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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Your well-ordered life will only last a little while longer in order to then be plunged into a chaos which you cannot escape with your own strength. For then the earth will enter its final phase, it will be approaching its end.... This prediction has to be taken very seriously, since it is intended to make you aware that your time, too, is coming to an end, that you don't have a long lifespan left and many will even have to brace themselves to be suddenly recalled before. Every day you are still alive is a gift you should value, for every good deed you do in one day will increase your strength, which you will sorely need to make use of in the coming time. However, anyone who thoughtlessly lives without love and faith will be completely without strength or hand himself over to the one who will certainly provide him with strength but will not protect him from the end, from the last Judgment, from the renewed banishment in solid matter. Don't sell your soul for a price which will truly not make up for the hardship the soul has yet to go through when its earthly life comes to an end.... I cannot admonish you often and seriously enough about this, because I want to prepare a blissful fate for you. Yet you humans don't believe what I repeatedly let seers and prophets proclaim to you.... you don't believe it and I cannot force you to believe. You are truly worldly-minded and incredibly distant from being spiritual, you are completely immersed in matter and this matter will overwhelm you, it will completely imprison you again because you don't want to let go of it as long as you have the strength to hold on. __Try to imagine just for once imprisonment in hardest matter and being unable to free yourselves from it. The thought would give you tremendous strength to avoid this fate, yet you lack belief in it and I cannot give you this belief, you will have to acquire it for yourselves through a life of love.... Then the whole context will become clear to you and also the significance of your earthly life as a human being.... And you would be alarmed as to how much you deviate from the task given to you for the time of your existence on earth.... Do good works, force yourselves to do so, learn to do without for the sake of your fellow human being, alleviate suffering and hardship, comfort and refresh those who are sick and weak, lend a merciful hand wherever you see misery.... you won't just do it for others but also for yourselves, for your soul will come alive and every good deed will gain you spiritual enlightenment.... you will attain spiritual vision and recognise My great love where you still see today the merciless reign of a power which only wants to torture you on earth.... Listen to My repeated call of warning and admonition and don't let it bypass your ears unheeded, let go of your desire for material things, only consider the salvation of your soul and don't worry, for I will also take care of you in an earthly sense if only you seriously take care of your soul, which is in utmost danger because the end is near.... __Amen
Spiritual turning point.... The approach of night....
You humans cannot expect a spiritual revival on this earth anymore, for all forces of hell have been let loose which work on My adversary's instructions and truly have immense influence over people, because due to the extent of their own lack of spirituality they don't recognise who is controlling them. A spiritual turning point can no longer take place anymore, yet individual people can still be led onto the right path, individual people will still accomplish a change in themselves, and for the sake of these individuals everything will still be done before the end arrives. However, it will be strikingly obvious how rapidly humanity slides down, how increasingly deeper it descends into darkness and shuns the light.... it will be obvious how brutally the light of truth will be fought against, how much the unbelief comes to the fore, how far away from God people live yet pay homage to My adversary.... And therefore there can be no delay anymore because there is no further prospect that a change will ever take place unless I accomplish this change Myself.... but in a way which is unwanted by humanity.... by putting an end to everything and creating a new beginning.... The time span until the end is exceedingly short yet no-one knows the day, and therefore everyone strives half-heartedly, even My believers don't imagine it to be forthcoming so soon as to diligently work for their souls.... But I keep telling you time and again: You will be approaching it shortly.... I must reiterate this call over and over, I must incite you to be extremely active, I must also ask My servants to do their work ever more eagerly, because it is important and can still save individual people from ruin when the end arrives, which I announced on and on.... Although the events in the world will have to take their natural course, and this also places My Own into a certain state of calm, yet time and again I say to you: The end will arrive suddenly.... the day will dawn unexpectedly and end differently than usual.... it will be followed by an everlasting night and the light of day will only shine again for the few who are and will remain My Own despite the testing hostilities and pursuits by My adversary.... Admittedly, you still have to face the time of the battle of faith yet even this will only last for a short period of time, because it will be extremely fiercely waged, so that the day of My coming to earth will be precipitated by people themselves.... Events will very quickly follow each other and yet appear to people as completely natural occurrences which deserve no special merit.... hence they will not want to associate these events with the shortly approaching end.... __For this reason it will also take My Own by surprise, for I will come like a thief in the night.... because no-one will think of it if the announced event still appears to be far away. If only you humans believed that your attention is merely drawn to it so that you can prepare yourselves.... Your remorse will be painful, for all of you still do far too little for the salvation of your soul. Earthly life was not given to you as an end in itself, and every day could be utilised such that you could attain an incredible abundance of light which will provide you with incomparable beatitude in the spiritual kingdom.... and one day you will realise this and sorrowfully remember the insufficiently used time on earth. But at the time of the end no-one believes or understands it, the prevailing low spiritual level can almost not be thought worse anymore, for you humans are unable to see that which is open before My eyes, you humans must believe what cannot be proven to you, and this also includes the termination of this earthly period, which is of great spiritual significance. You must, if you don't want to believe or think yourselves unable to believe, make an effort to live a life of unselfish love, and then you will feel within yourselves that you are approaching a completely different era.... And you will not go astray, for I take pity on all those who don't entirely belong to My adversary and help them to progress further in the kingdom of the beyond, if their earthly life comes to an end before the Last Judgment.... An extremely dark night is approaching, the day soon comes to an end but as yet there is still light.... you are still able to use the light of the day and ignite a light within yourselves which will never be extinguished again.... And then you need not fear the approaching night.... . __But woe to you if you are sluggish.... if you believe that the day will never end.... Woe to you if you live from day to day without considering your soul.... And to those of you who don't fear death because you believe that you will cease to exist.... I say that you will experience death with all its terrors and that you will be unable to escape these terrors.... Then you will no longer be able to discard your life for you cannot cease to exist, you will continue to live even in the state of death, you will have to suffer agonies which you cannot get away from.... For spiritual death is far worse than the death of the body, which can also be your admission into a blissful life.... Listen to My call from above, let yourselves be warned and admonished.... Don't be indifferent and let these Words pass your ears unheeded but vividly imagine the hardship which will await you if you don't give credence to My Words.... You will constantly be able to observe the signs of the end, yet everything will happen so naturally that you certainly could believe but don't have to. Nevertheless, your beatitude depends on your belief, for only the believer will prepare himself, he will remember Me and stay in contact with Me, even when the work of disintegration has begun. For time has run out and in keeping with divine order, what has been determined in My eternal plan of Salvation will come to pass. The earth will be transformed and with it all living creations, so that all spiritual substances will be engendered into those forms again in which they belong according to their degree of maturity.... The divine order will be restored again, because there is no other way to guarantee the spirits' higher development, yet the goal of My love is only ever this higher development which intends to bring you, My living creations, closer to Me again.... __Amen
Rapture.... And the graves will still release many....
Time and again you will receive clarification through My Word concerning spiritual problems which you are unable to work out by yourselves.... where My spirit has to intervene if your thinking is to be correct, thus correspond to the truth. Only truth has a beneficial effect, the soul cannot derive any advantage from misguided thinking, instead it will even thicken its surrounding layer because misguided thinking does not originate from Me but from My adversary. Yet people are not always capable of accepting the pure truth unveiled, like children they sometimes have to be taught by way of images and parables which, however, nevertheless entirely correspond to the truth. And wherever this is the case My adversary likewise seeks to intrude and distort these images and parables to prevent people from thinking correctly. And thus it necessitates enlightenment through the spirit in order to provide a correct explanation or to enable someone to understand what was offered to people in a veiled form, what seers and prophets predicted on My instructions. Humanity's spiritual state demanded such veiled portrayal, because the unveiled truth would have seemed utterly implausible to those who had not recognised people's spiritual development as their purpose on earth and therefore My written Word.... the Book of the Fathers.... would also have been completely discarded, since the events at the end, had they been portrayed unveiled, would not have found belief and thus given rise to total rejection of My Word. I have always prevented an unveiled description of the final events but always provided explanations if they were needed. But as a result there are also various opinions represented amongst people and everyone endorses his own according to his spiritual state, yet only an 'enlightened spirit' will think correctly and be able to 'unveil' the 'veiled' truth! __The end is near.... and only a few people will be able to observe the developments at the end, because they shall inform the coming human generation on the new earth of My Power and Glory, of the conclusion of the old and the beginning of a new period of Salvation. These few, however, will be lifted away by Me from earth as soon as the end has come. But when this happens much wailing and lamenting will arise on earth, for this 'process of rapture' will be seen by all people on earth and triggers.... because it is beyond natural law.... immense terror, for then the people staying behind will know that they will become victims of destruction. These people will not see My coming in the clouds because I cannot be visible to those who adhere to My adversary.... Only My Own will be able to see Me and, full of joy and praise, stretch out their arms towards Me… And I will lift them up to Me before their fellow human beings' eyes. And just a few will cry out to Me in intense distress, not driven by fear but in sudden realisation and utter remorse.... I know them and address them time and again, they merely need a profound shock in order to surrender their resistance and hand themselves over in their hearts.... And these are the people who will 'arise from their graves' in order to also be taken away from the earth, because I know their hearts, they call upon Jesus Christ with profound faith in Him and His help and thus they will find redemption from sin and death. And the graves will still release many.... Dead people who will arise into life.... People who will be more impressed by the final events on this earth than they care to admit, where only the lid will have to be pushed aside from the grave, which will be achieved by the tremors at the end.... But what will still happens before that can yet contribute towards the awakening of dead souls, for hell will spew out its most evil demons.... And elevated beings will descend from the kingdom of light and the struggle for people's souls will be plain and observable by My Own, who will then experience the exposure of what had previously only been announced to them in a veiled form.... __And the scales will suddenly fall from the eyes of My Own, for then they will understand what hitherto had remained concealed to them but what the spiritually awakened person essentially understood. But since people are particularly strongly attached to matter in the end, the knowledge about My 'plan of Salvation' for redeeming the souls will also be little known.... And this alone is the key to all revelations which were given to people in a veiled form. People are unaware of individual periods of Salvation even if they believe in a justification, a last Judgment, and in an end of the world. And according to this knowledge they try to interpret the revelations which relate to this end. And the more intellectually they do so, the more confused become their results. My spirit, however, reveals to them in most simple terms the signs as well as the happenings at the end.... And the rapture of My Own will be the last process taking place on this earth before its destruction, before the complete change of this earth's external shape, which will wipe out all life on it. It is not as if there will still be a long time afterwards in which people can discuss this happening.... for this would undeniably signify compulsory faith for those left behind, no human being would then be able to close their mind to the realisation of a living God and be forced to believe in Him. Yet I don't use such means in order to gain this faith, consequently the end will come as soon as I fetch My Own from this earth. The horror of this will coincide with the horror of certain death facing those who are left behind, for the earth will open up and flames burst through, people will feel paralysed and incapable of thinking apart from the few which only need a small incentive to recognise Me and call upon Me in utmost need.... But they are known to Me and therefore I will have mercy upon them and their souls will not have to share the agonising fate of the others.... __Whatever will come to pass, it was only possible to give people an illustrative prediction, for they would never have understood it as long as My eternal plan of Salvation could not be explained to them. And people's low spiritual state did not allow for this.... My Word, however, has always been preached to people, and My Word urged them to be lovingly active. Complying with My Word, complying with My commandment of love would have guided you humans into realisation and thus also into the knowledge of My plan of Salvation. In that case they would have understood the symbolic descriptions, which certainly were understood by those whose life of love had resulted in spiritual enlightenment. Yet the nearer it gets to the end the more people's thinking will become confused and the more mysterious are the images which their intellect is now trying to decipher. People should only ever try to keep to what I Myself told them while I lived on earth.... They should accept My Words and live accordingly, and they would be surprised to realise that they are becoming enlightened, that they fully understand everything which so far had been ambiguous to them.... for then My spirit can work in them and kindle a bright light for them. However, anyone who believes himself capable of gaining realisation through eager studies yet neglects to live according to My will, will never attain realisation. He will lose himself in ever more erroneous thinking and no matter what he believes himself to have discovered.... he will have to discard it again and find no illumination within himself. Only My commandments of love and their fulfilment ensure your correct thinking, and in that case every Word, every prediction and every indication about the end will be understandable to you, for then you will be enlightened by My spirit, which never errs and always guides you into truth.... __Amen
The endtime disciples' task....
Those of you are My endtime disciples who want to serve Me by taking care of the distribution, because error has increased to an alarming extent, because this is the final weapon in the battle against the light which the adversary diligently strives to extinguish. It is your task to take direct action against the error, to expose My adversary and to always stand up for the pure truth which you receive from Me directly. And even if you make enemies.... you must accept it if you want to be of service to Me, for there is only one truth and you receive it directly from Me. For this reason I use an empty vessel, which had not accepted any kind of prior knowledge, in order to be able to pour in My spirit without the resistance which already existing knowledge would have caused. Thus I was able to instruct a person, I was able to place him into a state of realisation, I was able to present My eternal plan of Salvation to him and explain to him the meaning and purpose of existence.... This vessel had to be completely empty, uncommitted to religious teachings, free from all ideas and so devoted to Me that I was able to fill it, that it accepted everything the 'Eternal Truth' presented to it without opposition. Thus a person was introduced to knowledge which he previously did not possess, in a manner of speaking, a region was opened to him which he never before had entered, which was alien to him until I Myself allowed him to gain an insight into this region. And the fact that this happened in all truthfulness cannot be denied, for My promise is as follows 'I will guide you into all truth....' If I therefore recognise that all preconditions are in place which are required for the fulfilment of My promise, then you must not doubt, for I keep My Word, but you must also support 'My Word' before the world. For you are in possession of the pure truth from Me.... And thus you also received the information about My reign and activity, of the creation of the spirits, of their apostasy, of the emergence of Creation and of My plan of return.... And you possess the knowledge of your beginning and your final goal.... All those of you who take note of this knowledge will thereby attain a degree of realisation which already signifies advancement, a certain maturity of soul, which I indeed intend to achieve by conveying this knowledge. For only the truth can achieve this. This is why you, My endtime disciples, are instructed to stand up for the truth of the knowledge I have conveyed to you. And all those of you who were introduced to this knowledge through My bearers of light are My disciples, for I do not convey My Word to earth for one person but through one for all those who accept it and they, too, can regard themselves as disciples of the last days.... They will be able to observe strong counter activity on part of the one who once caused your fall. In his eyes you are bearers of light and he tries to extinguish it.... He fights against you with cunning and trickery and his sole purpose is to draw you under his spell, to undermine the pure truth, to extinguish the light and to plunge you into darkness again.... But he will not succeed, for where I Myself Am at work through My spirit there is bright light and the truth enlightens.... it exposes him and his activity and cannot be obscured again because it originates from Me, because a spirit of light is at My disposal which likewise keeps itself closed to My adversary's activity. You humans must always bear in mind that, at the time of the end, messengers will descend from above who will not succumb to his artful temptations, who are only receptive for the pure truth from above, which would never give in to his whisperings and thereby make themselves unsuitable for the receipt of the pure truth.... And thus you can safely grant credence to the Words, for it is a great gift of grace that I look after those people who do not want to fall prey to error, who only ever want to live according to My will and whom I therefore will also protect from the adversary's influence.... But he will try to take action against the light until the end and, where people are willing, he will also be successful. Therefore pay attention to the endtime disciples and accept My gift of grace, for as soon as they stand up for the Word they have received from Me directly, you may grant them credence and you will not regret it, for soon the end will come and with it the last Judgment, the day of decision over life and death.... Then those of you who have kept to My Word can consider yourselves blessed.... for you will enter into eternal life.... __Amen
Abuse of power....
Anyone who is given authority on Earth shall administer his office wisely, for My will gave him the power which he should now use according to My will. People often place great value on exercising the latter with as much pomp as possible and forget in the process that the plenitude of power by no means rests in this and that they can be relieved of it at any time. Acting in opposition to My will is always a dissent against the One Who appointed them to this office of judge. And if whole circles unite to commit adverse deeds, the guilt of the ruling powers grows exponentially and every pressure exerted by them will result in enormous responsibility. Let Me tell you: The days of anyone who rules in the world to humanity's horror are counted, and whoever believes himself to have sole right of existence on Earth is very much mistaken. It is not you but I Who have placed people into this world so that every soul shall mature during the course of its life, and that which is your share you should also allow the other person; don't let countless people fall prey to great misery but prove yourselves with them. I Myself put right where it is needed, and My judging hand is just. You should never consider yourselves entitled to throw the whole world into turmoil.... you should by no means exert your authority with pressure but act as wise and charitable judges, so that one day your actions will be rewarded leniently and wisely, because.... judge not, so that you will not be judged. __Your actions on earth have such appalling effects in the beyond that you, if you knew the fate that awaits you, would be so horrified that you would be incapable of living. Do not forget My love and mercy which gives itself to all beings on earth.... I alone have the power on Earth and in Heaven, I will know how to punish those who so exceed My laws that fear, misery and horror are the consequences of their orders. The Last Judgment will affect everyone, regardless of where they come from, and then it will show who walked his earthly path righteously and who refused to recognise and follow My will. For all power is given to Me in Heaven and on Earth.... The human race will be seized by terror and those who disregarded My will shall then be stricken, and I will severely punish those who so opposed Me and in heartlessness and injustice do as they please on earth. Try to reform people, then you will exercise the judicial office according to My meaning, and not that you impose inhumanly cruel punishments on them which will never be a blessing for you, neither in this nor in the other world. For your action is merely revenge and retribution but not a just exercise of your power. You incessantly only consider how you can increase your authority and don't shy away from using means which dishonour you, and thus you will never be able to find mercy before My eyes, for your activity is sinful and detestable. You certainly appear to benefit humanity's physical well-being, yet your soul will perish in profound darkness if the driving force of your conduct is not love and compassion, and thus the misery of people you oppress will fall back on you a thousand fold, for I indeed gave you the power but not the right to abuse it for acts of violence which are far beyond My will.... __Amen
'They ate and drank....' just as it was before the Flood....
As the end comes closer it will become again as it was before the great flood. People will be seized by an increased lust for life and be influenced by the world with all its attractions. People will no longer be able nor want to control themselves and will therefore unscrupulously enjoy life in sinfulness. For they will not desire harmless pleasures, instead, sin will prevail everywhere, selfish love will displace all neighbourly love and thus people will become sinful by harming their fellow human beings merely to satisfy their body's every wish. Other people's possessions will not be respected and thus all laws will be violated. The increased pleasure of life will stifle the voice of conscience and what the world has to offer will be relished to the full.... The world, however, is My adversary's realm and thus only bad can come from the world, it can only denote a danger for the soul, for the satisfaction granted to the body must be atoned for by the soul, it must pay for what the body demands. People may therefore seemingly delight in the pleasure, only those belonging to My Own will know which hour has struck when people seek to intoxicate themselves in the ecstasy of pleasure. Then the end will be very near, for I have long announced to you already that it will be like before the great flood.... They ate and drank, they married and were given in marriage and took no notice of the admonitions and warnings from above. And it will be difficult to preach the Gospel to these people, for since they only pay attention to and aim for earthly life they lack all understanding for spiritual life, and therefore they mock and ridicule every bearer of truth who will try to convert them. Yet in the midst of euphoria comes the last Judgment.... It will be dreadful for all who look upon the world as their God, for they will fall from the height into the abyss, from joy into immense fear, they will fall from heaven into hell.... For the world and its attractions was their heaven, but the world will be destroyed.... and harshest incarceration will be the fate of those who used their freedom on earth wrongly, who live in sin and also die in sin. Beware of the world for it is a great danger for you.... at the moment it certainly still offers much that is desirable yet it is better that you refrain from it and strive toward the heavenly joys which come afterwards, and do without, so that you can enjoy the delights of heaven in all abundance. Don't belong to those who only love themselves and want to provide the body with every pleasure. The euphoria is short-lived, yet it will be followed by a dreadful awakening, as it is announced in Word and Scripture.... The human race, however, is in great danger, for it is already dazzled by the world's deceptive light, and it will not stand still in its demands but it will increase them.... It aims with giant strides towards the final end.... it seeks life and will find death, it seeks joy and walks into ruin.... __Amen
`Behold, I make all things new....'
I make all things new.... Those of you humans who are as yet unenlightened, who have not yet awakened the spirit within you, do not know the meaning of My Words, for you do not believe in a transformation of this earth, you do not believe in the Last Judgment, in the end of one period of development and the beginning of a new one.... You do not know anything about My eternal plan of Salvation and therefore do not understand My Words either: Behold, I make all things new.... Each of My Words has several meanings which are not even known to My enlightened Own, for this understanding is still too profound for the people of this earth, yet they are aware of the simple meaning, that I will renew what has left My eternal order.... __I want to make a change, since the people of this earth are no longer striving for one and therefore miss the purpose of their earthly life. They have failed by not using their lives for eternity. Nevertheless, I will not let them get lost and therefore will give them the opportunity to cover the neglected process of development again, yet not as a repeat but in a completely different way.... For another process of development is an increased bestowal of grace and has to be acquired through increased effort, the opportunity of which is offered by completely new creations. Thus, first I will renew the school for the spirit, My earth, which shall support the development up to that of the human being. __I will provide it with entirely new creations of such diverse kind and shape that extremely large numbers of spiritual substances will have the opportunity to prove themselves therein. And I will let a new human generation arise, which will emerge from people who are blessed by Me, who will have completed their spiritual development with love and loyalty to Me, who will have attained a degree of maturity which permits exalted spiritual care, so that the new human generation will have every guarantee to achieve the highest possible spiritual perfection and the bound spirits, too, will be able to achieve maturity quickly, due to the exceptionally good influence exerted by people on all nearby creations.... I make all things new; I will also ease the conditions to release the spiritual substances yet without deviating from My law of eternal order, only caring for what is still living in constraint with profound love and mercy. Everything depressing will leave people, they will strive to ascend with full strength, because I alone will be the most Desirable for them and they will not be able to be pulled into the abyss by My adversary, who will be bound for a long time.... __I shall make a new heaven and a new earth.... that is, spiritually and earthly I will give happiness to the people who then will belong to Me and who shall also smooth the way for those who will follow them.... Which one of you humans can comprehend this? And which one of you humans believes firmly and without doubt that the old things will cease to be? That even people who are still distant from Me will cease to exist, that only the small flock which faithfully follows Me as their shepherd will not lose its life, because I have blessed this small flock and destined it for a continued life in the paradise of the new earth.... that a new period of Redemption will begin in accordance with My eternal plan of Salvation, which My love and wisdom have determined in order to ensure eternal life for the spirits? Behold, I make all things new.... Those of you who believe in Me remember these Words, consider them in your hearts and know, that the time has come when My Word will fulfil itself.... Believe firmly in it and be hopeful, and endure all difficulties you will still encounter until the end with patience and submission to My will. For the day will come very soon when I will fetch My Own to reveal the paradise to them of which it is written: `I will make a new heaven and a new earth....' and I Myself will dwell amongst My Own and will guide and teach them, as I have promised.... __Amen
Serious wake-up call....
You don't have much time left.... Time and again I have to say this to you for you don't take My Words seriously, you are living in the midst of the world and cannot believe that everything around you will cease to exist one day and that only that will remain which is everlasting.... your soul. Time and again I want to admonish you to seriously envisage what kind of state your soul will then be in. Time and again I want to warn you against focussing your every thought and intention on acquiring earthly goods, on improving your earthly situation.... it is a futile effort, for you will not keep anything when your time has come, the time when you will either be recalled or when everything around you disintegrates. You really should believe that you are wasting your energy, that you work for nothing, that it is merely temporary prosperity which might still provide you with a few comfortable days of life but which is unfavourable for the soul if you don't consider it first and diligently aim to gain spiritual possessions. You may certainly enjoy a good living standard if you use your earthly possessions correctly, if you share them with those suffering poverty and hardship, if you manage your possessions beneficially, if you regard them as having been received from Me and show your gratitude by practicing active neighbourly love, by alleviating hardship in an earthly and spiritual way and thereby live an exemplary life for your fellow human beings and motivate them to also live a life of love.... Then earthly prosperity will have positive consequences, then your soul will not have to starve, then you are considering your soul first and need not be afraid of the forthcoming events.... But woe to those who only pay attention to their physical life.... it will be taken from them and the poverty they suffer in the spiritual kingdom will be a dreadful burden to them.... . __Believe that you are facing immense events, believe that you are only granted a little time longer, make every effort to attain spiritual possessions before it is too late.... Everything you acquire of an earthly nature will be lost to you; take care that you will possess spiritual goods; I seriously admonish you so that you cannot say that you were not informed of that which is irrevocably granted to you.... Don't turn a deaf ear to My advice and warning, they are My loving calls which come to you through a human mouth and intend to protect you from a dreadful fate and which I will repeat in a different way for those earthly children who are unwilling to listen and believe.... My admonishing wake-up call will very soon resound so forcefully that it will make you tremble. I want to speak to you once more through the forces of nature and call to you from above: Wake up, you sleepers.... pluck up courage and stop being feeble.... don't look for worldly pleasures and everything of a transient nature; try to gain My kingdom and consider your true Self.... consider your soul, whose fate in eternity is prepared by yourselves.... Once again I Am telling you: Shortly after this final wake-up call the last Judgment will follow and the disintegration of Earth and the end of everything that lives on it will take place.... That is why you humans are in such great danger, because you don't want to recognise and believe that your end has come or you would yet prepare yourselves and pay no further attention to the world and its commodities.... The time I have granted to you is over and until the very end I will still try to save souls, hence My love constantly calls to people to take stock of themselves, to do penance and to turn back, for I don't want them to go astray.... I only want them to become blissfully happy.... __Amen
God's decision is final....
The fact that you are facing a turning point, which will take place both in an earthly and a spiritual way, is certain.... And once you merely observe the events in the world as well as the low spiritual level it must also be understandable to you that this can only be remedied by establishing a new order, by restoring the law of eternal order. Humanity has overturned this divine order and the spiritual essence embodied in the human being which was supposed and also able to conclude its higher development, has utterly failed, therefore new possibilities for continuing the development must be created or for starting the whole process of development anew. There is noticeable chaos on earth, for due to people's inclination towards matter they have become completely disorderly, they are influenced by the one who governs the earthly world and have therefore also reached the low level which makes their earthly life pointless and thus the time has definitely come which can be regarded as an earthly and spiritual turning point. Everything on earth will change, because the old earth will undergo a total transformation and a complete separation of the spirits will take place.... so that people who had failed will be banished into matter again and the spirits which are still bound in hard matter will be released in order to be able to continue their process of development in the new creations on earth. The old state on earth cannot go on, otherwise there would be no opportunity for the spirits to continue with their process of development.... First everything has to be arranged anew; everything of a spiritual nature must be moved to where it belongs in relation to its degree of maturity and thus even the human being who longs for matter must return to the state he had already long overcome yet misused his attained freedom and therefore descended again into the abyss.... Then divine order will exist on the new earth again and people, too, will live within this divine order, for the new earth will be populated by those who had attained a degree of maturity on the old earth which justifies their placement on the new earth.... Both the earth as well as the human race will be completely renewed; a new earthly period will begin with spiritually mature people who will also help the spiritual substances bound in the creations with their advancement, which will proceed in lawful order again. __You humans should not believe that a spiritual turning point will still occur on this earth, that people will change, that is, that they will improve and thereby create a change.... This possibility does not exist, only an act of violence can still achieve a purification of this earth.... The goats must be separated from the sheep, God will have to implement a change because people are no longer capable of steering themselves into different waters.... They keep descending increasingly further the more time they have. For this reason the time in God's plan of Salvation is predetermined and this will be adhered to, for what He, in His wisdom, recognises to be necessary and decides will be final and never change, for His wisdom is supreme and His resolutions are unchangeable. This is why all events in connection with this turning point can be revealed to people by His side. And credence can be granted to the prophesies which are proclaimed to people time and again through seers and prophets. The fact that the last Judgment and the Earth's redevelopment have no parallel in the events humanity has experienced so far does not entitle people to the assumption that these prophesies are wrong.... Yet people should bear in mind what is proclaimed and in store for them, and prepare themselves, for they still have a short time of grace which could be used if a person's will would only strive to do justice to his task on earth. Then he would not have to fear the end, because God will help every individual person who calls upon Him, and therefore He will reveal Himself through His Word time and again.... He announces the events yet He allows every person free will, which therefore will also decide his fate.... __Amen
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