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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Announcement of a star....
What you are given through the spirit can be unreservedly accepted by you.... And thus you shall know that earth's approaching end is already becoming apparent in the universe, that cosmic changes are taking place, because it is God's will that at the conclusion of an earthly period all kinds of signs shall become obvious which cannot be explained by the human being as natural phenomena, which shall prove a Creator's power to him and which thus most clearly point to such a Creator. And these cosmic changes mostly concern the deviations of stars from their normal course, which assume different orbits, and such processes are and will remain inexplicable to people and yet cannot be denied. The closer the end is approaching the more frequently will people detect such phenomena, at first barely perceptible but with rising prominence, so that people can truly say `the powers of the heavens are being shaken....' It won't be related to human will, it shall be entirely an expression of God's will, and therefore all people could believe in God if only they would attentively observe such unusual phenomena. But anyone unwilling to believe cannot be more plainly convinced either that a God and Creator exists Whom all elements in nature have to obey.... However, anyone who pays attention to Him will also know what hour has struck.... __And thus a star will leave its usual orbit and move towards earth. This star takes its course independent of people's will and poses a grave threat to them, yet its path will not be restrained, because earth must endure a tremor for the sake of humanity's detriment as well as its benefit.... For many people will thereby lose their lives, as it was proclaimed long in advance.... And the earth will suffer an impact.... The danger to the entire planet will be inconceivable, yet this natural catastrophe will not result in total destruction but nevertheless be on such an unimaginable scale that it will already be the end for untold people. Yet those who survive will approach the final end soon afterwards.... an act of destruction brought about by human will, which certainly will be permitted by God but is not His will.... whereas the former cosmic catastrophe will still have had a redemptive purpose by even now giving unbelievers a final indication of a Power Which controls everything and that nothing happens by chance. __They shall still be given a means of rescue, a final means of attaining faith so as not to go astray. Through this event God Himself speaks to people who disregard His gentle voice, but His loud voice often resounds painfully and thus will claim many victims, that is, many will find their death, but they nevertheless will still have the opportunity in the kingdom of the beyond to catch up with what they had neglected to do on earth. Yet many will also have the grace of surviving the final short period until the end, and then their will to believe is once again decisive, for the unbelievers will not derive any benefit from their experience.... And in the end they will only reap the fate of a new banishment, from which God in His love would like to protect people. And this is why he admonishes and warns people in advance and draws their attention to all phenomena in the last days.... and blessed is he who believes and lives his life accordingly on earth.... He will be led through all difficulties, and whatever happens to him will be beneficial for his soul and his maturing on this earth.... __Amen
An enormous event will precede the last end that is bound to make people who survive it think. It will be an omen of the end, a devastation on a small scale in comparison to the last work of annihilation of this earth, yet of such an extent never experienced by mankind from the beginning of this earth. It is a natural happening that will throw all people who are affected by it or hear of it into a turmoil, for the consequences of the incidents are too enormous as to go unnoticed. There will be created so-called dead-earth sections that show no life at all because the transpiration of the earth on those areas choke out every life. There will be a visible influence of natural forces noticed so that this phenomenon will not be traceable back to human influence because I want to reveal Myself by means of the occurrence in order to substantiate the near end, which is continuously announced by seers and prophets on My behalf. __Renewed sorrow is imminent to people and they cannot be spared of this sorrow as long as they still pay their tribute to the world and pay their respect to Me just on-the-way-by. They need to search for Me in order for Me to be found and this can only be accomplished by means of such an event that cannot be brought in context with work of man. They'll have to feel a higher power behind it and to entrust themselves in their earthly distress to this power. But that's why they need to be subject to this power for the sake of taking resort to it on their own. Earthly speaking, they have to be without help in order to visibly feel the help from above. That's why a violent storm will emerge that uproots and jolts up everything. The earth will split open and from above and below people will be at the mercy of the elements against which they won't be able to battle because their strength won't be sufficient. An unbearable heat will already render people unable and dull before and apathetically they watch the first phenomena in nature until they then recognize their grim situation and now nearly brutally fight for their life, which they fear to loose. __And all those who are of good will I will stand by in their need and I will give them knowledge so they will see My ruling and working in all the happenings and from this insight also teach their neighbors and encourage them to turn to Me and to preach to them about My love, wisdom and omnipotence so that they may call upon Me when in danger. And I will be their guide and throughout all of the distress all those who believe in Me and are willing to serve Me in the last time prior to the end shall be saved. __For shortly after these happenings the destruction of the old earth [surface] will follow, as it is written. Yet, people are not to experience this destruction unprepared and that's why I send ahead a shadow as a last indication, to be believed, so that people will not enter their eternal ruin but are able to be saved, if making use of their will in the appropriate manner. __Amen
Catastrophe.... Prediction....
Undivided attention is necessary in order to be able to receive the following proclamation: Divine Wisdom has intended an event the effects of which will be dreadful. A disaster shall develop in the very near future which can neither be prevented nor diminished by way of earthly efforts. Countless spiritual beings will move into action and, on behalf of divine instruction, turn the interior of the earth into upheaval, the earth will split open and masses of water will burst through; an act of destruction of catastrophic proportions will take place which will bring indescribable misery upon the people who will be affected by it. And this will happen very soon.... For you humans will only deem yourselves powerful and safe from all danger for a little time longer; you only observe world events around yourselves and feel secure and out of danger.... yet you forget that there is a Power in charge of everything in, on and above the earth. __And since you forget the One Who reigns in accordance with His will, He shall speak to you through the forces of nature and you will have to listen to Him, for you will be unable to escape His voice. You pay no attention to instructions from above, suffering on earth doesn't change your thinking, yet you will be unable to drown out the divine voice since it is stronger than all the noise in the world. And therefore it is proclaimed to you in advance, so that you will recognise the Lord when His voice resounds.... Admittedly, the world does not want to hear anything about it, it will try to control the great adversity with purely earthly means and constantly negate divine activity. And many will agree with this opinion and thus only see the misery but do not recognise the divine will which, for the sake of humanity's improvement, will expose whole stretches of land to destruction. And this time it will announce itself by the fact that a country will be affected by an unmerited pestilence which will subsequently get this country into very serious difficulties, and since no earthly help will seem possible anymore God Himself will step into action and instruct the elements of nature to intervene in earthly measures. __And whoever deemed himself great before will become small, for he will need all his resources in order to rebuild what was destroyed. People will be needed for the reconstruction of his own country which, having previously flourished, will be desolate and bare and require many workers. And this is the time when people will reflect on different questions than before. For anyone who survives this time will truly enjoy God's favour.... He has testified to being united with the Lord.... in greatest distress he had sent his thoughts to the Father in heaven, and the Father answered the prayer of a human being who had recognised and found Him in most severe adversity. After all, He only sends severe suffering upon humanity so that it shall find its faith in God again.... And thus He will also have to forcibly raise the utterly destroyed faith again by demonstrating His omnipotence to people and showing the world that He is Lord over heaven and earth.... __Amen
Contact with inhabitants of other worlds.... `In My Fathe...
Countless heavenly bodies circle the universe, and they all have the task of helping immature souls reach maturity..... __So now you can understand the Words: `In My Father's house are many mansions....' And every star receives the souls whose state of maturity is suitable to its conditions; in other words, the potential for maturity differs on every star and the souls are placed accordingly. But the living conditions, too, are always different, because the stars' nature and consistency vary. A detailed description cannot be given to people on earth because much would be incomprehensible to them and requires spiritual knowledge in order to be understood. But for all souls, whatever their degree of maturity, suitable stars exist for maturing, where souls of good will are able to ascend. For even there the spiritual beings' free will is taken into account, even there spiritual constraint is not applied, although the respective living conditions constrain the beings to the extent that they have to accept them or they could not survive in their world. And everywhere the beings will receive a light which reveals the purpose of their existence.... Whether they accept and utilise the light is up to them but it is decisive for their ascent. And all these works of God's creation are `mansions in the Father's house....' __Hence all spiritual essence will one day achieve the degree of maturity which will enable it to exchange physical creations with purely spiritual ones.... which you humans are unable to perceive with your physical eyes. Because everything that is visible to you are creations which shelter beings which are still immature, since perfected beings are active in the kingdom of light and no longer require `visible' creations for their abode. But the distance between all these works of creation is vast and they are not within reach of each other either.... The inhabitants of all these worlds are tied to their planet, to the star on which they live.... They are only able to change their abode after reaching a certain degree of maturity, and not arbitrarily but in line with God's fundamental law.... to which all His creations must submit, including the beings who are allocated to them. It is therefore foolish to assume that the inhabitants of these worlds could arbitrarily depart from them and approach other worlds without fearing their own destruction. Because the living conditions are different on all stars and these cannot be excluded arbitrarily. However, during the last days even such plans are being worked on. __ (17.5.1960) God's opponent takes advantage of people's gullibility by feigning that they can have contact with inhabitants of other worlds and that these, for apparently good reasons, also want to make contact with the inhabitants of earth. He intends to undermine the belief in an end of the old earth and thereby prevent people from preparing themselves for this end.... But people should be informed that earth is a planet on its own which has no connection with other worlds, and that any connection with other worlds can only be spiritually established.... Hence the human being is, in fact, able to make contact with inhabitants of advanced worlds, with the kingdom of light, by way of good and appealing thoughts for help at times of spiritual hardship.... which will then be given to him spiritually.... but that it is not advisable for him to call on beings on other stars whose spiritual degree of maturity and their ability to offer spiritual help is unknown to him. Physical help is definitely out of the question, as God's adversary would like people to believe that these beings could exert their influence on the inhabitants of earth before a final destruction. Only God can provide the right kind of help when the time arrives which is feared by you humans, and if you believe it He will grant this help to everyone who asks for it. __And He truly has enough angels who exclusively comply with and implement His will, and they will also take care of people when the hour comes.... But God's adversary has found fertile ground in people's gullibility onto which he can sow many bad seeds. People would rather accept his misguided instructions than pure truth, which shows the value of his seeds. Because error is always accepted over truth, the human being will always seek to gain advantage from error and reject the truth, which does not promise him any profits. The end is near, and it will come without fail.... Every teaching is wrong which questions an end or provides people with a way out that does not correspond with God's will.... For God Himself will lead everyone out of danger who entrusts himself to Him, who takes refuge with Him, who belongs to His Own who need not fear an end.... __Amen
Significance of Jesus' crucifixion and consequences of re...
Jesus Christ died on the cross for the whole of humanity and humanity wants to describe this crucifixion as a minor point, as a sentence of execution for a national activist or even as an entirely unlikely myth.... Therefore people deprive themselves of every entitlement to God's mercy since they do not acknowledge this greatest work of mercy, hence God's mercy cannot express itself in them either. As a result their will remains feeble, God's adversary aims to subdue human will in his favour, i.e. the individual does not have the strength to resist this influence if he does not accept Christ's act of Salvation. Jesus' sacrifice on behalf of humanity can never be lessened by it. However, people who attempt to devalue or to completely invalidate Christ's act of Salvation resemble the people during Jesus' time on earth in spirit, thus they also have to accept the same consequences, they have to prepare themselves for much destruction as was the fate of those who were hostile towards Jesus Christ on earth, who refused to acknowledge Him as Son of God and Saviour of the world. Since those people were followers of Satan they allowed themselves to become so influenced by him that they opposed all evidence of Jesus Christ in order to belittle Him and to suppress His spiritual accomplishment. __And now humanity is striving to destroy what still testifies of Jesus' time on earth and, in comparison, this resembles the same chaos as took place in those days. Spiritually and physically this chaos will express itself in complete destruction which human will can no longer evade.... Christ's crucifixion was the only means to transform human thought on earth, i.e. Jesus Christ's sacrifice on behalf of humanity strengthened the fragile willpower of the human being, enabling him to resist the opponent's demands with conviction without becoming overwhelmed by him. Thus the acknowledgment of God in Jesus Christ is at the same time the most reliable guarantee for the human being to detach himself from the adversary. Jesus Christ's crucifixion has gained people a stronger will. The human being cannot apply this will in any other way since without Jesus Christ he would still be subject to the power of God's opponent and would lack sufficient willpower to liberate himself. Thus the intention of the world to deny Jesus Christ is extremely significant as it lessens the strength of resistance and constantly increases the influence of God's adversary. Humanity's conduct therefore reveals ever more heartlessness as a result of this influence which can only be offset and neutralised by Christ's crucifixion. The souls of human beings are in utmost danger because they will fail when they are expected to confess Jesus Christ before the world. Only the belief in Christ's crucifixion enables people to do so because only then is their will strong enough to overcome every resistance. And Jesus Christ paid for this strength of will for human beings with His death on the cross.... He has released them from the adversary's captivity if they believe in Him.... __Amen
Very soon you will know for certain that something is taking shape in the cosmos, for unusual events will worry you humans because you will be unable to find an explanation for them. Many speculations will surface, many opinions will meet with conflicting notions, yet only those people’s points of view come close to the truth who suspect a connection between that which was proclaimed in Word and Scripture, which people were told by seers and prophets at all time.... Anyone with spiritual vision can find an explanation for all events, for everything has a spiritual meaning and is intended to fulfil a spiritual purpose: to draw people’s attention to their actual purpose of life so that they prepare themselves for the imminent Judgment.... __And science, too, will support this, for it will discover the unusual changes in nature first, the cosmic happenings, which will confound them, and the significant appearances which they will not be able to explain due to lack of knowledge. They will observe and marvel but they will not accept the only true answer that the earth will be shaken to its foundations, which could indeed be caused by these phenomena. They won’t want to believe it and will therefore always argue against it if the Scriptures, the ancient prophecies, are pointed out to them, if they hear the opinion of the believers or if the messengers of My Word proclaim to them the approaching end.... __And therefore it will be difficult to make the intervention on My part plausible to worldly people, because an attempt will be made to explain everything in a purely scientific way. And only a few will become aware of these unusual phenomena and therefore ever more assuredly draw people’s attention to the end. And I will so evidently support their words of admonition and warning that even the scientists will apprehensively admit their lack of knowledge.... And they will discover a star which will come constantly closer to the vicinity of earth and which will apparently take an irregular course.... By observing its path their attention is drawn to ever new peculiarities.... And they will recognise it as a danger to earth.... and at the same time they won’t want to believe in its destruction because it will never before have been experienced.... But I will allow it to happen, because My eternal plan of Salvation necessitates something extraordinary which still intends to benefit humanity.... and because it shall be an warning sign of the work of destruction which will follow soon afterwards and which will bring this period of Salvation to conclusion.... __The more the end approaches, the greater will be the irregularities which people will experience, because they are meant to take notice and begin to wonder about the correspondence with that which is quoted by the believers as the Word of God, as predictions by seers and prophets, and endorsed as truth.... And now My spirit also proclaims through My servants on earth the near end again and My loudly resounding voice of thunder before this event.... and these very phenomena will bear witness of the truth of My Word.... Pay attention you humans, and just look at everything as indications of the end, which I give to all of you so that you do not fall prey to ruin, for everything that happens is so important that it would be able to convince you if you were of good will.... The time is fulfilled and the end is near.... __Amen
Natural disaster before the end....
The end of this earth and of all living creatures upon it is inevitable.... No creations on earth will remain, people and animals will lose their lives apart from the small flock of those who will be raptured in the flesh. This last act of My will has been planned from the beginning, time and again it has been proclaimed to people by seers and prophets, and is now announced to people again with all urgency as being close at hand, because it will be so enormous and no-one shall experience the end without having been informed of it. Yet the proclamations find no credence.... An event is approaching people, the enormity of which cannot possibly be imagined.... and yet it is dismissed as implausible and the admonitions and warnings are futile, for no-one prepares himself for this enormous happening. People don't believe in an end.... And thus I will proceed with My final exhortation.... I will still give the unbelieving human race a last sign in the shape of a natural disaster.... the scale of which will also be huge but it will only affect the earth to a limited extent, so that they will no longer think it impossible and seriously take account of themselves as to whether and how they can be justified before Me at the end. Great events are often foreshadowed.... The natural event, which will be followed by the end shortly afterwards, is intended to be a final admonition, for it will cost many human lives, countless people will fall prey to the elements of nature, or little impression on the hardened hearts can be expected which, however, shall still be saved prior to the destruction.... I have always spoken though the mouths of prophets and even now I keep speaking through My devoted servants.... Yet people do not listen to this language apart from a few who believe My Words and are therefore willing to influence their fellow human beings according to My will.... __But now they shall clearly hear My voice and not be able to close their ears, for humanity's indifference motivates Me to disturb them and shake them out of their tranquillity, their worldly spirit.... so that no one will be able to claim that he received no warning. But even this warning will not result in turning to Me completely, because people don't want to recognise My voice and because I do not use force which impels people to come to Me.... Then the end will sweep everything which remains in opposition to Me away, for every human being still remains in opposition who does not turn to Me in view of the previous immense destruction.... which demonstrates My might.... Everyone still remains in opposition who thinks that an end of this earth is impossible, for he is spiritually unenlightened, which betrays his affiliation to My adversary.... I still try to break this opposition by all possible means without using force. And this final intervention will truly appear to be a cruel method yet I use it for the sake of your salvation, because My Words are not being believed and because the end is near to which they will then inevitably fall prey, and then their spiritual state will be the decisive factor as to what fate awaits them on the day of Judgment. And time and again I say to My servants that they cannot mention the end and the preceding natural event diligently enough, that they should not be afraid to draw people's attention to the fact that they will not have much time left, that they should unhesitatingly speak about My eternal plan and that they therefore should also spread My Gospel, so that people know what I expect of them as not to descend into darkness as a victim of the forthcoming event.... I only ask for a loving heart which is willing to make sacrifices.... Then they will be able to wait for the coming events without fear, then they will belong to those who will emerge unscathed even if everything around them threatens to disappear.... However, dreadful things will be in store for those who do not want to believe.... And then I will have mercy on everyone who calls upon Me in his adversity, for I only want to rescue people and not let them fall prey to ruin.... For the end will come without fail, and then everyone will be judged in accordance with law and justice.... __Amen
Prediction.... Destruction of God's Word and Scriptures.....
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Word shall remain forever. And anyone who believes in this Word will never ever die, for everything that belongs to Me has eternal life.... And yet you will have to struggle and fight for this Word of Mine. You are approaching a time which will demand utmost responsibility from you, you will have to demonstrate that you are living creations of the Deity and not the children of evil. And if you produce this evidence you will be blessed for all times. My Own will have to fight and must indeed very much defend themselves against the enemy, for all earthly powers will oppose that which came forth from the eternal Deity and will not shy away from any means to achieve its complete annihilation. Yet even during the darkest night the light will shine for all those of you who hold on to My Word, and you will be able to take the path without worry of going astray. __And thus listen: Wherever the world intends to work against Me that is where I prepare the counter-offensive, and this will make the earthly power's resolve waver, for it will suddenly behold the Lord's avenging hand in the sky. And this will only show itself after their regulations and laws attempt to utterly eradicate My teaching.... thus, when it is clearly recognisable that the teaching of Christ may no longer be offered to people.... Only then will I intervene in order to safeguard My fighters who are working for Me from the worst danger at the same time. So wait for this time calmly and confidently; when the need is greatest I will stand by your side with My help and will certainly know how to stop the host of My fighters from becoming dispersed or destroyed. Everything is subject to Me, in heaven and on earth.... Oh, what folly it is to oppose Me!.... And if they don't believe in My might then it must be visibly proven to them. You should use your power on earth truly wisely for the glory of God and your own salvation of soul and not try to establish a kingdom on purely earthly desires and advantages which can only be described as a kingdom of Babel if you overestimate your own power and, with total lack of responsibility towards the divine Creator, believe yourselves able to issue instructions which oppose the Lord's will.... At the moment it is still left up to individual people to deal with this issue, which is decisive for eternity, in their hearts.... But soon you will be given guidelines as to how you ought to be thinking.... The world and its representatives will endeavour to curtail all knowledge about the teaching of Christ.... It will be most strictly demanded that the still existing documents and Scriptures must be handed in, and people who won't let go of My Word will suffer serious inner conflicts.... And then I will remember them in their adversity.... __Anyone who wants to keep Me in his heart will never be abandoned and earthly authorities will not be able to touch him, for My power is greater than theirs. The instigation of the world which concerns the total destruction of God's teaching will be recognisable both in its consequences as well as in its defeats, for at first I will allow it to happen in order to draw everyone's attention to it.... Only when the effort is clearly identifiable, when no more doubts regarding the seriousness of such plans exist and when the distress of My Own is greatest will I reveal Myself and stretch out My hand in judgment against the deniers of My Word, and when this hour has come you, who are faithful to Me, will realise that you are visibly guided by the Father's hand. Regardless of what the world imposes on you, you should only ever look up to Me and in firm trust of rescue from adversity look for My spirit.... which will equip you with strength to resist and will never ever let you move towards ruin. In order to protect your soul from danger I will constantly work in the midst of you as a sign of My presence.... __Amen __Let the heavenly Father's Words gently end in a prayer, which all of you should send up to Him whenever you suffer adversities: __Let Your peace be with Me.... my dearest heavenly Father.... Give me strength to fight down here.... and fortify my will. Grant me Your grace at all times.... show me the right path to go.... Let me always and without hesitation be of service in honour of You.... And when I come upon difficulties let my faith grow even stronger.... Hold on with Your love to me, your weak earthly child.... Help me to find My Saviour through the flurry of the world. Protect and look after me.... always and forever.... __Amen
Signs of the world catastrophe....
Every world catastrophe is preceded by signs so that humanity can recognise its approach, for God at all times has proclaimed them through His Word, and by paying attention to these signs you will know that now the time has come; and thus you also know that you have to prepare yourselves so that you will not be heading towards total destruction. Whatever God does, and thus also allows to come upon earth, is determined by humanity's will, that is, human will does not directly draw the catastrophe near but its wrongness is the reason for it. Human will is misused on such a scale that a world catastrophe has to be the inevitable consequence of it, for this misguided will can only be directed onto the right track by something completely unexpected, effectively by something unnatural. Hence, the more the human will moves into the wrong direction the more urgent becomes the divine intervention, for precious earthly time is passing by without providing the being with the necessary higher development. Misused will, however, can never support higher development but only prevent it. __The events of the time, the ever increasing unbelief, the anti-Christian efforts and the messengers of His Word which are spiritually awakened by God ought to remind you that the time has come which the Lord mentioned on earth. And thus you shall be diligent and consider your soul's salvation. And regardless of how implausible it seems to you that a disaster is intended to occur on earth, just bear in mind that nothing is impossible for God, that everything can happen if it is God's will. And the fact that it is God's will is based on people's own behaviour, on their wrong attitude towards Him. If earthly life is given to people for a specific purpose but they fail to live in accordance with this purpose then they will let a divine gift of grace go by unused, and God will warn them just once more with stern Words which no one can ignore. Human will alone is the reason for a work of destruction of inconceivable proportions and when the Lord proclaimed this He foresaw people's wrong will. Yet it is His will to win back misguided humanity and therefore He applies the last resort, which certainly seems to be an act of infinite cruelty, nevertheless, it is only motivated by divine love and mercy, for countless people will attain realisation, and they will be saved for all eternity.... __Amen
The earth will be shaken in its very foundations, because people shall be very clearly reminded of the end just once more, so that the thought of death will arise in them when they see themselves at the mercy of forces over which they have no control. Many people will in fact wonder how these earthly tremors came about but the rapidly succeeding events will not give them time for an answer.... For then detonations of huge proportions in different areas of the world will follow which make people incapable of thought, these will then be accompanied by a raging of the natural elements with inconceivable consequences, the extent of which can only be assessed by the survivors after the event. They will be inclined to believe that people's scientific experiments had been the cause of this incredibly enormous work of destruction. However, they will be mistaken.... It is My voice which will and must resound forcefully, because people no longer listen to My gentle voice, and for their own sake a last rescue mission before the shortly ensuing end is still needed. Countless people will thus lose their lives, good and evil people will fall prey to the work of destruction but it can still be beneficial for the survivors if they learn their lessons from it, if they learn to recognise Me and henceforth walk their path together with Me.... I have long announced this event in advance yet meet with little belief, because people are unable to imagine a natural disaster on such a huge scale and because nothing of the kind has ever been experienced since the start of this earthly period.... Yet it has always been mentioned, and if people only had a shred of belief in My Word they would also expect one day what was announced to them a long time before. In the last days, however, all faith has vanished and even My Own find it difficult to take these proclamations seriously although they are willing and always united with Me by love. __However, suddenly and unexpectedly the first signs will become apparent, cosmic changes will manifest themselves and everything seems to leave its lawful order; strange observations will be made regarding the movements of the stars and for short periods of time alarming eclipses occur, but time and again an apparent period of calm will follow until the elements of nature are so suddenly and dreadfully unleashed that no-one will have time for considerations, and then the only help available will be to mentally call upon Me for protection in greatest peril and danger.... All people who had previously accepted the information.... even if it didn't seem credible to them.... will be greatly blessed because they will know about this only way and need only call upon Me in spirit and in truth. But many of them will be incapable of thought and I can only advise them to turn to Me beforehand already by appealing to Me for protection.... and I will accept this request, because it also demonstrates their faith in Me which I then clearly want to strengthen.... How the event will come to pass need not be explained to you humans since it would not benefit you; but you can believe the fact that it will happen and that it will exceed the hardship and misery which has occurred until now. And you can also inform your fellow human beings of it with inner conviction, for it can only be a blessing to know that everything is predetermined by your God and Creator, however, not in order to cause you harm but only to help your souls which are in extreme danger of going astray. For soon afterwards the end of this earth will occur, however, this will not be precipitated by Me but caused by human will which I nevertheless won't prevent from accomplishing all-destructive experiments, because the time has come for the unspiritual human race when a separation of the spirits will have to take place.... because all that which had left the divine order shall be led into order again, so that the faltered higher development can continue to progress on a new earth, which My love, wisdom and might will let arise again corresponding to My eternal plan of Salvation.... __Amen
Hatred and its consequences....
The demon of hatred is poisoning the whole world.... And people enslave themselves to him. But hatred destroys, whereas love builds up, and the work of devastation on earth will happen on an ever increasing scale the more hatred rages amongst humanity. God's work of destruction will not end this hatred either, instead it will only make individual people here and there come to their senses, and they will subsequently realise by whom they allowed themselves to be dominated. And for the sake of these few will God manifest Himself and show His power and strength. The majority, however, will carry on living in hatred and keep trying to assert itself with means born of hatred and which inflame ever more hatred. For hatred is intensified unkindness, hatred is the most dreadful attribute because it has indescribably destructive consequences, not just in an earthly but also in a spiritual way. For it eradicates all noble impulses or puts them at great risk. The person who lives in hatred is flung to and fro by demons, his striving towards ascent is constantly in jeopardy because he will repeatedly be thrown back again as soon as he allows himself to be carried away by hatred, because he keeps handing himself over to the power of the one who only tries to convey hatred and unkindness to people. And his power over such a person is great. And it is even greater when the whole of the human race lives in hatred.... This has to signify a spiritual decline which will have alarming effects insofar as that people willingly implement what they are told to do by God's malicious opposing power.... that they will destroy all possessions in order to damage their fellow human beings. God's adversary is eager to release all spirits which were banished by God into creations. For this reason all his thoughts and intentions aim to destroy that which was created through God's will. But since his will and power cannot take hold of the works of creation, he seeks to force his will onto people.... He plants hatred into them and thereby impels them to implement what is impossible for him.... to destroy the creation.... Thus he uses the people enslaved by him as his henchmen, he places satanic thoughts in them, he stirs up hatred in them and thus drives them to cause immense damage to each other. People willingly carry out the impulses their soul's greatest enemy gives to them.... Their actions give rise to constantly renewed hatred and hatred produces ever new works of destruction.... Such a poisoned human race will progressively move towards its downfall, for it will hardly find the path back to loving activity.... __Amen
The incomprehensible is going to happen. God Himself will speak to people in a manner that will cause fear and horror. Soon the time will be present, for mankind cannot expect consideration anymore since it is completely devoid of any love. It will itself cause to start the ball rolling, it draws itself the intervention near, it continuously violates against the commandments of God, against the commandment of love for God and the love for the neighbor. And without consideration, it carries out actions that are satanic and are bound to lead to one's ruin unless God intervenes and, by doing so, yet saves souls who find their way to Him in distress. And this is the sign of the time God has proclaimed long ago: a hot, bitter fight will precede it whose end God determines because He wants to make Himself and His power recognizable. He, Himself, terminates the fight, yet differently than people expect. By means of His intervention, that is also of decisive importance for the whole world, He leads the world happenings into other tracks. And people will have to see they are powerless and a higher Power conducts the world happenings. And they have to submit to this One. __The misery, caused by human will that was unbearable for many already, will be severe; but now they will have to struggle with measures of objectionable nature that God Himself sends their way, and they cannot revolt against it because they cannot call on somebody to give account for it. But the behavior of man prior to that cannot be called human anymore and thus God shows His power to them. Where man before wanted to proove its power and proceed with all atrocity against their neighbors, there God shows Himself in His action; and towards Him all are weak and powerless and their shameful raging falls back unto them who, without mercy, want to bring nothing but destruction simply because they feel powerful. It is a chaos that cannot be depicted any worse when people let their feelings of hate and vengeance show, and this will of destruction means a disintegrating of that which the Lord God has created before it has reached its destination. A steady destructive urge is typical to mankind of the present time and this is a sign they are enslaved to the power that tries to destroy everything in order to prevent the spiritual within to draw closer to God. __Man is not aware of the terrible consequences of a forceful destroying of created things, be it human, animal or solid matter, as to how the immature spiritual within rages and causes havoc and what turmoil this signifies in the spiritual world. The souls of humans are plagued and are detrimentally affected and even the believers feel the influence and are disheartened and discouraged. And a mighty will has to put a stop to it for the spiritual sake that endeavors to get near God and now is about to be pushed away by the opponent of God by means of his compliant servants on earth. And that's why, immediately after the implementation of a plan that will exceed everything in regard to dreadfulness thought up by man so far, God will let His voice sound. There's only a little time left, first a horrible event has to take place so that the whole world pays attention and the better hears the voice of God. There are many victims as yet who'll have to buy it, i.e.: to give their lives for a dishonest cause so that people who are in need of a bright insight pay heed, for they all contribute to the chaos and thus are also part of the blame, unless they recognize their wrong and turn away from it. __The divine Voice is continuously reminding and warning, It keeps pointing everyone to the wrong but It also requires that attention be paid to It or else it will sound loud and ringing and be a terror to all and pronounce a judgment according to right and justness. For the blame is universal and only those who detest the behavior of mankind and want to belong to God are to be acquitted, for they recognize the wrong and fear the wrath of God to strike the evil-doers. And the hour will come suddenly and unexpectedly, for it is the last great favor prior to the end for the purpose of converting anyone not walking along carelessly but recognizing God in the natural happening, which is inevitable according to the will of God. __Amen
Destructive will of God's adversary.... Bound spirits - H...
Everything that is transient in the world belongs to My adversary, that is, all matter shelters imperfect spirits which My adversary once turned against Me and which therefore still oppose Me. Material Creation came into being through My will and he has no authority over it. And yet, this world belongs to him, for he can boast that the spiritual substances bound in matter are the product of his will. However, My will caused the emergence of material Creation in order to remove the spirits from their creator's control and he will never ever be able to destroy My work of love and compassion although it is his constant endeavour. He certainly would like to liberate the spirits from the bound state I placed them in for the purpose of attaining beatitude, for as free beings the imperfect spirits would never strive towards ascent but, under the control of My adversary, would continue to descend ever further into the abyss. For this reason I removed his power over these spiritual beings and created forms he is unable to destroy, because they are My consolidated will. Thus, My adversary has no control over the spiritual substances which are still bound in matter.... However, he tries to use it all the more on the final material form which shelters the spiritual being, on the human being in the stage of free will.... He cannot force the human being to become enslaved by him yet he can seduce him in every way and try to cause him to maliciously destroy material creations as well. Thus, he uses the human being in order to accomplish his will after all.... the destruction of matter.... It is, however, up to the human being to comply with his will or to offer him resistance. And in order to win a person over for his disgraceful plans My adversary enticingly presents that to him which he himself would like to be destroyed. He tries to arouse or to increase the human being's greed for matter and thereby also trigger instincts in him which do not shy away from destroying matter in order to enrich himself or to amass possessions, thereby taking their actual purpose of releasing themselves through being of service away from them, because the human being himself prevents the inherent spiritual substance from being helpful. __Consequently, what the enemy is unable to destroy he wants to prevent from developing further. He tries to give permanence to that which is impermanent, if his destructive will cannot reach it. And the human being obeys him only too gladly as long as matter is enticing to him and he constantly aims to increase it. If My adversary succeeds in tempting people into becoming destructively active, then the prematurely released spirits will wreak so much havoc that it will revoke the order, so that chaos will ensue which will also affect those people who want to withdraw from My adversary's influence. For the devious spiritual beings will cause destruction everywhere, which will always happen through My adversary's initiative who will once again exert his influence over the released spirits. This is why they will be bound again by My will.... Due to the individual person's impulse of preservation, people, whose material possessions were destroyed, will constantly create works for helpful purposes again in which the spirits which escaped from matter will be bound once more for their continued maturing. And these works will then be even more eagerly of service, because the inherent spiritual substance will sense the relief of having been integrated into the process of development again, which it involuntarily had to abandon. It will sense the benefit of order which forms the basis for all My creations, in contrast to My adversary's unlawful activity, which it is indeed subject to in a free state but which does not make it happy. The human being can, by virtue of his free will and My grace, which is at his disposal, resist My adversary and contribute considerably towards preventing him from destroying matter if he helps it to fulfil a serving function and only destroys it if matter is given a higher function of service. Then the human being will keep removing himself ever further from My adversary's influence, then he will completely submit himself to My will by releasing himself and also help the spiritual substance in matter to progress in its development by not granting My adversary any power at all over himself and also trying to release matter from him, by making sure that the human being's will always resists My adversary.... __Amen
Spiritual turning point.... Alteration of this earth....
Don't entertain false hopes and expect a turn for the better on this earth by thinking that people's spiritual nature could improve and that a life of faith and love might be recognisable on earth again. This earth will not experience a spiritual change in people anymore, yet the spiritual turning-point is about to happen.... And thus the earth will become a different one, but first it will undergo a change, a transformation, and the spiritual level of the human race which then will populate this new earth will be high.... __But anyone who believes and hopes that the people on earth will still change, that another era is dawning on this earth, is very much mistaken and not very familiar with God's plan of Salvation, in which the earth's transformation serves other purposes still than just a spiritually highly evolved human generation. It is also intended to further the advancement of the spiritual substances which are still bound in the material form and thus start a new period of Salvation or development which first necessitates a transformation of the earth's external form. Humanity's spiritualisation on earth would, in fact, also correspond to this divine plan of Salvation and also be beneficial for the still bound spiritual substance in the works of creation. But in view of people's present spiritually low level a change cannot be expected from them any more; they are completely controlled by matter and ignore their spiritual development. Hence they strive ever more towards the abyss and thereby bring about the end themselves.... a disintegration of the earthly creation, a release of everything that is bound within and their own banishment into solid matter in the new creations of earth.... Hence a teaching which upholds that a spiritual change is yet to happen on this earth is wrong, even though a spiritual turning point is in sight. People, however, don't want to believe in a destruction or an end of this earth. This thought is totally incomprehensible to them but since, on the other hand, they are convinced that a change is about to happen they expect this turn of events to be for the better. __Yet the fact that people lack belief in a forthcoming end of earth has a negative effect, for if they believed it they would truly make better use of their time, they would live consciously, that it, they would try to live up to divine will in the realisation that only their own change of nature would protect them from the fate of also getting embedded into the new creation. People are lacking knowledge and faith and both can seldom be convincingly conveyed to them, nevertheless they receive enough indications although it is up to their free will whether they allow themselves to be impressed by them. They certainly suspect or feel that they are approaching significant occurrences but never want to believe that these occurrences will be so drastic that one earth period comes to an end and a new one begins, although they would be able to believe it if people would care to love, if they gave their suffering fellow human beings the kind of love which would result in their own enlightenment. Then they would realise the hour they live in and nothing they are told about the approaching end would be doubtful to them anymore.... __Amen
Incarnation of beings of light.... Forerunner....
I repeatedly convey the Gospel to earth, and as you receive it from above it is pure and uncorrupted by human will. I know that this is necessary since untold people are no longer able to find Me because they are no longer taught the truth. Therefore I have embodied Myself in the spirit of those who want to serve Me. The fact that they now receive the truth in its purest form is a necessity which was long recognised by My love and wisdom, which in itself prompts Me to protect the recipient of truth from above against the influence of impure spirits, which want to confuse his thoughts and prevent the truth from being conveyed to him. Therefore, anyone who receives the Gospel which I Myself taught on earth and which My servants on earth are once again instructed to spread, can rest assured that he has the truth, that he, as My apostle in the last days, may instruct his fellow human beings without fear that error could enter his teaching. And in this knowledge he should approach all those who cross his path. He should consider himself as My representative and always stand up on My behalf of what he has received from Me Myself, and which will express itself as an inner feeling because it is pure truth. __Many beings of light are presently embodied on earth because the immense spiritual hardship requires exceptional help which can only be provided by beings of light. Such souls of light are usually spiritual leaders, i.e. due to their way of life in accordance with My will they have a close relationship with Me and thus are able to accept My instructions directly and pass them on to people. The degree of maturity of these light beings is such that a descent into the abyss is impossible, on account of which they always live in utmost humility and unselfishness and only try to bring My kingdom to people without wanting any benefit for themselves but to serve Me and to help people. It is therefore possible for a being of light, sent to earth by Me, to incarnate several times if people's spiritual low level necessitates it. But these incarnations are always in utter service to Me until the end, for My will prevails in these beings as they had already submitted themselves to Me voluntarily and cannot lose this degree of maturity on earth anymore. Inferior spirits will never be able to dominate such a soul embodied in a human being, and it will never succumb to their evil influences either. Hence, an already perfected spirit on earth will never be able to fall, that is to say, not achieve its mission.... Such a mission can merely appear in people's opinion as having been interrupted as a result of a sudden recall into the spiritual kingdom or due to adverse human actions which prematurely ended its earthly life. Yet even this is known to Me since eternity, and I do not forcefully interfere so as not to enslave people's will. __Nevertheless, the act of Salvation will be completed, and everything will come to pass as destined by My eternal plan of Salvation. Even the most perfect spirits from the heavens will temporarily embody themselves in order to achieve spiritual progress amongst people, for without such help the latter will be too weak to resist. And then the dead will rise from their graves, that is to say, those who are spiritually totally blind can be awakened and enabled to see through a bright flash of light from above.... But then it will be the time of the last days when My return can be expected, which was constantly proclaimed by seers and prophets. And prior to My coming the greatest light on earth will shine in modest apparel. Yet again it will proclaim Me as he had done before My appearance in the flesh on this earth, before I commenced My teaching of people to whom I wanted to bring the Gospel.... He was My forerunner and will be it again. You humans will recognise him by his words, after all, he will be using the same words and will testify of Me as he once did before. His spirit will return to earth in order to fulfil the law whereby he has to precede Me in complete awareness of his origin and his task. He understands everything and also knows his earthly fate, which he will not avoid as it is part of the act of Salvation, in which he will participate for love of the unredeemed. He knows that his mission is only fulfilled with his death and has no other desire but for final unification with Me, his Lord and Master, his Friend and Brother, his Father since eternity. __And once he appears the end will be near, for I will follow him shortly and fulfil My proclamations. However, My return will be the final act before the earth's total destruction and everything that lives on it.... Then comes to pass what is written. A new heaven and a new earth will arise where I will dwell in the midst of My Own, where there will only be one shepherd and one flock, because all those who live will be united with Me and allow My presence. For all children on the new earth will be My children to whom I will come Myself to bestow utmost happiness on them.... __Amen
The Lord's return.... Present time.... Witnesses of the n...
You all shall be witnesses of My power and glory, you shall live to see My return, partly in spirit and partly in the flesh, for the time is coming to an end and it will come to pass as I have always and constantly proclaimed. You shall experience My return and bear witness of it in the paradise of the new earth.... For I will move those who remain faithful to Me onto the new earth, where they shall also proclaim My Word as they do now on My instruction.... I know who is suitable to do so and know full well how to protect My servants from the destruction, I will endow My disciples of the last days with extraordinary strength to enable them to successfully attend to their office, so that they will courageously fight all those who are hostile to Me and who also extend their hatred to My Own. And not one of them will pass away from earth until his mission has been accomplished. The last on this earth, however, shall be the first on the new earth, where their task will be the same.... To proclaim My Word, albeit in a different manner, for it will be gladly and longingly accepted, it will be recognised for what it is.... as the Father's evidence of love, Who wants to give pleasure to His children. __They will all recognise My voice when I speak through you to people. For they will have all passed their ordeal on this earth and remained faithful to Me. Hence their reward will also be substantial and pleasing, a harmonious life in the paradise of the new earth, which no person can yet imagine but which is granted to them so that My might and glory will manifest itself. And I Myself will be in the midst of them.... I will come in the clouds to bring them home and stay with them, because due to their demonstrated loyalty during the last battle of faith they will have become My children. For they will fearlessly confess Me, they will testify of Me without having seen Me. For this reason they will also be allowed to see Me in full glory before the very end. And what I proclaim will fulfil itself.... I will return, and you will live to see it.... __You do not yet believe that the time is so close at hand, that you will have to experience the horrors of the last days, and that this earth will be destroyed with My permission. You do not yet believe that the proclamations by seers and prophets concern the present time and that you humans of this time will experience significant things which no person can imagine, for this earth has never yet exhibited such. But humanity will soon watch the events with horror and bewilderment which will make an early disintegration of earth believable, and then it will rapidly progress towards the ultimate end. Yet My chosen people will survive the time because it is My will, and because even this time shall have its witnesses who will be selected to speak of it, so that My might and glory will become evident amongst the human generation's descendants on the new earth. For it will have to be preserved as tradition for the descendants, because even then a time will come again when sin will be prevalent and I will be ignored. Then their testimony shall warn and remind people what fate will await those who completely forget about Me.... Then they shall be told about the downfall of the old earth and the Last Judgment which decided over life and death, over happiness and damnation.... __Amen
You cannot truly imagine in what way the Last Judgment will proceed; suffice it to know, that it is only a short action where everything will fall prey to its huge power of destruction, and that you will then have no more time to change your thoughts and intentions, because everything will happen rapidly and leave you no time to think.... You will be judged at a moment's notice, i.e. whether you will enter into life or death within a very short time.... Those of you who remain loyal to Me until the end will be carried away, the others will be devoured by the earth, which denotes their souls' new banishment into hard matter. Only people who still have a small glimmer of faith in God will have the strength to call upon Me in the last moment and still be saved by being spared the fate of a new banishment, albeit they will not belong to the flock of the raptured. Nevertheless, their share will be an easier fate, since they will be granted another embodiment as human being in which they should and will be able to prove themselves because the time on the new earth will be free from the adversary's temptations, who will be constrained for a long time, as it is written.... __And that is an exceptional act of grace which, however, will only be taken up by a few, for humanity is completely subject to My adversary at the end, and a person will only seldom detach himself from his restraints in view of the Last Judgment.... which will be dreadful. For all human beings face an appalling physical death, yet before they can spend much thought on it, it has already happened.... And My Own will witness this event, because I want them to get to know My might and glory, My righteousness and My wrath towards the sinners and testify to it as long as they live. For they will become the root of the human race on the new earth.... The event of the rapture is equally unimaginable because it happens in a way that defies all laws, and never before has it been experienced on earth that human beings were lifted up and taken away in their living bodies.... that I move them unharmed into a divinely beautiful region, from where they will then be brought back to the new earth, as soon as it is created in accordance with My Will. __I will not require time for this, because all spiritual substances are just waiting to be placed into works of creation which correspond to their degree of maturity in order to continue their path of development.... Human eyes do not see the act of creating the new earth, therefore it is not necessary to observe a specific duration of time for the sake of people.... And the people who are raptured lack all sense of time, so that they are unable to ascertain what time it takes to create the new earth.... Yet My might is unlimited and will reveal itself in the formation of the new earth, for this will show new creations which you humans cannot imagine but which will highly delight you, who may experience this earth.... It is truly a paradise on earth.... For My Own remained loyal to Me during the battle of faith and shall receive their reward for their loyalty.... All human beings could experience this happiness if only you would use the short time until the end well. But you do not believe and don't do anything to improve your soul's maturity, and therefore everyone will receive the reward he deserves.... a blissfully happy life in the paradise of the new earth or new banishment in the creations therein, so that after an infinitely long time you may once again live as a human being on earth for the purpose of a final test.... __Amen
Transformation of earth.... Change.... Disintegration....
You must always remember that nothing on this earth can last forever, and therefore even earth itself will not last, thus it has to change if it will not completely disintegrate in its fundamental substance. The latter will occur after an infinitely long time, but a transformation of earth will take place shortly. Just as earthly matter achieves its higher development through the dissolution of an existing form in order to rise again in a new form, so the earth as such is also subject to temporary changes, and all creations on earth will enter a new stage of development. Not just the constrained spirits within every work of creation strive to ascend but matter itself has to undergo this path of higher development by becoming increasingly softer, thus sheltering the spirit which, due to its maturity, is able to escape its form faster. Consequently hard matter, which has already existed for a very long time, has to be dissolved eventually too. Its development has to be continued in softer matter and new hard matter needs to be produced to shelter the spiritual substance which, in the stage of knowledge.... as a human being.... had failed and joined God's adversary. __Such total transformations of earth's external forms only take place within certain periods of time and are therefore unbelievable to people, because each such transformation happened so long ago that the truth can no longer be ascertained and upheld. Although a developmental period is infinitely long it will nevertheless come to an end one day. __People cannot verify or calculate the time when the end can be expected and neither can they deny it, but God wants people to believe in it because He Himself has revealed it to people through His Word and, through seers and prophets, has pointed it out time and again. That the destruction of earth, i.e. its total change, is only a matter of faith is due to the fact that the human being has to bring about the change of his soul in utmost freedom of will, and this would be instantly restricted if the timing of the end could be calculated. The beginning and end of an earth period are so far apart because the human being has to decide to believe it or reject it completely, without being forced into either. But as soon as he thinks about it and observes the growth and decay in nature he can see the process of disintegration and transformation repeat themselves so often that he will also apply this change to the creation `earth' and find it easy to believe in an end. But he will never be told when it will happen because such knowledge would be detrimental to the soul. God, however, reveals that the end of this earth is approaching soon and good for him who believes His Word and prepares himself. The day will not come unexpectedly for him; the thought of the end will no longer terrify him in view of the blissful state God has promised His Own after the transformation of this earth.... __Amen
'I will send you the Comforter....' (Explanation of appa...
My spirit will guide you into truth, as I have promised: I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, which will guide you into all truth and will remind you of everything I have said to you.... Thus anyone allowing this spirit of Mine to become effective in him will also know the truth and can accept everything conveyed to him by My spirit. Think very seriously about this for once and you will know what originates from Me and can be believed by you. As soon as you recollect My Words which I spoke on earth to My disciples as well as to all other people, you will not be able to dismiss the fact that you can receive the pure truth in the way I told you with the Words: I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth.... And prior to My Words I said that I will take abode in those Who prepare their heart for Me, that I will not abandon them, that I will reveal Myself to those who love Me and keep My commandments.... __It therefore follows that My revelations must come from within, that I, once I have taken abode in a person's heart, will also manifest Myself therein with the result that the person will hear My voice through the inner Word.... And this is proof again that you may unhesitatingly trust this voice, for it is the expression of My love for My Own, who are counted as My Own because they accepted Me Myself in their hearts, because I was able to take abode in them. Hence you possess My Word, the announcement of My will, the truth in its purest form. Therefore you need not be taught from outside if you acknowledge Me as your Teacher and entrust yourselves directly to Me. Direct communication between you and Me is therefore possible, and in order to be truthfully educated you must acknowledge this first. Then you will strive to receive the truth from the original source and will also be able to believe with conviction what is imparted to you. For this knowledge comes to you in a fully conscious state; I speak to you and you hear Me. __But I speak to you through your heart and your heart hears My voice, not your physical ear, which can only hear externally spoken words. If you inwardly hear My Word then you will know that I Am expressing Myself; alternatively, if you hear the Word from outside then you need to ascertain its origin, for anything can be offered to you from outside, My adversary also approaches you from outside, and then you should seriously examine it, and if you examine it seriously then you also have the will to find the source of what you are offered in Me. If you therefore want to hear Me speak I will certainly grant your wish, in which case every Word you receive will be true if it is imparted to you through My devoted servants. Let this be a sure sign to you: that I will answer your every question if you present it to Me. __You are all always taught in a way that matches your maturity; you can only grasp profound wisdom once you have reached a specific degree of maturity, when the explanation from the spiritual kingdom can be given to you unveiled, which will be understandable to you if you compare it with My activity on earth, where I always spoke to people in parables, in metaphorical language, in order to explain it to them. These veiled teachings are intended to stimulate a person's thinking, so that he penetrates spiritual knowledge and does not just superficially accept it with his physical ears. If I impart My Word unveiled, as I do now, then the degree of maturity which guarantees the correct understanding is a prerequisite. Words to that effect will not differ as soon as both the veiled and the direct Word from above come in unveiled form from the same source, as soon as every teaching has originated from Me. __But first you must examine this and you need only appeal for My help in order to pass the right judgment. Bear in mind that the adversary works as well, and especially when people try to escape from him, when they strive for truth in order to learn to recognise and love Me. Then he will always try to extinguish or obscure the light and be very active where the opportunity presents itself. __In order to help you humans and to undermine the activity of this said power I provide you with information through bearers of light where impure influences have led your thinking astray. That which comes from above is truth, and that which comes from below are errors and lies.... Where direct inner spiritual activity can be recognised it can only be the working of forces from above which receive and forward My illumination. However, where forces avail themselves of a human form in an unconscious state, caution is advised, for a passive form can also be used by a dark force, if only for a short time, yet fellow human beings themselves often determine the statements made through this form with their own thoughts and wishes, which are instantly picked up by these forces which will then audibly express themselves through this form. For, as soon as some of the listeners have strong willpower their thoughts will also exert a strong influence and, depending on their truth, they will be seized by either forces of light or of darkness and audibly expressed. For this reason the human being should always let go of his own knowledge when he receives spiritual knowledge, he should humbly and like a small child without knowledge allow himself to be taught, then purest truth will flow to him, because no resistance exists to prevent it.... __Many will take exception to the fact that a seeming contradiction comes to light, yet My spirit has always revealed the same to people, it was simply not understood by everyone in the same way, and even those who received My Word were not free of their own thoughts as soon as they turned their eyes towards the world and associated world events with the spiritual information. Besides, My eternal plan of Salvation was unknown to people at the time I lived on earth, and the explanations I gave to people about future times were presented such that only someone who had completely shaped himself into love would have been able to form a correct idea about the last days, about the last Judgment and the end. The others lacked realisation and a clear portrayal would not have been beneficial for them, since the especially announced judgment was still ahead of them, the destruction of Jerusalem, which likewise signified the chapter of an era for these people and was nearer to them than the end. So people were certainly informed of a renewal, of a spiritual change, but with an additional remark which related more to the change of people than the transformation of Earth, because the knowledge of the latter would have been detrimental to their spiritual state.... __But now I approach those people who will live through the final chapter on this earth.... I approach those who have attained a certain degree of maturity and therefore also the understanding for the coming events. To these I provide complete clarification and instruct them to inform their fellow human beings of it. However, they will only be believed by those who become discerning and spiritually enlightened through genuine striving for perfection, who know My plan of Salvation and realise that there is no other option but a total transformation of the earth, for the sake of the souls which have fallen to the lowest point and yet shall be redeemed one day. Right now I speak to the people of the last days, but even in the past My Words were not contradictory.... As Jesus, the man, I said what I saw and was prevented from seeing how the end would happen.... I saw the converted human race but not the transformed earth because it was God's wish to keep people uninformed at that time.... __The fact that Earth must remain a place of education for the spiritual substances and for how long, that it therefore must continue to exist, was certainly meant to be explained to people, however, the transformation of the earth's surface affects the higher development of the spiritual substances bound in matter and the renewed banishment of a soul which, embodied as a human being, has not passed the test of faith and will.... Neither was comprehensible to humanity, it only differentiated between an earthly world, as it existed, and a purely spiritual world, and it was merely explained to people that the earth, as a world of matter, cannot be excluded as yet and that the development on this earth must still continue for an infinitely long time. For Earth as a planet will not cease to exist after the last Judgment, it will merely fulfil its mission in a completely new formation and thus a new developmental period will start with a paradise-like state.... with those people who are lifted up to heaven before that, because they will prove their loyalty to Me during the last battle of faith, because they will persevere until the end and therefore become blessed in heartfelt unity with Me and the spiritual kingdom of light.... __Amen
Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants....
You shall be My witnesses on the new earth, you shall give evidence of Me and My glory, of My might and love, for you will experience all these at the end of this earth.... you will see Me coming in the clouds in radiant brilliance of My splendour.... you will feel My love when I save you from utmost hardship, when I remove you before your fellow human beings' eyes who, with a truly satanic mind, have every intention to kill you. You shall experience the evidence of My power, because the last work of destruction on this earth will take place before your eyes. And thus you will enter the kingdom of peace with an experience which you are meant to remember in order to bear witness to future generations, to people who will only receive knowledge about the events on the old earth on account of your information, so that they, in turn, will pass it on again and thereby uphold the knowledge on the new earth for a long time. You shall bear witness to Me and My glory.... __A devout generation, faithfully devoted to Me, will indeed populate the new earth, who will not doubt My strength and might, My love and perfection. And as long as I Myself can dwell amongst them because their faith and love for Me allows for it, it will not be necessary for you to testify of your experience.... But as soon as new generations come forth from them they will have to be given the knowledge again and the end process of the old earth has to be particularly emphasised, so that these new generations will also intimately unite with Me in order to be and remain My children....The living testimony will have a remarkable effect on their hearts, and they too shall proclaim in future times what they received from you.... Then faith and love for Me will be upheld for a long time, for a long time the human generation will live in peace and unity, in harmony with the Infinite, in constant contact with Me, and My spirit will be able to flow into their hearts, they will be able to hear My Word and be blissfully happy. __And yet, even this situation will change. At first the influence of adverse powers will be only slightly noticeable and then gradually get ever stronger.... For the constrained spiritual substances in creation will arrive at the stage of embodiment as human beings once more, and these will have developed in different ways, so tendencies and instincts will surface in their human state which require more changes, which will still betray a tiny resistance to Me, and therefore human beings who need special, more effective methods of education.... will live on earth again. And then it will be necessary to inform them about what effect a way of life in opposition to Me will have. Then the battle between light and darkness will start anew, for the desire for matter will start to grow stronger in people's hearts again, they will no longer be able to hear My Word directly, and messengers of My Word will speak to them on My behalf. And for the sake of a living message, testimony shall also be given of the end of the old and the beginning of the new earth.... __And therefore, those of you humans of earth who will experience the end, who will remain faithful to Me until the end, will also have a task on the new earth.... to make sure that the knowledge is preserved, that the following generation will be able to keep these events in mind, that it will be inspired to remain in My will, that it will let Me come alive within its heart and always endeavour to reach Me.... __Amen
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