ThemeBooklet 018

God and the Churches - Part 2

An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here.

Purification of Christ's spoilt teaching Wrong interpretation of Jesus' Words What is the meaning of baptism? True and false proclaimers of the Word God's messengers Church buildings Adoration of Mary

BD 8074                received  07.01.1962

Are you living in truth? ....

The will to attain truth also guarantees its receipt .... however, such genuine will is rarely to be found .... People unreservedly accept whatever is presented to them as truth and accordingly adjust their outlook, i.e. depending on the information conveyed to them they either live within light or within darkness .... For only light can grant pure truth .... whereas error will always darken the spirit. This concerns spiritual knowledge and not earthly information which can be substantiated by evidence but which has no influence on the inner life of a human being who was given his earthly existence for the purpose of attaining full maturity of soul. Aspire only to pure truth and you will receive it with absolute certainty .... Yet what you are presently offered as truth .... who gives you the guarantee that it can lay claim to be the truth? .... Time and again you should ask yourselves this question. You should know that many schools of thought advocate their spiritual knowledge as truth, that all teach something different but that there can only be one truth ....

Thus you should not ‘unreservedly’ believe either one or the other but always turn to the highest Authority .... to the Eternal Truth Himself .... you should turn to the One Who is in charge of everything, Who has created everything, Who is supremely perfect, Who knows all and Who is Love Himself .... Who therefore also wants to give light to you, His living creations, because He loves you .... Who truly did not create the beings in spiritual darkness but did not prevent them from striving towards the darkness of their own accord by following the prince of darkness .... Lucifer .... into his realm. But He Who gave you life does not want you to remain in darkness; He wants to give you light which you can accept from His hand at all times, He is always willing to illuminate your thinking and provide you with clear insight regarding all questions you might have .... regarding the reason and purpose of your existence .... And if you are taught by the ‘Eternal Truth’ Itself It cannot impart anything but the purest truth to you, and then you will also be able to believe with conviction, you will know that you live in truth. You can be absolutely certain that the truth will be granted to you providing you earnestly desire it .... This is the first requirement, for if a person acknowledges God as the Eternal Truth he will also approach Him directly and appeal to Him for providing him with the truth .... Thus he consciously opens himself to the ray of light .... he establishes the bond which is the purpose and goal of earthly life .... which once was voluntarily interrupted and thus resulted in the being’s fall into the abyss, into darkness ....

The fact that the human being consciously opens himself to be illuminated by God’s love also means that his lightless state changes into a state of light .... and then the human being will receive the kind of knowledge which hitherto had been concealed from him .... You humans can be assured that this process is possible and does happen .... you may also believe that everyone is able to experience it .... but not everyone can meet the necessary requirements which, however, only limits the direct receipt of truth and not the indirect supply of pure truth .... For truly, everyone who desires the truth will receive it .... Yet everyone can also shape himself such that he can receive the pure truth directly by merely living a life of unselfish love whereby he awakens the spirit within himself which, being part of God, lies dormant in every person and also knows everything and thus can teach a person from within. Take the path to the higher Authority; don’t be satisfied with what people offer you even if they likewise believe it to represent the ‘truth’ .... There would not be so much darkness on earth if the truth had established itself amongst people. But it is obvious that dense darkness prevails or earth would be in a state of harmony and peace, when in fact the opposite is the case ....


BD 8688                received  29.11.1963

Wrong interpretation of Jesus’ Words ....

Human thought has an earthly tendency, consequently people also interpret everything in an earthly way that had a profoundly spiritual meaning, that was conveyed to them as spiritual guidance by Me, Who has always spoken to humanity either directly or through messengers. My teachings, however, were always intended for the salvation of the soul and whenever I speak to humanity, be it in ancient or more recent times, My Word has always had a spiritual meaning. This was quite correctly understood at the time, but soon the spiritual meaning was interspersed with worldly ideas and, eventually, interpreted in a purely worldly sense. And thus My Word never remained unspoilt, performances and customs evolved from it which no longer correspond to its spiritual meaning, and My Word has lost its healing power, since it is no longer My pure Word ....

That which was demanded of you spiritually .... because I expected its fulfilment to be a blessing for your souls .... has been turned into earthly performances by you humans. For every one of My requirements on your souls you invented and instituted an earthly activity which you called ‘sacraments’, attaching too much importance to them. As a result many people conscientiously comply with the regulations in their belief that they are accumulating a treasure of grace by fulfilling humanly decreed commandments .... However, it is all a mere matter of formality and appearance and completely unnecessary for the maturing of the souls .... Yet you stick with great tenacity to the formalities you created for yourselves but which I never demanded of you.

Everything I said during My life on earth as a human being had a profound spiritual meaning and can never be substituted by external acts .... But you do not understand the profound meaning and are satisfied with external customs which can never benefit your soul. Just think of the effects you attribute to ‘baptism’! .... You perform a simple external act and are then convinced of its spiritual success: be it the deliverance from the ‘hereditary sin’, or the admission into My church .... the admission into a religious community .... But all this has to be gained by the human being himself during his earthly life, he has to voluntarily let himself be delivered from sin through Jesus Christ. Consequently it requires more than just the act of baptism performed on a child .... And again, he will only be able to join ‘My church’ voluntarily by consciously living his life as My follower, in order to gain a living faith through love .... the characteristic of the church founded by Me.

Think of the Sacraments of Confession and the Altar .... What you made of them and by what formalities you expect your ‘forgiveness of sins’. Think of how I want you to understand the Words, that you should invite Me in so that I may hold communion with you and you with Me .... and how you turned My Words ‘This do in remembrance of Me ....’ into a process which, again, cannot have any effect on your soul unless you live a life of such profound love that I Myself can be present within you ....

All spiritual requirements your soul was meant to cope with by itself were combined with earthly concepts by you humans and thus you created your own structure, so that you eagerly comply with what is demanded of you, what is claimed to be My will .... Time and again you have to be given clarification about this, yet you do not accept such clarification but keep fulfilling the humanly decreed commandments with ever growing zeal whilst My commandments of love for God and your neighbour are being ignored. As a result your spirit is growing consistently darker until, in the end, you will become quite unable to recognise the error of your thoughts and actions. Besides, you have placed yourselves into bondage by submissively accepting everything as truth that is presented to you as ‘My Word’ ....

You ascribe a purely earthly meaning to My Words and ignore their spiritual meaning. And this is why errors have arisen which can only be rectified if you are filled with love, for then you will become enlightened and notice when you are confronted by error .... Then you will know that all humanly decreed commandments and sacramental acts are a deception, which could only have been alleged to be divine will by a dark spirit, and you will endeavour to free yourselves from error in the recognition of pure truth which alone can benefit the soul, and which can only be recognised as truth by someone who dwells in love, and who thus will fulfil My commandment of love first and then, as a result, also think correctly ....


BD 8814                received  18.06.1964

Exposure of misguided teachings is God’s will ....

It is My will that you should spread the truth, including the exposure of misguided teachings that have crept into My Word. This can only be done by confrontation with the pure truth. You must always ask yourselves who guarantees that My teachings, which are submitted to you, are the truth. You cannot simply accept human words as truth since you know that they can also be influenced by My adversary who is always interested in plunging humanity into confusion. If you really want to know the truth you will definitely receive the right answer providing you don’t want to live in error and request the answer from Me which I certainly won’t deny you. And first I will tell you that you have free will which may never be compelled .... I will point out to you that it may not be forced by either side, neither by good nor by evil influences, and that you are responsible as to how you have made use of this will. Hence every teaching which you are required to accept .... as a dogma .... is against My will. You have the freedom to determine for yourselves what you want to believe and no human being can limit your religious freedom. You also have the right to evaluate different directions of faith and take what you agree with from all schools of thought ....

Therefore I will always speak to those people who want the pure truth because all others are not interested, they are indifferent whether truth is presented to them or not. They are satisfied with teachings which have been added to My Gospel by people but which could be recognised as completely absurd if people cared to investigate them. My adversary has tied a solid knot by forcing people into ‘obedience’ which has eliminated every personal religious opinion because no one dares to have their own point of view or believes it to be a great sin .... And here God’s will should come first .... Therefore I draw your attention to free will which you would have to dispute if you submit yourselves to human law ....

The ‘working of the spirit’ in the human being, the only means of receiving pure truth, is also unknown to you. You do not believe that ‘I Myself will guide you into truth’, and you reject all knowledge gained this way. But this alone is the truth and exposes many misguided teachings. However, as long as you bow to Satan’s commandment that you may not freely accept a teaching which you have recognised as right, as long as you cannot liberate yourselves from something that I Myself will never demand of you .... you will be slaves, completely without freedom. I Myself will force no human being to accept the truth who does not recognise it as such since I have given the human being free will.

You so often raise the objection that human beings have to be educated in one direction of thought .... In that case you should just keep to the two commandments which I Myself have taught people on earth .... Just teach them the commandments of love and you will indeed be doing whatever human beings need to attain maturity of soul .... Because now it will show who has the sincere will to live in love. And then he will experience the working of My Spirit within himself too, he will be introduced to truth, to the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of creation, to the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of life on earth, and above all to the motivation and significance of the act of Salvation by Jesus Christ without Whom no human being can achieve blissfulness.

You, however, are not living Christians .... Christians, who are successors of Jesus and completely convinced of the strength of the Salvation work .... Christians, who belong to My Church, whose founder I Am Myself .... otherwise you would also hear the voice of My spirit who would inform you of the many misguided teachings which find acceptance in the world and which I will always and ever fight against .... (19.6.1964) because only truth will lead you to Me, and only through truth can you become blessed. And hence I will convey the truth to My helpers on earth again and again and at the same time give them the task to spread the truth in the world because the human being must live in truth if he wants to become happy ....


BD 2372                received  17.06.1942

Misguided teachings are barriers for the seeker of God ....

The spiritually seeking human being experiences a certain lack of freedom as long as he cannot intellectually free himself from human teachings which don’t correspond to the truth. Such doctrines prevent him from cognition and thus he thereby erects his own limitation of knowledge because pure truth cannot be given to him until he has liberated himself or .... if it is given to him he does not recognise it as such. Although God moves indeed towards the seeking human being, He wants to be unreservedly accepted.

Misguided opinions, however, are barriers erected by the human being which, in a manner of speaking, still signify a partition between God and the person. Every false doctrine that the human being won’t give up is such a barrier which still separates the person from God. God will now stimulate the human being to pull the barrier down, i.e. other people will shake his convictions by unfavourably criticising his misguided teachings and the person will thus become inclined to quash these. If he does, he will soon gain insight because now he is taught by God Himself Who will send him the right thoughts, which the human being readily accepts. But as long as he holds on to his misguided opinions he cannot become enlightened. He finds no connection, and therefore his knowledge is patchwork and not sufficient to teach other people either, for someone can only give that what he owns himself and not what he is lacking. However, the more willing a human being is to walk the right path, i.e. to live in accordance with divine will, the more certainly God will guide him towards cognition, it just takes a long time to remove those obstructions which make it impossible to achieve cognition.

One must try with great patience to disprove another person’s false opinions. The love of a fellow human being can achieve this as long as he knows the truth and thus can also impart the truth. The human being is always victorious when truth is on his side because the truth is of God and God cannot be defeated. Anyone seeking God will find Him without fail because He makes Himself known to anyone who sincerely endeavours to find Him ....


BD 8692                received  04.12.1963

Sacraments ....
(Ordination to the priesthood - Anointing the sick)

I shall further teach you that you should free yourselves from error when it is explained to you that you have interpreted My Word in an earthly, rather than spiritual, way. You should know that external ceremonies do not suffice for My spirit to express itself, and that likewise a person cannot be appointed into a teaching ministry or become a leader or principal of a community by way of external ceremonies .... Many are called but only few are chosen, and the few are instructed by Myself; I Myself put them into the place where they can work for Me and My kingdom. But the person is also subject to conditions in order to make him a capable teacher and leader of his fellow human beings .... My spirit has to be able to work in him so that he himself lives in truth and thus is My representative on earth who administers his office in My name, in accordance with My will and guided by Me Myself.

It cannot be denied that amongst those who call themselves My representatives on earth there are also people who live entirely within My will and serve Me conscientiously .... But they were appointed to their ministry by Me Myself and did not become My servants through external ceremonies .... performed by their fellow human beings .... because their appointment is a personal matter of free will which surrenders to Me completely, so that a human being is closely united with Me by love .... so that I Myself can then give him the task he is to administer ....

But this heartfelt commitment and their life of love also assures the awakening of their spirit and then they will delve deeper into the truth too .... They resist any kind of inaccuracy, they resist the distortion of everything that originated from Me and will also disassociate themselves from error .... So now you understand that you won’t find My true representatives where people expect and acknowledge them to be, for these exclude themselves by representing error and not genuinely looking for truth .... They cannot be My servants and representatives because they accept erroneous beliefs and do nothing to acquire the pure truth ....

Thus you will also know what to make of the ‘Sacrament of ordination to the priesthood’, for even if a person is of good will he has to prove it by declaring to Me his willingness to completely submit to My will .... And that means that he has to investigate every doubt arising in himself which I put into his heart Myself to enable him to draw close to Me and the truth .... And if he shies away from contemplating such doubt he will keep himself forcibly blind. He could receive the light yet he closes his eyes, and thus his heart is not open to Me so that I could send a ray of light into it ....

You humans should not say that it is not possible for a person who genuinely longs for Me to detach himself from error, for you all know of My power and love which truly helps everyone who strives towards Me, the eternal truth .... But you have to let yourselves be taught first, you have to take notice of the pure truth, of My adversary’s activity, of the misguided belief with which he has entrapped you, and you have to have the sincere will to free yourselves from him and request Me to help you ....

Don’t you think that I would help you, since I only ever want to deliver you humans from the darkness of spirit and give you light? You only need to use your intellect with good will and you would recognise the flaws in what you are expected to believe .... But you were given intellect otherwise you would not differ from an animal which cannot be held responsible for its actions. You, however, will one day have to give an account of whether and how you used your intellect since it can help you to become enlightened, providing you are of good will and desire a true light. As I keep emphasising .... doubts about the truth are appropriate wherever external ceremonies are to vouch for a spiritual achievement. Your soul will never be able to gain such an achievement, neither on earth nor in the beyond, if such external acts are performed on a person before his passing away, they are nothing but ceremonies and customs and are of no benefit for the soul .... However, I Myself know every single soul and judge it by its degree of love, for only this determines the degree of light the soul enters into after its physical death, providing it does not enter the realm of darkness because it is completely without love and therefore belongs to My adversary who governs the kingdom of darkness ....


BD 8643                received  13.10.1963

Explanation about baptism with water ....

You still do not understand the spiritual meaning of My Word .... you interpret the letters intellectually and therefore cannot get the correct results. You cannot understand what I wanted to say when I told My disciples ‘Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.’ By ‘baptism’ you only ever understand the immersion in water .... an external formality performed by people to demonstrate their obedience to the commandment of baptism .... which, however, is and always was merely an accompanying formality but it does not affect the real core of My commandment. Baptism with water as such does not actually effect a transformation of the person, as you humans will have to admit .... Only the contribution of what emanates from the Father, the Son and the spirit .... which proves the Father’s love, the Son’s wisdom and the spirit’s strength .... can cause a change in the human being and is the true baptism, which every person must have received in order to reach his goal on earth: to perfect himself in order to be eternally united with Me.

The Father .... love .... is an eternal fire which emanates the light of wisdom .... the Son, and the strength of the spirit has to express itself as a result. The human being .... as a weak creature, has to be so permeated by love and wisdom that he in turn attains strength and freedom himself once again. He has to be permeated by My spirit, hence love, wisdom and spiritual strength have to characterise him as a divine living being which has returned to perfection. The human being has to immerse himself in the sea of My love, he has to be guided into truth, which will always come about by way of My will, My strength and My greater than great love.

Baptise them in the name of the Father .... be kind when you give them My Word which is wisdom, and thereby enable the working of the spirit in the human being, which presumes an activity of love, because the manifestation of My spirit is the gift of My love which expresses itself in the conveyance of wisdom .... of truthful knowledge .... Love, wisdom and strength .... they have to be truthfully clarified to you humans, and this clarification is a true baptism of spirit which cannot be replaced by an immersion in water.

Try to understand that you humans should not adhere to external formalities .... try to understand that I truly do not demand outward appearances from you but only ever evaluate what is done in spirit and in truth. And if you now, as evidence of your correct thinking, refer to My baptism by John in the river Jordan, then remember that people knew very little about Me in those days, that outward actions meant a lot to them then, and that every person needed a certain degree of maturity first in order to explain to him the spiritual meaning of baptism. Besides, by their willingness to be baptised by John people proved their desire to come closer to their God and Creator, and in those days this was indeed a substantial spiritual gain. And thus I, too, submitted Myself to this formality in order to legitimise the actions of My forerunner John. It would have been futile to explain the unimportance of this external action to people because they would have been unable to comprehend the pure spiritual truth. The baptism with water caused them no harm, but would only be beneficial to them when they also accepted the Word of God, which John passed on to them ....

And therefore the human being today will also receive ‘baptism’ when he accepts My Word, which is conveyed to him by My infinite Fatherly love, and lives accordingly and thereby finds wisdom .... as a result of love .... which awakens and activates My spirit of light and strength inside of him .... However, all this cannot be replaced by baptism with water, the latter will always remain a symbol, an external formality from which people do not want to part because they try to demonstrate everything outwardly and are not content with the value of purely spiritual experiences.

I can only ever repeat that all external actions and customs are of no benefit, that I will never judge a person by his outward action but solely by his inner attitude towards Me and My Word. As soon as a human being accepts My Word, acknowledges it and lives accordingly he will perfect himself while still on earth, because My Word is the water of life which comes forth from the source of all being. And in this water you should immerse yourselves, this water will flow from your body and you will experience the spiritual baptism when the spirit within you awakens to life, when you are permeated by love, wisdom and strength and you once again become the original being you once were, when by the water of life you achieve eternal life which you will never lose again ....


BD 6611                received  01.08.1956

About ‘Baptism’ ....

You cannot appreciate the immense grace of receiving My Word, since all your questions are answered by Me and any doubts are expelled whenever you turn to Me for an explanation. I answer such questions mentally too, but you are frequently unsure as to whether you have received these thoughts from Me and thus your doubts are not dispelled, whereas the Word you receive makes you happy as soon as you make use of the grace bestowed upon you by receiving the Word. Many more questions are on your mind and simply a trusting prayer to Me would suffice to receive an explanation from Me, but you far too seldom turn to Me with such requests and thus you are not yet fully aware of the immense grace at your disposal:

Every human soul requires a thorough cleansing, a bath, which removes all its impurities, which refreshes and revives it and makes it suitable for the work it has to carry out on earth. And every human soul has to be willing to undertake this purification or to submit to it in the knowledge that prior to this it is not as I want it to be, as it has to be in order to approach Me and to stay with Me eternally. But such a purifying bath is not to be understood purely externally, it is an act which has to take place internally, which only becomes outwardly recognisable by a change in a person’s character, thus giving the person himself the certainty to have worked himself out of a morass, to have had a refreshing bath and to then leave it completely cleansed. However, clear water with a refreshing effect cannot be stagnant, it has to be a flowing, living stream, the kind of water that has the strength to purify and revive. Hence you require ‘living water’ .... and you also know what is to be understood by ‘living water’ ....

Time and again I invite you to come to the source from whence the living water flows, time and again I want you to enter into the sea of My love, to immerse yourselves, to allow yourselves to be ‘baptised’ by Me Myself with My Word, which alone has the strength to effect a change in you, which purifies and revives your soul and gives it true life ....

Thus when I said to My disciples ‘Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost’ .... it is meant that they were to bring My Word to people in My name, the living water which originates from Me .... that people have to go to the source. Love Itself .... the Father .... offers you humans the Word which enables you to reach profound wisdom if you live accordingly and thereby awaken the spirit within you which will give you complete enlightenment .... Your soul needs this Word which alone has the same effect as pure water on your body: that it leaves the bath strengthened and suitable for every task it will be required to do .... And thus My disciples were supposed to carry My Word to all people, who were meant to receive something precious with love which was to kindle their love in turn and bring the spirit within them to life .... Living water, however, only originates from Me. I Myself Am the source from whence living water flows, and every human being must have descended into the well of My love in order to receive divine wisdom and to recognise it through his spirit.

This is the baptism which every person must have received in order to become a member of the church of Christ .... the church I Myself founded on earth .... Consequently your will is required first, which has to make the free decision to descend into the stream of My love, to accept My living Word and thereby purge its soul, which then makes My presence possible. My Words are only ever to be understood in a spiritual sense, and no outward process will ever achieve the inner transformation of a being, the purification of a soul. Therefore you should always endeavour to discover the spiritual meaning of My Words which, however, will become quite clear to you when you ask Me Myself in your heart for clarification, because if you genuinely desire it you cannot do anything else but think correctly .... But then you will also accept My Word without resistance when it is given to you by My disciples, and then you will enter into My divine abundance of love .... you will receive baptism .... My love will permeate you with My spirit and guide you into truth .... love, wisdom and strength will then be the soul’s share .... The Father, Son and Holy Ghost will then be constant companions of the souls who let themselves be baptised with the water of life and love ....


BD 6000                received  13.07.1954

Resurrection of the flesh ....

The will for truth guarantees correct thinking and correct understanding .... You, who want truth, will receive the purest truth, you need not fear any error and thus will always be blessed if you want to spread the truth. Let Me know what you cannot understand as yet .... what gives rise to doubt .... and I will teach and enlighten you ....

The doctrine of the resurrection of the flesh .... as you humans would dearly like to understand it .... becomes untenable as soon as you have penetrated spiritual knowledge to some extent, as soon as you have come closer to the truth and tried to explain the meaning of My Words in a spiritual sense. What I said is eternal, unchangeable truth ..... but the meaning you try to read into it is truly not in My Word .... But every person will be able to grasp the spiritual meaning of My Words if only he sincerely strives for truth. Anyone who prays to Me Myself for understanding, who tries to penetrate the truth, will soon plainly and clearly realise the spiritual meaning of the Word, and he will not get stuck to the letter .... ‘Resurrection of the flesh ....’ These words mean the same to you humans as ‘life after death’ ....

To you, the word ‘life’ has the same meaning as ‘to live in the flesh’ as long as your spirit is not yet awakened, as long as the real meaning of ‘life’ is still unknown to you. People who do not believe in a continuation of life believe that their existence ends with their physical death. Being in their physical body means ‘life’ to them. However, they know that they will lose this shell through death but they do not believe in a trinity of body, soul and spirit .... Only the body exists for them, the ‘flesh’, and once this has died the expression ‘life’ is over for them. Resurrection of the flesh signifies the resurrection of the body to them. They only associate this with their physical body, and it is a difficult doctrine .... the ‘resurrection of the flesh’, which people are expected to believe ....

Nevertheless, it can be a blessing if, due to this teaching, the human being believes in resurrection .... in life after death. As a result of this belief he will also change his nature and this change can result in an awakening, in an illumination by My spirit .... And then he will also understand the Word ‘resurrection of the flesh ....’ Then he will comprehend its spiritual meaning .... Resurrection means: to awaken from death into life .... to arise from a state of sleep .... to step out of darkness into light .... And thus, for the first time, everything that was concealed by the darkness of night will come into light .... It will arise and reveal itself .... it will come alive in order to bear witness .... In the state of death nothing happens that could be declared. However, what happened in life, in the state when you lived on earth in the flesh, now becomes evident, it reveals itself, it arises to give evidence for or against you .... And not, that the physical body of flesh rises again from the dust in order to shroud you once more for a new life. For this body of flesh is just a transient shell for the immortal soul, which cannot die but it can be spiritually dead on its departure from earth. Nevertheless, it can still awaken to life in the spiritual realm .... thus still rise from the dead even there .... if it finds its way to Jesus Christ, Who will then give it ‘life’ ....

Even Jesus became flesh when He came to earth, and even this flesh had to suffer earthly death. Jesus rose from the dead to confirm to you that your life will not end with the death of your body, that your soul, too, can arise to eternal life .... but to confirm the truth of His Words He let His body rise from the dead too .... and yet, it was not a resurrection of the flesh, for His body had spiritualised itself. The soul had donned the garment of the spirit and withdrawn all spiritual substances from the earthly body since, due to His life and death, it had already become completely spiritualised .... Thus the body’s physical substances, which are essentially spiritual substances too, had already achieved their final objective on earth and thus could join the soul and .... because it had been Jesus’ will .... also become visible to His disciples in order to strengthen their faith. And since a perfect spirit is not earthbound, Jesus could rise into spiritual spheres .... when He ascended to heaven ....

You humans, too, will have a body after your resurrection .... a spiritual garment, and this will be in accordance with your flesh, for ‘you will reap what you have sown ....’ If you have sinned in the flesh, the garment of your soul will give it away. If you have done good works out of love, you will be radiant and thus recognisable too. Yet your soul will never again put on the heavy earthly garment, which was its abode during the short earthly time in order to be able to survive in the material world .... Anyone who knows the meaning and purpose of the material creation, who knows about the fallen spirits’ development through this creation for the purpose of ascending to Me, will not need such explanations, but he needs to be able to refute a doctrine which is absurd due to wrong interpretation ....

But if you absolutely want to speak about the resurrection of the ‘flesh’, let the explanation suffice you that My Word will rise again to bear witness for or against you .... I Am the Word that was made flesh .... and I approach every human being in the Word .... And when the last day has come, when every one of you will have to be judged, My Word itself will judge you .... you, who received My Word and considered it in accordance with your will .... The flesh will rise again .... because it was offered to you as nourishment, you were meant to ‘eat My flesh’ and ‘drink My blood’, you were meant to accept My Word eagerly and let it strengthen you ....

And you will have to justify yourselves before Me how you have used My gift of love. This explanation also corresponds to the truth, and it should encourage you to use your life in the flesh on this earth by accepting His food and drink, Who is the eternal Word that became ‘flesh’ for your sake ....

You will find wisdom shining forth from every explanation, even if you humans have not yet penetrated into spiritual knowledge. And if your spirit is awake, you will readily accept every one of My explanations, for they will satisfy you, whereas the wrong interpretation of My Word will only stir a will of resistance in you and must do so, because this wrong interpretation stems from My adversary whose aim it is to confuse a person’s thoughts, to divert him from the truth and to remove any belief in life after death. A wrong interpretation such as this also proves the spiritually low level of people, and also of those who bring My Word to them even though they have not yet penetrated the meaning of My Words themselves .... The letter kills .... only the spirit gives life .... And all of you should ask for this spirit, you should pray for enlightened thinking and strive for pure truth, and your prayer will certainly not go unheeded ....


BD 7884                received  03.05.1961

The letter kills ....
Lifeless proclaimer of the Word ....

It is the spirit which gives life .... and every letter read with an unawakened spirit kills; it will remain incomprehensible to the human being regardless of how much effort he intellectually exerts in order to fathom its meaning .... And this has led to many errors, insofar as that My Word was translated or preached to fellow human beings by people who were spiritually unawakened themselves and who let their intellect dictate where the heart alone should have been able to judge or clarify matters had My spirit been allowed to express itself through it. I Myself was no longer able to speak to people through a preacher; instead he provided them with his own teachings and explanations which no longer corresponded to the truth. And thus the meaning of the Gospel, which I Myself taught on earth, became increasingly more distorted in due course, and only a few read ‘My Word’ with an awakened spirit and derive the right benefit from it for their souls. For all others, however, the strength of My Word remains ineffective, they listen to it, but because they don’t understand it correctly they don’t live accordingly and therefore cannot attain spiritual awakening either .... For rarely will preachers mention the ‘working of the spirit in the human being’ because they don’t understand it themselves .... because they don’t know that it is the direct result of a life of love and that they would be able to convince themselves that they become brightly illuminated if they lived a life of love themselves .... They read the sentence: The letter kills, but the spirit gives life .... and don’t know what it means .... for they are still spiritually unawakened themselves. And this is why one can almost speak of a dead Christendom, this is why My Word, which is contained in the Book of Books, does not do a lot for people anymore, this is why the faith has become faint and weak, it lacks the strength of life, for it can only come alive through love, and love awakens the spirit ....

And if only a tender seedling grows from the warmth of love, then it will soon become strong and vigorous .... A living faith will develop and everything will awaken to life which so far had lain dormant in the person .... The soul will arise and allow itself to be influenced by the spark of spirit, it will come alive and never ever lose this life again. But then the person will also understand every Word which originated from Me .... he will be able to distinguish error from truth and by no means fall prey to error, for then he will be instructed by the spirit and empty letters will mean nothing to him, he will know the spiritual meaning of the Word .... And every Word that once came forth from Me and reaches his ears and heart will grant him life. Then he will truly no longer be a dead Christian and also be able to vividly testify to Me, he will not just use the Words of the Scriptures but also be capable of clarifying their spiritual meaning .... he will in truth be a teacher of his fellow human beings in accordance with My will, for he then will let Me Myself be in him so that I can express Myself through the spirit when he instructs his fellow human beings .... And only those who work on My instructions are My true servants .... For I do not call a proclaimer of My Word who only knows the letters without understanding their spiritual meaning My servant .... because he has appointed himself and not made himself worthy of My calling first, which requires that a person wanting to work for Me is spiritually awake. Yet as soon as he not only teaches love, which is the epitome of My Gospel .... as soon as he also lives a life of love, he will also awaken the spirit in him to life, and then he will be a welcome servant for Me through whom I will be able to work, through whom I will be able to address people Myself who then can also perceptibly feel the strength of My Word .... And those who allow themselves to be awakened will come to life again, who look for Me with a sincere will and appeal to Me for the strength of My spirit .... For they will make an effort to live My Word .... by living a life of love they will awaken the spirit within them, they will no longer be lifeless proclaimers of My Word but full of life and bearing witness to Me ....


BD 8769                received  03.03.1964

Which knowledge is ‘patchwork’? ....

You who ought to stand up for Me and My Word shall also be properly instructed yourselves, you shall learn everything that is needed in order to be able to teach and answer every question and objection .... And this is not ‘patchwork’ knowledge even if it cannot be offered to you in great detail because you are unable to grasp the most profound wisdoms, yet you will be guided into all correlations and enlightened time and again where you are not fully informed .... Yet always with the reservation that I give to you what you really need but that I also know which knowledge to withhold from you as it serves no meaning and purpose for your earthly existence. You humans gladly use empty phrases when you lack something yourselves rather than making the effort of appealing to Me for what you are missing. Thus you often use the phrase ‘Your knowledge is patchy ....’ which is quite true if you look at humankind in general and even at those who, although they are endowed with a sharp intellect, only use it to try solving earthly problems. For they will still lack a lot of knowledge as long as they are not taught by the spirit within themselves .... but where it concerns the transmission of spiritual knowledge and therefore those who are commissioned by Me to spread the truth they are sure to be well prepared and educated for their mission by Me, and then I will also convey to them what they will need for their office. And then your objection is truly unjustified, for they will be able to answer all your questions unless you defend an error claiming to have been taught by Me as well. In that case, however, I will certainly intervene and give you the right explanation for there is nothing you cannot ask Me to clarify for you ....

For I want you humans to know the truth, and therefore I will also convey irrefutable spiritual knowledge to those who shall work for Me and spread the truth. The objection that the Book of Books does not contain this or that of the knowledge I present to you is only insofar justified as that it cannot contain everything since it is accessible to all people but not everyone is receptive or open to more profound truths, for each individual person’s way of life determines to what extent he will understand the contents of the Scriptures. And it will always be the case that the willing and more mature human being draws from the Scriptures what another person fails to notice due to his unawakened spirit. And since the Book of the Fathers no longer means what it should to people .... My Word .... I once again make Myself heard by those who allow My working in them and thus also enlighten them about issues which are not mentioned in this very book but which everyone could learn if he completely accepted My will in accordance with the Scriptures and lived a life of love. This is why your knowledge will remain ‘patchwork’ as long as you ignore the latter, just as you are only readers and not doers of My Word. Until then you will also have to be content with partial knowledge which you, however, can always increase if you seriously strive to do so.

For My part you should live in the light and escape the darkness, but light is truthful knowledge and whatever I give I give without restriction, depending on your maturity and willingness to receive .... And if I already give this assurance to everyone who just fulfils My will and lives a life of love, then I will convey even more extensive knowledge to someone who shall teach his fellow human beings on My instruction, whom I thus educate for his teaching work Myself. For a teacher must be able to answer every question he is asked, he must have an explanation for everything and will also be always correctly guided in his thinking .... or he would be unable to work on My instruction as My representative on earth who teaches people on My behalf yet is always using My spiritual information. For as soon as he teaches he no longer speaks himself but uses My Words which I put into his mouth. And I Myself can truly not be described as being ignorant, hence My representative on earth must also receive his wisdom from Me as soon as He speaks on My behalf .... instead of Myself .... This alone determines who should be acknowledged as My true representative on earth .... You will soon be able to see through this, for wherever profound wisdom is evident the knowledge can only have been imparted to him through My spirit. But where My spirit works so that I can speak to a person directly it also guarantees that missional work shall be done, for which I have chosen My servant Myself and whom I will also place into a position of being able to fulfil his mission. And that is where you will always be able to find an explanation, for if you acknowledge him as My representative on earth you approach Me directly and I can teach you Myself as far as you are receptive to My explanations ....


BD 8842                received  21.08.1964

Study does not guarantee spiritual knowledge ....

It is a broad field which is opened up to you through My Word from above. You are penetrating unfamiliar territory, you receive vast and extensive knowledge and can extraordinarily enrich yourselves with spiritual knowledge. Yet this also obliges you to pass it on, for the spiritual knowledge shall brightly shine wherever there are receptive hearts. For that which you receive is truth, even if it will time and again cause offence with those who value their intellect more than spiritual transmissions. However, as long as people are incapable of liberating themselves from traditionally-adopted spiritual information they will not be able to recognise the pure truth either. For whatever is gained by study is dead knowledge if the spirit of people acquiring such knowledge is not awakened. And therefore you will experience the biggest rejection where only the intellect was involved, where I Myself was unable to speak, because I speak to the human being’s spirit which maintains the bond with the eternal Father-Spirit. You will only rarely meet with understanding there but that should not stop you from speaking on behalf of the only truth, for no human being will be able to disprove it because I Myself convey this truth to earth and no-one will actually be able to contest My arguments. The fact that people interpret passages of the bible at their own discretion only reveals their error consistently more clearly, they just don’t want to admit to it due to their years of study. Yet of what use is this without the awakening of the spirit. And how much misconception has it already achieved .... And your task is to refute it, to expose all error and offer people the plain truth which they then are indeed more likely to accept than spiritual knowledge which can lay claim to ‘truth’. Hence, whatever you undertake in order to convey the information from above to people has My blessing and will certainly achieve its purpose, for many people object to the distorted doctrine and will be happy to have found an agreeable explanation.

Yet people who persist in holding on to the knowledge they gained through study will become your enemies, precisely because they lack an awakened spirit. Nevertheless, don’t let it disturb you for you are working on My instructions .... You proclaim the truth which alone originates from Me .... and you will truly surpass their knowledge, for you will be able to explain all those things which preceded the creation of the world and of the human being .... And this is really very significant, and you cannot be disproved. They can only reject it as implausible but they will be unable to offer a better explanation and reason for their existence on this earth. They will have to admit that they did not learn anything about this even through study .... but it was explained to people by Me Myself. You humans can’t possibly imagine that you .... who are highly educated .... are more privileged than people who are less intelligent when it concerns the achievement of maturity of soul .... You cannot possibly depend the ‘maturity of soul’ on your sharpness of intellect just because you were able to ‘study’ .... if you don’t awaken your spirit first, in which case, however, it would have pointed the error out to you. On the other hand, an uneducated mind can achieve spiritual awakening because it only requires love and this has to be put into practice in order to awaken the spirit to life. And anyone who lives this love cannot agree with misguided teachings .... He will know precisely where error has crept in and will wholeheartedly support the eradication of these misguided teachings. Whether you belong to this or that school of thought .... unless you first come spiritually alive your knowledge will remain dead knowledge which cannot emanate strength to the listeners .... This has to be said to all of those who reject My revelations on the basis of their worldly knowledge, which I cannot call otherwise because it was gained by way of study but which does not guarantee truth, which can only be obtained from Me .... from the primary source of truth ....


BD 8272                received  14.09.1962

Recognising the true messengers ....

The human being’s will to know the truth is blessed by Me, for then I will be able to reveal Myself to him, I will be able to mentally convey the truth to him or address him so that he will hear My Word. Under no circumstances do I want him to accept mental concepts which seem doubtful to him, for such doubts are justified if he genuinely requests the truth. Then these doubts will already constitute a mild rejection of what contradicts the truth. You ask Me how you can recognise the truth, you ask, how you can recognise My messengers .... If I transmit a major revelation to earth you will always recognise it as coming from Me by the bright ray of light that illuminates your heart .... For a divine revelation has to enrich you, you have to receive something that makes you happy, that you don’t want to part with again .... always provided that you genuinely desire the truth .... then the Eternal Truth will reveal Itself to you. In that case it is irrelevant as to whether you receive this gift directly or through My messengers, for then you will also experience the same feeling, because they, too, only impart what originates from Me.

If, however, the spiritual information leaves you unmoved or you inwardly reject it, then you can unhesitatingly dismiss it, for it will never be a divine revelation but usually your own or adopted ideas which have no effective strength. Then you need not fear to do wrong, for anyone who wants to hear Me will also recognise My voice .... ‘He who keeps My commandments is the one who loves Me .... and I will reveal Myself to him ....’ i.e. I will make Myself known to him.

And the human being will recognise Me when he is informed about My nature .... when he receives the knowledge which hitherto was hidden from him .... Hence on account of this knowledge he will be able to recognise Me .... for knowledge, in turn, is the light which illuminates a person from within. If you therefore receive varying knowledge, i.e. contradicting knowledge from external sources you only need to make heartfelt contact with Me and ask Me to help you recognise the truth and truly, you will feel the correct spiritual knowledge come forth from Me and can safely reject the rest. Not everyone hears My Word directly, and yet I Am addressing him Myself when the directly received Word is imparted to him .... And if I address him Myself through these very messengers who received it directly from Me, he will also feel that he is being addressed by Me, and this is your most reliable evidence that you receive the purest truth, for I place this feeling into your heart Myself ....

You have further reliable proof of a ‘divine revelation’ if it keeps exposing existing misguided teachings, if the contents of such a revelation clearly intend to ‘purify the Gospel’ which was repeatedly spoiled by human will .... True messengers can therefore only be people who endorse the truth of such a revelation, who make sure that these revelations are passed on to people .... Since I Am the Eternal Truth Myself I will consequently also ensure that people can receive the truth if they genuinely want it .... A revelation from Me must therefore enlighten them about everything pertaining to spiritual subjects. Thus I only call those people ‘My messengers’ who try to spread My Word which I directly conveyed to earth .... I indeed pour out My spirit upon all flesh, as I promised .... Yet this is not limited to such obviously remarkable revelations on My part but includes enlightened reasoning, correct communication in spiritual discussions, realisation of My divine Word, hence also complete understanding of the unusual knowledge contained in My revelations from above .... And if the recipients of My Word can be addressed by Me directly they will always proclaim and advocate the same .... For this reason an unusual revelation can always be regarded as a criterion for the truth of spiritual knowledge, and since its contents predominantly consist of Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation it also proves its divine origin and therefore also guarantees the complete truth ....


BD 8716                received  05.01.1964

God’s true representatives are appointed by God Himself ....

Anyone who voluntarily offers to serve Me has achieved a certain degree of love which also provides the prerequisite of being suitable for service in My vineyard. And thus, all of you who genuinely want to work for Me and My kingdom can also rest assured that I accept your service. However, many people claim to be God’s servants without being so because they lack these very prerequisites which guarantee cooperation with Me .... Yet it is not always easy for you humans to know the difference; it isn’t always easy to recognise My true servants since the others also use fine words although they have no direct instruction from Me; they present themselves as My servants yet were not called by Me to this service. And only the rightful servant, having been appointed to his office by Myself, will recognise who speaks in My name, who truly works for Me and My kingdom. For My servants have to establish a living connection between themselves and Me, the God of love has to be recognised as a Father with Whom the child can enter into direct contact .... Yet generally people, and even those who deem themselves to be leaders of people, still look for Me in the distance, they are still far away from Me, they don’t establish intimate contact, consequently, the one thing that characterises a true servant appointed by Me cannot take place, namely, that he is taught by Me directly, that he receives every instruction from Me directly, that he desires to hear My Word in heartfelt unity with Me and thus also receives the purest truth from Me ....

What nowadays still exists in the world as a spiritual movement, ecclesiastical functions and organisations, can just be considered a shell which lacks its kernel: the pure truth .... There will be people everywhere who do establish this intimate relationship with Me and who can be taught by My Word directly but they will have no success with their fellow human beings, either because they are bound to their spiritual movement and lack the resistance to oppose it when they have recognised the truth .... or they will be persecuted and prevented from working for Me and My kingdom .... For he who is My adversary and enemy has great power, yet it was granted to the adversary by people themselves, because they are all blind supporters who thoughtlessly and without reservation accepted everything they were given and no longer want to let go of it .... And thus the number of My true representatives on earth is not very large, yet they alone live in truth and therefore can also pass it on, if only people asked themselves just for once as to whether they really know the truth and, in desire of it, sincerely appealed to Me for clarification, for spiritual enlightenment .... However, as a rule they are indifferent as to what they believe, they don’t express their own opinion about the spiritual knowledge that is imparted to them .... And they don’t realise the effect of this indifference on their souls which will have to bear the consequences when they enter the kingdom of the beyond.

There are only a few who work for Me in My name, but through them I convey the pure truth to earth and also make it available for everyone who earnestly desires truth. However, I do not force anyone to accept it, just as I do not forcibly determine a human being to receive the pure truth from Me .... Everything is determined by free will which I do not infringe upon. And you who ask why I have allowed such distortion of truth to happen can find the explanation for it in this free will .... Every human being can kindle love in his heart and let it flare up ever more brightly .... And love emanates light .... So if he has the will to live in truth he can also recognise My adversary’s fabrications, who always tries to undermine the truth, and he will approach Me directly and desire clarification from Me, which I will surely send to him .... And thus people who are willing to live a life of active love will feel repelled by misguided teachings and gladly and eagerly accept the truth .... The loving person will always consider Me first before all ecclesiastical organisations, irrespective of which school of thought they represent .... He will always take the path to Me and thus join the church which I established on earth Myself, which is built on living faith .... as a result of love.

You humans should all belong to this church, this church is the only beatifying church, for this church is a spiritual community of believers and its members can come from all schools of thought .... They only need to fulfil the commandments which I gave on earth Myself: The commandments of love for God and one’s neighbour .... Then they will gain a living faith, they will enable My spirit to work within them, which is the characteristic of the church I founded on earth. Believe that I only judge you in accordance with your degree of love and believe that love also guarantees you wisdom, the realisation, the knowledge which corresponds to the truth. And where this working of the spirit cannot be found, My true representatives are not there, there are no servants whom I have called Myself and appointed to their teaching ministry .... For they have no teaching material themselves since they cannot receive it from Me directly and use what My adversary has time and again interspersed with errors .... which can no longer be considered the pure truth. Bear in mind that I Myself promised to ‘guide you into truth ....’ through My spirit. And ask yourselves why I gave you this promise since I had, after all, brought you the truth Myself when I lived on earth as Jesus the man .... From these words alone you can deduct that I knew that the truth would not remain pure for long amongst people and that I would be unable to prevent this if I didn’t want to render people’s will unfree ....

But time and again I made sure that the pure truth was conveyed to you knowing that only truth can make you blissfully happy and because I also know the state of those who enter the kingdom of the beyond with misguided spiritual knowledge. In order that you can be blissfully happy you must be able to bestow the truth upon those who find themselves in spiritual darkness .... Hence you must first possess the truth yourselves and completely free yourselves from wrong spiritual knowledge .... For you will surely understand that conditions in the material world would not be so confused if people’s heart were filled by the light of truth. And from the earthly state around you, you can draw your conclusion as to people’s low spiritual level, the sole reason for which rests in heartlessness and its resulting total spiritual blindness. Anyone who wants to become enlightened will be illuminated .... and the will of anyone who wants to remain in darkness shall be respected, yet his fate one day will be a very painful one ....


BD 5456                received  04.08.1952

The only beatifying church ....

There is no ‘only beatifying church’ if an organisation is meant by this. Anyone belonging to the church founded by Me on earth will become blessed, because his eternal bliss is already guaranteed by the fact that he is a member of My church, that he therefore lives in a faith which has become a living faith through love. It is not the ‘church’ that ensures a person’s beatitude but faith and love .... which might well be entirely missing in spite of belonging to a church supposedly founded by Me but established by people as the ‘only beatifying’ church. Indeed, true members of My church can emerge from every church or school of thought as this is solely determined by faith and love, but no human being can ever belong to this church of Mine who cannot demonstrate its characteristics .... the working of My spirit, which is based on faith and love. My kingdom is not of this world and although My Words were undeniably spoken to the people of this world they nevertheless had a spiritual meaning, because they were meant to help establish My spiritual kingdom, they referred to the kingdom outside of this world, which is everlasting. What I demanded of people was to guarantee their eternal life in the spiritual kingdom, My demands should in fact be fulfilled on earth but not with earthly actions in which the soul could stay detached .... rather the soul has to comply with My will ....

Only the soul has to change itself, and if it genuinely strives to do so it will already be a member of My church, because then the person also has faith and his inner impulse for willing pursuit is My spirit, My voice, to which he will listen and strive to follow. And this working of spirit is proof of membership to My church .... which will later result in blissfulness .... I brought the pure Gospel to people, I enlightened people about everything required to enter My kingdom which is not of this world .... I taught them to love and thus showed them the way which leads into the kingdom of bliss, I gathered around Me all those who so far had been taught wrongly, and thus I was their preacher representing His church and wanting to give its beatifying effect to the people who listened to Him .... Therefore I founded the true church while I lived on earth, and I admitted everyone into it .... Jews, Gentiles, tax collectors and sinners .... and to those who believed in Me, who accepted My teaching and lived accordingly, I sent My spirit after My death, the attribute of My church, which cannot be overcome by the gates of hell ....

But where is the working of the spirit in the church which calls itself the ‘only beatifying church’? My spirit can certainly express itself even there, as long as a connection with My church has been established first, because I alone pour out My spirit and only where the conditions are met which result in a working of My spirit. And that is where the true church of Christ can also be recognised, because no matter what is done to its people, they cannot be defeated or driven away even if hell itself takes action against them .... My church is invincible because it is My work .... it is the only spiritual church which leads to beatitude. No self-righteous Christians can be found in it because they exclude themselves from the community of believers and are therefore not true followers of Christ and neither are they devout representatives of My name when they are put to the test. And this test of faith will be demanded of them, it will be demanded of all who call themselves believers, and then it will be proven who belongs to the true church, the church which I founded Myself. Then the working of My spirit will be proven as well as the strength it can give to those who come under attack for My name’s sake but who gladly acknowledge Me before the world when the decision is demanded.

And then it will also be proven how little the church, which calls itself the only beatifying church, lives up to its promises .... how all its members will leave who did not belong to My church, who then recognise its weakness but not the spiritual value of the church which was built on faith as strong as Peter’s .... Because every one of My Words was and is to be understood spiritually and can only be understood as such when My spirit can work within a person. But then he has a living faith and he will only strive for the kingdom which is not of this world ....


BD 6402                received  15.11.1955

Church buildings? ....

It does not correspond to My will that ostentatious and splendid buildings get erected for Me at a time when it is particularly important for people to look within themselves and not towards things which still belong to the world and which do not encourage striving for My kingdom with its magnificence and glory .... Everything that captivates your eyes or appeals to your senses prevents you from introspection, from the contemplation of your inner self, which is so essential for you because the end is not far .... Time and again I have to remind you that ‘My kingdom is not of this world ....’ Why do you think that you must honour Me with magnificent buildings, why do you always externalise everything instead of working on improving your souls more eagerly? .... You humans still don’t understand that I cannot be found where you want to place Me .... You all have the means to let Me be present within you .... You have the place within yourselves where I want to be. I Am as close to each one of you as you would like Me to be, and each one of you has the power to draw Me to himself by simply fulfilling My only request of shaping his heart into love .... For ‘whoever remains in love remains in Me and I in him ....’ Only love guarantees you My presence .... but I can never be where you look for Me if your heart is not burning with love. And therefore it is foolish for you to want to build houses for Me which serve no other purpose than to periodically assemble people who live according to wrong concepts ....

Those who want to speak to Me can do so in their hearts and wherever they are .... they truly need no assembly halls which so appeal to the eye that they make all deep reflection impossible .... Wherever My Word is imparted to you, wherever you can hear sermons which your heart longs for, that is where I Am and that is where I Myself speak through the proclaimer of My Word to people who want to listen Me .... To hear My Word is the only important thing for you humans who are so close to the end and yet still so infinitely far away from Me .... Only what is suitable to awaken the soul from its sleep meets My approval and My blessing. But how can your soul awaken to life through external events, through worldly pomp and splendour, through constant feasts for your eyes and ears .... through everything that affects a person’s external senses but cannot give life to the soul .... It can only wake up and heal through love, and thus love must take precedence over all other things .... Love must be preached and practised, and you will always have the opportunity for that. A soul which receives the kind of love that inspires reciprocated love can find God much sooner ....

Do good to your neighbour, ease his burden, try to help in every possible way .... care for and give to your fellow human being what he spiritually and earthly is in need of .... but don’t erect dead structures whose production does not comply with My will, especially since the physical hardship on earth is so great that it would be far more pleasing to Me if you would lessen this adversity .... What good do you think you are doing to Me? All the riches in the world belong to Me, but they urgently need to be released from My adversary’s bondage. You, however, banish them even more firmly, you want to erect buildings which shall last forever, and you believe that thereby you honour Me? If My love had no mercy with this unredeemed spiritual substance as well, its suffering would be inconceivably prolonged by people’s will who have so far failed to grasp the meaning of life but who deem themselves their fellow human beings’ spiritual leaders .... You are close to the end and therefore My Words sound particularly admonishing and warningly, since you, who support or recommend this, contribute towards the fact that countless souls continue their sleep of death from which they can only be aroused by My living Word which teaches love .... Love shall be preached and practised .... and you all know where activity of love is necessary, for you see hardship and misery all around you which first has to be remedied before I can bless your actions ....


BD 1083                received  05.09.1939

Places of worship ....

The buildings you humans created as permanent places for the worship of God hardly correspond to the Lord’s will since thereby the actual worship of God within the human being’s heart has been reduced to a minimum; far more importance is attached to external appearances in houses specially built for this purpose than to the internal contact of a person with the Heavenly Father. Yet this alone must be the foundation of all worship of God. Every action accompanied by a display of splendour lacks profound inwardness, and understandably so, since in so doing the human being is too involved with all earthly matter as to be able to form a simple and intimate bond with the Father in heaven. Where a visual representation intends to motivate something of a spiritual nature there is always the danger that everything visible will be observed and the spiritual aspect neglected .... The earthly child can, in fact, only attain inner calm, inner spiritualisation, when all visual things and those which affect the senses are completely excluded .... Every person has to make an incredible effort and be constantly on guard that earthly longings and earthly thoughts will not gain the upper hand, for to the same degree as they increase the will for the spirit recedes, and then it will be extremely difficult to establish an innermost spiritual contact.

Therefore it is understandable that also all ceremonies, all rites, which effectively intend to illustrate to people something of a spiritual nature are especially suited to externalise a person or make him become superficial. If the human being aims to spiritualise himself of his own accord he will understand how persistently he has to fight against all external influences .... how he must time and again try to disregard everything that goes on around him in order to be able to completely entrust himself to the state of pure spirituality. And all this is not possible in a place where so many people congregate and where rites are regularly performed which require a person’s complete attention but which, on the other hand, divert his attention away from that which alone is important before God .... The human being should not entertain the thought that it will count as a sin if he does not comply with these ceremonies .... The Lord only acknowledges the depth of faith, the degree of love and the earthly child’s absolute submission to its Father .... and anyone who endeavours to do so need not fear the Father’s Judgment either .... he will conduct himself as it pleases the Father and he will look for the core in everything but not for the outer shell .... The Lord takes no notice of the perfectly devised procedures which are nevertheless purely externally conducted but do not touch the core of the matter, because the internalisation of the soul requires a continuous connecting-oneself with the divine Lord and Saviour. And the designated times for the worship of God do not suffice in the slightest to achieve maturity of soul .... Instead, the earthly child has to show God the Lord his love, veneration and his gratitude every hour of the day and constantly strive for spiritual deliverance .... And specified ceremonies are truly not suitable for this, for they are more likely to make the human soul indifferent and even leave it in the mistaken belief that it has complied with divine will. And this is, in view of the spiritual standstill or regression, extraordinarily regrettable, since the human being should make use of every hour in order to work at improving himself and his soul for the purpose of attaining perfection ....


BD 2383a                received  25.06.1942

Infallibility of the head of church ....

Every religious doctrine should be examined before it is accepted. God demands this from you in order to reduce the adversary’s influence, because then you will also understand how he works yourselves. His objective is to infiltrate the divine truth with inaccuracies, but the human being can certainly become aware of it if he seriously examines what he is offered with the desire only to accept the divine, the truth. The opponent uses human will, i.e. he influences people to arbitrarily add other teachings to the divine teaching and to pass them on as God-given teachings. But human work is not without error and consequently the pure divine teaching is spoilt too, and even more so the less people scrutinise and think for themselves. And once again it is the opponent’s doing that human doctrines inherently prevent their scrutiny and contemplation .... that people are therefore required to accept each religious doctrine unconditionally and scrutiny of it is made out to be wrong. This furthers the activity of the prince of lies very much indeed. But God requires people to have a living faith, i.e. a faith of heart, a faith which affirms with full conviction what it is taught. Anyone who seriously thinks about it will be able to affirm every divine truth wholeheartedly, however, he will never be able to accept the action of Satan. He will soon recognise it as human work and, having found it to be worthless, thus abandon it with an easy heart. Examine everything and hold on to the best ....

And because scrutiny inevitably has to entail the recognition and rejection of every error, the adversary knew how to prevent the examination of religious dogma by establishing a teaching which was intended to eliminate human thought and which thus has resulted in very nasty consequences .... This concerns the teaching of infallibility of the head of church, which apparently relieves the human being of every responsibility yet leads him into deep spiritual darkness if it is accepted and regarded as divine truth. Because any misguided teaching could then be added as divine truth without permitting criticism or rejection. And thus the door was opened to every error .... a field had been made available to the adversary’s activity on which he could scatter his seed widely ....

BD 2383b                received  25.06.1942

Infallibility of the head of church ....

People’s obligation to believe the teaching of infallibility of the head of church means that every additional teaching or rule set up by the head of church has to be approved or accepted without criticism, and thus the human being’s thought and choice are eliminated, even though they are indispensable if the human being is to give account of his relationship to God one day. Every person has to answer for himself, consequently he has to make his own decision with complete freedom of will .... However, in order to make a decision he has to be able to examine and consider what he should decide on .... It should not be the case that an individual person decides and this person then demands of thousands and thousands of people to follow his decision, subsequently expressing this demand in the form of a commandment .... (a doctrine) .... which is undeniably the case if every church commandment were to be acknowledged as in accordance with God’s will, because its foundation is the (alleged) infallibility of the head of church. These teachings are now unreservedly accepted without the human being clarifying their meaning and purpose, resulting in routine actions which are unrelated to free decision, profound faith and deeply felt closeness to God ....

A church service evolved which, in reality, is not a service to God. Customs were introduced which are more or less formalities .... The adversary’s actions succeeded in alienating people from the truth under the guise of piety, to stop them from using their own thoughts and thus their free decision too, since all this is suppressed by God’s adversary due to the dogma of infallibility. Because once this teaching has been made plausible to a person he will no longer need to have an opinion about it. Thus he accepts without scrutiny, he need not make a decision because someone else has already made a decision on his behalf and free will is not utilized. Instead, the person has to believe what is given to him as religious dogma if he does not want to come into conflict with the particular religious dogma, which the church makes out to be so very important, that the head of church can never err or take wrong measures when he makes a decision concerning the church.

God only values free decision-making, but this has to be made by the person himself and thus the pros and cons of religious dogma have to be considered by him. Only what he can affirm in his heart can be called faith, and not what he finds himself compelled to affirm .... Because religious dogma intended by God will bear up to every scrutiny and will be even more convincingly accepted the more the human being delves into it .... However, anything that is not of God does not stand up to scrutiny and will be rejected by every person who seriously struggles for knowledge ....


BD 1514                received  11.07.1940

Infallibility ....
Ecclesiastical commandments ....

You place too much significance on the infallibility of the head of your church, and yet you are hugely misguided. It was not God’s will that His church should be arbitrarily formed by people and in accordance with people’s will. Everything right and proper to maintain and spread His teaching was given by Jesus Christ Himself on earth to his disciples. He made the distribution of His teaching conditional on the individual’s will to accept it or not. His gave precise guidelines which applied to everyone who wanted to accept His teaching. These consist of the promises which were made on condition that people comply with the requirements of the Lord’s teachings.

He always respected the free will of the human being. The human being should make his decision voluntarily and without external pressure and thus fulfil God’s will. And to these people He promised eternal life .... Thus He only requires faith in Him and His Word when He says ‘I Am the way, the truth and the life .... I Am the means, the law and the fulfilment .... anyone who believes in Me will have eternal live ....’. His love wants to give something unimaginably wonderful .... eternal life. And for this He only requires people’s faith and their will. However, it is not His will to burden humanity, who is already living in a constrained state on earth, with new sins .... The restraints of someone who truly believes in Jesus and His Word will be loosened, however, someone who does not believe is already punished enough by his constrained state because he has to remain in it for an eternity. Anyone who disregards the Ten Commandments given to people by God Himself, anyone who defies them, commits a sin, i.e. he disobeys God Who is love, because he disobeys the commandment of love. He does nothing to liberate himself from his state, instead he does everything to make it worse. Fulfilling these commandments is the only means of release, while infringing against them is the very opposite.

The dogma of infallibility, however, became a new lawgiver for people in as much as the God-given Ten Commandments were increased by several more, so that the new ecclesiastical commandments more or less were added to God’s commandments and failure to comply with these laws was considered to be as sinful as acting in opposition to the God-given commandments. And this error has an appalling effect. Because people now burden themselves with entirely irrelevant yet duty-bound actions which are quite unrelated to the commandment of love for God and their neighbour. And now they only focus their whole attention on keeping these ecclesiastical commandments and on releasing themselves from presumed sins .... Thus the sum total of their soul’s task consists of complying with commandments decreed by people or to do penance for the guilt of the alleged infringement. And the soul’s dreadful bondage, which can only be resolved by love, is ignored by them ....

If these commandments had been necessary, truly, the Lord Himself would have given and preached the fulfilment of these to His disciples on earth first .... Thus people tried to improve Christ’s teaching arbitrarily and did not hesitate to give themselves divine approval for it. By deeming themselves to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit while still in a state far removed from it, they now decreed laws which could not be in accordance with God’s will. These laws considerably reduced people’s sense of responsibility for the God-given commandments due to the fact that the newly decreed commandments were now given the greatest attention, to an extent that humanity now observes them purely automatically and believes that it follows Christ’s teaching when it fulfils its imposed duty.

The truly enlightened human being is chosen by God to put a stop to this deplorable state of affairs, i.e. to reveal it. However, God can never have enlightened those who had decreed or approved such commandments. The infallibility of the head of the church is a distorted image of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Anyone inspired by the Holy Spirit will always have recognised the error of this set of laws but worldly-ecclesiastical power prevented them from correcting this momentous error. For these commandments did not come forth from the spirit of love .... Lawmakers had little interest in reducing the work for the struggling souls to achieve their final release. Rather, their motive for establishing these commandments was a craving for increased power and the will to lead people into a certain state of dependence, since at the same time the failure to observe the commandments was deemed to be a grave sin. True servants of God have always recognised this deplorable state and have wanted to confront it but the teaching of infallibility of the head of church is already too deep-rooted that it could be easily removed. And only someone looking for pure truth and asking God Himself for the truth and the spirit of inner enlightenment will be able to liberate himself from it ....


BD 4840                received  16.02.1950

Ecclesiastical commandments ....

You will not receive any special instructions from Me as to what kind of attitude you should adopt towards the humanly decreed commandments of the church. Whatever you do of your own free will is valued by Me, whatever you do under duress, be it for fear of punishment or even due to habit, means nothing to Me. Whatever people tell you to do shall also be rewarded by people, people shall never be assured of receiving a reward from Me which I Myself have never promised. Even so, I cannot sanction something that utterly opposes My will, because I gave people freedom of will which, however, is infringed upon by humanly decreed commandment, for a commandment is an obligation which excludes the use of free will. I Myself gave people only one commandment, the commandment of love which is fundamental law and must be observed so as not to violate My eternal order .... However, the commandment of love is nevertheless a commandment which allows people’s freedom of will. There is no compulsion urging him to be lovingly active, and neither will he be punished by Me, it is just that he will punish himself because he pays no attention to the only means which signifies redemption for him from a self-inflicted state of constraint. I gave people the commandment of love which can be voluntarily complied with or rejected .... People issued additional commandments which do not meet My approval, for they are not borne by love for fellow human beings but are mere measures to increase power, because the affiliation to an organisation, which lays claim to be the true church of Christ, is made dependent on the fulfilment of these laws. Hence it places people under compulsion who, in the belief of committing a sin, will subsequently fulfil these commandments and thus direct their whole attention to them .... and neglect My commandment of love ....

Love can only grow in freedom. Love and coercion oppose each other, and therefore I cannot recognise in the fulfilment of the ecclesiastical commandments any love for Me as long as they have been traditionally complied with, effectively as avowal of the authority which decreed these commandments. Besides, these commandments are not suitable to ignite love for Me because they portray Me as a Being which is afflicted by human weaknesses, demanding obedience, reverence and acknowledgement when, in fact, I only want to be loved. Before My eyes nothing is a sin but that which offends against love for Me and other people. No-one will ever acquire merit who complies with the commandments of the church just because they are commandments which should be fulfilled .... Free will shall choose Me on account of love, and this is why people don’t need any other commandments but the one I Myself gave to them in realisation of the blessing which arises for every person from fulfilling it.


BD 4328                received  10.06.1948

Community of ‘Saints’ ....
Intercession pointless ....

You humans need considerable support from the spiritual world if you want to survive the last battle on earth, and this help is at your full disposal in every way by just asking for it. For this reason it should be explained to you what kind of help will be given to you and how you can request it. There exists, as you humans call it, the community of Saints, which helps you; but it is necessary to explain the term ‘Saints’ to you if you are to be truthfully taught and free from wrong notions. The beings of light are people’s most faithful guides and helpers who are always ready as soon as they are called. But their assignment to people is determined by God in His wisdom, just as He, corresponding to their degree of perfection, also permeates the spiritual beings with light and strength. People, however, are unable to assess another person’s degree of maturity and therefore have neither the right nor the ability to elevate him to sainthood, because only God knows the quality of his soul when he, having been liberated by physical death, enters the spiritual kingdom. Only God knows the relationship the person has had with Him on earth and to what extent he acted with love.

Loving activity is the decisive factor and could have given him light and strength in abundance while still on earth, enabling him to do extraordinary things on earth if he wanted to. But in the beyond God reserves the right to guide mature souls to the sphere of activity which corresponds to their degree of maturity. He allocates to them the activity in the spiritual kingdom, just as He determines what kind of help should be given to people on earth. The beings of light have abundant strength, they can achieve anything because they work with God and in accordance with His will since they are constantly permeated by His strength. But the being of light moves entirely within God’s will too, i.e. it cannot want anything but God’s will since it has already established the union with God and is therefore totally absorbed in His will. However, since it possesses great wisdom it also recognises the inexpediency of many people’s petitions and therefore also has to refuse when a fulfilment would be detrimental for the soul.

Helping people is a state of happiness for the beings of light, for this reason God allows people to request help from them. But it is not right to call upon specific Saints, because their activity and task could be entirely different and people, in their ignorance, might appeal to a being which is still far from perfect and then, due to their petition, become subject to and get unfavourably influenced by it. Because those who are called will appear, they immediately seek to get close to the caller and try to impose their thoughts on him, which might not correspond to the truth. Besides, the canonisation by people is mainly dependent on a way of life conforming to a church community, i.e. where piety is a prerequisite, although never demanded by God it is insisted upon by that church, and in accordance with the latter the canonisation takes place, which can never be the will of God. Consequently, not everyone canonised may be a being of light, whereas there are many beings of light in the spiritual kingdom whose way of life in fact corresponded to God’s will but did not conform to the rules of an ecclesiastical community. All beings of light possess God’s strength which they want to use, thus people were entrusted into their care whom they should and can help to reach perfection, providing human will is not opposed to it. Appealing to the beings of light will never be in vain, whereas calling upon specific beings may be good but could also be harmful even though help is expected from them. However, the idea to gain intercession by the beings of light is misguided ....

Prayer is an appeal to God. It establishes the relationship between the human being and God, which is requested by God Himself because the appeal demonstrates that the person’s will is directed towards Him. Thus in people’s opinion, the beings of light, which are already in closest union with Him, are supposed to establish this relationship with God. This would relieve the person from establishing the relationship himself which, however, is purpose and goal of his earthly life, because only the contact with God provides the influx of strength without which the soul is unable to mature fully.

But the being of light cannot convey strength to the person, because even in the spiritual kingdom are laws which have to be observed by its inhabitants in the knowledge that they were given by God’s love and wisdom. The beings are willing to help in every instance and in accordance with God’s will, consequently the human being has to please God’s will first in order to be considered by Him directly or through the beings of light, which truly will never leave anyone without help if God’s will approves. Hence the appeal for help to the beings of light will never be in vain, but an appeal for intercession is futile. Because the child itself should trustingly approach the Father so that the Father’s love can give Itself to the child, and because this intimate relationship will never be established if the human being believes that he can also reach the goal through intercession. God is a God of love. He does not want people frightened to come to Him, He wants to be the Father of His children and not a strict judge and ruler. People try to please the latter through intercession but approach the former trustingly, and God asks for this trust from His living creations, because His infinite love belongs to them and He will also fulfil their every prayer ....


BD 4752                received  02.10.1949

Worshipping the mother of God ....

All your spiritual questions will be answered, as this will help to provide clarity where truth should be distinguished from error. However, you always have to meet the condition of being interested in the pure truth, for when you are governed by the desire to have an already existent point of view confirmed you are unable to receive pure truth. You have to request it and be willing to accept the right answer .... The mother of My earthly body was destined since eternity to be the childbearer of humanity’s Saviour. She possessed a soul of light which incarnated on earth for this sublime mission, thus she was pure and perfect compared to her earthly sisters. Nevertheless, she still had to experience an arduous life in order to attain supreme bliss in the spiritual kingdom, to become a true child of God, to achieve complete union with Me. By fulfilling her mission she had certainly earned the right to be regarded the holiest being in the spiritual kingdom, since due to her path of suffering on earth she had become an image of God. Her love for Me had placed her into a state of suffering which also spiritualised her body. And thus she was a shining example of a mother bearing profound sorrow over her child. However, the divine worship shown to her by people is not in accordance with My will. She certainly had been the mother of My earthly body but in the spiritual kingdom she is a being of light which, full of love and wisdom, wants to help you humans attain light and, as a result, beatitude.

Beatitude in the spiritual kingdom is only possible in unity with Me .... but a soul can only achieve this unity with Me through conscious aspiration and a heartfelt bond with Me. Thus I have to be the only worthwhile thought on the mind of someone who wants to achieve beatitude .... He has to try to find the bond with Me voluntarily, uninfluenced by spiritual powers, because .... were it allowed, every person would feel their influence, since their love for the people they want to help is immense. The soul deserted Me voluntarily, it has to return to Me voluntarily .... Any influence by the beings of light would be a restriction of free will. The act of free will is the will’s voluntary inclination to turn to Me, which expresses itself in the conscious association with Me, and this endeavour will be supported by the beings of light in every way. But the worship of any being of light is a wrongly directed will. The beings of light live in love for Me, they constantly honour and praise Me and never want to accept an honour by people for themselves, because they recognise in Me the Being which is most worthy of worship and in their humble love for Me reject any honour for themselves, as they feel that I alone deserve it. Anyone who is aware of the light beings’ true relationship with Me, whose love for Me has kindled into brightest fire, will also understand the erroneous thoughts of people who show such worship for the mother of God, as takes place. They will understand that it cannot be in accordance with My will, because people effectively create a second God for themselves, a being to whom they show adoration and honour, which it does not want to accept, since the human being should only ever strive to establish the relationship with Me in order to achieve his goal while he is still on earth ....


BD 8324                received  08.11.1962

People’s attitude towards Mary, the mother of Jesus ....

I Am always willing to answer when you are moved by spiritual questions, for you, who are intended to spread the truth from Me, must also know the truth yourselves, you must be able to differentiate between error and truth .... And therefore a light has to be kindled where you are still dark in spirit, where ambiguity still exists .... For you should know that one misguided teaching will repeatedly lead to new errors .... Time and again explanations were given to you about people’s attitude towards Mary, the earthly mother of My body, in the sense that she can certainly be called the most revered being in My kingdom of light to whom you humans may also grant your love yet always with the reservation that she, due to her high spiritual degree of maturity, dwells in My kingdom as a ‘child of God’, in which I Myself reign as God and Creator, as Father, as the primary source of light and strength, as the highest and most perfect spirit in eternity ....

Hence she, having been a living creation, returned to Me as My child .... whereas I Am the Creator Myself and therefore would like to receive unlimited love from you humans .... which you will also grant to Me when you have completely entered into My will and wholeheartedly yearn for unification with Me .... I want to possess this unlimited love of yours and all beings in My kingdom of light, who love Me just as intimately, will only ever endeavour to so influence people that they will turn towards Me .... But at no time ever will they encourage people’s love to look for a different goal than Me .... which, however, happens when a being of light enjoys exceptional veneration from people which should only be given to Me .... And for this reason no being of light will ever appear to people in a way which will cause fervent worship. For an appearance like that would only strengthen a wrong teaching, such as the veneration of ‘Mary, the mother of God’ has to be regarded, which established itself in people.

I Myself would never encourage and support misguided teachings .... And since all beings of light have completely entered into My will and also know how such misguided teachings disadvantage the human beings’ souls, no such attempt will ever be undertaken on part of the beings of light, but My adversary will indeed use precisely such wrongly directed faith and try to fortify it with apparitions of which he is the originator himself .... For as soon as he succeeds in diverting people’s attention ever more towards ‘strange gods’ he is displacing Me Myself, Who wants to be the only goal of people’s desire .....

Using cunning and trickery My adversary will try anything in order to lead people into wrong thinking and, understandably, can work best where misguided teachings have already prepared the ground to receive his poisonous seeds ....

Time and again My love, wisdom and might revealed themselves by conveying My Word, so that people were introduced to the truth. And My adversary works in the same way by seeking to gain people’s belief through announcing events which he is very well aware of .... And since I Myself cannot work directly in people who have built on his foundation he influences them through works of deception, and people don’t recognise them as the adversary’s work of deception since he does not shy away to appear in the disguise of one of the most elevated beings of light, because behind this mask he has access to them. The fact that in special cases spiritually fully mature human souls are capable of spiritual vision is not disputed, yet as soon as it concerns transmissions which are intended to be made to people on My part for the salvation of their souls it happens by way of a direct revelation through the spirit, but which then also involves the task of passing these revelations on to fellow human beings .... However, such revelations will never be given to underage children forbidding them to speak about them. From this alone people should deduce the originator of such apparitions .... During the time of the end My adversary has great power, and he truly uses it well .....

And his influence will also take root wherever error exists, the error will be ever more strengthened, and the fact that you humans are offered error is evidenced in that, time and again, precisely that being of light is placed into the forefront which would like to use all its influence only such that it will guide people towards Me as the divine Redeemer, because it knows in what bondage they languish and that they can only find deliverance through Jesus Christ .... Such apparitions, however, only ever succeed in providing extraordinary momentum for the adoration of God’s mother .... which is also My adversary’s will: that people create strange gods for themselves in order to worship them .... A large structure of lies has been erected and its walls keep getting ever stronger .... but which can only be destroyed by the pure truth which is conveyed from My side to earth .... And anyone who desires to know the truth will also clearly understand and be able to differentiate between lies and truth .... He will appeal to Me Myself for clarification, and I will truly not withhold the truth from him ....


BD 8796                received  02.04.1964

Every person has to accept the consequences of his knowledge ....

Remember that I do not care for superficiality, that I only value what comes from the bottom of your heart .... As soon as you believe that you honour Me with formal actions, you perform a kind of idolatry from which, however, you should detach yourselves in order be even more sincerely affiliated with Me .... in order to allow My presence into your hearts, which is completely independent from external formalities and customs and can only take place when the heart alone is speaking.

I keep telling you that you have distorted Jesus’ pure teaching, that you intertwined it with human concepts and now attach greater importance to this human work than to My Gospel, which only embraces the two commandments of love .... For anyone who lives with love vouches for My teaching. But irrespective of how conscientiously you comply with all the human requirements you added to My Gospel .... if the love I taught you is not in you such practices are completely worthless, they do not provide the least bit of benefit to your soul, they only confuse you humans such that you believe to have done your duty sufficiently. Yet every dutiful action is already utterly worthless because it excludes the human will. And even if human requirements are voluntarily observed, they nevertheless cannot comprise the blessing which a single act of love incorporates. But anyone who feels sincere love for Me brings all his thoughts to Me, he enters into a heartfelt dialogue with Me when he is on his own .... he will not need an atmosphere, which is more likely to stop him from truly thinking of Me.

An ignorant person acts accordingly and thus can also be forgiven for his lack of knowledge .... but someone who is in possession of truth, who knows that external practices and customs are worthless before Me .... especially if they serve to deceive people’s thoughts .... will also endeavour to free himself from them. He will evaluate every inner experience and all knowledge as activity of love, and his bond with Me, which can only be established in his heart, will become ever more intimate.

I Myself certainly founded My church on earth, which is built on the rock of faith, but I founded no organisation. This is already clear from that fact that they are outwardly recognisable and gain greater external acceptance, but they can leave the inner person untouched if he does not sincerely strive for Me and the truth. Only My Word itself shall be the substance of a community, and by way of the Word people should fulfil the commandments of love .... by way of love attain a living faith .... and thereby also an innermost bond with Me. Then they will be members of the church I Myself founded on earth.

Now I try to give the truth to all people but only few accept it. But anyone who accepts it will soon acquire profound knowledge, and from this knowledge he should also accept the consequences because .... no one can serve two masters ....However, when a structure is built which opposes this knowledge then it is obviously the result of My adversary’s influence, which is proven by every external process that serves to give a completely false idea of My actual will. And then the enlightened human being also has to detach himself from My adversary’s fabrications. Anyone who cannot accept the truth sent to Him by Me due to his own lack of love or his low degree of maturity will understandably not want to relinquish his error either. To the one who knows, however, falsehood is recognisable and remains as such, thus the work of My adversary, and then he (who knows) only complies with worldly requirements. But then it is not a religious service, it is a mere worldly matter, a consideration for other people who, however, should also be guided into truth and not be strengthened in their wrong belief.

It is certainly difficult to proceed against a tradition, and it will not be successful anymore either. Only a few will free themselves because their desire for truth is remarkably strong. I Myself, however, cannot make any compromises, I can only clearly inform you about error and truth, and then you have to decide for yourselves and demonstrate your decision.

Always remember that it is an exceptional gift of grace to guide you into pure truth, that every human being can certainly use this gift of grace but that, on the other hand, it is an immense deed of love on My part when My spirit speaks so audibly inside a person that he can identify it, so that I can transmit the truth to him in accordance with his will for truth. And this gift of grace shall also be utilised such that a person accepts the truth and even supports it against those who are still tied to traditional or organisational regulations. Only someone detached from these is also freed from My adversary, otherwise there is still a risk that my adversary will try to win him back, that he will weaken his will. However, I will never let go of a human being again once he has submitted himself to Me, I will not leave any person to My adversary again once he has sincerely chosen Me.


BD 8832                received  19.07.1964

The task of fighting misguided teachings ....

It is your task to counteract misguided teachings, and I Am giving you the proclamations in a way that they are clearly understandable to everyone so that they recognise for themselves the absurdity of what has been presented to them, as long as they are willing. I Am concerned for those who have slight doubts already and want to convey the truth to them.

But those who do not want to let go of their church can be given the purest truth and will not recognise it because they have no desire for truth. Even so, it is good if they get to know your opinion that nothing will benefit their soul’s maturity if it is not based on the principle of love. And while you still have the freedom of speech you should use it and speak quite openly .... you should voice your opinion about wrong teachings and always know that I Am the Giver (of truth) Myself, that you work with My knowledge which gives you every right to support it. For you work with a gift from above which already has the inherent strength to bestow realisation on a person who does not resist it, even if you only succeed in informing a person of the error, for the knowledge of it can still stimulate doubts. For once their belief is shaken much will have been gained already.

Pure truth gives brightest illumination to someone who seriously desires it .... but only to him; and he will not reject these explanations either, and thus I intend to help those who are receptive to it. And there are many who are not content with the traditional spiritual knowledge they are being offered but who are aware of a Deity Who gave them life and Who also takes care that people will reach the goal set for them during earthly life .... who also know that there can only be one truth and that this must therefore come forth from the One Who is the Eternal Truth Itself. As soon as they realise this it will be easy to convey the information to them for they won’t resist long in accepting it because they will recognise that it originates from the relevant Authority. Hence you should frankly expose every error since it cannot lead people to beatitude; on the contrary, nothing good can come from it because .... if the opportunity were offered to them .... they would reject the pure truth. Consequently, what you receive from Me is intended for distribution but how and in what form you offer the spiritual knowledge shall be left up to you since every person reacts differently, yet whatever you do in order to guide people into truth will be blessed by Me ....


Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughter of a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a dressmaker and began to receive pronouncements from God through the ‘Inner Word’ on 15. June 1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts after devout prayer. Understandably this often gave way to doubt and inner conflicts until I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of these exquisitely gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in other words, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously responsible for them and introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded my elementary school education. I received and receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I am told in shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy. The procedure does not take place in a state of compulsion, for example in a state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind. However, I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations voluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of God Himself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.

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