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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end....
The life of a human being on earth would have no real reason if it was merely an end in itself.... With other words, you humans would find it difficult to find a real reason for it because you can clearly see the vast differences between human destinies and would constantly question the purpose of a hard, sorrowful, miserable life. Yet you could find an immediate answer if you looked at life not as an end in itself but as the means to an end. If every person's fate would be the same, if every human being's life consisted of harmony, no problems, pleasures and worldly happiness, hardly differing from other people's lives, then you could certainly believe that there is no deeper purpose to earthly life than that of life itself. But as soon as you seriously think about it you will not be satisfied with this explanation.... you will search for a deeper reason and will certainly find it because it only requires a question on your part in order to give you an answer. And all human beings should ask themselves this question.... For it really does not show intelligence or intellectual activity if a person is satisfied to experience life merely as a whim of the Creator. Every person who claims to be intelligent would hardly use his time and effort making entirely useless things.... nor would he want to regard himself as an entirely useless creature with the sole purpose to support himself.... without being able to determine the length of his existence.... Is earthly life an end in itself or the means to an end?.... __It could be very beneficial for someone lacking in faith to raise this question. You humans are by no means expected to have blind faith, for such blind faith is of no value. But you can use your intelligence, you can consider every aspect of what you are required to believe. Serious thought can lead you to an acceptable result, and you can rest assured that such mental effort will be blessed if it is applied to achieve greater insight.... to the knowledge of what is still hidden from you humans but which need not remain hidden from you. To discover the purpose of earthly life as a human being is one such insight, since it belongs to the region of the unprovable, but it can nevertheless be gratifying to a person if he genuinely wants it. Because as soon as he realises that human life is merely the means to an end, increasingly more questions will arise in him. He will try to discover the true purpose and then also become aware of his own task, he will no longer be satisfied with just worrying about earthly life, he will learn to look at everything as determined by purpose.... and then he will find and pursue a spiritual attitude which will completely satisfy him.... __ (23.4.1958) The conscious life of a human being only begins when he understands the purpose of earthly life. Because then his thoughts will aim towards a goal which he tries to achieve. Only then will he himself endeavour to start improving his soul; only then earthly activities will move into the background, although he also will be able to master his earthly life with God's help, Who will bless this approach to life and repeatedly make new aspects accessible to him which will make him think and lead him to ascent. An earthly life in the awareness of purpose can never be lived in vain; it has to result in spiritual success, whereas a person looking at life as an end in itself will not acquire any spiritual advantage. As soon as he is willing to love, questions about the real purpose of life on earth will also arise and then his thinking will change too. However, if he is unwilling to love.... which is usually the case with those who have not yet recognised the purpose of life.... one cannot speak of higher development, the person's soul remains as it was at the beginning of his embodiment, life on earth will have been in vain and then the immense blessing, which could have resulted in the highest reward, will be lost.... But every human being can come to the realisation that he lives on earth for a purpose because every human being has the ability to think, because he can weigh one thought against another and is therefore able to form his own opinion. __And on serious reflection he would definitely come to that insight, because he can recognise a certain purpose of lawful order within the creation of nature which he would also have to apply to himself.... or he would have a very limited capacity of thought, an attitude which could hardly be called intelligent. The human being can come to the realisation that there is a purpose to earthly life or he could not be held responsible for how he has used this earthly life. People who do not want to recognise a purpose of earthly life in fact deny this accountability, but enough evidence in the creation of nature can be found that no natural law, no divine order, can be trespassed without consequences. Thus the human being also has to accept a certain order for himself; he too has to feel part of this law of order. Thus he cannot arbitrarily shape his life without any responsibility towards God, Who created everything, but he has to try to support the law of divine order. He has to acknowledge a lawgiver, and then he will also feel responsible to this lawgiver. If this lawgiver is not acknowledged, then the human being will not feel responsible to a Lord; then he is clearly still subject to a God-opposing power, which always tries to influence a person such that his earthly life will be to no avail, that any belief in a purpose and aim of earthly existence fades away, so that this power can hold on to him again for an infinitely long time.... __Amen
Explanation of the many cases of death: Closing the gates...
The gates through which the souls entered the kingdom of the beyond will close again for a long time. This can only be comprehensible to those who are aware of the fact that a period of Salvation comes to an end, who know that it will end with the renewed banishment of the souls which failed their test of will as humans, which descended again into the abyss and which therefore will have to repeat the infinitely long process of development through the creations of the new earth. Until this end arrives the gates into the kingdom of the beyond will remain open, that is, all those who depart from earth until then will still be accepted in the kingdom of the beyond, in the realm of the spirits, and they still have a short period of time at their disposal to work their way up from darkness to light, supported by much help so that they won't still descend into the abyss and have to experience the same fate: to be banished into hard matter. It is therefore a huge blessing if spiritually immature people are recalled earlier, if they don't stay alive until the end of this earth for they will then have almost no possibility to find God and to call upon Him for mercy anymore. And many people are currently on earth who are simply too indifferent to endeavour towards psychological maturity.... but who cannot be numbered in the satanic camp either yet who are in utmost danger of still falling prey to him before the end. And God still wants to give these souls an opportunity to raise their state of maturity a little.... Therefore, he recalls them prematurely.... For the time of redemption granted to the spiritual beings embodied as human beings is irrevocably coming to an end.... and the significance of this can only rarely be grasped by a person. __For a separation of the spirits will also take place in the spiritual kingdom, even in the kingdom of the beyond untold souls still linger in profound darkness since all attempts to redeem them have been in vain and thus they must share the fate of those who will be banished into matter again. This is why eager redemption work also takes place in the kingdom of the beyond, the Gospel is preached to the souls in darkness as well, that is, they are offered the opportunity to listen to it but they are not forced to do so.... Everything will be done in order to save what can still be saved, because God would like to help every soul to receive a little light during this period of Salvation, because His infinite love would like to spare every soul the appalling fate which is granted to those who are still completely in the adversary's hands and from whom they shall be snatched.... But anyone who knows their destiny will find a certain comfort in the fact that God recalls people prematurely, for he knows that it is an act of mercy for those souls so that they will be able to escape this appalling fate. For helpful beings of light are exceedingly willing to work on every soul in the beyond, and everything conceivably possible will be done in order to guide them upwards a few steps. Then they will have escaped the danger of descending into the abyss again and they will be spared a repeated progress across the earth. However, with the end of the earth even this opportunity of being accepted into the spiritual kingdom and to continue maturing will be over, for at the end only satanically-inclined people will exist next to the small flock of those who remain faithful to God and whom He will fetch Himself on the Day of Judgment. And therefore, everyone should be grateful if he does not have to experience the end, for a ray of hope shines for him in the fact that he has found mercy and will not have to go astray.... __Amen
Disbelief in an end....
There is not much time left until the end.... even if you believe that the announced end will be in the distant future.... you will be surprised how the signs will increase and the point in time you live in will become only too evident. But everything will always proceed within the framework of natural progression, and that will raise your hope time and again that the end is still far away. However, your will shall remain free until the last day, for you cannot reach your goal by force which consists of establishing your bond with Me, of voluntarily raising your hands to Me and thereby acknowledging Me, Whom you did not want to acknowledge until now. Earthly life will therefore make great demands on you, you will have to endure many adversities and always have the opportunity to turn to Me.... But everything will take place entirely naturally, although the awakened person will recognise it as the last signs before the end. __And if I repeatedly proclaim that you are shortly before the end.... that you are only granted a little time longer on this earth, then you should take this declaration very seriously and not always relate it to the future in line with people's point of view.... You ought to understand the words as they are given to you, you ought to take them literally, and you will do well by doing so.... For the time is close at hand when the earth will be cleansed and a new earth will arise again.... But regardless of how urgently I speak to you, you don't want to believe it, and I cannot provide you with any other evidence that My Word is truth than that you will soon be shocked by a natural event and that you then can equally surely count on the end. Yet do you know whether you will survive the former or fall victim to this natural event? __Hence you should likewise consider it an end, for many people will thereby find their demise, and their life will not last much longer anymore. So don't be thoughtless and prepare yourselves, even if earthly life around you shapes itself as if only progress and prosperity exist.... Just one day, and everything will have disappeared and fallen prey to the destruction of natural forces, and the survivors will be presented with dreadful sights, because it is My will that they should come to their senses and still use the remaining time of grace they have left until the end. For everything I announce to you humans through seers and prophets will come to pass word for word, and you will soon experience the truth of My Word, and blessed is he Who accepted My Word and then found his path to Me, for in great adversity he will always find a way out, he will manifestly experience My help which I have promised to all of you who call upon Me.... __For this reason I speak to you, so that you can appeal to Me for strength in advance and then in utmost distress, when you will only have My help to rely on.... you will receive it, for I do not forget My Own.... Therefore take care that you are counted amongst My Own....Call upon Me in times of need, and I will answer your prayer.... __Amen
Serious warning about the end....
Consciously receive My Word as your Father's loving speech and listen to what I want to say to you: You are living in the last phase of this earth, it is you who live in the last days, it is you who can still experience the spiritual turning-point if your state of maturity allows you to persevere to the end. The time of the end has irrevocably come, regardless how implausible you deem this to be. For the day is predetermined in My plan of Salvation and it will be adhered to because the time is fulfilled. There will be no more delay, for the adversary's activity is getting out of hand and his actions will always be brought to an end when he exceeds the boundaries of his authority.... when he has influenced people to the point that they lose all faith in a God Who one day will hold every individual person to account as to how he has lived his life. The human being is supposed to choose his Lord during his lifetime on earth, he is supposed to choose Me and reject My adversary and thus he must also be informed about both powers who want to possess him and fight for his soul. This knowledge is crucial for making a decision. __My adversary, however, tries to suppress this information and he succeeds because people, due to their attitude and their will, leave themselves open to his influence. And he takes advantage of it in a way which surpasses his authority by far: He influences people to take violent actions against the believers, against everything that is to be understood as belief in a God and Creator.... Most of all, he tries to induce people into eradicating the belief in the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ. He will unleash the final battle of faith and, in a manner of speaking, force Me to put an end to his activities in order to save the few, who want to remain loyal to Me, from eternal ruin. And this time is near and therefore also the end. By repeatedly announcing this to you through My Word I only intend to make you realise the significance of the time you are living in, you should be aware of the gravity of this time and take care not to fall prey to My adversary's artful temptations, for he influences people in an appalling manner in order to make them abandon their belief in Me and is very successful. And if I Am now counteracting his actions by speaking to people Myself in order to enable them to have faith in Me or to strengthen their faith, then this, in itself, is already an explanation for My Word from above, which truly ought to convince you, for My love for you humans motivates Me to help you in a time of momentous spiritual hardship, which can let you go astray for eternities and which I therefore would like to stop from happening to you. __Even though your free will alone is decisive I nevertheless take pity on your ignorance, your misguided thinking and indifference, and by talking to you I try time and again to shake you out of your apathy and motivate you to think. Believe that you will be in great spiritual peril if you don't abide by My Word and fight against your enemy.... Believe that you have the strength to do so, that you need not fear to succumb in the battle against him.... Just change your will. Direct it towards Me if you want to find God and I will let Myself be found by you. But if you are indifferent My adversary will gain the upper hand over you, and then you will be lost for an endless time. This is the danger you find yourselves in and I know that you need exceptional help, yet I cannot determine your will, I can only ever speak to you again and warn and admonish you, I can only ever give you My merciful love and inform you of what is to come, of the time you are approaching.... I cannot do anything other than lovingly speak to you time and again, so that you may recognise a God and Father, so that you will believe in Him and loyally abide by this faith. But the end will come irrevocably, for My Word is truth and fulfils itself, and the hour of the end has been predetermined since the beginning of time.... Hence accept My Word in your hearts and just desire to become blessed.... And I will not leave you, I will give you strength to persevere until the end.... I will be a powerful protection and shield for My Own and support you when you have to profess Me before the world.... __Amen
I have chosen you as My servants because I foresaw that your inner will is good and also strong so that you will assert yourselves where it concerns endorsing the truth. For much is offered to people as truth and yet it did not originate from Me.... And if My servant therefore recognises this he must not remain silent but speak up, he must confront this error with the pure truth.... then he must show that he is My representative on earth and that he is in My service. Thus he must profess My name before the world, he must wholeheartedly support what he has received from Me Myself because I had chosen him to work for Me as an apostle in the last days. And whoever has been placed by Me into this office will also receive the strength from Me to speak in My name.... And he will work like an apostle of truth and expose My adversary, who has also chosen his instruments in order to cause confusion within My ranks. And therefore hear what My spirit proclaims to you: the time until the end is but short yet the day of the end has been predetermined for eternity.... And wherever you humans will be, you shall all be informed of this forthcoming end, because I will still send very obvious signs to follow which can be observed everywhere and which will also occupy people's thoughts. However, precisely these signs will provoke the most conflicting opinions because then My adversary's activity will start to emerge which confuses people's thoughts, for one person will no longer understand the other, everyone will pursue different goals which he will be unable to relinquish, and only a few will be spiritually awake and come to the right conclusions.... And then many false prophets will appear.... __And this is what I want to caution you of, do not believe every spirit which wants to talk to you and especially not those which deny the end, which cannot believe that an end of this earth is reconcilable with My love.... And then be careful and sincerely pray to receive the truth. Do not believe every spirit which tries to express itself through people who willingly accept it, and counter every such teaching with My pure Word which sounds from above because you humans shall live in truth.... For only through truth can you reach the goal. And there are many spirits amongst you which do not speak on My instructions, but you can identify them by the fact that they argue the end, that they object to the revelations proclaiming a near end and that they meet the messengers with hostility. The time is fulfilled, and especially during the last days many false prophets will yet arise and try to invalidate the pure truth from Me. And they will perform extraordinary feats to make you believe in them, but it is not My spirit which speaks through them, it is not My strength which works in them.... they are adverse forces which rage everywhere and, being followers of My adversary, are also endowed with strength because they are enslaved by him and affect people of this earth in his will. And then you, who want to serve Me, shall loyally stand by your Lord, you shall defend the truth, you shall not let yourselves be misled, for you know that you speak in My name, and you will also receive the strength from Me, for then I Myself will speak through you. And thus, where My pure Gospel is proclaimed that is where the end of this earth will also be announced and that people are quickly approaching this end and therefore should prepare themselves for it. And where your speeches meet with resistance that is where you will also clearly recognise My adversary's activity, and you shall separate yourselves from them and not preach together, for they are not My representatives but Satan's emissaries, who is particularly active wherever the light establishes itself.... And he will not succeed in extinguishing the light, for I Myself emanate it down to earth and illuminate the hearts of My Own so that they will clearly realise that they are being addressed by the Father, Who is the light of eternity.... __Amen
Coming in the clouds....
You all should know that I will return in the clouds.... that I will descend to earth in the same way as I once ascended to heaven.... that My Own will see Me in brilliance and glory, just as My disciples once saw Me, and that I will take My Own from earth because the day of the end has come.... Admittedly, prior to that I Am already descending to earth in the Word, for I Am the Word Myself, and have given you the promise that I will stay with you until the end of the world.... but My obvious appearance will not happen yet, for it will constitute the end of one and the beginning of a new earth period.... __My coming in the clouds has to be understood literally, yet only few will see Me, for My flock is small and only My Own will be able to endure seeing Me, I will only be visible to My Own and allow them to behold My might and glory.... And this shall be your hope in hours of hardship and affliction by hostile powers to God.... for in the end everything will be hostile to God, the rulers and their followers, the people who take their side in the battle of faith. They all will take action against you, who want to remain loyal to Me and persevere to the end.... They will put you under great pressure and then you shall hope for My coming, for I will not leave you in distress of body and soul, I will save you and lift you to a place of peace, and your faith will be so strong that I will be able to show Myself when I come in the clouds in order to judge the living and the dead.... Then the great separation of the spirits will take place and My adversary will no longer have control over you.... For he and his adherents will be bound for a long time. Only few people sincerely believe that My return is imminent.... But the time is fulfilled and I no longer say: I will come when the time is fulfilled, but I say: the time is fulfilled.... You can only count on a very short time, on just a few days, compared to the long period of time that has passed since an `end' was prophesied. You live in the last days even if you refuse to believe it.... __My coming is soon about to happen to you.... Hence take care that you, too, will belong to the chosen ones who will experience My coming while still in the flesh, who may behold Me in all My radiance and glory, whom I will lift to heaven just before the end.... Just want to belong to them and, truly, I will give you the strength to turn your will into action. Let Me speak to you time and again and always strive to accept My will and you will establish the connection with Me, you will join Me and also be counted as My Own whom I will rescue before the end happens. For it is certain that I will come Myself.... And you should also believe without a shadow of doubt that all of you with a living faith and who approach Me with love, will be able to behold Me, for My Word is truth and will come to pass. __People who deny `My coming', who only want to understand and explain this arrival figuratively, are not yet as profoundly devoted as to be united with Me, but the immense earthly hardship before the end will still strengthen their faith if they are of good will. And they themselves will pray for My coming, because they will realise that only I can provide the rescue which they cannot expect from another side any longer.... You should believe that I will save you from utmost adversity and await the hour when My promise fulfils itself. And then My adversary will be defeated, yet with him also his many followers, who will be taken in by the earth again.... Therefore hope and persevere, for the hour of your deliverance will come, the day of separating the spirits will arrive.... There will be an earthly and spiritual change which you will experience and which was constantly proclaimed to you in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
`He that shall endure unto the end....'
`But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved....' This is My promise, which certainly makes the greatest demand that you shall persevere until the end.... My promise will only come true with a small flock, for a great test of faith will be demanded of you, passing it will require much strength and an intimate bond with Me, since the believers will be harshly persecuted by the authorities and the human being can only offer resistance with My support by making use of My strength which will flow to him through his heartfelt contact with Me. He must belong to Me with all his will, with all his soul, and the strength of his faith in Me will give him the fortitude to resist. Then he would rather give up his life than Me, Whom he has recognised as the most loving Father from Whom he will never want to separate again.... And I will reward this strength of faith and love for Me, for he will become blissfully happy.... This small flock, which will remain loyal to Me even during the harshest battle of faith, will be rescued by Me from extreme adversity, I will move them to a place of peace in order to then give them the reshaped earth as their abode again, so that a new era will begin, a time of peace and of innermost unity with Me, so that I Myself will be able to stay amongst My Own because their deep love for Me allows for this.... The reward is truly magnificent but My Own will deserve it, for the last days on this earth will be incredibly difficult for them, and yet they will remain faithful to Me. They will abide until the end.... __And by using all means I will truly help them to attain this strength of faith, for I will reveal Myself to them beforehand in many different ways.... I Myself will come to them in My Word, and My direct communication will let their love and faith come alive; their constant contact with Me will fill them with a love that will increasingly intensify.... I will often miraculously intervene in their life and will also visibly appear to those who wait for Me in utmost adversity and firmly believe that I will help them.... I will leave no-one without comfort and Words of encouragement; I will give strength to all so that they will be able to endure even the most difficult situation. And they will firmly believe in Me with indestructible trust in Me.... And thus they will wait daily for My coming, for their deliverance.... until I Myself fetch them because the time will have come to an end, because I will put an end to My adversary's activity and put him into chains along with his adherents.... And the day of Judgment will result in a complete transformation of the earth's surface; all creations in, on and above the earth will be dissolved and be placed into new forms, the day of the end of the old earth will have come for all human beings and only those who belong to My Own will be lifted up from earth and escape destruction, whereas My adversary's followers full of terror will face their downfall and be devoured by the earth.... For the formation of the old earth will have ceased to exist.... Yet a new earth will emerge again and a new epoch of Salvation will start, and this new earth will be populated by those who remained loyal to Me until the end.... They will be blissfully happy, as I had promised them, since My adversary will have no more control over people for a long time to come, for they are devoted to Me in love, and therefore I Myself will be able to dwell amongst them and all hardship will have come to an end.... There will be peace on earth again, a divine state of harmony and beatitude.... where only love will reign.... __Amen
The end will come for certain....
Every large disaster will also be preceded by My announcements, I will warn and admonish people, therefore I need seers and prophets who shall spread these announcements among people.... Therefore it is wrong to reject all prophesies or to portray them as being untrue, even if they do not immediately come to pass, for everything will happen at the right time, and often I have announced the coming event long in advance, but no-one granted these Words any credence. And therefore I also announce and always have announced the end of an earth period in advance, so that even My disciples expected this end during their lifetime on earth. Nevertheless, I have always worded My prophesies such that no specific time was given to people, that they in fact could always expect it, because it has indeed always been My intention to bring their near end home to them.... Yet time does not stand still, and since My Word will inevitably come true this announced end will certainly have to happen one day.... Anyone who knows My eternal plan of Salvation also recognises the necessity for an end of all spiritual substances still bound in creations.... For since he is aware of the spirits' constant progression of development, it is also clear to him that from time to time.... which is infinitely long for you.... a total transformation of the earth's surface must take place so that the spiritual substance bound in hard matter may also have the opportunity to develop further.... If people find such a huge destruction of the earth's surface questionable then they have been left in ignorance by the world of spirits who instructed them.... In that case I must correct such errors, for it is precisely the forthcoming end of the earth in its present form that is extremely significant for the whole of the human race, after all, it is in danger of entirely failing its final test of will and will have to endure a dreadful fate again. __For this reason My servants are instructed to announce this end, but not only to report the fact of the end, instead, I substantiate everything too, so that people shall not only believe blindly and be able to receive as well as to give a correct and truthful explanation for everything. My love belongs to all fallen spirits, not only to the human being.... And the hour of freedom from the hardest constraint must, sooner or later, also come, especially for the spiritual substance still bound in matter, which has already languished for an infinitely long time, in order to be placed into a lighter form in which its being of service will be easier.... And if you humans have knowledge of anything, if the Father Himself instructs you from above, then you truly need not doubt, you can accept everything as purest truth, even if I still prolong the time before this act of destruction of the old earth.... Nevertheless, the day will come without fail.... Sadly, there are far too many people who do not believe in a total transformation of the earth's surface, who grant credence to accounts of people or also spiritual beings who lack all knowledge of My plan of Salvation. Yet I cannot do more than speak to you humans from above and explain what motivates My reign and activity and must leave it up to you as to how you regard My Word. Even so, it is not easy for My servants on earth that people will accept this Word as 'My Word', especially when it concerns the correction of errors, when every person believes that they know the truth and 'My Word' means no more to him than a human word or words from the spirit world.... which is unverifiable until I Myself Am called upon for support so that you will truly only be instructed by beings of light through which the outpouring of My spirit can flow.... In that case, however, all results will correspond; you will feel the truth.... providing you seriously desire the truth.... __Amen
Last days.... Future - Present....
God has foretold people what will happen to earth in accordance with His eternal plan of Salvation.... He does not want them to experience the last day unprepared, He does not want to surprise them suddenly in their imperfection but give them ample opportunity beforehand to achieve perfection. He wants to urge them to become spiritual, He wants to warn them of the consequences if they ignore His reminders, and He wants to inform His Own of all events which shall come to pass during the last days in order to strengthen their faith and to give them hope and trust for their deliverance. He will not allow anything to happen to earth without informing people first, so that they should recognise Him in all forthcoming events. But He will never divert from His eternal plan of Salvation which He has wisely considered in knowledge of its effectiveness. The end may well take its time but it will irrevocably arrive, and for that reason all prophecies concerning earth and the signs of the last days should be taken literally. And thus the human being can expect the end at any hour, he should always anticipate that the end could occur in the present time, and therefore attach great importance of improving himself, his soul, so that it can emerge unharmed and stand before God on judgment day. As soon as the human being believes the end to be in the future he becomes indifferent and slow in the work on himself. __However, if he anticipates that God's prophecies could fulfil themselves in the present time he takes the transformation of his nature seriously, and this is God's intention from the start, and He urges people to change their nature. But yet one day His proclamations will become the present and shall fulfil themselves word for word. And just prior to the events people will least believe the prophecies and this itself will demonstrate that the last days have arrived. When no-one anticipates the transformation of earth any longer, when people reject all relevant information, when they look at all events from an entirely earthly and material point of view and ignore the divine Creator, i.e. when they negate every connection between humanity's fate and divine will.... then the hour is not far, because then humanity has reached the degree of maturity which causes the end. And then God's proclamations shall fulfil themselves literally, to the horror of those who do not believe and hence are completely unprepared, and to the joy and comfort of the few who are waiting for the last hour as the hour of deliverance from greatest earthly distress. Because one day even the future will become the present, and although God's love is infinitely great, one day God's justice will take its place and end a condition which is disastrous for the still imperfect spiritual substances in the universe. And for that reason people should be repeatedly reminded of the end, they should be informed of the Word of God Who uses His prophets to warn and remind people and hence speaks to them through mediators.... The end is close at hand and blessed is he who believes the prophecies and prepares himself. The day will come unexpectedly and take all living beings from earth to lead them either into eternal life or into death, as God has proclaimed in Word and scripture.... __Amen
Most difficult time of hardship before the end....
You, who are now living on earth, have to pass the most difficult tests and endure the greatest suffering because the end is near and you do not have enough time for a slow maturing of your souls. The earthly burden will appear almost insufferable to you, and that shall be your proof that the last days have arrived. For severe hardship will always come to an end, but for the rest of your life you will have to languish with the burden of the most difficult living conditions, because the last work of your soul's development has to be implemented for your salvation. But it is a brief period of time which, in spite of the harshest conditions, will in fact be bearable for My Own, whom I will care for in the most obvious way. Thus do not get disheartened by this prediction but trustingly raise your eyes to Me, Who looks into your hearts, Who recognises your will and Who will help everyone who is worthy of My help, who humbly calls to Me for help and prays to Me in spirit and in truth. However, those of you who are of weak faith or totally unbelieving should accept being instructed about the cause and purpose of the hardship and believe that you are approaching the end. And depending on your faith you will be helped. But in view of the end I cannot take the rod from you or else it would take even more immature souls by surprise, since due to hardship a few will still find their way back to Me. __And where an apparent improvement of living conditions becomes evident the activity of the opposing force manifests itself.... and that, too, shall be your proof, because My help will express itself differently even though I will take care of My Own earthly and spiritually too, so that their worst suffering is alleviated, but I will always provide them with inner strength and a firm faith and thereby enable them to endure a difficult earthly life. Whereas My adversary will provide people with material possessions and incite them to commit unkind actions, so that you will always recognise the origin of the supply of strength when you closely inspect the behaviour of people. Expect no improvement in living conditions since one hardship will give way to another because the end is near. Therefore prepare yourselves for the end, do not work in an earthly manner but a spiritual one.... serve each other where needed and thereby make the hard time endurable, because its purpose is to motivate you into loving actions which will bring you ever closer to Me. Don't think of yourselves but think of your fellow human being's distress.... Be helpful and willing to give.... There is not much time and thus it is especially hard, but it can also be exceedingly blessed if you heed My admonitions, if you listen to My Word and try to live by it. The end will come and with it the Last Judgment.... the decision which signifies salvation for My Own but also new banishment for My adversary. And therefore make sure that you belong to My Own, let the hard times be a lesson to you which will guide you to Me, listen to My messengers who instruct you and inform you of My will, who will also always be able to explain the cause and purpose of suffering to you, and it will not be without success for your souls.... And one day you will thank Me that I granted you this last time of grace and through hardship and misery sought to win you over for Me and My kingdom.... __Amen
Signs of the end....
The signs which precede the final end are unmistakable yet only of significance to someone who looks at them from a spiritual point of view, because they take place within the framework of natural law and will therefore only be recognised as the previously announced indications of the end if people themselves believe in an end, thus if they are inclined to associate everything that is created with the Creator and all happenings with His will. Consequently, they find it easy to believe in God's reign and activity, they also know that nothing happens by itself but that everything is governed by God's will. But then they also know that the Book of the Fathers has to be believed, which had announced an end ever since the beginning of the epoch of Salvation. These predictions were confirmed and repeated by Jesus Christ Who effectively brought one stage of this epoch to an end and started a new one, but always with reference to the end, to the conclusion of a long period of Salvation, which is now coming to conclusion. To ensure that this period of Salvation will be successful for the souls He Himself accomplished the act of Salvation, thereby enabling them to quickly mature into spiritual beings which no longer required a material earth. __However, the act of Salvation was not made sufficient use of. Hence the earth can not yet be excluded as a place of redemption for the spirits, it merely needs to arise reshaped again if the redemption of the constrained spirits is to progress.... Thus, first it will have to be destroyed and dissolved in order to let something new emerge from it. The fact that this developmental phase is limited is understandable, for God has always granted the souls a specific length of time to release themselves from the form, which is tied to His laws of eternal order. This time has now ended and as a result the signs must show themselves too, for God will never leave people without warning or admonition, so that they can still make full use of the last days for their souls. Even the longest period of Salvation will end one day.... Yet only the believer will deem this to be true, and this is why only the believer will recognise and pay attention to the last signs.... he will know that he is living in the last days and that he seriously has to consider his soul.... __Amen
The weak will not experience the end....
The weak will not experience the end..... I certainly know the nature of every individual person's soul; I know their will and their degree of maturity, which is also the extent of their strength of will in the last battle of faith. I know that this final acknowledgment of Me will require immense strength which only few people will be able to muster, and that it will necessitate an utterly living faith in order to stand firm and remain faithful to Me. For this reason the gates of paradise on the new earth will be opened to those who are faithful supporters and acknowledge Me, so that their demonstrated love for Me until the end will be rewarded. __But people of weak faith will not survive this last battle on earth. I shall avert the risk of their apostasy from Me so as not to let them fall into My adversary's hands and in order to give them the opportunity of continuing their development in the kingdom of the beyond which, after the end of this world, will no longer be possible for a very long time. They will not be able to cope with the demands and strains of the last days and will end their purely physical life before this time, for they will not oppose Me, but they will merely lack the profound, living faith which would enable them to be true advocates of Christ. And there will be many who will indeed choose Me, who will carry the faith in a God of love and wisdom within themselves, yet who will not increase it sufficiently to entrust themselves to Me without worry and appeal for My help. These souls will be taken from earth by Me or they would go astray for a very long time. __The strong, however, will remain faithful to Me until the end and will be raptured by Me before the destruction of the old earth. This process has to be plausible to you, and it should be equally understandable to you that the weak souls will not inhabit the paradise of the new earth, which can only bear spiritually mature human beings who permit My presence amongst them, as I have promised you. There has to be a separation of the goats from the sheep in the end. The old period of development will end with the banishment of the failed spiritual essence into solid matter, and a new era will start with a mature human generation, which will already find itself in a state of bliss on earth because it will have endured and have been sufficiently tested by Me on earth. This level of a soul's maturity allows for My presence amongst My children. But weak and still immature souls would not be able to endure My presence. Consequently, the new earth will not be a suitable abode for them; nevertheless, they will continue to ascend in the spiritual kingdom and, due to their prematurely finished life, will also enjoy privileges in the spiritual kingdom which will help their ascent. This is the separation of the spirits, which has always been proclaimed through Word and Scripture.... __Amen
The process of Christ's return.... Ascension....
My return, My coming at the end of the world, is being doubted by those people whose faith is not entirely firm. And yet, they would be able to recognise the individual phases of the end time and also perceive My presence simply by being observant. 'I will remain with you always until the end of time....' These Words alone should be sufficient for you to form a correct idea of My return. The fact that I Am not visibly in your midst should therefore allow you to understand the spiritual meaning of My Words. I Am staying with My Own until the end of the world. For, since My ascension to heaven, I have been present to them at all times and everywhere.... For I said: I will remain with you.... Hence I was spiritually always with My Own and will remain with them until the end of time.... However, in those days I informed people of My return, of My coming in the clouds. Consequently, this return should be understood such that people will be able to see Me, just as My disciples saw Me ascend to heaven. Spiritually I Am indeed always with you humans if you prove yourselves worthy of My presence. But I will return bodily, albeit not in My earthly body, yet nevertheless visibly to those to whom I want to return.... But since I announced My return, you humans can also expect it with certainty if you believe My Word and belong to those who will experience the final end. I did not make this promise without reason before My ascension into heaven. I foresaw humanity's spiritual state during the last days, I also saw the tremendous adversity of the believers who want to remain faithful to Me and who will be put under extreme pressure, and I saw their struggle, the most severe battle people will have to fight for the sake of My name.... I saw their will and the great danger of having to stand firm amid devils. For this reason I promised to them My personal help, which I will indeed render when the time has come. I Myself will come to My Own and support them in the last battle. And thus many may be able to behold Me, for I will always be present where the adversity is immense and My Own need Me.... they will see Me as a human being of flesh and blood, yet not born of a woman, instead I will come from above and clothe Myself with a visible form for you, so that you will be able to endure Me.... And everyone beholding Me will be permeated by strength and survive the last battle on earth.... But then I will come in the clouds in order to fetch My Own home into the kingdom of peace. This coming will take place in the same way but in reverse to the order through which My ascension to heaven happened. I will descend to earth in radiant light.... yet enshrouded by clouds in order to be visible to you.... and gather My Own in order to save them from utmost adversity and distress on part of the underworld's demons as well as from the ultimate act of destruction to which everything alive in, on and above the earth will fall prey. However, this coming in the clouds will also only be visible to those who belong to My Own, for My adversary's followers will be unable to see Me. It will be a spiritual return and yet also physically perceptible, but only by those who are spiritually reborn, who have a profound and living faith and therefore also accept both My constant presence until the end of the world as well as My visible return without doubt, because they are taught by their heart, the spiritual spark in the person, and consequently belong to those with whom I will remain until the end of time.... They believe that I will come back and I will not disappoint their faith.... __Amen
Directive to take action.... Final admonitions before the...
You must be ready to work for Me at any time if you feel My directive for it in your heart. And you will very clearly feel what you should do and won't inwardly resist it because it will be your own inner urge to comply with My will. Although everything you are confronted with seems like a matter of course to you, it is nevertheless I Who is guiding you and instilling in you the feeling for your thoughts and actions, providing you are willing to serve Me and thus subordinate your will to Mine. Time flies by tremendously fast yet it will no longer result in a change of will; humanity keeps its face turned away from Me and towards material things, it continues to distance itself from Me increasingly more, it is seized by the opposing power and only a few can be stopped on the downward path, only a few will listen to the warning voice in the wilderness of their life.... For I will not leave people without warning so close to the end, I very often send people across their path who warn and admonish them, who point out the near end and beseech them to stop chasing after earthly possessions, who attempt to make them look up and announce the Judgment to them.... But who listens to them? Who still believes in a God to Whom they must answer, who still knows the actual purpose of earthly life, and who still believes in life after death?.... Their God is money, their purpose of life is material possession, and they think of death as a frightening, inevitable end of all life. And if they don't listen to My messengers, their wasted life and utterly wrong will cannot be portrayed to them either, making a change of thinking impossible. However, the only other available means than the proclamation of My Gospel consists of extreme adversity.... but an adversity which will be announced to them in advance by My messengers, so that they will learn to believe if they are willing. And for that purpose I require you, My servants on earth, now and especially in the forthcoming time, because the great adversity will soon be followed by the end; because you are to inform people that they can expect the last Judgment, even if they don't believe it.... Time and again they shall hear it until they pay attention to the signs of the time and take a near end into consideration, although they are not convinced of it. This is the task for which I have appointed you, so that you will speak wherever the opportunity presents itself, so that you will convey your knowledge to your fellow human beings, so that those of you who are informed of My plan of Salvation will attempt to announce to people the end of this earth period and explain to them that it is based on the spiritual low level. You must explain that to people since the time given to people for their redemption has come to an end, My love wants to start a new rescue mission.... and the soul of anyone who listens to you and takes your words to heart will emerge unharmed from all upheavals, it will be saved from the downfall on Judgment Day, because it will still grasp My lovingly extended hand just in time.... __Amen
End of the period of Salvation.... God's plan of Salvatio...
I have set a goal for you and granted you humans a period of time in which you certainly could have reached this goal. And even now it is still possible for you to attain this goal if you genuinely wanted to do so. Yet the limit given to you has passed, only a short time separates you from the end, and anyone who hasn't reached the goal by then will have squandered his spiritual life, he will have forfeited it because he didn't want to live, and his fate will be death.... One period of Salvation comes to an end and a new one begins; yet the spiritual essence which is presently embodied on earth as a human being has definitely reached the end, and if it fails it must start the cycle of evolution once again, so that My law of eternal order shall be fulfilled. The deadline has expired, you are just minutes away from the hour when the old earth will be destroyed, when its creations will be disintegrated in order to arise anew, in order to provide again new opportunities for the development of the still immature spiritual beings. And although I repeatedly inform you of this hour.... it bypasses your ears without leaving any impression, you don't believe it.... Yet your unbelief will not deter My eternal plan, it just induces Me to send you ever more distinct signs to make a near end seem credible to you. __Your unbelief causes Me to inflict extremely painful wounds on you in order to make you consider what your life is about and how you have used it. You cannot be spared hours of adversity and misery since they can, after all, still contribute towards leading you to the goal, which you really can still reach if you have the serious will to do so. I will noticeably help you and give you strength, yet your heart must appeal to Me for help to demonstrate your will. I can and will do anything to make you happy yet I cannot change My eternal plan of Salvation, it has to be carried out in accordance with the law of eternal order and within the preordained time, which is now coming to an end. Humanity's spiritual state had already reached its lowest point some time ago which necessitated the end of the earth, yet I still wait for the sake of the few who are weak and undecided, as I can still win them over before the end of the deadline. But then all options will have been exhausted, then everyone will have to accept the consequences of their attitude towards Me, and Judgment will categorically take place, and everyone will receive the fate he deserves.... eternal bliss or damnation.... life in paradise on the new earth or renewed banishment into the creations for an infinitely long time again.... __Amen
The end will come without fail....
You cannot delay the end anymore.... The time limit has expired and only a few days remain until the end.... just enough time deemed necessary by Me in order to still bring deliverance to those who are still able and willing to change. For My eye sees everything and My ear hears all, and thus even the most subtle impulses of a human heart are known to Me.... And since My love applies to all My living creations I will still come to the aid of those who take hold of My redeeming hand and whose will has always been known to Me. I come to help everyone who allows himself to be helped.... And thus, in the end no-one will be able to say that he was not offered My redeeming hand.... For I feel sorry for every creature which, at the end of this earth, will have to suffer the hard fate of imprisonment in the creations of the new earth.... since it had already reached the state of free will and has to be bound again for an infinitely long period of time. Therefore I will truly use all means prior to this in order to direct those people's hearts to Me who do not want to acknowledge Me as yet. I truly will leave no stone unturned which might result in a change of human hearts.... Yet I must leave people their free will and cannot force them to come to Me. __But the end will come without fail.... when My act of Redemption has been accomplished on this earth, when the few who will still accept help have been helped.... And that is only a short time.... during which much work shall still be carried out in a redeeming sense.... during which the world of light will exceedingly diligently work to penetrate the darkness, during which people's thinking will be influenced in every way in order to make an end of the earth plausible. And everyone who contributes towards spreading the light assists in accomplishing the redemptive work. Everyone who works in a redeeming sense will be abundantly supported by Me, for I will bless everyone who helps to rescue souls from the dreadful fate of a renewed banishment in the matter of the new earth. And regardless of how low the degree of maturity is.... if the human being recognises and acknowledges Me at the time of his death.... his advancement in the beyond will be assured.... Yet to be entirely without faith at the end of the days enslaves the human being to My adversary, and he will have to share his fate on the day of Judgment. You humans must believe in Me if you want Me to take mercy upon you.... __Amen
Final phase.... Battle of faith....
You will soon enter the final phase which has been mentioned since the start of this period of Salvation.... The end of this earth is imminent and before long you will notice the signs which have always been proclaimed by seers and prophets. And thus everything will come to pass, because My Word is truth and I Myself have spoken through the mouth of these prophets. Everything I gave permission to predict concerning the end was merely intended to spur you humans into working at improving your soul and, hence, there have often been times during this period of Salvation when people had reason to believe that the end was approaching.... And this was certainly necessary because people's depravity gave credence to an intervention by Me and, time and again, a few would tackle their psychological work even more eagerly and truly be saved for eternal life.... Nevertheless, the time had not come; Satan had not gained unlimited power over people as yet, albeit outright devils wreaked havoc on earth during this time as well. Humanity was granted a longer period of time because many bound spirits had yet to embody themselves for the final test of will on this earth. My plan of Salvation proceeds according to the law of eternal order, and no period will ever be concluded a day too soon or too late, because I foresaw from the beginning what is helpful or detrimental for the souls' development. However, Satan's activity is becoming increasingly more appalling because many bound substances are being released and, through his influence, act in accordance with his wishes. Consequently, people's behaviour is also becoming increasing more malevolent the closer it gets to the end.... For this reason My adversary deems himself strong enough to gain complete victory over Me and finally oversteps the limits of his authority which were imposed upon him when he fell into the abyss. And once this moment in time has come his activity will be brought to an end.... and that means the end of a period of Salvation, it means the disintegration of every form, the release of its indwelling bound spiritual substance and the renewed banishment into forms which correspond to the spirits' state of maturity.... __This overstepping of authority will clearly manifest itself and is a distinct sign of the near end.... For My adversary will openly oppose Me by trying to force himself upon people, by compelling them to renounce Me… by intending to destroy every spiritual connection with Me in order to gain control over the whole human race.... Anyone who knows about the purpose of life on earth, which consists of the human being's free decision of will, also knows that this would be completely prevented by My adversary's plan, and he equally knows that this is the moment in time when I will put a stop to his raging, when I will enchain him again and with him all his followers.... And then he will also understand all prophesies which point to the end.... Therefore take notice of My adversary's final work by which you can clearly recognise the time you are living in.... take notice of the efforts intended to destroy people's faith, take notice of everything that is clearly recognisable as the activity of the Antichrist.... And, above all, pay attention to how people are being attacked who, in truth, are of service to Me and seek to distribute the truth.... And as soon as you can recognise all the signs of a forthcoming battle of faith you will know that you have entered the final phase of this earth's existence, and then you, who want to remain true to Me, must prepare yourselves and enter this battle with confidence and strength, and know that I Am leading the way, that you fight on My behalf and truly are and will remain invincible, even if you are hopelessly outnumbered compared to My adversary's multitude.... Nevertheless, I will defeat him and take him captive when the hour has come which has been determined for eternity.... And you, My faithful followers, will emerge from this battle into a new life and will no longer be pressed by the one who is and will remain My adversary for eternities to come.... __Amen
Logical reasons for world events....
It is difficult for worldly people to believe what you, My servants on earth, proclaim to them on My instruction.... It seems so unreal to them that they would much rather portray you as fantasists than to take your words to heart and to count on their likelihood. For what you are telling them does not fit into the plans they make for themselves in their earthly life.... The belief of it requires a complete change of thinking from one area to another.... and they don't see the need for it. They live and want to enjoy their life. And therefore they first fulfil their selfish love and a dark spiritual state is the result. They grow increasingly darker within themselves and My kingdom moves ever further away from them instead of being taken by them as their possession. __And yet, I cannot leave them to their fate, time and again I approach them and also inform them increasingly more often through seers and prophets what will await them.... And thus their calls of admonition and forewarning are even heard in the midst of the world in order to direct people's attention to an area which they would otherwise not enter. Nothing else can be done for their deliverance but to address them Myself through My servants, since this is the most natural way of revealing Myself as it will not compel them to believe and yet it is occasionally successful. __The indications of the end and the natural catastrophe preceding the end will be repeatedly made known to people in various ways, both in relation to proclaiming My Gospel as well as to the world events which should make those people think who avoid the messengers of My Gospel but who shall also be addressed. Where My Word is still heard the connection with Me still exists or is not yet broken, and it is easier to make the coming events believable to them, because My Word has always indicated an end of this earth and referred to the signs which announce such an end.... __But it is difficult to approach people who have disassociated themselves from religious organisations and let the world or earthly success become their only purpose in life. I would also like to address those, and where I Am unsuccessful through My instruments on earth I can only let worldly events speak to them: accidents, disasters and natural destructions can still influence their thoughts, and then it is possible that they will also try to relate such thoughts to the announcements of a near end, which they will also hear about even if they are servants to the world. And in the forthcoming time there will be no shortage of voices who intend to arouse people from their sleep on My behalf. I also still want to win those who completely stand apart but who are not interested in religious doctrines.... yet nevertheless willingly listen to a clear explanation about the meaning and purpose of creation as well as the human being's task in life.... and who therefore have to be given a logical reason if they are to be lead to believe in a higher Power Which rules the universe with wisdom and love.... __My means and ways are manifold, and thus I also need servants on earth with various dispositions who therefore can be called upon to carry out various tasks in My vineyard. And I truly place all labourers in the right place where they can work successfully.... But they all just have the one purpose: to inform people of the approaching end, for believers and unbelievers alike shall know that they live in the last days of grace, which they should and could use well so that they need not fear the end. And they all shall also be informed of what I want to achieve through various worldly events, through exceptionally sorrowful happenings, through illness and adversities.... For it is only My love which allows this to happen to people so that they will still mature fully or find Me before the end.... __Amen
End Prophecies.... Are you My Own?....
Anyone who regards himself as one of My Own also knows that the last days have started, that humanity is facing a spiritual and earthly turning point. For My Own are informed by the spirit, My Own can be spoken to by the spirit and hear My voice, either directly or in their thoughts.... And they also faithfully accept My Word which is given to them by My messengers and has originated from Me.... Thus My Own know what time they live in, they know that the last hour of the world's clock will strike soon, that night will begin to engulf countless people on this earth and that a new day will begin to dawn for others, for the few who will remain true to Me until the end, who belong to My small flock.... which I call `My Own'. And they still have a task on earth: to inform their fellow human beings of what earth can expect.... this will not be easy, for despite the fact that My Own are convinced of the truthfulness of My Word.... thus also of the proclamations about the end and the Judgment.... fellow human beings will not believe them and indignantly turn away when the last days are mentioned to them. Nevertheless, time and again they should try to point out that My announced end will not be far away. __And as confirmation of this you should also draw their attention to the natural disaster which will put the whole world into turmoil beforehand.... And you should also tell them that the subsequent end can be expected with the same certainty, for through this natural disaster I still want to give people a final warning, a final sign, to make it easier for them to believe what you tell them.... Anyone who is enlightened himself should also let the light shine into the darkness.... Anyone who believes in Me and My Word himself should also try to show his fellow human beings the way to faith, and do so kindly so as not to arouse resistance.... And therefore the natural disaster will not keep you waiting for very long, since it is also intended to contribute towards preparing people for the end.... You should also mention the natural disaster, My intervention, which every person will be able to take notice of, for it will be of enormous proportions and cannot be dismissed as an everyday occurrence.... Thus you should constantly point to this event and not be afraid to speak about it openly, for it will come with absolute certainty.... And anyone who has heard about it from you will also find it easier to believe in the announced end. Thus My Own shall be capable workers for Me, even if their work merely consists of speaking about the forthcoming events.... __Then they will already render Me an immense service, for I want people to know but can only give them the information through a human mouth, which they then may or may not believe, but at least they will have heard of it and will also remember it when the day comes that the whole world will hold its breath in view of the natural catastrophe which will bring overwhelming suffering to the people who experience it.... Do not fear that you spread misguided prophesies but speak frankly and openly that I Myself conveyed them to you and that you firmly believe in My Words.... They will not be able to call you liars, for sooner than they think they will get the confirmation. Yet people should use this knowledge to shed their doubts in regards to the proclamations of the end.... With that, much will already have been achieved, because then they can prepare themselves and thus be saved from the abyss.... __Amen __Messages number 6883 and 6884 are lost.
Unusual phenomena.... (UFO's)
You can always rely on being correctly instructed when you turn to Me Myself for an explanation. You will also sense it mentally, that is, your reasoning will already move within the truth because this is what you are looking for.... Thus feelingwise you will already be on the right path even if you are still occupied with apparently-unsolved problems. __For the prerogative of those who unite with Me, the Eternal Truth, consists of the fact that they feel an inner resistance as soon as they are affected by misguided thoughts.... You have to expect many unusual phenomena during the last days, and then can decide for yourselves whether to ascribe them to Me or to My adversary, who will conduct himself equally extraordinary to gain his victims. And you will also have to learn to differentiate. You should not forget that the world is his domain and therefore he will also show himself in the world and by means of worldly machinations. But you should know, too, that there is no power which could prevent My working and thus change My eternal plan of Salvation, which includes an end of this earth period.... For I pursue a goal which only serves to release the fallen spiritual substances from the abyss.... And I truly know when the right time has come. __One thing is certain: My adversary's plans do not agree with Mine, he does not pursue the same goal.... i.e. to help the fallen spirits.... instead, he only ever intends to render My plans ineffective, to put a stop to them and at the same time defeat Me Myself, which he will never achieve. On the one hand, he now urges people to experiment in various ways in order to destroy creations, because he believes that he thereby can release the captive spiritual substance and gain it for himself.... and on the other had he makes people believe that they need not fear the danger of an end in order to stop them from consciously working on improving their soul which, in view of the end, is nevertheless pursued by those who follow the signs of the time and therefore also know how late it is. For that reason he works with much cunning and causes confusion, which will also affect those who do not want to belong to him. __He tries to make people believe in apparently real things which will retain their appearance until suitably minded people have sighted them.... people who, due to their attitude and thoughts, are susceptible to God's adversary's influence.... who do not even want to think about an end of this earth, who would also rather believe in the most incredible actions or provisions to prevent such an end than to accept the truth, which is proclaimed to them time and again. Their attitude provides My adversary with a good response.... they believe to be within the range of good forces and yet have become subject to My adversary, for he uses them to spread misguided teachings and satanic work. __My adversary is entitled to immense power at the end. It is the countermeasure for My unusual, merciful work on people whom I still want to help to find Me. I work in unusual ways indeed but I do not affect people's senses unnaturally; I work inwardly and want to gain influence on people's hearts.... My adversary, however, makes an impression on people's senses, people's intellect, and he only strengthens the desire for an indestructibility of earth and a prevented end at the last minute. My adversary counteracts Me and My proclamations and that alone should expose him, it should demonstrate who is at work when people's minds are troubled by inexplicable events by which My predicted end of the earth becomes questionable.... My Word is truth, and thus My adversary cannot refute these proclamations, irrespective of how cunning and crafty he intends to proceed. And people themselves could recognise who tries to influence them if only they would always take the path to Me, Who truly will not withhold the truth from them. __Amen
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Alphabetic Keyword List

to find designated Revelations by Bertha Dudde through assigned keywords

Alphabetic Keyword List in PDF download - identical with HTML list


How do I attain sought-after revelations within the Keyword-Index of the Dudde-Ouevre using keywords?

When You select an index oder initial letter in the alphabetical register (table) table above, You get a sorted list of keywords, where You can select the appropriate phrase. To view the corresponding revelation You only click on the corresponding number of the revelation (four digits) to open the text of the revelation.

After a few trys You quickly realize the efficiency of this search method.

The search results can be considerably improved, when You combine the full-text search with the possibilities given here.

|Search in 2300 revelations|

This search only covers the first translations up to 2007. Use the full text search in German if you want to search the complete works.

|Full-text search in all revelations|


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