God-blessed spiritual connections .... low spiritism ....

B.D. No. 7009

January 2nd 1958

All spiritual connections to earth are under My protection as soon as people's will is good who initiate such connections. For these connections have to be established on earth because the spiritual world is only allowed to work when the human being's will allows it. If people's will is good then the world of light may also intervene, whereas if people's attitude is low the spiritual forces express themselves which do not radiate light but rather deepen the darkness in which people find themselves. But since it is My will that light shall shine for you humans I will always bless those bonds which are the result of a good attitude and good will. And thus I will also protect those people from erroneous transmissions, for good will gives Me the right to do so, to push away the immature spirits and to prevent them from receiving erroneous thought material .... And thus you can also accept instructions from the spiritual kingdom without worry and with relief, for the world of light constantly endeavours to guide you to the light, which also happens through mental influence as soon as you desire light. But then you will also soon realize that you are also allowed to establish ties, that there is no separation between the earthly and the spiritual world .... that you are constantly surrounded by beings which are only of your will and attitude .... But only those people who have the serious will to come closer to Me and the truth will believe in this, for people who also establish spiritual bonds and are still of a lowly nature themselves have no real faith in Me. Rather, they only seek to satisfy their own curiosity, they try to uncover secrets and seek sensational entertainment .... And these people are also served according to their attitude, and their faith in a God of love will never be awakened in them, instead, they are far more likely to draw closer to My adversary, who pushes them ever further away from Me through lies and error. This is why serious warnings must be given against such ties with the spiritual kingdom, whereas every person who seeks to establish a serious bond with the world of light may feel safe under My protection. For the beings of light are the executors of My will, the beings of light do nothing of their own will, for their will is fully subject to Mine. But I often make these beings happy with tasks by entrusting them with people for guidance who earnestly strive towards Me, who have already entered into a serious bond with Me, so that I can provide them with light, with the pure truth which originates from Me and is thus conveyed to them directly or through My messengers of light, but who will never offer you humans anything other than what flows to them from Me. For you must know that My emanation of light and strength constantly touches these beings and is then passed on by them and that their bliss also consists of being able to provide them with light and strength again which such need and require. Therefore only your will is decisive to unite with Me and the world of light, then you are also guaranteed My protection and blessing, irrespective of whether the light of truth mentally reaches you or you receive it from Me in the form of My word. The eternal truth Itself is always at work, and It will ward off every dishonest spirit which tries to intervene .... just as, conversely, My beings of light are powerless against this dark world of spirits if the human being himself grants them access through his attitude and allows their activities. And every person should account for his motives which drive him to try to exchange spiritual forces .... A serious warning should be given against spiritualism of a lower kind, which brings no blessing but is a great danger to hand oneself over to My adversary if it is not recognized in time ....



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