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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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The darkness thickens....
All your thinking has to correspond to the truth as soon as you put yourselves completely at My disposal, as soon as you only want to serve Me and entirely hand yourselves over to My direction and guidance. Then you no longer need to worry that you will fall into My adversary's hands, that he can use you for his own ends, for then I Myself, the eternal Essence of light, will stand between you and him. And then you will also be My true servants who speak in My name and advocate the truth. Yet you should know that there are still many errors amongst people.... that wrong ideas had asserted themselves for decades and centuries which simply could not be removed because they were too firmly anchored and which could only have been rectified if I had directly revealed Myself from above, and then such revelations would have had to be believed. However, due to your freedom of will I was unable to do this and the tools I used were condemned as servants of Satan, for dignitaries of the church had also deliberated on problems and no-one was allowed to contradict them without endangering their life. And since they maintained that I Myself decide which people would gain beatitude or be condemned, no ordinary human being, through whom My spirit was able to work, would have been listened to, if only because the process of the `working of the spirit within the human being' was unknown to them.... For if a person supported such a wrong doctrine, his thinking had to be completely mistaken, thus he would have been without love which could have enlightened his spirit. And they also presented My nature such that people received a totally distorted image of Me and were unable to love Me but only able to fear Me and My might. __And so they distanced themselves constantly further from Me, because they did not recognise a loving Father in Me and searching for the truth by themselves was forbidden, or they would have confided in Me and I would have revealed Myself to them. Yet time and again I have spoken to those who wanted to hear Me through their spirit and have revealed secrets of creation to them which only I as the eternal Creator was able to impart to them, and I informed them about the meaning and purpose of creation and their earthly existence.... But only a few ever accepted this knowledge since it was decried as misguided teaching and no-one wanted to acknowledge its divine influence. And so many misguided teachings were spread that in the end every thinking person lost faith and together with the misguided teachings also rejected the right teachings, so that he soon lost all religious contact, unless he was a thinker who pondered about himself and his existence and thereby enabled Me to enlighten his thoughts.... Nevertheless, My adversary's influence greatly contributed towards the fact that the number of those who desired light kept decreasing, that there are only a few individuals to whom I can reveal Myself, and these individuals will have great difficulty in rectifying the widespread error which was accepted by the broad masses.... __If humanity knew the truth, conditions in the world would never be what they are now. Harmony and peace would reign, since they are the results of truth. However, the light does not force its way and therefore it is also a misguided opinion that the light will suddenly break through and light up the entire darkness, for the darkness will get even thicker until the end, and only isolated sparks of light will shine forth and enlighten the hearts of those who desire it. Until, at the end of the days, the Eternal Light Itself will shine upon the earth, but only visible to those who are and want to remain My Own, while the others will descend into the darkness, for light cannot exist where it is resisted.... The world, however, is full of resistance and, therefore, engulfed by densest darkness. Yet the light will shine brightly on the new earth.... Then the adversary's power will have been crushed, he will be bound again for a long time and during this time there will be truth on earth, presented by My angels who will be in constant contact with the people on the new earth. Then the light will have penetrated and dispelled all shadows, but it cannot happen on this earth anymore while the adversary is still active and people won't oppose him. But anyone who is already enlightened here on earth will also retain it, for the light from above cannot be extinguished anymore once it has broken through somewhere.... This is why I admonish all bearers of light to continue drawing into their midst all those who are willing, who do not resist the light when it shines for them. For the time draws to a close and anyone who doesn't find the light here anymore will irrevocably be devoured by the darkness. He will meet with the same fate as My adversary, he will be bound again for an infinitely long time.... __Amen
Love recognises the error in the beyond.... Intercession....
Everything that still is and has to remain hidden from you on earth, because your state of maturity would not be able to comprehend it, will be revealed to you. But as soon as you enter (the kingdom of the beyond) with just a small amount of knowledge you will know that you can raise your awareness at any time.... You will know that you only need to be actively loving in order to receive without measure. But you need to have this small glimmer of light, then you will automatically get to the place where further knowledge is available, and your higher development will continue. And your longing to hear increasingly more intensifies the more knowledge you are given, because My gifts are unlimited but they always have to be wholeheartedly desired.... And thus, every human being living with love on earth also knows that he has a light which illuminates the path he has to travel. Only love will be taken into account, and thus the soul's state corresponds to its degree of love when it enters the spiritual kingdom. But then it will also recognise the error as such and detach itself from it, for no beatitude can be expected from error. Misconception confuses (people's) thoughts and has to be preceded by a long struggle before the soul is released from it.... __The fact that most people pass away from earth with misconceptions would be of little consequence had the person overcome his selfishness and lived in unselfish neighbourly love. Then he would automatically arrive in places where a light is shining, where it is either radiated to earth or conveyed to him by the messengers of light. Hence his fate depends on the degree of his love, and only I can recognise this since no thought is hidden from Me. If a human being endeavours to reach Me.... if he is only interested in doing what pleases Me, he has proven that he wants to fulfil his task on earth. If he then takes the wrong path, which makes it difficult to find Me, then his will for Me is taken into account and I will help him to attain perfection. __But only a person who accepts his neighbour as his brother can love Me, because selfless neighbourly love is always proof of love for Me.... given that I ignore mere words without a living faith. In that case, however, the soul will not disassociate itself from error either, because only love is the light which provides the soul with a glimmer of knowledge. Then the person's entry into the kingdom of the beyond is just a continuation of what was more important to him than his love for Me, then he remains subject to error until he is able to free himself from it. But since you humans on earth do not know in what state a person leaves earthly life, and you cannot be directly informed of it either because you should forward intercessory thoughts for all souls, this intercession is indeed necessary if you want to protect each soul from a potentially very long time before it can free itself from error. You can only be certain that outright souls of love will enter the spheres of light, all other souls require your intercession. And they will be truly grateful to you for it, after all, only a loving prayer sent to Me will be helpful.... and not the prayers of congregations, which are intended to help the soul to beatitude. __Remember the deceased, and let them know that you want to give them My Word to enlighten them, which is food and drink for the souls, nourishment to strengthen them, because many souls are still suffering great hardship by living in twilight, if they are not entirely engulfed by profound darkness. Even then you can release these souls through heartfelt prayer, they will feel blissful relief and gradually let go of their opposition to Me.... I want all souls to find salvation even now, I don't want them to be devoured again by the abyss. I want that Jesus Christ's act of Salvation is brought to them time and again, which they will comprehend ever better the more light they are given. For loving intercession is strength which will benefit every soul you pray for.... All souls appeal to you for this because they are unhappy as long as they have not found salvation through Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross for all sins.... __Amen
Hallowed halls.... Blessing of the work for spiritual bei...
Thus begin in the name of God. All those your heart is looking for are present.... You have to fight against temptation again, this complicates your reception, but always stay in loving contact with us and you will be helped at all times. __Now try to follow us: __We carefully prepared what you shall receive and need only your attention. All those who derived blessings from our Words reside in hallowed halls. The same will be granted to you when you fight for your Saviour, for a life in splendour is prepared for His defenders.... Illuminated by the Saviour's love they only desire to behold the eternal light.... the Lord and Creator of Heaven and Earth, from face- to- face.... Countless souls implore you to help them in their adversity, to escape the control of evil forces. For all of these the path is still so long before they arrive where eternal bliss awaits them.... The opportunity is offered to you through tireless work on Earth to also redeem a large number of these poor souls, since you can point out to many, many people to lovingly work likewise for so many spiritual beings.... Through prayer and devout conduct on earth the strength of all beings keeps constantly growing.... none of you can assess the beneficial effect a way of life in spiritual striving has on the spiritual beings surrounding him.... just as many, which are still in contact with the beings on earth through God's wisdom, partake in their earthly life and with hope and trepidation long that all should turn towards the divine Father.... After all, their activity in the beyond is to constantly care for these earthly children.... and their spiritual endeavour in the beyond also only ever concerns their entrusted earthly children's salvation of soul. The battle for such souls is often hard, and if you can helpfully intervene.... by imparting our teachings to your brothers and sisters on earth, countless beings will thank you for this, and therefore they follow your effort with constant concern and hope. Oh, if you humans could only roughly assess how many blessings you can provide with your work.... you would only serve the Saviour from now on and immerse yourselves in love for your fellow human beings.... and you would only ever strive towards the goal of creating eternal glories for yourselves. __Amen
Emissaries.... Prayer.... Admonition....
Great things are planned by the Lord and your thoughts shall be guided in the right direction, for only by constantly informing those who are willing to hear God's lessons, are we expressing God's will.... The Lord lets His messengers travel through the earthly valley working diligently.... wherever an earthly child can be found, whose love for the Lord makes it receptive for His teachings, it may take pleasure in God's grace and be already allowed to serve Him on earth in a labour of love for uninformed and erring fellow siblings. During this time of adversity, in which many a soul lives on earth, the Lord brings so much help through His servants, so that everyone in serious need of help can take hold of the Saviour's redeeming hand. His pleading prayer penetrates through to the Father and.... with a just little confidence that your prayer will be answered.... many helpful beings will guide you so that you will escape your soul's adversity.... so that you will become free from evil influences and without reservation accept what the Father prepares for you and sends to you through His messengers. Any person's serious prayers will be granted because the Father loves His children. Dear child, listen to what we want to say to you: Consider that everyone is intended to pursue his goal on earth in divine unity.... to become as one again with the Father, Who gave him life on earth in order to advance his spiritual development.... The Lord in His love informs you to look upon this goal, this striving, as the most important thing in life; not one of you should carelessly ignore that he must justify himself one day if he has not used his life correctly for eternity. How bitterly he will have to regret it one day, and how far more difficult will his striving for perfection be in the beyond when he, entirely dependent on the loving activity of higher spiritual beings, must lift himself up through tireless work of improving himself.... When, in fact, you may draw grace upon grace on earth which is granted to you by the Saviour in abundance if only you appeal for it.... why don't you want to make an effort to partake of this grace?.... Therefore, accept all the teachings the Lord sends to you.... become strong in faith, live in love and pray.... pray all the time, then you will, richly blessed, fulfil your purpose in earthly life and make use of this life for eternity.... __Amen
Day is dawning on earth.... At a time when you all have to fight, the Lord gives you an abundance of blessings.... It is His will that all available spiritual forces shall be in contact with Earth.... and thus it remains up to you to make use of the Father's kind-hearted approach. Simply trust your movements of heart.... the Lord always tries to penetrate this and, if you are receptive, you will be blessed by the heavenly Father. In all your striving on earth you always forget one thing.... the conscious work of improving your soul.... You always consider earthly striving more important and pay no attention to the existence of that which is most sublime in you.... the soul, which is, after all, a part of God for which you should pave the way during your earthly existence.... Don't let your soul live in want for the sake of your body, in view of the afterlife make the sacrifice to constantly endeavour to cultivate a different way of thinking.... take hold of the Father's hand which reaches out to you and don't hide yourselves from the Saviour.... The dawning of this day finds a diligent child at work.... and thus you, too, should do your work day after day.... Do you know whether the evening will still be granted to you?.... Do you know how long you will live on earth?.... Oh, why don't you listen to the voice of caution!.... Golden gates will be opened for you if only you are willing to understand.... for during this period of time everyone's thinking will still change.... you will have to understand why the Father allowed the events on earth to happen.... that everything which affects you at present will have been, in the sense of divine wisdom, only permitted to have happened as a means towards your perfection. Understand this and humbly accept the Lord's directive, so that new activity shall develop from all happenings around and inside of you.... the work of improving your soul.... The means used by the heavenly Father in order to gain His Own may seem incomprehensible to you, yet the Lord looks into every human heart.... He must intervene at the root of evil and where the soul is in greatest danger of heading toward the abyss. The external circumstances of life are often the cause of why a person distances himself from the Lord instead of turning to Him.... then the Lord will intervene with means which intend to arouse the human child from its spiritual sleep. Recognise your purpose.... it lies somewhere else than you assume in your blind eagerness.... If the Lord guides you with loving mercy towards realising the truth then be grateful and submit yourselves willingly, and don't cling small-mindedly to big problems which you are unable to solve with your current attitude. The Lord wants to see actions which serve the progress of the soul.... you will be able to accomplish the earthly duties imposed on you as long as the salvation of the soul is your first consideration.... your heart will find peace in difficult times if you work in cooperation with the Lord and not against Him and His teachings.... for if you want to exert an ennobling influence on your fellow human beings you will not be able to do so if you reject the Saviour and His grace which is at your disposal.... On your own, without the Saviour, your endeavour will be unsuccessful because 'No one comes to the Father except through Me'.... __Amen
No life without light.... Darkness in the beyond....
The spiritual beings are approaching you with a request that you give your utmost attention to their proclamation. The Lord has ordained that you shall receive well-ordered teachings so that your spirit will not tire of accepting divine truth. Therefore contact the spiritual world with complete confidence at all times and let our thoughts affect you to the glory of God.... the Most High of Heaven and Earth. The human being shall live, and he shall live eternally.... However, to live means to be enlightened.... to receive the light of divine grace on earth.... to strive towards the light.... and to dwell in an abundance of light, close to his Creator, in eternity. This is how the Lord decided it, and therefore all life on earth is merely a striving towards becoming worthy of being allowed to be close to the Saviour in radiant brightness, and so to being infinitely far removed from darkness and its evil powers.... For the Saviour is the eternal Light.... You can only understand this if your faith lifts you out of your spiritual darkness.... you can only comprehend how wonderful the strength of divine light is when nothing ties you to earthly life anymore.... Only then will you fully realise that the Lord's sphere is permeated by the divine sun of love.... that all power and glory is united in this kingdom.... Every being requires light to experience the state of bliss, and only he who constantly stays within the Deity's vicinity of light, and being worthy of this beatitude, will live in eternity. However, to be without light in the beyond signifies death.... Even the most ignorant and obstinate being recognises the tiniest ray of light as a release from its adversity. It will always seek to follow the ray of light, yet realising its task in the beyond is still infinitely difficult for it. This is why the hardship of those dwelling in such darkness in the beyond is still far greater than the greatest misery on earth.... On earth the Lord shows you His love time and again, for He constantly admonishes you through His messengers.... His divine love would like to protect you from this darkness.... it would like to spare you the infinitely long time of battle.... for you will certainly have a hard battle there until you have detached yourselves from the power of darkness.... It will make you infinitely happy if you are allowed to move within the eternal light.... yet staying in darkness is indescribably wretched and bitter. Since God the Lord created you as part of the light, He also gave you the opportunity to remain in it, yet the earthly being ignores its purpose of its own free will by not resisting the temptations of the nether world, and so increasingly relinquishes its radiant strength of light and passively allows itself to be pulled down by dark forces. For this reason the world poses the greatest danger for the earthly children if they do not beseech the heavenly Father for the strength to enable them to walk unscathed through the valley of trials during their earthly existence. After all, the Lord so willingly gives the strength to all of them, for He loves His children far too much as to leave them without strength and without warning at the mercy of evil powers. __Amen
The souls' adversity on earth.... Help by means of this c...
Now listen, my dear child, the Father of all salvation is promising you eternal life if you persevere for your and other people's sake. For a time of unspeakable adversity has come upon all of you.... countless spiritually deluded and wrongly thinking are waging battle with the darkness.... God the Lord has once again embodied Himself on earth in the spirit of those who are willing to serve Him in order to come to help these fighters.... to support them in their adversity of soul and to point the right path out to them. For the time of grace granted to humanity will soon be over. When the Lord of spirits instructs these spirits to speak to people on earth.... to make contact with Earth, then this visible activity of Heaven is an inexpressible grace for the human children, which all of you should truly recognise.... Yet the magnitude of adversity on earth motivates the Father Who, in His love, does not want to abandon any being. Work at improving your souls.... lift your thoughts up to the Lord and all of you will receive blessings a thousand times over, now and evermore. __Amen
Seclusion from the world.... Monastery?....
Cast all your cares onto the Lord.... Behold, if you follow Me I will know how to take your suffering from you, and during days of inner contemplation you will receive the constant flow of strength that I always have at your disposal, and thus you will know that the Father is close to you if only you ask for Him.... because I want to give to you what you desire. Behold, My daughter.... The suffering of the world is the result of the sin of the world.... If you strive for God's reward you will be far less exposed to suffering on earth.... then you will only have to bear what you voluntarily accept for the sake of other people in order to alleviate their suffering, and so I will doubly bless this suffering. If you believe that you will enter into God's glory without having acquired your final maturity of soul.... thus, if you strive for the perfection of your soul but prefer to withdraw from all earthly suffering, you will hardly be able to enter the state which will elevate you to Godlike beings. __Anyone who participates in Christ's act of Salvation, who carries the cross imposed on him.... who sacrifices all his suffering to the divine Saviour without grumbling and complaining, will thereby constantly move in divine grace and his departure from this world will be a glorious one. For this reason I did not instruct you to withdraw from the world, which is indeed perilous everywhere, rather, you should willingly accept your cross, let its dangers make you stronger, rise above them and as conqueror of this world become an example to others. You should try to gain the Lord's loving kindness and His mercy which will equip you with the necessary strength and grace to cope with all worldly demands while nevertheless enabling you to free yourselves from your restraints. As I grant My grace to everyone, because every child may draw from My love's fountain of blessings without limitation, you are also given the power to resist the world.... __Behold, My child, nature is governed by many different forces.... the Lord uses them all so as to give people the opportunity to mature. The purpose of these natural forces is to awaken and to shape the concept of good and evil within the human being.... The same applies to the dangers of the world which are also permitted for the sake of a final choice of direction.... either for good or for evil. This detachment of the soul from the constraints of darkness needs to be aspired to and done entirely voluntarily. For this purpose, however, evil must be able to exercise its influence too, for if a soul does not know evil, the state of perfection without a fight would be valued far less than if it were achieved by constant struggle.... Although there is sufficient opportunity in every situation in life to fight evil, the power of darkness will certainly predominate in the commotion of the world.... it will try to approach the human child from all angles, and the merit of such soul will be far greater.... The earthly children's love for Me, their Creator and Saviour, is indeed a fine testimony for all those who want to serve Me, but a life in seclusion without this love would be a mere escape from an environment especially created for the purpose of humanity's perfection, which then would not result in any blessing for the person.... because the criteria and stages of temptation would not be overcome but avoided.... And to maintain one's love for the divine Saviour amidst the commotion of the world is very enjoyable indeed.... To renounce earthly joys and cravings due to this love will result in a child who is pleasing to God on earth already, who will also be carefully looked after by the Father and lovingly and paternally guided past all obstacles in life. You humans on earth should also consider that you yourselves chose this state of embodiment on earth.... That you were willing to accept every burden on earth in order to achieve the degree of childship to God, which is meant to shape you into Godlike beings.... __Although it is up to your free will to then withdraw from your designated fate, and your good intention to serve Me is not to be condemned either.... but you are depriving yourselves of the opportunity to achieve a degree of perfection, since you consciously abandoned this opportunity after all. The human being matures and shapes himself the more willingly he accepts the suffering of the world.... thereby becoming a bearer of the cross and voluntarily walking the narrow path, which has no boundary and can be easily exchanged again for the broad road.... the earthly joys and pleasures.... in contrast to the broad road which makes a crossing on to the narrow path impossible. And thus the former is indeed significantly more commendable for your soul, which is in need of deliverance and light. __Amen
Spiritual chaos.... World conflagration.... Messiah.... T...
And it will come to pass in the world as precisely as it is written, that no stone will remain on the other, for in these days the world will experience a complete breakdown of everything that has been preserved for thousands of years. All traditions will be opposed; it will mean incomparable chaos in a spiritual as well as in an earthly respect.... People will no longer be able to differentiate to what extent their opinions are right or wrong. They will allow themselves to be driven beyond all bounds, and in the end it will be a spiritual waste-land. The most incongruous rumours will emerge regarding the second coming of the Messiah, and a huge world conflagration will throw humanity into extreme adversity and despair. __Yet this crisis can most certainly be controlled by indisputable faith in Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer. The path of anyone who has chosen Him as a leader through earthly life will bypass all distress and, protected by His love, the earthly valley with all its horrors will only vaguely touch him, yet the adversity will be indescribably great for all who do not carry the divine Saviour within their hearts, and the suffering on earth will appear unbearable for him, he will torture himself with all kinds of physical and spiritual problems. __And into this chaos a light will shine, giving everyone standing in this light much comfort and hope.... In these days a bearer of spiritual truth will arise amongst you. He will proclaim the Word and fill people with much hope, he will be a powerful speaker before the Lord and announce His second coming and, permeated by love for humanity, eagerly preach the Word which the Lord Himself had taught on earth.... And he will be a forerunner of the Lord. Yet his hour will come even though people will try to stop him accomplishing his mission. The world will show an interest in his fate on earth, some of the world will recognise his assignment and working as God's will.... yet the majority who live in utter spiritual darkness will demand his death. __And during this time the earth will rumble and the Lord God will warn and admonish humanity with a stern voice to turn around and consider the salvation of their souls, and the suffering on earth will be extensive and is intended to show you humans that the hour of Judgment is close. You ought to look within yourselves and remember the Lord Who proclaimed this time to you in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Advantage of contact from earth to the beyond....
It is extraordinarily advantageous to establish a true spiritual communication with the friends of the beyond, for it promotes the soul's maturity soul within a far shorter time. All spiritual faculties will more or less be employed and thus used properly, and this strength benefits the earthly child, for it considerably alleviates its own struggle for psychological maturity, and it will find limitless support on the part of the spiritual beings, which take an interest in supporting the earthly child in every battle, spiritually as well as worldly. Thus, such contact from the earth to the beyond offers an indescribable advantage and yet it is hardly noticed and valued.... Once someone has taken this path and placed himself under the protection of the spiritual guides he will be completely shielded against any spiritual relapse, he only needs to confirm his will in order to be well taken care of and then his earthly life will not be so difficult anymore, since all the burdens the human being has carried so far will be willingly shared by the guardians and not be felt as much by the person if he requests help from the spiritual guide. __And thus it follows that in this time of suffering on earth the spiritual beings are especially very busy and active.... that they are trying everything in order to spiritually influence the human being's thinking and thereby make his life easier and thus act as true spiritual guardians. Such contact is good in every sense, after all, it comprehensively informs a person, thereby strengthening and enlivening his faith and thus contributing in every respect towards the fact that the person willingly disassociates himself from matter and eagerly involves himself with spiritual matters. Hence it is understandable that the spiritual beings very much like and welcome it when such a contact from earth to the beyond has been initiated and so doubly endeavour to always instruct the earthly child in a way that it will not tire or become weary in its decision to work its way up to perfection. It depends on the teachers as to whether a person's will then concentrates more on spiritual life, and that therefore threads will be established from the earth to the beyond which will survive every earthly crisis and which thus will have to take entirely different paths from that which affects the person in times of such earthly adversity. The human race is so very extensively influenced by the blessed spiritual beings, and they gladly accommodate even the slightest will, that such gifts from above should also be received with utmost joy, for one day people will realise how far more valuable it is to know this extraordinarily perfect information; they will ever more eagerly look for contact, for the light beings' love is so concerned about the afflicted human race that on its part it does the only thing it can do.... it provides the earthly child with strength in abundance, and anyone who uses this strength will never be able to descend again, neither physically nor spiritually.... __Amen
Mutual help from beings in the beyond for the care of mis...
Thus the spiritually perfect is incessantly working for the redemption of the imperfect, and love is always the motivating factor, because these beings' state of maturity also requires a sphere of activity, and this is what they are looking for on earth as well as in the beyond. Because unredeemed souls are suffering indescribable hardship which cannot be alleviated without active help. Consequently, the beings in the beyond will most eagerly try to make contact with needy souls, and although it is frequently laborious and unsuccessful it may not be abandoned. For this reason the beings need to have an excessive amount of patience and love so as not to slow down in their work. Sometimes a simple reference to eternity can suffice to make the soul reflective, and then the connection has been made, since the friends in the beyond can then transmit their thoughts to such a thoughtful person. __However, if the being only has materialistic thoughts, on earth as well as in the beyond, such hints will fade away unheard.... it is always merely living in the present and does not consider its hopeless condition in eternity. Such souls are extraordinarily hardened and have to be made aware of their situation through suffering and pain. And even then the beings of light will not leave them, unrecognised by the poor souls but forever willing to help. __The beings on earth, too, are permanently surrounded by the bearers of light who would like to direct their train of thought towards the spiritual world. But their love is frequently rejected.... their help is turned down, and the human being remains in the same state which will result in a pitiful fate for him in the beyond one day. In the knowledge of this impending hardship the beings will not leave the people who are entrusted to them for as long as they live on earth. They are also frequently the cause of earthly hardship and suffering if they cannot find any other means to assist the soul. They are the cause of failures, ruined hopes and all kind of disappointments which are only ever meant to bring the futility of their earthly endeavours to their attention and to guide their thoughts into another direction. They recognise the worthlessness of everything the human being is trying to achieve and since it cannot be explained to them mentally, as it is firmly rejected, people often have to be forced to sacrifice what they are trying to achieve. __This task is not easy for the perfected beings because their emotion is love.... and love always wants to fulfil and give, it wants to give happiness and bestow joy.... and now has to take away and cause pain to the people they love. But the suffering awaiting them one day will be far greater, and in order to avert this from their protégées they often interfere in earthly life destructively. The final release of such beings can only be achieved by suffering if love is not awakened in them by seeing the suffering of their fellow human beings. This can very quickly result in a change of mind. Their own suffering will not always lead to awareness, but having to witness the pain of their fellow human beings will make a person thoughtful and bring him closer to understanding. And then the danger for this soul will have passed, because the heart of a person who is able to love is not hardened and the influences of the beings in the beyond will not be unsuccessful. Hence people's suffering cannot be avoided as long as they haven't become conscious of the fact that they are living on earth in order to educate themselves for eternity. Only suffering will bring this thought close to them, and it is the only means of help available to those who are fighting for the souls.... __Amen
The soul.... The spiritual spark in the human being....
The human soul is the unification of countless soul-substances which are assembly points for spiritual strength, i.e. which are receptacles for the spirit of God. Each one of these countless substances was previously embodied somewhere else, that is, enclosed in an outer form for the purpose of the spirit's higher development and for the prospect of later unification with an equal substance. Hence each single substance of the human soul has passed though every work of creation and has, so to speak, matured for its last embodiment on earth. The soul always assumes the same shape as its surrounding outer shape.... If a person with spiritual vision would contemplate the human soul in its composition he would be presented with an incredibly charming and varied picture. This work of God's creation, invisible to human beings, is beyond description, both in its structure as well as in its usefulness. But a description of the formation of the soul would only confuse human thought for he cannot understand the countless miracles within the human body. What human beings understand to be `soul' is all of creation in miniature. The soul is the innermost part of the human being and includes the whole of creation.... intended to become enlightened during its life on earth and in glorification of God to enjoy the delights of heaven. __The soul has the divine spirit within itself. Although the original substance of the soul is also spirit in all its phases of evolution.... the divine spark of spirit is placed into the incarnating soul of the human being by God Himself.... He instils His breath into the human being.... He places the divine into him and gives the soul the task to chose between the divine and the human during its last existence on earth. If the soul.... the spirit out of God which at one time had opposed God.... is now willing to unite with the divine spirit, the transformation of what was once far away from God begins and the human soul becomes enlightened. The unity of the human soul with the divine spirit occurs when the soul steadfastly overcomes all human desires, which, for the purpose of testing and for strengthening of the will, cling to the human body as temptation.... when it resists all that the body as such requires and willingly submits to the requirements of the divine spirit. __Then the soul finally surrenders its former resistance to God. It chooses God, it is no longer in conscious opposition to the divine and accepts the emission of love, the strength, to increase the spirit within itself, to bring about the unity of the spirit within itself with the spirit outside of itself, and thus consciously strives to draw closer to God. If, however, the body's desire dominates then the divine spark of spirit stays dormant and completely buried deep within the human being, it cannot emit light and the soul dwells in utter darkness. Its earthly life goes by without the smallest accomplishment; the spirit within is condemned to stagnate, its earthly process is not a path towards higher development but a time of standstill or even regression. The divine spark of spirit in the human being had been ignored and therefore could not manifest itself. The strength of divine love could not flow into the being and, as a result, the unity with the spirit of the eternal Father could not take place either. The soul takes this lightless state, which it had chosen for itself on earth, across into eternity and there, with endless pain of regret, contemplates the wasted time on earth and now has to struggle far more strenuously to improve its situation.... __Amen
Heavenly bliss.... Eternal glory....
Staying in bright surroundings makes the being indescribably happy; everything of a depressing and burdensome nature has been removed, it is no longer subject to any aggravation by immature spiritual beings, no shadows or dark states exist which could frighten it. Joy, harmony and brightly shining light abound everywhere. And heartfelt love and gratitude permeate the being which feels close to God, even if it has not yet entirely merged with God. Nevertheless, it may receive light and strength from Him, and thus it is already partaking in the eternal glory. It may accomplish a pleasing occupation; it may be active according to divine will by passing on to other beings what it receives itself. The beings constantly require the divine gift of strength for their higher development, and the beings of light are such stations of strength by constantly passing the strength from God on and thereby creating an inconceivable state of bliss for themselves. No human being on earth can either understand the light beings' activity nor the process of re-directing the strength to the beings in need of strength and has therefore no idea about it; consequently, the thought of an eternity in blissful happiness is a fantasy to him that he would like to dismiss and thus he refuses to accept it as real. He measures everything with the yardstick that can be applied to earthly processes, but does not bear in mind that other laws apply outside of earth, that processes take place which cannot be grasped in a worldly way. After all, Earth is one of the most insignificant works of Creation and thus its inhabitants cannot imagine anything else but what they find on earth, for people's imagination cannot go beyond this. And in order to even roughly imagine the kingdom of light, people must be very far advanced already, yet even then they will barely be able to grasp the truthful description since completely new knowledge must be revealed to them, and the human being is rarely receptive for this. This is why these realms can only ever be described as eternal glory, for they are glorious and lovely to look at beyond all measure and place the being in a state which can be called highest bliss and, yet, the human being cannot imagine what it really is. The words 'heavenly bliss' and 'eternal glory' will therefore always cause serious doubt in people as to the truthfulness of such words, because they don't want to accept something as truth which is not understandable and explainable to them. On the other hand, however, it is impossible to initiate them and to allow them to gain an insight into the kingdom of light until they do their best in order to become bearers of light and strength themselves. They can certainly still achieve this on earth, yet it requires strong will and profound love for God, but then it will be much easier for them to understand these spheres which shall be their abode one day, for then they will have become brightly enlightened themselves.... __Amen
Spiritual explanation for the eruptions.... Service in th...
In order to make the spiritual substance feel its banishment, it must become aware of both its own state of restraint as well as the freedom of will. It must experience the first as pain and regard the other as worth striving for, then it will always participate to release itself from the first state in order to attain freedom of will. So the beings of light must transmit the latter to works of creation whose spiritual substance still lingers in darkness. These must find the ray of light agreeable and constantly desire more. Hence, it must want to ascend to where there is an abundance of light. However, every emanation of light is the result of helpful activity, that is, in some form or other the activity of being of service must come first before emanations of light can happen on a regular basis. Although every external form is exposed to the emanation of light, yet the entirely hardened spirit turns away from it and takes an infinitely long time before it opens itself to the light, i.e., until it allows itself to be affected by it. But then the desire for it will burst through with elementary power. Then everything that previously was down below will push towards the surface and strive for light, and the spiritual substance desiring it will be released from its long captivity through eruptions and will continue its process of development in a different external form. And such a powerful eruption is approaching the Earth, whose bound spiritual beings long for liberation, for light and helpful activity. And the spiritual substance languishing down below in darkness especially strives upwards when the spiritual beings on earth fail to make use of the abundance of light it receives and effectively ignores it. Then the immature spiritual substances will seek to acquire this abundance of light and strive for it with elementary power, which manifests itself through natural disasters and creates fundamental changes with regards to spiritual currents. For then the spiritual substance, having reached the earth's surface, will detect every spiritual current to a large extent and will therefore withdraw spiritual strength from already higher developed beings which disregard this strength and make no use of it, which often signifies these beings' physical death on earth.... The immature spiritual substance avails itself of spiritual strength by considerably changing its external form, that is, by having provided access for the light. From then on this spiritual substance can continue its process of development on earth, thus freely strive towards the light, it only must use the strength at its disposal through helpful activity. However, once the longing for light has awakened in the spiritual substance, it will no longer resist being of service in some way or other, for it experiences this activity as a means of receiving more light and at the same time feels the loosening chain of its external form, and although the process of development now corresponds to the law of compulsion the being is nevertheless willing to take it, its own will, albeit inhibited, concurs with divine will.... __Amen
Cremation.... Accelerated disintegration process....
Everything proceeds towards deliverance because it has to follow the path of higher development. When the spiritual essence separates itself from matter it has overcome the latter; but the spiritual essence has not always matured enough that it no longer needs an earthly (transformation) form and in that case it will re-enter a new form, which also consists of matter. However, when the soul, the spiritual essence within the human being, leaves the body, the earthly transformation has come to an end; that is, the soul escapes its last form on earth and enters, liberated from all matter, a new and entirely different realm than earth. The body, the final earthly form, is now destined for disintegration again; i.e. the spiritual substances which constitute the earthly body, also have to take the path of higher development, since these substances are still at the initial stage of development, and for this purpose they will join divine works of creation again whose purpose is, after all, the higher development of the spirit. This can happen in various ways but it always has to include the possibility for active service. Consequently, the substance has to join a work of creation where it has to perform some kind of task and serve by fulfilling this task, since the substance can only develop through service. If the opportunity to serve is taken away, the path of higher development is interrupted, which is an extremely agonising condition for the spiritual substance. The time of spiritual suffering can seemingly be shortened but the spirit substance will not thank the human being who intervenes in its progress of development and prevents its service. As soon as the natural decomposition of a human body is prevented by accelerating its process of disintegration by cremation or by chemical means, the path of the spirit is far more painful and has to be so, because this process opposes divine order, it opposes the purpose which God has given every work of creation. It is an unauthorised action by people which does not concur with God's will. The human body should be returned to the earth as is its purpose.... __From dust you have been taken, to dust you shall return.... providing God's intervention does not determine otherwise by ending a human life in other ways than the human being's natural physical death. When the soul has freed itself from the body.... i.e. from the spiritual substance which forms the body.... the body's job to serve the soul is fulfilled. But until it has completely disintegrated it still has other opportunities to be of service, even if the human being finds this difficult to understand, while an accelerated disintegration procedure will not allow the remains to carry out even the slightest act of service. Hence it is completely wrong to assume that the human body will join the soul as a result of this kind of purification process. The external form's spiritual substance has indeed the same function and eventually unites with countless other substances of soul and likewise walks the path of development on earth as a human soul.... __but this cannot happen the way people erroneously believe. All substances are given an appointed time for their development which the human being cannot shorten at his own discretion by means of an external process.... if he does not completely use the only option of spiritual higher development on earth, i.e. that he, by his conduct, his right attitude towards God, his faith and his wholehearted actions of love, acquires a degree of maturity which can also shorten the physical form's earthly lifespan; however, it must always be left up to God's will which helpful task He will still assign to it.... __Amen
Belief in a continuation of life.... Consequences of eart...
Caring for the salvation of the soul is not being taken seriously and yet it should be the most important, for this is the human being's only purpose of life. Nevertheless, the human being cannot be forced to do so, it can only ever be presented to him again that he will have to accept the consequences of his activity on earth after his earthly life, that he, if he neglects his soul, will have to endure a far more meagre and agonising existence than the most impoverished and excruciatingly painful earthly life can be. The human being is only living for the present, and he believes that this present will be over with his physical death. And therefore he won't make any provisions for the future. And yet he is only on earth for the sake of this future.... __The belief in a continuation of life after death cannot be forcibly conveyed to him, consequently he cannot be offered any obvious evidence from the beyond as not to restrict his freedom of faith. But if the human being would just have the good will to know the truth, the spiritual world would make itself perceptible to him, then he would heed the smallest sign, and the belief in a beyond would come alive in him. But the human being is generally not at all interested to know anything about an `afterwards'. He lives on earth and is satisfied with this certainty, always providing that he won't know or feel anything anymore after his physical death. And he doesn't consider that only the external form has become lifeless, because the spirit.... the true life.... has escaped from it. He fails to consider that it is unable to die, that it is immortal, that it only leaves its external cover behind on earth in order to enter its true home. And he fails to consider that he is shaping on earth the spiritual kingdom for himself.... that it will correspond to his earthly life.... that it can be a dark, unfriendly and depressing or a radiantly bright and joyful environment for the human being's soul. He doesn't consider that he will remember his unused earthly life with severe unbearable regret.... since he will never be able to say that the knowledge of it wasn't communicated to him. __Every person will receive instructions in this regard, yet not everyone will accept these instructions because he is unwilling, and the will cannot be compelled. Then they will only tend to their body, they will only pay attention to its well-being, whereas the soul remains ignored. Humanity's adversity is immense, and consequently the physical adversity has to be extensive too, so that the human being will look within himself and become aware of the irrelevance of all earthly things and also of his body, so that he then will send his questions into infinity after all and as a result be guided into thinking differently.... __Amen
Peter's successors. .. Ecclesiastical-secular power....
Read the Bible and you will see that the spirit of truth has been pushed aside in a most obvious way. God's Word has been withheld from you so that those of you who are looking for truth shall not recognise it. The records are carefully maintained but to what extent these records comply with Christ's teaching is not scrutinised. And how often has the divine Word been changed, how often has God's Word been wrongly interpreted and how rarely was the wrong interpretation objected to. This deception of humanity cannot be emphasized often enough; after all, it has been the cause of all divisions and religious conflicts. When Jesus lived on earth He spoke about the kingdom of God, about a kingdom which is not of this world.... He did not speak about a worldly power, nor did He speak about an ecclesiastical power, about an organisation, He did not speak about men who were meant to rule His Own on behalf of God either.... He merely said to His disciples `Go and teach all nations....' He gave them the task to instruct people in His teaching of love and He promised His assistance if they remained in His spirit.... For as soon as they taught love they had to live within love themselves, thus the Lord Himself, Who is love, was with them. But where love rules all dominating control is unnecessary.... where love rules one person serves the other and where love rules commandments are superfluous unless the commandment of love given by God Himself is preached to people. Anything that teaches love complies with divine will, but the addition of further commandments is not in accordance with God's will because the basis of any command is a dominant force....But people should live together like brothers, they should merely submit to God's will if they want to acquire the kingdom of God. By no means should they rebel against the worldly power which God has indeed appointed for the sake of keeping order where it is violated, however, His kingdom is not of this world....He alone is Lord and Master in His kingdom, and He certainly needs no one on earth to represent Him and exercise their power over other people. But which Word of the Lord during His life on earth specifies such power? __He has lived a life of love, He gave love and taught love.... True love, however, excludes the need to rule.... The stronger should not rule the weaker even where the fulfilment of divine commandments had been taught. Because an enforced action is not to be very highly valued, regardless of how noble and good it is. Not until a person uses his free will are these actions done before God. And thus God only demands the human being's free will. But at no time are people on earth entitled to add their own commandments to the divine commandments. And even less may people be obliged to obey these commandments by threat of temporal or eternal punishment. For then a commandment would be observed to avoid punishment, which otherwise would have been ignored. Thus the fulfilment of such commandments cannot possibly have great value before God and for eternity. When Christ's disciples complied with His instructions and spread the Gospel throughout the world God's activity was clearly visible because in the name of Jesus they healed the sick, they expelled evil spirits and performed miracles in order to reaffirm what they were teaching. God's spirit was with and within them; everything they achieved was the divine working of the spirit. They proclaimed the teaching of Christ, the divine teaching of love, and simultaneously exemplified love to their fellow human beings. Thus, they eliminated the desire to rule, for they were like brothers among themselves and served each other with love. This was the office Jesus Christ gave to his disciples for their future work.... He did not appoint one of the apostles as a person in charge, as a leader to whom all should succumb. However, what developed at a later time completely differed from what the Lord Himself stood for. An ecclesiastical-secular power came into being that also structured every commandment of love, which no longer corresponded to what Jesus Christ Himself had taught the people. Although servitude in love was demanded, it was no longer practiced by them. And this was of most decisive significance because what Jesus had condemned during His life on earth surfaced again.... people were commanded to do what they should have done voluntarily. And reputable men of distinction called themselves successors of the apostles who had met the duties of their office in greatest poverty.... and a structural establishment displaying enormous splendour called itself the only beatifying church, which Jesus Christ had supposedly installed with the words `You are Peter, the rock....’ __(27.1.1942) These words were interpreted thus by people who desired power; but these words do not by any means allow for the interpretation that Peter is the founder of an ecclesiastical power and that the heads of this church are the successors of the apostles.... those very apostles who, without status and distinction, only proclaimed the Gospel, the divine teaching of love, to the world. Peter was the most devout of them and Jesus emphasized his strong belief with the words `You are Peter, the rock, on this rock I will build My church.' He calls the community of believers His church, because those who want to acquire God's kingdom have to join together with innermost faith and thus constitute His church. Such is His will, and He expressed this will with those words. However, it is not His will that eminent and exalted dignitaries should believe themselves to be the head of such a community and thus also exercise their power.... that untold customs and ceremonies let the truly essential part become unimportant; i.e. that due to the countless formalities, which are given too much merit, the divine teaching of love remains unnoticed, and that therefore the apostles' real task of spreading the Gospel throughout the world is no longer recognised. There can indeed also be men after God's heart amongst those rulers, and God will truly not deny His spirit and His mercy to them, but then their wisdom is not the result of their position or the exalted office they fill but due to their right way before God.... These then are Peter's true successors because they are strong in faith, and from the strength of faith they draw wisdom, for then they are like a rock from whence the living water comes forth.... Then they are true representatives of the church of Christ, which is the community of believers.... __Amen
Belief in the soul's life after death.... God's mercy....
God's mercy shows you a path which, if you walk this path, will inevitably result in progress. No gift from above is as beneficial as the offering of the divine Word because it gives you the guiding principle for your earthly way of life and informs you of God's will. Implementing the divine Word is spiritual progress and thus the meaning and purpose of life on earth. Humanity's spiritual poverty, its disturbingly low emotional degree of maturity, is not acknowledged by people, they do not believe in spiritual higher development on earth because they are psychologically and physically only attached to earth. All their intentions and efforts purely aspire towards the acquisition of earthly goods, and the perfection of soul as the purpose of earthly life is considered to be a mere fantasy or imagination which came forth from human will itself and cannot be proven. Only few believe in life after death but only this belief makes the necessity for higher development on earth understandable, because only then all of creation makes sense.... namely to serve the higher development of the spirit.... But since this belief is lacking in people, since they negate the soul's life after death, they do not recognise a spiritual purpose of creation either, they merely regard everything from the point of view that earthly life itself is meaning and purpose and that everything simply exists to serve the body in order to provide it with the greatest possible comfort. And this attitude does not improve the human degree of maturity but is more likely to reduce it if the human being does not receive help, if God's love does not intervene with His mercy and enlightens him. And this mercy is now flowing to them yet it is not understood by many people or they would be highly delighted and able to accomplish their struggle on earth with increased resistance. But human beings are spiritually blind.... they do not know the purest truth from heaven and only have eyes for the world, they understand all worldly things but lack the inner urge to look beyond these to know the hidden things because no one can provide them with the evidence of life after death.... __(Break)
Will for descendants.... Waiting souls....
Countless souls are waiting for embodiment and thus new generations have to arise time and again. Human beings have to be born all the time so that souls can occupy their bodies during their final period of development on earth. Hence people's willingness is always necessary for the embodiment of a soul, and at the same time it is also an act of love for the unredeemed soul if people offer it the opportunity for its final incarnation on earth. Only the will to awaken a new life should be the reason for a union between a man and a woman; without this will the bodily function, which is only intended for the awakening of a human life, is unlawfully performed. Many sins are committed in this respect, i.e. the divine will is not taken into account, the body is not educated to carry out its correct task and subsequently many souls wait in vain and cannot incarnate even though they have the degree of development which permits an earthly embodiment. These souls remain close to earth and try to persuade people to unite, especially people who are in love, since love has to be the motivating force for a union to bring forth new life. Love between two human beings is essential to give the awakened soul during its short time on earth the opportunity to achieve the kind of maturity which will result in its entrance into the realm of light. A loveless union provides the opportunity for embodiment to those souls whose bad instincts are still particularly strong and who, as a result, have to struggle considerably during their earthly life to overcome these instincts.... __The human will to have children is, however, mostly due to love for each other, and it is of great advantage for the incarnating soul if this love prevails because the spark of love leaps into the new-born being and it can gain spiritual maturity on earth much easier. Nevertheless, the effort to avoid descendants can be harmful to the souls who are willing to incarnate, in as much as people's sexuality adds to the same urges in the new being whose soul consequently constantly has to fight against them during its earthly life. Souls who cannot incarnate nevertheless stay close to people and trouble them, i.e. they try to influence people to unite for the purpose of procreation. Understandably, in that case physical desires will always be stronger since the souls only try to influence people along the lines of their inclination, they just want to transfer physical lusts to get the opportunity for their own embodiment. Consequently, people who unite sexually without love shoulder a tremendous responsibility as they are surrounded by souls who want to incarnate, and their lust attracts equally disposed souls who use these uninhibited moments to occupy a newly created being which now starts its earthly path of life as a human being. And such souls are mainly predominant because only few souls entered life as a result of love and a conscious will for descendants. For this reason human generations will become consistently less spiritual because there is little love between people who were also born without love.... __Amen
Professional missionaries.... Academic knowledge....
Every mission on earth with the aim of redeeming the bound souls is pleasing to God and thus has His blessing, but those who have accepted such a mission as their task in life must also endeavour to spread the pure truth. Not everyone can therefore carry out this work if he does not know the truth himself. And the human being's will is once again the decisive factor.... it depends on the reason which impels him to tackle this work. His good will to be of service to God and to lead lost souls to Him will also grant him the pure truth which enables him to accomplish redemptive work on earth. This is why such an intention must first be preceded by the realisation of his own lack of knowledge, which prompts him to genuinely turn to God with an appeal for spiritual enlightenment. Only this fulfils the first condition for a profession, which must arise from the heart, but it must not be a profession in the sense of the word. However, the danger of the latter exists once a person deems himself knowledgeable due to academically accepted knowledge which nevertheless does not enable him to work as a teacher, because he does not recognise the truth as yet and therefore cannot pass it on either. In that case he will never be able to instruct his fellow human beings correctly. He will not be able to explain the purpose and goal of earthly life to them because he has no knowledge of the very first beginning and the ultimate goal of everything which must take the path across earth. He will merely strictly adhere to dogmatic teachings, which are certainly passed on again academically but which do not stimulate the soul's activity and would be able to awaken its indwelling spirit. The human being merely accepts the knowledge intellectually but it fails to enter his heart and therefore does not achieve the soul's transformation which, however, is absolutely essential for the soul's redemption from its bound state. This academic knowledge can therefore never be enough for a mission on earth whose aim is the redemption of erring souls.... And thus it is also understandable why professional missionaries have such little success unless profound humility towards God and deepest love for their fellow human beings impels them to take up this office.... For only the latter are true servants of God whose work amongst people can be a blessing for them. True service to God solely consists of helping to redeem that which had emerged from God and separated from Him but which the eternal Love will never turn away from.... And as soon as a person sets himself this task in life and, in recognition of his own ignorance, desires God's support, he will be of service to God. Then he will be able to fulfil his task conscientiously and successfully, he will fulfil his mission on earth and contribute towards the redemption of the bound souls.... Whereas the actual profession of a servant of God is no guarantee that he had first fulfilled the condition and thus he must also be denied the ability of being able to instruct his fellow human beings of the truth. Consequently, the redemption of these souls is questionable, because only truth can set people free, because only the pure truth is redemptive.... __Amen
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