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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 3 transcriptions | ID of collection 1467371
The process of Christ's return.... Ascension....
My return, My coming at the end of the world, is being doubted by those people whose faith is not entirely firm. And yet, they would be able to recognise the individual phases of the end time and also perceive My presence simply by being observant. 'I will remain with you always until the end of time....' These Words alone should be sufficient for you to form a correct idea of My return. The fact that I Am not visibly in your midst should therefore allow you to understand the spiritual meaning of My Words. I Am staying with My Own until the end of the world. For, since My ascension to heaven, I have been present to them at all times and everywhere.... For I said: I will remain with you.... Hence I was spiritually always with My Own and will remain with them until the end of time.... However, in those days I informed people of My return, of My coming in the clouds. Consequently, this return should be understood such that people will be able to see Me, just as My disciples saw Me ascend to heaven. Spiritually I Am indeed always with you humans if you prove yourselves worthy of My presence. But I will return bodily, albeit not in My earthly body, yet nevertheless visibly to those to whom I want to return.... But since I announced My return, you humans can also expect it with certainty if you believe My Word and belong to those who will experience the final end. I did not make this promise without reason before My ascension into heaven. I foresaw humanity's spiritual state during the last days, I also saw the tremendous adversity of the believers who want to remain faithful to Me and who will be put under extreme pressure, and I saw their struggle, the most severe battle people will have to fight for the sake of My name.... I saw their will and the great danger of having to stand firm amid devils. For this reason I promised to them My personal help, which I will indeed render when the time has come. I Myself will come to My Own and support them in the last battle. And thus many may be able to behold Me, for I will always be present where the adversity is immense and My Own need Me.... they will see Me as a human being of flesh and blood, yet not born of a woman, instead I will come from above and clothe Myself with a visible form for you, so that you will be able to endure Me.... And everyone beholding Me will be permeated by strength and survive the last battle on earth.... But then I will come in the clouds in order to fetch My Own home into the kingdom of peace. This coming will take place in the same way but in reverse to the order through which My ascension to heaven happened. I will descend to earth in radiant light.... yet enshrouded by clouds in order to be visible to you.... and gather My Own in order to save them from utmost adversity and distress on part of the underworld's demons as well as from the ultimate act of destruction to which everything alive in, on and above the earth will fall prey. However, this coming in the clouds will also only be visible to those who belong to My Own, for My adversary's followers will be unable to see Me. It will be a spiritual return and yet also physically perceptible, but only by those who are spiritually reborn, who have a profound and living faith and therefore also accept both My constant presence until the end of the world as well as My visible return without doubt, because they are taught by their heart, the spiritual spark in the person, and consequently belong to those with whom I will remain until the end of time.... They believe that I will come back and I will not disappoint their faith.... __Amen
Incarnation of beings of light.... Forerunner....
I repeatedly convey the Gospel to earth, and as you receive it from above it is pure and uncorrupted by human will. I know that this is necessary since untold people are no longer able to find Me because they are no longer taught the truth. Therefore I have embodied Myself in the spirit of those who want to serve Me. The fact that they now receive the truth in its purest form is a necessity which was long recognised by My love and wisdom, which in itself prompts Me to protect the recipient of truth from above against the influence of impure spirits, which want to confuse his thoughts and prevent the truth from being conveyed to him. Therefore, anyone who receives the Gospel which I Myself taught on earth and which My servants on earth are once again instructed to spread, can rest assured that he has the truth, that he, as My apostle in the last days, may instruct his fellow human beings without fear that error could enter his teaching. And in this knowledge he should approach all those who cross his path. He should consider himself as My representative and always stand up on My behalf of what he has received from Me Myself, and which will express itself as an inner feeling because it is pure truth. __Many beings of light are presently embodied on earth because the immense spiritual hardship requires exceptional help which can only be provided by beings of light. Such souls of light are usually spiritual leaders, i.e. due to their way of life in accordance with My will they have a close relationship with Me and thus are able to accept My instructions directly and pass them on to people. The degree of maturity of these light beings is such that a descent into the abyss is impossible, on account of which they always live in utmost humility and unselfishness and only try to bring My kingdom to people without wanting any benefit for themselves but to serve Me and to help people. It is therefore possible for a being of light, sent to earth by Me, to incarnate several times if people's spiritual low level necessitates it. But these incarnations are always in utter service to Me until the end, for My will prevails in these beings as they had already submitted themselves to Me voluntarily and cannot lose this degree of maturity on earth anymore. Inferior spirits will never be able to dominate such a soul embodied in a human being, and it will never succumb to their evil influences either. Hence, an already perfected spirit on earth will never be able to fall, that is to say, not achieve its mission.... Such a mission can merely appear in people's opinion as having been interrupted as a result of a sudden recall into the spiritual kingdom or due to adverse human actions which prematurely ended its earthly life. Yet even this is known to Me since eternity, and I do not forcefully interfere so as not to enslave people's will. __Nevertheless, the act of Salvation will be completed, and everything will come to pass as destined by My eternal plan of Salvation. Even the most perfect spirits from the heavens will temporarily embody themselves in order to achieve spiritual progress amongst people, for without such help the latter will be too weak to resist. And then the dead will rise from their graves, that is to say, those who are spiritually totally blind can be awakened and enabled to see through a bright flash of light from above.... But then it will be the time of the last days when My return can be expected, which was constantly proclaimed by seers and prophets. And prior to My coming the greatest light on earth will shine in modest apparel. Yet again it will proclaim Me as he had done before My appearance in the flesh on this earth, before I commenced My teaching of people to whom I wanted to bring the Gospel.... He was My forerunner and will be it again. You humans will recognise him by his words, after all, he will be using the same words and will testify of Me as he once did before. His spirit will return to earth in order to fulfil the law whereby he has to precede Me in complete awareness of his origin and his task. He understands everything and also knows his earthly fate, which he will not avoid as it is part of the act of Salvation, in which he will participate for love of the unredeemed. He knows that his mission is only fulfilled with his death and has no other desire but for final unification with Me, his Lord and Master, his Friend and Brother, his Father since eternity. __And once he appears the end will be near, for I will follow him shortly and fulfil My proclamations. However, My return will be the final act before the earth's total destruction and everything that lives on it.... Then comes to pass what is written. A new heaven and a new earth will arise where I will dwell in the midst of My Own, where there will only be one shepherd and one flock, because all those who live will be united with Me and allow My presence. For all children on the new earth will be My children to whom I will come Myself to bestow utmost happiness on them.... __Amen
Sooner or later all of you will have to give account of yourselves before My judgment seat and remember every hour you wasted and lost for eternity. Sooner or later all of you will have to confess your sins because they become apparent and cannot be kept secret any longer, for nothing remains hidden before My eyes. And thus I demand an account for all your thoughts, words and actions. And you should remember this Day of Judgment if you think that you can sin with impunity, this day, when all of you will have to be answerable about your way of life on earth. It will come without fail and take all of you by surprise because you don't expect it quite so soon. Yet it will come like a thief in the night, without warning and in silence, it will come when no-one expects it. And yet not unannounced, for long before I will have drawn people's attention to it, to the Day of Judgment, the day of the end and the destruction of this earth. The fact that you humans do not want to believe it will not change My plan of eternity, for this day has been predetermined according to My will and human will shall be unable to postpone it but must submit to My will. The reason why I speak to people time and again through servants on earth and in the kingdom of light is due to the fact that a day like that, which concludes an unimaginably long period of development, shall not come unannounced to humankind. The Day of Judgment is the conclusion of an earthly period which was granted to people for their salvation. During this developmental period people received a special privilege.... the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ Himself came to earth in order to help those people who wanted to fail in their process of development. __And thus people were able to redeem themselves if only they wanted to. If, however, their will fails then it will be their own fault, and as long as people live on earth I warn them time and again about this fault. Their fault only consists of the fact that they don't want to accept help but are too weak on their own. What they can do they don't want to do, hence they will also have to take responsibility for what they don't want to do. This is why everyone will be held to account on the last day, for they all had a measure of blessings at their disposal which could have helped them to ascend with ease. And the indications of the end through seers and prophets are part of theses blessings. But anyone who does not listen to them, who does not give credence to them, does nothing for his own redemption either. I always admonished and warned people through seers and prophets, and the often enough announced end of the old earth also explains the emergence of prophets in My name, because I won't leave people without warning and they are living in the last days, because the end is so near that all of you would be shocked if you knew the day and the hour. Time and again I draw your attention to it yet no-one shall be forced to believe it, but woe to those who listened to My Word and refused to believe it.... who recognised it as My Word and yet do not believe in the end and the Judgment and therefore do not prepare themselves for the end. Woe to them.... for the hour will take them by surprise when the last Judgment arrives.... __Amen
The gift of grace from above is strength from heaven; it comes from the spiritual kingdom of light, from heaven, in contrast to the expressions of strength from below, which originate from hell. Beings from the kingdom of light thus become unusually active as soon as the pure Word of God can be conveyed to people by way of God-serving and helpful people's will on earth who are receptive to the transmission from the spiritual kingdom and who accept the spiritual gifts.... The powers of heaven are moving.... they will be exceptionally active during the last days before the end. This explanation must first be given concerning Jesus' Words about the signs of the end and His second coming. He made a powerful statement, for He announced changes which, according to His Words, signify a reversal of natural laws.... His Words always had a spiritual meaning, yet in the last days a second meaning will come to light apart from the spiritual meaning, for inconceivable natural phenomena will also take place, which the human being will be unable to explain by virtue of his intellect. They will run counter to divine natural law but are in principle only humanly unknown natural laws again, and these events are described by the Words 'The stars shall fall from heaven.... The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light....' Scientists and the like will be unable to provide an explanation for this, they will be unable to throw light on the matter because their knowledge fails them where divine strength is at work. No-one will be able to fathom these natural laws because they only come into force at the end of a period of Salvation and the disintegration of physical external forms has become necessary. They are unnatural phenomena and yet intended in God's eternal plan, consequently part of His eternal natural law, which is completely incomprehensible to people who are as yet spiritually unenlightened. __Nothing is impossible to God.... hence He will always be able to be active and achieve everything, even outside of natural law; or else His omnipotence would be limited. Nevertheless, His activity always moves within divine order, for it is impossible for the human being as such to judge this; it would, however, be presumptuous to doubt it, because this would also doubt God's wisdom. And since God is Eternal Love Himself He will always implement His will such as it is necessary and good for His living creations, which He wants to gain for Himself. Things will happen before the end which you humans cannot possibly imagine as yet. And this can only be vaguely indicated to people with Words which announce unusual, indeed, almost incredible events. Even so, the Word of God is purest truth and will come to pass when the time is right. Then the strangest changes will occur in the cosmos, yet this present human race will only be able to observe them in the beginning; the end will not be experienced by them apart from a few who will be taken away and be able to watch the process of destruction of this earth and their inhabitants.... The old form and composition of earth will have ceased to exist, but the new earth will only shelter spiritually awakened people who will know the reasons for all events at the end of the earth, however, they will also know about God's power and glory, His greater than great love but also about His righteousness.... __Amen
The Lord's return.... Present time.... Witnesses of the n...
You all shall be witnesses of My power and glory, you shall live to see My return, partly in spirit and partly in the flesh, for the time is coming to an end and it will come to pass as I have always and constantly proclaimed. You shall experience My return and bear witness of it in the paradise of the new earth.... For I will move those who remain faithful to Me onto the new earth, where they shall also proclaim My Word as they do now on My instruction.... I know who is suitable to do so and know full well how to protect My servants from the destruction, I will endow My disciples of the last days with extraordinary strength to enable them to successfully attend to their office, so that they will courageously fight all those who are hostile to Me and who also extend their hatred to My Own. And not one of them will pass away from earth until his mission has been accomplished. The last on this earth, however, shall be the first on the new earth, where their task will be the same.... To proclaim My Word, albeit in a different manner, for it will be gladly and longingly accepted, it will be recognised for what it is.... as the Father's evidence of love, Who wants to give pleasure to His children. __They will all recognise My voice when I speak through you to people. For they will have all passed their ordeal on this earth and remained faithful to Me. Hence their reward will also be substantial and pleasing, a harmonious life in the paradise of the new earth, which no person can yet imagine but which is granted to them so that My might and glory will manifest itself. And I Myself will be in the midst of them.... I will come in the clouds to bring them home and stay with them, because due to their demonstrated loyalty during the last battle of faith they will have become My children. For they will fearlessly confess Me, they will testify of Me without having seen Me. For this reason they will also be allowed to see Me in full glory before the very end. And what I proclaim will fulfil itself.... I will return, and you will live to see it.... __You do not yet believe that the time is so close at hand, that you will have to experience the horrors of the last days, and that this earth will be destroyed with My permission. You do not yet believe that the proclamations by seers and prophets concern the present time and that you humans of this time will experience significant things which no person can imagine, for this earth has never yet exhibited such. But humanity will soon watch the events with horror and bewilderment which will make an early disintegration of earth believable, and then it will rapidly progress towards the ultimate end. Yet My chosen people will survive the time because it is My will, and because even this time shall have its witnesses who will be selected to speak of it, so that My might and glory will become evident amongst the human generation's descendants on the new earth. For it will have to be preserved as tradition for the descendants, because even then a time will come again when sin will be prevalent and I will be ignored. Then their testimony shall warn and remind people what fate will await those who completely forget about Me.... Then they shall be told about the downfall of the old earth and the Last Judgment which decided over life and death, over happiness and damnation.... __Amen
Preventing the Judgment through prayer?....
You humans would certainly be able to prevent the forthcoming Judgment, you would be able to stop an act of destruction of this earth if you sincerely appealed to Me for it, yet with a prayer which is not merely voiced by the mouth but is deeply felt within your heart instead. However, such a prayer presupposes faith in Me and you lack this faith, although most people would have to admit this unbelief if they seriously gave account of their thoughts to themselves. Many people certainly still mention My name with their mouths but their hearts have had no knowledge of it for a long time already. For this reason you are incapable of a prayer that could persuade Me to stop the announced Judgment. Moreover, people don't believe in it either, and thus they do not use the grace of such a true prayer which alone would be able to change My will. And if I announce the forthcoming event so definitely then that is only because I Am aware of people's state of faith and have known their will from the start. I cannot forcibly change their will, but it turns to My adversary and totally away from Me. Up to a certain limit I allow free reign to people's will, yet as soon as this limit is exceeded I will intervene and deny people any further opportunity to descend infinitely deeper. I know when I must put a stop to it, when I must break My opponent's power.... Consequently, I also know how to remove people from his power and influence, and I know that banishment into hardest matter is far more advantageous and promising for the apostatised spirits than allowing people in this low state of mind to keep the old earth and thus also their life where they become complete devils through his influence. Furthermore, I have already approached every individual person in order to win him over for Myself.... Every single person had enough opportunities to turn to Me in order to get to know Me and to experience My Fatherly love if he so wanted.... Countless means were used by Me, I coaxed them with Words of love, I admonished and warned them through suffering and adversities, I came close to them in joy and pain, I spoke to them through a human mouth, I steered their thoughts to spiritual spheres.... My adversary, however, won them over for himself through the world and its matter and they paid no attention to Me apart from a few who recognised and loved Me and who therefore need not fear the end either.... But these people also know humanity's adversity during this time and they recognise the fact that and why I will bring an end to an epoch which can only result in a lower spiritual state and never in a change for the better, in faith and in spiritual advancement. Through profound faith and heartfelt prayer you could certainly achieve a lot, yet you only desire the world and its possessions, and therefore you will perish because the time has come.... __Amen
Listen to Me when I speak to you humans through the mouth of a servant: An inevitable judgment is about to happen to you. Nothing can avert this judgment from you anymore, for the time is fulfilled, a period of Salvation has expired and a new one shall start again, so that higher development of the spirits will be able to continue, since it has considerably slowed down due the human being's free will, who is no longer aware of his real purpose and therefore does nothing to further his complete maturation on earth, who even frequently prevents the progress of the spiritual substance bound within matter because he is spiritually utterly unenlightened. You humans, pay attention to the call from above: The last Judgment is about to happen.... Your lack of belief will not halt it, for it was planned by My love and wisdom from the start, firstly, in order to help the still bound spiritual substance to achieve freedom one day, and for another, in order to place the more liberated spirit, the human being, into a state he has created for himself through his will.... Freedom or renewed banishment, blissful activity in the spiritual kingdom or languishing in the matter he himself desired during his life on earth. You humans, listen to Me and believe Me, you are approaching the end.... I already announced the end to you long in advance so that you could prepare yourselves. But now the time has come when My announcements will be fulfilled, now the day comes ever closer which will be the last day on this earth for all of you.... the day, when the external shape of the old earth will be completely changed, which means destruction and annihilation of every work of creation on it. __You humans know of this, because the prophesies about the end of the world did not remain concealed from you, yet you never want to associate this with your time, you never believe yourselves to be affected by it, until the day takes you by surprise. But I don't want you to be taken unawares and experience this day entirely unprepared.... And thus I keep giving you the information from above time and again, I inform you through a human being's spirit what is about to happen to you. I would tell you far more, but if you don't believe this then more knowledge will not benefit you either, because you would only misuse it for worldly gain and this would not help your soul. Nevertheless, you should at least know that you can avert the worst from yourselves if you appeal to Me for help. Even if you call upon Me at the last minute you will still receive help, although in a different way than you expect. I will send My angels to fetch those who speak My name with complete confidence that they will be helped, yet I will not thwart My eternal plan of Salvation.... it will proceed as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... The last Judgment will be the end of this earth, the goats will be separated from the sheep, the realm of the earth will receive all that pertains to Satan and I, as good shepherd, will gather My sheep and lead them to green pastures, the earth will be desolate and bare, without any life whatsoever.... it will wait for the working of My love and then new creations will emerge again which will reshape it into the paradise of Eden once more.... a new earth will arise which will be inhabited by a happy human generation, and all hardship will have ceased for those people who proved their love and loyalty to Me in the last days before the end.... __Amen
Earthly task: Volition.... Wrong endeavour....
You had to walk a difficult path before you reached the point when you were able to make the last test of will.... Your soul, which had previously been dissolved into countless sparks of soul in order to endure a process of maturing in a constrained state, has assembled itself again.... Once again you have attained your self-awareness and as individual beings you are about to make a free choice: to choose the Lord to whom you want to belong.... This decision is the purpose and goal of your earthly life, and this decision has to be made of your own free will. It cannot be made by someone on your behalf nor can it be delayed, it has to be made without fail by the end of your life, because this decision will determine your fate for eternity. Your attitude towards this task during your earthly life is therefore immensely serious.... it can result in light and bliss but also in death and destruction, and you alone determine this through your will. But you are hardly bothered by it, even when you are informed of the reason for your earthly life, even when your eternal fate is described to you as either glorious or dreadful. Because you don't believe that sooner or later you will have to be accountable for your will. However, you cannot be forced to believe it, consequently the belief is rarely found amongst humanity and people only rarely accomplish their goal of deciding for the right Lord. Yet disbelief has its price.... __People increasingly forget their task in life, their every consideration merely concerns the world regardless of the fact that they will soon have to leave it. They face again what they leave behind. The memory of their past course of suffering through the material forms was taken from them because they will have to make their decision with freedom of will and may not choose the right Lord out of fear.... Hence there is an imminent danger that their decision will be detrimental to them, that they will devote all their senses to matter and by doing so also choose the lord of this world, to whom they will fall victim once more and whom they will also have to thank for being banished into hard matter again due to their wrong decision. Because they should turn their eyes towards heaven, they should strive to ascend and turn away from the world. Then the right choice was made, then the course through the whole of creation was successful, then earthly life will result in the being's culmination, then the soul has found the right Lord and will hasten to meet Him.... Then the person has passed the test of will on earth and can discard the heavy earthly body and enter eternity as a pure spirit, then the former long earthly progress on earth has not been in vain.... The being has found its way back to its source, it has recognised the Father and surrendered itself to Him for all eternity. __Amen
Serious admonition and warning of transience....
You should become aware of the fact that everything is temporary and that you, too, have a transient body, that you will have to leave everything behind when the hour of your passing from this earth has come, that only your soul will continue to exist, and namely in the state that you yourselves have prepared for it on earth. You should become aware of the fact that it will take your human attitude concerning the world along into the spiritual kingdom, that it will still cling to or despise matter in the same way as you have done on earth. But it will experience a tremendously painful state if matter had been its sole endeavour, which it will then have to leave behind and thus arrive in a poor and miserable state in the realm of the beyond instead of happily soaring upwards with ease and in freedom, if it is not burdened by its ties to earth, if its endeavours on earth were already aimed towards the spirit.... __You humans should consider that the world can only give you illusive possessions which will not last, which will enslave you if you do not rise above them and recognise them for what they are. Greed for matter, for earthly possessions, is the soul's greatest danger, and this greed is extreme in people of this earth and will steadily increase as the end is approaching. People have become entirely blind in spirit, their thoughts are confused, they plan and work only for the world and ignore their soul by letting it starve, and yet only the soul will continue to exist after everything else has passed away. And thus people are constantly reminded of their futile beginnings and what fate their soul can expect after death. Their attention is drawn to it, yet they can only ever be reminded and warned but not forced to change their will and thoughts. However, they ignore these reminders and warnings and also remain indifferent to the proclamation of the approaching end because they do not believe it. __This is why God manifests Himself from time to time so obviously by taking away what people refuse to give up themselves. It is indeed a divine revelation but only few people recognise it as such. It is a revelation which distinctly shows God's actions to people because there is nothing they can do about it, since they are unable to defend themselves, since they have to admit their complete helplessness and for this reason could certainly recognise that a higher power is active in accordance with Its will. But they refuse to acknowledge this power, indeed they would rather deny It and cannot be stopped since they have free will. God speaks everywhere and His voice can be heard by everyone, and yet most will remain unaffected by it and only have eyes for the world and its goods. The craving for matter will not grow silent in their hearts; accordingly, they would like to retrieve everything lost very quickly but continue to let their soul starve. Even so, God will not cease in His endeavour to release people from matter. To this end, many things will still happen before the last days and good for those who recognise the meaning and purpose of destruction and devastation and the One Who commands creation. Good for those who recognise God within everything that takes place and call on Him for protection and help in the face of adversity.... They will receive help on earth as well as in the spiritual kingdom; they will live although they have died.... __Amen
The influence of the Antichrist will also hasten the end, for then the hardship of My Own will reach its highest peak and necessitates My coming in order to put an end to this adversity. My adversary's only objective is to dethrone Me and put himself onto the throne, that is, to completely destroy people's faith in a God and Creator of eternity in order to be esteemed higher himself, in order to be venerated and feared like God.... He does not want to own people's love, only their submission, he wants to control everything and thus be supreme ruler. As long as people still have faith, as long as they acknowledge a Power above themselves to Which they will have to give account one day they will not yield to the one who demands something from them that is God-opposing.... And therefore the adversary will proceed against this Power by trying to eradicate the belief in Me, and this by brutal means which will make it difficult for My Own to remain faithful to Me.... Yet the strength to persevere will be provided to them by Me in abundance. I will so visibly reveal Myself to them that their faith will become increasingly stronger, that they will accept all detriment in the realisation that I alone can give and take and will truly repay what is inflicted upon them on earth. __The Antichrist's endeavour is to stamp out the Christian teaching.... to prevent all knowledge about Jesus Christ as Son of God and Redeemer of the world.... He openly declares war on Me.... And that is his end.... My adversary will embody himself in a person who is totally enslaved by him, i.e., he completely owns his soul and at first deceives people with all kinds of proceedings and favours which will guarantee him the support of large crowds.... And his speeches and activities will be a mask which conceals the most evil frame of mind.... He will be a master in knowing how to hide arrogance, lies and greed for profit, yet his lack of love will soon expose him, that is, only in the eyes of My Own, for towards his followers he feigns sympathy for all suffering which he, however, does not try to alleviate but only contributes towards increasing these afflictions. The believer will recognise him, for he badly has to suffer under his rule, yet anyone who complies with him, who openly renounces Me, will be treated by him like a friend and be worldly honoured and respected. And so there will soon emerge two parties.... the majority will follow him and only a small flock will remain faithful to Me in their attitude and actions. And these will constantly be at risk, because My adversary urges people to cause them harm wherever possible. The Antichrist will reward such actions against My Own in order to even make the last believers, who still offer resistance to him, desert Me. __This will be the start of a time of bitter distress for My Own and yet it will be bearable because they will be allowed to receive an exceptional gift of grace.... because I will show Myself where people are in danger of weakening.... I know each individual person's will and attitude towards Me, and I will truly not let My adversary gain the upper hand over his soul. Besides, the end is near and My believers are faithfully devoted to Me in their hearts, therefore I can show Myself to them beyond the law in order to grant them strength. And many people will get to see Me, and then no power on earth will be able to destroy their faith in Me.... Then they will also joyfully give up their life if I require it. But I will put an end to My adversary's cruel game.... When he believes himself to have won I will come in the clouds and judge the living and the dead.... I will fetch My Own before I accomplish the act of destruction of the earth and all its inhabitants. Prior to this the adversity will be immense, yet My love will save you and My might will place into chains the one who opposes Me, because his time is complete.... __Amen
A tough test will be imposed on you in the last days before the end. Something will happen that you don't believe possible: every faith will come under attack with the result that people will mutually renounce each other, that no-one will admit their conviction anymore and that each person will be the other person's enemy. And then I will require of you, My representatives on earth, an open confession, for this is the time of which it is written: Anyone who confesses Me before the world, him I shall also confess before My Father.... For this confession can still strengthen many others, so that they will not hide and fear their earthly enemies. It will be a difficult time and yet, you need not fear it as long as you mentally unite yourselves with Me, for then I Myself will be with you and guide your steps, your words and your thoughts. Don't fear those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul.... As soon as it relates to your faith you will also know that the time I proclaimed has come and that the final end is not far away. The battle of faith beforehand is the last phase on this earth, and with the same certainty as this will erupt so, too, will the end come, which you, My servants and loyal followers on earth, can only yearn for, since it will deliver you from all adversity. Yet the time prior to that needs to happen in order to provide people with the opportunity to make a decision. Only then will the decision be made who belongs to Me and who belongs to My adversary, who loves the world more than Me and who therefore has handed himself over to him, for he is the one who will deny Me, and the most shameful actions against My Own testifies to My adversary's activity, who will embody himself in the Antichrist and take action against My Own and thus against Me Myself. Your strength, however, your courage of conviction and your will to love will increase, and I shall support you so obviously that you will recognise Me and profess My name before the world ever more loudly. Yet for the sake of My chosen few I will shorten the days.... the end will come very quickly, for I Myself will come to help My Own and will take them away, so that they will be spared the work of destruction of earth, so that they will find peace after this difficult time of trial. Yet all others will be met by the Judgment, for it will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Spiritual turning point.... Alteration of this earth....
Don't entertain false hopes and expect a turn for the better on this earth by thinking that people's spiritual nature could improve and that a life of faith and love might be recognisable on earth again. This earth will not experience a spiritual change in people anymore, yet the spiritual turning-point is about to happen.... And thus the earth will become a different one, but first it will undergo a change, a transformation, and the spiritual level of the human race which then will populate this new earth will be high.... __But anyone who believes and hopes that the people on earth will still change, that another era is dawning on this earth, is very much mistaken and not very familiar with God's plan of Salvation, in which the earth's transformation serves other purposes still than just a spiritually highly evolved human generation. It is also intended to further the advancement of the spiritual substances which are still bound in the material form and thus start a new period of Salvation or development which first necessitates a transformation of the earth's external form. Humanity's spiritualisation on earth would, in fact, also correspond to this divine plan of Salvation and also be beneficial for the still bound spiritual substance in the works of creation. But in view of people's present spiritually low level a change cannot be expected from them any more; they are completely controlled by matter and ignore their spiritual development. Hence they strive ever more towards the abyss and thereby bring about the end themselves.... a disintegration of the earthly creation, a release of everything that is bound within and their own banishment into solid matter in the new creations of earth.... Hence a teaching which upholds that a spiritual change is yet to happen on this earth is wrong, even though a spiritual turning point is in sight. People, however, don't want to believe in a destruction or an end of this earth. This thought is totally incomprehensible to them but since, on the other hand, they are convinced that a change is about to happen they expect this turn of events to be for the better. __Yet the fact that people lack belief in a forthcoming end of earth has a negative effect, for if they believed it they would truly make better use of their time, they would live consciously, that it, they would try to live up to divine will in the realisation that only their own change of nature would protect them from the fate of also getting embedded into the new creation. People are lacking knowledge and faith and both can seldom be convincingly conveyed to them, nevertheless they receive enough indications although it is up to their free will whether they allow themselves to be impressed by them. They certainly suspect or feel that they are approaching significant occurrences but never want to believe that these occurrences will be so drastic that one earth period comes to an end and a new one begins, although they would be able to believe it if people would care to love, if they gave their suffering fellow human beings the kind of love which would result in their own enlightenment. Then they would realise the hour they live in and nothing they are told about the approaching end would be doubtful to them anymore.... __Amen
Strength of faith.... Antichrist.... Counteraction....
Don't harbour any false hopes by expecting permanent advancement. Everything you own, everything you acquire, will be taken away from you again and immense misery will come upon people everywhere, for the end is approaching. And where people keep their possessions, where they appear to enjoy earthly security, My arm must brandish a different rod upon people, for I will try to educate people everywhere according to their will and way of life, and no-one will be able to really enjoy their life apart from the few who are enlightened and may truly and joyfully look forward to the end which will limit a period of time, which will include a new life in paradise and therefore may be yearned for by My Own. But where people live in sin there is a noticeable advancement, albeit with an opposite effect.... For this worldly progress is Satan's way of making people increasingly more pliable, it is the purchase price for their souls, which will go astray for an infinitely long time. If you humans can recognise this earthly progress then you will know that the end is not far away, for you will only be able to notice it where faith and love are missing, where My adversary is clearly in control and where action will be taken against the faith, against My Own, without a second thought.... For this reason, all over the world immense misery can be found next to people living in sinful luxury, all over the world unkindness will gain the upper hand and love will be gagged and the craving for matter will be obvious in the whole world, while spiritual aspirants will be treated with hostility.... Small and large scale destruction will happen everywhere, dramatic changes will be observed all over the place, either naturally or humanly induced, and everything will be thrown off its track.... Things will happen which no-one will be able to explain, obvious forces will be at work which scare people because they will feel helpless in the face of them; the undecided will be influenced in every way, since those who live in sin won't pay any attention to these phenomena, they won't let their lifestyle be disturbed, they will mock and laugh and talk about God in an unbelievably frivolous way. And all those who are purely worldly-minded will agree with them, for they are in the grip of matter which will not let go of them anymore. They will try to gain their possessions, pleasure and status forcefully and won't shy away from betraying their fellow human beings and pushing them into poverty.... The world is full of devils and cannot continue like this any longer. But I know every soul and I will still recall many before the end has come. And the sudden death of so many will also signify an anxious time and immense suffering for people through which minor success can still be achieved, for the souls in the spiritual kingdom will still be able to influence people on earth and many a soul will succeed in changing the survivors' minds and steering them towards the spiritual kingdom, in which case this suffering will have been a blessing which will have saved many a soul.... Pay attention to all this, you humans, and don't expect a future improvement of your earthly situation, for it would not be a sign for you, unless you are already in My camp and experience the last days consciously.... However, most people will need to be strictly dealt with by Me in order to protect them from the worst, from the fall into the abyss, when the end has come.... __Amen
Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants....
You shall be My witnesses on the new earth, you shall give evidence of Me and My glory, of My might and love, for you will experience all these at the end of this earth.... you will see Me coming in the clouds in radiant brilliance of My splendour.... you will feel My love when I save you from utmost hardship, when I remove you before your fellow human beings' eyes who, with a truly satanic mind, have every intention to kill you. You shall experience the evidence of My power, because the last work of destruction on this earth will take place before your eyes. And thus you will enter the kingdom of peace with an experience which you are meant to remember in order to bear witness to future generations, to people who will only receive knowledge about the events on the old earth on account of your information, so that they, in turn, will pass it on again and thereby uphold the knowledge on the new earth for a long time. You shall bear witness to Me and My glory.... __A devout generation, faithfully devoted to Me, will indeed populate the new earth, who will not doubt My strength and might, My love and perfection. And as long as I Myself can dwell amongst them because their faith and love for Me allows for it, it will not be necessary for you to testify of your experience.... But as soon as new generations come forth from them they will have to be given the knowledge again and the end process of the old earth has to be particularly emphasised, so that these new generations will also intimately unite with Me in order to be and remain My children....The living testimony will have a remarkable effect on their hearts, and they too shall proclaim in future times what they received from you.... Then faith and love for Me will be upheld for a long time, for a long time the human generation will live in peace and unity, in harmony with the Infinite, in constant contact with Me, and My spirit will be able to flow into their hearts, they will be able to hear My Word and be blissfully happy. __And yet, even this situation will change. At first the influence of adverse powers will be only slightly noticeable and then gradually get ever stronger.... For the constrained spiritual substances in creation will arrive at the stage of embodiment as human beings once more, and these will have developed in different ways, so tendencies and instincts will surface in their human state which require more changes, which will still betray a tiny resistance to Me, and therefore human beings who need special, more effective methods of education.... will live on earth again. And then it will be necessary to inform them about what effect a way of life in opposition to Me will have. Then the battle between light and darkness will start anew, for the desire for matter will start to grow stronger in people's hearts again, they will no longer be able to hear My Word directly, and messengers of My Word will speak to them on My behalf. And for the sake of a living message, testimony shall also be given of the end of the old and the beginning of the new earth.... __And therefore, those of you humans of earth who will experience the end, who will remain faithful to Me until the end, will also have a task on the new earth.... to make sure that the knowledge is preserved, that the following generation will be able to keep these events in mind, that it will be inspired to remain in My will, that it will let Me come alive within its heart and always endeavour to reach Me.... __Amen
Final rescue work.... Callers and admonishers....
I want to accept all those of you who want to serve Me. Much work is yet to be done until the end, and precisely for this work I need faithful and enthusiastic servants who are aware of their task and so devoted to Me that they will only ever undertake what they recognise as My will.... but who also recognise people's spiritual low level and their frightening end if they don't change. The end will come without fail because it will be caused by humanity itself, and even if a few people strive towards ascent.... they will be unable to delay the end because these few cannot achieve a complete spiritual change and the whole of humanity would persistently strive towards the abyss.... thus, a change for the better is entirely out of the question precisely because of people's utter decline of spirituality. The end of this Earth will certainly also signify a Judgment.... compensation for the profane way of life, a separation of good and evil.... But far more than that, it will be an act of mercy for the wretched souls in the abyss.... which intends to put a stop to its constant downward striving and therefore it will be deprived of its freedom of will again.... just as it will signify an act of love for the still bound spiritual substance which is still on the path of higher development. Consequently, the end can no longer be prevented.... And yet, prior to this, much can still be done for these downwards striving souls, for people who blindly rush headlong into disaster. Everyone who is being warned can come to a halt, take stock of himself and take a path which leads to a different goal.... every human being can be stopped in his fall into the abyss.... Although anyone who confronts these constantly downwards striving people and cautions them to stop.... who describes to them the horrors and torments awaiting them at the end of their way, who draws their attention to or leads them to the right path, will not prevent the end anymore but he will save individual people from the pit, for as long as a path of ascent still exists it will not be too late for them to look for and to enter it.... As long as the end has not arrived, every individual person can still avert the horrors of the end from himself. For I Am a God of love and not of wrath, I Am a God of life and not of death and destruction.... My plan has certainly been definite ever since the beginning and no-one will be able to overturn it, no-one can intervene in My law of eternal order, but everyone can integrate in this order before it is too late, and it is only too late when the day of the end has come.... For this reason I bless all those who place themselves at My disposal as callers and admonishers, who advise and help, warn and admonish; I bless all those who - taking the right path themselves - also try to entice their fellow human beings to enter it; I bless every act of love that is done with the aim of rescuing people before the end. As long as the Earth still exists it is a time of grace, since every individual can still turn back, come to his senses and change.... For as yet the human being is still capable of thinking and of praying.... However when the last day has come, it will be too late for those who neglected to look upwards.... Therefore you should all use the time which is still left to you and work diligently for Me, because those of you who are knowledgeable shall carry your knowledge amongst the people, and even if only a few seeds fall on good ground and take root.... it is an incredibly urgent and much needed rescue work which requires all your will.... But don't grow tired and complacent, for there is not much time left.... Therefore take action and work while you still have the light of day, for the night will come when you will no longer be able to work.... __Amen
No one will enter the kingdom of heaven who pays homage t...
To pay tribute to the world is to forfeit the kingdom of heaven, since the human being cannot gain both at the same time. And anyone who pays homage to the world will not endeavour to attain the heavenly kingdom either, for he will only recognise the earthly world and its attraction and not believe in a kingdom beyond this world. And yet the path to the kingdom of heaven has to be taken through this earthly world, it cannot be avoided, for the human being lives in this world, he has to cover the last stage of his development on earth, in midst of the realm which belongs to God's adversary. But he can overcome this kingdom, he can pass through the earthly world without allowing himself to be extraordinarily impressed by it, without coveting it with his senses.... he can experience it and yet be its master.... __And it is your task to overcome the world, for it was given to you as a means for your soul to become fully mature therein, to detach itself voluntarily from everything pertaining to the world, because this separation is at the same time also a separation from the one who is lord of this world, and a turning-towards the spiritual kingdom and its Lord. __Hence it is understandable that anyone enslaving himself to the world will never be able to take possession of the spiritual kingdom, neither in earthly life nor after the human being's death.... it is understandable that the lord of the world will keep him tied up because the human being gives him the right to do so himself, for the separation from his power, the separation from the material world, has to be endeavoured and accomplished by the individual himself. __He has to wage battle against himself; he has to be able to go without in order to gain something valuable, he has to resist all temptations during his short lifetime on earth in order to then take possession of the spiritual kingdom with all its glories, which will compensate him thousand fold for his renunciation on earth.... And he will only do so if he recognises the irrelevance and impermanence of what he deems desirable on earth. Only this realisation will give him the strength to change his will correctly, and he can gain this realisation by merely contemplating the material world.... For he cannot be forced to change his will.... he can only be prompted by experiences into inner contemplation, at which point the result is up to him. And God can only help him by time and again demonstrating the fleeing nature of things, that He allows the destruction of what the human being loves on earth, that He intervenes by affecting him painfully, taking from him what his heart is set on.... just to point out to him how worthless the goals of his endeavours are. __But those who learn from such experiences can consider themselves fortunate, for they will gradually change the direction of their will and relinquish the world in order to occupy the spiritual kingdom one day.... But no one should believe that he can make compromises, no one should believe that he can pay homage to the world with impunity.... All striving will have an effect after his death, and if it related to the world then it will result in spiritual death, then he will have relinquished the spiritual kingdom for the sake of earthly gain and the world will have brought him death.... Then he will have handed himself over again to the power of the one in the abyss, and the path of ascent will yet again take an infinitely long period of time.... __Amen
Strength of faith.... Healing the sick.... Miracles....
You will be able to work with inconceivable strength if you call upon Me for help with profound faith. You must be motivated by love to request this strength of Mine, your faith must be so strong that you will not hesitate for a second when you think of helping a person in need. Then you shall work in My name and you will be impelled by My spirit to do so.... Therefore, do not believe that you take the right to do something that does not correspond to My will, but do without qualms whatever you feel impelled to do and you will succeed. For I have guaranteed you My strength if you are of strong faith. And it is My will that your fellow human beings shall be persuaded of the strength of faith in the last days before the end, hence I will not let you be harmed if you want to serve Me and at the same time your fellow human beings. But I will never give My blessings for actions of self-interest, destruction or heartlessness.... Understand that love has to be the driving force and motivate you to request My strength, never hatred or an urge for revenge, for only love moves My spirit into action. And only through love can you unite with Me so that you then can also partake of My strength. And this love lets your faith come so alive that you no longer doubt the success of what you want to achieve. This also explains the many healings of the sick which are accomplished in My name. __Then I Myself Am called upon for help, My promise is being appealed to `Ask, and it shall be given to you; knock, and it shall be opened to you....' and with complete faith in the truth of My Word anyone who is lovingly taken care of by the healer will be healed, for the latter will have handed himself over to Me and I will truly be with him in My strength.... he can cure him because he can make unlimited use of My strength. Profoundly faithful people can therefore work on earth for the benefit of their fellow human beings, for they are permitted to do so as soon as they associate it with a living testimony of My name, as soon as My name is thereby glorified.... as soon as it happens in order to help people who strive towards Me gain a firm and indisputable faith.... and not in order to force disbelievers into believing.... Complete unbelief is an obstacle for the working of My spirit.... And the confessor of My name will either be restrained by My spirit from working miracles while watched by a non-believer or the latter will substantiate any healing with natural explanations.... Yet in the last days the weak shall still be won over by overcoming their resistance through the strength of faith of My Own.... And therefore many a miracle will be accomplished in My name in the last days, so that those of weak faith shall be strengthened in order to then be able to believe with conviction and to stand firm in the last battle on this earth.... __Amen
The raging of natural forces....
You will hear My voice loudly and powerfully, and all of you who don't want to comply with My gentle call will be terrified when it resounds, when the raging of the natural forces reminds you of Me, Whom you have constantly opposed and Whom you nevertheless have to acknowledge in view of the expression of the elements of nature. Admittedly, you won't accept that there is a relationship between this and your activities in the world.... Yet only the latter prompts Me to express Myself visibly, for your activities demonstrate that you don't acknowledge Me as your God and Creator to Whom you will have to be answerable one day. You don't believe it and therefore don't live your earthly life according to My will.... And that is why My voice will resound, so that you will consider Me and change, so that you will recognise Me and accept My will as your own.... I speak to you, admonishing you at first gently and full of love to turn around.... in order to then raise My voice increasingly until it worries and frightens you because you will then fear for your lives. And many will lose their earthly life, yet if they still find Me in the last hour their physical death will be no loss for them.... it is merely a blessing, for they were in danger of descending completely, and then I can recall them the instant they recognise Me Myself, the instant of the awakening of faith, which facilitates the entry into the kingdom of the beyond and is the beginning of the soul's path of ascent. __I want to make Myself distinctly recognisable through the fury of nature.... Where human will is active faith in Me is only rarely to be expected, but where people are hopelessly exposed to the natural elements they are more inclined to remember their Creator and call upon Him.... And there is still hope that souls will be saved from the darkness of unbelief, that they acknowledge Me and then allow themselves to be guided by Me on earth as well as in the kingdom of the beyond. What earthly happenings cannot achieve can still be accomplished by a natural disaster on a huge scale.... that the God and Creator of eternity will be remembered and that a human being's heart will establish the connection with Him by way of sincerely appealing to Him for salvation from utmost adversity. And what is apparently an enormous work of destruction can signify a rescue mission for many souls which thereby escape eternal ruin and awaken to life, even if they suffer physical death. I will do whatever it takes to save those who still close their ears to My gentle and loving Words and whom I nevertheless don't want to let fall.... I want to call to them with a loud voice again and blessed are those who then will remember Me, blessed are those from whose hearts I have not yet been completely displaced and who call upon Me before it is too late.... __Amen
Last Judgment.... Act of love and righteousness....
It is not just My righteousness alone which demands a recompense and therefore imposes the last Judgment upon the human race.... it is far more determined by My love which foresees its inevitable descent into the abyss and wants to put a stop to it. For even if the earth remained in its old form, even if I delayed the Judgment.... it would only damage people's souls which would not benefit thereby but enter into a darkness that would be impenetrable for an infinitely long time. The last Judgment on this earth is an act of love by Me too.... in My eyes this act is people's only salvation if I don't want to leave them entirely at the mercy of their destiny, i.e., to My adversary. It is, in the true sense of the word, a rescue mission which one day you will certainly understand but at your present low spiritual level do not appreciate. The last Judgment and the disintegration of this earth are, in fact, far more determined by My love than by My righteousness.... although this also will have to emerge so as to establish order again, since this is totally disrespected and has to lead to greatest chaos. The individual person can certainly still restore his own order again; he can still become aware of his task and his purpose and strive to live accordingly.... and the last Judgment will not affect him so much that he would have to dread it; for him, too, the last Judgment will only be a demonstration of love because he will be transferred into another life.... be it on earth or in the spiritual kingdom.... a life which will make him happy. And in order to still achieve this with individual people I make it known time and again what the earth and its inhabitants will have to expect.... and good for him who takes these indications seriously and rearranges his life; good for him who will make the effort to live in divine order.... For he will also understand My last rescue operation and regard it as an act of love, since as a result of his life he will also gain the understanding for all events which will take place due to My will and My might. __Only I know the result of an utterly godless way of life, and this is why I must intervene, because My love wants to rescue everyone or provide them with the possibility to free themselves from Satan's control, which can only happen if I bind him Myself.... by putting an end to his activity.... The fact that innumerable people will lose their lives when the last Judgment on earth occurs may well seem cruel to you humans; but it is only an enforced interruption of that which will inevitably lead to death.... so that the souls will at least have the possibility to come back to life again one day.... while it is Satan's goal to keep you forever in his possession. My love, therefore, is the reason for the end of this earth and the destruction of all created beings thereon, and My righteousness will then place the spiritual substances into external forms which correspond to their conduct on earth.... I will put everything right again.... in accordance with My eternal order and will give all spiritual beings the external form they deserve. Only when you humans know the meaning and purpose of earthly life and your task will you find My reign and activity comprehensible, for there is more at stake than your physical life, it concerns the whole of eternity, it concerns the life of the soul for which spiritual death is the most appalling state. And I want to protect it from this death and therefore have to use means which make you doubt My love and yet are only based on My love. I cannot force you into another way of life, I can only admonish and warn you through My Word, which comes as a direct address to earth, and thus all people are being addressed by Me through the mouth of a servant devoted to Me.... I can only draw your attention to the consequences of a wrong way of life and with Words of love try to entice you to enter the right path.... If, however, all these reproaches are in vain, My sentencing Fatherly hand will have to intervene in order to protect you from the worst.... For order must be restored again on earth, so that it will become a place of education for the spiritual beings once more, so that the souls can fully mature according to their destination.... __Amen
The adversary's influence of will.... Destructions....
It should suffice you to know that everything in My Creation proceeds according to My will.... Thus My adversary will not be able to affect Creation in some form or other, because he is only able to affect the spiritual being in possession of free will.... the human being.... but then he once again aims to influence the latter so that the human being himself will try to change works of creation in My adversary's favour. Thus, whatever the human being is able to accomplish may always be according to My will, but it may also correspond to My adversary's will, because the human being is influenced from both sides.... However, anything that lies outside the human being's sphere of authority can never be implemented by My adversary, it has to be entirely ascribed to My activity, because My adversary has lost all power over Creation, over the spiritual substance which is still bound. But precisely because of this, My adversary will exert all his influence to make people compliant into becoming destructively active, because this will release the bound spirits, which he believes he may take possession of again. This, too, will be impossible for him.... nevertheless, the released spiritual substance has an unfavourable effect on everything surrounding it because it has 'left the order' and therefore also creates disorder in its environment.... thus it can disrupt an existing natural law. So, indirectly it is indeed My adversary's work, yet always through the human will.... whilst My will alone is sufficient to re-establish the order and to work creatively and constructively in the whole of the universe. This, My adversary's impotence, will cause him to devise plans of a truly satanic nature.... by motivating people to destroy the globe.... yet with a view of different goals which impels them into intense activity. __Incapable of accomplishing destruction himself he will cleverly disguise it as a worthwhile utilisation of unfamiliar energies.... And he will find enough people on this earth to comply with his will and who therefore also receive strength from him for all kinds of discoveries and results. Although the subsequent natural disasters will only affect the creations which arose through My will, they nevertheless cannot be classed as a direct expression of Satan, but they will always be disruptions of order which were caused by human will even though they will be of immense significance in the spirits' phase of development.... both of those who have free will and those who are still in a bound state, for their course of development will be interrupted and thus will require My counteraction so that the disrupted order will be restored again.... so that the interrupted development can continue to proceed. My adversary's plan will certainly fail, for he will not regain the released spirits, yet he will have won the people who will have become enslaved by him.... the souls which were already further advanced.... but he will lose every entitlement over them through the forthcoming renewed banishment. My adversary's influence on the human being's free will is immense, yet he has no control over any created being apart from the human being.... He cannot implement anything once a person's will refuses to surrender to him.... And everything which is inaccessible to a human being, which human will cannot influence, is always My reign and activity in the universe and never My adversary's expression of power, who is stripped of all authority, but he will do whatever it takes to make the human will compliant in order to implement his plan through him.... and cause your downfall.... __Amen
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