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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 5 transcriptions | ID of collection 1461040
World clock.... Final hours....
I want to inform those of you who believe in Me and have personally experienced My working that the world clock will soon run out, that the last hour will strike almost immediately and that My coming is imminent. People do not give credence to My relevant proclamations and only a few attach importance to them. Nevertheless, I keep telling you time and time again: The Day of Judgment is near and every person's life is at risk. However, I do not refer to your mortal life, instead, your spiritual life is at risk, for if you are unprepared when the day comes upon you, you will succumb to spiritual death and this is far worse than mortal death which only affects the body. You are only minutes away from the Day of Judgment and although I use a different measurement of time.... the time will pass by at a frightening rate and the end will arrive alarmingly soon. My faithful followers will feel it and, with increasing eloquence, draw their fellow human beings' attention to the Day of Judgment, but they will still not find any credence even when it becomes obvious that Satan is raging with all his might.... when the signs of the end are unmistakable and constantly increase.... The human race will cling to the world and refuse to believe that it will come to an end; even My voice from above will be ignored by them and that will be their downfall. Nevertheless you should speak to them and inform them of My admonitions and warnings even if they don't want to accept anything. They shall be warned so that no-one can say that they did not know anything.... because I Myself still want to draw every individual person's attention to it through personal indications, signs and events which affect him directly. Everyone shall be addressed by Me, even the greatest sinner and scorner of an eternal God.... They shall all still receive My grace beforehand so that they will not go astray if only they listen and make use of My gift of grace. And everyone will find the confirmation of My servants' Words, everyone will be forced to think about it.... but the result will be determined by his own will. But then the last Judgment will come without fail.... so that what I let seers and prophets proclaim to this day will come to pass. Yet woe to those who ignore My every admonition and warning.... Woe to those who have rejected My gifts of grace from above and live an irresponsible life on earth. My Word is truth and must come true, and thus you humans can expect this day with certainty, regardless of whether or not you are prepared.... Once the world clock has run out everything on earth will come to an end and I will only fetch My Own into My kingdom, My Own, who believe in Me as the Creator and Father of eternity and also courageously profess this faith before the world. The secular world, however, is a part of the one who will be bound again and, with him, everything that still adheres to him.... they will be judged on the last day and their fate will be profound darkness.... __Amen
End Prophecies.... Are you My Own?....
Anyone who regards himself as one of My Own also knows that the last days have started, that humanity is facing a spiritual and earthly turning point. For My Own are informed by the spirit, My Own can be spoken to by the spirit and hear My voice, either directly or in their thoughts.... And they also faithfully accept My Word which is given to them by My messengers and has originated from Me.... Thus My Own know what time they live in, they know that the last hour of the world's clock will strike soon, that night will begin to engulf countless people on this earth and that a new day will begin to dawn for others, for the few who will remain true to Me until the end, who belong to My small flock.... which I call `My Own'. And they still have a task on earth: to inform their fellow human beings of what earth can expect.... this will not be easy, for despite the fact that My Own are convinced of the truthfulness of My Word.... thus also of the proclamations about the end and the Judgment.... fellow human beings will not believe them and indignantly turn away when the last days are mentioned to them. Nevertheless, time and again they should try to point out that My announced end will not be far away. __And as confirmation of this you should also draw their attention to the natural disaster which will put the whole world into turmoil beforehand.... And you should also tell them that the subsequent end can be expected with the same certainty, for through this natural disaster I still want to give people a final warning, a final sign, to make it easier for them to believe what you tell them.... Anyone who is enlightened himself should also let the light shine into the darkness.... Anyone who believes in Me and My Word himself should also try to show his fellow human beings the way to faith, and do so kindly so as not to arouse resistance.... And therefore the natural disaster will not keep you waiting for very long, since it is also intended to contribute towards preparing people for the end.... You should also mention the natural disaster, My intervention, which every person will be able to take notice of, for it will be of enormous proportions and cannot be dismissed as an everyday occurrence.... Thus you should constantly point to this event and not be afraid to speak about it openly, for it will come with absolute certainty.... And anyone who has heard about it from you will also find it easier to believe in the announced end. Thus My Own shall be capable workers for Me, even if their work merely consists of speaking about the forthcoming events.... __Then they will already render Me an immense service, for I want people to know but can only give them the information through a human mouth, which they then may or may not believe, but at least they will have heard of it and will also remember it when the day comes that the whole world will hold its breath in view of the natural catastrophe which will bring overwhelming suffering to the people who experience it.... Do not fear that you spread misguided prophesies but speak frankly and openly that I Myself conveyed them to you and that you firmly believe in My Words.... They will not be able to call you liars, for sooner than they think they will get the confirmation. Yet people should use this knowledge to shed their doubts in regards to the proclamations of the end.... With that, much will already have been achieved, because then they can prepare themselves and thus be saved from the abyss.... __Amen __Messages number 6883 and 6884 are lost.
Vast distance from God.... End....
The fact that people have distanced themselves from Me to such an extent is an obvious sign of the times, for thereby they hasten the end themselves since earthly life no longer fulfils its purpose.... that people look for and find unification with Me.... Their earthly existence was only given to them for one reason: to take the last step of return to Me, to eliminate the distance they once had created themselves through their apostasy from Me. __In earthly life they are now granted the final opportunity to understand their wrongdoing which made them fall into an abysmal distance from Me....As a result of My love and grace this distance has already been so reduced by way of the path through the works of creation that they have now reached the point of return to Me which, however, has to occur in free will, and therefore the once fallen spirits were granted the short time of earthly life which fully suffices in order to reach the final goal.... the union with Me. __Yet people fail to consider the purpose of their earthly life, they look at everything with earthly-minded eyes, they don't decrease their distance from Me, in fact, they are more likely to increase it because they lack love and this always signifies a vast distance from Me. And thus the time has come where earth is no longer serving as a place of spiritual education, where it is missing its purpose.... where it has become pointless for the human being to live on earth because he only uses his stay wrongly and is far more inclined to extend his distance from Me. And this means that the human being's soul is in utmost danger to be banished into matter again, to descend into the deepest abyss once more. And therefore a large transformation is about to happen to you humans to enable the earth fulfil its purpose again: helping the soul to attain maturity. __Hence present-day people hasten the end of the old earth themselves, for I want to restore the old order and let the earth become a place of education for the spirit once more which, however, necessitates disintegrating and reshaping the creation, including those people who do not recognise the meaning and purpose of earthly life and just live a purely material life without taking their souls into consideration. And regardless of what I will still allow to happen until then, it will no longer lead to a change in people except in a few who will find Me in the last hour, and whom I also want to save from the downfall. __People no longer believe in Me with a living faith, and a dead faith cannot awaken the souls to life. For people live without love. They no longer take notice of their fellow human beings' hardship, they just feel great love for themselves and this love drives them back into the adversary's arms again, and so they steadily widen their distance to Me, given that love alone establishes the unification with Me and heartlessness merely proves their remoteness from Me. Hence the time which separates you humans from the end gets ever shorter.... whether you believe it or not..... It is the lawful consequence of humanity's heartlessness which only the very change into love would be able to revoke but which can no longer be expected on this earth. __Earthly life is purely a matter of the soul becoming fully mature.... yet no-one is aware of this task incumbent on him apart from the small flock of My Own who, although they will be unable to stop the transformation of this earth, will nevertheless inhabit the new earth as root of the new human race. Their fate will be an exceptionally glorious one, which people should truly regard as the most important to strive for in these last days.... yet it is never believed and no person can be forced to believe it. However, time and again you shall be informed of it, for I will let My voice be heard until the end and remind and warn all people, and until the end every person will still have the opportunity to change himself.... to strive for another goal but purely the material world.... And blessed, who still uses the short time to change his nature to love; for he will not have to fear the end because then he, too, will belong to My Own who will be protected and saved by My strong arm.... __Amen
A renewal of earth must come....
Earth will have to be renewed if the higher development of the spiritual beings is to progress; all works of creation will have to release the spirits so that they can continue their development within new forms, as this is the purpose of the work of creation called `earth'.... For it does not just concern you humans who voluntarily ought to reach your final goal on earth but fail to do so.... it also concerns the spiritual substance bound within the form which has not yet been able to arrive at the possibility of being of service and to which the path of service shall be opened. As long as you humans do not know the meaning and purpose of creation, you will not consider the possibility of an impending transformation of the earth's surface either. And yet it is about to happen and may only be experienced by people who have fulfilled the purpose of their earthly life, who have matured fully and therefore will populate the new earth.... Hence they also know God's plan of Salvation, they believe that they live in the last days and expect the end and with it the coming of the Lord, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture. But there are only few of them.... __People's low spiritual level is so obvious that the time has come when a change must happen again.... when all spirits have to be placed into forms which correspond to their state of maturity.... And thus the human being, having completely failed, will also have to be banished into hard matter again and start a new process of development; whereas the spiritual being bound within matter may occupy increasingly softer forms until it reaches the stage one day when it can take the path across earth as a human being for his last decision of will. The fact that people will experience this harsh fate of a new banishment is the result of their free will, for they no longer have any spiritual aspirations on earth, they are totally attached to matter and will therefore become what they aspired to in this earthly life. Nevertheless, they have been sufficiently admonished and warned, during their earthly life they have been informed of the purpose of earthly life, and no person will be able to say that he had absolutely no knowledge of it. The fact that he, of his own free will, had rejected everything that could have increased his maturity is his own fault which he consequently will also have to pay for. A continuation of the old earth, however, would never ensure that these people would change; they would only ever descend further and also prevent the spirits within the form from progressing further. But who will believe this if he is informed of it? __As soon as people no longer believe in God, in a continuation of life after death, in a responsibility on their part, the said low spiritual level will have been reached which necessitates the end, the dissolution of earthly creations. For in that case people's existence on earth would be pointless, the blessing of an embodiment as a human being would no longer be made use of, the earth will have ceased to be a place of education for the spiritual beings and a total transformation will have to happen to put an end to this unspiritual state of affairs. And you humans will shortly face this transformation, you will shortly face a spiritual and earthly turning point, for the time which was granted to you for the maturing of your souls has come to an end. Until the end you will be warned and admonished, until the end you will be instructed about the purpose of your existence, you will receive the knowledge of God's plan of Salvation, of His infinite love for all His living creations and of the possibility and help on His part to become blessed before the end arrives.... However, you have to accept all this of your own free will, you have to seriously want to fulfil the purpose of your human existence.... you have to acknowledge a God above yourselves and appeal to Him for mercy.... And truly, you will still be saved in the last hour, otherwise the Judgment will take effect on you, otherwise you will get what you are striving for.... you will turn into matter again which had kept you tied to the earth so that you didn't take the path of ascent and therefore will end up in the abyss again.... __Amen
Forerunner.... Visible appearance.... The time is fulfill...
People on earth will not change anymore, there is no further spiritual progress, only individual people will still find Me since they are determined to fulfil the purpose of their earthly life. Whatever can still be done on My part in order to increase the number of the latter will truly be done, and My love will also find ways and means to touch the hearts of a few so that they will open themselves without inner resistance and accept My Word.... Yet they are not many and thus it can be said: The time is fulfilled.... For humanity's low spiritual level determines the end itself, and this truly has descended to a point where a transformation of humanity is out of the question.... My adversary reigns over the spiritual essence which takes the last path across earth as a human being and in an entirely negative sense influences those who are enslaved by him and comply with his will. Hence they have made their final decision of will already and have chosen the kingdom of darkness again.... they will return to matter again, which enslaved them on earth and from which they can no longer detach themselves. And matter will receive the soul once more.... . __However, until the end I will still offer people the opportunity to turn towards their God and Creator, for the steadfastness of My Own might yet change their mind and let them ask questions which I Myself would certainly answer, because I want to spare these individual souls a renewed banishment, a repeated process through the creations of the new earth. And My spirit will so evidently be with My Own that even the disbelievers would begin to wonder.... I will reveal Myself to them through the visible help that I will grant to My Own.... and the disbelievers would be able to believe if they wanted to release themselves from My adversary who keeps them enchained.... For I will seize even the faintest thought they might have about Me and never let go of them again.... because I will let Myself be found even in the last hour wherever there is the will to experience Me.... My Own, however, will recognize how the adversary keeps their fellow human beings enchained.... My Own will be subject to his onslaughts as well, yet My strength will clearly be at their disposal, for I Myself will help them in the battle and they will emerge victoriously.... For truly, My strength is stronger than his, and he will flee from the light you shine on him because he recognises Me Myself therein. __And in order for My Own to remain strong they will receive active help; I Myself will be with them in the Word, I will send them bearers of light which will radiate so brightly that they will dispel all shadows and also repel the enemies intending to oppress My Own.... I will delight people with My presence and fortify them in their resistance against the enemy.... And individual people will be able to behold Me and draw tremendous strength from this and also transmit this strength to their brothers.... And then you will hear of the one who shall announce My arrival, who will appear again as the voice in the wilderness and whose light will shine for all of you, and you will recognise him as My forerunner at the time of the end.... I won't abandon you, who want to be and remain My Own, in your physical and spiritual hardship, you are truly not alone and forsaken even if it worldly seems like that to you.... I Myself Am with you and you will also sense My presence and have unwavering faith in Me and My arrival on the day of Judgment.... And for the sake of My Own I will shorten the days so that they will persevere until the end.... For there will be no spiritual change on this earth anymore; yet a spiritual turning point will have to come, the earth will have to be of service again for the spirits' higher development.... And the spirits having failed their last test of will must be bound again.... __Amen
New redemption period....
No major spiritual advancement can be expected on this earth any longer, only a few more people will find and walk the right path which leads to Me.... back to the Father's house. There will certainly be people everywhere making every effort to work for Me and My kingdom, supporting the doctrines of the various ecclesiastical organisations with sincere dedication for Me.... They will have the good will to guide the human being into truth and are successful too when My spirit can work through them as soon as they preach for Me and My kingdom. __But only few people take the development of their soul seriously, whose faith in Me also includes the belief that they have a responsibility towards Me and who therefore consciously live their earthly life. However, most people are and remain indifferent, even if they are confronted by the most powerful speaker.... They simply dismiss everything spiritual with a superior smile, because people consider it a fantasy and unreal and are therefore not captivated by it either. But for the sake of the few the work shall still be done eagerly, because to have saved only one soul from its downfall, to have prevented it from a repeated progress through the earth's creations, is such a tremendous accomplishment that no effort should be spared, since every soul will eternally thank its saviour to have guided it onto the right path. __Many people apparently revert back to faith.... But greater still is the number of those who fall away and carelessly sacrifice their faith in Me and who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ's act of Salvation as an act of atonement for the whole of humanity either.... And precisely because the belief in Jesus Christ is increasingly declining, spiritual hardship is getting progressively worse. This will finally lead to the disintegration of the earth so as to prevent an even deeper descent into darkness, which shall be accomplished by releasing the spirits which belong to My adversary and confining them again in the material creation. __Time and again I tell you that this earth cannot expect a spiritual change for the better, that a new period of redemption will start and that this, at the same time, will be a spiritual as well as an earthly turning point, because nothing which lives and exists on, in and above the earth will remain, but everything will be transformed, a new earth will emerge, and this new earth will start again in lawful order, so that the development of all spiritual substances thereon will be safeguarded and the process of return within this lawful order will continue. __My eternal plan does not depend on whether you humans believe this or not, but those of you who do not believe My statements will be surprised how soon the day will dawn when the first revelations fulfil themselves: when you may yet witness a last sign from Me which shall confirm all revelations of this nature.... Especially those people who deem themselves intellectually superior to their fellow human beings deny such last day revelations and thus also doubt the truth of My Word, which is transmitted to earth directly from above.... Yet who else could make such a specific prediction but He Who has every power at His disposal and Who is Lord of all the forces of heaven and earth?.... __You can indeed accept His Word to be true and certain, for I do not merely speak but also substantiate every event to be inflicted on you by My love, wisdom and power, because this is necessary for your souls which should still call for Me in the last hour before the end. My predictions are not intended to achieve anything but to stimulate your sense of responsibility, by believing that you are soon approaching the end and by asking yourselves whether and how you can stand before the eyes of your God and Creator.... You should not believe those who deny an end, who want to awaken in you humans the expectation of changes for the better.... for a spiritual renaissance on this very earth that only requires a different human generation which observes My will.... On this earth no such human generation will be found anymore, because the decline of spirituality is continuing, and this alone will result in the end of this earth's era. __For the earth is meant to be a school for the spirit, but people's thoughts are dominated by matter and therefore they themselves will become matter again too, which they desire above all else. By doing so they completely forget God Who gave them their earthly life for the sake of a specific purpose.... And people do not fulfil this purpose, even the earth itself does not fulfil this purpose any more, because divine order has been completely reversed, the earth has become My adversary's kingdom who wants to prevent the higher development of all spiritual substances.... __And you, who still believe in humanity's spiritual turning point on this earth, are spiritually deluded, you have no inner enlightenment, you are merely directed by your human intellect to make accusations and to deny divine revelations and to portray them as an expression of the opposing spirit. Otherwise you would know yourselves which level humanity has arrived at, and you would do better to be quiet, if you yourselves cannot believe in an end.... than to expose your lack of awareness by allegations which oppose My predictions.... Because you too will have to be answerable for this, since you are, after all, preventing people from evaluating their failed life and thus from a return to Me, which will have to take place before the end if the soul is to be saved from the appalling fate of repeated captivity in the creations of the earth.... __Amen
Natural phenomena.... Temperature.... Star.... Prediction...
Time flies and people don't change their mind; untold souls will perish, unless the Lord still offers them His love in the last hour, when He will bring the horrific destruction of all worldly things home to them.... And therefore pay heed to days which will significantly differ from the usual time of the year. The lower the sun stands the brighter will be its shine and extraordinary heat will astonish people.... This will give rise to all kinds of assumptions.... People will look forward to the approaching time partly with cheerful confidence and partly with anxious reservations, and the human being will be inclined to acknowledge supernatural activity. __Yet only few consider their relationship to God.... They don't realise that God Himself wants to direct their thoughts to Him, they don't even try to look for a connection between Him and the extraordinary natural phenomena.... Indeed, they very quickly get used to it and don't derive the slightest benefit for their soul. For if only they would pay attention they would understand the call from above. But if they do not consider their relationship with the Creator, they remain earthly minded and don't accept any spiritual gift. And all these extraordinary natural phenomena are expressions of spiritual activity by powers which are subject to God and willing to serve Him. More spiritual currents will emerge and make themselves known to people in various ways, and yet people will not spend much thought on them, for the power of darkness has tremendous influence and fights against all spiritual recognition.... it tries to weaken the Divine, consequently humanity will only ever pay attention to earthly events and remain indifferent to God's activity in nature, even though people clearly will be beneficially affected by them. Just a small number see God's hand reaching out to people and try to enlighten their fellow human beings, but they only acknowledge physically perceptible benefits and not an instruction from above that intends to cause a change of human thought. And in this time of well-being, caused by the sun's extraordinary effect at an unusual time, an event will take place which should even make spiritually blind people think.... __A star will separate itself from the firmament and change its path.... This star's radiance will far exceed all others, it will shine brightly at night and approach earth so that this appearance, too, is unusual for people and yet at the same time demonstrates that the Creator of heaven and earth is in full control and thus also dictates the movement of stars according to His will. Once this star becomes visible, humanity will be getting ever closer to the spiritual turning point.... It is offered so much spiritual assistance that it really only needs willpower to accept this help, yet it grows ever more obstinate, its thinking becomes ever more deluded.... And the time is not far away of which the Lord said on earth that the world will be turned upside down if the human being closes his heart to all spiritual issues. __The light will also shine where it is avoided, for the light's radiance will be so bright that it penetrates everything, and even the spiritually deluded person won't be able to avoid seeing, but he wants to reject it anyway, and thus in the end he will be consumed by the light.... For everything bright, light and clear banishes darkness.... And the light will defeat the darkness in so far as darkness has to retreat once the light of truth breaks through. And lies and illusions will crumble but truth will last for all eternity.... __Amen
Antichrist - A saviour?.... Anti-spiritual activism....
The spirit of the Antichrist is such that he will approach people in the disguise of a saviour although his will utterly opposes God in as much as he does not acknowledge a God of love, just as he, in fact, will reject all spirituality as supernatural and therefore unverifiable, thus non-existent. Even the nature of Christ will be so unfamiliar to him that he will be unable to believe in His act of Salvation and His mission on earth, and thus he will try to portray Him as a mere figment of imagination, making every effort to displace this illusion from people's hearts. His own nature is not the same as Christ's, and therefore it is understandable that he will regard and fight Him as a spiritual enemy. __The forthcoming Antichrist's personality will exceed the natural framework; he will be an extraordinarily gifted human being whose particular strength rests in his worldly self-confidence, in his conduct with those who are responsible for the well-being of the nation. And therefore he will be successful, he will be granted his aspired supreme control, it will be assumed that extensive reforms for the benefit of the general public can be expected through him. Everyone will accept him; he will exploit this superiority for all kinds of measures. But he will especially intervene against the supernatural spirit, against all religious groups as well as churches or spiritual movements which are based on Jesus Christ and His teaching, because he will depict neighbourly love as a state of weakness which has to be fought at all costs. And anyone who joins his endeavours is also regarded as an antichrist, he is considered God-opposing and will prove to be unkind to his neighbour and thus also live in spiritual blindness, since he belongs to Satan's realm. But as ruler over many the Antichrist will cause tremendous chaos with his measures, which will be devoid of all human kindness and only designed to bring hatred and discord amongst humanity, to stifle love and to descend it into utmost spiritual hardship. And then God's countermeasures will become of utmost importance, which will be explained by God's obvious activity through His servants on earth, because He, too, has to be recognisable on earth to those who belong to His side. He has to manifest Himself equally extraordinarily so that He cannot be rejected but has to be acknowledged by people who are willing to walk the right path, who either consciously or unconsciously approach the Creator of heaven and earth by asking for His help in times of spiritual suffering. And then the struggle between good and evil will become particularly intense, since the last hour is moving ever closer and the parting of the spirits has to take place by Judgment Day.... __This separation can only occur when people are seriously confronted by the choice to either acknowledge or deny God. This question will force their decision, and in order to bring it about, the adversary will emerge openly by influencing his representatives on earth to take and enforce measures which exhibit hostile thinking towards God. And thus the last battle on earth will begin.... the battle of faith, the battle against Christ, with the result that people will finally decide for or against Him. And then comes the Judgment.... because they will turn for or against God of their own free will, and this free will they have to answer for. This conflict is inevitable as it distinctly highlights the Antichrist's nature, and all of humanity will then be able to assess the thoughts and actions of the one who appears in the disguise of a saviour in order to realise his shameful plans; who openly fights against God and therefore will be banished into the earth again for a long time, from where he cannot release himself until he is once again helped by people whose wrong love for matter will loosen Satan's chains. But it will never be possible to displace Jesus Christ, He will remain victorious on Judgment Day, and His teaching will fill all hearts. His followers will take it along at their rapture, and thus it will also be held in high esteem as spiritual knowledge on the new earth, it will be exemplified and people will live in utmost realisation and become aglow with the most profound love for God. And God's adversary will never be able to displace it because all power will have been taken from him for a long time.... __Amen
The time is fulfilled, everything points to the end.... yet only the people who strive towards Me can see the signs, for their eyes are turned heavenwards, and thus they also receive enlightenment from above and don't doubt that now will come to pass what seers and prophets have foretold on My instructions. What seems self-evident to them is completely implausible to the worldly person, they look at things with different eyes than those who only see the world and therefore also only live for the world and its pleasures, and whose spirit will grow progressively darker the closer it gets to the end. And for all these people an event will still happen before the end which certainly could change their thoughts, which could make them stop and think, if only they had a little good will! I still want to reveal Myself in advance, although even then they still won't have to recognise Me.... Once again they shall lose that which they greedily aspire to, their earthly possessions shall be destroyed and taken away from them again, yet by a power which they cannot hold accountable for it.... I want to manifest Myself through the elements of nature in order to save them.... Where there is still a spark of faith in a person there is also an opportunity for salvation, for he can still turn his thoughts to Me in the last hour and call upon Me for help.... and even if he loses his mortal life.... this call will be heard and his faith will be rewarded to him in the kingdom of the beyond, where he will find help.... I only want to see an acknowledging thought and My hand will extend itself to everyone, in order to demonstrate Myself to him at last. I truly make it easy for you to believe in Me if only you would put it to the test by calling upon Me in spirit and in truth. And therefore I will make a final attempt to save them, to save those who have not yet entirely fallen prey to My adversary. __I will let the earth tremble and every hope of earthly rescue vanish.... And where no help is possible anymore I alone can still provide rescue, for nothing is impossible for Me.... And anyone who, in utmost crisis, remembers his childlike faith, who makes this final attempt to call upon Me, will truly not regret it.... He will be saved for time and eternity, since losing his earthly life will then only be a blessing if the soul still ascends in the spiritual kingdom. Although the forces of nature are not always regarded as an expression of My power and strength, yet mortal fear occasionally gives rise to different thoughts than the human being would otherwise have, he can recognise Me in an instant and therefore also call upon Me for help. Yet this never applies to the word which is merely voiced by the mouth, if the heart is not involved.... The time is fulfilled, but prior to this will come to pass what I proclaimed to you and repeatedly proclaim again.... an unusual natural event, which is intended to remind you of the end that will follow soon afterwards. I constantly admonish and caution you to take notice of My Words, and I draw your attention to the signs of the time, yet I cannot force you to accept My Words as truth.... however, commit them to your memory, so that they will remind you of the One Who speaks to you and Who truly only wants what is best for you, Who wants to rescue you from the abyss towards which those of you, who are completely devoid of faith, are heading.... __Amen
Arbitrarily taking one's own life....
You humans are granted a certain length of time for your final deliverance from bondage.... for the ultimate release from the form.... Yet the duration of this time varies such as I had recognised to be good for your soul. Your earthly life is not finished by Me arbitrarily, yet I know the maturity of every person's soul and thus I also know the risk of a decline or the possibility of further progress on earth. __And My love and mercy also ends a human life prematurely in order to prevent the soul from regressing.... or I can see the possibility of a change in the last hour and therefore prolong the natural life, always in wise counsel, for everything that serves the benefit of the soul is known to Me.... And now you will understand that your own ending of the body's life is a serious offence, that you commit a sin, that you act in advance of My love and mercy and don't utilise the opportunities which were offered to your soul to reach perfection.... __You interfere with My plan of Salvation and cause such damage to your soul which one day will trigger immense remorse and self-reproaches in you, yet which no longer can be put right in the kingdom of the beyond, for the advantages you should and are able to utilise on earth can never be offered to you in the kingdom of the beyond again. You have irretrievably forfeited something, even if you still succeed in improving the state of your soul by then striving to ascend.... __Yet there is a great danger that the soul will descend.... that it will rebel, just as arbitrarily taking its own life was a rebellion, and that it will continue to stay in opposition. Such souls require a lot of help as not to be lost for an infinitely long time, yet they, too, only get what they want. __I will truly help everyone, even in utmost adversity, which is instantly lessened when the person just thinks of Me, when he just calls upon Me for help.... And adversity is, after all, only a means of directing your thoughts towards Me, so that you then will also be able to gain success from your earthly life.... Adversity will not befall a person without reason, for his soul is in danger from which it shall escape by means of this adversity. And the more its stance hardens against Me the more it is at risk, in order to finally defy My will and throw away the life which it was granted by My love and grace for its final redemption. For the embodiment as a human being is a grace for the soul.... a gift of My love.... it is the last step towards ascent which it is allowed to take in order to become eternally free and blissfully happy.... The soul has almost reached its goal and is therefore responsible for its actions if it does not utilise this gift of grace but throws it away in blindness of thought. __Every movement of a human heart is known to Me and I truly judge righteously.... I take the weaknesses of My living creations into account yet it is not without their own fault, and the human being's free will incriminates him if it was wrongly orientated, thus was abused. The human being is unable to end his adversity by his intervention, he will have to continue suffering because of it, he will not be able to escape his distress, and that is why the soul will suffer inexpressibly in the kingdom of the beyond.... until it can master it in the same way as it should have done on earth.... until it takes refuge in the One Who is Lord over suffering and adversity, because He is the victor over sin and death.... __Amen
The reason for the earth` s restoration....
The earth must be renewed because it no longer serves its purpose as a place of development for the spirits.... All order has been revoked, people pay no more attention to My will, they live contrary to law, for love is the essence of divine Order and this has grown cold among people, hence their earthly path is in vain since it does not ascend but irrevocably leads into the abyss. The human being ought to be of loving service but he strives to dominate, and even many of the bound spiritual substances are prevented from being helpful because people hoard material things and deny them all useful purpose.... People are in a state of complete spiritual darkness, for without love there cannot be light and thus people remain spiritually blind and don't recognise their God and Creator.... Consequently this state has to be brought to an end, everything must be restored to its rightful order again.... the people who fail have to be separated from those who belong to Me, who strive to live an orderly life and who will therefore be treated with hostility by the former.... The lowest point has truly been reached which necessitates a renewal of earth, when all bound spiritual substances will be released and placed into new forms again, when everything will be placed into the most diverse kinds of new creations according to their degree of maturity. And then the human being, who had become totally enslaved by material things, will become matter again himself.... he will be banished into the creations of the new earth. __This is the most horrific fate you humans can imagine, the fact that your `Self' will be dissolved into countless tiny particles once more and has to travel the path through the creations of the new earth in order to reach the stage of a human being again one day, even though it will take an infinitely long time all over again.... You humans cannot imagine such a work of transformation, after all, it means the end of this old earth, even if the planet as such remains My might and wisdom will nevertheless subject it to a complete transformation and thereby make it suitable again to serve its purpose of helping the spiritual substances gain full maturity. You should accept the knowledge you receive about this process and its reasons and think about it seriously. You should know that this work of destruction will particularly affect you humans very painfully since it will be your loss if your way of life does not correspond to My eternal order. You should also know that I will keep to the day which will bring an end to this earth, for My plan was determined by My love and wisdom and is set for eternity.... And so one period of Salvation comes to an end and a new one begins, where order has been restored and where tranquillity and peace prevails, where it is impossible for My adversary to be active because he will be banished for a very long time.... __Don't think that you are being wrongly instructed if I repeatedly send you the information about this impending act of disintegration of all creations on, in and above the earth.... Believe Me that everything is possible for Me and that I also know when such destructive action is necessary in order to guarantee the development of the ascending spiritual substances. Yet those of you humans who lack all love won't accept My Word, hence you will be harshly affected when the last day comes.... But there is no other option because My love applies to all still unredeemed and enslaved spirits.... And even for you, who fail in your free state as a human being, I will create new possibilities to reach the goal one day; yet the fact that you infinitely prolong the time of your distance from Me again is your own free will, thus your own fault, which you have to pay for with a renewed banishment into the creations.... For I truly don't want your unhappiness and will help you until the very last hour of this act of banishment passes you by, so that you will still find Me and call upon Me for mercy before the end.... __Amen
Keen intellect is an obstacle to correct realisation....
It is not a good sign if people lose themselves in unbelief, for then they will be beyond every contact with their God and Creator, they will be purely earthly minded and everything they undertake will only serve the body's preservation and comfort which, however, will cease to exist when the person's last hour has come. And where the only purpose in life is the earthly world, life on earth is a waste of time, the human soul leaves its body in the same state as it was at the beginning of its embodiment and will not have taken one step forward, people will have missed their purpose in life regardless of their highly developed intellect.... It is precisely their keen intellect which prevents them from recognising a spiritual world if they are entirely without love, then they will flatly deny a God and Creator and consider all creations merely a matter of natural law without spending any thought on the fact that there has to be a Lawmaker Whose will controls everything.... In that case, the human being's 'higher stage of development' will have already been reached in a purely human sense.... Through his intellect the human being believes himself to be in the vanguard and almost cannot be surpassed anymore, but in his psychological development he has not made the slightest progress and yet he can be inferior to someone far below his level, because the latter will be judged by God according to his love, which also causes him to believe in a Deity.... regardless of what he calls It.... And if this person, on account of his love, also allows the working of the spirit in him, he will come close to the right way of thinking, and then he will be saved for time and eternity. And so there is also the risk that even people to whom a certain belief in a God cannot be denied will join misguided spiritual movements, to which they adhere with great tenacity, who don't want to accept Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of the world and who therefore.... if they don't receive the right explanation before.... will enter the realm of the beyond without Him when they die.... and even over there not accept anything in order to still find Him. And there are a great number of those.... For this reason, the light of truth will shine time and again, for truth alone is liberating. But the truth, in particular, is not accepted by people with an unusually keen intellect apart from a few, who will then think correctly and feel dependent on an all-controlling power.... These few will take their worldly knowledge across with them as well and from there they will also be able to enlighten those people in regards to worldly questions who think like them by acknowledging God.... but this will only seldom be the case. __The others, however, will enter the beyond entirely without knowledge, they will stand completely empty and poverty stricken at the gate to the kingdom of the beyond, embraced by profound darkness which will not recede until they, with the help of the beings of light, gradually achieve a change of thinking. But there is also a danger that they will descend even further into darkness and that they will approach a renewed banishment again which, at the end of an earthly period, can easily be the case because they will not have much time left to change their mind. Hence their 'progressive development' will be of no use to them at all, spiritually they will be far more like a human being who is disregarded due to his race and yet is able to kindle love within his heart, who still believes in a God, regardless of how he imagines Him to be but he feels and believes that he emerged from this Power.... And when a person like this is informed of the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ as well he will also belong to the redeemed, for especially people like that take it far more seriously and live their earthly lives responsibly.... For the saying 'The first will be last....' also applies to this. This is why a great blessing rests on the messengers' activity who care for those people by bringing them the Word of God, who spare no effort and selflessly promote the distribution of the teaching of salvation through Jesus Christ, since it is the most important information people should know about. However, anyone who believes that life has come to an end after earthly death has used his keen intellect badly, for there is enough evidence that nothing passes away but that everything merely changes, nothing ceases to exist but that everything merely changes its external shape. And thus the human being's soul is everlasting too, but after death it reverts to the way which corresponds to its earthly life.... Hence, it returns to the state of death since it failed on earth to give life to itself.... And this state is extremely painful but can always still be improved with the help of the beings of light, which will never leave any soul to its own devices if it does not harden in its substance again and has to take the path across earth once more. For God is righteous and earthly life is a gift of grace which has to be utilised by the human being, since it is possible for him to gain the life for himself which will make him forever blissfully happy.... However, he cannot receive happiness against his will, for God respects the free will of men.... __Amen
New spiritual kingdom.... Prophet.... New human race....
Humanity will have to recognise its true Salvation in a completely new spiritual direction and it will loudly testify that this alone was its deliverance from all adversity. A tormented human race, afflicted by all kinds of distress, can release itself from utmost earthly torment by changing their innermost being.... by consciously working to improve their soul's life. This way of refinement also results in an improvement of their earthly situation. Only the low spiritual level is the cause of all physical ailments, and the latter will be remedied as soon as the human being makes a spiritual effort to do justice to divine will. The human being's spiritual darkness has such dreadful effects, countless souls walk headlong into ruin and can only be saved by an extremely arduous earthly life. __And in this hardship of the souls the Lord will awaken a man whose soul is filled by the spirit of God.... He will so speak of God that anyone who recognises him as a spiritual saviour of countless misguided people will breathe a sigh of relief. He will be fought against, yet his Word and its might will defeat the enemy.... He will fight for the souls, he will preach about love and ignite hearts by encouraging them into spiritual cooperation.... He will offer people the purest divine teaching, and everyone willing to do what is right will recognise which spirit speaks through him. He will not fear earthly power nor exert force by any means but with infinite patience and love explain to people their wrong way of life, their worldliness and their downfall.... They will listen to his Word and take heart from it, they will withdraw within and recognise the truth of his Words.... They will want to protect him from his pursuers, and soon two sides will emerge and argue with each other.... __And the Lord will impart great strength upon those who support him, whilst the power of those opposing him will diminish. And this will be the beginning of the new kingdom.... And blessed is he who listens to his inner voice and defends what he hears.... blessed is he who joins the army of fighters for God and battles against the opponent's world.... The tortured soul will breathe a sigh of relief for having been saved in the last hour.... __And a new age will dawn.... The world's external appearances, glamour and splendour will not be desired as much as before, the human being will strive for psychological maturity, he will strive for spiritual wealth and will long for gifts from above which the world cannot offer him. And from this time a new human race will emerge which will be the bearer of true Christianity, living in love for God and their neighbour, they will recognise the human being's purpose and thus consciously work at becoming perfect, the soul will unite itself with the spirit and find union with God as Father and Creator of all things in order to be united with Him for all eternity.... __Amen
The raging of natural forces.... Total changes of living ...
It is impossible to make people believe that their earthly life will completely change during the forthcoming time. They count on an end to their time of suffering, followed by economic development and flourishing and improved living conditions, and on a time of tranquillity and peace which will replace the time of upheavals and suffering. They don't want to believe that a far more difficult time is still ahead of them, that they cannot expect any improvement but will still have to endure indescribable suffering and misery. And they dismiss any reference to this as fallacy or imagination. It is therefore very difficult to make them change their lifestyle, to encourage them to conduct themselves in a way which is pleasing to God and to consciously work at improving their souls. For only faith in this would make them seriously strive to attain God's pleasure. Instead, they take no notice of it and ignore God's every admonition, although He speaks to them through adversity and sorrow. This lack of belief exacerbates the spiritual darkness; there is no way to enlighten them because the light itself will be extinguished if it is kindled in order to illuminate them.... God Himself takes pity upon these people and tries to enlighten their spirits, but they close themselves to it and can never attain the truth. Only the truth can save them, yet they don't want to hear it because it completely contradicts their future plans, because it deprives them of their hope for earthly improvement and an end of their state of suffering and expects of them a transformation of their souls and a change of their present way of thinking. They don't want to believe, consequently, there is no other means to make them believe but through steadily worsening earthly plights.... for only through these will they stop being so extremely earthly minded. And this increased earthly suffering will come about through an event which will dwarf everything which came before it, because people will be left at the mercy of the raging of natural forces which human will cannot control. For only when they recognise a higher Power will they bow down to this Authority and humbly ask for help. Thousands of people will certainly be severely affected and the suffering should be enough to make them realise their own helplessness and prompt them to sincerely call upon God for help.... __However, for as long as people are the creators of great adversity it will result in increased hatred and often greater ungodliness, because in their immense adversity they are no longer able to recognise the God of love. But as soon as they are faced by a Power Which they will have to acknowledge because It visibly expresses Itself, the possibility also exists that they will bow down to this Power and appeal to It for mercy. Then God can helpfully intervene. Although it is indeed an extremely painful means of education, it must nevertheless be used if at least a small part of humanity is still to be saved, that is, if in the last hour they will still recognise God in the raging of natural forces and establish contact with Him, without which there will be no salvation. And thus the most powerful event lies ahead of humanity, which it will be unable to escape but which cannot be averted by God because humanity does not heed His admonitions and warnings nor does it change its conduct, but continues to go on living thoughtlessly without paying attention to Him. The slightest God-inclined will would prevent this event from happening and prompt God to show mercy and forbearance, yet people distance themselves increasingly further from God and act in opposition to His will. And since God foresaw this will from the very beginning He has also known for an infinitely long time the effect of people's wrong will and uses the final means in order to win those people over for Himself who are as yet not entirely opposed to Him.... He will make the Earth tremble and thereby instil fear and terror in people.... He will speak to them through the elements of nature, He will let the forces of nature erupt and express Himself loudly and clearly through these.... And this event will entail immense changes; it will cause a complete turnaround in every individual person's lifestyle, and the consequences of the natural disaster will be so very significant that everyone will have to pay attention to it, thus no-one will remain unaffected by it. And blessed is he who will still change his thoughts; blessed is he who will still be able to recognise the hand of God in everything that will still be imposed on humanity in the coming time; blessed is he who will still find his way back to God, who strives to fulfil His will and establishes the right relationship with Him.... He will be helped by God in his adversity and the difficult time will not be in vain for him if it pulls his soul back from the abyss before it is too late.... __Amen
Earthly precautions against the disaster are futile....
You must completely detach yourselves from the world if My strength is to permeate you and you want to become aware of it. And thus even in hours of anxious adversity you will only be full of strength if you are able to ignore all earthly happenings and completely hand yourselves over to Me with your thoughts. And I will take particularly good care of those who try to find this intimate bond during hours of greatest earthly adversity for they demonstrate their faith in Me, which I will never disappoint. You yourselves are unable to avert whatever I send upon you, hence all efforts you make to safeguard your physical well-being will therefore be in vain. You will gain far more by focussing your mind on Me and faithfully wait for My help, for it will result in certain success, and I will protect your body and soul because you believe in Me. Prior to manifesting Myself through the forces of nature I will still send you unmistakable signs that a disaster is approaching, and then remember My Words.... Collect yourselves in prayer and only pay attention to your spiritual welfare, don't worry about your body, just try to establish heartfelt contact with Me so that I will be able to affect and guide you unhindered without finding resistance through earthly diversion, which weakens the working of My spirit or even makes it impossible. Make no attempt for the maintenance of the body, for that which I want to keep alive will also stay alive, and that which you should lose cannot be protected by your will. I know what you need, just as I know what impedes your souls' further development. __And therefore leave it to Me to care for you, for your earthly possessions and only consider your soul, because you don't know whether it will be your last hour too.... I announce Myself in advance because in My love I still want to give you ample opportunity to make contact with the spiritual kingdom, with Me, Who holds every individual person's destiny in My hand and guides it as is best for you. Anyone who unites with Me has found the safest protection and truly will not need any other earthly protective measures which can become worthless in an instant. For again I want to manifest Myself evidently, I want to make Myself apparent to My Own in order to reinforce their faith, to teach them to become true labourers for My kingdom, which they shall become afterwards. Don't worry for I will take care of you; only heed My Words of love and let your heart respond to them. And remind your fellow human beings to conduct themselves in the same way, caution them against overzealous precautions for their earthly welfare and also appeal to them to faithfully turn to Me and commend themselves body and soul to Me. And anyone who heeds your Words will be miraculously guided according to his strength of faith. Therefore don't fear anything no matter what happens, even if you are in a most dangerous situation.... My arm extends far and wide to help as well as to destroy.... Whomever I want to keep alive will remain alive, and whomever I want to destroy will be unable to save himself.... he should only make sure that his soul will not fall pray to darkness, then he will be saved for eternity.... __Amen
The work of God's servants concerning formal believers......
Your particular task is to influence the many believers who feel affiliated to the church and yet cannot be regarded as belonging to My church, for they no longer stand on the foundation of faith. They have built their church on sand, which will give way under their feet if their faith is to be tested. They deem themselves devout and also profess with their lips what the church tells them to believe. Nevertheless, they are not deeply convinced of any religious doctrine, they would be unable to completely agree with any one if they seriously had to form an opinion of it. And this conventional faith, which was merely accepted and will not be abandoned for the sake of the outside world is almost worse than unbelief, for an unbelieving person can be provided with explanations in form of discussions, even disputes, whereas the former offers little opportunity of informing him because he will only profess everything again with his lips and yet is far removed from becoming a convinced representative of that which he acknowledges with his mouth. And he will belong to those who fall away when the decision of faith is demanded of him. For only then will he give his opinion about controversial issues and, not having any knowledge and consequently no realisation of the significance and value of a true faith, he will totally ignorantly relinquish that which is most valuable, the faith in Me as Creator of heaven and earth, the faith in Jesus Christ as Redeemer of the world and the faith in the continuation of life after death, which would motivate him to live an appropriately responsible life on earth, which he owes to Me as Father and Judge of eternity. But they will find no mercy before My eyes, for many times they are offered the opportunity to penetrate religious truths and to acquire a living faith, yet they accept no instructions and neither do they openly declare their opposing points of view but only ever leave their fellow human beings under the impression that they belong to the church which I founded on earth as a human being. __I summed up the faithful congregation with the Word 'My church' and will only ever consider those people as belonging to My church who call a living faith their own, for My church is not a worldly organisation, it cannot be externally recognised but is merely the union of believing people on earth, it is My congregation which, although it is small, is extremely dear to Me. The formal believers, however, stand outside the circuit of My flow of love, nevertheless, they can join My congregation at any time when that which they believe themselves to be has become reality, when they own a living faith and are very happy with possessing it. And a sign of a living faith is the fact that they gladly speak about divine matters, that they look for and enthusiastically hold spiritual conversations and that they provide clarifications where their fellow human beings are still in the dark. For once someone belongs to My church he will also appreciate My treasures, he will know about the significance of the time and the approaching end. He will remain loyal to My church for there is nothing left on earth that would be desirable for him. The living faith has opened this knowledge up for him, and he knows the alarming ramifications of a conventional faith, of the soul's fate in the beyond, subsequently he will do whatever it takes to draw people's attention to the danger they are in; he will try to make them understand it so that they will still be able to gain a living faith in the last hour. But whether it is successful entirely depends on the human being's will, the freedom of which shall not be curtailed if the soul is to ascend. And yet it is your task to influence the formal believers as much as possible since they are, after all, in greatest danger and are therefore in need of help because they lack realisation, and wherever help is necessary it shall be given, so that no-one can say that the blessings of divine mercy had bypassed him.... I want to help all people, but whether My help is accepted is determined by people themselves, and I let them keep their freedom.... __Amen
Destiny according to human will....
I inform you that your destiny certainly takes shape according to My will, nevertheless it adapts itself to your will, so that your will effectively determines the sequence of all happenings, because it requires the necessary opportunities to achieve maturity in order to subordinate itself as quickly as possible to My will. A will that is utterly devoted to Me assures a person maturity of soul and he will be able to enter the beyond as a being of light when his last hour has come. However, as long as he still resists Me he needs to be tested and always and forever encounter oppositions in his earthly life, unless he has completely handed himself over to My adversary, who will help him in every way during his time on earth. But he shall not take pleasure in his easy earthly life, for after his death he must atone for it a thousand fold. And thus a person who is granted a difficult destiny can know himself to be loved and cared for by Me; he need only ever trust in My help and My strength and humbly accept his destiny and his soul will benefit from it, the extent of which will only be recognised by him in the spiritual kingdom. Wherever suffering and worry can be found, that is where I Myself Am at work to change the individual person's will, that is where My presence, My guidance and My activity are recognisable. Hence, the immense suffering going on across earth should not be regarded as a sign of being abandoned by Me, but as a sign of My never-ending love and concern for you. I will not turn away from you even if you distance yourselves from Me, I constantly try to win you back for Me and therefore let you endure adversity and destitution, because your wrong will requires Me to do so if I want to help you attain beatitude. Every individual person's destiny corresponds to his will, which has been known to Me from the start, and the extent of suffering you have to endure corresponds to the maturity of your soul, which is also known to Me and which I constantly seek to raise. You can pass away from the earthly world in various degrees of light; this is never limited, but I know your will and where the possibility exists to attain a high degree of maturity of soul I make use of all means, and strokes of fate, oppositions in life and suffering and sadness should be regarded as such, for they can be of immense benefit to you if you completely submit yourselves to Me, if you subordinate your will to Mine, if you humbly endure everything you are granted. For I love you, you are My living creations and I want to win you over for Me, for eternity.... __Amen
The raging of natural forces....
You will hear My voice loudly and powerfully, and all of you who don't want to comply with My gentle call will be terrified when it resounds, when the raging of the natural forces reminds you of Me, Whom you have constantly opposed and Whom you nevertheless have to acknowledge in view of the expression of the elements of nature. Admittedly, you won't accept that there is a relationship between this and your activities in the world.... Yet only the latter prompts Me to express Myself visibly, for your activities demonstrate that you don't acknowledge Me as your God and Creator to Whom you will have to be answerable one day. You don't believe it and therefore don't live your earthly life according to My will.... And that is why My voice will resound, so that you will consider Me and change, so that you will recognise Me and accept My will as your own.... I speak to you, admonishing you at first gently and full of love to turn around.... in order to then raise My voice increasingly until it worries and frightens you because you will then fear for your lives. And many will lose their earthly life, yet if they still find Me in the last hour their physical death will be no loss for them.... it is merely a blessing, for they were in danger of descending completely, and then I can recall them the instant they recognise Me Myself, the instant of the awakening of faith, which facilitates the entry into the kingdom of the beyond and is the beginning of the soul's path of ascent. __I want to make Myself distinctly recognisable through the fury of nature.... Where human will is active faith in Me is only rarely to be expected, but where people are hopelessly exposed to the natural elements they are more inclined to remember their Creator and call upon Him.... And there is still hope that souls will be saved from the darkness of unbelief, that they acknowledge Me and then allow themselves to be guided by Me on earth as well as in the kingdom of the beyond. What earthly happenings cannot achieve can still be accomplished by a natural disaster on a huge scale.... that the God and Creator of eternity will be remembered and that a human being's heart will establish the connection with Him by way of sincerely appealing to Him for salvation from utmost adversity. And what is apparently an enormous work of destruction can signify a rescue mission for many souls which thereby escape eternal ruin and awaken to life, even if they suffer physical death. I will do whatever it takes to save those who still close their ears to My gentle and loving Words and whom I nevertheless don't want to let fall.... I want to call to them with a loud voice again and blessed are those who then will remember Me, blessed are those from whose hearts I have not yet been completely displaced and who call upon Me before it is too late.... __Amen
Important mission.... Spreading the Gospel....
Your mission is so important because My teaching shall be preached in all purity, for that which I once gave to people did not remain pure but became progressively spoilt so that it no longer contains the strength which can be found in My pure Word. But people urgently need this strength flowing to them from My Word.... they are weak and incapable of developing further and I can only give them strength by having My Word imparted to them.... as unspoilt and pure as it originates from Me. Only this Word is capable of giving them strength, only this Word is the right kind of nourishment for the souls which enables them to mature fully, which gives them strength. This is why no-one can attain eternal life without My Word, and therefore I convey it to people in a way which seems unusual and yet is an entirely natural process.... by speaking through a human mouth Myself, I Am speaking to all people and thus the absolute purity of My Word affects the ears and hearts of those who willingly listen to it.... Indeed, you only hear one person speak yet they are not his Words, it is not his doctrine which he offers to you.... it is really and truly the emanation of My love which you may take hold of because it is I Myself Who speaks to you.... It is I, of Whom it is written `Behold, I stand at the door and knock.... if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me....' I want to give you the bread of heaven, I want to revive and refresh you with nourishment which your soul is in urgent need of.... __I want to strengthen you and bring salvation to your soul.... It want to provide it with what it needs in order to become blissfully happy. There is immense hardship on earth; it is a drought which leaves the souls without sustenance, so that they starve and in their utterly weakened state are unable to lift themselves off the ground.... And I know of this hardship and want to help people. From My hand they shall receive the invigorating nourishment, I Myself want to entice them to the font where they can draw the delectable water of life and thus gain renewed strength.... and all adversity shall have ceased for the one who accepts what I offer to him: My Word from above, which I impart to those of you who want to be of service to Me, which shall be passed on through you to people in order to help them.... My Word, which is only effective if it can touch the heart in its pure form and without being spoilt and which thus shall be spread anew throughout the world by disciples I choose Myself.... For the hardship is immense and My love wants to help.... it wants to heal the sick and strengthen the weak; it wants to give life to those who are dead and therefore convey the flow of life into barren land.... In the last hour My love still wants to wrest from death the souls which cannot resist it and through My Word make them blissfully happy.... __Amen
Seriously striving for the kingdom of God....
All of you strive far too little for the kingdom of God and its glories.... even if you believe that you will enter this kingdom one day.... even if it is your will that this kingdom shall be your home sooner or later.... Nevertheless, you are still not serious enough about your transformation into love, without which you will never be able to take possession of God's kingdom.... You are still very weak-willed and do not call often enough upon the only One Who can sufficiently strengthen your will. As long as the world still attracts you, you will not be entirely devoted to the One Who alone can make His kingdom with all its glories accessible to you. In that case you still want to serve two masters, or, in other words: The control of one master is still too powerful to let you break free of him and hand yourselves over completely to the other master.... for it is not possible to serve both masters at the same time, because their demands on you are of an entirely opposite nature.... However, if you want to acquire God's kingdom with all its glory, you must separate yourselves from the world and its enticements.... You must exert all your strength of will and only consciously strive for this kingdom, otherwise you will run the risk of being held captive by the world and thereby completely depriving yourselves of the kingdom of God. You must make your decision in all seriousness, you must become aware of the fact that only a strong will can reach the goal, and you must appeal for this strong will if you still feel too weak to resist the enticements of the world.... The world can offer you very little compared to the glories of the kingdom which is not of this world.... and for the sake of enjoying minutes or hours of happiness you sacrifice the whole of eternity.... Nor should you defer your intention to seriously deal with the goal.... You do not know how much time you have left, you do not know when your last hour will come and whether it will take you by surprise so that you will no longer be able to do anything for the salvation of your soul.... For the indifference of someone who knows is worse than a worldly person's complete lack of knowledge.... Yet they are both still impressed by the world; consequently, it is most advisable to fight such temptations and cravings.... None of you grasp the seriousness of the time. However, many of you would be able to release yourselves from the world, those who are faithful when they call upon Jesus Christ for help, for reinforcement of will, for the strength to withstand temptations.... You humans are weak-willed and God's adversary will do anything to take advantage of that. God's adversary will always lay his hands on you where you are still vulnerable.... However, you can release yourselves from him, for whatever your strength cannot manage to do, will be done by the One Who died for you on the cross in order to purchase the blessings of a stronger will on your behalf.... Call upon Him when your soul is in need of help.... when God's adversary uses his artful trickery, when he uses the pleasures of the world to attract you; and you will suddenly realise how empty and shallow what he presents to your eyes is. You will turn away from him and follow the call of the One who wants to open His kingdom for you, Who one day would like to provide you with all beatitudes in His kingdom.... __Amen
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