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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Whoever is taught by God requires no further external kno...
Whoever receives the remarkable grace of being taught by Myself, whoever receives and accepts this directly imparted teaching material certainly has no further need to find knowledge elsewhere, for I will completely satisfy him with the bread of life. He no longer needs to accept other spiritual nourishment; he no longer needs to draw from a cistern when the clearest water flows to him from the spring which is indeed far cleaner and better. However, if fresh spring water is not accessible people should gratefully accept the water at their disposal and carefully protect it from pollution.... Do you understand what I mean by that? I do not, in any way, want to scorn what has been sacred to you since ancient times, the Book of the Fathers, which shall never lose its value to people who, in good faith of Me and for love of Me, try to derive knowledge from it.... since it conceals profound knowledge, but it can only be found by someone whose spirit has come alive.... But when I instruct you Myself, I give you the teaching and the explanation at the same time, because I adapt all lessons to your degree of maturity, I give to you in accordance with your understanding. First of all I inform you of My will, since it is your task on earth to comply with it.... But I also reveal Myself to you as God and Father, as Creator of all infinity and as the most loving Father to My children, who ought to achieve the childship on earth and hence require help and support. The meaning of My Words has become incomprehensible to you, and thus I want to explain their meaning in plain and simple terms to you. Consequently I Am once again sending My gospel to earth as I had proclaimed at the time of My life on earth. __I don't merely want to be present as God in your intellect, I want to live in your hearts, I want you to believe in Me with a living faith, and I want to teach you how you can arrive at this living faith.... not by means of much intellectual knowledge, even if you have taken it from the Book of the Fathers.... but only by means of a completely unselfish life of love. Your knowledge will become far more profound and your faith more alive when you fulfil My commandments of love for God and other people.... Then you will become knowledgeable and closely united with Me too, and you will also become able to educate other people in turn and inform them about the results of the right conduct in life. And then you will be My true followers on earth, you will be preachers after My will, because then you will draw all knowledge from within yourselves, then My spirit will guide you into eternal truth and you can make use of knowledge which you do not receive from an external source but always because of My grace. Then the fountain of life will have opened up for you, then living water will flow from the source of My love for your refreshment, and you should also offer the revitalizing drink to other people, so that they, too, can taste the pure clear water and never want to be without it again. All people could refresh themselves at the source of life yet only few will find it, only the few who are not satisfied with what is inexplicable and therefore look for truth. And since they approach Me Myself for revitalizing nourishment I will not refuse it to them. Take from the source of life, accept with a thankful heart the contribution of My love and appreciate the immense grace to be taught by Myself.... For you still will need much strength which you can always extract from My Word, which comes to you from above, because I have blessed it with My strength.... __Amen
Divine Word.... Psychic messages.... Disguise.... Mark....
Anyone who wants to serve Me will be accepted by Me, and his work in My vineyard will be allocated to him by Me, because I alone know what kind of work each person is capable of doing. They will be able to serve Me consciously and unconsciously, that is, they will be able to know that they have been chosen by Me for a task but they will also be able, impelled by their heart, to do something which is considered vineyard work by Me as well without knowing themselves that they are loyal co-workers for Me in the redemption work of the last days before the end. However, they all need to have heartfelt love for Me and their neighbour, otherwise the work for Me and My kingdom cannot be carried out. And this heartfelt love.... the fulfilment of My commandments of love, will also provide My servant with the strength for his richly blessed work, because the work for Me requires particular knowledge which can only be acquired through selfless activity of love, and precisely this knowledge is the strength conveyed to the person which he shall subsequently use according to My will. And thus you will also understand that a certain amount of knowledge about the eternal truth is a prerequisite for working in My vineyard, and this will also show you the mark of My true servants on earth, for you humans will always be able to obtain clarification from them concerning Me and My kingdom.... They must possess a certain amount of knowledge which makes them My true representatives on earth. How and in what way they will have received this knowledge always has to be checked, for only the origin determines the value and credibility of this knowledge. For My true representatives on earth must have been educated by Me Myself, because only I can dispense the truth and, as the primary Source of truth, also convey it to wherever I require people to proclaim My Word and where the conditions are in place for a loyal servant to enter into My service. It is and will remain a fact that I speak to those people who listen for My voice within themselves, who appeal to Me with faith and love to receive My spirit.... and that I will then present to them everything which they ought to pass on to their fellow human beings again, so that the truth shall be spread throughout the world.... Yet faith and love must be present, otherwise I cannot speak to a person, since only a devout person listens and only a loving heart is able to hear My voice. Thus I establish a heartfelt connection with such a person through the Word, which is the outpouring of Myself and thus testifies to Me.... __This Word is thus spoken by Me Myself, that is, the spiritual emanations of Myself shape themselves into comprehensible thoughts for you or sound as audible Words within your heart. Yet I can also convey My Word to you in the form of a transmission, if I want to delight the blissful beings in the spiritual kingdom, to whom the conveyance of strength from Me signifies increased happiness. In that case you will receive My Word through My messengers of light which, however, will not diminish the Word in the slightest because it cannot be changed as long it originates from the spiritual kingdom, i.e., has not yet been changed through human will. However, it has to be noted that I Am talking about My Word, about the transference of the pure truth, which proclaims My will and imparts to people the knowledge about their relationship with Me and their earthly task. Yet not all transmissions from the spiritual kingdom can be called 'My Word' because this is the purest truth which can only be transmitted as My direct emanation by beings who are enlightened themselves. But beings also exist which want to communicate themselves, although they are not enlightened as yet or only possess a limited amount of knowledge but nevertheless have the opportunity to make themselves understood by people on earth, be it by way of thought transference or through a medium of whose will and also physical functions they avail themselves in order to speak to people. And these messages should not be confused with My Word, they should not be described as My Word and therefore should not be referred to as the working of My spirit in the human being. For My spirit can only be effective under certain conditions; these messages, however, can be heard by all people who are merely prepared to enter into contact with the spiritual kingdom and listen to the beings' suggestions with more or less good intentions. These beings can also impart truth but there is no guarantee that their comments are pure truth, because the degrees of maturity of these beings differ considerably and the human being, as such, is unable to judge the level of maturity. Yet such comments can never be described as divine revelations, they are far more likely to endanger divine revelations if the human being does not possess a clear power of judgment which enables him to distinguish and separate proclamations from the spiritual kingdom. To receive My Word, directly or through messengers of light, requires first of all the will to hear Me, for I will not let My voice sound in the human being's heart without his willingness to receive it, because only this proves his belief in My working of the spirit within the human being.... Furthermore, a loving way of life must have prepared the heart to become a worthy vessel to receive My spirit.... And the human being who receives My Word must work with it for Me and My kingdom. __For My Word is the epitome of knowledge concerning My will, it is the impartation of realisation, it is profound wisdom, it is the formulated truth which shall be conveyed to humanity and cannot be conveyed by any other means but by way of revelations which are received by a person on behalf of all people who want to accept them. __Thus My Word is effectively the evidence of My contact with people.... And since through My Word people are offered the truth, the light from the heavens, it is understandable that the opposing lord will also find ways and means to darken this light, to falsify the truth and thus to prevent My activity. He will not shy away from expressing himself in the same manner where human will allows him to do so. Yet only where the human being's will facilitates his intention will he be able to try it. Often the slightest occasions will enable him to exert his influence.... if worldly thoughts occupy a person, which will then always be temptations by which Satan will try to push himself in. My kingdom is not of this world.... so anyone who wants to communicate with Me, who wants to hear My voice, must be able to completely detach himself from the earthly world, and what he wants must only be spiritual knowledge. If, however, he is still earthly minded My adversary will instantly interfere, and he is entitled to do so because the earthly world is his domain, yet you can always resist him yourselves by banishing the world from your thoughts. Anyone who desires to hear Me must have broken free from the world although he still lives in the midst of the world. And thus I can only ever caution those of you who desire to hear My Word from turning your sights to the world, because then you will be unable to perceive My Word in all its purity, instead the prince of the world will often intervene because he will seize every opportunity to counteract the truth and you will be providing him with this opportunity yourselves if you are worldly minded; then you will hardly recognise him because he will also avail himself of My Word in order to deceive you, because he will disguise himself as an angel-spirit and use apparently noble words and yet cause gradual confusion by spreading doubt into human hearts, thus trying to prevent pure contact between a person and Me. This is why not everyone is suitable to work as a teacher, for this requires absolute truth and therefore a complete turning away from the world in order to be able to receive the pure truth from Me. And therefore you humans will also have to learn to differentiate between: My Word, the pure Gospel, the clear realisation, hence a higher knowledge which corresponds to the truth, and communications from the spiritual kingdom which may well be good and true but may also be interspersed with messages from the kingdom of darkness if the human being's own attitude towards the world offers the opportunity for it.... My Word guarantees purest truth, and My Word can also be imparted to you through My will by messengers of light and nonetheless remain My Word.... Yet psychic recipients who receive messages from spiritual beings and thus, to a certain extent, are their mouthpieces, should beware not to become exploited by lower forces.... They should not let themselves be deceived by lovely words, for this is the mask of the one who is an enemy of truth and also the means of gaining access to circles which genuinely look for Me yet have not entirely abandoned the world in order to be safe from temptations from below due to My constant presence. My Word is offered to you humans plainly and purely because I Myself choose servants for Myself whom I know are suitable for the office of being a recipient and advocate of My Word and whom I will therefore also protect as long as their will applies to Me alone and as long as they want to serve Me as an instrument. For you humans shall never be able to complain that you are denied the pure truth.... I will always convey My Word to earth and also make sure that it is circulated, because people's salvation of soul depends on the fact that they will be instructed in the truth.... __Amen
The helping hand of Jesus Christ.... Deliverance from the...
On earth as well as in the beyond the Saviour's saving hand reaches out to the souls in the abyss to aid the ascent of those who seize His hand. God's love and mercy is constantly at work to bring redeeming help; but the souls themselves must want to be helped or every gift of grace from God will remain ineffective. But only a desperate situation can persuade someone to appeal for help. Every immature soul in the kingdom of the beyond suffers and is tormented, whereas the soul on earth seeks to numb itself with earthly pleasures and thus finds it far more difficult to appeal to God for help. Yet the spiritual hardship is just as severe but it has a perceptible effect in the beyond. The soul on earth could certainly advance with ease, since the person can use his energy of life for God-pleasing actions, whereas the soul in the beyond is powerless and depends on help, either from the beings of light or from human beings. __However, there is far less willingness to do good on earth than with the souls in the beyond, whose will is only weak as long as the soul lacks strength, but after its first gift of strength it constantly gets stronger. The torments in the beyond can bring about a change of will, and then the ascent is also guaranteed. But even on earth spiritual progress is impossible without a change of will, and since the world always has a numbing effect on people they occasionally have to be placed into a state of distress to instigate a change of will. In that case, however, the helping hand of Jesus Christ, the divine love, is always ready to elevate a person, and there is hope of redemption for every soul, yet the soul's will, which inevitably has to aim upwards, decides the moment in time itself.... One day even the strongest opposing will shall be broken, yet not force but divine love will achieve this, which time and again will approach the being until it is recognised and reciprocated, until the being's will overwhelmingly wants to give itself to God as His Own.... __Amen
Consequences of unkindness in the beyond....
Unkindness has far-reaching consequences on earth as well as in the beyond. For it surrounds the soul with the densest of covers, so that no ray of light can penetrate it and it forever remains in darkness. Light is everywhere, yet where it cannot penetrate the human soul there is darkness. Love, however, radiates light and illuminates the soul from within, the covers dissolve, and then the light from outside can exert an effect.... the soul becomes enlightened.... Thus, on earth `enlightenment' denotes knowledge of the eternal truth, of the meaning and purpose of earthly life and ever-increasing love for God.... But in the kingdom of the beyond receiving light is guaranteed to the soul who became enlightened on earth through love.... Darkness has gone forever, everything is revealed to the soul, no uncertainty exists for the soul any longer, nothing is incomprehensible or impossible, for due to love it has become full of light and strength itself.... __Hence, unkindness is the soul's eternal ruin, for a soul who still languishes in profound darkness is wretched. It has become a victim of the one who is devoid of love himself and also wants to prepare this state for souls who allow themselves to be influenced by him, who are full of selfish love and only ever treat their fellow human beings unkindly, because they are seduced by Satan, because he wants to transfer his own feelings into people in order to enslave them. Unkindness is the death of the soul.... it poisons people's thoughts, so that the results of thinking are lies and ill-will which generate acts of hatred and, in turn, will result in evilness again. And neither can it be otherwise, for where there is love there is God.... where unkindness and hatred reveal themselves there is Satan. And he reigns, so that he can truly be recognised as the souls' greatest enemy, who not only pursues and tries to gain people on earth, but with increased malice works on and tries to influence the souls in the beyond in order to hasten the hardening of their hearts and pull them ever deeper into the abyss. __And because heartlessness has such a frightening effect in the beyond it can only be countered with love.... souls in the beyond need to be given lots of love, which effects the ailing soul like medicine by which it can be healed if people do not stop giving them love.... Even the most stubborn souls of darkness can be changed by rays of love, unwillingly at first, yet once they feel the blissful relief they will not let go of it again.... Love is the most effective weapon against the opponent who cannot endure it, who takes flight and therefore will rather drop his victims than allow himself to be touched by rays of love. For this reason you should fight against unkindness and know that it will lead into ruin, whereas deeds of love will open the kingdom of light for you, and with love you can also help those to attain the light who still languish in darkness as a result of their loveless and unkind way of life on earth. Only love can help them and release their restraints, only love can make all of you blissfully happy.... __Amen
True Christianity....
A faithful Christian must also live according to his belief, that is, he must follow Jesus Christ, Who exemplified to people the right kind of life on earth and thus requires faith in His act of Salvation in order to be acknowledged by Him as a Christian. The Christian doctrine must be followed from the heart, for Christ requires love from people, a love which lacks self-interest and has therefore a redeeming effect, a love which is willing to make sacrifices, a love which Jesus demonstrated through His death on the cross. Thus, to be a true Christian means to shape one's inner nature into love in the belief in Jesus Christ, for the human being is incapable of this change of character without faith in Him. He can indeed believe in Him and yet not live in love.... In that case, however, it is merely a conventional faith, an intellectual faith, which may well give credence to the existence of Jesus, the man, and perhaps even His crucifixion, but which has no idea about the significance of the sacrifice the made by the man Jesus on behalf of fellow human beings. For the understanding of this only comes to him when he practices love, because only then will his spirit give him the right understanding through his heart.... This is why 'being a Christian' first means to live a life of love, then the human being will also testify to Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of the world. However, a person lacking unselfish love will never be a Christian, even if he declares himself as such before the world.... For the concept of Christianity is not a question of believing that Jesus existed, the point is that the person lives as Jesus Christ had lived on earth in order to be able to rightfully call himself a Christian. This is why there is no true Christianity in this world anymore, despite churches and doctrines, for the spirit of Christ is missing. People are unredeemed because Jesus Christ can no longer be effective where love does not exist.... And love has completely grown cold among people.... Whether poor or rich, whether high or low, they all lack love, the most important aspect of Christianity.... __People no longer make use of Jesus' act of Salvation; they stand outside the circle of those who died on behalf of Jesus Christ. They certainly see the cross because they cannot deny Jesus Christ, the man, and His crucifixion, but it has become utterly irrelevant to them, they merely speak words without meaning and strength, because only love reveals the understanding in the first place but love has died away. For such people Jesus Christ died in vain on the cross and yet they call themselves Christians.... Not one of them realises the significance, not one of them makes the effort to be a true Christian, and many people contemptuously look down on those who, in their eyes, are heathens or unbelievers because they are not part of an official church or community.... And all these will one day have a dreadful awakening if they depart from earth in an unredeemed state and are required to give account of their way of live, if their degree of love is so low that it emits no ray of light on entry into the kingdom of the beyond.... Then they will have to look for the Redeemer of humankind first and will hardly find Him, because they will have lacked the right faith in Him and yet, without it they will never be able to become happy.... Oh, if only you humans knew what you are giving away on this earth because of your half-hearted attitude towards the most important things.... if only you knew how bitterly you will regret it one day.... You will never be able to become blissfully happy without love.... You must travel your path on earth as true Christians, you must follow Him, that is, keep His commandments, only then will your faith in Him be a living one, only then will you profess Jesus Christ before the world.... You will stand up for Him and, having been redeemed by Him, also be able to provide your fellow human being with the right explanation as to the fact that and why He has to be acknowledged, as to fact that and why eternal life is not possible without the redemption through Jesus Christ and that only the right way of life in the spirit of Jesus will be valued before God and not the outwardly displayed Christianity which, in truth, is no Christianity at all.... __Amen
Book of Books.... God's Word....
The Scriptures, which testify of Me, would fully suffice to proclaim My will to people, it would also guide them to the light, to enlightenment, if My will were done, and they would attain beatitude. Yet this book, the Book of the Fathers, has lost its value for many people; it is no longer the book which imparts My Word to them because their unbelief also concerns the origin of the Scriptures, they cannot believe that My spirit was working in My disciples, that this spirit motivated them to write down what I Myself did and taught while I lived on earth. And therefore they no longer appraise this Word of Mine as it should be appraised.... as the proclamation of My will which requires people to fulfil the commandments.... of love for God and their neighbour.... __They would only need to acknowledge that these two commandments were given to people by Me and if they endeavoured to live on earth in accordance with these two commandments they would very soon learn to appreciate the accuracy and truth of all other teachings which My disciples recorded on My behalf for all people.... But they do not live with love, and therefore they also lack understanding for everything contained in the Scriptures. As a result, they also doubt the origin, they do not recognise Me as the source of the Word that testifies of Me. However, they nevertheless should be informed of My Word, they nevertheless should know My will and thus made directly aware of the One Who manifests Himself in many ways.... __They should know that it is possible for Me to convey My Word to earth at any time, that I instruct people through the spirit at all times just as I taught My apostles when I no longer lived amongst them in the flesh. They should know that the pouring out of the spirit was not a unique occurrence which only happened to My disciples, but that time and again I pour My spirit into an open vessel, that I instruct people in the same way as I once instructed My disciples and thus convey My Word to them, which again only reveals My will to live within love, and as a result of their compliance with My will to then guide the person into truth, to explain to him the correlation between the creation and its creator, the destiny and goal of everything that is visible, thus to bestow comprehensive knowledge to him which denotes brightest light to the soul and enables it to find the path to eternal life.... __By transmitting My Word I only intend to achieve the possibility for the human being to shape himself into love.... The Scriptures, too, only ever teach love, thus its origin has to be from Me Myself, Who is eternal love. But since love has grown cold amongst humanity, people are no longer able to recognise the deeper value of what is written, they are spiritually blind and lack all judgment. Therefore they shall be confronted again by living representatives of My Word who, although they will not bring them anything new, they will nevertheless be able to advocate the old Word with conviction and demonstrate it anew.... namely, that love is the first commandment I expect to be fulfilled, and that all additional knowledge, the higher awareness of truth, only arises from love.... My Word shall be widely spread again, for once again I say to My chosen disciples `Go into the world and teach all nations....' For people have to hear My Gospel, they have to know that the Scriptures may not be dismissed, that it comprises the truth which I Myself proclaimed to My disciples through the spirit.... They should know that I will always and forever transmit the same Word to earth and that My Word will remain even when heaven and earth pass away.... __Amen
Salvation through Jesus Christ....
Every human being can redeem himself if he so wants, yet he cannot do so without Jesus Christ.... Hence Jesus Christ is the Redeemer, but if the human being does not want it himself, the act of Salvation at the cross was in vain for him. Only the human will brings it into effect, it is imperative that the human will first strives towards salvation through Jesus Christ, only then can he be assured that he will be redeemed. No human being has been excluded, no person needs to continue without freedom, because the man Jesus Christ died on the cross so that the whole of humanity.... all human beings of past, present and future.... can be redeemed from their guilt and no-one has been barred.... but salvation does not occur against the human will, and the will is only strengthened through Jesus Christ. Consequently He inevitably has to be acknowledged as God's Son and Saviour of the world, otherwise His help will not be requested, otherwise the blessings of His act of Salvation will not be called upon. Because in the unredeemed state he is held in bondage by a dark force, his will for good is restrained and he is a slave to him who is his lord.... so that he complies with his will and as a result offends against divine order with heartless thoughts and actions.... __It is the will of the still constrained human being, which is wrongly directed. Due to his misguided love he only desires what pulls him down but not what elevates him. His restraints constantly pull downward, and if he wants to ascend then he has to be liberated from his chains, he has to be free from the force which controls him.... He has to be redeemed and can redeem himself with the strength of love. But this is extremely weak in a human being and can only be strengthened when the person calls on Him Who has overcome this power by His death on the cross, when he calls on the Lord to whom this power is inferior.... Jesus Christ, the Divine Saviour and Conqueror of death, the constrained state and helplessness. By His death on the cross He has acquired unlimited blessings which He shares with everyone who desires them. And by using these blessings the will becomes strengthened which enables the person to carry out deeds of love, to acquire God's strength, which will inevitably help him to ascend and liberate him from the chains which had held him captive.... He has redeemed himself through Jesus Christ, or he was willing to let himself be redeemed by Jesus Christ.... to benefit from His sacrifice on the cross. He has delivered himself through the blood of Jesus from all guilt which had subjected him to the force of the power, which is God's adversary and which therefore also had to be overcome by God Himself.... __If Jesus Christ is not acknowledged as Son of God and Saviour of the world, God's adversary maintains his grip on the person, be it on earth or in the beyond. And this means that the soul remains in a sphere which will be without light for eternity, that the soul can never become enlightened, that it is without freedom and strength and can no longer change its situation by itself, that it is condemned.... until it is approached by a saviour.... And this Saviour once again is Jesus Christ, because only He has the strength to liberate the soul from the power of His adversary.... Yet again the soul has to want this itself, it has to call on Him when, due to an exceptionally weak gleam of light, it remembers the man Jesus in a flash, who was known on earth as the Saviour and Redeemer of humanity.... With its cry it acknowledges Him, it is a call in greatest need, which the Divine Saviour hears and Whose work of Salvation benefits this soul from now on too in as much as He liberates it from its torment. __You humans on earth should not bypass Jesus Christ because you will only delay your salvation, which you sooner or later have to accept, because you cannot be redeemed without Jesus Christ, but you yourselves have to want to be redeemed by Him.... This will can arise in you on earth if you are taught about Him correctly, about the significance of His crucifixion and your attitude towards the act of Salvation, because He will forever remind people of Himself, and the references to Him during the last days can be heard with such urgency, that every human being should seriously consider whether he can accept responsibility for his attitude towards Jesus Christ.... He should ask for information in regards to the problem of God's human manifestation and salvation, then he will also receive an acceptable explanation, but he should not be so arrogant as to make a rash judgment and abandon everything in relation to Jesus Christ. Sooner or later he will have to take the path to Him.... __But his remorse will be extremely painful if he does not realise his error until he is in the beyond, if he himself extends the state of his torment by his rejection of Him, Who alone can release him from his hardship. As soon as the human being on earth, or even in the beyond, takes the path to Jesus Christ, he will move towards his salvation.... But without Jesus Christ he will remain in darkness forever, he cannot rise from the tomb of death until he acknowledges the One, Who has overcome death.... He can only become blessed when he intentionally allows himself to become redeemed by Jesus' blood.... __Amen
The souls' great hardship in the beyond....
Souls which lack light suffer incredibly great hardship in the beyond. To describe this condition to you humans on earth would truly suffice you to live your own life differently, but that would be the end of your freedom of will; driven by fear of the same destiny you would inevitably make an effort to behave differently, thus indeed comply with what is expected of you but not of your own accord, motivated by free will. Yet you shall know about the soul's fate, it shall be imparted to you, and then it is still up to you to believe it and to draw your own conclusions from it.... __On entering the kingdom of the beyond these souls have lost everything they loved on earth, they own nothing, for they can only take across what they had spiritually acquired, and this is what they are mainly lacking. Since they had lived a godless way of life they are engulfed by utter darkness and totally powerless, yet they are not insensitive, for their environment is causing them torment and terror, and these torments and terror will also be experienced by a soul which had fearlessly and powerfully implemented on earth what had subsequently plunged it into darkness.... These indescribable sufferings will then either awaken the soul's desire to escape this condition or increase its evil instincts so that it will also look for satisfaction in this realm, which means that it will completely submit itself to the forces of darkness. Yet even the souls which had not left their earthly life in such sinfulness, but whose life had been devoid of love and indifferent towards all spiritual notions, are in a very difficult situation, for they, too, are extremely tormented by darkness, although this will, from time to time, give way to twilight if the soul is not yet entirely hardened, so that it will ask for light, for only the desire will enable the soul to attain the light. __But all souls are lacking the strength to want what is right.... and according to the law of eternity they cannot be given help if they don't desire it themselves. God's act of compassion is certainly not over once the soul has left the earthly body, but what it failed to use on earth even though it had owned it in abundance, it first has to acquire in the beyond, and it is too weak to do so.... Just always imagine them as extremely weakened, helpless beings which suffer indescribably and depend on help in order to get released from their suffering.... you would be overcome by pity for these beings if you were able to see their hardship. And you all know souls in the beyond of whom you don't know in what state they had entered the spiritual kingdom.... you all have lost people through death who had been close to you.... At least remember the souls who had been dear to you and help them, for even the smallest work of redemption on these souls will result in further redemptions, and you will have contributed much towards it. __You can only help them through loving thoughts and prayers, through intercession on behalf of these souls which, admittedly, will not release them from their torment but it will give them strength on account of which the soul will be able to change its will and strive towards the light. It cannot be released from its painful situation against its will, but in order to want what is right it needs your intercession, a prayer given with love, as soon as it enters your thoughts. For you should know that the soul is asking for your help as soon as it enters your thoughts, that you are constantly surrounded by souls hoping for your help, and that you should not resentfully suppress thoughts of the deceased if you don't want to add to their agony.... The fate of these souls remains hidden from you as not to impair your free will; you and the deceased souls occupy two worlds which are separated by a dividing line; you cannot look into their world and yet it exists and you are able to send much love from your world into theirs, the effect of which expresses itself in a way and to an extent that countless souls will be able to escape their situation. Often remember these poor souls and don't ignore them in their adversity, for what you do for them in merciful love will be richly rewarded to you, in as much as that you will receive spiritual help on earth from all souls which have come out of darkness into the light.... __Amen
Who admires the world also honors Satan
Whoever renders to the world also renders to Satan. Those words are harsh and will hit all the worldly people in a sensitive way because nobody wants to be accused of having ties to Satan and yet, the world is his kingdom and everyone who is enslaved to the world is thus his servant. __It is true, you people are placed in the midst of the world, and it is true, you have to take a stand in the world as long as you live on earth; however, the degree of participation of your heart is decisive as to how much you are subject to the world. __It is the innermost striving, the desire of the heart, which is judged and if it is aimed for the world you are then certainly enslaved to the one who its ruler is. For then your thinking is merely directed earthly while you ought to strive for the spiritual and you therefore need to overcome matter i.o. to obtain possession of the spiritual. You cannot avoid the world but, rather, you must overcome it. That is to say, you are standing at the start of your earthly life as a human being in this material world which belongs to the opponent of God, with which [the world] you must take up the fight i.o. to then emerge as a victor and thus to enter that one world which is spiritual, called the kingdom of God. __The walk through the earthly life, through the earthly world, you do have to go but you ought to rid yourselves from your bonds which have to be considered as chains of satan; as long as you are in the spell of the world, as long as you look with desire at everything you ought to overcome, that is. __The material world is his kingdom, it holds the fallen spiritual belonging to him but of which he is not in charge as long as it is bound into the works of creation by means of God's will. The human being, however, he can influence because in the condition of a free will he needs to be subject to every influence i.o. to make a decision, to give the test of will, which is the reason and purpose of his earthly life. And this influence is truly made use of in a frightening manner by the opponent of God. __He does not want to lose the spiritual by means of a free decision of its own. That's why he lures man unto his side by illusions of all that which appears desirable to him [man] but which belongs to his [Satan's] world, which separates him from God, which makes him turn away from the destination that he is to reach on earth. __He [satan] is lord of matter, lord of the earthly world and everyone who serves the world serves him. Everyone who desires the world and involves with earthly goods involves with Satan and they need to be told this truth; they cannot, out of a false consideration, be dealt with gently by withholding this truth. They are connected to satan and whose servants they are; of that one's lot they will also take part when the day of retaliation will come. __There are two lords "wrestling" for your souls and both of them offer you their kingdom. But the one [of them] is transitory [will pass away], the other one will last forever. Your very self, however, is immortal and if, on earth, you have not acquired the immortal kingdom there will remain nothing but utter darkness surrounding you after your body's death, which will unsparingly torment you.... [This is] the kingdom of Satan which cannot offer you anything else, but whose [number of] followers you have increased by means of your desires on earth. __Separate yourselves from him as long as you walk on earth, give up that which belongs to the world, strive for the intellectual wealth [in Jesus], the only one of which will guarantee you an eternal life, a life in light and power and bliss! __Amen
The end will come without fail....
You cannot delay the end anymore.... The time limit has expired and only a few days remain until the end.... just enough time deemed necessary by Me in order to still bring deliverance to those who are still able and willing to change. For My eye sees everything and My ear hears all, and thus even the most subtle impulses of a human heart are known to Me.... And since My love applies to all My living creations I will still come to the aid of those who take hold of My redeeming hand and whose will has always been known to Me. I come to help everyone who allows himself to be helped.... And thus, in the end no-one will be able to say that he was not offered My redeeming hand.... For I feel sorry for every creature which, at the end of this earth, will have to suffer the hard fate of imprisonment in the creations of the new earth.... since it had already reached the state of free will and has to be bound again for an infinitely long period of time. Therefore I will truly use all means prior to this in order to direct those people's hearts to Me who do not want to acknowledge Me as yet. I truly will leave no stone unturned which might result in a change of human hearts.... Yet I must leave people their free will and cannot force them to come to Me. __But the end will come without fail.... when My act of Redemption has been accomplished on this earth, when the few who will still accept help have been helped.... And that is only a short time.... during which much work shall still be carried out in a redeeming sense.... during which the world of light will exceedingly diligently work to penetrate the darkness, during which people's thinking will be influenced in every way in order to make an end of the earth plausible. And everyone who contributes towards spreading the light assists in accomplishing the redemptive work. Everyone who works in a redeeming sense will be abundantly supported by Me, for I will bless everyone who helps to rescue souls from the dreadful fate of a renewed banishment in the matter of the new earth. And regardless of how low the degree of maturity is.... if the human being recognises and acknowledges Me at the time of his death.... his advancement in the beyond will be assured.... Yet to be entirely without faith at the end of the days enslaves the human being to My adversary, and he will have to share his fate on the day of Judgment. You humans must believe in Me if you want Me to take mercy upon you.... __Amen
Bringing the Gospel to souls in the beyond.... Love....
Convey the Gospel to the souls in the beyond, remind them of My commandments of love which also have to be fulfilled in the kingdom of the beyond if the soul wants to ascend. Inform them of My will, which only ever requires them to turn to Me and which has to be heeded in order to be seized by My love.... What is applicable for earth also applies to the kingdom of the beyond.... the transformation of the being's will, which at first is opposing Me and therefore has to be changed, and that can only ever happen through love, for an unselfish act of love is the first step towards Me and gives the being strength. Helpless souls in the beyond lack love.... and you have to explain to them that they can only expect help if they are willing to give love to those who are as poor and as wretched as themselves. Without love their thinking is wrong and, just like on earth, they can be approached by beings instructing them wrongly, without being able to recognise the error.... __Only a helpful soul will recognise the truth, subsequently you first have to bring My commandments of love to the souls and draw their attention to the fact that they were only given so that people will establish the connection with Me by fulfilling these commandments of love.... since deeds of love will provide them with strength and always help them to ascend further. You can instruct the souls over and over again.... they will not believe or understand you if they are unwilling to love, and if you want to help them then you first and foremost will have to take care to motivate them into lovingly supporting other distressed souls which turn to them for help. Only this willingness to love will open their spiritual eyes and ears, and then they will be able to understand everything you present to them. My Gospel is just the teaching of love, for everything else will fall into place if this teaching of love is complied with. It is not enough only to convey knowledge to the soul in the beyond for it will not understand it as long it is unwilling to carry out works of love, which have to and can be carried out in the kingdom of the beyond just as on earth but which always necessitate the willingness to do so, otherwise the soul will be without strength. __As long as the soul is mentally only involved with itself and its sad fate there is no possibility to provide it with help or to convey strength.... It first has to look at its surroundings or.... if it is alone in a barren region, it has to remember people on earth whom it could have helped but neglected to do so.... It has to regret this and wish to make amends, in that case it will be joined by beings in serious need, and as soon as it is willing to help it will instantly receive the strength to accomplish its intentions. First love has to be kindled within itself, which can often take a very long time, but it is possible with loving support from a human being if he explains to the soul what it is lacking and tries to educate it, always being prompted by a loving will to help.... __Love achieves everything, love prevails over everything, love itself is the strength which helps the soul to salvation. As long as the soul only considers itself it can hardly be released from its unpleasant situation, but it can become tender and loving if it gets touched by small rays of light, because these are just sparks of love intended to touch and kindle its heart.... Every soul which experiences darkness as torment will be soothingly affected by such rays of light, and it stands a good chance that it will pursue the light.... that it thus will also be willing to take other souls to the light. And these souls should only ever be preached the love which found its culmination in Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation.... No other information is necessary for such souls at first, yet they have to know the reason for their hardship and also how to remedy it.... And only when they have this understanding will their progress be assured, only when they want to carry out loving actions themselves will they receive strength and be able to work with love in order to receive ever more strength and enter into increasing brighter light. __Light makes the souls tremendously happy, and in this happiness their willingness to love will constantly grow, hence a single soul in the beyond is able to carry out a most extensive amount of redemption work. For as soon as it understands, it will also impart its realisation to other souls and try to encourage them to the same loving endeavour..... __For just as on earth there is only one applicable commandment in the spiritual kingdom: Love God above all else and your neighbour as yourself.... __Amen
The endtime disciples' faith without proof....
I expect you, My endtime disciples, to possess strong faith, a faith which convincingly professes Me before the world. This can only be done by people who are in heartfelt contact with Me, because only this contact will result in strengthening their faith to the necessary degree, whereas other people will easily abandon Me because they will find it difficult to have faith at a time which is so far removed from My lifetime on earth that only very little positive evidence can be produced about My life and death, about My life on earth and My path of suffering.... Hence a person must have particularly strong faith if he wants to profess Me before the world. My disciples, at the time of My life on earth, saw Me, they lived with Me and witnessed countless miraculous works; they were able to hear Me every day and were taught by Me; they were enlightened about everything so it was easy for them to believe in Me and My mission.... Yet, despite the obvious evidence of My Divinity, they also failed occasionally.... However, after My death they were so permeated by My spirit that they were able to fulfil their task of carrying the Gospel into the world and therefore also advocated Me with conviction.... But what is the situation with My endtime disciples? They were unable to see and experience anything, they do not witness My visible presence, they must simply believe what they were told about Me.... Nevertheless, My endtime disciples are not without strength and they, too, recognise My working, I also reveal Myself to them in spirit.... which precisely presupposes the heartfelt bond with Me.... I consider them to an exceptional degree because I expect an exceptional faith from them and take the fact into account that their only foundation was imparted knowledge in order to arrive at a convinced faith and that they therefore require exceptional support if they want to accomplish their assigned mission.... of proclaiming My Gospel to people during the last days before the end. I expect much of these last disciples of Mine, for they must solely believe in the Word, they must bear up to all counterarguments which portray My life on earth and My mission as implausible.... They must only believe.... But I bless them for this and tell them again: The last will be the first.... for their mission is a significant one, since it is, after all, essential to still save souls before the end, to introduce these to Jesus Christ as well, so that they will not pass away from this earth unredeemed.... They must stand up for Me, for their Father and Redeemer, they must profess Me before the world when Satan runs against the bastion of faith with all his might.... Then they must prove themselves and their faith in Me, then they must loudly profess My name in public, because this name alone is the power to eliminate Satan's activity and to render him harmless.... I expect a strong faith from these last disciples of Mine, yet they are not alone in the battle against the enemy.... I Myself will be with them, because their faith allows Me to be present and thus they will be victorious.... and all those who follow My disciples and likewise profess My name before the world.... __Amen
Redeeming work for souls in the beyond in God's will....
Put your trust in My Words and only believe that My love is watching over you and that I Am protecting you from all onslaughts by My adversary if you take refuge with Me during earthly and spiritual difficulties.... Your will also assures you My help and My protection. I only appraise your will, and according to this will you are either in My hands or in the hands of My adversary. If your will is directed towards Me and you desire to please Me you can also consider yourselves looked after by Me.... But if you want the world and its possessions then your will belongs to My adversary and then he has also control over you which he, however, would never be able to have if you strive towards Me, if you look for and pray to Me in spirit and in truth. __Your faith is still weak, yet it will get stronger if you always just make the effort to live a life of love, and you will become increasingly more certain of the fact that My Fatherly love applies to all who are still unredeemed on earth and also pass away or have passed away unredeemed from this earth. All these souls suffer immense hardship and My love does not want to leave them in this adversity forever. And thus I create countless possibilities for them to escape their hardship but without determining their free will.... Nevertheless, I know every individual person's will and that of every soul in the beyond. I know when they are ready to take the path to Me, and I let you humans participate in the redemption work, since there is a tremendous amount of work to be done and every individual soul should be offered the opportunity to give up its resistance and turn towards eternal salvation. __Consider the immense number of souls which are still distant from Me, which have no faith and whom I therefore cannot approach because they don't believe in Me.... I constantly endeavour to provide these souls with the possibilities to come to Me by indirect means as well, and you humans can assist Me in this by taking care of of these souls, by informing them of Me, because they are more likely to listen to you, providing they are at all willing to change their adverse situation. On the one side a regrettable lack of faith is evident, on the other side, however, a comprehensive work of salvation is taking place on the souls in the spiritual kingdom, because this work of salvation is mainly unsuccessful on earth. My adversary has great power over people on earth because they are too involved with matter and he tempts them with material goods. Many a soul in the beyond recognises the worthlessness of what it had pursued on earth because it experiences utmost poverty and darkness, and for that reason they can be easier won over, if only their faith can be awakened in them.... __And I truly have many ways which I implement and which are hardly ever unsuccessful. The situation of these souls in the beyond cannot be described to you exactly, there will always remain a layer which prevents your view into the kingdom of the beyond.... Yet you can believe that I look after all souls and for their deliverance also involve you humans if a greater possibility for success is thereby assured. Anyone who wants to be of service to Me can certainly to so, and I will place him where his work will be successful..... But you must always believe in My greater than great love and mercy.... Then you will also understand everything and you will no longer doubt the task which I give you.... Then you will gladly be of service to Me and also be convinced that your work is beneficial.... you participate in the redemption of countless souls from adversity and pain.... you show them the way to light and beatitude.... __Amen
Resurrection of the flesh....
The will for truth guarantees correct thinking and correct understanding.... You, who want truth, will receive the purest truth, you need not fear any error and thus will always be blessed if you want to spread the truth. Let Me know what you cannot understand as yet.... what gives rise to doubt.... and I will teach and enlighten you.... __The doctrine of the resurrection of the flesh.... as you humans would dearly like to understand it.... becomes untenable as soon as you have penetrated spiritual knowledge to some extent, as soon as you have come closer to the truth and tried to explain the meaning of My Words in a spiritual sense. What I said is eternal, unchangeable truth..... but the meaning you try to read into it is truly not in My Word.... But every person will be able to grasp the spiritual meaning of My Words if only he sincerely strives for truth. Anyone who prays to Me Myself for understanding, who tries to penetrate the truth, will soon plainly and clearly realise the spiritual meaning of the Word, and he will not get stuck to the letter.... `Resurrection of the flesh....' These words mean the same to you humans as `life after death'.... __To you, the word `life' has the same meaning as `to live in the flesh' as long as your spirit is not yet awakened, as long as the real meaning of `life' is still unknown to you. People who do not believe in a continuation of life believe that their existence ends with their physical death. Being in their physical body means `life' to them. However, they know that they will lose this shell through death but they do not believe in a trinity of body, soul and spirit.... Only the body exists for them, the `flesh', and once this has died the expression `life' is over for them. Resurrection of the flesh signifies the resurrection of the body to them. They only associate this with their physical body, and it is a difficult doctrine.... the `resurrection of the flesh', which people are expected to believe.... __Nevertheless, it can be a blessing if, due to this teaching, the human being believes in resurrection.... in life after death. As a result of this belief he will also change his nature and this change can result in an awakening, in an illumination by My spirit.... And then he will also understand the Word `resurrection of the flesh....' Then he will comprehend its spiritual meaning.... Resurrection means: to awaken from death into life.... to arise from a state of sleep.... to step out of darkness into light.... And thus, for the first time, everything that was concealed by the darkness of night will come into light.... It will arise and reveal itself.... it will come alive in order to bear witness.... In the state of death nothing happens that could be declared. However, what happened in life, in the state when you lived on earth in the flesh, now becomes evident, it reveals itself, it arises to give evidence for or against you.... And not, that the physical body of flesh rises again from the dust in order to shroud you once more for a new life. For this body of flesh is just a transient shell for the immortal soul, which cannot die but it can be spiritually dead on its departure from earth. Nevertheless, it can still awaken to life in the spiritual realm.... thus still rise from the dead even there.... if it finds its way to Jesus Christ, Who will then give it `life'.... __Even Jesus became flesh when He came to earth, and even this flesh had to suffer earthly death. Jesus rose from the dead to confirm to you that your life will not end with the death of your body, that your soul, too, can arise to eternal life.... but to confirm the truth of His Words He let His body rise from the dead too.... and yet, it was not a resurrection of the flesh, for His body had spiritualised itself. The soul had donned the garment of the spirit and withdrawn all spiritual substances from the earthly body since, due to His life and death, it had already become completely spiritualised.... Thus the body's physical substances, which are essentially spiritual substances too, had already achieved their final objective on earth and thus could join the soul and.... because it had been Jesus' will.... also become visible to His disciples in order to strengthen their faith. And since a perfect spirit is not earthbound, Jesus could rise into spiritual spheres.... when He ascended to heaven.... __You humans, too, will have a body after your resurrection.... a spiritual garment, and this will be in accordance with your flesh, for `you will reap what you have sown....' If you have sinned in the flesh, the garment of your soul will give it away. If you have done good works out of love, you will be radiant and thus recognisable too. Yet your soul will never again put on the heavy earthly garment, which was its abode during the short earthly time in order to be able to survive in the material world.... Anyone who knows the meaning and purpose of the material creation, who knows about the fallen spirits' development through this creation for the purpose of ascending to Me, will not need such explanations, but he needs to be able to refute a doctrine which is absurd due to wrong interpretation.... __But if you absolutely want to speak about the resurrection of the `flesh', let the explanation suffice you that My Word will rise again to bear witness for or against you.... I Am the Word that was made flesh.... and I approach every human being in the Word.... And when the last day has come, when every one of you will have to be judged, My Word itself will judge you.... you, who received My Word and considered it in accordance with your will.... The flesh will rise again.... because it was offered to you as nourishment, you were meant to `eat My flesh' and `drink My blood', you were meant to accept My Word eagerly and let it strengthen you.... __And you will have to justify yourselves before Me how you have used My gift of love. This explanation also corresponds to the truth, and it should encourage you to use your life in the flesh on this earth by accepting His food and drink, Who is the eternal Word that became `flesh' for your sake.... __You will find wisdom shining forth from every explanation, even if you humans have not yet penetrated into spiritual knowledge. And if your spirit is awake, you will readily accept every one of My explanations, for they will satisfy you, whereas the wrong interpretation of My Word will only stir a will of resistance in you and must do so, because this wrong interpretation stems from My adversary whose aim it is to confuse a person's thoughts, to divert him from the truth and to remove any belief in life after death. A wrong interpretation such as this also proves the spiritually low level of people, and also of those who bring My Word to them even though they have not yet penetrated the meaning of My Words themselves.... The letter kills.... only the spirit gives life.... And all of you should ask for this spirit, you should pray for enlightened thinking and strive for pure truth, and your prayer will certainly not go unheeded.... __Amen
Rebirth.... Futile life on earth....
Your earthly life is futile if your soul does not progress spiritually.... if you cannot succeed to lift yourselves into spiritual spheres during this time.... to free yourselves from the tight bond with earth.... with material belongings.... if you don't accomplish spiritual rebirth on earth. Your soul is meant to step out of dark detention into a bright life, it is meant to free itself from all physical bondage because it is a spirit and only happy in the spiritual realm where it is free from all restrictions. The earthly body is a constraint for the soul and the body's desires are always of a physical nature.... If it allows itself to be controlled by the body then the soul will stay imprisoned, it will remain earthly-minded and all spiritual desire will be stifled. It has to free itself from physical longings; it should not give in to the demands of the body because the soul is the carrier of the will and has self-determination.... If it successfully overcomes the body or even persuades the body to follow its wishes or to do what it has identified as being `better' then it will be given tremendous support by the spirit which is buried deep within itself, which pushes the soul ever further towards the spiritual kingdom, offering it the riches of the spiritual realm and portraying them as the only attraction worth striving for.... __As soon as the soul is open to spiritual instruction its fate in eternity will have been decided, its rise will be assured and earthly life will have brought success for eternity.... Yet the soul's preceding struggle is very hard when the body influences it in every way, when it is too weak to offer resistance, when the body remains dominant and clouds the soul so that it meekly gives itself to the body.... As soon as you humans are attracted to the world, as soon as you want to gain everything you can from it, as soon as you dispel all spiritual thoughts as they emerge, you will be in great danger because you will not be aware of the purpose of your earthly life and strive towards entirely different goals than those for whose attainment you live on earth.... __Your earthly life soon passes and at the hour of death you have to leave behind all worldly material possessions which you have gained.... You will be miserable if you enter the next world without spiritual wealth.... Don't let your time on earth be in vain, strive to free yourselves from everything that only serves the body but is of no benefit to the soul. And strive for the kingdom which is your true home and which you will enter again without fail when your physical life comes to an end.... but which can be rather different, depending on the quality of your soul.... Therefore improve yourselves, work and achieve for the spiritual kingdom as long as your earthly life is left to you.... or you will bitterly regret when it is too late.... __Amen
Accountability before God's judgment seat....
One day you all will have to justify yourselves before God's judgment seat.... make sure that you can step before Him without fear and trepidation; make sure that you will be acceptable in God's eyes so that you may share His kingdom with Him.... This is a serious admonition, for you will greatly regret it one day, if you neglect to subordinate yourselves to His commandments, if you pay no attention to His will on earth and then realise the consequences of your indifference and opposition. As yet you all still have the opportunity to change if you don't live the right way, if you don't care about God's will, your earthly task is still constantly pointed out to you, the Word of God is still made accessible to you and His might is time and again revealed to you through all kinds of events.... You can still change if you seriously want to.... However, once your hour has come, when you are called up from this world, then the hour of your accountability will also have come, and you will no longer be able to undo anything nor catch up on what you have done or neglected to do during your earthly life, then you will be judged according to righteousness and justice, then all your sins will be revealed and you will recognise yourselves.... for then you will live in darkness and find yourselves in a miserable state.... which, however, you created for yourselves through your way of life on earth.... Don't live carelessly from day to day, consider the fact that you were only permitted to embody yourselves on earth for a purpose, that you did not arbitrarily come into existence as a whim of the Creator.... that you were given a goal and that this goal can only be reached if you subordinate yourselves to God's will, if you adapt yourselves to divine order.... if you work at improving yourselves, so that everything which had left the order will live in eternal order again.... when you, who are imperfect, shape yourselves to perfection again by fulfilling the divine commandments, which demand love for Him and your neighbour. God gave you these commandments because you were devoid of love which, however, is the epitome of divine order.... He gave them to you as a guiding principle for your life on earth, according to which you can therefore conduct yourselves in life.... Only the fulfilment of these commandments is His will.... which He time and again proclaims to you through His Word.... Thus, listen to His Word and try to live up to it by only ever accomplishing works of love in order to thereby come ever closer to Him. Then you truly need not fear the day of Judgment, then you will be able to step before God's judgment seat, before His eyes, and He will be well pleased with you.... the hour of passing away from this earth will also be the hour of your redemption and you will be able to enter the spiritual realm in a free and unburdened state.... Abide by My admonition which sounds to you from above, don't be half-hearted and indifferent because you deem the day of passing away still to be distant.... Bow to His will and fit in with it.... live in love, because then you will live in and with God and one day you will be accepted in His kingdom, where love reigns supreme and where love bestows beatitudes without limitation.... __Amen
The human being is close to the goal....
You humans are close to the goal.... Don't invalidate the success of your previous long life on earth by failing now and descending into the abyss again from which you worked your way up over an infinitely long time.... Don't let the final test of will become the cliff which destroys you.... Instead, diligently pursue your goal and you will be happy and free in a very short time. The significance of your life on earth as a human being is usually unknown to you.... you don't spend any thought on what happened to you before and what will happen afterwards.... nor are you aware of the fact that you have reached the final stage of your development where your free will must become active in order to reach the final goal: unification with God, which will result in beatitude and freedom. And, because you lack knowledge, there is a great risk that you won't make full use of your earthly life as a human being and that the last opportunity of attaining freedom for good will remain unused. In that case, the previous infinitely long path your soul had to take through the works of creation in a bound state will have been in vain.... Then the laboriously attained degree of maturity, which the embodiment as a human being resulted in, will be at risk, for you do not remain on the same level but descend again instead, and might even have to take the process through the creations once more, since so many blessings are at your disposal during earthly life that you will transgress against God again if you again reject the help He offers you.... And this signifies that you will fall all over again, which God in His greater than great love would like to prevent. For this reason He conveys His Word to you, the knowledge about His eternal plan of Salvation, about your beginning and your goal, about your task on earth.... It is not His will that you should fall back into the abyss again, but He will not curtail your free will.... He will certainly help you but He will not force you.... And therefore it is indeed possible, but not certain, that you will reach your goal, because your resolve is the decisive factor; and in order to strengthen your will, in order to turn it in the right direction, you are approached by God Himself in His Word.... He instructs you, He informs you of the significance of your life on earth and He tries to strengthen the sense of responsibility you have towards your soul.... He conveys the truth to you humans and every person can accept it if he is of good will.... if he seriously thinks about the reason for his existence, if he feels affiliated to a supremely perfect being and would like to establish the connection with this being.... The Word conveyed to earth by God Himself will make him happy, for he will recognise the truth, he will feel that God Himself is speaking to him and he will do what God demands of him, he will fulfil the will of God, and God will reveal Himself to him through His Word.... __Amen
Final phase.... Battle of faith....
You will soon enter the final phase which has been mentioned since the start of this period of Salvation.... The end of this earth is imminent and before long you will notice the signs which have always been proclaimed by seers and prophets. And thus everything will come to pass, because My Word is truth and I Myself have spoken through the mouth of these prophets. Everything I gave permission to predict concerning the end was merely intended to spur you humans into working at improving your soul and, hence, there have often been times during this period of Salvation when people had reason to believe that the end was approaching.... And this was certainly necessary because people's depravity gave credence to an intervention by Me and, time and again, a few would tackle their psychological work even more eagerly and truly be saved for eternal life.... Nevertheless, the time had not come; Satan had not gained unlimited power over people as yet, albeit outright devils wreaked havoc on earth during this time as well. Humanity was granted a longer period of time because many bound spirits had yet to embody themselves for the final test of will on this earth. My plan of Salvation proceeds according to the law of eternal order, and no period will ever be concluded a day too soon or too late, because I foresaw from the beginning what is helpful or detrimental for the souls' development. However, Satan's activity is becoming increasingly more appalling because many bound substances are being released and, through his influence, act in accordance with his wishes. Consequently, people's behaviour is also becoming increasing more malevolent the closer it gets to the end.... For this reason My adversary deems himself strong enough to gain complete victory over Me and finally oversteps the limits of his authority which were imposed upon him when he fell into the abyss. And once this moment in time has come his activity will be brought to an end.... and that means the end of a period of Salvation, it means the disintegration of every form, the release of its indwelling bound spiritual substance and the renewed banishment into forms which correspond to the spirits' state of maturity.... __This overstepping of authority will clearly manifest itself and is a distinct sign of the near end.... For My adversary will openly oppose Me by trying to force himself upon people, by compelling them to renounce Me… by intending to destroy every spiritual connection with Me in order to gain control over the whole human race.... Anyone who knows about the purpose of life on earth, which consists of the human being's free decision of will, also knows that this would be completely prevented by My adversary's plan, and he equally knows that this is the moment in time when I will put a stop to his raging, when I will enchain him again and with him all his followers.... And then he will also understand all prophesies which point to the end.... Therefore take notice of My adversary's final work by which you can clearly recognise the time you are living in.... take notice of the efforts intended to destroy people's faith, take notice of everything that is clearly recognisable as the activity of the Antichrist.... And, above all, pay attention to how people are being attacked who, in truth, are of service to Me and seek to distribute the truth.... And as soon as you can recognise all the signs of a forthcoming battle of faith you will know that you have entered the final phase of this earth's existence, and then you, who want to remain true to Me, must prepare yourselves and enter this battle with confidence and strength, and know that I Am leading the way, that you fight on My behalf and truly are and will remain invincible, even if you are hopelessly outnumbered compared to My adversary's multitude.... Nevertheless, I will defeat him and take him captive when the hour has come which has been determined for eternity.... And you, My faithful followers, will emerge from this battle into a new life and will no longer be pressed by the one who is and will remain My adversary for eternities to come.... __Amen
The masses never support the truth.... Distribution - Adv...
Don't let yourselves be deceived by My adversary's work of deception: instead, only ever pay attention to that which provides you with enlightenment, to the gentle light which illuminates you from above. The radiance of this light.... the truth from Me, will never glaringly hit your eyes, that is, the truth will never flash up so suddenly to become public knowledge. For the world does not recognise and acknowledge the 'divine light' and it will not spread with lightening speed, yet many eyes are open for the 'deceptive light', it is far more easily accepted then the pure truth, the light of love from Me. For it is the sign of the impenetrable darkness that people are receptive for everything of an untruthful nature, for everything that emerges from the lower realm, that they no longer have any understanding of the divine truth. But as soon as My adversary's deceptive lights flash up they have no defence, instead, they try to carry it all over the world, they help to increase the darkness of night even more because they desensitise their eyes to the gently shining light.... They don't want to become inwardly enlightened; they only want to delight in a firework that merely intends to mimic light and is pleasing to the eyes. And yet, an ever increasing number of bearers of light will arise during the last days, they will walk through the darkness and still gather the few who feel their light as a blessing.... Many messengers from above will work on earth during the last days in order to bring help to people of good will.... My Word will be proclaimed by lively servants who came to earth for the sake of the mission to carry the light of truth into the darkness.... But they will all work in seclusion, they will certainly not shy away from speaking to people openly and freely, yet the world will take little notice of these proclaimers of My teaching and My name.... Nevertheless, the few who want to escape the night will receive bright light from them.... for their Words are very powerful. And wherever these servants of Mine appear, My adversary will not be long in coming and will intend to extinguish or dim the light and therefore come to the fore in such an unusual way that the world will take notice of it. And by this you will once again be able to recognise his activity. __You know that the supporters of the world are in his hands, that they are still infinitely distant from Me and that My activity would never find access to their sphere.... But anything that spreads throughout the general public originates from him and My servants' work will be especially unpopular where My adversary is successful.... The mass of population will never support the truth but always errors and lies.... Even so, My true representatives on earth will not be bothered by the fact that they are not granted any credence.... so the more diligently they will work and convincingly speak of Me and My upcoming arrival. For I will put an end to My adversary's activity when his time has come.... But prior to this many bearers of light will still walk across the earth because the light shall be carried to all places in order to illuminate the few human hearts which are not controlled by My adversary as yet. His activity will be obvious, but My care of leading them out of darkness into light will also be obvious to My Own.... Don't be surprised that you, who want to serve Me, make little headway with the Word that you have received from Me, for this, too, is a sign of the darkness of spirit, a sign of the low level people have reached before the end, when My adversary is far more likely to be successful than you, My bearers of light.... Even so, the light will establish itself and brightly highlight My adversary's activity one day. However, his time has not come as yet, as yet he can still do as he likes according to his will.... But soon his activity will be stopped, then My light from above will shine brightly, then there will be no more darkness and the people, who have already accepted My light on earth, will be very happy.... __Amen
The sleep of the soul.... Misguided teaching....
It is extremely wrong to deem the souls of the departed as being in an eternal sleep until the arrival of Judgment day.... This idea proves total ignorance of the soul's process of development, furthermore, it proves a wrong attitude towards Me or a person could not think so wrongly.... and it proves that there is no belief in the soul's life after death, for an eternal sleep of death, as presumed by people, cannot be described as `life after death'. __But this misguided thought is also a great disadvantage for the departed souls, because prayers will not be offered for them and thus they will not receive the help which they need so badly. But people who adopted this doctrine and were taught wrongly will not accept being taught otherwise, and yet they hold on to the error as if it was gospel truth. Here, too, My adversary's work is obvious, who particularly wants to stop people from praying for the souls, because such prayer could help to set them free, which he tries to prevent. But even when these misguided teachings are confronted by the truth, people will not take the only path which could provide them with clarification.... They need only ask Me for an explanation, if they do not want to believe those who would like to correct their error.... they need only approach Me Myself. But they won't take this path, and therefore they are beyond help and refuse to let go of their error. __However, these departed souls suffer immense hardship if they are not remembered in prayer. And people on earth cannot receive instructions for the better from the spiritual kingdom either, because they do not believe in a connection between the world of light and people on earth and therefore do not make themselves mentally available to the knowing powers. They are only concerned about their earthly life as human beings until death. Their idea of an `eternal sleep of the soul' until `Judgment day' only proves that they lack all knowledge about the spirits' process of redemption, about My fundamental nature, which is love, wisdom and omnipotence, and about Jesus' act of Salvation.... Their knowledge is very limited and does not correspond to the truth in the slightest, and when truth is brought to them they resist it. And yet they try to prove their point of view with the Word of God, with the Scriptures, but it is not their `awakened spirit' that finds those references, rather, My adversary himself makes use of My Word when he wants to cause confusion.... But he is only successful when a person merely uses his intellect and does not ask Me Myself for enlightenment through the spirit when he asks for an explanation. __The letter kills, only the spirit gives life.... Anyone who does not entrust himself to Me first, so that I can guide his thoughts correctly, will truly be killed by the letter, since My adversary can use the letter too but will interpret its meaning completely differently and thereby make the biggest error seem acceptable to people.... The doctrine about the soul's sleep of death is a truly dubious teaching.... a teaching which also causes great indignation in the needy souls of the beyond, who `live' and yet are so weak that they would be grateful for every gift of strength a loving prayer could impart on them. People should frequently remember those souls in their prayers, whose family members on earth believe this misguided teaching.... so that they can gather strength, ascend and mentally help them in turn. Although a life of love on earth will soon provide the souls with clear understanding, they first have to let go of erroneous teachings before they can be assigned to a field of activity themselves.... since every activity in the spiritual kingdom consists of spreading the pure truth. __Hence, a soul that lived a life of love on earth is blessed indeed, it will easily detach itself from misguided attitudes and wrong spiritual knowledge. The others, however, will find themselves in utmost adversity, because every misguided teaching has damaging effects on the soul, but especially the teaching about the eternal sleep of death, since it can actually lead to a kind of darkness similar to death, and at the same time reduce the opportunities for help due to the belief that prayers are futile.... However, anyone who sincerely turns to Me Myself will become clearly aware how misguided this teaching is.... __Amen
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