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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 19 transcriptions | ID of collection 1176686
'The measure you use will be the measure you receive....'
Thus begin, my child: If in every situation of life you remain conscious of the fact that you cannot achieve anything without the Father's help, you will always act right and keep your eyes towards the Father.... The measure you use will be the measure you receive.... This Word was given by the Lord to the children of earth and with it the commandment of love for God and one's neighbour.... We all know how difficult it is to fulfil it on earth, for love is still unknown to people in earthly life.... each person does not look upon his neighbour as his brother but is more likely to suspect him to be an opponent, and precisely because of this it requires a lot of love to show this fellow human being the love the Lord requires of you. You would certainly benefit if you made an effort to realise first of all that you are all God's children and that only love for one another should dwell in you, by virtue of which you should only ever treat each other with kindness instead of treating each other with hostility or live indifferently next to each other.... It is the Father's law that you should receive the same measure as the measure you give to your fellow human beings. Everything you are given by the Father you should also give to your neighbour in the same way but always in the awareness that you are children amongst yourselves and that the Father's love aims to unite you. Therefore, let no one ever ask in vain and give where only the slightest appeal reaches your ear.... In earthly life the Father wants to give you the opportunity to practise neighbourly love, for love is the first and foremost commandment in the beyond.... everyone only works for another..... __And the love you neglected to give in earthly life will heavily burden you there; many a soul will long for the effect of love which will deliver him from the darkness.... all good deeds on earth are blessed by God, they will produce many different fruits in the beyond, for everyone will reap what he sows and will receive the reward of his love on earth from our Lord and Saviour in love again. For God is love, and to be allowed to live in His love is eternal beatitude.... __Amen
Straying souls in the expanse of ether.... Light and dark...
Once again we are gathered around you to give you the bread of heaven, to strengthen you and to share the divine grace with you. As soon as we feel that you are yearning to hear the wisdom of God we are in contact with you and listen to every stirring of your heart. Thus begin: Behold, there is a chaotic disarray of seeking and straying souls in the expanse of ether, and the danger of loneliness is the worst that can happen to these souls.... but the Lord sends spiritual beings to them which do their best for these souls and try to point out to them that they must also strive for perfection in the beyond, that is where the first labour of love starts for these souls already. By closely joining these benign spiritual beings they slowly strive towards the path of ascent.... God's goodness and love prevails everywhere, and in the slightest happenings and processes.... both on earth and in the beyond.... divine wisdom and divine guidance of all beings is always hidden.... The effect it has on these beings, on these seeking souls, as soon as a glimmer of realisation regarding their situation and their purpose comes to them, is indescribable. From then on, they tirelessly strive to ascend.... Tirelessly they devote themselves to all tasks expected of them and, in turn, try to help the still lesser informed souls. It is an activity of love for each other in order to reach the highest goal. If you begin to strive spiritually on earth, you will be greeted by the brightest light when you enter eternity, you will understand and know.... and you will be spared the straying in darkness with all its battles.... The closer you are to the Saviour on earth, the more radiant brightness will surround you one day. It will give you incredible satisfaction to know that you had already found the Lord during the battle of life and, without a second thought, you will take part in the work of love in the beyond and feel the innermost desire to always lead new souls to the Lord with tireless loving activity and to show them the path to the light. The life of the person who bears this in mind while he still lives on earth will be richly blessed, for his every thought, action and achievement will bear fruit in eternity, and every soul will benefit if it steadfastly strives upwards.... towards the eternal light. __Amen
Sun.... Divine radiance.... Light and love....
Oh, my child, if you just always hand yourself over to your Saviour without hesitation peace will enter your heart and you will be released from all difficulties burdening you. You shall lift yourself up by His love.... it is not the Lord's will that you should lose heart.... And neither does He want your spirit to grow tired, therefore He gives you comfort and strength through His Words again.... All reign and activity in nature originates from God's immense love.... it is like a constant emanation of life-creating light which influences all being and becoming on Earth and in the whole of the universe. And in order to shape this becoming according to God's wise will, the Lord constantly lets the light shine forth.... If the infinity of the cosmos scares you and you become aware of your own smallness you should nevertheless not allow doubts to arise in God's love and His care for every single being. Just as the light of the Sun illuminates the earth, as it warms and animates everything that exists on earth, as it enables the plants to flourish.... and provides brightness and warmth to all living creations on earth.... that is how countless other solar bodies emanate their light, so that the whole of the universe is subject to divine radiance and the light will never ever go out.... for the heavenly Father Himself is the light from Whom all life originates.... The light is never-ending and never-ending is love.... Both are the epitome of God and will exist for all eternity.... The Lord in His infinite love and goodness created His beings in light, and therefore every being will also strive towards the light, and anyone who lives in light travels the path of ascent. Anyone who turns to the Lord with the desire for divine enlightenment will be surrounded by bright light, for alone the will to return to the original state will bring you closer to it.... Every seedling tries to break through the soil and turn towards the light.... In the animal life the desire for light is equally predominant.... should therefore the human being want to remain in darkness and not turn towards the Father of all light? __And yet, the human being has to endure extensive battles against hostile forces which would like to permanently extinguish his desire for light in him.... their aim is to enshroud the human being's spirit.... the soul.... in utter darkness and to conceal the true purpose of life from it in order to gain greater control over people and to remove them from the sphere of light, which they unconsciously strive towards, and to pull them down into eternal darkness.... God's love and care constantly concerns these earthly children who are endangered by the darkness. The human being himself is a creature without any will of his own once he becomes subject to the control of this darkness.... Without divine help he would never ever be able to release himself from this control, this is why so many spiritual forces are placed by his side so that no earthly child will be left to this fate without warning. Just as the opponent influences the earthly children on one side.... so the love of noble spiritual beings influences them on the other side and fights for the soul.... It is easy for the earthly child if only it slightly hands itself over to the virtuous forces, for the power of good.... the power of love, is incomparably stronger than the power of evil.... However, the human being is often so deluded.... his will, which should direct him towards the heavenly Father, often fails precisely in this instance and, vice versa, is again so strong to accept without second thought what the adversary offers the person.... Hence it is also his own responsibility, since he uses his strength and will, which he received to advance his soul, in order to fall away from God.... __You, my child, are needed by the Lord.... labourers, who are willing to be of service and devoted to the Lord, shall help those who are weak to take the right path and, through the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, find their way back to the Father.... It is extremely valuable that the knowledge of the pure truth is conveyed to people.... for due to the longstanding conflict between the churches the teaching of Christ was presented to people in a way that they barely want to accept it these days.... They no longer consider it a heartfelt guiding principle offered to them by God's love, but very often merely believe it to be a traditional, humanly created word of instruction which scarcely touches their heart and which they just no longer take seriously.... but much rather would like to reject. This is why the Father wants to impart His Word to them in a new form, so that they will perceive the divine love therein and might open their hearts to the voice from above. The Saviour dwells amongst people again.... He will always be in the midst of you who proclaim His teachings.... He will help you to choose the right Words.... so that you yourselves put into practise what you are teaching.... And thus His Word will penetrate people's hearts again and they all, in turn, will lovingly help each other.... for everyone shall become enlightened, and every being shall release itself from the darkness as soon as they receive just a tiny ray of divine light, since the striving for light will continue for all eternity.... __Amen
Divine truth.... Science....
Accept what you are offered, recognise God's will and be careful never to lose your trust in the Lord.... your love for the Saviour and His divine grace. The arguments about the divine truth will be endless and the one who does not desire divine knowledge or presumes that he can uncover the great mystery by himself will always be the loser.... If he is to be successful he must beseech God for enlightenment and it will certainly be granted to him. The human being can investigate earthly subjects, yet regardless of how much he achieves, he will still not come closer to divine truth, for one is entirely separate from the other.... It is only accessible to the one whose heart detaches itself from everything of an earthly nature.... who considers nothing else worth striving for than the acceptance of eternal truths. Everything on earth will seem distant and unreal to him, and he will search full of yearning for the profundity of divine truth and be constantly permitted to receive it from the Father's hand, but only if he turns his heart solely to the Father.... So many attempts have already been made to penetrate this region.... and yet, if only those with great knowledge at their disposal were successful.... if they alone held the key to truth in their hands because of their knowledge.... it would not benefit humanity.... God has prepared His kingdom for all people, and were the Lord not to judge the earthly children's heart but only their knowledge instead, barely a tiny fraction would acquire His kingdom.... And if God the Lord has ordained that all those of good will can acquire His kingdom, then you are, after all, offered far more than only to serve the sciences on earth.... All of you are aspirants, and the onus rests entirely upon you as to whether you will reach the Father.... indeed, science is more likely an obstacle to bliss.... On earth it makes you great and powerful, yet often very unsuitable to contact the Lord as a small and humble person.... and how can you enter the Father's kingdom without His help?.... You only ever focus on the one goal of ascertaining the nature of Creation.... you want to penetrate what is closed to you and inform the human race of it.... even though you have so little knowledge yourselves, because you still have not understood the simplest fact.... that you are small, if the Lord does not help you.... that you will never understand the meaning and purpose of the universe with your own effort.... You can only come closer to the true knowledge when you have found the path to God.... And then you will gladly relinquish all fame on earth, for then you will know that all striving for earthly things is worthless.... and that all earthly knowledge will not bring you closer to the eternal truth, for God distributes this only to those who desire deep down in their hearts to behold and experience God.... The will to reach God elevates you far above all science.... Where others make a lifelong effort to solve the mysteries of Creation, you will often receive it overnight.... providing you have the desire and allow yourselves to be instructed by the divine Teacher. __Amen
Recognition of truth not without prayer.... Ask and it wi...
My child, in order to introduce you to the mysteries of the universe, you merely need to entrust yourself to your Saviour with profound sincerity.... We observe your every effort and are always ready for you.... for at all times shall you receive what the Lord commands us to convey to you. The Lord will always be present where the desire for truth is strong and a person's will is placed at the Lord's service. And none of you recognise His power as yet.... what He does for love of humanity deviates from the ordinary, so that everyone learns to comprehend the power of Heaven.... And if you are about to lose yourselves, a small hint from the eternal sphere is enough to make you receptive to God's teachings, for what the Lord gives to you will only be regarded by you as a divine gift if you clearly recognise it as the intervention of a higher Power.... Humanity's greatest error consists of the fact that it fails to recognise the laws of eternity as the Lord and Creator's will.... it cannot subordinate itself to divine will because it lacks this conscious realisation. On the other hand, however, it does not strive to attain the realisation of all wisdom either.... which it could easily achieve by calling upon the eternal Deity for help. Yet how can the earthly child appeal to Him if it cannot find the right relationship with the heavenly Father.... Where can it become aware of eternity on earth if it does not strive to look for the Father beyond worldly things.... where can the earthly child's longing turn towards the divine if its wishes purely relate to the fulfilment of worldly enjoyment.... And once again, it is prayer that is needed first.... talk to the God of the eternal universe so that He shall guide you correctly and enlighten you, and you will enter the right path and be led forward step by step.... However, without it you will not succeed.... you will neither recognise your purpose nor awaken from your sleep; you will remain in darkness until you take refuge in prayer.... The Father will not let any child pray in vain.... the Lord protects everyone from total ignorance, He provides many helpful hints but you must accept them in your heart if they are not to be given to you to no avail. And you will eternally bless the hour when you opened the door of your heart for everything that comes from above and points to above again. The Lord of Heaven and Earth therefore has many teachings ready for the earthly children, the acceptance of which will be a blessing for each one of you.... learn to understand, that only the Lord's love instructs you; don't disrespect what He sends you and at all times look within you.... for if the human being recognises himself as a helpless creature he will gladly subordinate himself to the divine Father's love; he will feel well protected as His child and gratefully accept everything the Father's advice and divine will sends to him. For the Lord has countless riches prepared for those who believe in Him.... He gives to all who live on earth, yet whether you accept His blessings is entirely up to you. In His wisdom He created everything around you so that you should thereby recognise His creativity and work.... Therefore always meet Him with a willing heart. And if you then, with the good will of reaching God, hold a heartfelt dialogue with Him, He will illuminate you and direct you towards the eternal truth, so that the Word 'Ask and it will be given to you' will come true.... Every person has a share in God's Fatherly love, the Lord lived on earth for everyone, and thus He is once again among you to bring salvation to those who accept His Word, carry it in their heart and act accordingly. The Father's gifts shall be received by anyone with a pure heart wanting to serve the Lord, and His grace will be upon him now and forever. __Amen
Evil forces.... Good spiritual beings.... Reason and mira...
Our effort to penetrate you is unsuccessful if you resist our thoughts. If you willingly hand yourself over to us, the reception will be easy.... Try to understand: every moment in your life good and evil forces try to take possession of your soul, and therefore many days and hours occur when the battle being waged between these forces becomes apparent in a person's emotional life.... During these times apathy, unwillingness and other less positive instincts take possession of the person and place him into a state of inner discontentment.... And you will find it particularly difficult to pray during those times, even though you could quite easily release yourselves again from the control of such demons with a prayer. However, you must use all your will to fight against such states which can easily damage your soul and always strive to re-establish contact with your Lord and Saviour, for only then will your victory over these evil powers be assured. The Lord protects you, for His love would like to keep everything at bay, yet you need not dread such times either, providing you always listen to the inner voice which shows you the path towards inner peace. And now listen to our teachings, which we bring to you on the Saviour's instruction to give you strength and encouragement for the coming time.... God created you, and thus you all live in the world sharing exactly the same spirit yet at different stages of development, which you, during your more or less long lifetime, will raise yourselves, depending on the work you do to improve your own soul. This work of improving oneself is the only task the Lord gave you at the time of your creation, and for this purpose the Lord assigned spiritual beings to you to accompany you through your life on earth.... spiritual beings, which lovingly try to help you so that you are not defencelessly left to the mercy of evil forces.... spiritual beings, which constantly look after you and always try to influence you on earth in a way that you will gladly and eagerly accomplish this work of improving your soul. And you should hand yourselves over to these spiritual beings.... so that spiritual thoughts may be imparted to you, you should make your hearts receptive to the whisperings and admonitions which constantly flow to you from these spiritual beings.... Then your journey through the earthly valley will be much easier, you will never walk through it lonely and abandoned but will always be accompanied by forces which will lead you to the Father and want to spare you from going astray. But then you will be given the task of seeking heartfelt contact with these spiritual beings, because the Lord Himself wants to talk to you through these beings. This is significant evidence of His love for you earthly children and is only understandable due to the great adversity which threatens the earthly children now. For this reason the Lord seeks to impart Words of comfort to His Own on earth again through the mouth of willing children who make contact with the spiritual beings surrounding them in order to accept the Words of the Lord.... He tries to revive people's faith again where it was lost and to strengthen it where it is weak. For without faith the human being is heading for disaster.... without faith evil powers take possession of him.... without faith he turns away from the Divinity and takes the path of ruin. And when the human being is no longer able to recognise God in that which surrounds him every day, the Lord of Heaven and Earth must be pointed out to him and through miracles he must be informed again of God's activity, so that he will look heavenwards once more and find his way back to the Father Who created him and Who does not want the downfall of even one of His beings because it does not recognise the heavenly Father. __Amen
Earth's state of peace depends on spiritual attitude....
The peace which one day shall make the people on earth very happy is still far out of sight. Too many demons are still interfering in world events and find too much cover behind people's spiritual attitude; consequently, a turning point in earthly life will only become apparent when humanity's mentality turns more towards spiritual experience.... The promises of the Lord will therefore only apply on earth when the earthly children's faith in Him comes alive in their hearts. Everything of a spiritual nature does not, in a manner of speaking, walk with the world but next to the world.... Only one or the other can dominate a person entirely, and the world will lose to the same extent as faith wins. When the spirit tilts the balance in its favour then peace will bring joy to the world and all earthly hardship will come to an end. Yet humanity's yearning is still far removed from this. Worldly desire keeps a firm hold on them, sacrifices will always only be made for this, and almost all interests merely apply to temporal joys. The broad, passable path, which leads to the soul's downfall and into disaster, is preferred to the narrow path, which is indeed full of thorns but it will lead to the goal with certainty.... to eternal life in all splendour and glory. And as long as people's intentions and thoughts don't change, as long as their thinking does not become deeper and more internalised, world events cannot change either, because they shape them themselves through their will. For as long as their love purely concerns their bodily satisfaction, they will draw their strength for their endeavour from the materialistic spirit world, and this can only result in an increase of all secular cravings and never a decrease of the same. On the other hand, the strength for good will grow tremendously if people do not apply their love to themselves but to their fellow human beings and therefore to the all-retaining Creator again.... Any support which now flows to people is beneficial spiritual strength, which will always result in the desire for the spirit and an assured spiritualisation of human thinking. Hence people themselves will reshape world events and are therefore the bearers of the spirit of peace if they undermine their inclination towards the world and seek fulfilment in spiritual experience and perfection. Then a peaceful state will bring joy to the world.... there will neither be discord nor envy among the nations.... No-one will try to curtail the other's wealth but always share with him, and a life of love among each other will help people to attain highest spiritual maturity. For the world is part of the dark power.... Anyone who desires it also hands himself over to this power, yet he who detests it will be seized by the blessed spiritual world and, continually receiving strength, can entrust himself to it. And so a state of peace will make those earthly children exceedingly happy who have utterly discarded their longing for the world and completely turned towards the spirit. Yet only the one who has recognised this can participate in the co-operation of bringing eternal peace to earth. __Amen
Divine guidance and direction.... Spiritualism.... Truth....
Anyone who consciously turns to the Lord is in direct contact with the spiritual forces and will not need to fear interference by unauthorised powers. If you remain true in your heart to the divine Saviour, you will soon spiritually rise above your surroundings and be able to accept spiritual knowledge without interruption. And so you are requested to carefully listen to the voice of your heart, which wants to proclaim what the Father intends to give you. Every event happens with permission from above, yet you do not always understand it. Nevertheless, people are offered so many opportunities to embark on the only path that leads to the goal. Where the right kind of trust accompanies all events, their purpose will soon become obvious to them.... Behold, the path is not as clear to everyone that they would enter it without reservations, it must be pointed out to them, and this can only happen though wise guidance and direction of all steps which, in turn, in the eyes of a person, happen again by coincidence. However, if all of you remain in contact with the Lord, He Himself will show you how important and beneficial it is to utterly entrust yourselves to His guidance.... how you only ever fulfil the Creator's wise plan if you don't resist His instructions. One link of the chain glides into another, and you are merely the Creator's visible implementers, He constantly works through you on earth.... He attempts to awaken the human hearts and introduce them to His actions of love. Consequently, you will take no step without consideration, and only someone who entirely avoids God withdraws himself from the divine Father's loving guidance. Yet all of you who strive to fulfil His will are used by the Lord in order to save other souls again and lead them towards the eternal light. Therefore take note that you should always entrust yourselves to the divine guidance without resistance.... that you should let yourselves be impelled by the voice of your heart.... Pay attention to every stirring which wants to direct you, always accept the urging of your heart as a spiritual admonition and comply with this urge, then you will at all times be willing helpers for the Lord's tireless act of love for His children.... And now try to accept spiritual knowledge without resistance, for a clarification needs to be given for a teaching interspersed with errors, which can never have originated from the eternal Deity. __People have often attempted to enter the spiritual bridge by spiritualistic means, and this has always evoked objections by all believers and those who want to believe without, however, having complete knowledge of an area which hitherto was concealed from them. Present day spiritual adversity considerably contributes towards the fact that people nevertheless digress into this area in the hope of finding some kind of help from there. Whatever the human being undertakes in order to find the truth, purely with the desire for this very truth, can never be sinful before God. This has to be said for clarification to those people, who only want to look upon all spiritualistic experiments as misconduct and transgression against the divine will. People on earth are often driven by the inner urge to ascertain the truth, and the doctrines of the church do not offer them enough certainty.... or, they love and hunger for the truth far too much as to unhesitatingly accept something they do not consider sufficiently reliable. They want to take the direct path, in a manner of speaking, they want to draw from the source.... they also want to believe if the truth seems acceptable to them and this thirst for knowledge is not always only the desire for something extraordinary.... It is not in connection with a worldly purpose but merely intended for clarification, and therefore the activity of such people thirsting for truth will never be wrong before God, i.e., it will never be a sin. Whereas each similar attempt relating to worldly desires.... which also includes contact with the dear departed, since this likewise contributes towards a person's everyday happiness.... or which intends to satisfy a sensational hunger, can never find God's approval because then.... please take note.... a purely spiritual exchange, which intends to guide the earthly child into truth, cannot take place and because the connection from the beyond to earth is only permitted to reveal the pure truth to the earthly child if it proves itself worthy of the privilege. That the latter is the first prerequisite for spiritual contact from the beyond to earth is already obvious by the fact that not each and everyone can establish contact with the world of the beyond, and so, on account of the extraordinary danger this poses to both the earthly child as well as the still immature spiritual being, such connections must very seriously be warned against.... __Hence the partly correct point of view, that spiritualism very often opens the door to lower forces. Therefore, all such connections must be refrained from if the necessary spiritual maturity for it is non-existent and the will to first and foremost serve God and attain the truth is not exclusively the reason for such a beginning. But how wrong people's point of view is to reject all contact with the world of the beyond can be seen from the fact that all spiritual beings have the power to express themselves, but that all these expressions, whether good or evil, will only be perceived if the human being wants to perceive.... that in each and every case the human being's consent is a prerequisite.... in a manner of speaking, a certain willingness for reception.... then every being will also be able to clearly express itself. Admittedly, this does not happen in a way that a person receives tangible or visible information from the spiritual being, instead, it will always take effect in the form of thoughts.... and so are the proclamations by beings in the beyond within spiritual circles more or less thought transmissions from these spiritual beings to people's minds. The person, as it were, willingly accepts what is conveyed to him as his mental knowledge, and can shape these proclamations according to his state of maturity.... With profound desire for truth he will only be informed of absolute truth, because through his desire he will only attract the spirits of truth or, as it were, call upon them for their tuition. And thus no offence should ever be taken concerning the reason for this work.... People must not claim the right to criticise what God the Lord in His wisdom has permitted, because a human being with profound love for truth appealed to the Father in Heaven for enlightenment which, in turn, could only exhaustively be given to him in this way.... __Amen
The prophets' predictions.... The return of Christ....
In the Lord's return to Earth the predictions of all prophets will come true. For it is written that humanity does not pay attention to His will.... but it is also written that a number of people will serve Him and that the Lord will come to these people and give them strength in times of adversity. That He will give the bread of heaven to His Own and take supper with those who love Him and keep His commandments. And that they will hear His voice, that He will therefore be with them during their life on earth and live in the midst of His Own on earth. People do not want to take these predictions literally and try to undermine the Words of the Lord. They themselves have changed the arrangement as well as the meaning of the Words and thus no longer grant full credence to these rearranged Words. And so you humans deem Him far away even though He is very close to you.... You no longer hear His voice and all your thoughts and feelings have turned away from the divine and consequently attach no value to the prophecies. Behold, if you yourselves are unaware of the fact that the Lord pleases you with His presence.... if you can't believe that He so loves you and in this love takes the path to humanity again, then you will barely be able to grasp the infinite happiness of His return to earth either. You will only ever see the earthly life but pay no attention to spiritual currents which clearly reveal to you that the Lord is present among His Own. In a manner of speaking, He takes part in every event and His presence can easily be felt by those earthly children who, through their works of love, already carry Him in their hearts, for the prophesies' meaning will suddenly become clear to them and they will realise how the Scriptures will come true, Word for Word.... __Amen
Admonition to exercise self-control.... Gentleness - Peac...
Learn to restrain yourselves and become gentle and peaceful, for your time on earth is given to you as a probationary period during which you should reach full maturity, training and shaping yourselves for the benefit of your soul. You will hardly be able to fulfil your earthly task if you don't strive for this first, for all your soul's difficulties arise from your own lack of self-control. And thus hear what the Lord Himself is proclaiming to you: __You, My children on earth, have to make an effort to treat each other with love.... You have chosen this stay on earth in the knowledge of what you are lacking; you have many opportunities to combat your weaknesses and mistakes, yet you must also have the good will to make use of the possibilities offered and, through constant self-restraint, grow stronger and overcome your mistakes. Bear in mind, My children, with how much patience I have to overlook your weaknesses again and again, and yet My love for you does not diminish.... Consider how much more reason I would have to become impatient, and how I, nevertheless, in utmost patience and mercy, embrace My children again and lovingly forgive them when they have trespassed.... consider that My life on earth demanded an abundance of patience towards sinful humanity, which nevertheless did not recognise My love and repaid all the good I did for people with ingratitude, and finally made Me suffer so indescribably.... __How much did they humiliate Me and devised all sorts of torments and, without any blame, handed Me over to be crucified.... And I patiently shouldered even this most bitter injustice and nevertheless did not withdraw My mercy from those who wronged Me.... I implored the Father in heaven to forgive them their sins and did not turn away from humanity but tried to win them over with patience and love and thereby bring them redemption. And therefore you should also practise the virtue of self-denial, one should live for the other and only ever endeavour to ease each other's suffering, so that you will become perfect and will not have lived your earthly life in vain. And sacrifice all your worries and pains to Me, and you will become as gentle as doves and communicate with each other patiently and with love, and inner calm will enter your hearts.... and I will help you if you are in danger of losing yourselves. __Amen
Divine intervention.... Prediction....
It is a futile battle which the people of the world are waging against each other, for it will not result in a satisfactory outcome. The Lord of heaven and of earth has decided that this shall be concluded in a different way to that which the world is hoping for. But this end will be indescribable. The battle noise will be drowned out by God's voice resounding from above.... It will cause tremendous confusion amongst people since no human command will be able to stop it, and people will be powerless and will have to submit to everything that is sent to them by the Lord. And then it will be left up to each individual person to recognise the hand of God and submit to it or revolt against his personal fate. For it is intended that people's thoughts shall be forcibly directed towards God, and blessed is he who finds this path and recognises God as the Originator of all happenings and commends himself to Him and His mercy. __Yet there will only be a few, for people are spiritually deluded, their modern explanations have made them lose faith in a Being Which determines everything on earth, and their lofty attitude makes it difficult for them to find the way back to God, and this spiritual arrogance will be their downfall. Only someone who feels small and powerless and calls upon God for help will keep his life, even if he will physically lose it.... Yet anyone who believes they do not need God's help will forfeit his mortal and spiritual life.... And even if God allows him to keep his earthly life, it will only be an act of greatest mercy so that he shall still gain realisation on earth after all.... For the Lord knows the hearts of people, He looks into the furthest corners, He recognises every stirring and will not let anything perish that can still be saved. And anyone who calls upon the Lord for help within the midst of terror will feel a wonderful calm enter his heart, he will suddenly realise the worthlessness of earthly life if it is not accompanied by profound faith, and this realisation will let him willingly surrender what previously appeared desirable to him. __He will readily submit himself to the Lord and accept what he receives from His hand.... life or death.... However, he will only surrender his body in order to awaken to life in the beyond. And thus his departure from the world will not be his ruin but his resurrection into a better life. Divine will puts everyone in their place, He takes a person from the world when the time for his end has come, and He returns to the world those whose earthly life is not over yet.... For nothing happens arbitrarily but everything is determined by God's wisdom and love. Yet if a person cannot recognise God's hand even then, his soul will suffer serious hardship, for it will have no other means of salvation.... It has infinitely extended its distance from God during its earthly existence and strives towards the state of banishment again; hence its life on earth is utterly pointless, since it does not recognise God. And for the sake of such souls God will let His powerful voice be heard.... But if this call also dies away unheard, the fate of these souls will only be eternal damnation.... __Amen
Hour of death....
The hour of death has become the subject of insurmountable fear for many people, they are anxious and afraid of every thought of it, and this is always a sign of insufficient maturity of soul. The soul unconsciously recognises its deficient condition and perceives that the death of the body is the end of its earthly existence.... it intuitively senses that it has not made the best use of its earthly life, hence the human being finds the thought of death frightening. The uncertainty after death disturbs him, he is full of doubt about life after death yet he is not entirely convinced that his life is finally over either. And precisely this uncertainty about the `afterwards' makes him anxious about the hour of separation from this world. The more mature a human being is the less he is affected by the thought of death, the reason for this rests in the realisation that the real life does not start until after the death of the body. Prerequisite for entering the spheres of light is the ability to surrender the earthly life with an easy heart as then the human being is no longer attached to earthly possession, he has overcome matter.... __Everything the human being leaves behind on earth are earthly possessions which should no longer be desired but gladly and joyfully abandoned. Everything the human being holds dear on earth he should be able to give up with an easy heart, then his departure from the world is easy. There should be nothing to hold a person back or the release from earth would always be a fight. Consequently every desire should be overcome at an early stage so that death can approach the human being at any hour and never take him by surprise. Equally decisive for the physical ending of the human being is the will for God because anyone who longs for God is happy when his earthly life comes to an end. Spiritually he is already in those spheres and just yearns for the hour which finally takes him where the spirit wants to go, to his true home. Hence the hour of death can mean anxiety, fear and horror for one person, while for the other it can be the granting of what he had long dreamt of and hoped for. It is the release from every form for him, it denotes his entrance into the eternal kingdom, into everlasting glory.... __What the human being regards as death can be his entrance into eternal life if he has lived life consciously, i.e. with God, and is therefore mature for life in eternity.... However, it can also really signify death, the soul senses this and fears the hour that will inevitably come when the time of earthly life, which God has designated for the human being, is concluded. Every human being should therefore think of the hour of his death and in view of it live his earthly life consciously, i.e. to improve his soul that it may achieve the degree of maturity which guarantees an easy and painless passing over from earth into the eternal kingdom.... __Amen
Will - Grace.... (Objection Philippians 2 - 13)
Spiritual standstill sets in when the human being's will is too weak to overcome obstacles. No further progress can be made anymore. Although everything depends on God's grace, the human being must participate in order to become richly blessed, he must use his will and appeal for strength, then he will strive towards ascent. No way exists which excludes the human being's will, and thus he must activate his will first. No person can be released from this. Were God's grace designated to come first, the human being would be released from actively using his will. And this is an error which, in turn, results in further errors. God's grace and mercy certainly take hold of a person by providing him with every opportunity for his final deliverance. For it is an inconceivable grace on the part of God that the human being may travel the path of earthly life in order to return to Him again.... But in the stage of free will, only free will is decisive as to whether or not he will receive further blessings; otherwise life on earth would not be a probationary period which the human being has to pass. God wants to convey the pure truth to earth. Thus He must clarify where people are mistaken or have erred. He must rectify that which hitherto has been misunderstood, for He wants to separate the truth from the untruth. If the human being resists God's effort to guide him into truth he also actively uses his will but in a God-opposing way and he can never become enlightened. God gave the human being the ability to think things through and to make a free decision. This is God's grace again, nevertheless, the free decision depends on the human being's will in turn, thus a person must want God's grace to take effect in him.... His will opens the heart to become receptive for God's grace, and his will must also make use of God's grace.... It is this clear realisation which lets a person develop a sense of responsibility in the first place, whereas the hitherto wrong attitude that the human being is incapable of doing anything without divine grace.... that this motivates the human will in the first place.... weakens his urge to be active. In that case one could not speak of a person's free will, if God Himself were to influence this will by conveying His grace. Unlimited means of help are certainly at a person's disposal, thus it is made easy for him to let his will become active, yet the latter must be done by the person himself of his own accord. The actual purpose of life is for a human being to make a decision for or against God of his own free will.... Consequently, God will never precipitate this decision by determining the human being's will, for this would truly defeat the purpose of life on earth. This is why people are repeatedly informed so that they will pay attention and release themselves from that which is mistaken, and from those human ideas and human interpretations which became erroneous without consciously intending to spread error. Yet precisely this interpretation, that God Himself determines the human being's will, carries much weight for it leads to wrong thinking. Neither the Deity can be properly recognised nor does it strengthen the human being's sense of responsibility.... He will ultimately only rely on divine grace, which seizes the person depending on divine will.... which flows to him, providing that God has intended to bestow grace upon him. But in that case he could not be held accountable if he does not reach the goal given to him at the beginning of his embodiment. The crucial point can only be found in free will; however, anyone who argues the human being's free will regards himself as a puppet which is always and forever guided by a higher Power without taking any kind of active part in it. God's wisdom and love prevents a restriction of will, otherwise higher development would be impossible for the human soul and the long process on earth would be unnecessary if God's will were to select the aspirants for God's kingdom by conveying His grace to them, which people would subsequently seize and thus be safely guided by it into the kingdom of heaven.... __Amen
Violation of free will by fellow human beings....
The human being's resolve determines his actions and thoughts. He can certainly be opposed by another person's will and he can be prevented from implementing his own will, but then two equal forces will be fighting each other and the stronger resolve will be victorious; but this does not deny freedom of will. So therefore the human being himself inhibits his fellow human being, and this is in accordance with God's will as soon as the human will prevents his fellow human being from implementing heartless actions. In that case a strong will is a blessing for a fellow human being. Vice versa, however, it is very wrong to misuse a strong will by preventing a fellow human being from carrying out kind-hearted activities and spiritual striving and curtailing his own resolve. Such a battle against each other is based on heartlessness and can never be in accordance with God's will. The motive impelling a person's will into action is therefore always the decisive factor. The will remains free even if it is prevented from being implemented, this is why the will is judged and not always the deed.... if a person's will had no intention to accomplish a deed but was forced by his fellow human being into doing so. No human being on Earth should elevate himself for the sake of dominating his fellow human being, for this contradicts the right relationship between people in the eyes of God. Even those with great earthly power at their disposal should treat their subordinates like brothers; they should use their will by using their ruling power with love, by only ever striving towards that which is good and thus also trying to persuade their fellow human beings to make correct use of their will, that is, to only do deeds which are pleasing to God. But as soon as a ruling power forces people into carrying out deeds which contradict the commandment of love, it also binds their will, i.e. it makes it impossible for them to use their free will and thus it must also bear the responsibility for all forcibly undertaken deeds. Hence, free will, in an earthly respect, is not curtailed by God, instead, only people disable each other's freedom of will. Yet a violation of will is only possible in an earthly way. In a spiritual respect no power on earth is able to influence freedom of will. No power on earth can force the human will into a specific attitude towards God, no power on earth can prevent its inclination towards God but neither can any power incline it towards Him if it is still in opposition to Him. The human being must use his own will to form his opinion of God and what he decides to do is entirely up to him. The will's apparent lack of freedom in an earthly respect can occasionally have a favourable effect on his opinion about God, for where he considers his freedom to be inhibited a person often looks for a spiritual balance.... He activates his free will where it cannot be prevented, and thus an external coercion can still be of benefit to him, since the actual purpose of life merely consists of the decision of will for or against God which, however, will never exclude the fact that it is wrong to use the strength of will between people to inhibit another person's will. Were the commandments of love observed, every person would want that which would benefit his fellow human being and all intentions of dominating another person would be eliminated. Unkindness, however, impels people into taking ever more severe measures against each other.... The strong person will always use his will and override the will of the weak which, in a manner of speaking, is the influence of the power that once misused its free will for the apostasy from God.... __Amen
Christianity.... Formalities.... Fight against schools of...
That which you believe to own must first be acquired, because you cannot call something your own as long as you are satisfied with the formality. The teaching of Christ has been forced to become a formality, and this formality is now incorrectly called Christianity. Consequently, people who comply with this formality call themselves Christians. They presume to possess the teaching proclaimed by Christ, they believe to be followers of the church of Christ and yet they can be a long way from it if they do not live in accordance with the teaching of Christ. Now then, if you want to be true Christians you have to make an effort to delve deeply into the divine teaching of love which Jesus Christ has proclaimed on earth. Only then will it become your possession, then you will own something wonderful, and only then may you call yourselves Christians. __Today's Christendom is not widespread because there are only few people left on this earth who live in harmony with Christ's teaching, and they are found everywhere, i.e. in every denomination and school of thought are people to whom the divine teaching of love has become the guiding principle for their earthly way of life. And these are the true Christians, they neither observe external appearances nor do they depend on specific organisations created by people, which claim to have been founded by God. Spiritual attachment is indeed very beneficial for the soul's development, whereas a formal unification is rather more a hindrance since it incorporates the danger that the formal unification will be more observed than the teaching, which should constitute the core of every spiritual endeavour. And for this reason the very formality, i.e. the structure, which has developed as a shell to enclose the core, will become rotten and collapse.... __Everything built by people in the course of time will vanish, and then it remains to be seen who can claim the right knowledge, profound faith and the pure teaching of Christ as his own.... The human being now has to prove the depth of his Christianity and to what extent he has become dependent on the formalities which are mere human work and therefore cannot continue to exist either. Because everything made by human beings does not last, and only what is of God will remain.... But God through Jesus Christ gave the divine teaching of love in a pure and unaltered form to humanity, and it will also remain as such. However, anything which was added or changed by people is approaching its disintegration. And thus no school of thought which deviates from the teaching of Christ will continue to exist. For this reason God permits the fight against the different schools of thought even though it is not His will that everything revealing spiritual endeavour on earth should be fought against. But His eternally true Word will be sent to earth with all the more clarity, it will be made accessible to people time and again as the pure teaching of Christ, so that they can make it their spiritual possession and then shape themselves into real Christians if they live in accordance with this teaching.... __Amen
Are the dead resting?....
The belief that the souls rest after death is only justified in so far as immature souls remain in a state of complete inactivity due to lack of strength. However, this is not a condition of comfortable rest but a state of torment, confinement and helplessness and therefore not a condition worth striving for. The souls in the beyond are only permitted to be active in a certain state of maturity when they receive constant strength to work. But then they use this strength without restriction. However, since their activity does not depend on earthly matter it also has to be different than the work on earth; it cannot be compared to the latter since the conditions in the spiritual realm which require or permit an action are entirely different. There is a steady flow of teaching and passing on of spiritual knowledge, it is a purely spiritual process which bestows much happiness and bliss on the giving souls and reduces the receiving souls' torment by becoming recipients of strength.... It is indeed a labour of love but it can only be compared to earthly activity while the souls in their state of darkness still believe themselves to live on earth, where, due to their own desires, they create imaginary surroundings and in this imagination also have to perform kind deeds. __However, the more enlightened the soul becomes the further it distances itself from earth in its thoughts and now its actions no longer depend on earthly matter, not even in its imagination. The work of these souls in the beyond, in the spiritual realm, thus consists of purely spiritually conveying their received knowledge. Every giving and strength-receiving soul has entrusted protégées on earth or in the beyond for which it cares lovingly with tireless dedication. It has to try to mentally guide its protégées into the truth, it has to influence their thoughts and thus create clarity but without forcing the will of those souls, and this requires immense patience and love. Because two completely isolated beings, who can act and think entirely independently, are facing each other and thus correct thinking may not be forcefully transmitted if the still immature spirit is not to be prevented from gaining an equally high degree of maturity. Spiritual knowledge has to be given to uninformed souls in a way that it is accepted without resistance and awakens their longing for more gifts. The receiving being consequently has to accept it entirely voluntarily, only then will the transmitted knowledge become strength and enlighten. And this act of transmission is an effort which can only be performed with love because it is usually rather laborious. __But the state of a soul condemned to inactivity is so pitiful that the beings of light constantly try to help them, that they willingly accept the most arduous work to release these souls from their situation. However, on the other hand it adds to their happiness when their labour of love is successful because this work draws unimaginable circles, since every receiving being in turn will pass on its knowledge in the awakened urge to likewise help the souls of darkness and thus do redeeming work.... __Amen
Strength of the divine Word.... Prophet.... The Lord's re...
Everyone will noticeably feel the strength of the divine Word when the last days come. Many threads lead from the kingdom of the beyond to earth, God conveys His Word to people everywhere who partly hear it mentally or as the inner voice, and His Word will give strength to people everywhere. But even where the directly imparted Word is conveyed to fellow human beings it will make them stronger if they devoutly accept it and allow themselves to be affected by it. For it is certain that God will not leave His Own without help at a time when afflictions and adversities are rife and which requires tremendous strength. And therefore He blesses His Word with His strength so that all who hear it become aware of this strength if they believe. God's adversary will exercise all his power and try to pull everything down that won't offer him resistance. However, the Word of God is the best defence against him, the Word of God protects a person from his onslaughts, since God Himself is with the person in His Word and the enemy is powerless against Him. __If the human being believes then he will not need to fear anything, irrespective of what will happen to him. The world will certainly use any means in order to shake his faith, it will want to force him into renouncing it, yet God's Word is stronger than the world.... Anyone in possession of it will ignore its voice, for he is closer to God than to the world and is permeated by His strength, but the human being will also remain in contact with God through His Word. In the last days, however, someone will appear who will loudly and distinctly preach the Word of God to people.... he will be guided by God's spirit and God's spirit will express itself through him. His Words will be impressive and even within the adversary's ranks not remain without effect.... Those who belong to the world will pursue him but be unable to harm him until his mission on earth has been fulfilled. He will proclaim the Lord's second coming, he will reproach people's way of life and inform them of things which are new to them, he will encourage them to love and criticize their heartlessness with sharp words; his speeches will be forthright and aim to win people over for the kingdom of God. __And the strength coming forth from his words will verify the truth of what he is preaching. God Himself will speak through the mouth of His servant on earth and many will recognise His voice.... Yet eventually he will be captured, for Satan will incite the people who are enslaved by him to seize him. Then the Lord's coming will be imminent, for then the heartlessness on earth will have reached its peak and even the believers will be at great risk of beginning to waver. Then the Lord Himself will come to take His Own home, to save them from the enmity of those who are enslaved by the darkness.... And things will come to pass which are beyond people's imagination.... __Amen
Teaching of re-incarnation is misguided.... Law....
The divine laws are eternally unchanging, and all higher development in the physical as well as in the spiritual kingdom takes place in accordance with these laws. Physical and spiritual creations of the most diverse variety exist. And their only purpose is to guide the spirit which is distant from God back to Him. Yet every stage of development is as different as are the individual creations. Thus they will always be inhabited by spirits whose degree of maturity matches their nature. There will always be a progressive development as long as the spirit moves through the physical creation in a compulsory state.... However, a standstill or decline of development can occur during the final stage of the physical creation as human being.... but at the end of human life the spirit will irrevocably enter the beyond where no further physical creations exist. But even in the spiritual realm a standstill or decline can occur because the being retains its free will which is, however, considerably weakened if it has only achieved a low degree of maturity. Similar to earthly life, higher development in the spiritual realm also depends on activity, and this activity is and has to remain completely ambiguous to people on earth as they cannot comprehend its significance but which, on the other hand, depends on earthly creations. __In effect, people believe that every activity necessitates earthly, i.e. physical, creations. Consequently they support the view that the soul will return to the realm where it formerly had neglected its higher development, that it will return to earth to carry on where it had left off.... that it can repeat its interrupted progress of development anytime until final perfection.... And this assumption leads to a teaching which does not comply with the truth but which finds approval everywhere and is therefore widespread.... to the teaching of re-incarnation on earth.... Only few people understand the disastrous effects of this teaching for humanity if it is not disproved and corrected. This teaching, in a way, overrules the divine law that, in accordance with the plan of divine wisdom, everything must advance if it wants to progress. Re-incarnation on earth would be a regression for the soul approved by God, thus it would completely contradict the divine law which commands and demonstrates consistent progress. Although the being itself can indeed voluntarily descend but God's will would never return it to a state which it had already overcome once before. And it will never be permitted to arbitrarily repeat a course of action which it had previously failed. For it still has thousands upon thousands of opportunities to develop further but they always take place on different creations and under completely different conditions.... __Amen
Life.... Awakening the divine spark in the person....
The divine spiritual spark in the human being is his actual life, consequently, one can only speak of rebirth when the spirit in the human being has been awakened, when it can start to become active and thus the spiritual life begins.... In that case the human being is spiritually reborn, for his physical birth only makes sense and serves its purpose when spiritual rebirth has taken place. The divine spiritual spark has consciously been acknowledged by the person's soul even if the person is not yet able to rationally differentiate between the two concepts of soul and spirit. For the process of unification of spirit and soul can happen without a person's knowledge, since this is only conveyed to him when it occurred. Only then will the spirit explain to the soul what the unity of the spirit with the soul means, and only then will the soul strive towards ever closer union with its spirit and will accept the most valuable knowledge from it. And from then on the human being will be alive, that is, he will utilise his knowledge and consciously work for the kingdom of God; he will eagerly work at distributing the obtained information and at imparting the knowledge to his fellow human beings.... Life is continuous activity.... Admittedly, the human being is certainly physically alive without having awakened his indwelling spiritual spark, that is, he is active in an earthly way and thus works for his earthly life, for his body and for earthly goals. But this is not the true life, the life which is everlasting, the life Jesus had spoken about and which He promised to anyone who believes in Him.... True life is the never-ending life of the spirit, the attainment of which is the purpose of life on earth. This purpose will only be achieved when the human being's spirit has come to life. __Spiritual rebirth is the most worthwhile goal to strive for, because it will yield indescribable gain for the human being's soul. That which is offered by the earth is impermanent and only benefits the body but never the soul. In contrast, what the spirit offers the soul will refresh it and quench its thirst, it is its nourishment, thus it is strength for living; it is a precious commodity which can no longer perish, which induces happiness and encourages diligent activity and therefore can be called the elixir of life, because death, which previously had threatened the soul and would be its inevitable share had rebirth not taken place, will no longer be possible. The carnal body is the shell which harbours the divine spark and it is up to the person's free will as to whether he bursts the shell, whether he strives to awaken the Divine within himself to life. If the soul, the bearer of the will, turns towards the divine spirit by trying to penetrate the shell, by trying to liberate itself from all earthly wishes, from bad habits and vices, if it tries to dissolve the shell through activity of love, the divine spiritual spark will start to move, it will make contact with the human being's soul, it will help it rise above itself, it will constantly whisper advice and instructions and thus guide the soul as soon as it allows itself to be guided. From then on the divine spark in the person will take the lead and this will truly be right.... Then the spirit and soul will no longer oppose each other but pursue their goal together.... they will strive towards the eternal home and pay no attention to the body, the earth and everything of an earthly nature, even though the human being still lives on earth. The human being is alive, even if earthly matters are of no further interest to him, for his spirit is alive and is constantly active. The human being only works for the spiritual kingdom, for the kingdom of God, he works at improving himself and his fellow human beings, he is incessantly active, for the indwelling spiritual spark will not allow him to rest, that is, to rest idly, as it is harmful and synonymous with death.... with a state which is painful in eternity and should therefore be feared as the worst fate that can befall the human soul. However, once the spirit has come alive then death will no longer exist, for the spirit is immortal and also draws the soul into eternal life, into everlasting glory.... __Amen
The servants' mission who receive the Word directly....
My Word can only be directly conveyed to a few people, because only a few believe that I speak to people Myself and because this faith is absolutely necessary for Me to be able to express Myself in a person.... People lack faith in My work, in My omnipotence and love, and thus I cannot make Myself known to them in the Word either, for in order to be able to hear My Word the human being's spirit has to be alive, but this is part of Me, and thus it cannot manifest itself in the Word where I Am not acknowledged, where faith in Me is insufficient. Yet those who hear My Word and to whom I can speak directly are needed by Me on earth, for they have to accomplish a great mission.... They shall let faith in Me arise anew amongst people, they shall strengthen those who are still weak in faith, they shall proclaim Me, speak of My love, omnipotence and wisdom, they shall bring Me close to people and refer them to the Word which they are able to hear themselves. And thus they shall speak on My behalf where My voice is no longer heard.... I Myself want to speak through them because divine activity is not acknowledged, but it is imperative that people should be informed of My will, that they are admonished to live according to My order, that they are informed of the dangers which result in a way of life in opposition to My order, and that love is constantly preached to them so that they will reduce the distance from Me and thus become capable of believing and of hearing My Word themselves. The number of labourers in My vineyard is not large, for people seek earthly reward for their service; but those in My service have to work for spiritual reward and this remuneration does not appeal to the former. Yet the few who are of service to Me receive far more than they relinquish, for they are the servants of a Lord Who has all the treasures of heaven and earth at His disposal, Who has the power to give everything and Who, in His love, provides His Own with an abundance of everlasting gifts which outshine everything that the earth is able to show. Those who want to serve Me can be certain of My love, and I prove this love of Mine by speaking to them like a father who speaks to his child, yet in a way which benefits its soul. For not all people are capable of enduring My loving Word if I include My full abundance of love, not all are mature enough as to hear Me audibly; yet merely their will to help Me enables them to grasp My Word, regardless in which form I transmit it to them. __My Word is the token of My love, but My Word is also the evidence of My omnipotence for a person who is still weak in faith. For I, being invisible to you humans, manifest Myself through My Word which is eternal truth and will also be recognised as such as soon as you believe in Me. But through My Word I also want to provide evidence for the unbelievers by predicting things they will experience and which will thus enable them to recognise My truth. At the same time, I will give them the evidence of My omnipotence too, because the forthcoming occurrence will not be accomplished by people but will be entirely My work and therefore will help many people to believe in Me. This is why I instruct My servants to mention My predictions far and wide, for My love applies to those who are incapable or weak in faith, and in order to help them I will visibly manifest Myself after announcing it in advance. I grant the grace of hearing My Word to those who want to receive it, who desire Me and My Word with all their heart and who humbly submit themselves to My will. This grace, however, enables the person to mature if he allows it to take effect in him.... And My Word is the most effective means of grace, since the soul of anyone who has My Word and lives accordingly is already bound to become fully mature on earth. You should therefore be grateful that you may hear Me through a person who allows Me to speak to him, i.e. who believes in Me, in My work, My love and omnipotence and who therefore listens within to what I say to him. You should not hear him but instead hear Me in every Word that reaches you, you should let the grace take effect in you, you should become strong in faith and try to motivate your fellow human beings to gain faith as well by informing them of the heavenly Father's concern for His children who have distanced themselves and are no longer able to hear His voice. But you should receive My servants as My messengers who want to convey the grace of their Lord to you, who want to bring you peace if you are of good will.... Pay attention to their words and you will hear My voice, comply with it and submit yourselves to My will.... My servants, however, are blessed and prepared by Me for their work in My vineyard.... __Amen
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