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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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The infant Jesus....
A Saviour was born to you, the Redeemer, Who descended from above in order to set you free and bring salvation to you. You humans suffered utmost adversity for you were held captive by Satan, you were in his power and lacked the strength of will to free yourselves from him.... Your souls were ailing and a Physician had to come to heal you; a strong Saviour had to come to release you.... One had to come to bring you peace.... Salvation came to earth in a child Which was born in the midst of you, Which, in great poverty, came into the world in a stable. Yet His birth alone already testified to His divine origin, His extraordinary task and His great love for people, for an exceedingly bright light shone above the child, and this light entered into the hearts of those who were allowed to behold it and who recognised His divine mission. For the eternal Light Itself came to earth, It shone in the darkness which had cast a shadow across the whole earth.... The eternal Love had embodied Itself in the child Jesus, and the ray of love shone brightly in this significant night when the child Jesus came into the world. And the human race should have rejoiced and cheered about the eternal Love's act of compassion to descend to earth and to bring light into the darkness. But humanity kept its eyes closed so as not to have to see the light, apart from a few who knew of their Saviour and called for help, who cried for a Saviour and gladly opened themselves to the light from above.... __And to these few the eternal Love came to help, and it came to pass what seers and prophets had proclaimed a long time before.... The Messiah came into the world, the Bringer of light.... the Son of God came down to earth, He wanted to redeem the world from sin because he took pity upon humanity which, bowed down with sorrow, almost broke down under the burden of sin and was unable to defend itself against the constraints placed on it by God's adversary. These constraints caused humanity to stray increasingly more towards the abyss, as it obeyed every command by the enemy of souls because it was too weak to resist.... which thereby only increased its burden of sin from which it would never be able to release itself.... The Son of God descended to earth.... A most elevated being of light from God, Which knew of the fallen beings' hardship, offered Itself to carry the infinitely great sin on behalf of humanity and to redeem it through a self-sacrifice on earth as a human being, through suffering an extremely painful death on the cross.... This being of light took abode in the child Jesus in order to accomplish Its mission to redeem the human race from sin and its consequences.... And the brightest light shone forth when the child was born, a light which called all those of good will, who waited for their Messiah and who beseechingly prayed to God in their distress. It was an act of grace of inconceivable significance, for the whole of the universe participated in it.... Heaven and Earth touched each other at the moment of Jesus birth.... the bridge was established from one kingdom to the other.... war was declared on God's adversary by the man Jesus, Who indeed remained victorious. For He fought for and with God, Who had sent Him to earth and taken abode in Him, Who permeated Him completely.... thus God manifested Himself because He, being the eternal Love, was able to take complete possession of a human being Who had unfolded the love within Himself to utmost perfection.... Who had shaped Himself into a vessel for the divine spirit, into the shell of the eternal Deity.... He could justifiably say 'The Father and I are One'. He brought people redemption, He gave them light, He brought Salvation for their souls, for through His crucifixion he became victorious over the one who wanted to keep the souls in the abyss and from whom people were unable to release themselves on their own.... He became their Redeemer, their Saviour from sin and death.... __Amen
Faith in Jesus Christ.... Doubting Thomas....
Only your faith in Jesus Christ can lead you humans towards consciously working at improving yourselves, for only when you believe in Him will you also accept His teaching of love and make an effort to live in accordance with this teaching.... Consequently, anything that is done in order to lead people to faith in Jesus Christ will have My total approval and is blessed by Me.... Jesus must be proclaimed, His act of Salvation must be clearly emphasised so that people will find the path through Jesus Christ to their God and Father of eternity. The end is near and humankind is far, far removed from the One Who sacrificed His life on the cross for everyone in order to save them from ruin.... Anyone who does not unite himself with Him will go astray, that is, the prince of darkness will retain his power over him and the heavenly kingdom will remain closed to him, for Jesus Christ is the gateway to eternal beatitude.... The end is near and countless people still don't know Him or refuse to acknowledge him.... Only I know what this means for the vast number of souls who live thoughtlessly without Him and who die without him and perish.... it is no longer possible by natural means to lead them to Jesus Christ. Hence I would have to let My living creations go astray were I to leave it to natural processes which make absolutely no impression whatsoever on people. But I know the few who belong to Me and stand up for Me and My name before the world; I know that a small circle of people recognise Me in Jesus Christ who I now use as tools for the strength and power of the One Who people refuse to recognise. I let them preach the Word of the Lord.... I let them proclaim the doctrine of Jesus Christ and confirm their Words with extraordinary deeds so that they will be believed. But for this the proclaimers require extremely strong faith and the kind of love which will provide them with the strength in order to also work miracles in My name.... It is always I Myself Who performs these miracles, nevertheless through My servants, because it is My will that people shall take notice again of their Saviour and physician Jesus Christ, so that they will remember and learn to believe in His act of Salvation, His crucifixion and His resurrection.... The fact that I will reveal Myself once more before the end through My devout servants on earth is an act of love and mercy by Me; people shall be helped once more to find faith in Him because then they will also have found faith in Me in order to never lose it again. __Even if their faith has not brought forth the right fruits as yet, because it can only become a living faith through a life of love, the knowledge of Jesus Christ will nevertheless have reached a degree which will allow for further progress, even if the soul is prematurely recalled without having found total redemption on earth as yet.... It knows Him and calls upon Him in its adversity, and since it calls upon Me Myself in Jesus Christ I will also be able to help the soul.... Nevertheless, it is incomparably more valuable if a person has found faith in Me in Jesus Christ through My Word.... if he believes it and does not require miracles in order to be convinced of the truth of My Word.... Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe.... But I also helped the doubting Thomas to attain faith. And so I also help the many unbelievers today if they are not ill-willed, and I prove Myself to them as God as soon as a person stands up with fiery zeal for Me and My teaching, in order to increase the number of believers before the end and in order to also gain those people to whom the act of Salvation is still insignificant and who are therefore in great danger that the gates to the kingdom of light will remain closed to them for an infinitely long time.... I take pity upon their fate and accept the will and love of those who want to help their neighbour, and I bless their intentions by granting them the strength of healing and of performing miracles in My name.... For it is My will that My name shall be revealed and the blessings of My act of Salvation shall clearly manifest themselves. It is My will that people shall voice the name of Jesus Christ with profound faith so that I can enter into contact with them.... in order to let My Word be effective again and to make people realise the tremendous importance of acknowledging Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, in Whom I manifested Myself so that I can be a visible God for you.... I want to save you humans for eternity, and therefore I Myself will still come to meet you in the final hour.... For the end will soon be here.... __Amen
Jesus' birth.... Sacrificial death....
No being will ever be able to comprehend the infinite love which motivated Me to descend to earth and to take abode in an infant Which became and remained My shell until His death. The eternal Deity embodied Itself in a living creation which It had formed Itself, Which voluntarily shaped Itself such during Its earthly life that it remained worthy of receiving Me.... I wanted to descend to earth so as to bring salvation to you humans in your extreme spiritual hardship and for this I needed a form which would receive Me.... since for the sake of your freedom of will I had to live amongst you as a human being.... And this form had to fulfil all preconditions to be able to shelter the highest Spirit of eternity without fading away due to My strength of love.... Thus this person first had to spiritualise Himself through love, so that I, as Love Itself, found in Him the right vessel into Which I was able to pour Myself, Which thus was able to shelter Me within Itself without ceasing to exist.... The infant Jesus was born without sin, It was fathered by My spirit, My will and My strength brought It into life, and My spirit was able to take possession of the infant and to express itself, if only from time to time, in order to give Its environment a sign of Its divine mission. And this spirit unfolded itself in the man Jesus, because His love nourished it time and again anew.... because Jesus' love more or less forced Me to give Myself to Him in all fullness, so that the man Jesus was permeated by light and strength, by wisdom and power.... I Myself worked through the man Jesus and everything He then thought, spoke or did was My spirit's strength, it was the strength of My love which accomplished everything in Him, to which nothing was impossible.... No limitation existed for Him after the unity with Me had occurred due the boundless love of the man Jesus, for I Myself was in Him now and My will was His, My strength permeated Him, and therefore nothing existed which would have been impossible for the man Jesus to accomplish.... And yet He remained human until His mission was accomplished, until He died the sacrificial death on the cross in order to redeem humanity.... __A period started when I descended to earth which is now ending.... It was the beginning of a time during which the complete redemption could be achieved precisely because of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation.... For now I Myself had come to earth and I emphatically spoke to people in order to win them over for Me.... And those who listened to Me and complied with My Word were able to conclude their earthly life after their physical death, they were able to enter the spiritual kingdom in a spiritualised state, because their old guilt had been taken from them through the crucifixion of Christ, which prior to this was impossible.... For the form I had chosen for Myself to dwell in merely covered the Divine, Which actually spoke through the man Jesus. And I Myself was the Divine within the form, and it was truly possible for Me to release people from a fetter which had already kept them captive for an infinitely long time.... I descended to earth, I chose a human form for Myself in which I accomplished the act of Salvation in order to wage open war against the one who had kept you bound and who needed a strong opponent in order to be defeated. Due to My greater than great love for you, the fallen spirits, I adopted a human form, and thus it was a tremendously emotional moment for all beings in the spiritual kingdom when I descended to earth at the birth of the child Jesus, and the whole of Creation stood still at the moment of birth, because it was an act of most exalted love and mercy to embody Myself in a child.... For My spirit, which rules the whole of infinity, took abode in this child, and thus It started Its earthly life.... in the midst of spiritually dark people.... And yet the light remained in His heart, because the man Jesus would not let go of God, because His love was so profound that He tied Me ever more to Himself and finally totally united Himself with Me.... so that only His external cover was human, yet soul and spirit had joined Me completely and therefore I Myself lived on earth and redeemed you humans through My death on the cross.... __Amen
Atonement of guilt through Jesus Christ....
Taking humanity's suffering upon Myself was indescribably difficult.... There was not one bad deed which did not have to have an effect on people, and you would have had to suffer immeasurably if you yourselves had to remove every sin weighing heavily on you. The sin of the former rebellion against God was so immense by itself that you would have been unable to atone it, neither in your constrained nor in the human state.... For this reason I took all your guilt upon Myself, I collected the result of every evil deed and burdened My human body with it, which then atoned your guilt by suffering an extremely painful death on the cross.... I was moved by My love to help you.... And all the spirits of light, all first created entities who remained loyal to Me, were filled by the same love for you.... Love, however, will never let anything go astray, love will not leave anything in darkness, distress and agony.... Love offered Itself for the deliverance, for the redemption of the immense guilt.... Love Itself descended to earth in an entity filled with light and love.... But the forthcoming events on earth had to take place in a human form; Love had to take on a human garment, I had to embody Myself in the flesh and therefore took abode in the human being Jesus, Who was nevertheless so pure and without sin that I was able to manifest Myself in Him.... And this human being Jesus made amends for your guilt, the man Jesus took humanity's enormous burden of sin upon his shoulders and walked with it to the cross..... __Even if the inhuman suffering were described to you many times, you are unable to comprehend its profundity because your nature's imperfection will prevent it.... His suffering was incomparably severe, and He knew of this well in advance since He was filled by My spirit, because I Myself had taken abode in Him. Consequently He knew everything, He knew about His mission as well as His crucifixion. His soul trembled and shook because He was a human being, and although the Divinity He had achieved due to His love certainly gave Him strength, it did not diminish the extent of suffering.... A human being walked to the cross Who wanted to suffer on behalf of His fellow human beings in order to help them. Because this human being knew about the immense suffering of those who were held captive in the abyss by My adversary.... Jesus knew that a sacrifice had to be made in order to purchase the souls from this opponent.... He knew that the immense guilt of sin had to be atoned to satisfy the Father's justice, Who could not admit any child burdened by guilt into the parental home.... He wanted to return My children to Me, He wanted to pay the purchase price for the souls.... And since the guilt was enormous, the sacrifice also had to be exceptionally momentous.... __And for this reason the man Jesus knowingly accepted the suffering, for this reason He allowed what was done to Him and what no other human being except Him could have endured.... He consciously walked the path to the cross and suffered indescribable torment which ultimately ended with the most painful death on the cross.... You humans are still unable to appreciate the magnitude of this act of compassion but you should always remember that He was completely innocent and suffered on behalf of you, who could never have returned to the Father from the abyss without His act of Salvation.... I Myself was within the human being Jesus, He was full of love because He could never have done this task without it. However, I had to remain silent during the most painful hours of His path of suffering because a human being had to suffer and die, since the Divinity within Him could not suffer, but according to divine justice the Divinity within Him could not redeem any guilt without atonement either.... One day you will be able to understand the full depth of what is still inconceivable to you, and then you, too, will be able to participate in this greatest act of mercy. Due to His human existence the man Jesus lived in your realm and His soul, having descended from the kingdom of light, suffered terribly because it had looked into the deepest darkness and was besieged by the forces of hell.... Thus the human being Jesus not only suffered physically but endured the most intense torments of soul which increased His suffering a thousand fold.... However, He brought you humans salvation from sin and death.... __Amen
Resurrection into life....
People shall arise from the dead into life.... They shall emerge from their graves and ascend to the light, they shall escape death and then become capable of being powerfully active, i.e., 'of living'.... I died on the cross for you humans and with My resurrection on the third day gave you the evidence that I had overcome death, that there need not be eternal death, that you therefore can also arise from the dead into eternal life if you live your earthly life like Me, if you live a life of love.... Then you will defeat the one who brought death into the world, then you will constantly draw God's strength of love to yourselves and no longer experience a state in which you lack strength and light, then the body can perish and the soul will step out of its shell into radiant light, it will arise from its grave and live forever.... I walked a bitter path of suffering on earth and was often afflicted by fear that I might fail, for I knew about My mission which made Me descend to earth as the spirit of an angel.... The human shell weighed heavily upon Me and often caused Me to doubt the power of My will and My strength.... The human shell made me fearful and disheartened, nor was I spared inner conflicts and suffering, even before I already suffered unspeakably as a result of these occasionally emerging fears that I might not be able to cope with My mission.... Yet My love for My fellow human beings grew and so did the strength. I knew that I had to struggle as a human being and had to be victorious were I to help people become free from the adversary's control since I, after all, expect them to take the same path so that they will be able to arise from the dead into life, but that they would never have been able to take the path of a God in their encumbering sinful nature.... __Therefore I was indeed without sin, i.e., My soul came from above, but My body was of the same substance as that of My fellow human beings and thus I also had to fight against all cravings, weaknesses and oppressing states for which there was only one antidote: love.... For this reason you humans can likewise emerge as victors from this earthly life, if you live a life of love like Me, for love is the strength which achieves everything, which cannot be resisted by anything.... And I demonstrated this strength to you by My resurrection on the third day.... My soul emerged from the tomb and took all spiritualised substances of the body along.... which is a process every soul goes through, only that this process, because it is purely spiritual, cannot be seen by people on earth.... this is why I Myself let this resurrection proceed visibly in order to provide you humans with the evidence of a resurrection into eternal life after death. Therefore no person needs to fear his body's death, for only the shell passes away but the essence continues to exist.... The soul escapes from the body and enters into eternal life, providing it takes the path of following Me, the path of love.... My resurrection on the third day was the crowning glory of My act of love and mercy on earth which was indeed tremendously difficult for Me as a human being, but the human part of Me had thereby achieved complete unity with the Divine.... which is everyone's goal in earthly life but which you would never have been able to achieve without My help. I exemplified the right kind of life for you and.... because you were too weak to implement it.... through My crucifixion acquired for you the blessings for strengthening your will, of which all of you can avail yourselves in order to reach your goal with certainty.... You need not fear death, for you will arise again just as I arose on the third day.... And you will be able to enter a life of glory, yet you must have the will.... otherwise the night of death can still keep you captive for a long time.... Your Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ, however, will lift you out of your graves as soon as you call upon Him.... __Amen
Descent into hell.... Lucifer's opposition....
It is true that I descended into hell after My death on the cross and that I also brought redemption to those who had not yet entered the gate to eternal bliss, because this gate first had to be opened by My death on the cross.... Countless souls had awaited the hour of their salvation and I appeared to them as the human being Jesus, and I described to them My suffering and death because they too had to voluntarily acknowledge Me as Son of God and Saviour of the world. But I was also accepted by those who had lived a good life on earth; I was not rejected by all, nevertheless, countless souls resisted Me and rejected the gift of grace, My Salvation.... My adversary's influence on these souls was so strong that they only saw Me as the human being who had revolted against earthly rulers and hence was sentenced to death.... The freedom of will had to be upheld for all these souls. Therefore I could not appear in power and glory.... I had to come amongst them just as I had walked amongst the people on earth.... as a human being Who only by means of the Word tried to convince them of His mission and the accomplished act of Salvation. __But My adversary did not want to let go of the souls, nevertheless, for the first time he realised the consequence of My act of Salvation.... he could not hold on to the souls who acknowledged Me, who voluntarily wanted to follow Me through the gate which had been opened by Me for them.... They were released from his power, they burst the chains with the strength they received from Me, because I Myself had loosened their chains.... Hence My adversary raged even more amongst his followers, and now the battle of light against darkness (the battle of darkness against light) began in earnest and has never ceased, and thus rages on earth and in the spiritual kingdom.... I had descended into hell to bring salvation to all those whose earthly life had ended before I came to earth.... to all those who, in spite of a right way of life, were still subject to My adversary who even fought against Me Myself and against whom I fought on earth for every soul he was keeping in chains.... And he lost a large proportion of his followers.... __I had died for all those souls and all could have liberated themselves from him. But his fury was never-ending when he saw himself deprived of his followers.... when he had to realise that I had gained a victory, but which was entirely achieved by love. He too could have submitted himself to love, yet his power, his ownership, was still too large and he resisted the strength of My love, and hence it could not take effect on him either. But the moment had come when he had to realise that his power was defeated.... He had to accept that he had found his master in the human being Jesus, Whose love had achieved the unification with Me.... And thus his hate grew ever stronger because the divine Saviour Jesus Christ had now become a serious opponent Who could take his followers away by virtue of His love. But My adversary still found a helpful solution in the fact that this depends on every being's free will and constantly tries to influence his victim's will, be it on earth or even in the spiritual kingdom. But I descended into hell after My death on the cross, and I continue to descend into hell to bring salvation to all those who want to liberate themselves from him, and he will not be able to stop Me, he will never be able to forcibly retain the souls who want to follow My call.... His power has been defeated by My death on the cross, but even this crucifixion could not break his resistance, his hatred and his will are unyielding, his actions are evil, and his essence is entirely without love.... __For this reason he lacks the strength to give life to the dead. His remaining strength will only ever be used for negative actions, and thus positive strength has to weaken his activity ever more.... love has to attract and draw to itself everything which is lifeless and then revive it again.... With My descent into hell the return of the once fallen beings to Me had started, the awakening of the dead into life had commenced, for love has proven that it is stronger than hate, love has made amends on the cross for the guilt which had resulted in the death of the beings. And thus life has been bought for them, he who had put the beings into the state of death had been defeated.... __Amen
Union of the spiritual spark with the Father-Spirit.... J...
Once the spirit awakens to life in the human being the connection with Me will be established, for the spirit within a person is a spark of My divine Father-Spirit, it is a part of Me and thus the same as I Myself, so then you will also be able to rightfully say `God is within me....' For the spirit within you only awakens to life when you practise love, and then I, as the Eternal Love, can be within you Myself. However, although you all carry this divine spark inside of you it can nevertheless be buried due to your own will, due to your way of life, and remain so until your death.... In that case you went through life `without God`.... because you lived without love and thereby made every contact with Me impossible.... Even so, you have lived your earthly life and thus left a great blessing unused; you failed to live up to the purpose of your incarnation as a human being: You did not unite with Me but remained in the isolation you once entered as a result of your apostasy from Me. In order to facilitate the unity I helped you with a great act of grace: First I placed a tiny spark of My divine spirit inside of you and then constantly stimulated you to kindle this tiny spark by placing you into situations through destiny where you, with good will, would be able to accomplish labours of love.... It often was and is possible for you humans to let the spark of love within you ignite into a flame. You truly don't lack opportunities but it is an act of free will, and thus you can also neglect being lovingly active and the spirit within you remains dormant and cannot express itself, thus you have not established a connection with Me and are dead although you believe yourself to be alive.... And your earthly life is at a standstill, because a life `without God' can never lead to advancement but attests to the connection with My adversary. __Thus I Myself cannot be within you because through your heartless nature you yourselves deny Me entry. This state amongst people can be observed far more than people's heartfelt unity with Me by living a life of love and allowing themselves to be guided by My spirit.... And this state can always be recognised when people no longer have faith in Jesus Christ Who, through His death on the cross, intended to help them strengthen their weak will of releasing themselves from My adversary. The divine teaching of love which the man Jesus preached on earth was meant to show people the path of uniting the spiritual spark within them with the eternal Father-Spirit. This is why Jesus exemplified a life of love to His fellow human beings and also demonstrated the effects of such a way of life: the complete unification with Me, which showed itself in His Words and activity on earth.... What was impossible to achieve before Jesus' sacrificial death, due to people's weakness of will who were still burdened by the original sin, was possible for people to achieve after his crucifixion, because they were granted the strength if they acknowledged Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world and laid claim to His help. And then it also became possible for them to establish unity with Me by awakening the spiritual spark within them through activity of love and thus enabling Me Myself to take effect in them. However, without Jesus Christ no person's spirit can be awakened, for I Myself cannot be in someone who rejects Me, who does not believe that I redeemed him from sin and death.... Although My tiny spiritual sparks lays dormant in every person's soul only love will awaken it to life, love, however, recognises Jesus Christ, it recognises Me in Him and unites itself with Me.... or in other words: Love is the divine spark which wants to unite itself with the fire of eternal love.... Then, however, you will be alive even if you lose your mortal life.... You have already been resurrected from death as soon as the spirit within you comes alive, and thus you cannot lose this life again because you have returned to Me and with Me death can never ever happen again.... __Amen
`No one comes to the Father....'
No one comes to the Father except through Me.... The extreme importance of these words also explains the necessity of leading to the faith in Jesus Christ those people who are not yet believers, or to advocate a living faith where the knowledge of Jesus Christ is already present. For no one can come to Me who does not recognise Me Myself in Jesus Christ.... Because there are people who indeed say that they believe in `God', since He gives evidence of Himself in everything which surrounds the human being, but who do not want to accept Jesus Christ as Son of God and Saviour of the world although they do not consider themselves unbelievers. But these people are still very distant from their God and Creator, they have not yet come into closer contact with Me and hence their thoughts cannot become enlightened. __They are still burdened with the sin of the former apostasy from Me, and this sin ties them to My adversary, they will not get away from him without Jesus Christ. But not many people know about this sin of the past apostasy from Me, consequently they are not aware of the significance of Jesus and His act of Salvation either. Providing people know the teachings of the Gospel, providing they know the words spoken by Jesus on earth, they could also reflect on the words `No one comes to the Father except through Me....' And if only they would seriously want more information about this, they would certainly receive it, and the thought of these words would certainly never leave them again.... __The only way to Me is through Jesus Christ, since the redemption of the guilt of sin has to come first in order to be accepted by Me.... No being who had voluntarily become sinful can approach Me before salvation through Jesus Christ. This is a law which even My infinite love cannot reverse. And no human being will really feel completely confident in his heart about God either, Whom he may well acknowledge with words or superficial thoughts, because on serious reflection he would know that he does not have the right relationship with his eternal God and Creator.... __He will never confide in Me like a child to his father, he will only believe that God exists but not establish a close connection with Me, which requires love.... Because love also enlightens his spirit, love would improve his spiritual vision.... Love would make him question but not make an erroneous statement. Every person will feel slightly uneasy when he contemplates spiritual thoughts and has not yet made contact with Jesus Christ.... The course of suffering and crucifixion will not remain unknown to him, time and again he will enter into conversations with other people or be reminded by them of Jesus Christ because I constantly guide his thought to the human being Jesus, Who lived on earth and experienced a painful end.... Even if he does not yet acknowledge Him he does know of Jesus' earthly life, and I Myself will remind him of Me in Jesus Christ. __And corresponding to the human being's degree of love will be his acceptance or rejection.... Wherever there is love I take hold of the person Myself, and his resistance will steadily lessen, until he finally will see the human being Jesus in an entirely different light than at the beginning, when He was still defensively opposed to Him. However, if he does not want to learn, if his will is still hostile at the hour of his death, he cannot expect blissfulness in the spiritual kingdom, in spite of a right way of life he can only be accepted into the realm where all deniers of Christ dwell, because he refused to be redeemed on earth, and he enters the spiritual kingdom in a constrained state.... But even there he can still find his divine Saviour and Redeemer.... __And again, it is a great mercy on My part that I will meet all those in the spiritual kingdom who so far had rejected Me, that I will hear every appeal sent to Me as the Redeemer, and that I will then take hold of the caller's hand and lead him from that realm into My divine region.... Because I still retrieve the souls from the abyss providing I Am acknowledged.... providing a soul has found the way to Jesus Christ, Whom it had rejected on earth but without Whom it cannot reach its goal. The kingdom of light is closed to every soul as long as Jesus Christ does not open the gate for it, but this necessitates that He is acknowledged as Son of God and Redeemer of the world. For this reason the human being Jesus said the words `No one comes to the Father except through Me.' __Because I Myself spoke through the human being Jesus, I Myself wanted to be acknowledged in Him, Who merely served as a cover for Me during the earthly life.... but which I kept even in the spiritual kingdom so that I could be a visible God to all My living creations, since I was an eternal spirit after all.... and as such could not be seen by the created beings. I chose a form for Myself in order to become a visible God for you humans, and in this form I accomplished the act of Salvation. Consequently, you also have to acknowledge the form in which I had dwelled, and then you have already taken the right path to Me, your Father of eternity.... However, without Jesus Christ you will not ever be able to come to Me, because without Jesus Christ My adversary will not release you, since you still belong to him as a result of your will.... __Amen
Redeeming work in the beyond....
And you will be able to participate in the work of salvation, for this will be your activity in the kingdom of the beyond when you are sufficiently mature enough to be assigned an activity. You will bring light into the darkness, because you have experienced yourselves how agonising it is to live in darkness and how much happiness the light has given you. No redeemed soul will be inactive, and therefore every soul will be integrated into the host of those who carry out redemption work.... For they all are motivated by their love to help those who are wretched in returning to God, for Whom they are now tirelessly active and work because they share His will and are full of love for Him. And thus the deliverance of all souls is guaranteed, even if infinitely long times will still pass by until all spirits have found their way back to God, from Whom they once separated of their own free will. But this free decision will also determine how long the salvation process will take for each individual soul.... The soul is also able to offer resistance and delay its return to God for an endless time, but already redeemed souls will always take care of them, therefore no human being on earth and no soul in the kingdom of the beyond will be completely without help, which also explains the fact that time and again they will be offered the opportunity to enter the path of return to God, because it will be shown to them. __If, however, a human being adamantly rejects every incentive to enter the spiritual path during his earthly life, then small openings of light will repeatedly be provided to the souls in the beyond which will make the path visible to them, because the soul of light takes pity on the souls which wander around in profound darkness.... And thus begins the redeemed beings' activity of helping these poor souls achieve salvation too. Hence no soul is without a sphere of activity, just as no dark soul is without guidance, only the free will of the latter determines the success. But once the work of redemption has been successfully achieved on just one soul, then another redeeming power will have been gained again to help the dark world, which in turn can and will accomplish inconceivable work, since it is now full of love and, due to its gratitude, willing to render the greatest possible help. And every soul has its adherents with whom it will work particularly diligently, even if it will meet with resistance for a long time.... But its love will not diminish, and love will always liberate, because no being will be able to resist love forever. __Indeed, it would be possible for complete salvation to take place on earth already, because Jesus Christ has suffered and died on the cross so that people are able to receive strength, that they are able to partake in the graces of the act of Salvation if they want to.... But Jesus Christ has not compelled people's will either, and it is up to the will to either make use of the act of Salvation or to ignore it.... But whatever was neglected on earth can be continued in the beyond, because redemption work is carried out there as well, and even then an appeal for His grace and mercy can still be sent to Jesus Christ.... And every soul having found Him itself, having been redeemed by Him from sin and death, will also draw attention to Him, it will inform every unredeemed soul of His love, it will direct their thoughts to the great act of compassion by the human being Jesus and thus try to lead every as yet unredeemed soul to the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... And its steadily growing love will also be successful, for love will achieve everything, and love can't help but participate in the act of Salvation, which began with Jesus' crucifixion and will not end until all still unredeemed souls are delivered from every constraint and thus have also attained life and beatitude, until the complete return to God has been accomplished, until all spirits that have emerged from God have returned home into their Father's house.... __Amen
The strength of Jesus' name....
When you speak My name with deep devotion you accrue an abundance of spiritual strength for yourselves, for you thereby proclaim your faith in Me, your reverence and love, which you bestow upon your divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, and this faith can be rewarded by Me with a flow of strength which you all urgently require. And if you then come together in My name you will all be permeated by strength and your soul will feel My presence, for then I will dwell within your midst because your devout thoughts allow Me to be present with you.... And you will find yourselves in a developmental stage which guarantees deliverance as soon as you confess Me in Jesus Christ.... Ever since My crucifixion your salvation is therefore dependent on whether you acknowledge My act of Salvation by the man Jesus, whether you believe that your God and Creator descended to earth in order to accomplish the act of Salvation in the human being Jesus on your behalf.... Hence you have to confirm this belief of yours, and you do so by devoutly uttering My name, by acknowledging your God and Father in Jesus Christ and thus expressing it by mentioning My name. I will always hear and grant the call you send to Me in Jesus Christ and it will allow Me to be present with you. __And every meeting in My name will be blessed by Me.... I want to guide your thoughts and enlighten your spirit; I want to speak to you Myself and I Am indeed able to do so because I can be amongst you, because you believe in Me. And therefore you should frequently get together, and where two or three are gathered together in My name, there Am I in the midst of them.... I can therefore at any time partake in your conversations, in your thoughts, I can impart to you everything you need at that time; I can enlighten you where doubts remain, and I can advise and help you, for you all are in need of My advice and My help, you all still resemble weak little children who must be led by the hand towards the right goal. But as soon as you just speak My name with a faithful heart you will enable such guidance. And this is why people won't be able to claim `Here is Christ.... there is Christ....' for I cannot be searched for in any locality, I Am only present where a believing human heart allows Me to be present through kind-hearted activity and where, in small circles, My name is devoutly uttered in living faith of My act of Salvation.... __For only faith that has come alive through love recognises and professes Me as the Redeemer Jesus Christ and allows for My presence. And thus I can indeed be proclaimed everywhere yet I can only take abode in a few human hearts, precisely because My name is only voiced by a few people with the absolute conviction that I brought them salvation through My death on the cross, and because only for a few people My name has the strength to penetrate their soul and truly bring it to life.... And these will noticeably feel My blessing, they will feel very intimately united with Me and thus associate with Me like a child with its Father, they will be conscious of My presence and harmony and inner peace will be their share, because.... where I Am.... there is peace and bliss. __Amen
Resurrection of the dead into life....
Humanity was held in bondage.... and it would never have been released had I not sacrificed Myself to redeem the souls from the one who held them captive. My overwhelming love motivated Me to make this sacrifice, to pay the purchase price which gave me the right to seize the souls from My adversary, providing they themselves wanted to leave him and follow Me. But the sacrifice I made by My crucifixion was intended for all once fallen spirits, it applied to all people past, present and future. It was made for the spiritual essence which has taken, and has yet to take, the path across earth as a human being. __I bought freedom and paid with My blood for every entity that once was pulled into the abyss by My adversary and is kept there in bondage, and no being needs to stay in the abyss any longer against its own will. But it has to yearn to leave the abyss, it has to want to ascend, it has to want to return to Me from Whom it once turned away voluntarily. Hence its former rejection of Me was the cause of its death, because the abyss amounted to complete lack of light and strength for the beings, the state of death.... So that it should rise from death into life, so that the being could rise from its grave and step into new life again, I purchased a life for the dead with My death, and no being need be subject to death forever, every being is able to rise from the dead just as I Myself came back to life on the third day.... __But My adversary will want to prevent the beings from escaping his domain and therefore they have to be helped, since they are unable to rise by themselves and My adversary keeps the grave, which engulfs the beings of darkness, tightly locked. But one cry to Me will penetrate even the most impenetrable tombs, one cry to Me in Jesus Christ and I Myself will hasten to help the weak and tormented soul, and My adversary truly cannot stand firm against Me Myself, he has to leave because I paid the ransom and thus he has no further claim on the soul who wants to leave the grave of darkness, the grave of sin and destruction.... __Do you now understand the significance of My act of Salvation, of My sacrifice on the cross, which was achieved for the release of the once fallen beings? Do you understand why only your own will can lead to this salvation, why you yourselves have to want to leave the grave before I can roll away the gravestone? __My adversary lays claim to you as long as you grant him this right, as long as you don't resist the restraint he had put on you, as long as you don't call for the only One Who can remove this restraint. You only need your will and you will be free.... because you will receive the strength to free yourselves as soon as you acknowledge Me in Jesus Christ, as soon as you desire to be redeemed by Him and request His help. But then My adversary cannot hold on to you any longer, he has to release you, then he has to accept that I roll away the gravestone and help you to rise, for I acquired the right to do so through My death on the cross.... I paid the ransom on your behalf, and therefore it is not irrelevant whether or not you humans on earth acknowledge the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... because you are wretched as long as you stay in the grave.... And thus the day of resurrection will sooner or later come for every soul, just as I was resurrected on the third day, and you will live and eternally not lose your life again.... __Amen
Jesus Christ opens the gate to eternal life....
The gate into a life of light and glory is open to all of you who have found Jesus Christ; however, it remains closed to those who are still distant from Him and His act of Salvation. Therefore you all should seriously ask yourselves whether you have already taken the path to Him, to the cross; for His path on earth ended with His death on the cross, hence you will have to seek and find Him there, and that is where you must go if you want to participate in His act of Salvation. The goal of His life on earth was the cross, because the crucifixion was intended to bring redemption to you humans. __Thus you will find the divine Redeemer under the cross, which means that you will carry your guilt of sin, for which the human being Jesus died on the cross, to Him under the cross, that you will thereby prove your belief in His divine mission and so also reveal your will to be released from the guilt which separates you from Me, your God and Father of eternity.... In that case you acknowledge Me Myself Who accomplished the act of Salvation in the human being Jesus.... Your path must lead to the cross of Golgotha if you want to reach the gate into eternal life, for no other path leads to this gate. All of you should seriously question your attitude towards Jesus Christ.... However, with the exception of a few, you fail to do so, even if His Gospel is repeatedly proclaimed to you, even if His teaching of love is time and again presented to you and you continue to hear His name mentioned as that of the divine Redeemer.... You keep your ears closed and all Words bypass you like empty talk. You are barely touched by what you hear about Jesus Christ and His labour of love, it does not enter your hearts, it has not yet come alive in you and you have not yet spent any serious thought on what you have received so far. One day you will have to stop short at the gate to eternity, you will not find admittance, for you had not found salvation as yet because you did not take the path to the cross, His blood was unable to cleanse you and therefore you will arrive at the gate to eternity burdened by guilt. It is not enough to merely voice Jesus' name with your mouth in order to be released from your guilt.... You must approach Him yourselves, you must hand yourselves over to Him with childlike trust and in awareness of your fault and sincerely appeal to Him that He should accept you, that He might also have shed His blood for you, and you must faithfully wait for His forgiveness.... And the weight of your guilt will fall away, clearing the path to the light and opening for you the gate into eternal beatitude.... Jesus Christ Himself will escort you into His kingdom, but without Him you will never be able to go through this gate. If only you would believe that His name is everything, that calling upon His name with profound faith will lift you out of all the adversity which is the result of the sin which still weighs you down.... This is why I descended to earth in the human being Jesus, in order to relieve you of the immense burden of sin and I died on the cross in order to redeem the great guilt which makes all of you sigh while you live on earth.... I died on your behalf.... but you must want to belong to those for Whom I have died.... Hence you must also take the path to the cross, you must make contact with Jesus Christ Who concluded His life on earth on the cross.... Then He will walk with you and guide you into His kingdom which He promised to all those who believe in Him.... __Amen
Jesus' spiritual mission....
When you have recognised Jesus' exalted spiritual mission then you will also understand why the divine Saviour must constantly be mentioned, because an ascent into the light is only possible when the human being has been released from his original sin. People are not aware of this original sin, consequently they do not know the meaning of the act of Salvation either.... They cannot find the connection between the crucifixion of the human being Jesus, in Whom they might perhaps believe, and the beatification of people.... And many people reject Him because they were merely told of this act of Salvation but it was not truthfully explained to them. And yet, such an explanation can only be given to those who sincerely want clarification, and there will only ever be few people who want this. Because even the most lucid explanations would be incomprehensible to people who do not glance into the spiritual kingdom, who only acknowledge the physical world and anything that can be seen and proven to them. But the mission of the human being Jesus was not an entirely earthly issue, although it took place in full view of people.... __It had a profound spiritual reason and as long as people are not aware of this they cannot face the divine Saviour Jesus Christ as guilty brothers who burden Him with their guilt, who ask Him for redemption. And yet this request has to precede their salvation, consequently they have to know about their guilt of sin, about the immense offence against God which had led them into sin and which could not be redeemed except through the great sacrifice of compensation by the human being Jesus. Hence, as long as people do not feel that they are sinful they will not take the path to Him, to the cross, with their guilt. And until then they will not acknowledge the divine Saviour Jesus Christ either. Only the knowledge of their original beginning, of their former nature, and of their resistance to God, can give them the understanding for the achievement of Salvation by Jesus, Who had lived in such a way as a human being that He could receive God Himself within Him. Thus the act of Salvation was accomplished by the Eternal Love, Who wanted to liberate Its living creations from the constraints of Its opponent. __This description will make Jesus' mission more plausible to people than merely talking of the sins they have committed during their lifetime and which often appear too small to justify such an achievement of Salvation in order to redeem these sins. Of course every sin is an offence against love, thus an offence against God.... but the original sin of the former apostasy from God was so immense that the beings themselves could not have redeemed it in eternity. It is not possible for you humans to understand this.... But a huge sin like that also necessitates a huge expiation, which was indeed achieved by a `human being' but only because this human being incorporated God within Himself, thus the strength of God had enabled Him to do so, but this strength was only `love'.... God's fundamental substance.... __As originally created beings people had once rejected God's strength of love and thus were entirely without strength.... __However, the human being Jesus consciously accepted God's strength of love and used it to accomplish an act of mercy for His fallen brothers.... to make amends for their guilt. Nor do people know that their existence as a human being on this earth is the result of this original sin and that they will indeed return to their original state again one day, but not without acknowledging the One, Whose immense love had redeemed them. Because their apostasy from God was a deliberate `turning away from Him' which necessitates a deliberate `turning towards Him again' in order to establish their original relationship with God once more. It is a tremendous blessing that this knowledge is given to people, which everyone should make use of simply by considering it and by accepting as truth what has been imparted to him. Then he need only turn to the `human being Jesus' and speak to Him in thought.... And He will reply to him as `God', He will help him to recognise his guilt correctly and take it from Him, if he admits to it and requests His help.... __And every single human being can become aware of the fact that he must have done something wrong at some time, if only he considers that he is an imperfect, weak and ignorant being and seeks to discover its cause. For no such inner question remains unanswered, it merely has to be asked, but most people refrain from doing so, yet callously spurn any mention of the divine Saviour as well as His great spiritual mission when they are made aware of it. But time and again God will proclaim the divine Saviour Jesus Christ to humanity, and all His servants working for Him on earth will constantly preach His name and His Gospel with ever growing enthusiasm, so that all will be released from their guilt who listen and enter into sincere contact with Jesus Christ, in Whom God Himself had become human in order to redeem what is constrained by His adversary.... __Amen
Salvation only through Jesus Christ....
You would never be free without Jesus Christ's act of Salvation.... These words have to be said to you time and again, and you must know that you are not free, that My adversary is still holding you in bondage. Being human you are not fully aware of his bondage because you don't know any other existence, because an existence in freedom, light and strength is completely alien to you. But such an existence was yours in the beginning, you once had been free and were able to work in light and strength, and you were in a state of unlimited bliss. However, as a human being you cannot remember this state and may or may not believe it when you are informed of it. If you do not believe it, you do not try to escape from this lack of freedom either, because it is necessary to believe in the divine Saviour Jesus Christ so that you can call on His help. Yet all human beings should desire this state of freedom in light and strength, because everyone can surely see that he is not happy in his earthly existence as a human being, that he lacks the strength to accomplish whatever he wants, and that he is also lacking enlightenment, supreme wisdom, and limitless knowledge.... __The human being is an imperfect living being as long as he is separated on earth from his divine Father-Spirit. This separation was once caused by the being itself through its attachment to My adversary, who was the first to separate himself from Me with rebellious intent. And now My adversary keeps the being in captivity, it cannot free itself anymore. The being has to be helped because by itself it is too weak to separate itself from him. And this help solely rests in Jesus Christ....If you humans want to become free, which you are able to achieve in earthly life, then you have to call on Jesus Christ for help. You have to acknowledge Him as the victor over the adversary, you have to acknowledge Him as the earthly vessel which was used by Me in order to fight against My adversary. This was only possible in an earthly robe, in the form of a human being, Who was as weak as you and who required divine strength to enable His victory over the opponent. And this strength was love.... My fundamental substance.... hence the act of Salvation was accomplished by love, by Myself.... __And just as the human being had received the strength from Me, Who had permeated Him, you too have to ask Me for the gift of strength, which the man Jesus had acquired for you through His crucifixion. You can only attain this strength through Jesus Christ, with other words, you have to ask Me in Jesus to give you the strength again which you had rejected in the past. But you cannot receive this gift without acknowledging the act of Salvation, because only in doing so can you find forgiveness for the past appalling sin of apostasy from Me. For the sacrifice on the cross was the redemption of this immense guilt.... This is not difficult to understand for anyone of good will, but the unwilling person cannot grasp and understand the correlations.... And yet he should not be entirely dismissive of this problem, instead he should humbly confess his lack of knowledge and his inability to understand it correctly.... He should want to receive truthful clarification and understanding.... he should take the constant reminders to heart that no one can become blessed without Jesus Christ. And he should wholeheartedly desire to be freed from his constrained state while he is still on earth. For every human being becomes aware of the fact that he is not free, no human being feels absolutely happy on earth and every human being is subject to states of weakness.... because every person is burdened with the original sin which can only be redeemed by the divine Saviour Jesus Christ.... __Amen
Redeeming strength of Jesus' name....
You humans should seek salvation in My name.... you should know that you cannot find salvation anywhere else but with Me, that you definitely have to acknowledge Me Myself in Jesus Christ, that you thus have to believe in the divine Saviour and His act of mercy. In the human being Jesus I came to earth Myself, through His mouth I Myself instructed the people, My strength manifested itself within Him, through Him I performed miracles, I raised the dead to life, I healed the sick and helped people in times of earthly hardship.... in Him I Myself died on the cross, because the human being Jesus had received Me within Himself in all fullness, because He had shaped Himself into love and thus became a suitable vessel for Me in which I could achieve the act of Salvation in order to make amends for the whole of humanity's guilt of sin. Hence the name of Jesus is the name of your God and eternal Father, hence you have to gather in My name and let Me Myself dwell amongst you if you want to achieve bliss, which once had made you unspeakably happy.... but which you still lack as long as you live on earth. It is therefore not enough just to believe in `God', because such faith is indeed the acknowledgment of a Creator Who brought everything into existence, including yourselves; however, this faith does not lead you back to Him, but you now have to acknowledge the Saviour too, Who first had made it possible for you to walk the path to your God and Father. And only in this way can you come to your Father. __Thus you have to believe in Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, only then will you have the right faith, and only then will your faith lead you to Salvation, i.e. your soul can only then be returned to its former state, because it needs the help of Jesus Christ for this and without help it cannot ever reach the goal.... Consequently you have to look for salvation in My name.... And now you will also understand why it is necessary to tell people about Jesus Christ, that it is not enough to want to explore or prove the existence of God, because this belief can be gained by every human being looking around himself with open eyes and contemplating the creation and its origin.... But the main fact is the redeeming strength of Jesus' name.... You humans first have no know the significance of the act of Salvation so that you then can step under the cross of Jesus and call upon the name of Jesus as the name of your God and Father for the salvation of your souls. __Because Jesus' arrival was the dawn of a new era, the time had come when, due to His crucifixion, the gate to the kingdom of light was opened and the first fully redeemed souls could return to the Father.... Because many souls stood before the gate to blissfulness who first had to be freed from their guilt of the original sin in order to dwell once again as blessed spiritual beings where they had originated from. And this final return into the Father's house has been made possibly by the divine Saviour Jesus Christ, Who therefore also has to be acknowledge by every human being who wants to regain his original state. Jesus Christ Himself is the gate into the kingdom of heaven.... and His name is declared throughout the spheres of light, for I Myself Am within Him, He and I are one.... And anyone who utters the name of Jesus with profound devotion speaks to Me directly, and I shall truly bring salvation to him.... And therefore you will not make a wrong request when you say the name of Jesus with complete faith and thus submit your request to Me Myself.... Because when you believe in Him and His act of Salvation you have also become redeemed from your encumbering original sin, and then My love will prove itself to you again, and your childlike call upon My name will also ensure that I will hear you and grant your request. __I Am always and forever your God and Creator.... but I could only become your Father through the act of Salvation, because only then could you receive the strength to change of your own free will into perfect beings, only then could you turn from `living creations' into My `children', if you use the free will to return to Me.... and only with My death on the cross could this free will be strengthened. Therefore your salvation solely rests in My name.... Therefore you are only on the path of return to Me when you have taken the path to Jesus Christ, because only this path leads to Me, back into the Father's house.... __Amen
Jesus' resurrection took the sting out of death
Every person's final hour is preordained.... And yet he need not fear it because it is not his actual end, instead, he will arise again.... because his soul will merely discard its earthly shell, which was only a shackle for it in earthly life, and enter the kingdom of the beyond unburdened, providing that its way of life on earth corresponded to My will.... that his soul therefore attained a specific degree of maturity on earth. Thus, there is no end, even though there is death, i.e. a dead state of the soul, the soul will not have perished. This is the reason why I died on the cross and arose on the third day again, so that the human being, that is, his soul, can also experience the resurrection, so that it can arise from the grave and enter the kingdom again, which is its true home. The fact that the soul will not cease to exist is an irrevocable law because.... everything that came forth from Me.... is and will remain imperishable. And the soul is the spiritual being which originated from Me, thus it continues to exist even though the body will die, but the fact that it can arise after its physical death in light and radiance only became possible after My crucifixion and My resurrection, because before this it was still burdened by the original sin of its past apostasy from Me.... There was still darkness, the dark of the grave, which the soul was unable to escape.... the tombstone had not yet been removed by Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer.... in other words: the atonement for these souls had not been rendered as yet and without atonement the guilt of sin could not be redeemed.... Consequently, there was also darkness in people's souls, they lacked all faith in a resurrection after death, they were engulfed by the bleak night of the grave and death had become a fearful event.... And I rose on the third day from the dead to provide people with the evidence that the body's death is not the end, that the soul will rise again and merely leave the body behind, which is not so spiritualised as yet that it can take it along into the spiritual kingdom as I was indeed able to do because body and soul were clothed in a spiritual garment and the body no longer needed to go through a further maturing process on this earth.... __Through My resurrection I wanted to take people's fear of death away, I wanted to prove to them that the soul merely changes location when it discards the earthly body, when the inevitable hour of death strikes. For this reason I have risen from the dead, for I conquered death, i.e. the one who had brought death into the world. And so no person needs to be afraid of the hour of death, for it is only the entrance into the actual life which is everlasting.... Death has lost its sting.... Nevertheless it is necessary that the human being acknowledges My act of Salvation and accepts the blessings I acquired for you through My suffering and dying on the cross.... that he allows himself to be redeemed by Jesus Christ, that therefore his original sin will have been atoned first so that Jesus Christ can subsequently push the tombstone away for the soul to rise from the grave's darkness into bright light, that it thus will enter eternal life.... Anyone who fears the hour of death is still subject to this immense guilt, he has not found salvation through Jesus Christ as yet, he has not released himself from the darkness enshrouding him, he still lays in the grave of his sin, even though his body still lives on earth.... For he will lose all fear of physical death when he has placed himself into My arms, when he sincerely appeals to Me to take care of him at the hour of his death.... For he will blissfully fall asleep in peace with his God and Father, he will leave only his body behind on this earth while the soul will arise, it will ascend to the light, it will not feel the darkness of the grave surrounding it, for Jesus Christ Himself will take its hand and lead it out of its physical shell, He will guide it through the gate of life. And it will know that it, too, has risen from the dead, that it will now live in eternity.... The fact that the human being Jesus rose from the dead is certainly true, and those who believe in Him as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, as My Emissary in Whom I embodied Myself on earth, will not be afraid of their own hour of death, for Jesus Christ gave them the promise that He will go to prepare a place for those who believe in Him.... Thus they will also be raised to eternal life and He Himself will fetch them as He has promised.... __Amen
Original sin and significance of the act of Salvation....
And thus you will be constantly reminded that I died for you on the cross.... I will always remind you humans on earth and all souls in the beyond who are still unredeemed, or I will bring the knowledge to you if you are not yet aware of it, because you should not be without knowledge if ever you want to achieve beatitude. Of what use is it to humanity to know about `Jesus the man', Who ended His earthly life by being crucified, if you do not know about the spiritual significance of His crucifixion, about the mission the human being Jesus had accomplished for the sake of humanity's sins? Even if you are told `He redeemed humanity from sin....' you will not be able to find any connection, and thus they remain mere words whose meaning you do not understand. As long as you do not know the reason for your human existence on this earth you will not be able to understand why humanity is called sinful, either.... albeit none of you are without sin. But Jesus Christ's act of Salvation only becomes significant when you know of the original sin, which is the cause of your earthly existence per se.... The magnitude of this sin cannot be compared to the sinfulness of human beings, even if the latter is only the consequence of the former. But all sins a person commits on earth could eventually be compensated by him on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond, no matter how much time it might take to do so.... __However, it is not possible for you humans to make amends for the original sin, neither during your earthly existence nor in the kingdom of the beyond, because this original sin did not consist of an offence by an already imperfect being. It was committed by superlatively perfect beings who suffered no lack of enlightenment, who merely allowed themselves to be controlled by the sensation that they could surpass Me.... who became arrogant, due to their abundance of light and strength.... A being cannot make amends for this sin because its magnitude is beyond measure and eternity would not suffice to be released from this guilt.... Due to this sin the beings fell into the deepest abyss, i.e. they lost light and strength and changed into the opposite, so to speak: they lost all divine qualities and, instead, accepted all evil qualities and instincts, they became My opponents.... until their spiritual substance hardened completely and they lost awareness of themselves.... And now I banished this hardened spiritual substance into the form, i.e. I dissolved it into countless spiritual particles and placed these into countless works of creation, which My love, power and wisdom had created purely for the purpose of guiding this fallen spiritual substance back to Me again, since it had been destined to become blissfully happy and can only find bliss with Me. Although this passing through the creation is also an act of atonement of this immense guilt, it takes place in a compulsory state, in a constrained will, and can therefore not be considered as compensation for this guilt.... __Hence the being eventually has to get into a position once again where it has the desire to liberate itself from its guilt voluntarily, when it can be given sufficient knowledge that it had offended and that there is nevertheless a way to be liberated from this tremendous guilt.... It needs to know that this is the path to the cross, that liberation from the original sin is only possible by acknowledging the Divine Saviour and His act of Salvation and that this has to be done during earthly life in order to be readmitted after the death of the body in the kingdom of light, which is the true home of every person on earth. But even in the beyond My merciful love still cares for the souls who languish in the abyss. They are informed of My act of Salvation even in the beyond and there, too, they can follow the path to Me in Jesus Christ. However, they are no longer able to achieve the elevated degree of perfection, which they could have achieved on earth by acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God and Saviour the world, in Whom I had embodied Myself in order to receive the recognition they had previously denied Me. You humans have to know about the great significance of the act of Salvation, you should not merely mention the name of Jesus as the name of a human being, Who had once lived on earth with exalted ethical aims.... He lived on earth for the purpose of an important mission and you should try to understand this as long as you are still confounded by it, because it depends on your understanding and good will whether your earthly progress will be successful, whether the kingdom, which is your true home, will admit you again.... __Amen
The disciple's enlightenment only happened after Jesus' c...
I still have much to say to you but you cannot comprehend it.... How often did I speak these Words to My disciples who were certainly always around Me yet were often unable to understand who was talking to them and the relationship they had with the One Who spoke to them.... However, they were not yet enlightened by My spirit.... They were only able to receive My spirit after I had offered the sacrifice on the cross for the whole of humanity. Prior to this it would have been completely pointless to initiate My disciples into the most profound wisdom, even though I had done the work of preparing them before. For their work solely consisted of going out into the world to proclaim the Gospel of love to people and to inform them of Me and My act of Salvation, because it was of greatest importance for all people to regard Me as their Saviour from sin and death, the Only One who was able to set them free from the night of death. That which My disciples needed to know for this teaching ministry was revealed to them through My spirit, and thus they were able to fulfil this teaching ministry correctly, they were able to provide people with clarification if they requested it and occasionally were also able to see clearly into the spiritual kingdom.... Through their contact with Me and the kingdom of light they were instructed from this realm as well and so they themselves were brightly enlightened.... They recognised Me as their God and Creator of eternity, as their Father Who had descended to His children in order to help them in their immense spiritual adversity. But they only gained this absolute realisation after the outpouring of the spirit, after My ascent to Heaven.... As long as I still lived amongst them they regarded Me as a human being, although the Deity within Me constantly expressed Itself, both verbally as well as through the actions of the man Jesus. It had to be this way, they had to be able to observe My life on earth until My death with complete impartiality, for they, too, were free beings whose thinking, will and actions were not allowed to be determined by any kind of spiritual coercion.... Consequently, not everything could be revealed to them before the outpouring of the spirit, because it would have destroyed them, that is, they would have been unable to deal with it mentally and neither would they have been able to become suitable messengers for My teaching of love, who were to go as My Own among people and were likewise not permitted to provide them with compelling evidence of faith. I knew My disciples, I knew their state of maturity and always gave them what they were capable of understanding.... but the realisation came to them in a flash when My spirit poured out over these disciples. Every person will be taught in this way if I Myself can ignite the light in him, and only then will more profound wisdom, of which he previously had no understanding, be made accessible to him. Nevertheless, you, My disciples of the last days, shall spread the knowledge you receive across the world again, for it can contribute to a person's desire for My spirit.... But only then will the knowledge he previously accepted with his intellect make him happy, but first it has to enter his heart in order to come alive then the light of realisation is ignited in him.... And therefore you should always proclaim My teaching of love first, for only love enables Me to pour out My spirit, love alone kindles the light, for Love Itself is the light of eternity, and anyone who lives in this light has truly escaped the darkness, all secrets reveal themselves to him, for I manifest Myself and he will be blissfully happy.... __Amen
Unusual phenomena.... (UFO's)
Anyone who mentally ventures beyond earthly spheres will also be influenced by forces of the beyond, for he is constantly surrounded by such forces. But this influence is of a spiritual nature, because contact between this world and the world of the beyond gets established through the human being's will. However, you humans must differentiate between establishing contact with Me through prayer.... and contact with the spiritual world due to your will to gain knowledge from these spiritual powers, thus opening yourselves up to the influence of this spiritual world. No such established contact will remain unused, irrespective of whether I Myself or spiritual forces react to it, because the initiated connections from earth to the spiritual world are extremely important for the development of the human being's soul. For the effectively spiritually blind human being shall acquire spiritual vision, and his spiritual eyes can only be opened through an inflow of light which either flows to the human being from Me directly or also through the spiritual beings of light. Hence, any link from earth to the spiritual world is welcomed by the beings of light, who are aware of peoples' state of darkness on earth and would very gladly like to give them light in accordance with My will.... However, they are governed by My will to give what is beneficial for people. And My will also stops them where too bright a light might damage a person by dazzling his eyes and rendering him incapable of perception. __My adversary, however, uses deceptive lights precisely because he wants to impair people's vision, because he wants people's eyes become entirely incapable of recognising the soft light coming from Me, which has a beneficial effect and brightly and clearly shows the right path to Me. Therefore he endeavours to let as many deceptive lights shine as possible in order to confuse people.... He endeavours to lead people into a direction where they apparently can gain information, where the human being believes to get hold of knowledge and yet receives completely misleading spiritual values.... My adversary has many such means which he uses to cause ever greater mental confusion in people. He often ignites such glaring deceptive lights that people will be engulfed by darkest night if they have looked into this light for a long time, since it will not provide them with permanent enlightenment but suddenly return them into total darkness again. And countless dark forces are supporting him by participating and appearing as supposed beings of light.... by prompting people to establish the above mentioned links with the spiritual world by way of improper thought transferences which either flatter people or promise them advantages, so that they will follow these thoughts and thus enter a region which is governed by dark powers. Just the intention of wanting to acquire knowledge without turning to the right source can lure people into a dangerous region from which they can only save themselves again with great difficulty.... The will to step out of the ordinary, to experience the extraordinary and wanting to excel with exceptional knowledge leads people into this dangerous position where dark forces overpower him and thus dazzle his vision. __And in view of the end there is an increased risk, for the universe is full of poison-spitting spirits which are loyal vassals to My adversary in order to corrupt people. His influence is powerful because the human being does not resist him, but he could become master over him by just entrusting himself to Me Myself in Jesus Christ, Who had defeated him through My crucifixion. But instead of calling upon Me the human being calls upon other powers in the universe, and he will indeed be heard by these powers and helped.... frequently in a way which brings ever greater darkness instead of brightness. He moves increasingly further away from the truth, he allows himself to be captivated by delusions, by illusions brought into being by My adversary.... He offers immature spirits the opportunity to express themselves and accepts their information as pure truth.... He is most dreadfully deceived by My adversary and always believes himself to be enlightened.... But he will not accept the truth which consists of the fact that My Word cannot fade away, that it will come to pass and that My Word has announced an end ever since the beginning of this era.... And this end will come and no one will be able to stop it.... And anyone seeking protection will only find it with Me, yet a person will call for help in vain if he turns to powers which promise him protection but are unable to provide it.... For these powers only aim to corrupt you, to withhold the truth from you and not to let you find the light.... And if you listen to them you will then also go astray and remain in their power for an infinitely long time.... __Amen
Resurrection.... Decomposition of the flesh....
Everyone of you living on earth will physically die, but your soul will either arise into life or remain dead, if it did not strive for life on earth. Thus, resurrection is assured to all of you who desire to live.... For those who do not believe in the resurrection do not desire life for their soul either, instead, only the life of their physical body is possibly desirable for them, which they seek to prolong as far as they are able to do so. But they will die and remain dead for an infinitely long time to come, even though one day resurrection will be assured to them too.... However, anyone who seeks and strives towards attaining life for his soul can also be certain that it will rise from the dead after the death of the body, for Jesus Christ provided the evidence for this, Who arose from the dead on the third day, Who had conquered death and the one who had brought death into the world. Admittedly, His resurrection is being doubted by believers and unbelievers, for even the believers are unable to grasp this greatest of miracles and are often inclined to harbour quiet doubts as long as they merely 'believe' but have not yet brought this faith alive properly. But as soon as My spirit can work in the human being these doubts will be clarified and Jesus' resurrection will be the clear evidence of his own resurrection for him, he will know that he will not die but only enter from this life into the kingdom of the beyond, where he will live forever. __The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a constantly disputed problem amongst people, for on the one hand they want to doubt it, on the other hand they want to deduce from it a resurrection of 'the flesh' because they believe that Jesus also arose in the flesh on the third day.... They don't yet realise that Jesus only made Himself visible to people in order to help them to believe, but that they only ever saw his spiritual body which presented itself to them visibly. All the substances of his physical body had spiritualised themselves through His crucifixion, and thus the 'man' Jesus had put on a spiritual garment when He visibly approached His disciples.... And you, too, will put on this spiritual garment at your resurrection into life.... The physical body stays behind and its substances continue the path of higher development; hence the body of flesh decomposes and its substances animate other forms again which are still at the beginning of their development.... Thus they will never enclose the soul again, they will never be the shell for the soul again and be resurrected with it at the same time.... And yet the soul will arise from the dead if it has fulfilled My will on earth, if it strives to enter the life I promised it when I lived on earth as Jesus, the human being. A resurrection is assured to all of you, yet you determine the time yourselves. However, you must gain the right understanding of a 'resurrection of the flesh', for the works of your flesh will certainly be judged and according to these will be your resurrection.... either to life or, if your works give evidence against you, to death, the banishment into hard matter. And this is once again an infinitely long lasting state of helplessness and darkness, a state of death which, however, you aspired to on earth yourselves because you lacked the faith that you are destined for life and not death, which you caused yourselves.... For this reason I arose from the dead in order to provide you humans with this evidence.... And yet, you can only believe it again if you, through a life of love, awaken your spirit which will subsequently explain and instruct you about everything, and then you will also be able to believe with conviction what cannot be proven to you. Strive towards life and you will never ever need to fear death, you will live forever in strength and light and freedom.... __Amen
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