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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Just retribution in the beyond....
You have a certain amount of freedom, you can think and act and speak according to your will, you can live your earthly life as you like.... even if your activity is occasionally prevented, if the implementation of your will is restricted through My will. However, you are nevertheless free beings who can shape their lives as they wish.... in contrast to the beings which are still bound within the works of creation and must live according to My law of eternity, according to My will.... And it is this freedom of will which makes you responsible in earthly life, for it can be inclined towards My will but also be opposed to it, your will can strive towards something that entirely contradicts My eternal order, and therefore you are accountable to Me for your will or action. For this short life on earth is a gift of grace for you humans.... You once expressed your contradictory will and thus your apostasy from Me, so now you are offered the opportunity again to prove your will for Me. You were not permanently condemned because of your apostasy but were given the opportunity to return to Me and to look for unification with Me. And for this you are given earthly life, which you therefore should use to the best of your ability for the very purpose of finally returning to Me. Earthly life is therefore an immeasurably valuable gift of grace which you should not live carelessly without bearing the actual purpose in mind. For one day you will be held to account for it, and your fate in eternity depends on your conduct during your earthly life. One day you will bitterly regret an unused earthly life, since one day the hour will come when you will realise the significance of earthly life and how you utilised it, and this hour can give rise to the bitterest remorse in you. But death does not end the life of the soul, it is just that the soul cannot often speak of a state of 'life'; instead, it finds itself in a state of helplessness and darkness without losing awareness of its existence. And then it will sorely feel its lack of strength and light, it will often be close to despair and yet never die again, so that sooner or later it will have to consider changing its state, and then it will listen to the beings which want to help with this. __Nevertheless, it is extremely difficult to achieve in the beyond what easily could have been achieved during its earthly life.... As on earth it must fulfil the commandments of love.... And it will indeed have the opportunity to do so because much hardship exists in the spiritual kingdom; it will meet souls which are shaped like itself and then it will have to kindle its love for these wretched beings if it wants to improve its own state a little.... But particularly souls like this only ever think of themselves, and therefore its ascent in the kingdom of the beyond is very difficult and questionable, for without love there is no ascent, no improvement and no spiritual progress.... Yet every individual soul can only be considered within the scope of justice; it must travel the same path it should have taken on earth.... the path of love and of suffering.... until it is sufficiently purged that it can receive the rays of light and be affected by their strength. Even in the beyond it cannot be forcibly led to the right path, but it will always have enough opportunities where its will can prove itself, and again it must.... like on earth.... use its will in the right direction. Then it will mature and attain a degree of light which ends its wretched state and subsequently helps it go increasingly more upwards.... towards greater reception of light and more happiness. A soul can also ascend in the beyond but it must always strive for it of its own free will.... it must always, like on earth, practise love and through love finally find Jesus Christ, Who is the first and last goal even in the kingdom of the beyond, for no-one can become blissfully happy without Jesus Christ and His Salvation.... __Amen
Taking stock of oneself and contact with the spiritual re...
You should quite often abandon yourselves to thoughts of eternity, you should leave the earth and everything relating to it behind you at times and mentally occupy yourselves with the fact that everything is transient after all and question what you should do in order to gain everlasting possessions which will last for eternity. Furthermore, you should consider your relationship with God, whether it is the relationship of a child with the Father or whether God is still far away and out of reach for you, to Whom you only rarely turn to with the right kind of prayer. You should take a seriously critical look at yourselves as to how you conduct your life.... whether it complies with God's will which is, after all, known to you: whether you live a life of love, true to His commandments.... An introspection like that will always be a blessing, even if you can only spend a short time on it but every spiritually directed thought will be taken hold of by the beings of light and answered accordingly and you will always derive spiritual benefit from it. But you should not only consider the world and its demands. For its commodities are transient and will only serve your sense of well-being for a short time but they will not bring you spiritual achievement. However, the time is approaching its end and you all still have to do much work to improve your souls, that is, you have to discard your own faults and weaknesses, for which a continuous battle needs to be waged and the strength it requires should constantly be requested from God. Therefore, you should pray ceaselessly, i.e., always direct your thoughts heavenwards and present all your worries and concerns to the Father and appeal for His blessing. Whatever you do, be they spiritual or earthly tasks, shall be done with God's blessing, and they will always benefit your soul, for God only requests your bond with Him in order to convey His strength to you which you require for the work of improving yourselves. And a constant bond with Him requires you to frequently dwell with your thoughts in the spiritual kingdom and a conscious turning away from the world. Every minute you withdraw into silence, every thought you send upwards, is one step higher to the goal, which you will then also surely reach. You should not just live an entirely unspiritual life, for then your earthly life will be a waste of time and will not result in spiritual achievements.... __However, your bond with Him will detach you ever more from the world and tie you to the spiritual kingdom, into which you will withdraw even more frequently the more insistently the world approaches you, which soon will no longer attract you, because once a soul has entrusted and joined God He will hold on to it. But it always involves an inner battle, for the world keeps the person captive with its enticements and attractions and it requires a serious will to resist these temptations and to be content with spiritual possessions, the true value of which cannot be judged by a person for as long as he lives on earth. But one day he will be happy about the treasures he acquired on earth, one day he will know that they alone are of value and that only the soul with spiritual treasures at its disposal can consider itself happy, for it will be able to work with them in the spiritual realm after everything of an earthly nature has fallen away from it and it has to relinquish all transient possessions of the world. Then it will be wealthy and blissfully happy, a worldly person, in contrast, will stand deprived and lonely at the gate to eternity, for the possessions he acquired on earth do not follow him into eternity and he will have no spiritual possessions to show.... For this reason you should think often of death and your spiritual state, and try to gain spiritual possessions on earth, which one day will constitute the degree of light and bliss when your soul leaves the body and enters the kingdom of the beyond.... __Amen
`Death, where is your sting....'
And your end will be a blissful one if you die in Me, in your Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ, Who has promised that you will not taste death if you have a living faith in Me.... Then I will come and take you to Me into the spiritual kingdom, and your hour of death will just be a change of environment.... Your soul will exchange earth with the spiritual kingdom and be indescribably happy, for all heaviness will fall away and it will trustingly follow Me with burning love, because it has recognised Me as its Redeemer, Who is waiting for it at the threshold to the spiritual realm. Why are you afraid of death?.... Through My death on the cross and My resurrection I have taken the sting out of death, I have bought you life with My blood, and this life you will then take up and never ever lose again. __As long as you live on earth you dread your hour of death.... and regardless of how it may appear to your fellow human beings.... your faith in Me in Jesus Christ will give you a happy ending, even if it seems otherwise to your fellow men, for I alone Am also Ruler over death, and I know whom I can grant eternal life.... And he need not fear death and its horror any longer, for I died the excruciating death for him, so that My Own will be spared, who follow Me and thus want to be and have been true confessors of Jesus Christ on earth. __Take My Words seriously and believe that I Am also a Lord over death and that I can ward off all horrors from someone who has become My Own through his faith and love. And even if his body seems to suffer.... I determine the degrees of pain, and truly, My love will not give the person more to bear than he is able to carry and as is necessary for his soul. This is why I was able to convincingly say `Death, where is your sting; hell, where is your victory....' For I remained victorious over the one who had brought death into the world, and I will truly let My Own have a share in this victory, which I gained over the price of darkness.... I will grant a happy hour of passing away to those who hold on to Me and remain faithful even in times of struggle and of hardship, for I will also give them the strength to endure and to prove their loyalty for Me. And the greatest victory on earth is to follow Me in firm faith until the end, and this faith will be bestowed upon you by your love which alone brings forth a living faith. __Therefore, you who endeavour to live a life of love need not fear the hour of death, for it will only mean an entry into another world for you, and you will gladly leave earth and exchange its domain with the kingdom of light and blissfulness. You will cross over in peace and harmony of soul, you will not have to pass through any darkness but in a garment of light may enter the kingdom which belongs to Me and promises you glories which you have never seen or experienced before. For if you have found Jesus Christ He will lead you into His kingdom Himself.... into the kingdom which is not of this world.... __Amen
Self-awareness of the original spirit....
Every original spirit regains its self-awareness when it lives as a human being on earth and recognises itself as a human being. Then all small particles of soul, which once were dissolved for the purpose of return through the creation, are gathered together in him again, and then the being is able to acquire the degree of maturity which it originally possessed as a created spirit, which it had renounced and now has to regain in order to enter the spiritual kingdom as a spirit of light. And thus every human being is an embodied original spirit, a once fallen being, My eternal love's product of creation, which merely had left Me of its own free will and therefore also has to return to Me again of its own choice. __But the human being does not know what he was, what he is and what he should become again.... He first needs a certain level of maturity before he can receive and understand this knowledge.... He certainly recognises himself as a human being soon enough but not as a spiritual being that is to fulfil its purpose, and since he only recognises himself as a human being living on earth, his thoughts are more directed towards the world. And this usually prevents spiritual awareness which he will only experience when he turns away from the world towards the spiritual kingdom. Then it is possible to inform him about his real purpose, and then he will be able to accept and adjust to it voluntarily, which will certainly result in his full spiritual maturity. However, once he has accepted it he will also be happy at the thought and the certainty to belong to the original spirits, which I externalised as living creations and which are returning to Me as children, and as human beings are therefore approaching their perfection. __And only the human will needs to be good, because then it focuses on Me of its own accord. The human being asks for his God and Creator and this will is already the right decision, it has passed the test of will which confronted the original spirit as human being on earth. Life on this earth does not last long but it can fully suffice for a person to spiritualise himself so completely that he acquires the degree which results in the childship to God, i.e. which returns the original spirit into the state of perfection again. On account of his will he has achieved the highest degree himself and can now stay in closest proximity to Me where the direct emanation of My love is assured to him.... even though every original spirit will be able to ascend ever higher once he is allowed to enter the kingdom of light, provided the right decision of will was made on earth. And every original spirit is ecstatically happy when he becomes aware of the infinitely long path he had travelled in order to achieve the greatest abundance of light, in order to be immensely blissful.... And he will sing My praises and give thanks and glorify Me eternally, he will be and remain My child which will never leave Me again, which will create and shape in accordance with My will for its own happiness.... __Amen
The soul consciously enters its embodiment....
You start your earthly path entirely aware of what is in store for you and voluntarily give your approval.... But your past memory will be taken away from you again; otherwise you would cover your earthly progress under a certain amount of compulsion which would not be beneficial for your soul. Therefore you should not complain about this or that stroke of fate, for they are all merely the means which are intended to help your souls attain maturity and which, with the right attitude, will indeed lead you to perfection. Thus your will needs to aim in the right direction, this is the test of earthly life which you should pass and the reason for your life on earth. When you incarnate as a human being all obstacles seem easily surmountable to you, and you gladly take them upon yourselves because you realise that it is the last embodiment in a shell, that you can live in complete freedom after your earthly progress is over. And it is indeed possible for you to liberate yourselves from the physical form through this earthly life if you always appeal to God for support. Thereby the soul demonstrates that it wants to fulfil its purpose on earth, it demonstrates that it acknowledges God and desires Him or it would not call upon Him for His help. And then the soul will be able to overcome even the most severe strokes of fate, it will never have to bear them alone but receive much spiritual support, so that its earthly progress will also show periods of relief and it will always emerge from every test more mature. Yet without such trials it will be unable to progress in its development. It receives this realisation prior to its embodiment as a human being, and it does not refuse to take the path on earth. __If, however, it retained its past memory then its intention and actions would hardly be free, it would constantly act under compulsion as well as out of fear of what is to come, even if it weren't granted complete clarification and knowledge of it. Nevertheless, as human beings you should know that you voluntarily accepted your earthly fate, and this knowledge should reassure you, insofar as that you should always remember that your complete liberation from the physical shell is possible, just as your earthly progress is destined too. You should be aware of the fact that you may always receive spiritual support, that God Himself wants you to return to Him and that He yearns for you, thus He will leave no stone unturned in order to make your return easier, and that you therefore need not fear anything which is destined to come upon you.... For with His help you will be able to surmount everything, with His help you will succeed in becoming master over His adversary who still keeps you enchained.... He has no more power over you if you desire God, Who is Father to all of you.... Who fought in Jesus Christ against His and your enemy and Who defeated him too. And you need only ever pray to Him for strength, He will always stand by your side, He Himself will provide you with strength when it concerns living life on earth successfully.... when it concerns overcoming everything that is difficult, that is imposed on you by destiny, so that you will mature fully while you are still on earth, so that you achieve liberation from every shell and will be able to enter the spiritual kingdom as free beings.... __Amen
I have chosen you as My servants because I foresaw that your inner will is good and also strong so that you will assert yourselves where it concerns endorsing the truth. For much is offered to people as truth and yet it did not originate from Me.... And if My servant therefore recognises this he must not remain silent but speak up, he must confront this error with the pure truth.... then he must show that he is My representative on earth and that he is in My service. Thus he must profess My name before the world, he must wholeheartedly support what he has received from Me Myself because I had chosen him to work for Me as an apostle in the last days. And whoever has been placed by Me into this office will also receive the strength from Me to speak in My name.... And he will work like an apostle of truth and expose My adversary, who has also chosen his instruments in order to cause confusion within My ranks. And therefore hear what My spirit proclaims to you: the time until the end is but short yet the day of the end has been predetermined for eternity.... And wherever you humans will be, you shall all be informed of this forthcoming end, because I will still send very obvious signs to follow which can be observed everywhere and which will also occupy people's thoughts. However, precisely these signs will provoke the most conflicting opinions because then My adversary's activity will start to emerge which confuses people's thoughts, for one person will no longer understand the other, everyone will pursue different goals which he will be unable to relinquish, and only a few will be spiritually awake and come to the right conclusions.... And then many false prophets will appear.... __And this is what I want to caution you of, do not believe every spirit which wants to talk to you and especially not those which deny the end, which cannot believe that an end of this earth is reconcilable with My love.... And then be careful and sincerely pray to receive the truth. Do not believe every spirit which tries to express itself through people who willingly accept it, and counter every such teaching with My pure Word which sounds from above because you humans shall live in truth.... For only through truth can you reach the goal. And there are many spirits amongst you which do not speak on My instructions, but you can identify them by the fact that they argue the end, that they object to the revelations proclaiming a near end and that they meet the messengers with hostility. The time is fulfilled, and especially during the last days many false prophets will yet arise and try to invalidate the pure truth from Me. And they will perform extraordinary feats to make you believe in them, but it is not My spirit which speaks through them, it is not My strength which works in them.... they are adverse forces which rage everywhere and, being followers of My adversary, are also endowed with strength because they are enslaved by him and affect people of this earth in his will. And then you, who want to serve Me, shall loyally stand by your Lord, you shall defend the truth, you shall not let yourselves be misled, for you know that you speak in My name, and you will also receive the strength from Me, for then I Myself will speak through you. And thus, where My pure Gospel is proclaimed that is where the end of this earth will also be announced and that people are quickly approaching this end and therefore should prepare themselves for it. And where your speeches meet with resistance that is where you will also clearly recognise My adversary's activity, and you shall separate yourselves from them and not preach together, for they are not My representatives but Satan's emissaries, who is particularly active wherever the light establishes itself.... And he will not succeed in extinguishing the light, for I Myself emanate it down to earth and illuminate the hearts of My Own so that they will clearly realise that they are being addressed by the Father, Who is the light of eternity.... __Amen
Jesus' battle as a 'human being'....
When I came into the world as a human being, the Deity in Me was tremendously active for I brought love with Me to earth, which permeated Me from the start and only applied to My eternal Father.... And thus extraordinary things happened at My birth which you present-day humans no longer want to believe but which provided the people around Me with the evidence that I was the announced Messiah. Thus I brought love along to Earth.... but I had to forfeit the light, for people would have been unable to endure its brilliance.... And so I had to start waging the battle with all immature spiritual substances which, by way of My body, harassed the soul, for I had to mature as a 'human being', since I wanted to show people the path towards spiritualisation, which can only be achieved by love. Consequently, I had to try to pacify everything of an immature nature pestering Me, through the love inherent in Me I had to try to influence it such that it would abandon its desire, that it would subordinate itself to the soul's desire and thus spiritualise and unite itself with the soul while I was still living on earth. This battle was truly not an easy one, for the human nature within Me had the same craving, the same longing for fulfilment as is the case with all people and despite My origin from above My nature was no different than that of you humans.... The world and its enticements attracted Me just as much as you, only My soul distanced itself from it because, due to its indwelling love, it recognised the dangers these worldly enticements offered and because I knew what mission I had to fulfil as 'Jesus, the human being'. Nevertheless, the body demanded its own and thus it was often an extremely difficult battle to comply with the soul's desire and to firmly resist all temptations. Yet the 'love' in Me gave Me strength, love drew Me irresistibly to the Father and the Father did not deny Himself to Me, He permeated Me progressively more and became active in Me, the 'human being Jesus'.... I realised the extent of adversity suffered by the human race which lacked love and therefore lacked the strength to resist the same temptations.... I knew why people were lacking love and that they were ruled by the one who is entirely devoid of love.... Hence I tried to motivate people into living in love.... I exemplified to them a life of love and constantly instructed them.... I gave them the commandments of love for God and one's neighbour.... I attempted to make them understand the consequences of a life of love and proved it to them on Myself.... I healed the sick and performed miracles, and I was able to do so because I allowed the strength of love to become active, for love is God, and thus God Himself worked through Me because He dwelled in Me as the 'Eternal Love'.... People lacked love when I descended to earth but I was permeated by it for I was faithfully and with love devoted to the Father, I had remained with Him when the host of originally created spirits deserted Him.... My love for Him was greater than great and I did not deprive Myself of it when I came down to earth.... __My whole way of life was a continuous activity of love.... so that the body soon subordinated itself to this love, that the soul embraced it and together with the body united itself with the Eternal Love in Me.... But it would be wrong to say that My earthly path had been less difficult as a result of My extraordinary abundance of love, because I was extremely strongly influenced by demons besieging Me, which clung to Me and tried to pull Me down.... and which I could not shake off because My 'love' in Me did not allow for it; instead, I had to pacify them and lovingly try to persuade them to let go of Me and also promised them My help to ascend from the abyss to higher spheres again. I did not want to chase these demons away by virtue of My inherent great power, consequently I suffered far more than you humans can understand, and only the immense strength of love enabled the accomplishment of My act of Salvation, otherwise I would have fallen prey to the demons Myself which, however, would never have been possible because love, the Father Himself, dwelled within Me.... You humans are supposed to follow Me, you should likewise start waging the battle against all unspiritual things in and around you.... However, you would be incapable of doing so of your own strength because you still lack love which increases your strength.... But now you can turn to Me with an appeal for an influx of strength and it will truly be given to you by grace of the act of Salvation which I acquired on your behalf through My death on the cross. Yet without Me you will not release yourselves from the opposing power, without Me your resolve is too weak and you lack strength.... I Myself waged a very hard battle against My adversary who wanted to prevent Me from accomplishing the act of Salvation but I won the battle though love and want to help you because you are too weak. For you live in an entirely unspiritual world, you live in the world of the fallen spirit and are held captive by its prince. But I have redeemed you from his power and thus you can achieve the same as I.... so that you will emerge victoriously from the battle against all worldly cravings, so that your body will spiritualise itself at the same time as the soul, so that they will unite themselves with the Father of eternity, because you no longer need to accomplish this act by yourselves, you need only come to Me in order to receive the strength to be able to take the path of return to the Father from Whom you once originated. And this influx of strength signifies that love will ignite in you and flare up into brightest radiance, that you bring everything of an unspiritual nature in you into order through love, that you can resist every temptation and that you thereby release yourselves from your opponent.... for then you will be on My side and I will truly liberate you from him.... __Amen
Coming in the clouds....
You all should know that I will return in the clouds.... that I will descend to earth in the same way as I once ascended to heaven.... that My Own will see Me in brilliance and glory, just as My disciples once saw Me, and that I will take My Own from earth because the day of the end has come.... Admittedly, prior to that I Am already descending to earth in the Word, for I Am the Word Myself, and have given you the promise that I will stay with you until the end of the world.... but My obvious appearance will not happen yet, for it will constitute the end of one and the beginning of a new earth period.... __My coming in the clouds has to be understood literally, yet only few will see Me, for My flock is small and only My Own will be able to endure seeing Me, I will only be visible to My Own and allow them to behold My might and glory.... And this shall be your hope in hours of hardship and affliction by hostile powers to God.... for in the end everything will be hostile to God, the rulers and their followers, the people who take their side in the battle of faith. They all will take action against you, who want to remain loyal to Me and persevere to the end.... They will put you under great pressure and then you shall hope for My coming, for I will not leave you in distress of body and soul, I will save you and lift you to a place of peace, and your faith will be so strong that I will be able to show Myself when I come in the clouds in order to judge the living and the dead.... Then the great separation of the spirits will take place and My adversary will no longer have control over you.... For he and his adherents will be bound for a long time. Only few people sincerely believe that My return is imminent.... But the time is fulfilled and I no longer say: I will come when the time is fulfilled, but I say: the time is fulfilled.... You can only count on a very short time, on just a few days, compared to the long period of time that has passed since an `end' was prophesied. You live in the last days even if you refuse to believe it.... __My coming is soon about to happen to you.... Hence take care that you, too, will belong to the chosen ones who will experience My coming while still in the flesh, who may behold Me in all My radiance and glory, whom I will lift to heaven just before the end.... Just want to belong to them and, truly, I will give you the strength to turn your will into action. Let Me speak to you time and again and always strive to accept My will and you will establish the connection with Me, you will join Me and also be counted as My Own whom I will rescue before the end happens. For it is certain that I will come Myself.... And you should also believe without a shadow of doubt that all of you with a living faith and who approach Me with love, will be able to behold Me, for My Word is truth and will come to pass. __People who deny `My coming', who only want to understand and explain this arrival figuratively, are not yet as profoundly devoted as to be united with Me, but the immense earthly hardship before the end will still strengthen their faith if they are of good will. And they themselves will pray for My coming, because they will realise that only I can provide the rescue which they cannot expect from another side any longer.... You should believe that I will save you from utmost adversity and await the hour when My promise fulfils itself. And then My adversary will be defeated, yet with him also his many followers, who will be taken in by the earth again.... Therefore hope and persevere, for the hour of your deliverance will come, the day of separating the spirits will arrive.... There will be an earthly and spiritual change which you will experience and which was constantly proclaimed to you in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Knowledge of the eternal plan of Salvation....
You are instructed by Me in everything you need to know in order to benefit your soul's salvation.... And this includes the fact that those of you who shall teach, who shall proclaim My Gospel, whom I send into the world as My endtime disciples.... will also be initiated into My eternal plan of Salvation. For you should know all correlations so that you can confidently pass on the knowledge you receive from Me. This is why the spirit imparts extensive knowledge to you, in other words: I instruct you Myself so that you will know the truth. I have always mentioned the fact that the end is imminent and explained to you the fact that and the reason why a period of salvation will end and a new one will start again.... I have outlined to you My plan of Salvation and also given you the reason for your human existence.... I have given you the explanation about your origin and your goal and also provided you with the correct image of Me Myself, of My nature, in order to encourage you to seek contact with Me directly and to strive towards your perfection.... I also clarified the fact that your fundamental nature was different than it is now.... but that you should attain the original state again.... which is the purpose and goal of your life on earth.... Hence, it is My constant endeavour to inform all of you about My plan of Salvation, yet only a few are able and willing to accept the information. However, those who are serious about their perfection shall be truthfully instructed and this is only possible through the 'working of the spirit'.... so that your indwelling spiritual spark will make contact with the eternal Father-Spirit so that the human being can be taught from within about everything he needs to know in order to become blissfully happy again, as he was in the beginning. But this conveyance of knowledge cannot be forced upon a human being, a person's free will must decide what he wants to accept or reject, for only on condition of free will is it possible to attain perfection on earth. My servants on earth can therefore only provide their fellow human beings with this knowledge, My pure Gospel, they can only ever make sure that people will receive the information about their eternal God and Creator's unusual working, Who wants to bestow upon humanity the knowledge which will help them attain beatitude.... This is what the vineyard labour consists of for which people place themselves at My disposal because they want to be of service to Me as faithful servants during the last days.... Distributing the Gospel is so important during the last time before the end that I will bless every person who makes himself available to Me for this, because people should know what will happen to them, they should be made aware of the fact that a period of salvation will come to an end and that they should do their utmost in order to fulfil their task on earth. Nevertheless, only those who desire the truth will accept it, for they are able to recognise the truth when it is brought to them. People's free will decides their future fate, so if people are truthfully informed it will be possible for their will to make the right decision, for the truth is strength.... after all, it comes forth from Me and cannot be ineffective.... But it does not compel their acceptance; instead, it will merely impress upon a person if he is of good will.... And I want to lead you to him and, time and again, open doors for you through which you can enter and proclaim My Gospel.... Time is running out and people urgently require the truth.... a light in which they can recognise the path which leads to higher spheres. Therefore they shall receive such light from above because darkness prevails on earth and the light from above must penetrate if the darkness is to be dispelled and enable people to still step into the light of day before the end. This is why I still take such obvious care of people and, if they don't openly oppose Me, they will so soon feel the soothing effect of the light of truth and desire it, in which case they need not fear a near end either, for they will take the path of ascent into the light.... that is, the truth will lead them back to Me, from Whom they once originated.... __Amen
About the doctrine of re-incarnation....
I can reveal Myself to you through the voice of the spirit if you genuinely desire to be taught by Me. I only want you to live in truth, that your thinking will not take the wrong direction, that you will not be so influenced by misguided teachings from the one who wants to undermine the truth, because it enlightens you by highlighting him and his activity. Accept, therefore, what I say to you through My spirit: it should be understandable to you that My adversary will do everything possible to keep you in spiritual darkness in which he has absolute control over you, for as soon as you know the truth you are lost to him.... Hence he will always direct your thoughts wrongly.... and every wrong thought will result in a thousand others, and thus he will see to it that the knowledge about the purpose and meaning of your earthly life will be withheld from you, that you will form an entirely wrong idea about your earthly task, and he will try to keep you indifferent towards all spiritual endeavour.... He tries to maintain your love for the world and therefore will also always present a repetition of earthly life as being desirable and even provide evidence for it, for it will weaken your striving for perfection as soon as you believe that you will be allowed to return to earth time and again if you have not yet reached perfection. __This concept is My adversary's most favourite method and is the reason why the doctrine of re-incarnation has become so popular, and it is difficult to discard it because My adversary works very skilfully in order to substantiate the credibility of this teaching. Yet no one needs to succumb to his trickery, for as soon as he seriously desires to know the truth and turns to Me Myself he will recognise the foolishness of what he was presented with and will also clearly feel the truth in his heart, he will feel resentment at what has emerged from My adversary, for his sincere desire for truth will also guarantee that he will receive it.... Lots of people yield to his influence in this matter, because people themselves want to return to earth because their love for the world is still too strong and the idea that they can repeat their earthly life is comforting to them.... Yet time and again you are told that you, who believe in re-incarnation, were misled.... although there are isolated cases which have their special reasons but which must not be generalised. For My eternal plan of Salvation truly incorporates all possibilities which guarantee your full maturity throughout one earthly life.... for you can overcome every weakness yourselves, since I died for you on the cross to gain strength of will on your behalf and you can at all times call upon Me in Jesus, the Redeemer from sin and death, and then you will also be able to reach the degree on earth which will assure your entry into the kingdom of light.... where you can ascend to never-ending heights since there will be no more limitation for you.... __If you, however, don't use your earthly life and enter the kingdom of the beyond unredeemed, then a repeated embodiment on earth would be of no use to you either, for you will keep your free will but your past memory will be taken away from you, and then you will be in far greater danger to descend further, which will never be encouraged but prevented by Me. And if you can already become enlightened on earth by informing you of your past apostasy from Me and My plan of return, then you can also clearly see the path which you have to cover in order to perfect yourselves, and then you will also realise that the doctrines promising you a repeated earthly life are misguided teachings, for they contradict My eternal plan of Salvation, which has been established by Me in all wisdom and love in order to enable your release from the form which, however, requires your free will. And in order that your will shall make the right decision I Myself shall time and again impart the truth to you if you ask for it, if you desire to live in truth. Yet you should also understand that My adversary will use all the power you give to him yourselves.... that he will offer you wrong teachings as long as you won't reject his activity by genuinely desiring the truth.... Yet he will never be able to impose his error where I, as the Eternal Truth, Am asked for protection against error.... for then he will be completely ineffective, since the light which is directly emanating from Me will unmask him and he will therefore always take flight from this light.... __Amen
Unity of ecclesiastical denominations?....
There is no chance that the ecclesiastical denominations will agree with each other because they hold on to their spoiled teachings and do not try to distance themselves from them.... They all concentrate on external practices, they represent a Christianity which does not correspond to what Jesus describes as the church founded by Him.... Because this church is a spiritual union, its members exemplify a living Christianity which transforms a person from within, it cannot be compared with the Christianity advocated by the churches.... which mainly follows external customs, has adopted countless practices and ceremonies and thus attaches more importance to those while neglecting the inner change of the human being's nature into love.... As a result it can never achieve the right relationship with God, the spiritual rebirth, which, however, is the essence of the church founded on earth by Jesus Himself. None of the denominations will relinquish their traditions, not one of them will, for the sake of another, renounce anything even though it is a mere human product and has no value before God. __The denominations' argument concerns those differences which were created by them in the course of time, but no thought is given to the actual misguided spiritual knowledge which had caused the confusion in the first place and which is eagerly defended as the original religion. This, however, can only be found in the truth taught by Jesus Himself on earth which has also been distorted by now and is no longer supported by any of the existing denominations, nor can it be supported because it needs the working of the spirit, which can only be attained by fulfilling the divine commandments of love. And particularly this commandment is in fact taught but observed least of all, because all later added man-made commandments are paid more attention, although they are of no value since they did not originate from God but are mere human work.... thus they cannot last and have no influence on the further development of the human soul which has to mature here on earth. The divine Word of Jesus on earth which gave mankind the full truth has been interpreted so incorrectly that these interpretations have resulted in many wrong customs. __Here God's adversary has played his part by confusing the spirit of men, which became noticeable in the demands of these various denominations, which always separated when people argued over the spiritual meaning of Jesus' Words. And each denomination supported such controversial issues according to the degree of their understanding or the spiritual state of those who believed themselves to have a calling but who did not belong to the church of Christ themselves, or their spirit would have been enlightened and they would have dissociated themselves from the existing creeds or schools of thought. Some eager representatives whose maturity of soul was already further advanced certainly did fight for the knowledge they had gained. But they could never prevail because their opponents were not willing to relinquish a structure which only consisted of misguided human practices, which never correspond to divine will because they did not concur with the pure truth.... __And even if the denominations intend to unify, they will still not give up these human institutions and endeavour to build the true church of Christ which expects of people an inner life in accordance with divine will not reliant upon any external practices, but solely upon a life of love. This will establish a connection with God and result in living faith as well as a full understanding of the pure truth which is gained through the working of the spirit within the human being and which is the sole characteristic of the church which Jesus Christ established on earth. And as long as people do not abandon the formalities through which they deter many people's faith altogether, as long as they do not want to experience the inner awakening themselves, which results in the working of the spirit and enlightenment of thought, it will be a pointless beginning to achieve an agreement, for then they do not agree in truth but hold on to the misguided spiritual knowledge which, however, will be of no benefit for their souls.... __Amen
The souls' agonising fate in the beyond....
Anyone having devoted himself to the world must and will fear death, for the human being has not disappeared when he dies yet the soul has left him, which is unable to die and thus continues to exist in the spiritual kingdom in a state which corresponds to its earthly life. Only now will the soul be able to enter the true life, which lasts forever and is a state of blissfulness, for in complete freedom, in light and strength it will be able to create whatever it wants which, however, is also My will, because it has completely subordinated itself to My will.... Yet it is also possible that it will stay in the kingdom of the beyond in an agonising state, in darkness and helplessness but still conscious of itself. In that case one can indeed speak of death, but not of a state of complete disappearance.... And its agony precisely consists of the fact that it knows with how much abundance of strength it had lived on earth, and now it is helpless and incapable of any activity.... The fact that it remains conscious of itself is the very reason for its increased torment but it can also help the soul to emerge from this state of death, by listening to the helpers by whom it is approached in the spiritual kingdom and following their instruction, which will already result in a slight improvement for the soul. __Yet it is extremely difficult to encourage the souls to take care of other wretched souls, because they are only ever occupied with themselves, just like on earth they lack love and their selfishness is still predominant. Yet only love will enable the soul's progress in the beyond.... It has to receive loving intercession which it experiences as strength, and then it will be possible that it will change its will. It has to awaken love within itself by also paying attention to its needy brothers in the beyond and willingly offering small gestures of assistance.... These will then also be felt by the soul as influx of strength and stimulate its will to love, which alone is able to release the soul from its agonising situation. __If it enters the kingdom of the beyond in utter spiritual darkness it can take a very long time before it becomes aware of its wretched condition and yearns for improvement.... But as soon as the desire arises to change its state of death, as soon as it realises that it no longer lives on earth and yet has not ceased to exist, it will also reflect on its situation and try to get out of it. And only this will bring it into contact with helpers, beings of light which come along in disguise and try to explain that it can escape its situation if it has the will to do so.... Especially unbelieving, from earth departed human beings require much intercession from human side which will enable them to muster the will in the beyond to improve their situation. For every prayer on behalf of these souls conveys a flow of strength to them and this strength will never be lost, providing the soul leaves people behind on earth who will remember it in intercession.... __Hence you humans are able to contribute to a large extent that these souls, too, will overcome death, that they will still awaken to life on the other side.... For as long as the soul is self-aware I will not abandon it, for then it will also be capable of changing its will, which need only be directed towards Jesus Christ and its redemption will be assured.... However, if it descends to a point when no spark of light will be able to reach it anymore, then it will continue to strive towards the abyss and harden again, and that also means disintegration and loss of self-awareness, it means renewed banishment into matter and the start of a new period of Salvation, because no being will be lost forever.... Because no being will remain dead forever, but one day for sure will return again to life everlasting. __Souls, which no longer have to go through this new banishment, will also be fought for in the kingdom of the beyond, and every person who lovingly remembers these souls is participating in the redemption work, and the souls will be eternally grateful to him for having led them from the night of death into the light of day.... For what once originated from Me as a being cannot cease to exist, but only when this creation will be able to work in freedom, light and strength has it come alive, but then (it) will never be able to go astray (lose it) again.... __Amen
Did the human being evolve or was he a new creation?....
There can be no contradictions in the spiritual knowledge you receive from Me Myself, which My spirit has imparted to you who are of service to Me and who have the task to pass on the pure truth from Me to your fellow human beings, to spread My Word which should enlighten you. Because I want to shed light onto the spiritual darkness in which people live and especially when you desire an explanation yourselves: __It took an infinitely long time for the creation work `earth' to become what it is now.... a creation which should enable people to achieve final perfection. And during this infinitely long time the original spirits, having been dissolved into the tiniest of particles, passed through countless works of creation in order to evolve ever more. The solidified spiritual substance gradually became alive, as you have been told several times already. It covered the infinitely long way in a state of compulsion, i.e. all creations fulfilled the purpose and task given to them by Me.... no constrained being could make its own decisions but gradually matured.... Forms were created for spiritual substances of all degrees of maturity aspiring to ascend; the forms of the mineral, plant and animal world were infinitely diverse, and they all were brought to life by the minute particles of the fallen original spirits, which progressively united and finally became smaller and larger living organisms. On leaving their forms they united again and finally were embodied into forms which already rather resembled the shape of a human being. __The whole lengthy course of development was subject to My law, in other words, all events in this creation which emerged through My will took place in accordance with natural law. As a result of their fall into the abyss the original spirits had lost their self-awareness. However, one day they should regain this self-awareness again and embody themselves in the last form as a human being, in order to then bring the path of higher development to a close. The final forms in the compulsive state therefore became increasingly more human-like but they had no self-awareness as yet, they acted instinctively in accordance with My will.... although they already performed functions which resembled those of a human being.... However, they were unable to think, they lacked reason and free will and were therefore not accountable. They were impelled into action by spiritual intelligences, just like every spiritual being still constrained within the form was subject to supervisors, who likewise transferred My will onto the constrained spiritual being through natural law. And then came the time when free will could be returned to the matured original spirits by which they then should be tested as to whether they wanted to return to Me or remain with My adversary.... And for those original spirits I created the form of the human being.... __All works of creation, especially the ever larger created living beings, originated through My will, in as much as My thoughts took shape.... And for this reason these living beings were represented in the most varied forms, yet every form was different.... There were the most diverse species bearing no resemblance to each other, which continued to reproduce themselves but always remained the same creatures.... When the first original spirits had attained a level of maturity which required the form of the human being, My will once again brought forth a work of creation which was truly a work of wonder in the whole of My creation.... This being was structured incredibly intricately; it was created in accordance with My will so that it could fulfil its earthly task..... a being which I `created', but which did not `evolve' from the already existing human-like creations.... Because it was intended for this form to shelter an original spirit, a being which was once externalised by Me in My image and which was to become what it used to be once again.... And therefore it had to be equipped with intelligence, free will and self-awareness, and these did not gradually evolve in the animal-like beings but they were given to the human form when the original spirit took possession of the first form.... and they will always be given to every human being as part of his soul when, as divine breath, it gives life to the human being at birth.... __Afterwards people indeed reproduced themselves again in accordance with My law of nature but they will always remain the same living creations as the first human being, Adam, was. They will not change into other living creations, but any change will always purely be an act of the soul which at first can still be disinclined towards Me and during its time as a human being achieve highest perfection.... The human body, however, will remain as I created it when Adam's soul took possession of it.... Although the act of creating earth with everything in, on and above it, with all dead and living creations, certainly required an infinitely long time, but at the same time a phase of higher development had come to an end for the fallen spiritual essence when the minute particles of an original spirit had gathered again and the last process of return to Me began.... __And this existence on earth as a human being also required a new work of creation by Me, a form which could do justice to all demands in order to take the last test of its own free will. And thus the human being can consider himself a special creation by Me, because he is the only being on earth with the gift of intelligence, reason and free will.... the marks of divine origin. He is therefore also able to recognise above himself a God and Creator Who gave him life, and therefore he can also achieve final perfection on this earth if his free will genuinely strives for it.... __Amen
Ecclesiastical organisation....
There is still a lot I have to tell you since much error has yet to be eliminated if you humans want to live in truth. But My spirit can only work to a limited extent, to the extent which corresponds to your state of maturity. In order to absorb knowledge which is as yet entirely unfamiliar to you, the recipient's surrender to Me has to be so heartfelt that My spirit can flow into him unimpeded. You humans will ask why I allowed such considerable distortion of the truth which originated from Me to result in this great spiritual darkness of humanity. In reply to this I must repeat that man's free will resists any limitation if he belongs to My adversary whose will he fulfils on earth. Since it is My adversary's sole objective to prevent people on earth from recognising their God and Creator.... since he is only interested in extinguishing or darkening every light from Me, and since he has the same right to influence the human being's will, the truth will always be contaminated again. Because the adversary wants to distort My image, he wants to portray Me to people such that they shall not feel love for Me, and in order to achieve this he will use any means. __After I had accomplished My act of Salvation on earth, My pure Gospel was spread across the world by My disciples.... __They had received the truth from Me in its purest form and passed it on equally pure, since they were filled by My spirit. However, people's nature varied, their souls were still burdened by the original sin, and they were still a part of My adversary although he could not force them to surrender to him completely. But the hereditary evils.... arrogance and thirst for power.... were still present in them to a substantial extent. And these were used by him to influence them and to sow the seeds of discord even among the followers of My teaching, of the pure Gospel. And a few people became particularly prominent and founded organisations of their own accord, promoted themselves to administrators and thus developed an establishment with many earthly and worldly interests. And thus My adversary, whose greatest objective was to undermine the truth of the Gospel, already played his part.... __Hence the light grew consistently dimmer and adverse influence established different teachings which were not recognised as misguided teachings, but were ardently defended as allegedly having been conveyed by Me to these administrators, who subsequently also demanded faith in them by the members of that organisation, which became extremely powerful in due course.... Every human being could and should have realised that an organization with people who want to dominate could never have been built by Me because I taught `service with love....', whereas the adversary's action promotes thirst for power and hunger for dominance.... And every person can still form his own opinion today as to where these characteristics can still be clearly detected. However, he has free will.... __If I had used My power to destroy such organisations it would have interfered with the human being's free will, because the final maturing of the soul during earthly life has to be an act of complete free will if the person is to achieve perfection. My adversary has certainly erected a work of deception which has caused much harm to people's souls, but I gave the human being intellect and provided him with blessings in abundance.... I gave him the blessing of prayer and have come so close to people that they could call to Me in prayer. And if only they had prayed for receiving the truth and protection from error.... truly, their spirit would have become enlightened, and they could not have been deceived by lies and error.... Every person should think carefully, because for this reason he has intellect; if he fails to do so it is his own fault that he is far removed from the truth, that he has allowed himself to be captivated by misguided teachings.... Because every human being is My living creation intended to reach maturity on earth. I long for his return to Me and will truly provide him with every opportunity to do so, but he has to use these opportunities of his own free will. For I do not force this free will but My adversary cannot force it either.... __In view of this you will also understand that I will repeatedly ensure that the pure truth is conveyed to people, that I will expose misguided teachings, prove them to be wrong and denounce them, so that it certainly will be possible for the truly willing human being to live in truth. But he also will have to make every effort to free himself from the structure of lies erected by the one who will always attempt to increase the darkness on earth and employ every possible means to extinguish the light. However, it is difficult for the truth to penetrate because people's thinking is already so distorted that it cannot free itself from traditional spiritual knowledge and thus every bearer of light commissioned by Me to spread My light will come under attack.... But there cannot be clarity as long as people are not given a full explanation, and people will continue to fight each other as long as they do not approach Me with the genuine desire for truth. Not until then will they receive light and subsequently try to disassociate themselves from spiritual knowledge which they had upheld as truth but which had emerged from the adversary, who is an enemy of truth because he is in hostile opposition to Me Myself.... __Amen
Incarnation of many light beings in the last days....
The fact that it has become necessary for so many beings of light to incarnate on earth in the last days is because people only develop very little love, with the result that the spiritual darkness has increased.... Thus light shall be brought to humanity. They do not kindle the flame within themselves which would provide them with the necessary illumination, consequently the light has to be brought to them from outside, that is, they have to be taught by fellow human beings who know the truth, that is, who possess a light. The embodied beings of light become knowledgeable as human beings by living a life of love, for at the start of their incarnation this knowledge is strange to them as well, since they, like everyone else, first have to educate themselves into bearers of light which, however, comes easy to them because they are willing to love and love is the light which enlightens them from within. Hence I convey My Word to earth through them, I bestow light upon people so that they will be introduced to the knowledge of their original state, their apostasy and their task during their human existence.... Therefore they are not without knowledge even if they live without love, but they receive clarification and only need to be of good will in order to also accept the explanations and live their life accordingly. And especially the bearers of light.... these embodied beings of light.... are rarely listened to, for they preach and demand a life of love, which is a requirement their fellow human beings don't want to live up to. Thus there will still be a great struggle by the world of light for the souls of people who close their eyes and ears and rather listen to the voice of the world. __As a result, two directions can very clearly be recognised: people who reject all light will walk along in profound spiritual darkness, whereas other people will emanate light to their fellow human beings and live a way of life according to My commandments, and there the light will increase, people will have knowledge at their disposal which will give them great joy because they now recognise their purpose of earthly life.... People need support for they no longer do anything to find their way out of spiritual darkness, their will is weak because it is constrained by God's adversary, and as long as the human being lives entirely without love he is still part of the one who had pulled him into darkness. This is why the human being has to be told time and again to practise love, and he will always be supported by the world of light so that he will become enlightened himself and realise why he is living on earth. For this reason God speaks to people through mediators, through beings of light, who have embodied themselves on earth and voluntarily muster the will to enter into close contact with their God and Creator of eternity.... who want to bring salvation to their fellow human beings and return His children to their heavenly Father if they don't resist their efforts, if they accept the light, if they allow themselves to be permeated by the Eternal Light, which always happens when people are willing to listen to God's Word and live accordingly.... Then the darkness will be penetrated and people become knowledgeable and come to realise that they have a Father Who wants to help them return to Him and therefore sends His messengers to them to spread the light which they receive from God Himself.... And there will still be a struggle for all souls which live in the darkness of spirit, for people shall still be saved before the end to escape the dreadful fate of being banished again in the creations of the new earth.... __Amen
The mystery of God's human manifestation....
Time and again you receive information about Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour of the world.... about God's human manifestation in Jesus.... Precisely this manifestation of the greatest and most perfect spirit God.... of the Father, out of Whom everything emerged.... in the human being Jesus cannot be explained to you often enough, in order that you will not become subject to erroneous belief and understand where the spirit of God is expressing Itself and where the adversary intervenes to infiltrate the pure truth with error. Jesus' soul of light.... one of the original spirits brought forth by Eternal Love.... had embodied Itself on earth for the purpose of an exalted mission: to offer the Father His temporal cover as an abode and to redeem the immense original sin of the former apostasy from God, which countless beings had burdened themselves with. Jesus' soul had voluntarily offered to bring about the act of atonement on earth, and because It was moved by greater than great love for its fallen brothers and because God will never refute love, He allowed it to happen.... Because only love was able to make such a sacrifice.... The man Jesus then developed this love on earth to its fullest.... which means that Eternal Love Itself took complete possession of Jesus' physical shell.... that therefore God Himself took abode in the man Jesus and was able to do so, because the human being Jesus was pure and without sin and due to love was in constant contact with His eternal Father.... __You humans will never be able to properly understand this mystery as long as you live on earth.... But God's human manifestation in Jesus can only be explained such that God is love in His fundamental substance and that He completely permeated the man Jesus, thus everything in Him became love. And therefore love has accomplished the act of Salvation, because only love gave the external human form the necessary strength for its suffering, to endure until the end, until the most painful death on the cross.... And when the act of Salvation was accomplished the being, which had once been `created' by God, also achieved Its highest perfection, it had deified Itself, It had completely become one with the Father, from Whom It had originated.... Jesus had become `God'.... just as God had been `human' in Jesus before, until the greatest act of mercy on earth had been accomplished.... __But now Jesus is and remains God, Who has become and Who will eternally remain a visible God for all created beings.... Anyone who does not acknowledge or declare this complete deification of Jesus' becoming one with God, does not yet know the truth which originated from God, the eternal truth. Because time and again the Eternal Truth teaches people through His spirit of this greatest mystery, since it is necessary for people to recognise and acknowledge God Himself in Jesus, because the salvation of a human being will not take place until he.... as a formerly fallen original spirit who did not want to acknowledge God.... has acknowledged Him of his own accord and wants to return to Him.... And therefore any kind of teaching which portrays Jesus as a separate entity will be untrue, in spite of having the highest aspirations....Because He is no longer outside of God, He is God Himself.... __The eternal Deity may not be personified, It is the greatest spirit of eternity Who permeates everything, but Who has chosen a form for Himself in order to be visible to His created beings.... And this form is Jesus, consequently Jesus is God, but not a second being which leads the people to God.... God's adversary constantly tries to stop people receiving a bright light, and thus he especially tries to invalidate the act of Salvation and God's human manifestation, he attempts to confuse the concepts because he wants to prevent God's recognition and acknowledgment, which takes his followers from him.... And he will constantly strive to appear in the guise of an angel of light spreading deceitful teachings amongst people which, however, shall be corrected again and again by the Eternal Truth. __Jesus Christ's act of Salvation and God's human manifestation in Jesus cannot be explained to people often enough; but the person himself also has to be willing to receive the pure truth, then he need not fear of falling prey to error. He will recognise it as such, he will internally refuse to accept erroneous teachings and not believe those whom the adversary has gained as an instrument for himself but who can be recognised by everyone who wants to live in truth and therefore asks God Himself, as the eternal truth. There will be a lot of deception during the last period before the end, but God will know how to direct the outcome of it because He knows the hearts of those who are willing, who do not want to fall prey to the adversary's doings.... and He will indeed guide them into truth.... __Amen
Does God punish the children for the sins of the fathers?...
It is My will that you humans should live in truth because erroneous thoughts will obstruct your ascent, and because one misguided thought can result in many wrong thoughts. And hence you shall receive explanations too, providing you want these for the sake of the pure truth: __Although you are asked to believe in My justice, you should nevertheless not get a false impression of Me due to teachings which portray Me as a heartless God Who punishes unfairly.... And this false impression will come about as long as you do not understand the meaning of the words `I will punish the sins of the fathers up to the fourth generation....' It is not the case that I Am merciless and that children and grandchildren have to do penance for the sins of their fathers.... because every soul is responsible for itself and has to make amends for their own guilt while still on earth, as long as it does not accept salvation through Jesus Christ. Nor will children and grandchildren be held responsible for the sins of their fathers.... But it can be a natural consequence of certain sins which effects children and grandchildren.... so that weaknesses and disabilities of a physical and psychological nature occur which are caused by the fathers' sinful life. And this consequence is also visible to other people, hence the weaknesses and disabilities are now regarded as punishments on My part. __As long as the people who have become sinful are still alive, the awareness that they are to blame for their children's misery can be punishment for them too, they can, due to this awareness, now also make amends for their sins, i.e. render a just compensation for their guilt, but they can only find forgiveness when they take their guilt to the cross and ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness, for salvation.... But the equally `punished' children are souls in their own right who have consciously accepted the difficult fate of their earthly life in order to achieve maturity sooner, because they are informed of this beforehand and can also refuse to accept this fate. It is always merely a matter of the souls' maturation. __The physical existence as a human being is more than less irrelevant.... a difficult earthly life is far more likely to lead to perfection than a peaceful and enjoyable earthly existence.... __You people, however, still being ignorant, regard your life as human being too highly.... And you will always accuse Me of injustice when you are hard hit by fate, although it is based on My love for you.... The process of return offers many options but you rarely recognise them as such.... You only ever regard the conditions of adversity as heartlessness and injustice on My part, yet you do not recognise in them the opportunities to achieve complete maturity. Everything you do will be subject to law, naturally as well as spiritually. And thus every transgression will result in consequences which are sometimes obvious but occasionally not apparent, because an offence against My eternal order will always have a negative effect, because My justice alone will provide the human being with opportunities for compensation, so that he can make amends for his guilt while still on earth and need not enter the kingdom on the other side excessively burdened.... And even if he passes over unredeemed, if he has not yet found salvation through Jesus Christ, he can still be affected by the fate of those he cared about during his earthly life and feel remorse. And herewith he will have already taken a step forward because, although he will also be helpless in the kingdom on the other side due to his sinfulness, he will nevertheless try to help his loved one.... He has the will to do so and this is credited to him as love, and now he will be equally helped by the spiritual world.... Alternatively however, souls also consciously accept a difficult life in order to help those who facilitate their embodiment on earth and because they often notice the same inclinations and hence feel attached to them. __When they say that the sins of the father will be punished up to the fourth generation, this only means that serious offences against the eternal order result in naturally lawful consequences, which I, however, consent to because they in turn can enable other souls' ascent. It is a person's completely free will as to how he conducts himself in earthly life, just as it is the completely free will of the soul which embodies itself again. __When `punishment' on My part is mentioned it is a misconception in as much that everything is only for the benefit of the soul, whatever is inflicted on it and whatever happens to it in its earthly life.... Because many a soul can only mature by way of suffering because it does not acquire a high degree of love of its own accord.... which subsequently would result in the decrease of suffering and make its fate on earth more endurable. However, as long as you always just want to see injustice on My part in regards to the destiny of long-suffering people you are merely displaying your lack of knowledge of My eternal plan of salvation; furthermore, you are unaware of My greater than great love for you, which only ever wants to save and will never condemn.... Compared to eternity time on earth is only brief, but during this extremely short period of time you humans have the opportunity to gather many treasures for eternity, you can make amends for much injustice and enter the kingdom of light, providing you find Jesus Christ and ask Him for forgiveness of your guilt.... __Amen
Jesus' activity on Earth....
When I lived on earth I taught you humans the Gospel of love, for you should develop the love within you into utmost perfection and also be aware of its consequences, which you were able to identify by My activity.... I was only able to heal the sick and perform miracles on account of My indwelling love, which permeated Me completely and subsequently resulted in unity with the Father.... the Eternal Love.... which is the goal of every being created by the Father. Thus I exemplified a life of love to you and only ever treated My neighbourhood with love.... Consequently I was able to teach in all wisdom, I was able to enlighten people's spiritual darkness since this light of wisdom came forth from the fire of My love. For this reason you humans will only gain realisation when you live a life of love, for love is the flow of divine light which illuminates a person's heart so that he can attain profound knowledge, which provides clarification about himself and his relationship with God, his Father of eternity.... People spent their lives in complete darkness, their thinking was wrong because their hearts lacked love and thus they lacked the fire which could emit a light.... And I came to them, I came into the midst of the human race, but they did not know Me and rejected the light.... They persecuted and attacked Me because their heartless way of life was also a life of sin. Yet I repaid all evil only with love, I compassionately took care of their suffering, I relieved them from ailments and only ever taught love, because this was the only remedy, both earthly as well as spiritually.... And there were only a few who recognised Me, who followed Me and made an effort to live a life of love, and they became enlightened and joined Me.... because they also recognised in Me the Messiah, the Saviour from severe adversity Who had long been announced to them through prophets. But only a few believed My Words and lived accordingly, who lived with love and were guided through the spiritual darkness into the light.... for the light lived in the midst of them.... __I constantly preached love and, time and again, I will proclaim to people the divine teaching of love, I will present it as being of paramount importance and admonish all people to live a life of love like Me in order to thereby gain the realisation of why they live on earth, what their task consists of and what they should strive for.... As soon as a small glimmer of light has fallen into their hearts, as soon as they unite with Me, as the Eternal Love, through unselfish kind-hearted activity, they will become increasingly more enlightened, they will become more knowledgeable and this knowledge will indeed correspond to truth because I, Truth and Love, are one.... He who lives in love will be united with Me and also know the truth.... He will have stepped out of the spiritual night into the light and all darkness will have left him. Only love can achieve this, consequently the Gospel of love will be proclaimed to you time and again, and any concepts conveyed to you from external sources must always kindle love in your hearts, they must always consist of admonitions to live your life on earth in love. Time and again you must change yourselves into love, you must fight against selfish love and try to change it into unselfish neighbourly love.... I must be presented to you as a God of love, Whom you can only reach through love.... For love is everything.... it is strength and light, it is bliss.... Anyone who lives without love is still burdened by darkness and his earthly path is obscure to him.... Anyone who has shaped himself into love will no longer fear anything, for he recognises his God and Creator as a loving Father and strives consciously towards Him.... Love liberates, it liberates from all bondage, love bestows happiness and grants bliss in abundance.... Love comes from Me and leads back to Me again.... For love connects the child with the Father.... Love grants the greatest happiness while still on earth and then again one day in eternity, for Love is God, It unites Father and child for all eternity.... __Amen
Examination of spiritual 'receptions'....
I want to send My Word to all places, I want all people to be informed of it and I will also lead all those to you to whom you shall impart My Word. I will pour My spirit upon all flesh and choose the right vessels for Myself far and wide which I will be able to instruct mentally or even through the inner Word because it is essential to inform people of My will and their earthly task. And thus I work everywhere because the last days before the end will require extraordinary help. And time and again I say to you that I speak to you directly or indirectly through My messengers of light who receive My Word from Me and pass it on to those of you who allow the flow of spirit to enter you. In the latter instance My Word, which is given to these messengers of light by Me, will also be recognisable by the style of the Word.... Yet it will always be the pure truth from Me, because the messengers of light merely comply with My will and will not pass on anything other than truth to those of you who sincerely desire the truth. Nevertheless, you should always check it and, at all times, bear in mind that My adversary, too, wants to express himself in the last days and that he will present himself as an angel of light.... you should always remember that I have warned you about false Christs and false prophets.... For they, too, wreak havoc on earth and intend to confuse people. And you will always be able to carry out this examination by appealing for My support and by taking My Word into consideration: that every spirit which professes that Jesus Christ came in the flesh can also be regarded to have been called by Me.... But attention always has to be paid to the fact that this embodiment in the flesh has to be explained to you.... For in order to deceive you an evil spirit can use the same words too, since it knows them well yet it will be incapable of explaining them. __Similarly, immature spirits which are as yet unenlightened but bear no ill intentions may also want to express themselves and thus pass on what they remember from earthly life. These should not to be acknowledged as teachers.... And, again, the recipient's attitude is decisive as to whether such immature beings will be able to express themselves or whether the sincere will for truth will prevent them from carrying out their intentions. In the same way as preachers exist on earth who only use what they know as subject matter for their sermons without, however, being spiritually enlightened.... and yet they need not be bad.... so beings express themselves in the beyond which had also once performed this ministry on earth and then continued their instructions in the beyond. And as long as they pass themselves off as otherworldly teachers they will be listened to or rejected.... depending on the person they try to educate. But since these beings in the beyond don't know that God and Jesus are one and only ever see the 'human being' in Jesus Who perfected Himself on earth.... but neither do they know what this 'perfection' implies.... they avail themselves of His human name in order to make their instructions credible.... For they lack the full realisation of this great sin otherwise they truly would not commit it.... They still intend to lead people into the 'heavenly kingdom' just as they planned to do on earth during their work as preachers. This is why their reports from the spiritual kingdom will also give people the impression that they are perfect spirits from higher spheres.... The spiritually awakened person, however, can sense that I Am not and cannot be the source of this spiritual knowledge, because My divinity in Jesus is not clearly emphasised, but this shall always be made comprehensible through My Word since Jesus Christ's act of Salvation will only be understood and acknowledged if you humans receive truthful clarification about it. You can never be advised often enough to constantly enter into heartfelt contact with Me and to pray to Me in spirit and in truth, so that everything is excluded which is misguided or incomprehensible to you and does not benefit your soul but is more likely to cause it damage.... For My adversary, by using shadows, eagerly tries to darken the light which shines brightly wherever the will for truth prevails and where he himself is therefore unable to lead people astray.... Yet whenever you are unsure, ask Me and I will always grant you illumination and, time and again, give you the evidence of My love which will lead all of you to the light so that you will be able to become blissfully happy.... __Amen
Christmas message 1962
I Myself came to you because you needed Me in your great spiritual adversity.... I descended to earth; I entered the realm of darkness and brought a brightly shining light, for I Myself was the Light of Eternity which constantly emanates its radiance into the darkness.... And thus I took on a human shape because only as a human being was I able to accomplish that which signified to you salvation from the great hardship.... And this human being was the infant Jesus, Who was born to you in the Holy Night.... For this infant was conceived in all purity and without sin through My power and love and was therefore able to accept Me Myself, the Eternal Love, within Itself.... His was a soul of light which was able to serve Me as an abode, because I can only shelter in a pure vessel otherwise the bright light of My love would have been unable to shine. The infant Jesus was infused by the spirit of love, for His soul brought the love with it to earth.... It was a non-fallen original spirit Which did not close Itself to the love which I incessantly transmitted. And this original spirit did not relinquish Its love when It embodied Itself in the infant Jesus, It merely stemmed the radiance of Its abundant love as not to illuminate people with a brilliance they would have been unable to bear due to their imperfect state. However, unusual events took place at His birth which gave evidence to people who loved that the promised Messiah had come into the world. Yet only a few recognised Him, and thus the infant Jesus started Its earthly path like every other human being, for the mission It had to fulfil was under no circumstances allowed to impose a compulsory faith on people, for He, Jesus, was merely meant to show them the path which every person must take in order to ascend from the abyss into the light.... Nevertheless, the love of the infant Jesus was at times overwhelmingly powerful, for I Myself was this love, thus I had chosen the human shell so as to accomplish the greatest act of compassion on behalf of the sinful human race which, however, had to be accomplished by every human being who was capable of suffering in order to atone for these beings' original sin of apostasy from Me.... I Myself descended to Earth and embodied Myself in a soul of light which voluntarily wanted to take the earthly path in order to serve Me Myself as an abode. Seers and prophets had already announced the Messiah to people long in advance, and those people who were still devoted to Me in love yearned for His arrival, and they soon recognised Him in the boy Jesus, they realised that His unusual wisdom was divine and that I had sent them the One Who was to bring them deliverance. Yet even Jesus was not allowed to compel people's faith through His extraordinary strength and wisdom.... His brightly shining light of love certainly broke through every so often and My spirit expressed itself through Him but it nevertheless withdrew itself time and again, and the man Jesus lived His earthly life like any other human being, for He was meant to exemplify the right kind of life to people which they should follow if they wanted to release themselves from My adversary, who can only be defeated through and with love. __And since the soul.... although having descended from the kingdom of light.... had to live in the midst of the satanic world and its earthly body also consisted of immature spiritual substances, the man Jesus had to fight very hard to remain victorious against and during all temptation used by My adversary to make Him fall. Yet Jesus had not relinquished love, His soul was so filled by love for Me, His God and Father of eternity, that He thus was full of strength and light and therefore able to perform miracles and in all wisdom instruct His fellow human beings. Even so, His body imposed human limitations on Him as long as He had not fully matured, but He used His life on earth to that effect until He accomplished the actual act of Salvation, which concluded His suffering and death on the cross.... As a result of His life of love His body had indeed almost spiritualised already, yet He took His death on the cross upon Himself as a weak human being. And He voluntarily gave up all divine strength of love for the sake of the final hours of His act of compassion in order to then suffer incredibly and die as a mere human being and through this greatest act of atonement of all times to redeem the great original sin for the whole of humanity.... It was pure love which motivated Him to accomplish this work, and this love was I Myself.... Yet you will never ever understand this unless, of course, you, too, become pure love, as you were in the beginning.... Only then will you understand the nature of love, only then will you know why I Myself have to be acknowledged by you as your Redeemer from sin and death, and then you will also understand the fact that and Jesus and I are one, why 'God' can only be conceived by you in 'Jesus', and you will understand why a 'human being' had to accomplish this act of Salvation on earth.... For the atonement of the immense guilt of your past apostasy from Me was only possible to be rendered by a human being who was as full of love.... in whom I, the Eternal Love, was able to take abode.... as the man Jesus had been.... It was a truly unique act and the effect of the act of grace will never ever come to an end, so that all once fallen spiritual beings can be completely redeemed, because Jesus died on the cross for all human beings past, present and future and further atonement for this immense guilt will never be necessary again.... Nevertheless, the human being's free will is always and forever required in order to find redemption from his guilt. The battle against My adversary, who had kept all fallen beings captive until then, started when the infant Jesus came into the world.... Yet Jesus severed the chains and wrestled from him the souls which took refuge in Him in their adversity, which availed themselves of the act of Salvation and wanted to be liberated from the adversary.... And the first souls, the first once-fallen original spirits, came back home to Me, they came back as children into the Father's house again which they once voluntarily left, for the man Jesus had paid for their guilt with His death on the cross, and every soul becomes free which acknowledges Him, which recognises its God and Father in Him Who died on the cross on behalf of the human race.... __Amen
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