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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 1 transcriptions | ID of collection 1992167
Forgiveness.... Atonement.... Justice.... (Law of cause a...
I Am a God of love and mercy yet justice is also part of My Being, otherwise My perfection could be questioned and therefore also My Divinity. Do you understand what I Am trying to say?.... That I incorporate every characteristic to the highest degree, and therefore everything is effectively subject to the law of eternal order, whose originator I Am Myself, that is, out of My very perfection I have created irrevocable laws.... Thus every guilt of sin has to be removed, every sin has to be atoned to satisfy My justice. But how does this relate to My love and mercy, which is so infinitely profound that it would like to remit every sinners' guilt?.... __My love found a way.... Love Itself wiped out the guilt of sins by making the atonement Itself in order to satisfy justice.... A human being accepted the guilt and made amends for all of humanity's sins. I Myself did not stop this man, for He was motivated by love and love may never be prevented if it wants to express itself. I would never have accepted the substituted atonement had it not been offered to Me on account of love, or the law of eternal order would have been violated, since justice would not have been upheld, whereas an act of love had to be accepted by Me since I could not reject love. Thus a human being atoned humanity's immense guilt of sin through an extremely agonising pain and death on the cross. This person was without sin and nevertheless suffered unspeakably for the guilt of others.... because He wanted to appease Me with His sacrifice, which overwhelming love caused Him to make. And I accepted the sacrifice, and for the sake of His love erased the guilt that had burdened all of humanity.... which thus means that people who fully and consciously avail themselves of the sacrifice by the human being Jesus can become free from all guilt, who lay their burden of sin at His feet and for the sake of His crucifixion ask for forgiveness.... __Acknowledgement and the conscious confession of sins are necessary in order to find complete forgiveness of sins. The sacrifice of the human being Jesus was so immense and His love for humanity so powerful that My justice was served and My love and mercy could emerge.... Thus people who acknowledge the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ and repentantly step under His cross are free from all guilt.... which means that all sins they were burdened with are forgiven.... Forgiveness of sin, however, means settlement, a complete deletion of what actually should have been done.... Forgiveness means erasing, unburdening, restoring the condition prior to committing the sin.... and every consequence of transgression is carried by the person who accepts the guilt. Thus Jesus Christ took upon Himself all sins and offered the atonement for them to Me. Every result of sin will be negated by Him.... __My love and mercy make everything right again, and can do so now because the sacrifice on the cross satisfied justice first, thus it was not by-passed. The sacrifice on the cross was effectively the consequence of all of humanity's sins. All unrighteousness that is committed on earth, as well as the sin of the past rebellion against Me had to have an unlawful effect, therefore it had to fall back on beings who absorbed these effects and had to suffer them.... The human being Jesus made Himself voluntarily available to absorb the concentrated burden of sin and by way of superhuman suffering and agony diminish the effects of the sins, and through His death finally wipe them out completely. Thus the law was not cancelled, it was merely fulfilled.... For this reason the human being can be granted full forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ and be delivered from all guilt, for this reason My love and mercy can rule without excluding justice. For Jesus Christ redeemed the world from sin, because His love for humanity was overwhelming and through this love I was fully reconciled.... __Amen
God's love and justice....
You need never fear Me as a heartless Judge Who mercilessly condemns you even if you deserved it. Although My justice must manifest itself with every judgment, My love will nevertheless have a mitigating say and never pitilessly condemn you because it cannot help itself but to forgive, to rectify and to place a healing hand on wounds a person has inflicted upon himself through his sins. For the soul has caused all calamities, all pain, all hardship and suffering itself, and it is not that I have judged it because of that, but it has condemned itself of its own free will, it has created the state itself it now finds itself in. And My justice prohibits Me from lifting it out of this self-created appalling situation if it does not desire it for the sake of Jesus Christ.... It is certainly condemned but it has chosen its own condemnation.... It should always be recognised that I Am not a 'punishing' God Who thus imposes such punishments upon the sinner as atonement for his sins, but that this state of punishment was voluntarily striven for and entered into by the sinner and that I, on account of My justice, cannot give him a better fate than the one he has chosen for himself of his own free will. I take pity on the hardship such sinful souls find themselves in and My love would truly like to create a better fate for them, yet once again it is a matter of free will, which neither My love nor My justice will infringe upon.... The soul itself must want to escape its hardship and it must.... because it is too weak on its own to accomplish its will.... call upon Jesus Christ for strength and help.... This is the only path the soul can be shown, then My mercy will manifest itself and, for the sake of Jesus Christ, all sins will be forgiven. If, therefore, a last 'Judgment' is spoken of, it should not be understood as an act of punishment by Me, which might question My mercy or make My infinite love appear doubtful.... Rather, it should be understood as establishing the order, as straightening-out the wrongly directed state in which humanity in particular but also all bound spirits find themselves in during the last days, when people, through My adversary's influence, run riot and live in a completely God-opposing way.... Then My merciful love will intervene again and put everything right.... but it cannot provide the soul, which has failed as a human being, with a different fate from the one that it has voluntarily aspired to. This is indeed a judgment but not one based on My wrath, instead I banish the spirits back into a physical shell with profound compassion, because justice prevents Me from providing these spirits with a blissful fate.... Yet one day this fate will be theirs too, one day free will shall also make these spiritual beings inclined towards Me, and then I will be able to seize them and permeate them with My love without it being rejected.... For although My love is infinite.... justice is also part of My Nature, and this will come to the fore when the time is fulfilled.... __Amen
Justice towards fellow human beings.... God's order....
If you demand divine justice, you must also be just in all things yourselves. All your thoughts and actions must correspond to My eternal order, thus they must testify to love for Me and the next person. Whatever you want to happen to you, whatever right you claim for yourselves, you must also grant the next person, you must consider him in the same way as you want to be considered by him, if you are in the same situation; you must be devoid of selfish love if you want to do for and give to your neighbour what you require for yourselves. And you must always bear in mind that I give to you according to your attitude towards your neighbour.... Think and act fairly and you can be assured of My justice, for if you conduct yourselves contrary to My eternal order I must ensure that you recognise the injustice of your thoughts and actions yourselves, that is, you must feel the effects of them yourselves, so that you know that you don't live in My order and will change yourselves. The world is full of injustice, and yet, I cannot forcibly stop its activity or it would never be able to become aware of its injustice and turn away from it. Nevertheless, one day My justice will show itself.... But then it will be a dreadful judgment for those whose lives did not correspond to My order. For everyone will have to atone for his unfair thoughts and behaviour, be it on earth or in the beyond or in agonising renewed banishment in matter, for since I Am supremely perfect I must also be supremely righteous and punish the sinners once they degenerate into devils on earth and are no longer capable of any earthly improvement. __Yet My justice apparently still remains hidden, apparently I still turn My eyes away from the immense injustice which happens in the world on a mental level and through actions of the most blatant unkindness. Apparently I don't see them, yet they are recorded in the Book of eternity.... No wrong-doing will remain unatoned if its forgiveness is not very seriously appealed for by a soul willing to improve itself.... And My justice will reveal itself on the Day of Judgment, when all sins reveal themselves to Me too and no-one will be able to hide their thoughts and actions from Me. Then My Own will praise Me for My righteousness and the sinners, which I call to account for their actions, will be afraid.... And even if the human race goes from bad to worse and adds sin to sin.... know, that the Day of Judgment will demand penance for everything and that the day is not far away.... Yet once again I say to you that the measure first has to be full before My love and mercy steps back and righteousness prevails.... For the time granted to Satan's activity on earth is specified for eternity, but during this time every soul also has the opportunity to find its path to Me and release itself from Satan's control with My support, with My strength.... Every day is a blessing for the imperfect spiritual being, but it also gives the adversary greater opportunity to draw the soul into the abyss for an infinitely long time. However, the Day of Judgment will bring the time of grace to an end and also the time of raging of this power.... And then a righteous judgment will be passed, and there will be howling and gnashing of teeth with the sinners who previously raged with impunity of their own free will and who will therefore be cast into deepest darkness for an infinitely long time.... __Amen
People live with the believe, to serve a good purpose when advocating a complete downfall of a nation, which in their opinion adds damage to the other nations. This particular point does without the view of individual reasoning and goes against all justice. People only see what they want to see, and prior to judging, they refrain from reasoning and seriously reviewing, as to how far the public opinion corresponds with the truth. __It is an incredibly cruel principle wanting to destroy, what no longer suites them, and therefore direct all measures serving the annihilation against fellow men, against beings, that likewise were created by God to live through the embodiment on account of their spiritual development on earth. And beings, that should serve one another in love, draw together to annihilate each other. This is so terrible and quite marks the spiritual low of humanity, which does not realize the great injustice, and only thrives on unleashing the greatest barbarism against fellow human beings. People lack a sense of justice, and logical thought has deviated far from true justice. Justice, they claim, is something that serves ones earthly well being, that enlarges power and property and every powerful one believes he owns the right over the weak ones. __Every just thought has been fully lost by mankind; they are no longer capable of forming their own judgment, where the source of wrong is to be found, as to how guilty people themselves are of the disasters they are faced with… Only their hatred and lovelessness speaks, they want to practice retaliation and indulge in revenge for the sake of works, which goes against all human senses. People rage against each other, they outdo each other in cruelties and mutual extermination. __And yet the aggressor is to be condemned far more than the attacked, that must defend himself and therefore uses the same means. It is a work of destruction, which is led by Satan himself, because he drives hate and lovelessness to a frightening pinnacle, it is a rage against each other, which kills any human feelings.... people no longer fight against people, but a specific kind of deeply fallen spirit beings, and thousand upon thousands of people have to suffer and end their lives in ferocity. __But God takes revenge on peoples iniquity… He will condemn the rage against one another, He condemns this kind of militancy and His judgment is indeed just. It will hit the guilty one when the time comes. He will let the world know, who instigated the terrible evil, and He will brand them, that the world recognizes the abhorrent behavior of the one, so that the people think justly, and regard all fellow men as equally created beings of God, that they abhor their wrong behavior, reconcile and make an effort to do good for their sinfulness.... __Amen
Justice.... Equal rights.... Mutual love....
Even the sense of justice is subject to a law. It can certainly be increased many times over, nevertheless, in cases relating to equal rights it has to be limited. For it always has to be taken into consideration that both giving as well as taking are first subject to the commandment of love. Giving is determined by love, insofar that love has to be the driving force of giving, and thus every gift has to awaken love in the recipient. For love is the fundamental substance of everything that is visible to the human being, just as it must incessantly flow to all works of creation if they are to continue to exist. Consequently, it requires the strength of love if the offering is to awaken love in return and increase the strength in itself. Giving is the evidence of love, but the receiving can take place without love, in which case it will remain appropriately ineffective unless the recipient is voluntarily partaking of the spiritual gifts from above which lead upwards again. Earthly gifts can only have an earthly effect, that is, the giving part has to take into account that his gift will indeed be accepted yet not valued differently than a matter of fact and therefore awakens little or no love in return, which would be classed as a spiritual failure. In that case, only the giver's will is of importance but not the act itself. The degree of love which urges a person to give is always the decisive factor, this is why giving cannot be generalised, since the degree of love is not always and towards all people the same; rather, the human being has to exercise firm self-criticism, otherwise he will regard actions as deeds of love which are merely the results of education or habits and thus lack the driving force of love for a another person. The latter conduct of people is doubtlessly commendable and therefore should not stop; nevertheless, every act carried out by love has eternal value, because it results in the soul's higher maturity. Actions of love increase humanity's spiritual state on earth, actions of justice can certainly go hand in hand with love yet are generally only driven by the feeling of formal thoughtfulness, which can be automatically carried out without the heart being involved and therefore does not follow the person as a deed of love into eternity. __Just thinking and just conduct is expected of people, for the contrary has detrimental effects on fellow human beings and is therefore unkindness; it is a violation of the commandment of love. Consequently, just thinking and just conduct can be regarded as the fulfilment of the commandment of love.... But justice should not always be understood as equal rights.... because a demand for absolute equality cannot always and by all people be made.... For even here, laws apply which are subject to divine will. The human being should certainly take care not to value himself too highly either way, thus he should not lay claim to more than he is willing to give, he should give to another person what he himself deems desirable, yet this will has to remain free, it must not be forcibly aimed in one direction which, however, is the case when the reason for giving is an acquired formality that a person complies with. Hence you should seriously examine which feeling prompts you to put your will to give into practise. Don't be satisfied with a correct act which lacks all warmth but follow the urging of your heart, then you will be governed by love and every thought, intention and action will be good. However, in cases of emergency you should act fairly, when not just one person relies on your help but when it is needed everywhere. Don't deny it to one person while you give it to the other but make an effort to distribute and judge fairly. Give pleasure where you can and don't try to keep an anxious limit, for this stifles love, it does not awaken mutual love, and where love is lacking there is no spiritual progress, even if you have effectively created earthly order, yet divine order must be fulfilled first, and according to divine law love comes first. Where it is observed all other good qualities will follow, and this includes justice as well.... __Amen
Jesus has satisfied God's justice....
Your separation from Me would have lasted forever had I not accomplished the act of Salvation for you by taking your guilt upon Myself and redeeming it through the sacrifice on the cross, which I accomplished through the man Jesus on earth.... An unbridgeable gulf existed between the kingdom of light and that of darkness.... You would never have been able to overcome this gulf yourselves, My kingdom was closed to you forever because My justice would have been unable to accept you, who had become sinful as a result of your apostasy, until the immense sin had been atoned for. This sacrifice of atonement was rendered by Jesus, the human being, in Whom I Myself took abode, because His untainted human shell allowed for it, for I would never have been able to embody Myself in a sinful person.... Thus a soul of light had to descend to earth voluntarily in order to make amends for its fallen brothers for the sake of My justice, which could not be bypassed according to the law of eternity.... I Am a perfect Being, Which is indeed Love in Itself, but without justice I cannot possibly be called a supremely perfect Being. And Jesus, the human being, satisfied this justice through the sacrifice on the cross, which was offered by a soul of light with the intention of returning the fallen living creations back to Me, in order to build a bridge from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of light. However, I Myself dwelled in the man Jesus, for Love accomplished the act of Salvation, Which utterly permeated the man Jesus and also gave Him the strength to take the most severe suffering and pain upon Himself, to walk the path to the cross with all of humanity's guilt of sin and to lay down His life for this guilt.... Had this Love not been present in Him, He truly would have been unable to make such a sacrifice.... And I Myself was this Love.... __I took abode in Jesus' shell, I.... the greatest Spirit of eternity.... manifested Myself in Him, I pervaded Him with My fundamental nature of love; My love utterly permeated Him, the human shell merely curtailed the working of My strength of love when He took the final path to the cross, where Jesus, the man, suffered incredibly and died the most bitter death on the cross in order to atone for the sin of the once fallen beings.... I dwelled in Him and He voluntarily accomplished the act of deifying His soul, which is the final goal of all My created beings.... He had totally merged with Me, He was I and I was Him.... I had become a human being, He had become God, for He was totally permeated by My love, and love is My fundamental substance.... Jesus' crucifixion absolved the great guilt and opened up the path for you humans into the kingdom of light.... However, you are not instantly redeemed, because your free will caused your apostasy from Me and thus free will must also be willing to return to Me; you must become aware of your past guilt and appeal to Me in Jesus for forgiveness, or you will remain burdened by your guilt and your entry into the kingdom of light will be denied to you. Time and again you humans are informed of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and the spiritual mission of Jesus, the man, is explained and substantiated to you. Even so, you must believe it, for you cannot be given any evidence apart from the fact that you.... once you have found redemption through Jesus Christ.... will gain complete understanding of it yourselves, because, as a result of the redemption through Jesus Christ, the working of My spirit will not be prevented, which will subsequently guide you into all truth, and this is the certain proof that you have been redeemed from your original sin.... But first you must take the path to the cross of your own free will, you must be willing to do so and want to belong to the circle of those who were redeemed through Jesus' blood.... and then you will truly accept and make use of the blessings of the act of Salvation. Then you will be on the path of return to Me, you will have stepped onto the bridge which Jesus built for you so that you can find admittance into the kingdom of light and bliss, and whose gate was opened for you through the act of Salvation by Jesus.... within Whom I Myself dwelled and became a visible God for you so that one day you would be able to behold Me face to face.... __Amen
Sense of justice.... Judging one's fellow human being....
The human being has to have an inherent sense of justice or he would be unable to pass judgment on apparently heartless conduct. Anyone who deems himself so exalted that he will not tolerate any objection because he believes himself infallible will never think righteously either, for he does not allow others the same rights he claims for himself. A substantial difference has to be made between people. Anyone being strictly critical of himself and his actions will also always make an effort to judge other people fairly. However, anyone who only looks for faults in his fellow human beings and believes himself without error will regard all conduct from a superior point of view, and thus his judgment is wrong. __Every human being can err; every human being can make mistakes.... Yet he has to know himself, then he can fight his faults and improve himself.... But anyone who does not recognise a fault in himself will not strive for perfection either. __When he acts unkindly he will not be aware of it, he will not hold himself to account and is incapable of judging his actions fairly. He lacks a sense of justice; he will always consider his own actions beyond reproach but try to demean his fellow human being for the least mistake. It has to be clear to the human being that he has no right to accuse a fellow human being of a degrading action as long as he does not live up to a high moral standard himself. He should always consider his own shortcomings if he wants to criticise the failings of other people. __But someone with an inherent sense of justice will not hastily judge someone else, for he will try to put himself into the same situation and then also understand the failings and faults of the other person. However, in order to be able to do so he has to be truthful, he has to see things as they are.... he should not rate himself too highly and underrate his fellow human being, for then he will apply a different standard to his own faults than to the other person's faults, and that excludes all righteous thinking and judgment. __It is exceptionally valuable to firmly call oneself to account, then the human being will stay true to himself and not do his fellow human being an injustice out of selfishness by unfairly condemning his conduct and putting himself above the other person. And thus the human being should first look at himself and his behaviour before he criticises his fellow human being and elevates himself as his judge.... __Amen
God does not condemn but wants to redeem....
Not I condemn humanity and push the souls into the darkness, they strive towards the abyss themselves, they pass their own judgment by living a way of life which enables the prince of darkness to take possession of them and pull them down to his domain. I Am a God of love, and I take pity on all these souls, because My principle is to give pleasure to everything that once had emerged from Me. I see their adversity, I see their pitiful state and would like to help all of them; yet as long as they don't want to know Me, as long as they don't want to accept My help, My adversary will keep them firmly under his control, for their will entitles him to do so, just as their opposite will would entitle Me to help them rise into higher spheres. __I don't hold the guilt of sin against any human being, albeit as a God of justice I have to demand restitution, atonement. Yet My merciful love has created the opportunity for all sinners to discard their guilt of sin, My merciful love took everyone's guilt of sin upon itself and paid the ransom through the sacrificial death on the cross.... __And yet it remains up to every soul to make use of it, because it has received free will from Me, which I will never infringe upon. It is, however, the wrongly orientated free will which will plunge it into damnation; into a condition which is so agonising that is like the most atrocious captivity, and which it believes was imposed by Me and thus it regards Me as an avenging and punishing God, Who has expelled it into the darkness.... The soul creates its own fate, for what it is and where it is, is a state which has been aspired to in free will, which can only be changed through its own will, but which will also immediately be improved if the soul directs its thoughts towards Me. My love takes hold of every soul and helps it to rise, if it wants to strive towards the ascent, hence towards Me. I Am indeed a God of justice, yet what I demand in exchange as atonement for the guilt of sin of the past rebellion against Me, is only the acknowledgment of My act of Salvation, thus the acknowledgment of Jesus Christ as the Son of God.... Just as the spirit once turned away from Me and fell, it shall turn towards Me again in Jesus Christ in order to rise to higher spheres.... I only demand the acknowledgment of His Divinity, because then I will be acknowledged Myself, since I embodied Myself in the man Jesus on earth in order to make it easier for people, for the spirits which once had fallen away from Me, to put right their past sin.... __People are far removed from God, they are spiritual beings which had left Me in self-will; not I have condemned these spiritual beings but they aimed towards the abyss of their own free will, I would like to lift them up again, yet I cannot place them into a different sphere against their free will: I was and Am and evermore will remain the God of love, and even My justice is surpassed by My merciful love which has looked for a way to satisfy My justice and yet to help the living creations, so that they could come closer to Him again if they had the will to do so. And My love will eternally endeavour to redeem the souls from the abyss, which have lost themselves; My love will eternally reach out its helping hand which needs only be grasped in order to be able to escape the abyss, for I Am not a punishing, not a condemning God, I Am a God of love and of mercy, Who only ever wants to give pleasure to what once had emerged from His love.... __Amen
God´s care for the human being....
First seek the kingdom of God.... For it is your task in life to find the contact with My kingdom so that this kingdom can receive you again one day when you leave the earth. This is, in fact, your only task, because everything else will sort itself out, if only you make an effort to do justice to this task. You were placed in this earthly world in order to look for the spiritual kingdom while you live in it.... But you were also given a glorious promise that you will be able to cope with this earthly world as well if you fulfil the condition of looking for the kingdom of God first.... In a manner of speaking, I promised you a reward which, by itself, should alone entice you to comply with My requirement, for as a result of My promise you are also spared the struggle for existence, the worry about your life, about your earthly life.... __You need only take care of your soul's salvation, and I will take over the care for your physical well-being and sort out everything, which otherwise would demand a great deal of effort from you if you had to deal with it by yourselves. I will take over the care which earthly life demands of you as soon as you fulfil My requirement: to first strive for My kingdom and its justice.... i.e. if you completely hand yourselves over to Me because you recognise Me as your God and Creator, as your Father of eternity, because you recognise that true justice can only be found with Me, a life according to your soul's maturity, and because you realise that this is why you should seek Me and My kingdom, which will then certainly be opened for those of you who hand yourselves over to Me with complete trust in My justice.... You should only live in the right way with a view of acquiring My kingdom.... You should strive for heartfelt contact with Me.... __However, don't look for Me in the world, for My kingdom is not of this world, therefore you must turn your thoughts heavenwards, away from the world and its enticements.... you must think of My kingdom, your true home, which you once abandoned and to which you should return again. And you will not regret it if you follow My advice to strive for this kingdom, for you will also be relieved of all earthly worries and problems at the same time, because I will take care of these on your behalf and, in every adversity, I will truly look after you. I will provide for you in an earthly way like a father for his children, I will give to you what you need in everyday life, and I will also provide you with an abundance of spiritual wealth, for as soon as you turn your eyes to Me and My kingdom you will also receive gifts of grace from there and your bond with Me will grow increasingly stronger, earthly life will no longer be a burden to you, you will have what you require.... physically and spiritually.... For then you will have escaped from the danger of succumbing to the world and its demands, of completely becoming enslaved by it and thus you will also have escaped from the lord of the world by completely consciously turning towards My kingdom which will now be granted to you. First seek the kingdom of God, all other things will be given to you.... This promise shall encourage you to look for the bond with Me and My kingdom, for as yet you are often held back by earthly worries, which you take more seriously than the worry for your soul.... But I promise you certain help, I take all your worries upon Me, providing you first look for Me and My kingdom.... Therefore you can live your earthly life completely without worry, if only you would always remember My promise.... However, only a few people take these Words seriously but they are released from all earthly burdens, for I Myself look after them, and I will lovingly look after every person who only ever strives to gain Me and My kingdom. And he will certainly reach the goal, he will find Me and unite with Me. He will not live his life on earth in vain, he will be admitted to My kingdom and be very happy.... __Amen
God's justice demands atonement....
Every injustice has to be atoned for by the sinner.... This is demanded by My justice. And this sin has to be removed on earth or in the beyond and when a soul, burdened by sins it had committed on earth, enters the spiritual kingdom, it can take an infinitely long time until it has removed this guilt of sin.... Yet it is unable to make amends for the original sin of the past apostasy from Me in the kingdom of the beyond, because the original sin is too great for the being to remove it itself, whether on earth or in the spiritual kingdom. Nevertheless, even a soul still burdened by the original sin is demanded to make amends for sins it had committed on earth, and for these alone it might have to endure an unspeakably difficult and agonising fate, because My justice demands compensation for every sin. __Yet My infinite love has taken pity on all sinners.... it has redeemed the guilt of sin, it has made reparations for it, it has accomplished the act of Salvation on behalf of sin-burdened humanity, and it also paid for the original sin, so that the souls will be able to enter the spiritual kingdom truly redeemed when they have to leave the physical body. I have made the atonement Myself in the human being Jesus through My bitter suffering and dying on the cross, through an act of compassion which only love was able to accomplish. And thus even the greatest sinner can be released from his sin and enter the kingdom of light, provided he accepts Salvation.... provided he voluntarily approaches Me in Jesus Christ and for the sake of the crucifixion appeals to Me for forgiveness.... Yet this path to the cross has to be taken in free will, otherwise the human being places himself outside the act of Salvation, otherwise he does not belong to those for whom My blood was shed as atonement for humanity's guilt of sin. __You will only be able to appreciate the great importance of the act of Salvation if you consider that it depends on you yourselves what kind of fate you will sooner or later experience in eternity.... if you imagine that immeasurable suffering will await you because you have sinned and do not accept the mercy of Jesus Christ Who wants to release you from your guilt of sin.... if you consider that you yourselves will not even in an eternity be able to redeem your immense sin and therefore have to linger in unspeakable torment and darkness for eternities.... and if you consider, that you can also be released from your own guilt by just handing yourselves over to Me in Jesus Christ.... if you walk with your guilt of sin to the cross and appeal to Me in Jesus for forgiveness. You have to answer for every sin and make amends, and you all have sinned in your earthly life.... __But you all can also find forgiveness; you can become free from your guilt and enter redeemed into the kingdom of bliss by just turning to Jesus Christ, to the divine Redeemer, Who has served Me Myself as a cover, because My love wanted to accomplish the act of Salvation for you humans and this could only take place in the external shape of a human being, Who took all sins upon himself, Who suffered and died as a human being and Who shed His blood out of love in order to help His fellow human beings and release them from spiritual adversity. You need only direct your path to Him, you need only entrust yourselves to Him in your spiritual hardship, confess your sins to Him and ask Him, that He might also have shed His blood on your behalf, so that you will be released from you guilt of sin, so that you will be able to enter the spiritual kingdom when the day of passing away from this earth has come for you.... __And He will accept you, He will wipe out your guilt of sin, for He has satisfied My justice.... He has endured the suffering and pain which you should have endured and which you cannot be spared if you leave the earth unredeemed, without Jesus Christ.... Admittedly, you will still be able to call upon and find Him in the kingdom of the beyond, and even then you can still be redeemed, but the path is long and difficult and you often lack the will to do so.... Yet without Jesus Christ the gate to the kingdom of light remains locked for you, without Jesus Christ you will never be able to become blessed.... __Amen
Divine justice.... Intervention.... Disaster....
Divine justice will become apparent by the very event which is destined to humanity in the forthcoming time, for the countries whose leaders start the blaze that will extend all across earth will be severely struck. The blame of these countries shall be revealed by the approaching event which human will can neither avoid nor lessen. All people on earth shall recognise that God's justice leaves nothing without punishment and that He intervenes once the measure of injustice has been reached. __God gave people free will which is now so abused that it requires retribution, so that righteously thinking and behaving people recognise the hand of God and despise what is sanctioned by the former. The conflict of nations will have spread wide and far and the fire will not be easily extinguished. As a result, God will end this blaze Himself by removing people's opportunity of continuing the struggle through a natural event of unimaginable extent. He will render powerless what previously was strong and mighty, and He will prove that His will and His might are stronger. And anyone who is not yet completely enslaved by God's adversary will also recognise where he has gone wrong and make an effort to lead a righteous way of life.... __Amen
Law - Justice - Races.... Nations....
It is unworthy of a whole nation if it is not accountable to itself regarding its thoughts and actions. The conduct of a nation's people should be impeccable towards each other; but they should also observe the commandment of neighbourly love towards other nations, even if this is not to be understood such that actions and thoughts should extend to individual members but that all feelings and intentions towards another nation should be honourable and decent and not lack a feeling of justice, i.e. they should not be denied what the people of a nation claim for themselves. Law and justice should apply to all people, and the affiliation to a specific race or nation should not determine the actions implemented against them. God set no restriction when He gave people the commandment of neighbourly love, for every fellow human being shall be regarded as a brother, as God's living creation, who should also be treated with brotherly feelings. Hence, the human being should not impose this restriction himself, he should not think that he is entitled to exclude certain people from neighbourly love; he should practise the commandment of neighbourly love without distinction and thus also be accountable to himself when he disregards this commandment. And therefore he must be clear about his thoughts and actions as to how far they correspond to the divine commandments.... He cannot make different judgments at his pleasure and own discretion, he cannot sin against one person and believe his sin to be justified because he deems himself to belong to a different circle, which was drawn by racial or national affiliation. __This dividing line does not exist before God, before God all human beings are equal, and right and wrong remain right and wrong everywhere. It is not acceptable that the human being claims rights for himself which he denies to other people, and if people's thoughts become so misguided that they believe themselves to be right even when they act wrongly, then the human being's spiritual development has already sunk low, for then he places earthly life high above the latter, otherwise he would be unable to defend a way of thinking which arose from the striving for his own advantage.... Anything a human being requires for himself he must inevitably also grant to his fellow human being, and he should never ever set up his own laws if he does not want to fear that he will not be considered by God in a way he would like, but that he will be measured by the same yardstick he measured himself....
Law - Justice - Races.... Nations....
The earth embraces the most diverse nations and races which, on the whole, also differ in their degree of development. Yet no nation received the right from God to oppress less developed nations or to deprive them of their rights. They should certainly exert an educational influence if they are spiritually more highly advanced, they should protect weaker nations against stronger oppressors, but a specific ethnic origin should never stop them from fulfilling their human duties towards a fellow human being. For they should always bear in mind that all people are God's living creations, and that no-one is entitled to cast certain fellow human beings out of the community of states or to pressurise them and plunge them into hardship. One day they will have to justify themselves for this, and they will be judged as they themselves had judged.... anyone who treated his fellow human beings harshly or without love, regardless from which ethnic group they originated, will also only reap harshness and unkindness, he will find no mercy and should never expect a mild judgment, for he will receive according to his attitude, to his will and his actions.... And therefore the human being should always be accountable to himself as to whether his thoughts and actions are just. Justice, however, demands the same rights for everyone without distinction. As soon as selfish love is strong, the sense of justice recedes, then the human being will unscrupulously take for himself what belongs to his fellow human being. And if whole nations are dominated by this way of thinking, there will never be peace on earth, for the strong will suppress the weak, or those of equal strength will inflict suffering and misery on each other and the adversity will find no end. No heartless action can be justified with the objection that other laws apply to other races or nations, that they may not claim the same humane consideration which a person of their own ethnic origin is entitled to. All people are equal before God, the same law applies, always and forever, before God.... love your neighbour as yourself.... and every human being is a neighbour, irrespective of his racial or national affiliation. And as long as whole nations are trapped in erroneously thinking that they have different rights than the former, injustice will also get out of hand; people will be in a constant state of dispute, time and again hostilities will find renewed nourishment which will give rise to increasingly worse thoughts and actions, for the commandment of neighbourly love will remain ignored and this will result in actions which are sinful. The same standard for oneself and one's own desire should always be applied; what a person wants for himself he should not take away from his fellow human being, otherwise injustice will constantly grow and, with it, a state which will also confuse people's thinking.... They will lose the power of judgment between right and wrong, because they themselves will have relinquished it since they themselves don't want to think righteously and fairly.... __Amen
Justice.... Recompense in the beyond....
There is justice, there is recompense, if not on earth then in the spiritual kingdom, where the soul will reap what it has sown.... You humans should consider that no-one can take anything that does not belong to him, that he will have to give account down to the last cent, and that he has to pay for what he acquired unlawfully.... Bear in mind that I cannot remit anything because I Am a just God, and that you therefore burden yourselves with considerable guilt if you believe that you can commit sins with impunity. Sooner or later the day of retribution will come for everyone who lives on earth without scruples because he does not believe in Me as a just God and hence accumulates one sin after another. __Earthly life soon comes to an end for everyone, only spiritual treasures will remain, and woe to him who has none to show.... He will arrive on the other side naked and poor and wander around in utmost misery and darkness.... which is the recompense for an earthly life if it was not lived in accordance with My will and the commandment of love for Me and other people, if the person only thought of himself and lived to please My adversary, if he indulged in worldly pleasures giving free rein to his passions and instincts.... Anyone who only thought of himself on earth will be on his own on the other side and no-one will offer him love, just as he ignored those who needed his help on earth. He will have to pay every cent, for no-one can pay his debt for him except Jesus Christ in Whom, however, the soul completely devoid of love does not believe.... You humans, consider your earthly life from this point of view and understand that you should not live thoughtlessly, for sooner or later your physical life will be over and the soul will have to remove the guilt it was burdened with.... and that every tribute you paid to the world has been taken away from the soul, and its poverty in the spiritual kingdom will be the result thereof. __You should know that there is recompense for every hour you applaud My adversary, for every hour you pay homage to the pleasures of the world and completely forget about Me.... for earthly life was given to you for the perfection of your soul. But what are you doing? You only take care of your body, you satisfy its every desire, you intoxicate yourselves with worldly pleasures, you only too willingly fall into the traps laid by the enemy of your souls.... You take from your soul and give to your body.... and you will have to pay for it a thousand-fold. For you will suffer grave hardship when you enter the spiritual kingdom where only the soul's everlasting possessions will be of value.... It will suffer acute poverty, and no-one will help the soul if it does not approach Jesus Christ Who, however, is unknown to the soul in its darkness. Only He can help the soul, yet eternities can pass before the soul becomes aware of this and turns to Him. It can carry its burden for an infinitely long time because My justice cannot unburden it as long as it does not request Me to do so itself.... __Amen
The magnitude of the original sin necessitates Salvation ...
If the knowledge of the infinitely long path of development, which you had to travel before your last embodiment as a human being, is given to you and you think about it, then you will also become aware of the tremendous guilt you had burdened yourselves with by your former apostasy from Me.... Because My sense of justice would certainly not let you endure an excess of suffering if you had not brought it on yourselves. Yet it is not an act of punishment on My part but once again only an act of My eternal love, because I want you to be joyful; however, I cannot give you a blissful life which conflicts with My law of eternal order while your frame of mind opposes Me.... which is the case due to your past antagonism towards Me. However, as human beings you cannot assess the magnitude of your guilt because your thoughts are only limited. Yet the beings which previously had fallen away had no such limitation of knowledge as you have as human beings.... instead they were perfect living creations who were fully enlightened. For that reason their guilt is so tremendous that it requires an act of atonement which could not even be achieved with the infinitely long path through creation. Rather, the greatest act of love and compassion had to be accomplished first by the man Jesus in order to make a final redemption of guilt possible which, however, also necessitates the acknowledgement of Jesus as Son of God and Saviour of the world.... __When you return to the realm of light from where you came you can judge the magnitude of guilt that an opposition to Me had meant. You will also understand that only by following the path through creation can you once again obtain the degree of maturity with which you can also comprehend and accept Jesus' act of Salvation.... __As human beings, however, you cannot grasp the extent of the immense significance this act of Salvation has for you.... for each individual soul.... and you therefore have to `believe' what you are told and accept the divine Saviour Jesus Christ without proof. Then you become free of your former guilt and once again place your trust in Me.... Who was incarnated in Jesus.... and at the same time voluntarily return to Him, Whom you once refused to acknowledge and Whom you resisted.... You humans certainly can be given complete clarification; however, you are not able to understand everything in your as yet imperfect state. Therefore it will always be an act of faith when you follow the path to the cross but it is also your only and certain salvation because Jesus Christ will then accept the guilt on your behalf, because He died on the cross for the sake of people's sins, He took them upon Himself and redeemed them with His blood so that you would become free of sin.... And yet, this greatest and most important doctrine concerning the act of Salvation cannot be proven to you.... You have to believe it of your own free will and without any coercion.... And you are able to do so because I will never ask of you the impossible and because I will always help you to come to the right understanding. __However, one thing you should not omit or exclude: that you live a life of love.... because love is the strength which enables you to do everything, because through love you attain enlightenment, and because through love you unite with Me again and establish the condition prior to your fall into sin, when My light could continuously enlighten you. That way I can illuminate you as human beings, as soon as you practise love and voluntarily turn towards Me, no longer oppose Me and open up to Me so that the flow of My love can pour into you without restriction. But this is only possible after you have taken the way to the cross, so that you become free from the guilt of your sins, otherwise you will still suffer in the bonds of the adversary who will prevent you from doing actions of love and keep you in spiritual darkness because he does not want to lose you. Your guilt has been immense but it is redeemed by Jesus Christ Who now has become the visible God for you humans, providing you allow yourselves to be redeemed by Him, because you cannot ever remove your guilt yourselves. I, however, cannot admit you into My kingdom with your guilt because, although I Am in fact a God of love, I Am also a God of justice.... And this justice necessitates complete forgiveness of sins which you can only find in Jesus Christ, in Whom I Myself accomplished the act of Salvation.... __Amen
`You are Peter, the rock....'
Some gladness in receiving the following message is a prerequisite: the living faith is the rock upon which Jesus wanted to see His church built.... a faith so profound and steadfast like that experienced by Peter while the Lord was close to him. Thus Peter was an example for anyone who wanted to belong to the church of Christ. Because without this faith the teaching of Christ, i.e. His Gospel, could not be received.... Only faith affirms Jesus Christ and accepts Him as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world.... If people were to accept what the disciples were spreading across the world they first had to believe in a God of love, goodness and compassion, in a God of omnipotence and wisdom, in a God of justice.... Only then could His teachings penetrate them as divine will, hence profound faith was a prerequisite. All His disciples were profoundly faithful, and therefore they accepted His teachings very quickly and endeavoured to do justice to the divine will which He had revealed to them. And by doing so they penetrated the knowledge of divine truth ever more, and this also developed their ability to teach in accordance with God's will which would never have been possible if they had lacked faith. Thus the Lord says `upon you I will build My church....' And His church is the community of those who want to follow Jesus Christ; His church is the small community of those who firmly and steadfastly believe everything the Lord has said and done on earth; who, for the sake of this faith, make an effort to fulfil God's commandments, who desire eternal life and thus live earthly life in accordance with God's will.... The church is a community of believers.... __And when people are profoundly faithful no power in hell could ever disturb this faith and exercise control over such utterly devout people who only seek God and acknowledge Him as their Lord and Creator. Profound faith in God will always overcome the power of the adversary, because anyone who lives in faith also lives in love, and love is the adversary's harshest opponent. Hence nothing is more understandable than the Lord using the most devout of His disciples as an example, that He makes firm faith a prerequisite of belonging to His church.... that therefore Peter exemplified this faith and that Jesus Christ wants to count all those to His church who are also profoundly devout.... It is so easy to understand these words, and how are they understood by the world.... __Amen
The burden of sin in the beyond.... Atonement or forgiven...
Every sin you commit against other people and thus also against Me, Who gave you the commandment of love, becomes a burden to you. And your sins will be a heavy burden to you in the beyond if you don't make amends for them on earth already. Therefore, do not believe that you are not punished when you sin against other people; do not believe that there is no fair judge because He does not appear to you straight away. And do not believe that you are without guilt because other people do the same to you and disregard My commandment of love.... You dull your conscience but it does not diminish the extent of your guilt since your intellect remains active and knows full well the difference between right and wrong. And your will is not forced to think and behave as you do, thus you are responsible yourselves and you burden yourselves tremendously when you accumulate one sin after another.... when you harm another person, when you pursue him and act with unashamed unkindness, instead of supporting him in his adversity by helping him and thus loving him unselfishly, which alone is pleasing before My eyes. You submit yourselves to the power of Satan who controls your souls in accordance with his will, who pulls you into disaster and who, as reward for your willingness, merely gives you the feeling of a temporary improvement of your earthly living conditions. __But how can this benefit your souls? Do not exceed the amount of your sins because your future remorse will be dreadful.... Believe in a righteous God Who will hold you to account for all your deeds and ask Him for forgiveness of your guilt, pray to Him for the reinforcement of your will to do good, for the strength to do kind deeds.... muster the will to be good and you will receive help, you will be able to save yourselves from the mire of sin, you will already find forgiveness on earth and mercy before My eyes.... But do not disregard Him Who gave life to you, do not deny Him righteousness, and become aware of your sins, do not offend against the commandment of love which I Myself gave to you for the benefit of your souls. Have mercy on the weak and sick and you will find mercy with Me, ease their suffering and I will always be ready to help when you are in need.... For as you do to others I will do to you on the Day of Judgment, which is close at hand. Do not sin, so that the amount of your sins will not increase, so that the burden of your sins won't push you down and you cannot find mercy anymore on the Day of Judgment. For I know of every injustice, nothing is hidden from My eyes, you will have to give account for every thought and deed and woe unto him who is struck by My Judgment, who will feel My justice when his sins become revealed. His penance will be hard but appropriate to his guilt for I Am a fair judge even if My patience and mercy are without end.... But there is a limit to what you may do, and when you overstep this limit the hour of judgment will have come which will demand justice for all sins as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Retribution.... Sin and atonement....
The God of righteousness will redress everything, and thus the conduct of humankind will indeed find its atonement, but not always in the way you humans consider right. God's wisdom recognises people's weaknesses, their moral degree of maturity and the souls' imperfect state, and thus He sometimes makes use of means which can also result in the opposite, because the human being himself is striving towards the abyss as long as he still expects advantage from it.... Consequently, he must first try to release himself from earthly cravings, otherwise the injustice will keep growing and God will have to balance things increasingly more, which signifies immensely difficult times on earth and an often unbearable fate in the beyond. For every injustice must be atoned for, unless the divine Saviour and Redeemer takes the guilt upon Himself and redeems it through His crucifixion which, however, presupposes total devotion to Him and the will to live a way of life according to His commandments. In that case, the human being will have already attained a level of improvement which assures him forgiveness of his sins. But anyone who does not believe in Christ's act of Salvation must inevitably make amends for the guilt himself on earth or in the beyond. The world, however, is inconceivably entrenched in sin, consequently, the earthly adversity is likewise inconceivably immense and brings forth one iniquity after another. Someone who recognises and abhors it is no longer part of it yet he will suffer because of it, because every light-desiring person will experience darkness as pain. Yet the hour of Judgment is not far away anymore, retribution is inevitable, and therefore you humans should not doubt God's justice.... Human will as well as Satan's activity must be allowed free rein so that people will show their true instincts, so that a decision of will is made, which can be good or evil, and good and evil must therefore be seen in order to affirm or to abhor it. But don't think that retribution will fail to materialise.... For sooner or later the day will come when every individual person will have to justify himself for his thoughts, intentions and actions.... and the closer it is to the end the more evident becomes the raging of the dark forces and thus also the onslaught against the righteous, who shrink back from the devils in human form and call upon God's justice.... Retribution, however, will not fail to materialise.... __Amen
The doctrine of re-incarnation.... (Tantra-message)
Whatever you would like to know, ask Me, and I will answer your questions as soon as you put them to Me.... It is of utmost significance for all people that they aim to achieve full maturity of soul during their earthly life and that they firmly believe that one day they will have to give account to a God of justice of how they had used their earthly life. This belief encourages people to be spiritually very active. Thus, it is understandable that a belief in frequent opportunities for higher development through repeated incarnations on earth will make the human being indifferent to his psychological task. This belief is dangerous, because it effectively lessens the endeavour for highest possible maturity of soul while, at the same time, it questions My justice. How should I call this or that person to account, unless I allow every human being to re-incarnate on earth? How should people, who transform themselves into love in accordance with My will during their earthly life be rewarded if I give others, who failed to do so, the opportunity to incarnate themselves again once or several more times for the purpose of achieving higher development? In that case, every person would eventually have achieved the same degree of perfection.... __The degree of light determines the degree of bliss in the spiritual kingdom. Hence, the strength of light, which the person has achieved on earth in free will, determines the sphere of activity allocated to him in the spiritual kingdom, where he can consistently increase in wisdom and strength, and also in happiness. In turn, his activity consists of transmitting light and strength to beings who are in darkness and without strength, who require help on earth as well as in the spiritual kingdom. This activity is tremendously gladdening, so that you cannot compare it to any activity on earth. It follows, that every being capable of distributing light and strength to needy souls wants to be fully active, because it thereby makes itself extremely happy, seeing that it receives the strength from Me and is thus effectively a relay station for My emanation of strength. Every being seeks to implement this happiness-inducing process as soon as it has but a shimmer of knowledge, thus no longer moving in deepest spiritual darkness. Then, it will never again voluntarily exchange its abode in the spiritual realm with that on earth, it will never again desire the physical body, since the opportunities of ascent in the spiritual kingdom are equally available when the will to love has awakened in those with but a flicker of knowledge. __The soul can certainly embody itself if it has the will to do so and its cause for incarnation is a noble motive.... such as wanting to help its fellow human beings, or to atone a considerable guilt which prevented the soul from achieving a higher degree of maturity. Then the re-incarnation is not due to My will but the will of the soul itself is the decisive factor. However, since every soul knows that its past memory will be taken away, such incarnation is of utmost danger for the soul since it can just as well fail in free will. It has to walk the path of development like any other human being and its carnal instincts will be particularly strong when it is faced with the same temptation that had caused its guilt in the first place. If a soul compares this with its activity in the spiritual kingdom, which slowly but surely also results in the degree of maturity, while the spiritual benefit of a repeated incarnation is doubtful, it much rather prefers its fate in the spiritual kingdom. Nevertheless, it remains in contact with earth in as much as it takes care of the souls' destiny on earth, always helping where it had failed itself, but the assumption that the same soul has embodied itself on earth as a human being again, is wrong. __It must always be contended that people on earth will be offered every opportunity to progress, that the flow of grace is unlimited. Due to the act of Salvation, a person's will can receive enough strength to make failure impossible, and that it is therefore entirely up to him to achieve the high degree of light. Such privileges may not be wilfully rejected in order to then request them anew. The human being has free will. One day he will have to give account of how he has used it and accept the consequences, which consist of a variable fate in the beyond, which he then cannot simply avoid with a repeated embodiment. The success of this is questionable again due to the fact that his past memory will be taken away from him. Admittedly, his will makes the choice, thus he will be incarnated if he so wants, but this will is rare and therefore one cannot speak of frequent incarnations. Besides, this doctrine is a danger to people, in as much as they do not take their earthly life seriously enough in view of a repetition which, however, fails to happen.... __Amen
Last Judgment is an act of divine love....
The Last Judgment also has to be considered an expression of God's love, for this, too, is based on the continued development of souls which had failed their last test of earthly life and which have to be placed into a new developing process in order to reach the final goal one day. Hence the Last Judgment is, in a manner of speaking, a finalising rearrangement of what had become disorderly.... it is for judging and integrating it into the various forms which correspond to the soul's degree of maturity.... it is the conclusion of one developmental period and the beginning of a new one in line with My plan of eternity which is based on profound wisdom and love. Even a judging God remains a God of love, because My justice is only able to take effect as My love deems beneficial for the soul and yet compensates the wrong thoughts and conduct of people who become subject to this judgment. Even the greatest sin will somehow have to be atoned if it hasn't been handed over to the One Who offered Himself as a sacrifice of atonement.... A balance has to be created in order to diminish this great guilt, and precisely this balance is guaranteed by the Judgment.... by placing the soul, having become sinful, into a situation where it has to reduce this guilt, since it had not voluntarily accepted the gift of atonement.... __The Last Judgment is by no means an act of divine wrath but just an act of love which also expresses My justice.... since this cannot be excluded from a supremely perfect Being. I could certainly let each person feel My righteousness separately, I could more or less punish every sinner immediately.... but this would not correspond to My wisdom, and in that case My love would hardly be recognisable. For I Am exceptionally long-suffering and patient and postpone a judgment, like the one at the end of a developmental period, for as long as possible, in order to still gain people for Myself beforehand.... And I place My protective hand over the unrighteous and wicked, because I wish to defeat them with My love and not be feared by them as a punishing God.... But once the point in time has arrived when I restore order, because there is no further hope of a voluntary return to Me, My love seemingly has to withdraw and yet, it alone is the driving force.... __My love brings a satanic situation to an end and prevents further destructive activity by My adversary.... I rescue souls from falling into the deepest abyss.... I constrain them within solid matter again and thus place them into the developmental process once more.... a judgment which yet again only intends Salvation and not everlasting death.... and which therefore indeed even more demonstrates My love for everything I have created.... for everything that is dead and shall attain eternal life.... __Amen
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