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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character....
You humans have to go through a process of revival or you will be unsuitable for the spiritual kingdom, for the spheres of light. This means that you humans, the way you are in earthly life, don't have the necessary maturity to reside in the kingdom of light. You need a completely different attitude in order to become an acceptable occupant of the spiritual kingdom, and you are meant to achieve this state on earth, which is indeed possible. Hence you have to go through a certain process of transformation, and you have to undertake it of your own accord. __Your character cannot be forcibly changed, thus your state at the end of your earthly life is determined by yourselves, and corresponding to your willingness to change your soul will leave your body.... either receptive to light or still surrounded by dense layers which cannot bear any emanation of light.... But who knows this, which person ponders this when he is informed of it and takes changing his character seriously?.... __Every person has to refine himself, he has to discard faults, weaknesses and bad habits and teach himself humility, gentleness, peacefulness, patience, compassion; every person has to shape himself into love in order to combine all these virtues within himself, then he will have shaped himself such that he can be admitted into the kingdom of light, then his nature will be deified, then he will have adjusted himself to My fundamental nature and thereby will have enabled Me Myself to enter into union with him, for everything that had separated us will have been consciously removed. The transformation of his character is the path which leads to Me, he will have achieved his earthly goal and discarded the last heavy cover as soon as he leaves his body in order to then live eternally as a blissfully happy spiritual being. Only then will the real life begin.... Let these words come alive in you: Real life begins for you when you enter the kingdom of light.... Everything prior to this has only been the ladder, the preparation time for the actual life which, however, has to be acquired during this preparation time. You humans eagerly and undauntedly work for earthly life since you consider this alone important, and you regard it as an end in itself. Yet you do not consider the actual life because you do not believe in a continuation of life after the death of your body. __Oh, you are fools.... Your purpose of life is an entirely different one than just working for your body's well-being. You are informed of this time and again yet you don't believe it, and therefore you don't change your character either, and that is your downfall.... For if you are not suitable to enter the kingdom of light, but I neither can nor want to destroy you since you originated from Me, you will have to carry out your transformation elsewhere, and that can also mean a great fall and a gradual ascent corresponding to My eternal plan, if the opportunity of attaining maturity in the beyond is not available to you.... Sooner or later you will have to undertake this change of character in the stage of a human being, not even My love can release you from this. The stage of a human being is, however, the final stage in an incredibly long process of development through all creations on earth. As a human being you will have to accomplish a conscious change of will and character if this process of development is to reach a successful end with your physical death on earth.... Then your earthly course of life will irrevocably come to an end.... __Nevertheless, progress can continue in the spiritual realm, the soul can still recognise its wretched state in the spiritual kingdom and try to improve itself, but this necessitates much help from the beings of light or through human intercession. But the being can also slide down again into the deepest abyss because it did not recognise and try to change itself.... Then it will have to accept an appalling fate in order to join the process of change after an infinitely long time again, when it has to prove itself once again.... __Amen
The soul's future fate corresponds to its desires....
You shall receive what you desire. I will always give you what you want, more or less perceptible to you, but if your wishes are apparently not granted on earth and you don't abandon them, they will be granted to you in the spiritual realm.... You will even receive material goods but they will torture you until you change and turn your desire towards spiritual wealth or, if you are stubborn, until you are once again constrained in hardest matter; thus serving you as an external form which you had refused to forsake. If, however, I hesitate to fulfil your desire then only due to My profound love for you because you, as My living creations, should overcome that particular desire to achieve happiness. But if your longing takes a spiritual direction, if it applies to eternal values which flow (originate) from and lead you to the spiritual realm I will not hesitate long in giving you what you strive for.... because I always and forever grant spiritual wealth and I Am not prudent with anyone who asks for it. This longing is pleasing to Me and corresponds to the meaning and purpose of earthly life, it is the goal which you should reach on earth.... to strive for My kingdom.... __And thus your determination always prepares its own fate in the beyond; you shall receive what you strive for but you will never remain ignorant of what you should endeavour to achieve: to do justice to My will and to acquire eternal bliss for yourselves. But you have free will. Even the apparent denial of granting your wishes does not compel your will since you nevertheless remain free to uphold your desire or to re-direct it towards another goal; however, in the end your desire is decisive as to what reward you will receive. Time on earth is short and by refusing to give you what you want I Am only giving you the opportunity to change your mind because My love wants to help you become blessed. And therefore no one will be able to complain on the last day, on the day of Judgment, that he was given what was contrary to his desire.... anyone whose mind is directed towards the spirit and who therefore desires Me as the Highest Spirit of heaven and earth will be accepted into the spiritual realm; anyone who was unable to free himself from the realm of matter because his will rejected Me and thus he was weak will be banished into the realm of matter. Only the will is decisive because the strength to accomplish his will is at everyone's disposal, I will helpfully stand by everyone whenever I notice even the smallest change of will, but no human being shall be guided to a kingdom against his will if it does not correspond to his innermost desire. And thus the meaning and purpose of your earthly life is to change your will, to withdraw it from earthly matter and make it inclined towards spiritual values and I will not refuse any appeal for help, I will give you strength in abundance to liberate yourselves completely and enter the spiritual kingdom unburdened to become blissfully happy.... __Amen
Destiny according to will and resistance....
Merely the destiny you require in order to change your will, to stop your resistance against Me, is imposed on you. Only I know the extent of your soul's resistance, and your earthly life will be shaped accordingly. The human being's relationship with Me can differ considerably, which cannot be judged by another person, because I also know a soul's most secret thoughts and notions, and therefore a person can be as close to Me as a child, then he will effectively be guided by My Fatherly hand and truly avoid the said abyss and safely reach the goal. Others, however, won't allow themselves to be led, they believe themselves able to walk alone and trust in their own strength.... I let these occasionally run into obstacles so that they will call for a Guide and enable Me to approach them. Others, again, reject My guidance and meet Me with suspicion, they don't believe in Me and walk through life alone. And thus they still resist Me, these are the people I have to deal with strictly and who are spared nothing in earthly life, so that they will still change before it is too late. I will only try to achieve their change of will, and this change may often come about through an event which you consider to be cruel and unkind of Me as long as you are still unaware of the fact that you have not only been created for this earthly life but that the whole of eternity is still ahead of you. And for the sake of this eternity I will use all means, depending on the severity of your resistance. But anyone who surrenders to Me will no longer need exceptional teaching methods, and I will place My hands beneath his feet so that his earthly path will be easily negotiable, although he, too, still requires trials in order to raise his degree of maturity, which impel him to Me until even the last distance from Me has been overcome, until he, in blissful unity with Me, can conclude his earthly life.... __Amen
Determining the time of the end - False prophets....
The intention to determine the time of the approaching world judgment does not correspond to My will and My wisdom, which recognises full well that knowing the time and hour would not be beneficial to you humans, as it would influence your thoughts as well as your actions and therefore it will be kept a secret by Me, in spite of My constant announcements, warnings and reprimands. You humans have to conduct your life in free will, constant references to the approaching end are certainly good but not the exact knowledge of time and hour. Indeed the end, the world judgment, is very close at hand and I will repeatedly mention it to you, nevertheless you all will be taken by surprise because no one will expect it with certainty and believe in the approaching end. But anyone who believes that he can specify the time and hour is not My messenger, and his words should not be trusted even though he claims to speak on My behalf, even though he wants to guide his fellow human beings to the right faith in Me. All the same, this claim can not have been imparted to him by My spirit, it can not have originated from Me, it is his own product of thought which he firmly believes to be truth and therefore he tries to spread it.... __`No one knows the day and hour....' Remember these Words, which I spoke to My disciples on earth.... As God and Creator of infinity I Am well aware of this day and hour since eternity, yet My wisdom prevents Me from proclaiming this knowledge to you humans. For it concerns the human being's will which may not be infringed, but it would be infringed by any precise revelation of the last day.... The day itself has indeed been predetermined since eternity, but so are all events preceding it which aim to contribute towards the voluntary change of the human being's will. And thus I will do everything which helps and enables the human being to expect My judgment on the last day in the right frame of mind.... But if a person himself makes no use of it, his fate is already decided for an infinitely long time. __To know the day and hour of the end would then result in a compulsory change of his nature which, however, would neither entitle him to enter the kingdom of light nor the paradise of the new earth, but it would not result in eternal perdition either.... because anguish and fear determine his will and not love, which should be the only reason for a change of will. Thus his love would not be sufficient, and therefore one cannot speak of a change of disposition; nevertheless, the human being has to be given credit for his will to do right, he effectively would be obedient, not due to love but due to fear.... yet love is the crucial factor in the end.... For I want to separate the sheep from the goats, I want to initiate a purification process and thereby end one period of redemption before the beginning of a new one.... Hence a clear decision of will has to take place, for which people have ample time and opportunity, and in order to motivate them they are informed of the end. __But they have to make their choice entirely without compulsion. Therefore I will keep the day and hour a secret but it will come like a thief in the night.... it will arrive when no-one is expecting it, when people find their satisfaction in the enjoyment of life, when they chase one enjoyment after another, when they forget everything around themselves and are merry, when they experience utmost joy of life.... Then the day will dawn which brings everything to an end.... And then it will emerge who will stand by Me or by My adversary, who is lord of this world.... Everything will then be revealed, light and darkness, truth and lie, love and hatred.... no-one will be able to hide himself or conceal his true nature.... Then everyone will show his true face, because the hardship around him pulls the mask off his face, and then everyone will receive his fair reward.... light or darkness, heavenly bliss or eternal damnation.... __Amen
Change of will in freedom.... Perfection....
The distance from Me cannot be reduced by My will, instead, your will must accomplish this alone, for My will did not disown you, instead, you left Me of your own free will; you rejected Me and thereby created a gulf between yourselves and Me which you will now have to bridge yourselves if you want to come back to Me. I Myself will welcome you with open arms again if you return into your Father's house. But I will never bring you back to Me against your will, because I Am less interested in possessing you than in your love for Me, which will subsequently change your will so that you return to Me voluntarily. However, a return to Me signifies unlimited bliss, and thus you can and must create your own state of happiness, it cannot be given to you by Me if the prerequisite that your will is turned towards Me does not exist. I Am willing to give you everything, I will truly not deny you anything you desire.... yet it is not possible for Me to enslave your will since then I Myself would have to contravene My law of eternal order, for My living creations were created in My image, these beings had to possess free will because they emerged from Me in perfection.... and anything that was externalised by Me in perfection can certainly become imperfect of its own will yet not through My will, hence it was able to turn its will away from Me, but I cannot now enslave the free will and thereby remove from My living creation the evidence of its divine origin. For I Am perfect and therefore do not contravene My eternal order.... Hence I cannot prevent people from sinning and leading a wrong way of life, I cannot force them to believe in Me and even less force to them love Me, thus to return to Me again.... I can only do everything which might, yet does not have to change their will, otherwise no distant being would truly exist any longer but neither would there be a free and happy being of perfection. Free will is the fundamental law of eternity.... and it is also the fundamental law in every being created by Me.... You humans must accept this explanation for the conditions on Earth which seem so imperfect to you and which only the human being's free will can change. What My power can accomplish has already been achieved by My love; however, where the freedom of your will must be preserved only you can become active yourselves, and My love will grant you every support, it is, after all, My own will that you should return to Me. And even if eternities pass by before you strive towards Me of your own free will again, I will nevertheless never guide you back forcibly, because it is My will that you shall attain your original state of perfection once more, because it is My will that you, as My children, voluntarily surrender to Me in love.... __Amen
Healing the sick.... Signs and miracles.... Evidence of f...
I know My Own and I know their will, and corresponding to this will I call them to work for Me and My kingdom. Hence the kind of activity in My vineyard as well as My servant's nature differ, for everyone carries out the work which corresponds to his nature.... everyone serves Me in accordance with his ability, and I accept the service of anyone who is of good will and strives towards Me. Besides, human hearts are different too, thus the fields in My vineyard need to be treated in different ways and only I can make this judgment, Who knows the slightest stirring of a human heart which shall be used for a successful work of redemption. __I Am as recognisable in a storm as in the quiet rustling of a gentle breeze, the mightiest elements give evidence of Me and the softest breath bears witness to Me.... I Am always the originator, the source, the foundation.... Sometimes I Am barely discernible and at other times distinctly apparent but always recognisable by someone who wants to recognise and try to find Me.... And I always express Myself in accordance with people's needs, depending on their adversity and their ability to change.... What can result in a complete change of will in one person may well leave no impression at all on another, on account of which he will need greater evidence of My existence, which will then be given to him by My love in order to save him. But I Am also present where no external signs confirm it.... I Am just as present in the heart of a person who bestows his love and will on Me, and I will influence him gently and quietly, for he will need no obvious proof of My presence, he is aware of it and feels My nearness so clearly that he has the heartfelt relationship of a child to the Father and thus already owns everything he needs for his earthly way of life.... an unshakeable faith in Me and My love, which enable him to live in accordance with My will. __Where unbelief is so strong that Words alone will not suffice I will help with signs and miracles.... Yet this can also turn into a judgment for people if they lack the will to change themselves.... But the faith of the sick and unhappy merely requires an incentive in order to grow so strong that it will profess Me before the world.... Therefore I can reveal Myself in My might and glory to the sick and unhappy, for most of the time they have already been purged by their illness and their souls can recognise Me easier if I come close to them.... The sick don't deny Me entry to their hearts, and if My Word is preached to them the effect on them is so powerful that the strength of My Word already has a beneficial effect, and they will get healed because they believe. __But unbelievers witnessing it and thereby gaining faith will first have to let it come alive through love.... And then it will depend on their degree of love how their faith will take effect, but their responsibility will be the greater if an obvious demonstration of My working will leave them unimpressed, so that they will have to believe after their experience but won't change their way of life as a result of their knowledge.... Therefore, don't wish for too obvious demonstrations of faith, for then you will receive an extraordinary grace which will also oblige you extraordinarily.... But if they are bestowed upon you then make use of them and take advantage of this grace in order to achieve a higher degree.... in order to then also speak on behalf of Me and My name before the world.... in order to be loyal labourers in My vineyard, whom I will bless for working for Me and My kingdom.... __Amen
Change of will.... Jesus Christ.... Mercy - Light - Stren...
Anyone who knows the guilt of the spirits, which was the cause for creation, the cause for the earthly progress and people's lives on earth, will no longer resist Me, for this knowledge is the result of directing the will towards Me.... This knowledge can certainly also be presented to those whose will is opposed to Me. However, they will never regard and accept such knowledge as truth, they will only ever consider it a mental concept which they reject as being 'conceived' by people. In that case they will never be illuminated by the light of realisation.... because this requires the said change of will which turns a person into My child that has returned to Me. Neither his own mental activity nor a communication from fellow human beings can bestow the right realisation onto a person, for this is like a light which I Myself ignite in a person, but I can only do so once he has voluntarily turned to Me.... But a voluntary turning to Me also testifies of his will to relinquish his previous state of resistance and to travel the path back which once led him away from his Father. Hence it is a conscious turning back and therefore also a confession of his past wrong doing.... of his sin against God.... The will to serve Me confirms this unconscious admission of his former guilt when, through the rejection of My love, the being exalted itself over the One Who merely wanted to give Himself away.... The appeal for strength and grace is likewise an admission of guilt, the realisation that his past sin had deprived him of everything that had been his share in the very beginning.... A person who is still entrenched in his old sin will not call upon the Father for strength and light and grace, because he does not acknowledge Me, thus he is still immersed in his original sin, and therefore he will never accept the truth of the kind of information which draws his attention to his sinful state.... __And therein also rests the great significance of a change of will, for it repeals the past state of sin but can never be accomplished by a person's own strength, because the fall into the abyss and the sin had been too immense to enable the completely weakened being to change itself again.... And therefore only the One who can remedy the weakness of will has to be called upon, Who died on behalf of these beings on the cross so as to be able to strengthen their will for walking the path back to Me.... Anyone who feels truly remorseful has already handed himself over to Jesus Christ, he has made use of His blessings which He acquired on the cross for the sinful human race.... For a turning to Me will also always be connected with the acknowledgment of Jesus Christ.... since the light within a human being can only shine in full strength, that is, bring realisation to a person, once he has been redeemed by Jesus' blood, since prior to this My spirit cannot work in the person to enlighten his thinking and restore the order which is a divine principle. The acknowledgment of God and subordination to His will also always results in the acknowledgment of Jesus as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world.... For anyone who unites with Me again steps out of his state of darkness and also brightly realises the mission of the man Jesus and the significance of the act of Salvation.... He wants to return, and that also means a return to enlightenment, it means the receipt of strength and grace.... it means receiving My love in abundance.... he admits his guilt and appeals for forgiveness. The being's feeling of distance from Me, its God and Creator of eternity, expresses itself in its prayer for grace, strength and light.... It has relinquished its past arrogance, returned to Me with profound humility and is now able to receive blessings, strength and light without measure.... The guilt is written in the sand.... The divine Redeemer Jesus Christ has redeemed it Himself.... __Amen
What are -means of grace- ?....
In the last days before the end I will pour out My blessings in abundance. I will use all means of help just to awaken you to life before the end because I know what spiritual death involves for you when the end has come. You yourselves take no measures to bring your soul to life and completely blindly walk towards the abyss from which I, however, want to pull you back in order to spare you an even more dreadful fate. But since your free will has to be left to you I can only ever try to influence this will to change the direction of your goal yourselves, to turn around before it is too late. And therefore all means which intend to favourably influence your will are blessings.... gifts which you certainly don't deserve because you are still resisting Me, but which My love nevertheless gives to you because I take pity on your deluded state. And the abundance of My grace will pour itself out over you humans the more the end approaches. Every person will be placed into situations where his own strength, his earthly abilities, won't suffice to cope with them; every person will be urged by providence to take refuge in Me. I will not bypass anyone without knocking at the door of his heart. However, given that his will is always decisive My gifts of grace will rarely be noticed because the human being's thoughts vastly digress from Me and I will not force him to think differently. Daily life, however, provides people with so many indications that all people's bodies will die, and even if the individual person is not affected himself his fellow human being's fate should nevertheless cause him to think about his own death and influence his will to comply with his actual purpose of life beforehand.... Then he will also try to discover it, in which case he will already have used one blessing for his benefit.... __But what do people understand as 'blessings'? They often believe that they only need to use external means in order to gain a wealth of grace.... They don't realise that gifts of grace are offerings which only need to be used in order to help a person to ascend. They call ecclesiastical customs and traditions 'means of grace' which help them achieve beatitude and ignore My gifts of grace given copiously by My love and leave them unused.... as long as they do not seriously strive towards changing their nature and thereby also demonstrate that their will is directed towards Me. For the work of improving yourselves has to be done or a change of nature cannot take place. And it is My will that you should still achieve this before the end, that you should seriously decide to want to live a life of love, I only want that you , who live without love, won't continue on the path you have travelled so far.... All My means of grace, adversity and misery, disease and worry, all kinds of misfortunes and other harsh strokes of fate always only serve the purpose of making you realise your own weakness and to deliberately look for the bond with Me in order to then establish it through kind-hearted activity.... Then the means of grace will not have been without success, then they will have been used by you and then you will not have to fear the end either, because your path will no longer lead to the abyss but you will strive towards the right goal, to Me Myself, Who can only be reached through love. However, what you so often describe as means of grace is worthless as long as it does not motivate you to live a life of love. But love will be kindled in you as soon as you try to unite with Me.... And this is why My loving care only relates to your change of will, which is still held captive by the world, by My adversary.... If you are able to direct this will to Me then I will also have reached the goal, and you will have escaped the great danger of being devoured by the abyss in the end.... And everything that will still come upon you humans shall only bring about your change of will, so that it will turn away from My adversary and towards Me.... Then you will be saved for all eternity.... __Amen
God is aware of the human will.... Natural disaster.... P...
Everything is included in the plan of creation, and thus it follows that I know every person's will which, so to speak, provides Me with the reason to shape his destiny of life such that it can only benefit him, providing the person strives for the latter. And you can rest assured that I indeed know the inclination of every individual person's will but I cannot change it or make it inclined towards Me. Nevertheless, I can still let a human being take many paths in order to attain a change of will. This is what I intend to achieve through My intervention which will certainly claim countless people's lives but for whom the gates into the kingdom of the beyond will still be open so that they can still reach maturity there.... Yet the remaining survivors will be granted the tremendous grace of being able to accomplish this change of will while they are still on earth, in order to then be saved for eternity. Time and again I refer you humans to this event, but I do not find any credence.... Only very few people spend serious thought on the forthcoming event, yet even they are incapable of imagining the magnitude of the catastrophe, because it will surpass everything that ever has happened on this earth. And neither can the individual person form an impression of it, because people will be cut off from all communications, the connections between the affected places as well as the countries will no longer exist. Some swathes will seem entirely deserted where only a few will find each other in order to continue their life. Anyone who does not hold on to Me and entirely puts his trust in Me will be horror-struck. And then his will can decide.... Every individual person can still find Me and he will be very safely guided through the chaos.... But he can equally curse the Being Which allowed this to happen and the curse will fall back on him. And especially because I Am aware of people's will during the last days, it shall be My last attempt to spare people the dreadful fate of a renewed banishment. And again you will ask why I allow such destruction to come upon humanity, which will only be surpassed by the final disaster.... because you all lack faith in an eternal God, in a Creator of Heaven and Earth, in the One Who also created you.... The number of people who still possess faith and have not lost it as yet is constantly declining, and these will not cease to believe or they will be recalled beforehand so that they will not have to endure this suffering. And neither need you pity anyone who departed prior to it, for the opportunity to mature fully still exists for him in the beyond. But once this day has come it will be futile to escape for My hand reaches all places, and thus I also keep My protective hand over everyone who belongs to Me.... And I will manifestly be with them, for they will be in utmost adversity and I will come to help them in their need. __And then it will be clear what strength of faith can achieve.... For anyone who merely seeks My proximity will receive the evidence of My presence and his faith will constantly grow stronger. The time of the event will not keep you waiting long, even if a thousand years are like a day before Me. However, I have told you that you will live to see it.... And that means that a large proportion of those who accept My Word will experience it themselves.... that I will still make great demands on them, for then the time of activity will have come when you shall still be diligent labourers for Me and then I will not remove you from earth until you have fulfilled your task.... This applies to all of you who work for Me and My kingdom. For time and again I keep telling you that I don't have many labourers in My vineyard and that I will therefore protect everyone who places himself at My disposal. From this alone you can conclude that it won't be long until this disaster, which will be inconceivable for you, both its magnitude as well as the suffering and misery it will signify for the survivors. Consequently I must equip those people with much strength so that they will be My supporters during this time of sorrow. And I will also give you strength, since you are very weak by nature, because I will need you during this time and will use every conceivable means in order to increase the number of My Own, in order to grant them firm faith as to influence those who still lack faith in a God and Creator, to Whom all power is given in Heaven and on Earth and Who thus can also extend the life of those who want to help them gain faith.... And remember that the end of a period of salvation has come, that this time need only be exceptionally used and that I will therefore also use exceptional means in order to merely fan a tiny spark of faith in a person before he has to relinquish his life. For once he has this small spark it will also ensure his ascent in the spiritual kingdom. But to depart entirely without faith from earth is a hopeless state and will end with renewed banishment, because the gates of the beyond will close the moment the old earth is dissolved. For this reason I will leave no stone unturned at the end in order to persuade people to change their will, and because My gentle voice within is ignored by them I will speak louder, so loud that they must hear this voice.... But whether they will recognise Me Myself by that is still left up to them, nevertheless, it seals their future fate. Even so, you, who are of service to Me, are assured of My protection and blessing in spiritual and earthly adversity, for I Am in need of you.... So even if you approach difficult times you are nevertheless looked after by Me and need not fear anything.... __Amen
Spiritual rebirth....
The decisive moment in earthly life is the will's inclination towards God, for from this moment onwards the soul begins to change, it is effectively the turning point, the start of return for the once-fallen spirit to God. The sooner this conscious direction of will happens in the human being's life, the greater the perfection he can attain before passing away; however, it is also possible to achieve a high degree of maturity within a short period of time if the human being realises at a much later time that he, as God's living creation, ought to strive towards unification with Him. In that case he can pursue changing his soul with an intensified will and equally still mature fully. And so every occurrence in human life will only ever be the cause for a change of will, but once the latter takes the right direction the soul is no longer at risk of slipping into darkness again, for God will draw it to Himself as soon as it has made its decision known to reach Him. This decision of will, the deliberate turning of thoughts to God, is effectively the human being's spiritual rebirth, for the soul enters a new life, it no longer lives in the purely earthly-material world but penetrates deeper, it searches for truth and finds it, because God Himself manifests Himself as the eternal Truth by mentally influencing the soul which longs for Him.... Such a born-again soul must be nurtured and cultivated like a tender seedling, it must be kept alive with the lightest of nourishments and slowly invigorated and strengthened until it finds its own way in life and can effortlessly travel the path of higher development. The change of will is the act of rebirth, it has thereby started on the path which leads to eternal life, even though it still can present many dangers and obstacles.... worldly temptation and difficulties.... which will nevertheless be overcome by a strong soul. It is merely a question of whether the soul will receive this necessary strength or whether it must starve and will thus find the path of ascent difficult. This, again, is solely a matter of will, but once a will strives upwards towards God it will also be seized by God and constantly positively influenced, yet without being coerced. The most effective influence is the Word of God, which includes strength and life and nourishes the reborn soul and helps it to mature. A person whose soul is born-again will also always be receptive for receiving the divine Word, be it directly through listening to it or through reading divine revelations, or through mental connection with the Primary Source of wisdom, through conscious connection with the One Who is the eternal Truth Itself. He will quite frequently withdraw into solitude, that is, he will look within himself and his thoughts will be influenced from above in the right direction.... his soul will receive nourishment and increase in light and strength. But a person whose soul is born-again will also live in love, for this is the consequence of a correctly inclined will. And thus he will mature and approach perfection, which is the reason and purpose for his life on earth, as soon as he has voluntarily detached himself from the power which held him captive and from which a person must release himself. However, in order to do so he will always have grace and strength from above at his disposal which he will use for his spiritual rebirth.... __Amen
The helping hand of Jesus Christ.... Deliverance from the...
On earth as well as in the beyond the Saviour's saving hand reaches out to the souls in the abyss to aid the ascent of those who seize His hand. God's love and mercy is constantly at work to bring redeeming help; but the souls themselves must want to be helped or every gift of grace from God will remain ineffective. But only a desperate situation can persuade someone to appeal for help. Every immature soul in the kingdom of the beyond suffers and is tormented, whereas the soul on earth seeks to numb itself with earthly pleasures and thus finds it far more difficult to appeal to God for help. Yet the spiritual hardship is just as severe but it has a perceptible effect in the beyond. The soul on earth could certainly advance with ease, since the person can use his energy of life for God-pleasing actions, whereas the soul in the beyond is powerless and depends on help, either from the beings of light or from human beings. __However, there is far less willingness to do good on earth than with the souls in the beyond, whose will is only weak as long as the soul lacks strength, but after its first gift of strength it constantly gets stronger. The torments in the beyond can bring about a change of will, and then the ascent is also guaranteed. But even on earth spiritual progress is impossible without a change of will, and since the world always has a numbing effect on people they occasionally have to be placed into a state of distress to instigate a change of will. In that case, however, the helping hand of Jesus Christ, the divine love, is always ready to elevate a person, and there is hope of redemption for every soul, yet the soul's will, which inevitably has to aim upwards, decides the moment in time itself.... One day even the strongest opposing will shall be broken, yet not force but divine love will achieve this, which time and again will approach the being until it is recognised and reciprocated, until the being's will overwhelmingly wants to give itself to God as His Own.... __Amen
Change of will through intercession....
The realm of darkness holds its souls imprisoned because it doesn't require much strength to keep these souls tied up since, due to their weak will, they don't offer resistance.... However, this resolve can receive strength through intercession. You humans must realise that a loving prayer on behalf of these captured souls can be infinitely successful, they thereby begin to feel the arising desire to become free from Satan's chains. Often this desire only emerges in them for moments which, however, become increasingly longer the more often these souls are thought of in loving intercession. Then it is as if they awoke from a deep sleep, they become active and look for an opportunity to escape from their chains, for they experience the darkness as a constraint and desire light. Once this change has occurred as a result of loving prayers these souls will be willing to seek, and the tiniest ray of light will let them rush to its point of origin. They will start to come to life.... Even so, the prince of the nether world won't let them go that easily.... Therefore light and darkness will alternate in the beginning, from time to time they will come to realise their state and then wander about again in complete ignorance. For this reason these souls must be treated with kind-hearted patience, time and again they must receive an influx of strength through prayers, they must be called through loving thoughts and thus, time and again, be pulled out of their dark sphere, they must receive mental explanations and references to Jesus Christ, their Redeemer, so that they will turn to Him themselves and appeal to Him for help and mercy. Although the souls in the darkness are difficult to instruct and often obstinate, they nevertheless feel the benefit of a loving prayer and this also gradually softens their hardened heart, that is, through loving intercession a person can wrest such souls from the darkness and he will always be successful if he does not stop with his will to help, which also improves the soul's will. Evil souls often fight each other in the kingdom of the beyond, yet no dark soul will ever cause harm to a person who prays for them. A person's love will pacify even the most agitated soul, just as, in contrast, it revives and stimulates the weakest soul into improving its state. Loving intercession by people on earth is an immense redemption factor which is recognised far too little by people. Whenever these unfortunate souls are remembered, their desire for light arises and that always signifies a change of the souls' will, which is subsequently taken into account. The soul itself must want to be redeemed, and this resolve often arises as a result of a person's loving intercession.... Hence, love can still be practised even beyond death; souls can still be rescued from the darkness, for the strength of love can achieve anything.... __Amen
Will to help and work of the beings of light....
Untold opportunities have been created to help the souls, on earth and in the beyond, who are still dark in spirit and therefore wretched. The light beings' activity includes helping imperfect souls on earth or those who had entered the spiritual kingdom in an imperfect state. Their every effort is dedicated to the redemption of the spiritual essence, to transmitting light into the darkness, be it on earth or in the spiritual kingdom. And since the acceptance of light cannot be forcefully achieved, the souls have to be confronted by events which stimulate their will to become active in some form or other. Hence they are, so to speak, providentially urged to express their will. They are approached by beings from the spiritual kingdom or by people on earth who inspire them to become mentally active, and every influence can lead to the soul's favourable change of will resulting in spiritual maturity. Therefore, everything that confronts the human being on earth can be suitable in achieving this. With the right attitude his whole life on earth can serve a human being's spiritual progress, and individual events can activate this said right attitude towards God, and then the person's earthly life will have resulted in his redemption. __But, likewise, the soul can also expect to be influenced in the spiritual world by the beings of light, who continue the task they did not succeed in doing on earth. The soul will also be mentally influenced in the spiritual kingdom since, irrespective of its environment, everything the soul encounters is for the sole purpose of stimulating its thoughts, so that it may become aware of itself and its wrong attitude and try to change. Thoughts are always kept active so that the being learns to recognise its own state and endeavours to change. Hints of that nature are also given by the beings of light who continue their work of salvation on the souls, because they are moved by their love to release them from their miserable state. Consequently, no person and no being in the spiritual kingdom is without support, only their efforts are not recognised as long as the soul is not aware of spiritual matters. __Very little is known about the relationship between the spiritual world and people, most people deny all contact and therefore do not utilise the knowledge gained through such contacts. And until then they will not believe that all events taking place in human existence are premeditated and can but need not lead to spiritual maturity, because it is up to every person himself to derive a benefit for his spiritual development from every experience. The souls in the beyond are likewise helped to ascend by the beings of light, yet always taking account of free will, because there, too, free choice for God or His adversary is the decisive factor for the soul's higher development.... But no soul will be abandoned if it decides wrongly.... It will always and forever be fought for until it makes the right choice of will one day, until it voluntarily confesses to be with and for God, Whom it has to, and indeed will, find one day in order to be blissfully happy.... __Amen
Task in life: Helping with love....
Your task in earthly life is to lovingly help each other.... You are only able to work your way up through helpful love, for this alone raises your soul's degree of maturity, this alone enables you to enter the kingdom of light and will ensure beatitude after your physical death. All other efforts are of no benefit to you if you exclude being of loving service, if your heart remains hardened, if you want to dominate where you should be helpful. For only through helpful neighbourly love will you make amends for the past sin of having rejected love, when you yourselves withdrew from love in order to follow the one who is totally devoid of love, who revolted against Me. Your life on earth has only been given to you to acquire the love again which you once rejected.... so that you demonstrate that you want to change your nature, that you demonstrate your change of will by being lovingly active.... Hence you cannot ignore love if you want to become perfect again, if you want to return to Me again in order to be infinitely happy. The knowledge of this is worthless to you if you don't put it into practice. And the opportunity for this will always be offered to you.... and you will always see hardship around you, people in need will always approach you and appeal for your help.... And then don't let them go from you without having helped them, if you are able to do so.... And don't worry that you have to go short yourselves, for the measure you use will be the measure you receive again.... __But also use you intelligence.... this, too, is My advice so that you will not damage your neighbour more than helping him.... For adversity caused by a person's own fault shall also be remedied by him again, where this is within the scope of possibility.... And the fact that it will be possible if the person is willing, can be appealed for by him from Me.... You must therefore distinguish between adversity and negligence.... You should certainly ease suffering but never encourage another person's carelessness, which is a great evil and should therefore not be supported.... Yet where love helpfully intervenes the adversity will also quickly be remedied, for I will help as well, if I recognise love on the one hand and gratitude on the other.... No human being will be abandoned by Me, and if he turns to Me Myself he will also be shown a way which will guide him out of all adversity.... However, anyone who only relies on his fellow human being is not truly entitled to help, and the adversity is intended to make him see that he himself must change.... For adversity is often the teaching method I use for a person in order to win him over for Myself, so that the adversity impels him to Me, so that it reminds the person of Me and he takes refuge in Me Who will then never disappoint him. It is My will that all people shall become blessed, and thus it is also My will that they should recognise Me.... However, many people spend no thought on Me as long as they have a good life on earth, and thus they are on a downward spiral, towards My adversary.... Only through adversity can I influence them such that they turn around and strive to towards Me as their goal, that they pleadingly raise their hands to Me for help.... And I will hear this call and send them help when the time is right.... Be lovingly active as long as you live on earth and give to your neighbour what he needs.... And I will bless you and that which you give to your neighbour for love of Me.... __Amen
A child's prayer to the Father....
Express your wishes to Me in all simplicity and you will find a listening ear. Humility of heart will always enable you to find the right thoughts and words, and thus your prayer will be that of a child to its Father which is certain to reach His ear. And I will truly help you.... but you must leave it up to Me how I do this, for My love for you is so great that I only ever have the best in mind for you, that I always want to give you, My children, more than you ask for. And since I, in My wisdom, recognise how I can best make you happy, I also act in accordance with My wisdom. So you should indeed pray to Me, because I can only take effect within you when you have united yourselves with Me.... But after such heartfelt prayer in spirit and in truth you should leave everything else to Me, and everything will happen as is good for you. No prayer to Me will be in vain, even if it is not immediately fulfilled. And time and again you should seek to unite with Me in prayer.... And truly, you will derive great blessings from it, for every contact with Me also assures that My flow of strength will pour into you and comfort your soul even if your body cannot feel it. But it will also affect the latter for it strengthens its spiritual substances and enables them to resist.... you will, so to speak, also physically be conquerors, you will be protected from My adversary's intrusions, which was purely achieved by your prayer to Me. __Don't think that I keep My ears closed if a prayer isn't immediately granted.... I hear My child's call and Am always willing to help.... yet I also know what is the most effective help, and this is what it will receive. For I always know its state of maturity, I know what it still needs to become perfect, and I will only ever do what draws this child closer to Me for sure. And once it grows in realisation as a result of its life of love it will also know itself what it needs and thus leave everything to Me alone, it will certainly pray to Me but then also patiently wait until I grant its prayer. Yet you should not stop praying either.... for you come so close to Me in prayer that the spiritual bond is tied again, as it was in the beginning.... And especially this bond proves your change of will, and the return to Me has actually already been accomplished, you just have to let yourselves be nourished by My strength time and again so as to enable your nature to change too, so that it becomes again as it was in the beginning. Kind-hearted deeds and heartfelt prayer accomplish this retransformation, and you cannot be asked to do so often enough.... And then you will also understand that you will have to keep getting into difficulties, be they of a physical or psychological nature, so as not to let up in prayer.... in order to look for the bond with Me which will provide you with the strength to achieve this change. __And if I ask you `to pray continually....' it was certainly not meant that you should carry out lip-prayers for hours on end.... but that you should always be mentally in contact with Me, you should turn to Me in all affairs of your daily life, which merely requires a heartfelt thought.... and you should always be lovingly active.... This is what I consider true prayer, whereby you demonstrate your will to Me and also establish the unification with Me, which is the purpose and goal of your earthly life. And you can certainly come to Me with the smallest request, for the more intimately you associate with Me the more I can repay your trust.... you just ought to leave it up to Me how I grant your prayer; but you can rest assured that your prayer will be fulfilled.... No prayer sent up to Me in spirit and in truth will fade away unheard by Me. And as soon as the prayer is a spiritual request you can also expect its fulfilment with certainty, for if you pray for maturity of soul, for help in spiritual hardship, your bond with Me will also be established again and you can be touched by My ray of love, which always signifies that your appeals have been granted. No human being, whose soul's salvation is so important to him that he wants to achieve it, will remain weak.... and since I Myself yearn for My child I will also always help it in its ascent to Me.... I will do whatever is of greatest benefit for My child and its soul.... __Amen
Renewed banishment is the reason for the unusual revelati...
I Am revealing Myself in an unusual way before the end to you humans by conveying knowledge to you from which you should draw the consequences.... knowledge which so far had been withheld from you because it was of no significance for your salvation of soul, because you still had time to change your character and were also still able to achieve this in the beyond although under far more difficult conditions.... But it was still possible for you to be redeemed for as long the time you were granted for releasing yourselves from the form had not yet run out.... This time, however, is drawing to an end and that means either your return to Me or the renewed path through the creations of earth. But the knowledge about the latter has been withheld from you until now, for it would only have induced you to spend your earthly life under a certain amount of duress, which I, however, will not use for the sake of your perfection.... But now it concerns the human being's last free decision, it concerns the soul's salvation or its renewed banishment, because after the end of this earth higher development in the spiritual kingdom will become impossible for a long time to come, since the gates of this kingdom will remain closed until the new earth has again entered the state in which immature people will depart once more from this earth, in which case My merciful love will also want to help them attain maturity in the beyond again. Yet before this period of Salvation comes to an end I will still make use of all means in order to save you from the awful fate of a renewed banishment.... And therefore I inform you humans of the path you have already travelled before you reached your embodiment as a human being on earth. And My revelations are so unusual because most people are lacking this knowledge. But since the fate of a renewed banishment is only now becoming the imminent disaster.... since until now the opportunity still existed to mature in the kingdom of the beyond if it was neglected on earth, it was not necessary for people to know about the prior long process of development before.... although occasionally I was able to address people directly and so introduced them to this knowledge.... __However, now the time has come when people are in utmost danger but when it is still possible for them to avoid this danger if they have the serious will to endeavour towards a change.... And the knowledge about the process of development, of a repeated banishment in matter is intended to motivate them into this change of will.... This is why I reveal Myself in an unusual way, this is why I convey a knowledge to earth which can have tremendously beneficial results for people by just paying attention to it, by allowing My Words to take effect on them, think about them and then also live their life accordingly. But there are only a few who believe what is conveyed to them by extraordinary means.... And I cannot compel faith.... Therefore I cannot reveal Myself by any other means but through a human mouth either, for an enforced faith is worthless and will not result in the soul's progress. But the fact that I Myself reveal My plan of Salvation to you is a significant light which you humans are still being granted.... If you want to live in this light you will definitely take the right path.... For although I speak through a human mouth it is nevertheless the evidence of My love.... if I send My Word directly to earth, it is the evidence of My presence, in other words: you can call it an extraordinary gift of grace if you are taught about things which are inaccessible to a person's intellectual knowledge.... which therefore cannot be explained to you by other people if I Myself do not work extraordinarily in this person too.... Therefore pay attention to My unusual revelations, don't discard them as human work but believe that it is only My love which wants to reveal Itself to you because I would like to save you before the end, because I want to spare you the fate of a renewed banishment which, however, is inevitable, if you do not believe.... __Amen
New wonders of creation on the new earth.... Brittle matt...
Throughout every single phase of development the spiritual substance is kept in a constrained state until it has acquired the necessary maturity for its final embodiment as a human being, hence.... if it failed its previous phase of development as a human being it has to start in the confines of hard matter again and cover the path through the mineral, plant and animal world until it can become a human being once more. However, spiritual substance which has not reached the final stage in this period, but is nevertheless released by God due to the last destruction of earth, will be bound in outer forms which correspond to its maturity again, i.e. the interrupted process of development of the past period will continue in the new phase of development.... on the new earth.... For this reason the new earth will contain the most diverse creations again, however, they will be entirely new and different forms from those on the old earth. And thus new wonders of creation will come into being which the first people living on the new earth will undeniably acknowledge as miraculous, as a testimony of God's glory, as evidence of His love, omnipotence and wisdom. People will be extremely amazed at what the new earth has to offer and in admiration will praise God, love Him and give thanks to Him with all their heart. And the souls will continue with their development.... __But the substance constrained in solid matter is tormented by its restriction and tries to escape. Depending on the resistance of its will it shall either succeed or fail, but God takes the will of the substance into account and thus the material of the new earth is of utmost solidity and stability in order to soften the inherent spirit's will that it should finally surrender its resistance. Consequently, the slightest change of will shall loosen the form.... in earthly terms this means that although the solid matter of the new earth is indeed exceptionally hard it is also very brittle and thus can easily break or shatter as soon as God's will intends a release from this captivity. Similarly, other creations will also have a shorter lifespan, because the transformation of the spirit substance shall proceed at a faster rate, which can indeed be possible but nevertheless depends on the spirits' willingness to serve. The spiritual substance is merely intended to achieve its final embodiment as a human being faster than in previous phases of development as long as its will is not entirely opposed to God. For this reason the first human beings on the new earth shall experience miracles upon miracles, they will be so affected by them that their love for God and their unity with Him will grow ever more and they will live in His grace, but they will also understand these miracles, they know that they are only the expression of God's infinite love Who wants to retrieve all spirit and offers it every opportunity to change its will. __And this shall continue for a long time until the initially constrained spirit substance within the plant and animal world has reached the stage of embodiment as a human being.... Then people's understanding for the wonders of divine creation will gradually fade, the inclination towards matter will be awakened again and, due to their own longing for possessions which still contain immature spiritual substances, Satan's influence on people becomes stronger again. Subsequently, the unity with God will diminish and the battle between light and darkness, which in the beginning had disappeared because everything living on earth of its own free will was enlightened, will increase again.... For the evolutionary process of the spiritual substance is always the same during every period.... the spirit has to live within the hard form until it is willing to walk the path of service through the creations, which amounts to less constraint, and then it has to serve until it has achieved a certain degree of maturity which results in a condition where it should serve of its own free will but, unlike during the previous stages, it is no longer forced to do so. And at this stage it should not fail otherwise the whole earlier process of development has been in vain. The human being's volition determines whether this will be his last earthly embodiment or whether he has to repeat the evolutionary process, whether he will turn towards the light in the last stage or allow himself to be captured by dark forces and has to be banished again into hard matter for ages to come.... __Amen
Directive to take action.... Final admonitions before the...
You must be ready to work for Me at any time if you feel My directive for it in your heart. And you will very clearly feel what you should do and won't inwardly resist it because it will be your own inner urge to comply with My will. Although everything you are confronted with seems like a matter of course to you, it is nevertheless I Who is guiding you and instilling in you the feeling for your thoughts and actions, providing you are willing to serve Me and thus subordinate your will to Mine. Time flies by tremendously fast yet it will no longer result in a change of will; humanity keeps its face turned away from Me and towards material things, it continues to distance itself from Me increasingly more, it is seized by the opposing power and only a few can be stopped on the downward path, only a few will listen to the warning voice in the wilderness of their life.... For I will not leave people without warning so close to the end, I very often send people across their path who warn and admonish them, who point out the near end and beseech them to stop chasing after earthly possessions, who attempt to make them look up and announce the Judgment to them.... But who listens to them? Who still believes in a God to Whom they must answer, who still knows the actual purpose of earthly life, and who still believes in life after death?.... Their God is money, their purpose of life is material possession, and they think of death as a frightening, inevitable end of all life. And if they don't listen to My messengers, their wasted life and utterly wrong will cannot be portrayed to them either, making a change of thinking impossible. However, the only other available means than the proclamation of My Gospel consists of extreme adversity.... but an adversity which will be announced to them in advance by My messengers, so that they will learn to believe if they are willing. And for that purpose I require you, My servants on earth, now and especially in the forthcoming time, because the great adversity will soon be followed by the end; because you are to inform people that they can expect the last Judgment, even if they don't believe it.... Time and again they shall hear it until they pay attention to the signs of the time and take a near end into consideration, although they are not convinced of it. This is the task for which I have appointed you, so that you will speak wherever the opportunity presents itself, so that you will convey your knowledge to your fellow human beings, so that those of you who are informed of My plan of Salvation will attempt to announce to people the end of this earth period and explain to them that it is based on the spiritual low level. You must explain that to people since the time given to people for their redemption has come to an end, My love wants to start a new rescue mission.... and the soul of anyone who listens to you and takes your words to heart will emerge unharmed from all upheavals, it will be saved from the downfall on Judgment Day, because it will still grasp My lovingly extended hand just in time.... __Amen
Spiritual rebirth....
I want to help everyone of good will to attain spiritual rebirth. For eternal life, the state of freedom and strength, the state of bliss, only starts with spiritual rebirth. Everything that is still enshrouded in matter, everything that still languishes within its constraints, is still enslaved and weak and only ever wastes its energy of life in order to increase matter. However, the soul which detaches itself from matter begins to liberate itself and slides into a different sphere, although it still lives on earth. The soul, recognising its true purpose, begins to establish a different relationship with Me, its Father and Creator of eternity, a relationship which is more akin to the original relationship, albeit still in a primitive form. It strives away from one realm towards the other kingdom, it steps into another previously unknown world.... it is born-again.... And this rebirth clearly takes place when spiritual aspiration takes the place of earthly endeavour, when the world with its demands no longer comes first but is only taken notice of as far as the preservation of the earthly body requires. Spiritual rebirth is the result of intimate mental unity with Me through the right kind of prayer or actions of love.... I Am motivated to approach a soul the moment it looks for Me, the moment it strives towards Me. In that case, its attention has been focussed on Me and the purpose of earthly life will have been achieved, a change of will has taken place which will also cause a change of nature, an assimilation with My fundamental nature, which is love in itself. The soul has stepped out into a spiritual life and thus starts its spiritual ascent, which will certainly be achieved once it has taken hold of My hand and allows itself to be drawn by Me. In order to attain spiritual rebirth the soul must have buried its earthly desire, it must no longer be held captive by its old shell because of cravings which aim to comfort the body; it must unhesitatingly be able to renounce what the world has to offer because it cannot be in the earthly and the spiritual world at the same time, but the entry into the spiritual world can only take place when it has completely overcome the earthly world. It is, after all, the soul's life and not that of the body, which shall start anew. The body can certainly still be on earth; however, it must now submit itself to the will of the soul, thus its continued life on earth will be determined by the soul. I want to help everyone of good will to attain spiritual rebirth.... And My help for a human being happens first of all by way of assisting him to liberate himself from matter. Admittedly, this often signifies My painful intervention, yet it is only ever intended for the salvation of his soul, so that it will learn to rise above matter, so that it will seek a different life, a life with everlasting possessions, so that it will strive towards the kingdom which is its true home, where it is free from every shackle and full of light and strength, where it can be blissfully happy for all eternity.... __Amen
First created being.... Light bearer.... Apostasy from Go...
Your human intellect is only able to understand profound truth to a certain degree, because pure spirituality is only spiritually explainable. This explanation will be accepted by the spirit within you and indeed also passed on via the soul to the intellect, but the intellect is still too earthly minded and therefore cannot delve so deeply into spiritual knowledge to understand everything. Nevertheless, My spirit expresses itself through the spiritual spark within you, and anyone who has love will also understand the meaning of what I say to him: __My creative will was immense, My strength inexhaustible, and I found My bliss in the implementation of My thoughts and plans. And this bliss wanted to express itself, My love wanted to give itself, I wanted another being beside Me to also enjoy what made Me indescribably happy. I experienced My solitude as a lack which I could change any time if I wanted to.... And I wanted to re-discover Myself in a being that should be closely united with Me, which I wanted to shape as a mirror of Myself, as My own image, to be able to bestow it with unlimited bliss and thereby increase My bliss too. I wanted to create such a being and this will sufficed, because My will was strength and always proceeded with love and wisdom. The entity I externalised from within Myself was indeed My image yet it could not see Me, had it been able to see Me it would have ceased to exist due to its beatitude, since no being could endure to behold Me. For every being, even the most perfect image of Myself, is always just a product of My strength of love, whereas I Am the strength of love Myself and enlighten everything with incomparable intensity but, as a result, I could not be endured by the being I had externalised. Yet by creating this being I had a vessel into which the strength of My love could flow continually, and thus it also received My creative will, My strength, My wisdom and My love beyond measure with this constant influx of strength from Me. As a result, it was now able to experience the same bliss, it was able to use its strength in accordance with its own will, it could be creatively active for its own pleasure and thus constantly increase My bliss, because it was My strength which enabled the being to do so and I took pleasure in its happiness.... __And now countless other beings of the same nature emerged from this being.... They all were children of My love in radiating light, in utmost perfection, because from the image I created of Myself and My infinite love could only ever emerge utmost perfection, because we shared the same will. Both our love found itself again in the created beings, because nothing imperfect existed as long as My will and My love worked through this first created being. It was an enlightened world of spirits, there were a great number of originally created spirits.... The strength from Me flowed unrestricted to the being which I had chosen for Myself as the bearer of light and strength.... And the entity itself was more than blissfully happy.... Yet I wanted to increase this bliss even more; I did not want it to be tied to My will but it should be active of its own will which.... if the being was perfect and remained so.... was My will. For the being, having been created by Me, was incapable of having any other will. But I wanted it to be able to act independently.... because the only characteristic of a divine being is that love is so powerful within itself that it is the decisive factor for the same direction of will as mine. I wanted to receive this love from My first created being which, however, was intended to result in its ultimate perfection at the same time, so that it was no longer active as a created being in accordance with My will but should enjoy unlimited bliss by merging with My will for love of Me.... __But in order to pass this test of love and will it had to have complete freedom of will. It did not see Me but it recognised Me because it was enlightened.... However, it saw the countless beings created by its will, and it felt itself as their creator in spite of knowing that it had received its strength from Me.... And the entity was envious of My strength.... Although it was visible to the beings it had created, it was nevertheless conscious of its origin from Me, but it claimed the right to rule these beings for itself by presenting itself to them as the source of strength, as the only power able to create.... It more than less denied to love Me in order to rule.... You humans cannot understand the process by which a self-aware being could transgress into completely wrong reasoning but this is explained by free will which, in order to become active, must also be able but does not have to make a negative choice. __The bearer of light and strength saw on the one side the evidence of strength conveyed through him, yet he did not see the source of strength itself. Thus he declared himself ruler over his created spirits and also tried to portray Me as non-existent to them. He tried to transfer his now opposing will on to them.... And now the moment of decision, of proving their perfection, also came for the beings who had been created by the bearer of light with the use of My strength.... My strength was inherent in all these beings, they were fully enlightened and aglow with love for Me, Whom they could not see but nevertheless recognise. But they also loved their creator, because the strength that had created them was love which had emanated from the first created being and enabled it to create. This love now had to make a choice, and it divided itself.... __Terrible confusion occurred amongst the spirits who felt urged to make a decision. But.... since My strength of love was effectively light.... it was understandable that the urge towards the primary source of strength was stronger in many beings, that their love diminished for the one who separated from Me and pushed towards Me with increased force.... For the light within them was the realisation that I was Eternal Love. Every being had this knowledge indeed, but it also had free will which did not depend on knowledge, or it would not have been free. And the spiritual world divided itself.... The externalised being had its followers just as I had Mine, even though I was not visible. But the effect of My strength was so powerful that many beings turned away from the one who wanted to oppose Me.... Their will remained in the right direction, whereas the bearer of light and his followers directed their will wrongly, thus they volitionally separated from Me and this caused their fall into the abyss.... __Thus the light bearer, the fully illuminated being externalised by Me, became My adversary, whereas everything that had emerged from him, that was created by both our love, partly turned towards Me and partly towards him, depending on the glow of love by which it was permeated. As soon as the bearer of light separated from Me the beings experienced an undefined desire for a definite pole. Free will began to unfold itself.... neither I nor My adversary influenced them forcefully, they were merely exposed to both our emanation of strength which wanted to gain every being for itself. The flow of My strength was pure love and affected the beings so intensely that they recognised Me without seeing Me, but they could also recognise the first created beings' change of will. However, because they could see this entity many followed it, i.e. they subordinated themselves to its will and thus distanced themselves from Me. Yet other originally created beings felt themselves as My children and voluntarily remained loyal to Me, only they were far less in number. These were the first created beings who arose from My light bearer's most blissful creative will and My immense influx of strength of love. And this strength of love was inherent in these beings too and persistently pushed them towards Me, for they recognised their creator's present will as wrong and therefore turned away from him. The other beings could have come to this realisation too yet they blindly followed the one they could see, and their will was respected and in no way influenced by Me, because this decision of will had to take place in order to shape the created beings to independent perfection. The being which left Me drew a large number of followers into the abyss, for to distance oneself from Me means to strive towards the abyss, to aim towards a completely opposite state, which thus signifies darkness and weakness, loss of knowledge and strength. Whereas My children blissfully remained in the most radiant light and immense strength, in beatitude. __After the fall of Lucifer, the light bearer, his strength was defeated..... He could no longer actively create and shape although I did not withdraw the strength from him because he was My living creation. His power and strength rested in his followers, whom he now dominated as prince of darkness. But they are also the products of My love which I will not leave to My adversary forever. As long as these beings still share his will they belong to him; but as soon as I succeed in turning their will towards Me he has lost them, and thus his strength diminishes at the same rate as I release his prisoners from his control which, however, always presupposes the being's free will. __And this is the purpose of My eternal plan of Salvation, which is eagerly and most lovingly supported by all inhabitants of the kingdom of light, by My angels and archangels, for they all are My helpers who endeavour to bring bliss again to their fallen brothers, who once voluntarily threw it away.... And this work of liberation will succeed, even if it takes an infinitely long time before the last once-fallen spirit returns to Me, until even the first created being that came forth from My love draws closer to Me again in its longing for My love.... until this too repentantly returns to the Father's house, which it once left voluntarily.... __Amen
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