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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Again and again explanations are given to you about the mission of the man Jesus on earth since, especially about this, such a poor knowledge was passed on to you on the part of those who feel appointed of having to teach you but have not entered a deeper [degree of] knowledge by themselves....and are therefore not informed well enough about the work of redemption and its spiritual meaning, to the extent of being capable to teach their neighbors. And thus people have never understood it properly nor do they know it either what deep of a meaning the work of redemption has for all mankind....They do not know the purpose of the earthly life is unfulfilled unless they take the path to the cross, to the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ. __The humans are not aware the cause for their existence as a human being on this earth is the great original sin, the falling away of the spirits from God, once.... That the whole earth and all of the creations in the universe were only the result of that one [great] fall of the spirits, and that the sole purpose of these creations is to have the fallen spiritual return to God again.... For this [spiritual], disintegrated in countless particles, moves through the creations and in this way slowly covers the path towards God.... It's true, it is an unspeakably painful condition which the spiritual is found in during its path of return because it is not free but powerless and, even though the awareness of the self is taken away from the disintegrated spiritual, the spiritual still senses the pains of the confinement within the works of creation. Because, before it's falling away from God, it existed in complete freedom and any constraint for the spiritual is a condition of pain. The immense agonies of the confinement in the form.... may it be in the mineral- and botanical-or the animal world which it has to move through..... do not suffice for the atonement of that one immense sin, though, which the spiritual beings had burdened themselves with by their revolt against God.[It is] because the beings were in possession of the highest insight, they knew about their origin and were continuously imbued by the love of God Who, by that, provided them with an immense bliss. And yet, being aware of their origin, they rejected this power of love and thus became slaves of the darkness.... __Consequently, then, this tremendous original sin could not be atoned for, however big the pains in the confined condition [matter] may be.... And, hence, to those fallen beings the entry to the kingdom of light would have been denied for ever if not the atonement of the [original] sin would have been taken on by a light-being who gave himself in love to perform the work of atonement for the fallen brothers. For this light-being, i.e. a non-fallen original spirit who personified itself in the human Jesus on earth was this, to be achieved by it, a work of mercy of unique [extraordinary] kind, because it stepped down from the light into the dark spheres of the spiritual who became sinful. It stepped down into the kingdom of the opponent of God, of the first-fallen original spirit Lucifer, who kept its followers in bonds and demanded an outrageous redemption price for each one soul.... And it is the human Jesus who paid this sacrificial price by his work of redemption, by means of a walk of immense sufferings and pain which came to an end with his death at the cross.... So he thus atoned for the great original sin of the once fallen spiritual and also for the sin of all mankind on earth, which was the result of their taking sides with the opponent of God.... __He accomplished an amazing work of mercy and he was only able to carry it out because he was filled with love; because on earth he structured himself as a human in such a way that the eternal Divinity -love incarnated- could take abode in him; that It could fully and thoroughly imbue him with the power of love and hence this love now offered the sacrifice, which in effect every human must adopt freely i.o. to be set free from the power of the opponent [satan]. For it is the human being who is the spiritual who is [now] returning to God through the works of the creation, having again gathered itself from amongst the individual particles and was permitted to embody itself as the soul in man, for the sake of now intentionally covering the last distance of the-path-of-return; to now intentionally accept the help of Jesus Christ, without Whom one's striving for the height would remain without success. __No human can or must avoid Jesus Christ because there is no redemption from the power of the opponent of God without Him Who has conquered the opponent by His death on the cross and now wrests [forces] every soul from him who takes the path to the cross on his own, who asks Jesus for forgiveness of one's sin and help for the sake of again to be able to return to the Father. This knowledge about the meaning of the work of redemption must be channeled to the people, and only then they will by their own free will turn to Him and [thus] also, with His help, reach their destination. They will return to their Father's house, to their God and Creator and now [finally] remain with Him forever.... __Amen
Fear and misery.... God's intervention - Battle of faith....
You may take it for granted that you will soon enter the last stage before the end.... For the signs will be noticeable which were predicted in Word and Scripture.... However, under no circumstances will you be compelled to believe it, for every person is free to find his own explanation as to whether it corresponds to the truth or not.... Yet the spiritually minded person knows that a period is coming to an end, and he also knows that a new one will start again, because countless spiritual beings shall still be redeemed which travel the path across earth partly in a constrained state and partly as free beings for the purpose of their return to God.... Everything will take place in lawful order, both the disintegration of the creation as well as the reshaping of the earth, because God's plan of Salvation has been predetermined for eternity.... And due to your eternal God and Creator's immense grace you humans who live in the last days are permitted to be informed of what lies ahead of you.... You will be initiated into His plan of Salvation if you want to know the truth about it, and therefore you may receive His Word which in all truthfulness informs you of everything pertaining to the act of creation and deification.... For it is not His will that you should experience the end in complete ignorance because.... if you just possess a small glimmer of realisation.... you will make an effort to fulfil the purpose of your earthly life which entails that you will bring the act of deification to fruition in earthly life and thus reach your goal.... __However, it requires your free will to know the truth, and then you will also be able to believe everything that is conveyed to you humans through the Word of God from above. Then you will also find it credible that the end and a total transformation of the earth is near, for your spirit will explain much to you and all correlations will fall into place.... And thus you will also be able to observe happenings in the world which will have alarming consequences for the whole of mankind.... You will watch how people proceed against each other and the measures all participants take in order to assert their authority.... You will get very frightened, for you humans will be threatened by an exterminatory war of immense proportions, there will be widespread fear which will only bypass the few who completely hand themselves over to their God and Creator, their Father of eternity, and who therefore will be led out of every adversity.... And His guidance will be truly remarkable, for He Himself will intervene.... Yet, instead of diminishing, the tribulation will become much worse, for then people will be faced by and find themselves at the mercy of a natural disaster, a raging of elements, which cannot be humanly prevented, because it is the expression of that Power Which is in control of all forces and Which the elements have to obey in accordance with Its will.... __And this will be the dawning of a time which can truly be regarded as the greatest misery that has ever come across this earth.... but which, again, will not be quite so severely felt by His Own because they may receive God's extraordinary help at all times.... Yet those who are distant from their God and Creator, who do not believe in His love and wisdom, in His greater than great might, will have to suffer great hardship because they won't call upon the One Who can help them in their distress.... They will not acknowledge Him and are still of the same opposing spirit as they were at the time of their apostasy from God, and thus they will return to the abyss again, from where they had already raised themselves with the help of God and just had to pass their last test of will in order to be completely redeemed from all guilt. For in the last days a brutal battle will erupt against Jesus Christ, Whom you humans have to acknowledge as God's Son and Redeemer of the world in Whom God Himself became a human being.... so that you can then enter the spiritual kingdom in a redeemed state.... Yet God's adversary will declare war on all those who believe in Him, and therefore everyone will have to publicly profess Him before the world.... And only those who have accepted His Word which was transmitted to earth from above will be able to profess Him, for they will recognise the truth and know Who Jesus Christ was and why He has to be acknowledged, and they will remain faithful to Him until the end and belong to those who will be carried away when the day of the end has come.... The battle of faith will be the last test of endurance for you humans, but which you who know the truth will be able to pass.... This is why God time and again conveys His Word to earth, so that all people can partake of the truth in order to also uphold it before the world during the final battle of faith, for only the truth will provide them with the information about Jesus Christ, and only faith in Him will give you the strength to persevere until the end.... until He comes Himself to fetch you into His kingdom.... __Amen
True servants of God.... Instituted words.... Working of ...
You, who believe in Me and the working of My spirit within you, receive extraordinary knowledge from Me.... And this knowledge obliges you to communicate with your fellow human beings, for you don't just receive it for yourselves, you merely act as mediators between Me and people whom I cannot address directly but who urgently require truthful information in order to be able to fulfil their earthly task. Their will to draw closer to their God and Creator again has to be stimulated, and therefore they must be enlightened about Me and their relationship with their God and Creator.... They know about My will and their task on earth.... Only then can they be held to account as to whether and how they make use of their earthly life. They must also be informed of the process of return they are going through themselves and the reasons on which this is based.... For all this knowledge can help people to reflect about themselves and give their presently purely worldly attitude a spiritual outlook so that their pilgrimage across this earth will not remain unsuccessful but result in their return to Me and to supreme bliss, as was destined for them in the very beginning. __This task of distributing the knowledge conveyed to you from above is your most important work, the implementation of which can lead to tremendous blessings.... I Myself will support any task you undertake on My behalf, for the result could be that I will win back countless saved souls which My adversary has to return to Me if it is their own will. And then these souls will have completed a process of development which has lasted for an infinitely long time already.... but which can be prolonged for an infinitely long time again if the human being fails on earth.... I convey to you, My messengers of light, such extensive knowledge as to enable you to carry much light into the spiritual darkness.... And your fellow human beings need only open their hearts and ears in order to partake in a greater than great treasure of grace which you are permitted to unearth because you want to be of service to Me. You shall only ever distribute the bread of heaven and the water of life, the healing strength of which is true wine for your souls.... Then you will be My true disciples to whom I give this instruction just as I gave it to My first disciples when I took the last Supper with them. Although I handed them food for the body they nevertheless knew that My instruction meant the distribution of spiritual food.... they knew that My Words called them to the teaching ministry, that they should carry My Gospel into the world, that they should nourish their fellow human beings' souls with My Word which they had received from Me and continued to receive through the working of My spirit within them.... __Thus I called these disciples and instructed them to go out into the world.... But this instruction first required them to receive from Me the bread of heaven, the water of life, for they were meant to pass on divine gifts and not human ideas which do not benefit the soul. Thus, as long as these proclaimers of My Word and their successors were called to teach through the working of My spirit within them, they were My representatives, My disciples, and therefore the successors of My first disciples who had received the true Gospel from Me.... And everyone can regard himself as My disciple, as successor of the first disciples whom I had called to the teaching ministry.... in whom My spirit works such that he is introduced from within to extensive knowledge which cannot be intellectually acquired.... And even traditionally adopted spiritual knowledge first necessitates My spirit's working in the proclaimer so that he can fully understand this spiritual knowledge and pass it on in a way that it will have a truly beneficial effect on those who are being taught.... __Only a spiritually awakened proclaimer of My Word is a true successor to My disciples.... and not those preachers who decided for themselves to make it their career and who believe that they can academically acquire the knowledge with which they then want to work in My vineyard.... These labourers are unsuitable for they have to wait until I call them Myself, prior to this they cannot work properly in My vineyard because I Myself want to work through My spirit in those who are active for Me and My kingdom. And neither can this calling come from fellow human beings, from someone who, in turn, has also taken up his office without an inner calling, who was also made a `servant of God' by his fellow men.... This teaching ministry carries so much responsibility that it truly also requires the qualifications for it and human will or human action can never suffice to confer such an office.... I descended to earth Myself in order to bring My Word to humanity, the knowledge which corresponds to the truth, which grants complete enlightenment and returns a person into a state of realisation which was his share before his apostasy from God.... I brought this Word to people Myself and.... since I was only able to stay for a limited period of time on earth.... chose suitable vessels for Myself whom I filled with My flow of spirit, whom I instructed Myself and.... since they lived a life of love.... to whom I also promised the working of My spirit while they carried out My instructions.... __And you humans know that due to people's free will the purest truth can be spoilt if the conditions no longer exist which permit the working of My spirit.... Do you really believe that all people who claim to be My `representatives on earth', who claim to be the successors of My first disciples, displayed the prerequisites which enabled the working of My spirit? And thus the pure truth was no longer guaranteed, for a person who has not shaped himself into a vessel for My spirit can be easily influenced by My adversary, whose sole intention is to always undermine My pure truth.... This is why countless misguided teachings were able to assert themselves without being recognised by them as such.... For wherever My spirit is as yet unable to work darkness still prevails, for only My spirit ignites the light in the human being, for My spiritual spark is love, and love is also light and strength.... __As the divine spark of love in the human being.... the spark of God's spirit.... unites with the eternal Father-Spirit a bright light has to shine which no error can endure, because it will be exposed and refuted by the truth from Me, Who will only ever support the pure truth and make it accessible to you humans.... Understand that this was the real meaning of My last Supper with My disciples, that they thus received the instruction to bring the pure truth to people and at the same time mention My act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Jesus, therefore I said: Do this in remembrance of Me.... For only by proclaiming the pure Gospel was it also possible to provide people with the knowledge of My act of Salvation.... And since this knowledge is extremely important I mentioned it with the above Words, for all people who want to become blessed should remember Me.... But as long as precisely these `instituted' words are misunderstood and associated with a completely senseless action there is still profound spiritual darkness in people.... And this I why I now instruct My last disciples again to carry My Word into the world, the pure truth which I was able to convey to them through My spirit `which effectually worketh also in you that believe'.... __Amen
God will implement His act of Salvation....
Nothing will prevent Me from implementing My eternal plan of Salvation, for My love and wisdom have realised from the start when it is necessary to manifest My Power, to restructure My work of creation called Earth by virtue of My might, and this time will be adhered to, for that which I realise to be necessary will also be carried out by Me. For people's low spiritual level necessitates this change, since it almost cannot be surpassed anymore, and thus the day which was designated for eternity is not far away anymore.... All that needs to be done now is to provide people with the greatest possible help so that those who accept it will still be saved. Yet no-one should think that he can persuade Me to abandon My eternal plan of Salvation.... although I will always grant heartfelt prayers, as I have promised. But you should not pray for the prevention of the last Judgment on this earth, because this act is purely an act of love on My part and you should never prevent Me in My activity of love.... For I know that a complete transformation is necessary, both for you humans as well as all the spiritual substances which are still bound in the creations and which should strive to ascend. And if you pray for prevention then you are only motivated by selfish love because you neither want to forgo your earthly life nor your earthly possessions.... If, however, your love aims in the right direction so that it belongs to Me and your neighbour then your spirit will also be sufficiently enlightened so that you will be able to realise that the last Judgment is an act of love on My part.... Then you will recognise the low spiritual level yourselves and you will know that I must give rise to a change in order to save what can still be saved.... I have indeed always referred to this last end yet never mentioned a time to you, and even now I will not inform you of the precise time but you can be assured that My proclamations will soon fulfil themselves, that you will not have much time left until the end of the earth.... that you are very close to it.... And when you pray then only pray that many people may still become enlightened, that they may take the path to the cross, so that the hour of the end will not mean their downfall but beatitude for them.... Try to explain the commandments of love to all people, try to motivate them into changing their love into unselfish love for their neighbour, and you will truly pray correctly when you pray for help for the people close to you which have not yet gained realisation themselves.... __But do not think that prayer campaigns will be able to determine Me and My will not to accomplish My plan of Salvation, for it really would not be an act of grace, instead My adversary would merely increase the number of his adherents, and even My Own would be at risk of being plunged into ruin by him.... Believe that My love and wisdom only ever want what is best for My living creations, that even this last Judgment is not an act of punishment on My part but only a judgment of that which has completely left My order.... I want to restore the order which was revoked through human will, through My adversary's influence, so that even My living creations' process of return is at risk.... My plan of Salvation only ever intends to return the fallen beings to Me.... However, you humans lack the overall view, the correct realisation, and neither do you know to what depth the human race has sunk already and that therefore the point in time has come that its fall will have to be stopped, that the souls will have to be wrest from My adversary again and banned anew, so that one day they will have the opportunity once more to start on the return path to Me, which they forfeited in this life on earth, which they failed to make use of and are therefore lost again due to their own fault. But My adversary will not keep them in his control, and that is a plus for the fallen soul already, which has to pass through the creations of the new earth in a dissolved state again. You humans are unaware that I Am only ever determined by love because one day you shall become My Own again.... and only see the punishing God in Me.... Yet you have created this `punishment' yourselves, through your inclination towards matter, which has become your downfall, you have aspired towards this fate yourselves.... For matter belongs to My adversary, thus you voluntarily handed yourselves over to his authority, and he will hold on to you until I Myself wrest you away again from him, which will happen through a banishment into hard matter.... but which, at the same time, will be the start of your ascent from the abyss to the pinnacle again.... All this will be said to you time and time again, and therefore prepare yourselves for an end of this earth and do whatever it takes to detach yourselves from the one who wants to ruin you.... Come to Me and, truly, I will help you to resist him.... Then you need not fear the end, which will irrevocably come as I have proclaimed to you.... __Amen
Correct decision of will in the state of self-awareness....
Your soul will never lose its self-awareness again, it will recognise itself as My once emanated spirit of light as soon as it has attained the state of perfection, in which it will also fully realise the purpose I gave to every being when I created it. Then the soul will also have an abundance of strength so that there is nothing impossible for the soul, that it can create and work according to its own will which, however, has completely entered Mine. And this is a state of unlimited bliss which you humans are incapable of comprehending because you are limited beings.... limited in your strength as well as in light, which constantly increase the closer you are to perfection. You once came forth from Me in brightest light and in brightest light you return to Me again in order to live a life of unlimited beatitude forever. But no matter how thoroughly it is put across to you that you can create such a blissful fate yourselves, you nevertheless still conduct your psychological work half-heartedly because you do not believe with conviction and because you simply find it incomprehensible that you can reach such a high goal as human beings.... And yet, it can only be presented to you, the knowledge can be conveyed to you but you must utilise it yourselves, for if I Myself would make you act according to My will you would no longer have free will. But the latter is necessary in order to attain the state of highest perfection. However, I set Myself this plan a very long time ago and it will certainly be carried out, even if it takes eternities.... Sooner or later you will all attain this beatitude and then the time it took you will seem insignificant to you, for then every concept of time and space will have come to an end, the time you took will appear like a moment, whilst eternity lies ahead of you when you can enjoy pleasures without end. But while you are still living in a state of imperfection on earth you will have to bear much sorrow, for your soul's imperfection is a state of adversity and suffering which you can only numb yourselves through earthly joys and pleasures but which will not be improved, instead, it will surface time and again as long as you are not yet perfect. __Life on earth is merely an illusive existence for it is not permanent, it passes by, it is not absolute reality, only the spiritual kingdom can be that for the soul, whose true home is the spiritual realm after all. But the earthly realm can contribute towards removing the soul's impurities and enabling it to enter the spiritual kingdom in an utterly light-receptive state. And for this purpose you humans live on earth, because you should remove the impurities from your soul of your own free will, which is certainly possible for you if you strive towards the goal of living a profoundly blissful life one day for all eternity.... You merely need to be willing to become again what you were in the beginning, and truly, I will help to make it easier for you to achieve.... You should only ever visualise the high goal you can reach.... and you should want to reach it. For this resolve alone determines your fate.... And you can rest assured that I will not let you fall anymore once you grant Me this will.... You must merely be absolutely serious and not just use words which your heart is unaware of. This change of will can only be revealed by a self-aware being, for this very reason the state of self-awareness is so extraordinarily important.... For now you can think and use your intelligence, you can use the vitality of life granted to you according to My will.... you can be lovingly active.... Then you will also turn towards Me and I will hold on to you forever. You don't have much time left for this decision of will, for the human being's life on earth is like a moment in eternity, however, if you make the right decision the time will be sufficient to reverse your nature into love.... And if your will is wrongly inclined you would only descend abysmally low again were you granted more time as a human being on earth.... For the further you distance yourselves from Me, the stronger would My adversary's influence become.... This is why this time on earth as a human is limited and in eternity judged like a moment, during which you can nevertheless reach Me and be as boundlessly happy again as you were in the beginning. You will never be left without help, you will never have to rely on yourselves, I Am always ready for you and only wait for your call which proves that you grant Me your will which I will definitely accept and seize My children again in order to never let go of them; for you came forth from My strength of love, you are also a part of Me, even if you once turned to the one who was the first to fall away from Me when he should have passed the test of will that would have made him the most blissful being forever, which was meant to create and work with Me in the whole of infinity as My image.... __Amen
Indication of the many adversities before the end....
Earth will still experience much adversity, but only ever people directly affected will derive a psychological benefit from it, if they are not entirely hardened.... Yet their fellow human beings are not impressed by it for long and therefore they, too, will be affected in other ways, for I have truly many teaching methods at My disposal which I have to use if I don't want to let people go astray and completely lose them to My adversary. For it is like a disease that they rather comply with the will of the one who wants to ruin them than with Mine, Who only wants to help them achieve beatitude.... __My Words and admonitions bear little fruit and they have to be struck more severely if their thinking is to change and turn to Me. Only adversities which they are unable to master themselves can push them towards Me.... only the kind of desperate situations which make all help seem impossible can induce them to pray, to call upon Me in spirit and in truth. And if they are not entirely hardened, if they still have a glimmer of faith in an almighty and loving God and Creator within themselves then they will indeed call upon Me, and I will give evidence of Myself to them, because I Am only interested that they believe in Me with a living faith. For only a living faith will give them the strength for resistance during every earthly tribulation. Since it is the time of the end, the time of affliction will not stop either and time and again will affect people in different ways, and then a living faith will be of great help, for their trust in Me lets people bear everything more easily and confidently wait for help. __And from all directions you will hear reports about all kinds of accidents and disasters, and then you should always remember that I thereby only intend to change people's hearts, that nothing happens to people without reason and purpose, whatever it may be. And I often have to use such means which are unrelated to human cause, to human failure, for they are not meant to recognise their fellow human beings' shortcomings or sinfulness but identify Me Myself as the originator of conditions which put them into hopeless situations.... For they ought to call upon Me and not expect help from their fellow human beings who are unable to provide it. People have only one means of rescue left, and that is that they establish their bond with Me themselves, for the end will irrevocably arrive and the preceding time of adversity can only be endured by people who closely unite with Me and therefore can also always be certain of My help. For I love you humans and want to help you.... I have the power to do so and thus Am able to help you.... I only want you to appeal to Me yourselves, to take the path to Me, so that you will be saved and need not fear the final end.... For you will need much strength to withstand all onslaughts by My adversary, and you constantly should accept this strength from Me.... Yet this necessitates the sincere bond with Me which assures you a sufficient flow of strength and enables you to victoriously cope with all challenges. __And the closer it gets to the end the more subject will you become to adversity and sorrow, because there is not much time and My obvious intervention is necessary by which you can still escape the worst fate.... the banishment into matter, into the new works of creation on earth. This fate is so appalling that all earthly adversity seems small in comparison if you could assess the whole extent of the former. But you may not decide to change as a result of fear and dread and so cannot receive a complete overview, you can only ever be told about your fate, which you may or may not believe.... However, one day you will be grateful to Me when you, as a result of large earthly disasters, were spared this appalling fate.... __The time for the people of this earth is irrevocably coming to an end, and this also explains the harsh strokes of fate they will suffer.... But since love has grown cold amongst people their sympathy is not far-reaching either.... Only when people are affected themselves will such disasters and miseries cause them to stop and think and for once turn their thoughts spiritually to the One Who is Lord over life and death, over heaven and earth, Who is the Originator of all creation, to Whom everything is possible, Whom you humans only have to call upon with complete trust in order to receive assured help and thereby also the evidence of Himself, so that your faith will become a living one.... You could lessen the extent of your suffering yourselves if only you would revert to the faith you humans have lost, for the increasing disasters are due to the fact that the spiritual low level has been reached, that people have neither faith nor practice love and therefore live in complete darkness.... But they have to learn to recognise a God and Creator, they have to believe in Him and His infinite love, and then they will also be permitted to experience this love in every earthly and spiritual adversity.... __Yet even the harshest strokes of fate will often fail to change people, and therefore they cause the downfall themselves, they themselves contribute to the fact that the earth will be destroyed and a new one prepared, for it is intended to serve the souls for higher development. And this spiritual task has become impossible since people are getting worse and therefore everything has to be arranged anew, everything that has stepped out of it has to be brought back into lawful order.... that thus a work of transformation will be carried out on earth in accordance with the plan of eternity.... __Yet My loving care will still apply to all human beings until the end.... I will still use every method which promises success in order to reduce the number of those who will be banished into matter, so that they will be able to repeat their process of development from the abyss to the pinnacle which, although dreadfully agonising, nevertheless wrests the spiritual essence from My adversary's hands or it would never be able to return to Me.... __Amen
Difference between the 'working of the spirit' and 'psych...
You should always bear in mind that the truth is intended to be distributed everywhere, therefore I must convey it to earth in all places, and this is always possible as soon as a person fulfils the requirements which the 'working of My spirit' in a person are based on. First, the willingness to be of service to Me has to motivate a person to enter into heartfelt contact with Me, and he will indeed be accepted as a labourer in My vineyard, since he is living a life of love otherwise he would not offer himself to Me as a co-worker. Hence, love is likewise the precondition that I can choose him as a suitable vessel into which My spirit can pour. Another requirement is the strong and living faith that I speak to My child as a Father, when it desires Me to speak.... And a further indispensable prerequisite is that he is permeated with the desire to be taught the absolute truth and that he therefore turns to the Eternal Truth Itself in order to receive it.... Now you will say that you humans are meeting every one of these requirements and that I should therefore be able to give My Word directly to many people.... Consequently, you will also gullibly accept messages from the spiritual world although they cannot be rated as the 'working of the divine spirit'. For many people have an overwhelming urge to make contact with the supernatural world, and since all of you humans are surrounded by inhabitants of the world beyond, you will surely find it understandable that they will also make use of every opportunity to make contact with you in order to express themselves to you. __It is indeed difficult for you to recognise the difference between such communications from the spirit world and the genuine 'working of My spirit'.... Yet the one thing I want you to consider is that I merely want to assist your soul to become perfect on earth.... and that therefore the contents of My imparted spiritual knowledge through the working of the spirit will be the Gospel of love.... furthermore, that you, in order to find redemption on earth from your original sin, need to receive the knowledge about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation.... about the cause and spiritual reason for His mission.... and about My human manifestation in Him.... And you need to be enlightened by Me about your origin and your goal and about My eternal plan of Salvation, through which I will one day reach the goal I set for Myself when I created you.... This extensive knowledge can only be conveyed to you through the 'working of My spirit' in you, and therefore only those people can claim to be true Word-recipients whom I have initiated Myself either directly or through My messengers of light, through perfect beings in the spiritual kingdom which absorb the light ray of My love and forward it on My instruction. And thus everyone believing himself to receive My Word should first seriously question whether he received this knowledge from Me, whether he can state with conviction that he was 'initiated' by Me into the truth, into a knowledge which was previously still unknown to him.... The information about My plan of Salvation can only be conveyed to people by Me directly, for anyone who only accepts it intellectually from other people will not understand it, even if it corresponds to the truth, because it requires spiritual enlightenment in order to comprehend it.... And I certainly convey this knowledge to earth in a clear and fully understandable way in all countries on earth, and it will totally concur, because only pure truth can come forth from Me and this will never contradict itself.... And the recipients of such extensive knowledge should do everything in their power and try to distribute it. __And this can always be used as a guideline for proclamations from the supernatural world, for as soon as they fail to impart to people the profound knowledge of My eternal plan of Salvation they do not originate from Me but are expressions of those spirits which are not yet entitled to teach because they are not yet permeated by the light which they should forward on My instructions. It is particularly important to know in which way such messages are conveyed to a person, whether he, in a fully conscious state, mentally or audibly hears clear Words or whether a spiritual being speaks through the mouth of a person in a psychic state, who surrendered his will and is therefore unable to test which spirit takes possession of him. This examination must always be carried out first, for although truthful messages can be received in a psychic state too, such momentous and extensive knowledge which provides complete clarification about My eternal plan of Salvation will never be conveyed to people in this way.... Then partial truths may well be imparted but to the same extent misguided teachings can also slip in, such as the wrong description of the Deity in Jesus, Whose correct portrayal is, however, of utmost importance. And as soon as people are taught wrongly, especially in this respect, they still live in error and every error has a disastrous effect on the human being's soul. I don't keep clarifying this time and again for no reason, because Jesus Christ's act of Salvation and My human manifestation must be fully understood by you humans.... For the purpose of your existence on earth is that you will be free from all guilt when you pass into the kingdom of the beyond. And only if you possess a truthful explanation about this act of Salvation by Jesus Christ will you consciously take the path to the cross, you, who once denied Me your acknowledgement, will consciously acknowledge Me again of your own free will.… __But precisely as long as this problem of My human manifestation is not yet solved by you, you will still live in spiritual darkness.... And if you are now being taught by those in the spiritual realm which are instructed by Me to teach you and to convey My Word to you, then these beings of light will first of all provide this significant knowledge, and thereby you will also recognise the working of My spirit in you.... Then you will not need to be afraid of being used by other spiritual forces, which certainly will also disguise themselves and claim to be your guides and yet do not have the knowledge themselves as to be able to enlighten you. However, you humans don't know how My adversary influences people as well as the still immature beings in the beyond, and you don't know that he will try everything in his power in order to undermine the pure truth and to make people believe that they know the truth. Their skilful disguise will cause much harm, because people allow themselves to be used and are far too gullible themselves.... For they lack the right judgment, and they confuse the transmission from the supernatural spheres with the 'working of My spirit', which irrefutably grants truth to those who are instructed by Me to spread the truth throughout the world. And you should accept this truth and comply with My will, you should not just be listeners but doers, and then you will no longer need to doubt and question but know that you possess the truth.... __Amen
Jesus is God....
Most profound wisdom can be revealed to you once you are receptive to it, and then you will also be able to penetrate knowledge which can only be understood in its complete profundity by an awakened spirit. Yet, if you desire an explanation where you are still not clear in your thinking, I will always help you to understand if you desire the truth. Then I will speak to you such that you can understand Me.... I will address My children with the voice of the Father according to their degree of comprehension: My nature is indeed inscrutable, and even if you steadily keep perfecting yourselves it will nevertheless remain unfathomable to you for all eternity. Nevertheless, you should strive for highest perfection and thereby finally find union with Me.... You should completely enter My nature, you should.... as once emanated sparks of light, merge again with the eternal fire of My love and still remain self-aware beings.... You will never be able to grasp this as long as you live as a human being on earth because your thinking will remain limited during this time, but the said process of fusing with Me can only be explained by the fact that everything of a perfect nature knows no limitation, that the union with Me definitely signifies your complete permeation with My strength of love, but I Myself will eternally remain out of reach for you.... I Am, therefore, close to you and yet you will never be able to reach Me.... For you must not imagine Me as a limited Entity since I Am not bound to time and space. You will never lose your self-awareness again, regardless of how intimately you are united with Me, because you will be totally permeated by Me with My strength.... Yet in infinity you will act as self-aware beings, and precisely that is your bliss. Then you will have attained your deification, the goal I set for Myself when I created you. You will have become My images, you will consist of the same fundamental substance as I Myself and you will be able to create and work in brightest illumination of wisdom, in possession of unlimited strength and with complete freedom of will and let new life arise from within yourselves.... Having become as perfect as your Father in Heaven is, you are miniatures of Me.... Jesus' soul was also subject to the same law when it.... as a being emanated by Me.... had to undertake its test of will and passed it, thus it remained with Me when the host of originally created spirits fell away from Me.... __This Being was so devoted to Me in love that It voluntarily offered Itself for the mission on earth to suffer for Its fallen brothers and to die as a human being in order to redeem the latter and bring My children back to Me.... Jesus accomplished this unique act, which no person has ever achieved before and will never be able to achieve afterwards either: to completely unite with Me on earth already, to manage the complete spiritualisation of soul and body so that the whole Being could be totally permeated, which was distinctly demonstrated by His ascension.... I was able to manifest Myself in Him, that is, I Myself, the Eternal Deity, the all pervading and penetrating strength, could never be personified.... However, I was able to completely permeate a form and nothing human remained in this form, even the external shell had become spirit of My spirit. The soul completely merged with Me and, in the true sense of the Word, 'Jesus' became 'God'.... His will, His thoughts, His actions were My will, My thoughts and My actions.... Two beings could no longer be spoken of.... It was an absolute union with Me, Jesus was, is and will remain for all My created beings the visible God.... The self-aware Jesus-soul returned to its original state of being, for it was the same emanated strength of love which merely united itself with the elementary power and thus completely merged with it, so that one can only speak of the Elementary Power.... of God Himself, the all-pervading Spirit, when Jesus is spoken of.... His Jesus-soul did not return as a perfect spirit from earth, instead it completely handed itself over to the Eternal Deity while it was still on earth, it abandoned itself for the sake of the greatest mystery: the human manifestation of God and His becoming visible for all beings which once had emerged from Him.... God and Jesus are one and the same, Jesus is not a second self-aware being but through His life on earth He attained the highest and final goal: complete fusion with Me, so that only My will and My thinking govern the Being Which controls and governs the spiritual kingdom as a visible God.... However, you humans will only be able to understand that when no limited concept exists for you anymore; and even then My nature will be, and remain, inscrutable, nevertheless you will be permitted to behold your God and Creator.... the most perfect Being in infinity.... face to face, and then you will know that apart from Him, Who became visible to you in Jesus, no other God exists.... And you will come aglow with burning love and forever strive towards Him, and He will return your love and make you abundantly happy.... For My love knows no limitation, nor will your beatitude be limited, instead it will last forever.... __Amen
Jesus taught love on Earth....
Jesus' soul brought love along with it to earth and therefore He was able to take excessive suffering upon Himself, since love gave Him the strength to do so. He knew that people were especially lacking love and were therefore weak and powerless. Although they also sheltered a tiny spark of love, hence they were capable of love, nevertheless, they were unwilling to love because it was smothered by My adversary.... who increasingly stimulated their selfish love and prevented selfless love from coming through. Consequently Jesus exemplified a life of love to people.... Jesus only treated His fellow human beings with kindness, He healed their afflictions, He comforted them and helped wherever help was needed.... He was unselfish and always willing to ease people's fate on earth.... __He taught them why they should live a life of love, He warned them of the consequences of a heartless way of life, just as He repeatedly demonstrated to them the effects of a life of love and provided the proof Himself by being capable of great feats of strength, by healing the sick and performing miracles by virtue of His constantly increasing love.... for He was closely united with God, the Eternal Love Itself.... And therefore Jesus taught people to establish the bond with God, their eternal Father, which can only take place through love and through heartfelt prayer.... All this had become unfamiliar to people and only a few lived a life of love, but they soon recognised Jesus as the promised Messiah, they recognised in Him the Father.... This love had kindled a small light in them which subsequently was nourished by Jesus' teaching and made the darkness recede.... And this doctrine was meant to be spread among the human race, for this reason He educated His disciples Himself, sending them into the world with the instruction to proclaim Him, His act of Salvation and the Gospel of love, because people should be shown the right path which leads to eternal life.... However, Jesus would never have been able to accomplish this act of Salvation had He not been full of love, but love achieves everything, no limits exist for love.... nothing is impossible for it, nothing exists that love could not overcome.... for as a human being it would have been impossible to survive such an extent of suffering and pain as was imposed upon Him.... But the strength of love helped Him to be victorious.... by virtue of love He endured the most bitter suffering and excruciating death on the cross and only gave up His life when the act was accomplished.... Only then was it possible for a person to release himself from the adversary who kept him in bondage as long as the guilt of sin had not been redeemed.... Only after Jesus' crucifixion were people able to appeal for strength and reinforcement from Jesus Christ, in Whom God Himself, as the Eternal Love, had died.... People are no longer at the mercy of God's adversary and his arbitrary use of power, they can detach themselves from him if they pray to Jesus for help and through a life of love acquire the strength to fulfil God's will. Consequently, it is most important in earthly life that the Gospel is proclaimed to people, which removes the dense darkness from people and lets them find faith in Jesus Christ as Son of God and Redeemer of the world, and which will always grant the strength to complete the earthly path successfully.... For love is strength, without love a person remains weak and cannot reach his goal, on account of which he lives on earth.... But neither can there be light on this earth without love, for it is the realm of God's adversary who spreads dense darkness with the aim of preventing the recognition of God and not to lose his followers but who can be recognised in the light as an enemy.... __Where love is preached, the faith in Jesus Christ can also be awakened if only people are willing to live up to the commandments of love. And thus the labourers in the vineyard of the Lord shall diligently work and spread the Word of God, which will always consist of the divine commandments of love, because people must be informed of the fact that only love will gain them spiritual advancement, that only love will grant them the strength to improve themselves, and that love also bestows upon them the light which reveals extensive knowledge so that they will consciously travel their earthly path.... conscious of their task and their goal.... and do their utmost to strive for it.... As soon as they acknowledge Jesus Christ, as soon as they know that God Himself has accomplished the act of Salvation in Jesus Christ and then consciously hand themselves over to Him, they will also be released from their original sin and reach the goal on earth and the final union with their God and Father of eternity.... __Amen
Process of the Word-reception....
You must not grow tired of standing up for the truth, time and again I say this to those who may receive the pure truth from Me, whom I Myself have chosen to serve Me as a vessel into which the outpouring of My spirit can flow.... These are characterised by a plain and simple way of life, by their genuine nature and humble attitude towards the greater than great gift of grace they receive.... For the pure truth cannot endure any unusual side effects.... the recipient of the truth will be just as clear and pure as the truth which originates from Me, even though he need not be a Saint in order to serve Me as a vessel. For only rarely will a person on earth attain the degree of perfection for which he could be called saintly.... But he will be able to show certain prerequisites which allow for My extraordinary working within and in aid of him.... The Word-reception will therefore always take place in a most natural way, without strange signs or happenings, and the person himself will always firmly have his feet on the ground, he will not demonstrate any kind of ecstasies or raptures.... He will simply hear My Word and write it down in order to preserve it for future generations. Anything which appears sober and clear to other people's eyes is also suitable to appeal to those who are still living in the midst of the world, and especially these shall be persuaded to turn their eyes to spiritual spheres. They gladly dismiss everything of a psychic nature but they must nevertheless form an opinion about that which is offered to them in this way.... because they will have to acknowledge an extraordinary power since the results stand up to firm scrutiny. And anyone who is seriously willing to examine will truly feel a great spiritual blessing, for he himself comes subsequently in possession of the most delectable that can be offered to him on earth: he comes into possession of the truth, which can only come forth from Me as the Eternal Truth.... And although this natural process only finds little credence despite its explanation, it does not exclude the fact that many people pay attention to spiritual transmissions which exhibit unusual side-effects, thus they look for and allow themselves to be deluded by a framework whose brilliance intends to obscure the poor quality of content.... However, only the content is important, and in order to convey the pure truth to earth, which is the most delectable content of a vessel, I chose the most insignificant vessels. __Nevertheless, one prerequisite has to be in place: a strong will, for they must defend the spiritual knowledge against My adversary's every onslaught and therefore they have to be so devoted to Me that they will constantly receive My strength as to be able to cope with their task. And since an ability of judgment is simultaneously conveyed to them with the truth they will always be capable of recognising misguided teachings and of confronting them with the pure truth.... And only like this is it possible to spread true spiritual knowledge on earth, which originated from Me directly.... The fact that My adversary tries to be equally active during the last days before the end means that he is also grooming vessels for himself by encouraging people to listen to spiritual influences sent to them from the psychic world and that he tries to gain these people by disguising himself as an angel of light, by making people feel secure in the belief that they are being addressed from the highest spheres. It would not be a danger for the souls of fellow human beings of good will as long as they are prepared to accept good advice.... Yet his only intention is to prevent people from handing themselves over to Jesus, Who alone can bring salvation for their souls.... He wants to stop people from releasing themselves from their immense guilt of sin, and no means is too evil for him to achieve his aim, hence he will also avail himself of My Words in order to mislead people and to be believed by them.... He will stop at nothing, and it requires immense love for Me and one's neighbour that his activity will remain without influence on a person.... And this requires My countermeasure again by prompting My bearers of light to step forward with the truth and to provide clarification wherever possible so that people will not fall prey to error, so that they will not get caught in his nets of lies.... so that they will not bypass Jesus Christ, Who alone is Saviour and Redeemer of humanity and Who has to be called upon for forgiveness of sin, so that earthly life is not lived in vain and the human being will still find redemption on earth.... Time and again the significance of the knowledge about Jesus and His act of Salvation has to be presented to you, and this can only be accomplish by the pure truth which is directly conveyed to earth by Me. It is, in fact, a light bearer's most important task to inform the human race of this and to do everything in his power to spread the truth.... And everything will be done by Me, too, in order to support your work for Me and My kingdom.... For humanity still lives in profound darkness and bright light shall be given to those who desire it, who long for Me and the truth.... __Amen
The condition to attain perfection on earth....
Consider, you humans, that you are weak as long as your soul still lives on earth in the flesh, and that you therefore always have to request strength from Me if your want to reach your goal.... your perfection.... while you are still on earth. For only the strength from Me will strengthen your will, which is weak as long as the adversary can still influence a person because he is not perfect yet. Your determination especially will always be undermined by him, and I died on the cross for the sake of reinforcing your will, hence you must avail yourselves of the graces acquired on your behalf: strength and reinforcement of your will. And your weakness will always manifest itself such that you are not yet able to completely detach yourselves from the world.... Admittedly, you still live in the midst of the world and therefore have to do justice to all demands.... But there is a difference whether you just fulfil your duties or still want to enjoy earthly pleasures yourselves, whether your heart has already freed itself from worldly wishes or still has earthly longings.... For then your will to achieve spiritual perfection is still weak, its aim for Me and desire to unite with Me is not undivided.... You still make concessions and thus have to `apply force'.... you must seriously try to accomplish detaching yourselves from the world and this requires strength which you have to request time and again, and which you will also always receive.... __Hence it is crucial as to which direction your sincere will turns to.... towards Me and My kingdom or towards My adversary.... And again it is your degree of love which determines the choice of your will's direction, for a heart full of love will always find Me and My kingdom more desirable than the earthly world.... Therefore you should first examine yourselves as to how far you have overcome selfish love.... to what extent you are filled by selfless neighbourly love, for this is the same as love for Me, and only this love establishes union with Me.... not the mere longing for Me, which can be selfish love as well in order to gain the highest delights of blissful unison with Me.... However, the right love for Me is only demonstrated by unselfish neighbourly love. And only this raises the degree of love. As long as you still desire small pleasures for yourselves you should also try to give a little pleasure to your neighbour, yet without calculating earthly or spiritual advantages, but urged from within by the desire to give happiness and joy. Such selfless demonstrations of love will refine your nature, you will find your own happiness in giving pleasure because your love will grow increasingly stronger and at the same rate diminish your love for the world. And this is why you should seriously call yourselves to account as to whether you love your neighbour as yourselves.... __Your perfection depends entirely on the degree of love you attain on earth, and you can only be called `children of God' if you acknowledge that your fellow human beings likewise originated from the Father and you therefore also love them like one brother loves another and do everything for him that you would like to have done to yourselves. Always subject your neighbourly love to serious criticism and work at improving yourselves.... request the strength from Me and you will reach your goal, yet you won't be able to achieve anything by your own efforts.... But I want you to perfect yourselves on earth, consequently I will also help you in every way as long as you seriously want it.... Yet you will always have to apply force as long as this world still keeps you captivated.... If, however, you can detach yourselves from the world then the attainment of the goal will also become steadily easier, and then you can rightly say `My yoke is easy, and My burden is light....' Then you will no longer need to use force, then you will be full of strength, and then you will only strive towards Me.... for the love in you is the strength which indeed achieves anything. And you can also understand that a loving human being is full of humility.... which expresses itself in his conduct towards his neighbour to whom he gives his love.... Never forget that neighbourly love is the indicator.... and that you will have to prove your love for Me through selfless neighbourly love.... `for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?' And thus your will can indeed be inclined towards Me and this also guarantees that I will take hold of you and not let you fall again....Yet the degree of your perfection is determined by yourselves and only ever by the degree of love for your fellow human being.... But you can attain it if you sincerely subordinate your will to Mine, and then you will always think, act and want like I do Myself, and you will surely reach your goal on earth.... to unite with Me in order to be eternally happy.... __Amen
The meaning of earthly life.... Kind-hearted activity....
Time and again I want to inform you of the circumstances relating to your process of earthly life as a human being, because this knowledge makes you live your life responsibly, as soon as you believe in it. It can also be presented to you and met by complete unbelief, yet during your earthly life you will repeatedly get into situations when you will reflect on the purpose of your existence, and then such thoughts will indeed arise in you time and again and you will remember the conversations which were intended to provide you with an explanation. And every thinking person will also reflect on it and, depending on his will, come to the right conclusion. I simply don't want the human being merely to deal with worldly issues but I want him to drift into an area which is unverifiable and yet cannot be denied, if it is seriously thought about.... For only if the human being travels this path intellectually will his course of life be successful for his soul, the maturing of which is the meaning and purpose of earthly life. __Hence it is essential for the human being to be repeatedly reminded of the fact that he is not just living on earth for the sake of acquiring an outwardly good living standard and riches.... Although by and large he will not want to believe it nor can he be forced into believing it but he will nevertheless dwell on it occasionally and then also be able to change his mind, so that he will intellectually occupy himself more with the realm which cannot be proven to him. And then it will depend on his general way of life whether he will become a believer, for as soon as he does not disregard kind-hearted activity, as soon as he is prepared to help and is of good will, he will also learn to believe and advance in his development. This is why fellow human beings shall only ever just be encouraged to carry out deeds of love, which can often already be achieved by being a good example.... Then unbelief will also diminish, for love will invariably awaken a living faith. Hence it is absolutely necessary to live a life of love in order to attain faith.... __Love between people, however, has grown cold and hearts will have to be touched in order to become willing to love, for every human being has the ability to love, since I instilled in him a tiny spark of My spirit for his earthly life.... And the willingness to love can, in turn, only be aroused by great adversity, by serious strokes of fate affecting people where one person depends on the other and a willingness to help comes to the fore, providing a person is not entirely hardened and therefore My adversary's follower, who subsequently will be hopelessly lost when the time for the maturing of his soul comes to an end. Earthly life is at a standstill without love, the soul cannot gain anything and remains in its previous state, if it doesn't descend even further into the abyss from which it had already worked its way up and just had to cover the final ascent. Without love it cannot move one step forward, and no human being can be forced to love, it is a matter of free will but the only option to reach the goal on earth for the soul to become perfect and change into its fundamental nature again. __And so the divine teaching of love has to be proclaimed time and again, people's attention must be drawn to the commandments of love for God and other people, time and again they have to be touched by adversity and misery so that their spark of love will ignite and turn into a bright glow. And this is why I keep educating teachers for Myself on earth who preach love to their fellow human beings, who proclaim My will to them and try to introduce them to the kind of knowledge which can only be gained through living a life of love.... This is why I send the disciples into the world again during the last days, so that they will proclaim My Gospel which I convey to earth Myself.... Time and again I work visibly and remarkably in order to be believed, because people have greatly distanced themselves from belief already and no longer visit the places where My Word is proclaimed, and because even there My Word has lost its strength if the preachers of My Word are not spiritually awakened.... People shall come alive, they shall learn to gain a living faith, because only then will they strive towards Me and learn to love Me and then also advance in their development.... Without love, however, they will achieve nothing on earth.... No matter what is done, it always has to be based on love or they will be dead works.... You humans should know all this and question the motives of what you say, do and think.... And only if you are urged by love will everything you think, speak and do be good before My eyes and gain you a higher degree of maturity.... But everything is futile without love.... For you only live on earth for the sake of changing your life into a life of love, and only this is and will remain your goal, so that through love you will unite with Me, the Eternal Love Himself.... __Amen
Relationship of similar souls....
Only what you receive from the spirit is the pure guaranteed truth, for if the human intellect had been involved the truth may well have changed already, because the intellect can be influenced by the lord of darkness. Thus caution should always be taken when assertions are made which cannot be proven, involving spheres which are intellectually inscrutable.... And this applies to such spiritual assertions which are akin to wishful thinking, where the wish becomes the father of a thought and this thought subsequently occupies the intellect more than the heart and thus could also have been influenced by God's adversary.... Deep down in your heart you humans have the desire for a profoundly harmonious relationship with a partner. All human beings long for happiness which they can experience and enjoy together, because the desire for happiness is still part of the bliss which the soul experienced prior to its desertion from God. It need not always be expressed by the person (during earthly life) but it exists and, as a rule, will usually remain a dream, because earthly life does not guarantee a continuous state of bliss. And if the person tries to create this condition himself then, due to imperfection, the opposite usually will happen: unkindness will destroy harmony, and indifference or animosities will become people's companions in life, although within themselves they harbour the desire for unity and mutual understanding. But such people will create their own desired ideals, especially since they have the wrong idea about the spiritual kingdom, about life after the death of the body.... And what they are unable to find on earth they hope to find in the spiritual kingdom: souls who are aligned with their own soul, who will join them and enter into a harmonious relationship which will guarantee blissful happiness.... They believe to find the partner, for whom they had searched on earth in vain, in the kingdom of the beyond.... __And they are right in as much as the harmony and love of equally mature souls will elate every individual soul extraordinarily.... Their thinking is correct in as much as the unification of souls with the same degree of maturity in the spiritual kingdom will always result in supreme happiness, because in a state of perfection every impure characteristic will vanish, and the former relationship between the souls will be re-established, as it was in the beginning; love will link all souls and this itself will already signify unlimited happiness. Whereas relationships can be formed on earth between good and not so good partners, and consequently these relations will either be happy and peaceful or progress inharmoniously.... Thus in the kingdom of the beyond the individual souls will then either separate from each other or continue to stay in close contact.... Souls are able to find other partners who, due their spiritual degree of maturity, will share the same spiritual aspiration, the same awareness and the same light, and who will make each other happy through their similarity and their acquired degree of love. These souls will attract each other, they will create and work together for their own happiness, because the same spiritual state of maturity is always a prerequisite for the unification of souls. Hence entirely unfamiliar souls can come together on earth and will recognise that they belong together by the strength of their light. And this common bond had indeed existed before the apostasy from God in as much as they had worked together, that they had the same tasks which every soul carried out in accordance with God's will, when innermost love still connected all living creations with each other and their Creator.... __An infinitely long time passed by in which the first created being was intimately linked by love to its Creator, and countless living beings emerged from this love. And in accordance with Lucifer's bond to the God and Creator of eternity their nature was always alike, and thus all these souls, who initially were united in indescribable bliss, will find each other again.... It is also possible that such souls will embody themselves on earth at the same time, that they will find each other during their life on earth and enter into an earthly union. But then profound understanding, innermost affection and the same spiritual aspiration will reveal their common bond, and such a relationship will not be dissolved in the spiritual kingdom either. It will be a marriage `made in heaven', but it should be understood differently than an earthly marriage, which is conducted for the purpose of the souls' embodiment as human beings yet it has nothing in common with a spiritual marriage. Love is the only bond which really unites the beings, but which will always culminate in love for God. In this way they will not aspire towards anything other than their God and Father of eternity, so that they will constantly receive His strength of love and they will be continuously infused by His strength. By working together they then utilise this strength and pass it on where their mutual, i.e. intensified, activity is needed, and the bliss of souls who are linked to each other will constantly increase because they will always want to help and serve God and therefore they will always want to take redeeming actions too.... __Amen
It is indeed difficult for you, My servants on earth, to assert yourselves against misconceptions, for everything that comes from the adversary will also be endorsed by him, and he will support those who are of service to him in every way by spreading error and plunging people into ever greater darkness. His worst action, however, rests in the fact that he makes them believe that they are working for Me. And thus you will also understand when it is said that he will appear in the garment of an angel of light, and you will equally understand that truth and error are often close together.... that the same seemingly takes place and yet it is entirely the opposite, concerning its content as well as its effect. And you will raise the question as to why I allow this to happen, since I, after all, love My living creations and would like to lead them into beatitude.... You will raise the objection that all human beings strive for happiness and yet can be misled by the adversary and the enemy of their souls. And again, there is only one answer to this, namely, that every person need only establish heartfelt contact with Me and sincerely appeal to Me to protect him from error.... Then he would also brightly and clearly recognise the error.... But what causes the adversary to have such a large following.... why do people allow themselves to be caught up in a misconception without opposing it? They are indifferent to the truth, they don't deliberate enough on what their fellow human beings tell them, they don't have the desire for the bright light of realisation to be kindled in them.... And this is because their nature is not yet controlled by love, because they are still too attached to the world and fail to live up to My commandments of love for God and their neighbour, otherwise they would be brightly enlightened and permeated by the desire for truth. They certainly acknowledge the fact that people are required to lead a spiritual life and therefore join this or that school of thought, they allow leaders to push them into this or that direction of thought and do not sufficiently reflect on it themselves because they have not yet found a heartfelt bond with Me which is the result of a life of love.... __The whole explanation only rests in the individual person's degree of love as to whether and why the human being falls prey to error. Equally, however, the person whose way of life is a life of love will just as surely know the truth.... And I can only convey the pure truth to earth by way of actively loving people, so that it is always possible to gain possession of the truth, because this is guaranteed by the love within a person's heart. And this, too, is known by My adversary, consequently he tries to distort the concept of love.... He stops people from correctly realising what they should do in order to gain My love.... He stops people from carrying out unselfish deeds of love and thereby also from attaining inner enlightenment. He will always know how to nourish a person's selfish love, and for that time the latter will remain in spiritual darkness and think wrongly, for he will be receptive to many currents of thought which originate from the adversary. The human being, however, has free will.... If he seriously wants to know the truth it will also imparted to him with certainty.... However, if a person only relies on that which is supplied to him by another fellow human being without actually experiencing the burning desire to learn the pure truth from his God and Creator himself, then he will neither recognise error nor defend himself against it and My adversary will have succeeded in his work of increasing the darkness; this will become particularly evident at the end of an earthly period so as not to lose his followers who, however, would recognise his true nature and renounce him if they knew the truth. Everyone who reaches out with pleading hands in order to accept the truth from Me will also be able to receive it in abundance, and the truth will indeed make him very happy. Even so, I cannot prevent My adversary's activity since he is entitled to fight for his followers. And no matter how apprehensible his methods are.... the human being need not succumb to him because he always has strength at his disposal and because he need only turn to Me Myself in order to be protected from his influence. And truly, My Word is being conveyed to earth as a brightly shining light which can also be recognised by all people as truth.... However, anyone who is still so entrenched in selfish love will also be instilled by My adversary with the belief that he lives on earth as an elevated spirit, and this misguided point of view entails that the human being also keeps himself closed to every emanation of light which originates from Me directly. And yet the person believes to be of service to Me and is nevertheless not aware of My will which requires him to hand himself over to Me completely in order to then be permeated by Me with the light of truth, in order to enable Me Myself to address him, Who undeniably needs servants on earth but only those who have completely entered into My will and are therefore able to work on earth on My behalf.... __Amen
There shall be light among people....
A vast spiritual region is opened up to those of you humans who allow yourselves to be instructed by Me Myself, because through My messengers and mediators I can convey the knowledge to all who merely desire it and whose life of love enabled them to understand it. This region is closed to your intellectual studies; it is and will also remain unverifiable to you humans until you are granted such bright inner light by the spirit that it is conclusive for you to have the true knowledge. And this spiritual region is inexhaustible, your God and Creator will instruct you constantly and grant you ever more profound realisation if only you would always comply with the prerequisite which is expected of you: that you make heartfelt contact with Me in prayer or through deeds of love, for the bond with Me must be present otherwise you will forever remain spiritually blind.... For I Myself Am the light, I Am the truth, I Am the spring from which love, light and strength.... profound wisdom.... come forth. And this flow can only pour out if the contact has been established, which you have to establish yourselves because you once discontinued it voluntarily.... But then a region will be opened up to you which you, as mere humans, cannot enter if this contact with Me does not exist. But then everything becomes clear to you, you recognise the spiritual correlations, you understand My reign and activity, My eternal plan of Salvation will be revealed to you and you will be able to comprehend it. You learn about spiritual happenings which form the basis of your existence as humans, you also understand the natural processes and can explain to yourselves the happenings around you, My nature will be revealed to you and many a veil will be lifted before your eyes.... You will also be able to examine spiritual worlds, even if you are only mentally informed of them at first.... until your spiritual eye opens when you have attained a specific degree of maturity which allows for spiritual vision.... Knowledge you are entirely lacking as humans will be bestowed upon you by My Fatherly love, which would like you to be in the same state again as you were before your apostasy from Me, when you were brightly illuminated by the light of realisation and blissfully happy.... You are meant to attain this state again and can indeed achieve it during your life on earth as human beings.... However, you must strive for it, it cannot be given to you.... You must make conscious contact with Me, acknowledge Me as your God and Creator, as your Father and long for My presence which will subsequently grant you the highly valuable gifts of grace, because My infinite love wants to give itself and thus also wants to once again send you the bright light of realisation, which you yourselves clouded out and finally lost entirely.... __Now consider the spiritual darkness humanity lives in, consider that only a few people create a sphere of light around themselves, that, in a manner of speaking, merely sparks of light flare up on earth, which certainly could be caught by every person and which would suffice to ignite a light again in a person's heart who would like to escape the darkness. Consider how much happier people would be if only they had a small degree of realisation, which they could raise at any time. Then you, who have already kindled a light in yourselves, will understand that I favour everything which helps to bring a light among the people.... You will understand that I educate My own bearers of light whom I endow with an abundance of knowledge, whom I guide increasingly deeper into the truth, which can only originate from Me.... and that I instruct these bearers of light to let their light shine forth again, so that it shall penetrate the darkness which burdens the human race.... It is not My will that you humans leave earthly life in the same darkness as you entered it.... It is My will that you, in this life as a human being, desire light again and, truly, your desire will be granted, and it will make you happy on earth already when you learn to understand why you live on earth and what your actual task on earth is.... Only I know what darkness means for a free and blessed spirit which was created in brightest light.... Only I know that this spirit can only be happy again when it moves within the circuit of My emanation of love.... I want to draw it into this circuit of My flow of love on earth and therefore repeatedly send rays to him which should kindle a light in him that urges towards the eternal Essence of light of its own accord.... It means, that I first grant every person a small amount of knowledge pertaining to spiritual spheres, which the person can increase of his own will. He can constantly avail himself of the flow of My strength of love, he can gain spiritual possessions if he uses this flow of strength for acts of love whereby the love ignites an increasingly brighter light in him.... And light signifies knowledge, realisation, most profound wisdom.... but only ever pertaining to spiritual regions which are inaccessible to the intellect, because I Myself make a point of instructing those people who hand themselves over to Me and appeal to Me for spiritual enlightenment.... They may receive extensive knowledge and thus gradually enter the very state of realisation they enjoyed in the beginning. The darkness My adversary had imposed on them will recede, they will attain the light again by having established conscious contact with Me, the eternal Essence of light, and allowing themselves to be illuminated by Me once more as in the beginning, when they originated from Me in all perfection.... __Amen
Following Jesus: Bearing the cross....
You will always cross the bridge to the spiritual kingdom if you follow Jesus, the divine Redeemer, Who established this bridge for you humans and walked the path before you. He Himself bridged this broad gulf between the earth and the spiritual kingdom through His act of Salvation, He walked the most arduous and painful path to the cross and thereby built the bridge into the kingdom of light.... which can be crossed by every human being and will always lead to the right goal.... __The path of following Jesus has to be taken, that is, just as He had accepted all suffering out of love for the wretched human race so the human being, too, has to take the path of love and suffering, he has to endeavour to follow Him in order to purge his soul.... even though the human being Jesus had taken all guilt of His fallen brothers upon Himself and thus the immense original sin is redeemed through the crucifixion, through the act of Salvation.... His soul can only get cleansed and purified through love and suffering, and it has to accomplish this purging while still on earth if it wants to achieve the degree of light which guarantees its happiness. For the human being lives on earth in order to free his soul from all impurities, from all vices and longings, weaknesses and bad habits, which still cling to you as a result of your past apostasy, which it should and will be able to shed if it patiently travels the earthly path in suffering and makes an effort to live a life of love. For love is the most assured means of purification, love dissolves all impurities and layers which still burden a soul. And suffering.... humbly endured.... is likewise suitable to crystallise the soul, which then has become receptive to light and translucent when it enters the realm of the beyond. __For this reason Jesus spoke the Words `Whosoever will come after Me, let him take up his cross....' No human being will be entirely spared suffering, even if the weight of burden varies with each person. Yet earthly life is not the ultimate fulfilment, it is only ever a preparatory stage for the true life in the spiritual kingdom.... And any load the soul is still burdened with on earth can only raise its beatitude in the beyond, providing it is humbly endured as God's will. Thus the human being shall take the path of following Jesus of his own free will.... He himself has to want that his soul should attain greater maturity on earth, he consciously has to decide to follow Jesus, he also has to acknowledge His act of Salvation and make use of it for himself. For no earthly existence, no matter how sorrowful, will ever help the soul to perfection if the human being does not acknowledge Jesus, if he does not make use of His act of Salvation and its blessings, if he does not believe in Him and the fact that it was God Himself Who accomplished the act of Salvation in the man Jesus. Then his earthly path can be as wretched as anything, he will not derive any benefit from it for his soul, for then he did not voluntarily `follow Jesus'.... __However, the more you humans are filled with love the less you will be weighed down by suffering, for love is the best means of release, the fire of love will dissolve the soul's every layer, it will melt away everything that is unclean and hardened, love will achieve the soul's purification within a short time, and the extent of suffering can be reduced where love is already dealing with the soul's purification process.... __And therefore the human being will have to be of service to a large extent in order to express his love thereby, for love impels people to be active, and as soon as it thus unselfishly applies to another person the human being will constantly perform labours of love, and then he will travel the path of following Jesus, Who time and again was likewise impelled by love to accomplish helpful acts, Who aimed to alleviate his fellow human being's suffering and distress and used remarkable strength in order to help his fellow human beings. __And thus a constant willingness to help will be a path of following Jesus, because it demonstrates love, which can only ever have a beneficial effect, both for the provider as well as for the one who accepts the help.... For love is the most Powerful, the Divine, which has to lead to the soul's perfection without fail, which has to purge a soul and make it receptive to light.... love is the final objective on earth, because it leads to unification with the Eternal Love, because it restores the original state of the created being and therefore also has to guarantee supreme bliss, which the being then finds in closest unity with its God and Father of eternity, from Whose love it once had emerged.... __Amen
God's true representatives are appointed by God Himself....
Anyone who voluntarily offers to serve Me has achieved a certain degree of love which also provides the prerequisite of being suitable for service in My vineyard. And thus, all of you who genuinely want to work for Me and My kingdom can also rest assured that I accept your service. However, many people claim to be God's servants without being so because they lack these very prerequisites which guarantee cooperation with Me.... Yet it is not always easy for you humans to know the difference; it isn't always easy to recognise My true servants since the others also use fine words although they have no direct instruction from Me; they present themselves as My servants yet were not called by Me to this service. And only the rightful servant, having been appointed to his office by Myself, will recognise who speaks in My name, who truly works for Me and My kingdom. For My servants have to establish a living connection between themselves and Me, the God of love has to be recognised as a Father with Whom the child can enter into direct contact.... Yet generally people, and even those who deem themselves to be leaders of people, still look for Me in the distance, they are still far away from Me, they don't establish intimate contact, consequently, the one thing that characterises a true servant appointed by Me cannot take place, namely, that he is taught by Me directly, that he receives every instruction from Me directly, that he desires to hear My Word in heartfelt unity with Me and thus also receives the purest truth from Me.... __What nowadays still exists in the world as a spiritual movement, ecclesiastical functions and organisations, can just be considered a shell which lacks its kernel: the pure truth.... There will be people everywhere who do establish this intimate relationship with Me and who can be taught by My Word directly but they will have no success with their fellow human beings, either because they are bound to their spiritual movement and lack the resistance to oppose it when they have recognised the truth.... or they will be persecuted and prevented from working for Me and My kingdom.... For he who is My adversary and enemy has great power, yet it was granted to the adversary by people themselves, because they are all blind supporters who thoughtlessly and without reservation accepted everything they were given and no longer want to let go of it.... And thus the number of My true representatives on earth is not very large, yet they alone live in truth and therefore can also pass it on, if only people asked themselves just for once as to whether they really know the truth and, in desire of it, sincerely appealed to Me for clarification, for spiritual enlightenment.... However, as a rule they are indifferent as to what they believe, they don't express their own opinion about the spiritual knowledge that is imparted to them.... And they don't realise the effect of this indifference on their souls which will have to bear the consequences when they enter the kingdom of the beyond. __There are only a few who work for Me in My name, but through them I convey the pure truth to earth and also make it available for everyone who earnestly desires truth. However, I do not force anyone to accept it, just as I do not forcibly determine a human being to receive the pure truth from Me.... Everything is determined by free will which I do not infringe upon. And you who ask why I have allowed such distortion of truth to happen can find the explanation for it in this free will.... Every human being can kindle love in his heart and let it flare up ever more brightly.... And love emanates light.... So if he has the will to live in truth he can also recognise My adversary's fabrications, who always tries to undermine the truth, and he will approach Me directly and desire clarification from Me, which I will surely send to him.... And thus people who are willing to live a life of active love will feel repelled by misguided teachings and gladly and eagerly accept the truth.... The loving person will always consider Me first before all ecclesiastical organisations, irrespective of which school of thought they represent.... He will always take the path to Me and thus join the church which I established on earth Myself, which is built on living faith.... as a result of love. __You humans should all belong to this church, this church is the only beatifying church, for this church is a spiritual community of believers and its members can come from all schools of thought.... They only need to fulfil the commandments which I gave on earth Myself: The commandments of love for God and one's neighbour.... Then they will gain a living faith, they will enable My spirit to work within them, which is the characteristic of the church I founded on earth. Believe that I only judge you in accordance with your degree of love and believe that love also guarantees you wisdom, the realisation, the knowledge which corresponds to the truth. And where this working of the spirit cannot be found, My true representatives are not there, there are no servants whom I have called Myself and appointed to their teaching ministry.... For they have no teaching material themselves since they cannot receive it from Me directly and use what My adversary has time and again interspersed with errors.... which can no longer be considered the pure truth. Bear in mind that I Myself promised to `guide you into truth....' through My spirit. And ask yourselves why I gave you this promise since I had, after all, brought you the truth Myself when I lived on earth as Jesus the man.... From these words alone you can deduct that I knew that the truth would not remain pure for long amongst people and that I would be unable to prevent this if I didn't want to render people's will unfree.... __But time and again I made sure that the pure truth was conveyed to you knowing that only truth can make you blissfully happy and because I also know the state of those who enter the kingdom of the beyond with misguided spiritual knowledge. In order that you can be blissfully happy you must be able to bestow the truth upon those who find themselves in spiritual darkness.... Hence you must first possess the truth yourselves and completely free yourselves from wrong spiritual knowledge.... For you will surely understand that conditions in the material world would not be so confused if people's heart were filled by the light of truth. And from the earthly state around you, you can draw your conclusion as to people's low spiritual level, the sole reason for which rests in heartlessness and its resulting total spiritual blindness. Anyone who wants to become enlightened will be illuminated.... and the will of anyone who wants to remain in darkness shall be respected, yet his fate one day will be a very painful one.... __Amen
The process of creation has taken eternities....
The process of creation was not the work of a moment, even though it truly would have been within My power.... but then creation would have missed its purpose, since it was intended to ensure a gradual development from the abyss to the pinnacle and therefore continued for an infinitely long time. Hence you humans should understand that the description in the Scriptures, in the Book of the Fathers, only informs you of this act of creation in a pictorial manner, because people who still lack deeper awareness would be unable to understand the true process, and it is only intended to teach them that creation once came forth from My hand, that it was and is the work of My will and My might.... __Anyone who wants to delve deeper will also come to a more profound understanding. At first it is only necessary to know of a Power Which brought everything into existence the human being can see around himself, as well as the creations he is unable to see. Before the far-reaching correlations can be explained to him he has to know about the original beginning of what My strength of love emanated as independent beings.... And he has to know about these beings' apostasy from Me and the immense original sin with which the beings were then burdened. Only then can the emergence of creation and the process of return through creation be explained to him. But anyone with an unenlightened spirit will hold on to the letter and will never clearly understand it since he is not open to instructions by spiritually enlightened people either. __Every work of creation required an infinitely long time of preliminary development which, however, always related to the spiritual substance which should progress within a work of creation.... It had fallen so low that it also needed an endless length of time in order to ascend again within the various kinds of creations.... from the most primitive to the most beautifully formed works brought into existence by My will in order to shelter the spiritual substance and enable its path of ascent.... And therefore the creation work Earth, too, was, in the beginning, a mere cluster of utterly immature spirits whose substances gradually condensed to form a mass which could not yet be described as hard matter but had to be understood as basic elements, without form but with tremendous effect of strength, for they contained totally uncontrolled spiritual substances. Yet My wisdom distributed everything in the right measure and used every element for My creative work, so that separate forms arose which had to comply with their destined purpose; and thus began the slow construction of the visible works of creation which continued for an endless time until the earth started to show vegetation and increasingly more mature spiritual substances were able to occupy those creations to travel the path of higher development in this plant world. Then followed the first living beings.... creations, which could already perform a certain, albeit very small, task imposed on them by natural law. __And, again, an infinitely long time of development passed from these minute living beings to the world of animals which included ever larger and stronger forms, in which many spiritual substances had already come together and united in order to keep fulfilling the task of cultivating the earth for the final crowning work of divine creation.... for the human being.... who had to pass through all those preliminary stages and whose soul now is the composition of all those tiny particles which belonged to a once fallen original spirit and which, in a dissolved state, had to go through all works of creation in order to gradually evolve again in this way. __Consequently, the human being could not have been created at the time of `creating the world'.... just as all works of creation have never been My instant work, precisely because the slow advancement had to proceed first or the whole of the creation work would have been meaningless and without purpose, for it did not come into being for My sake but for the sake of My fallen living creations and thus was also meant to fulfil the purpose of leading the fallen spirits back to Me again. And yet, every work of creation was My externalised thought which was always implemented when the spiritual substance had reached a certain degree of maturity and required a new form in order to continue its path of development. And thus different creations arose periodically. The plant world only became necessary when the world of rocks released the spiritual substance which then required a new and lighter form.... And likewise small and minute living creations arose after the creation of the plant world.... And only I knew when one was necessary for the other, and I also knew how much time the larger living creations, the animals up to the Pre-Adamites, would need to mature their embodied soul-substances. Hence I also knew when the time had come that the individual tiny particles of the spiritual being had merged again in order to embody itself as `soul' in the last form. Then I externalised a work of creation again.... the human being, whose external shape is so skilfully created that a maturing to final perfection will be possible. And this creation of the human being also occurred an infinitely long time ago, which you humans cannot establish since your concept of time is still limited, but My work of return has already lasted for an eternity. And although eternities had passed before the appearance of the human being, before the earth with all its works of creation was ready for the human being to take possession of it for the purpose of his final maturing, this point in time is also very remote, because time and again periodical immense upheavals and changes occur on earth which make it impossible to calculate the duration of time since the beginning of earth and of the human being. __But this is certain, you humans will only be able to gain a real insight into My eternal plan of Salvation when you have attained the appropriate degree of enlightenment yourselves.... For until then you will be intellectually incapable to envision the length of time for which the concept of `eternities' could be applied.... And for as long as your spirit is still unenlightened it has to be explained to you in an illustrative manner.... Only an awakened spirit will be able to gain deeper insight, yet ultimate wisdom will only become explicable when it enters the kingdom of light where everything can be revealed because everything will then also be comprehensible.... __Amen
You will glorify My name for all eternity.... You will give thanks and sing your praises to the One Who created you and Who will make you profusely happy.... You will recognise your God and Creator as your Father Who is connected to you in profound love, Who created you out of His love, because He was filled by immeasurable strength and because He found His bliss by making use of this strength.... You will love Me with all your heart, for you will have to reciprocate My love once you have developed into love again as you were in the beginning. But infinitely long periods of time will still pass by until everything created will have changed into love once more, until all created beings will grant Me the love again which they initially felt for Me. Yet time does not exist in eternity and the concept of time is only applicable to you humans who still live on earth in a state of imperfection. And earthly life, too, is but an instant compared to the infinitely long time before your life on earth as a human being, and if you only enter the spiritual kingdom with just a glimmer of realisation, with just a slight degree of light and love, then this previous time will already appear to you like a short process of development towards your ascent; yet what lies ahead of you will never end.... And thus every concept of space will also be excluded in the state where the light from Me can already permeate you in the spiritual kingdom.... Then you will be able to stay wherever you move to in your thoughts, no distance will exist for you, no inaccessible goals, only your degree of maturity will determine the spheres of your stay, and you will not want to enter into any other spheres of your own accord either, because you will know yourselves that any sphere will correspond to your degree of light and love. But your love for Me will flare up brightly within you, and the soul will long for Me with ever more yearning, and I will grant it fulfilment, I will let My love flow ever stronger and constantly intensify its bliss. Were you humans on earth aware of this state of bliss, truly, you would do whatever it takes in order to attain it, yet you can only be informed of it, the evidence of it, however, cannot be given to you, for this beatitude is so inconceivably immense that it can only become the fate of those who voluntarily strive towards this degree of maturity, which is the condition for the receipt of beatitude which I have prepared for My living creations. __However, people need only behold the wonders of creation which, admittedly, no longer appear unusual to them because they have become accustomed to seeing them, but they nevertheless testify to a Creator Who uses His strength with love and wisdom in order to also give pleasure to people on earth already.... And such a Creator still has countless possibilities in order to grant His living creations evidence of His love, yet he requires people to take the path to Him, to let their frame of mind be dominated by Him.... I require people to live in and with Me but in order to then also prepare a fate for them which they cannot even imagine on earth.... I only want to receive your love, but then I will also consider My children with My love and create beatitudes which no human being can possibly dream of..... which no eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard of.... And I thus often step into a human being's life so that he can recognise Me as a God of love and he would only have to respond to My love in order to approach this blissful fate.... And one day he will not be able to understand why he denied Me his love for so long.... one day it will be incomprehensible to him that he kept himself far-away from Me for such long periods of time, and then he will only be concerned with helping people to gain realisation faster, since he will be allowed to look after them when he is in the spiritual kingdom. Being inconceivably happy himself in his love he will also want to help those attain happiness who have not yet reached the degree in order to be given My gifts of love directly. And this is why constant redemption work is being carried out from the spiritual kingdom, for every redeemed soul takes part in it as soon as it is enlightened itself and can also observe all events on earth, the ever-increasing decline of spirituality as well as the flashes of rays of light in this dark world. And every redeemed soul will then already be able to emanate light itself and penetrate the darkness for the salvation of people who are of good will. And the redemption of every soul will cause great rejoicing in the spiritual kingdom, their love for Me will increase and My children will praise and extol Me without end, for their every feeling is a prayer of gratitude in ardent love for Me.... Love, however, is bliss and can intensify without end.... I Myself as Eternal Love will always be the yearning and the goal of all illuminated spiritual beings which constantly receive My emanation of love and are continuously active because love is also strength which can never remain inactive.... And you humans should know about God's infinite love, so that you, too, may receive it as soon as your own degree of love allows for a constant illumination in which you will be and remain immeasurably happy.... __Amen
Do 'non-fallen' spirits attain childship to God?....
You will receive an answer to every question in order to disprove every misguided point of view, so that you will not remain ignorant when you desire the correct information: The deification of My created beings is the goal I set Myself with My Creation and which I will certainly achieve one day. Everything that came forth from Me was supremely perfect, the beings I externalised as independent beings were like Me, they were images of Myself.... Nevertheless, they were only ever My creations.... which were unable to be any different than I had created them. They were My living creations.... But I wanted to have children next to Me. For this reason I released them from My will when they were to prove their will as to whether they would retain their perfection despite the option of turning it in the opposite direction. This passed test of will also subsequently presumed that the being was subject to all temptations which it had to resist, for all strength requires the resistance upon which it can prove itself. Understand this correctly: each being was confronted by temptation because it possessed free will which was able to choose either direction. Thus the first being.... Lucifer, the bearer of light.... which My greater than great love had externalised, was the first which was supposed to provide Me with the proof that it wanted to keep the supreme perfection it was granted. It was so exceptionally permeated by My strength of love that it revelled in absolute bliss and thus used the constantly inflowing strength for the creation of equal beings because, in its perfection, it was able to be just as creatively active as I Am.... And this process of creating beings lasted for eternities.... they were therefore always 'living creations' which could not possibly be anything but supremely perfect.... Then I expected My first-created being, Lucifer, merely to acknowledge Me Myself as the source of strength.... thus I expected of him to present Me to his created beings as the One from Whom he himself had also emerged.... But since he had free will, it was also possible for him to ignore My will, which he did by presenting himself to the beings as the highest being, because they were unable to behold Me but he was visible to them in all his glory.... Thus he did not pass the test of will and confronted the created beings as a tempter.... He tried to influence their will to likewise be in opposition to Me: And he was very successful.... For many of these beings, despite their abundance of light, despite utmost realisation, acknowledged him as the Lord of eternity and renounced Me.... precisely because I was not visible to them. And these apostatised beings, having fallen into the deepest abyss of their own choice, must first reach higher spheres again, they must try to deify themselves of their own free will, which is indeed possible with My help. Once they have reached this goal they will have become God's children, perfect beings, who aspired to and achieved this perfection themselves. __But a large proportion of originally created spirits also remained loyal to Me, they resisted all temptations by Lucifer; thus, they passed their test of will when they had to decide whom they should choose as their Lord. So what is their situation in regards to the childship to God? You must know that these beings enjoy utmost bliss, for they did not forfeit their perfection and are constantly permeated by My strength of love, which makes them incredibly happy.... But on account of their perfection they are also knowledgeable; they know My plan of Salvation, the wretchedness of the fallen original spirits is evident to them and their love is so great that they also take part in the work of redemption in order to advance the return of the once fallen spirits. This redemptive work, however, requires eternities.... which you humans are incapable of estimating.... And time and again the original spirits in the stage of a human being are in need of active help, for although they shelter the divine spark of love within themselves which enables their return, they are so weak that they require assistance. This is granted to them by those beings of light which embody themselves on earth for this very purpose and therefore also take the path through the abyss where they are subjected to all temptations and consciously pass their test of will, which lets them become a child so that it can create and work completely freely next to Me and not only work according to My will.... even though these non-fallen spirits are also granted unlimited bliss. It is the immense number of fallen beings which requires eternities until the goal is reached.... Consequently, there are also endless opportunities for the beings of light, having remained faithful to Me, to achieve the childship to God through overcoming the abyss they voluntarily enter for the salvation of the originals spirits, and this signifies constantly higher levels of beatitude for the original spirit which once remained faithful to Me.... For no limitation exists for Me, and thus I can and will make My children happy to an inconceivable degree.... A countless number of original spirits have already offered to take the path across earth, who mainly had the salvation of their fallen brothers at heart; hence they did not embody themselves on earth for selfish reasons.... they did not walk through the abyss for the sake of the 'childship to God' but nevertheless attained this childship to God and returned to Me as My children. The only advantage the beings which remained faithful to Me have over their fallen brothers is the fact they will never need to take the path through the creations of earth and that they will never fail in earthly life either, that they must certainly resist all temptations but that they will always have much strength at their disposal, because love is within them and they will not relinquish it during their life on earth. __However, the people in whom such original spirits are embodied are unaware of it and often have to travel very difficult earthly paths. They fight and serve and reach their goal with certainty.... the complete unification with Me on earth which, although it was not interrupted, must nevertheless be sincerely aspired to by every person, because it is and will remain the goal, because the right decision of will of every being is to profess Me freely. All of My 'created' beings will be My 'children' one day, for a concept of time does not exist for Me, even if eternities will still pass by.... I will definitely achieve what I have set Myself as a goal. Nevertheless, you humans should not believe that these beings which remained with Me can be called less happy, for their will is already so inclined that their love for Me is exceedingly powerful and constantly growing, and I reward this loyalty to Me accordingly, but neither will I deny them the bliss which is guaranteed to them through the childship to God.... The whole sequence of events from the very beginning and for all eternity happens in lawful order.... I cannot proceed contrary to My eternal order.... Once I have designed a plan it will be carried out because My will is irrevocable.... __Amen
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