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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Renewed reference to the natural event....
Once again I want to inform you through the voice of the spirit that you are approaching an event with inconceivable consequences.... that humanity will experience something the extent of which has never before happened since the beginning of this period of Salvation.... For I want to shake people out of their dream state; I want them to take stock of themselves and this is only possible through a natural event of such enormous proportions that no-one will be able to remain unaffected by the great tragedy which this event will mean for humanity. The whole world will sympathise with it and people everywhere will fear that the same event might happen to them, for no previous signs existed to anticipate an event such as this, and therefore there will be great unrest amongst humankind. And it will also be very obvious to all people that this event was not caused by human will.... they will know that it was caused by a power they cannot fight; they will realise that natural elements had burst through, to which people are hopelessly exposed. And that is My intention, for as long as people always hold other people to account for that which happens in the world, nobody will take a look at himself.... But it is My will that they shall find the path to Me, and since people's low spiritual level has already sunk to the point that they also deny My existence.... since belief in Me has fallen to a minimum, I must use the last means in order to give evidence of Myself, although even then every individual person can still make up his own mind according to his will. For he will not be forced to believe, he can also give himself any other explanation, and that is to be expected. Once again only a few will understand Me and My voice and be receptive to it, they will call upon Me in greatest adversity and, truly, I will miraculously rush to their aid because I want to win them over to testify to Me, they shall be living advocates of Me when the time has come. I must use quite unusual methods because people are already so insensitive that even the most appalling occurrences mean almost nothing to them anymore.... they receive such news with their ears only to forget about them again in a short time because it hasn't happened to them personally. And thus an event will have to occur which will frighten all people because they won't know whether it will repeat itself, whether there will have been only partial destruction or whether the whole earth will finally have been affected.... They must be placed into this state of fear for people are only interested in their own destiny, and therefore they shall be anxious.... __And then there will be a possibility that people will find and take the path to Me, and every single person can consider himself fortunate if he had already established contact with Me or is establishing it.... who prays to Me in spirit and in truth. Time and again I say to you that you will be saved from ruin, from a renewed banishment into matter, if you have found Me, even if your degree of maturity is still very low. You will be able to enter the kingdom of light, you can keep ascending in the beyond and no longer need to fear darkness.... For as soon as you find Me you will also have recognised Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and use the blessings of the act of Salvation: you appeal to Him for forgiveness of your guilt and thus enter the kingdom of the beyond in a redeemed state.... or you accept the help of the guides in the beyond without opposition, who will escort you to the divine Redeemer.... But this always means that you must acknowledge Me Myself during your life on earth, that you accept Me of your own free will, which is proven by every heartfelt prayer to Me. This is why overwhelming adversity will befall the human race, so that this call, which decides your fate in eternity, can come through to Me. You must believe in Me as your God and Creator Who wants to be your Father, hence you must also call upon Me like children to their father. But then you really need not be afraid anymore regardless of what happens to you, for then you will experience My very obvious protection, for the time afterwards will be the final short reprieve during which everyone will be able to work for Me. Then he must be able to stand up for Me with conviction and that is what he will do, because he was allowed to experience Me so evidently that he will remain loyally devoted to Me until the end.... __Amen
Cosmos.... Changes.... Catastrophe....
Whatever takes place in the cosmos is unknown to you, and neither will you ever ascertain the laws of nature in such depth that you will be able to determine when and how changes take place which, according God's eternal plan of Salvation, must take place in order to prepare the work of Earth's redevelopment. The events happening in nature will always take you by surprise, consequently, you will also unexpectedly be confronted by a powerful natural event, which is understandable to someone with spiritual vision but which remains incomprehensible to the majority of people because they fail to recognise the correlation between all happenings, including cosmic ones, with the spiritual development of people and all tangible beings, and because they have no knowledge of the approaching end and the transformation of a work of creation which is only meant to serve spiritual development and has become pointless now due to people's God-opposing will. The preparations in nature proceed imperceptibly and people therefore pay little attention to them. And yet they would be able to observe many deviations which should make them suspicious if they were vigilant and allowed Creation to communicate with them more. Changes are occurring in the interior of the earth which will lead to eruptions. At first they will only partially break through in order to then, at a specific time, lead to a complete destruction of the earth's surface, so that God's eternal plan of Salvation can take the course His will had determined. Countless spiritual beings in the Earth's interior will liberate themselves and God will give His approval, He will allow them to become active at a specific time, because their activity does not oppose His law of eternity.... And the Earth will tremble when these beings become active.... It will open up in places and thus clear the way for the beings to enter different shapes than before.... And where this activity takes place it will cause great changes on the Earth's surface to the horror of the inhabitants who will be subject to a dreadful natural disaster.... However, this will only be a preliminary event for the subsequent total destruction of Earth; it will be a final wake up call for all those who survive it and an indication of the near end, which will have previously found no credence with people. Nevertheless, God's language will be understandable to everyone who wants to understand it. __Everything that happens in the universe, including every cosmic change, is due to spiritual development, and even if people don't understand it on account of their lack of knowledge they must nevertheless be affected by the activity of beings which are still constrained in the interior of the Earth and which strive towards liberation for the sake of their higher development. Countless human lives will fall victim to this eruption and enter the spiritual kingdom in a more or less mature state. Yet countless beings will also be released and be able to strive towards ascent in different forms. And so the immense event in nature is simultaneously a process of release after an infinitely long time of constraint within hard matter and a transition for the indwelling spiritual substance into less painful forms, but it also ends the process of development of spiritual beings in the last stage on earth which could have used their free will for their deliverance. No-one can predict this cosmic event in advance unless, in profound faith in God, he is informed of it by the spirit of God, for the divine laws of nature are not perceptible for people, so that the day and hour will always remain hidden until the first tangible manifestations announce themselves, but which will be ignored at first. Yet as soon as the day approaches, great restlessness will come upon all living beings, human beings and animals alike will inwardly feel it, and only spiritually awakened people will be able to explain it and yet not be listened to by the worldly-minded, who will never want to accept a destruction of Earth and thus be taken by complete surprise by the eruption of the natural elements.... And God will repeatedly announce this event, He will not leave people in ignorance as to what they can expect in time to come. Again and again He instructs His messengers to mention the forthcoming event. For the day will not be long in coming.... Any careful observer will also recognise the changes, and he will look upon it from a spiritual point of view, for the goal of everything that comes according to God's eternal plan of Salvation relates to the spirits' development, which is in danger and which God's love wants to help.... __Amen
Indications of natural event.... Jesus' reference on eart...
It is not coincidence that increased indications in nature suggest an eruption of the elements, for God sends these signs in advance in order to prepare people for an exceptional natural event which will suddenly and unexpectedly take people by surprise and result in inconceivable misery. People are meant to associate these indications with His Word, for Jesus Christ already mentioned this time when He lived on earth, because He wanted to point out to people the eventual consequences of their way of life. This time is now approaching; people should heed the signs which announce the event.... They should not ignore anything that deviates from the framework of natural law. God announces Himself, that is, His intervention in the existing world order, it is not His will that people should experience anything unprepared which should and can advance them spiritually if the correlation of all happenings is explained to them. For this reason God constantly refers to the forthcoming time and informs people that the time has come which necessitates divine intervention. Then it is left up to every individual person himself what he makes of this warning.... If he believes, he will adjust his life accordingly, he will make contact with God and humbly entrust his destiny to Him.... They will not be in as much danger as those people who lack all faith in an intervention. The latter will not prepare themselves either, instead, all references and admonitions will bypass their ears unheeded. And the natural event will be dreadful for them. __For profound faith gives a person the confidence that they are protected by God in every danger; yet an unbeliever will have nothing to hold on to if he does not recognise a Lord above Himself at the last minute and commends himself to His mercy. God sends His messengers long before the event already in order to stimulate humanity's thinking, and these indications can be recognised by everyone who wants to recognise them. They will give rise to thought because they don't just occur once but repeat themselves often and at regular intervals, so that they will have to be noticed by everyone. But every person usually devises his own explanation and this depending on his attitude towards God. As soon as he associates these phenomena with God's will, he pays attention to them and thereby benefits, since he prepares himself for the time ahead, which is of great advantage for his soul. What God has proclaimed in Word and Scripture will irrevocably come to pass, only the point in time is unknown to people.... For this reason they should pay attention to the signs which God had mentioned. And thus they will know that the earth will be facing severe tremors which will cause incredible suffering to the human race.... Then it is up to every person to shape himself such that he can brace himself for the coming time.... He should persevere and appeal for strong faith so as not to weaken in view of the work of destruction which is in store for humanity. And God will take care of every person who pays attention to His Word and consciously expects the divine intervention.... __Amen
World event.... Natural disaster.... Battle of faith....
Bear everything with patience and don't allow your faith to waver.... Many a time I will still have to exclaim this to you for you will have to suffer for the sake of your faith, although you are as yet unable to understand this. Up to now you still enjoy a certain freedom of thought; your fellow human beings still pay little attention to the spiritual life of those who want to remain loyal to Me. Nor are you as yet prevented by the authorities from carrying out your spiritual work.... __But the time will come when you will no longer be free regarding spiritual matters, the time will come when fellow human beings as well as earthly powers will be hostile especially towards those who think correctly, who take their psychological development seriously, who speak truthfully and want to help their fellow human beings' souls to salvation.... And it is precisely them who will be put under extraordinary pressure while the advocates of misguided teachings will still be tolerated and even supported rather than hindered in their work. And then you will also often ask yourselves why I allow this to happen, slight doubts will arise in you and you will weaken because you have to suffer.... And therefore I keep calling out to you: Endure everything and remain strong in faith, for you will walk away with the crown of victory.... Precisely these Words are still barely believable to you, for so far there are no signs at all of this difficult time. __Yet suddenly a change will occur, because a worldly event causing people a tremendous shock will provoke open rebellion against the One Who, as God and Creator, lets something happen that has devastating effects on people.... And therefore they will deny this God and Creator all acknowledgment, every belief in Him will be discarded as unfounded, and all who defend the belief in Me contrary to this opinion, all who confess Me and also want to inform their fellow human beings for the better, will be treated with hostility. __Time and again I have announced that I will express Myself through the forces of nature in order to awaken the sleepers and the lethargic.... And a few of them will indeed wake up but, in contrast, many more will lose their still feeble faith in the face of the widespread destruction and the great human cost of this event. And then the most diverse opinions will be voiced, and many people will hatefully deny a God and Creator and be hostile towards anyone who doesn't share their point of view. And then My adversary will work with great cunning to incite this hatred, and he will be successful, for the earthly loss suffered by people as a result of this natural event will embitter them and impel them to make unfair demands and to exploit defenceless fellow human beings. People's heartlessness is increasing and whatever they embark on clearly betrays the adversary, the Antichrist, on whom they depend. And laws and decrees will be issued which will severely affect especially My Own who have to suffer on account of their faith and are barely able to comprehend the severity of their fate. And then I will shorten the days for the sake of My Own.... so that they will not lose heart, so that they will not fall by the wayside.... so that they will become blessed.... __Just hold on to My Word that you will be delivered from utmost adversity, and await the fulfilment of this Word, for I will come Myself and rescue you, I will also manifest Myself extraordinarily beforehand in order to strengthen you if you are in danger of weakening.... You don't have to be afraid as long as you put your trust in Me, as long as you make contact with Me in prayer, for then you will also always receive the strength to offer resistance.... And always remember that the enemies might well be able to kill your body but not your soul.... remember the reality of eternal life and that every human being's life on this earth will soon come to an end.... Then your fear will vanish, then you will be filled by the strength of faith and you will persevere and only ever bear witness for Me and My name.... __Firmly commit these, My Words, to your memory and they will comfort and strengthen you in the forthcoming time.... Secure your strength in advance, accumulate it, for there will still be some time before I will express Myself through the natural event.... And if you use this time well in order to strengthen your faith then the subsequent battle of faith will not frighten you, it will find you armed, and the earthly adversity will hardly touch you, because then you will expect My coming with certainty, because your faith will have grown so strong that neither threats nor proceedings against you will be able to shake it.... Then you will be good fighters for Me and My name and all the powers of hell will not be able to conquer you, for I Myself will fight with you and I will truly lead you to victory.... __Amen
Natural disaster before the end....
The end of this earth and of all living creatures upon it is inevitable.... No creations on earth will remain, people and animals will lose their lives apart from the small flock of those who will be raptured in the flesh. This last act of My will has been planned from the beginning, time and again it has been proclaimed to people by seers and prophets, and is now announced to people again with all urgency as being close at hand, because it will be so enormous and no-one shall experience the end without having been informed of it. Yet the proclamations find no credence.... An event is approaching people, the enormity of which cannot possibly be imagined.... and yet it is dismissed as implausible and the admonitions and warnings are futile, for no-one prepares himself for this enormous happening. People don't believe in an end.... And thus I will proceed with My final exhortation.... I will still give the unbelieving human race a last sign in the shape of a natural disaster.... the scale of which will also be huge but it will only affect the earth to a limited extent, so that they will no longer think it impossible and seriously take account of themselves as to whether and how they can be justified before Me at the end. Great events are often foreshadowed.... The natural event, which will be followed by the end shortly afterwards, is intended to be a final admonition, for it will cost many human lives, countless people will fall prey to the elements of nature, or little impression on the hardened hearts can be expected which, however, shall still be saved prior to the destruction.... I have always spoken though the mouths of prophets and even now I keep speaking through My devoted servants.... Yet people do not listen to this language apart from a few who believe My Words and are therefore willing to influence their fellow human beings according to My will.... __But now they shall clearly hear My voice and not be able to close their ears, for humanity's indifference motivates Me to disturb them and shake them out of their tranquillity, their worldly spirit.... so that no one will be able to claim that he received no warning. But even this warning will not result in turning to Me completely, because people don't want to recognise My voice and because I do not use force which impels people to come to Me.... Then the end will sweep everything which remains in opposition to Me away, for every human being still remains in opposition who does not turn to Me in view of the previous immense destruction.... which demonstrates My might.... Everyone still remains in opposition who thinks that an end of this earth is impossible, for he is spiritually unenlightened, which betrays his affiliation to My adversary.... I still try to break this opposition by all possible means without using force. And this final intervention will truly appear to be a cruel method yet I use it for the sake of your salvation, because My Words are not being believed and because the end is near to which they will then inevitably fall prey, and then their spiritual state will be the decisive factor as to what fate awaits them on the day of Judgment. And time and again I say to My servants that they cannot mention the end and the preceding natural event diligently enough, that they should not be afraid to draw people's attention to the fact that they will not have much time left, that they should unhesitatingly speak about My eternal plan and that they therefore should also spread My Gospel, so that people know what I expect of them as not to descend into darkness as a victim of the forthcoming event.... I only ask for a loving heart which is willing to make sacrifices.... Then they will be able to wait for the coming events without fear, then they will belong to those who will emerge unscathed even if everything around them threatens to disappear.... However, dreadful things will be in store for those who do not want to believe.... And then I will have mercy on everyone who calls upon Me in his adversity, for I only want to rescue people and not let them fall prey to ruin.... For the end will come without fail, and then everyone will be judged in accordance with law and justice.... __Amen
Cosmic changes....
It is an unusual event which I announce to you.... you will think that you are mistaken yet time and again experience the same.... earthly tremors which are not caused by eruptions but always occur when the earth stands in a certain constellation to the stars.... so that the tremors can be anticipated on a regular basis and will not fail to happen. __They will be barely perceptible and hence disturb few people, yet the investigations by scientists will give rise to apprehensions of the worst kind. Furthermore, as the phenomena intensify they will also unsettle indifferent people once they realise the threat to earth from other heavenly bodies, because having left their path the latter are moving towards earth and time and again form a constellation which triggers these very effects. __In view of the approaching end people shall still be aroused from their calm, they shall remember their Creator and think about their own transience and the fact that they have no guarantee of passing into complete oblivion after their physical death; they have to be reminded of the end of their lives and also of the fate which will await them if they believe in the continuation of their soul's life. The last days will exhibit so much that is contrary to nature, given that people's activities and thoughts are already unnatural and result in consequences of the worst kind.... People presumptuously and beyond their authority undertake explorations of the universe.... They disregard natural laws and yet, their actions and intentions will not be prevented, the repercussions, however, will fall back upon themselves. Nevertheless, the end moves ever closer, and if people are yet to be helped by taking stock of themselves and becoming aware of their great responsibility then an unusual activity on God's part will also have to be shown to them, even though it is still up to their own free will to take notice of it and adjust accordingly. __And such unusual activity will be experienced by humanity in the forthcoming time. It will not be caused by people but takes place in the cosmos, in a region which is entirely subject to the Creator Himself, which now seemingly slides into lawlessness, and yet even this event is integral to the plan of returning the spirits, since it is capable of leading to a change in many people because it is too extraordinary.... but without compelling them to believe, for the unbelieving person will not even take the trouble to find an explanation since he lives utterly irresponsibly. __And people's spiritual state in the last days has already sunk so low that even extraordinary natural events would not make them believe, consequently even these methods can still be used for the benefit of undecided people who need strong motives to seriously reflect on it and aim their will into the right direction. For whatever can still be done in order to keep the souls from the fate of a new banishment will be done by God, Who loves humanity and does not want them to go astray.... But every time He manifests Himself in the manner it was announced there will be fatalities, otherwise people would not allow themselves to be impressed and mutually accuse each other of self-deception.... For the effects will vary from place to place, and it will take scientists a certain length of time before they succeed in finding the right explanation, but then the signs will repeat themselves with ever increasing frequency and provide people with the evidence that something is happening in the cosmos which they cannot counteract themselves. __And thus they are also subject to the periodically recurring consequences until, finally, the huge natural event will take place which will demonstrate God's might and greatness to people who believe in Him and who will also be protected in every adversity. Yet although people are repeatedly informed of an approaching end, although the preceding natural disasters are repeatedly pointed out to them.... they won't believe nor change their way of life in the slightest, they do nothing to prepare themselves, they live in the world and love it, and look at the world as their God.... And therefore they will remain attached to matter when the end has come.... Yet everything is determined in the divine plan of Salvation and nothing will come to pass that has not already been taken into account since eternity.... __And thus even this unnatural event will take place according to divine will, and the day for this is also predetermined and will be upheld.... Nevertheless, you shall be informed in advance so that your faith may be strengthened, because everything will come to pass as was said before and because you will ever more recognise the truth of what is conveyed to you from above.... For you ought to establish the connection between God and the world, with your fellow human beings who live without faith or thought.... Admittedly, you will only be able to speak about it after the initial occurrences have taken place since prior to that no-one will want to listen to you.... you will only find open ears and hearts after a tremor has happened which will make people wonder and only then should you speak, and then it will depend on people's willingness as to what benefits they will draw from these events.... __Amen
At the hour of severest distress many people will call upon God but not every call will come from the heart because the danger they are in takes away all their ability to think and thus they will merely address God with their lips and their prayer will go unheard. Only those who are capable to send their thoughts to Him, even though just for moments, God will stand by them either to save them from the trouble of their bodies or else, prior to the end, to still offer mercy to their soul. It is not always death to be considered the greatest evil, for if a person facing death still has found one's way to God it thus has been an effective means towards one's salvation, which is worth more than the preservation of the physical life in spiritual darkness. And that's why countless people will loose their life within a short time, partly as a warning to the fellow man, partly for the sake of their own spiritual need. __But just ones, too, whose course of life is finished according to God's will, are called from this earth to their Maker. For wherever God Himself is recognizable at the revolting of the forces of nature that are subject to God's will, there His will is also decisive as to who becomes a victim of these happenings. Mature and immature ones will have to leave this earth, yet, if prior to one's death a soul has gotten to know God, the one's spiritual development in the beyond is guaranteed and the finished earthly life is nothing but a blessing for the one. And the earthly distress will be severe and will offer the possibility to everybody yet to find one's way back to God; for the natural event will announce itself beforehand. Unusual signs will indicate an unusual event so that every person can still reflect on oneself, and one will also by means of one's neighbors be directed to the highest power, the director of heaven and earth, to the point where the one has time and the opportunity to combine with Him by means of intimate prayer. __But by now the remoteness of mankind from God shows, for just a few accept Him, just a few turn to Him for protection and help in their fear and affliction. Most of them turn Him away, intentionally and unintentionally, they watch the spectacle of nature, continuously hoping for a soon termination and the hour of distress therefore hits them the more severely because they feel completely left abandoned, since they lack any faith altogether. Yet of these distant-from-God people many remain alive to whom God still gives the opportunity to see the light afterwards. Good and bad people will loose their life and good and bad people will keep their life, for this catastrophe of nature is not yet a separation of the spirits but only a last reminder prior to the final judgment, the former of which all people ought to draw for their mental use. Yet, it is up to them as to how they want to utilize this last reminder. They can get to see the light prior to or after the disastrous night, but they can also stick to their old way of thinking and the great happening might as well be without impression upon their souls. __And, afterwards, too, there will be people at work hostile to God; out to destroy any faith in God and they will put emphasis to this natural event as to be their strongest proof of His non-existence; they will emerge as greatest deniers of God from a happening meant to lead them back to faith. And that's why it's obvious the struggle will flare up between those who were made strong and faithful by the happenings and those who have survived it in spite of their unbelief. And after mankind has been granted yet a short time of grace afterwards until the last judgment, thus everything will be approaching the end.... __Amen
The raging elements of nature....
The magnitude of the Almighty will become apparent at a time when the elements of nature rage and cause indescribable damage. Then the hour will have come when people's spiritual decline becomes visible for nothing will remind them of God, nothing will move them to pray, for they will have lost their belief in a God and thus will not call upon Him in their need. Hence humanity cannot stay on earth any longer, for it fails to consider its actual purpose of earthly life and only contributes towards destroying the faith of the few people who are not yet entirely estranged from God, causing them to abandon God as well. God's love, however, will prevent the latter from being harmed and will therefore forcibly terminate the lives of those who threaten to endanger the souls. __And there will be great distress when the raging of the elements begins. It will be like a storm which threatens to destroy everything; people will be unable to defend themselves against it for they are like fragile stalks which get bent by the gales.... They will want to flee yet be unable to escape the elements, without God's help their resistance will be too feeble, yet a heartfelt call to God will restrain the power of the elements, and anyone who entrusts himself to God in his peril will be saved. But God will be very close to you during this disaster, He will affect everyone's thoughts and for the last time offer you His hand so that you may take hold of it and let yourselves be saved.... Yet He cannot force your will, you must voluntarily acknowledge Him and desire His help. There is no other way to lead humanity out of spiritual darkness into the light other than through an event caused by natural forces which create such turmoil in people that no one can escape it. Confronted by these natural elements they will have to recognise their helplessness; they will have to lose all other help so that they realise the end of their physical life, only then will there be a slight prospect that they will remember the Lord Who is entitled to all power and Who controls heaven and earth. __God's living creations separated themselves from Him and have remained separate from God for an infinitely long time, yet a moment of extreme crisis and danger can bridge this separation. The soul can return to God, and as a result will even thank God for the indescribable suffering which brought it to its senses. Yet this moment when the soul directs its will towards God cannot be forcibly induced by God in spite of greatest love. God's love has tried everything to bring salvation to the souls and point them to the path of ascent. Yet people's will was strong and God cannot break this will but only affect the human being such that he changes his will himself and turns it towards God. This natural event is thus the final attempt to influence the human will in the most favourable way. But this natural event will also be so powerful that His Own will need great strength in order to remain firm in faith; and everyone who pleadingly sends his thoughts up to God will also be given this strength, for the Father knows the adversity of His children and will lovingly support them if they are in danger of wavering. For His kingdom on earth shall remain, and extensive work will have to be carried out in order to proclaim the divine kingdom to those who had found God and desire His Word. And this is the time the Lord is thinking of by making His Word accessible to people already.... the seed shall fall unto good ground and yield rich fruit on the field which the Lord first wants to purge from all weeds.... __Amen
The natural event is the last admonition before the end....
You are repeatedly advised to remember the end which is approaching the whole human race but which can also be encountered by each one of you beforehand already, because no person can protect himself when I recall him from this earth. Time and again you will be admonished and warned, time and again you will be reminded of previous predictions by seers and prophets which likewise refer to the end of this earth, and time and again you will also be made aware of death by the events surrounding yourselves. Yet only if you seriously consider such thoughts will you also give account to yourselves, you will be sincerely critical of your way of life and make an effort to still gain spiritual benefit on this earth. If, however, all these indications and the admonitions and warnings leave no impression on you, then the end will take you by surprise and you will fall prey to it entirely unprepared. When people inform you of it on My instructions you laugh at them and mock them and deem yourselves spiritually far superior to them.... And thus there only remains one way in order to instruct you more credibly.... that the forces of nature will remind you of an end.... I have to use this means for the sake of the many unbelieving people who carry on as if they will live on earth forever. What My Word cannot achieve can still be accomplished by this natural event: inner reflection and also a conscious turning to Me; although people can also fight even harder to stay alive and mentally still oppose Me.... Yet the power Which they refuse to acknowledge must give evidence of Itself, and this is why the natural disaster will have immense consequences, because I want to address people everywhere and direct their thoughts towards their end.... And thus all people shall receive knowledge of My intervention, even though it will still be limited, hence not affecting the whole earth. Yet it will not be possible to ignore My voice since it is, after all, a final warning of the end of this earth, which can be expected soon afterwards. __However, prior to that I can only ever announce an end as well as this natural disaster through My Word. And therefore My servants will time and again mention what humanity can expect. And extraordinary suffering and a time of need, which every human being will have to endure, shall support these servants and demand attention to their words.... For every person shall experience that he can be victorious if he has faith and calls upon Me in his distress. In view of people's low spiritual level My intervention no longer signifies compulsory faith either, for they try to explain everything rationally and even then will still not acknowledge a Power Which is in command of life and death. But they shall be offered every opportunity to change their thinking, and that can only be brought about by a natural disaster on this scale. This is why I will still use this last resort.... while leaving the free decision to every individual person, thus not forcibly affecting him.... Consider your own end if you are incapable of believing in an end of this earth. For there is not much time left until the hour will come when that which I constantly announce to you will happen, because I love you and want to save you, because I want to protect you from renewed banishment into hard matter.... For each one of you can still change himself for the better if it is his will.... __Amen
Signs before the catastrophe (Anxiety of people and anima...
People will be seized by immense anxiety shortly before I appear through the forces of nature. The event will announce itself such that people and animals will feel nervous and inwardly sense that something is about to happen in nature. Strange behaviour amongst animals will be particularly apparent, they will attempt to flee in a certain direction and suddenly turn back as if driven by an invisible power. And this behaviour will cause apprehension in people who realise that imminent danger is approaching against which they cannot defend themselves. __And thus everyone will worriedly wait for what is to come. And you, My servants on earth, should make good use of this time for it will be a short reprieve when people will still listen to your words because they will be looking for an explanation for the unusual sensations experienced by people and beasts. Then draw their attention to My Word, prepare them for My appearance and refer them to Me so that they will take refuge with Me when the hour has come that I will speak. At the same time you should unite with Me in thought so that you may be strong and able to support those who are unbelieving or of little faith. __You have to prove yourselves and will be able to do so if you call to Me in advance and in the hours of greatest need. I will draw your attention to the signs in advance and give you the opportunity to observe your environment so that you will see that everything I told you will come to pass, that an oppressive feeling and restlessness will burden people, the cause of which you know and thus you will be able to speak effectively where necessary. And once again you will experience a situation where the person who lives in love will believe you, whereas the heartless person, although listening to you, will derive no benefit from it. Until the hour comes when I will speak from above.... And there will be raging and gusting in the air, no one will take notice of the other any longer but only be concerned for his own life. Every person will try to escape but hear the same raging and gusting from all directions and, depending on his attitude to Me, he will be affected by the event.... he will stay alive or be killed by the natural disaster, as My wisdom has recognised and determined since eternity.... __Even though it is seemingly calm and there are no recognisable signs as yet.... do not believe that you are safe because the day of the natural event will come without fail, and the unbeliever will be able to see it for himself, if he still has time to think about it.... I have spoken and revealed it to you through My spirit, and I will speak through nature with a voice which can be heard by everyone. Anyone who does not believe the first voice will have to hear My voice from above.... But even then he will be at liberty to witness it as a mere play of nature or remember My predictions and believe that I want to reveal Myself so that you, who do not acknowledge the voice of the spirit, should hear Me. And blessed is he whose life is spared as he will still have a short time of grace at his disposal which he will be able to use to make up for what he has neglected up to then, in order to prepare himself for the end, which will soon follow the event in nature.... __Amen
Serious warning about God's intervention and consequences...
Only a short time separates you from the day when My voice will so forcefully resound that it cannot be ignored by anyone.... You will not live in normal circumstances for much longer. But then there will be chaos and you humans will be faced by the immense task of making yours and your fellow human beings' lives more tolerable, to gain control of the chaos by helping in extraordinary ways and create bearable conditions again with the minimum means at your disposal. For those of you who live in the regions which will be hit by a natural disaster of inconceivable proportions will lose everything. You humans will not and cannot believe this as yet because a natural event like this has never been experienced before.... But the subsequent end of this earth still requires such an intervention on My part because I want to address humanity just once more in order to bring it to its senses, in order to still save those who are of good will. And nobody will be able to ignore this language, but whether they will open their hearts and ears will still be up to them. For even then most people will turn away from Me, they will remain in the isolation they had previously entered due to their unbelief, and they will look for and find all kinds of explanations for this event apart from the correct one being that I want to speak to them, that a God wants to reveal Himself and address them in order to bring them to their senses, in order to motivate them into contacting Him in greatest adversity and danger. __Countless people will lose their lives and the survivors will be faced by vast devastation, there will be such overwhelming adversity that only firm faith in Me and My help will be able to banish it which, however, only few people will possess. Earthly things which seem unattainable will nevertheless be possible with My help, and I will often work wonders where true believers trust in Me and My help. But the earth has to suffer an upheaval and human hearts, too, must be extraordinarily touched in order to help their neighbour in these hard times, and wherever this unselfish love, this will to help other people, expresses itself an obvious improvement of the situation will also take place. My forceful intervention only serves the purpose that people should put their `ego' aside for a change and practise unselfish neighbourly love.... Then I will also be able to resolve their hardship, then I will be able to provide them with the bare essentials, and I will truly take care of those who reveal this unselfishness. Never before have such harsh conditions been experienced but I have to speak as distinctly as that so that everyone can recognise Me in My might, and anyone who pays attention to the extraordinary help which could not humanly be expected will also be able to recognise My love. Anyone who merely establishes or strengthens a heartfelt bond with Me can always also be assured of My help, yet people without faith will be in serious trouble. They will try to help themselves and often at the expense of their fellow human beings.... but they will not derive any benefit from it, neither earthly nor spiritually.... __Not much time will pass until this disastrous event takes place but you humans are being made aware of it and that, in itself, is already an incredible grace, for then you will also know Whom you must contact, Who can help you in extreme adversity and danger.... This is why I announce this event time and again, and anyone who listens should appeal for a firm faith, for strength and vigour, in order to remain steadfast. In that case he will indeed take the path to Me, Who alone can help him in this adversity.... And he will not need to fear anything, for I will take care of My Own, no matter how.... And anyone belongs to My Own who believes in Me, who prays to Me, who thus unites with Me and therefore can always be assured of My protection and My help.... And they have the task of referring their fellow human beings to Me so that they, too, will take the path to Me when the hour comes which will decide the weal and woe of all people.... __Amen
Disbelief in an end....
There is not much time left until the end.... even if you believe that the announced end will be in the distant future.... you will be surprised how the signs will increase and the point in time you live in will become only too evident. But everything will always proceed within the framework of natural progression, and that will raise your hope time and again that the end is still far away. However, your will shall remain free until the last day, for you cannot reach your goal by force which consists of establishing your bond with Me, of voluntarily raising your hands to Me and thereby acknowledging Me, Whom you did not want to acknowledge until now. Earthly life will therefore make great demands on you, you will have to endure many adversities and always have the opportunity to turn to Me.... But everything will take place entirely naturally, although the awakened person will recognise it as the last signs before the end. __And if I repeatedly proclaim that you are shortly before the end.... that you are only granted a little time longer on this earth, then you should take this declaration very seriously and not always relate it to the future in line with people's point of view.... You ought to understand the words as they are given to you, you ought to take them literally, and you will do well by doing so.... For the time is close at hand when the earth will be cleansed and a new earth will arise again.... But regardless of how urgently I speak to you, you don't want to believe it, and I cannot provide you with any other evidence that My Word is truth than that you will soon be shocked by a natural event and that you then can equally surely count on the end. Yet do you know whether you will survive the former or fall victim to this natural event? __Hence you should likewise consider it an end, for many people will thereby find their demise, and their life will not last much longer anymore. So don't be thoughtless and prepare yourselves, even if earthly life around you shapes itself as if only progress and prosperity exist.... Just one day, and everything will have disappeared and fallen prey to the destruction of natural forces, and the survivors will be presented with dreadful sights, because it is My will that they should come to their senses and still use the remaining time of grace they have left until the end. For everything I announce to you humans through seers and prophets will come to pass word for word, and you will soon experience the truth of My Word, and blessed is he Who accepted My Word and then found his path to Me, for in great adversity he will always find a way out, he will manifestly experience My help which I have promised to all of you who call upon Me.... __For this reason I speak to you, so that you can appeal to Me for strength in advance and then in utmost distress, when you will only have My help to rely on.... you will receive it, for I do not forget My Own.... Therefore take care that you are counted amongst My Own....Call upon Me in times of need, and I will answer your prayer.... __Amen
A forthcoming natural event....
In the foreseeable future you will experience the truth of My Word, for I will express Myself through the forces of nature, as I have constantly forewarned.... And you will not be able to ignore My voice, for it will resound powerfully and throw the world into chaos.... Although the region of the event will indeed be limited it will still be of such enormous proportions that everyone will be alarmed once he is informed of it.... For, at first, all communications to the affected areas will be cut off.... An eerie silence will engulf the disaster zone because all contact is lost until the first horror has passed. And then the world will be informed of what has happened, before it receives the news of the disastrous details. __However, people have to be sharply spoken to by Me because they refuse to listen to My gentle voice, because they don't believe My Word which is sent from above and conveyed to them by My messengers. Hence, I have to express Myself such that My voice cannot be ignored.... And I have to send a judgment on humanity to which many people will fall victim but who may nevertheless receive My love and grace due to their untimely death. And thus you shall recognise the truth of My Word and activate your will, for even after the disaster you can still make a free decision since I force no one to turn to Me.... Yet the appalling natural event can contribute towards people finding their way to Me, because the adversity is extreme and there is no obvious rescue from any side. But what appears to be impossible is possible to Me.... And if a person remembers this and calls upon Me in spirit and in truth he may also experience miraculous help.... I will so manifestly reveal Myself to him, that he will recognise the might and also the love of his God and Creator and then turn to Me in profound faith and humble submission. __Anything that can still bring souls back to Me will be done by Me, but I also know how difficult it is to win them over and therefore extraordinary means of deliverance have to be used, which seem cruel to you humans and yet are only an activity of love on My part in order to save the very souls whose state is known to Me. I don't want to let them fall into My adversary's hands, who will provide them with a far worse fate than the greatest earthly suffering could ever manage.... Believe Me, no matter what happens, no matter what is permitted by Me, I Am only ever motivated by My love.... I watch over every person's fate, no one is too unimportant or too immature for Me, I care for all of you who are presently living on earth as human beings, because I want to help you reach final perfection on earth, because I want to protect you from the fate of a new banishment and only ever want you to turn your thoughts to Me, so that you will escape the final downfall.... to be placed once more into the creations of the new earth. __And irrespective of how disastrous My intervention is for the people of the affected regions.... it is justified by My love for you, for from a spiritual point of view it is just a rescue mission and not an act of condemnation.... Your earthly loss is irrelevant compared to the gain which your souls can achieve.... And if you have to lose your life then you may also depend on My mercy, which provides you with the opportunity in the kingdom of the beyond to become enlightened and to ascend.... For on earth you would, with certainty, have fallen prey to My adversary, and from this I want to protect those of you whom I recognise as still being capable of change. For there is only a short time left before the end, and this end will come soon afterwards. Yet, prior to this I still want to give you a sign, a final admonition and warning which, although it will painfully intervene in untold people's lives, shall strengthen the faith in My Word, so that they can prepare themselves for the end, which will not take long to follow.... __Amen
Emergence of the Antichrist....
Not much time will pass before My adversary assumes his last dominion on this earth. But prior to this I will still speak with a voice of thunder, so that a few may still find their way to Me in utmost adversity, who then will remain faithful to Me because My obvious help enabled them to recognise Me and who therefore will not let go of their faith in Me again. Yet there will only be a few and therefore My adversary will wield great power, for the extensive natural disaster will cause people such severe hardship that they will join anyone who promises his help to end their misery. And one person will do so, he will win everyone over for himself who has not handed himself over to Me, for My Own will keep away from him, being mindful of My admonitions and warnings that the great battle of faith is about to happen, which will be incited by My adversary. Worldly people, however, will cheer him, for he will know how to dazzle them, and he will accomplish things which will make them inclined to believe in a supernatural power.... And precisely the fact that all unbelievers accept him as ruler and saviour from their earthly hardship proves that My adversary himself is involved, that he, as My adversary, avails himself of an earthly shell in order to be able to have a free hand. And you, who belong to My Own, will ask yourselves why I put up with this dominion of his and won't bring him down.... It is his last great campaign on this earth which will also bring about the ultimate end, he will instigate the flare up of the last battle in which you will have to prove yourselves, because it is the last decision before I come Myself to save My Own. __The earlier natural disaster had evoked a greater will to live in people, and anyone who had survived will try to acquire worldly goods again by any means, to attain earthly prosperity, and this striving will be supported by My adversary, who thus will find a huge number of followers. And he indeed knows how to deceive people about his true nature, they will see in him someone endowed with extraordinary strength, whom they unreservedly trust and give the right to issue instructions which they blindly obey.... And he will have so many supporters that the small flock of devout people, who recognise him and his true colours, will be unable to defend themselves from his attacks, but precisely because of this they will recognise him, that he wants to eradicate people's faith in Jesus Christ, that he wants to occupy the highest throne himself and have people worship him.... And so they will, because he will achieve true works of wonder with his remaining power. And you will know him when he appears, but first the world will be plunged into fear by the magnitude of a natural disaster.... through which I will reveal Myself to people.... __And directly afterwards he will appear and promise help and improvement from this enormous chaos. He will find many followers because people are ready for their downfall or they would recognise him and appeal to Me for protection from him and his machinations.... Not much time will pass before he appears, who at first will emerge under the cover of piety and yet very soon divulge his true nature. People, however, will be easily deluded and he will have a simple game with them.... They effortlessly relinquish their faith in a God because they were hard hit by the natural event and are willing to place My greatest enemy and opponent onto the highest throne, who embodies himself and his characteristics in a human being in order to set the final course of action on this earth in motion: to wage open battle against Me and My Own, against all faith and all justice.... For only his supporters will be provided by him with the means to live, whilst My Own will be threatened with death.... yet he shall find His Lord in Me as soon as his time is up, and for the sake of My Own I will shorten this time.... I Myself will come to save them from greatest adversity and his dominion will end; he, together with his followers, will be bound again for a long time.... And a new era of peace and harmony will start again.... where love shall reign and My adversary's activity will be prevented.... as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Divine justice.... Intervention.... Disaster....
Divine justice will become apparent by the very event which is destined to humanity in the forthcoming time, for the countries whose leaders start the blaze that will extend all across earth will be severely struck. The blame of these countries shall be revealed by the approaching event which human will can neither avoid nor lessen. All people on earth shall recognise that God's justice leaves nothing without punishment and that He intervenes once the measure of injustice has been reached. __God gave people free will which is now so abused that it requires retribution, so that righteously thinking and behaving people recognise the hand of God and despise what is sanctioned by the former. The conflict of nations will have spread wide and far and the fire will not be easily extinguished. As a result, God will end this blaze Himself by removing people's opportunity of continuing the struggle through a natural event of unimaginable extent. He will render powerless what previously was strong and mighty, and He will prove that His will and His might are stronger. And anyone who is not yet completely enslaved by God's adversary will also recognise where he has gone wrong and make an effort to lead a righteous way of life.... __Amen
God carries out his plan of Salvation....
You will never be able to prevent Me from implementing My eternal plan of Salvation. I have indeed said that you will be able to avert much from yourselves through heartfelt prayer, but My plan of Salvation is based on humanity's will which I recognised from the start and thus was also able to appoint the appropriate times when the great transformations will take place, and I will indeed adhere to these times. Due to his heartfelt prayer I can certainly avert occurrences from every individual person, I can guide every individual in a way that he will not be affected by the events which I allow to befall people if I want to achieve My purpose: to continue the process of return, which has come to a standstill.... Yet I have always predicted exceptional events to you, and these predictions will indeed fulfil themselves since they must fulfil themselves if the divine order is to be restored again. And I have truly known throughout eternity at what point the divine order will no longer be observed and have therefore always been able to refer to this time and mention the substantial upheavals which will irrevocably occur according to My announcements. But people will never believe these announcements undisputedly, for what is prophesied to them as shortly forthcoming surpasses human notions.... __They will certainly be able to recognise the course of world events, that a change will have to happen because people have reached the lowest point, as is clearly evidenced in their self-indulgence and an excessive craving for a good living standard, earthly commodities, honour and power.... Thus they would be able to recognise by the signs of the time that these announcements have a certain justification, which they ought to take seriously and then live their own life accordingly. But their unbelief is already too great for people to listen to such indications. They unreservedly live a purely earthly life and reject all thoughts of drastic change. And this is why humanity will be taken by surprise by a catastrophic natural event on a scale which has never been experienced on earth before, which will end many people's lives and lead to unprecedented chaos of huge proportions and mean immense misery for people. This is a last warning sign and shall therefore be constantly proclaimed to people.... My messengers shall draw people's attention to it so that they will recognise the truth when this event takes place, so that they will make good use of the last days before the soon-following end for the maturity of their souls. Admittedly, they will find little or no belief, and yet I keep instructing My messengers time and again to speak up wherever possible. People don't want to be disturbed in their lives of pleasure but they will get a sudden shock, and the forthcoming event can mean the end for any individual person, and he will be not be able to take his material possessions across with him. And this is what he shall always bear in mind, for even if he is usually not willing to believe he nevertheless knows that he cannot prolong his physical life by even one day because the hour of his death is predetermined, and he knows that one day his end will come and that this can happen at any day, that he will have to leave everything behind which amounts to the purpose of his life. And therefore he should not value earthly goods so highly but procure himself possessions for eternity.... And he would only be acting intelligently, whereas a purely earthly life is no sign of prudence but only attests to confused thinking.... __My plan of eternity, however, will be carried out and the day I have set for Myself will be adhered to, because the human generation no longer fulfils its earthly task and will therefore be devoured by the earth with the exception of those who have recognised Me, who believe in Me and remain loyal to Me until the end.... For the earth must continue to serve its purpose as a place of education for the spiritual substances which are on the path of return to Me.... And this is why the great work of transformation cannot be omitted and everything has come to pass as I always predicted, because I don't leave people without warning and offer everyone still enough opportunities to find Me and seek union with Me in faith and love. And truly, these shall still be saved before the end.... I will call them back earlier so that they will not run the risk of descending completely but they can still mature in the beyond.... Or I will remove them from the earth at the end and take them to a place of peace because they are intended to populate the new earth again as the root of the new human generation.... You humans should believe what I announce to you time and again, for there is not much time left, and everyone of good will can still be saved, so that he will not meet the dreadful fate of a new banishment.... __Amen
The end will come unexpectedly....
And unusual intervention by God will take place when the time is right.... This has been announced to you over and over again, yet you doubt it, because the time I still grant to you as a reprieve seems too long for you; however, you fail to consider that I regard time differently, that a short extension of time is irrelevant in view of the magnitude of My intervention, in view of the overwhelming act of destruction which this intervention as well as the forthcoming end will mean to humanity. You forget the fact that you were nevertheless only granted a short time of grace but that even the longest period of time will one day come to an end and that you should, therefore, expect every day that My announcements will fulfil themselves. And this is how you should also look at your life, always thinking that every day could be the last day for you. One day, when you no longer live on earth in the flesh, you will realise how short your whole lifetime on earth has been. And then you will also understand the urgency of My admonitions and warnings, for only then will you realise that your concept of time on earth is different from that in the spiritual realm. However, you should already recognise this while you are living on earth and therefore accept My admonitions and warnings, you should not doubt even if you think it takes a long time until My intervention will take place. It will nevertheless come unexpectedly and cause tremendous adversity to those people who are not yet so united with Me that, in their distress, they simply take refuge with Me. __The day will come unexpectedly, like all big natural disasters of a similar kind, which you humans are unable to prevent or evaluate in advance.... Even so, it will come without fail.... I will repeat this time and again with all urgency, because it is necessary for you to prepare yourselves for it, for you to believe and always live your life in view of this natural event. For no human being will know whether he will belong to the survivors, no-one will know where the event will take place and which countries will be affected by it. You all should count on it and be thankful to Me if it passes you by. For in that case you will still have to fulfil the task of carrying out labours of love for those affected unfortunate people and of showing them the path to Me, so that I can comfort and uplift them and lead them out of all adversity. For truly, nothing is impossible for Me, and an intimate prayer can avert much suffering and hardship, wherever it may be. This is why I repeatedly come in the Word to you, so that you can draw strength from it in advance and calmly face whatever will affect you. And time and again I say to you: take care that you belong to My Own, who will find refuge and protection with Me, whom I will strengthen over and over again and to whom I will impart extraordinary strength to work for Me and My name. And then the end will not be far away anymore. And you should all prepare yourselves for this end and learn to believe ever more firmly what is proclaimed to you through My Word.... For everything will come to pass when the time is right.... __Amen
Renewed reference to the end....
How often has the near end been pointed out to you already, how often have you been admonished not to live your life on earth complacently and to eagerly work at improving your soul, yet you do nothing in order to avoid the dreadful fate of a renewed banishment.... You don't believe these references until one day it will come upon you with force and then you will no longer be able to change your thinking and intentions. For the time I determined for it will be adhered to and the last day will come like a thief in the night.... Yet beforehand you will still be seriously shaken out of your sleep.... for all great events cast their shadows before them.... And this, too, will seem inconceivable to you, for the elements of nature will so violently manifest themselves that it will take many people's lives and cause great lamentation.... And yet, this natural event will only result in the fact that people will acknowledge it as the reign of a higher Power less then ever, that it will only add to their doubt in this Power because a God of love cannot be recognised in an event where countless people will have to sacrifice themselves.... But how shall I give you a sign of My power and might? You, who are unable to believe in this Power although you are at Its mercy? If I speak quietly to you, you don't listen to Me, for you close your ears and eyes and are unable to see the gentle light shining for you.... And since you don't pay attention to My quiet voice I must speak louder.... so loud that no-one can deny this voice anymore. Yet you will all make up excuses so as not to have to admit that you are being addressed by God for your own good. But those who recognise this wake-up call, who recognise Me Myself in the raging of the natural elements and take refuge in Me will indeed be saved, for even if they lose their earthly life they will nevertheless enter into eternity with the realisation of a God and will be able to continue their ascent. __But the end will come soon after this intervention.... no matter how implausible it seems to you.... This end has been planned from the start and nothing will persuade Me to stop it, for I do not only consider the human being who fails his last test of will but all creations are close to My heart whose development is still below the human stage but which are also My beings to whom I grant My mercy and whom I want to lead to ascent. And for this purpose the earth will have to renew itself, the earth's surface must go through a total transformation, and the day is firmly predetermined. And you humans have to be told that you should pay attention to the sign of the times.... that I said to you `it will be just like it was at the time of the Flood....' People will enjoy life to the fullest, they will not be able to stop sinning anymore because they will only love themselves, and this wrong love will allow them to do whatever they like.... And this will result in confused thinking, for no-one will pay attention to the divine Word any longer which clearly points His will out to them.... And then only the short time of the battle of faith lies ahead of you, which is the last phase before the destruction, it is the time when My Own will have to prove themselves, when they must profess Me as their Lord and God, as their Redeemer.... in order to then be able to enter the paradise of the new earth.... The hour of Judgment is very near and, yet, people refuse to listen, they continue to live their life on earth with indifference and unscrupulousness, and regardless of how many people mention it, they are lacking faith and without faith they won't change their way of life.... But the day will come like a thief in the night, and blessed are those who give credence to My Words and live in such a way that this day cannot frighten them.... who will therefore also prevail until the end.... __Amen
Natural event and chaos....
There will be unprecedented chaos after My intervention during which you will have to prove yourselves. Yet regardless of what will happen, you can always count on My help. Life will be bearable for you if you live it with Me, if you keep hold of My hand and walk every step with Me.... But the fact that there will be chaos is certain, even if it seems incredible to you at this moment in time, even if you cannot imagine its nature and magnitude. For it is the time of the end, it is My very last wake-up call, you will still have to experience the final great upheaval so that those of you humans who still walk different paths take the path to Me.... so that you still make good use of the short time which will then still be granted to you before the end. The chaos after My intervention through natural forces will be indescribable and you will need much strength in order to persevere. However, you can always appeal to Me for this strength, you can make sure to receive it through kind-hearted activity, you will never be helplessly left to your fate if only you are willing to help your fellow human beings and ask for My help to do so. I let this natural disaster befall you for the sake of your spiritual hardship, it is intended to make you think about the value of earthly life if it is lived in a purely worldly way. __For you will lose all possessions, you will be forced into situations in which you will need a lot of help and will only be able to find this help with Me, for earthly assistance will be impossible. But I can and will help you as soon as you call upon Me in spirit and in truth, as soon as you merely send sincerely pleading thoughts up to Me to take care of you in your adversity. And the less selfish your prayers are the more you will experience My help. And then I will expect of My Own to speak on My behalf and also to refer their fellow human beings to Me, to try and strengthen their faith in My infinite Fatherly love and thus to work for Me and My kingdom, for then they will find receptive ears and hearts, although the majority of people will not listen to them.... But it is necessary to still win the few people for whose sake I let the disaster come upon earth. For every single soul is important to Me, I don't want a single soul to go astray if it can still be saved, and I will also enable My servants to speak fluently so that they can be successful labourers in My vineyard. You must all gather much strength in advance because the hardship will be severe, but I assure you that you will be able to prevail if only you hold on to Me, and I will imbue every person with strength who thinks of Me in hours of greatest adversity.... With faith and trust in My help you will all be strong and conquer all earthly adversity. For you should only take the path to Me.... That is the sole purpose of My intervention, so that you do not go astray again for an infinitely long time when the end has come.... __Amen
Reason for the catastrophe....
In the last days before the end I pour a large measure of grace upon humanity.... For I know of their weakness, of their spiritual darkness and their inclination for the earthly world, their craving for earthly possessions, honour and fame.... I know that they are held captive by My adversary and in their weakness are incapable of releasing themselves from his power. And I try to help people in various ways since everyone requires support in his spiritual hardship. And I also know what each person needs and therefore consider everyone according to his attitude towards life itself or towards Me. For I want to win every single person for Myself. __But people don't know that My adversary keeps them imprisoned when they desire earthly possessions, since they are oblivious to the true purpose of their earthly existence. Consequently they don't try to escape his control either. And people who cling to material possessions with heart and mind have to be helped by Me in a special way which, however, is not recognised by them as help.... I have to deprive them of their belongings, I have to let them get into situations where they learn to recognise the fleeting nature of all earthly things, I must make them realise their own vulnerability so that they will remember Me in their helplessness and consciously approach Me for help.... For I want them to find Me, Whom they have not found in the world and will hardly be able to find either.... This is a manifestation of Myself which affects people painfully but they cannot be aroused from their indifference in any other way.... __And yet, even this manifestation is a blessing in the last days, for a heartfelt prayer to Me and its fulfilment can direct the human being towards Me so that he will not leave Me again, so that he will ask for My guidance from that moment on and hand himself over to Me.... And then I have won him over and saved him from the adversary, who has lost his power over him. You humans will only ever see the destruction in every kind of natural disaster and make thoughtless judgments as long as you are not affected by them yourselves.... Yet nothing happens without My will or permission, and you should always bear this in mind when you hear about unexpected events threatening people's life and property, when people are powerless and only able to help according to their meagre strength.... But I know every individual person's will and also the possibility of leading erring souls onto the right path to Me.... And truly, I will take care of every individual who prays to Me in spirit and in truth and appeals for My help.... And the time of the end justifies such events which human will is unable to prevent if they had been taken into account by My will.... You humans will often still be subject to the fury of natural forces and only rarely recognise therein My loving care for those whose souls are at risk.... I only want to help you release yourselves from My adversary which initially happens when you send a heartfelt appeal to Me and thus acknowledge Me as your God and Creator.... and then recognise the transience of things which still belong to My adversary. Try to let go of your desire for earthly matter, for all sorts of possessions.... For you will always receive whatever you need when you join Me and recognise your real earthly task and aim to comply with it.... __But don't let yourselves be shackled by My adversary who so temptingly portrays worldly goods to you that I have to intervene Myself by showing you that you can lose them at any time if this is My will. These interventions are painful but they can be a blessing for you.... And the One Who takes away from you can also always give to you. And He will help anyone in distress if he hands himself over to Him in complete faith and appeals for His help.... But always recognise My will in every natural event, for My will is truly determined by love and wisdom and thus everything is a blessing for you as long as you find the right attitude towards Me and realise the true purpose of earthly life.... then you will come ever closer to Me and know that everything I allow to befall humanity is a gift of grace.... For it is the time of the end.... __Amen
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