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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 2 transcriptions | ID of collection 1467424
God's plan of Salvation is based on the human being's fre...
My work of returning the fallen spirits is based on My eternal plan of Salvation and according to this plan of Salvation everything will run its course over infinitely long periods of time for which you humans lack all concepts. My plan of Salvation has been designed again in love and wisdom and My power implements it, consequently, one day I will reach My goal.... that all fallen spiritual beings will start the path of return to Me into the Father's house. Yet the implementation is not determined by My will alone, but the free will of the beings, which were once created in all perfection despite which they fell away from Me, decides the length of time this said return to Me requires, thus every single being determines for itself how much time its process of development, its return to Me, will take. Therefore, My plan of Salvation is also based on the free will of each individual being.... which is a fact that is inconceivable for you humans but which I deemed to be essential if one day I want I to be surrounded by truly free and totally devoted children to Me, because this is the purpose and goal of My eternal plan of Salvation.... I knew each and every being's will from the beginning, both as original spirits as well human beings later, when the original spirit has had to prove itself and once again can decide of its own free will which path it wants to take.... I knew your direction of will and was able to design My plan of Salvation accordingly, which includes your every thought and expression of will and is based on these accordingly. And truly, it was planned such that every being can cover its process of development with ease, because I will always helpfully stand by its side when it is at risk of making a wrong decision. Time and again it will be able to make a choice but not be forced to make the right decision, yet his destiny will affect a person such that the right decision will always be closer at hand, that inwardly he will be urged to take the right path but that this urging may never be felt as compulsion. __My love applies to every individual being, and whatever I can do to shorten its course of development until the final return to Me will certainly be done by Me. And thus no person will ever be able to say that his situation in life forced him to make an opposing decision.... My wisdom is truly beyond all doubt, and thus I foresaw all opportunities which served a person to make the right decision and based My plan of Salvation on this. Admittedly, I also forever know the direction of every individual's will but during his time on earth as a human being I do not want to know it, and thus the human being can nevertheless make a free decision, for precisely because of his wrong will I let destiny so affect his life that he has every opportunity to change his will, and My side will eagerly support him in this.... for 'there is joy in My kingdom over one sinner that repenteth....' This should be understood as a complete change of will which is indeed intended in My plan of Salvation but does not definitely determine this said plan of Salvation. You are completely free during your life on earth, and even if I know.... you are by no means bound, because originally you were entirely free beings and this freedom will not be taken from you as soon as you live on earth as self-aware beings again or even when you enter the kingdom of the beyond.... No force of any kind is exerted on you, and what or how you are was created by yourselves. But My plan of Salvation also plans an assured and final return into the Father's house.... However, the day will come.... it is just that the time it takes can be brief but also very lengthy, and this is taken into account in My plan of Salvation, always in consideration of your will, which is free and cannot abide any kind of force. But the fact that you will reach your goal one day is certain, and it is equally certain that a thousand years are like a day to Me, that no law of time exists for Me.... You yourselves, however, are still subject to this law, your imperfect state keeps you bound to the law of time, and that is extremely painful for you, for your distance from Me is a painful state which you immeasurably prolong again if you don't unite with Me.... if you have not achieved your return into the Father's house as yet. I would like to protect you from this long state of torment, therefore I will urgently admonish you time and again to use your will correctly, that is, to subordinate yourselves to My will, of which you are repeatedly informed. Receiving My Word and thus the knowledge of My will is part of My plan of Salvation, which will be implemented with love, wisdom and might.... but you will always be at liberty to consider it according to your own will. Consequently, the length of time you require for your return differs considerably but it can already be over for you at the end of your life on earth and can finally have resulted in freedom, light and strength, if you strive for it yourselves and make every effort to desire My help for it.... for this striving is already the correctly directed will which safely lets you reach your goal.... __Amen
Where did evil come from?....
You cannot assess to which abysmal distance the once-fallen spirit has sunk as a result of its opposition to Me, his God and Creator of eternity. He knew Me, he possessed an abundance of light which excluded all deficiency of realisation.... throughout eternities he received the evidence of My love and strength; he knew he had come forth from Me, that I had created him; he was inconceivably happy to receive My strength of love and he used this strength according to his will, which continuously augmented his bliss.... And yet, he left Me.... He rebelled against Me, rejected My love and plunged into bottomless depths.... He, whom I once created in My image, became My direct opposite.... And now you humans pose the question as to how this could have been possible; after all, the first being, the bearer of light, was created in all perfection, as nothing imperfect can come forth from Me.... This question can only be answered in that perfection knows no limitation, no restriction; it was able to move in any direction without being prevented from doing so. Free will is an imperative part of perfection.... perfection includes the fact that everything has the rightful measure but this also means that free will can exceed the rightful measure and that the rightful measure will thereby be revoked.... Lawful order is the rightful measure in all things. Consequently, if free will diverts from the lawful dimension, disorder will ensue, a state, which no longer corresponds to My will, to My eternal order. Hence something initially divine, something good, changes into something non-divine.... into something opposing God.... And this is therefore the concept of 'sin'.... On the other hand, it must be possible to exceed the 'rightful measure', otherwise free will could not become active, but it can just as well remain within eternal order. It is therefore indeed possible that a being created by Me can entertain wrong thoughts and intentions because it has free will.... but it is never pushed by Me Myself into wrong thinking and wanting, because it would be impossible for Me, the most perfect Being, to ever have a wrong thought, hence the allegation is wrong that evil is also inherent in Me.... Nor did the being I externalised have anything evil in itself when I created it.... everything it possessed was the lawful measure so that it did not have to fall.... __However, because the thoughts and intentions of the perfect being were unlimited, it was also able to go beyond the rightful measure.... it was able to lose itself and step out of the eternal order. But this spiritual confusion of the being could only occur when it turned away from Me, when it prevented My Word from sounding in him, for My Word was unable to give or demand anything else but perfection.... My Word would never have induced the being into leaving My eternal order, but once the bond with Me became loosened and the being no longer listened to My voice, it was also able to think and want in the wrong direction, because this option was open to it on account of its decision of will. Yet 'sin'.... the wrong will.... was at all times external from Me, I was only ever able to think and want in lawful order. I Myself was perfect, I created perfect beings and these remained perfect for as long as they upheld their connection with Me, but which they were also able to sever as a sign that they possessed free will. But this bond with Me guaranteed right inclinations and thoughts.... detachment from Me resulted in wrong inclinations and thoughts. For the being aspired towards something external to Me.... Lucifer, the light bearer, put himself in My place, although he recognised Me as the primary source.... The beings which came forth from both of us put Lucifer in My place, even though they, too, possessed the light of realisation.... Hence they deliberately carried out the separation and no longer moved within the right order, they no longer possessed the rightful measure, instead, the negative now predominated.... whereas in lawful order the positive prevails. In other words: perfection was being lost and something imperfect emerged from this change of will, which expressed itself in a negative way and thus distanced itself increasingly further. Something outside of Me also went outside the lawful order, because lawful order can only be in Me, the most perfect Being, and because everything that does not correspond to this order is evil.... therefore sin. And so the answer to the question as to whether I carry evil in Me is clear. Nothing evil can exist in Me or I would not be perfect. And evil is always that which steps out of this perfection and turns the rightful measure around, which thus revokes the eternal order, which is the fundamental principle of My nature. However, as evidence of its divinity I had to give free will to every being, and this had to have the option to change itself in any direction.... And thus the being itself created evil when it rebelled against Me, when it left the eternal order, when it wanted to use its strength negatively and work against Me.... when it distanced itself from Me. And for the sake of My ultimate goal.... for My living creations to become 'children'.... I did not prevent the being, nevertheless, it could just as well have remained with Me, it did not have to become sinful and fall, it could have voluntarily remained perfect and enjoyed supreme bliss, nevertheless, it voluntarily forfeited it. __Amen
A loving person will never be lost....
People who make love the guiding principle of their daily life will never get lost even if they are mentally still on the wrong track and reject the pure truth. They are influenced by forces which fight especially hard for such souls, and since their will has not yet made a clear decision, because the person does not fully consciously aspire towards God, these forces try to influence him mentally. And they succeed to the extend that the person's intellectual activity is now less active in regards to discovering the truth, that the person has little will to come closer to the truth. Nevertheless, love protects him from being led astray. Due to his actions of unselfish neighbourly love he has already given himself to God, Who will never let him fall again. Love is the greatest power and is fought in vain by all lesser forces. If, therefore, a person lives in love, the struggle for the soul by those forces is in vain because God keeps hold of the soul due to His large claim to it. He is certain to recognise the truth as soon as he accepts the advice to form a mental opinion about the spiritual information offered to him. __When a loving person thinks about it he will also come to the right conclusion, and he will be able to separate error from truth and consciously strive towards the latter. Therefore a loving person can never go astray because he is protected by love, because he is united with God through love and will not deny Him. And thus God also manifests Himself to him by making Himself perceptible in a way which stimulates the person's thoughts and he awakens from spiritual lethargy. A loving person's spirit wants to be active; it awakened to life through love but is not yet allowed to work as long as the human being's will is still undecided, as long as the person resists contemplating questions concerning the spiritual domain. But with the slightest change of will the person's spirit starts to function and puts the human being's thinking into order, it gives him explanations from within, it gives him power of perception, and thus first draws the soul and then the body to itself, and its influence will truly not be negligible. A loving person is never lost because God holds on to him and does not leave him to His adversary. However, the human being must have the will to take the path to God.... And this path will be shown to him. God truly guides the fate of every individual person so that he will always have the opportunity to enter the right path. He will meet him so obviously, because due to his life of love God is very close to the person, that He can always be recognised, and anyone who genuinely seeks Him will find Him. He will recognise truth as such and earnestly desire it, and his soul will be saved for eternity.... __Amen
Free will.... Destiny....
Nothing happens in human life that doesn't affect eternity. Every action, every omission, every thought, every direction of will has an effect on the soul's development, and therefore everything that occurs in human life belongs within the scope of destiny. The human being has free will and the use of this will is decisive for eternity. Every deed or omission, every thought, is first preceded by will, and its decision determines his course of life. For although he is unable to control every event in an earthly way, since God has reserved the right for Himself to direct his course of life according to wise judgment, his will has nevertheless already been taken into account and forms the basis of his destiny. The human being's free will is being doubted because it cannot always carry out its intention, yet the intention cannot be denied the human being even if the opportunity to implement it has been removed from him. The direction the will takes determines the soul's development, the failure of a once prepared plan does not revoke the will, and for this will the human being has to be answerable one day, even if the implementation did not come about. Changing a wrongly orientated will into the right direction is the purpose and task in life. And this is why even the slightest happening benefits this change of will and is God's will or permission, regardless of whether it is the result of a wrongly or correctly used will. And thus it should be understandable to you humans that you will have to accept every stroke of fate as being predetermined a long time ago and only conducive to your higher development. You must therefore ask yourselves to what extent it was encouraged by your will and whether this will was right or wrong, to what extent it corresponded to divine will and thus you must try to derive a benefit from even the smallest experience, so that your destiny will truly affect you in an educational way and, if it is arduous, will also be successful for your life in the beyond. You are always in God's hands, that is, He takes care of your course of life, after all, He wants to draw you close to Him and win you for eternity. If you accept everything from His hand, always remembering that they are educational means which are used by a loving Father for His children, then you will always want, think, speak and act according to His will, and your earthly life will not be lived in vain, for then you submit yourselves to God's will and can't help yourselves but use your free will correctly.... as your task in life requires.... __Amen
Serious reference to the end....
Your days are numbered.... You won't live on this earth for long anymore, your lives will be shortened because the time I granted humanity for its salvation has come to an end, and you, who are presently alive, belong to those who will live to see the end.... I will certainly still recall many beforehand whose souls would not survive the last battle for Me and My kingdom, and many will die far and wide, and the various reasons will not make you humans aware of the fact that the last action has already started, that it is already an act of mercy, because I give those souls the opportunity to continue their process of development in the kingdom of the beyond, which will no longer be possible once the last day has come.... You all have not much time left yet none of you know if he will not be snatched from the midst of life earlier, no-one knows when his hour has come.... Don't mourn those who go before you, for they are recalled by My love; but often remember them in your prayer so that they will make use of the blessings which will also be granted to them in the afterlife. I seriously admonish you all to prepare yourselves for your last hour, for you don't have much time left. I urgently warn you through the events in the world, and if only you kept your eyes open you would recognise the gravity of the hour, for I clearly speak to you through the signs of the time. __However, you humans only have eyes for the world, you give the world your every attention but fail to think of Me, and irritably you shrug everything off what could draw your attention to Me and the end.... You don't want to believe and therefore remain untouched by all happenings which only too clearly demonstrate the truth of My Word to you. It is high time.... yet not in a worldly sense but for penance, for a change of will, for turning back and for reflection.... Don't remain indifferent when I admonish you for whatever it may be.... Ask yourselves in what state you are in when you are being called to leave the earth and to enter through the gate of death into eternity.... Ask yourselves as whether you will be able to stand before My eyes and believe that the hour will soon arrive when your earthly life comes to an end.... Therefore, only take care of your souls and turn your eyes away from the world, for it will perish, the soul, however, is everlasting and its fate in eternity will be according to your way of life on Earth.... __Amen
Free will is fundamental eternal law.... Attaining beatit...
I cannot redeem people's guilt against their will; I cannot make them blissfully happy as long as they are imperfect of their own volition. I cannot grant them eternal life as long as they prefer spiritual death. I can do everything apart from enslaving the will of that which I created out of My strength of love. For I created perfect beings which are inconceivable without free will. However, the fact that they gave up their perfection, that they therefore also lost their realisation and strength, was the result of their free will, which could just as well have increased the perfection insofar as that My created being could have striven freely of its own accord for light and strength, thus demonstrating its perfection lawfully, i.e., of its own free will. Freedom of will allows for moving upwards as well as downwards.... Hence, the fact that the spiritual being fell was its own fault.... Now it must voluntarily strive upwards again in order to attain the original state, and I can never take this free will away from the being again, otherwise I would offend against Myself, against the fundamental law of eternity. Do you now understand why I cannot arbitrarily help you humans to ascend? Why you must achieve the transformation from the abyss into higher spheres yourselves? Do you now understand why I can only ever influence your thinking so that you direct your will towards Me and thus consciously strive to reach Me? Do you understand why My love is constantly concerned that you, who had already spent an infinitely long time before you were allowed to embody yourselves on earth, will finally reach your goal? __You were truly granted an extensive period of time in order to achieve this change of will and nature, yet one day even the longest space of time comes to an end, and you are facing this end.... I cannot arbitrarily shape you such that you can enter eternal life, you must lend a hand yourselves, for it is always My will to accept you into My kingdom, My will would never reject your will if it desires to reach Me, just as it once turned away from Me and pulled you into the abyss.... Worlds will vanish before the last spiritual being has accomplished this transformation of will.... Nevertheless, My love wants to help you humans so that you will not remain distant from Me for eternities to come, so that you will not remain for eternities in a material form, which either keeps your will bound or, as a human being, gives you the final opportunity to reach your goal of uniting yourselves with Me again.... You should know that you, as a human being, are at the last stage of your development on earth, that you can release yourselves from the material shell in order to then enter eternity as a blissful spiritual being. Know that you can become blessed if you want it, but that I cannot help you attain beatitude against your will.... Let yourselves be admonished and warned by My Fatherly love, take advantage of this short time and shape yourselves such that you can unite with Me, that you become what you were in the beginning, blissful beings who were able to be work in an abundance of light and strength.... Consider your purpose and seriously strive to reach your goal as long as you live on earth, for the day will come which concludes your earthly course of life, the day will come when the time has expired which you were granted for your complete redemption, for your ascent into the kingdom of light.... Use the time before it is too late.... __Amen
The souls' hardship in the beyond.... Intercession.... Ch...
The hardship of needy souls in the beyond is immense, for their situation is frequently insufferable because they are surrounded by dense darkness from which they cannot escape. However, the more a soul suffers the sooner it might analyse itself, reflect on its guilt and look for help, on account of which it will then pursue even the smallest ray of light in the hope of deliverance. Only when it tries to get away from the darkness can it be guided into the light. Prior to this it would be unable to understand the instructions, but also still too stubborn to accept the latter, so that every loving effort would be in vain. Every soul's will can be recognised by the beings of light, and accordingly they will guide those poor souls to the light who desire it, for these souls are then in a state when they can be given help, since they are willing to accept it and also request to be helped.... Then the act of Salvation can take effect on these souls, even on those from the abyss. Then Jesus' love and mercy has also affected individual souls in the abyss, and to bring release to them is an extremely rewarding task, to which you humans can contribute greatly with conscious intercession and mental instructions of those who approach you for help. __The souls in the beyond know that people on earth still have energy of life, which they lack completely, and therefore gather around people in order to receive strength from them. Admittedly, they don't know how the strength flows to them, nevertheless they ask people for what they are lacking, for what they don't have but are able to discern in people. __Their severe hardship keeps impelling them toward people on earth, even though they often have but a faint memory of the knowledge they had on earth. Consequently, instructing these souls is not easy, since their poor intellectual capacity has to be taken into account and, in view of their guilt, their state of maturity lacks all awareness. Nevertheless, they hunger for explanations and are patient listeners when they are given to them. __There is immense hardship in the kingdom of the beyond which, however, can be eased by you humans if you are willing to help them, if you take pity on these souls and your willingness to help gets motivated. For your loving thoughts are already experienced by them as a perceptible influx of strength, and therefore they will never leave a person who helps them with loving thoughts and an appeal to Jesus Christ to help these poor souls. The divine Redeemer is always ready to raise the souls from the abyss, yet the law of love cannot be avoided, and if the soul itself is still unable to love, He will be satisfied with loving intercession and accept it as if it were offered by the soul itself.... And they will find salvation through His love and mercy.... People could contribute vastly to rescue souls from the darkness.... They all are appealing to you, as soon as they enter your thoughts you will know that they can be helped, that they are already in a state when they want help and that people's loving efforts will not be in vain.... Help them, save them from their plight, and thereby contribute towards the souls' salvation who neglected to work for their perfection on earth, and who are therefore in utmost distress in the beyond, which only people's love can help to alleviate.... __Amen
God-inclined will is the passed test on earth....
Those of you who looked for and found Me will never ever lose Me again. Admittedly, as long as you live on earth you are exposed to My adversary's influence, yet once a person's will has turned to Me I will have taken hold of him and prevent his relapse into the abyss. However, I Am talking about a serious person's will who strives to Me in a fully conscious state.... Where this seriousness is not yet present My adversary can certainly still succeed in pushing him away from Me, for there are people who, through upbringing or discussions with others, have more or less become followers, who thus join their fellow human beings but not because of the inner desire to hasten towards the Father they recognised in Me. But where this inner desire has awoken in a person My Fatherly love becomes active.... I constantly coax and call this person, I take hold of him and never let go of him again. He is already released from Satan's chain even though the latter will not stop in his efforts to win him back until I recall the person into My kingdom. A will which is seriously inclined towards Me is the most certain guarantee that a person will gain Me and My kingdom.... For I give him strength because I long for My child Myself and his will has already passed the test on earth. It is merely a matter of decision for Me or for My adversary.... The serious will is the decision, precisely because this will had turned away from Me in the past and the return to Me must therefore be accomplished willingly.... I judge the will and not mere words which are not serious but most certainly recognisable by Me as mere words, which are voiced by the mouth or are thought but which the heart is unaware of.... Nevertheless, once the will for Me has awakened the human being will incessantly strive towards higher spheres. For as soon as he receives My strength as a result of his change of will he will use it for spiritual striving. He will have effectively joined Me already, I will be walking next to him, I will just not be recognised by him as long as he is still weak in love.... But once the love in him grows stronger My image will become increasingly clearer until he has accepted Me Myself through the love in him and then he will also recognise that he can no longer descend into the abyss, because I do not relinquish what belongs to Me and voluntarily has become My Own. You will never ever be able to separate yourselves from Me again if you passed the test of earthly life, insofar as that your will has chosen Me. Then earthly life can only contribute towards a higher maturity of soul, you will be consciously of service to Me and faithful to Me until I recall you into My kingdom when your hour has come.... __Amen
Earthly destiny corresponds to will....
I Am a Father to all of you, and thus it will also be understandable to you that I grant My Fatherly love to each one of My children and that I have the destiny of each one at heart, that I Myself lead every child by the hand until it is able to walk on its own, until it has matured into a being that is like Me, until it is so closely united with Me and thus thinks and acts according to My will. Every being's development was delineated an eternity ago.... but this does not mean that it has to follow this process without will, rather, My wisdom recognised the process which corresponded to the being's will and offers the greatest opportunities to guide it to Me. I foresaw both the resistance as well as the lessening of resistance in every being and My plan of Salvation adapted itself to this will. The being lacks the past memory of the blissful state at the beginning as well as of its fall into the abyss.... Consequently, its will can make a completely free decision as to the direction it takes, it is not influenced by Me in any way. Yet My love and wisdom always placed the being into circumstances conducive for its change of will.... It can very easily make the right decision but is not forced to do so. I Myself will never complicate a being's process of development because My love for that which emerged from Me is infinite and because this love only ever yearns for the return of the beings to Me, thus I will always make it easy for the being to find the right path to Me. I also foresaw the failures an eternity ago, I foresaw My living creations' renewed apostasy from Me, which time and again requires ever new opportunities in order to reach My goal one day. But even these failures are taken into account and won't hamper Me from implementing My salvation process.... they merely prolong it and demand more effective means, and sooner or later they will certainly lead to the goal.... __Therefore, the way a person's destiny on earth turns out always corresponds to My eternal plan of Salvation, since I have also known his will for eternity and always take effect according to this will, thus earthly life approaches the person as is favourable towards changing his will and turning it towards Me. As the Father of My children, I also truly know their every nature and must therefore treat each one of My children differently in order to win them over for Me, in order to gain their love.... For it is My goal that they grant Me their love and therefore I won't compel them but will allow them their freedom, since compulsion can only result in obedience out of fear but never in obedience out of love. However, I yearn for My children's love and therefore never lose patience, even if My plan of return takes a long time.... I will always take My living creation's will into account, yet one day it will freely choose Me, one day its love for Me will break through, My living creation will subordinate its will to Mine, it will ask for My love and My Fatherly love will draw the child to itself and never ever let go of it again.... __Amen
Approaching trouble....
You are approaching a time of immense trouble and require great strength of faith in order to master it, because with your physical strength you won't be able to resolve it but certainly with spiritual strength. However, the affliction will befall you on account of your faith because the final time will have come when all of you will be demanded to make a decision.... Admittedly, the earlier worldly adversity, even though it is also inevitable, will affect all people and be a wake-up call for all, yet this adversity is a natural one and will therefore also be humbly endured.... However, the immense trouble affecting people on account of their faith has spiritual reasons and spiritual consequences, for then both the people, as God's opponents, as well as God Himself will demand a decision, and life in eternity depends on this decision.... People will be requested to deny their faith in God, and thus they will be forced by the ruling power to make a decision.... Then it will require tremendous strength of faith to defy this obligation and to openly profess God before the world.... However, anyone who has the will to do so shall also have the strength to resist, for this shall flow to him from the One Whom he fearlessly professed. And thus the affliction will arise from the fact that God's faithful followers will be placed under severe pressure by their opponents and be greatly damaged and demeaned in an earthly way, that these few will become a target for people to run riot in a God-opposing sense. A strong faith fends off all attacks but a weak faith becomes unstable and needs support which will indeed be granted to him when his will desires God. Yet this time must come because the day of the end comes ever closer and because the separation of the spirits must take place first. Many people will still be recalled who, without question, would descend in such times of affliction, and God will only preserve the life of the strong who offer resistance by virtue of their faith.... But He also knows who inexorably strives towards the abyss; He knows where any change of will is impossible.... And He will allow these people to keep their life so that what is proclaimed will come true.... that the goats will be separated from the sheep so that the great cleansing on this earth can take place, which will be followed again by a time of peace, by a time of righteousness.... __Amen
Beings from other worlds?....
There is spiritual contact between the earth and other worlds as long as it concerns beings of light which influence you on My behalf into taking the right path that leads to Me. The world of light constantly endeavours to influence you in a helpful sense.... But the forces of darkness, too, use every opportunity to mislead you, to keep you from the path of truth in order to confuse your thoughts. And much will happen, especially during the last days before the end, which you humans will not be able to explain.... Yet always remember that people have to take the path to Me without force, that My side will never use phenomena to compel people into believing, even when people experience utmost spiritual distress. Always remember that the world of light works on My instruction, thus it would never do anything of its own accord which does not comply with My will and My wisdom. __Therefore, if `beings of light' consider helping you they will never choose an appearance which will cause doubt, confusion and questionable results in human beings, but they will always express themselves to people in all clarity.... and always such that they can be recognised as sources of light. And then they will always express themselves to those who want to establish spiritual contact for the purpose of spiritual ascent.... But they will never exert a disturbing influence by using inexplicable means, for they want to drive out ambiguity, they want to give light and not increase the darkness which is spread by every unnatural phenomenon.... Countless beings of light are concerned for your spiritual wellbeing.... Countless spiritual beings want to help you to still find the light before the end.... For the end will come without fail.... because My love and wisdom also considers the spiritual substances bound in hard matter which one day shall also be released from the solid form.... You humans willingly interfere with My natural laws and will thus cause the final work of destruction on this earth yourselves.... Nor would the presentation of those who know dissuade you from your intention, even if the angels from heaven came down to warn you.... otherwise I would not constantly have referred to the end through seers and prophets if I had detected even the slightest change of will.... __Thus, your intention can no longer be prevented, the end will come without fail.... And therefore the concern of the spiritual world only ever applies to your soul.... And this is attempted by good as well as by evil forces, only in completely different ways.... The world of light only ever appeals to your spirit, whereas the world of darkness appeals to your senses.... The world of light reveals itself to you in various ways but always through mediators who, due to their spiritual maturity, are in contact with the beings of light, so that they are then able to pass these revelations on to their fellow human beings.... In contrast, the world of darkness expresses itself directly.... It addresses people at random, it finds belief with its own followers and causes confusion with others, and no positive results will come to light.... No definite divine manifestation of strength will be recognisable but constant questioning, constant ambiguity can be observed wherever evil powers are at work.... But whatever comes from above, whatever originates from Me or the world of light on My orders will always spread light.... And only by the light will you humans be able to recognise the working of the light, but then you will no longer question but know.... __Amen
Beatitude or renewed banishment depends on free will....
Whatever you may desire on earth, your wishes shall be granted.... For you will receive whatever you desire once your life on earth is over. If you desired spiritual possessions, the spiritual kingdom will provide them to you in abundance, if earthly commodities had been your wish then the earth will accommodate you again.... the matter you aspired to will become your cover once more as it had been an incredibly long time ago.... But you will always have created the fate yourselves which is granted to you after your passing away.... If, however, the grace is bestowed upon you to be recalled before the end of this earth, then a short time will still be granted to you during which you can still discard earthly desires, during which spiritual wealth is offered to you once again which you need only seize in order take possession of it for the sake of your salvation. Yet once again it depends on your free will whether you still make use of these final blessings or let them pass you by unused in order to then be embodied into earthly creations once more because you asked for it. But you can only be blissfully happy in possession of spiritual wealth.... This is My constant admonition and call for caution which applies to all people as long as they still live on earth.... You will all have to bear the consequences of your earthly life, for it is the law of divine order which cannot be revoked by My love and I cannot, for the sake of `grace', bestow beatitudes upon those who live their lives on earth contrary to My will, contrary to My eternal order.... who are merely the servants of the world and therefore deprive themselves of the expectation of a blissful spiritual kingdom.... As long as this earth continues to exist My flow of divine grace is still open both on earth as well as in the beyond, and all wrongly thinking and living souls will be offered blessings but they shall all keep their free will.... . __However, as yet there is still the possibility of a change of will, all those who are misguided.... be it on earth or in the beyond.... still receive kind-hearted advice to consider their actual task; as yet the spiritual world eagerly endeavours to gain access to people's thoughts on earth, just as beings of light approach the souls on the other side, and they all only strive to direct their thoughts correctly, to turn their eyes towards Me and to awaken a desire for light in them, so that they will not walk past the fountain of grace where it opens itself, from which they can draw to benefit their souls. But even this time of grace will come to an end and then the day will come without fail when every soul receives what it desires.... And anyone who never paid attention to spiritual wealth will be left empty-handed and will have to accept a dreadful fate.... Then the period of Salvation will have come to an end, then an infinitely long night will start for the souls whose will was wrongly directed.... But inconceivable bliss will be granted to those who made an effort to reach Me and learned to despise earthly commodities.... The kingdom of the beyond, however, will likewise be only a kingdom of bliss, for all wretched souls will have to go through the excruciatingly painful process of development again, but only in order to one day attain the freedom again which they had misused in this earthly life. Sooner or later all beings will be able to make a free decision again and it will depend on them whether they prolong their time of agony or enter into beatitude again within a short time.... But all will receive help to reach the goal, for I pour out My blessings without limitation, and anyone who makes use of the blessing will be relieved from all adversity and pain.... __Amen
`Whoever remains in love....' Strange gods....
Whatever causes you to form a bond with Me is a blessing for you humans, because the goal of your earthly life is to revoke your separation from Me which you once voluntarily endeavoured towards yourselves.... thus uniting with Me again of your own free will. And whatever helps you to do so is therefore good.... Hence the will to reach Me is decisive for achieving your goal on earth, and this determination also includes that you live a way of life that is pleasing to Me, for being of sincere will you will never want to sadden Me again, you will never delight in sin if your will and your love are intended for Me. __But the connection with Me can only be achieved by practising love, because where love exists I Am present Myself. `Whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him....' Without love there can be no bond with Me, no matter how loudly and eagerly the mouth would like to affirm its will for Me. Only love is the evidence of this, for love and I are the same, and acknowledging Me and fulfilling My will is the same as working with love.... __You humans should know that no-one can and will approach Me if he lives without love.... Only love connects us, and love demonstrates the rejection of My adversary and return to Me.... With your fall into the abyss you turned away from Me and rejected My love, thus you also became completely heartless. Your change of will on earth therefore has to consist of your desire to be illuminated by Me again and of igniting love in yourselves again which will unite you with Me once more. __The more sincere your determination, the more you will think of Me, of your God and Creator of eternity, Who wants to be recognised and loved by you as a Father. And soon your thoughts will be engrossed in Me, for then I will not leave you again, I will not release you anymore, I will constantly court your love because love is the most solid bond between us which cannot be undone again by any hostile power. __I want to own all your love.... you shall not have any other gods beside Me.... you should not strive for anything else with the same love, for whatever you endeavour or love in your innermost being that is your God.... irrespective of whether it concerns honour and fame, earthly possessions or even the people you love.... You must not value anything more than Me, I want to be to you the highest and most desirable Being in heaven and on earth. I want your whole heart, and as long as you still share it, the bond with Me is not yet established, for whatever fills your heart stands between Me and you.... __Every person's will is free, he can turn wherever he wants, but the goal on earth will only have been accomplished when he turns to Me. But there is great danger in the fact that the human being considers many things desirable and that My adversary places everything before his eyes to prevent him from forming this heartfelt bond with Me.... and that he also brings additional gods close to the person just to divert his thoughts from Me, for they are all strange gods permeating a person's thoughts if I Myself Am not the essence of his innermost thoughts.... __Therefore you humans should seriously scrutinise who or what moves you most, you should ask yourselves whether you are as close to Me as a child is to its father, whether the connection with Me is your first and only goal.... and you should push everything from your thoughts which stands between Me and you, you should give Me first place in your heart and make no concessions whatsoever. For your return to Me can only take place through the unification with Me, and you have to seek and find this of your own free will, because no-one else can establish it on your behalf.... __Amen
Return to God necessitates sincerity of will....
Anyone having made it his goal to travel his earthly path in accordance with God's will, can also always be assured of assistance on the part of God, because God only allowed him to embody himself for the purpose of aligning his will to divine will. And since, during this time on earth, only the human being's will makes the decision, this very will has already passed its test and thus God can now take care of the person in every way without exerting any coercion of will. As long as the human being is still undecided or even still adheres to God's adversary, the human being's will is indeed fought over by God and the beings of light, that is, it will be just as influenced by Him as by the adversary's side, so that it should freely decide.... __But once the human being has freely decided to subordinate himself to God's will by living a way of life in divine order, then he will also have entered His sphere and God will no longer let him fall prey to His adversary. But his will has to be sincere.... The apparent fulfilment of God's will as a result of a church upbringing is not enough, nor will it suffice to carry out deeds of love which, again, are mere church requirements and are more or less fulfilled as obedience towards these demands.... Wanting to belong to God has to be an innermost endeavour, the inner fully-conscious surrender to Him must voluntarily have taken place.... thus he himself must have directed his will towards the One, Whom he has recognised as God and Father of eternity. And from this follows that the return to God is not a mass movement, that every individual person must have set out on the path by himself and therefore he also has to do everything necessary for it himself: to recognise God and to acknowledge Him and to appeal to Him for strength to be able to accomplish the return to Him. But he will not appeal to God in vain, for He knows of his will, of his sincerity and also of his weakness, He knows that it will not be possible for him alone, that he will need help.... But it is assured to him. He had lost his strength the moment his will had turned away from God, and he will receive it again when it turns back to Him. __And therefore an external formality alone cannot suffice, words alone cannot guarantee a truly God-devoted will, and belonging to a religious denomination cannot demonstrate this change of will, rather, it has to be proven by action, and this consists of unselfish loving activity without coercion and without law.... God certainly gave people the commandments of love, nevertheless love has to be practiced voluntarily, for even what is done as fulfilment of a commandment can be accomplished without the innermost will, which then will lessen its value. Therefore the attainment of beatitude, the return to God, has to be every person's very own affair, which he cannot pass on to other people and which no-one else will be able to accomplish on his behalf either. And even the deed itself is not decisive, only the innermost will is important.... which truly is obvious to God but which is also supported in every way. And whatever will then happen to you humans in life is only due to the influence of God or the world of light, which make sure that your will shall aim into the right direction, that it shall voluntarily submit itself to God and that it shall regard its return to God as its only goal. __However, once this act has been accomplished, once the human being's innermost thoughts are turned towards God and he makes an effort to live on earth according to God's will, then his earthly life will not have been lived in vain, and it will, with certainty, also result in freedom for the human being's soul. It will be able to detach itself from its tormentor, it will be able to strip itself of the shackles which kept it imprisoned for an infinitely long time, it is now on its path of ascent and no longer needs to fear God's adversary, who has no further power over the soul because God Himself will seize it, and will safely guide it upwards, for the human being's will has turned towards Him, from Whom he once had emerged as a created original spirit.... __Amen
Freedom of will excludes evidence of faith....
No-one can be forced to believe; consequently it is impossible for divine revelations to be given in such a way that they cannot be doubted. But they can be recognised as divine revelations by someone with a serious will to understand, who therefore has an entirely open-minded attitude and seriously examines them. However, were people to be given irrefutable proof that they are addressed by God Himself, their thoughts and intentions would be determined by this proof.... thus it would exclude a free decision of will which, however, is the purpose and goal of life on earth. It truly would be easy for God to speak to people such that they no longer were able to doubt His existence, but in that case the purpose of earthly life would be missed, for the being's deification is an act of free will, hence free will must remain inviolable, and this excludes all absolute proof. However, it is nevertheless possible for every person to procure his own inner conviction, for as soon as his will has chosen God by consciously wanting to approach Him, God Himself will give him the evidence of His love, wisdom and omnipotence.... He will manifest Himself to him in a way that he can no longer doubt and is happy about this gained realisation. But the grace of God's manifestation is granted to every person.... Yet not every person evaluates it and attains realisation. Creation itself is already a manifestation of God, and it alone could serve the human being as living proof already, it could convince him of the eternal Creative Spirit Which manifests Itself through this creation. But even creation may not be faith-compelling evidence.... This is why the human being can also try to substantiate the emergence of creation in a different way.... which he surely will do by virtue of his free will if he isolates himself from God due to his opposing will and anti-divine nature. This person cannot believe because he does not want to. And to give such a person irrefutable proof would merely compel his will and the faith gained thereby would be totally worthless. __Different opinions will always exist in the world, that is, amongst the people of this earth, because not all people have the same will and not all of them evaluate the blessing flowing to them in the same way. But every individual sooner or later has the opportunity to spend some serious thought on a Power with Which he is connected through a life-preserving influx of strength.... He has the opportunity to draw a comparison between himself and the things He created.... and between himself and the One Who created him. He can come to the conclusion that 'a God' Who has created everything cannot be denied and that his own existence substantiates this God. Then he will be able to build upon this inner conviction and also consider God's revelations possible and subsequently live his life according to these revelations, which will always result in his increasingly brighter realisation and therefore in indisputable faith even without< proof. Human will may not be infringed upon if his progress on earth is to be successful, so that he will deify himself and be able to depart from this earth as a free being full of strength and light. However, the will should be stimulated in order to be deployed in the right direction.... And this happens through blessings.... through fateful events, through particular experiences, through bringing people with different directions of thought together.... and from time to time also through conveying divine revelations. And if the human being does not openly resist these blessings they can have positive effects, and there is a possibility for a change of will in the human being, that he will not reject everything which previously seemed incredible to him, that he will think about it and.... if he is of good will.... that his thoughts can be guided correctly without coercion. The human being need only realise that he is weak and small and unable to fathom everything with his intellect alone. The feeling of his own weakness and lack of knowledge can impel him towards the Power he can no longer deny to be above him. But anyone who deems himself knowledgeable, who overestimates his intellect, will never attain truth and wisdom, for he does not open himself to the Power Which would like to permeate him because he isolates himself from It. The human being must subject himself to this Power of his own free will, only then will he realise the relationship he has with this Power and he will know what he is, what he had been and what he shall become again.... __Amen
The adversary's works of deception.... Apparitions....
A very special trick by My adversary is to entice people to displace Me from their thoughts such that he presents them with `other gods', that he awakens the idea in them that these `gods' should serve people as a bridge to Me.... that they thus owe it to the favour of these gods if I graciously draw close to them, and that people then would have to do everything to ensure the favour of these gods first. Because all those you place next to Me, whom you ask for `intercession' with Me, are `idols'. __You should take the direct path to Me, for that is the purpose and goal of your life.... When you know what your past sin was you will also know that this sin can only be put right by the opposite.... Your past sin was your conscious separation from Me, thus you have to establish the conscious relationship with Me and thereby recognise your past sin and also acknowledge it to Me. No other beings.... no matter how enlightened they are, can take this past sin away from you, and I can never accept their appeal on your behalf, because the change of will has to be your very own effort, and you have to approach Me Myself voluntarily, since only then can your voluntarily destroyed bond be re-established. Hence My adversary uses a cunning weapon to prevent this return to Me.... the conscious relationship with Me.... for as long as possible or to prevent it completely by making you believe that you can reach your goal in a round-about way. He uses this weapon on those who still have enough good will not to reject every religious doctrine.... and who can easily be deceived. For he wants to mislead people's thoughts, he wants to gain time, he wants to obstruct the path to Me. And for this reason he invented the misguided teaching about `intercession from beyond' and found untold followers. __People can certainly help poor souls in the beyond through intercession, because such intercession is evidence of love for those souls, which is already sufficient for Me to give strength to these souls, since I value the love of a person very highly. However, `intercession' by the beings of light is an entirely different matter.... All these beings love abundantly, and they truly also have the power to help all people.... But due to their abundance of love they also have abundant wisdom.... They all know of the original sin, they know of My plan of Salvation since eternity, they know the purpose and goal of earthly life.... They know by what means the fallen being will be able to return to Me, by what means it can regain its original state.... And this knowledge will never ever persuade them to liberate people from their sinful state without authority. On the other hand, their love for all unredeemed spirits is too great to deny help to a being. But their love for Me is far greater.... And therefore they would never take precedence in people's thoughts, they will only aim to direct their thoughts to Me in the knowledge that the person has to establish the bond with Me first if he is to be helped to achieve beatitude. Thus it will never be the light beings' will that you should take the path to them and waste precious time, which is intended for your return to Me.... And these beings of light will even less support misguided teachings by appearing to people themselves. But this deception is used by My adversary, and in order to increase the darkness he flashes deceptive lights.... He counts on the darkened spiritual state of people who do not remember My Words `You shall have no other gods before Me.... you shall not make for yourself a graven image to pray to....' __The purest and most hallowed being, who was the childbearer of My earthly body, will never encourage people to petition her, because her love for Me is infinite, and she seeks to direct all once apostatised beings back to Me, because she, too, loves these beings and would like to support their return to Me. And especially this supremely holy being has in Lucifer the harshest adversary, who does not shy away from using her image for his plans.... who will always let this image emerge as a satanic work of deception when there is a risk that his gamble might be recognised.... when misguided teachings are doubted and a small light wants to break through. Then My adversary steps into action again and uses means which instantly strengthen his power once more, because deepest darkness will be spread across those humans who become entrapped due to the fact that they exercise too little love in order to kindle a light in themselves, which would truly bring enlightenment and let them find the right path.... the direct path to Me.... __ (20.2.1958) If only people lived more within love, such spiritual confusion and mistakes could not arise because they would be recognised as such.... But especially people who allow themselves to be impressed by external occurrences are the least inwardly active. Their soul's life is more or less determined by worldly events even if they wear the cloak of religious activities.... people's senses are occupied and the soul will be dulled. And therefore My adversary has an easy game, people are taken in by his activity and yet they could see through him and notice it if their hearts were filled by love, because love is light too and illuminates the human being's spirit. This is the reason why the masses support My adversary's deception and present it as truth which `originated' from Me. Just a small amount of knowledge would make people realise the futility of apparitions which can never be compatible with My divine plan of love and Salvation. My earthly mother will never want to be the centre of events which stop the masses from taking the direct path to Me.... she will never try to draw people's attention and thoughts to herself.... because it would be the same as slighting Me, to Whom she gives all her love and devotion. __As a result of My adversary's influence people have adopted a completely wrong attitude.... They themselves created gods next to Me, and they dance around these gods but do not remember the one God, from Whom they once apostatised and to Whom they have to return of their own free will. They direct their will wrongly because My adversary knows how to place deceptive lights before their eyes, because he himself hides behind the disguise and thus demands divine admiration of people.... He puts these apparitions into motion, he also tries to take advantage of genuine visions by truly devout people for his purposes by inciting the masses to believe that an exceedingly sacred and pure being had revealed itself, although it would never manifest itself in this manner.... But people want to believe it and cannot be prevented to do so. But a light shall also always be given to you who desire the pure truth. You should not let it baffle you because My adversary will yet cause other things to happen, and he will always aim to get the masses on his side. This should already be an indication to you who hides behind unusual activities and appearances, for I will always work away from the public eye, and even My messengers of light will never make themselves the centre of attraction. Yet only little attention is given to My activity, My adversary's activity, however, will always move the whole world, which already gives evidence of him and thereby he can also be recognised.... __Amen
God's blessing.... Plan of Salvation.... Change of will....
My hands rest upon you with My blessing, you will feel it and sense an inner peace. For My blessing is a gift of strength, My blessing is the help you need in spiritual and worldly adversity. Thus be comforted wherever you may go, for I escort you, I walk next to you and you will safely reach your goal. Someone who only has Me at heart need not fear any downfall, I carry him through difficulty and danger into a safe haven. I only want to win you over, your heart and your will.... I only want you to lift your eyes up to Me so that you turn to Me again, just as you once turned away from Me. And I see what goes on in your heart, even if your mouth remains silent, if you outwardly give no sign of your affinity to Me.... But I will not let go of My hand again, I will always try to strengthen your bond with Me until you have finally entered into union with Me, until the goal has been reached that was set for your path of earthly life.... Nevertheless you should know that his direction of will is left up to each person.... You are not compelled to think one way or another; your thoughts will always remain free even if you are forced into specific actions.... For were I to forcibly influence your will you would be Mine already, since this power is truly at My disposal; however, it would neither make Me nor you so happy that you could praise yourselves blessed forever.... Yet a free decision of will for Me assures the most blissful fate, and that is what I want you to have. As long as you have not attained knowledge of My eternal plan of Salvation you cannot grasp the implication of such free decision of will either. __For there is more at stake than the short time of your earthly existence, it concerns eternity, it concerns something that exceeds your comprehension as long as you cannot be placed in a state of realisation by My spirit, which enlightens you also in regards to that which so far was incomprehensible for you. Even if the knowledge of it were conveyed to you, you would nevertheless not understand it as long as you have not established a bond with Me.... But you can rest assured that no human being who sincerely desires it is denied this realisation. What once threw you back, what once deprived you of this realisation, what turned you into imperfect beings, was solely caused by your apostasy from Me, by your deliberate separation from Me.... although you will never ever be able to disconnect yourselves from your God and Creator. Therefore it only requires you to deliberately turn towards Me again in order to lead you back to the light of realisation, to strength and to your once perfect state. For this reason I only seek to achieve redirecting your will towards Me. You will indeed only be truly happy again in your conscious bond with Me.... I, too, long for My children who once left Me as a result of their conceited thinking, this is why I incessantly pursue them with My love and try to persuade them to return to Me.... nevertheless, I often use means in which you humans are unable to recognise the love of a Father for His children.... And yet, it is love.... a love which wants to make you immeasurably happy and which only ever tries to reach the goal that the child will find the path to the Father in order to remain with Him forever.... __Amen
Mentally directing the will towards God....
Every thought which turns to Me is an acknowledgment that you belong to Me, a flickering spark of love striving towards the fiery ocean of Eternal Love. It demonstrates that the test of will of acknowledging Me again as God and Creator, as it was in the beginning, has been passed.... I will not leave you in eternity, even if you yourselves voluntarily keep away from Me.... For you belong to Me, you are a tiny spark of My strength of love which I emanated when I gave you life. And one day this strength of love will flow back to its original source again, because this is the law of eternity.... But I care that your free will.... the mark of divinity.... is your reason for returning to Me. And it makes Me indescribably happy when this change of will, after your past apostasy from Me, has been accomplished, when you as a human being.... during the stage of free will.... turn your thoughts to Me.... Then I will take hold of you and draw you continuously closer to Me, and I have the right to do so because you will be trying to unite with Me again of your own free will.... __You don't realise how much strength flows to you when your thoughts apply to Me, for every thought is a bond with Me which enables the influx of strength; a contact which enables Me to permeate you with My strength of love, which spiritualises you and makes you the blissful beings again that you once had been. You have the option to receive My guaranteed influx of strength at any time.... you have a very reliable way to receive My strength by merely directing your thoughts to Me.... For you only turn to a Being Which you acknowledge, and I only want this acknowledgment from you in order to provide for you again as before, in order to permeate you again with My strength of love. When you think of Me you consciously open your heart.... you surrender every resistance that had kept you apart from Me, and then My love can take effect on you again, which ignites in you like a spark of fire and also lets your love flare up for Me. Hence it incorporates an immense blessing if you lift your thoughts up to Me time and again.... __Admittedly, the world will often prevent you from doing so, and anyone who is subject to the world will only rarely and with difficulty turn to Me, if at all.... But once you have voluntarily granted Me the right to take possession of you again because you have voluntarily accomplished to break away from My adversary then you can also be sure that I will enter your thoughts time and again, and it will be increasingly possible for you to mentally stay in contact with Me.... until you can always sense My presence close to you, until you no longer start anything without Me. And then you will consciously fulfil the purpose of your earthly existence, then you will already be in close contact with Me even though you still live on earth, and I will not leave you again, I will always walk by your side, I will take abode in your heart and you will feel My presence and be very happy.... __Therefore, always stay in contact with Me even if the world will not yet release you completely.... As long as you still have to live in the material world you will also have to fight against its temptations and attractions; but once you have established the connection from you to Me, the material world can no longer harm you, then you will look for Me even more, because you will not be able to find true happiness in the material world after all but only ever in your heartfelt contact with Me.... And then My love will draw you to Me, then I will gladden you with My presence.... For then your will belongs to Me, as it has turned to Me entirely willingly, and you will have become and will stay My Own for all eternity.... __Amen
Correct decision of will in the state of self-awareness....
Your soul will never lose its self-awareness again, it will recognise itself as My once emanated spirit of light as soon as it has attained the state of perfection, in which it will also fully realise the purpose I gave to every being when I created it. Then the soul will also have an abundance of strength so that there is nothing impossible for the soul, that it can create and work according to its own will which, however, has completely entered Mine. And this is a state of unlimited bliss which you humans are incapable of comprehending because you are limited beings.... limited in your strength as well as in light, which constantly increase the closer you are to perfection. You once came forth from Me in brightest light and in brightest light you return to Me again in order to live a life of unlimited beatitude forever. But no matter how thoroughly it is put across to you that you can create such a blissful fate yourselves, you nevertheless still conduct your psychological work half-heartedly because you do not believe with conviction and because you simply find it incomprehensible that you can reach such a high goal as human beings.... And yet, it can only be presented to you, the knowledge can be conveyed to you but you must utilise it yourselves, for if I Myself would make you act according to My will you would no longer have free will. But the latter is necessary in order to attain the state of highest perfection. However, I set Myself this plan a very long time ago and it will certainly be carried out, even if it takes eternities.... Sooner or later you will all attain this beatitude and then the time it took you will seem insignificant to you, for then every concept of time and space will have come to an end, the time you took will appear like a moment, whilst eternity lies ahead of you when you can enjoy pleasures without end. But while you are still living in a state of imperfection on earth you will have to bear much sorrow, for your soul's imperfection is a state of adversity and suffering which you can only numb yourselves through earthly joys and pleasures but which will not be improved, instead, it will surface time and again as long as you are not yet perfect. __Life on earth is merely an illusive existence for it is not permanent, it passes by, it is not absolute reality, only the spiritual kingdom can be that for the soul, whose true home is the spiritual realm after all. But the earthly realm can contribute towards removing the soul's impurities and enabling it to enter the spiritual kingdom in an utterly light-receptive state. And for this purpose you humans live on earth, because you should remove the impurities from your soul of your own free will, which is certainly possible for you if you strive towards the goal of living a profoundly blissful life one day for all eternity.... You merely need to be willing to become again what you were in the beginning, and truly, I will help to make it easier for you to achieve.... You should only ever visualise the high goal you can reach.... and you should want to reach it. For this resolve alone determines your fate.... And you can rest assured that I will not let you fall anymore once you grant Me this will.... You must merely be absolutely serious and not just use words which your heart is unaware of. This change of will can only be revealed by a self-aware being, for this very reason the state of self-awareness is so extraordinarily important.... For now you can think and use your intelligence, you can use the vitality of life granted to you according to My will.... you can be lovingly active.... Then you will also turn towards Me and I will hold on to you forever. You don't have much time left for this decision of will, for the human being's life on earth is like a moment in eternity, however, if you make the right decision the time will be sufficient to reverse your nature into love.... And if your will is wrongly inclined you would only descend abysmally low again were you granted more time as a human being on earth.... For the further you distance yourselves from Me, the stronger would My adversary's influence become.... This is why this time on earth as a human is limited and in eternity judged like a moment, during which you can nevertheless reach Me and be as boundlessly happy again as you were in the beginning. You will never be left without help, you will never have to rely on yourselves, I Am always ready for you and only wait for your call which proves that you grant Me your will which I will definitely accept and seize My children again in order to never let go of them; for you came forth from My strength of love, you are also a part of Me, even if you once turned to the one who was the first to fall away from Me when he should have passed the test of will that would have made him the most blissful being forever, which was meant to create and work with Me in the whole of infinity as My image.... __Amen
All circumstances of life offer opportunities to mature....
How your earthly life turns out is entirely determined by My will, because I have known from the very beginning which direction your will is going to take during the time of your earthly life as a human being. And according to this will all events will happen to you such that they can influence you to direct your will correctly. So even if you apparently shape your own circumstances of life you will nevertheless be affected by the same measure of suffering and adversities, by destined experiences, regardless of what kind of living conditions you have. And therefore you can go through life with a certain composure since I will, after all, always provide you with the greatest possibility to reach your goal of attaining perfection on earth. Consequently, it is entirely irrelevant for your soul's development as to whether you are poor or rich, whether you are nicely shaped or have physical defects, for all advantages as well as your disadvantages can contribute towards your eager work of improving your soul, just as they can equally be the reason for you to neglect this psychological work.... For it always depends on yourselves, on your will, as to what extent you allow yourselves to be influenced by everything that approaches you externally in the form of experiences, strokes of fate, illnesses and all kinds of adversities but also of wealth, fame, honour and earthly power.... Everything can be detrimental and everything can be beneficial to you.... It depends entirely on what kind of attitude towards Me you find in earthly life.... It depends entirely on whether you allow yourselves to be spiritually influenced, whether you are able to look upon your earthly life as a test of your will, as a means to an end, as a gift of grace by the One Who brought you to life.... It depends entirely on whether you not only place importance on your body or are seriously concerned about your soul.... If the latter is the case then everything will be a blessing for you, no matter what comes upon you, and you will climb the ladder which leads to ascent step by step which helps you to reach higher spheres until you reach the goal when your soul will leave the earthly body.... This is why you should unperturbedly accept everything, always in the knowledge that I thereby intend to attract those of you to Me who are still distant from Me and yet need to find the right attitude towards Me in order to subsequently live your life on earth according to My will, which lets you achieve perfection.... __And when there is a risk of people being entirely distant from Me, then I must indeed use means which are described as an unusually severe destiny of life, yet they are always based on the fact that an unusual resistance towards Me still exists, which I cannot forcibly break but which can recede in view of the immense earthly adversity, which can subsequently push the human being onto the right path to Me and thus show a correctly inclined will, which signifies everything for the person, for then I Myself will be able to take evident charge of his earthly life, and the human being will be truly relieved from all responsibility if he completely hands himself over to Me and lets Me think and act on his behalf.... So everything that can contribute towards a change of will is good, even if it appears to be distressing and unbearable, yet it is not distressing for the soul but fortunate and a blessing, for it matures and reaches that goal which, on its own.... without My indirect help.... it would hardly be able to attain. For I know every individual person's will. And thus I also know to whom I can bestow exceptional gifts of grace, who will use these correctly and derive the most blessings from them.... In that case, I will win this soul over to Me with less severe means, because the resistance, which in the beginning of the embodiment as a human being still firmly controls the soul, will have already considerably lessened.... In that case My means of help need no longer be so painful, slight impulses will suffice that the person will take the right paths, that he will recognise his purpose of earthly life and makes an effort to do justice to it.... And the suffering or adversities which are still imposed on him will be easy to endure, for then the person will already have established the connection with Me and through this connection he constantly receives strength from Me, which makes his ascent considerably easier.... Thus, a person's external circumstances of life are irrelevant for the shaping of his soul.... In fact, difficult situations in life often have more favourable effects on his soul than an easier and worldly-blessed life on earth, which is more likely to be a danger to its maturing.... However, no destiny is so severe that it could not be endured by a person who believes in a Power Which is love, wisdom and might in Itself, for if he believes he will turn to this Power for help, and he will indeed receive it.... For then he will already have the right attitude towards Me and that will certainly guarantee his full maturing on earth.... __Amen
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