all who profess Me, just as it was wielded over Me before My crucifixion as a human being. Yet I will repel it from My Own, I will seize it Myself and instead let it affect those who are enslaved by Satan. His raging will certainly be sorely felt in the ranks of My Own, yet as long as they are covered by the shield of faith he will be unable to cause them much harm, for once again I will safeguard them against anything that is done to My Own. However, they recognise the reign of the Antichrist and that the end and with it their hour of deliverance will soon have come, and this knowledge gives them the strength which lets them endure anything. You will not have a peaceful time for much longer, hour after hour and day after day trickle away and the time My spirit has announced to you comes ever closer.... Earth is facing a powerful tremor with indescribable consequences. And even if you doubt.... you cannot stop it anymore and soon will have to make a decision for or against Me.... This decision will be demanded by the one who opposes Me and who will continue to oppose Me for an endless time to come. __He will arrive prior to Me and appear on this earth, and he will take possession of someone who wholeheartedly belongs to him, i.e., he will express himself in all his power and strength through the latter. People will join him in droves, they will admire him and voluntarily submit themselves to him.... they will be dependent on him because he exerts his influence on them as a human being and impresses them with his words and actions. He will be successful because they will all surrender to him of their own accord, and thus he will wield great power and use it against Me.... against all of those who believe in Me and profess Me.... He will fight against Me and thus also wage the battle against My Own, who will nevertheless remain loyal to Me until the end.... The time of the Antichrist has come and accordingly he will soon make an appearance, and then you will know that the end is near.... For he will only reign for a short time, and because he knows that he won't have much time left anymore he will open hell and release all that is evil which will cooperate with him in a shocking manner.... Yet the hour of his fall into the abyss has been determined since the start, and so it will come to pass as is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Forgiveness.... Atonement.... Justice.... (Law of cause a...
I Am a God of love and mercy yet justice is also part of My Being, otherwise My perfection could be questioned and therefore also My Divinity. Do you understand what I Am trying to say?.... That I incorporate every characteristic to the highest degree, and therefore everything is effectively subject to the law of eternal order, whose originator I Am Myself, that is, out of My very perfection I have created irrevocable laws.... Thus every guilt of sin has to be removed, every sin has to be atoned to satisfy My justice. But how does this relate to My love and mercy, which is so infinitely profound that it would like to remit every sinners' guilt?.... __My love found a way.... Love Itself wiped out the guilt of sins by making the atonement Itself in order to satisfy justice.... A human being accepted the guilt and made amends for all of humanity's sins. I Myself did not stop this man, for He was motivated by love and love may never be prevented if it wants to express itself. I would never have accepted the substituted atonement had it not been offered to Me on account of love, or the law of eternal order would have been violated, since justice would not have been upheld, whereas an act of love had to be accepted by Me since I could not reject love. Thus a human being atoned humanity's immense guilt of sin through an extremely agonising pain and death on the cross. This person was without sin and nevertheless suffered unspeakably for the guilt of others.... because He wanted to appease Me with His sacrifice, which overwhelming love caused Him to make. And I accepted the sacrifice, and for the sake of His love erased the guilt that had burdened all of humanity.... which thus means that people who fully and consciously avail themselves of the sacrifice by the human being Jesus can become free from all guilt, who lay their burden of sin at His feet and for the sake of His crucifixion ask for forgiveness.... __Acknowledgement and the conscious confession of sins are necessary in order to find complete forgiveness of sins. The sacrifice of the human being Jesus was so immense and His love for humanity so powerful that My justice was served and My love and mercy could emerge.... Thus people who acknowledge the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ and repentantly step under His cross are free from all guilt.... which means that all sins they were burdened with are forgiven.... Forgiveness of sin, however, means settlement, a complete deletion of what actually should have been done.... Forgiveness means erasing, unburdening, restoring the condition prior to committing the sin.... and every consequence of transgression is carried by the person who accepts the guilt. Thus Jesus Christ took upon Himself all sins and offered the atonement for them to Me. Every result of sin will be negated by Him.... __My love and mercy make everything right again, and can do so now because the sacrifice on the cross satisfied justice first, thus it was not by-passed. The sacrifice on the cross was effectively the consequence of all of humanity's sins. All unrighteousness that is committed on earth, as well as the sin of the past rebellion against Me had to have an unlawful effect, therefore it had to fall back on beings who absorbed these effects and had to suffer them.... The human being Jesus made Himself voluntarily available to absorb the concentrated burden of sin and by way of superhuman suffering and agony diminish the effects of the sins, and through His death finally wipe them out completely. Thus the law was not cancelled, it was merely fulfilled.... For this reason the human being can be granted full forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ and be delivered from all guilt, for this reason My love and mercy can rule without excluding justice. For Jesus Christ redeemed the world from sin, because His love for humanity was overwhelming and through this love I was fully reconciled.... __Amen
The blood of Christ.... Guilt of sin....
For you, My children on earth, I shed My blood; for you I took the most difficult path because I wanted to help you ascend from the abyss which you could never have left by yourselves.... for you I died on the cross.... The sacrifice I had wanted to offer God-Father was accepted, it was offered for you.... Thus you humans on earth shall gain from it; what I had begged from God and for which I made the sacrifice should benefit you earthly children, because in the state you were at the time I descended to earth you urgently needed help. But I also knew that not just the people during My life time on earth were in need; I knew that, as long as the earth exists, human beings could not fulfil their earthly task because they were too weak and I took pity on the whole of humanity, even those of the past and in the future, and I included all human beings in My act of Salvation, I gained unlimited blessings for all people, which they now can use in order to reach their goal on earth. Sacrificing My life was an act of utmost compassion, I had accepted a state of suffering entirely consciously and voluntarily, which I would have been unable to bear without the divine strength of love, but I took pity on humanity's awful distress and was willing to endure anything in order to help. __Although I knew that this act of Salvation would culminate in My Being's complete deification it was not the reason for My action. I was purely moved by My love for the suffering spirit which had deserted God, which was so very distant from God and therefore unhappy. Love filled Me with such might that I was able to find the strength therein for the act of mercy, that I suffered and died for humanity in excruciating physical pain. I sacrificed My life on the cross for My unhappy brothers who, like Me, had formerly come forth from God but who had left the path of their destiny. I knew the bliss of God's nearness and had mercy with the fallen wretched spirit.... But I also knew of God's love for all His living creations and wanted to bring back to Him what had voluntarily distanced itself from Him.... My love for God, as well as the love for everything which had emerged from Him, was overwhelming. Only because of this love had God accepted My sacrifice.... And My love asked God for forgiveness of the guilt which clung to the fallen and could not be redeemed in any other way, since it consisted of heartlessness. __Hence only love could make this sacrifice, and therefore it was not the death on the cross as such but the love for humanity which was proven by this death which was accepted by God as atonement.... I shed My blood for you humans and thus made amends for your actions, I took your sin upon Myself and suffered for it.... But you also have to do your part, you have to be willing to become redeemed by My crucifixion. You have to want that this act of grace was also achieved for you, you have to make use of the blessings by acknowledging Me and My act of Salvation and willingly join those for whom I have died on the cross. Without this acknowledgment and your will, you are and remain blemished by this guilt of sin and chained to him who has caused your fall. I have indeed accomplished the act of Salvation for all of you but only your own will can bring it into effect for you because you cannot be redeemed against your will from a sin which you voluntarily committed. You have to step beneath the cross of Christ, you have to acknowledge Me and call to Me, you have to confess your guilt to Me and request that I carry it on your behalf and remove it with My blood.... And all your guilt will be forgiven for the sake of My love.... __Amen
The bridge into the spiritual kingdom.... Jesus....
The bridge into the spiritual kingdom was built by Me when I descended to earth in order to redeem humanity. You all may cross this bridge if you want to follow Me.... And thus understand this right: Anyone who follows Me, who has chosen Me as his leader will be able and shall travel the same path as I have taken Myself, and he need not fear to go wrong. And thus even as a human being I maintained contact with the kingdom whence I had come. Admittedly, at first My origin was also hidden to Me, the human being Jesus, I lived on earth and knew no more than other people, yet My soul persistently searched for God, My soul constantly returned again to My true home.... to the kingdom of the most blessed spirits.... __And My yearning of love for God was so great that He came to Me and soon also informed Me of My mission on earth. Hence I already recognised at an early age that I and all other people were only guests on this earth, but that in the hour of death the spiritual kingdom was opened again for everyone, only its spheres were very different. I had this knowledge as a human being on earth and was often able to look into these spheres. I saw the abundant bliss as well as the extreme agony of the spiritual beings, and My soul yearned but it was also appalled. I beheld the spiritual world due to the degree of maturity My soul had already attained on earth, and therefore My soul was no longer endangered by entering the different spheres in the spiritual kingdom. I Myself had already established the bridge by changing My nature into love and was therefore able to safely cross the bridge into the spiritual kingdom. __And thus I want to explain to you that the love within you humans is always able and will establish a bridge into the spiritual kingdom, then not you yourselves but the spirit of God awakened through love will guide you across, because it wants to introduce you to the kingdom which is your true home and which offers you incomparable treasures, that you may receive in this kingdom.... Then you can also safely and without worry take a glance into the realm of darkness, for then your love will want to help all those who need this help. The bridge leading from earth into the spiritual kingdom has to be understood literally as well as figuratively.... I have prepared the path for you which will lead to God, which you shall take by following Jesus. However, through My resurrection on the third day I also demonstrated to you that I have overcome death, that there are no limits for the living, the immortal part in you, that your soul at all times may and shall stay in the spiritual kingdom and that My spirit, if you awakened it, will guide you into areas which otherwise are inscrutable for you. Yet it is different when such contacts to the spiritual kingdom are established without faith in Me, without spiritual aspiration and without love.... Then people enter a bridge without permission, hence they unlawfully take possession of it in order to glance into the kingdom, which is hidden from them. People like these do not acknowledge Me, consequently they cannot be on the bridge which I have established through My crucifixion.... Yet they also see a bridge leading into the spiritual kingdom, an illusion, which My adversary makes them believe because he wants to entice them to him, which he easily succeeds in doing.... by plunging you into ever deeper darkness, because no light can be found in darkness. __But anyone who desires light will be met by the beings of light, and they will provide him with an abundance of light, with the pure truth, which can only ever come from God's kingdom, from the kingdom of eternal truth. From the kingdom of darkness comes nothing but harm, from the kingdom of light only blessings; you shall close yourselves to the kingdom of darkness but open yourselves to the kingdom of light, for I Myself call to you from this kingdom: Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. And if I call you to Me then you must also enter the bridge which I Myself have established from earth into the spiritual kingdom in order to smooth the path for you which leads you to ascent, to Me, but which can only ever be found through love.... __Amen
Salvation through Jesus Christ....
Every human being can redeem himself if he so wants, yet he cannot do so without Jesus Christ.... Hence Jesus Christ is the Redeemer, but if the human being does not want it himself, the act of Salvation at the cross was in vain for him. Only the human will brings it into effect, it is imperative that the human will first strives towards salvation through Jesus Christ, only then can he be assured that he will be redeemed. No human being has been excluded, no person needs to continue without freedom, because the man Jesus Christ died on the cross so that the whole of humanity.... all human beings of past, present and future.... can be redeemed from their guilt and no-one has been barred.... but salvation does not occur against the human will, and the will is only strengthened through Jesus Christ. Consequently He inevitably has to be acknowledged as God's Son and Saviour of the world, otherwise His help will not be requested, otherwise the blessings of His act of Salvation will not be called upon. Because in the unredeemed state he is held in bondage by a dark force, his will for good is restrained and he is a slave to him who is his lord.... so that he complies with his will and as a result offends against divine order with heartless thoughts and actions.... __It is the will of the still constrained human being, which is wrongly directed. Due to his misguided love he only desires what pulls him down but not what elevates him. His restraints constantly pull downward, and if he wants to ascend then he has to be liberated from his chains, he has to be free from the force which controls him.... He has to be redeemed and can redeem himself with the strength of love. But this is extremely weak in a human being and can only be strengthened when the person calls on Him Who has overcome this power by His death on the cross, when he calls on the Lord to whom this power is inferior.... Jesus Christ, the Divine Saviour and Conqueror of death, the constrained state and helplessness. By His death on the cross He has acquired unlimited blessings which He shares with everyone who desires them. And by using these blessings the will becomes strengthened which enables the person to carry out deeds of love, to acquire God's strength, which will inevitably help him to ascend and liberate him from the chains which had held him captive.... He has redeemed himself through Jesus Christ, or he was willing to let himself be redeemed by Jesus Christ.... to benefit from His sacrifice on the cross. He has delivered himself through the blood of Jesus from all guilt which had subjected him to the force of the power, which is God's adversary and which therefore also had to be overcome by God Himself.... __If Jesus Christ is not acknowledged as Son of God and Saviour of the world, God's adversary maintains his grip on the person, be it on earth or in the beyond. And this means that the soul remains in a sphere which will be without light for eternity, that the soul can never become enlightened, that it is without freedom and strength and can no longer change its situation by itself, that it is condemned.... until it is approached by a saviour.... And this Saviour once again is Jesus Christ, because only He has the strength to liberate the soul from the power of His adversary.... Yet again the soul has to want this itself, it has to call on Him when, due to an exceptionally weak gleam of light, it remembers the man Jesus in a flash, who was known on earth as the Saviour and Redeemer of humanity.... With its cry it acknowledges Him, it is a call in greatest need, which the Divine Saviour hears and Whose work of Salvation benefits this soul from now on too in as much as He liberates it from its torment. __You humans on earth should not bypass Jesus Christ because you will only delay your salvation, which you sooner or later have to accept, because you cannot be redeemed without Jesus Christ, but you yourselves have to want to be redeemed by Him.... This will can arise in you on earth if you are taught about Him correctly, about the significance of His crucifixion and your attitude towards the act of Salvation, because He will forever remind people of Himself, and the references to Him during the last days can be heard with such urgency, that every human being should seriously consider whether he can accept responsibility for his attitude towards Jesus Christ.... He should ask for information in regards to the problem of God's human manifestation and salvation, then he will also receive an acceptable explanation, but he should not be so arrogant as to make a rash judgment and abandon everything in relation to Jesus Christ. Sooner or later he will have to take the path to Him.... __But his remorse will be extremely painful if he does not realise his error until he is in the beyond, if he himself extends the state of his torment by his rejection of Him, Who alone can release him from his hardship. As soon as the human being on earth, or even in the beyond, takes the path to Jesus Christ, he will move towards his salvation.... But without Jesus Christ he will remain in darkness forever, he cannot rise from the tomb of death until he acknowledges the One, Who has overcome death.... He can only become blessed when he intentionally allows himself to become redeemed by Jesus' blood.... __Amen
Creation of the human being.... The fall of man....
The fallen spiritual substance needed an endless time for its higher development, and an endless time was also required for My individual creations, which more or less had to evolve in line with the indwelling constrained spiritual substances in order to hold ever more mature spiritual substances. Time and again new forms were created, and time and again these forms were assigned a task.... Hence, earthly creation did not arise in an instant but infinitely long periods of time passed until the spiritual substance of all degrees of maturity found the appropriate external form, since the constantly increasing maturity also necessitated constantly new creations which could accommodate it. But as long as the spirits were subject to the law of compulsion My creative activity meant: Creation of earth as a place to mature for the lowest fallen spirits, which had to acquire the level of maturity that would return free will to the constrained spirits again, which they had abused in the past.... But now an external form had to be created for this fully matured spiritual essence, so that it could test its free will again in this form.... __This work of creation was the human being, who differed from all previously arisen creations such that he, apart from free will, was also endowed with intelligence and reason.... with a faculty of thought, with self-awareness and with the ability to interact with his fellow human beings through language, because coexistence provided the necessary conditions for the test of will. The human being's external form already existed in its last stages in the state of compulsion and was destined to receive countless fully matured substances of soul, but these living beings still acted in a compulsive state as required by natural law, and therefore they were not responsible for their actions.... They only had very limited ability of thought but as receptacles for the spiritual essence, which was fully matured after an endless time of development, they were also works of creation formed by My wisdom and love for this spiritual essence. But only the living beings who possessed free will, intelligence and self-awareness were human beings.... and only then started the plan of spiritualising the latter.... This required that the living creations.... the human beings.... were educated by Me.... that they should use their ability of thought, their intelligence and their free will in accordance with My instructions and by virtue of their free will could then live and work on earth.... that they could shape themselves into Gods but also act in opposition to My advice and My will and regress to the abyss from where they had ascended.... I created the human being.... __Having attained a specific degree of maturity I gave the spiritual essence an external form in accordance with My love and wisdom, and the task the human being subsequently had to carry out.... The external form only became a living being after the spiritual essence had entered it.... the composition of innumerable minute particles which, as `soul', gave life to the form. For the spiritual essence is a constantly effective strength and was in fact constrained and incapable of unrestrained activity during the preliminary stages, during the endless process of development. However, in its ultimate external form, in the human being, it can be active again. It can unfold its inherent strength and through unity with Me increase it without limitation.... The first human beings had My strength at their unrestricted disposal, they were extraordinarily well equipped in view of the fact that their test of life on earth should have resulted in their leaving their earthly form completely spiritualised in order to return as true children into their Father's house again.... But the test of will, which I demand of every created being, was required of them. The first human beings' passing of this test would have enabled all subsequent generations to reach the final goal with ease. __By creating the first human beings I had created beings for Myself who, in spite of their inadequacy.... i.e. their lack of perfection as a result of the apostasy from Me.... could nevertheless have attained realisation of Me Myself since they recognised themselves as living creations.... Thus, due to their ability of thought and their free will, they were able to recognise My will and act in accordance with it.... I had created beings for Myself with whom I could communicate despite their distance from Me, who could hear My Word and let it take effect on them, which was impossible in the earlier state of constrained will.... Thus the human being was the first earthly work of creation which carried a fallen original spirit in himself, and he was then meant to help this original spirit to return to its original state in order to work and create in eternal unity with Me as a free spirit again.... This was the task of the first created human being, and it will remain the task of all people until the end, until the final spiritualisation of all fallen spirits.... __The test of will the first human being had to pass was not too difficult.... Yet for the sake of this test My adversary also had to be allowed to exert his influence on him.... And the human being succumbed to this influence.... He deserted Me for the second time, and this was the first fall into sin on this earth.... the original sin which is known to humanity, even if it does not know of the apostasy of the spirits from Me.... But only the latter explains everything.... For the first human being could not have fallen had he been the first created being externalised by Me, as he would have been in full possession of strength and light since only perfection can emerge from Me. In that case he could not have been influenced by an opposing force. __But the reason for his fall is to be found in the apostasy of the spirits and thus in the still immature human soul which could indeed have passed the test but was not obliged to pass it.... __Nevertheless, the human being was in possession of intelligence and free will and therefore also had to accept responsibility for his soul.... And thus the human being has to do penance for his guilt.... My adversary kept his authority over the spirit embodied in the human being, and that means a laborious path of struggle and suffering during every human being's earthly life with the goal of freeing himself from his control.... The human being is able to achieve this goal because Jesus Christ came to help humanity which was weakened by Adam's fall into sin, and therefore salvation is assured to everyone who recognises Him as Son of God and Redeemer of the world and follows Him willingly.... The first human being would have been able to build the bridge on which all his descendants could have reached Me.... but since he fell, humanity had to remain in Satan's bondage for a long time until the arrival of the Saviour, until Jesus Christ descended to earth in order to build a bridge into the spiritual kingdom by way of His suffering and death.... by way of His crucifixion.... __The decision of will demanded of My first created being.... of Lucifer.... was by no means to be regarded as a commandment; rather, it was entirely left to the being's choice to direct its will either way, and the direction of its will was totally based on its yearning for power and dictatorship. It was certainly aware that it had originated from Me but believed that it could also rule on its own because it could not see Me.... It recognised Me as its source but it did not want to acknowledge Me.... And this will was not placed into the being by Me but the being itself had changed the free will I bestowed on it.... This was the difference between the first fall of Lucifer and the first human being's fall into sin.... because the wrong will was still in the human being and therefore I gave him a commandment which he should not transgress.... a commandment he could easily have kept had the opposing spirit not influenced him. The opposing spirit's influence on the human being was so strong because the human being was still part of him.... since he had not yet regained perfection, which would have made a fall impossible. __A perfectly created human being could not have fallen, that is, he would not have been able to violate this commandment, because the perfect spirit in the human being would have prevented him from every God-opposing action.... But the creation of the human being was only the consequence of Lucifer's fall and his followers, or it truly would not have been necessary for Me to give the spirits, who had been brought into life by Me, an external form as a cover. The human form, however, contained the fallen spirit, and therefore the human being Adam was already burdened by the past sin which he nevertheless could have pushed away had he kept My commandment.... It would have been possible for him to redeem the inherited sin.... his fall delayed the fallen spirits' return to Me for an infinitely long period of time again. Yet is has become possible through the act of Salvation by the man Jesus Who did, without any commandment on My part, what the human being Adam should have done.... to completely accept My will and through a life of love unite with Me again on earth and achieve full possession of strength and light.... __Amen
Adam.... Original spirit.... Lucifer's test.... Bursting ...
Anyone who strives to arrive at the truth leaves all darkness behind him, he will have an explanation for everything, he will know the correlation between all things, he will recognise that his path leads upwards, that he has found the connection with God, that he cannot err anymore because God Himself conveys the truth to him. But striving for the truth means that it first has to be sincerely desired, and then the knowledge he receives.... be it from outside or from within in the form of thoughts.... has to be accepted with an open heart. For the heart will be willing to either accept or reject truth and error and thus influence the person accordingly. __Truth has to be aspired to in so far as that the human being's will has to be actively involved.... it cannot simply be given to a completely passive person who does not want it himself and who will not take the necessary steps in order to gain it. For then he will remain in spiritual darkness and not achieve progress. Truth, however, is the ascending path.... Truth is the spiritual knowledge conveyed to people by God Himself which tries to find a recipient in every human being, which can be acquired by every person's will since it can be imparted to people in many different ways.... but it always has to be desired first. But anyone who has gained the truth no longer lives in darkness, everything is crystal clear to him, he no longer doubts, for whatever is still unclear will be explained to him when he asks for it providing he turns to the source of truth.... providing he submits his doubts and questions to God Himself and then awaits God's answer through his heart.... The desire for truth, the mental contact with God and his inward listening also ensures him a clear and truthful answer. You humans should know that no unsolved questions need to exist for you providing you just want an explanation and present every question to the One Who is truth Himself and Who also wants to impart it to His children in order to enlighten them, in order to illuminate their path of ascent: __The body of the first-created human being was also an act of creation by My love. I then had to create an external shell for the fallen spirit once it had worked its way up from the abyss to a point where it was able to undertake its final test of will in complete freedom.... I had to create forms for all My once created original spirits whose previously dissolved substances had come together again after an infinitely long period of time and who, therefore, as self-aware beings once more, were waiting for permission to become active.... Creating the external form of such an original spirit was no different than the countless many works of creation which had previously arisen.... it was My externalised thought which, through My will, appeared before Me already completed. But giving life to this created form was only possible by permeating it with My strength of love.... __The originally created spirit, however, was My emanated strength of love.... Hence it only needed to take possession of the external form in order to turn it into a living being. The spirit was close to its perfection.... and yet far from it because it lacked final realisation.... because the sin with which it was burdened had completely deprived it of all knowledge and in this state it needed instruction and commandments.... thus it was to gradually mature into realisation by complying with these commandments.... A great spiritual battle had taken place earlier because a large number of fallen original spirits wanted to occupy My first created form.... For they knew that they could only gain access to Me again in the body of a human being, that they would only be able to gain unimaginable abundance of strength and light through a test of life in which they were to prove how they would utilise the strength at their disposal.... But I Myself chose which original spirit should take abode in the first human being.... For only I knew whose opposition to Me had weakened such that the final test of earthly life could be imposed on him; I knew whose will could have resisted My adversary's power. Therefore I chose an original spirit which had once taken a leading position during the spirits' apostasy.... which was indeed more heavily burdened by sin but which My love very much endeavoured to regain, for countless beings would likewise have followed it and the redemption would have progressed far more rapidly.... I have known, in fact, since eternity that this original spirit would fail.... Nevertheless, due to its changed will during the preliminary stages it was the strongest spirit, thus it was also entitled to be the first to receive the state of free will, and which therefore offered the best prospects of passing the test of will.... __The form of the first human being was.... before this original spirit occupied it, also visible to Lucifer, who certainly knew that this form was the gate from the kingdom of darkness, from his realm, into My kingdom, into the kingdom of light.... He also knew that.... if he didn't want to lose his followers.... he had to use every means to wrest the souls back from Me during the human being's approved probationary period, in order to turn the test to his advantage.... __My created form was still without life when Lucifer seized it in order to test it by animating it with his spirit.... yet his untamed spirit burst the form, and he was sure that every spirit banished into this form would burst it and that there would never be any danger of loss for him.... __I allowed this test to happen and then proved to him that his assumption was wrong.... For due to its long process of development the very spirit which was to embody itself in the human being no longer shared Lucifer's will, it willingly occupied the final external form, and since this original spirit was close to its original state it did not consider the external form a shackle to prevent the fall into sin.... For it was master over all of creation, it could rule like a lord over the earth which was at its disposal with every creation.... It had abundant might and strength.... only subordinate to My might, which only gave it an easy commandment, the obedience to which would have broken any constraint imposed on it.... __And when Lucifer realised this he thought about ways to stop the human being from obeying this commandment, and since he knew the first human being's body he tried to make him dislike it by portraying it as a shackle.... by making freedom from it dependent on transgressing this commandment.... and thus incited the original spirit to inwardly revolt against Me again for not having given it complete freedom.... It was a deliberate deception which the first human being could have resisted by merely adhering to My simple commandment.... if he had been satisfied with his possession of might and strength which made him truly happy until My adversary aroused an impure desire in him.... to be greater than the One, Who was a perceptible power above him.... of Whom he knew and Whose commandment he nevertheless disregarded.... __The first human being's fall into sin was therefore a repetition of the original spirit's first fall. It followed Lucifer and drew innumerable beings into the abyss with him.... just as all descendants of the first human being were afterwards also placed into the weak state of sinful people until Jesus Christ came to their rescue, until Jesus Christ acquired the strength of will on behalf of humanity through His crucifixion, until Jesus Christ opposed Lucifer's temptations with His strong will and defeated him.... __Nothing could have induced the first-created being, Lucifer, to cover the earthly progress as a human being as long as he still considered himself lord of the spiritual world which had deserted Me with him, for he himself did not take the course through matter, through creation, before the creation of the first human being.... As a spiritually tangible spirit he was volitionally still My strongest opponent, he deemed himself lord over the creation which sheltered the spiritual substance that belonged to him, although he himself had no influence over it. His inner resistance was still unbroken, and he would never ever have put up with any coercion, he would never voluntarily have entered a form created by My will.... because he hated all forms for the spiritual substances, all works of creation, and sought to destroy them.... However, his power over the works of creation had been taken away from him, but then he was granted influence over the soul when this was to make its free decision again for Me or for him.... He also knew that he was unable to destroy a form himself once it was inhabited by spiritual beings, and for this reason he inspected the first human being's form in advance, for his goal was to induce the original spirit which was to occupy it to destroy its own external form.... because he believed that he would thereby provide it with the freedom which I had taken away from the spirits due to the works of creation.... He wanted to stop Me from completing the plan of Salvation. __The opposition between Myself and him existed ever since his apostasy and will never be given up by him until he realises that he is completely powerless, and in profound weakness and humility appeals to Me to give him strength.... For this reason it would have been impossible to give him the first human body as an abode. For his will did not aim for ascent, whereas the past resistance to Me by the spiritual essence, having passed through creation in the state of compulsion, had already diminished and it was merely to prove just once more that it had abandoned its opposition to Me and My strength of love. And Lucifer knew how far this spiritual essence had already distanced itself from him, and he also knew that there now was a risk of losing it entirely. And since the original spirit embodied in the first human being had once been his staunch supporter he was particularly interested to bring it to fall.... But he also knew of its present desire to become free from every physical restraint.... __And then I placed a second being at this original spirit's side, which simultaneously was to support but also help him with the test of his will. Each one could have supported the other to arrive at the final objective; I did not place the responsibility on one shoulder alone.... I gave the commandment to both, and both were able to attain the goal together.... And this second being was used by Lucifer, who recognised its weak will and thereby hoped to achieve his objective.... The test of will had to be demanded from the first human couple, and in support of this test adverse forces also had to be active, for Lucifer fought for his living creations too, which he did not want to surrender even though they belonged to Me as well. His plan succeeded, nevertheless, it did not stop Me from giving countless beings time and again the opportunity to take on a new form in the human beings of this earth and thus to achieve an ever higher degree of maturity even if, due to the fall of the first human couple, the gate to the kingdom of light remained closed until the arrival of Jesus Christ.... __The first sin had delayed but not cancelled the spiritual beings' redemption, for what the first human being had failed to do was achieved by the human being Jesus.... He was stronger than My adversary for He availed Himself of My strength.... He was and stayed in contact with Me through love and voluntarily accomplished what the first human beings did not fulfil as a commandment.... He completely subordinated Himself to My will and proved His devotion to Me through His suffering and death on the cross.... He knew of the original sin and the first human beings' repeated guilt, and in order to cancel this guilt, in order to redeem humankind, He offered to bring Me a sacrifice, which was satisfactory to Me.... a sacrifice, which opened the gate to the spiritual kingdom again, the path to Me, and now enables all My living beings who acknowledge Him as Son of God and Redeemer of the world to become blissfully happy once more.... __Amen
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