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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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The outpouring of the spirit....
The outpouring of My spirit into a receptive vessel is the most delectable gift you humans can be offered as long as you live on earth, for it is the direct bond between your Father and you, which enables you to speak to Him directly. I pour My spirit into you.... I choose a vessel for Myself into which I can let My spirit flow, which subsequently informs you of Me, of My nature, of My reign and activity, and of My infinite love for all beings I created. I want to be in contact with these beings. In the past, this contact took place such that My Word flowed from Me directly into My created beings, and they understood this Word and were able to verbally respond to Me again.... However, this changed in as much as that the beings, due to their own fault, became incapable of hearing My Word.... it changed in as much as they listened to a different voice and therefore were no longer capable of understanding what would have affected them from My mouth had they remained receptive for it. But they turned away from Me, My ray of love could no longer affect them, and thus they were no longer able to receive the expression of My love.... My Word.... which can only flow into entirely pure vessels and can only be understood by beings which are inclined towards Me.... and not into those beings which still totally opposed and rejected Me, so that My illumination of love could not affect them. Consequently, they no longer heard My Word, instead, they listened to and followed the voice even more of the one who, as My adversary, was also to blame for their apostasy from Me.... And they remained in this state of inability of hearing My voice for an infinitely long time, for their distance from Me is so vast that My illumination of love can no longer affect them either, since this requires their voluntary approach to Me, which can only happen in a certain stage of development.... as a human being with free will....Then it is indeed possible to enter into such close contact with Me that the human being can hear My voice. However, in that case he must comply with the conditions which enable the latter to happen: __He must shape himself such that I Myself can take abode in him, so that My spirit can pour into a heart which has been prepared to be worthy of My presence.... for when My spirit pours into a person I Myself Am present with him.... This outpouring of My spirit upon people only became possible as a result of My crucifixion, since, prior to that, humanity was still burdened by the original sin of falling away from Me, and this original sin kept their heart closed. I was unable to enter it, because My presence presupposes absolute purity of heart, forgiveness of sins, and thus redemption from all guilt.... And this happened through My death on the cross, which was the atonement for people's every sin, providing they wanted to be redeemed from them. And in the purified heart of a person who is redeemed through Jesus Christ' blood, My spirit can flow, but this first requires the person's will again, who must make such heartfelt contact with Me that he can hear My gentle voice in himself.... that he allows My spirit to speak to his indwelling spiritual spark and listens to what I have to say to him.... I want to pour My spirit upon all flesh.... You are all able to prepare yourselves as a vessel into which My spirit can flow, but without this will of yours you wait in vain for Me to speak to you. But if your will is ready to listen to Me, you will be able to achieve truly glorious results on account of My spirit's activity, for where My spirit is working there is the most brightly radiating light, there is profound wisdom, there you will recognise My infinite love and My power.... Where My spirit flows there is no more darkness, it disperses the night and a bright day is dawning which will never end.... Oh, if only you would all cleanse your hearts in order to be able to receive Me, so that I could speak to you, so that My Father-Spirit would be able to address you, as it was in the beginning.... Then all darkness would truly have left you, you would be able to move within the light which illuminates all places and reveals everything which was still secret to you before.... All of you could make it possible for Me to speak to you again, as before, and thereby make you happy, for My Word is the direct transfer of My strength of love, and My illumination of love delights the heart if it can enter.... Therefore, prepare your heart as a vessel into which My spirit can pour, fulfil the condition by cleansing your heart of all cravings and impure thoughts by making an effort to live a life of love and constantly comply with My will.... Prepare yourselves as a receiving vessel for My spirit and you will thereby establish the same relationship with Me again, as in the beginning.... I will be able to delight you with My love and constantly speak to you, and you will understand Me and be blissfully happy. For you will attain light and freedom, you will become again as you were in the beginning: perfect beings of light which, as My children, will create and work with Me according to My will.... __Amen
Redemption requires free will....
I merely want your assurance that you want to listen to Me, and from that moment on your life will be focussed on your goal, for then it will be in My hands to lead and to teach you such that you will reach your goal. I cannot have a decisive influence on your earthly life as long as you have not voluntarily given Me this assurance, but I can instantly take your destiny into My hands as soon as this assurance has voluntarily taken place. If you understand that it concerns the battle for your soul between Me and My adversary, whom I have to grant justice insofar as that I won't forcibly take from him what belongs to him.... then you will also understand that I first require this assurance for you to become and eternally remain My Own. It is only this free will which entitles Me to exert My influence and help you in the battle against the enemy of your souls, who will not cease fighting for you as long as you are not yet completely devoid of weaknesses and flaws, which identify you as his followers. Thus he has still power over you as long as you cannot detach yourselves from him completely, that is, as long as the adversary's characteristics are still within you: faults, weaknesses, cravings and all kinds of vices, which are his inheritance since his apostasy from Me. As to whether your detachment from him will take place one day depends on your will.... for this reason I died on the cross for you as Jesus, the man, thus I redeemed you from his power. Prior to this it would have been impossible for you to withdraw from his power, since you had handed yourselves over to him as a result of the original sin and he would never have released you from his control. However, I paid for this sin with the crucifixion.... Consequently, the whole of the spiritual world would have been redeemed from that moment on if I did not respect the free will of those beings who opposed Me.... For every being's will is free and it can stay with the lord of its own choice. __Therefore, My adversary's followers can remain with him, and their will shall be respected, I will not forcibly snatch any being from My opponent which belongs to him and does not express the will to be released from its present lord. Hence, such a being will remain unredeemed even if it takes eternities before it desires to be delivered from him.... These beings are unredeemed despite My death on the cross.... But as soon as its free will turns to Me, as soon as the being in the state of a human, when it receives its free will again, deliberately turns away from My adversary and towards Me, thus as soon as it wants to become and remain My Own, My act of Salvation comes into force and I.... Jesus Christ and Father of eternity.... take possession of this person and start to release him from My adversary, which happens according to his strength of will to fight against his faults and weaknesses. And he can constantly request this willpower from Jesus Christ, and he will do it, too, because he believes in Him. The belief in Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation is the prerequisite for the person to appeal to him for the blessings of the act of Salvation. This is why an unbeliever cannot find redemption, for Jesus Christ Himself must strengthen the person's will to release himself from the adversary. However, I will never ever leave anyone once he turns to Me voluntarily, and he can take his redemption as guaranteed, for I will tirelessly fight for him and through transferring strength to him will help him release himself from his faults and weaknesses. And time and again I will influence his thoughts, thus never exclude him from My loving care, consequently no person will remain unredeemed whose will strives towards Me, who tries to fulfil My will and deliberately withdraws from My adversary. I only require the human being's will, I only require the acknowledgement of Jesus as Son of God and Redeemer of the world in Whom I Myself accomplished the act of Salvation for people, in order to then be able to grant them the blessings of the act of Salvation which consist of strengthening the human being's will, of being able to receive the strength to achieve the re-transformation into love. And I only ask for a constant bond with Me so that the strength can always flow across to you and you can do justice to all spiritual and earthly tasks which are expected of you time and again in this earthly life. Only the direction of your will towards Me decides whether and when your redemption will take place, but in this way it is certain that it will happen, otherwise My act of Salvation would have been accomplished in vain, but this would have to be called the greatest misguided teaching if someone were to advocate it. Jesus Christ has redeemed all people, but only those who want to be redeemed will partake of the blessings of the act of Salvation.... But anyone who wants will indeed become blessed, because his will entitles Me to snatch the soul from My adversary because I have paid the purchase price for it with My blood.... __Amen
Jesus Christ is the gate into the kingdom of light....
Every person who has found Jesus Christ, who has a living relationship with him, who is a truly active Christian and not a Christian who merely observes formalities, will enter through the gate of light. This is why the thought of being united with Jesus Christ makes every person happy, because then he will be assured of the kingdom of light, he will not need to fear death and the time awaiting him in the afterlife. But a heartfelt bond is meant by this, a bond which makes the person realise that he belongs to those who Jesus Christ died for on the cross. And this bond can always be found where a person lives a life of love and thereby already takes the path of following Jesus.... This person will be spiritually brightly enlightened through love, the significance of the act of Salvation will be known to him, he will recognise Jesus' mission on earth correctly and will therefore also want to partake of the act of mercy which Jesus, the human being, accomplished on earth as the shell of the eternal divine Spirit..... For anyone who knows about this immense work of redemption and its reasons cannot do anything but commit himself wholeheartedly to Jesus Christ and closely adhere to him for time and eternity.... However, it requires enlightenment through the spirit, it requires a life of love which makes this enlightenment possible in the first place, and it requires the will to live on earth according to its purpose and goal.... it requires the resolve for good, which always initiates the connection with God in Jesus Christ.... Yet a person can consider himself fortunate if he feels this heartfelt love for Jesus Christ, if he has joined Him with all his heart and professes Him to people until he dies.... for he will enter the kingdom which Jesus Christ Himself opened to him through His crucifixion.... The living bond with Him presupposes profound faith, and such faith presupposes love again.... a life of selfless neighbourly love, which faith awakens to life and provides the human being with 'certainty' where he had previously still questioned and doubted.... Anyone who can call such faith his own can truly already consider himself privileged on earth; he is like a rock, and the true church of Christ is built on such faith, that is, only someone in possession of such firm faith that came alive through love belongs to the church which was founded by Jesus. But then a person having attained this depth of faith will already be in a state of bliss, for nothing on earth will frighten him anymore because he will be aware of being embraced by the One Who had died for him on the cross and he will feel sheltered in His arms. Even death will not frighten him anymore; he will merely discard his external shell and enter a different kingdom, a kingdom of light and bliss, which is the fate of every person who has a living faith in Jesus Christ.... __Amen
All the angels in Heaven were jubilant and rejoiced when I descended to Earth in order to redeem humanity. They knew that their fallen brothers would forever have been irretrievably lost had I not taken pity upon them, had I not searched for and found a way which enabled them to return to Me.... And the thought of knowing that their fallen brothers were saved again, after an infinitely long time of anguish in bondage by the hostile power, made them very happy. I took pity on the human race which was incapable of releasing itself from this power, which was in dire need of help, which needed a Saviour to make amends for their immense guilt, Who would accomplish the act of atonement for the human race, being powerless to do so themselves.... And I sent My Son to earth.... I Myself descended to earth in order to redeem humanity and had to achieve this in a human form in which I Myself took abode in order to accomplish this act of Salvation because as 'God' I was unable to suffer, thus I would not have been able to remove the guilt which obstructed the path to heaven for people. For this reason the boy child Jesus came into the world, in whom sheltered a soul of light which subsequently prepared for Me the human abode as a place I could dwell in to be able to accomplish the act of Redemption for the human race. __All the angels in Heaven hailed Me when I entered the shell of the small boy child Jesus, when I humbled Myself to deepest lowliness and fully permeated the boy child Jesus with My divine spirit, so that many different miracles happened at the time of His birth. All events in nature and with the infant itself indicated the extraordinary mission which had to be accomplished by this infant, and the people around Him also recognised the light which shone forth from Him; they knew that this light came from above and shone brightly. And they thanked Me on their bended knees that I had sent them the Saviour Who was to release them from utmost adversity.... For those who were devoted to Me with love also felt their spiritual distress in the midst of the heartless world, which was My adversary's realm.... And in the midst of this sinful world I embodied Myself, I encountered sin and heartlessness and had to prove Myself as the human being Jesus in the midst of this world.... I had to stem My abundance of light and adapt My soul to the sphere it lived in.... in a manner of speaking I had to let go of the 'light'.... but I did not let go of the 'love' in Me.... This flared up extremely intensely for the suffering brothers who had fallen so low. And this love gave Me the strength I needed in order to be able to accomplish the act of Salvation as a human being.... Love made Me descend to earth, and love impelled Me to spiritualise My body completely, so that body, soul and spirit became as one and thus were able to completely unite with the divine love Which sheltered within Me, Which had chosen My body as an abode in order to suffer and die as a human being on behalf of the sinful human race; in order to remove its guilt and to open the gate into the kingdom of light again, which was and remained closed for all beings due to their apostasy from Me.... until the day of My crucifixion, of My great act of mercy, which opened the gates again and cleared the path into the Father's house.... to Me and to eternal life.... __Amen
God's justice demands atonement....
Every injustice has to be atoned for by the sinner.... This is demanded by My justice. And this sin has to be removed on earth or in the beyond and when a soul, burdened by sins it had committed on earth, enters the spiritual kingdom, it can take an infinitely long time until it has removed this guilt of sin.... Yet it is unable to make amends for the original sin of the past apostasy from Me in the kingdom of the beyond, because the original sin is too great for the being to remove it itself, whether on earth or in the spiritual kingdom. Nevertheless, even a soul still burdened by the original sin is demanded to make amends for sins it had committed on earth, and for these alone it might have to endure an unspeakably difficult and agonising fate, because My justice demands compensation for every sin. __Yet My infinite love has taken pity on all sinners.... it has redeemed the guilt of sin, it has made reparations for it, it has accomplished the act of Salvation on behalf of sin-burdened humanity, and it also paid for the original sin, so that the souls will be able to enter the spiritual kingdom truly redeemed when they have to leave the physical body. I have made the atonement Myself in the human being Jesus through My bitter suffering and dying on the cross, through an act of compassion which only love was able to accomplish. And thus even the greatest sinner can be released from his sin and enter the kingdom of light, provided he accepts Salvation.... provided he voluntarily approaches Me in Jesus Christ and for the sake of the crucifixion appeals to Me for forgiveness.... Yet this path to the cross has to be taken in free will, otherwise the human being places himself outside the act of Salvation, otherwise he does not belong to those for whom My blood was shed as atonement for humanity's guilt of sin. __You will only be able to appreciate the great importance of the act of Salvation if you consider that it depends on you yourselves what kind of fate you will sooner or later experience in eternity.... if you imagine that immeasurable suffering will await you because you have sinned and do not accept the mercy of Jesus Christ Who wants to release you from your guilt of sin.... if you consider that you yourselves will not even in an eternity be able to redeem your immense sin and therefore have to linger in unspeakable torment and darkness for eternities.... and if you consider, that you can also be released from your own guilt by just handing yourselves over to Me in Jesus Christ.... if you walk with your guilt of sin to the cross and appeal to Me in Jesus for forgiveness. You have to answer for every sin and make amends, and you all have sinned in your earthly life.... __But you all can also find forgiveness; you can become free from your guilt and enter redeemed into the kingdom of bliss by just turning to Jesus Christ, to the divine Redeemer, Who has served Me Myself as a cover, because My love wanted to accomplish the act of Salvation for you humans and this could only take place in the external shape of a human being, Who took all sins upon himself, Who suffered and died as a human being and Who shed His blood out of love in order to help His fellow human beings and release them from spiritual adversity. You need only direct your path to Him, you need only entrust yourselves to Him in your spiritual hardship, confess your sins to Him and ask Him, that He might also have shed His blood on your behalf, so that you will be released from you guilt of sin, so that you will be able to enter the spiritual kingdom when the day of passing away from this earth has come for you.... __And He will accept you, He will wipe out your guilt of sin, for He has satisfied My justice.... He has endured the suffering and pain which you should have endured and which you cannot be spared if you leave the earth unredeemed, without Jesus Christ.... Admittedly, you will still be able to call upon and find Him in the kingdom of the beyond, and even then you can still be redeemed, but the path is long and difficult and you often lack the will to do so.... Yet without Jesus Christ the gate to the kingdom of light remains locked for you, without Jesus Christ you will never be able to become blessed.... __Amen
'It is finished....'
The One who allowed Himself to be nailed to the cross on behalf of your sins has truly accomplished the act of redeeming humanity from sin and death. For I Myself dwelled in the human being Jesus, thus it was not a mere human being who accomplished an act which should only be judged in an earthly sense, but I Myself took pity upon the whole of humanity and atoned for its sin in order to enable its return to Me, which had become impossible for every single person because of the original sin, that is, the guilt of the past apostasy from Me and the fall into the abyss. It must repeatedly be emphasised that I Myself have offered the sacrifice in a human shell.... And it must be stressed that 'Love' made this sacrifice, but that I Myself Am the Eternal Love. You humans are unable to comprehend the full depth of this act, but you can be certain that it was not 'human work', even though the human being Jesus sacrificed His life on the cross; yet it only happened so that humanity would take notice and become aware of its enormous guilt, the redemption of which required an exceptional deed which was and will remain unique. Thereby the complete redemption was accomplished so that it only depends on the human being's will to release himself from the guilt of sin which burdens him for as long as he does not acknowledge Jesus Christ's act of Salvation. The act of Salvation has been accomplished for all time.... It need not be repeated, it covers the redemption of all once-fallen spiritual beings because I Myself attended to it, for the sake of My love I Myself wanted to remove the guilt and for the sake of justice I made amends for it. The enormous extent of suffering the human shell had to endure was sufficient atonement for Me.... However, the human being Jesus would have been unable to endure the extent of suffering by Himself had the Love in Him not enabled Him to do so. Time and again I stress that this act of Salvation is and will remain unique, because its redemptive effect will last for all eternity. As long as fallen spirits still exist, the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ will also be mentioned, and the acknowledgment of His act of Salvation will always liberate people from the guilt of their past apostasy from Me and, truly, no further sacrifice of atonement will be necessary because I Myself accomplished this sacrifice for all eternity.... Thus you humans should be satisfied with this explanation and not pay attention to satanically-inclined events which cannot be brought into harmony with My act of Salvation. For if ever My act of Salvation is described as incomplete, if ever people are shown a path to happiness other than the path to the cross, then the divine working of the spirit cannot be spoken of; then there will be forces at work which seek to prevent your redemption, which try to deter you from Me, Who wants to be recognised and acknowledged in Jesus Christ.... In that case you should be careful, for My adversary knows how to present himself in an angel's garment of light and then you will find it difficult to expose him. But always call upon Jesus Christ, Who certainly recognises His enemy and adversary, and appeal to Him for protection. For He and I are One, and if you pray to Me for correct thinking and for protection in every spiritual adversity then you will no longer have to worry, for then you will be guided wherever you go, the 'redemption' will reveal itself in you.... and you will clearly and assuredly recognise which way you will have to take and where danger threatens you. I have redeemed you from all sins, for My crucifixion was the atonement for your guilt. And this act of atonement cannot be lessened by My adversary, nevertheless he will continue to try to influence you humans such that you become unsure and start to doubt Me as your Redeemer Jesus Christ.... For during the time of the end many false Christs and false prophets will arise and try to pull you onto wrong paths. Then you shall be strong in faith and know that you should only keep to Jesus Christ, because by doing so you acknowledge Me Myself and call upon Me as a Father in every adversity and distress of body and soul.... __Amen
'I Am with you always, even unto the end of the world....'
'I will send you the comforter, the spirit of truth....' Every one of you has the inherent ability to hear the voice of My spirit, for a part of Myself, a spiritual spark of My divine spirit of love, rests within yourselves and will always be able to make contact with Me, through it My Word will radiate into you, for this spiritual spark is an emanation of Myself which will strike you effectively if you are prepared for it. As long as you stay isolated from Me this spiritual spark will remain silent.... If you unite with Me, then the spiritual spark will be in contact with Me too and can impart to you the light and strength which comes forth from Me; it will be able to convey to you the pure truth from Me and by receiving this truth enable you to gain realisation and thus step out of the darkness of night into the light of day. I Myself promised you when I lived on earth that I would not leave you by yourselves anymore.... that I will always be with you until the end of the world.... I pointed out the working of My spirit in you, which will guide you into truth.... but which would only become possible after My crucifixion, because prior to it the soul was still burdened by the original sin which made it impossible for a bond between the human being and Me to become so intimate that he would hear My voice within himself. First redemption through Jesus Christ had to take place, which reversed the separation from Me.... The human being had to completely consciously acknowledge Me in Jesus Christ.... thus he deliberately had to have taken the path of return to Me, which then also resulted in the emanations of My strength of love, which assured that he would hear My Word if he wanted to, if he therefore consciously opened himself and thus activated the spiritual spark in him to unite itself with the eternal Father's spirit. For it only requires an earnest will to enter into My will, it requires the acknowledgment of Me Myself Whom the being once refused to acknowledge, and it requires a life of love for My spirit to express itself as I promised. __Physically I was unable to remain with you humans but I gave you the consolation of sending you My spirit and thus of always staying with you until the end of the world. And this promise has to be taken seriously, you can always be and remain aware of My presence, you need only have the will for Me to be present with you and to establish a bond with Me in thought, in prayer or in kind-hearted activity.... In that case you will always be able to hear Me, for I Myself Am in you, and the spiritual spark will never lose contact with the eternal Father spirit.... it is merely unable to express itself if the human being is not receptive of his own free will, if he does not carefully listen in order to hear what My spirit imparts to him through the spiritual spark. And thus it is always up to the human being himself to ignite the spark in him, to provide it with the opportunity of expressing itself by appealing to Me Myself such that I might be present with him and teach him and guide him into truth according to My promise.... And I will truly stand by his side as a comforter; I will guide him into truth and will give evidence of Myself through My Word.... I will be 'with him always, even unto the end of the world....' __Amen
Jesus' Words on the cross: 'I Am thirsty....'
I thirst for your love.... and when you remember the Words I spoke on the cross 'I Am thirsty…' you will know that it was not simply a physical longing but that My soul was thirsting for My living creations' love.... that the 'Deity' in the man Jesus spoke, since now the act had been accomplished when I was waiting for death on the cross.... I thirsted for your love which was to bring you back to Me after I had redeemed the guilt of sin for you. For first you had to revive love in you in order to recognise and acknowledge Me Myself in Jesus Christ and thus knew the reason for the act of Salvation, for only love was able to reveal this knowledge to you, only through love were you able to recognise Me.... Jesus the 'human being' had voiced these Words on the cross but He was already united with Me and thus they were God's Words which arose from the tortured body, and these Words are to be understood as I explained them to you.... that the Deity yearned for the love of Its living creations.... Jesus the human being was not aware of having spoken these Words, and I expressed Myself such that people only understood the earthly meaning of the Words, because they would not have grasped that the Deity had permitted this superhuman suffering which, however, was the atonement for the original sin on account of which I had descended to Earth. The reason for people's immense guilt was due to the fact that they had once rejected My love and had become heartless themselves.... And I longed for the love of these beings which Jesus' crucifixion returned to Me provided the being itself is willing. And precisely this willingness presupposes love.... Once I possessed people's love they also came back to Me of their own free will and were able to do so, because the act of Salvation was accomplished for the whole human race. And if you consider Jesus' Words on the cross in this way, then the love He longed for should impel you to Him, in which case you show your love for Me for which I have yearned since your apostasy from Me.... For 'love' brought you into being, 'love' gave you the test of will because you were intended to become even more than I was able to 'create' for Myself.... because you were meant to become My 'children'.... My love pursued you into the abyss in order to help you come up again, and My love accomplished the act of Salvation for you.... And in return you should only grant Me your love.... you should love Me with such depth of feeling which only a child can feel for its father. When I sacrificed My life on the cross for you, your guilt was atoned for and your return to Me became possible, My sacrifice of love was able to ignite your love in you, you were able to recognise it as such since you were no longer held captive in darkness because I had brought 'light' to you:.... My divine teaching of love, which showed you the path to Me and compliance with which signifies the re-transformation of your nature into love, will subsequently result in your lasting unification with Me and thus also the fulfilment of My yearning for your love.... __Amen
Jesus' last words on the cross....
I always want to give to you what you desire. You only need to take notice of your inner voice and it will instruct you truthfully, because I want you to live in truth and gain a clear understanding: My crucifixion has brought salvation to you humans, it has redeemed your past guilt of sin.... As the human being Jesus I took extreme pain upon Myself, and a most bitter death was My fate.... However, since I was unable to suffer as `God' I took abode in a human shell which was capable of suffering and which also mustered the will to suffer on behalf of His fellow human beings in order to satisfy My justice, in order to open up the path to Me for His fallen brothers. Yet His will was free.... He was not impelled by the Deity within Him to accomplish the sacrifice He wanted to make for Me.... although love.... Which was Myself.... was the cause for which He mustered this will.... Yet I Myself never coerce the will of a human being and neither does My love. However, anyone who has love can't help himself but emanate it. And thus, the human being Jesus, too, radiated love and thereby only wanted to please humanity. Hence He only ever wanted what would help people to become blissfully happy. The will of the human being Jesus was free.... yet He had completely subordinated Himself to Me and My will. Consequently, His will could not be different to Mine. For the love in Him was so powerful that it had merged with the Eternal Love, with Myself.... Thus I Myself was in Him, and I Myself achieved in Him the act of Salvation.... __And yet, the human being Jesus had to take the final decision Himself when He undertook the most difficult journey.... the path to the cross. And even though I, the Eternal Love, was in Him, My divine Spirit withdrew, that is, Love.... the spirit.... no longer urged Him into action; it kept quiet and apparently left the human being Jesus to struggle on His own.... And this was the most difficult of all, the fact that the man Jesus felt alone in His suffering and nevertheless walked the path until the end.... He was not alone, for I would never have been able to separate Myself from Him again, Who had become one with Me.... But I no longer expressed Myself, because the atonement of the original sin necessitated an extreme amount of human suffering and torment which the human being Jesus had readily taken upon Himself, and therefore the sacrifice of atonement has been the work of the most merciful love that was ever accomplished on earth. And these pains lasted until His death on the cross and made Him proclaim `My God, my God, why have You forsaken me....' I was in Him but I did not speak, yet it was only the body which suffered until His soul recognised Me again, when He called `It is finished....' and `Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit....' __The body suffered until the end and I had to withdraw Myself during these hours or His already spiritualised soul would have rendered the body insensitive to pain, because My spirit is unable to suffer. And the human being Jesus had already attained the spiritualisation of soul and body as a result of His way of life on earth.... But the purpose and objective of His earthly progress was the redemption of the guilt of sin, which was only possible by way of an excessive extent of suffering and pain.... Hence the `Deity' withdrew and left the `human being' Jesus to His tormentors, who truly carried out the most shameful work on behalf of My adversary, because Jesus Himself wanted it this way.... For His soul had offered of its own accord to descend to earth in order to make the sacrifice of atonement for His fallen brothers; it had offered to take on flesh in order to accept these said immeasurable pains and torments because only a human being was capable of suffering. And I accepted the sacrifice since it was, after all, made by `love'.... which may never be rejected. And `love' stayed in Him until His death, even if It no longer allowed It's strength to take effect.... Thus I Myself must have been in Him too, even if I remained silent at the end so that the act of Salvation could find its culmination: that a human being allowed Himself to be crucified for His fellow human beings.... that He truly made a sacrifice which I accepted as an act of atonement for the whole human race.... No `divine strength' alleviated the sacrifice for Him, for `Love' Itself remained quiet, although it had taken complete possession of the human being Jesus.... __And this, too, is a mystery you humans are as yet unable to grasp.... The man Jesus had to taste the greatest suffering: to feel alone and abandoned. And precisely this suffering redeemed the sin which every being had burdened itself with when it left Me, Who had given them all My love, which they rejected. The human being Jesus had to experience this suffering, and therefore He spoke the words `My God, my God, why have You forsaken me....' Yet you humans will never be able to understand the magnitude of the act of Salvation as long as you live on earth. Nevertheless, one day it will strike you with a sudden, blinding realisation and you will praise and worship Me without end.... For this act of Salvation applied to all of you, you all may participate in the blessings of the act of Salvation, and as a result of the act of Salvation the path was opened for all of you to return to Me.... __Amen
Whitsun experience....
The event My disciples experienced at Whitsun can repeat itself with everyone of you, for I have promised My spirit to all people with the Words 'I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth.…'. It was not merely a unique experience only intended for My disciples, instead, My spirit flows time and again to those people who make heartfelt contact with Me and appeal to My spiritual strength. And, in fact, everyone can feel the strength of the spirit within himself, as his thinking will become enlightened, everything that was previously incomprehensible will be understandable to him.... For My spirit grants clarity and light because it is a direct illumination from Me, Who is the Light of eternity. __Hence, the outpouring of the spirit upon My disciples was not a unique experience, instead, this process was taking place for the first time, since prior to My crucifixion it was not possible for a person who had not yet found redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ to be imbued by My spirit.... As long as people were still afflicted by the original sin they were unable to establish this heartfelt bond with Me; the guilt of the beings' apostasy from Me stood between Myself and each and every person, and it was impossible for My spirit to permeate a soul encumbered by sin. __Once the act of Salvation had been accomplished the path of return to Me was also open for every person.... From then on it was possible for every soul to so shape itself through love that the awakening of the spirit into life took place, so that the spiritual spark in the person strove towards the eternal Father-Spirit and the person's heartfelt bond with Me enabled Me to pour My strength into him.... so that My spirit filled His soul and brightly enlightened him, teaching him from within in all truth.... so that the divine abilities, which laid dormant or buried within as a result of his past original sin, emerged again.... so that all these abilities became extraordinarily dominant and testified to his unity with Me.... so that they thus proved the divine nature of the one who had entered into unity with Me.... __Then the disciples were able to speak, for they were filled by My spirit; they were able to perform miracles, heal the sick and also have an insight into the spiritual kingdom.... Then they were true apostles of My Gospel for they recognised the truth within themselves, they were guided and impelled by My spirit to speak according to My will. They were permeated by the strength of the spirit, just as I previously promised that I will remain with My Own until the end of the world.... And this promise did not just apply to My disciples but to all people.... which this promise self-evidently shows.... I always wanted to please people, I always wanted to pour out My spirit, always convey the truth to them, which was only possible through My spirit.... Yet how rarely has My Word been understood, how rarely is this promise taken notice of, and therefore the outpouring of My spirit not aspired to either, even though everyone would be able to experience it.... __But I also linked it to the condition that you should believe in Me and keep My commandments.... for the 'outpouring of the spirit' is like a direct 'revelation'. And I can only reveal Myself to someone who lives in love, who thus awakens the indwelling spirit to life.... Do understand that My spirit will guide you into all truth.... that I, the Eternal Love, reveal Myself.... that I convey knowledge to you and thus educate you from within.... And in this way I also instructed My disciples. I gave them the ability to understand everything I had previously told them, and then, according to this understanding, to proclaim Me Myself and My act Salvation to their fellow human beings, for they should be informed of My will and the cause of their wretchedness, as well as the goal I had set for their life on earth. Thus, they needed to know everything themselves in order to truthfully instruct their fellow human beings.... __And at present I likewise fill My disciples with My spirit again and send them into the world, because people shall know My will once more and everything that lays ahead of them.... The Gospel of love shall be proclaimed to them anew by My servants who are imbued by My spirit so that they can carry out the task I have allocated to them.... For it is the time of the end and people ought to know the truth, which only I Myself can give to them through My spirit, which permeates those who are willing to serve Me, and who I send into the world again before the end has come.... __Amen
Jesus' free will as a human being....
Until the end My suffering and dying on the cross also remained a matter of free will, since I truly could have prevented it by making use of God's indwelling strength and resisting all enemies who wanted to implement their thoughts of hatred of Me.... I accomplished the act entirely of My own free will; I was willing to suffer and die for My fellow human beings because, as 'Jesus, the human being', I knew that the whole of the human race was in an appalling state of wretchedness due to the past original sin, and because My love wanted to help all My fallen brothers I had offered Myself to the Father as a sacrifice of atonement.... I was by no means forced to do so, the Father in Me did not dictate My will, I acted completely freely of My own accord.... And I found it incredibly difficult because I foresaw everything that would happen until the act of Salvation had been completely accomplished.... I, as a human being, struggled and prayed in profound distress to the Father that He should remove the cup from Me.... and I was strengthened and completely gave Myself to the Father. For the love in Me was overwhelmingly powerful, thus the Eternal Love Itself was indeed within Me and I allowed Myself to be determined by It, which would have been impossible had My human will resisted. Love impelled Me toward the wretched human race and I wanted to help people, and this love made Me accept an extent of suffering which you humans are incapable of assessing. Yet the guilt you had burdened yourselves with as a result of your apostasy from God was also inconceivable. And, in order to atone for this guilt, I had to suffer enormously as a human being and endure the agony of the crucifixion. Love, however, is strength and therefore I persevered until the end, or the suffering itself would truly have been enough to kill My body prematurely had the strength of love not enabled My body to accept the death on the cross and to persevere until the work was accomplished.... until the redemption from sin and death had been guaranteed for all people who accept My sacrifice on the cross and want to find redemption. So once again it depends on the person's free will as to how he relates to Me and My act of Salvation. For every being had turned away from Me of its own free will, and of its own free will it must turn back to Me again which happens when, as a human being, it acknowledges Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, when it recognises Me Myself in Jesus and voluntarily hands itself and its guilt over to Me.... when it appeals for forgiveness and wants to return to Me again, Whom it once voluntarily left. Then the human being will consciously avail himself of the blessings of My act of Salvation, his weakened will shall receive strength and his return into his Father's house will be assured. __The inconceivable suffering I took upon Myself as a human being was still in no proportion to the immense guilt of the fallen spirits, but since Jesus, the human being, was full of love and volunteered the hardest sacrifice by relinquishing His life on the cross, I was satisfied with this sacrifice and redeemed all guilt for the sake of Jesus' great love, Who wanted to bring His fallen brothers back to Me again.... This was sufficient for Me, and thus My justice was also satisfied.... for I was unable to redeem any guilt which would have remained without atonement. Hence the act of Salvation had to be voluntarily accomplished. I did not allow any being to be forced into rendering this atonement.... And since the immense sin of the apostasy from Me had been a violation of My love, the act of atonement had to be an act of love again, for only love could redeem this immense guilt.... This love dwelled within Jesus, the human being. He was so receptive to it that He was completely imbued with love, which subsequently enabled Him to achieve His act of Salvation.... Love redeemed the sin.... Love completely permeated a human being.... I Myself Am Love, and thus I Myself was in Jesus, the human being, I Myself suffered and died for the human race. However, since I was unable to suffer as God, the 'human being Jesus' took all suffering upon Himself. Yet He did everything of His own free will, for although love does not compel, it willingly makes the greatest sacrifices.... And love achieves everything; it is a powerful strength which can endure even the most appalling affliction. I Myself, the Eternal Love, imbued Jesus, the human being, and thus I Myself was effective in Him and brought people redemption from sin and death.... __Amen
Human manifestation in Jesus....
I will truly convey to you everything that contributes towards your spiritual enlightenment, because you humans need light and those of you who want to serve Me shall pave the way for your fellow human beings as bearers of light by illuminating the path which leads to Me and eternal life. And I know where people require clarification; I know where their thoughts are still misguided and thus I also know that they require light, because every wrong thought merely causes confusion, spiritual darkness. Time and again I will let a light illuminate the darkness and thereby show you the right path you should take during your life on earth. And since you must take the path to the cross on earth.... since you must recognise and acknowledge Jesus as Son of God and Redeemer if you want to enter the kingdom of light, you must also be truthfully instructed about My human manifestation in Jesus, otherwise you will be unable to acknowledge Me Myself in Jesus.... And precisely this human manifestation problem is difficult for you to solve, for you cannot envisage that I.... the greatest and most perfect Spirit in eternity.... manifested Myself in a human being. You cannot envisage that it was impossible for Me to be personified in any other way than in Jesus, Whose external cover sheltered the divine Creator within.... Who was certainly human in His outer form, yet entirely permeated by My divine spirit of love.... His whole nature was and remained as 'God' in order to become visible for you, My living creations. You must never visualise the 'Eternal Deity' as a personified Being, Which would therefore be limited.... I permeate the whole of infinity, for this infinity is infused with My strength which takes unlimited effect.... I Myself Am the primary centre of this emanation of strength and therefore not imaginable as a limited Being.... Nevertheless, I was able to totally permeate a form, to so illuminate it that it was nothing else but My fundamental substance, that it was the same as I Myself, merely in a conceivable shape for you humans.... And this external form was Jesus, the human being, Who became My shell because My living creations wanted to behold something that was spatially-defined and because the act of Salvation was also intended to take place visibly for you and this required a humanly observable process that was meant to liberate people from sin and death if they believed in it.... if they believed in My human manifestation in Jesus, in the act of love and compassion which was accomplished for the sake of the sinful human race by a human being Who sheltered Me in all fullness within Himself. Other than in Jesus I Am inconceivable to you. In Jesus, God.... the greatest spirit of infinity.... became a human being, and Jesus Himself was God, for even His human external frame spiritualised itself and was totally permeated by My spirit of love.... Jesus was only human until He had spiritualised Himself through His life of love.... However, the external form had to endure all suffering and pain and finally the most bitter death on the cross because Jesus wanted to absolve His fellow human beings from the immense guilt of sin, and the act of Salvation was only accomplished with the crucifixion, which I Myself.... the Eternal Love.... therefore accomplished in Jesus and consequently I Myself must be acknowledged in Jesus. All of you, as My once emanated beings, are love in your fundamental substance.... as was Jesus, Who remained with Me when you voluntarily detached yourselves from Me.... He, too, was emanated by Me, hence My Son.... And I sent this Son of Mine to earth in order to redeem you, in order to open the path of return again. Even as a human being His great love upheld the connection with Me, He only ever desired My love and I did not deny it to Him.... Thus I was able to permeate Him entirely, I was able to illuminate Him and take complete possession of Him. And since His external shape was human, I therefore became 'human' and Jesus became 'God'. No separation existed between us anymore, He had totally merged with Me, He was as one with Me. So now My living creations can behold Me Myself face to face in Jesus when they enter the kingdom of light in a 'redeemed' state, where they will be eternally happy.... __Amen
Jesus has satisfied God's justice....
Your separation from Me would have lasted forever had I not accomplished the act of Salvation for you by taking your guilt upon Myself and redeeming it through the sacrifice on the cross, which I accomplished through the man Jesus on earth.... An unbridgeable gulf existed between the kingdom of light and that of darkness.... You would never have been able to overcome this gulf yourselves, My kingdom was closed to you forever because My justice would have been unable to accept you, who had become sinful as a result of your apostasy, until the immense sin had been atoned for. This sacrifice of atonement was rendered by Jesus, the human being, in Whom I Myself took abode, because His untainted human shell allowed for it, for I would never have been able to embody Myself in a sinful person.... Thus a soul of light had to descend to earth voluntarily in order to make amends for its fallen brothers for the sake of My justice, which could not be bypassed according to the law of eternity.... I Am a perfect Being, Which is indeed Love in Itself, but without justice I cannot possibly be called a supremely perfect Being. And Jesus, the human being, satisfied this justice through the sacrifice on the cross, which was offered by a soul of light with the intention of returning the fallen living creations back to Me, in order to build a bridge from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of light. However, I Myself dwelled in the man Jesus, for Love accomplished the act of Salvation, Which utterly permeated the man Jesus and also gave Him the strength to take the most severe suffering and pain upon Himself, to walk the path to the cross with all of humanity's guilt of sin and to lay down His life for this guilt.... Had this Love not been present in Him, He truly would have been unable to make such a sacrifice.... And I Myself was this Love.... __I took abode in Jesus' shell, I.... the greatest Spirit of eternity.... manifested Myself in Him, I pervaded Him with My fundamental nature of love; My love utterly permeated Him, the human shell merely curtailed the working of My strength of love when He took the final path to the cross, where Jesus, the man, suffered incredibly and died the most bitter death on the cross in order to atone for the sin of the once fallen beings.... I dwelled in Him and He voluntarily accomplished the act of deifying His soul, which is the final goal of all My created beings.... He had totally merged with Me, He was I and I was Him.... I had become a human being, He had become God, for He was totally permeated by My love, and love is My fundamental substance.... Jesus' crucifixion absolved the great guilt and opened up the path for you humans into the kingdom of light.... However, you are not instantly redeemed, because your free will caused your apostasy from Me and thus free will must also be willing to return to Me; you must become aware of your past guilt and appeal to Me in Jesus for forgiveness, or you will remain burdened by your guilt and your entry into the kingdom of light will be denied to you. Time and again you humans are informed of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and the spiritual mission of Jesus, the man, is explained and substantiated to you. Even so, you must believe it, for you cannot be given any evidence apart from the fact that you.... once you have found redemption through Jesus Christ.... will gain complete understanding of it yourselves, because, as a result of the redemption through Jesus Christ, the working of My spirit will not be prevented, which will subsequently guide you into all truth, and this is the certain proof that you have been redeemed from your original sin.... But first you must take the path to the cross of your own free will, you must be willing to do so and want to belong to the circle of those who were redeemed through Jesus' blood.... and then you will truly accept and make use of the blessings of the act of Salvation. Then you will be on the path of return to Me, you will have stepped onto the bridge which Jesus built for you so that you can find admittance into the kingdom of light and bliss, and whose gate was opened for you through the act of Salvation by Jesus.... within Whom I Myself dwelled and became a visible God for you so that one day you would be able to behold Me face to face.... __Amen
Concerning the question: Incarnation of Jesus....
My earthly mission was concluded by My death on the cross, by My ascension to heaven.... The complete deification of My soul, which had once come forth from the Father's love as a created being, had occurred. This should be achieved by every original spirit some day in order to be able to work and create with the Father, completely perfected in His image.... Additionally, however, My original soul had the particular task to enable the Father.... the Eternal love Itself.... to manifest Himself on earth as a human being, i.e. the `Eternal love' manifested Itself in My external cover of the man Jesus, and thus the Father became a visible God to all His formerly created beings who have achieved that particular degree of perfection which results in spiritual vision. __The human manifestation of God in Jesus is such a momentous problem that you will not be able to comprehend it while you are still on earth.... It was and is an act which is closely connected with the beings' apostasy from their God and Creator.... But one thing is certain: My Jesus-soul is so closely united with the Father that He and I are one and that I cannot be considered to be separate from the Father any longer, and that I always Am and will be the visible God in all eternity.... I can indeed descend to earth again in My Divinity, thus I can appear as Jesus to any person who is most intimately connected with Me so that he can recognise Me as his Saviour and Redeemer, but only for a brief time in a visible state when certain events justify such appearances.... Because I have promised you My presence and can also prove this presence visibly.... And similarly will I appear at the end in the clouds, i.e. undeniably in My strength and glory but veiled, because even My Own cannot bear to see Me in the brightest light.... __But for My Jesus-soul to incarnate again or to have incarnated on this earth as a human being after My crucifixion is impossible, because it is completely merged with the Father's Eternal spirit and because an incarnation of the Jesus-soul would be synonymous with an incarnation of God in a human being.... Every person should indeed form a union with God by means of love, and this is every human being's last goal, but this is not an incarnation of My Jesus-soul, as you would understand it, in the sense that Jesus will live on earth again as human being. My Jesus-soul is and remains eternally unified with God and reigns and works in the spiritual kingdom, in the kingdom of light, visible to all beings of light from face to face. A conception in the flesh would therefore be a repeated human manifestation of God, for which there is no justification.... __Eminent and exalted beings of light will time and again descend to earth for the purpose of a mission, who want to achieve the last degree of their perfection by taking the test of volition on this earth.... And these persons can also be usually recognised by their remarkable deeds and a remarkably difficult earthly life. Hence you need to exercise great caution when you hear about an incarnation of Jesus, because although eminent and exalted beings of light incarnate on this earth they themselves will be without all knowledge of their origin, apart from the one who will announce My coming.... He will know who he is when the time has come to start his mission on earth. But you will often be deceived by My adversary's actions if you assume this or that embodiment in a person.... even when he lives his life in total accordance with My will. Because the knowledge of his incarnated spirit does not help your perfection and can only ever lead to wrong conclusions. It cannot ever result in your spiritual advantage because you would still be subject to a certain amount of compulsory faith, whereas you should make your choice during your earthly life in complete freedom.... __Amen
Grace of the act of Salvation: fortified will....
Time and again you need advice, My admonitions and warnings, My instructions, in order to lead that kind of life which results in such maturity of soul that you will be able to enter the kingdom of light. And I will not stop conveying these instructions to you through My Word, I will help you in every way and also steer your destiny of life such that your will can turn around and enter into My will so that you will constantly ascend in your spiritual development. Yet living up to My commandments of love for God and your neighbour always remains paramount.... for then your own thinking will be right and you will always take the right path.... the path to the cross.... It will not be possible for you to completely enter into My will by your own efforts, because your will is weak since it is still determined by My adversary as long as you are not released from him, as long as you are still enslaved by him.... And this fetter can only be severed by Jesus Christ, Who died for your freedom on the cross and thereby also acquired for you the blessings of a reinforced will. Through His crucifixion He redeemed the immense guilt, the consequence of which is your bound and weak will.... If you are therefore released from this guilt the weakness of will is surmounted too, and through Jesus' redemption you also possess the strength to live your way of life according to My will. Your entire earthly life is at a standstill as long as you have not found the One Who will deliver you from the adversary's power, as long as you don't acknowledge Him as the Redeemer of the world, as the Son of God, in Whom I Myself became a human being, and appeal to Him for help, for with this call you acknowledge Me Myself again, to Whom you once denied your acknowledgment and thereby fell into the abyss, into your wretched state. Without Jesus Christ you will never be able to return to Me, without Him your earthly life is futile, for as long as your original sin is not removed from you, you will remain distant from Me, and neither can you be happy, you remain weak and unenlightened beings whose state is painful, because you once originated from Me in light and strength and freedom and lost light, strength and freedom because of your past apostasy from Me.... __As human beings you should express your will again by striving towards Me and your original state, and this will only be possible if your willpower gets strengthened through Jesus Christ's redemption, if you turn to Him with an appeal for forgiveness of your sin, if you want that He also shed blood for you.... You don't know how extremely significant your acknowledgment of Jesus and His act of Salvation is for you, for you don't realise that by calling upon Jesus Christ you call upon Me Myself and you thereby already testify to your will to return to Me, for Jesus and I are One. In Jesus the Eternal Deity manifested Itself for you, My living creations, so that you are able to behold Me since I, as a whole-of- infinity-permeating spirit, could not be visible to you and therefore so completely permeated a form that My created beings were subsequently able to behold Me face to face.... You will never be able to understand this mystery, yet you shall know that you cannot bypass Jesus Christ and understand that time and again I will inform you through My Word that this human manifestation of Mine in Jesus is the greatest evidence of love that your God and Father has given to His living creations, and that faith in 'God' can never exclude faith in 'Jesus' because I can only be conceivable to you in Jesus. And since I expect your acknowledgement of Me in your earthly life, since this acknowledgement is the purpose and goal of your entire earthly progress generally, you must acknowledge Jesus, Who is the embodied Deity Himself and Who redeemed your original sin in order to facilitate your return to Him.... For this reason nothing is more important than to inform people of this and to admonish them to love, so that they will become enlightened and subsequently also fulfil the purpose of their earthly life.... And in order to make this knowledge in all truth accessible to people I convey My Word to earth directly, for truth is the light which shines into your hearts and which will also accomplish your regeneration into your original nature, for only through truth will you learn to recognise and love Me, only truth will illuminate the path which leads to the cross, and you will find redemption from sin and death.... __Amen
People's low spiritual state necessitates an end....
Once someone has penetrated spiritual knowledge he is also entitled to make a judgment in regards to humanity's spiritual state, and he will realise that spiritual progress on this earth is not possible anymore.... He will be able to observe that the commandments of love for God and one's neighbour are only very rarely lived up to and that the disregard of these commandments results in ever greater darkness.... He will also know that people's will itself is the decisive factor and that this is also misused, since it is turning increasingly more towards the adversary which explains why people are under his control. Salvation would certainly be possible if only people were willing to accept the Word of God, which He Himself conveys to earth and which truly has the strength to lead to a change in human thinking. Yet precisely this willingness is missing and thus humanity is irrevocably approaching the end, so that the unspiritual state will be brought to a halt and a new phase of redemption will start which will impede the endless fall into the abyss, and the being which had failed as a human being will be integrated into the process of return once again, in accordance with divine will. __Anyone who has penetrated spiritual knowledge will also understand everything that is happening.... he will know that one period of Salvation is coming to an end and that a new one is beginning, because he knows the reason for people's unspiritual state and also that God's love keeps creating ever new possibilities to lead the beings, which had once emerged from Him, to their goal. And only those people who penetrated spiritual knowledge can offer a little help by passing their knowledge on to their fellow human beings.... but then free will has to be prepared again to accept such knowledge. And people's will is extraordinarily weakened.... A person could certainly place himself into a state of strength and also attain a stronger will, but this requires him to live in love himself and to take the path to Jesus Christ Who, through His crucifixion, acquired unmeasured blessings, thus also the strengthening of will.... Deeds of love will always grant strength to a person, and a call upon Jesus will fortify the will, for then the will is no longer completely averted from God, for anyone who is lovingly active also establishes contact with God, the Eternal Love. And anyone who calls upon Jesus Christ acknowledges Him as the Redeemer of the world and thus also as God Himself, Who became a human being in Jesus Christ.... Hence you all can escape this state of weakness, you are not left to your own devices in your helplessness, but strength is at your disposal at all times if only you desire it.... And those who possess this knowledge will always provide you with clarification, but as long as your heart and ears are unreceptive to it their words will remain ineffective, you will remain weak and unenlightened and won't live up to your purpose of life. __However, force will never be exerted on you on God's part, it will be entirely left up to your will as to how you deal with your fellow human beings' instructions, yet they will be conveyed to you so that you can also make this decision yourselves. If, however, your own will rejects it and you cannot find your way out of the state of darkness then you are entangled in a net of lies and errors which you can no longer tear apart yourselves, since it keeps you constrained and was cast upon you by the adversary himself. And then the only option left is to break the adversary's power, that is, to remove the opportunity for him to harass people on earth, which means the dissolution of earth with all its creations as well as all living creatures up to the human being.... hence an end for you humans with a subsequent banishment into hard matter and a reshaping of all material creations for the purpose of sheltering the still bound spiritual substances, which likewise shall attain higher development on this earth.... __A spiritual change on this earth is impossible because people fail to muster the will for it.... Yet that which will follow later will also demonstrate a spiritual change, for after the demise of the old earth a new earth will arise with incomparably beautiful creations, with spiritually mature people who had passed their test of faith and will on this old earth and who shall be returned to the new earth as the root of the new human generation.... For they will be spiritually awakened, they will know about God's love and His reign and activity throughout the universe and they will also know that all creations only serve the once fallen spiritual beings to attain full maturity, they will know that divine order must be observed and that everything which leaves this order will require endless time in order to reach the goal again one day, to integrate with the law of eternal order and to live a life of selfless love.... And at the end of an earthly period love will have grown completely cold amongst people, thus profound darkness will be on earth, for only love is the light which penetrates the darkness.... And only the one who lives in love will also penetrate spiritual knowledge, he will ignite the light within himself and all the terrors of darkness will be over for him.... And this bright light will illuminate the new earth, and all people will be fully enlightened for they will live in love and walk with God, Who is Love Himself and the Light of eternity.... __Amen
Jesus taught love on Earth....
Jesus' soul brought love along with it to earth and therefore He was able to take excessive suffering upon Himself, since love gave Him the strength to do so. He knew that people were especially lacking love and were therefore weak and powerless. Although they also sheltered a tiny spark of love, hence they were capable of love, nevertheless, they were unwilling to love because it was smothered by My adversary.... who increasingly stimulated their selfish love and prevented selfless love from coming through. Consequently Jesus exemplified a life of love to people.... Jesus only treated His fellow human beings with kindness, He healed their afflictions, He comforted them and helped wherever help was needed.... He was unselfish and always willing to ease people's fate on earth.... __He taught them why they should live a life of love, He warned them of the consequences of a heartless way of life, just as He repeatedly demonstrated to them the effects of a life of love and provided the proof Himself by being capable of great feats of strength, by healing the sick and performing miracles by virtue of His constantly increasing love.... for He was closely united with God, the Eternal Love Itself.... And therefore Jesus taught people to establish the bond with God, their eternal Father, which can only take place through love and through heartfelt prayer.... All this had become unfamiliar to people and only a few lived a life of love, but they soon recognised Jesus as the promised Messiah, they recognised in Him the Father.... This love had kindled a small light in them which subsequently was nourished by Jesus' teaching and made the darkness recede.... And this doctrine was meant to be spread among the human race, for this reason He educated His disciples Himself, sending them into the world with the instruction to proclaim Him, His act of Salvation and the Gospel of love, because people should be shown the right path which leads to eternal life.... However, Jesus would never have been able to accomplish this act of Salvation had He not been full of love, but love achieves everything, no limits exist for love.... nothing is impossible for it, nothing exists that love could not overcome.... for as a human being it would have been impossible to survive such an extent of suffering and pain as was imposed upon Him.... But the strength of love helped Him to be victorious.... by virtue of love He endured the most bitter suffering and excruciating death on the cross and only gave up His life when the act was accomplished.... Only then was it possible for a person to release himself from the adversary who kept him in bondage as long as the guilt of sin had not been redeemed.... Only after Jesus' crucifixion were people able to appeal for strength and reinforcement from Jesus Christ, in Whom God Himself, as the Eternal Love, had died.... People are no longer at the mercy of God's adversary and his arbitrary use of power, they can detach themselves from him if they pray to Jesus for help and through a life of love acquire the strength to fulfil God's will. Consequently, it is most important in earthly life that the Gospel is proclaimed to people, which removes the dense darkness from people and lets them find faith in Jesus Christ as Son of God and Redeemer of the world, and which will always grant the strength to complete the earthly path successfully.... For love is strength, without love a person remains weak and cannot reach his goal, on account of which he lives on earth.... But neither can there be light on this earth without love, for it is the realm of God's adversary who spreads dense darkness with the aim of preventing the recognition of God and not to lose his followers but who can be recognised in the light as an enemy.... __Where love is preached, the faith in Jesus Christ can also be awakened if only people are willing to live up to the commandments of love. And thus the labourers in the vineyard of the Lord shall diligently work and spread the Word of God, which will always consist of the divine commandments of love, because people must be informed of the fact that only love will gain them spiritual advancement, that only love will grant them the strength to improve themselves, and that love also bestows upon them the light which reveals extensive knowledge so that they will consciously travel their earthly path.... conscious of their task and their goal.... and do their utmost to strive for it.... As soon as they acknowledge Jesus Christ, as soon as they know that God Himself has accomplished the act of Salvation in Jesus Christ and then consciously hand themselves over to Him, they will also be released from their original sin and reach the goal on earth and the final union with their God and Father of eternity.... __Amen
God's instruction to educate fellow human beings about Je...
Wherever the opportunity of mentioning the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ presents itself to you, you should speak of Him and emphasise His great significance for every single person.... Where possible, you should motivate people to remember Him, for everyone knows Him, everyone has heard of Him, yet only a few have a living faith in Him, and only they can partake in the blessings of the act of Salvation.... But they are precisely the ones who should try to invigorate their fellow human beings' faith in Him, Who alone can save them from spiritual adversity, which will only be perceptively felt after their body dies. You should not fail to make use of every avenue in order to steer the conversation towards Jesus Christ, even if the other person feels uncomfortable about it.... you should simply ask him what Jesus means to him, whether he has already thought about the doctrines regarding Him and what conclusion he has come to.... Even if they only want accept Him as a human being, Who advocated His own philosophies of life and sacrificed His life for these opinions, you can nevertheless explain to them that He was certainly a man who lived among people, but that He had to fulfil a spiritual mission and that every person can derive benefit from that mission if he wants.... Indeed, most people only regard their life on earth as an end in itself and don't believe in their souls' continuation of life.... Nevertheless, you should also try to unsettle these opinions and truly, I will place the right Words into your mouth if all you endeavour to do is kindle a small light for these blind people, if you want to help them fulfil their purpose of earthly life. If you are imbued by the knowledge which corresponds to the truth, you will time and again feel impelled to convey this knowledge to people and then opportunities will arise where it is possible for you, and I truly bless everyone who tries to persuade his fellow human beings to believe in Jesus, because Jesus must not be by-passed if the soul wants to attain bliss one day when it enters the spiritual realm after physical death. This faith in the soul's continuation of life is likewise lacking in most people, consequently, it is difficult to educate them, yet no stone shall be left unturned, for the misery such souls are approaching is indescribable and if you can help them spare such wretchedness they will be eternally grateful to you, for one day every soul will gain realisation, even if it still takes eternities.... __Everything relating to Jesus, His life on earth, His crucifixion and His ascension, is a myth for people which they certainly know, but cannot believe that these events, which are hugely significant for each individual still unenlightened soul, to be true. However, you humans live on this earth to attain the goal of releasing yourselves from every form and entering the kingdom of the beyond in a spiritualised state. But to do so it is crucial that you find redemption through Jesus Christ, that He helps you attain freedom, because only He can loosen the chains which still tie you to God's adversary. He alone can help you attain eternal life, and thus you must acknowledge Him and hand yourselves over to Him so that He will take your immense guilt upon Himself and so that He might have given His blood for you as well, which He shed on the cross for all people, past, present and future. If you accept Him and appeal to Him to take the immense guilt from you, you will also suddenly be able to think differently.... many things you previously were unable to understand will become comprehensible to you. For this reason you should at least accept information about Him when it is conveyed to you, for no-one shall go astray, but it is up to the human being himself whether he wants to let himself be saved.... Let yourselves be educated about Jesus and His act of Salvation, about the spiritual reason for it and about your past original sin, which you cannot atone for yourselves but can only be released from through the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... And don't walk past Him in earthly life, try to muster the understanding for the kind of mission He had to fulfil on earth and believe that every person must take the path to the cross.... believe that every human being must carry his guilt of sin under the cross, which means, that he must acknowledge Jesus Christ as Son of God and Redeemer of the world, in Whom God Himself became human in order to redeem humanity from sin and death.... __Amen
Why is the information about the process of return not kn...
If only you would always take the path to Me, you will be helped in every adversity and distress, be it spiritually or earthly.... you will be looked after such that it will benefit your soul, for only pure truth is beneficial. I have not imposed any restrictions on you, and if you want to increase your spiritual knowledge I shall always be willing to instruct you: __You want to know why information is revealed to you now of which you had little or no knowledge so far.... I want to give you the reason for this: time and again there have been people whose spiritual state enabled them to be introduced to the most profound mysteries of creation, and who thus also knew about the very first beginning of creation, about the apostasy from Me and about My eternal plan of Salvation. But such knowledge could never be passed on to other people as long as their state of maturity was lower than those who had received it from Me....Its profundity would never have been understood, and had people merely adopted it literally their intellect would have caused them to reject it as the fantasy of a dreamer, since an unenlightened spirit would not have been able to grasp it.... And so, at the time of My life on earth people still had a very low spiritual level too, because they were still completely under the control of My adversary, who had been the cause of the immense spiritual darkness.... __Consequently, there were only a few people whom I could instruct about such mysteries of creation, and even they had difficulty in understanding it because they were still burdened by the original sin and this meant that their power of perception was inadequate. They certainly questioned Me time and again but I could only refer them to the enlightenment of their spirit after My crucifixion, after the act of Salvation, which lifted the dense darkness from those who loved Me. Hence they gradually came to understand what I had taught them but they would not have been able to pass the knowledge on for the very reason that their fellow human beings, whose spirit was not yet awakened, would not have been able to comprehend it.... Since this knowledge.... i.e. the enlightened spirit.... was only the result of a right way of life, of the fulfilment of the commandments of love which I had taught people as a matter of priority, people first had to be motivated to fulfil My commandments of love.... __Furthermore, you should also know that I gave My disciples the task to write everything down for future generations.... For even they were still unable to understand the most profound wisdom and therefore only adhered to My instruction to proclaim what I had said to the people who followed Me, who regarded Me as a prophet and expected miracles or the healing of their every afflictions from Me, who drew comfort and strength from My Words, and whose faith in the one and only God I was able to strengthen because they were of good will.... But there were only a few who wanted to learn more, and they were more motivated by their intellect than their heart to ask about things which only I was able to answer.... They certainly accepted the explanations but they did not leave a deeper impression on them apart from a few whose hearts were very willing to love and who recognised Me as their God and Creator.... __The fact that they were initiated by Me and very happy about such knowledge need not be mentioned, but it always just remained pleasing spiritual knowledge for those followers whom I instructed Myself, however, it did not get passed on to their fellow human beings or their descendants, since they were unable to understand it and therefore such discussions were not mentioned by My disciples either. Besides, such knowledge about the very first beginning and ultimate goal of all creation was not necessary for people and indeed not always beneficial. Had they been informed of it as dogma it could have, to some extent, compelled people's will, who.... if they had faith.... would have considered their development until the human stage with shudder and would have felt unfree or unable to muster love for a God Whose plan would have been totally incomprehensible to them.... But where it was possible for Me to transmit divine revelations to earth this knowledge was given to people as well.... __And the proximity of the end explains why clear information about this is always given, because people cannot be reminded strongly enough of their responsibility now, for the act of a new banishment is at stake, which only takes place at the end of a Salvation period and is extremely significant for all ascending souls.... Prior to this, souls who had failed to reach maturity on earth still had the opportunity in the kingdom of the beyond to reach full maturity.... But at the end of a period of Salvation this opportunity no longer exists, then the most appalling event occurs that the souls will be disintegrated into individual particles and be banished into hard matter again.... What would now be more reasonable than that I inform you humans about the fate that will await you if you fail? __You are also able to pass your test of earthly life without any knowledge if you lived with love.... But when love has grown cold, so that failure is inevitable and the souls' fate is sealed with a new banishment, then I will use any means beforehand in order to disturb humanity. Then I will also make sure that people receive the information about the great plan of creation..... even though the success is no other than that people will listen with incredulity to such information and far more reject than accept it. __But I also know the will of individual people, and therefore I also know who will not reject this knowledge and who will draw the consequences from it.... and truly, they will receive it from Me, just as I have always guided those into truth, into profound spiritual knowledge, who desired it in their hearts and through a life of love were also receptive for it.... For you should also recognise a God of love, wisdom and might in every happening that you experience, and you should trust Me and always call upon My help, because the hardship will still be considerable before the end, yet anyone who perseveres will be blessed.... __Amen
False Christs and prophets....
Beware of false Christs and false prophets.... I warned you about those when I lived on earth because I knew of My adversary's activities, of his snares and unscrupulous machinations whereby he tries to pull you humans into ruin. He is using all means, and this especially during the last days in order to increase the darkness in which humanity languishes. There will be people everywhere who claim to be knowing and initiated into the secrets of creation, who demand people's recognition and faith in their spiritual experiences and who are but My adversary's tools, because they support and spread spiritual knowledge which completely contradicts the truth. False Christs and false prophets will appear in large numbers.... They all will wear the cloak of divine messengers, they all will claim to possess knowledge and to be in contact with the highest representatives.... They will pretend to be messengers of light and yet walk in profound darkness themselves, and therefore they will only ever spread darkness amongst their fellow human beings. They cannot emanate light because they don't possess light themselves, yet their mannerism is so self-assured that people do not dare doubt the divine mission of those who, nevertheless, in reality work for My adversary. But only people who live in truth themselves will be able to recognise this and they, in turn, will be described by them to be false prophets.... And it will be difficult to convince oneself of the true prophets' divine mission, yet it is not impossible.... The fact that true prophets exist is proven by My warning against false prophets.... __However, you need only ever seriously desire not to fall prey to the latter and truly, you will also know whom to turn to. For My messengers will bring you a message which will touch your soul in a comforting and helpful way, which will affect you like a nourishing meal and refreshing drink, which you will continue to desire and thereby become noticeably strengthened for your earthly life's path. Whereas the alleged knowledge conveyed to you by wrong teachings cannot convince you of the truth and does not result in any illumination or stimulation of your soul.... It is and remains barren knowledge which you will find barely credible and of little use to you. It is more likely to cause you dread and fear because you are unable to detect a loving God therein, Who behaves like a Father with His child. False prophets will never be able to offer people pure truth, and the adversary's only intentions are to undermine the truth, to entangle people in error. His most eager endeavour consists in withholding from people the truth about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, about God's human manifestation in Jesus, or to confuse their thoughts such that they don't take the path to the cross and thereby their earthly path remains unsuccessful for their souls.... And no means is too evil for him to use, because Jesus defeated him through His crucifixion, and he is trying to regain the fruits of His victory again.... Souls, who turn to Jesus, are lost to him, consequently he will try to give an entirely wrong description of Jesus so that they do not see any reason why they should take the path to the cross. The truthful portrayal of the act of Salvation also has a redeeming effect, and this means that My adversary will lose his followers, what he tries to prevent by cunning and trickery. And you humans can truly and easily recognise every false prophet yourselves by the fact that he withholds the knowledge of the Salvation through Jesus Christ from you, and thus you are entitled to dismiss him as a `false prophet'.... And especially during the last days you can notice increasingly more often that most diverse descriptions of spiritual subjects are given by those who present themselves as prophets of truth. Yet in one instance they all agree, that the salvation through Jesus Christ.... the sacrifice on the cross by the man Jesus to redeem the immense guilt of sin.... is doubtful, because the belief in this signifies a loss of followers for My adversary and he does not want to lose them.... __Jesus Christ has been argued about for centuries already, because time and again false prophets arose who were influenced by My adversary to act against Jesus, what already proved their affiliation to him.... Although they were unable to completely dispute the earthly life of the man Jesus and thereby remove the knowledge of him entirely, the real purpose of His earthly existence.... His redeeming mission.... was repeatedly portrayed as a misguided teaching which removed people's hope to ever be released from their guilt of sin unless they made amends themselves.... unless they thus believed these false prophets. Yet no human being will ever be able to release himself from his immense guilt of sin without the help of Jesus Christ; no human being will ever succeed to perfect himself by his own strength without Jesus Christ, because the original sin absolutely prevents this.... Hence `self-redemption' is impossible, irrespective how sincerely it is aspired to, because the human being's will is too weak and would fail time and again.... Regardless how you are instructed.... if Jesus Christ is not portrayed as the Son of God and Saviour of the world, in Whom I embodied Myself, you are not taught the complete truth, and you will not become free eternally, since only truth will set you free. And I Myself transmit this truth to you, I Myself, your God and Creator of eternity, the greatest and most perfect spirit in infinity.... I transmit the revelations to you directly and guide you into truth, because I want to give you the light of awareness again, which you once gave away voluntarily and which will be returned to you providing you willingly accept it, providing you let yourselves be taught by Me and surrender to Me with love, thus also fulfil My will.... providing you change yourselves to love and accept your original nature again in which you were happy beyond description. Only One can promise all this to you, and only One can help you to achieve it, and this One is Jesus, Who is completely merged with Me, thus He and I are one.... God from eternity to eternity.... __Amen
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